Title:Mi Amante (252 words)
Keywords: MF nosex, rom, flash
Summary: Mood of a short romantic moment.
Copyright: July 13, 2002 - all rights reversed.

This is my first flash story. Feedback is desired but please be
kind and constructive

Story Codes: MF nosex, rom, flash

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     I stood in the hall on a lazy afternoon, leaning against the
wall and watching the sunlight move across the floor; thinking of
my man, of all he meant to me. Did he know how I loved him? How
he made me feel?
     A smile moved through me as he passed by; with his broad
shoulders, deep tanned skin, strong Indian nose, and a half day
of unshaved stubble worrying it's way about his face.
     "Hi honey. Nice dress; picnic?" He passed me by with a
content smile. The scent of man drifted about as he carried the
laundry away. Clean yet intoxicating.
     This was the man I love. As he moved away I felt the soft
flutter of butterflies in my heart. A sigh escaped as my hands
ran along the soft cotton of the dress; smoothing fabric,
soothing me. It was a simple affair for a simple day.
     In my mind I felt his touch upon me, those strong hands
holding me tight, the tender look in his eyes. The way he cared;
the way he lovingly took possession.
     My eyes glazed over as the daydreams filled me; sweet
thoughts of love, tranquility, families to come. My feet trailed
along the floor's patterns of shade and sunlight.
     I smiled and yawned as he returned.
     "Hey honey, how're you doing? Should I pack a basket?"
     "Fine" I lied. I felt wonderful. "Si, let's go."
     "You're so sweet sometimes, Mi Amor." I lost myself as he
pulled me into a soft kiss.