The following story is purely a work of fiction of a sexual nature.  If
you're not of age, it's illegal to view such material in your community,
etc.  then stop right now and go away.

Archive and distribute freely as you please as long as the story goes
unaltered and my e-mail is left in.

Travis Walker : Ch.  1 - I am Johnny, I am Travis
by: turc443

I know it's cliché to say this, but your life really does flash before
your eyes when you're dying.  My name is Travis Walker and I found this out
lying on a rain-drenched sidewalk of a back alley in San Francisco.  I felt
the wounds in my chest and I could see where the bullets had ripped through
the fabric of my jacket.  To my right Kristin Kreuk sat on her knees crying
holding my hand in hers.

"Don't die Travis!  Don't you fucking die on me!"

I looked over and gave her a slight smile.

"I'll be fine," I mouthed to her.

My head was spinning and I could feel life start to slip away.  I wasn't
floating or anything; it was just a feeling I had.  My vision started to
blur and darken, but not before I saw Kristin mouth something and take off
running towards the main street.  I couldn't make out what she said, but at
this point I didn't care too much.  My body was numb and I knew death
wasn't far off.  That was when I saw my life play for me inside my head.

The early part of my life begins in St.  Louis, Missouri and my given
name was Johnny Ronde.  I'll get to the name change in a moment.  I had a
normal childhood.  I played little league, had many friends, and did all
right in school.  My parents were hard working middle class people who did
their best to provide for my twin sister Melissa and I.  There wasn't any
abuse and they had absolute love and affection for us.

Like I said all in all my childhood was normal.  That was until high
school.  One weekend during our summer Jeff Weaver's parents were out of
town.  Jeff was the popular rich kid in school and whenever his parents
were away there was always a party.  Everyone was always invited regardless
of their stature at school and there was always lots of alcohol.  Tequila,
malt liquor, beer, wine colors; anything and everything you could think of
was there.

I'm not going to bore you with details of the party, I had been to a
dozen of them at Jeff's before and they were pretty much all the same.
Lots of drinking and in the cases of many lots of sex as well.  This
particular night I got drunk again as usual and I had planned on calling my
friend Sara to come pick me.  She wasn't one for large parties or drinking
so she never came to the parties.  Sara was cool and didn't tell my parents
about my drinking, but that was because the following week I always helped
her with volunteer work.  My parents were so proud of me that I did that.

This time Sara she didn't answer.  I leaned against the wall and slid
down to the floor next to the phone to wait a bit.  After what was either
thirty minutes or an hour and a half I tried calling Sara again.  I
couldn't tell how much time had passed because it was now midnight and I
couldn't remember if I looked at the clock at ten thirty or eleven thirty.

Again there was no answer.  The party was slowly dying and I hadn't had
a drink in almost two hours so I decided to drive myself home.  Stumbling
through the front yard I heard someone shouting my name from behind.

"Hey Johnny wait up!  Johnny!"

I turned around and looking behind on the lantern lit walkway I could
see a figure stumbling towards me barely able to stand.  It took me a
minute to figure out who it was after they had tripped on themselves and
fell to the ground at my feet.

"Woh!  You okay?" I asked Melissa helping her up.

"I'll be fine.  I just think I had a little too much to drink."

"I'd say you had more than enough to drink.  You can barely stand."

"Fuck you Johnny, you've been drinking too!  I can smell it on ya."

"What do you want Melissa?"

"Can I get a ride home from Sara too?"

"I can't reach her so I'm driving myself.  I thought you were here with

"I can't find him anywhere.  He's prolly off banging some slut from
school.  Hey can I get a ride with you then?"

"Sure, my car's on the other side of the street there."

"All the way out there?!?  Shit!"

My sister was drunk and I literally had to carry her across the street
to my car.  I opened the driver's side door and pushed her to the passenger
side.  After several minutes of trying to figure out which key started my
car I found it and started the ignition.  I started off driving in two
lanes, but I eventually straightened up and drove in one.  Later on I would
find out that I ran over the cat of one of Jeff's neighbors.

I kept off the main roads and avoided all the sobriety checkpoints I
knew about.  There was one popular road that I had to get on to get home
and that was a four-lane road called Clarkson.  I got about halfway to my
turn when I heard my sister start to snore.  I looked over at her and sure
enough she was passed out leaning against the window.  Then suddenly I
heard horns frantically beeping and I looked back in front of me.  I was
driving down the wrong side of the road and heading straight for me were a
cargo van and sporty utility vehicle side by side in the parallel lanes.

The next thing I could remember was waking up in a hospital six days
later.  I had two broken legs, a broken arm, and my body hurt like hell.
That pain was nothing compare to that I felt when I asked about Melissa.
She had been thrown from the vehicle and run over by a car behind us that
couldn't stop in time.  I wouldn't feel physically healed for a year and a
half, but emotionally I was still devastated long afterwards.

I never drank after that, but I took up something else instead; cocaine.
Why cocaine?  It was the drug other than marijuana that I had the easiest
access.  I knew a few cokeheads in school and they were always looking for
new users and dealers so I was a welcome addition and considering the
accident I doubt they were too worried about me turning them in.  Once I
got involved with coke I started showing up at school less and less
spending more time on the streets making money and getting high.  I would
eventually drop out of school and it wouldn't be until many years later
that I got my g.e.d.

I had no friends left in the world except my fellow users and they were
only your friend when you had something they needed.  It would be just a
matter of time before I started stealing money and jewelry from my family
to help pay for my addiction.  It would be an even smaller amount of time
before my parents would turn me into the police and I was hauled off to
jail.  I served my time and got out early on good behavior and spent a very
short stint in rehab.  The courts and prison systems had bigger issues to
deal with than a petty drug user.

Learning no lesson I kept with my drug induced lifestyle until one day
when it all came crashing to a bloody stop.  It was my first Thanksgiving
since being released from jail and I was spending it with Dwayne and his
brother Joe.  Dwayne was a user I had met on the streets one day while
dealing.  With the repeat customers I had he was the only one I had become
friends with and talked to outside our occasional cocaine binges together.
The pay was good but the coke was better and he was in a similar situation
as me so I introduced him to Cody my supplier.  Dwayne was sent on test
runs and proved capable as a dealer so Cody kept him full time.  Joe hated
the fact that Dwayne was involved in drugs and hated the fact that he knew
me, but he took pity on Dwayne as the rest of the family had long since
disowned him.

Thanksgiving wasn't anything great since we just showed up at Joe's
unannounced and all he had to feed us was macaroni and cheese and sausage.
We had been eating and mostly talking for nearly an hour when there was a
knock on the door.  Dwayne got up go answer it.  It was Tito, Cody
Jefferson's right hand man.  You were in deep shit when Tito showed up by

"Hey Dwayne, what's up?"

"Tito look, I can explain what happened to the money."

"Cody would like to hear you explain skimming $15,000 from this years
sales and pocketing it.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have the time and as you
are well aware I'm short on patience."

"Who's Cody and Tito?" Joe asked leaning over to me.

"Cody is Dwayne and me's supplier.  Tito's his right hand man.  He does
Cody's dirty work when needed.  This is not good."

"God damn it Dwayne!" Joe muttered.  "I'll take care of this."

"No Joe don't!"

Joe ignored me and walked towards Tito and Dwayne who both had since
come into the apartment and locked the door.

"What's going on here?" Joe interrupted the two.

"Stay out of this Joe.  I've got it taken care of," Dwayne replied.

"Looks to me like you don't."

"Listen to your brother Joe and stay out.  This doesn't involve you,"
Tito warned.

"If it involves Dwayne it involves me."

"No it doesn't," Tito scowled brandishing a handgun.

"Woh woh!  Tito, come on man!  We don't need to go there!"

"Where's the money Dwayne?  Cody wants it back."

"Look man I ain't got it!  I don't know where the money is!"

"You brought this on yourself Dwayne."

Tito turned the gun on Joe and fired half a dozen shots into his chest.

"Joe!" Dwayne cried as he caught his dying brother in his arms.  I shot
up out of my chair and watched in horror as Joe died in Dwayne's grasp.
Dwayne gently laid him on the floors silently crying.

"Have Cody's money by tomorrow or you're next Dwayne."

"Come on Tito, you know there's no way I can raise that kind of money by

"That's what we were afraid of," Tito calmly replied firing numerous
shots into Dwayne's chest.

"You've gotta believe me man," I stammered as Tito started walking
towards with his gun still drawn.  "I don't know anything about any money
Dwayne stole."

"Yes and Cody believes that, but you're the one who brought Dwayne in.
We're going to personally pay you a visit tomorrow.  If you don't have the
money by tomorrow you'll be joing Dwayne soon."

I stood there frozen in fear watching as Tito non-chalantly stepped over
the bodies and left the apartment.  I waited several minutes before doing
the same.  Peaking outside I saw nobody out though they were probably all
afraid for their own safety after hearing the gunshots.  I took off down
the hall and towards the stairwell used for emergency escapes.  Out in the
streets there was cold blistering wind blowing and the streets were pretty
empty for this time of night.  I hotwired Dwayne's car and drove while
contemplating my next move.  I decided to pay a friend of mine a visit.

"Hey Johnny my friend, what's happening?" Six Eyes asked giving me a
five.  His real name Jack Francis and he was tall and built like a football
player, but everyone called him by his nick.  I never did learn where that
came from.

"I'm in a shit load of trouble and I need your help."

"Come in come in.  Tell me what can the Six do for you?" He asked
inviting me into his home.

"You know Dwayne right?"

"I think so.  One of your little dealer friends right?"

"Yeah that's him.  He'd been stealing money from Cody, and now him and
his brother are dead and I'm up shit creek if I don't find enough money to
cover for Dwayne's indiscretions."

"Shit dude, you've gotten yourself into a bit of a situation.  So what
do you want me to do?"

"I need to buy some supplies from you."

"What?  You want to me sell you guns to take out Cody Jefferson and
Tito? No way man!  If you screw up and they live they're going to find out
who sold them to you.  Then they're going to kill my family as well."

"You don't fucking talk to your family anymore.  Look, I've got to leave
town if I want to live and it'd certainly be easier to do with them dead.
Someone else will take control of Cody's cartel, but they'll be too busy
with that so I'll have some time to disappear."

"And where exactly do you plan on going?"

"I don't know yet.  Out west?  It's not going to really matter if Cody's
still alive."

"Since you're wanting to disappear you don't mind losing your house

"No, no that's fine.  What did you have in mind?"

"Ok look, I can help you out with your disappearing act.  I know this
guy Simon out in San Francisco who's been looking to set up shop here in
the Midwest.  If you do get rid of Cody I'm sure he'll be more than happy
to help you though it'll be for a price."

"What price?"

"You're going to have to help push his product throughout California."

"Shit!  Out of one fire into another."

"Maybe so, but at least you'll still be alive."

"Ok ok, so what's the plan?"

"I've got the supplies out back in my shop, but I'm going to need a
couple of hours to build a remote detonated bomb.  We'll plant it in your
house and when Cody and Tito to show up then blam!"

"And if only one of them show up or they survive?"

"Then were both dead men."

I hurried home that night gathering all the cash I had and a few changes
of clothing, then I headed back to Six Eyes' shop.

To say I was worried was an understatement.  If Cody just wanted you
dead, then he'd send Tito to kill you.  If Cody himself showed up, then you
were in for a good old fashioned torturing.  My only consolation came in
the fact that I had known Six for a couple of years and as far as I knew
every situation Six Eyes had become involved in he had put to a successful

With the bomb ready we carefully drove it over to my house in the car
Six had had in storage.  We carried it inside and hid it in one of my
entertainment center's cabinets in the living room.  Outside in the cold
morning darkness we waited in Six's new car for Cody and Tito to show up.
Six was adamant in leaving our cars behind to keep the suspicion to a
minimum.  We dumped Dwayne's car in an abandoned lot and set fire to it.
Six Eyes had a cousin who owned a dealership on the south side of town who
owed him a favor so procuring a new vehicle wasn't a problem which in the
case meant a red Toyota Camry Solara.  As dawn was just starting to break a
black GTO pulled into my driveway.

"There they are," I said as two figures stepped out of the vehicle.

"Time to go," Six replied coolly as the Solara slowly rolled down the
street past my house.

The still faint darkness of morning was our only protection from someone
looking into the car.  As we drove past we caught the tail end of Cody
stepping into my house.  As was his ways he always had Tito go in first in
these types of situations.  When Cody disappeared Six sped up to the speed
limit and flipped a switch on the bomb's remote.  I looked through the back
windshield and watched as the house exploded and flames erupted throwing
debris into the air.

"There isn't no way anybody survives one of my creations," Six smiled
continuing down the road.  I turned back around and looked at him.

"So what exactly are you getting from this?" I asked.

"I'm not getting anything.  With our lifestyles nothing is ever
permanent.  There comes a time when we all must move one.  Besides I just
wanted to get out the hell out of St.  Louis.  I've been here fifteen years
and I still can't figure out what the hell the big fascination with White
Castle is.  It tastes like shit."

"What do you mean 'with our lifestyles'?"

"Face it man, you're a nobody.  What just happened back there?  Two men
just died and not just any two men.  A big time drug lord and his right
hand man.  Why?  Because you're friend Dwayne the drug user and dealer owed
them money.  Oh and might I remind you that you're a user and dealer
yourself.  You came to me to help you out and I built the bomb that killed
Cody and Tito and leveled your house.  Those are not normal circumstances
for regular people."

"Fuck you man, trying to be all righteous and shit."

"No Johnny I'm just being honest here.  If you weren't such a junkie
you'd realize that."

"Whatever.  I'm done with coke."

"Right man, you'll be hittin' that shit again once you start having

"You don't think I can quit?"

"Quit and keep dealing?  I know you can't.  There ain't no such thing as
a sober dealer."

"Bullshit man, bullshit."

"Besides Simon's got some of the best stuff around.  You'll be itching
to try it as soon as you see it."

"Seriously Six my days with coke are over.  "

"That's what they all say.  We'll see."

"Ah fuck you man...  Does Simon even know we're coming?"

"No, but don't worry about it."

"Why not?"

"Because we go way back."


The road trip to California had been a long and boring one.  Riding
around the city limits of San Francisco I didn't know what I was going to
do other than apparently work for Simon.  Six did all of the driving once
we entered California since he had been out here many times before.  I was
about to ask him about his history with Simon, who's last name I didn't
even know, when we pulled into a Ford dealership.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Paying Simon a visit."

"He's a car dealer?  I thought he was a drug pusher."

"He is, this is just a front to provide some legit money.  Be quiet
while were inside."

Six parked the car near the building and we walked inside.  Barely
inside a thirty-something fairly attractive woman immediately recognized
Six and walked towards us.

"Jack?  Jack Francis is that you?  What the hell are you doing back here
in California?  It's been too long."

Six and the woman hugged and kissed.

"I might be in town for quite a while now."

"Oh really now?  Don't be teasing me like that."

"No really I am and actually I'm here to see Simon.  He around?"

"He stepped out for lunch about an hour ago.  He should be back any
minute though.  You want me to call him?"

"I can do it, I've got his cell number."

Six walked off to use the dealership's courtesy phone and as I started
to follow behind him I was stopped by the woman.

"You've been quiet, who are you sweet thing?"

"Jack told me to shut up while we were here."

"You're one of those I see."

"One of those?"

"Every once in awhile Jack will show up with someone needing some sort
of help from Simon, but not just anyone.  These are people really needing
help, but don't worry about it.  The average Joe doesn't know about us.
Only we know about each other.  You stay on Simon's good side it'll all
work out.  My name's Chris.  You're kinda cute."


Six got off the phone and walked back towards me.

"I see you two have meet."

"We have, sort of.  You're boy here won't tell me his name.  Says you
told him to shut up while you were here."

"I didn't say shut up I said be quiet.  Besides he do fine to stay away
from you."

"What?  What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing," Jack laughed as Chris made a face at him.  "Besides if you
really want to know his name it's Travis."

"Well Travis if you ever manage to ditch Jack here, give me a call."

Chris walked off meeting up with what I guessed to be a salesman and
started talking to him.  Jack then started to walk in another direction.

"Follow me."

"What's going on?" I asked.  "When did I become Travis?"

"I'll explain it to you in a second."

We walked into an office and looking at the nameplate on the desk I saw
that it was Simon Smith's office.  Six shut the door and closed the blinds.
Sitting down in chairs in front of the desk we started to talk.

"Look, now that you're in San Francisco you need a new name.  It's a
rule of Simon's and yours is Travis Walker.  I don't know if she said
anything to you, but Chris was in a situation and needed help like you did.
Each person I've brought here has been different and you're the only one
who's come here because of drugs.  You're the only one of the bunch who
I've said anything about Simon's side job to, mostly because your
circumstances are a bit different let's say.  Simon will tell you more when
he gets here."

I had gone on road trips and visited several states near Missouri, but
like I said earlier I had never been this far out west.  So Jack told me a
little bit about San Francisco, San Jose, and Hollywood being as he had
apparently been all over southern California before.  The topic was
interesting I suppose, but really I was only half listening as he talked. I
was more concerned with and thinking about my meeting with Simon.  The fact
that he had gone through the effort of building up and maintaining a car
dealership, though it could have been done after he established his drug
trade, made me realize how dedicated he was to what he was doing and in all
honesty it scared me a bit.

However my thoughts were interrupted when the office door opened and
shut.  In walked Simon.  He was the complete opposite of Jack.  Simon was
short, maybe five seven, and was skinny with almost no build at all.  He
wasn't scrawny, but damn close to it.

"Jack my man, good to see you again," he greeted Six as they did some
handshake and hugged.  "I hear you're going to be spending quite a bit of
time out here in Cali now?"

"Seems that way.  I'm sure you've heard the news by now?"

"You talking about the explosion out in St.  Louis that killed Cody

"And his right hand man as well."

"Tito too eh?  I thought I heard something like that.  You must be the
bastard that set that whole thing up?" Simon said turning to me.  Taking
Six Eye's advice I didn't say anything.

"Oh come on Travis who do you think told Jack to name you that?  I know
Jack probably told you to keep quiet, but feel free to speak."

"I don't have much to say really.  I don't know how exactly Cody's death
affects drug cartels and what not in the US or whatever, but my life was
being threatened and Six was one of two friends I had in St.  Louis.  The
other is dead.  Anyways I asked for his help and if he chose not to, I
would have had to find another way to deal with Cody."

"Six?  You still going by that stupid ass Six Eyes nick of yours?"

"It's not stupid and I'm not the one here who needs your help."

"Well it's not completely stupid.  You have time to hang around a bit
when I'm done talking to Travis?"

"Do you need me to stay?  I've got somethings I need to take care of

"It's nothing drastic.  I can talk to you later.  Can you be back here
at six tonight?"

"Yeah I'll be done by then."

"Good I'll see you then."

Six Eyes left the room, leaving me and Simon by ourselves.  He sat down
in the plush chair behind his desk and his demeanor suddenly got serious.

"To say that you've put yourself and Jack in a predicament would be an
understatement.  The fact you apparently owed Cody money puts you in one
more so than Jack, however I've been wanting to expand my 'business' into
the Midwest but have never been able to because Cody ran one of the
tightest ships.  With him gone it's now a scramble to set up dominantcy in
the market, and it's been the moment I've been waiting and preparing for.
For that I thank you and am obliged.  However there are a few rules you
have to follow.  One as with anybody Jack brings out here you've got to
change your name.  Jack's not his real name nor is Simon mine.  You will go
by Travis Walker and introduce yourself as that to everyone you meet.  Two
everyone I take in has got to work and make money for me.  In your case
it's moving my drugs.  I don't care if you smoke it yourself or who you
sell it too, but at the end of each month you will be expected to reach a
quota out of which you'll get paid.  Third an associate of mine runs the
Best Buy down the road you start on Monday.  You need to keep that job to
keep the feds off your ass.  You get busted you're on your own."

Simon opened a desk drawer and tossed a key to me.  The keychain read
Motel 6 #226.

"Here you'll stay at a hotel for a few days until I find housing for
you. You have any cash on you?"


"Good then, you aren't completely down trodden.  I don't know what else
you brought with you, but Jack'll drop it off at the hotel later tonight.
There's a Taurus out front.  It's yours for now.  To get to the hotel turn
left when you leave the parking lot and turn right at the third
intersection which is Rogan.  It'll be right there on the corner.  You keep
your end of the deal up you'll be fine.  Don't fuck with me and I won't
fuck with you.  Any questions?"


"Good.  That's all for now.  You stay in good favor you'll rarely have
to see me.  For now Jack will be in charge of bringing you your supply of
goods for the month and paying you a visit at the end of the month."

I left Simon's office walking slowly and considering my situation.
Simon provided basically everything I'd needed; a job, a car, and soon to
be housing.  Yet I couldn't help but have a funny feeling about all of this
and I kept wanting to look over my shoulder to make sure Simon wasn't
following me.  I didn't though and made my way outside.

Like Simon said there was a Taurus parked out front and it was sitting
in the spot where Jack parked when we first arrived.  I grabbed the key
from the dashboard and pushed it into the ignition.  The car rumbled to
life and I drove to the end of the parking lot where I waited for traffic
to clear enough for me to turn.  I turned on the radio and thumbed through
the stations until I found one that sounded like it played all the modern
rock hits.  They were playing a Creed song, a band who I don't really care
about, but it was almost over.  I looked up from the radio in time to see a
small clearing and I took it slamming on the gas and bursting out onto the
street.  I followed Simon's directions and counted three intersections.
The third was indeed Rogan as he had said and the Motel 6 was sitting where
it was supposed to be.

I put the car into park in the motel parking lot and walked toward the
staircase.  Going up to the second floor I found room #226 and went in.
Inside was standard hotel room fare; a bed, a nightstand and lamp, a table
and chair, and a low sitting Chester drawer/mirror combo that had a tv on
it with the remote bolted to the nightstand next to the bed.

The road trip had been long and I was tired.  It was almost five and I
decided to take a bathroom break before lying down to take a nap.  I wasn't
sure what I was going to do when I got up, but I figured since it was
Saturday I'd get cleaned up and hit some of the bars when Jack showed up
with my stuff.

My sleep was interrupted by a loud knock almost a pounding at my door. I
got up yawning and answered the door expecting Jack.

"About time you got here Jack..." I said trailing off at the end.  It
definitely wasn't Jack at the door, not unless he was a gorgeous five foot
something brunette wearing short white shorts and a tight black t-shirt
that had a smiley face on it licking it's lips that barely came above her

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Maybe.  You're Travis aren't you?"

"Yeah, how do you know me?"

"Let's just say I'm an associate of Simon.  He called me up and asked me
to do him a favor and I owed him one.."

I looked at the dark haired girl as she talked trying to put my finger
on where I had seen here before, but I just couldn't do it.

"This is just my first day in San Francisco, but I can almost swear I've
seen you somewhere before."

"Does this help?" The female asked.  Without hesitation the brunette
pulled her shirt up enough to expose her braless tits, and it wasn't her
tits but the act itself that helped me remember who she was and where I saw

"Oh hell I know who you are.  You're Jenna Haze."

"Good you know who I am.  Then this should be a little more fun for
you," Jenna smiled taking her shirt completely off and walking into my
room. I shut the door behind her and she dropped her shirt onto the floor.
I stood there and just watched as she pulled her tiny shorts down revealing
the lovely ass I had seen a few times before in some of her videos and the
red thong panties that barely covered it.

"So are you just going to stand there and watch?" She asked turning
around and seeing me still fully clothed.

"Nah, nah.  You're just so fucking hot," I blubbered not sure what else
to say as I grabbed my t-shirt pulling it off.

As the shirt was passing over my head I felt my pants unbuckle and drop
to the floor.  I pulled my head out of my shirt as Jenna sat on her knees
and her hands pulled down my underwear fondling my balls.  The girl looked
up at me smiling as her tiny hands slowly stroked my cock causing it to
stiffen and enlarge with each passing.  I gasped suddenly and Jenna moaned
as her sweet wet lips wrapped around my dick sliding back and forth wetting
my member.  I could feel it bottom out in her mouth as the head pushed
against the back of her throat.  Jenna was no slouch when it came to oral
sex running her tongue against the bottom of my shaft as she pulled it from
her mouth.  Her right hand took a firm hold at the base of my dick and she
began to jack me off again.  I groaned and my privates quivered every time
her tongue flicked across my scrotum.  My prick was swelling and I wanted
to fuck her bad as her hand continued to firmly grip and slide up and down
my shaft her mouth occasionally teasing me sucking down on my cock head
with her tongue squirming all around it.  She let go of my fleshy staff and
pulled her mouth away, but I saw the rope of precum that went from my
peehole to her lips before it broke off and she sucked the little bit of it
into her mouth.

Jenna slowly stood up her body swaying sensually from side to side as
her hands ran up the sides of her body.  Her tongue slowly made it's way
around her lips as her hands dug beneath her panties.  I could only imagine
her pussy lips spreading and her fingers slowly darting in and out as I
watched her panties bulge out a bit before going back in.  I ran my index
and middle fingers from her right cheek, down under her chin, and up her
left cheek as I leaned in and kissed her lips.  Our faces were stuck
together and our bodies exchanged heat as our tongues wrestled with one

Our heads separated and I ran my hand over her breasts and down her
abdomen where it entered into her panties and touched upon her still moving
hands.  My hand pushed them both aside gliding down to her twat.  I started
off with my index and middle finger pushing them into her pussy as my thumb
slid over her clit.  Jenna removed her idle hands from her panties and one
of them found my cock again softly stroking it back and forth.  We both
grinned and smiled and as we jacked each other off.  Perhaps it was the
stigma of not being able to tell when women were faking it let alone porn
stars, but I was delightfully surprised when my fingers started to get
moistened as they continued to slide in and out of Jenna's box.  I pulled
them out and put them to Jenna's lips and she sucked on them taking in all
of her wetness from my fingers.

"You know Travis," Jenna playfully said letting go of me and making her
way to the bed laying on her back, "playing with your dick is nice and I
love getting fingered, but enough already.  I want you to fuck me and fuck
me hard!"

"You don't have to ask me twice," I replied smiling broadly as I climbed
onto the bed in front of her.

I pulled her panties down tossing them to the floor.  Rubbing my finger
up and down her slit I could feel it starting to get wet and sticky again.
With my prick in hand and Jenna's legs spread I guided my dick to her wet
canal and slowly pushed it in.  Jenna's eyes just seemed to light up as her
twat was being invaded and filled with my cock.  I pulled myself out and
pushed back deep into her vaginal cave Jenna moaning with each thrust.  Her
hands came up to her breasts pressing them together as her body shook with
each penetration.  I watched excitedly as she licked her fingers and rolled
her nipples between them.

My dick ached with each push into Jenna's love hole and I knew orgasm
wasn't far off.  I pulled out and knowing what I wanted Jenna turned over
and got on all fours.  I dipped my fingers into her snatch wiping up some
of her love juice and spreading it over her asshole.  I added a second
layer and tested out her anus by pressing one finger to it.  It slid in
with ease and I tried a second finger.  It too was easily able to penetrate
Jenna's ass.  I pulled my fingers out and pushed my dick to her asshole
slowly working it in.  Jenna slowly began pushing back on it as I forced it
in.  Soft girlish whimpers of delight escaped her mouth as we worked in
tandem.  Glorious I felt as my dick sloppily slid in and out of her ass.  I
could feel Jenna's sphincter squeeze and push on my cock and I wasn't sure
how she felt, but my dick was throbbing and I wanted to come bad.

"My cock hurts!  I need to come Jenna!" I pleaded as I continued to fuck
her in the ass.

"Do it Travis!  I fucking love it when guys come!" Jenna encouraged me
as she continued pushing her ass back on my prick.

"Turn over then!" I grunted pulling from her anus.

Jenna turned onto her back and I straddled her abdomen jacking myself
off.  My dick pulsed and throbbed begging me to let it come and finally I
gave in.  Shot after shot of my warm sticky cum squirted out pelting Jenna
on her tits as I continued to masturbate.  As I squeezed the last drop of
cum from prick I feel onto the bed next to her spent and with my cock on
empty.  Smiling I watched as she rubbed my cum into her breasts and then
licked it from her hands.  She leaned over me with a smile on her face and
kissed me on the lips.

"So how are you feeling right now?" She asked me.

"Pretty good."

"That's good to hear.  If you don't mind sweet thing I'm going to take a
quick shower."

"Not at all, be my guest."

As Jenna showered I laid on the bed and thought about my new life.  I
knew it was just the first day, but most of my necessities had been taken
care of and I just fucked Jenna Haze!  Not everyday would be as great as
this one, but it sure was one hell of a way to start over in a life.  Right
about the time I heard the shower turn off I got up and put on my underwear
and pants.  As I picked up my shirt there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Six my man good to see you!  Got my stuff?" I greeted Six Eyes at
the door.

"Right here my friend and for now just call me Jack.  I'm dropping the
Six Eyes thing until I come up with something new, " He replied carrying in
my duffel bag and suitcase dropping them on the floor.  "I'd ask if you
were up to anything, but I already know that answer."

I turned around and saw Jenna dropping her towel to floor before

"Jenna my girl what's up?"

"Jack what're you doing back in California?" she asked with a big smile
hugging him.

"This punk got into some hot water so now I have to baby sit him."

"I see.  Well I know this won't do you any good, but if you were a woman
you'd love him.  He's a great fuck."

"I'm sure he is, but I'd much rather fuck you."

"I'd love to stay and let you, but I've got some things to do.  See you
around," Jenna pecked Jack on the cheek before leaving the room.  I
finished dressing and put on my shirt.

"Holy shit man!  Simon sent over Jenna!  He must really like what you
did in St.  Louis!"

"I didn't do anything in St.  Louis.  You built the bomb, not me.
Besides how does she know Simon?"

"That may be true, but without you pushing me and wanting to kill Cody
and Tito none of this would have ever happened.  As for Jenna, Simon's also
got a production company that produces pornos and she's appeared in quite a
few of them.  If she shows up at your doorstep then you know you're in good
with the man."

"Uh huh I see...  So did you get your stuff taken care of tonight?"

"Yeah yeah for the most part.  It's a long story for another time, but
no more of this crazy life discussion.  You've got money right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's almost eight now.  Let's go out and hit the clubs and pick up
women.  If nothing else we can just get completely loaded.  How about it?"

"Sure.  I need to learn where all the hot spots are.  Just let me finish

To try and remember who I met or what I did Saturday night would be like
asking a blind man to read.  I woke up Sunday morning with a massive hang
over.  The sun was shining too brightly for me even with the curtains
closed and my head ached like hell.  I rolled over on the bed and slapped
my hand down on the remote bolted to the nightstand.  The tv came on and
was playing a local news broadcast.  I sat up rubbing my eyes starting to
think that I should turn the tv off when the news started to run a story
about a missing child.  It watched the story for a few minutes then turned
it off.

It got me thinking of my parents and while they knew where I lived
neither of them ever visited me for obvious reasons.  Still for some reason
I hung onto the notion that parents always loved their children no matter
what they do.  With that idea in mind I picked up the phone to call them.
My mother answered.


"It's Johnny.  Now I know you and dad hate me because- - "

"Johnny?  Who the hell is this??" Hey Harold it's those punks on the
phone again!  They won't leave us alone!"

I could hear my dad say something to my mother though I couldn't make it
out clearly and he got on the phone.

"Listen you assholes!  For the last god damn time stop calling or I
swear I'll find and beat the holy hell out of you!"

There was a loud clang on the other end as my dad slammed down his
phone. My head started ringing and I dropped the handset as I pressed my
hands to my head and started rubbing it.

"They don't believe it's you do they?"

My head still hurting and my eyes squinting a bit I looked up to see

"What the hell are you doing here?  I didn't hear you come in."

"Don't have such a hangover next time."

"Yeah whatever, so what's this with my parents?  Why the fuck did they
think it wasn't me?"

"Because they think you're dead."

"What?  Why?"

"You believe in the theory that everyone has a twin?"

"I don't know."

"Simon found yours or someone close to it.  Johnny Ronde was found dead
from gunshot wounds lying in a house well known to be a have for cokeheads.
Your parents identified the body and had it cremated.  Your ashes are now
sitting on their mantle place."

"Don't the police fingerprint bodies and stuff?"

"Not if you're known drug user and have I.D.  on yourself."

"So I can't ever call my parents again?"

"They really didn't sound too enthusiastic to talk you I take it?"

"Ok, so why fake my death?"

"That you'll learn in time," Jack replied tossing me a manila envelope.

"What's this?"

"Inside you'll find new identification papers for your new self.  Birth
certificate, social security card, passport, and other assorted stuff.
Inside you'll also find the address to your apartment.  Here's the key."
Jack pulled a keychain from his pocket and tossed it to me.  On the
keychain was written C4.

"Damn that was quick," I commented.

"Simon works fast and also he got lucky this time.  It's a furnished
apartment so try to keep it clean since you didn't pay for any of it."

"Yeah ok."

"Oh and one last thing.  In your bedroom is a brown package sitting on
the floor.  It better be empty at the end of the month.  When you leave the
hotel lock the door before you go and leave the key on the bed."

I opened my mouth to say something, but just said, "Ok."

"Good luck and I'll see you around," Jack said taking my hand and
shaking it.

"Yeah hopefully our next meeting won't be like our last, cya Jack."

We shook hands again and hugged and Jack left my room.  I proceeded to
pack up my things and put them into the car.  I wasn't exactly sure if the
Taurus was mine, but I didn't think it really mattered since I was already
breaking numerous crimes.  I did like Jack said placing the key on the bed
and locking the door.  I got in the car and dug through the envelope for
the address to my new place.  I realized I had no way of contacting Simon
or Jack for directions when I remembered I was in San Francisco for only
the second day of my life.  Much to my relief I found directions with the

The floors of the apartment complex went by letter with A being first so
I was on the third floor.  My suitcase and duffle bag were my only
possessions so my one trip from the car to the apartment was nice.  Inside
I dropped my bags on the floor near the door and looked around.  The
apartment wasn't lavish by any means, but it had all the necessities and
then some.  Through the door you immediately walked into the center of the
living room which had a stereo, couch, and tv with a dvd player plugged in.
The kitchen and dining room were all in one and kind of small, but I wasn't
complaining.  There was a table and chairs to eat at.  Then there were two
doors on the left side of the living room.  One went to bathroom that had a
shower stall instead of a tub and the other went to the only bedroom which
was larger than I was expecting and held a queen-sized bed.

I unpacked my things and put up my clothes.  I noticed too that
apparently Jack or someone had opened up my suitcase and packed a couple of
blue shirts for Best Buy when I started on Monday.  When I was finished
unloading my things I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.  I was
going to take a glass from the cupboard, but saw that the fridge was
stocked when I opened it.  Inside was a six pack of Pepsi bottles so I took
one and took a couple of swallows.  I was taking a third when the phone


"Travis Walker please."


"Hi Travis, this is Lester Willis from Best Buy calling to make sure you
remember you start work on Monday."

"Yes Mr.  Willis I remember, thank you for the reminder though."

"That's good to hear, I'll be expecting you then.  See you on Monday."

"This is getting really fucking weird," I thought as I hung up the

Just then I remembered about the brown package and set my Pepsi on the
counter before going back to the bedroom.  I looked around, but didn't see
the package.  I looked in the closet and it wasn't there either.  I then
thought to look under the bed and found it.  It was taped shut by security
tape so I took the package to the kitchen where I cut open the tape with a
sharp knife.  Inside were twelve grams of cocaine.  Not a lot to sell I
didn't think as I had sold much more on some of my busier nights back in
St. Louis, but I figured Simon wanted to start me out slow to make sure I
knew what I was doing.  I put the coke back in the package and hid it in my
dresser drawer instead of putting it back on the floor underneath my bed.

I went back to the kitchen and picked up my Pepsi taking a few more
drinks.  I was set to go sit down on the couch to watch some tv when
something out the kitchen window caught my eye.  Standing on the sidewalk
on the other side of the parking outside the window was a blond female.  I
couldn't make out her facial features, but her curves looked nice.
Although she looked good it wasn't her body that caught my eye.  It was the
fact that she seemed to be looking right through my window at me.  I looked
at her trying to catch any movement or body language, but I got nothing
from her.  I took another swallow of my Pepsi and set it down on the
counter.  I suddenly looked down as the bottle made a loud clanking noise
crashing into the sink.  I picked it up and set it on the counter and
looked back out the window.  The woman was gone.  I looked out the window
for a few more minutes, before pouring the rest of my soda in a cup and
throwing away the bottle.

I did sit down to watch some tv and the only thing on that was somewhat
entertaining was Under Siege which I quickly got bored with half way
through.  Even with my hangover starting to disappear I didn't much want to
go outside so I watched the Steven Seagall flick.  The rest of my day went
by pretty uneventful mostly because I spent most of it killing my
braincells watching tv.  Around seven I took some cold cuts from the
refrigerator and made myself a sandwich.  I found a case of Bud Light
bottles in the fridge so I took one and used it to wash down the food.
With the weeklong road trip and my drinking the night before I went to bed
around 9:30.  Tomorrow I wouldn't be doing much, but Monday was the start
of a new day and a new job.

It was kinda funny trying to remember and go back through my morning
routine which I had abandoned long ago after I went to jail for the first
time.  A shower, breakfast, teeth brushing, I made sure to double-check
that I did everything I was supposed to.  Dressed and ready for work I
remembered seeing the Best Buy Simon was talking about on the drive into
San Francisco so I used the directions from the hotel to my apartment and
followed them backwards.  Once I turned off Rogan back on the Kiner, the
main strip, I was immediately familiar with the area and remembered the one
small stretch of road I knew in town.  Driving past the Ford Dealership I
found the Best Buy at the next light where I knew I would.

Walking inside the store I was met by Mr.  Willis at the front door.

"Good to see you made it on time, Mr.  Walker.  You find us ok?"

"Yes I did.  I've driven by the store before and knew where it was."

"Oh I see, so you're familiar with the area then?"

"A little.  Actually it's more like this stretch of Kiner."

"Not a problem.  In due time you'll be familiar with all of San

"I will?"

"Here, follow me and I'll show you how to clock in."

I followed Mr.  Willis to a door near the front of the building that had
a keypad lock on it.  He pushed four buttons and opened it up.  Inside was
a stairwell with a room to it's left.  In the room were some lockers,
folding chairs, a table, a mini-fridge, and a computer station with

"The code to get into here is five three zero nine.  In the room on your
left is the break room.  You clock in here at the computer terminal.  It'll
ask for your I.D.  number.  Type in the last five digits of your social
security number.  Do this whenever you clock in or out for work.  Keep up
with this and do it right so the managers don't have to fix the mistakes by
hand to keep payroll correct.  Up the stairs are the managers' offices.
Any questions?"

"None that I can think of right now."

"Alright then.  Just clock in."

I figured something like this would come up so put my new social
security card in my wallet before I left.  I pulled it out and entered the
last five digits like I was instructed.  The machine accepted it and beeped
in confirmation.

"Ok good.  Now that that's finished, let's take you outside and get you
to work.  You'll training with Kaila on the cash register.  It's not rocket
science and anyone with half a brain should be able to hold their own
within a week.  You'll go on lunch and take your breaks when she does.  Be
sure to clock out and back in when you take your lunch, and although this
is common sense and I don't mean to insult your intelligence don't steal
other people's lunches if your forget yours.  It's been a problem before,
that's remedied itself and I don't want to have to play daddy again and
figure out who took whose food.  Got that?"

"Yeah, no food stealing."

"Good.  I'll be by once or twice today to see how things are, but just
go ahead and clock out when your shift is over."


Back in the store Mr.  Willis took me over to the register Kaila was
working and introduced me to her.  She was short, maybe just over five feet
tall, and had red hair.  She wasn't fat or chunky, but she had some meet on
her bones and was kinda cute.  She turned out to be rather nice and
cheerful which was cool.  For the first couple of transactions Kaila went
through all the motions and explained how everything worked.  Mr.  Willis
was right, this was all rather easy to learn .  About eleven Kaila let me
check out some of the customers and I did fine, but when business picked up
close to noon she took over and worked the line down to nothing.

It was close to twelve-thirty when Kaila told me it was time for lunch.
I clocked out and since I didn't bring anything I walked across the parking
lot to the Taco Bell in the next lot.  I bought three burrito supremes and
a large Dr.  Pepper.  I sat down and ate my lunch watching traffic through
my windows.  I started to let my mind wonder and think about life again,
but stopped myself before I got too deep into thought.  When I finished I
threw my trash away, refilled my Dr.  Pepper, and started back towards Best

Kaila was outside smoking a cigarette and I stopped to talk to her.  As
I started asking about the area, I noticed a dark haired female leave her
car and start walking towards the store.  It was then that I saw a black
car sitting at the end of the aisle she was crossing.  I started walking
towards her getting concerned that the car was moving starting to
accelerate.  I yelled at the woman, but she didn't hear me.  The car's
engine roared as the driver stomped down on the gas.  The woman dropped her
purse and bent over to pick it up.

I panicked.  The car wasn't slowing down and for whatever reason the
woman wasn't aware of it barreling towards her.  It became a race between
me and the car as I ran towards her hoping to get to her in time and not
get myself killed in the process.  I kept yelling at her, but she didn't
respond until I was within feet of her.  I grabbed her by the arms and
pulled her with me between two parked cars.  The black car flew by not
slowing down at all.  It circled around the parking lot back to an exit and
turned onto Kiner driving away

Many of the people in the parking lot screamed and cussed at each other
about the car, before settling down and continuing on their way.  I let go
of the female and asked if she was all right.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I am.  Thanks for saving me."

"You need to be more careful.  I was screaming at you to move, but you
didn't hear me until I was right next to you."

"I know, it's just that I've had a lot on my mind and it's caused me to
be wrapped up in my own world lately."

"Everyone seems to be ok and I've got to get back to work.  Take care of
yourself, and pay more attention to your surroundings next time."

"Well before you go...  Look I don't even know your name and I hope I'm
not being too forward, but would you like to go out for dinner some time?"

"My name's Travis and sure I guess.  Why though?  Just curious."

"Great!  I'm Kristin and here's my number," Kristin said pulling a pen
and piece of paper from her pursing and writing down her number.  "It's
just my little way of saying thank you."

"Cool, I'll be looking forward to dinner.  I'll call you tonight when I
get off work.  I'd give you my number, but I just moved out here and don't
know it yet."

"That's ok, I'll get it from you the next time we talk then.  Where are
you from if you don't mind me asking?"

"Out east.  I just needed a change of scenery and I had a friend who was
on his way out here so I came in with him."

"Well, you should be getting back to work, but I'll be looking forward
to your call tonight."

"Take care Kristin, I'll talk to you then."

As I started to walk back towards the store Kristin grabbed my hand and
I turned back towards her.  As I did she kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks again Travis," She said smiling before walking back towards her
car.  Kristin had a great smile and the cutest face and I couldn't help but
smile as I walked back to work.  Before I walked back inside the building I
turned to see her off, to make sure nothing happened I guess.  At that
moment a grey Dodge Intrepid came to a stop while some customers crossed
the cross walk.  I glanced into the driver window when I thought I
recognized the blond woman from near my apartment a few days earlier, but
before I could get a closer look the cross walk cleared and the car drove

In the break room I was approached by Carlos, an employee I had met
earlier in the morning.

"I saw what happened outside Travis.  Just your first day and already
you're making a name for yourself."

"It was nothing man."

"Just out of curiosity I take it you don't watch tv?"

"Not a lot, there's very little on that I want to watch.  Why?"

"You ever heard of a show called Smallville?  The one about Superman
while he was still on the farm?"

"I think I've heard of it.  Why, what about it?"

"You didn't recognize the girl you saved outside?"

"No.  Should I have?"

"You don't know who Kristin Kreuk is?  Lana Lang?  Does any of this ring
a bell?"

"Not really, but she is cute.  I'll give her that."

"Jesus Travis, it's her!  Trust me!"

"Bah, you don't know what you're talking about.  If it was here then
what's she doing in San Francisco?  Shouldn't she be in Hollywood shooting
Smallville or whatever her show is?"

"I don't know what she's doing out here.  Maybe they're done shooting
for the season.  I don't know their schedule."

"It's a moot point anyways.  It's not like I'm going to ever see her

"Then what did she hand you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw Kristin write something on a piece of paper and hand it to you."

"You're mistaken then.  Kristin didn't hand me anything.  Look would you
just leave me alone about this?  I've got to get back to work."

"Ok ok, but I know you're hiding something from me Travis."

"I must be," I sarcastically replied.

Compared to the lunchtime adventure the rest of the day was uneventful.
Unfortunately, Kaila also saw Kristin hand me paper and asked me about it.
I denied it to her as well going under the assumption that Kristin wouldn't
want all my co-workers knowing I have her number and was fixing to have
dinner with her.  Besides if nothing else I didn't want to have to spend
time trying to avoid people I couldn't and who would want details.  I'd
much rather deny the paper existed even if it did.  The general census
though of everyone I talked to or who came up to me was that the girl I
saved out in the parking lot was Kristin Kreuk.  Like I told Carlos I
rarely watched t.v.  so right now she was just another brunette to me.

I was happy when the day was finally over and I was back home.  I
entered my apartment to find that I wasn't alone.  Sitting on the couch
waiting was a well dressed white male wearing expensive looking designer
clothes; someone I didn't recognize at all.

"Travis my good man I'm glad to see you're finally home.  How goes it at
Best Buy?"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"What?  Don't you recognize me?  Perhaps I may be a little to nicely
dressed than what you're used to seeing when you worked for my brother."

"Your brother?" I stood there for a moment thinking about that statement
when I realized what it suddenly meant.  "Holy shit," I mumbled as I
stepped back towards the door.

"Calm down man, I'm not out to exact revenge or anything.  My name's
Thomas, but everyone calls me Tommy," Thomas said extending his hand.

"Just like the President, but I assume you hate when people make that
analogy," I replied taking his hand in mine and shaking it.

"You assume right.  I'm guessing that you're wondering why I'm here?"

"The thought had crossed my mind."

"Look as far as my brother goes he was playing a dangerous game like you
are now."

"No, I'm not.  I'm done with drugs.  I'm not taking them, I'm not
dealing them."

"Then why are there twelve grams of coke in your top dresser drawer?"

"That's none of your damn business!  Tell me why you're here or leave!"

"Much like Tito was Cody's right hand man, Jack or Six Eyes like you
call him is Simon's right hand man."


"Don't you fucking get it?  You're doing the exact same thing for Simon
that you did for Cody, except that Simon's operation is a lot more
sophisticated and now he's trying to take control of the Midwest."

"So what's the difference in having Cody sell versus Simon?"

"Simon has an even smaller temper for screw ups than Cody did.  Do you
have any idea how many people Simon has had Jack kill?"

"I already know about those messes Jack cleaned up."

"No, I'm talking about killing people execution style for not making the
month's quota.  You don't think if you don't sell those twelve grams that
Simon won't have something to say to you?  I've got twelve hundred on me
right now.  I'll take the coke you have and you can give Simon whatever his
cut is, but I'm not going to be doing this every month unless you decided
to help us."

"Who's us?"

"You'll find out later if you're still alive.  Don't mention you met me
to Jack or Simon or anyone for that matter or you'll quickly find out what
kind of trouble you're in."

"Ok ok, let's say for a moment that I believe you, then why didn't Simon
just order Jack to kill Cody?  Why'd Jack wait until I asked him to do it?"

"Because if Simon ordered it every lowlife in Cody's gang would be after
him.  They'll still be after Jack now because he built the bomb, but now
they'll kill you if they see you on the streets.  You were the first person
to follow through on a plan to kill Cody.  Just think about what I said."

"So how am I supposed to contact you if I agree to this?"

"You won't, someone will contact you." Tommy got up off the couch and I
sat down on it.  He took out a bank envelope of cash and tossed it to me.
"Here's the twelve hundred."

"Thanks...  I'll go get the coke," I said starting to get up.

"I've already got it.  Think about it ok?"

Tommy left my apartment and I sat alone on the couch in silence.
Goddamn my life was starting to turn into a complete mess.  It would make a
great conspiracy theory/drug cartel movie.  I got up and walked back to my
room emptying out my pockets before changing clothes into something more
comfortable.  I put on an old beat up pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt.  I
put my shirt of first and as I pulled up my shorts the piece of paper that
Kristen had handed to me caught my attention as it sat on top of my
dresser. I picked it up momentarily thinking about calling her but decided
against it and threw the paper in the trash.  My life was a mess and I
wasn't about to make someone else's a mess too.

There was a local pub down the street from my apartment complex and
taking part of the money Tommy had just given me I walked the very short
distance to Pauly's Bar and Grill.  I sat myself down at the bar and
started off with an Amber Bock.  It was about six thirty when I got there
and by eight I had downed four of the beers.  It was about eight fifteen
when some live band started, I think they were called Fried White Fish or
something.  They played that kinda soft rock mellow stuff that Creed plays
and I didn't care too much for it.  Anyway I was done with my fifth Amber
Bock and decided to switch to Pale Ale.  As I sat there sipping on the
drink thinking about how I went from crazy shit in St.  Louis to crazy shit
in San Francisco someone sat down next to me.

"So are you new around here?  I've never seen you before."

At least the person talking to me was female though she could always be
a fat chick and perhaps it was the alcohol I was imbibing, but I figured
what the hell and I looked up at her deciding to engage in whatever trifle
conversation she wanted to start.  I was rather happy I did.  She
definitely wasn't a fat chick, and she definitely looked good though I
could have sworn I had seen her before.

"You could say that.  I just moved out here on business.  Only been here
a few days."

"Oh I see, perhaps you'll be more pleasant than the men I've met before.
I've only been here a few months myself.  What business are you in if you
don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a big time pimpin' ass drug dealer from out east looking to expand
my empire," I joked horribly completely drunk and on my second Fat Tire.

"I know who you are Travis, and that Tommy paid you a visit today.  What
did you two talk about?"

"I don't know no Tommy, ma'am.  I went to work then came home today."

"I know I saw you.  Now what did you and Tommy talk about?"

She saw me at work?  What the hell was she talking about?  How could she
know where I worked, unless...

"Don't take this the wrong way, but before I leave would you mind
telling me why the fucking hell you and everyone else is following me and
so interested in me all of a sudden?  But before you answer that, did
anyone ever tell you you look like that chick from Species?"

"That's because I'm am, and nobody is following you.  You're acting

"That's too bad, you're quite the looker.  I guess it takes more than
looks to make it in Hollywood after all.  Although Ghosts of Mars wasn't
that bad a movie, except that you had to wait to do the underwear scene at
the end of the movie didn't you?"

"You're drunk off your ass you know."


"Ok, I'm getting you out of here," The woman said getting off her stool.
Her name was Natasha I think.  She pulled some money from her pocket and
paid the bartender while apologizing for me.  I think she was apologizing
for me.  "Let's go," she said patting me on the shoulder.

"Al right," I replied patting her on the butt.  "You're name's Natasha
ain't it?"

"Yeah it is, what's yours?"

"You already know it's Travis." Hot looking though she was I wasn't
going to give this good-looking bitch my real name.  She could be working
for Simon or Tommy and the thought of her fucking either one of them was
just gross.  I did find the idea of her sitting on my lap with my cock
buried deep in her pussy exciting though.

Natasha helped my stumbling ass home though she walked fairly quickly
and I almost fell several times.  I was more than happy to remember that my
apartment complex had elevators as I nearly fell into one.  There was no
way I was going to be able to make it up three flights of stairs in my
condition.  I handed Natasha my key as we exited the elevator and she
opened up the apartment door for me.  I shakily made my way to the couch
and plopped down onto it.  Natasha shut the door and sat down next to me. I
turned and looked at her as her hand touched down on my knee.

"Anyone ever tell you how hot you are?" I said to Natasha.

"Anyone ever tell you how loud and obnoxious you are when you're drunk?"

"Not since the thing six years ago."

"What's a thing?" She asked leaning in whispering in my ear.

"It's nothing.  Why are you so interested in my life story?"

"I have my reasons.  I'm a curious person though.  Right now I'm
wondering what you're real name is, because I don't think it's Travis."

"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." I felt Natasha's hand move
from my knee to my crotch.

To have this hot blonde's hand near my dick separated by only denim and
cotton made me excited and hard.  I watched my pants tent up in Natasha's
hand and a smile cross her face.

"I see you like to play games Travis.  I've got a game we can play if
you'll follow me in the bedroom."

I was eventually able to get myself off the couch to follow Natasha into
my bedroom.  She got in there first and as I walked in she was already down
to her panties having just thrown her bra to the floor.  I followed suit
pulling my shirt off with relative ease, but struggling with my pants, as
they didn't budge much as I tried to pull them over my feet.

"I'm a fucking dumbass," I said aloud as I realized my mistake and took
my shoes off then my pants.  I was standing there in my underwear and socks
and Natasha was standing there in her panties.

"Now what?" I asked with a drunken smile.

"Time to play our game," Natasha smiled as she pushed me onto the bed
laying me on my back.  I propped myself up to ask her an important

"What game is that?"

"It's called Pearl Necklace."

"And how do we play Pearl Necklace?"

"Once I get you to give me one," she whispered seductively pulling my
underwear down, "I want you to tell me all about you and answer my

"Oh that necklace.  I can probably give you two or three," I joked as I
watched my prick wave in the air.

"That's what I'm hoping for."

"I like a girl who likes jewelry."

Natasha grabbed hold of my dick, but instead of sucking or jerking it
she started first by fondling my balls and licking them with her tongue.
As her tongue slithered across my scrotum and Natasha sucked on one side
before switching to the other the wetness from her lips and tongue tickled
my cock and it grew with each lick.

Natasha wrapped her lips around my dick and took it deep in her mouth as
her head moved in sync with her hand as it stroked my shaft.  I was too
smashed to truly enjoy the blowjob to a certain degree, but when I looked
up and saw my dick disappear into Natasha's mouth as her head went down and
I heard the slurping and moaning sounds as they escaped her lips I nearly
came right then.  She pulled her head completely up, but keep on stroking
me.  A little bit of precum seeped from dick as Natasha squeezed it at the
base.  She licked it up with no question as her eyes became fixated on me.

"I want you to fuck me hard in my pussy.  You want to fuck me don't you
Travis?" Natasha asked with a coy smile.

"Very much so, even if you are an alien."

"That was just a movie."

"I know but you'd be one sexy alien."

"Well the only way to get your cock into my alien pussy is help me take
off my panties.  I forgot how."

"You forgot how?"

"Yes I did big boy."

"I can help you with that," I cheerfully said.  "First I need you to get
on the bed on all fours."

Without a word Natasha did as she was asked.  My fingers slid up the
sides of her panties and Natasha's beautiful ass came into view as I pulled
them down.  I couldn't help myself but to place a hand on each cheek and
work them slowly around massaging her ass.  I was a butt man and far and
away and this was one of the best I had ever seen.  Spreading Natasha's ass
apart I leaned in reaming her anus with my tongue.  She sighed delightfully
and I continued to tongue her asshole trying to push it in.  When I decided
it was lathered up enough I worked a finger into Natasha's sphincter my
tongue still licking and wetting the area around it.

"Oh my god," Natasha panted almost with a squeal, "not my ass.  I'm too
sensitive there."

I ignored her knowing full well she wanted something in her ass and I
kept fingering it.  Natasha whined with each finger thrust and when I felt
her anus had become accustomed enough to one finger I inserted a second.

"Please Travis," Natasha begged while she pushed back down on my
fingers. "I can't take it well in my ass."

"Yes you can Natasha, but you don't want my fingers in your ass.  You
want my cock in it."

Stroking myself a bit I sat up and rubbed the head of my dick up and
down her ass crack.  Natasha cried with each passing lusting for it to go
in.  She even reached back to try and grab my dick and guide it in.

"All you have to say is yes.  You want me in your ass don't you?"

"Please...  stick it..."

"Stick it where?"

"Please stick it in my ass," Natasha asked whining.

I obliged slowly pushing my dick in watching as her ass spread around
it. Then I felt the tightness of her anal cavity as I pushed further and
further in.  I held my dick in place when I bottomed out and my balls
pressed against her pussy.

"Please...  Again...  Harder..."

My prick slowly exited her anus as I pulled backwards and and filled it
in faster than it did the first time I pierced her ass.  It almost seemed
like Natasha was an anal junkie with experience as her sphincter was very
accommodating and quick to enlarge itself for my prick.  That's not to say
it was loose though.  With each thrust and retreat Natasha would work the
muscles in her anus to apply just the right amount of pressure to my member
giving it full stimulation.  I fucked Natasha in the ass with the same ease
and pleasure that came with vaginal sex and it felt superb, but before I
woke up tomorrow with a hangover and no memory of tonight I wanted to break
into that fine pussy of hers.

I slid my dick from Natasha's anus and slipped it into her pussy.  She
didn't seem to mind or care and keep pushing her hips back towards me as my
dick keep penetrating her.  I could feel my dick starting to hurt with
pleasure and pulse with every thrust.  Orgasm wasn't far off for me.
Gripping her Natasha's hips tightly I fiercely began to pound away at her
as I shoved my dick in her snatch as deep and as far as I could with every
thrust.  She certainly felt the new found ferocity and cried excitedly with
every invading push.  My dick swollen to it's max I felt a sudden surge
from the base towards the front as I pulled out.  Then to please us both I
re-entered Natasha's asshole as globs of my warm cum started to shoot out.
Still penetrating her behind my dick became coated with my own cum and it
coated her insides as I continued to work it in and out.  Then suddenly my
cock ballooned up again and a surprise shot of my cream leapt from my dick.
As it land in the far reaches of her rectum it triggered Natasha's own
orgasm alarm and she panted loudly moaning as she came drenching her legs
then my bed with her love juice.

Tired and still with a slight buzz I fell onto the bed next to her.  I
started to doze off to sleep when a hand grabbed my shoulder and started to
shake it.

"Travis, we had a deal.  Tell me about yourself."

"Our deal was if you got me to give you a pearl necklace and I came in
your ass.  Not exactly a prime place for a necklace."

"Yes and one my rules was a free tidbit of info I let you fuck me in the

"You didn't tell me that."

"You didn't ask."

"Look I'm going against my better judgement here and against the word of
a trusted friend, but I'll tell you this much; Coke.  And that you can
thank Michelob and whoever makes Pale Ale."

"Thanks Travis, you've been most helpful," Natasha said kissing me on
the cheek.  That was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned wakened by a constant pounding at my
door.  I noticed all my lights were still on and when I went to push myself
up off my bed my hand hit a stiff crusty spot on the sheets that smelled
funny.  I threw my clothes on and stumbled toward the door still half
sleep. I looked at the clock on the wall as I unlocked the door and it read
eleven thirty.  Outside I found a very panicked and worried Kristin.

"We have to go now, you're in a lot of danger," Kristin said barging in
and closing the door.

"What're you talking about?"

"I have no time to explain right now.  We just have to go!"

"Look Kristin, I've been in San Francisco less than a week and I've got
people following me everywhere.  I'm also being told that everyone is out
to get me and my life is in danger.  I don't know what to believe anymore,
but coming out here was a big fucking mistake.  For all I know you could be
wanting to kill me."

"No you look Travis, if I wanted to kill you then I would have simply
lured you into bed and gone Basic Instinct on your ass.  Or I could just
pull out a gun and shoot you now, but I won't.  Now let's go."

"Jesus I can't believe I'm going along with this, but fine.  Let's go.
Just one question?"

"Ok, but hurry.  What is it?"

"What the hell are you doing getting involving with drug dealers and
murderers and other dangerous type with your tv show?"

"It's a long story for another time."

"It's always a long story for another time!  Shit!  Just one thing
though, is your last name Kreuk?"

"Yes it is, so now you know who I am.  This will all get explained
later. Look for the last time we've got to go!  Now!"

Annoyed with the sheer absurdity of my life I ran back to my room and
quickly threw some clothes into my duffel bag.  I filled my wallet with
some of the money Tommy had given to me and the rest I rolled in a sock and
threw in my bag.  There wasn't enough room in my bag for my jacket so I put
it on just in case I needed it wherever we were going.  Kristin and I took
the elevator down the bottom floor and headed for the doors.

"Shit!" I mumbled looking through the glass doors and seeing the heavy
rainfall outside.

"I parked in the parking lot of the Wal-Green's across the street.  It's
the red Ford Explorer on left side of the second lane," Kristin said right
before we stepped outside into the rain.  As we reached the bottom of the
stoop we were confronted by an old friend of mine.

"Hey Jack."

"Hey Travis, good to see you and my who's this lovely young lady here?
OH!  I know!  It's little Ms.  Kreuk.  You really should keep better
company.  This little bitch has been a thorn in Simon's side for the last

"She's not a bitch Jack!  And I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to
get somewhere."

"You're not going anywhere," Jack scowled revealing a pistol.

"What the fuck's your problem man?  I haven't done anything!"

"How much do you really know about Kristin here?  Probably just her name

"What're you talking about?"

"If you knew the truth I don't think you'd be so willing to leave with

"Kristin?  What's he talking about?"

She didn't answer.  She looked at me then at Jack.

"Look Jack I don't know what's going on between you two, but come one.
Keep me out of it."

"Too late, you're already a part of it.  Start walking."

Jack forced us to walk at gunpoint for several blocks in the rain before
stopping in front of a dark alley.  He walked us deep into it before
ordering us to stop.

"Well Travis, it's been keen knowing you.  Too bad it's got to end this

Jack reached back pistol whipping Kristin in the back of the head
knocking her to the ground.  I yelled out and lunged at Jack.  He fired two
shots both striking me in the chest.  I immediately feel to the ground in
shock.  Jack took off back towards the road and Kristin got up and stumbled
towards me.  I felt the wounds in my chest and I could see where the
bullets had ripped through the fabric of my jacket.  To my right Kristin
Kreuk sat on her knees crying holding my hand in hers.

"Don't die Travis!  Don't you fucking die on me!"

I looked over and gave her a slight smile.

"I'll be fine," I mouthed to her.

My head was spinning and I could feel life start to slip away from my
body.  I wasn't floating overhead watching myself slowly die or anything,
it was just a feeling I had.  My vision started to blur and darken, but not
before I saw Kristin mouth something and take off running towards the main
street.  I couldn't make out what she said, but at this point I didn't care
too much.  My body was numb and I knew death wasn't far off.