Author: wolfcub
Title: LIS Remake
Summary: A boy is chosen to play Will Robinson in a remake of Lost in 
Space, but it's not his acting ability that earns him the part.
Keywords: fb Mb reluc 1st slow

Nick and Kari watched from under the shade of an umbrella as their 
son's body tumbled onto the beach from one direction and his board 
washed up from another. That last wave had gotten the better of him, 
but it didn't slow him down, much. He scrambled for the board and dove 
back in to the water without missing a beat.

His parents weren't the only ones watching the nine-year-old. Martin 
Cosgray studied the boy from the boardwalk. The studio had been 
pressuring him to cast the final part for his latest project, but he 
had insisted on holding out for the right player. 

He had screened many fine, young actors, but none of them had seemed 
quite right; they were all missing something that Martin had been 
unable to define. Now, he knew he had been justified in waiting.

If Martin could have custom-ordered a boy for the part, he didn't know 
what he would have made different. The boy he was watching play in the 
surf was perfect: the unruly, shoulder-length, wavy red hair; the trim, 
muscular body; and the total absence of any clothing, whatsoever.

The island received many european visitors, so it was quite common to 
see naked toddlers on the beach, but most children adopted racer 
swimsuits or bikini bottoms by age six or seven. This boy was obviously 
older than that, and his all-over tan indicated that he spent a 
considerable amount of time sans clothing.

While the boy didn't have the chiseled look of an athletic teen or 
adult, the muscles in his arms, chest, abdomen, and legs were 
well-defined; he was still a boy, but he was obviously a very active 

Martin eagerly scanned the beach, trying to ascertain who the boy's 
parents might be. Fortunately, the boy solved this problem for him by 
trotting up the beach and into the outstretched towel that his mother 
was holding.

Martin admired the fluidity and grace of the boy's movements and was 
delighted by the way his stubby little penis jiggled with each step. 
Underneath his tiny nub, the boy's loose scrotum held two, 
easily-discernible jewels.

Martin shook off his reverie and approached the boy's parents.

"Excuse me. My name's Martin Cosgray, and I wonder if you might be so 
kind as to introduce me to the next Will Robinson." 

Nick and Kari were startled by the man's sudden appearance and confused 
about to whom he was speaking. They looked around, and seeing no one 
else, were further confused. Their son laughed. (It was musical, Martin 
thought.) It was obvious that the man meant him--he was looking 
directly at him.

"My name's Simon, not Will!" he said, still laughing. He unconsciously 
gave his penis a tug, drew back his foreskin, and fiddled with his 
glans, as he was want to do whenever he was bored, nervous, or 

Martin reached out his hand, and Simon unconsciously accepted it.

"Well, Simon, it's a definite pleasure to make your acquaintance--but, 
after I've succeeded in convincing your parents, it won't be long 
before you'll be known to millions of movie goers as Will Robinson."

Martin turned to Nick and Kari. "I'm sorry to be so abrupt, but your 
son has just both gotten the studio off my back and ensured the success 
of my latest movie--simply by showing up on this beach at the right 

"I'm Martin Cosgray, and I'll excuse you of the burden of pretending to 
recognize me as the famous movie director. Instead, I'll invite the 
three of you to dinner at the finest restaurant on the island and allay 
your fears that I'm some nut with ulterior motives."

After hesitating, a moment, to consider the claim he had just made, 
Martin added, "Well, I can't promise that you'll stop thinking of me as 
a nut, but I will demonstrate that I'm at least a harmless nut."

Nick and Keri looked at each other, then back at Martin. Nick started 
to say what was on both their minds. "Well, Mr. Cosgray, that all 
sounds very exciting, but you..."

"No, no, no, but I insist! Your apprehension is quite deserved, but I 
will make everything clear at dinner--right out in the open, in front 
of dozens of witnesses. Surely, a free dinner is worth indulging the 
whims of a senile old man, is it not?"

Good fortune was raining on Martin, that day, because "senile old man" 
happened to be the exact phrase that Nick often used to refer to 
himself--and Martin was hardly older the he was.

Nick and Keri looked at each other again. Keri shook her head. "When 
and where?" she said, in resignation.

Martin pulled out a pen and a card from this pocket, scribbled on the 
back of the card, then handed it to Keri. "Madam, I shan't make you 
regret your decision, nor shall I waste your time, this evening." Then 
Martin left as abruptly as he had arrived. 

"Is it just me," Nick asked Keri, "or did that man sound remarkably 
like Dr. Smith?"

Keri laughed. She and Nick were both sci-fi fans. They had grown up 
watching Lost in Space, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and anything 
else they could get their hands on. The strange events of the last few 
minutes had almost made them forget that Simon--who was, apparently, 
the cause of it all--was standing there with them.

"Am I gonna have to go to the doctor?"

That evening, Martin arrived at the restaurant early--which was 
atypical. Consciously, he was confident that the evening would go 
exactly as he had planned it; nevertheless, it all seemed much too good 
to be true, and, deep inside, he was nervous. This nervousness fled him 
quickly when he saw Simon enter the restaurant wearing a white muscle 
shirt, a red square-cut swimsuit (which nicely highlighted his 
prominent, if diminutive, boy package), and no shoes. His hair was dry 
but just as unruly as it had been on the beach. Martin took a moment to 
realize that Simon's parents were with him. He rose to greet them.

"So glad you could make it! This is my assistant, Gary McGurdy, and 
this is Simon and his parents...Oh, dear! I seem to have forgotten my 

"Nick and Keri Warden," Keri rescued him.

"Please, do be seated. Order anything you like. Gary, show them the 

Nick, Keri, and Simon were shown several publicity photos of Martin 
with various well-known actors. It didn't take long to convince them 
that Martin was who he claimed to be, but Keri still didn't understand 
why he was so insistent that her son was needed for his movie. Nick had 
a pretty good idea, but he wasn't certain.

"Mr. Cosgray..."

"Please, madam!" interrupted Martin, "I insist that you call me Martin!"

"Yes, Martin. It's just that Simon has never acted, before--not even in 
a school play. How do you know he's what you're looking for?"

"It's always the mothers who are the last to know," Martin lamented, to 
no one in particular. "Perhaps they just refuse to see their sons as 
anything other than innocent little boys." To Nick, "I'll be gentle." 
Then to Keri, "Madam, Simon is...How old are you Simon?"


"Simon is nine years old. I'm quite certain that, by now, there have 
been more than a few occasions on which he has delivered to you a most 
convincing performance on the theme that he did not break the lamp, did 
not use a rude word in front of his teacher, and most certainly did 
brush his teeth and eat all his brussels sprouts. Am I correct, in 
this, Simon?"

At the rude word comment, Simon had blushed, and he was still looking 
down at the napkin in his lap. Martin gestured at Simon and gave Keri a 
questioning look.

"We're all actors, madam; some of us just get paid for it."

At that point, Martin's phone rang. "I hate to be rude, but I simply 
must take this call. Gary, do convince the Wardens to let you take 
Simon's picture so I can send it off to Steven," and with that, Martin 
scurried out of the dining room, leaving Nick and Keri desperately 
trying to contain their laughter. Simon knew what they found so funny.

"I *like* the way he talks," he said. Gary smiled.

"We're sorry," Keri explained. "We don't mean to be rude, but does he 
always talk like that?"

Gary joined their laughter. "Ever since he got wind that someone was 
trying to hock a Lost in Space script, he's been Doctor Zachary Smith, 
incarnate. Martin's a huge fan of Jonathan Harris. Now, may I please 
snap a few photos? Otherwise, when Martin gets back, I'll have to deal 
with 'the pain, oh, the terrible pain!'"

Nick and Keri laughed as they nodded, obligingly, to Simon.

Gary produced a rather serious-looking digital camera from apparently 
out of nowhere and got a few pictures of Simon laughing with the 
adults. Then he had Simon stand away from the table to take a few more, 
full-body shots. The activity aroused the curiosity of the surrounding 
diners; the sudden attention caused Simon to nervously reposition his 
boy parts.

Martin reappeared and began talking, at once. "It's all done: the 
contracts are ready. We just need to know from where you'll be flying 
into L.A., so we can arrange the tickets."

"Now, hold on a moment," Nick protested. "We haven't agreed to 
anything, yet."

Martin considered Nick, for a moment, then said, at a measured pace, 
"My good man, of course your son is going to be in my picture. You'll 
have anything you could reasonably expect, so there's no need to hold 

Nick looked to Simon. "Well, my boy, do you want to be on the big 
screen, in front of millions of adoring fans?"

Simon smiled. "Sure! It sounds like fun!"

The following month, the Wardens were in the back of a limousine, on 
their way from LAX to Burbank to meet with an ever-changing list of 
"interested persons." Keri was nervous; Simon was excited; Nick was 

He was reminded of a line from an earlier Lost in Space movie: "Evil 
knows evil," Dr. Smith had said. He, in no way, considered himself or 
Martin to be evil, but he was fairly sure what interested Martin in 

Nick and Keri had married somewhat late in life. Simon had been a 
hoped-for but hardly-expected welcomed surprise. Nick was generally 
repulsed by anything that might be described as cute, but Simon was 
unquestionably cute, and Nick took great pleasure in showing him off.

Nick had been the one who had insisted to Keri that it was perfectly 
acceptable for a toddler to run naked on a public beach. He had been 
the one to take Simon with him to the grocery store dressed in nothing 
more than a pair of shorts. He had been the one to sign him up for 
swimming at the earliest opportunity and insist that a racer was the 
proper attire for a competitive swimmer. He had been the one to argue 
that it was good for children to go barefoot whenever practical.

Nick had spent the last nine years seeing to it that Simon rarely wore 
anything more than the bare minimum that he thought he could get away 
with--and he pushed that limit frequently.

As Simon got older, he became an ally in this cause, for he loved going 
naked, and, when he couldn't go naked, he loved wearing as little as 
possible. He showed no modesty, at all. He would change clothes in 
front of anyone, anywhere, and he would gladly go naked in front of 
anyone, anywhere. Even Nick had to sometimes remind him that there were 
many places where it was not at all acceptable for little boys to go 

Thankfully, Simon was bright enough to understand what the rules seemed 
to be--even if he didn't understand why--and, while he often drew 
comments and certainly attention, he never drew the kind of attention 
that led to any serious trouble.

Nick had also worked hard to discourage Keri from scolding Simon 
whenever he handled his boy parts. "Boys need to touch themselves, from 
time to time, and they don't need their mothers chastising them for it."

While Simon's scant clothing and unselfconscious fondling of himself 
sometimes made other adults a little uneasy, Nick reveled in it.

With careful thought, Nick had picked out Simon's clothes for this 
meeting: a gray, mesh muscle shirt, and a pair of loose-fitting, very 
short, white shorts that occasionally presented a glimpse of the very 
parts they were supposed to be hiding. He was quite certain that Martin 
would approve.

Keri had wanted Simon to get his hair cut--"to be presentable"--but 
Nick had supposed that the movie's hair stylist would most likely want 
to cut it a particular way, and that it was best to leave as much to 
work with, as possible.

When Keri commented on this matter to Martin, Martin gave her a rather 
astonished look, and said, "My dear madam, why ever would you want to 
sabotage my film this way? The unconcerned look of a genius: You might 
just as well have given Einstein a crew cut."

Martin--with Gary either in tow or running back and forth on the 
seemingly endless errands that Martin would throw at him--ushered the 
Wardens from this meeting to that, all afternoon. None of them could 
keep up with whom they had met, but everyone seemed pleased to have 
Simon on board.

At the end of the day, Martin concluded, "Well, my boy, you seemed to 
have passed muster--but I never doubted you would--not for a moment! 
Now, in anticipation of your certain acceptance, I've asked the crew to 
gather at my place for dinner and drinks--soft drinks for the lad and 
lasses", the last, he directed at Nick and Keri. "It's good that you 
meet the people you'll be working with at once."

When they arrived at Martin's place, Nick and Keri were surprised to 
discover the renowned actors who had been cast in the roles of 
Professor and Maureen Robinson, Major West, and Dr. Smith. Apparently, 
this was no B movie that Martin was directing.

"Judy" was an attractive nineteen-year-old college student from UCLA, 
and Penny was an impish 13-year-old, who had been discovered at a 
children's acting workshop. They were both wearing wet bikinis.

"Come on! Join us in the pool!"

"I've lost track of our luggage," Keri explained, "I'm not sure where 
your bathing suit is, Simon."

At this comment, Martin seemed to appear from nowhere. "I don't 
remember him wearing one when I discovered him on the beach, and it 
didn't look to me like he ever wore one, anyway. No one will mind--and 
it's good that Penny--uh, Taylor--gets used to him before page 47."

Before Keri could protest or even ask what was on page 47, Simon shed 
his clothes and followed the girls out to the pool. Lauren (Judy) had 
baby-sat enough boys to be unconcerned by Simon's nudity, but Taylor 
couldn't help but give him a once-over.

"Not bad, Simy-boy."

Simon stopped at the edge of the pool and gave her a puzzled look just 
before she pushed him in.

Martin wasted no time in making good use of his casting windfall. He 
had decided to shoot the film more or less in sequence so that, as the 
actors became more comfortable working with each other, the characters 
would appear to develop a bond that was critical to their survival.

The very first scene that Simon was to play was a medical exam 
performed by Dr. Smith. Martin wanted Will to appear nervous, so he 
thought this would be a good first scene for Simon. The scene called 
for Will to strip to his underwear.

SMITH: Now, my boy, no cause for concern--just a routine examination to 
make sure you don't have any nasties swirling about your system before 
we send you hurdling off through the cosmos.

WILL: I'm not worried, Dr. Smith. Penny's the one who's been flipping 

SMITH: Yes...she did seem a bit...tetchy when I saw her, earlier today. 
No matter.

"Dr. Smith" examined "Will" perhaps a little more closely than was 
necessary. The scene was creepy to watch--even knowing that it was 

SMITH: Now, William, I'm a doctor, and it's my job to determine how 
you're...developing. Don't be alarmed.

The look of surprise on Simon's face was real when he felt a hand give 
his boy parts a gentle squeeze. That part hadn't been in the script.

"Cut!" Martin walked onto the set to speak quietly with Simon. "Are you 
alright, Simon? We played a little trick on you to get the right 
response. We won't do it, again. By the way, you were perfect! Next 
take, just remember how you felt, and try to look just as surprised. 
Can you do that?"

Simon laughed, nervously. "I think so."

"Good boy!"

On the next take, Will looked appropriately nervous, but at the key 
moment, Dr. Smith just squeezed his thigh. Cut with the surprise look 
from the first take, the scene played beautifully.

The suspended animation scene once again found Will in his underwear. 
The original TV show and the first movie had the Robinson family in 
space suits; Martin chose to borrow an idea from Aliens and put the 
cast in their underwear, wired up to numerous electrodes. Several 
camera angles offered covert views of Will's neatly packaged bulge.

Later, after the marauding robot is safely disabled, the crew go to 
their quarters to get dressed. Will watches his parents enter their 
cabin, then sneaks up a ladder to the upper deck to tinker with the 
now-incapacitated robot. This provides a convenient excuse to leave 
Will in his tight, skimpy briefs for the next several scenes.

When Will is, at last, clothed, it hardly matters: The costume 
designers had created a one-piece, spandex jumper that seemed to be at 
least one size too small for Simon.

Stirrups kept the legs from riding up. The rest of the jumper had to be 
pushed, pulled, and prodded to get it positioned correctly. Between 
takes, the arms had to be repositioned--especially if the scene 
involved much movement.

The effect was to present Simon's body nearly as if it were naked. 
After less than a minute in the costume, the fabric in back would start 
to gather between Simon's buttocks, presenting a conspicuous cleft. And 
despite the long hair, there was no chance of anyone mistaking Will 
Robinson for a girl--at least not when he was facing the camera.

Penny was similarly clad, but Taylor was afforded underwear that 
blurred outlines at the critical places.

Simon was oblivious to the attention being directed toward his form. He 
was too caught up in the adventure of the story--not that he would have 
cared had he noticed.

Keri was ambivalent. It seemed obvious what was going on, but she 
couldn't quite accept that it was being done in a mainstream motion 
picture. She kept telling herself that it was all part of an attempt to 
seem futuristic and remind the audience that they were experiencing 
events in a time and place far removed from what they, themselves, 
understood. Fantastic costumes were the norm for sci-fi films.

Nick knew exactly what was going on. He wasn't sure how Martin was 
pulling it off, but he whole-heartedly approved. The term "vicarious 
exhibitionism" came to him, and he wondered if such a thing were even 
possible. He wanted to discuss it with Keri, but he decided to wait 
until after the film was "in the can" before mentioning it.

Eventually, the schedule came to page 47. Despite being warned of all 
the possible dangers of the alien world on which the Robinsons found 
themselves marooned, Penny and Will were too curious, too adventurous, 
and too still very much children to pass up a swim in the cool waters 
of the lake they had discovered.

No one in the space agency having foreseen the need to issue to 
astronauts swimsuits, Penny and Will resort to the natural solution: 
they go skinny-dipping. Without discussion or hesitation, they shed 
their uniforms before dashing into the water.

Practically, this scene had its difficulties. While it was impossible 
to get into the costumes without assistance, it was only nearly 
impossible to get out of the costumes. Either way, changing was both 
time-consuming and inelegant--not to mention that wet hair presents a 
serious continuity problem.

The solution was to break the scene into five parts: before they enter 
the water (first clothed, then unclothed), the activities in the water, 
and after they exit the water (first unclothed, then clothed). Each 
part had to be filmed multiple times from multiple angles in multiple 

The first part went without a hitch. The next three parts left Taylor 
and Simon naked, together, for a considerable amount of time for 
lighting changes and other vagaries--including the writers making 
on-the-spot rewrites of the script. Of course, the takes, themselves, 
kept them touching, or nearly so, for quite a bit of time, as well.

While Simon had spent a substantial part of his life nude--occasionally 
in the company of girls his own age--he hadn't spent so much time so 
close to a naked girl with budding breasts. At a conscious level, it 
was no big deal to be naked with Taylor; somewhere inside, a wakening 
part of Simon was very aware of Taylor's presence--and it was 
advertising its awareness in a most inconvenient manner.

Taylor, who had been proudly showing off her bikini-clad body since she 
was eleven, was nonetheless surprised by the tingling feeling she got 
by being so close to what she was beginning to realize was a very 
handsome boy--despite his young age. But at least she could credit her 
body's reaction to the chilly water.

Compounding their problems was the fact that the scene involved a lot 
of rough-housing between the two siblings, followed by Penny being 
nearly drowned by an attack from a menacing tentacle from the 
deep--only to be saved by the timely arrival of Dr. Smith (no help 
there) and the robot (my hero).

In the end, the difficulties were overcome, and the final result was an 
incredible scene that began with playful innocence, progressed through 
sheer terror, and ended with yet another creepy suggestion of the evil 
lurking within Dr. Smith. (His comforting of the terrified children is 
as disingenuous as his later claim to having selflessly "risked certain 
death" to ensure their safety--accompanied by appropriate sound effects 
from the robot.)

A break in the shooting schedule left time for another gathering at 
Martin's place. Taylor, exasperated by a rather boring adult turn in 
the conversation, enlisted Simon to rescue her.

"Come on, Simy-boy. You have to help me find a TV or computer or 
something. I can't take any more of this old fart blah, blah, blah."

Martin tossed a pillow at her, but she caught it and threw it back at 

In a quiet corner upstairs--well out of range of the adults' 
droning--Taylor found a guest room with a TV mounted on the wall. She 
ushered Simon in, then closed the door but didn't turn on the TV. She 
sat on the edge of the bed and indicated for Simon to join her.

"So, Simy-boy, I've been wanting to ask you about the monster tentacle 
scene: Did you enjoy feeling up my breasts."

Simon's eyes widened. "I didn't!" he protested, vehemently.

Taylor raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, you might be able to convince 
someone else, but I was there. I know exactly where those hands did and 
did not go. I'm surprised a little boy like you would even think to try 
such a thing."

"I didn't do it on purpose," Simon tried, a little bit dejected. The 
eyebrow went higher. "Well," he was mumbling, now, "Not the first time, 
anyway. Are you very mad at me?"

Taylor smiled at Simon's sad-little-puppy-dog look. "You're too cute to 
be mad at, munchkin. Actually, I was hoping you'd do it, again."

Simon's puzzled look made Taylor laugh. She pulled off her t-shirt then 
unfastened her bra. "Well?"

Simon reached forward, hesitantly. With his initial touch, it felt as 
if an electrical spark jumped between Taylor's breast and his 
hand--like on a dry, winter day. Simon snatched his hand back. Seeing 
the insistent look on Taylor's face, he reached forward, again.

He gave her breast a gentle squeeze, then softly caressed her skin. A 
giggle escaped his mouth.

"You like that?"

"It's soft on the outside, but it feels hard, underneath."

"Yeah? I bet you're like that, too--or will be, shortly."

Simon missed her meaning but was too absorbed in exploring her body to 
consider it. While continuing to stroke her left breast, he leaned over 
and kissed her right nipple. Taylor pulled back with an, "Oh!"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just didn't expect that. My boyfriend's played with my 
breasts, but he's never kissed them, before."

Simon leaned over and kissed Taylor's breast, again, while his fingers 
twiddled with the nipple of her other breast. After a few more soft 
kisses, he took her right nipple into his mouth and tried suckling it. 
Taylor took a deep breath and held it for several seconds before 
releasing it slowly.

"Oh! Keep doing that!"

Taylor ran her fingers through Simon's hair, then over his shoulders, 
and down his back. She reached under his t-shirt and, with one hand, 
caressed his back while the other hand rubbed his belly. After about a 
minute, Simon stopped sucking and sat up.

"You don't have any milk!"

Taylor laughed. "Of course, not, silly! I don't have a baby!"

"My mom doesn't have a baby, but she has milk."

"How would you know that?"

"'Cause I do this to her."

"For real?"

"Yeah. Before I go to bed, at night, she lets me cuddle with her and 
drink some milk. In the morning, too."

"Aren't you a little old to still be breastfeeding?"

"My mom says I can keep doing it as long as I want. She says I don't 
have to stop until I'm ready."

"Whoa! That's just a little creepy, dude."

"No it isn't! It's..."

"Look, how about you use your mouth to work on the other one? I'm 
afraid you might twist my nipple off if you don't stop fiddling with 

Simon leaned forward to suckle Taylor's other breast, but she stopped 

"Hold on, a moment," she said just before grabbing the hem of his 
t-shirt and lifting it over his head. Simon held up his arms so she 
could get it off.

As Simon suckled her other breast, Taylor's hands roamed over his 
now-naked chest, belly, and back. Before long, her hands found their 
way into his shorts. She wasn't surprised that he wasn't wearing 
underwear. She grabbed a buttock in each hand and squeezed as Simon's 
sucking grew more forceful--as if he were determined to make sure that 
there really wasn't any milk in her breasts.

Taylor was lost in bliss. As Simon alternated between her breasts, 
Taylor's breathing deepened. Inhaling the boy-scent of his hair had an 
intoxicating effect on her. She pushed down his shorts, and Simon 
maneuvered his hips and legs to help her get them off. She reached 
between his legs and grabbed his short, but very stiff penis in one 
hand, and his marble-sized testicles in the other.

She squeezed his balls just enough to make him squirm, a little, and 
stroked his meager two inches of boy meat until he was humping against 
her hand. After fewer than a dozen strokes, Simon briefly bit down on 
Taylor's nipple before releasing it and thrusting his body up against 

Taylor continued stroking Simon's penis, but he suddenly pushed her 
away and fell back on the bed, gasping.

Simon looked into Taylor's eyes. In between gasps, he laughed. Taylor 
inspected the breast that Simon had bitten: There were red marks, but, 
surprisingly, he hadn't broken the skin. It had sure felt like it.

"You didn't squirt," Taylor observed.

"What do you mean?"

"Your penis didn't squirt. I guess you're not old enough for that."


"I've been wanting to have sex with my boyfriend, but the few times 
we've been able to get alone for any length of time, he didn't have a 

"What's a condom?"

"It's a rubber sheath that goes over the boy's penis and keeps his 
sperm out of the girl's vagina so she doesn't have his baby. 
Kyle--that's my boyfriend--said we didn't need one for the first time; 
I know better than that, but you don't need one, do you?"

Taylor was becoming enamored with Simon's puzzled looks. Instead of 
explaining, she laid back on the bed, lifted up her hips, and removed 
her shorts and panties in one motion. Shoes weren't an issue: She had 
stopped wearing them shortly after she had noticed that Simon always 
went barefoot when he wasn't in costume.

Taylor spread her legs and used her fingers to part the lips of her 
vulva. Simon rolled over and planted a kiss right on the entrance to 
her vagina.

"Oh! That's not what I expected!"

Simon pushed his tongue forward and tried to lick as deeply as he 
could--his nose perfectly placed to inhale her girl-scent.

"Oh! Kyle never did that, either!"

Simon licked up the length of Taylor's pussy a few times then began 
exploring the folds of her flesh with his tongue. He really didn't know 
what he was looking for, but when Taylor's whole body went stiff, and 
she let out a soft cry, he knew he had found it. He focused his 
attention on that spot--licking, sucking, and kissing as Taylor moaned 
in response.

Simon's efforts pushed Taylor over the edge, and she experienced the 
most intense orgasm of her young life. Now it was her turn to laugh.

"Please tell me you don't do *that* with your mother!"

"No!" Simon answered, sounding annoyed, "But I've watched my dad to it."

Taylor raised herself up on her elbows. "You peek in on your parents? 
You nasty little boy!"

"No!" Simon answered, sounding even more annoyed. Then, calmly and 
softly, "They, like, do it all the time in front of me."

"No way!"

"Yes, way."

"You mean like, everything? All the way?"


"Ew, gross!"

"A couple of months ago, we were on vacation. They did it, like, two or 
three times a day."

"And you watched?"

"We only had the one room at the hotel!"

"What about at home. Do you watch them then?"

"I usually go to my own room when they start fooling around, but 
sometimes I sleep in their bed, and they do it right next to me."

"Ew! Have you ever done it?"


"You could have fooled me! I've already gotten off more times with you 
than I have with Kyle!"

Taylor spread her legs, again. "Come on, handsome. I want you to put it 
in me. It looks like you're ready, again."

Simon blushed and absentmindedly gave his stiff penis a squeeze.


He crawled on top of Taylor and pushed his penis between her legs. It 
slid up along her slit. That felt really good! He poked around a few 
times and began instinctively humping. Taylor grabbed his testicles and 
pressed on his buttocks with her other hand, stopping him. Then she 
guided his penis to the correct spot.

Simon felt his erection engulfed by Taylor's silky, soft, wetness. His 
body shuddered, and he let out a trembling sound that made Taylor 
laugh. He began humping, again, but his penis slipped out after only a 
few strokes. Once again, Taylor stopped him and guided him back into 

After several false starts, Taylor wrapped her legs around Simon to 
keep him from pulling out too far. With barely two inches of stiffness, 
his strokes had to be very short. This meant that he was mostly just 
grinding his pubes against Taylor's clitoris. That suited Taylor just 

Simon's motions were jerky and unpracticed, and it was barely twenty 
seconds before he was pushing hard against Taylor's body and grunting, 
but it was enough to send Taylor over the top, again. They hugged each 
other tightly as they climaxed together, then Simon collapsed onto her, 
his body glistening with sweat.

After several minutes, Simon's weight became too much for Taylor. She 
pushed him off her then rolled onto her side to face him. They looked 
into each other's eyes and laughed.

When she had regained her breath, Taylor said to Simon, "So, do you and 
your little buddy want to be my new boyfriend? Kyle's got nothing on 

They laughed together.

The following evening, Martin showed up at the Warden's hotel room to 
check in on them. He found Simon in a heated discussion with his 

"Do I have to?" Simon complained in an uncharacteristic whine.

"We're not going to leave you alone in the hotel, Simon," his mother 
explained, sternly.

Martin intervened. "Be of good cheer: I've just come from viewing the 
most recent footage, and it's simply fantastic! Why all the clamor?"

"I'm taking Keri to the opera," Nick explained, "and Simon's not too 
keen on it."

"Understandably," Martin sympathized with Simon. "But that would ruin 
our plans! Simon's been bugging me to give him a tour of the sets 
whilst explaining the intricacies of my directing," Martin gave a wink 
to Simon's confused look.

"The boy has obvious talent, and he may want to direct one of the 
sequels, himself. You simply can't allow this educational opportunity 
to pass by, unavailed."

On the elevator, Simon challenged Martin, "I never asked you about 

Martin answered, slowly and restrained, "My boy, when one is 
shipwrecked on a lonely island, one does not criticize the boat that 
provides rescue."

Martin took Simon to one of the sets that was used to film scenes just 
outside the crashed Jupiter 2.

"You know, when I first saw you on the beach, I imagined Will Robinson 
running naked on a desert planet."

Simon laughed.

"You rather enjoy being naked, don't you?"

Simon nodded, sheepishly.

"So, how about it? Shall we get a few pictures of young Master Robinson 
exploring this alien world au naturale?"

Simon gave Martin a questioning look, as if to ask, "Really?"

When Martin gestured his consent, Simon quickly shed his shirt and 
shorts. Martin took quite a few photos of "Will" climbing the "rocks" 
that surrounded the ship. Several of the photos were from an angle that 
emphasized Simon's assets. He took several more of Simon sitting on the 
steps of the Jupiter 2's landing gear with his legs casually parted.

Moving to the interior sets, Martin took a photo of Will napping in his 
cabin: lying on his stomach with his head resting in his folded arms.

"Do you imagine Will ever fiddled with himself when he was alone in his 

Simon sat up and gave Martin his classic, puzzled look.

"Perhaps you're a little too young to have started that."

Simon got up and walked over to where the robot was parked. "Hey! Take 
some pictures of me with the robot," he insisted, as he opened one of 
the panels on the back of the robot and began operating some of the 
switches. The robot came to life.

"Simon, don't play with that. It's terribly expensive, and, director or 
not, I'll be in a world of trouble if that monstrosity goes crashing 
through the set."

"Don't worry, the receiver for the remote control is on the other side. 
Jake and Larry were showing me. They turn it off when the robot doesn't 
have to move. They said you'd have a hissy if the robot ruined..." 
Simon realized that he had said something that he was supposed to keep 

"Worry, not, my boy. The crew are highly-skilled professionals; I 
wouldn't have them, if they weren't. I shan't lessen my opinion of them 
merely because of their perception of my idiosyncrasies. But you are 
quite the clever little boy, aren't you?"

Simon generally did not like being referred to as a "little boy," but, 
for some reason, he didn't mind when Taylor or Martin called him that.

Martin was surprised by what Simon did next. He stood in front of the 
robot with his feet about shoulder-width apart, bent his knees, 
slightly, then bent at his waist to place his hands on his knees. He 
looked as if he were showing off his butt to the robot. The mischievous 
giggle that accompanied this action suggested that that was precisely 
what Simon was doing.

After snapping a few pictures, Martin asked, "What, on earth, are you 

Ignoring Martin's question, Simon asked, "Do you think the robot likes 
my butt?" He giggle, again.

"What a silly question!"

Simon stood up straight, turned his backside towards Martin, and rubbed 
a hand over his buttocks. "My dad says I have a cute butt. That's why 
so many men on the island..." Simon stopped. Again, he had let slip 
something he knew he shouldn't talk about.

"Yes? Go on."

Simon hesitated, a moment, then decided that it was okay to continue. 
"My dad said I should be careful to always stay where there were a lot 
of people around. He said the reason some men look at me funny is 
because they want to put their penis up my butt." Simon giggled; it was 
funny to hear himself saying those words.

"Your father's quite correct with that advice. The thought has occurred 
to me, more than once."

Simon giggled, again.

"So, did any of them do it?"

"No!" Simon answered, as if the answer should have been obvious.

"How about any of your playmates? Ever fool around with a boy your own 

"No!" even more emphatically. Then, Simon appeared to become just a 
little bit embarrassed. He admitted, quietly, "I did try sticking my 
finger up there, a few times. It felt kind of weird, but kind of good, 

"Well, most boys enjoy playing with their butts, at some time or other, 
so don't feel bad about that. Some boys also enjoy having other people 
play with their butts. Does Will Robinson enjoy having the robot play 
with his butt?"

Simon giggled riotously. Martin had Simon stand as he did, before, but 
much closer to the robot. He extracted one of the robot's arms and 
placed the claw on one of Simon's butt cheeks. Simon's laughter was 
becoming uncontrollable.

"Now, now! Look serious!" Simon tried to stop laughing, but he couldn't 
contain himself for more than a few seconds. The pictures that Martin 
got were priceless.

Martin removed the claw and put the robot's arm back, then he rubbed 
the reddish marks on Simon's butt where the claw had been.

"Did the robot pinch you?"

Simon twisted his head around to try to see.

"Are we having fun?" Martin nodded to Simon's stiff little boy member. 
Simon blushed, covered his penis with his hand, then gave it a few, 
nervous strokes.

"Turn the robot off, and come with me."

Martin had Simon stand on the tips of his toes and lean against one of 
the hatches, peering into the window. His jutting penis suggested that 
he was peeking on Penny or Judy. Another perfect picture, Martin 

With mock sternness, Martin instructed Simon, "Alright, young man! 
We've fooled around, enough, here." In a gentler tone and more quietly, 
"Now, let's retire to my place to fool around."

Simon retrieved his clothes, then Martin turned off the lights. Simon 
was quiet during the drive to Martin's house. Part of him tingled with 
anticipation of what was about to happen; the conscious part of him 
didn't know what to expect. In the darkened interior of Martin's car, 
Simon sat with his hands down the front of his shorts, restlessly 
toying with his still-erect penis and the small jewels beneath them.

As they entered the living room, Martin asked, "Are we still excited?" 
as he knelt in front of Simon and pulled down his shorts. "I see we 
still are!"

Simon giggled, nervously, then stepped out of the shorts that were now 
around his ankles. Martin stood up, lifting Simon's shirt as he did. 
Martin removed a small metal case from a drawer in one of the end 
tables as he instructed Simon to lean over the leather ottoman.

Simon looked over his shoulder to see what Martin was doing. He 
flinched when he felt a cold, wet finger press against his hole. Martin 
placed a firm hand on Simon's back to keep him from raising up. He felt 
Simon's sphincter clamp down around his finger. Simon relaxed, a 
little, when Martin began to massage his prostate.

Simon's breathing became slower, deeper, and louder, and he began to 
squirm. The ottoman was pressing on his penis, and Martin's finger was 
working his prostate. The combined sensations were making Simon's body 
tingle all over. He gripped the ottoman tightly, and his squirming 
motions became more regular as he started to slowly hump it.

Simon felt his hole being stretched wider as Martin inserted a second 
finger, then a third. He whimpered softly when he felt Martin's fingers 
slip out of him.

Suddenly, Simon's whole body tensed when something bigger pressed 
against him. He tried to raise himself to look over his shoulder to see 
what was happening, but Martin held him down. Nevertheless, he quickly 
realized what it was that Martin was pushing into him.

Simon panicked, but he was too small to resist. He thought that his 
hole was going to be ripped open. The intrusion was painful, but, at 
that moment, the stimulation of rubbing his penis against the ottoman 
brought him to climax, giving him a strange mix of sensations.

He lay there limp, for a moment, while Martin slowly worked his 
erection into him. Relaxing his sphincter had eased the pain, a little. 
As Simon slowly became accustomed to the invader, his head began to 
swim, and a strange feeling of euphoria came over him. He became 
vaguely aware of Martin grunting, then he felt a warm, wet sensation 
spreading inside his bowels. He felt Martin quickly go soft and slip 
out of him.

With Martin no longer holding him down, Simon raised up on one knee and 
put his other foot on the floor. He tried to look between his legs to 
inspect himself, but, no matter how he twisted and turned, he couldn't 
get a good look. He tentatively touched between his buttocks with a 
couple of fingers. His flesh was tender and wet, but he was relieved to 
see that there was no blood on his fingers when he pulled them away. 
The sense of relief and the strange mix of emotions cause him to laugh 
out loud.

Martin pulled Simon up onto the couch, next to him, and hugged him 
tightly, gently caressing Simon's face, chest, and belly. With the 
shock of the experience over, Simon laughed and smiled.

On the ride back to the hotel, Simon chattered incessantly. Even though 
it was late, he felt a surge of energy fill him. He talked about how 
much fun it was to film the spaceship scenes for the movie; he talked 
about how he enjoyed being naked on the sets; he talked about 
bodyboarding while on vacation; he talked about watching his parents 
have sex; he talked about all the times he had flown in an airplane. He 
bounced from one topic to another as thoughts seemingly randomly 
entered his head.

He was talking about the robot when Martin finally left him with his 
father. Nick closed the door and immediately noticed that it had gotten 
quiet. He turned to see Simon crashed on the end of the bed.

Over the remaining few weeks of filming, Taylor and Simon managed to 
sneak off, together, quite a few times. Lauren caught them, once, but 
she assured them that she wasn't going to tell anyone and suggested 
that they be a little more careful.

Martin was too busy to spend any more time alone with Simon. Simon was 
unsure whether he was disappointed or relieved about that, but he 
remembered what Martin had said about fooling around with boys his own 
age and wondered what he might say to his friends when he got home. He 
thought of several boys and girls who might be up for an adventure with 
Will Robinson.