Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Walk Home by White Wolff This work is the intellectual property of the author and he claims the copyright. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WARNING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is a work of adult fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults and others. If you are under the age of consent where you reside delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain this sort of material where you reside delete this file immediately. Otherwise read and enjoy! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The day was far from usual for various reasons. The weather, for one, was sunny and warm and looked like staying that way. Another was that I was walking rather than driving, an event that doesn't happen anywhere near often enough. The best reason was that I'd just signed a deal that had earned me more than all of last year's deals combined. Why was I walking? The weather was part of the reason but it was mainly because Steve Maclaine, the man whose great decision it was to offer me the contract was a well-known 'Greenie'. He hated cars and all the pollution they kicked out and when I casually mentioned that I'd walked to our first meeting his eyes brightened and that little edge might have been the bit that swung the deal my way. I had also of course put in a powerful bid but every little helps, I was, therefore, feeling quite smug as I approached the local school, whistling tunelessly one of those, irritating ditties that you can't get out of your head. 'Aren't you speaking then?' I turned to look at who had spoken. I could only see a couple of schoolgirls close enough. They were standing looking at me, one frowning, the other smiling brightly. There was no instant recognition on my part, but the smiling girl had a vaguely familiar look about her. She stood; her smile still radiant, framed by her sun bleached blonde hair, waiting for my old brain cells to start working. Then click! 'Emma?' I asked tentatively. 'Who else?' She replied confirming my suspicions. I looked over this young woman, who I now knew to be all of thirteen and liked what I saw. She was going to be a stunner when she grew up and very nearly had done that already. Of course I'd guessed as much when I used to go out with her mother five years previously. Had I not known her true age I would have thought her to be about sixteen with her already large breasts and well-developed figure. Some poor lad, correction, make that lads, were going to be in serious trouble around 'My little Em', which even after five years I instinctively thought of her as. 'Well you've certainly grown young lady, and made a bloody good job of it too.' I told her before adding, 'as I told you you would.' Her smile, which even as a youngster was a killer, broadened. 'Do you think so?' she asked fishing for compliments as ever. I shook my head. 'No! I don't think so, I know so.' I held my arms out as I always used to and as before she jumped into them for her cuddle. Immediately I regreted my automatic response as my body told me that this was a woman's body in my arms not the child's one I'd last hugged half a decade ago. I still towered above her so I kissed her head and pushed her away. 'So how are you then Em? And your mum?' I enquired. 'We're fine.' Emma responded, seemingly unaware that I had pushed her away so quickly. 'Mum's still with Phil and I suppose I'm used to him now.' Phil, I knew was the man who'd taken my place with Tracey, Emma's mum, when we'd finished. We'd both agreed that our year together had been good, but that extra special spark had never been there and so we'd parted good friends, always with the intention of still seeing each other platonically. Phil had been hovering in the wings, and had, in fact, been the catalyst in our break-up; but apparently had a bit of a jealous streak so stopped Tracey seeing me. She'd told me that she'd reluctantly agreed, hoping to give their new relationship every chance to bloom. Emma, I learnt did not take to Phil, mainly I think (conceitedly perhaps) because he was taking my place rather than anything inherently wrong with Phil. For the next few minutes Emma was a whirlwind of questions and anecdotes. I noticed her friend fidgeting, clearly bored with the proceedings, so I asked Emma to introduce us, simply to bring the other youngster into the conversation. 'Oh! Sorry Wolff. This is Emma too.' She said. 'Emma TWO?' I asked. 'Does that make you Emma ONE?' I deliberately misunderstood her. 'No silly.' She said with a giggle that betrayed her true age. 'I mean her name is Emma as well.' The other Emma, knew immediately that my question was baited, looked at me and shook her head as if embarrassed by her friend being taken in by my words. My Emma then saw the look on her friend and finally cottoned on. 'Oh you! You haven't changed if I have.' She laughed and once again ran into my arms. 'I've missed you, you know.' She added seriously. Suddenly this was 'My little Em' back in my arms and the thought of her grown up body vanished, I just hugged her. 'What's this?' I heard a still familiar voice enquire. I turned to see Tracey standing by her car. As she recognised me her puzzled look evaporated. 'Wolff! I might have known. She doesn't usually hug strange men. How are you?' We then spent a good ten minutes just renewing old memories. One of the reasons we had not split earlier was because we did really get on as friends and could, and often did, talk about anything and everything, then anybody and everybody after that. A couple of times I heard giggles and looked around to see the two Emmas locked in conspiratal conversation. Eventually, when a natural pause in our reminiscing occurred, Emma asked her mother if they could go as she had homework to do. Tracey and I looked at her, then at each other before both saying simultaneously. 'I bet!' We all, including Emma Two, burst out laughing, but agreed that we should part, promising to, this time, keep in touch. I waved them away with Emma Two, as I had started to think of her, at my side. 'You still waiting for your lift?' I asked politely. A nasty laugh was the initial response, followed by an explanation. 'You must be joking. My parents don't give a damn whether I even go to school. I'm sure they'd both prefer it if I wasn't around at all.' 'You walk then?' I asked, stating the obvious to try and change the story. 'Which way?' She told me where she lived, which turned out to be about half a mile past my own house. I mentioned this and we both started walking together. Emma was in no mood to give up on what I recognised as a pet gripe. 'I mean, if they cared, then they might try to be home occasionally when I'm there.' I wondered if her parents were as bad as she made out, or did they just need to work long hours to meet the bills. The latter was by no means unusual in this area of traditionally low paid work. It turned out to be a bit of both. Her mother worked hard to keep the family fed; in fact had two jobs, the second as cleaner started before school finished and didn't finish until gone nine o'clock each night. Her father worked behind a bar every evening managing to drink more than most of his customers. He was not a nasty drunk but was a thoughtless one. Her mother was very protective of him. Emma, then, was one of the latchkey kids I'd read about so often, those thought by many to be the next generation of criminals. From what Emma told me, I didn't think that this was true in her case, but who knew what the future held. Trying to cheer her up a little (me too!) I asked what the two girls had been giggling about whilst Tracey and me had been talking. Emma went all shy and I saw her face redden. She was obviously too embarrassed to say anything and after a long stare I was about to give that up as a topic when she answered. 'You!' 'Me?' I asked, although thinking back it was not surprising as they'd both whisper then look at me before a giggle then another whisper. 'What about me?' I pushed. The answer was along time coming but when it did it knocked the wind out of me. 'Emma was telling me that when you used to stay at her house.' She began nervously. 'That she would sneak into your bed.' I recalled that too. Tracey and me always had the bed to ourselves when we went to sleep but Emma was nearly always there when we woke up. I smiled at the recollection, it had seemed like family bliss at the time and I suppose it had lost little of its appeal over the years. I was about to ask why this brought about any giggling when Emma continued. 'She says she used to look at your...willy.' I could hear embarrassment in her voice and as I looked at her, once more she blushed. I could now see what caused the giggles and laughed in turn. 'Such a small thing to set you girls giggling.' I said with tongue in cheek. 'Emma said it was quite big...' Emma started before realising my deliberate double entendre. She then tried to dig herself out of the hole, something that wise people never do. 'Oh! Is it big then?' I laughed again. 'It depends who is measuring it I suppose and what you class as big.' I knew that I was only just above average, but I suppose to an eight-year-old my earlier morning erection was big, although I found it interesting that Emma not only remembered it but well enough to talk to her friend about it. Emma Two looked straight ahead and we walked in silence for a while when she stepped in front of me and then turned to face me. I had no choice but to stop as well. 'What if I measured it?' she asked, very seriously. That was a question my light-hearted banter had not expected. I had no problem talking about adult things to kids but this was now a bit too personal. Against my better judgement I found that I was assessing this Emma as I had the other earlier. She was not as well endowed as the other girl; she was shorter, probably just over five feet tall and quite slender. Her most noticeable feature was her long mane of red hair. It was obviously her natural colour although she did not have the heavily freckled pale face that often accompanied this hue. She was carrying her school jacket so I could see that although she had breasts they appeared quite small. Her legs seemed to be the only fully developed part as they were very shapely indeed. She was not what I usually sought in a woman although there was certainly nothing objectionable about her. Aware of my appraisal she asked directly. 'Like what you see?' I answered honestly. 'Yes I do. In a few years you will be quite something.' I hoped my praise would boost her ego somewhat and get her mind away from my private parts. I saw dejection appear immediately. 'In a few years!' she repeated angrily, 'what about now? I saw the way you looked at Em. I bet you didn't think "in a few years' about her. Did you?' she looked at me demanding I answer. Feeling guilty about my initial thoughts when I saw her I decided to lie. 'I looked at Emma because she has grown. Don't forget she was only eight last time I saw her. I think of her as a daughter almost and nothing else.' Again a bout of silence followed, in fact she still hadn't spoken by the time we reached my house. 'Well!' I said to her, 'this is where I live.' Emma still looked sullen and I was beginning to feel glad that I was home; I had had enough of being embarrassed and teenage moods. I did feel sorry for her as I had vague recollection of her father, who, in my opinion, was a complete arsehole. I was therefore quite unprepared for her next question. 'Can I come in?' The look I gave her obviously carried the question that was in my mind. 'I've nowt else to do. No one in at home and no friends about.' Then when I hesitated, she decided to answer for me. 'Doesn't matter! No reason why you should be any different.' Before I could rationalise my motives and totally opposed to my thoughts a moment before I capitulated and invited her in. As soon as I was through the door I was hit by forty pounds of canine excitement. My hands were automatically positioned to guard my precious manhood, that being the exact height of my dog's nose. I pushed her further into the hall and had just about calmed her down when she spotted Emma. Judy is a very affectionate animal but also quite boisterous and can often scare strangers. Where Emma was concerned I need not have worried though. She immediately stooped and was giving Judy the love and fuss she craves. As I smiled I noticed that Emma's expression and demeanour had changed dramatically, gone was the morose teenager and in her place a grinning, happy young girl. I suddenly had a real insight to this youngster, when she was given love and attention, even from a pet, she blossomed. I also noticed that her school skirt had risen halfway up her thighs and was displaying her cute legs to perfection. I was also annoyed with myself for looking down her white blouse as she leaned forward. I couldn't see much other than the top of a lacy white bra, but I still was ogling this schoolgirl. I even felt a stirring in my trousers so decided to retreat to the kitchen and put the kettle on. A minute or two later and Emma followed me in. 'She's gorgeous.' She said of her new friend. 'What's her name?' 'Judy.' I answered, 'and yes she is gorgeous and doesn't she just know it.' I added proudly. 'She also needs to go outside.' I said as I let my black and white collie out into the secure yard at the back. I turned my attention back to my young guest. Emma then became the typical woman; by that I mean continuing a conversation of a while ago but doing so as if no time had elapsed at all and expecting us poor men to know exactly what they are talking about and remembering where we were in the conversation. 'Can I measure it then or at least see it?' At first I was puzzled, assuming she was talking about something to do with Judy. It was only a few seconds before my mind recalled our earlier talk, but it was a few too many for Emma as she added, almost pleading. 'Please! I'm thirteen and I've never even seen a man's willy before. Everyone else at school has and I have to pretend that I have.' The last bit made me smile as I thought that she was probably in the majority in not having seen a man's cock but not being prepared to admit it, that thought though was quickly replaced by how I should answer her. I swiftly decided that I should talk to her as I would an adult. 'I am sure that for a pretty girl like you the boys would be queuing to show you their cocks, I know I would have done when I was your age.' 'No chance!' she stated. 'They are all interested in other girls like Em. Those with something to show in return.' She looked down at her breasts before despondingly adding, 'let's face it, I've got nothing to show there.' I remembered my brief glimpse down her blouse and decided I'd better refrain from comment. Emma however took my silence as agreement with her. 'I notice you aren't arguing.' She said with a wry smile that was much too old for her young face. 'On the contrary, I happen to think you've got lots to show. You have beautiful legs and a lovely figure. You don't have to have big breasts to attract men.' The use of men instead of boys was subconscious although once I'd said it I was aware of the difference.'You are a very pretty young girl.' Emma pounced on my mistake. 'Well men might, but boys don't. That's why I'm not interested in boys.' She then looked me straight in the eye and asked. 'What about you? Do you like small tits?' I looked down at the small mounds showing through her white blouse. 'Yes I do, as do a lot of men.' 'Okay then, I'll let you see my tits if you let me see your will...' she was halfway through the word when she changed it to my earlier word, 'cock.' Over the next few seconds my mind raced along firing off at conflicting tangents. She's only thirteen. I feel sorry for her. It would be against the law. Legal yes, but moral I wasn't so sure. I liked her straightforward attitude. She is still at school. She does have a sexy body. It is her idea. I wanted to see her firm young breasts and yes damn it; I wanted to feel them. In the end all I was doing was finding reasons to justify agreeing to her request. My mind thought it was still working on it but my mouth had other ideas. 'OK!' I heard it saying. Emma, so used to rejection, reacted initially to the words she expected rather than the one said before she realised. Her eyes lit up and I was once more seeing her as I had when she was petting Judy. I felt a sudden happiness that I had brought the smile back, one that illuminated her entire face. Instinctively I held out my arms and Emma almost ran to me. I hugged her and I felt very calm as I squeezed her to me. For a while she was happy with the hug but as my body began to respond to the warmth and softness next to it, Emma pulled away and for a second it was a young child in front of me, knowing what she wanted but having no idea what to do next. I then asked the question which was to change the afternoon. I looked at her and spoke gently. 'There is two ways we can do this. First as a biology lesson or as two people wanting to explore the other's body. How do you want to play it.' I could see that she needed no further explanation as to the choices. After only the briefest of moments weighing up the situation she replied softly. ' The latter.' Her tone was all woman with no hint of child. I held out my hand and she placed her own in it. I led her upstairs to my bedroom. 'Emma! If I do anything that you are not certain about or don't want me to do, then say so and I'll stop. Don't feel that you have to be brave and carry on. OK?' She nodded. In my bedroom I have a large black leather footrest that came with my three-piece suite. I lifted Emma on to it so that she was closer to me in height. I pulled her head to me and kissed her soft lips. I knew immediately that I was the first to kiss her, as she had no idea what to do with her mouth. I spent the next ten minutes showing her how wonderful the simple kiss can be. It also helped her relax in my presence. During this time I restricted my hands to her head, neck and back. When I felt she was comfortable with me I took half a step back and just looked at her. What I had initially thought of as mere prettiness I now recognised as the beginnings of true beauty; I had been too enamoured with the obvious physical attributes of my former lover's daughter that I had not looked closely enough at her friend. I smiled to let her know how much I appreciated the view before I reached out and undid the top button of her school blouse. I leaned in to kiss her throat. Very slowly I repeated the process on the rest of the buttons, each time kissing the freshly exposed skin. Once the last button was undone I placed my hands on her naked shoulders and gently slid the blouse off; or at least mostly off, as the right cuff was too tight to go over her delicate hand. We both laughed as I struggled to undo the cuff button and finally shed the blouse. The laugh had composed her as the nervousness that had been just behind her mask evaporated forever. She now stood proud before my gaze in the small white bra I'd glimpsed earlier. As I was taking in her beauty she reached behind and expertly removed the bra revealing her pert young breasts. They were small as I'd known they would be, but they were perfectly formed, her areoles were light and her nipples small and pale. I spent a long time admiring her before telling her just how beautiful they and she were. I placed a hand over each and began to knead them, stroking and squeezing the breast before taking a nipple between my fingers and rolling it. Emma let out a soft moan of pleasure. I bent over to kiss each nipple before taking the right one into my mouth sucking it, using my teeth to tease it to grow, which it duly obliged. I used every finger, each part of my hand and mouth to pleasure each firm breast in turn to increasingly long sighs from Emma. When I'd finished I quickly removed my shirt and pulled her into my arms savouring that special sensation of flesh on flesh. Emma pulled my head to her and for the first time kissed me instead of just responding to my kiss. That helped me too, for it showed that she was more than happy with what I was doing. Although my mind knew she was only thirteen I'd long stopped treating her as anything but a woman. I reluctantly pulled away from her lips and traced my hands down from her neck, over her breasts and taut stomach to the top of her skirt. My right hand found the button and zip that held the skirt in place. I undid the button and took hold of the zip. I then looked at Emma for permission to carry on. There was no hesitation now and with an enchanting little grin she nodded her assent. I felt delightfully wicked as I lowered the zip on a school skirt. With the button and zip undone all I needed to do was remove my hands and the last bit of Emma's uniform fell to the floor. Once more I took a half step back to admire her. As she'd looked down to watch me her long hair had fallen either side of her breasts; if those breasts were not yet mature then her hips and legs certainly were. Her body, covered now only by a pair of white panties, looked fabulous, the marvellous legs I'd noticed before topped out into really sexy firm thighs. Her stomach was as flat and taut as any Olympic athlete. I looked up to her face, about to tell her how sexy she looked when I saw her expression. She had registered the obvious awe in my own features making words superfluous. I moved back into her body to kiss that exquisite stomach, whilst letting my hands hold her waist. My fingers slipped under her panties and slowly pushed them down, continually feeling the soft skin of her thighs and legs. My initial guess proved correct as her light red bush was exposed. I placed the palm of my hand onto it and was stunned, her hair was the softest I had ever felt, more like velvet than coarse pubic hair. My mouth had an urgent desire to kiss this mysterious down and I happily allowed it to do just that. My hand went to the inside of her thigh before moving up to allow my forefinger to push against her pussy lips. She was already moist and my finger slipped between the folds of her labia with ease. As I made the first fleeting contact with her clit she let out a gasp. Time to move on I thought. I picked her up in my arms and laid her gently on the bed. Kneeling beside her I gave her a long, lingering kiss before standing up to remove my remaining clothes. I was bout to join my naked young lover when she held a hand up. 'Wait! Let me look at you now.' She said with a soft smile. Needless to say I was by now fully aroused, and if it was possible even more blood rushed to my erection when after a few moments of looking she reached out and gripped my cock in her dainty hands. 'Em was right.' She grinned, 'it is big.' As much as my cock was relishing her touch I wanted more. Once again I knelt down beside her and tasted her mouth, feeling her tongue duelling with my own. Slowly, oh so slowly, I moved my mouth down her body. I took delight in her neck and throat, her chest and of course her small nipple tipped mounds of pleasure. After kissing her stomach I moved to her feet, kissing and stroking them before moving upwards this time. She parted her thighs as my lips caressed their tender skin. Although she had never savoured a man's mouth on her pussy, she desperately needed me to complete my journey of pleasure. As soon as my head was close her hands gripped my neck and pulled me to her waiting pussy. Her scent was so sweet that my tongue had to seek out the source of the aroma, lapping up the juices that were my guide. When I pushed my tongue into her I felt her body lift and heard a howl of pleasure. My mind grinned, although my mouth couldn't. "And the best is yet to come!' was my mental response to her physical one. I wanted to keep away from her clit to build up her pleasure but after only a couple of minutes gave in to my own desire to bring this teenager to orgasm. I swiftly moved my mouth to her clit catching Emma by surprise. My tongue and lips attacked her most sensitive bud, licking, flicking, and sucking until she was writhing below me, her words now totally incoherent. I pushed a finger into her pussy until it met with her virginity. It was enough for her. I felt her thigh muscles contract and then she came. A long, relatively quiet moan accompanied her orgasm as my tongue fought to keep contact. As her body slowly subsided from its peak I moved back up to her head and kissed the gasping teen, letting her taste herself. It was only a few moments before she responded, kissing me back with a passion that surprised and delighted me. When she let me up for breath I whispered to her. 'Can I make love to you?' I knew what we had already done went way beyond Emma's initial juvenile request of 'You show me yours and I'll show you mine' but I so wanted to be inside her it almost hurt. I was almost afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop if she said no. After what seemed an eternity she answered. 'I don't know. You are so big!' She looked at me, almost pleading, 'would you mind if I said no?' Shit! I thought, of course I bloody mind. I'm almost bursting with desire. Then as the disappointment hit and the blood began to leave my cock and allow some to return to my brain instead, I started to understand and accept her fears. I was sure that if I pushed her then she would give in and let me do what I desperately wanted to do, but, although not actually rape it suddenly appeared that way, after all it would be against her will even if no force was used. If I had been with a fully-grown woman I may have pushed a bit harder but with a thirteen-year-old I couldn't find it in me. When I looked back at her my smile was genuine. 'Of course I understand. I said at the onset that I would stop if you asked.' Her radiant smile that accompanied her response was almost worth the sacrifice by itself. 'Thank you.' 'Do you want to go now then?' I asked. 'No, unless you want me to go.' She answered. When I shook my head she continued. 'Will you just hold me?' I didn't bother to answer; I just put my arm under her neck and pulled her close. We remained like that for a good hour or more. I think Emma fell asleep during that time but I'm not certain. I quietly enjoyed the naked body next to mine, not in the usual sexual sense but more the sensual pleasure I received. I would have expected to spend that hour worrying about the consequences but somehow I didn't care. This youngster had gotten to me the way no woman ever had. I couldn't ever remember being so relaxed after a first time, if it could be classed as a first time; maybe it was because she had no expectations that I couldn't live up to. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't falling in love with her, but I really did care for her. When she finally stirred, Emma looked up to me and without a word gently kissed me. We snuggled together a bit longer before getting up. I deliberately avoided any further sexual contact partly because I wasn't sure if Emma wanted more but mainly because I didn't want a second rejection. Fully dressed we sat on my sofa, or at least I sat. Emma lay down along it with her head in my lap. I had that special sensation, at least to me, of finger combing her soft red hair. We talked briefly about what we'd done and how Emma should not tell a soul. She knew this but added that even if she were older she wouldn't want to tell anyone, that what had happened was personal and very special, not for sharing. I was grateful and surprised by her mature attitude. When it was time for her to leave she asked if she could come again and was I sure that I hadn't minded not actually doing it. I laughed and told her that she was welcome any time. As for not minding, I told her how much I did mind but it was her choice. Seeing that I was laughing whilst I explained Emma too giggled and after a lingering kiss left. White Wolff Please send any comments to