Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Natalie in the stocks Copyright 2003 By Wraith Do not read unless you're over 18, and like all my stories I retain any and all rights to this story. Natalie awoke in the dark, and she could swear she heard the sounds of a rooster crowing. Natalie rolled over, and looked over towards the nightstand, and had a hard time finding her digital alarm clock. She listened and she could swear she heard a cow, and other farm animals, and jumped out of bed when she realized she was not in her room, and she wondered how drunk she was last night. She opened the shutters, blinked at the bright morning light, and looked out the dirty window, and saw an even dirtier village with a wide mud road through its middle. Natalie turned from the window, and saw her pants, and shirt lying on a chair. She remembered the accident at the lab, and somehow traveled back in time, and wondered how long she would have to wait in this godforsaken place before she was able to return to her timeline, but for now she was stuck in an early America village that looked like a postcard for Thanksgiving complete with pilgrims. Natalie opened the other shutters in the room, and let the morning light shine into her dirt floor hovel. She walked over to her clothing, and pulled off the thick flannel nightgown. She stood in the center of the room naked, and stretched. Had she known she was being watched by group of ruffians from the village she would have been quicker to dress, but she thought she was alone, and casually dressed. Natalie pulled on her bra and panties, and then her jeans, and a t-shirt. She saw something under her bed, and realized it was a chamber pot, and she could not imagine using that, and went in search of the outhouse in the backyard. Natalie opened the outhouse door, and really missed indoor plumbing at that moment. Natalie heard snickering, and she tried to ignore it when she pushed her pants down. She listened to the voices, and she could hear the villagers gathering outside the door, and they started complaining about the way she was dressed. Natalie remembered the era she was in, and she knew she was in trouble because she dressed like a man in breaches. Natalie thought desperately for an escape, but she was trapped in the outhouse, and no way out except the door. Natalie sat in the outhouse as long as she could, and when she finally exited the outhouse she heard a woman cry, "Get the tart!" Natalie wasn't prepared when the villagers descended upon her, and two men grabbed her by the elbows, and Natalie was forcibly drug through the streets to the town's elder. She listened to charges against her, and she became outraged, and tried to object, but she wished she kept her big mouth shut. Natalie listened to the town's elder, and was shocked to learn since she was a single woman living alone, and without a man's protection and guidance, the townsfolk would have to publicly humiliate her in the stocks, she would be redressed in womanly clothing, and they would release her in the morning and we only hope she learned the errors of her ways. "How say you all?" The town's elder said. "Aye!" the villagers screamed. The men in the town wanted a chance to fondle any women stupid enough to get thrown in the stocks, and shouted lustily with joy, and the womenfolk wanted the doxy to be so humiliated she would leave the town, and their men alone. "Then it is settled. If our visitor here will be so kind as to remove her clothing, and if any of the goodwives have an extra dress..." "You're all fucking crazy! There is no way I'll let a bunch of inbred yokels put me in the stocks." Natalie screamed into faces of the shocked crowd. When she was grabbed again, she screamed, "Let go of me!" Natalie fought like a tigress. She was overpowered, and stretched between two men, and soon after felt the rest of the men's hands begin touching her everywhere. Natalie tried to twist away from the grope on her breasts, and screamed when someone twisted her nipples to keep her still. She struggled mightily when she felt the first of many hands rubbing between her legs, but in the end she was held secured. Natalie was ashamed she was turned on by their rough treatment of her. Natalie was breathing heavily in the arms of her captors as every man in the room got their chance and fondled her. The elder was last in line, and shouted, "Quiet" and Natalie winced when the elder twisted both her hardened nipples. The elder released his firm grip on Natalie's nipples, and lightly caressed her breasts while he spoke, "This young maiden needs to be reminded women are docile creatures, and should not aspire to be men's equals. Are you ready to get properly dressed..." "Women are the equals of men, you old geezer! I can dress any way I want!" Natalie realized her error as soon as she spoke, and cursed her big mouth. The elder walked quietly to a table of women, and said, "You try my patience little one, and you need to be reminded the errors of your ways. I will let your sisters teach you." Natalie was happy when the men turned her over to the women. She expected the women of the town to protect her, but was shocked when the women grabbed her, and bent her face down over the back of a chair. Natalie felt her feet spread wide, and held beside the legs of the chair. Natalie was held secured over the chair. She heard a woman speaking behind her. "Please sister, I beg of you to remove you unnatural clothing, and take the garb of women once again. Please..." Natalie was furious because she thought the women of this town were little better than slave to the men, and said defiantly, "One day all women will rejoice in their freedom, and will stand beside men as equals..." "We will not listen to your false words!" "AHHH!" Natalie felt the hard stinging slap of a belt across her tight pants, and then another, and yet another. "Stop that you bitch!" Natalie screamed after the fifth swat to her tender ass. "Please stop. I can't take it!" Natalie fought with all her will power, but after the tenth swat she yelled out, "I was wrong! Please stop!" Three more swats were delivered, and Natalie was released, and she stood there crying, and rubbing her sore ass. She could not look at the men's smiling faces, nor the women when she said, "I will dress as a woman should, I was wrong." Natalie was lead to the front of the room, and when she was turned around she could see the entire town looking at her. She struggled to remain calm when she untied her shoes, and slipped then off with her socks. Natalie could feel the tension in the room when she grabbed the pulled her shit over her head. She wished her bra was thicker, and she knew the town could see the color of her nipples. She unsnapped her pants, and she looked for an avenue of freedom, but all she saw was lust-filled faces. Natalie knew she was about to be humiliated, but pushed her pants down, and she debated which to remove first her bra or her panties. Natalie felt the wet heat in her panties, and was humiliated because the town was causally discussing the large wet spot on her panties. Natalie removed her bra and panties, and stood there trying to cover her nudity. Natalie was grateful when a woman came forward with a dress and shirt, and handed it to the elder. He handed Natalie the clothing, and said, "A woman that acts like a child should dress as a child." Natalie quickly pulled the garments on. She would have been comfortable in her time, but wearing a mid-thigh length dress when all the other women wore floor length dresses was a little disconcerting. She could feel the eyes on her naked thighs, and realized the town knew she was naked under the dress. The loose blouse was almost as bad. The blouse was designed to show off a good bit of cleavage, and the owner of the blouse was a very busty woman, and this meant Natalie's small breasts were all but exposed. She looked down, and a mere inch lower her nipples would be shown. Natalie made the mistake of bending over to get her shoes, and she felt the blouse fall away from her body, and she knew she just flashed her breasts to the crowd. Natalie walked barefoot to the stocks. She heard the townspeople saying the old barefoot and pregnant joke, and knew it must be a really old joke. Natalie was bent over, and fastened into the stocks. Natalie blushed when she felt her short skirt creeping up her thighs. She knew the skirt was very close to uncovering her charms, and the blouse was hopeless while she remained bent over. She knew every person walking by would be able to clearly see down her blouse. Natalie was bent over in the stocks for about an hour, and she was so humiliated whenever someone would pass by, and taunt her. Natalie watched a group of men walk towards her, and soon they gathered directly in front of her, and she blushed when she saw not one of the men even looked near her eyes. The leader leaned down so Natalie could see him, and said, "That was some fight you put up this morning. Most women around these parts are meek as lamb, and know their place. We'll be back later tonight, and see if we can educate you. We'll help you remember you're a woman, and supposed to wear women's clothing, don't you worry." Natalie protested, she didn't need their help, but knew her words were not going to stop the men from coming back. She watched hopelessly as the men walked behind the stocks. Natalie waited. She knew something was going to happen, and she screamed, "STOP THAT!" when she felt her short half-dress flipped up over her back, and tucked into her waistband. Natalie shook her hips much to the delight of the men looking at her naked posterior, and try as she might she could not get her short skirt to cover her body. She spent the afternoon alone with the breeze on her naked backside. Natalie shouted for joy when after standing on display in the stocks a strong gust of wind, and a good bit of luck fixed her skirt, but her thoughts turned to the dread of the approaching darkness. She knew as soon as darkness descended she would be at the men's mercy. Natalie would only see an occasional person pass by, and every few hours or so a woman would come and bring her a glass of water, but Natalie could not get them to talk to her. She never felt so alone as she waited, and watched the sun sink into the west. She was fed dinner, and as twilight descended the town became empty as the townsfolk went home. Natalie waited alone in the dark. She heard shuffling behind her, and try as she might she could not behind her. Natalie said, "hello? Is any one there?" Natalie screamed, "AHHH..." when she felt a finger lightly poke her in the left ass cheek on top of the short skirt. She knew whomever the finger belonged to was just building up their nerve to touch her more intimately. Natalie said, "Please don't..." but whomever the finger belonged to didn't listen, and Natalie felt the finger start to trace circle patterns on her butt, and slowly grazed her womanhood. She again tried, and said, "Please have mercy. There is no need to do this to me." Natalie felt herself responding to the light touch, and felt the familiar hunger start in her loins. She started to worry when the lone finger was replaced with a whole hand, but this time on her bare flesh. Natalie felt the hand just rest itself on her right butt cheek, and she said when the hand started to caress her ass, "Please..." Natalie hated herself because her body was betraying her. She opened her legs so the stranger could gain better access to the body. Natalie blushed when her feet were tapped, and Natalie felt the heat in her loins when she opened her legs wider. Natalie tried once again, and said, "P...Pl... Please... S... St... Stop..." Natalie was not ready for the reply. She felt her skirt flipped over her hips, and five or six very hard stinging slaps to her naked ass, and someone eerily whispered, "You will not say another word if you do not want to be spanked into obedience. Stand there and be quiet if you know what is good for you." Natalie was cowered because she knew she was powerless to stop this person from doing anything they wanted to do to her. Natalie felt the gentle touch on her bare bottom again, and she suffered in silence, as she was groped. Natalie was fondled on her ass for about five minutes before she moaned out loud. Natalie felt the stranger's two middle fingers sliding up and back across her womanhood. She tried to stop her body's natural response, but the gentle touching was more than she could take, and moaned, "Oh... Yessssss..." Natalie listened to the breathing of the person touching her, and she thought it was a little erotic she was unable to see the person touching her. Natalie felt the person lean across her back, and start to caress her small breasts. Natalie felt the two fingers speed up their rubbing of her vagina, and now with the person's other hand caressing her left breast she knew she had to orgasm. Natalie surrendered to her need, and opened her feet wider, and rocked her hips in the opposite direction of the fingers between her thighs. Natalie was breathing heavily, and started to grunt with each breath from the way this stranger was touching her. Natalie felt one hand stroking her naked breasts. The hand would alternate between her breasts, and vary the roughness. One time it would be extra gentle, and then it would pull the hard nipples, and twist them causing Natalie to grit her teeth, and then just as fast the pain was gone, and the hand was now caressing her breasts lightly, and Natalie was left with intense pleasure. The hand playing with her vagina was driving Natalie insane now, one second it would concentrate all its efforts on her hard clit, and Natalie was sure in the next second she would cum, but the damned hand seemed to know when Natalie was about to climax, and it would move to rub her inner thigh, and as soon as Natalie cooled down enough the finger would find her clit again, and it would start all over. Natalie was aroused in a way she had not been in sometime. She was coming to terms with the fact that her unknown stranger would not let her climax until he felt she had suffered enough. Natalie felt herself climbing higher, and she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming out. She felt the fingers on her vagina start to rub harder and harder. She couldn't catch her breath as the intense wave started to roll throughout her body. Natalie felt herself cresting, and felt the powerful orgasm start. Natalie almost passed out from the intensity of the orgasm. Natalie felt the fingers continued to caress her pussy; and she still felt the last couple waves from the first orgasm when the second crested. Natalie was humping the hand for all she was worth, and she was worried she would choke herself from the power of the climaxes. Natalie awoke to the quiet crickets chirping. She was alone, and she was shocked to see a woman walking away from the stocks, and down the street. Natalie wondered if her unknown hand belonged to a woman, but she stopped thinking when she saw a group of men walking up the street. Natalie got scared as they neared. Natalie watched each man pass beyond her wooden prison. She could hear the men behind her, and waited in fear. She felt the men start to touch every part of her body, and she moaned. Her body was still primed from her previous two orgasms, and she heard the men say, "let's unwrap our present, and see the hidden charms hidden under her clothing." Natalie screamed out when she felt her feet pulled wide, and held fast by unknown hands. She heard a man ask for a knife, and soon after it was used on the hem of her skirt, and continued to cut the fabric until her skirt were tossed on the ground in front of her. Natalie felt her thin blouse slit up the back, and soon it also joined the jeans in the dust. She heard the laughing at her spread nakedness, and she prayed they would leave her some dignity. Natalie was now naked as the day she was born, and she listened to the men's chatter. She listened in shame when they said, "Look at how wet she is! You can smell her pussy all the way back here. I bet she got all worked up thinking about what a town full of men would do to a helpless female." Natalie couldn't believe the rude comments were exciting her. Natalie felt the familiar tingle in her pussy when she realized the men could see every detail of her body with her bent over, and the men holding her legs wide-open. Natalie blushed as one man stood in front of her got down on the ground, and scooted under the stocks. Natalie knew he was looking up at her naked body, and she felt humiliated, but still her nipples ached for his caress. Natalie felt the first physical contact with her naked body when someone stroked her left tit. She wanted to speak up, but remembered the swats from the first visitor. Natalie moaned when two fingers were slowly pushed inside her, and sawed in and out. Natalie was unable to stop her body from responding, and soon was breathing heavily. The six men each took a turn with her. Natalie came about half a dozen times, and she tried to shake her sweat soaked hair out of her face. The leader came, and knelt in front of Natalie, and told her they would be back tomorrow night to fulfill her dreams. He said he would gather all the men in town, and if she were still here tomorrow the whole town would get to know her intimately. Natalie was grateful, but disappointed when the men left her alone. Natalie could not sleep, and when the sun started to rise she felt better. She thought she would be freed, but when a woman screamed the noise awoke the town. Natalie cringed when the townspeople started to congregate around her naked form. She heard comments from the women, and knew she was in trouble. She knew a jealous woman was something to fear. She tried, but was unable to get anyone to talk to her. Natalie waited for as long as she could, but wanted to die from embarrassment when she had to ask. "Uhm, I need to be set free so I can use the outhouse." The laughter was almost as bad as asking. Natalie wanted to die when they said she had to wait for the elder's permission. They explained he had to get his farm in order first, and would be along shortly. Natalie waited, but felt she would bust, and when the dam broke she was almost reduced to tears. She hung her head in shame, but the damned tingle started again. She never dreamed a town full of people would watch her go to the bathroom, but then again she never expected a town full of people to see her naked in the stocks. Natalie felt like a curiosity. The townsfolk would linger and gawk at the naked woman in the center of town, and the men would walk around to the back and check out her wares. Natalie could hear the elder's bellow when he saw her, "I gave you a chance, and what do I see when I come to release you? I see a naked strumpet! You try my patience girl, and I will treat you like a little girl if that is what you want. Bring her to the whipping post!" When Natalie heard the words whipping post she almost fainted. She knew she was in deep trouble. She had trouble walking, and she was half drug to the whipping post. Natalie knew that her kicking legs and squirming bottom provided quite a show. The crowd's shouts of "make her dance", and "show us some fur again, Miss Prissy!" caused here face to burn almost as brightly as her bottom. Having to spend another day in the stocks stark naked was even worse. The "decent" women of the town simply glared at her, while the others winked at her or rubbed their backsides in mock sympathy. The obscene comments and hand gestures from the men were even more degrading. The ruffians were back that night, and as promised brought along friends, although she never saw their faces, she knew that each one left a very pleased pilgrim. And Natalie was one very satisfied sinner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Got any suggestions?