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Chapter 8

Ron and Jess flew out the next morning. The flight wasn't bad, but it was long. No sooner had they landed in Africa than they boarded a small plane and took off again. Jess watched out the window and saw only jungle, or maybe correctly called rain forest, with a lone town or village every once in a while. It was nightfall when they landed in a small city, or what they called a city. To Jess it was only a town at best.

They spent the night at the only hotel there, which had two beds or actually cots. The next morning they loaded into an SUV and drove all day to where the dirt road ended. There was only a village there and no hotel, but they were provided with a hut to sleep in. As she had been warned, Jess slept naked with Ron, but she was so tired by the time they went to bed she really didn't care.

Jess hoped they were close to their destination, but was told they still had to walk two days into the jungle. They headed out in the morning. There were three porters carrying their equipment plus two armed guards, which caused Jess some concern. Ron reassured her they guards were only there for insurance in case they were confronted with by wild animals or native people, neither of which was very likely.

They seemed to be following a trail, but Jess really couldn't see it. To her everything looked the same. She was in the middle of nowhere. The only sounds were the local wildlife, like birds and small animals. They had walked for a few hours and finally stopped for a rest.

Jess needed to pee and this seemed like a good opportunity. She took off her backpack, carrying it, and slowly moved away from the group unnoticed. After walking a short distance, but far enough she thought her privacy wouldn't be disturbed, ducked behind some bushes. With her baggy shorts, Jess realized if she just pulled them down she'd probably pee on them, which would be embarrassing, so she had no choice but to take them off.

After looking around carefully, she slipped the shorts off and hung them on a branch. She checked around again before pushing her panties down and squatting to pee. Just as she finished she heard the brush rustling and looked up in fear. Jess breathed a sigh of relief seeing Ron standing there. She was slightly embarrassed with him seeing her pee, but he had seen her naked quite a few times already, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Just as she relaxed he lunged at her, grabbing her arm. He yanked her to her feet while at the same time getting her head under his arm and pinning her against him. Holding her with one arm, his free hand began spanking her bare ass hard. Jess screamed and pleaded with him to no avail. Her ass burned with no relief as he kept assaulting her tender ass.

Finally he released her and she fell back onto the ground. She looked up to see the porters and guards all looking at her. They had evidently come because of her yelling. "Stand up!" Ron commanded. Jess shook her head as she remained crouched down trying to cover herself.

Ron grabbed her arm again pulling her to her feet and getting her under his arm again, but this time actually lifted her feet off the ground. He began spanking her again unmercifully. She struggled to get away, but was no match for him. "OK, I'll do it!" she finally gasped.

Once more he dropped her. Her ass was burning and she didn't want to be spanked a third time, so slowly stood up, but was somewhat bend over, her legs partially crossed, and her hands covering her pussy, trying to protect her modesty from the five men staring at her. "Stand up straight, hands at your sides, and look at me!" he snapped. Jess slowly complied, but her eyes darted between Ron and the other men.

Evidently Ron noticed as he looked over his shoulder and saw the men. He motioned to them and they turned and went back to where the equipment was. Jess stood there, naked from the waist down, with tears flowing down her cheeks. "What were you thinking? Why did you wander off?" he yelled.

"I had to pee," Jess mumbled.

"That's no excuse! If you have to pee you come to me and I'll take you into the bushes. Simply put, you go nowhere without me. You pee with me, you sleep with me, you bathe with me, you eat with me, you do everything with me! Do you understand?" he yelled.

"Yes, sir," Jess answered with her head lowered. "Can I get dressed now?" she requested and he nodded.

Somehow, in her thrashing, her panties had come off. Jess looked around, then spotted them on the ground. She picked them up and saw they had dirt all over them and she couldn't put them back on. She reached for her backpack, opened it, and pulled out her clean panties.

"No, don't bother with clean ones again today. You may as well wear none the rest of today. If you put on your clean ones you'll have none to wear tomorrow. Had you obeyed my instructions your underwear would never have gotten dirty. Put them in your pocket Put your shorts on. Having no underwear may remind you to do as you're told. We need to get going. There's no time for delays like this," he ordered.

Jess pulled her shorts down from the branch and put them on. The course material of the shorts multiplied the soreness of her just spanked ass. "Sorry," she muttered as they walked back towards the group.

"If you ever pull a stunt like that again I'll tie a rope around you like a leash so you can't do such a dumb thing again. Do I make myself clear?" he stated as he glared at her. She didn't answer. Nothing she could say at this point was going to calm him. Jess knew she was wrong.

They rejoined the group, loaded up again and headed out. Jess blushed when she saw the men. They had all watched her get spanked, then saw her standing with her pussy exposed to everyone. To be spanked was embarrassing enough, but to have others see her get spanked completely humiliated her. She tried hiding behind Ron as they walked, but she knew her efforts were futile.

The rest of the day was without incident thankfully. Jess was tired and hungry when they finally stopped for the day and ate. It was already getting dark, so after a tent for them was set up, Ron and she crawled in to sleep. She didn't understand how he could not be embarrassed in front of her. He took his clothes off while she watched, including his underwear, until he was completely naked. "Are you going to sleep?" he asked.

"Um... Yeah," she mumbled as her hands went to the buttons of her top. The sun had set, but the light from the campfire gave some light, enough to see. He had stripped down like she wasn't even there. As many times as he had seen her naked, it still felt odd to strip down in front of him. There wasn't any choice though, so she slipped off her shorts.

For the first time since she had started he moved. It wasn't a threatening move at all. He slowly pushed the bed covering aside exposing her naked body. Jess didn't mind and as he did he also exposed his own nudity. There were no lights on, but the drapes had been left open and there was enough light coming through the window that, for the first time, she got a good look at his stiff cock.

The sounds of the jungle seemed louder once she was trying to sleep and she just lay there for a while. "I gotta pee," she whispered to Ron.

"OK," he acknowledged as he sat up. Jess sat up too and reached for her top. "Don't bother getting dressed, just put your boots on," he suggested as he pulled his boots on and crawled out of the tent. It seemed like an odd request, but she didn't want to risk another incident like the one earlier, so just put her boots on. He reached his hand down to her, she took it, and he helped her out of the tent. As she stood she saw one of the men sitting at the campfire looking at her. Jess tried to duck back down, but Ron held her hand. "Come on," he urged.

"He's staring at me and I'm naked!" she gasped.

"He's not staring at you. He is watching, but to make sure you're safe. Now come on," he stated, half dragging her a short distance from the tent. "Here is good," he muttered to her as he grabbed his cock and began to pee. She squatted down to pee herself. "If you hold your lips apart, it won't be as messy and won't make you as wet," he suggested. She looked up at him horrified. "It's true. Try it," he encouraged.

Jess's face turned red, even though Ron couldn't see it, as she reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart. It seemed crude, almost vulgar, but he was right. She finished and stood up, her face still red. He took her hand and led her back to the tent. He waved to the man at the campfire and he waved back as she ducked down and crawled into the tent again.

Ron crawled in next to her and settled back down. "I really am sorry about wandering off today. I promise I won't do it again. Please don't be mad at me," she told him.

"I understand why you did it, but it was unsafe for you. I have told you, I'm not interested in your modesty. I only care about your safety and well being. It's probably different for you to have me see you naked sometimes, but it can't be helped. I care about you and feel bad you get embarrassed. Out here is a different world than what you're used to," he explained.

"I know... It's not that I really mind you seeing me. It's others. I know that you'll protect me and won't let anything happen to me even if I'm naked. I don't know how to explain it. It still embarrasses me to have people see me naked, except you sorta," she answered.

He said no more and both quickly fell asleep. They had one more hard day of walking to get to where they were going.



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