Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Becoming a Wetter, part 1 (g-solo, ws, hum?) by this guy ( Summary: A young woman explains her fascination with peeing... KINDERGARTEN I had only started kindergarten two months earlier, and my parents made a big deal out of my sixth birthday. I was finally a "big kid". And that meant I got to dress myself, and I was moved into my own adult sized bed, in my own bedroom... Looking back at all the changes in my life that occurred in such a short period of time; stress and/or a changing environment likely lead up to it... But I learned to be happy about it... The odd thing was in the entire time since I was toilet trained I had NEVER wet the bed prior to that incident. It was bizarre: when I first woke up I could vividly remember the dream I'd been having (that I was in bed at a hospital and the doctor was concerned that my bedpan was empty so he told me to make sure I peed), I even remembered peeing in the dream. It wasn't until I began to get out of bed that morning that I realized I had also peed in real life. At first I was scared and didn't want Mom to find out: I changed out of my pajamas and made the bed so she wouldn't see the wet spot. The weird thing is; I really enjoyed the way it felt while I was standing there in my wet panties as I made sure the bed was made just right. After school the first thing I did was run upstairs and check the sheets; which were dry but had a round faintly yellow stain in the spot where I had accidentally peed. Afterwards, finding that the sheets were dry and Mom seeming to not find out, I found the situation exciting for some reason...I'm not sure why, though. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that it was the first time I really "got away" with doing something naughty... For a number of months after I accidentally wetted the bed, every night when I said my prayers I silently added, "...and please let me pee in bed." I didn't have any more accidents for quite a while. And yet, every night when I went to bed I would wonder, maybe even hope; that I would wake up to discover that I had wet the bed again. *** I was beginning to forget how exciting wetting the bed had been as spring rolled around. In April, not all that long before I finished kindergarten, I woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to pee. I was tired and comfortable; and I didn't want to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I tried holding it for a while: hoping that the urge to pee would go away, but it didn't. So I ended up accidentally peeing while laying in bed awake. When it happened I was somewhere between dumbfounded and completely amazed. I could pee in bed while I was awake! Talk about an amazing discovery... I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me just didn't. The thing is, unlike that first time when I accidentally peed in bed while I was asleep; when I peed in bed when I was awake I didn't immediately get out of bed. I simply lay there with my pee soaking into my panties and pajamas. The pee made my pajama bottoms and panties feel all warm, wet, and nice...I ended up falling asleep after a while. Then in the morning I put my pee soaked pajamas in the dirty laundry and make the bed so Mom wouldn't find out... After that night, and it didn't happen very often; once in a while I'd wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to pee. And on those rare occasions that it would happen, I'd pee right there in bed. *** A week or so after the second time I peed in my bed when I was awake, I got an interesting idea. That whole morning while I was at kindergarten I was impatiently waiting for nap time. All I could think about was how good it would feel to pee in my day clothes...and how I would get to wear wet clothes for the rest of the day! As usual, we spread out our blue rubber mats on the floor, and then the teacher turned off the lights and sat down at her desk to plan for tomorrow. When I layed down I quickly glanced around: not only wasn't anybody watching, nobody was even facing towards me. I closed my eyes and peed: slow and silent. It was so enjoyable laying there motionless in my wet clothes. Then the teacher turned the lights back on; and like always, we picked up our blue mats and sat back down at our tables. Funny thing is; the teacher didn't notice until we all got up for bathroom break. She asked me why I didn't tell her; confused by her question, I asked, "Tell you what?" My mother came to get me. I was kinda surprised that she wasn't mad; she brought along a change of clothes and had me change in the girls' bathroom. It wasn't until we got into the car and started heading home that the questions began... She asked me if I was feeling sick: I said "I feel okay." She asked if this was the first time I ever wet myself while I was sleeping: I said "I think so." That first time I wet myself during nap time, it didn't even occur to me that my mother was going to find out. Of course, there was no hiding it when it happened at school. Anyway, Mom didn't bring up my peeing my pants at school again after we got home. Strangely, though it was more exciting to pee at school; and it was nice that Mom came to pick me up afterwards. A couple weeks later I peed in my pants during naptime again. The results with the teacher and Mom were the same, except Mommy didn't ask any questions about the fact that it had peed myself. So, I peed at two more naps before the end of the school year.