Ginsu Memories - A Romantic Story (With Knives)

WARNING:  Standard Disclaimer

The following story is purely a work of fiction. It contains
scenes of adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading
now. This story contains scenes of non-consensual sexual
behavior, rape, sodomy, bondage, bestiality, and incest. If
you are offended by such activities, do not read any further.
This is purely a fantasy.  Any resemblance to any person,
living or dead is purely coincidental.  The author is not
responsible for any damage resulting from reading this work.

Copyright 1995, the author.  All rights reserved.   Any
reproduction of this work outside the confines of the usenet
news group,, without the explicit permission
of the author is prohibited.

Author's Note:  Many of you will think this story is romantic
                trash, but it was fun to write.  It is also
                based on partial truth.  I really did have a
                girlfriend who kept a Ginsu Garnishing Slicer
                in her jewelry box.

Ginsu Memories -

     By Dafney Dewitt   A Nasty Girl Story
     Copyrite (C) 1995

The doorbell keeps ringing.

'Ding Dong'

      "Her defenders flee shamelessly, leaving
       the princess at the mercy of the pirates.
       As the barbaric hoards swarm aboard, she
       desperately seeks sanctuary in the captain's
       cabin.  Without warning, the door explodes
       in a shower of splinters leaving the dark
       shadow of a pirate blocking the only exit."

'Ding Dong'

      "The forsaken princess feels the thick
       callused hand of the pirate encircle
       her waist. She feels the excited breath
       on her neck, and smells his pungent sweat.
       As her bosom crushes against his hard
       muscled chest, it ignites with the fire
       of forbidden passion. Tears of helpless
       frustration fill her eyes waiting for the
       cruel hard fate to befall her.

       Her lips ache with desire, as he presses

'Ding Dong'

Brenda lays the book down.

Enveloped in a cocoon of fantasy, her body aches with desire.
She yearns to continue the saga of the abandoned princess on
the verge of being ravished by the pirates. Burning from the
embrace of the pirate's hands, Brenda reluctantly rises from
the sofa like a sleepwalker to answer the door. Warm and cozy,
her mind clouded with dreams of debauchery, Brenda opens the
door without first checking the peephole.

Not peeping is foolish.

"Aaah Sooo!" shouts a slim dark skinned man.

Dressed in black, he blocks the entrance like a shadow.  Out
of the blackness of his body emerges a long pointed knife.
Its silver blade sparkles like diamonds in the afternoon sun.
Like a long scintillating finger, it is pointed directly into
Brenda's open mouth.

Brenda backs up.

With a quick perfunctory bow, the foreigner begins jabbering.

"Permit the honor please of showing Ginsu Wonder Knives !"

The blade cuts into the air with the quick graceful motions
of a Shushi Master slicing up an invisible fish.  Brenda can
hear the swish and feel the wind of the blade against her

Brenda is forced to retreat.

With a quick kick of his left foot, the small man slams her
apartment door closed.  His feet move with the confident
ability of a sword fighter. The motions are elegant and
ingratiating. Never pausing to look back, the man advances.

Brenda is stunned.

Only minutes ago, she was quietly reading a romantic saga
of debauchery, waiting to find out the fate of the princess
at the hands of the ravishing pirates, now she is alone in
her apartment walking backward to escape a knife wielding
maniac. Her mind is numb, transfixed by the shining point
of the knife. It has a hypnotizing quality.  The sing-song
tone of the oriental's speech mesmerizes her. At times, he
is hard to understand. Talking constantly, the man follows
her into the apartment until Brenda's legs strike the sofa's
edge, and she collapses into a sitting position with her
knees akimbo.

"Let me show."

Brenda dreads saying no.

"The edge is serrated to cut through toughest meat and will
cut bone, no problem."

The man nods his head several times in emphasis.

"Cuts bone, no problem."

As if defying Brenda to contradict him, he repeats himself.

"Cuts bone, very well."

In her vulnerable seated position with her knees much to wide
apart, Brenda realizes that her life  or at least her virtue
may be in danger. Her inner voice screams for calm. Any sudden
move, the slightest sign of panic could send that knife plunging
straight into her heart.  With one false move, her life's hot
blood could spurt out onto the blade of the weapon. Her heart
thumping wildly, speeding out-of-control, Brenda knows that she
is in big trouble.

"I flip for you"

With a quick twist, the man flips over his attache case,
displaying a cutting board imbedded on the other side. Laying
it on the coffee table, he produces a long hard bone from one
of his pockets like a magician.

"Wham! Bam!"

With two lightening quick chops, he cuts the bone in half.

The brute power of this strange intruder astonishes Brenda.
As the harsh sound of the bone chop resonates into silence,
she protests.

"No wham bam, thank you man. That is too fast."

 She speaks each word separately in a clear but calm manner
 to avoid offending the crazed devil.  Brenda intended to say
 she did not want to buy knives, thank you, and he was talking
 too fast, but by imitating the stilted language of the
 foreigner, her words took on new meaning.

" Aaah Soo!  No problem, many choices!," the smooth talking
knife hawker shouts back, deliberately misunderstanding.  With
a flick of the catch locks, the attache case opens to reveal
30 gleaming knives in all shapes and sizes.

He lays the serrated knife down on the coffee table.  For the
first time, Brenda does not have a dagger aimed at her heart.
This is her chance. Just like in the movies, she can kick over
the coffee table, grab the sword and run. She can make her
move. She can save her honor.

Brenda leans forward to the edge of the sofa with one hand
braced on the coffee table. Her heart pumping madly, she is

As her fingertips tentatively graze the knife handle, the
knife wielder shouts.

 "Ginsu Master Chef!"

Brenda recoils, as he seizes a wickedly curved cutlass from
the attache case.

Now there is no escape.

"Very fine knife.  Master knife. Total control and ease of use."

Brenda is almost in tears.  Her escape ruined, she awaits her
fate at the hands of the crazed ginsu knife waver. Driven by
fear and desire, she closes her eyes to her fate praying for
a deliverance, or an imaginary savior to rescue her.

Eyes closed tightly, a captive audience, Brenda listens to the
hypnotic cadence of the man's voice.  His words blend together
into rivers of sound as he lapses into a foreign dialect.  His
animation escalates into a gentle but disturbing agitation.

"Master Ginsu control aki kara naba teedi"

The words are meaningless to Brenda, but the intent is clear,
punctuated by light swishing sounds of the knife blade through
the air. Brenda is clearly at the mercy of her master.

Waiting for her fate to befall her, each breath an eternity of
yearning, Brenda pulls her dress tight between her parting thighs.
Spreading her legs beneath her golden gown, she shudders in
anticipation.  The silver blade never finds the golden tunnel
between her legs. She never feels the tickling point or pushes
against the ramming to the hilt. Disheartened, she thrusts out
her burning breasts until they touch the broad flat ice of the
silver blade. Sparks flying up from her bosom ignite her lips.
To smother the burning embers, he crushes her mouth with kisses
while the pointed fire of her nipples bends and melts the blade
into a silver rain that falls into her lap like tears. Her legs
form the banks of a shimmering river. Soaked by the silver flow,
her cave of fire fills to overflowing, Light tremors herald the
eruption. Exploding with a bright string of fiery bursts, Brenda
screams, freezing time with quakes of delight.

Brenda opens her eyes.

Her fantasy broken by the sound of a slamming door, the Ginsu
salesman gone, only a small curved blade shinning like diamonds
remains on the coffee table.

If you look in her jewelry box, you can still find the spiral
vegetable slicer.  To her friends, it seems oddly out of place.
But for Brenda, it is a romantic memento of her Ginsu Memories.
This is another Nasty Girl Story.
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