The following story is purely a work of fiction of a sexual nature.  If
you're not of age, it's illegal to view such material in your community,
etc.  then stop right now and go away.

Archive and distribute freely as you please as long as the story goes
unaltered and my e-mail is left in.

Travis Walker : Ch.  2 - Escape From C.A.
by: turc443

My eyes slowly flickered open and took their time becoming adjusted to
the light.  It took a few minutes, but the bluriness in my vision
disappeared and my eyes focused on the ceiling above me.  Reaching up to
feel my chest I could feel tubing sticking out of my arms and bandages
across my chest.  I was in a hospital I thought.  I looked to my left then
to my right and saw various pieces of medical equipment and signs which
confirmed my suspicions.

On the table next to my bed I found the remote to the tv and turned it
on.  I went through all the stations, but found nothing interesting to
watch so I settled on the news.  It's lead story was about a cocaine dealer
who got high and tried to rob a bank, but got killed in a shoot out with
the police.  The dealer's name was Travis Walker.  Jesus Christ this was
getting ludicrous.  What name was I using now and who was faking my death
this time?  Ah fuck it.  It doesn't matter at this point.  I probably would
have been better off staying in St.  Louis killing Cody and Tito myself or
trying to anyways.  I turned the tv off and shut my eyes trying to go back
to sleep.

I laid in bed at least ten or fifteen minutes before getting back to
sleep.  As my body neared the shut down point and readied itself for rest.
I heard my room door open and shut.  I kept my eyes shut hoping whoever it
was would think I was asleep and leave me alone..

"Johnny?  You awake Johnny?"

That voice...  It sounded so familiar...

"Please answer me if you can hear me."

I know that voice.  It couldn't be...  I slowly opened my eyes and
standing at my bedside was Melissa.

"Oh Johnny!  I'm so glad you're okay," Melissa cried leaning over my bed
and carefully hugging me.  She let go and I looked at her as tears ran from
her eyes.  It just couldn't be her.

"What...  No, no, no, it can't be you!  You're dead!  I got you killed
in a car accident!  We were both drunk and I thought I could drive us home,
but I...  I killed you."

"What are you talking about?  I'm not dead.  I never was in any
accident. You must have been having a nightmare."

"But no...  I saw..." I sighed in exasperation.  I tried pinching myself
to see if I was dreaming or if this was real and my sister was still alive,
but I didn't wake up and I didn't trust myself anymore.  "What happened to
me then?"

"We were at Jeff's party two days ago, and one of the guests brought
some people with them who I think were drug users and something happened.
Sara was there to pick you up and you two were in the wrong place at the
wrong time and were shot.  You were rushed here and they saved you, but
you've been asleep for the last two days."

"What about Sara?"

"She didn't make it.  She was shot in the head and died instantaneously.
I know what she meant to you as a friend.  I liked her too."

"Did they catch the people who did this?"

"The shooters escaped, but the person they came with identified them and
they were caught later.  Three other people were wounded beside you.
They're probably going to want you to testify at the trial."

"I will if asked.  Sara was a good person, and shouldn't have had to die
picking up my drunken ass.  Fuck alcohol, I'm done with it."

"Me too," Melissa agreed hugging me one more time.  As she let go of the
embrace a doctor walked in the room.

"Good to see you're finally awake Mr.  Ronde," he greeted.  "I'm Dr.
Smith and I've been watching over you since you've arrived."

"How long until he can leave?" Melissa asked.

"Visiting hours were over half an hour ago Melissa.  You really
shouldn't be here right now."

"I know I know, but I was worried about him.  Is he going to be ok?"

"Johnny's going to be fine.  He's just been sleeping because his body
needed to recover.  We'll keep him in here for a few more days, and if
nothing comes up he should be gone in a few days.  Now go home and get some
sleep.  I'm sure your parents are wondering where you are right now."

"Thanks, thanks a lot doctor," Melissa thanked Dr.  Smith with a hearty
handshake.  "I'll see you in a few days then Johnny!"

My sister bounded from the room with a new found hope, and the doctor
followed behind her closing the door on his way out.  The next two days
went by uneventfully and I was relieved when Dr.  Smith told me I could
finally go home.  I found it a bit odd though when only Melissa came to
pick me up and my parents were nowhere to be found.

"Hey Melissa, where's mom and dad?" I asked was we crossed the hospital
parking lot to her car.

"Dad's been out of town with work for almost a week.  He nearly came
back when mom called to tell him what happened to you, but she managed to
convince him to stay.  Whatever he's working on is apparently pretty
important to his company and his job, and mom told him that you had become
stable and would make it so I guess that's all it took.  Mom on the other
hand has been sick these last few days and had a doctor's appointment this
morning.  She said it wasn't anything serious."

"Oh, well I hope not."

We found Melissa's Chevy Cavalier and got in.  As we started to drive
off her cell phone started ringing.

"Hey can you check and see who that is?" She asked me.

"Sure." I reached into the backseat and grabbed her purse.  I removed
the phone from the clip that was holding it to the strap and looked at the
LCD window.

"It's mom," I said answering it.


"Hi Johnny, how're you feeling today?"

"I'm doing alright I guess considering."

"Good, once you get home, I'm going to make a big dinner tonight.  What
do you want?"

"What about chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes?"

"That's fine though I'm going to need you to pick up some potatoes on
the way home if you don't mind."

"Not a problem at all.  What's this I hear about you being sick and
seeing the doctor?"

"It's nothing to worry about, and as a matter of fact I have something
important I need to tell both of you when you two get home."

"Alright then, we'll get the potatoes and meet you at home."

"Take care Johnny."

"You too."

I hung up the phone, reattached it to the clip, and threw the purse back
into the back seat.

"We need to stop for some potatoes," I said.

"Yeah I heard you on the phone.  So what did mom have to say about the
doctor's visit?"

"She said that it wasn't anything to worry about and that she had
something important to tell us."

"You know what this means then don't you?"

"What's that?"

"She's pregnant."

"Yeah right, you're out of your mind you know that don't you?"

"Want to make a bet?  Twenty bucks says she is."

"You're on.  Hey turn here."

Melissa made a quick left into the parking lot of the Shop N Save
grocery store.  While she went to get a bag of potatoes I headed for the
magazine rack and picked up a copy Spin.  It was last month's, but I hadn't
read it yet so I bought it.  I kept meaning to subscribe to the magazine,
but things kept coming up and I kept forgetting about it.  I went back up
front, paid for the magazine, and waited patiently outside on a bench for
Melissa.  She came out a few minutes later with a sack of potatoes and
large paper bag that was rolled up at the top.

"You had to have chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes didn't you?
You know you're going to pay me back for these right?" She asked.

"You know mom will when we get back home.  I'll catch up with you in a
moment," I said kneeling down to tie my shoes.

Melissa waited on me and when I started to stand up she started to cross
the parking lot.  Still tired from the last few days I yawned and stretched
and when my arms were back down at my side I crossed the lot and caught up
with Melissa.  She suddenly stopped when we reached her car and turned and
looked at me.

"Hey did you really mean it when you said you were done drinking?"

"Yeah I did.  It's a really long story and one I don't think you'll
believe, but I meant it."

"The night that you were shot at Jeff's party, I was drunk as well and
was passed out when it all happened.  My head was spinning and I wasn't
sure what was going on when I woke up."

Melissa looked down at the bag in her hand then back at me.

"I've got to go return something, I'll be right back."

"Hey Melissa?"


"Just throw the beer away and get rid of your fake i.d.  I'll give you
your money back when we get home."

"Are you sure?"


"Ok, thanks."

I leaned back on the trunk of my sister's car and watched as she walked
across the parking lot to a trashcan.  As I watched I noticed a black car
fly down an aisle and turn bearing straight down on Melissa.

"What the fuck is going on?" I said aloud remembering the Best Buy
incident in my 'dream'.

I yelled at Melissa but got no response.  She kept walking oblivious to
me and the car.  I didn't try for a second time, but just took off towards
her.  This time someone was getting hit.  I prepared for the worst as I
leapt at Melissa pushing her out of the way.  She looked back and I barely
got to my feet as the car struck me in the side.

My eyes shot wide open and was I breathing hard as a cold sweat rolled
down my face.  I shut my eyes trying to calm myself and control my
breathing unaware that I was in a bed.  I opened my eyes again and saw the
familiar ceiling.  I looked to my left and I looked to my right.  I saw all
the same things in the same hospital room I had seen when I had wakened the
first time.

"Holy shit, I'm in a bad X-Files episode," I muttered out loud.

"I'd say Twilight Zone, but the X-Files could work I suppose."

"What're you doing here?" I asked recognizing the voice, but not looking
at the person it belonged to.

"I've got to get you out of California.  You're life is in danger."

I reached the bed controls and pushed the button that propped up the
backside of the bed.  I looked at Kristin Kreuk and ever so slightly shook
my head.

"My life is in danger?  My life is in danger?  That's all I've been
hearing from you people.  I'm tired of all this non-sense.  I have no life
to go back to, no place to go.  My parents think I'm dead, and now I'm
starting to wonder if my name is still Travis Walker or has been changed to
something else.  I'm not going anywhere until someone starts giving me some
answers." I grabbed at my chest and massaged it as it tingled with a slight

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine.  I was only shot in the chest twice and speaking of
which Jack left me alive for some reason.  He doesn't miss those kind of
easy shots."

"Maybe Jack just did miss.  I don't know why he'd want to leave you
alive on purpose if those were his intentions, but just listen to me
please. You already know about Simon and Jack.  I can't tell you anything
that you don't already know.  I work with Tommy Jefferson.  Cody's

"Yeah I know who he is, but what do you two have to do with Simon and

"Just that both sides are after you.  Simon wants you gone because he
fears you.  I bet you didn't know Cody was working for Simon did you?"

"What?  They told me Cody was a rival dealer to Simon."

"Hardly.  Cody was just a notch or two below Jack and Simon.  Why Jack
helped you get rid of Cody or why Simon let Jack help you I still don't
know, but they fear you now."

"My problems with Simon didn't start until after I met you.  What the
hell do you and Tommy want from me?"

"To help us get rid of Simon."

"Why is that your job?  Let the police or government do it."

"They don't have anything on him.  You heard how they busted Al Capone
for tax evasion right?  It'll take something like that to land Simon in
jail and call it a personal vendetta, but Cody was Tommy's brother after
all and Tommy blamed Simon for his brother's problems."

"So why are you involved?"

"Good old fashioned good versus evil I suppose.  So can we count on

"I'm going to have to sleep on it.  I'll let you know tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then.  Pleasure hurry in your decision
though. It won't be long before Simon knows of your survival and sends Jack
after you again, so we need to get going quickly if you're going to help

"Yeah yeah I know, my life is in danger.  I don't know what to believe
anymore.  Just come back tomorrow night and I'll let you know then.

Kristin kissed me on the forehead and hugged me gingerly.  Getting up
she looked at me smiling once, and then left the room.  If it wasn't for
the current circumstances she was just an absolutely adorable girl I
wouldn't mind dating, though perhaps she'd never have met me if not for the
current situation.

The doctor later came in and told me I was doing fine and that I could
leave in a few days.  Kristin would be back tomorrow for my answer and I
needed to give her one.  I couldn't sleep that night as my head raced with
the possibilities of the various actions I could take with my life now.  If
I could somehow flee the country I'm sure Simon would spent the time and
effort to hunt me though I don't know the extent of his operations.
Kristin and Tommy seemed genuine about their ideas and efforts though
something just didn't strike me as right about them.  Then there was
Natasha.  I didn't know who she worked for if anybody, nor what she wanted
from me, and to top it all off she seemed sufficient in just hearing me say
"coke." She was the real mystery of the bunch, though she didn't seem as
threatening as the others.

That night I tried going to sleep around ten, but just couldn't.  It
wasn't until almost eleven-thirty before I fell asleep, but then it was
only for about an hour.  I had a very short nap and when I woke I looked at
the clock on the wall.  It read twelve-twenty five.  I sat awake in bed for
another twenty minutes before coming to a decision.

Checking a nearby set of cabinets I found my duffel bag and wallet.  I
pulled some clothes from the bag and put them on leaving the hospital gown
on the bed.  With my bag in hand and wallet in pocket I opened my room door
and looked out.  The night staff was out and about, but they're weren't too
many of them and they seemed preoccupied with whatever it was they were
doing.  Spotting a sign on a nearby wall I followed it to a second sign
where I then found the elevator.  I took it down to ground level and peaked
out the doors.  There was only a nurse at the front desk to get past.  I
waited patiently for fifteen minutes trying to come up with something, but
she helped me by leaving.  My chest hurting with each step I ran I made it
to the front sliding doors and out into the parking lot.  I stopped
momentarily first to let my chest slow down and stop pounding so the
discomfort would go away, then stood there for a moment trying to figure
out how best to secure transportation.

"You probably shouldn't leave without your medication."

I quickly scanned the area looking for a source for the voice but found

"I don't know what you're talking about.  I'm getting off work," I

"Bull shit Travis.  You're a patient leaving in the middle of the night
with gunshot wounds to the chest."

"Who are you?!?  Show yourself?!?"

"Quiet down Travis, no need to get loud," Ali Larter said stepping out
from the shadows of some trees.

"Ok, now I've seen it all.  Which group do you belong to and what cause
do you want me to help you fight?"

"I don't really belong-"

"You know what forget it.  I'm tired of this shit," I said walking down
the parking lot towards the main road.

"Hey!  Don't turn your back on me!" Ali shouted yanking me by the

"What do you want from me?"

"Just come with me, I have someone I want you to meet."

"And if I don't?"

"Things will get really pissy if we have to track you down again."

"Who's we?"

"Just come with me, your questions will be answered later."

I followed Ali to a red Ford Explorer and got in with her.  We drove for
almost half an hour speeding down the freeways to the outskirts of San
Francisco.  The buildings got few and far between and we were twenty
minutes outside of San Francisco, before Ali pulled into the parking lot of
a Motel 6.

"Motel 6?"

"You've got a problem with Motel 6?"

"Not really.  It's a long story."

"So I've heard."

"Let's go inside."

We both got out of the s.u.v.  and I followed Ali to a door on the third
floor.  She knocked at room 316 and someone called out from the other side.

"Who is it?"

It was Kristin.

"It's me," Ali answered.

I heard the door unlocked and the door opened up.

"I believe you two have already met," Ali remarked.

"A few times.  Hello Kristin."

"Travis.  So what are you doing trying to sneak out of the hospital in
the middle of the night?"

"What do you mean?  I can do whatever I want."

"Not if you're going to help Kristin's cause," Ali injected.

"That's what Tommy is for.  Besides I never agreed to help her.  I said
I would sleep on it.  I thought that maybe when you found out I left the
hospital than you'd be able to figure out my answer."

"Tommy?  He's one of Simon's guys," Ali said surprised by my comment.

"Hey Kristin you think maybe you could tell me what's going on, and give
me the truth this time.  You said Tommy was out to avenge his brother's
death or something."

"Look come in and let's get this door shut.  I don't like having it

Ali and I entered Kristin's hotel room.  It was the same standard room I
had had at the hotel I stayed in.  The girls sat down on the bed and I sat
down in the chair near the table.

"Ok so can you give me some sort of truth now?  I mean how do I know
you're not on Simon's side too?"

"Wouldn't she have killed you already?" Ali sneered almost as if she was

"Calm down Ali, let me take care of this.  He has a point.  Look Travis,
what Tommy told you about Simon and Jack is true.  However he is also
working for Simon, but he didn't say anything about it because he's been
trying to plan some way to get rid of Simon and take over.  I've been
working with him as a double agent so to speak in hopes I that I could come
up with some way to get rid of him as well when the tries to get rid of

"So why did you ask me to help you and Tommy if he's just as evil as

"Because if you knew too much it could compromise our situation," Ali

"Ali please calm down."

"I'll be back.  I can't stand here and take him acting like a retard,"
Ali grumbled before running from the room."

"What the hell is her problem?"

"I don't know she's been kind of moody lately.  She might be on her


"Travis I need you to focus for a minute.  Look I know your real name is
Johnny and your sister is Melissa.  I know she was killed in a drunk
driving accident, which you blamed yourself for and started you down your
road of cocaine, which is how you eventually ended up making acquaintances
with Cody, Jack, and Simon.  You had Jack help you kill Cody which led you
here to California."

"How the fuck do you know all that?"

"I have my ways."

"Bullshit!  Tell me how!"

"I don't know how much you really know about Simon, but having one of
his men killed doesn't go un-noticed on the street.  It's just a matter of
spending the time and money to have you checked out.  You could really help
me out if you wanted."

"Give me one good reason why I should help you?"

"Let me put it like this; Simon, Jack, and Tommy they are the bad guys.
We're the good guys.  You stay with us you'll be fine."

"Not that I one hundred percent trust you, but how do I know that Ali
can be trusted?"

"Trust me, she can."

"Right.  Whatever, you win."

"What?  You mean that?"

"Yeah.  I'll do what I can to help you for now, though if given reason
I'll take off in the future."

"Wow...  Well thank you then, I-"

"Look I don't mean to interrupt, but can I use the restroom real quick?
I've got to go bad."

"Yeah sure."

In the bathroom I took care of business emptying out my bladder.  I put
the seat and lid down and washed my hands.  Once my hands were clean I sat
down on the toilet and began to think.  I had given up on returning to a
normal life; after all I didn't have much to return to even if I had wanted
to.  I wasn't too sure what Kristin was up to, but what the hell I thought.
I might as well go along for the ride.  My chest still hurt and I should
probably still be in the hospital until I was released, but everything was
more or less fixed and if half of what Kristin was saying was true then I
really didn't want to wait around for Simon to show up.

"You ok in there?" Kristin asked me knocking on the door.

"Yeah I'm fine.  I was just thinking about something.  I'll be out in a

I went back to the sink and wet my hands again.  I rubbed my face up and
down covering it with water and stared into the mirror.  I didn't think
about anything, I just stared at my reflection.  After a few moments I
picked up a towel and dried my hands and face.  I threw the towel onto the
sink counter and looked into the mirror briefly once more, before leaving
the bathroom.

"You ok?" Kristin asked me looking almost concerned.  "You were in there

"Yeah I'm fine.  Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Oh ok then, that's good.  What were you thinking about in there?"


"What were you thinking about?  When I knocked on the door to check on
you you said you were thinking."

"Oh it was nothing.  Sometimes I get a little mental and overthink

"You don't have to help me if you don't want to."

"What makes you say that?  I do want to, and even if I didn't it's not
like I'd have anything to return home to."

"Good then.  I'm glad I can count on you.  It's almost two a.m.  and
I've got to be somewhere at two this afternoon, but before we go to bed..."

Kristin leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.  I was a bit taken
back by her sudden actions, but I returned the favor and kissed her back.

"I need to go get another room for me to sleep in."

"That won't be necessary," Kristin said kissing me again.

"Why not?" I started to breathe slowly.

"You can sleep in here."

"Where will you sleep?"

"In here."


Kristin interrupted me pressing her lips to mine.  I closed my eyes as
we kissed and I felt her tongue part my lips and squirm into my mouth.  As
our tongues wrestled the room's door suddenly opened and shut.  My eyes
shot open and I suddenly stepped back as Ali appeared behind Kristin.

"Don't let me interrupt," She smiled kissing Kristin.  "What's going

"Travis has agreed to help us."

"That's great news.  Look I'm sorry about earlier, I've just been out of
it the last few days."

"Yeah, Kristin's already explained that.  No hard feelings for now."

"Good.  Well it's five till two according to my watch so I should be
getting to bed.  That's unless-"

"Unless what?"

Kristin and Ali looked at me smiling then looked at each other.  They
embraced and locked lips for nearly a minute.  Their bodies separated their
lips the last to part pulling their tongues from each other's mouths.  Ali
lifted her shirt over her head and started to undress.  Kristin walked
towards me sporting a devilish smile.  We embraced and pressed our lips
together like she and Ali just had.  When our mouths parted Kristin took
hold of my shirt and removed it for me.  I smiled as she squatted and
started on my pants.

"So what's all this for?" I asked as my pants dropped to the floor and I
stepped from them.

"If you're going to be helping us then we should all be comfortable with
each other."

"No better way to get to know each other than a threesome eh?" I joked
as my Kristin freed my dick from the restraints of my underwear.

"Would it make you feel better then if we just said we were horny?" Ali
grinned lying back on the bed.

"Not really.  I'd be more than willing to sleep with you two either

"Good, now come here."

I climbed onto the bed crawling towards Ali.  When we were face to face
I kissed her on the lips reaching down with my hand to fondle her left
breast.  I felt her tongue jut into my mouth as I rolled her nipple over
between my index finger and thumb.  I moved my head further down her body
stopping at her breasts as I took one in each hand.  I worked them over
gently squeezing and massaging them.  Ali gasped as I flicked my tongue
across her nipples and pulled up on them with my lips alternating left to
right, right to left.  I started to go down between Ali's legs to eat her
out when I heard Kristin's voice to my front.

"What about me?  Don't be so greedy Ali."

"I'm not.  We were just waiting for you to finish undressing.  We're we

"Yes indeed."

Kristin climbed onto the bed next to Ali where Ali preceded to lay
Kristin on her back and straddle her face.  As Ali gently rocked back and
forth softly pushing her twat into Kristin's face, I spread Kristin's legs
apart burrowing my face beneath her bush.  Kristin's body spasmed slightly
as my fingers spread her pussy lips and my tongue slithered inside.  I
could hear Ali start to moan and pant.

I looked up and saw Ali leaning back with her hands on the bed.  Her
eyes were closed and her mouth was open as small noises of pleasure
continued to leap from her mouth.  I quickly flicked my tongue once over
Kristin's clit and brought my head up.  I crawled over her body stopping
above her abdomen.  With one hand I reached back and slipped two fingers
into Kristin's cunt sliding them in and out.  As far as I could I leaned
forward kissing Ali on the neck.  She responded with a smile turning her
head enough for our lips to meet.

"Turn around for me hon."

Ali did as she was asked and turned over getting into a sixty-nine
position with Kristin.  I moved back a bit to give Ali room and she took my
prick deep into her mouth as she leaned forward.  I grabbed her by the hair
and excitedly pushed into her mouth hitting her throat with my cock head.
Kristin moaned suddenly as her pussy split wide to accommodate Ali's
fingers.  Kristin returned the favor and was quickly finger fucking Ali.

My dick grew and ached with pleasure as Ali slid her tongue up and down
my shaft stopping to tongue my balls when I deep throated her.  An ever so
small amount of precum dripped from my prick as she licked the head.
Kristin groaned loudly for several seconds and Ali removed her fingers from
the girl's twat.  I could definitely see Kristin's love juice as Ali
cleaned her fingers on my cock.

"I can see someone's excited and waiting for some action," I said
teasing Kristin.

"I'm not the only one who's wet," Kristin smugly replied raising her
hand showing me her sticky fingers.  "Ali's not much of a screamer, but she
sure is a gusher."

"Hey, that only happened once!"

"Calm down you two, it's all good.  Now how about both of you get on all

I stood at the foot of the bed waiting as Ali and Kristin untangled and
did as I asked.  With their lovely asses in the air Ali was on the left and
Kristin was on the right.

I stood between them feeling up their butts each with one hand.  Neither
was heads and shoulders better than the other.  Kristin's ass was small and
firm, while Ali's butt was curvier and had a bit more cushion to it.  First
and foremost I'm a butt person through and through and I liked both that
were in front of me.

I started off first with Ali first slowly squeezing her ass cheeks
pushing them around as I found her love hole with my dick.  My hands slid
to her waist and I really started to pump my cock into her pussy.  I could
see Ali's ass jiggle with every thrust and she moaned loudly each time I
went in.  Feeling left out Kristin started to finger herself as I played
with Ali.  I switched partners and dipped my rod into Kristin's wet cavern.
She began to grunt loudly and I could feel her body spasm with each thrust.

Instead of waiting for my return Ali sat up and leaned over Kristin's
ass licking her butt crack up and down as I continued to vaginally fuck
Kristin.  Ali spread Kreuk's ass cheeks and began tongue at her anus.
Kristin whined excitedly as both of her lower orifices were simultaneously

I pulled out and had both girls get off the bed so that I could get lay
down on my back.  I then had Kristin straddle my lap my dick split her
pussy as she lowered down onto it.  Ali got behind her and returned to
eating her butt as Kristin and I fucked.  Kristin grew weary of Ali's
teasing and longed for more.

"Finger fuck my ass Ali, I need it!"

Ali was well ahead of Kristin and already fingering her bum by the time
she had finished her sentence.  I could feel the body heat from Kristin
escape and her pussy start to twitch as things quickly escalated.  My prick
ached and I wanted to come badly.  Kristin's pussy was already squeezing
down on me and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

"Kristin my cock hurts bad, I fixing to come!" I groaned almost waiting
for some sort of approval to orgasm.

"Not yet," She whispered seductively pulling Ali's finger from her anus
and climbing off me.  "Stand up."

I stood up at the foot of the bed and both women crawled towards the end
as well.  Each took part of my shaft in their hand and started to jack me
off taking turns sucking on my head.  My dick started to really swell and
hurt and orgasm was, but a few seconds away.

"Oh god, I'm fixing to come!" I grunted as Kristin's lips were wrapped
around my member as I started to ejaculate in her mouth.

I feel back onto the bed when I emptied my load and went limp.  Ali lay
down as well and I looked over to see Kristin crawling up her body.  Ali
opened her mouth wide and licked her lips as she waited.  Slowly Kristin
opened her mouth.  I watched with perverted delighted as my cum fell from
Kristin's lips to Ali's waiting mouth.  Ali moaned with a smile when all
was in and with one swallow took it all down.  She smacked her lips loudly
then kissed Kristin.

"Well?" Ali asked turning and smiling at me.

"Well what?  It was alright, but nothing spectacular," I replied.

"Nothing spectacular huh?  You've got your standards up a little high,"
Kristin grinned.

We each took turns showering Ali, Kristin, then me.  I was also the last
person to fall asleep.  The three of us all slept in the one bed and
normally I'd say the bed was a bit small for three people, but this time I
wasn't going to complain.

I woke up later that day with sunshine bleeding through the thin motel
room curtains beating down on my face.  I sat up on the edge of the bed and
noticed that I was alone in it.  I rubbed my eyes clean of sleep and
stretched my arms behind me as I yawned.  I then turned my head to the left
and saw Ali leaning against the chester drawers and Natasha sitting at the

"Good morning Natasha, what can I do for you today?" I asked with a
half-cocked smile.

"It's more like good afternoon Travis.  It's almost two forty-five," She

"Ok then.  Good afternoon Natasha, what can I do for you today?"

"As you can probably tell Ali's working with me, and using Kristin just
like she's using Tommy."

"The thought had crossed my mind just now.  And now that I think about
it I'd like to make sure I have this straight if you don't mind.  Ali's
working with you, while she's using Kristen to get to me.  But while
Kristin thinks she's working with Ali to get me on their side, she is using
Tommy who's trying to use me to possibly help him get rid of Simon and take
over.  Am I right?"

"Yes, now shut up and let Nat finish!" Ali scowled.

"Ali, calm down!" Natasha shot back with an evil eye.

"Sorry," Ali mumbled.

"So what do you two want from me?"

"It's not us.  It's her."

"Who's her?"

"Her is our leader.  You'll learn her name in time should you earn the

"Ok, so what does your leader want?"

"She wants you to help us."

"And if I refuse?"

"We'll return you to Simon for the reward money," Ali answered.

"What reward money?"

"The money he's put on your head."

"So why don't you just turn me over to him now?"

"Because she wants us to try and get you to help us."

"The choice is pretty easy I suppose.  So what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing for now.  Kristen should return about three thirty.  When she
does tell her that Tommy doesn't like traitors and that she lucked out that
she wasn't here when Ali was kidnapped, but that she'll be next," Natasha

"The wheels are in motion and we've got things going.  Kristin will most
likely try to take you up to Canada to stay with a friend.  She's got a few
up there, but we have a good idea of where she's heading.  Just go along
with whatever she does, and we'll do the rest," Ali added.  "We've got a
few things to do before hand so we're going to take off.  We'll see you

Ali left the room and Natasha got up to follow behind her.  I stopped
Natasha before she got outside.

"What is it?" She asked.

"What's Ali's problem?  She was a bitch last night too."

The bare palm of Natasha's hand whipped around and slapped me in the
face.  The sound of flesh on flesh rang loud.

"What the hell was that for???" I nearly screamed.

"Don't you ever talk about Ali like that again!" Natasha glared.  "She's
got her reasons, so don't fucking talk about her like that again!  Now just
stick to the plan!"

"Alright alright.  Sorry."

I shut the door behind Natasha and rubbed my cheek.  When the stinging
stopped I decided to take one more shower and figure out how I'd play this
when Kristin got back.  I liked Kristin and all and her motivations seemed
real enough, but hell there wasn't anyway I was going back to Simon.

I was only in the shower for ten minutes and couldn't come up with
anything.  As I finished dressing the motel door swung open and Kristin was
on the other side.

"Travis please tell me it didn't happen!" Kristin looked frantic.

"Tell you what didn't happen?"

"Ali!  Where is she?  What happened to her?  I saw her in a car with

"Look I don't know who Natasha is, but she showed up here today looking
for you and Ali.  I tried to stop her, but she hit me.  I pushed her and
she drew a gun.  She told me to tell you you're lucky you weren't here,
because Tommy doesn't like traitors, but that you'd be next."

"Holy shit, were in so much shit!  We've got to get out of her now!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Just grab your stuff and let's go!  We don't have any time to spare!"

I grabbed my wallet and crammed my clothes back into my bag.  Kristin
grabbed her things and we headed down towards the parking lot where we got
into her red Ford Explorer this time with no difficulty.  I sat in silence
as we got onto the freeway and headed out of San Francisco.  We drove for
nearly two hours in silence, before I broke it.

"So where are going?"

"Up to Canada.  Ontario."

"Canada?  What's up there?" I asked realizing what Ali said was indeed

"A friend of mine.  We'll stay there for a bit, until I figure out what
to do about Tommy."

"Who's this friend?"

"Don't worry about it."

Great.  First Ali was a bitch despite what Natasha thinks and now
Kristin is getting snappy with me.  To hell with it I decided and I just
enjoyed the rest of the ride in quiet.  It was nearly an hour before
Kristin would speak.

"Look about back there, I'm sorry.  It's just that Ali was a good friend
of mine."

"What do you mean was?  She's still alive."

"How do you know?  Tommy's not one to be fucked with.  When he gets
angry, you're in deep shit."

"So why did you ever start working with him and continue to do so after
you found out what he was like?"

"I can't explain my reasons right now.  Just know that they're something
I hold near to me."

"I see.  Trust me though I have a feeling that Ali will get out of this

"How do you know?"

"Just trust me ok?"

"Ok, ok.  I'll trust you for now.  Know that I trust you about as much
as you trust me ok?"

"That's fine with me, but back to Canada for a moment.  How are we
crossing the border?  Don't you need passports?  Sometimes you do sometimes
you don't.  I once knew somebody who crossed into Canada without one, but
when they tried to return they were held up.  Anyway I took the liberty of
having some made up just in case something like this happened.  They're in
my bag.  I'll get them out the next time we stop.  I thought Simon made you

"He did, but somewhere between the shooting and now it got lost."

Minutes turned hours, hours turned into days.  Kristin did indeed give
me my passport when we stopped for the first time.  That stop and all the
rest of them only lasted for a few minutes just to give us enough time to
use the bathroom.  We stopped in small towns staying in slightly rundown
hotels parking the truck away from the street if at all possible.  The
drive was definitely a long one basically going from one side of the
country to the other.  It was rather uneventful given the circumstances
surrounding our departure from California.  We made it across the border
with no problem and eventually made it to our destination.

"Ottawa huh?" I said as we passed a city sign welcoming us.  "How many
times have you been here before?"

"Just once last year to visit Alanis."

"That your friend we're meeting?"

"Yes she is."

"And how do you know her?  We're talking about Alanis Morissette right?"

"That's the only Alanis I know.  I meet her at one of her concerts on
her last tour and we hit it off I guess.  Usually when we get together it's
back in the States, but right now circumstances don't necessarily allow

"So does she fit into your plans for Tommy?"

"To a degree.  She knows what I'm doing, and supports me, but she
doesn't get directly involved.  She won't mind too much that we're showing
up unexpectedly.  She's got a house on the outskirts of town that's a bit
aways from everyone."

"How long are we going to be up here?  Ottawa looks like a nice town,
but I'm not a big fan of the cold."

"I'm not sure, we'll be pretty safe up here for a bit, so I've got some
time to think things through.  Though I'm worried about Ali."

"I'm sure Ali will be fine.  Just have faith."

The truck came to a stop at a stoplight and Kristin turned to me and
smiled before she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks, if you can keep hope up then so can I."

That was certainly odd.  Nobody's ever talked about me like that before
and it depressed me too.  Unless I was way off base Kristin was genuine
about the things she said and did and right now I just couldn't bring
myself to tell her the truth about Ali or that I would be taking off like I
was.  Ah fuck, as long as I don't think about it I'll be fine.  That's the
way I had always worked before.  This time though it wasn't that simple.

"We're here," Kristin announced.  I quickly returned from my thoughts
and looked up to see us sitting in a large oval driveway by the front door
of an even larger house.

"Nice house," I said.

"Don't get too used to it, I don't plan on being here any longer than I
have to and endangering Alanis as well."

"I thought you said it was safe here."

"It is, but there's always that chance.  Let's go."

"Damn it's cold," I said getting out of the vehicle.

"Why didn't you put your jacket on?"

"Because it wasn't that cold.  I said I didn't like the cold, not that I
couldn't handle it."

"Come on.  We'll be inside in a minute.

We got out of the s.u.v.  but instead of going to the front door we went
around back to the backdoor.  There Kristin knocked three times on the wood
then knocked on the window.

"Scissors, Jell-O, or paper?" A voice called from the other side of the
door behind the curtains on the window.

"Neither.  Mexico," Kristin answered.

The door swung open and Alanis stood on the other end.

"I've been expecting you," Alanis greeted us.

"I guess once Ali was taken word spread fast huh?" Kristin replied as we
walked into the house.

"Yes it did, and who- Are either of you hungry or thirsty?" Alanis

"I am," Kristin replied.  I nodded my head yes.

"Good.  Take him to the study and I'll have Michael prepare something
for you two."

I followed Kristin to the study which was filled with a lot of books and
musical instruments of various cultures.  There was a desk at one end and a
table with four chairs at the other.  In the middle of one of the walls was
a fireplace with a couch in front of it.

"Who's Michael?" I asked sitting down on the couch as one of Alanis'
staff came in and started a fire.

"Her cook," Kristin answered sitting down next to me.  "Thanks for all
your help and sorry for the mess I've put you through."

"I haven't done anything yet, and I've been in worse situations before.
I was in pretty bad shape, the first time you met me remember?  Don't worry
about it."

My hands were sitting in my lap and I felt Kristin's hands cover mine. I
turned to look at her and our eyes met.  There was a bit of an awkward
silence and then we both leaned towards each other our lips meeting.  My
guilt about Ali and Natasha suddenly rushed back into my head as my lips
wrestled with Kristin's.  I desperately wanted to pull away and tell her
the truth.  I began to panic as the idea that I was falling for Kristin
began to dawn on me.

"Am I interrupting something?" Alanis asked smiling as she leaned
against the back of the couch.  Kristin and I quickly jerked apart.

"So what's for dinner tonight?" Kristin asked changing the subject.

"Chinese okay?" Alanis replied.

"Fine with me."

"What about you uh- We haven't been introduced yet.  What's your name?"

"Travis and Chinese is fine."

"I need to go to the bathroom and freshen up," Kristin said getting up
from the couch.

"So how do you know Kristin?" I asked after the doors had shut behind

"The same way she told you we met.  I met her at one of my concerts and
we've been friends since.  I could ask you the same thing."

"I met her during my lunch break at work one time awhile back.  I'd tell
you more, but if you're curious I'd like her to tell you the story.  Don't
take this the wrong way, but I don't trust you all that much nor did I
trust Ali."

"Considering your circumstances it's understandable."

Just then another of Alanis' house staff walked into the study.

"Ms.  Morissette dinner will be ready for you and your guests in ten

"Thank you Clark.  Please show Travis here to the guest room one, then
bring him down to the dining room."

"What about Kristin?"

"I'll get her and bring her down to dinner myself.  Oh and Clark when
you're finished with Travis take Ms.  Kreuk's things to guest room two,"
Alanis said.

"Yes Ms.  Morissette."

"I've got that sir," Clark said taking my bag from me as I picked it up.

I followed him back out of the study and through some hallways before
reaching a staircase.  Clark and I went up and he showed me to my room.

"You'll be in here for the duration of your stay.  Laundry is done every
other day, however if you set your clothing in the hamper now they'll be
washed for you before nightfall.  Feel free to use this room as your own."

"Alright, thanks Clark."

"No, thank you Mr.  Travis.  May I have your last name please so I can
call you by something more proper?"


"Thank you then Mr.  Walker.  I'll be seeing more of you later then.
Now if you don't mind please follow me to the dining room.  We can't keep
the others waiting."

"One moment please," I said as I basically dumped everything from my bag
into the hamper save for a few things like my wallet and the paperwork
Simon had made up for me.

When I finished I followed Clark back through the winding house to the
dining room.  Neither Kristin nor Alanis had arrived so I sat down where
Clark had indicated.  He asked if I'd like anything to drink and I was more
than happy when I found out Alanis had Amber Bock stocked.

"Hey Clark let me ask you something," I said stopping him before he left
the room.

"Yes, Mr.  Walker?"

"Between you and me can she be trusted?"

"I don't know.  I don't know Ms.  Kreuk too well."

"No, I mean Alanis."

"For as long as I've known Ms.  Morissette, she's always been a good
person respectful of others.  She's very fond of Ms.  Kreuk and worries
about what she gets involved in although she's not one to show it."

"Alright thanks then.  That's a relief to hear."

"However, you should know Ms.  Morissette does not quickly trust or take
a liking to strangers.  She doesn't fully trust you right now and has done
her research on you.  That is why we have Amber Bock stocked."

"I thought she didn't know my name."

"She knows a lot more about you than she's letting on."

"Yeah well why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Just stay on her good side, and if you're as good as Ms.  Kreuk thinks
you are you'll be in Ms.  Morissette's good graces soon.  Ah, here they
come now."

The dining room doors opened and both women walked inside.  Alanis sat
at the head of the table while I sat on one side of her and Kristin sat on
the other.

"Sorry we're so late.  I spent a little more time in the ladies room
than I had planned," Kristin apologized.

"No problem at all.  I just got here myself," I replied.

"See?  He is a gentleman just like you were saying," Alanis said.

"A gentleman?  So what other lies has Kristin told you about me?" I
asked joking.

"Well she went on and on about how excited she was having you help her
and that you were a really good guy, and that you've been quite helpful
since Ali's kidnapping.  Mostly things like that.  She was about to really
gush about you in the bathroom, but I had to pull her out so we could eat
while the food was still hot."

"Cut it out!  I was not gushing!"

Kristin may not have gushed, but she was blushing now.

"It's all good," I said as the food was brought out and served.  "The
food is here so let's eat.  I'm starved."

It was hodge podge of things; spicy chicken, rice, egg rolls, and the
like.  Michael certainly knew how to cook.  The food was some of the best
Chinese I had ever eaten.  We decided to stay in house and relax for the
rest of the day.  I ate quietly and listened as Kristin and Alanis spent
most of dinner talking about current and old things and how we ended up in

I excused myself because of sleep and left Alanis and Kristin in the
dining room.  It was dark by the time I left and was taken back to my room.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that indeed all of my laundry had been
washed and was even in fact hung in the closet or folded neatly in the
dresser drawers.  I found some of my old shorts I had brought with me and
changed into them.  I looked out the window at the Ottawa skyline.  I've
never looked at the skyline of any city before, but as I looked now I found
it peaceful almost.  I looked around the room and found a clock on the
wall. It read nine fifteen.  I might as well go to bed now and get a good
long sleep.  It had been awhile since I had one and I wasn't too sure how
many more of them I'd have in the future.

As I laid in bed with my eyes closed and welcomed in sleep I heard a
knock at the door.  Then I heard the door open and shut.

"Travis you still awake?"

It was Kristin.

"Yeah, what is it?  Something wrong?"

"Do you mind if I turn on the light so I don't trip on anything?"

"Just a sec and I'll turn on the lamp."

"Thanks," Kristin said sitting down on the edge of the bed as I sat up.

"So what's up?"

"Look about tonight in the dining room...  The stuff Alanis said..."

"What about it?"

"What she said was true.  When she came and got me from the bathroom she
asked me about you.  I told her what I thought and looking back on it I can
certainly see how it could be considered gushing."

"Don't worry about it.  I like you too."

"You don't understand, I'm developing feelings for you."

"Well it's nice to know I'm not the only one getting like this," I
mumbled half under my breath half out loud.

"You mean...?"

"Yes, and it's been eating away at me."


"As much as I'd like to follow through on our feelings and see where it
goes, it just wouldn't be wise to do so.  Right now we're on the run while
trying to find Ali.  We have no idea what's going to happen from one day to
the next, and even if we got some semblance of a normal life back we're
from two different worlds."

"I guess then it's a relief that we think the same, though I disagree
with your last reason," Kristin replied half-smiling.

"Look, we're both tired.  Let's get some sleep and we can talk about
this in the morning ok?"


I got up to hug Kristin and she kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll talk to you in the morning," I said smiling.  "Get some sleep."

"You too," she replied.

After Kristin left the room I got back in bed and turned off the lamp.
We had some talking to do indeed.  I lost consciousness and was finally
asleep.  That was until I heard a knock, and the door open and close.  I
reached for the lamp and called out to Kristin.

"What's wrong Kristin?" I asked as I flipped he light on.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you."

It wasn't Kristin, it was Alanis.

"Ok, so what's up then?"

"You like Kristin don't you?" Alanis asked sitting on the edge of the
bed right next to me.

"Sure.  She's a good girl and all.  Who wouldn't?"

"No I mean really like her."

"What's this about?  Can we talk about this in the morning?"

"I saw how you two were making out in the study, how you two stared at
each other at dinner even while she talked to me."

"Ok, and?"

"And I just wanted to see what all the fuss is about.  I know what
Kristin's like.  I fucked her the last time we got together so I know she's
good.  I want to see if it's the same for you or if she's set her sights
too low."

Alanis ran her hand over the bed's quilt until she found my crotch and
gave it a squeeze.

"What're you doing?" I asked nearly jumping out of bed.

"My your feelings for Kristin must be strong."

"Feelings aside this is neither the time nor the place for this.  I've
got a lot of shit going on right now."

"Like Ali and Natasha?"

That question stunned me and I sat there in silence for a moment.

"What did you say?" I asked still shocked.

"You heard me.  I know you know Ali is fine and is double-crossing
Kristin.  I know you've fucked Natasha who is working for Tommy who Kristin
is busy trying to take down.  You're just waiting for Ali and Natasha to
show up and take you along for the ride."

"How the fuck do you know this?"

"It doesn't matter, because in the end Kristin will get what she wants.
With or without you."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh I would and don't you even think of testing me, because I will
expose you to Kristin and once again you'll be alone with Simon's bounty on
your head."

"What the hell do you want from me?"

"You know well what I want," Alanis said squeezing my crotch again.

"And I refuse?" I asked squirming.

"You know what'll happen.  Besides I know you won't say no so get those
clothes off."

I got out of bed and begrudgingly started to undress while Alanis did
the same.  Normally while the chance to become a starfucker would be one
I'd be willing to jump on, right now I just didn't want to fuck Alanis, but
she had me by the balls figuratively speaking.  When we were both
completely nude Alanis got onto the bed and lay on her back.

"Eat me," she order glaring at me.

I got onto the foot of the bed and with her legs already spread apart I
ducked my head in as I started to lick at Alanis' pussy.  I spread her lips
apart tracing my tongue around the outer edge of the hole.  She brought her
hands to her chest and began to squeeze her tits mashing them together.
Alanis tweaked her nipples between her fingers and moaned slightly as my
tongued slithered up and down her slit occasionally darting inside.

"Give me your cock," Alanis ordered.  I filled her demand and positioned
my body into a sixty-nine with her.

My dick jumped and I could feel it pulse as Alanis began stroking it
teasing it's head with her tongue.  I lifted my tongue from her cunt and in
its place inserted two figures.  My fingers started sliding in and out
while my tongue turned its attention Alanis' now puffy clit.  I pressed and
licked her magic spot as my prick got sucked between her lips.

Alanis began to grunt and groan slurping hungrily on my dick as I
started to nibble on her clit.  My two fingers continue to race in and out
of her moistening box as she started to get wet.  Alanis tongue flicked her
tongue across my balls and precum dribbled out nearly becoming a full on
cum shot.

"Turn around," Alanis told me as she pulled my cock from her mouth.

I got myself turned back around and as I sat on my knees on the bed I
took Alanis' legs and flipped them over my shoulders.  With my dick in hand
I guided it to her pussy.  Slowly and surely I pushed the head between her
lips and spread them as I pushed myself all the way in.

"Good good, I can see why Kristin likes you so much.  Maybe we can have
the same threesome you did with Ali."

With her comments ignored I quickly and deliberately thrust myself into
Alanis' twat hoping to get her off and end this charade now.  Her insides
were still wet and I could see her love juice glistening on my shaft, but I
had no way of knowing what she felt other than the occasional moan.  So it
was after a while of deep hard thrusting I found myself nearing orgasm none
the wiser of how she was feeling.  My balls were banging hard against her
ass and I was reaching my boiling point.  My dick hurt and I wanted to
come, but Alanis took my cock into her twat with just a smile on her face
and a few grunts leaving no other indication of an impending orgasm.

My body finally gave in and I started shooting sticky hot cum into her
pussy as I continued fucking her.  I continued thrusting until I went limp
and had no choice but to pull out.  I sat on the foot of the bed and
watched as Alanis started rubbing her clit furiously.  She screamed and
moaned as her fingers quickly moved back and forth.  Alanis screamed like a
banshee and I watched as her cuntal lips pulsed several times and squeezed
a mixture of her cum and mine out onto the bed.

"Travis!  You bastard!  How could you!"

I looked at the door and saw Kristin with a disgusted and horrified look
on her face.  She took off running and I stumbled a bit getting my
underwear back and I started after her once I did.  I could hear Alanis
laughing loudly as I ran after Kristin.  There was nothing I could do and
was left on my knees at the front door of the house watching the red Ford
Explorer take off into the night.  I sat there for a few minutes trying to
come up with some sort of good reason to destroy what I had and came up
with nothing.  I stood up and without thinking reared back and punched the

I didn't wake up screaming, I wasn't in a cold sweat, I still had my
clothes on, and I didn't sit up in bed either.  Instead my eyes opened
normally and I reached over and turned on the lamp.  Another fucking dream.
I was good at having those it seemed.

I got out of bed and dressed into something more suitable for the
outdoors.  Without a thought I grabbed my clothes and all my things and
shoved them into my bag.  It took me awhile but I eventually found my way
to the back door where Kristin and I had entered through.  Someone still
had to have been up, because the alarm was off.  I left the house and began
walking towards the street.  When I was at the edge of the asphalt I
noticed a non-descript car on the other side of the road.

"Great, who is this now?" I wondered out load.  I was really starting to
hate cars.

"Why don't you get into the car and we can talk?"

I turned around and saw Mandy Moore standing behind me with her current
dark bruenette dye job.

"Let me guess, you're with Ali and Natasha right?"

"You could say that, or more appropriately you could say we're with

"Who's 'them'?"

"Let's get in the car first and I'll explain it to you once we get


Mandy and I crossed the street and got into the car.  I started up
conversation as we rolled into drive.

"So where are we going?"

"To the Hive."

"The Hive?  Sounds rather cheesy doesn't it?"

"You'll understand once we get there.  If all goes well eventually
you'll get to meet 'her'."

"Is this the same her, that Natasha mentioned?"

"Yes it is.  She'd like to meet you once you've proven yourself."

"How did you know I'd be leaving in the middle of the night?"

"I didn't.  I was sent to follow you just in case.  Besides you did it
at the hospital."

"Right.  So where exactly is the Hive located?"

"Deep in the heart of Texas.  San Antonio to be exact."

"Why the hell is it down there?"

"Because that's where she wanted it."

"Ok, so how did you get involved in the Hive?"

"You ask too many questions.  You'll be told what you need to know once
we get there."

"Alright fine," I grumbled.  "So what's a girl like you doing following
a guy like me into Canada?"

"You're pushing it Travis."

"Ok, ok.  I'll stop, but I just have one last question."

"What is it?"

"What's Ali's problem?  She's been rather snippy everytime I've been
around her and why the hell did Natasha slap me when I called Ali a bitch?"

Mandy slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a halt.

"I'll warn you now.  When we get to the Hive I would seriously consider
dropping bitch from your vocabulary.  As for Ali blame it on her being
testy around new people she doesn't trust."

The car started back up and as we headed back for the border my thoughts
returned briefly back to Kristin.  I shook head free of them, not wanting
to deal with the guilt of deceiving her like I have or running out on her
in the middle of the night.

"There's a knob on the side of the seat that you can use to lay the seat
back.  Get some sleep now because it's going to be a long road trip and I'm
not driving it all."

"Why don't we just take a plane?"

"To keep you out of sight.  Simon and his goons are still looking for
you, though that'll be taken care of soon enough."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing.  Now get some sleep."