Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Tween Magazine: Comprehensive Thigh Gap Guide (no sex, humor) by this guy ( Summary: Satire of guide to being extra skinny in a magazine geared towards tweenage girls... Girls everywhere know that guys employ a one-to-ten hotness rating system to describe the sort of girl they just met. We are also aware of the fact that guys also have similar one-to-ten rating systems for different parts of a girl's anatomy: face, butt, boobs, etc. What many girls are unfortunately unaware of is that there is also a one-to-ten rating system for thinness. This rating system is entirely based on a girl's thigh gap; or more precisely how wide the thigh gap is. This rating system is essentially a simple ratio: measured dimension between the thighs (taken at mid-thigh when standing bare-foot with ankles touching) divided by standing height (when bare-foot, with heels on the floor). If that ratio is less than 0.005 the girl's thigh gap is a "1" If the ratio is more than 0.005 but less than 0.010 the girl's thigh gap is a "2" If the ratio is more than 0.010 but less than 0.015 the girl's thigh gap is a "3" If the ratio is more than 0.015 but less than 0.020 the girl's thigh gap is a "4" If the ratio is more than 0.020 but less than 0.025 the girl's thigh gap is a "5" If the ratio is more than 0.025 but less than 0.030 the girl's thigh gap is a "6" If the ratio is more than 0.030 but less than 0.035 the girl's thigh gap is a "7" If the ratio is more than 0.035 but less than 0.040 the girl's thigh gap is a "8" If the ratio is more than 0.040 but less than 0.045 the girl's thigh gap is a "9" If the ratio is more than 0.045 girl's thigh gap is a "10"... And if it is substantially more than that: WOW!!! There are numerous specific exercise routines that will help to increase the size of a girl's thigh gap; unfortunately many of them require a lot of dedication and hard work. The good news is that there are two simple things that a girl can do without much effort that will help increase the size of her thigh gap. Firstly; never sit or lay with your legs together: doing so increases the overall size of the muscles on the inside of the thighs. Instead, sit and lay with your legs spread apart: your knees have to be at least shoulder width apart for this to have any effect. The wider apart your knees are, the bigger your thigh gap will become. Secondly; remember that having a thigh gap is a sign of slimness, not having one is a sign of being over-weight. So make sure to not over-eat. Dieting is a good way of making sure you don't get fat. Employing a more extreme diet (like the ABC Diet*) will help you get a bigger thigh gap in no time. * Author's note: the "ABC Diet" is a real and very extreme diet, although no one short of a full blown anorexic would actually consider trying it.