If you want to check out any of my other stuff, check for my name under
the "Prolific Authors" section of the Nifty Archive, or visit my homesite
at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~raekw0n/writing/. Any feedback, comments,
suggestion can be sent onto me at tama@hip-hop.co.nz

Practice safe sex.

Do not distribute or reproduce this document, all or in part, without
express permission of the author. (c) February 8th, 2002, Anfernee Williamson.




One word alone failed to explain it. Even give the slightest idea of the
true depth of emotion and dedication.

The single minded, and almost blind pursuit.

Even a lifetime of words may have failed to portray that would consumed
day by day. One thing. One goal and no other. When one would consume their
whole day in that one thing. Spend every day in concentration on it alone.
Their every night, no doubt, dreaming about it. To wake the next, consumed
anew. The fire of passion a brighter fire than any. Even stronger, hotter
than the sun that rose with that new day of obsession.

Juan sure loved basketball. Enough that it would take his every waking
moment in its practice and honing of skill. Cesar always wondered if
finding the words to describe that obsession would make it any easier to
describe the depth of his.

Juan's smooth, thick ass.

The youth sat against the wall that he had spent the last three hours
bombing. In the blazing heat of the dying afternoon. His mind still
consumed with the thoughts, as he saw his close friend continue to shoot
baskets. In this heat? Cesar still couldnt shake the raw heat and aerosol
that boiled in his lungs. After spending so long already just working on a
graffiti piece, Cesar found it hard to fathom how Juan could do something
far more athletic.

But then, Cesar would never complain. Not when he knew what it meant. Both
to Juan's obsession, and his own.

The youth stood up finally. Stretched. His senses still swimming in the
sounds and sights of the day. His thick smell of the paint of his work
still strong in his nose. The heavy, popping beat of the music that had
kept them both company through out the day playing second base to the
stranger rhythm of Juan's basketball hitting the concrete. Music of both
making and activity, playing under the sounds of natural tongue.
Punctuated by a string of occasional trumpets, almost as bright and brassy
in their sounds as the heat of the day.

Even out in this heat, Cesar wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.
Heat that caressed and licked at Juan's wet body. His own.  As he
stretched his lanky limbs, his eyes played the same caress over the older
boys body. Where his oversized black basketball uniform hung loose from
brown, muscular limbs. The light of the sun caught the shine of sweat on
his body below.

Juan paused, stepped. Shot. 

Of course it sunk. 


Flawless in skill. His skill a lot like other parts of him, Cesar always
thought. His own quiet obsession not as obvious as Juan's continuous
striving for perfection with the ball. But an obsession none the less that
was just as powerful in passion and pursuit.

Cesar's eyes lingered down about Juan's ass again. 

Their obsessions played twin perfectly. Juan's sole concentration
basketball only further aided Cesar's own passion for his friends ass. Not
in an amorous or lustful way. More like Juan's own wants. The
concentration of one thing over all others. To Cesar, looking at Juan's
ass in those baggy shorts was as much a thing that he needed to live, as
Juan needed to play basketball. It was not a matter of want, as it was a
total part of his life.

Yet he never questioned that one fact. As he was sure Juan never
questioned his own.

Cesar leaned against the wall as he continued to watch Juan move. In a
city the size of Bradford, it was hard to find a place like this. So truly
alone. Bereft of humanity, other than signs of its once past presence.
Atop the distant hills, that overlooked the massive sprawl. A broken
reminder of what once was. Twisted, half demolished buildings. This one in
particular that Juan and Cesar often visited. Where Juan had cleared as
best he could the mess of the past, set up a makeshift hoop. Fallen brick
mingled with empty cans of spray paint. As much testimony to Cesar's past
creations of paint as the artwork themselves. Sharp, angular words of
undiscernible text to those who didnt know. Painting dead greys in harsh
new urban color.

The one place in the city where Cesar most wanted to be with Juan. Alone.

Juan shot another basket. Completing an easy, long shot. Cesar's eyes
still travelled wistfully, lethargically over the smooth curves in those
shorts. A dreamy high only aided by the heat of the day, the smell of the
aerosol. The youth older than him by a few years. Shorter. Far more
muscular. Athleticism born of days of practice. Repetitive motion and
work. Fueled by passion of obsession. One that hardened his body.

Every part. Especially that part.

His baggy uniform danced about his body as he moved. Shifted again in a
sharp motion, yet still fluid in its truest way. Cesar's eyes continued
the caress that the suns heat had started long ago. Truly there was
nothing more captivating about a mans body than that one place alone. And
to have that perfection in ones best friend. A friend whose own goals had
him working out in shorts like that, almost every waking moment. How could
they be a better pair? Juan's step and poise seemed like Cesar's whole
world at that moment, focussed on that one part of him.

So smooth and thick. Filling out even the bagginess of his shorts.

Cesar glanced about for his drink. The raw burn of his passion and stare
almost as hard as that which was taking his throat. The beat of the track
had long since changed. He had barely noticed. Cesar took up his drink
bottle from his pack, putting aside a number of the cans he'd left there.
The cool water did little to sooth his throat, either of the heat, or the
aerosol. He'd barely noticed that either. He sat down again, his black and
white gang colors tied about his head still moping up the same sea of
sweat that had gathered under his tight white wifebeater and baggy jeans.
He swum in that moisture. Moisture that only made his close friend look
more intense.

Reminded Cesar of the implications of what that mean to his one total
fascination. The thought alone made him throb.

The twin to the beat of the music stopped, leaving only the hard bass
pound of the CD player. Cesar glanced back at Juan, seeing him standing,
staring past him. His hands on his hips as he heaved his breaths. Cesar
silently lamented his position, yet still thanked for his presence. Sweat
still rolled off his toned shoulders. Made his young face wet with that
which caught the gleam of light. His light eyes moved, swept. Took in as
Cesar's own dark eyes did in those quiet times of almost worshipful

"You done some good work there, ese."

'Not nearly as good as the work you been doing the last few hours ...' the
youth thought.

Cesar merely replied with a brief nod. His usual way. Those dark eyes that
hung beneath his black bandanna speaking as much as they read of the world
about him. He watched as Juan continued to look over his graffiti.

If only he could portray in those colors and shapes the obsession that he
failed to put into words. If only he could express in those smooth curves
and sweeps the same things that he saw in Juan. Day after day. That true
want, that controlled him with the same blazing passion that basketball
controlled Juan. Cesar tried every time he stood up to the wall. He knew
that he would fail every time.

Cesar passed up the bottle of water to his friend. Juan nodded, thanked
him, before drinking heavily. Taking deep gulps of the water. Cooling him
of the sweat and heat of the day. Cesar feared that. It was here. Now.
Times like this. Right at this moment that his interest was at its peak.

He could feel his cock rising with each beat of the music. Each beat of
his heart. As steady and inevitable as both.

Cesar knew that Juan thought the same thoughts of basketball. How could
life be any better? For him, those sentiments were just as powerful. Even
if the words were different. How could life be any better than the smooth,
full curves of another mans ass? And right here? Right now? How could it
be any better than after so many hours of basketball. Sweaty. Tight. The
mere thoughts as intoxicating as the heat and spray paint.

Cesar glanced down at the ground again. As taken in mind by his thoughts
as his body was with sweat. He shook ever so slightly. Took his breaths
deeper, a more accurate match to Juan's own exerted pants. His eyes
flickered lightly with his friends as he heard him finish drinking. His
dark meeting with Juan's light eyes for the briefest of moments.

Juan had known long ago.

The shorter youth smiled lightly, putting the bottle back down by Cesar's
pack. Cesar smelt the thick assault to his senses of Juan's raw sweat. The
heat that came off his body almost rivaled that which beat from above.
That he felt under the sun, and beat within his own hot center. The smell
came heavy to his nose, like a nights worth of drink. The scent itself
almost a tease, as Juan stood back up. His brown features still lit with
that lightest of smiles.

A knowing smile.

Cesar's eyes lowered again, this time not nearly as low as they have just
before. Down to that level which was inevitable. He still shook with the
past closeness, the pent, silent passion of a day. One that Juan had spent
in equal passion doing the one thing that only fueled Cesar's own. The
youth watched as Juan walked lazily across the remains of the building-
cum-basketball court. Watched on that one place alone, at least.

Alone. Here. Together. Where else in the world would Cesar want to be
right now?

His mind quickly supplied the answer as his piqued interests rose further.
An obvious and intentional show. Played over lightly by the pretext of an
easy afternoon stroll. Juan stared down over the vastness of Bradford
below. As Cesar stared at the one thing that he knew Juan had just
encouraged. Cesar watched darkly, silently. As the beat of the music
pounded with his heart in his ears, within his groin. Sharing the heat of
the day with the heat of passion that burned there also.

The black material of his basketball shorts and jersey contrasted
perfectly with his brown skin. Clinging to wet skin still. His shorts
falling down over the thick firmness of his ass. The rest of his shorts
there seemed to fall from those two mounds, tight and prominent. Perhaps
hidden by the mesh of the material, but hinted at and implied by context
and the smooth stroke of that same material. Cesar's jaw was slightly
lower, unknowingly, breathing in the raw heat. His eyes drunk in the
strongest beverage of them all.

For one taste of that strong flavor.

Cesar continued to stare, as Juan looked out over the city below. Cesar
had always felt as small and insignificant as just even the merest of
those buildings below. But when he stared and took in every slow motion of
his close friends ass, he felt as if nothing else truly mattered. Right
there was all he wanted to see. All he ever wanted to touch and
experience. Where Juan's whole life was in the pursuit and perfection of
basketball, to master every step and motion, Cesar wanted nothing more to
explore and experience every smooth curve and motion of that right there.
To be with it as much as the every passing moment that Juan spent with his
own obsession.

To think of it not being there was almost unspeakable. As hard to describe
as the passion itself.

"Pretty good view from up here, ese," Juan called back. He still looked
out over the city. Cesar had only just realized again the passage of time,
the changing of tracks on the CD. "Bet you always saw that though, huh?"

Cesar replied with his usual silence. Still watching. Waiting. Worshipping
in his own quiet way. He'd learnt to take things in life this way. His own
distant ways.

"Too damn busy playing basketball to notice much else, I think," he
continued to muse aloud. Juan's voice danced in Cesar's ears with a
familiarity matched only by his own voice. His eyes took in that which
matched it in familiarity of physical presence.

"Why don't you come up and get a better look?"

Cesar glanced up, noticing that Juan was looking back at him. Smiling in
that smooth, knowing way. As silence as Cesar always was, matching the
older boy like his own shadow, Juan knew his every thought. A close trust
known, not always expressed in words. Cesar suddenly wondered what he had
been talking about. He thought quickly, taking in the implications of the
question. The possible, more accurate ones, given that he had been looking
at the city as long as he had been looking at his ass.

Yet that smile spoke as much as Cesar's dark, wanting eyes.

"Can't see much from way back there."

Cesar stood up, with some effort. He could feel the sticky take that the
sweat was having of his body, beneath his heavy, or tight clothes. He
became aware suddenly of his erection. The way that it made what was
always baggy bulge somewhat with what lay below. He felt the lump, almost
painful, in his throat as he swallowed. He wanted another drink. But he
wanted more to drink of something which would sate far deeper needs.

Cesar walked the few steps that took him to his friends side. Long, lanky
strides. Far better suited in height to the game of basketball, than his
far shorter friend. He stared down slightly at Juan as he stood there. His
dark eyes under the bandanna that made him Loco for life. More
practically, stanched the wetness of his forehead from falling to his
eyes. Cesar saw Juan looking right up back at him. Still smiling.

How could one man -- no, one thing have so much power over him?

Cesar lowered his head lightly. Trying at least not to make obvious where
his eyes eventually fell. Another few tight quick glances exchanged in the
seconds that ensued. Wants, desires. Permissions. All silent, yet as real
as if they had been spoken. Cesar wasted little more time as he went down
to his knees. Feeling the hard concrete there as he moved about to that
one place he so longed for. It was times like this what he knew what crack
fiends felt like. He understood that hungry, all wanting look in their
eyes that he saw every day.

Cesar put his shakey hands onto the firmness of Juan's ass. He breathed
heavily. Felt the raw rush in his throat. His hands resting there. Two
firm, full handfuls of ass. He could feel the softness of Juan's
basketball shorts, the incredible hardness implied beneath. He could spend
an eternity alone with his hands right there, if not for the strong smell
of sweat that assaulted his nose again. Like a sweet song, beckoning him
closer. Drawing him with the same strength as the hardness he felt beneath
his palms.

Juan stood in silence, taking the place in voice that Cesar always
occupied, as the younger youth left his hands talk volumes. Cesar left his
grasp wander. Explore. Taking in anew those curves that he knew totally by
heart. But moving with the same passion as if he was discovering them for
the first time. Pulling Juan's shorts askew as his palms shifted across
the thickness there. His hand lowering lightly to catch under one long,
baggy leg of his shorts. Cesar let his hand move up the hot, tight muscle
of Juan's thigh.

Onto the thick globe of his ass.

Cesar could hear his friends tight moan above. Feel the burning heat of
his skin there. The light strap of his jock that played across the smooth
skin. He could feel the moisture under his hand. Cesar wondered if he
could feel that he was shaking still, slightly. His senses blind, his mind
locked only in that one pursuit, the youth tugged at Juan's shorts.
Feeling little resistance, either from the shorts, or his close friend, as
they came down. They puddled about Juan's expensive shoes, revealing a
sight that Cesar would call priceless.

The youth stared momentarily. The two full globes of Juan's tight ass. So
smooth, hairless. A size perhaps only further pronounced by his relative
shortness. The deep, promising cleft between his cheeks. Cesar batted
lightly at Juan's jersey as it slipped down over the one place he longed
to be one with. Frustrated by even the lightest, slight disruption. Barely
noticing much more than it was gone suddenly, as Juan pulled it off.
Dropped it aside. Cesar's eyes were already in love again. For the first

If anyone below could have seen him, a young basketballer all but naked in
just a jock, they would have thought he would make a stunning model.
Strong bodied. Flawlessly smooth brown skin. A face, seemingly untouched
by the ghettos he grew up in. Still strong with the fire of his
determinations. Cesar couldnt see past what was right in front of him. The
one place he would die a thousand times alone to see just once. Thanking a
thousand times more that he had the chance to see as often as he did.

Juan ran his hand again across the tightness of Juan's butt, feeling the
wetness there almost. The presence of his jockstrap. Cesar felt the smell
of the sweat and the heat running to his head quickly. He let his face
fall lightly against the source of it, moaning in the sudden increase in
both. Drunk on the moisture. The pungent smell of a number of hours hard
basketball workout thick in his nose. Along with that unmistakable scent
of ass. His shakey hands worked at the last obstruction to the full
smoothness that he felt against his cheek. He barely noticed that Juan did
most of the work, slipping the jock down to join his shorts.

Cesar turned his head. Feeling his nose press into the crack of Juan's
ass. He breathed in the scent, like it was the air he needed to survive.
Feeling the flush to his face that the heat there caused. Swum in the
sweat that had collected, deep between the tight cheeks of Juan's butt.
Cesar felt drunk, yet no more alive than right there. Right there in the
full presence of his close friends ass. Breathing and feeling that which
made Juan what he was.

Cesar's mouth was already opening, panting hot breaths against Juan. Raw
want took him the little distance further to pry apart the tight cleft of
Juan's cheeks, exposing the softness between. A soft, moist, puckering
tightness. A prize held between the mountains of that which Cesar already
considered the true winnings alone. Looking only for a moment, Cesar drove
back between Juan's cheeks, taking his mouth to what he would rather taste
and feel than see.

The youth panted tightly, trapped between keeping Juan spread, and wanting
to release his own throbbing cock from his jeans. His tongue lapping and
poking at that which was already soft and relaxed. The thick aroma of the
afternoons sweat mingling with the natural tastes of Juan's ass. Cesar
pushed deeper, maybe too quickly. Longing to experience his friend in ways
that he could satisfy so seldom. Paying true homage to his one obsession,
directly after Juan had paid homage to his own.

Cesar wouldn't have had it any other way. Right now. Right here. Like
this. This was his truest obsession. He wanted nothing more than to taste,
feel, breath another mans sweaty, tight ass. He wanted nothing more for it
to be Juan's, as thankful alone that his friend let him, as for the
passion itself.

Cesar began working his tongue into Juan's puckering ass hole. Hearing the
older youth moaning strongly as he continued to rim him, eating out his
sweaty, funky ass. Pushing his tongue further as the hot bursts of his
aroused breath joined the heat of Juan's body there. Feeling his friend
stepping hastily, uneasily out of his shorts and jock to spread himself as
best he could. Cesar realized suddenly that Juan was already fisting his
hard erection. Worked his own jeans clumsily as he continued to lick and
suck at Juan's moist ass hole.

Releasing himself into the heat of the afternoon, Cesar began to stroke at
his already intensely aroused dick. The act alone of experiencing Juan's
ass like this was enough to sate, but it naturally caused passionate highs
for him that he often neglected in favour for what he was now tasting.
Drinking like a man who hadn't for days, Cesar as much himself without for
nearer to weeks of this most sweetest treat.

Cesar kept probing at Juan's ass with his tongue, taking quick looks at
those smooth globes. Thick and heavy about his face as he dove deeper
between his friends cheeks. The tightness between them as strong as that
within the big curves of his butt. Cesar tasted the sweat on his lips,
thankful that he'd been able to do this so quickly after a workout.
Tasting and smelling Juan at his best. Experiencing him at a level more
intimate than any. As bared to the city below, to any who could possibly
see, as his naked friend. Cesar right there behind him, eating deeply of
his ass.

Cesar moved his hand up onto Juan's hip, trying to bury himself deeper in
that tight, funky heat. Wishing that he could loosen Juan to the point his
tongue could move more freely into his tight passage. As Juan trembled,
moaned heavily about him. All but sitting against him as his tongue
invaded as far as it could into his ass hole. Cesar felt the rawest of
pleasures searing the length of his cock as he surged closer towards
climax. Felt the tightness returning to Juan, felt it pulsing within his
tight hole.

Cesar pulled Juan closer, harder. Tighter against his mouth as he felt
himself boiling. Boiling in the heat of the day. In the thick smells of
Juan's ass. The smooth, wet flesh of his most tender spot. Juan cussing
tightly above him as Cesar felt the intensely of his stroke within his
slight motions. His tightened muscles, no less than the tightening muscle
of his anus. Cesar felt dizzy, overcome, his senses assaulted. The sudden
rush that consumed his groin.

Gasping breathily into Juan's ass, Cesar felt the fluid release of his
climax. Tasted the still, almost dripping fluid of Juan's sweat. Realizing
from the deep moans that Juan too was cumming. Cesar dropped is own
spasming cock to pry Juan open further. To seek deeper into his friends
ass for that one moment. He felt Juan grow weak momentarily, falling back
heavily against that wet stimulus that had bought him so fully to cumming.
Cesar let him weigh heavily there, questing deeper with his tongue. Taking
his deepest pleasure in return.

Moaning lightly, panting heavily, Juan eventually steadied himself. Cesar
had to steady himself, suddenly, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of
the act hitting his senses heavier than he had expected. He noticed he had
cum thick sprays onto Juan's jock and shorts. Clean white against black,
and white. The older youth was already pulling his clothes back up, still
clumsy in his post orgasmic bliss as he redressed himself.

Cesar caught his breath. Saying quietly, that which would do little to
express the depth. As did so many words fail to express the passion of his


"No problem, ese."

Cesar pushed his cock back into his pants. Already so fully spent. Juan's
hand was already out, Cesar taking it. Feeling the strength with which the
shorter youth pulled him up. Steadied him. Juan still had that same
slight, knowing smile. It was almost as if it was reserved for this one
such situation. Portraying where mere words failed to express.

Cesar smiled back.