Andrew Roller Presents
Beach Western

Chapter Two

	Ashlee returned to Dalton with a handsome profit.  Except for a slight tingling in her bottom, she was just as she had left him.  For many weeks Ashlee brooded over her experience.  She left Dalton's employ when he insisted she make another delivery.  She wanted nothing more to do with Genieve, Rose, or Paul.
	Ashlee drifted away from the beach scene and, for no particular reason, took up horseback riding.  She rode every day, first with an instructor by her side, then, as time went by, alone.  Every day it seemed she rode farther.  Out into the hills above Los Angeles.  Out where the canyons lay.  Mostly she stuck to the approved trails.  But one day, when the trail petered out, she rode on anyway.  In time she crossed a rushing river.  She had gotten quite good at horseback riding now.  She was trotting past some old, seemingly abandoned corral, half hidden by bushes, when suddenly a voice called out, "Why do you ride clothed?"
	Ashlee snapped her head in the direction of the voice.  There, just clamboring over a high bench, having emerged from the corral, was a beautiful girl.  She wore very little, and what clothing she had on did nothing to hide what it should.  The girl just stared at her for a long moment, puzzled.  One of her legs was planted firmly on the ground.  Her other leg, though, was almost vertical.  Its knee rested on the high bench.  The girl seemed oblivious to what such a position did to her pussy.  Her mons, its wisps stirred faintly by a passing breeze, seemed to invite pillage.  Yet the girl seemed not to know, or not to care.
	Ashlee turned her horse and sidled over to the girl, hoping to scare her.  But the girl only repeated her question.  There were flowers on the bench, in front of her knee.  Apparently she had gone into the unused corral to pick them.
	Effortlessly Ashlee slid down off her horse.  "Why aren't you clothed?" Ashlee returned the question.
	"Why would I be?" the girl asked.  
	"Don't you need clothes to protect you?" Ashlee asked.  The girl began to blush.
	"Oh.  You're an outsider," she said.  "You shouldn't be here."  She let down her knee from the bench and suddenly seemed to feel a sense of belated modesty.  "You're not allowed here."
	"I'm sorry," Ashlee said.  "I'll go.  But I'm curious.  If I weren't here you wouldn't mind going around naked?"
	"I'm not naked," the girl replied.  "I'm wearing boots, to protect my feet.  And I'm wearing a shirt."
	"A shirt that's too big for you, and that you didn't button up," Ashlee said, looking straight at the girl's naked breasts.
	"The shirt is to keep the sun off my back," the girl said.  
	"What if you perch your bottom on that old bench?" Ashlee asked.  "Aren't you afraid of getting splinters?"
	"The tail of my shirt protects my bottom.  And this leather belt around my waist keeps the shirttail next to my bottom."  Ashlee had to admire the girl.  While the shirt wasn't even pulled together in front, leaving her tummy bare, there was really no need for her tummy (or her pussy, for that matter) to be covered.  But in back, where her bottom might sit on something unpleasant, the shirt's long tail was there to protect it.
	"How about that cupless bra you're wearing?" Ashlee asked.
	"I'm like this every day, all day," the girl said.  "You shouldn't let your boobies just bounce around all the time, without any support."
	"Hence the cupless bra," Ashlee said.  "Why don't you just wear a regular bra?"  
	"I do," the girl said.  "When it's really sunny, so my breasts can stay white.  But today the sun's not bad at all.  Perhaps I should have left my shirt back at the ranch."
	"No, that's O.K.," Ashlee said.  "What about that leather cord, dangling like a necklace around your neck?"
	"Oh, it's just a sort of western tie," the girl said.  "A little decoration."
	"Don't you think you might be going overboard?  With the tie, I mean.  Wouldn't want to get too dressed up, would you?"  Ashlee said mockingly.
	"You're not nice," the girl pouted.
	"What's with you?" Ashlee asked.  "Okay, I mean, I admit it, if you lived on a deserted island you wouldn't need any more than you've got on.  But what about other people?  What about men?"
	"The men here are very nice to me," the girl said.
	"I'll bet!" Ashlee roared.
	"One of the reasons I wear this belt is because I have to.  So they can whip me if I'm naughty.  So really it's not just to hold my shirttail in place."
	"There are men who whip you?" Ashlee asked.
	"Yes, you know, on the bottom," the girl replied.  "They make it hurt, but they don't harm me.  They only do it when I'm really asking for it though.  When I've broken a dish or, um, been purposely bad, like when I sprayed their penises with whipped cream."
	"Um," Ashlee replied, and it sounded like "Yum."
	"Do you want to help me pick flowers?" the girl asked.  "I'll let you stay awhile, if you'll be my friend."  The flowers came back to Ashlee's attention, and for the first time she noticed how truly beautiful they were.  In the girl's makeshift bunch, lying on the bench, there were daisies, tulips, even roses!  And all seemed like they had been picked straight out of some heavenly garden.  Ashlee forgot the girl and her attire for a moment and stepped forward to admire what she'd found.
	"You really do have some beautiful flowers here," Ashlee said.  "May I hold them?"
	"Sure," the girl said.  The girl and Ashlee perched themselves on the high bench, their backs to the posts of the corral.  Their feet swung in the air, inches from the ground.  
	"You could sell these," Ashlee said.
	"We don't sell them," the girl replied.  "They just grow wild here."  Ashlee wanted to ask, 'Like you?' but refrained.  Then she thought of men, young men, and their penises growing wild on this mysterious ranch.
	"How long have you lived here?" Ashlee asked the girl, who shortly introduced herself as May.
	"Since I was 14," May said.  "I'm 17 now.  I was an honors student in school, but my mother and father pushed me really hard.  Too hard.  I was really skinny too, though now I'm told I'm beautiful.  No boys liked me in highschool, I didn't have any friends.  So I ran away.  Took Greyhound from Ohio and wound up sleeping in the bushes here when someone in L.A. tried to rape me.  The people here found me.  I've never left."
	"You've never left, May?" Ashlee asked, incredulous.
	"Why would I?" May asked.
	"Don't you like to go, um, shopping?" Ashlee asked brightly.
	"People bring me presents," May replied.
	"Don't you want to meet boys?"
	"I meet boys all the time," May said.  "They come, stay awhile, come some more, and leave."  May giggled.  "We have lots of parties."
	"I feel jealous," Ashlee said.
	"You don't need to," May said.  "Help me pick some flowers and I'll introduce you to Andrew.  He's nice.  He's about 40 or something.  This is his ranch.  You're quite pretty, so I'm sure he'd accept you."
	"Well, thanks," Ashlee said.
	"But you'd have to get used to not wearing clothes."
	"Oh." Ashlee said.
	"You want to wear clothes?" 
	"Well, of course.  Don't you?"
	"Sure, to dress up for a party or something, but mostly I just like being natural," May replied.
	"Well, I guess if you're not dressing up for a party there's not really any need," Ashlee began.  "I mean, I've spent countless hours in just my bikini."
	"Right," May said, hopping down from the bench.  She brushed her hand over her shirttail, whisking away any splinters of wood.  "Help me pick flowers and then I'll take you up to Andrew.  I'm glad I found you.  We should have lots of fun."
	As Ashlee helped May pick flowers she wondered if the stress of being an honors student hadn't somehow broken May's brain.  The girl was plenty nice, but almost too nice, like a little child.  She wondered if May hadn't mentally retreated from the stresses of life until she'd returned to the deceptively simple days of her childhood.  Now the girl was like, well, some mare in a pasture.  Fed and cared for by others, with nothing but an occasional erotic spanking to stir her from her mental refuge.  Ashlee found herself envying the girl.  All her life Ashlee had always been looking forward anxiously to the future; to college, to marriage, to children.  A house, a car, a career.  This girl, this honors student, had handily dispensed with all those cares.  As long as her beauty pleased Andrew she was as cared for as any princess.  As any captive princess?  Ashlee wondered.
	"What if, um, what if you woke up tomorrow and wanted to leave?" Ashlee asked May.
	"Andrew says I could," May replied.
	"Well, what if you get old?" Ashlee asked.  
	"Andrew says he loves each of us girls equally the same," May said.  Then a glimmer of her honors student cunning showed briefly.  "And, frankly, with him pushing 50, I don't think us getting old will be a problem."

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