Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Note: The following is fiction. The characters in this story have been made up. The content of the story is not representative of the writer's beliefs, opinions or attitudes. This is story is intended for adult entertainment only. Codes: GLBT themes, Incest, WS, Scat, Cohesion, Corruption, Lolita, NC, Rape, Bondage, Blasphemy, Drug Use, Sadism, Snuff, MC, Black Magic, Devil Worship, Demons, Evil themes LITTLE MONSTERS - SYNOPSIS (CHAPTERS 15 - 18) As a fatherless family get involved with the sexual activities of a satanic cult, they discover the pleasures of incest, sadism and non-consensual sex. In the course of their involvement with the occult, they find out that the devil is real and his devout believers use sex as a way of corrupting young and old alike - to draw them into a hellish world - where the end game is for their eternal souls. LITTLE MONSTERS - IN THE LAST INSTALLMENT... As Sabrina and Simone tell the truth about their respective incestuous relationships, their stories lead them to share more than just their confessions. Consequently they follow a calling that will lead them to Father Dominic and further demonic temptations. The evil Lexis confides her part in the sordid mysterious of Countess Erzsébet and draws the Reverend Maria and her pedophile allies at Poor Clares Monastery into satanic ritual of forced sex and shocking human sacrifice. Once a stanch supporter of the movement, Father Dominic, was seduced by the child demon and switches his allegiances. The protagonist, Leonard Longinus, needs the help of Father Dominic and Gareth, after he kills his girlfriend Nikita, aka Linx, upon discovering that she is in fact a perverted snuff-film star and Cambion... half human and half demon. But in the meanwhile, Gareth is having second thoughts about his loyalties, and upon the discovery that Douglas actually dead and is being impersonated by his evil twin, Samuel, who is on a mission for Lexis, hell bent on destroying `Those Who Know' and will kill him unless he gives up Leonard Longinus... LITTLE MONSTERS - PART FIFTEEN (4,148 WORDS) Sister Patrice Forster held the piece of paper between her thumb and forefinger as it was inflected with something highly contagious. She read the words silently and then turned to her younger protégé, the determined Sister Evelyn. "There is something not right about this. I have had my suspicions... but my Lord, now I fear the worst." She said after very long pause. She had pronounced each syllable preciously - emphasizing the importance of her words. "Sister Patrice... Could it be like before?" Asked Sister Evelyn respectfully. "It could be. I do not want you to take any risks this time. Simply do as I say, report back to me on what you observe... whatever happens, do not intervene... OBSERVE ONLY." She emphasized strongly. "Am prepared to do whatever needs to be done Sister Patrice." "I know you are. You have already proven that. That is why you were chosen." "I will need a cover story... to appear as one of them... you know that they will check - and though that in itself is no admission of guilt, we must be so careful." "Very careful." She added. "I have filed a report of gross misconduct against you. Your departure will be seen as a disgrace and as a punishment... but also as an offering of clemency, after all we are Sisters of a `forgiving' God, for you to reflect, repent and pray for his Holy forgiveness." "Then I shall leave this morning. I can be there by late afternoon." "And it will not be a minute too soon! Remember my dear - observe and report. Take no risks!" Sister Evelyn stepped from the office of her mentor, Sister Patrice, who had taken her under her wing. It had been a very trying time and the last ordeal had not faded in her mind. She shuddered at the thought of it. As Sisters of the cloth, she had always believed that goodness should prevail. She had believed in the ultimate triumph of good over evil... but lately, she was no longer so sure. She thought for a moment about their patron Saint, Clare di Offreduccio, later known simply as Clare of Assisi or Saint Clare as they all lovingly referred to her... how almost 800 years ago, on Palm Sunday evening in 1212, a young girl from an aristocratic Umbrian family dramatically fled her family home under cover of darkness to join Francis of Assisi and his brothers. In the valley below the town of Assisi in the tiny church that Francis had repaired after his conversion she met them. She was ritually welcomed into this family of brothers, and promised herself, that very night, to God Almighty. Her hair was cut short and she was clothed in the simple tunic of the order, the minores or the `little ones'. Wealthy and beautiful, Clare could have had her choice of suitors. However, over a comfortable and prosperous lifestyle, Clare chose the rigors of an enclosed convent living... as Jesus promised, she `lost' her life but `found' it in Him (Matthew 10:39). And so it was with Evelyn, as she loved God with all her heart. Sister Evelyn wiped a tear from the corner of her eye - the gift of the sisterhood, to live in `unity of mind and heart' as taught by St. Clare... that implied the practice of daily prayer, in solitude, in a hermitage... this was her contemplative experience of living in a filial relationship with the Father in communion with Jesus in the Holy Spirit. Sister Patrice knew the penance that the young and attractive sister had paid already. Sister Evelyn had no doubt in her mind that the devil existed. She had witnessed his evil work herself. She knew all too well that `Sin loves the cover of darkness'... she knew how seductive, how alluring the temptress from hell could be. But she had overcome them once before and had gained a strong insight into the workings of these evil creatures. Sister Evelyn had seen her revered mentor, Sister Patrice, exercise these foul offspring of maliciousness and send them back to hell. The true horror of their transformation... Sister Evelyn had played the role of the bait... to draw them out... she had seen and felt the illicitness and salaciousness of the damned! Now, she may need to once again face this evil foe. She would pray for strength and determination that she would most definitely need; and pray for the salvation of the souls of her beloved sisterhood. xxxxx The monastery was as it always had been... remote, dark and foreboding. Beyond the high ivy covered stonewalls that kept people in as much as kept them out, it was as primal as the Garden of Eden in this isolated and desolate place. By daylight the Sisters and disciples alike tended the central monastery garden every day, seeding it, nurturing it, weeding it and watering it. It had been planned and developed by decades of horticultural hermit-like sisters - their obvious love of land and its rich soil brought them the contemplative paradise they designed. The high trees created a canopy from the sun, while the smaller trees, shrubs and bushes created beautiful shaded vistas around a small lake. Lexus had suggested to the Reverend Maria that the garden at night was the perfect place for their most sordid of witchery and performance of their ancient sex rituals. The large stone platform that had been intended for solitary pray, had been converted into a fire lit shrine dedicated to her vile phallic god. After centuries of hiding... here they could openly worship their beloved horned beast under the night stars. Witches and nuns alike, danced naked, fornicating with each other in the most bestial and perverse way, leading to the climatic sacrifice of a young one... whose heart would be eaten whilst it still was beating... and the young nuns offering themselves to the incubi to penetrate them and seed them with more of their evil offspring. So it was amongst their profane satanic order. xxxxx Reverend Maria and her cronies over-saw the arrival of the new intake of young disciples gathered in the monastery square. They were all spritely young girls, sent by their families far and wide to serve the renowned nuns of the Poor Clares. For centuries past, it used to be the right of passage for every young girl that was regarded as a holy commitment. Not all would stay within the community of the church, but time served was to bring a sense of humility and stability in their growth, maturity in their outlook and further their understanding of how best to live their lives in the service of God. This was still true, at all but one of their monasteries of the Poor Clares... Maria's Sisterhood saw it very differently. The `minores' as they were called, to her and her new sisterhood of lust were all just fresh meat to be consumed in the praise of their evil gods. Sisters Lisa, Jane, Samantha and Rose, impatiently waited. They watched with itchy pussies. The rule of the Reverend Maria was that in the daylight hours, that everything at the monastery must remain as it always had - abuse and sacrilege was the patent of the night. Ever since the arrival of Lexus and her secretive coven, the sisterhood's prepensely for outrageous and scandalous behavior had escalated exponentially. The sexual appetites of the sisterhood had become ravenous and the severity of their occult rites quickly depreciated the numbers of `minores' to sate their devilish demands. The sisters had even been sent out to bring back more young girls and even some young boys to refresh their flock to be abused. Reports of the missing had remained beneath the radar, but for how much longer? Sister Samantha had awaited the arrival of the new Sister. News of her past indiscretions had preceded her and had caught the eye of the Reverend Maria. Sent to them as a form of punish was an interesting oxymoron. However, one could not be too careful. Finally she arrived. Upon Sister Evelyn's arrival at the gates of the monastery, Sister Samantha extended her the formal welcome that every Sister was entitled; it would usually be the only time that any attention would be paid. Sister Samantha helped with a small buddle of personal items that she carried. "Sister Evelyn, I am Sister Samantha and this is Sister Rose. Our gracious Reverend Mother awaits you in the garden beyond." "Thank you Sister Samantha, Sister Rose." Replied Evelyn. She was servile, obedient and feminine. It was a well-practiced submissive demeanor. They would believe that they had the upper hand. Samantha could not help but notice the new girl's outward attractiveness. She was already undressing her with sinful eyes. She seemed sweet, vulnerable and so demure... to think she is one of us... the Reverend Maria had told her watch the girl; not to say anything too soon; she would need to be tested by the Reverend Maria herself... to make sure the stories of her sexual misconduct were in fact true. "Forgive me Sisters. I am here under penance. No doubt your Reverend Mother has informed you of my wrong doings. I have been granted a second chance to redeem by virtues and work hard in forfeit. I expect no quarter, and I will do exactly as you ask of me everyday... and every night... so that I may live out my shame before the Father." "Sister Evelyn. Whatever your atonement, you had better save that for the Reverend Mother. She and she alone will decide upon your fate under her watch." xxxxx The late afternoon light had begun to cast long shadows by the time Sister Samantha delivered Sister Evelyn to the Cloister Garden Sanctuary. Darkness was advancing quickly as the sun began to set. The orange-red sky gave way to darker hues of crimson and purple as they merged towards blackness. They found the Reverend Maria by the old Holy Baptismal Font that lay like an over-sized scalloped birdbath upon the low stone plinth. The scene appeared like an impressionist painting with about a dozen or more naked minores, the so-called `little ones' gathered around it like delicate white-skinned nymphs in an enchanted Roman ruin. It appeared as if the Reverend had been leading them in some naked pre-baptism prayer, as the two Sisters approached. "Reverend Mother, this is Sister Evelyn... the Sister sent to join us for punishment." Sister Evelyn allowed her eyes to roam over the nubile bodies of the minores, establishing her cover as Sister Samantha observed her closely. Once a fornicator... always a fornicator... She noticed that the font was dry. No Holy water? Strange? "Sister Evelyn," said the Reverend Maria, as she looked the new Sister up and down, "You have arrived not a moment too soon. Come walk with me in the Garden, while Sister Lisa, Samantha, Jane and Rose make ready the night baptism. Sister Evelyn noticed that despite seniority, the Reverend Maria was only but a few years older. Early thirties, maybe, it was hard to tell. Their physiques too were not so dissimilar in their waifish thinness and petite bone structure. They both walked slowly and silently at first, stepping out of view of the other Sisters and the young ones intended for the night baptism ceremony. "I see that you noticed their nakedness? In the Garden of Eden, it is the sign of innocence and the unashamedness before the Devine Baptismal font. You must appreciate the simple beauty of this?" Said Reverend Maria as they walked in the shadows. "Yes Reverend Mother, I see the beauty. But it is the appreciation of beauty that I am ashamed of." "And the beauty that you find so shameful, would be that which proceeds you from your last monastery?" "Yes Reverend Mother. My penance to the Order is why I am here." "Tell me then... of this so-called shamefulness." Asked the Reverend Maria as if asking about the weather. "About the report against me for committing gross misconduct?" Sister Evelyn sensed a test-within-a-test, despite the caring and demure demeanor of the Reverend Maria. Did she know anything? How was she involved in this? "Yes my dear. Tell me about it. The truth now." Urged the Reverend Maria. "Well... Reverend Mother... I was accused of taking indecent liberties with several young girls in the seminary." "Yes, I have read the report. But that is not what I asked. Tell me about the shamefulness... how can I help you my dear, if I don't know your state of mind at the time of these lewd acts... did you sin knowingly? Did you sin willingly?" The Reverend Maria stopped walking and turned to face Sister Evelyn. She looked closely at her, as if trying to see into her soul. Sister Evelyn blushed. "I am so ashamed Reverend Mother... I knowingly and willingly acted... it was not like that at first... but quickly I realized that my behavior was unbecoming of a Poor Clare but I still persisted... I had become what I hated most... I prayed to God Almighty for strength... but I was weak... I found that I looked upon the young ones and they stirred ungodly desires... I tried not to fall to this devilish temptation and found some relief in the sin of self-abuse... but the wickedness was too much... and eventually I compromised myself and the Order in a number of molestations." "CONFESSION is the first step. Tell me Sister, as you gave into the temptation, gave into your wickedness, fueled by your own masturbatory pleasures! May I ask... did you feel wet between the legs... did you feel the JOY OF SINFULNESS?" "Oh Reverend Mother... YES! IT IS TRUE!" She was now shaking as she spoke. It was a grand performance and the Reverend Maria seemed to believe her. The Reverend Maria comforted her, gently holding her hands, as Evelyn pretended to confess her fictitious wrongdoings. She had done this before and was very convincing. A slip up now could expose her cover and she could not afford that to happen. She needed to observe their behavior and get to the truth about the wayward monastery. Was there an enclave here? Were some of the sisters influenced by demons... right under the nose of this caring Reverend Maria? "Tell me honestly, upon all that you hold HOLY AND SACRED... given the opportunity to reoffend... to coerce, corrupt... to seduce the innocent... like, just now at the Holy Font... those beautiful naked young girls... I need to know, in order to help you my dear... did they... excite you? Did you moisten between your thighs at the sight of those vulnerable, unspoilt things?" Sister Evelyn noticed, for the first time, the darkness in the Garden. The full moon gave everything an eerie lightness. She thought about their mantra `Sin loves the cover of darkness.' Darkness was now all around her now. They had walked in a small circle and were not far from the Holy Font. Evelyn smelt burning of oil torches and the raw sound of a single pagan drum. "Reverend Mother... I am afraid of these questions you ask me..." Sister Evelyn felt a subtle but sinister change in the Reverend Maria. "Because the answer... is yes." It was more like a statement of knowing, not another question. Evelyn sighed in secret relief. Her inelegant charade was still holding up and with the Reverend Maria's assumptions flawed, as Sister Evelyn's masquerade continued. "Reverend Mother... you look so young... but I see that you are so wise... unlike others before you in our clergy... you see that my heart is still black and filled with sinfulness... PLEASE HELP ME..." "Help you, I will... now come and observe the night baptism of our coven..." Coven? Was the Reverend Maria involved? Again, Evelyn sighed, this time in the realization that the monastery could be corrupt from the top down. She shivered at the implications. Clasping Evelyn's hand, the Reverend Maria led her to the edge of the foliage. From this vantage point, Evelyn could clearly see the minores in the light of the fire torches as they danced gaily around the dry baptismal font. Their pagan-like dance, fueled by the persistent drumming, was subtly erotic and sensual as the nuns gathered around them. As they all began to chant `WE SIN IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS', the pulsing beat become more urgent, and the young naked girls became even more animated, moving more lewdly, more salaciously, their small hands caressing themselves, touching their tiny breasts and bald pussies... even rubbing themselves against each other as they danced around the Font before the leering Sisters. "Oh my God!" Whispered Sister Evelyn, aware of the Reverend Maria standing very close to her as she still held her hand tightly. "YES... the night baptism. It will be their initiation ritual. Look how joyous they are... most willing to participate... more than eager to join the devilments of our coven!" The nuns had begun to remove their habits and made no secret of their wickedness as they all masturbated openly... some with fingers, others with their long wooden cock-crucifixes. The first of the young girls climbed to the dry font. The young naked girl lay down; legs splayed wide and continued touching herself between her thighs in a lewd performance for all the nuns to see. One of the nasty nuns also climbed into the baptismal font, but stood above her. She sneered at the girl below. Using her long boney fingers, the perverted nun held open her swollen labia. OH NO! It's happening, thought Evelyn... I must not intervene... only observe... "But baptism without Holy Water?" Said Evelyn without thinking. "Holy Water?" The Reverend Maria chuckled. "The Garden of Eden, would be incomplete without the wickedness of the serpent... tonight and every night my dear Eve, is a celebration of lust of the flesh... here we use the water of our loins... baptism in urine is such a wonderfully perverse thing don't you agree!" "Y-e-s..." Stuttered Evelyn. In her mind she was panicking. Just then, the horny nun began to piss over the enthusiastic young girl, directing her urethra so that she sprayed the girl's entire body with her golden juices, but concentrated upon her face. The girl eagerly lent upwards with her mouth open, firstly to drink the nun's hot piss and then as the urine flow began to die, to kiss and lick at the nun's piss-wet vagina. "WE SIN IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS!" They all chanted as the nun encouraged her minore to perform cunnilingus upon her as she gyrated and thrust her hip to the beat of the pagan drum. Sister Evelyn drew a short gasp and shook like a leaf. Still holding her hand, she felt the Reverend Mother guide her fingers between her legs, pressing them against the course material of her habit again her crutch... encouraging masturbation... demanding that she touch herself as she observed to perverted piss sex ritual... it was an enclave of wickedness... controlled, no doubt, by the invisible hands of the demons... "Help you, I will... to find your true calling my dear... to serve your true god with a sisterhood that welcomes the very desires to which you have been sent to us to punish... so let the punishment begin... tonight under the cover of darkness in our coven there will be NO LIMITS TO THE JOYS OF YOUR SIN!" Sister Evelyn froze momentarily. What was she going to do? She could not compromise her position... but to participate in such awful sin was incomprehensible. She knew, if she refused to participate, that her cover would be blown. She maybe lucky enough to escape... but at great risk... she MUST get word back to the Sisterhood... no, she would have no choice but to go along with this horrific charade. Father, forgive me! Her legs opened slightly, allowing the Reverend Maria to continue her own forced masturbation - as the Reverend Maria pressed Evelyn's fingers harder and harder against her vagina, through the course fabric of her habit. She pretended to let out a little moan. "That's it my dear... no need for shame here... we all `Sin under the cover of darkness'... you are our amongst your kindred... remove your gown with me... be naked in the garden of evil lust... the molestation and rape ritual is about to begin... soon the demons will arrive to fornicate with us as we offer sacrifice to them upon the phallic altar... we are all brides of the dark god! Tonight you will fornicate openly with young ones... many of them... and when we have finished... we will offer all the unwilling little ones for sacrifice! And will feast upon their flesh! Hail Satan!" "Hail... Satan," reluctantly responded Sister Evelyn... it was worse than she had ever imagined. Now she was front and centre of this demonic enclave... she wanted to run away, far from this dark and evil place... but knew that she could not. The Reverend Maria removed her gown first, revealing her small boyish chest and clean shaved mons and as Sister Evelyn reluctantly complied. The Reverend Maria drew her close to her, removing the Sister's modest bra and underwear, until they pressed together, skin against skin, in a naked Sapphic embrace. The Reverend Maria pressed her lips against Sister Evelyn momentarily as her hands explored the Evelyn's naked back and bottom... pressing them together - then Sister Evelyn felt the hotness of her tongue fill her mouth as the Reverend Maria ground her erect clitoris against her dry vagina. "You are nervous, naturally... it's almost too much to comprehend? I understand. I was once like you... but the taste of blood, semen and urine in your mouth... OH the BLASPHEMOUS JOY OF EMBRACING SATAN... rest assured, this night and every night, you are free to abuse... my beautiful Eve... we have many young children here for you... but first... my cunt is on fire and needs your willing tongue in me to seal our demonic pact... KNEEL BEFORE AND MAKE ME CUM!" Sister Evelyn knelt and hesitantly began to lick between the Reverend Maria's labia, that was already wet and open like an evil flower. Though she had never gone this far to protect her identity... she could not see any way out... she prayed to God for forgiveness as she felt the Reverend Maria's hand on the back of her head guiding her forcefully against her dripping cunt. "SUCK MY CUNT MY UNHOLY SLUT! CHRIST BE FUCKED! Ohhhhhhhhh yerrrrrrrrr! WE SIN IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS and WORSHIP THE DEVIL!" Now the Reverend Maria was humping her face harder and harder and was obviously close to her first cum of the night. Evelyn's face was saturated in her slimy juices as she tried to get it over with... hoping the Reverend Maria would not notice her revolt at performing such a despicable act. "Oh Eve... I still feel your apprehension... fear not and give yourself to me fully... become the evil slut you know you are... my bladder is so full and distained... ohhhhhhhhhh, fuck yerrrrrr... how I enjoy the taste of urine in the mouths and on the skin of my young lovers..." with that Evelyn's mouth filled with the Reverend Maria's hot acrid piss... the salty liquid sprayed over her tongue and down her throat, then, as she closed her mouth and pulled back, it sprayed over her face and cascaded down her body. "I baptize you in the name of the phallic horned one, the Goat of Mendez, the Baphomet... THE GOD OF LUST AND DEPRAVITY!" Evelyn fell backwards on the grassy mound. The heady smell of urea and the taste of it in her mouth, filled her with disgust and revulsion... but despite this, her fingers still pressed against herself... no longer forced to masturbate, she found herself excited and horny... so FUCKING HORNY it was unbearable... finger-fucking herself and groaning... ohhhhh... more... more... MORE! She was now abusing herself in front of this evil woman and she knew it... she licked her lips, savoring the salty taste as her fingers began to move even faster and lustier... more urgently towards a pleasure that came from nowhere... or from somewhere that she feared and loathed... it was unnatural or supernatural... certainly nothing Christian about this! The fear fuelled the excitement. YES! What was wrong with her? YES! How could she enjoy such a depraved thing? YES! FUCK YES! The Reverend Maria looked very pleased. She held out her hand. "YES! You feel the beauty of sin! Give yourself to LUST... The rape ritual and Satanic orgy is about to begin... come Eve... join me and your sisterhood in welcoming the cocks of the serpents!" LITTLE MONSTERS - PART SIXTEEN (833 WORDS) Tiny little Sally Fairfax, the ginger headed ten-year-old, lay comatose across the crimson satin sheets of the huge altar bed. Sabrina Chatwin eyed the defiled crucifix, partially covered with human excreta that lay to one side of her and the despoiled open pages of the piss-drenched bible. The priest had prepared well, converting the old stone crypt below the 8th century chapel naves was the perfect place for their satanic ritual. What had once been the splendid family burial vault situated directly below the high altar of the private chapel owned once by a wealthy landlord was now the devil's playground. The desecrated remains of the tomb's occupants had been reassembled to form an inverted cross upon the wall of skulls and the larger bones. Returning her attention to their Cambion, Sabrina noticed the impish expression and closed eyes, she would have been a perfect picture of angelic innocence, however combined with her of lewd `fuck me' nakedness and vulgarly spread legs, she was an open invitation of pedophilic devilment - her thin little limbs spread out, as if crucified upon a Saint Andrew's cross. Sabrina, the twenty-two year-old and Simone Fuller, the thirty-eight year-old looked down wantonly upon her with savage intent... she was, after all, the perverted Cambion that had called them to her side... their lusty thoughts fueled their eagerness to copulate with the sexy demon-child. The handsome, but wicked priest, Father Dominic, stood a step behind the two naked and horny women, his cock fully erect, dripping with pre-cum in anticipation of what he knew was about to happen. He panted in eagerness for their blasphemous foursome to begin. He had previous had sex with the changling and knew her hermaphroditic qualities. He had not mentioned it to either Sabrina or Simone... but he was sure that they, like him, would be delighted. Just then, Sally stirred in her sleepiness and an arc of urine flowed freely from between her legs soaking the bedding. "Christ be fucked... she's so beautiful..." Whispered Sabrina. "Ohhhh...." Groaned Simone. "I feel her inside my mind... she sees our perverseness... oh FUCKING YER... she wants us... all of us... to pay homage to her... to worship her... the devil is inside her... she cries out for our sinful passions... voices, so many evil voices... they cry out... OH CHRIST BE FUCKED, THE HORDES OF HELL... they cry out to US TO RAPE HER... FUCKING RAPE HER NOW!!!" The two insatiable pedophiles needed no further invitation to descend upon the young child like hungry wolves. They were both masturbating furiously as they immediately feasted upon the girl's delicate body. They intuitively began licking and sucking at Sally's salty genitals, taking turns sucking her tiny immature clitoris that now peeped from its little fleshy sheath. Soon it began swelling, firstly pushing upward and parting Simone's lips as she sucked upon this unnatural organ. As Sabrina took over, it continued to grow longer and thicker, pressing hard against the inside of her mouth to the size of a boy's penis, but still the demonic child did not stir. Simone and Sabrina continued the sucking routine with greater vigor... the penis-like appendage extending further as they could now both worshipped it at the same time... no longer just a phallic-like column of flesh, but a fully formed penis of eight inches in length, two inches in thickness and still expanding. Simone watched as Sally's mouth opened. As the changling child groaned lewdly, a long pink penile tongue emerged from her parted lips. She knew what the Cambion wanted them to do... she thought about the incestuous sex she had so much enjoyed with her own perverted child, Olivia. `YEEEESSSSS!' Hissed the chorus of evil voices in her head... the filthy toilet sex that she daughter demanded as they prayed to Satan. The unholy orgasmic delight of sodomy! Oh blessed temptress of Sodom... SHIT IN HER MOUTH... SHIT IN HER MOUTH! TAKE HER COCKS! WORSHIP SATAN! "OH YEEEER! I hear the blasphemous voices too! CHRIST BE FUCKED!" Announced the excited priest as he stood over the child. Sabrina and Simone mounted the child's face and pelvis respectively, both masturbating vigorously, fingers pressed hard against their engorged clits as they faced each other. Simone kissed Sabrina full on the mouth as she guided the child's penis-like clitoris between the cleft of her backside. Their tongue twisted together as Sabrina's lowered herself over the youngster's open mouth. Her guts turned and she felt her bowels move... the odor of human excrement escaped her anus into the closeness of the vault as she started to defecate. Sabrina gasped as the penile tongue shot upward penetrating her shit stuffed rectum. "OHhhhhhhhh... FUCK! FUCCCCK!" Screamed Sabrina. "Hail... Hail... Praise be to SATAN!" Cried the priest as he urinated over the three of them on the altar bed. As his bowels churned, his hand retrieved the fowl offering from his rectum as he spread it across his chest and abdomen. LITTLE MONSTERS - PART SEVENTEEN (882 WORDS) No words could describe the incredible loss that Longinus felt. He stood over the body of what was left of his deceased girlfriend, who he had reduced to a lifeless corpse laying face down in an expanding scarlet pool that stretched out across the marble floor of her luxurious penthouse. He took a deep breath and mentally counted down from ten before releasing it. He did it again and again, trying to calm himself down. This would be a difficult situation to circumvent - maybe he had acted too rashly, but the truth was that he had no choice. The facts were the facts and she was the offspring of a demon... a Cambion... half human and half demon. He had killed many of them before... but killing your own lover was something different. He consoled himself that they were his sworn enemy and the evidence had been overwhelming. He felt disgust and dismay over the perverted pornographic films - they shocked him still. How did he not see this before? Was he under her demonic spell? Given enough time, it would have beaten him... he would have ended up participating in that filth, that vile fifth that subjugated other human beings to nothing more than food for the demons. Her exceptional beauty had accentuated her absolute evilness. How could something so beautiful be so wicked? He had been kneeling next to her body and now his trousers where soaked in the stickiness of her blood. His DNA would be everywhere, but that could be explained - after all he was her boyfriend. The police profilers always suspected the next of kin or the jealous lover. He would be indicted for murder - his explanation, she was a half demon? The only answer was to get rid of the evidence, get rid of the body. He had done it before and he knew that there was ways to cover up the murders necessitated by the war against demonic forces - a battle he felt he was losing. Longinus looked at his wristwatch - time had felt as if it had stood still. He had called both Father Dominic and Gareth Fuller. They were both to come and help clean up a crime scene, remove all evidence and dispose of the body - he had not told them which crime scene or which body. Best not to say too much over the mobile. The sound of the doorbell nearly gave his a heart attack. Longinus answered the entry phone. He could see the faces of both Father Dominic and Gareth on the remote camera. He made a mental note that he must make sure that all security footage was destroyed. Longinus allowed them to come up the private elevator to the apartment. They were late. Not like them to be late. He waited at the lobby. The door slid open. "What's going on Leo?" Asked the Father. He paused as he noticed a body at the end of the corridor. "Who is it? What happened?" "Oh my God, its Linx!" Stated Gareth. The color had drained from his face. "You shot Linx? What the hell?" "She... was one of them. I have the evidence." Said Longinus in a detached manner. "A demon? A demon?" Repeated the priest. The three of them now stood over the body. "I... can't believe it... a fucking goddamn demon?" "Yes. Now we need to this all cleaned up. Get rid of the body." Stated Longinus, hoping to get Father Dominic and Gareth out of their state-of-shock and back into the real world, where he needed their help. "This is going to be awkward to explain!" Said Gareth. "That is why we need to get this done and get out of here." The priest closed his eyes, as if in silent prayer. "I will get the stuff from the car." Said Gareth as he turned to use the elevator again. Reaching the lift, the door opened and Samuel emerged. He patted Gareth on the shoulder. "Longinus. He killed Linx." Said Gareth to Samuel. "Douglas." Said Longinus. "Good, I'm glad you're here. We need to move the body." Samuel looked at the dead body of his Cambion sister. He looked at Longinus and then again at the body of the girl. "You will pay for this!" Snarled Samuel as he grabbed Longinus by the throat. Samuel's inhuman strength gave his secret identity away. "You! You're one of them!" Cried Longinus as he grabbed Samuel's wrist to support him self, as he dangled in the air. "Yes I certainly am. Douglas died many years ago at the hand of his demon brother... and that would be... me!" Longinus looked to Father Dominic and Gareth; their lack of response told Longinus that he was on his own on this one. The lack of oxygen was making his head spin... Longinus gasped in the ever-tightening grip of the demon. Then there was blackness. LITTLE MONSTERS - PART EIGHTEEN (937 WORDS) "No. Please. No. Don't. PLEASE. STOP. NO. AAGGHHHHHHH..." As Longinus began to regain some consciousness, he first realised that he was still alive. He was no longer in his girlfriend's luxurious penthouse apartment. The local police would find the body of his dead girlfriend, Linx. No doubt they would be looking for him. A manhunt for a murderer was no doubt underway. The evidence against him would be over-whelming. He might as well be dead. A sharp pain in his neck accompanied the realization of his verticality. He head hung to one side. His nakedness and restraint became obvious. His arm and legs stretched out in the shape of a St. Andrew's cross. He was not alone either. Despite his blurred vision, he could make out the naked forms of three or was it four, upon a low ritualistic platform or bed. They were obviously involved in something unsavory... he could hear the sounds of a crying boy, as he struggled against the adult arms that held him fast. The blurs where more distinctive, as he recognized Gareth and the priest, Father Dominic... both of which, up until his encounter over the death of his girlfriend, he had thought incorruptible... and both active participants in the fellowship of `Those Who Know'. There were others too; two women and a young girl. The low light inside the crypt made it difficult to see. Now seeing them all naked, the men hard as nails... as his old colleagues held the boy against his will, meant they were no longer members of his holy crusade, but in league the demons. Yet another figure emerged from the dullness. I was Samuel, the disenchanted twin of his deceased brother, Douglas, previously another of his holy cohorts. Samuel was a Cambion, a monster by birth from human mother and incubus... a powerful evil creature capable of transformation. In human form, they were always the most handsome of men, or the most beautiful of women, or the most angelic of children... but under this charade lay only pure wickedness. They had power over others... humans, that were attracted to them sexually... humans, that became as evil as their masters and mistresses... eager to serve them, worship them and do their sinful will, at the cost of other human victims. "Please don't... please don't hurt me," pleaded the struggling boy as Samuel knelt between his legs. Longinus watched motionless as he saw the demon masturbate him self whilst taking the boy's flaccid penis and balls into his mouth. "Gloria tibi, Satanas Luciferi (Glory to you, Satan, Lucifer)." Said the priest. "Please don't... let me go, I won't tell anyway... please." Samuel lifted his head away from the boy's genitals, which were now no longer flaccid, and lent forward to place his mouth over the young boy's cock, kissing him hard. Longinus tried to look away. He had even been a victim of their clever disguise. His ex-girlfriend, Linx, had been a porn star in pedophile snuff movies... he too had been blinded by her allure. Her attractiveness and sexy charms had been purposefully applied. If he had not realised, he too may have been brainwashed into assist her. His mind case back to his gruesome discovery of so many videos - the evidence left no doubt. Some these had featured her in what appeared to be consensual sexual situations with very young boys and girls; these had not been amateur video, the productions could only be described as well choreographed; with clothing and props, various locations and even depicted with a narrative. Then there were others where she was obviously a Dominatrix and the children were reduced to nothing more than her sex toys; these seemed to move into the domain of semi and non-consensual sex involving rubber, leather, bondage, punishment and elements of femdom, with incest, urination, scat, bestiality and transvestitism - the vile list went on. Longinus had felt overwhelmed and even physically sick. The most extreme movies left no doubt in his mind. Linx was a demon and he had inadvertently come across a coven of wickedness - a nest of evil pedophile demons, right beneath his own eyes. These violent movies were blasphemous, insidious and nothing sort of horrific... the Marquis De Sade of demonology - orgies of Satanism, forced sex, violent rape, vampirism, ritual abuse and sacrificial murder, all in the context of devil worshipping rituals with young victims being offered to appease evil sex gods. These were all finely crafted movie productions by demons for demons, and their perverted human worshippers. He had no choice. He had killed her. It was kill or be killed... but at the cost of his own freedom and possibly at the cost of his own life. Why had the Cambion not killed him when he had the chance? Why restrain him to witness even more depravity? There were things worse than death! "Gloria tibi, Satanas Luciferi (Glory to you, Satan, Lucifer)." Said the priest again. The groaning brought Longinus back to the moment and his current predicament. The boy was no longer restrained. His small hands held the strong shoulders of the demon whose mouth was wrapped around his sexual organ. The boy's eyes were closed and he bucked back and forward. The contrast of the boy's initial intrepidation and fear against his obvious enjoyment and lewd abandonment shocked the demon-killer. "Satanas gratias (Thanks be to Satan). He is ready Master." To be continued... 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