From Mon May 27 12:29:06 1996
Subject: Female Anatomy Class- (nc, gawking, exam, Mx13/F) pt. 1
From: (Nghtarcher)
Date: 27 May 1996 12:29:06 -0400

     Female Anatomy Class - part 1

	Penny made sure to be punctual at her disciplinary hearing with
the Dean of Barrett University.  She was doing poorly in most of her
subjects, and was recently written up for being caught after curfew,
drunk on the campus grounds.  The University was a very small,
private, all-girls institution with very high standards and strict
regulations.  Students unable to live up to the University's expectations
were expelled without much fanfare.  
	Penny looked very professional in her business suit.  Her
reddish-brown hair was pulled up, and her skirt showed off her lovely
legs.  She took a deep breath before knocking.  She waited a moment
before entering, realizing that the situation was similar to her younger
years when she would get sent to the principal, but the stakes this time
were much higher- her entire future was on the line!
	Dean Kenneth Richards was a well-built man in his forties.  He
sat behind his desk hardly acknowledging the girl.  The office was
sparsely furnished with medals and plaques hanging on the walls from
the man's military career.  He trained men to jump out of airplanes or
something, Penny recalled hoping to fit her knowledge of his past into
the conversation.
	"Good Afternoon, Dean Richards," Penny said cheerfully as
Richards motioned for her to take a seat.  She sat slowly, gracefully
crossing her legs.  She scanned the walls and added, "You must have
had some career, sir.  Airborne Division wasn't it?"  
	Richards expression remained unchanged as he replied, "Yes,
Miss Yoder, it was a very promising career- until my injury."  He
folded his arms symbolizing the end of the token pleasantries and said,
"Miss Yoder, I'm afraid that your hearing is going to be very brief. 
You see, your behavior was in clear violation of the student handbook,
and I truly have no choice whatsoever except to recommend your
	Penny knew how hard a man Richards was rumored to be, but
she was overwhelmed by his quickness to pass sentence.  Penny took a
deep breath to keep herself from tearing up.  She had studied the
student handbook prior to this afternoon and was hoping that her time
studying the manual wasn't in vain.  She produced her wrinkled copy
and turned to the page she had marked.  In her sweetest most pleasant
voice she said, "Dean Richards, Sir, I understand that I did something
very wrong, but I do think that I could do better academically with
more time.  My good friend Susan had stayed with me on the weekend
of my lapse of good judgment.  I admit that we got carried away, but-,"
she paused to collect her thoughts, "I was hoping that you could let me
do a University Service Project,"  her finger pointed to a rather
unknown disciplinary option described in just a few short lines in the
	Essentially, the service projects were assigned completely at the
discretion of the Dean of the University.  There were some guidelines
suggested in the book such as amount of hours necessary for
completion, and so forth.  Richards read the passage to himself and
smirked.  A thought occurred in the dark recess of his mind.  Hmm? 
He sure hated to see one of the prettiest girls on campus leave.  And
she was, indeed, in a very compromising situation.  He would first have
to put on an act, make her think that the projects weren't meant to be
	He looked at the girl's adorable pixy-face as if she were joking. 
"Let me get this straight, Penny.  You want me to have you rake leaves
and put stamps on envelopes so that I'll forget the whole matter? 
Would that be fair?"  he said in an intimidating, booming voice.
	The young woman was truly on the verge of crying now.  Her
last hope was being dashed.  She looked down and said with
resignation, "Oh, I see.  I was just hoping to make it up to the school,
that's all."  she said like a true patriot.  
	Richards continued the bluff for a moment, "Miss Yoder, I will
make out your transfer forms and have them sent to you.  In the
meantime, I suggest that you gather your belongings from your dorm
	She turned her back and stood.  Her eyes were watery.  "Good
Day, Sir."  she said with a sniffle as she strode toward the door.  
	Richard's mind raced.  It was time to offer her "the deal".  He
half stood, "Wait one moment, Miss Yoder", he said hesitantly as if
questioning himself.  
	She turned with renewed hope, "Yes...Sir."
	"Penny, I am not sure of the details, but there just may be a
project waiting for you.  You see, I understand that our affiliate school-
the Warner Institute for Men has a dilemma.  Their medical program is
quite good, one of the very best.  I teach a few courses there part-time,
myself.  Anyway, the graduating class completes special projects every
year with volunteer patients.  The only problem has been that with the
campus being exclusively male, there are no projects concerning the
opposite sex.  I would like to see that change this year with your help. 
Now, it may not be fun for you, but I would be willing to forget the
alcohol matter, and maybe arrange for some tutors if you'd be willing to
spare a few hours of your time for the next couple of weeks helping the
young men, and actively becoming a part of their studies.  I will have to
discuss things with the medical professors first, but what do you
	A thousand questions raced in the girl's mind.  She didn't like
the idea of volunteering to be some sort of guinea pig, nor did the
thought of being surrounded by biology nerds appeal to her, but she
knew that any hesitation on her part could allow Richards to retract the
offer- she had no choice!  "Sir, I would be pleased to help out in any
way that I could."
	Richards realized that she had no choice but to accept his
demands.  Barrett was a school that promised its graduates success. 
He knew how hard it was for the women to get in, and also realized the
strain that tuition put on families.  Her parents would kill her for
ruining such a promising future.  
	Holy shit!  What did I say?  She thought.  A contract had just
been signed with the devil, himself!  I know nothing about these
projects, she thought.  What could they entail?  
	She came out of her daze and heard Richards speaking on the
	"Yes, Eugene, I have her in my office right now."  (Pause) 
"Yes, nineteen I believe."  (Pause)  "Wednesday should be fine, we'll be
there, thank you- Bye."  (Click)
	Richards was beaming on the inside and suppressing a sinister
smile.  "Well, Miss Yoder," he said extending his hand, "Welcome back
to Barrett University!"
	She shook his hand uncertain of how to take the news. 
"Thanks, Sir."
	The man wished that he could lean back and have a cigar. 
Instead, he looked at Penny in a different way.  He would be seeing this
gorgeous young lady over the next couple of weeks in ways that she
couldn't even imagine.  The power was overwhelming!  He wanted to
remind Penny, however, that she was, in fact, being punished and his
words came out harsh and in a threatening tone, "Now a few words are
in order.  First, you will be working with three groups of young men. 
These gentlemen are among the finest future doctors in the country. 
They are involved in intense studies, and will be relying on you.  Once
you begin, there is no quitting.  I hope that you understand," she
	She redirected her gaze listening to Richards intently hoping for
any clues to the nature of the projects.  "Secondly, I expect you to be
prompt, helpful, and courteous to the gentlemen.  You are not working
with them, you are working for them- keep that in mind.  If I hear so
much as a rumor that you failed to perform your duties, you will be
expelled immediately.  This is your second and last chance at this
	"Yes, Sir," Penny responded in military fashion.
	"And lastly, Miss Yoder," Richards said choosing his words
delicately, "I don't want to make you blush, but you are a big girl now
and I hope that you are at the age that you are mature enough to handle
some of the subject matter that will be covered.  Down the road, these
gentlemen will perform hundreds of examinations of women.  By then,
you will just be a faint memory.  I want you to understand that  the
nature of some examinations you'll receive may possibly deny you of
your modesty. This is a disciplinary project and not meant to be fun or
enjoyable, Miss Yoder.  If you find yourself somewhat embarrassed,
perhaps a bit humiliated at times, then I can only say that I am sorry,
but that is all part of your required participation."      
	  Penny was in partial shock.  Her face was bright red and she
wanted to die.  The point came across clearly enough for her.  Penny
left the office in a very solemn manner still unable to believe the events
that had just transpired.          


From Mon May 27 12:32:36 1996
Subject: Female Anatomy Class (gawking, nc, exam, Mx13/F)  pt. 2
From: (Nghtarcher)
Date: 27 May 1996 12:32:36 -0400

Female Anatomy Class - pt. 2

	Penny sat on the side of her bed with her face in her hands. 
was Wednesday- her first meeting with the young men from Warner
Academy.  It had been three days ago when her school's Dean had
prescribed an unusual punishment for her.  For her behavior, she was
going to have to volunteer to be a part of the affiliate school's senior
medical projects.  These men were to use her for their Female Anatomy
studies, and according to Dean Richards, the projects would in fact cover
some personal areas of study.
	She had been mortified and obsessed for the past few days thinking
about her impending doom.  She clung to the hope that the professor over
at Warner would have different notions regarding her involvement in the
classroom projects.  She knew little of Professor Eugene Thompson, but
she feared that he was from the same old school as Richards.  Any other
University in the country would never allow her to be involved in a
that could jeopardize her privacy in a room full of male peers.  There
would be discrimination suits, harassment charges and all kinds of lawyer
crap.  Not here.  Barrett, and Warner operated with their own stringent,
"If-you-don't-like-it-get-out," code.  The ancient professors and faculty
kept it that way, too.    
	Penny cursed when her phone began to ring.  It was Richards. 
"Good Afternoon, Miss Yoder.  I was just calling to make sure that you
were ready to meet your first group over at Warner Academy today."  
	Her top lip was quivering a bit, but she managed to let Richards
know that she was ready.  "I can meet you out front, sir, "  she said
realizing that there was no way out now.    
	The girls were forbidden to have cars on campus.  They were
thought to distract the ladies from learning.  They ordinarily took the
campus shuttle bus for trips into town, but it was not uncommon for the
professors to occasionally drive the girls places.
	Her ride showed at exactly one o'clock.  It was just like
military precision.  The ride to Warner was quiet.  The two said very
to each other, and Penny preferred not to hear any more details of the
projects-she was scared enough.   She was looking good for her debut. 
She wasn't sure how to dress for such a thing, so she opted for a basic
white cotton blouse with a fairly long, pleated skirt.  And, God forbid,
if it
indeed came down to it, she selected her cleanest and most conservative
bra and panties.  Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, but a few
strands of hair fell forward in a sexy, glamorous way.  Her facial
were those of an intellectual young woman's.  Everything about her
suggested confidence, sophistication and class.
	Warner's campus was not much different than her own.  The
buildings were the same fortress style, ivy covered structures with
wrought iron gates everywhere.  The main exception was the young men
that walked between the buildings enjoying the spring air.  She began to
wonder about the thoughts of the med. students at this time.  No doubt
they had discussions at her expense.  Undoubtedly, they swapped a few
high-five's after being told that a girl was going to be involved in the
projects.  A real live woman, no more looking at Penthouse magazines-
they'd be getting the real thing- up close and real personal!  The thought
revolted her. 
	Richards could tell that the girl was feeling stressed once he
parked in his reserved spot in front of the Medical Department.  "Miss
Yoder, are you going to be all right?" he asked her with derisive
	She took in a breath and said, "I guess I am a little nervous,
her words were dainty and petite.  
	Richards acted like he was doing her some big favor and added,
"Miss Yoder, until you become accustomed to working with the men, I'll
accompany you into the groups, myself."
	Penny realized that it was not an offer, it was a statement.  She
could not tell him that she didn't want him around while the bio-nerds did
God-knows-what to her, so the only alternative was to thank him, and
curse him simultaneously.   He escorted her into the building watching the
streamlined young woman walk before him.   
	The classrooms were small and much like her school's.  There
were none in session at the moment.  A gray haired man met the two in
the hallway and greeted Richards formally.  "Dean Richards, a real
pleasure to see you again," the man said warmly.  "And the young lady
must be our volunteer, Miss Penny Yoder," he said as if his name didn't
need any introductions, gently taking the girl's hand.  The gray-haired
wore a bow tie and wire rimmed spectacles.  
	Penny nodded politely, "Good Afternoon,  Professor Thompson."
	Thompson raised his eyebrows a bit looking at Penny with a mock
scornful expression and remarked, "I understand that this was not entirely
your decision to volunteer, Miss Yoder, but in any case, I still thank you
for joining us and adding a new element to our senior projects."
	  Penny was escorted into the lecture hall.  The chattering that
audible was completely shattered as Penny nervously strode into the room. 
All eyes were on her.  She looked unbelievable to the young men in the
room.  She surpassed even their wildest expectations.  Her thin body was
extremely attractive, and what could be seen of her legs looked lean and
shapely.  Apparently, the groups were all metting here first, where they'd
get general instructions, then they'd be separated, and report to their
respective classrooms within the building.  
	Thompson tried to make Penny feel comfortable, but she still was
unable to look out at the young men.  She understood all too realistically
what she represented to their juvenile minds.  
	Group  number five sat in a corner speaking in a hushed tone. 
Their group leader was named Raymond Whitmeyer.  He was a scrawny
young man with reddish hair and glasses.  He and his group members were
speechless upon seeing her for the first time.  Her slender, petite frame
was incredible.  She looked like a spoiled rich girl.  The type that
give these guys the time of day.  They were the lucky first group to whom
Penny had been assigned, and they still could hardly believe it.    
	She met with each member of Whitmeyer's group; Dale, Zachary,
Edward, and Glen.  Each one looked like he spent far too much time
studying and not nearly enough time outside.  Then she was introduced to
the entire class.  She and her group were given a classroom lab where they
could begin their project thesis.  It had taken the gentlemen in
Whitmeyer's group long hours to come up with their senior thesis.  They
wanted to take advantage of the hapless young woman who was
essentially ordered to follow their instructions to the letter.  Yet they
caution to avoid going too far, thereby forcing faculty to shut down their
project in order to save the young woman's modesty.  In addition to the
proving or disproving of a basic scientific premise- using the volunteer
a means of creating data, the group would use the volunteer to
demonstrate a basic general practice technique before the others in a
exam type of setting.  
	The men decided that any exams that required nudity would never
never get approval.  They intended instead to do a study of a woman's
body fat content.  A rather mundane subject, but when done scientifically,
it requires the subject to undergo lots of pinching with calipers to
numerous areas of the body.  She'd be wearing minimal clothes during the
pinching- like a bikini or something, so all agreed that it was a cool
project.  As far as general practice technique was concerned, the men
decided that they would demonstrate how to conduct a chiropractic exam. 
This examination of the straightness of the spine required the patient to
remove her top and bend as if doing a dive into a pool.  Conservative,
thought, but could be interesting if the girl's got a nice ass.  
	Richards approached Penny while she stood awkwardly with her
group.  "Penny," he said, "Professor Thompson and I have been called in
for a very important assembly.  I will have to catch up with you and your
group in a half hour or so.  At this time, you may report to your assigned
room and wait for the gentlemen.  I wish to speak to them for a few
	The five young men knew what was coming;  Richards was going
to read their project proposal and see right through it.  Their attempts
hide the fact that they wanted to force the girl into wearing as little as
possible would be all too apparent.  He would probably attack them for
their lack of professionalism.  He instead chuckled to himself.  "Do you
gentlemen think that this proposal has even scratched the surface of
feminine anatomy?"  
	Whitmeyer raised his eyebrows, "Sir?" he asked surprised.
	"Gentlemen, this proposal is exactly what I expected of your
group.  It lacks depth.  It lacks courage.  That woman has opted for this.

Don't go easy on her.  While she is working with us, the idea is to
elements of feminine anatomy that are exclusive to females.  Fat content-
	He took their proposal and tore it in half.  He produced a typed
paper from his folder of notes and miscellaneous Dean's paperwork.  "This
will be your project.  I expect you to follow it to the letter.  You've
got a
lot of work gentlemen, now go find your 'patient' and get started.  I'll
check on your progress later."
	The men waited until Richards had entered the hallway before
diving into the pages of typed text.  Page one casually explained that
today's scheduled class was going to begin with a complete examination of
the volunteer.  There were many asterisks explaining how thorough the
exam was going to be.  It included a breast examination, pelvic and rectal
examination.  In the margins, Richards scribbled alternative means of
doing certain procedures and explained that in some cases he wanted
certain things done both ways, and he wanted every group member to
have a chance.  It seemed that they'd be taking her temperature both
and rectally!  
	Holy shit!  This was nearly too much for the young men to handle. 
Each one's mouth became dry, and hundreds of sensations ran through
their bodies like electricity.  Each one found himself attracted to a
element of the examination.  Raymond kept rereading the part about the
pelvic examination, Dale shivered at the thought of touching the girl's
breasts, and Zachary the nerdiest of them all was completely obsessed
with the thought of recording her temperature rectally- that very notion
had been a childhood fantasy of his.   Glen and Edward were simply too
overwhelmed to speak.  
	Further reading was unnecessary.  At least for now... they took
deep breaths to regain composure... 

From Mon May 27 13:35:53 1996
Subject: Female Anatomy Class  (gawking, nc, exam, Mx13/F) pt. 3
From: (Nghtarcher)
Date: 27 May 1996 13:35:53 -0400

Female Anatomy Class-  pt. 3

	Penny walked into room B-22, and looked around the classroom
nervously.  There was no one there yet.  The room was half classroom and
half doctor's examination room.  In the front of the room, there was an
examination table, cabinets, and an office chair that looked totally out
place in front of the three rows of desks, a teacher's podium off to the
side, and a movie projector in the back. These rooms were designed
specifically to demonstrate medical techniques.  Everything a young med.
student would ever need to know was taught in this room.  From their
seats the med. students could watch all different types of procedures, and
the front of the room would provide an environment which felt more like a
doctor's office.  It was working as far as Penny was concerned.  She had
her  usual stomach flutters which she would get when she visisted her own
doctor- only today's, were about five times worse.  
	She sat in one of the chairs imagining herself on the table from
biology nerds' perspective.  She shuddered.  The chairs were almost arms'
reach from the table, and positioned in such a way as to let everyone see
exactly what's going on up front.  She noticed cabinets above the
examination table and didn't even want to think about the contents in
them.  Would they really sit in these chairs and take notes all pertaining
her?  She never liked attention and was a rather shy person- especially
around young men.  
	It didn't seem fair.  She was a "nice girl".  Everyone told her
She had sex only a few times in her life, and wasn't the type to use her
killer looks to take advantage of guys.  She was the type who was
embarrassed about letting anyone see her bare feet, let alone any more of
her.  She only wore one piece bathing suits in public and would get
covered up at the first signal of male attention.  Why couldn't this be
happening to Dana?  That little slut would probably be in her glory with
this male attention.  She'd play shy, but on the inside she'd be loving
second as they eyed her. Life sucks! 
	Just then the door opened, and the five young men walked in. 
Where the hell was Thompson?  No way was she going to let these guys
tell her what to do... unchaperoned.
	The group leader, Raymond Whitemeyer was enjoying this.  The
power he held over the gorgeous girl was unbelievable.  He smiled at her
and opened his project notebook.  "Hello again, Miss Yoder," he began, "I
have our project guidelines here, and I'll be directing our meeting with
notes that I have in front of me.  So if you would come to the front of
room please, we can begin."  
	She shuffled to the front of the room and looked away from the
young men.  She was biting her lip a bit- which was her usual nervous
habit.  The men were seating themselves in the desks closest to the
examination table.  It was going to be hard for Raymond Whitemeyer to
get up the nerve to give orders to Penny- his instructions were definitely
going to be questioned.  He took a few deep breaths and strutted to the
front of the room mustering his take charge attitude- he was, after all,
the leader of the group.  
              Raymond began right off the get-go with a damning
proclamation.  "Well, Miss Yoder, it seems that our professor has
outlined our first meeting already.  After reading his notes and
comments, it looks like we'll be starting off our project with you by
giving you a physical examination," he paused licking his dry lips, "You
can hop up on the table, please and we can begin."  
              Wow!  The young men were nearly cheering- it was really
going to happen!  Without any chaperones present, these young men
were going to examine this pretty, young lady and be intimately familiar
with everything God had given her.
              The physical began with Penny's basic vitals.  Raymond
demonstrated the proper procedures for checking blood pressure, ears,
eyes, and throat.  This was easy stuff and Penny sat on the table with her
legs crossed feeling extremely conspicuous sitting higher than the boys,
up on the tabletop.  
              There was silence as Raymond shuffled his papers.  Everyone
knew that the impersonal categories of her exam were finished.  Things
were going to get interesting!  Raymond steadied his voice and
rehearsed his speech once in his head before he looked towards Penny
without making eye contact, "All right Penny, at this time, we are going
to move forward and check your body's general state of fitness,
condition of your muscles and joints, skin, and so forth.  I would like
you at this time to dress down for us so we can have a look at you.  You
may keep your undergarments on- only."
               There was a small rear chamber behind the classroom where
films were kept, and filing was done.  Raymond thought about giving
her some privacy by letting her undress in the large closet, but his
juvenile love for a good strip tease took hold of him.  Instead, he pulled
a chair towards her in front of the table- center stage, and said, "You
can put your garments on here until we're finished."  He then slid over to
the door, pulled the make-shift screen over the door's window, and
locked it- "Let's keep out any unexpected company," he said watching
the girl stand up with a shocked look on her face.  "The under-classmen
sometimes wander around the building."  
              She started with her thick heeled shoes like all of the
girls were
wearing.  She slid them under the chair carefully.  The boys couldn't help
looking up at her while she parted the buttons on her skirt and slowly
stepped out of it.  She was feeling extremely self-concious and stared at
the far wall.  She knew that they were watching her strip.  Her shirt
hung down past her waist covering her underpants.  She was shocked
that Thompson and Richards were allowing the boys to do this.    
              Her bare legs were lean and smooth.   She took a deep
parted her blouse and slowly brought it off her shoulders and arms.  All
eyes leapt to her chest.  Her breasts looked nice tucked away under her
white cottony bra.  Her undergarments were conservative and no more
risque than the average bikini, but she was nearly shaking with all eyes
forward, directed at her.
              She took her seat back on the examination table.  A few of
young men readjusted their trousers to accomodate some swelling which
followed her little act.  The girl was so incredibly pleasing to look at. 
Her skin was so consistent and beautiful.  She possessed a small,
quarter-sized birthmark around mid-thigh which would have never been
visible with her wearing shorts or a mini-skirt, but the blemish actually
added to her looks in an odd sort of way.  Her stomach was tight with a
little, adorable navel.  Her best feature, by far however, was her hot
ass.  Oh dear!  The young men were entranced by the folds in her
cottony panties which veiled her womanhood.  

The End of Part Three, and for now, the last part written.  Please send
suggestions, or whatever.  I'd like to see other authors take the story in
his/her own
direction as well.  Thanks...    Look for next part in less than a week...