Tween Magazine: Book Review “They Said I Was Too Thin” (no sex, 

by this guy (

Summary: Satire of review for a book about anorexia that might 
appear in a magazine geared towards tweenage girls…

Anna Rexie’s book “They Said I Was Too Thin” explores her real 
life battle with eating disorders.  She tells of how she started 
counting calories when she was nine; and how, when she was 
eighteen she was five-feet seven-inches tall and weighed seventy-
four pounds by making herself vomit ten minutes after every meal.  She talks about sniffing glue to prevent herself from experiencing the feeling hunger.  She explains the effect using multiple diet drugs simultaneously had on her body.  

A cautionary guide against extreme weight-loss; the book offers 
a highly detailed in-depth look at the measures some girls and 
women go to in the quest for thinness.  

This book did, however, receive a number of warnings from health 
experts due to its very detailed explanations of how the author 
hid her eating disorders and how she obtained illegal and 
potentially dangerous weight-loss drugs.  For that reason its 
sales have been banned by a number of retailers since is cab be 
viewed as “how to guide” for anyone trying to lose a lot of 
weight fast.