The Adventures of Heather, Part 27B   [A-H]

     The estate was as beautiful as ever and in the sun
looked spectacular.  The limo went to a side door and
Barbara met them all with a big hug and kiss.  Soon
they were settled in a very large, long room on
comfortable chairs and a maid brought in tea and lots
of things to snack on.  Barbara looked wonderful, her
trim figure snug in a pair to tight slacks and knit top
tucked into the waistband.  Her small pointed breasts
were almost totally moulded in full view by the fabric.
     "Nice sweater Barb.  Trolling for the help?"
     Barbara looked down and smiled.  "Just for you
girls.  Honest.  Too risky being caught looking like
this in the papers.  I'd never live it down.  I'm glad
you like it."  She had already turned a couple of heads
of the staff this morning, but she had pretended not to
     "Don't blame us if you end up with some teeth marks
and saliva stains all over those delicious nipples
before we leave."
     "Ummmm.  Sounds serious!  Maybe I'm gone too far!"
     They all laughed and sipped on their tea.
     "Damn.  Where is Elizabeth?"  Barbara looked over
her shoulder down the long room toward the doors at the
     "My personal secretary.  Well, we are the dearest
friends as well.  I've invited her to go tonight, if
she wants.  I hope you don't mind a fifth.  I've shared
a bit of our adventure from the other night with her
and I don't think she approves a bit.  She's very
overprotective of me, I'm afraid.  And a bit stand-offish with strangers.  I do believe she thinks I've
gone over the edge for sure."
     Traci looked over at Heather.
     "Barbara, speaking of nice tits.  We were just
having a conversation on that very subject on our way
down here."
     "Oh, really.  Anybody's in particular?"  She
glanced at Heather's pair.
     "Yes, actually, Sherry here is seriously
considering major enhancement surgery."
     "You want really big ones?  Like the bimbos from
the party?  The kind my husband seems to be obsessed
     Sherry nodded.  And blushed!
     Barbara didn't poke fun, continuing, "Well, if
those women weren't screwing my husband, I could be
more objective, I'm afraid.  But I do have to admit
that they all have fantastic shapes.  It's frightfully
expensive, you know.  I mean, to have them done that
big and have it come out right."
     "It is?  I was afraid of that.  How much?"  Sherry
looked crestfallen.
     "Ummmm.  I can get Elizabeth to pull the bills. 
Many thousands.  Stirling.  Can you believe I have to
pay the bills for him?  At first I didn't know what it
was for.  God, I can be so stupid sometimes!"
     The doors at the end of the room opened and closed
quietly, a tall woman began striding toward them. 
Heather watched her.  Tall. Mid-twenties.   Platinum,
no, dark silver blonde hair, straight in a long pony
tail poking out through the band at the back of a plain
baseball hat, a pair of dark glasses perched on the
hat.  The long hair had one carefully applied curl at
its very end that bounced at middle ass level as she
walked.  A few strategic strands were left to curl down
each side of her pretty face, also enhanced with large
silver hoop earrings. Noble features, fine cut, full
lips.  A beautiful face.  Nice ears.  Narrow and short
waist.  A dark sleeveless blouse draped carefully over
a full chest of widely separated breasts, swinging
slightly from side to side and dipping gently as she
walked, revealing the absence of a bra and the proud
lack of the need for one at the same time.
     But it was the hips and legs that caught Heather's
breath.  This woman had almost impossibly long,
perfectly tapered legs that seemed to end deep in a
taught ass that was perfectly defined in a pair of skin
tight blue jeans.  And the legs ended in narrow ankles
and small feet that were neatly encased in toeless
black high heels with blood red nails.
     Heather felt herself tremble and go completely wet
between her legs.  It was only with a difficult effort
that she was able to raise her eyes to look into this
woman's face.  Blue eyes.  Electric blue eyes.  Toeless
high heels.  Heather felt her mind go to mush and her
hormone level soar.  Her eyes locked on the swinging
feet getting nearer and nearer.
     Elizabeth arrived at the table, unaware of the
smashing effect she was having on Heather.
     "There you are!  I'm so glad you joined us.  Here,
sit by me."   Barbara fussed over Elizabeth after a
brief glance.  Then, she did a classic double-take and
her mouth dropped open.  It was quite some time before
she managed to stammer out, "Well, look at you!  My,
what a transformation!"  Her eyes swept over Elizabeth's
form several times and their wide open amazement was
written all over her face.  Clearly, Elizabeth was
causing quite a sensation with her employer.  Almost as
though Barbara had never really looked at her before,
as a woman, as a sex object of stunning attractiveness.
     Traci looked over at Heather.  Heather's face was
flushed and she was clearly aroused, if she knew
Heather at all.  She looked over at Elizabeth and saw
the open toed shoes.  And smiled.  Poor Heather was
going to have a rough afternoon with this sexy woman
hanging around.
     She knew Heather was almost unable to control her
urges when she wore open toed shoes around her, so she
was careful to take them off before she met Heather. 
Unless they were playing sex games.  That was
     "Elizabeth, this is Sherry, Heather and Traci. 
Elizabeth."  Barbara was still staring unabashedly at
Elizabeth.  She waved generally in the direction of her
     They nodded at each other.  Barbara went on.  "I've
already told them you don't quite approve of their
antics the other night."
     Elizabeth looked like a woman scorned.  Traci
glanced at Heather again.  She noticed it too.  "Well,
at the risk of putting everyone off tea, I must say
that I was shocked to hear of such things going on in
the house.  Regardless of everyones' motives.  Rampant
lesbianism.  Exhibitionism.  Forced rape.  I shan't be
shocked to hear from their solicitors any day now.  It
could mean scandal."
     "Hajime Sorayama!"  Sherry exclaimed.
     They were all a bit mystified.  "What?"
     "She looks just like one of Sorayama's models. 
Better, in fact, if that's possible."
     Heather explained.  "Sorayama's a Japanese erotic
artist.  Fantastic talent.  The women in his paintings
are almost too erotic to look at sometimes.  I know the
painting she is referring to.  It's a three quarter
view from the rear.  The model is a platinum blonde,
the hair is a bit shorter, below the shoulders to mid-back.  She is topless and is twisting around at the
waist with a hot look on her face. She's gorgeous, of
course.  But it's the legs that hit you.  She has a
fantastic ass and the longest legs, accented with shiny
leather or vinyl tight pants and black stiletto heels. 
Sherry's right.  You could have been the model."
     Elizabeth looked surprised.  "I guess I should say
thanks for the compliment. I...."
     "Elizabeth, get off your high horse for a minute
and just enjoy the company."
     Elizabeth turned on her with pain in her voice. 
"Barbara, you could be ruined if this gets out.  I'm
just trying to think of you."
     "I know.  But sometimes I can take care of myself. 
It's all going to be fine.  You'll see."
Barbara patted her arm gently.
     "Are all three of you really lesbians?"  Elizabeth
actually looked surprised at her own sudden question.  
     They nodded.
     "But you're all so gorgeous!"
     They all started laughing.
     Sherry responded.  "Oh, don't worry, there's all
different kinds.  I guess we're fems and happen to be
attracted to fems.  Not too common, but here we are
     "Are you going to be doing anything outrageous
again with Barbara tonight?  I'm not sure I approve of
her experimenting like this.  I'm sorry, I'm sure you
are all very nice people, it's just..."
     "Elizabeth."  Barbara warned her.
     "We would love for you to join us."  Traci said.
     Elizabeth hesitated.  Clearly she was interested. 
And afraid.  "I'm not sure.  What do you have in mind?"
     "More correctly, what does this stewardess and her
friends have in mind?  I guess we should discuss this. 
Her name is Lynn.  She and four of her friends want to
meet us for dinner to get to know us.  Then, back to
her place for some after dinner activities.  She
promised total anonymity, and that nobody would do
anything crazy.  No drugs.  No pictures.  Everything
consenting.  If anybody is unhappy, they can leave, no
questions asked and no one will argue with you."
     "Consent to what?"  Elizabeth asked.
     Barbara hesitated.  "Well, group sex for one.  And
there was a mention of bondage."  It was very quiet in
the room.  This was serious new ground for all of them.
     When do we have to tell them if we're coming or
not?"  Heather asked.
     "In about an hour.  She already gave me directions
to the restaurant.  After dinner, they'll blindfold us
in the car and take us to a hotel. Or something along
those lines.  I think some planning was till underway. 
They want protection as well, you see.  Apparently all
of them are in the public eye in some way.  She said we
may know a few of them on sight."
     "So, we won't know where we are when we're done? 
How will we get home?"
     "Cab to where we have the limo waiting."
     "I have to get back to work."  Elizabeth finally
said, putting down her cup and standing.  "I don't think
we should do this.  It's too risky."  She left the room.
     Sherry got up after a moment and followed her,
twenty paces back.
     Barbara said, "Well, there goes our fifth.  Are
the rest of you in?"
     They looked at each other and nodded.  "Sherry
too, I'm sure.  We should check when she comes back." 
Heather added.  "I've never done any bondage stuff."
     "Well, we'll experience it together, then.  I'm not
sure my temperament is right for that sort of thing,
but I guess we'll find out!"  They grinned nervously.

     Sherry saw the bouncing pony tail disappear into
the door of a room off the hall ahead and followed
Elizabeth into the room. It was a completely modern,
well lit office with a series of offices branching off
down a hall.   Elizabeth was surprised to see her
     "Oh, do you need something?"  She took the
opportunity to look the blond American over closely. 
In spite of her instinct to reject these women for
their brash behaviour, she found herself a bit drawn to
all of them.  The blond in particular. Sherry was her
name.  The long hair was gorgeous.
     "Actually, I was wondering if your computer has
access to the Internet."
     "Yes, it does.  Can I get something for you?"
     "Well, I thought I'd show you the painting I was
referring to a while ago.  Sorayama's."
     "You can do that?"
     "If you have a web browser."
     "I'm sure it must.  The man who put it in was able
to show me some things a few weeks ago, but I haven't
had time to play with it to find out how to work it."
     "Would you mind?"
     "Not at all."  Elizabeth moved aside and Sherry
slid into the soft chair.  In seconds, she located the
Internet apps, connected and began a quick search for a
web page with Sorayama's material.  The search engine
was overloaded as usual and seconds passed as she
waited for a response.
     As she waited, she said casually.  "When are you
going to tell her you love her?"
     Elizabeth looked like her knees would buckle and
she almost dropped the daily diary she had picked up
from the desk.  She struggled to regain her composure.. 
"What?  I don't believe....."
     "Barbara.  When are you going to tell her how you
feel?"  She glanced over at Barbara to help make her
point and then clicked on a site on the search list. 
The machine started to pull in indexes of pictures.
     Elizabeth sat down and stared.  "How did you
     "You two fight like an old married couple.  I
think she loves you too, but is only beginning to
discover her feelings about women, and maybe you at the
same time.  You really stopped her in her tracks in
that outfit."
     "How can you possibly know that after only meeting
me, or seeing us together for fifteen minutes?"
     "Instinct.  Traci and Heather noticed it too." 
The painting began to draw itself on the screen as the
page loaded.  Sherry moved aside so Elizabeth could see
the screen.
     Elizabeth stared at the gorgeous model in the
painting.  "Now that is one seriously erotic woman. 
     "Well, like I said, that's you, honey.  You could
be the model.  Only you are even hotter."
     Elizabeth glowed at the compliment.  She had taken
a big chance today, dressing up to show off her height,
hair and figure so aggressively.  Knowing they were all
lesbians made her take the chance.  It was so hard to
hide her SO and her looks all the time.  The men on the
estate were after her constantly and she was careful to
not offend while all the time all she could see was
Barbara.  Wonderful straight Barbara.  So out of reach. 
It was hopeless, she knew, but she just couldn't bring
herself to leave.  And then, Barbara came home from the
flight early in the week so excited and playful, full
of news about these two outrageously sexy women having
sex on the plane, and including her (scandelous she
knew, something she could never tell anyone else), and
coming to the dinner and actually drugging and raping
all these consorts of Barbara's husband, including
taking pictures.  Elizabeth was shocked at this sudden
behaviour change in Barbara, but still made copies of
the pictures and had been masturbating while looking at
them all week.  The week had turned Elizabeth's world
upside down.
     Was it possible that she and Barbara really could
be a couple?  Her heart had leapt at the possibility. 
And now these women wanted to go meet other women and
play sex games.  Just women.  With Barbara there. 
Barbara would have to know who Elizabeth was, and what
she was,  if she went.  When those women began to touch
her, she knew her true feelings would come out about
her SO.  She was so horny all the time anyway around
Barbara.  She'd never be able to play the role of a
straight out experimenting.
     She stared at the painting.  "Can I make a copy?" 
she said finally.
     "Sure.  Got a color printer?  Great.  There, it's
printing.  It's a lot of color, so it'll take a few
minutes.  So, you sexy thing, are you going to tell
     "I'm scared shitless to say anything.  I could lose
everything.  You may not be aware of what is at stake
here.  For her, for me.  You three have gone off here
like some A-bomb.
Barbara's willing to do anything you three suggest. I
hardly know where I stand or what to do.  My world is
turned upside down."  She sagged into a chair.
     "You could lose her if you don't, you know."
     "I know it."
     "Listen, I'm not sure what the usual situation is
between you two on a day to day basis, but I mean it. 
You really made a huge impression on her in there.  She
looked absolutely amazed and couldn't get her eyes off
     "Really?  I was too scared to look at her to see
if she noticed the outfit."
     "You should have had a camera to take pictures."
     Suddenly, some other women from the back office
came in and noticed them, then went on out into the
     "We can't talk about this in here.  Too many ears. 
I was so nervous I forgot they were back there.  I
don't know where my head is today."
     "On top of that gorgeous long neck, that's where." 
Sherry said softly as she stood up and moved over to
Elizabeth, reached out and put her hand very gently on
her arm.  An open invitation.  Elizabeth made no move
to immediately remove it.
     "We absolutely can't be fooling around, Sherry. 
God knows I could use a good roll in the hay, but I
can't.  Really." 
     Sherry moved as close as she dared.  "Surely your
trained staff can spare you for a few minutes."
     "Perhaps.  But, first, as attractive as your offer
is, a few minutes is certainly not going to satisfy
months of built up need.  A couple of days would be
more like it. And I have enough on my mind with the
events of the day without a quicky to really get my
juices going."  Elizabeth began to run out of excuses. 
She knew if Sherry pressed, she'd invite her upstairs
to her bedroom.
     Sherry pressed.  "Let's get to know each other a
bit better before tonight.  You're making me wet, you
sexy bitch.  All I can think of is your long legs
around my waist."
     "Please.  It's not fair.  You have me at a
disadvantage.  You know I'm vulnerable..."
     Sherry signed off the service and saw the modem
disconnect.  She grabbed Elizabeth's arm and began to
move her toward the hall.
     "Hush.  It's settled.  Now, directions to the
bedroom and be quick about it."
     Elizabeth turned left and moments later, through a
hidden door they started up a back staircase to the
living quarters upstairs.  She led Sherry up the narrow
steps and as they came out at the top through another
hidden door, they found themselves in a broad open hall
with beautiful, rich decorations of all kinds.  Five
doors down on the left, Elizabeth produced a key and
let them inside.
     The apartment was also beautifully furnished in a
middle eastern decor of thick rugs and wall hangings,
pillows on the floor, silk tapestries, fine furniture.
It was sensuous and Sherry felt she had just walked
into some secret lovers nest.  The total effect was
seriously erotic.
     "Wow, this is fantastic!  She must pay you
plenty."  She moved her hands over some of the silk
scarves hanging from a screen near a wall.  She turned.
     Elizabeth was a few steps away.
     "I never let anyone in here but the maid.  Even
Barbara's only been here once, when I first moved
in....What you must think of me.  I'm not like
must be you crazy Americans.."
     "What I think is that you are beautiful and
desirable and hot and I want to take you right here on
these cushions."
     "Not here."  Elizabeth reached out and took
Sherry's hand and led her back to her bedroom.  Warm,
more pillows and wall hangings.  In the center was a
fourposter bed, covered with a rich satin sheet in dark
burgundy , with matching pillows.  Lots of them.
     She turned and Sherry came close.  She unsnapped
Elizabeth's hat and removed it, then, slowly began to
unbutton Elizabeth's blouse.  Elizabeth began to do the
same for Sherry.  Their blouses fell open and warm
hands covered breasts still held in their bra cups. 
Elizabeth closed her eyes and Sherry felt her shudder.
     "It's been a while, huh?"  She moved close and
hugged her tight.
     "Forever, it seems."
     "I love to feast on horny women."  Sherry was
sucking on her ear and neck.  Elizabeth drifted down
into Sherry's control as her bra fell to the floor and
her large dark brown areola disappeared under the palm
of Sherry's right hand, the long red nails contrasting
nicely with the snow white skin.  
     Elizabeth's head was back, her long ponytail
hanging below her tail, emphasizing her taut buttocks
still in the tight blue denim. "You're the first, you
know."  She sighed and gave a whimper as a hot mouth
closed over a now very wrinkled nipple.  Sparks raced
to her belly.  Sucking on her tits was magic for her.
     Sherry lifted her head and licked the other tit
all over.  Elizabeth was trembling from the long absent
stimulation.  "You're kidding.  I'm your first woman?"
     "No, silly.  The first to have me here in the
     "Then we have a great responsibility to do it
right, don't we?"
     Elizabeth giggled.  "Yes, I suppose we DO!" 
Sherry had slid her flat hand down the front of the
very tight jeans and a finger slid across Elizabeth's
hard button.
     "Get undressed.  I want to have you for a
delicious dessert."
     "I like to be dessert.  Let me feed you."  She
stepped back and unsnapped her jeans.
     Sherry pushed her back on the bed and pulled them
off.  There were no panties.  And the pussy, glistening
with anticipation, was shaved bare.  It was purple and
fully open with arousal.  She lowered her head and
Elizabeth raised her long legs straight up in the air
and then let them fall outwards.  Her cry of pleasure
filled the room as Sherry's tongue ran up her inner
thigh and plunged into the waiting honey pot.
     It was over forty-five minutes before Elizabeth
began to come down in Sherry's arms, her pent up need
blunted for the moment by Sherry's eager and very
physical love making.  She turned and looked into
Sherry's eyes.
     "That was nice."  And they cuddled together for a
few last minutes before they fled back downstairs,
appearing in the hallway at separate times.  Just
before they parted, Sherry pulled her back and, holding
her hand tightly to make her point, said, "Come with us
tonight.  Take a chance."
     "I'll think about it.  Really, I will.  It's an
incredible risk you are asking us both to take."
     "OK. I know that.  We all do.  I'll count on seeing
you later.  Promise?"
     "We'll see."  They kissed for a moment and
Elizabeth hurried off.  She glanced back just before
turning into her office and blew Sherry a kiss. 
Somehow Sherry knew she'd see her that evening.  She
hurried back down the hall toward the room she left
almost an hour ago, and realized she was lost.  Room by
room, she began to hunt for her companions.