From: (Jimbo)
Subject: Annie-a daughter's love (adult inc., lac)
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 02:08:54 GMT

			   A father's Love
			     Chapter One.

	"Breath. Breath. Don't push too hard. - " came the
instructions in the delivery room as Annie was bringing her first
child into the world.

	"What am I doing here?" I thought to myself. "A woman's
husband or mother should be here. Not a father." I grabbed my
daughter's hand and squeezed it, "Baby, you're doing really well, I'm
so proud of you," I encouraged my only daughter who was close to
presenting me with my third grandchild. Annie had moved in with me
shortly after her divorce.

	My mind was racing, "Why didn't you marry a normal guy? Why
did Eric wait until you got pregnant to tell you he wanted to live
with his male lover and your marriage was a mistake?" These thoughts
blitzed through my mind as this precious daughter was working so hard
to deliver life into this world.

	It broke my heart having my daughter crying night after night
about her failure as a woman and a wife. This time did form a bond
between the two of us. We spent the last 5 months of her pregnancy
together. Night after night I would rub lotion onto her expanding
abdomen to help keep her skin soft and pliable. So many times I would
feel my grandchild kick at my hand in protest. These were moments of
precious intimacy. It was the cure I needed for my loneliness and

	"I see hair," announced one of the nurses, "Grandpa, come over
here and see your latest grandchild."

	I dropped Annie's hand and went to view this new entry into
the world with Annie's legs spread apart in the stirrups, certainly
not a modest view for a woman to be in. She was clean shaven so the
little red hairs were certainly not hers. I thought I had a strong
constitution, but this was really a messy sight and I was feeling very
light headed. And soon the baby came out in a gush, so fast that the
doctors had to reach quickly to catch it.

	"It's a girl!"

	I looked at this new entry into the world and scrutinized it
carefully. I thought, "yes, they're right. It is a girl, she has
female plumbing." It's ridicules what stupid thoughts come into your
mind when you nothing else to put there.

	Tears came to my eyes, "Marty why did you have to die. The
little granddaughter we had wanted for so long was now here. A little
girl needs to be held by her grandmother." These were the thoughts
that went through my mind as I starred at my daughter's anatomy on
display in such a non sexual manner.


	"What did you say Annie?" I asked.

	"I want to call her Evangeline. Evangeline Marie Wilson. Eve."

	I went to my daughter's face and kissed her. She knew that was
my mother's name and how I loved it. "Thank you Annie. It means so
much to me."

	"Daddy having you here means so much to me. I was so
frightened that I would have to face this all alone. Thank you."

	"This is the greatest thrill I could ever have. Seeing little
Eve come into the world." The nurse laid Eve across Annie's chest so
this new mother could see her first child immediately. Eve already had
light red hair on her head. "I guess there's no doubt she's mine is
there," said Annie with a very content smile on her face.

	"No baby. She has your hair. And I can already see you in

	I was asked to go into a waiting room while they finished up
in the delivery room. Later I was sent to Annie's room in the hospital
to wait for her. She arrived, looking very exhausted, but very

	"Daddy, thank you for being here when I needed you the most.
And thank you for letting Eve and me come live with you... I was so
anxious about where I was going to go, what I was going to do."

	She had stayed in her apartment after Eric left her. All
through her pregnancy it was just the two of us. Her apartment had a
rule against children and she was forced to move. Her mother had died
a year ago after a long bout with cancer. And I had this big four
bedroom home that was too much for one very lonely man to live in. I
had resorted to talking to the furniture, looking at Marty's pictures
and hours of crying in my loneliness. "No Annie, thank you for coming
to live with me. I need someone in the house so very badly. I'm
hurting. You and Eve are the medicine I need."

	I couldn't wait for them to come home. I took the next two
days off and stayed at the hospital. I would just spend hours looking
in the nursery at Eve, to a point that the nurses knew my name the
moment I walked into the viewing area, and would rush her crib to the
window for me. "God, she's beautiful," I thought. My trips to Annie's
room were filled with hugs and kisses. I guess I did over do it with
flowers and cards. But she was all I had. Her older brother was gone.
Killed in an auto accident. My daughter in law had remarried and my
two grandsons had been adopted. Except for a card on my birthday, I
never heard from them. My wife was gone. I had no brothers or sisters.
so it was just the three of us for all practical purposes. So why
shouldn't I give her a room filled with flowers, and Hallmark could
always print more cards.

	When not at the hospital, I moved all of Annie's belongings
into the house, repainted her room, bought her some new furniture, and
of course the best crib I could find for my new pride and joy. Why
not, this was for my granddaughter, only the best. I bought every
supply I thought might be needed. Everything was ready for my new,
welcomed house guest and her mother. I was thrilled.

	Not only was I thrilled to have Annie here, but Annie was
tickled pink

	to be here. I made it clear that this was her home and she was
not a guest. This was the beginning of a new depth to our
relationship. One that would take some very strange twists.

	Eve was only 4 days old. Annie had just been home her first
full day. I got home from work and she was in the living room with the
TV on watching the news. As I stepped into the room she smiled and
said "Hello". She was bare from the waist up and was nursing Eve.

	"Annie, don't you think you should cover up?" I suggested
trying to hide my embarrassment.

	"Dad, these are the same breasts you saw in the hospital.
Don't be embarrassed."

	"Well, this is different."

	"How? They're the same breasts. And now they're being used for
one of their intended purposes."

	"I know, but... ," I protested half heartedly. I am still a
man, and there will always be that fascination with the female breast.
They were so much larger than I had realized, and quite full.

	"Daddy, when you bought the supplies for Annie did you buy a
breast pump?"

	"A what?"

	"I guess you didn't. Eve is falling asleep and she won't be
going to my other breast. I need to expel the milk out of my other
breast. I need a breast pump to do that. My breast will keep producing
milk and it's already getting a little tender."

	"I'm sorry Annie, I didn't know anything about that."

	She looked me in the eye and without a smile said, "I want you
to relieve the pressure."

	"I'm sorry, I don't think I understood you."

	"I need you to come over here and take care of the milk in my

	"Annie, I don't think a father needs to get that intimate with
his daughter, and besides it will make a mess with me squeezing it

	"I wasn't thinking about you squeezing it out with your

	"What then were you thinking about?"

	"I want you to use your mouth and nurse it out."

	"Wait a minute, that's not proper. I mean I'm your father not
your husband. No I can't do a thing like that."

	Tears were starting to come to her eyes. "Daddy, I'm starting
to get really uncomfortable. I'm asking for your help. If I cut my
finger you would be the first one to get a bandage, wouldn't you. Well
I need your help right now. Please!"

	"But... "

	"Didn't you ever taste mother's breast milk when she had the
two of us?"

	"Well no, your mother couldn't nurse so she never produced
any. But what you are suggesting young lady, it's not right?"

	Now the tears were really flowing. "Please!! Mom used to tell
me how great and kinky you were as a lover. I can't believe that
drinking some of my milk is such a damning thing. Besides, there is no
one else on this planet that I would want to taste my milk other than
you and Eve. I want you to try it. Please... for me... "

	I took great pride that even as Annie was growing up, I never
so much as touched her, not that she wasn't as beautiful to me as her
mother was. I did have a great sense of decency and I wanted her to
always remember me as a clean, decent father. One that she could
remember with pride and love. Not a molester or pervert. Yet her
breasts were larger than normal now that they were making milk. And
they were so beautiful. I was so lucky that she had become such a
beautiful woman. Annie looked very statuesque with her 5'10" frame,
her gentle soft curves, bright red hair, and soft blue eyes. Her
nipples were very erect. And I did envy Eve. Marty's illness had
deprived us from expressing our physical love for over a year. Her
death had become a blessing she had suffered so much for so long. I
indeed was horny. I had been so depressed I didn't even masturbate all
this time. Passion was driving completely through my body. "Okay
Annie. But it isn't because I'm perverted or anything. I'll try it."

	"Daddy, you're not perverted. You're a healthy man with all
the passions of a man. You're the only man in my life now and I need
your help."

	I slowly moved my mouth over her right nipple and began to
such lightly, I was so afraid of hurting her nipple or breast.

	"Eve sucks harder than that Daddy."

	I soon felt the milk coming into my mouth. I was shocked at
how sweet it tasted. It reminded me of "Eagle Brand Milk" we used to
have when I was a kid. My stimulation seemed to be so pleasing to
Annie. She closed her eyes and literally purred at my sucking. I could
feel my cock getting hard and really tried to disguise it.

	"Well how does it taste?"

	"The truth?"

	"Yes, the truth."

	"Wonderful. Sweet and light. And... "


	I blushed, "Yes," I said with a very subdued tone, "Very
enjoyable, very enjoyable indeed."

	What a time of intimate delight this was. I was soon nursing
like a 50 year old infant. Enjoying the taste and sensations. I closed
my eyes and my mind got lost in the reality of whose breast I was
nursing at. After a while I felt Annie gently kiss my forehead. And
soon she let me know her breast was sufficiently drained.

	"Thank you daddy. That was such a wonderful feeling. I can't
tell you how close it made me feel to you just then."

	I got a little bolder in my reactions. "Hey with breast as
beautiful as yours, what real man wouldn't want to nurse on them.
Annie you're such a beautiful woman. I'm so lucky to have you as my

	"How did you really feel about it? Was it sexual, or what?"

	"No, there was nothing sexual about it. It was, well,
intimate. Sensual in many ways, but not sexual."

	"Not sexual? I guess that's my lot in life. A companion. But
never a sexy one."

	"I didn't say that. Speaking as a man and not your father, you
are an enormously sensual lady. No you're down right sexy. You have it
all. If you weren't my daughter and 25 years younger than me, I'd
have a hard time leaving you alone."

	I didn't realize how much Annie needed to hear those words
until she really started to open up. "I needed your validation, Daddy.
I needed to hear you admit that I was a sexual turn on. It's important
to me."

	This was the first hint that I had that Annie had not enjoyed
a full rich sex life.

	Over the next few weeks it became a habit that when I was
around and Eve was finished, I got to drink the leftovers. I got to a
point that I really enjoyed the taste and knew that some day it would
be gone so I needed to enjoy it while I could. I still was not having
trouble with my cock getting hard. But the idea of having Annie around
constantly was starting to get into my thinking. I had found Annie's
body a very exciting and stimulating thing. Everything I had said to
her was true, she was sensual, and sexually stimulating. I was able
to control my urges to rip her clothes off because of a deep sense of
what I was taught as being right and wrong. And incest was wrong. But
oh my she was all woman and I was getting so attached to the feel of
her body during these very intimate times.

	Annie had been in the house for two months when a new incident
happened. My house was large. It had four bedrooms, a family room,
den, living room and three bathrooms. The two upstairs bathrooms were
the ones we used. But the shower in my bathroom was big and luxurious.
Most of it had been custom made years before. This was a day that I
had gotten off early. I was the Marketing Manager for a large
industrial firm, and we had just finished the details on a big new
venture. I wanted to go home and take my two ladies out to dinner to
celebrate this event. I went into the house and up the stairs to
shower and change clothes. I didn't even look for Annie. I went into
my bedroom and removed most of my clothes just down to my undershorts.
I went into the bathroom to turn on the shower when I came to a
screeching halt. There was Annie, totally nude and drying herself off,
having finished a shower herself. Her pubic hair was starting to fill
out now. It was the same red color as her mothers. She was like a
dream standing there.

	"Oops, Oh my God, Annie I'm sorry, I didn't even think... Wow,
I'm sorry darling." I said as I regained my composure and realized
what had happened. I was embarrassed not for what I had seen, but for
invading her privacy.

	"Daddy! What's wrong?"

	"I had no idea you would be in the shower. I would have
knocked to let you know I was home. Please forgive me."

	"For what? Coming into your own bathroom. That's silly"

	"Well you're... I mean you aren't... "

	She looked down at her body and then looked at me, "you mean I
don't have clothes on?"

	"Well yes, that's exactly what I mean. I want you to have all
the privacy you need. And I've burst in on you like this." She knew
how embarrassed I was.

	Then she started to laugh. "I was in the delivery room, my
legs up in the air, spread apart, with who knows how many strangers
staring at every private part of me. There isn't anything I have on or
in my body that you didn't see and now your flustered at seeing me
nude. I can't believe it. I'm not ashamed or bothered. You're the man
in my life, you should be able to look."

	"I'm your father. The grandfather of Eve." I remarked as I sat
on the edge of the bed half stunned by this conversation and the
events that were taking place.

	"And the only man in my life who has ever really loved me."

	I couldn't believe that my own daughter's body was so exciting
to me. I could feel my cock getting harder by the second. I couldn't
hide it, there was no place to turn, no place to run to. Annie saw it
right away.

	"I turn you on don't I?" she said as she sat next to me on the
edge of my bed. She continued to dry her hair with the towel.

	I was stumped. I couldn't lie. "I'm sorry baby, it's just a
reaction. Yes you are more than sexy. But I haven't allowed myself to
feel turned on for so long. I mean it's been so long since I had the
chance to see such a beautiful sight. I did everything I could to
honor your mother. I stayed away from every temptation on earth to be
totally faithful while she was sick.

	"You never masturbated?"

	"No. I wanted to be faithful in thought as well as deed, so I
tried to turn my attention away from any thinking that would give me

	"Not even after mother was gone?"

	"I was too depressed. I loved her so deeply, I was so empty.
You and Eve have given me so much of a reason to live."

	Annie set the towel next to her and looked me straight in the
eye. "When you looked at me and got turned on, that was the most
thrilling feeling I have had in over a year."

	"What makes you think I got turned on?"

	"Your body gave you away."

	I got very uncomfortable. What was she thinking of me. Getting
a hard on at seeing my own daughter nude.

	" I was a virgin up until my junior year in college," she
continued I was too busy with school, studies, and work to get
involved with a man. I had two quick romances, but while there was sex
involved they were very unsatisfactory. I met Eric and his love for
the arts became a common ground for us. But he never made me feel like
a woman. His love making was very clumsy and unromantic. He had no
idea what fore play meant. The only way I ever got an orgasm was after
he was asleep, I could masturbate. So, when you looked at me and
admired my body, I felt validated as a pure sexy female. That's all I

	ever wanted that from Eric or any man. That was a very
thrilling moment for me. And it came from you."

	I had no idea where this was leading. But I got a hint when
her hand move over the top of my under shorts and she began to gently
stroke my still hardened cock beneath them. I tried to back off, but I
was so horny and it had been such a long time. My prejudice dropped
immediately. Oh I tried to protest, "this is wrong Annie. This is very
wrong. It's against God and the Bible."

	"Oh. So Adam didn't have sex with his daughter's? Where did
the wives of his sons come from? No daddy this is not wrong. You mean
so much to me, I love you more than I can express."

	She fumbled to remove my pants and finally I relented and
removed them. She was as strong willed as an adult as she had been as
a child, so when her mind was made up, don't fight it, just give in.
My cock was at full mast now. It was sticking straight out. Annie took
it into her hand and admired it. She cupped my balls and said, "These
produced the sperm that made me."

	I looked down rather sheepishly and smiled at her and said, "I
never replaced them."

	We both giggled at my preposterous remark. She looked at them
and at my cock with great wonder. "It is kind of thrilling to me to
know that this is the place that part of me was formed." She stroked
my cock lightly. "Mom always bragged to me about this."

	"She didn't. Did she?"

	"When I went to college, she and I talked a lot about sex. She
enjoyed everything the two of you did. She was so proud of you and
what a lover you were. And kinky."

	I looked up to the ceiling as if looking into heaven and said,
"Marty you could never keep anything private."

	"Daddy, I always wanted a man to satisfy me the way mother was
so satisfied. I never found him. Please lay down next to me and let's
talk some more. I need to talk."

	We laid down next to each other, her hand was still stroking
my cock gently, but not enough to make me explode. Then she removed
her hand and placed her hand on mine and guided it to her mons. She
pressed my hand firmly against her pubic hair which was now starting
to grow back. She closed her eyes and let out a sound of contentment
like a dove's coo. "Please feel me," she said, "I need your touch so
desperately now. Please." With this she parted her legs to give my
hand complete access to her very wet slit. My brain was now
disconnected and I was running on lust power. I rolled over on my side
facing her and my finger traced around her entire pussy. It had been
so long since I felt this. I had forgotten how wonderful it felt.
Annie saw it in my face. "I am sexy to you," she said half asking.

	"Oh my dear baby, you are the sexiest woman alive in the world
today." She knew half of this was lust talking, but a big part of this
was my heart talking. She was sexy. I perceived her as being of
incredible beauty and she felt it.

	My finger found her clit. I toyed with it, giving it sincere
promises of even more attention. My touch of her clit sent her body
into a complete spin. It was like turning on a light that illuminated
her entire soul. Her pussy was now literally dripping it's juices. I
really wanted to lean down and drink this feminine nectar. But instead
I wanted her to call the shots. This was her body and I wanted her to
orchestrate my moves. She raised her hips and asked me to put my
fingers inside. I love the feel inside a woman's vagina. It is soft,
wet and warm. And it is full of sensations for me. Hers was as
wonderful as I remember her mother's being. My fingers were getting
very slippery from all her lubrication. I was sensitive to how brutal
childbirth had been to her pussy and didn't want to hurt her or bring
any kind of discomfort to her. Soon I was rubbing from deep inside to
up and across her clit. Each time bringing up more of her internal
juice to bath her now swollen clit. With each stroke her body
responded. I picked up my speed a little and her butt started bouncing
on the bed in response to my stroking. I rolled over and was partially
on top of her. Her right breast was pressed against my chest. Soon she
was shaking with pleasure, her breast was lactating slightly against
my chest. She was dripping between her legs and from her chest. Her
entire body became flush and soon she was crying out, "I love it, I
love it Oh it feels sooooo goood, please go deeper and longer strokes,
I love it."

	I plunged deeper and made my stokes glide more rapidly along
it's path each time circling her clit rubbing all of it's surface I
could. With a loud moan of joy, Annie crashed into a gigantic orgasm.
Her skin was flushed completely red, making her look completely
sunburned. Her eyes were shut with floods of tears streaming from
their corners. Her lips were trembling trying to hold back her crying.

	As she started to lose some of her flush, I asked her if she
was okay. I just knew that she was a victim of guilt now and it was
all my fault. "I'm sorry baby, we just went too far."

	She opened her eyes and rolled up to embrace me tightly. "Oh
no Daddy, we haven't gone too far. I have never had an orgasm that
strong in all my life. Mother was right. You are wonderful. I love
you so much," She kissed me not as though I was her father, but as a
lover. "Thank you for that I needed that so very much. That's
everything I've wanted sex to be. That's the feeling I have dreamed
about. I love you."

	Her tears brought tears to my eyes. "The feel of your pussy
was so wonderful. I had forgotten just how wonderful it was. I have
missed it so much more than I have admitted to myself. I love you
Annie. Your being here in my... , no our house means everything to me.
And you were outstanding just now."

	She looked down at my cock which was half erect now. "Please
let me show you how much I love you now. I want to suck you."

	I was so melted now I couldn't protest at all. I laid back and
let her work on me. She showed signs of some practice, I had learned
that Eric insisted on blow jobs over intercourse. But then that
figured to be the case knowing his orientation. Because of this, Annie
became very skilled. She manipulated my cock with her fingers as
carefully as a craftsman making a real work of art. With her mouth she
used lips, tongue and teeth with a deftness of a surgeon. I wasn't
going to hold back at all. I could feel myself getting ready to shoot
a year of pent up frustration. I wasn't sure what she was going to do.
But as I exploded, she moved her head away and tried to catch my semen
in her hand. "I just want to see it this time," she said I want to
swallow it next time."

	Next time!!! I still hadn't gotten over the shock of the first

	"Why do you want to see it," I asked.

	"Daddy, it's this very semen that went into Mother and made
me. It's corny, but it's important for me to see it."

	She scrapped it up, looked at it like a scientist, and then
rubbed it against her body. Finally she leaned down and wrapped her
mouth around my now somewhat flaccid cock and sucked the last drops of
semen into her mouth... She smiled very approvingly when she looked up
at me. And then with a very quick change in mood, she asked, "just why
are you home so early anyway?"

	"Well I just finished our new marketing campaign and got the
owners to approve it. So I wanted to take my two favorite ladies to

	"Well let me wash off again and feed Eve, and then let's go.
In the meanwhile you can take your shower and get ready."

From: (Jimbo)
Subject: Annie - a daughter's love (Chap.2) (adult inc., lac)
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 02:09:19 GMT

			   A father's love
			      Chapter 2

	Annie was not a woman to argue with. She was very bright. She
could have majored in anything in college and done well. When she had
her mind made up, she could move mountains. I had resigned myself to
the fact that my daughter was going to call the shots. It was actually
okay, because I didn't have to explain our actions to anyone in the
world. The only other living relatives I had were three sisters, and
they all lived miles away and never visited. So it really was just the
three of us. All we had in the world was each other.

	We did keep separate rooms still. And the shower incident was
now a week or so past. Having the two ladies in the house had started
to make my life brighten up considerably. I had remembered how nice
Annie's pussy felt. I would lay in bed at night trying to remember the
feeling and slowly masturbating myself to relief. It was a struggle
for me. The temptation was too real. Too close.

	One night everything was starting to get to me. The total
frustration of what was happening inside me and in the house was
taking a toll on my nerves. I came home one afternoon and just sat in
a chair. Annie was upstairs in her room. When she came downstairs, she
saw me, half asleep shivering and yet perspiring.

	"Daddy, you don't look too good. Maybe you better go to bed.
I'll help you." She helped me up the stairs, got me undressed and into

	As the evening progressed I didn't seem to improve. Chills
racked my body. Annie really started to become concerned. She laid on
top of the bed covers next to me and read while I tried to sleep. I
finally fell asleep, and when I woke up, my hand touched Annie's body
there in bed under the covers with me. The chills had subsided by now
and my head was clearing up. "What the dickens," I thought. "What is
Annie doing in bed with me? And with no clothes on? This is wrong.
Really perverted." And with that I fell back asleep. When I got up
the next morning. She had been up for some time and I could hear that
she was now in the kitchen. I showered and got dressed. As I went
into the kitchen, I looked at her with a look of shock.

	"Good morning daddy. You look so much better this morning. I
was really worried for a while last night."

	"You spent the whole night in bed with me?"

	"Of course I did. You were ill."

	"Annie, that's too dangerous."

	"I didn't think what you had was infectious."

	"That's not what I mean. I don't know how I kept myself from

	"Always promises, never action."

	I was stunned by her blatant remark. "No, you're not playing
games. I might not be a 25 year old buck, but I still have a sex
drive, and it's hard enough with me nursing on your breasts, seeing
you coming out of the shower and that one afternoon. It's just too

	"What danger? You mean we might do something that we both
would like?"

	"Father, I want to move into your bedroom with you. That was
the best night of sleep I have had in months. Just having someone next
to me was so wonderful."

	"Annie, that just wouldn't be right. I couldn't handle the

	"I have made up my mind and I don't want to argue."

	Only a fool would argue with a woman who has their mind made
up. Annie would not budge, and I was really not in a mind to try to
argue her out of her decision. I would have to 'let the chips fly and
lay where they would'.

	I went to work and tried not to think about this new sleeping
arrangement. I felt like every female who came into my office that
day was looking at me as being the consummate 'dirty old man'. It was
really bothering me. I guess partially because I new down deep inside
that Annie and I were

	going to go further in our sexual relationship.

	Before leaving from work I called Annie and told her we would
be going out to dinner. Somehow I guess I thought that would ease me
out of my anxiety.

	When I got home, Annie was on the couch nursing eve. "I moved
my things into 'our' room today. But I left you room for your things."
Moving her "things" into my bedroom was kind of a joke anyway. She
already was using my bathroom and had all her stuff in there. She had
been using her mother's closet, so except for her body being next to
me in bed, she was already moved into my room. I showered and was
standing in the living room in my one button suit, calling a nice
restaurant while my

	daughter was sitting nude on the couch nursing Eve. Actually
Eve had more clothes on than either of the adults did. When she
finished feeding Eve, Annie handed her to me and told me to change her
diaper and get her ready while she got ready.

	I undid Eve's wet diaper and looked at her in all her purity
and innocence. I looked at that tiny slit and thought to myself how
that would someday be a great attraction to some man. "At least you
will never have to worry about having your father in this kind of a
situation." I said to Eve as she cooed. I looked at her perfect
little body, and again at her little slit and just shook my head,
"that little tiny slit gets more people in trouble when it gets
mature. But now it's just a source of inconvenience for the adults
around. I chuckled as I powdered her bottom and wrapped her up tightly
in a dry diaper. "Do you understand what's

	happening here Eve? I'm not sure I do. If you do ever find out
and you probably will, please understand and love me and your mother.
We love you so very much."

	Dinner was wonderful. Annie and I talked from our hearts. We
talked about so many things. I would sit back and just marvel a the
intelligence of my daughter. Tears started in my eyes.

	"What's wrong Daddy?"

	"A few months ago I felt so alone. And now I have everything.
I've seen the looks of the men who walk by. They notice what a beauty
you are. But none of them knows just how bright you are. You could
have been anything in this world. I guess I'm just the luckiest man in
the world. You're everything a man could want. And you love me."

	"Wow. For once I'm speechless. How can I possibly respond?"
she grabbed my hand and with a gentle squeeze she said, "Father, your
wrong. We are so lucky to have each other." (When I heard her use the
term 'Father' I knew this was from her heart.)

	Our dinner went very well. And as we drove home, Annie
couldn't have sat closer to me unless she sat on my lap to drive. We
put Eve down for the night in the crib which I moved in with us and
got ready for bed ourselves. I have always been one who believed that
pajamas were to be used only in case of a fire. Annie was the same

	She laid on the top of the covers and asked me to rub some
lotion on her small stretch marks. What an unfair price women pay to
give life. I did this with great relish, and love for her. She was
lucky that they weren't really noticeable. But I didn't care. I had
seen them on her mother's body and respected them as the reminder of a
sacrifice made for me and our children. I loved the feel of Annie's
skin. So youthful, so smooth. I closed my eyes to let my fingers tell
my brain what a wonderful sensation they were feeling. All too soon I
had finished. It was time for the too of us to call it a night.

	She got up and went into the bathroom and I heard her pee.
Even the sound of a woman peeing had been missing in my life. That
hissing sound as the amber fluid rushes past her inner and outer lips
is so distinctive. I have often thought that the word 'piss' was
designed to emulate this sound. I laid there and listened to it like
it was music.

	Annie crawled into bed with me and immediately embraced me.
Her young smooth body with that youthful soft skin felt so nice. Our
relationship to each other soon became a non issue. We didn't
immediately jump on each other, but instead we talked.

	Annie started with, "Mother and I used to talk a lot about sex
after I went to college. She used to tell everything about the sexual
relations the two of you enjoyed."


	"Yes Daddy, everything."

	I snorted at the idea. Marty wouldn't give away all our little
fun things. Annie just got some things, not everything. "Annie I doubt
she said too much."

	Annie started to giggle, "well let's see. She said you were
kinky. The two of you used to play pee games in the shower. You used
to love to hear her pee. That's why I left the door open. I knew you
liked to hear it."


	"You hate to come first. You had to know that Mother had an
orgasm before you tried to have one. She told me how she would
sometimes fake hers just to have you cum first."

	"She never did. I would have known she was acting."

	"She did that because she used to love to then have you
masturbate her with your fingers getting your cum all over your
fingers and rubbing her clit with it. It was a real turn on for her
because she knew you really didn't care to do it, but she could get
you horny enough."

	"She did, did she? And... "

	"She said that the most exciting about sex with you was that
it was fun. She said you made sex play and not just sex."

	"Well that's true. I have always felt it was such a pleasure
that it had to be fun. I never use the word 'fuck' when it comes to
sex because it sounds like something you're doing to someone and not
with. I don't always use the term 'love making' because it sounds like
you're having to work at it. I love the concept of fore play, because
sex isn't serious, it's play. Victorian wives made it work, making
babies makes it work, but it was given to us to have fun with. To

	"That's what I have always wanted. To get enjoyment from sex
to make it fun."

	"It is fun Annie. Didn't we have fun that one afternoon? Was
there any work involved? And don't get exercise confused with work."

	"It was wonderful! I have never enjoyed it so much in my

	"It was wonderful because it didn't have a purpose to it. We
just got caught up with each other. We played."

	"Mother used to say that she was so inexperienced about sex
before the two of you were married. She didn't know if your cock was
bigger than normal or smaller. She just knew it was hard and

	"I've never measured it. But someday I'll get a yardstick and
see how big it is. Sex is 25% equipment, 75% attitude. If my cock is
tired, my tongue will never be tired."

	"Mother said you used to love to eat her and lick her butt

	I looked to the ceiling and said, "Marty wasn't anything

	Annie continued on going into details I thought would never
escape my bedroom. I was caught somewhere between being embarrassed
and happy with my reminiscing of the way things were. "Your mother and
I did have a wonderful sex life. We could laugh at any time and not
destroy our moods. I loved her with all my heart and never even was
tempted to cheat on her because she was such a complete partner. She
would try anything and look for ways to enjoy it."

	"Daddy, I'm the very image of my mother. Put your prejudice
about our relationship away, and just let's enjoy our lives together.

	I hugged and kissed Annie for all I was with. My hand felt her
tight round butt as her head snuggled against my shoulder.

	"Annie, I'd like to play now, but Eve will be waking you in a
couple of hours for a feeding and I have to get up at five. I'll be
home between three and three thirty tomorrow. We have the entire
weekend together. Let's put both cars in the garage, unplug the phone
and just be together. We can sunbathe in the yard, go skinny dipping,
do anything you want. Let's have the whole weekend just being with
each other and with Eve."

	Annie didn't say anything. She just squeezed my arm tighter
and was soon asleep.

	Five o'clock seemed to come a couple of hours early. I had
heard Eve cry at two and heard Annie get her, bring her to bed and
feed her. While the sounds of her nursing weren't really sexy, I loved
hearing them. I knew that Annie would have let me finish off her milk
if I wanted to, but I wanted her to rest. When I got up and showered I
tried not to disturb her. But as I walked back into the bedroom to get
dressed she started to get up. "No you stay in bed and rest Annie. You
didn't get much sleep last night." She just purred and melted back
under the covers with a thank you.

	My day went really well. Everyone seemed to notice that I
looked happier than I have in a couple of years. I told them that
having my daughter with me, and the joy of being able to hold my
little granddaughter has made me feel alive again. I was alive again.
The tune from the play "Annie" kept ringing in my ears. You know,
"Annie, Annie, things are all coming now... ". But my life was coming
back into happiness now.

	I got home about 3:15. I parked the car in the garage. I
noticed that Annie had already parked her car there. I shut and locked
the door and went into the house to be greeted by this gorgeous red
headed woman wearing her birthday suit and a big smile. "Well are you
hungry or horny?" she asked.

	"Well I did work through lunch and haven't eaten," I said
jokingly, "what about you?"

	She didn't say a word. She came over to me and removed my tie,
unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, undid my belt and zipper on my
pants, letting them drop to the floor, and slid off my undershorts
letting them all stand in a pile on the floor. She only paused in
between items to kiss me. There we were in the kitchen. I had my
clothes laying on the floor dressed only in shoes and socks and this
hot horny doll who was 25 years younger than me was standing there
admiring my 50 year old body. "If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up," I

	"You're going to have to do your shoes and socks, I'm going

	I put all my clothes in their proper place and ran up stairs.
I heard the shower running. When I got into the bedroom Annie wasn't
there. "I'm in here," she said calling from the shower.

	I went into the shower with her. "Sit down," she instructed. I
followed her request which was a request and not a command. She
waited for me to get comfortable and then she straddled my thighs and
spread her cunt lips exposing her urethra. Slowly pee started to come
out. "This is harder to do than I thought," she said. But soon she was
relaxed and allowed a warm full stream to splash against my chest and
run down my stomach running down either side of my balls and over my
thighs. She went for a long time. When she was finished. She just
looked at me with a big smile on her face, like she did the day when
she had first ridden her bicycle. She had accomplished something new.
"Well did you enjoy my surprise?"

	"Do we have any more ice tea in the house? I didn't think you
were going to stop. Sweetie, it was just wonderful. Yes I enjoyed it."

	"Was it as good as Mother's?"

	"You're certainly her daughter. When you said she told you
everything, I didn't realize she blabbed about technique. Yes you're
every bit as fun as she was." I got up and kissed Annie. Now our
kisses were becoming more meaningful. Our tongues were intertwining
and dancing against each other. I felt bad not because this was my
daughter, but because she deserved someone more her age. She is far
too good to be wasted on a man my age. Yet I was going to grab the
moment and enjoy it.

	We continued on until she asked, "well aren't you going to
return the favor?" I hugged her tightly and then with one hand held my
cock pointing it upward and peed a stream between us, then lowered it
to finish on her pubic hair which was really starting to fill out.
"Hmmm," she said, "it does feel so warm and really nice. It was nicer
than I thought it would be, and fun."

	I took the bar of soap and started to apply soap all over her
body. paying special attention to the area between her legs. I was
intent on having fun and so was she. When she turned around to rinse,
I soaped her back and ran the soap and then my well soaped hand
between her ass cheeks and along her crack. I paid a great deal of
attention to her butthole. When her turn came, she followed my
example. She had me completely lathered and worked up. Her slender
fingers felt so good on my body. "How in the Hell could Eric prefer
some hairy legged guy over this?" I thought. I didn't hate or resent
him, just didn't understand and felt sorry for him. I could never be
gay or bi. I haven't gotten my fill of the female body yet.

	By the time we had showered and shampooed, I was so worked up
that the next touch of my cock was going to pump cream to the ceiling.
Annie had manipulated me with such great skill which was from instinct
more than practice.

	We dried each other and immediately went to the bed which was
already turned down. My daughter had this all planned out how she
wanted it. I was thrilled. We kissed and caressed. Soon I found myself
on my back with her on all fours straddling my head with her legs. She
slowly lowered her pussy closer and closer to my mouth. Yes she had
remembered her mother telling her how much I loved to eat pussy. And
she was going to get this for herself now. My tongue played with her
pussy tasting the outer lips and then the inner lips, running down
along their sides and across their tops. I purposely stayed away from
the clit for now. I have no preference of being on top when eating
pussy, or being beneath. Being beneath does allow the woman more
freedom to control the location and pressure of my mouth and tongue.
Annie was taking full control of this now. She was really enjoying the
attention my mouth was giving her. I learned later that she had only
had oral sex 3 or 4 times before. But she was really enjoying
everything and anything I was doing. I guess this was partly because
she was determined to get all the enjoyment she could. And that was
what I really wanted for her. I wanted any experience with me to be
fun and filled with pleasure for her because at this time, she was the
most valuable person in my life, she was my everything.

	But now it was time for heightened enjoyment. I pushed my
tongue toward her clit, and she responded my angling her hips so that
I had full access to her clit. She had really started to flow by now
and her entire crotch was soaking wet with her juices and my saliva. I
captured as much of her internal juice in my mouth and enjoyed it's
wonderful taste. My tongue whipped around her clit in little
incoherent circles. And soon it was stroking it. My hands played with
her whole vaginal area. I didn't want to play with her anus yet for
fear that if she was not used to it her momentum would be broken and
her pleasure would be spoiled.

	She had been receiving so much pleasure now that she had
forgotten about my cock. That was fine because I was already at an
explosive level and anything she would do would just make me ejaculate
too soon.

	Soon I could feel her start to tremble. The inner lips of her
vagina were firm and standing straight out. Her internal fountain was
flowing out of control. She was breathing at a very irregular rate.
Her body was pressing even harder against my mouth. Soon she was
wiggling her hips and shaking all over. She was crying with loud moans
of passion. She was crying out words, but because my ears were being
pressed against by her legs I had a difficult time understanding her,
but I didn't care. I was in heaven. I had this wonderful pussy in my
mouth and was enjoying it. to the fullest.

	Annie crashed into an enormous orgasm. Her entire body shook
with pleasure wave after pleasure wave. Soon she was subsiding. She
rolled off of me and collapsed in a puddle of Jell-O. She was still
shaking slightly, her breath was still a little irregular. She had
never experienced an orgasm with the intensity of this one. She had
absolutely no idea that she could ever have this degree of pleasure.

	I rolled over and lifted myself up on my elbows. Again tears
were streaming from her closed eyes. I was getting a little smarter
about my baby's reactions by now and asked, "It was that good?"

	She shook her head and with her eyes still closed said, "I had
no idea that I could be so out of control with pleasure. I thought I
was going to pass out it was so intense. I didn't want to miss a
single feeling. It went beyond wonderful. I love you so much. I don't
ever want to leave you."

	Guilt hit me between the eyes. "No Annie, some day you need to
find a man your age. One who will grow old with you. Not me."

	"Daddy when you're 75 years old, I'll be 50. When you're 85
I'll be 60. If I can have 10, 20 or more years of happiness my life
will be complete."

	"I love you Annie. But I love you too much to deprive you of

	"Then show me how much you love me and stop arguing."

	"Okay. But if someone comes along please take him. For me.
For Eve. Please."

	She didn't answer. She rolled over and pressed her lips
against mine. Our tongues again melded together as I sucked her breath
into my lungs. We broke from this so that I could go to her very firm
milk filled breasts. She had spilled milk out of them during her
orgasm which had dripped onto my lower body. I saw tiny drops on her
nipples and drank deeply from them as mouth covered first her left
breast then her right. She had plenty of it for both Eve and me. Her
body was healthy and she was producing a lot of milk.

	"I think it's time to see if Mother was exaggerating about how
hard you got inside her."

	I guess I could have considered everything to this point as
not being incestuous. But intercourse was the final part that would
bring it to it's full meaning. It's hard to believe but I was starting
to feel reluctant. Soon Annie was pleading with me, encouraging me to
do it. "I want you inside me. I really need to feel you. Please do it
for me. Please." I got up and between her legs, lowering my body
slowly as my cock sought it's destination. She reached her hand down
to guide it. I closed my eyes waiting for the wrath of Hell to engulf
my soul. I felt the tip of my cock touch her wet pussy. Soon it was
inside. With Annie pleading, I pushed further and soon rested with
the tip of my cock resting against her cervix. I stopped and opened my
eyes. Her face looked so angelic. She was so pleased that any
reservations I had were going to disappear for ever. I was giving this
daughter of mine something that no one had ever given her and no one
would be able to give her at this time.

	She opened her eyes and said, "Thank you. You feel wonderful
inside of me."

	"You feel wonderful too." I bent down and kissed her with more
appreciation than passion. "I just want to stay right where I am to
enjoy it as much as I can." I rested deep inside her to feel her
vaginal walls pulse against my cock. I slowly pulled back letting my
cock enjoy it's surroundings. Annie's vaginal walls responded by
gripping at it. She let out a small gasp of joy and her face was
covered with a joy that I can't describe. She was doing just what she
wanted to do, she was receiving just what she felt she needed.

	I started to move down and deep inside her and almost all the
way out again, each time with her reacting in pleasure and with each
reaction she had I responded with a similar reaction. Soon her hips
were thrusting upward to catch my downward thrusts almost as if she
were trying to gain every single inch of my cock inside her now very
wet pussy. We worked together as a well timed piece of machinery
complimenting each others movements, both of us finding an extreme
pleasure in each other. Soon I could feel the changes in her body as
she began to stiffen and tremble, she was getting closer to her full
release. The anticipation of this was getting to me as I picked up the
tempo feeling my explosion building up deep inside.

	Annie crashed with pleasure. Her whole body feeling the
affects of the joy her pussy was getting. Her moaning and cries of joy
were more intense and spurred me into my final approach to my

	One, two, three, four shots of my semen streamed into her
deepest parts flooding an already full pussy. I could feel it extrude
along the sides of my cock as it continued to piston in and out of

	Finally my movements became erratic as I slowed down to regain
my composure. Both of us were breathing heavily and somewhat under
labor. Both of us has smiles demonstrating the pleasure we had both

	"Oh daddy, that was wonderful."

	"Baby, you were wonderful. More so than I can describe, and
certainly more wonderful than I deserve."

	I stayed as deeply inside her as I could for as long as I
could. But soon my shrinking cock let me know it could no longer stay
and I felt it slipping out of Annie. As it did, I rolled over to her
side and embraced her giving her as many kisses as I could. This woman
was enough for the most virile of men not an old man like me. She
could wear me out with her sexuality. She was more than wonderful and
I knew it instantly.

	We laid there for a few moments when she grabbed my hand and
pushed it down towards her very wet and full pussy. "I need one more,"
she said, as she was going to emulate her mother's favorite trick.

	I knew what she was up to and couldn't resist her at all. Soon
my fingers were dipping deep inside her pussy and bringing up small
traces of my semen and then bathing her clit with it. With each trip
of my fingers she would respond. We were soon in a deep kiss with my
fingers bathing her clit with this mixture of my semen and her
secretions. Her body was trembling even harder now. And soon her
kisses lost their intensity as she went into yet another orgasm. Soon
she was crying out how much she loved this attention her clit was

	When she subsided, the two of us lay there neither one with
the energy to move. This rest ended with the demanding cries of a very
hungry Eve.

	Annie looked at me with a slight disappointed look. "I'm sorry
dear, but I'm not built to do anything for her," I said.

	Annie smiled and got up to get Eve. She scooped her up and
told me she was going to take her downstairs to feed her. I got up and

	As Annie started down the stairs she called back with, "Dad
you'll need to bring a washcloth and diaper. Make that two wash
cloths, I can feel you leaking out all over the inside of my legs. How
much did you put in me anyway?"

	At this we both laughed. I fetched the necessary items and
went downstairs. I stopped to see this beautiful scene of my very
pretty daughter sitting nude on the sofa nursing my equally pretty
granddaughter. The light of dusk hi-lighted the stark beauty of this
scene. I stood there almost breathless realizing just how lucky I was.

	As Annie finished feeding Eve, she looked to me and said, "I
think I need to do more than just wipe off. Let me go take a quick
shower. And dad, Eve needs some big time repairs so you better plan
on using both towels on her." With this Annie handed me Eve and
bounced up the stairs.

	She was right. Eve's bottom was a complete disaster. But I had
seen just as bad years ago with Annie. And it did take both towels to
repair the mess. But with her bottom clean and powdered I again
marveled at how perfect this little body was. I didn't put another
diaper on right away, but took her out onto my back patio. There the
two of us sat. Me completely nude and her little nude body pressed
against my chest.

	Annie came down to see this sight and laughed, "you're asking
for an accident to happen. Eve never gives a warning when she's ready
to unload." And with that I felt a small warm stream splash against my

	"Well, that's the third generation to pee on this chest. I
guess that's some kind of a record."

	Annie grabbed Eve and diapered her, smiling while she felt the
same sense of contentment I had felt earlier. The three of us were
going to be all the company we would need.

From: (Jimbo)
Subject: Annie - a daughter's love (Chap. 3) (adult inc., lac)
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 02:09:34 GMT

			   A father's love
			      Chapter 3

	After awhile all was settled down. I had barbecued dinner, we
had finished and all was cleaned up. All three of us were sitting
outside on the patio. I had built the backyard for privacy, so the
fact that only Eve had clothing on made for a relaxed atmosphere.

	Annie moved closer to me and grabbed my hand to give it a warm
squeeze. "This is so much more than just shelter for me daddy. This
is like a dream. One that I don't ever want to end. I have never felt
so secure and loved since I left here to go to college. You are the
first man to make me feel like a woman."

	I passed that off as a slight exaggeration. But Annie quickly
noted my reaction.

	"I have been told never tell all. Because it can be used
against you someday. But I need to tell you what happened in my life."

	I sat there with mixed emotions. "Let's go into the house and
let me put Eve in her crib. She's fallen asleep. We'll just sit
together without lights on and just talk."

	I put Eve down in her crib and joined Annie on the couch with
the only light coming from the moon and the reflection of street
lights in the neighborhood. We sat there quietly with Annie slightly
facing me, holding both of my hands in hers.

	"I was a virgin went I went to college. All through highschool
I didn't want to get involved with sex. But about the middle of my
sophomore year at college, I met Howard. We spent some time alone
together in the chemistry lab. He was a sweet guy, a little on the
nerd side, but I didn't mind that. We became friends because he could
trust me and felt I wouldn't laugh at him. I started to date Howard
and soon discovered that he was the 'American Rarity' a male virgin in
college. This fact made me even more relaxed around him. He was a
terrible kisser, but an all around nice guy. The first night he felt
my breasts, he just left his hand there and didn't move it. I guess he
thought that would make me excited. The night we both lost our
cherries was a circus. He had been as nervous as you can get buying
condoms. He said he felt everyone in the drug store looking at him. He
could almost hear his mother scold him. He said he walked out of the
store without looking at anyone, and left his change on the counter.
The two of us had a terrible time putting it over his penis. When he
finally got up the nerve to try to penetrate me, we were both scared.
He slowly pushed into me and ripped my hymen with a big push that hurt
worse than I thought would be possible. I remember thinking that if
this was sex, I was in for a long life. When he was through he was so
full of guilt that he immediately got up and cleaned himself off,
leaving me just laying there."

	"Our next few times were not all that much better except that
I was feeling a little more enjoyment, but nothing very exciting.
That summer is when I talked to mother. I told her about my experience
and she talked about the two of you. It was because of our chats that
summer that I felt there was more to sex than I had gotten from it."

	"That fall I met Chuck. He was a jock. He was experienced and
he was exciting. He knew all the right words to say. He made all the
right moves. And before I knew what was going on, I was in bed with
him. He was good. He brought me so much physical pleasure. He was the
first person to 'eat my pussy' and he loved it. He introduced me to
sucking his cock and the taste of cum. He was smooth, but he couldn't
be true to one woman. He had to be screwing several different ones. I
found out about a couple of them and felt there was no future with
this and I dumped him."

	"I went through a period of celibacy until I met Eric. He was
kind. It was my senior year and he was a graduate student. We both had
a love for classical music and both sang in a community choir near the
campus. Eric and I became good friends and started dating on a regular
basis. He never pushed for sex and was always a gentleman. When we did
have sex it was very soft and he was always concerned about me getting
hurt or feeling pain. He preferred me performing oral sex on him over
intercourse. He never performed oral sex on me. I thought this might
change over time. He got engaged and then married. His sexuality with
me never changed. He loved me playing with his anus and he even seemed
to get off more having anal intercourse with me. But he never seemed
to have his heart into touching my pussy or even my breasts. After I
got pregnant he got even further from being intimate with me. The only
orgasms I got were the ones I masturbated myself to. I was three
months pregnant when he disclosed that he was gay. In some ways I was
relieved that it wasn't me he was rejecting and in other ways I was
furious that he married me without telling me first. He claimed he
didn't realize it until he had an encounter with one of the male
students at the university. He said that was his first sexual
encounter ever with another man and that was what he needed in his
life. Well you know the rest. I left him partially because there
would be no hope for a normal future and partially out of

	"I tried to make a go of it alone. I had a nice job, but I
didn't know how it would work out with Eve. That's when I called you
for help. You never once lectured me. You took me in and treated me
like a queen immediately. I wanted to stay here because I felt secure
and loved. That day you saw me nurse Eve for the first time. That was
totally an accident. I had tried to be discrete before than. I didn't
realize you were home. After you saw my bare breast, I just out of
impulse wanted you to try my milk. The feel of you sucking my milk out
of my breast was so comforting to me that it was, well, downright sexy
to me. I struggled at first with how far I was willing to go with
you. But the more I thought about how lonely you were, how good
mother said you were, how desperate I was for love and comfort, the
more I was making up my mind that I didn't want to go looking for love
anywhere else when you were what I wanted all along. I know that this
is pure and simple incest, but it is my life and I'm responsible for
my own happiness. You're everything mother said you were. You love me
and Eve more than anything in the world. I love you more than any man
I have ever met."

	She continued. "Then when you caught me in the shower, it gave
me the boost I needed to go through with what I wanted to do. I heard
you come into the house. So I stayed in the shower a little longer. It
was all planned from that moment. I'm sorry Daddy, I didn't mean to
trick you into it. I just needed you at that moment. It just worked
out that way."

	Annie paused from her story and brought her face next to mine.
I could feel her breath brush across my lips. "Daddy, I need you more
than I need life. I love you so very dearly and don't want or need
anyone else in this world." And with that she kissed me.

	My heart was melted. I was totally without resistance. She had
presented a case I couldn't refute. "Okay Annie. If that's what you
really want. We'll do it that way. You have to realize that it won't
be always easy. You need a man your age. There will always be the big
age gap, not to mention our relationship. But I promise to be the best
person in your life. And I promise that the first time you find
someone else I will encourage you to take him. I don't know how we'll
explain things to Eve, but we have time to figure that out."

	With those words, Annie was all over me. She jumped onto my
lap and straddled my thighs with her legs. Her kisses covered every
inch of my face. There was that wonderful feeling of "flesh to flesh"
as I felt her bare breasts press against my chest. I would be a
father, lover, husband and friend to her. I could feel her pubic hair
which was starting to get fuller now brush against my cock. It made me
really hard in no time. Annie wasted no time at all and reached down
to insert my now swollen member into her very wet pussy. My mind was
starting to buzz. Forget about the incest stuff, how am I going to
keep up with this kid. She was either going to kill me with a heart
attack or wear my cock to a stump. Annie did all the work. I just sat
back while her youthful pussy massaged my cock. Up and down she pumped
on it. I could hear her getting closer to an orgasm and deep inside I
could feel that familiar feeling starting in me. Soon she was flailing
out almost incoherently. And shortly I was again shooting my cum deep
inside her. She finally slowed down to some very small quiet moves and
then came to a stop with my still somewhat cock deep inside her, the
tip of my penis kissing her cervix.

	As I slipped out of her, she purred in my ear just how happy
and in love she was. Love. Poets have written about it, songs have
been sung about it, yet no one really understands it completely. But
this was love I was receiving. It was without conditions. It was just
there for me to enjoy. "Oh Annie, I will never know why you love me.
And I guess I shouldn't worry about the 'why' and just enjoy the fact.

	"Why?" she asked, "why not. You make me feel so feminine. You
appreciate every part of me. You want to protect me at your expense.
Why shouldn't I love you? I won't find a man like you."

	I knew she was wrong, they're out there. I also knew that
pre-made families intimidated some men. I would only let my Annie go
to someone who was worthy of her. She was all I had.

	The rest of the evening was spent in the most intimate of
situations `shared solitude'. We didn't turn on the television, or
radio. We both sat on the sofa and read. Annie with her head on a
pillow on my lap. We read for an hour without a sound until Eve again
announced she was hungry.

	So the three of us went upstairs to call it a night. Eve and I
got a late night snack of milk.

	The next morning came all too quickly. Yet it came very
nicely. Annie and I had been sleeping together for some time now, but
last night was the first time we had had intercourse and so this was
the first 'morning after'. It did indeed feel different than the
previous mornings. The bird's songs seemed to be prettier the sun
seemed to shine brighter, everything seemed sweeter. I rolled over
and felt Annie's rear end. It even felt nicer (not that it hadn't felt
wonderful before now). My touch woke her up. "I'm sorry," I whispered,
"I didn't want to waken you." She said nothing but rolled over and
hugged me. Her eyes were so warm and beautiful to me. Annie was that
kind of person who wakes up in the morning with a sweet disposition.

	"Why don't you feed Eve when she wakes up and then I can

	I looked at my chest and then hers, "I don't think she'll go
for it."

	Annie smiled and said, "I guess you're right."

	"Now that you've had a night to sleep on it, do you have any
regrets Annie? I mean about what we're doing?"

	She rose up and wrapped herself around me, "regrets? Yes I do.
I wasted some valuable time. Last night should have happened a few
weeks earlier."

	"I'm never going to get you to admit that I'm not the best you
can do, am I?"

	"Sorry, I just can't lie. You are all I want or need."

	"So you used to finger old Eric's butthole."

	"He loved it."

	"What about you?"

	Annie smiled a sheepish little grin, "I kind of liked it too.
It was like I was doing something to him that gave him pleasure.
Inside his anus was the softest skin I have ever felt."

	"I imagine all rectums are as soft. Your mother's was the only
one I felt and it was soft also."

	"She never played with your butthole?"

	"She would have told you if she did."

	"I guess that's true."

	"Roll over on your tummy," with that Annie removed a tube of
KY she had in the drawer of her night stand. She applied some to her
fingers and slowly worked one of them into my hole. I had had the
doctor stick a finger up there in the past to check my prostate, but
never had I had someone put a finger up there as a part of giving me
pleasure. At first I jumped a little. Then Annie showed she knew
exactly what to do as she manipulated her finger in and out of my ass.

	"That does feel nice. You have such a gentle touch."

	"Do you want to do it to me?" and before I could answer she
maneuvered herself around where she had access to my anus and I had an
unobstructed access to hers. I applied some of the KY to my finger and
gently worked it in and out of her. We were like kids exploring each
other. Her tight butthole was so inviting. I wanted to eat it, suck
it, feel it and push my cock into it. But this was hers to orchestrate
not mine. After some time I noticed her breathing changing. I had
learned now that she was going into her preliminary steps towards a
nice good morning orgasm. I never knew a woman could orgasm with her
anus being invaded. And then I realized that Annie needed her pussy
attended to so she could finish her explosion. She dislodged her digit
from me and allowed me to slip down with my head between her legs.
With just a few trips by my tongue around her clit she was reeling
into ecstasy.

	Her chest was rising and falling with waves of pleasure as I
continued to lick her. Soon she made it to the peak and spilled over
into bliss. As she slowly came down from her height, I ceased the
attention on her clit and started to suck on her pubic hair.

	"I have waited all this time to wake up like that. It was so
good. Thank you dear heart," smiled Annie.

	We probably would have gotten even more involved with each
other except for this little redhead in her crib making some beginning
noises to let us know she had waken and was hungry and wet. I got Eve
and brought her to Annie. "Feed her first and then you can shower.
I'll shower while you're feeding her."

	"No. Don't shower until we can together. Besides I have enough
to feed both of you."

	I watched and chatted with Annie while Eve was busy on Annie's
left breast. We talked about when she felt she would feel ready to
return to work. Her job was still waiting for her. She was a research
chemist and very much in demand. We decided that there was no hurry
but she should return when she felt ready. It wasn't a matter of
finances. I had planned very well for retirement some day and with all
my investments and my current earnings five Annie's and 10 Eves could
be supported. But she needed to be around people.

	We both decided that she would return when she felt like it
and not before. Eve and I came first in her life and she wanted to be
there when she was needed by either of us. With that she switched Eve
to the other breast and invited me to finish what Eve had left. I was
going to miss this someday so I wanted to take full advantage of her

	With Eve back in her crib Annie and I both went into the
bathroom and I started the shower. I stood there while the water was
heating up just admiring this beautiful creature with all her youth.
She was such an image of her mother I thought to myself. She steals my
heart every time I look at her.

	Annie sensed somehow what I was feeling. She looked at me and
said, "you really loved mother, didn't you."

	I looked at her and wanted to cry. "She was everything to me.
A piece of me lies in the ground with her. You are the closest thing
on this earth to being her. But I don't want you to think that that
infatuation is what draws me so close to you, because while you
resemble her so strongly, you have a uniqueness she didn't have. And
she was some things you will not ever be. Does that make sense, or am
I just an old man blubbering?"

	"I understand what you mean."

	We both jumped into the shower and played like two little kids
soaping each other down and sliding our slippery bodies against each
other. Nothing sexual, just two people in love feeling the life in
each other. Yes I was falling in love with this daughter in a new
deeper sense. She was now my mate as strange as it seems. I stopped
and just admired her body. And with that she caught my eye. There was
fire in her hazel eyes. She was flushed with anger.

	"Father!" she said sternly (she never addressed me as father
unless she was ready to make a statement which I had better listen
to), " I have been really patient with you and this bullshit about the
age difference and our relationship. I am a 25 year old woman, who has
been married, who has a child. I am not a 12 year old who is being
molested by her father. I have made a conscious decision to have you
as my lover. An adult, premeditated decision. I have let you mope and
stammer over my decision long enough. I do not want to hear one more
word about age, relationship, the future or what other people will
think. Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. If I hear you ever
mention any of those again. I will take Eve and all I have here and we
will move out of your life completely. So do I have your promise to
stay off of those topics?"

	I find it hard to imagine any man in this world standing in
the shower with his adult daughter, both completely nude and covered
with soap having his ass chewed out by her like I got. She was as
sincere as I had ever seen her. I looked down like a little boy who
just got scolded by his mother. Then I looked up at Annie and said, "I
would rather die than to lose you and Eve. You have made the
decision, I am the one who is getting all the benefits from it. You
are gaining nothing because everything material I have is already
yours. But I do respect your maturity and will never mention any of
those subjects ever again."

	This was sealed with a hug that cracked both our backs and a
kiss that seemed to last for hours. We had made a pact and it was now
official. It would be the three of us from here on out. We would deal
with Eve's questions as she got older. We would live our lives one day
at a time. No matter what happened to me, these two ladies were
guaranteed a secure future. I was now the wealthiest, happiest man in
the world.