Baby Smokes A Lot  (F-solo, g-solo, smk, no sex, preg)

by this guy (

Summary: A young mother gets he baby to smoke

Sherry was on cloud nine after leaving the doctor's office. She had 
already known she was pregnant, of course, thanks to the EPT test she 
had taken two weeks earlier. In fact, she knew exactly when it 
happened. It was a guy named Rob she had picked up at a bar. She had 
just lit two VS 120s in her double-barreled holder when he came over. 
He said "I've been watching you, and I can't believe your smoking!" She 
answered with a quadruple pump followed by a direct lung inhale, 
adding two inches of ash to both cigarettes. They left early, before 
either of them had gotten drunk. He took her to his place, and they 
fucked and smoked all night. And she never saw him again, for she had 
what she wanted - she was 'knocked up'. She even gave him a fake name 
and number so he wouldn't annoy her.

Her cigarette was lit before she got to the car. Over the next nine 
months she planned to continue her three-pack-a-day habit, and add a 
few more cigarettes each month for the baby. She could only imagine 
the baby as a daughter - no other thought ever crossed her mind.

Her job as a phone-sex operator let her stay home all the time and 
smoke. Inside her, the little fetus was no bigger than the size of 
her pinkie nail, but it had been conceived in a wash of nicotine. The 
only time the nicotine level dropped was when her mommy slept, and 
after a while she would start to kick and thrash about until she could 
feel her mommy moving. Then she knew what would happen next - every 
time mommy woke up, it wouldn't be long until the nicotine came to her 
again, and she could relax and just soak it up.

As the nine months passed, baby Caitlyn grew and Sherry got bigger 
and bigger and kept adding more cigarettes until she was smoking 
four packs a day, 20 just for Caitlyn. The nicotine was a part of 
every cell in Caitlyn’s little body and developing brain, so there 
could never be a time when it was withheld. Each time Caitlyn felt 
mommy's nicotine level drop, she would kick her until she felt the 
wonderful comfort of nicotine again.


Being born was traumatic. One day, she was sleeping in sherry's belly, 
floating in the warm amniotic fluid and loving it. Suddenly she turned 
upside down and the fluid poured out of Sherry. Caitlyn had never 
experienced it before, and it was shortly thereafter when the nicotine 
flow stopped suddenly. No amount of kicking would start it again. Soon 
enough, she was pulled out into a world that was impossibly bright and 
cold, and the last of mommy's fluid was sucked from her mouth, and the 
tube that she ate and got her nicotine from was suddenly cut. She 
screamed bloody murder, and kept it up until she was so tired she 
fell asleep.

She slept for a while, then she was aware of a need to suck on 
something. Sherry was ecstatic. Caitlyn was big and healthy and 
beautiful, all blue eyes and blond hair. Sherry held her up to her 
nipple and Caitlyn latched onto it and started to suck it. The warm 
milk was sweet in her mouth, and felt so good, and very soon she 
noticed that her nicotine craving was beginning to subside - she was 
getting it from mommy's milk! This was great! It wasn't enough, but 
it was something, anyway.

The next day, Sherry took Caitlyn home. Sherry's mother had insisted 
on helping her, so while Sherry was nursing the baby, she asked her 
mother to light a cigarette for her. Having been there before, her 
mother had no problem with Sherry smoking, but did ask Sherry if she 
was going to smoke so close to the new baby. Sherry said "Of course - 
she's used to it!" Sherry finally got rid of her mom the next day, 
and Sherry and Caitlyn were alone. Sherry took nicotine patches and 
put one on the bottom side of each breast, then lit a cigarette and 
held Caitlyn up to her breast and she immediately started sucking. 
Sherry double-pumped again and again, enveloping them both in her warm, 
delicious smoke. Caitlyn felt the extra nicotine in the milk and was 
content. Sherry slowly blew smoke into Caitlyn’s face as she nursed. 
This didn't bother the baby at all - she would simply take deep 
breaths through her nose, and it smelled, tasted and felt wonderful. 
Soon she was full of milk and Sherry had lit another cigarette. She 
patted Caitlyn’s back until she burped, and then it was time. Sherry 
inhaled a huge puff of smoke, laid the cigarette on the ashtray, and 
held Caitlyn in front of her and put her mouth over Caitlyn’s mouth 
and nose. She felt Caitlyn exhale sweet baby breath, and she opened 
her mouth over Caitlyn’s mouth and nose and flooded them with inhaled 
smoke as Caitlyn inhaled. Caitlyn barely coughed, just once, and 
Sherry saw a little bit of smoke in her exhalation. She almost came 
on herself, except that she was too sore down there. Caitlyn was 
happy, ready for another one. This time she inhaled even more of the 
smoke, and realized that this new way of getting her nicotine was 
going to be even better than when she was just a fetus. This was not 
only nicotine, this was SMOKE, and it TASTED GOOD and felt even better.

The day of Caitlyn’s first inhalation of smoke, Sherry made her do it 
ten times. Caitlyn loved each one - the taste was wonderful, she loved 
the feeling of smoke in her little lungs, and the nicotine sensation 
was so INTENSE! She could feel it in her head, a little 'high' that 
lasted for 15 minutes or so. She wanted more.


Sherry was still smoking four packs a day, and wearing two nicotine 
patches on her breasts all the time, so she was in a perpetual 
nicotine high all the time. Each time she heard Caitlyn wake up and 
begin to cry, milk would start dripping from her breasts and the urge 
to nurse became overwhelming. Each day, she gave Caitlyn at least two 
more smoky kisses than the day before, so by the end of a week, 
Caitlyn was getting 24 chestfuls of pre-inhaled smoke each day. She 
became dependent on them and looked forward to them.

After a week, Sherry modified her strategy. She would lay Caitlyn on 
the bed, take a big puff of her cigarette, then put a straw in her 
mouth, the other end in Caitlyn’s, and gently blow smoke into her 
eager lungs. The first time she did this, Caitlyn smiled, so she 
immediately did it again, blowing more of her inhalation into her 
lungs until she could see smoke coming from the baby's nose.

Caitlyn was in baby heaven. Her mommy's milk provided her with a dose 
of nicotine that lasted for two or three hours, but she really loved 
the straw because the smoke was so much thicker and the feeling more 
intense. Soon Sherry didn't really have to blow any more - when 
Caitlyn saw Sherry take a puff and put her mouth over the straw, 
Caitlyn would inhaled deeply through the straw, and often could inhale 
and exhale two or three times before mommy's smoke ran out and she had 
to take another puff. When she slept, she would dream of holding a 
cigarette like her mommy (although she didn't know the word 'cigarette' 
yet) and breathing through it all the time.


On Caitlyn’s one-month-old day, Sherry decided to give her special 
treatment. She gave Caitlyn every exhalation from three whole 
cigarettes in a row that morning, and then when it was time for 
Caitlyn’s next feeding, she dispensed with the straw and used her 
curled-up tongue to deliver the smoke. They both liked this. Then 
Sherry took a medium-sized puff and held it in her mouth without 
inhaling it, and kissed Caitlyn. Caitlyn eagerly sucked down the 
uninhaled smoke and felt a jolt in her chest from the added intensity 
of the smoke. She almost coughed, but instead held her breath for ten 
seconds before blowing her first 'inhaled by Caitlyn first' puff into 
Sherry's face. Caitlyn thought "Oh, this is even better. Please, I 
hope she does it again!". Of course, Sherry did. After every feeding 
she would smoke and hold Caitlyn to her and kiss the smoke into her. 
Each day she did it more and more, until, at three months old, 
Caitlyn was able to take an entire cigarette's worth of uninhaled 
smoke at a single sitting and an hour later would cry for more!


While Caitlyn slept (and babies sleep a lot), Sherry had time to make 
a 'smoking bottle' for Caitlyn. She bought a hollow rubber pacifier 
and a plastic baby bottle. She cut the handle off the pacifier and 
made a tiny smoke hole in the end. She made a round hole in side of 
the baby bottle to let air in. Finally, it was ready to test. Sherry 
put a lit VS menthol Ultra-Light into the pacifier and inserted it 
into the bottle's plastic ring, then screwed the top onto the bottle. 
She sucked on the nipple, and sure enough, it worked wonderfully. A 
man on the Web had told her how to make it, and it was ready. Caitlyn 
was three months old now, and Sherry had decided it was time for her 
to smoke her first whole cigarette by herself!

The next time Caitlyn woke up, Sherry changed her diaper, fed her 
while smoking, and then it was time. She lit the cigarette and 
assembled the bottle, and then, holding Caitlyn close to her breasts, 
put the bottle to her lips. Caitlyn immediately started sucking, then 
Sherry pulled it out and Caitlyn inhaled. "Wow, that was great!" she 
thought, and reached for the bottle. Sherry let her hold it herself, 
which was safe since the cigarette was inside the bottle so that 
Caitlyn couldn't burn herself. Caitlyn sucked and instinctively knew 
to inhale instead of swallowing. She inhaled puff after puff, and soon 
her legs began to tingle and an intense nicotine high began to wash 
over her. It was almost too intense, for she began to feel a little 
nauseated, but by then the cigarette was finished. Caitlyn had smoked 
an entire cigarette by herself at three months old! Sherry was 
watching intently and rubbing herself as Caitlyn, her baby, really 
smoked! She had a shuddering orgasm just as Caitlyn finished her first 
whole cigarette. An hour later, they did it again, and this time 
Caitlyn didn't get nauseated, just felt wonderful. She had noticed 
that her mommy was always smoking, and Caitlyn now knew why - because 
grownups always wanted to feel like this! Caitlyn smoked five 
cigarettes that day. She was a genuine smoker at three months old!

One day, Sherry's mom was making her weekly visit when Caitlyn was 
ready for a cigarette. First she swore her mother to secrecy, then 
said "Mom, you won't believe this - Caitlyn smokes!". 

Her mom said "Oh, I believe it - I let you smoke at her age!" Sherry 
let her mom feed Caitlyn a cigarette, and ten minutes later, another 
one. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she didn't smoke, 
so she supposed that her mom was being truthful. All the 'candid' 
photos of Sherry that her mom kept showed Sherry holding a cigarette, 
even at 3 or 4. So, the family tradition continued.


By the age of four months, Caitlyn was smoking six cigarettes per day. 
Often they would forgo the bottle and Sherry would light two cigarettes 
and hold one of them to Caitlyn’s lips and they would smoke together. 
Caitlyn watched her mother smoke and began to copy her style as well as 
she could. But it took her longer to smoke a cigarette than her mother - 
often Sherry would smoke four in the time it took Caitlyn to smoke one. 
Sherry decided to step it up a little bit, gradually, so every time she 
lit a cigarette, she would give Caitlyn several puffs. Since Sherry 
smoked four packs a day, three packs at least while Caitlyn was awake, 
these extra puffs added up quickly. By five months old, she was smoking 
eight cigarettes per day by herself and taking four puffs from each of 
Sherry's 60 cigarettes; so she was getting an extra 240 puffs per day!

Caitlyn loved this. To her, it let her keep a substantial nicotine buzz 
going all the time. Sherry was trying to teach her to talk, and her 
first word was "smoke", and she used it often. 


Sherry's home business, a phone sex service, had turned into an 
Internet-based service with a Web cam and microphone. Several of her 
customers asked about Caitlyn when they heard her asking for smoke and 
saw Sherry look down at something. Most of her clients liked watching 
her smoke, and one day a man offered her an extra $100 to see Caitlyn 
smoke. Sherry figured "Why not?" and held Caitlyn on her lap and put 
her cigarette to Caitlyn’s lips, and she took a big puff. The client 
came on the spot!

So, Sherry gradually built up a list of high-paying clients with 
Caitlyn’s help. Sometimes the calls would be back-to-back, so Caitlyn 
would get to smoke several cigarettes in a row. She loved it - the 
more she could smoke, the happier she was. Her dream was to smoke as 
much as her mommy, and as soon as possible. Together they were earning 
at least $700 per day online, and she began to learn the words they 
used, like "cum", and "fuck" and of course, "cigarette" and "puff". 
Sometimes Sherry would have her say something to the clients.

As Caitlyn approached being five months old, she was still being 
breastfed by Sherry, and Sherry was still using nicotine patches on 
her breasts. Sherry decided to quit doing this, and instead, she put 
a nicotine patch on Caitlyn’s back. Sherry continued to make her 
smoke as much as she could, and in the first few days, whenever she 
made Caitlyn smoke two cigarettes in a row, she would get nauseous 
and spit up. Sherry kept Caitlyn’s 'smoking bottle' going all day, 
and Caitlyn’s consumption continued to climb. When she reached ten 
whole cigarettes and many more puffs per day, Sherry added a second 
nicotine patch to Caitlyn’s back and changed them every morning. She 
didn't let any of Web clients know about the patches. By now, she had 
fifteen clients who connected just to see her "make" Caitlyn smoke. 
Usually, at least ten of them would be on simultaneously, and Sherry 
had it set up so that they all got streaming video. They were each 
charged $3.99 per minute that they were connected, so Caitlyn was 
bringing in a lot of money for them.


As Caitlyn’s six-month-old birthday approached, Sherry put an ad on 
her web site announcing that on that day, Caitlyn would be forced to 
smoke a whole cigar. The ad featured a picture of a Macanudo that was 
eight inches long and half an inch across. It also showed a picture of 
Caitlyn with a piece of tape over her nostrils and a mouthpiece in her 
mouth, secured by duct tape. The ad featured the words "Will Caitlyn 
like it? Will she hate it? Will she even SURVIVE?" Sherry knew that her 
hard-core 'dark side' fetishers would love this, so she upped the price 
for this one event to $7.99 per minute and in the two weeks leading up 
to it, she had more than 30 subscribers signed up to receive it, so 
they would make nearly $240 per minute.

In their "off time", Sherry kept Caitlyn smoking as much as possible. 
She quickly adjusted to wearing two nicotine patches and Sherry made 
her smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Each night, she would light one of the 
Macanudoes and give Caitlyn puff after puff, trying to get her used to 
it. She used her Webcam in 'offline' mode to made videos of Caitlyn 
puffing the cigar and coughing and used the video to make a ten-second 
"commercial" that clients could view while they were connected at 
their normal rate. Eventually, Caitlyn was able to take small puffs 
of the cigars and inhale them while wearing her nicotine patches, but 
after five or six puffs she would throw up. Sherry hoped that removing 
the patches would allow her to smoke the entire cigar without throwing 
up, but to help insure that, she converted Caitlyn’s smoking bottle to 
hold two cigarettes at once and switched her to full-strength Virginia 
Slim Menthols. She would hold Caitlyn in her arms and nurse her, then 
burp her, make her smoke two cigarettes, and then nurse her from the 
other breast.

Finally, the day came. Sherry had removed the nicotine patches the 
night before, and had to get up three times during the night to nurse 
her and let her smoke. In the morning, she gave Caitlyn a bath and put 
some makeup on her, bringing out her long eyelashes, putting on blue 
eye shadow to bring out the color in her eyes, used some blush on her 
cheeks to highlight her cheekbones and make her look like she was 
'hollowing her cheeks' as she puffed, and topped it off with red 
lipstick, She combed her hair and put a red bow in it, and Caitlyn was 
ready. The Web event was set for 11 am, and she didn't let Caitlyn 
smoke anything starting at eight o'clock.

The show started at 11, and Sherry wanted to make the most money she 
could, so she let the clients watch her as she put Caitlyn into her 
high chair in front of the camera, tied her hands to the sides of the 
high chair, and placed the mouthpiece in her mouth and taped it. The 
mouthpiece was connected to a flexible clear tube a half inch in 
diameter. Then she lit a Macanudo. Caitlyn looked scared. Sherry 
checked on who was watching, and there were 30 clients, including all 
five of her female clients, all anxiously watching, most smoking and 
nearly all of them stroking.

Sherry put the high chair's tray in place and put a big ashtray on it. 
She pulled the tip of the Macanudo into the tube and laid it in the 
ashtray. She held her hand hear Caitlyn’s nose and waited to feel an 
exhalation. When she felt it, she pinched Caitlyn’s nose shut and 
watched her breathe through the cigar. All the clients could see the 
thick smoke flowing into her mouth through the clear plastic tube. 
While Caitlyn had smoked the cigars before, she had never had to do a 
direct inhale through one, so the smoke burned her throat as it went 
down. Sherry released her nostrils for a minute, and Caitlyn’s body 
tried to cough, but with the mouthpiece in place, she could do nothing 
but snort thick smoke from her nose. Sherry could hear the clients 
saying "Yes, yes!" as she pinched Caitlyn’s nose again and again, 
forcing her to inhale the smoke. Sherry's computer had a clock on the 
screen that showed her how much money they were making. Ten minutes 
into it, they had already made several thousand dollars, and Caitlyn 
seemed to have accepted her fate and was no longer struggling, just 
inhaling and exhaling. After every third puff, Sherry was letting her 
take a breath through her nose, and she was doing fine. They kept this 
up for 33 minutes before the cigar was done. Sherry let the clients 
continue to watch as she removed the mouthpiece and Caitlyn promptly 
vomited all over herself. They watched as Sherry wiped her mouth, and 
several of them were saying "More, more - give her a cigarette!" Since 
they were still connected at the high rate, she lit two cigarettes and 
put one in each of Caitlyn’s nostrils, then held her hand over her 
mouth to make her inhale through them. All the clients stayed 
connected, and the money continued to flow in. After Caitlyn finished 
the cigarettes, Sherry open her blouse and let Caitlyn suck on her 
nipples. Some of the clients closed their windows, but there were still 
several watching. Sherry lit two cigarettes and smoked them herself as 
Caitlyn nursed. When they reached the $10,000 mark, she told everyone 
goodbye and closed the session, telling them to tune back in tomorrow 
and see how Caitlyn was doing.


After being made to smoke the cigar and then having to smoke two 
cigarettes through her nose, Caitlyn felt pretty bad. She was still 
nauseous with a severe nicotine high (in a child unaccustomed to it, 
it would have easily been a fatal dose of nicotine) and her throat and 
sinuses hurt. But her mommy knew what to do. She gave Caitlyn a bottle 
of warm chocolate milk and sprayed a saline mist into her nostrils and 
then suctioned them out. Caitlyn sneezed and her snot was dark brown. 
Then, to make her feel better and relax, Sherry smoked a joint and blew 
the smoke into Caitlyn with smoky kisses. Soon she was sleepy and the 
nausea was gone. She took a three hour nap.

While Caitlyn slept, Sherry checked their finances. Two years of phone 
and Web sex and six months of Caitlyn’s help had grown her nest egg to 
over half a million dollars. Now she was faced with the question of 
what to do next. How could she top what she had just done to Caitlyn, 
practically torturing her with smoke? She had several ideas, such as 
letting the clients watch Caitlyn smoke a whole pack of cigarettes in 
an hour, seven at a time. Perhaps she and Caitlyn could get into an 
airtight plastic bag and smoke, pushing both their limits. She 
certainly couldn't do anything with Caitlyn that involved sex - it 
would be wrong and would arouse the ire of the Internet Service 
Provider (ISP) in Panama that she used - they had already warned her 
about that. She wished Caitlyn were older - she could dress her up 
like a little call girl and have her chain-smoke, holding and lighting 
her own cigarettes and talking dirty, but she wouldn't be able to do 
that for another year and a half, at the earliest. So, she sat down 
at the computer and created a questionnaire and sent it to the clients:

1) How did you like today's performance?

2) What can we do in the future to equal or exceed the enjoyment of 
your sessions with us?

You folks are the clients - answers will be very helpful.

After three hours, Caitlyn woke up and Sherry heard her. She went into 
Caitlyn’s room and got her out of bed and changed her diaper. Suddenly 
Caitlyn coughed hard and a large blob of brown-colored phlegm flew out. 
Sherry picked her up and patted her on the back and she coughed up 
another blob, smaller than the first. Then she said, in a hoarse voice 
"Smoke!". So Sherry too her to the living room, got Caitlyn’s 
two-cigarette bottle and fixed it up with two VS Menthols, lit it, 
and started feeding Caitlyn the smoke. In less than ten minutes, the 
cigarettes were gone and then she nursed Caitlyn until she was full, 
then set her down on the floor to play. Caitlyn said "Smoke!" again, 
and got her smoking bottle in return. Sherry watched her, and noticed 
that she was doing much more direct-inhaling than before, pulling the 
smoke directly into her lungs until they were full, exhaling through 
her nose, then inhaling through her bottle again. Sherry decided to 
tape this and put together a "hard-smoking" video for her Web site. 
All of her previous smoking tapes were available on the site as 
streaming video, including today's cigar torture, and so the money 
kept coming in.


Sherry put Caitlyn on the bed next to her that night, placing a long 
row of cushions between the baby and the edge of the bed so she 
couldn't roll off. Just to make sure, she put a beanbag chair next 
to the bed. She lay there and listened as Caitlyn slept, and couldn't 
help but notice the loose rattle in her chest and the slight wheeze. 
She started to cry, thinking "What have I done?". Sure, her mom had 
started giving her puffs as a baby, but never forced her as she had 
done today. Sure, she was a chain-smoker now, but she had made that 
choice, to go from the occasional cigarette to occasional fresh air 
in her teens. Caitlyn had not had a choice. What she had done perhaps 
secured their financial future, but at what cost? She made the 
decision to stop Caitlyn’s smoking. She was only six months old, so 
she would never remember what had happened to her and that she had 
once smoked so heavily at such a young age.

The next day, Sherry removed all nicotine patches from Caitlyn and 
threw away her smoking bottles. Caitlyn still wanted to smoke, though, 
saying "Smoke, mama!" in a voice that was noticeably deeper than 
yesterday's. Sherry let her take a single puff from her cigarette ten 
times that day, and only when Caitlyn asked. Sometimes, Caitlyn 
wouldn't ask until she was starting to tremble noticeably from 
nicotine withdrawal, and then Sherry would give her one puff and 
then nurse her with nicotine-rich breast milk. She tried to avoid 
smoking in Caitlyn’s presence - she would go into the kitchen or 
bathroom for a minute and smoke her head off, then go back to Caitlyn.

That night, Caitlyn was restless and crying as Sherry tried to get her 
to sleep. Sherry laid down next to her, then pulled Caitlyn on top of 
her and let her nurse as she gently stroked her baby's back. Finally, 
Caitlyn went to sleep.

The next day, Caitlyn had only eight puffs. The day after that, Sherry 
didn't let Caitlyn see her with a cigarette at all, but smoked cigars 
almost all day. Caitlyn asked several times for smoke, and Sherry held 
her cigar to Caitlyn’s lips. Caitlyn would take a big, deep inhale and 
then go away happy. Six puffs all day, and she slept fine, and her 
breathing sounds had quieted significantly.


Caitlyn took her first steps at ten months of age, toward Sherry 
holding a cigar. Sherry was so excited about her walking, she gave 
her a second puff from the cigar, even though she was down to one 
puff a day. By her first birthday, Caitlyn was no longer smoking and 
didn't seem to remember it at all. She was growing normally and was 
a very happy baby. Sherry was happy, too. To satisfy her fetish, all 
she had to do was watch reruns of Caitlyn’s smoking videos, which she 
had edited into a dozen different configurations. One of her favorites 
showed ten solid minutes of Caitlyn puffing, from one week to six 
months old, then ten minutes of nothing but inhales, ten minutes of 
nothing but exhales, and five minutes of nothing but coughing out 
smoke. She always made herself watch that part.

She decided that she had done the best thing by stopping Caitlyn’s 
smoking so early. There would be times to come in which she could let
Caitlyn start all over again if she wanted, but she would let it be 
Caitlyn’s decision.