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Boys and Girls � 17

Both girls sat in the back seat of the car, expecting to be taken home. Instead Mr. Green pulled into the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. �Why�d you stop?� Tanya nervously asked.

�I thought you girls might be hungry. Come on, it�s our treat. You can get anything you like,� Mr. Green answered.

�After the ordeal they had just gone through, both girls were a little surprised at the sudden act of kindness. They were hungry though. The men were already out of the car. They motioned to the girls. Happily they walked into the restaurant with them.

Jess felt a little strange standing in the line knowing she wasn�t wearing any panties. There was no was anyone else could tell but she knew. It made her feel sexy. While it wasn�t as exciting as being naked, there was a little thrill for her. She smiled every time someone walked by her. It wasn�t their presence she was smiling about though. It was the ever so faint breeze she felt going up the leg holes of her shorts and tickling her nakedness.

Tanya�s eyes darted around spastically. Although still covered by her shorts, she felt naked standing there. Their looseness made her even more self-conscious. She held her arms close to the seam of the shorts like she was afraid the slightest breeze might lift them like a skirt. Even after the wait to place her order, it seemed like an eternity before her tray was placed before her and she went to sit down.

As they ate, small talk passed the time. There was no mention of what had happened. It was almost like it never even happened. With the food and conversation, both girls were distracted enough to forget for the moment they were pantyless.

They walked toward the car and the conversation changed again. �You never got a good look at Jess�s ass, did you?� Mr. Green said to Mr. Adams. �No,� he had answered, to which Mr. Green had commented, �Too bad, she�s really got a cute one.� Jess blushed at the comment but what was said pleased her.

Mr. Green unlocked the passenger door. The car was a two door and Tanya climbed in first. Jess reached forward to grab the seat back and door jamb to boost herself in. As she did, Mr. Green reached out and snapped her shorts to her knees, exposing her naked ass to whoever might be within eyesight. �See, I told you she had a nice ass!� Mr. Green laughed.

Jess almost fell, tripping over her shorts, trying to scramble into the car. They ended up wrapped around her ankles. She plopped down on the seat before struggling and finally getting them up again. �I can�t believe you did that!� she blurted, trying her best to sound angry. The grin on her face gave her away though.

�How right you are!� Mr. Adams laughed as both men simply ignored Jess�s outburst. Mr. Adams took his seat and, after walking around to his door, Mr. Green joined them.

�How would you girls like to stay for the afternoon? I�m having a party and could use the help setting up. If you want, you could stay and help serve. I�d really appreciate it,� Mr. Green asked, again acting like nothing had happened.

�Um� I donno,� Tanya answered. �I��

�Tell you what,� Mr. Green interrupted. I usually give you girls $20 when you babysit, right?�

�Yeah�� Jess answered.

�I�ll give you $100 for the afternoon and early evening so you can serve. How�s that sound?� Mr. Green continued.

Jess�s eyes lit up with the mention of that much money. Tanya seemed to be more reluctant though. �Um� I�� Tanya began.

�Each,� Mr. Green added as he again interrupted Tanya.

�Come on, Tanya, let�s do it!� Jess whispered. �That�s more than we�d make babysitting two months!�

Tanya really didn�t feel like doing all that work for Mr. Green�s party. She hadn�t slept much the night before and with the stress and tensions of the morning she was tired. The money was very tempting, though. Finally she nodded. Jess squealed in delight.

You can call your Mom�s from my house. As long as they say OK, you can stay,� Mr. Green stated.

Jess was the first to grab the phone when they reached the Green�s house. She called home and told her mother the Greens had had some friends stop by unexpectedly. They wanted to spend the day with their friends and asked if she and Tanya could babysit for the rest of the day. Her mother bought the story and gave her permission. Tanya called her house and gave the same story. Her mother was more reluctant but finally gave in.

�We can stay!� Jess told Mr. Green excitedly.

�We need something to wear,� Tanya whispered into Jess�s ear. She had just remembered neither of them had panties on.

�Tanya wants to know what we should wear,� Jess told a curious Mr. Green after he saw them whispering.

�What you have on is fine,� Mr. Green answered before Tanya could correct Jess�s misstatement. Tanya wondered how to breach the subject again. She finally let it just drop feeling it was too late anyway. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Adams had just walked into the room and Tanya wasn�t about to say anything about not having panties in front of them.

Mr. Green told his wife he had hired the girls to help her set up for the party and to help serve while the guests were there, at least for part of the evening. Mrs. Green looked at him strangely but he told her everything would be fine. She still looked a little worried. �Don�t worry, dear, everything will be OK. Just trust me, OK?� Mr. Green finally told her.

Mrs. Green seemed to accept her husband�s assurances this time. Mr. Green told the girls Mrs. Green was in charge of setting everything up and they were to follow her orders. At first she just looked at them like she was studying them. She whispered something to Mr. Adams. He whispered back to her and then Mrs. Adams said something. The four adults engaged in a brief conversation and finally Mrs. Green put the girls to work on the setup.

The afternoon seemed to pass quickly. Both girls were happy with the way the place looked. Thankfully they were given a little break before the guests started arriving. The others went to get ready for the party leaving Jess and Tanya alone in the kitchen. �I wish we had underwear,� Tanya muttered.

Jess was actually getting a thrill knowing she was pantyless but didn�t want Tanya to know that. �Oh don�t worry about it. What�s the big deal? No one knows,� Jess admonished.

�Yeah, I suppose,� Tanya answered. She still wasn�t comfortable but was afraid Jess would think she was being silly.

Mrs. Green and Mrs. Adams walked into the room. Both had on simple shifts with something else obviously under them. The girls thought it a little strange but said nothing. Mrs. Green told them to answer the door when guests came. They were to tell the guests to go out to the patio as the party would be there. They left and the girls were alone again, at least for the moment.

Mr. Green then entered the room. �Did my wife tell you about the guests?� he asked.

�Yup. She said to let them in and tell them to go out to the patio,� Jess answered proudly.

�Anything else?� Mr. Green questioned.

�I don�t think so. Did I forget something?� Jess responded.

�No, you didn�t forget anything,� Mr. Green reassured. �It�s just that some of our guests might look a little strange to you. Everything�s OK though. Just let them in� and don�t say anything to anyone about them. I�ve kept your secrets, now you keep mine.� He then left the room and headed to the patio.

�Ah� OK,� Jess answered. She wasn�t sure what Mr. Green had meant by his statement but he did know too much about what Tanya and she had done. �I wonder what he was talking about.� Jess said to Tanya. Tanya shrugged.

Jess was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see a couple standing at the doorway. Assuming they had come for the party, Jess told them to go out to the patio. The couple thanked them and headed out the back door.

�She had a coat on,� Tanya whispered.

�So?� Jess answered.

�I donno� it�s kinda warm out to be wearing a coat, that�s all,� Tanya explained. Another knock disturbed the conversation and the guests again were told to go out to the patio. A steady stream followed. There were breaks between, but steady enough to keep the girls busy. After about a half hour, the knocks on the door slowed until it appeared to have stopped.

Mr. Green returned to the room. �Ready to start serving?� he asked. �All the guests have arrived.�

�Yeah, I guess,� Tanya answered.

�OK, remember what I told you though. You say nothing to nobody, right?� Mr. Green cautioned.

Both girls nodded but both still wondered what they weren�t supposed to say anything about. Mr. Green led them into the kitchen and, before approaching the door, cautioned them again, reminding them he had kept their sexual adventures a secret and they were to do the same. The girls looked at him nervously. �Before we go out, I want you to look out the window,� Mr. Green stated.

He moved aside and the girls looked outside. Both gasped. �What�s going on?� Tanya blurted.

Outside the guests were in small groups. The men appeared normal but the women had on an array of outfits. �There�s people with no clothes on!� Jess gasped. The one Jess had noticed was the woman closest to the window. She was indeed nude except for a belt around her waist. Another was wearing just a thong. Near them was a woman who appeared to have on a bra set but when she turned around, the girls noticed the set she was wearing was just straps and covered virtually nothing.

Mr. Green took two envelopes out of his pocket and placed them on the table. Each had one of the girls� names on it. �Open them,� he told them. The girls picked up their envelope and looked inside. Each contained 5, $20 bills. �I told you that you would each earn $100 tonight. Now you can put the envelopes back on the table and I�ll take you home now or you can go outside and serve my guests. In three hours, I�ll take you home and you can take your envelopes with you,� Mr. Green offered.

Tanya looked at her envelope and laid it down on the table. Jess didn�t notice though. She looked at the money, looked out the window again, and then looked at the money once more. �Hold your hands out,� Mr. Green told them. They put their hands out nervously not knowing what to expect. Mr. Green reached into his pocket and pulled out two more $20 bills, putting one in each of the girls� hands. �You�ve worked very hard today. I know you�ll continue to do so. Add that to your envelopes.�

Jess tucked her extra bill into the envelope she was still holding. Tanya stared at the bill in her hand for a moment. She finally picked up her envelope and added the bill. �Shall we go out now?� Mr. Green suggested.

Jess, her envelope still held tightly in her hand looked at Tanya. Tanya looked frightened. Jess really wanted the money though. She placed her envelope on the table and moved toward Mr. Green. �You coming, Tanya?�




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