Directory       Filename        Size    Description
----------      --------        ----    -----------
Adventures/     willyt.txt      1k      Celeste's Review of Adventure one
               222k    "The Adventures of Willy  										 Tamarack" - Adventures 1-13 zipped
                willy00.txt     11k     A synopsis of the "Adventures"
                willy01.txt     30k     "The Afternoon Feast"
                willy02.txt     31k     "Evening Delight"
                willy03a.txt    31k     "A Surfin' Safari" part one
                willy03b.txt    37k     "A Surfin' Safari" part two
                willy04.txt     36k     "It's a Hopping at Red Rock"
                willy05.txt     35k     "The Visit"
                willy06.txt     37k     "The Party"
                willy07.txt     41k     "The Police Officer, the Hot tub 	                                    and the Real Estate Agent"
                willy08a.txt    26k     "Mexico, Si" part one
                willy08b.txt    34k     "Mexico, Si" part two
                willy09.txt     45k     "The Hero and the Peeping Neighbor"
                willy10.txt     46k     "A visit to the Dentist and Prom 								      Night"
                willy11.txt     44k     "A Busy Weekend"
                willy12.txt     35k     "The Cabin"
                willy13.txt     38k     "The End, My Friend"
Back_Yard/      Backyard.txt    1k      Dart's Review of "In the Backyards"
                Baseball.txt    1k      Celeste's Review of "Finding My 								     Baseball Cards"
                BKYD01.txt      10k     "Finding My Baseball Cards"
                BKYD02.txt      9k      "In the Backyards"
                BKYD03.txt      6k      "The Shower"
Candy/          candy.txt       372k    "If Candy is Dandy..."
             133k    "If Candy is Dandy..."
Fantasy/        review.txt      3k      Sandman's Review of "Fantasy"
           135k    "Every Man's Fantasy"
                fantasy.txt     389k    "Every Man's Fantasy"
juice/          Juice.txt	  284.4k  "Juice !"	  100.6k  "Juice !"
		      Juice01.txt     33.7k   "Juice !" Chapters 1-3
                Juice02.txt	  31.9k	"Juice !" Chapters 4-6	
                Juice03.txt     34.5k   "Juice !" Chapters 7-9
                Juice04.txt     34.8k   "Juice !" Chapters 10-12
                Juice05.txt     32.3k   "Juice !" Chapters 13-15
                Juice06.txt     34.8k   "Juice !" Chapters 16-18
                Juice07.txt     34.0k   "Juice !" Chapters 19-21
                Juice08.txt     34.5k   "Juice !" Chapters 22-24
                Juice09.txt     31.6k   "Juice !" Chapters 25-28
Miscellaneous/  bowl.txt        78k     "The Super Bowl"
"Frederick T."        28k     "The Super Bowl"
                seasons.txt     47k     "Four Seasons"
           17k     "Four Seasons"
                seasrev.txt      2k     BillyG's Review of "Four Seasons"
                poll.txt        31k     "The Poll"
              12k     "The Poll"
                theway.txt     125k     "The Way it Should Have Been"
            47k     "The Way it Should Have Been"
                g&g.txt        137k     "The Goose and the Gander"
                g&         51k     "The Goose and the Gander"
                concert.txt     19k     "The Concert"
                early.txt       21k     "Early"
                fool.txt        27k     "The Fool"
                gambler.txt     13k     "The Gambler"
                grlfrnd.txt     17k     "The Girl Friend"
                inqizon.txt     96k     "The Inquisition"
           36k     "The Inquisition"
                ride.txt        13k     "The Ride"
                star.txt       127k     "The Star"
              46k     "The Star"
                thief.txt       63k     "The Thief"
             24k     "The Thief"
                workout.txt     15k     "The Workout"
                yardboy.txt     21k     "The Yard Boy"
			 tales01.txt     15k     "A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....FRIDAY"
		 	 tales02.txt	  15k	"A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....SATURDAY"
			 tales03.txt     14k	"A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....SUNDAY"
			 tales04.txt	  16k	"A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....MONDAY & 									 TUESDAY"	
			 tales05.txt	  13k	"A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....WEDNESDAY"
			 tales06.txt	  15k	"A WEEK IN THE LIFE.....THURSDAY"
miscellaneous/  Afterpty.txt    20.5k   "After the Pool Party"
Willy Tamarack  Bathroom.txt    13.7k   "The Bathroom"
                Fantasy.txt     22.0k   "Fantasy Island"
                Neighbor.txt    33.3k   "The Neighbors"
                PayRoll.txt     23.0k   "The Payroll"
                Poolpty.txt     13.9k   "The Pool Party"     
                Swap1.txt       21.5k   "Friday Night Swap"
                Swap2.txt       12.6k   "The Tables Turn"
			 swap3.txt	  14k	"Her First"
			 swap4.txt	  16k	"A Repeat"
			 Vietnam.txt     39.4k   "The Vietnam Vet"
                Xmas.txt        33.9k   "Christmas Vacation"
			 Adultrs.txt	  29k	"The Adultress"
			 Black01.txt	  36k	"Black as Night"
 			 Black02.txt	  33k	"Black as Night"
     		 Sharing.txt	  109k	"Sharing's More Fun"
	  	  	 Sharing01.txt	  32k	"Sharing's More Fun"
			 Sharing02.txt	  31k	"Sharing's More Fun"
			 Sharing03.txt	  31k	"Sharing's More Fun"
			 Sharing04.txt	  23k	"Sharing's More Fun"
			 Boss.txt		  27k	"The Boss Came After Dinner"
			 Hill.txt		  62k	"The Hill"
			 Hill01.txt      36k	"The Hill"
			 Hill02.txt	  28k	"The Hill"
			 Beach.txt	  27k	"The Beach"
			 Jw.txt		  57k	"The John Wayne Gang Bang"
			 Jw01.txt		  32k	"The John Wayne Gang Bang"
			 Jw02.txt		  29k	"The John Wayne Gang Bang"
			 Farrell.txt	  28k	"Joan Farrell"
			 Cop.txt		  42k	"The Cop"
			 Cop01.txt	  35k	"The Cop"
	     	 Cop02.txt	  11k	"The Cop"
			 Prom.txt		  13k	"The Senior Prom"
			 Target.txt	  37k	"Targets of Opportunity"
MoreJuice/      MJuice.txt      330.0k  "More Juice !"
            118.8k  "More Juice !"
                MJuice01.txt    31.9k   "More Juice !" Chapters 1-3
                MJuice02.txt    34.2k   "More Juice !" Chapters 4-6
                MJuice03.txt	  30.8k	"More Juice !" Chapters 7-9 
                MJuice04.txt    31.2k   "More Juice !" Chapters 11-12
                MJuice05.txt    30.1k   "More Juice !" Chapters 13-15
                MJuice06.txt    31.6k   "More Juice !" Chapters 16-18
                MJuice07.txt    32.3k   "More Juice !" Chapters 19-21
                MJuice08.txt    28.6k   "More Juice !" Chapters 22-24
                MJuice09.txt    29.9k   "More Juice !" Chapters 25-27
                MJuice10.txt    28.6k   "More Juice !" Chapters 28-30
                MJuice11.txt    30.9k   "More Juice !" Chapters 31-33
                MJuice12.txt    12.9k   "More Juice !" Chapter 34
Shack_Lead/     sl.txt          1k      Celeste's Review of "Shack, Lead !"
                War.txt         543k    "Shack, Lead !" - Chapters 1-15
               189k    "Shack, Lead !" - Chapters 1-15
sport/          Sport.txt       118.4k  "Sport Fucking !"
             42.1k   "Sport Fucking !"
                Sport01.txt     35.3k   "Sport Fucking !" Chapters 1-4
                Sport02.txt     32.1k   "Sport Fucking !" Chapters 5-8
                Sport03.txt     33.4k   "Sport Fucking !" Chapters 9-12
                Sport04.txt     23.2k   "Sport Fucking !" Chapters 13-15
The_Stories/    story01.txt     134k    "Settling Down"
           50k     "Settling Down"
                st01rev.txt     2k      Bitbard's Review of "Settling							               Down"      
                story02.txt     115k    "The House Warming(s)"
           43k     "The House Warming(s)"
                story03.txt     149k    "Revenge"
           56k     "Revenge"
                story04.txt     135k    "Wedding Bells"
           50k     "Wedding Bells"
                story05.txt     116k    "Makin' Movies"
           45k     "Makin' Movies"
                story06.txt     117k    "You a Wise Guy ?"
           45k     "You a Wise Guy ?"
                story07.txt     137k    "The Shit Hits the Fan"
           53k     "The Shit Hits the Fan"
                story08.txt     114k    "Yamashita's Gold"
           44k     "Yamashita's Gold"
                story09.txt     139k    "Welcome to America !"
           53k     "Welcome to America !"
                story10.txt     134.3k  "Chaos"
                story11.txt     137.3k  "Tax Weed !  Free Hemp !"
Tales/          tale01.txt      58k     "Long, Long Ago....."
            22k     "Long, Long Ago....."
                tale02.txt      30k     "Death Valley"
            12k     "Death Valley"
                tale03.txt      43k     "Pageant"
            17k     "Pageant"
                tale04.txt      16k     "The Softball Tournament"
            7k      "The Softball Tournament"
                tale05.txt      40k     "Summer Time, Summer Time"
            15k     "Summer Time, Summer Time"
                tale06.txt			  There is no Tale06.txt
      			  There is no
                tale07.txt      32k     "Balboa"
            13k     "Balboa"
                tale08.txt      40k     "High School was so Long Ago..."
            16k     "High School was so Long Ago..."
                tale10.txt      63k     "Poetic Justice"
            23k     "Poetic Justice"
                tale11.txt      100k    "A Peak into the Future"
            37k     "A Peak into the Future"
Travels/         364k    "The Travels of Willy Tamarack" - 								      Trips 1-13 zipped
                trip00.txt      9k      A synopsis of "The Travels"
                trip01.txt      40k     "Betrayed"
                trip02.txt      31k     "On the Run Again"
                trip03.txt      30k     "The Big 'C'"
                trip04.txt      39k     "The Big 'J'"
                trip05a.txt     31k     "Let's Do a Dope Deal" part one
                trip05b.txt     39k     "Let's Do a Dope Deal" part two
                trip06a.txt     40k     "Layin' Low and Gettin' High" part 								 one
                trip06b.txt     40k     "Layin' Low and Gettin' High" part 								 two
                trip06c.txt     30k     "Layin' Low and Gettin' High" part 								 three
                trip07.txt      33k     "Ol' Willy Had a Farm"
                trip08.txt      31k     "Neighbors"
                trip09a.txt     36k     "Back to School" part one
                trip09b.txt     29k     "Back to School" part two
                trip09c.txt     42k     "Back to School" part three
                trip10a.txt     37k     "Over Here, Over There" part one
                trip10b.txt     34k     "Over Here, Over There" part two
                trip10c.txt     40k     "Over Here, Over There" part three
                trip11a.txt     37k     "Viva ! Las Vegas" part one
                trip11b.txt     41k     "Viva ! Las Vegas" part two
                trip12a.txt     37k     "The Operation" part one
                trip12b.txt     39k     "The Operation" part two
                trip13a.txt     39k     "To Live is Good" part one
                trip13b.txt     38k     "To Live is Good" part two
                trip13c.txt     30k     "To Live is Good" part three
                trip13d.txt     39k     "To Live is Good" part four

widower/        Widower01.txt   12.1k   "The Party"
                Widower02.txt   12.1k   "The Score"
                Widower03.txt   7.8k    "A Friend's Daughter" 
                Widower04.txt   10.8k   "The Retirement Party"
                Widower05.txt   9.2k    "A Rainy Wednesday"
                Widower06.txt   13.6k   "A Quiet Evening at Home"
                Widower07.txt   13.8k   "TGIF"
                Widower08.txt   21.0k   "Ooops !"

                                                          March 2015
This update combines all the stories authored under the pen names "Frederick T" and "Willy Tamarack."  Well...except for a couple that got lost in the shuffle over at  There is also a short synopsis of my entire string of stories...Pretty much the web site text.  Attempting, mind you, to mention all the main players and run it off a time line, sort of.  The title is "Who is Willy Tamarack ?"  It is archived near where you found this index and is titled "who.txt".  Except for a new signature block and a copy right update I have not added to "who.txt" since 1999 and have no intentions of ever doing so.  All the stories here are as condensed as I can get them.  Most are without the disclaimers prior to each section or chapter or whatever.  And except for the "Adventures" and the "Travels" the rest are all zipped and/or text as one file.

Surf's Up !
Willy Tamarack
aka "Frederick T."