Going Commando, part 4  (bbgg, inc, young)

by this guy (thisguy.1066@gmail.com)

Summary: Dirty pranks with new friends…

The four of us navigated the maze-like corridors back to the ‘kids 
zone’, taking with us the plastic bag containing all six pairs of my 
tighty-whities that Laura had peed into / cleaned up her pee with.  

“This place is empty,” Laura commented when we stepped into the ‘kids 

“Well sure; its dinner time,” I offered an explanation.

“Yup!  Perfect for setting up lotsa fun for later…” Jimmy commented 
before pointing off to the right and saying, “Ball pool.”

“Yea…” Jenna half giggled as the four of us walked over to the swimming 
pool" sized ball pool.  

Looking at Laura Jimmy said, “It’s your pee; so you’re gonna have to do 

“Do what?” Laura asked in a confused voice.

Suddenly I understood what Jimmy and Jenna had in mind, so I said, 
“You’re gonna put the undies in the ball pool…”

“Just one pair,” Jenna half corrected me as she opened the plastic bag.

Laura began to protest, “Ah…”

“A few feet in from the side and at least a foot down,” Jimmy 
interrupted her.

“But some kid’ll find them and…” Laura began to say in protest before 
her tone became practically giddy, “…and the kid’ll know somebody is 
‘going commado’!”  With that she reached into the plastic bag and 
pulled out one of the pairs of my underpants that were soaked with her 
pee, before hopping into the ball pool.  She made her way about four 
feet in from the side, then began scooping out a hole.  Once the hole 
was about five balls deep she dropped the pee soaked underpants in and 
put the balls back over them before climbing out of the ball pool.  

“What’s next?” I asked having trouble containing my excitement.

Jimmy and Jenna looked around for a couple seconds before saying, 
“Theater” at the same time.  With that the four of us were headed to 
the little theater.  

Like when we’d been in there before, there was a crappy computer 
animated movie geared toward pre-schoolers playing; and also like 
before the place was empty.  “In the middle, about a third of the way 
from the front?” I half asked, half suggested. 

“Oh yea,” Jimmy confirmed my suggestion.  

Again, Jenna opened the plastic bag and Laura took out a pair of pee 
soaked undies.  She walked up the isle until she was about a third of 
the way from the front, then tossed them into the seats.  “They’re on 
the floor,” she informed us.

“Four to go,” Jimmy said as we walked out of the theater.

“Bounce tunnel?” I pondered.

“Too out in the open,” Laura surprised me by saying.  Twins Jimmy and 
Jenna nodded in agreement.

“Pirate ship fort,” Jimmy declared as he raised a hand to point at one 
of the climbing structures.

Without another word being said, Laura reached into the plastic bag and 
grabbed another pair of pee soaked undies, before quickly jogging over 
to the bottom of the pirate ship fort.  She planted her bare right foot 
on the second rung of the twisted ladder leading into the ship’s bow 
and lifted her body up until her head disappeared into the climbing 
structure.  She tosses the pair of pee soaked undies up into the 
structure.  Then, as she hopped back down to the floor, she commented, 
“In the corner.”

“That’s a terrible place,” Jenna said.

“No, they’re in the corner of the pirate ship fort,” Laura clarified 
her previous statement.

“Oh…I thought…never mind,” Jenna responded shaking her head, as Laura 
returned to where we were standing.

For several seconds none of us spoke, then I mused, “How ‘bout between 
two of the vending machines?”

“Good call,” Jimmy commented.  

Again, Laura reached into the plastic bag and grabbed another pair of 
pee soaked undies.  She quickly jogged over to where the vending 
machines were.

“Put it low, at ‘little kid’ eye-level,” I suggested.

Turning towards us, Laura asked, “Four year old, or six year old?”

“Four year old,” Jenna, Jimmy, and I said in unison.

Laura turned back towards the vending machines, bent over and shoved 
the pee soaked undies between two of the machines.  Standing, she said, 
“Only two left,” as she walked back to where we were.

“Where should we put the others…?” Jimmy asked in a voice that sounded 
more like a dare than a real question.

“I know where one of them should go,” Jenna said in a strikingly 
similar tone.

“Where?” I asked.

“Girl’s bathroom,” Jenna beamed.

That didn’t make sense, “But they’re boys’ underpants…” 

“Right,” Jenna interrupted me, “Which ever girl finds them will wonder 
which girl had been wearing boys’ underpants…” she explained through 
a big smile.

“I’d wonder that,” Laura half giggled as she reached into the plastic 
bag yet again and grabbed the fifth pair of pee soaked undies.  “Back 
in a sec,” she added as she headed into the girls’ bathroom.

“Where should we put the last pair?” Jimmy asked half a second after 
Laura stepped into the girls’ bathroom.

Half an idea hit me, “What about that surfing pool up on the deck?”

“What about it?” Jenna asked in a confused tone.

“We could put the last pair of undies in the surfing pool,” I began 
explaining.  Seeing the same bewildered look on the faces of all 
three of my new friends, I continued, “Think about it: some guy thinks 
he’s all cool and stuff ‘cause he’s surfing on a boat; then when he 
wipes-out he gets hit in the face with a pair of undies…”

“Hah-hu…” Jimmy half laughed, before adding, “That’s so perfect…”  

Seconds later the four of us were once again navigated the maze-like 
corridors of the cruise ship.  


When we got to the surfing pool, we were dismayed to see that there 
was a woman actually using it.  

“Hmm…maybe not,” Jimmy commented after we’d watched the woman surfing 
for a few minutes.  

“Yeah…” I agreed; figuring if we hung around too long we’d end up 
getting caught.

Then, after we’d taken about five steps away from the surfing pool, 
Laura quietly asked, “So when you go swimming…how do you do that?”

“Do what?” Jenna asked.

“Go commando,” Laura said just loud enough that we could hear her.

“Oh…well…” Jenna began.

“I’ve only just worn swim trunks,” Jimmy offered.

“Same here,” I added.

“Yea; bathing suit,” Jenna added a third voice of agreement, before 
stopping us dead in our tracks by saying, “Wait!”

“’Wait,’ why?” I asked.

Jenna gave me a ‘shut up’ look then turned to Laura and asked, “You 
mean to tell us you wear undies under your bathing suit?”

“No!” Laura declared before explaining, “I thought maybe there was 
some way…”

“Swimming not wearing a swimming suit?” Jimmy half asked.

“I’ve done that a couple times,” I thought out loud.

“Really!?” Jenna sounded shocked.

“Sure,” I replied, wondering why they found it so hard to believe.

“You’ve gone ‘skinny dipping’?” Jimmy asked.

Before I could even open my mouth to reply, Laura asked, “What’s that?”

“No, I never went ‘skinny dipping’; but I have gone swimming in shorts 
instead of swimming trunks before,” I answered Jimmy’s question.

“Oh…yea I done that too,” Jimmy’s response made it clear he was no 
longer surprised by me saying I’d gone swimming while not wearing 
swimming trunks.

“Okay, but what’s ‘skinny dipping’?” Laura asked.

“Swimming naked,” Jenna said in a very flat sounding voice.  

“Oh…” Laura commented before declaring, “That sounds fun.”

“Prob’ly is,” Jimmy commented, before adding, “But good luck finding 
a place where nobody’ll see.”

A huge smile appeared on Laura’s face just before she replied, “I got 
a pool in my back yard…”

In the same instant that I said the word “Sweet” my stomach growled.

“Hungry much?” Jenna said with a little chuckle.

“Yea…” I responded.

“Me too,” Jimmy added.  

After a few minutes of to’ing and fro’ing we headed back to the ‘kids
 zone’, shoving the plastic bag and the final pair of pee soaked undies 
into a trashcan along the way.


Once back in the ‘kids zone’ the four of us had a vending machine 
dinner in the snacks area.  

After eating we hung out in the snacks area for a while.  A number of 
kids began to trickle back into the ‘kids zone’.