A Handbook For Men

This powerful and instructive manual will provide
you with more telephone numbers, more dates, and more
little girlfriends than you ever dreamed possible!  How?

By learning the proven methods, valuable tips, and
specialized knowledge in this amazing book you can
become incredibly successful picking up little girls and
seducing them!  This handbook is crammed full of
information, step by step instructions, and actual
techniques you can use on little girls to get what you want.

    This book will teach you:

      *  How to spot ready and willing little girls
      *  What to say and how to say it
      *  How to avoid the mistakes men make
      *  Methods of approaching little girls easily
      *  How to read a little girl's body language
      *  The essential art of flirting
      *  When and where to make your move 
      *  Successful telephone & dating strategies
      *  How to develop sexual chemistry, and
      *  How to get her into bed!

If this is the kind of information you've always wanted, check out:

At our website you'll find EXCERPTS from the book,
a HOT TIPS! on-line column, a PHOTO GALLERY of
beautiful little girls, FREE ADVICE and quotes from the little girls 
who were interviewed for the book, and much more!

"How To Pick Up Little Girls!" will instruct you
in the art of picking up little girls and show you how to
get fantastic results.  Just check out what the book
reviewers are saying about this new handbook:

     "My 20 year search for
     an authoritative guide for men 
     is finally over!  
     How To Pick Up Little Girls explains
     what little girls want, why they want it, and
     how to fulfill those needs." 
                 Dave Ogle, The Spectator

     "The most practical man-to-man publication
     on the subject I've ever read.  Candid view-
     points from little girls have been carefully included.
     Knowledge and use of just a few of these guide-
     lines could be well worth 1000s of times its
     retail price!"
                Hugh NerHef, President
                Southland Singles Association

     "The best, most responsible guide we've seen
     to picking up little girls.  If this doesn't work,
     nothing will."
                The Desperation Review

I can think of no more valuable information to pass on to
my fellow man than how to communicate more effectively with
little girls to get more of what you want.  Just reading
the chapter "The Mistakes Men Make"
will improve your interactions with little girls
immediately!  Using the techniques in this book will have
you picking up beautiful little girls on a daily basis!

What's more, the chapters "What To Say To Little Girls,"
"What Little Girls Look For In A Man," and "How To Create Sexual
Chemistry" will not only have you picking up and seducing
more little girls, but will also show you how to have more
satisfying and fulfilling relationships with them.

This powerful book has been used successfully
by men from ages 16 to 106.  And IÕm absolutely sure it will
work for you too.  That's why this book is backed by a 

    No Questions Asked MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

If for any reason you are not totally satisfied with
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Just think, for the price of a few drinks, you can be
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What's more, you'll SAVE lots of TIME & MONEY by investing
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Whether you're looking for a long term relationship
or a one night stand, you're going to have to meet little girls
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  Go to the Website! 
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Send your Cash, Check, or Money Order
with your NAME, ADDRESS, & Social Security Number to:

      OWL Publications
      81/2 Stutter Street, Suite 13
      El Lay, CA  94104

You could skip this opportunity and continue to make
the same old mistakes with little girls that most men make,
and continue to bungle your interactions with little girls,
and continue to miss out on opportunities to pick up
little girls because you don't know how to read their signals,


Take advantage of this opportunity to get this book.
Learn how to be successful picking up little girls, relating
to little girls, and getting them into bed.  Invest in your
very own copy of this hot new best selling book,

      How To Pick Up Little Girls!
            A Handbook For Men

I hope this letter inspires you to action and changes
your life, transforming your relationships with little girls
for the better, and for all time!