Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. She spread her wings of light and so stood naked on the floor of the room. David laughed out loud In surprise and kissed her cheek as a tear crystallized into diamond on her face. "It worked! Even God can do nothing! you are mine.. you are perfect!" She stood facing him crying softly as her wings faded into the air around her. the collar around her neck.. the thin trickle of blood running down her perfect white breast from where the thousand spikes of the collar bound it into her body.. she had no power only the power to obey. Perfect white skin. no Glow of God left. the tall dark man growled like an animal of some kind, kissed her roughly, caught the flow of blood with a finger and held it under her nose. "Smell that, my girl? My immortal angel? That's the smell of humanity." She closed her eyes as tears flowed down her face. Still silent. David forced her jaws apart with a strong hand and slipped his bloody finger into her mouth. She winced, and he laughed at her, happy to have a real reaction from his new toy. He reached out and roughly grabbed one of her small pink nipples, twisting it as hard as he could, and she cried out in pain and staggered a little bit, fell against his chest. He lifted her chin, and she stared up at him silently begging him to stop. "No pain where you come from, my angel," he said softly. He felt a small amount of remorse through his incredible happiness. He had never really expected it to work, despite being so sure. This was just too unbelievable. His gult was drowned by his arousal. Time to take care of this. "Lie on the bed, pet." She did helplessly. A pentagram surrounded her, painted in something rust coloured on the linoleum floor. "Know this, my pet. I will take your virginity and separate you forever from God. after this even he cannot touch you again. My immortal love..." She gasped as he touched her body and the sensation hit her. she had never, never felt that before on earth. she wished she had a physical voice.. His smooth hands moved slowly up her inner thigh.. caressing her between the legs slowly.. this was so wrong. She was an angel. pleasure was not physical! it couldn't be physical.. this couldn't be pleasure.. she screamed for help in her mind and the black collar bit her deep and she cut off her scream instantly. David laughed. She was his forever and he undid his jeans quickly. Her body lay perfectly still, her eyes wide. she'd never known fear before. She didn't know how to express that she felt it now. Just through tears. David roughly climbed on top of her and bit her neck and pain rushed through her. her back arched, muscles tensed, silent scream of everything filled her. then a swift motion and he drove his thick cock hard into her virginity. how can an angel lose her virginity? by falling. please send any comments to