Chapter 35

Anne watched Stan and Denise climb the stairs. Stan turned to look at her and 
she blew him a kiss, smiling at him. They walked up the stairs out of sight and 
Anne sat back into her chair.

Watching Stan kiss Denise had been hard, very hard. Anne had thought it out 
beforehand, considered that Stan and Denise would be kissing and much, 
much more - but as she'd told them, actually seeing it was something else.

Now they'd be upstairs, undressing. Denise had those wonderful large breasts, 
things that Anne had lost men to since she was a teenager. Would it happen 
again? Had she made a dreadful mistake?

For a moment Anne was prepared to get up and rush upstairs, to interrupt, to 
stop it - but then she relaxed. Stan loved her. She knew that, knew it with 
every fibre of her being. 'Don't I?' she thought. 'He loves me. He really does, 
and the fact that he's with Denise, rutting with her, fucking her doesn't change 
that, does it?'

Anne actually felt annoyed with herself. Her thoughts were normally 
controlled, disciplined. Now they were running away from her.

'I don't really think like that,' she told herself. 'Stan and Denise can make love 
and Stan can still love me. Will still love me. Does still love me.'

'Doesn't he?'

'This anxiety is quite normal,' she told herself. "Normal. Hah!" she said aloud, 
and then was quiet, hoping she hadn't been heard upstairs. 'As if they'll be 
listening out for me!'

"Right," she said aloud, more quietly, "I can deal with this. Like I said, music, 
wine, book!"

She went to Stan's CD collection and browsed for a minute or two, then 
realized she was humming a tune. "Romeo and Juliet, huh! Okay, let's find the 
Dire Straits..." she said to herself.

It didn't take long, and soon Mark Knopfler's beautiful guitar began to play 
over Stan's sound system. Anne put it on 'repeat' so she wouldn't have to get 
up again. She went to Stan's kitchen and found a bottle of Muscadet in the 
fridge. Approvingly, she opened it and carried it into the living room where she 
poured herself a large glassful. 'Better watch it, I have work tomorrow and I'm 
starting to carry a load,' she thought.

She set the glass down on the coffee table and went to Stan's bookshelf. Sure 
enough, he had 'Friday' too. She grinned to herself - she and Stan had wide 
and overlapping tastes, though she'd never quite have the same feel for 
history that he had, and he'd probably never quite want to read the same 
science journals that she did.

'Music, wine, book. Now I just need to relax enough...'

Actually, the wine she'd drunk was more than sufficient to relax her. By the 
time she'd had that glass of wine and started on another, Anne felt quite 
floaty. When Mark Knopfler began singing about 'Les Boys do Cabaret' Anne 
was quite capable of singing softly with him, somewhat off-key and without 
really noticing. She cried a little as she read of Friday's troubles. By now Anne 
had stopped thinking about her man and his other love.

That changed when she heard shuffling steps on the staircase. Anne pulled 
herself out of Heinlein and looked up.

Stan was coming down the stairs in front of Denise. Both had obviously 
recently showered. Denise looked happy and content, Stan did too but his 
expression was also concerned as he looked over towards Anne.

Anne smiled. She stood up, swayed a tiny bit and then moved towards them 
both as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

Stan stood still when he got there, and Denise, coming up beside him, gave 
him a shove in Anne's direction. "Give her a kiss, you ninny!" she told him and 
Stan obeyed, taking Anne in his arms.

Anne closed her eyes, feeling him grasp her, smelling the sweet clean smell of 
his shower gel, then tasting his lips. A very slight taste told her that Stan had 
forgotten something, and for a moment Anne recoiled a tiny touch. Stan pulled 
back himself in confusion but Anne recovered, pulling him to her lips, kissing 
him, tasting her.

Several seconds and a century later Anne broke off the kiss and looked at 
Denise, who was watching with a smile on her face.

"You took good care of our man then, Denise?" she asked rhetorically, and 
Denise nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, and he's every bit as wonderful as I'd dreamed," the shorter woman 
answered, "but you know that, Anne." Denise took Anne's hand and kissed her 
wrist. "Um. I had to remind Stan about a condom. You two ride bareback?" 
she asked.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry, Denise, I never thought. Yes, we do - given our past 
history, or lack of it, we're safe, but I should have thought and explained - 
and so should you, Stan. Little Stan doing the thinking again?"

Stan looked sheepish, and Anne went on, "Given that we're going to be 
exclusive, we ought to get ourselves tested properly and then we can stop 
worrying about such things. What do you two think?"

"That's a good idea!" Denise confirmed.

Stan nodded as well, thoughtfully. "I really disliked those things back when 
Caron and I were engaged, which is why she went on The Pill back then. 
They've not really improved much, either. I'm really sorry, Denise, you 
shouldn't have had to think of that just then." Suddenly Stan looked stricken. 
He looked at Anne and stammered, "I-I-er-sorry, I didn't mean to say..."

"Stan, I know what you were doing, you can talk about it you know!" Anne 
told him with exasperation in her voice. "Not very long ago we were saying we 
had to talk about things. Well, sex and condoms and such is exactly one of 
those things we have to talk about!"

Anne sat down in the chair again, heavily. "Now, what are we doing about 

Stan looked at Denise, who calmly looked back.

"Don't look at me, Stan. What's today?"

"Wednesday," he replied.

"Who do you want to sleep with, then? No, I take that back. It's unfair. Anne, 
I've had my fun tonight, and I don't want to hog things. We'll talk about 
exactly who does what tomorrow, but for now, you two go to bed. I'll sleep 
down here."

"Nonsense!" said Stan. "The spare room's there, Denise, for tonight you can 
kip in there and we'll sort out everything else in the morning."

- - - - - - - - - -

So it was arranged. Anne led Denise upstairs while Stan switched things off, 
put a vacuum stopper in the wine and generally looked after things 

"You seem to have got a better handle on this than I have," Anne told Denise 
quietly as they made up Stan's spare bed.

"What makes you think that? It's still odd, Anne. With Elaine and Susan I'd 
just crash in the same bed, or if it was just a pair of us there'd be no problem. 
This isn't the same."

Anne considered. "No, it isn't is it? Well, how are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, really, Anne. I'm incredibly grateful, too. This has to be the most 
generous thing - well, other than Laney and Susan, and they both fancied me, 
so I guess there was an ulterior motive!"

Anne laughed. "I guess so!"

Denise looked at her, an expression on her face and in her eyes that Anne 

"Anne, I love him. I know you love him too, and he loves us both. I know 
you're straight, but I hope you don't mind if I say 'I love you' to you as well. 
You've been amazing, I still can't believe that you've done this."

"We all felt the same, Denise," Anne answered, a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, but you actually acted. I wonder how long it would have taken me, or 

Anne smiled. "Stan? Huh!" Both ladies laughed. "He'd still be dilly-dallying 
come next Christmas!"

Anne went to Denise and pecked her on the cheek. "Good night, Denise. We'll 
need to talk some more in the morning, but now I need to get some sleep."

Denise's eyes were shining as Anne softly closed the door and went into Stan's 

Stan was there with a large glass of water in his hand. "Something tells me 
you'll be needing this, Anne," he told her, gently, and Anne gratefully downed 
half of it in a short series of large gulps. "Thanks, Stan. Just cuddle me, 
tonight. I love you!"

Stan did so, embracing her, reassuring her with his touch, murmuring, "I love 
you, Anne" into her ear as they cuddled together in his bed.

- - - - - - - - - -

The following morning Anne woke up groggily, her head thick but at least not 
aching too much. Stan was already awake and up. She saw another glass of 
water and some painkillers on the bedside table. Anne smiled gratefully as she 
reached for them.

Downstairs she found Stan and Denise sitting at his dining table.

"Morning," Anne said, and saw a sympathetic glance from Denise, who poured 
her out a glass of fruit juice. "Morning, Anne" she said, "Sleep well?"

"Mmm. Like a log. Wine, champagne and then more wine. God, I hope I don't 
have to do anything too complicated at work today."

Anne glanced at the clock, and was reassured to find she wasn't too late.

Stan saw the look and told her, "We were going to let you sleep on if 
necessary. Here, have some coffee. You look like you need some go-juice!"

"It's you that always needs that!" she retorted, but took the cup anyway.

Once Anne was fully awake she asked, "Okay, what's been decided this 

Stan answered, after a brief look at Denise.

"Nothing, beyond making sure you're all right, Anne. Are you all right?"

"Oh, goodness, yes!" she told him, a little snappily. "But I won't be if you keep 

Stan grinned, and Denise laughed openly. Anne looked a bit sheepish for a 
moment, and drank some more coffee.

"Well," Denise said. "How are we going to play this? Are we going with the 
alternate days thing?"

"Well, unless either of you two can come up with anything better, I think we 
should." Stan said. "It has the advantage of being clear, fair and 

"Well, yes and no," Denise answered. "You see, if, let's say, I got Monday, 
Wednesday and Friday one week, I'd want Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 
the next. Also, what about Sundays? Do you really want neither of us?"

Anne thought Denise had a good point. "Switching the days is good," she said. 
"Sundays is an interesting point." she said to Stan, "Huh! Whoever thought I'd 
say this? Do you want both of us on Sundays?"

Stan looked smug. 'As well he might!' thought Anne.

"I think to start with you'd both best come over to dinner on Sunday," Stan 
said. "I'm not going to play favourites. How's about we simply say you both 
come over, we play by ear who does what with whom, and just enjoy each 
others' company?"

Denise agreed, nodding. Anne thought it was as good an idea as anything 
she'd come up with - better, since she'd not thought of anything really. So the 
three of them agreed.

- - - - - - - - - -

Stan turned up outside the old red-brick hospital and looked up at the sign. 
"Timothy David Courrs Hospital" it read, and said it was proud to be part of 
the National Health Service. 'Looks like you've seen better days, Tim!' he 
silently told it before walking in through the green door and searching for 

Reception was manned by a broad faced, friendly looking guy who took down 
some details, stressing several times that it was all confidential. "We don't 
even tell your GP unless you tell us we can," the receptionist told him. Stan 
just made his way through the bureaucracy and uneasily found a seat.

When his name was called Stan went into the consultation room. The 
attending nurse there could have been Susan's mother, the resemblance was 
uncanny. "Nurse Seeley" by the nametag, he noticed.

Stan couldn't help but feel embarrassed when Nurse Seeley asked "Why did 
you think you needed to attend the clinic, Mr. Hinch?" Actually, Stan was 
barely able to stop staring at her to answer.

"Er... My partners. I mean my partner and I thought it would be a good idea to 
get a check up, so we could stop using condoms." It was the form all three 
had agreed upon. The nurse looked up at him, a slight smile on her face, but 
she said nothing. 'What was that about,' Stan wondered.

The rest was a fairly simple, if to Stan embarrassing, set of questions and 

"How many recent sexual partners?"


"Did you use contraception?"

"Yes, including a condom with the second one."

Nurse Seeley lifted her pen from the paper and looked up at Stan. "Why not 
the first time? Better safe than sorry, you know."

"My first partner and I hadn't been sexually active for many years."

"It's still a good idea to be safe, you know. Even if you told the truth, there's 
no guarantee your partner did."

She went back to asking questions.

"Do you take any drugs?"

The bluntness of the question caught him by surprise. "I thought not," Nurse 
Seeley went on, "Never mind."

"On the face of it, you probably don't need testing at all, but we'll make 
certain, shall we?" she told him. He went back to the waiting room and then a 
doctor called him into the examination room. A blood test was taken, then a 
fine swab during a quick genital exam.

It was with a sigh of relief that Stan left the building. No matter that it had 
been professionally and sympathetically done, he'd felt embarrassed the whole 
time he was there, and afraid and absolutely certain that someone he knew 
would come in while he was there to their mutual shame. Stan felt he ought to 
have worn his old raincoat.

The pouring rain that hit him as he set foot outside the door only reinforced 
that, but as he dashed along the road and found his car he was able to grin. 
"You're being irrational!" he told himself once safely inside the dry car.

- - - - - - - - - -

He got home and rang Anne.

"Done," he told her in a flat monotone.

"Good, well done, Stan. Mine's tomorrow, dammit, it's inconvenient when I 
have so much work but still, it can't be helped. Denise's appointment's not 
until Thursday. You know she told Elaine and Susan?"

"Yes, she told me she was going to. It makes sense, and besides, she's kind've 
obligated to do that if she's going to stay as part of that trio as well."

"Yes. When will you know the results?"

"A week for them all. I told them I'd phone."

- - - - - - - - - -

That Thursday evening Denise rang Stan's doorbell.

Stan opened the door to see Denise huddled under his porch, the rain 
cascading down. "Come in, quick!" he told her, and she did.

She gave Stan a peck as she passed, and went straight into the kitchen. "I'm 
in dire need of coffee, Stan, how about you?"

"God, yes please, Denise!" he told her. "Here, give me that damp coat and I'll 
hang it up."

Not long after the two were in Stan's living room. Denise cuddled into Stan.

"I had my appointment today," she told him. "Elaine went too. Susan went to 
a hospital in the next county."

Stan looked. Denise was grinning. "That was her mother in the clinic?"

"Yup!" Denise answered. "No way was Susan going to the clinic her mother 
works at! Besides, it would have been wrong."

"So now all five of us have been done, and we just have to wait for the 

"That's right. Of course, we don't have to wait altogether, Stan..."

Dinner tonight would be "something special" cooked by Denise. "White wine, 
Stan?" she called from the kitchen a little later. "Good job I've got one in the 
fridge!" he answered as he walked in and nuzzled the back of her neck. Denise 
pressed back against him, grinding the back of her jeans into his crotch and 
moaning a little, but then she pulled away. "Stan! You'll ruin dinner!"

She put down the spoon she was using and whirled around, pulling him into an 
embrace full of promise, and a kiss that left no doubt as to her desire. But still 
she told him to "Go and sit down, or better still make yourself useful and lay 
the table!" Stan grinned and said "Yes'm" with a mock bow, but did as he was 

Stan put the candelabra in the centre of the table, lit all six tea lights and 
turned off the main room light. There was a wall light in the corner that he 
turned to a soft glow, enough to see what they were eating.

He laid the table with his best silverware and went to his music. He was 
looking for something soft, romantic and long. In the event he chose Bon 
Jovi's "This left feels right" - Jon crooning his hits to an acoustic re-

Stan could smell fish cooking, and wandered into the kitchen.

"Anything I can do to help?" he asked. Denise turned and smiled at him. "You 
could open the wine if you'd like, Stan."

He did, and poured two generous glasses. Denise told him "This'll only be a 
few minutes!" as she gratefully accepted the glass from Stan. "Here, toss the 

Not long afterwards they were seated at Stan's dining table. Denise 
encouraged him, "Eat, eat!"

"I'm eating!" he told her, with a smile. It was delicious. "What's this, Denise?"

"Herbie Seabass," she told him, "with a small salad to go with it. Beautiful, 
isn't it? If I do say so myself, I can cook!"

Stan certainly agreed. It was lovely. So was the cute redhead who had cooked 
it looking over at him from the other side of the table.

"You can definitely cook, Denise. That was wonderful, just like yourself."

Denise smiled, blushing. "You'll turn a girl's head, Stan!" she told him, 
"Anyone would think you had notions!"

He bared his teeth and growled, causing more giggles from Denise.

After dinner, Stan put on a movie - "My Best Friend's Wedding". The two 
lovers cuddled up on the sofa to watch Rupert Everett trying to help Julia 
defeat Cameron. Stan had seen the movie before, with Caron, and found it 
difficult at first. As so often, he closed his eyes and summoned up her image, 
and once again the laughing dark eyes reassured him that yes, this was what 
she'd wanted.

He relaxed into Denise's embrace, resting his head against her chest. She 
kissed the crown of his head, where the hair was sparse, to say the least. "I 
love you, Stan. Do you know how nice it is to be able to say that?"

"Mmm. Yes, I do, because I can say it right back - I love you, too."

Denise undid one of Stan's shirt buttons and slid a hand inside to play with a 
nipple. After a short while, she asked, "Is an erect nipple in a man a similar 
sign as it would be in a woman, Stan?" He could hear the wide smile on her 
face without looking.

He moved one of his own hands to her breast, soft through the silk blouse she 
was wearing against his cheek. He gently stroked her through the material, 
letting his fingertips roam, testing the terrain.

"Seems you're in a similar state to me, Denise," he murmured, "let's take a 
more detailed survey." He opened the top few buttons on her blouse, one 
handed. He had a little difficulty with the third, as it was half-hidden under the 
swell of her bosom, but he managed, and then lifted his head, twisting on the 
sofa, to see what he'd uncovered.

The white lacy bra had a front fastening. "So much more convenient!" she told 
him with a smirk . He undid that, and slid a hand under it to find her flesh, 
warm, firm flesh tipped with a hard nub that drew an "Oooh!" from her as he 
teased it with his fingertips.

"Mmm. You can keep that up for a while, Stan!" she told him, so he did, 
varying the pressure, moving on the sofa again to get his balance and using 
both hands now, one on each breast. Denise was smiling up at him, eyes half 
closed, body undulating a little now. She reached down and stroked his now 
very firm erection through his trousers, causing his own similar body 
movement. "I'm sore down there, Stan, it's the examination today. We'll have 
to try something different!"

She reached down and grabbed her bag, pulling out a condom and a bottle of 
lubricant. "Have you ever tried anal?" she asked him with a bright smile.

Stan was a little taken aback by Denise's directness, but he recovered quickly. 
"No, I haven't," he replied, "but I always wanted to. Caron wouldn't, and it's 
never come up with Anne, not yet anyway. Er, if you see what I mean!"

Denise giggled at his unintended pun. "Well, now you get to fulfil an ambition, 
then, Stan. You'll need to get me good and ready, and take it slow. It's been a 
long while for me, too, but I'm sure we can both enjoy it!"

She quickly stripped off her shirt and removed her trousers. Stan hurriedly 
began to do the same, but he was almost mesmerised by the sight of Denise 
removing her panties. She stopped, with them halfway down her legs, bent 
over towards him, smiling widely. Stan smiled back and got rid of his own 
clothes in short order.

Denise came to him, putting her arms around him and kissing, at first softly, 
but with increasing intensity. He reached behind her and traced the line of her 
backbone slowly up from her ass to midway up her back, scraping the back of 
his thumbnail. She arched her back and moaned into his mouth. Her tongue 
was like a swift snake, busily engaging with his.

He felt one hand behind his neck, pulling him harder into the kiss. Then he felt 
the other, as she made space between their bodies and put a hand on his dick, 
stroking him slowly up from the root. She pulled back from the kiss and told 
him, "Let's go have a nice long shower, Stan. A nice, hot, relaxing shower!" 
She took his hand and led him upstairs, but not before retrieving the lube and 

Once in the bathroom, she turned on the shower and adjusted the 
temperature. Stan watched as she checked it, and then stepped inside, pulling 
him in. His teeth were bared against the heat as he reached for the soap and 
began lathering up her shoulders, then her back, gradually getting lower. He 
managed a smile as she turned and kissed him, mashing her wet breasts 
against his chest hair, careless of the water in her face.

She drew back and reached for the soap herself. Soon she was lathering him 
up all over his chest hair. "I think you could use shampoo here, Stan!" she told 
him. He was indeed pretty hairy there. With a wicked gleam in her eye she 
delved lower, reaching his pubic hair, and finally took his jutting penis in her 
hands and began to wash it.

Stan's hands were roaming over Denise's breasts, slippery with the soapy 
lather, sensuously moulding them in his hands, caressing the nipples, which 
were now firmly erect like his dick. He leaned forward and kissed her, lightly, 
barely touching her lips, then pulled away as she leant in towards him.

"Tease!" she accused, and slipped the hand that had been fondling his dick 
under to play with his balls. 

Stan spread the lather all over Denise's body, drawing her closer to him as he 
made very certain that the globes of her ass were clean. Then he sank to his 
knees in the shower stall and washed her pussy, making sure that the whole 
area was washed and well massaged. Denise sighed, opening her legs, 
standing straight with her hands on Stan's shoulders, gently massaging them 
as he rinsed her off there.

Stan wanted to move in and lick her, taste her, but Denise drew him up and 
said, "Rinse off first, then we can have some fun!" So they did, and Stan took 
the nozzle off the wall and used it directly over Denise's pussy, causing groans 
and hip movements that told him he was doing something she liked.

He hung the nozzle back on the wall and was about to turn off the water when 
Denise stopped him again, reaching forward and embracing him, kissing 
deeply. His spine tingled as he felt her body pressed against him, then he just 
felt and stopped thinking at all.

Finally she reached behind him and turned off the shower. Still together, they 
stumbled into the bathroom itself. Stan grabbed a towel and began to dry 
Denise off, gently but firmly stimulating her with the soft cotton. He dried her 
shoulders, and her upper arms, then ran the towel down over her back, finally 
reaching her ass, which he dried thoroughly. Denise made appreciative noises, 
and when her turn came said, "Come, Stan, let me dry you," as she took the 
towel and made his skin tingle.

Denise must have decided that Stan was dry enough, because she tossed the 
towel aside and pressed him against the wall. Her kiss was fire, Stan could 
now feel his erection turgid and firm against his belly, and knew that Denise 
must be able to feel it as well. He pulled her to him, his hands on her ass, 
kneading the firm flesh there, and Denise groaned, then whispered in his ear.

"Stan, get me good and ready, and you'll get a treat..."

Stan groaned himself. He felt that he would go off far too soon! Controlling 
himself, he pushed Denise back towards the Ottoman in the corner of his 
bathroom, and, turning her, bent her over it. He sank to his knees behind her 
and began to stroke her already pink and glistening pussy lips.

Denise gasped as Stan leant in and ran his tongue lightly up and then down in 
the creases between outer and inner lips. She moaned as Stan pulled those 
lips apart with two fingers, and teased her, just not quite playing directly with 
her clit, building her gradually.

Stan took his time, concentrating on the task as a way to slow himself down. 
Using both hands, using the pads of his fingers and, just lightly, the nails as 
well sometimes, he stroked her building up the fires within her. Stan could tell 
she was very aroused, her lips were pink and puffy, her pussy wet, her scent 
enticing, almost overpowering. She felt wonderful on his tongue as he drilled 
into her, tasting the warm, succulent and spicy flavour, relishing the slight 
metallic aftertaste.

"Stan, use a finger in my ass!" Denise murmured, and he wet his index finger 
in her pussy thoroughly before placing it at her dark rosette, spreading the 
moisture. At a whim he bent forward and licked her there, drilling in with his 
tongue so that the first penetration wasn't with his finger at all. He could just 
make out Denise's appreciative hiss.

Stan placed his finger once more at her most intimate entrance, and pushed, 
gently at first, then with more pressure until he entered her, just a single joint 
deep. He marvelled at her heat, at how tightly her rosebud held his finger. 
He'd never be able to get his dick in there!

But gradually he felt Denise relax, and his finger entered another joint deeper. 
"Use some lube, Stan, and add another one. You want to open me up a little 
before getting yourself in there," she told him, excitement in her voice.

So Stan recovered the lube, opened it with a twist of thumb and finger and 
pumped. Denise went "Ooh!" as the liquid landed on her ass, but Stan spread 
it around and carefully pushed first one, then a second finger inside. "You 
need to push, Stan. Open me up!"

Stan did as he was bid. He didn't want to hurt Denise, and she obviously 
wanted him there, so he pushed, as gently as he could, to get both his fingers 
in deeply. Once there, Denise began to waggle her ass around a little. "Okay, 
love?" he asked her, and her reply of "Yes!" came with a little strain. He began 
to withdraw his fingers, but she said immediately, "No! Stan, no, work with 
me, keep it going." She reached underneath herself and began masturbating, 
playing with her clit after wetting it with the combination of the lube and her 
own juices.

Stan could tell Denise was well and truly aroused now, and he withdrew the 
fingers of that hand to grasp his, fully erect, dick. He reached for the condom, 
tore it open with his teeth and rolled the covering down over his rock-hard 
cock. He barely entered her pussy and stroked shallowly for a couple of 
minutes, building her up even more, while playing with her asshole again. 
Finally he withdrew, placed himself at her asshole, and pushed.

At first he thought he'd not be able to do it, but then he felt her muscle give, 
and the head of his dick was inside her ass. "Are you okay, Denise?" he asked 
again, and she said "Yes, Stan. Go slow, add lube, but keep going!"

He did. He pushed again, sliding slowly deeper inside Denise, adding more 
lube as he went. A memory came back to him, something he'd read, "You 
can't use too much lube when going up the ass!"

So he added more lube, and pressed himself deeper, and then added more 
lube, continuing the cycle. Finally he was root-deep inside Denise's ass. Her 
ass was like a circular vice holding him in, with a fiery depth beyond. It was an 
amazing feeling, something he'd never felt before, but something he knew 
he'd want to feel again.

He rested there for a minute, to give Denise the chance to get used to his dick 
deep in her ass. Again, he asked "Okay, love?"

"Yes, Stan. Ooh, I feel so full, so stretched. You can start if you want, my 
wonderful man - just go slow at first!"

So Stan slowly pulled out an inch or two, then equally slowly pushed back in. 
Denise groaned, sweat pooling in the small of her back, as Stan forced himself 
home again. After a short while though she told him to "Speed up, now Stan, 
and play with me, I need to come!"

Stan had been lost in his own sensations, but now he reached under his 
pumping cock and began to play with her pussy. He wasn't able to pay as 
much attention to her as he would normally have wanted to because the 
sensation of Denise's ass around his dick was almost overwhelming. He knew 
he would be coming soon though, so he tried hard to stroke her pussy with his 
fingers, gathering the moisture. In truth Denise was wet there, her juices 
dripping down to her clit, and Stan reached further and began to play with the 
secretive, sensitive organ.

He thrust and played and played and thrust, and lost himself in the sensation 
again. He was dimly aware that Denise had replaced his fingers around her clit 
with her own, rubbing hard and fast. Before she could quite come to the boil 
he felt his own climax arrive, and he couldn't stop it! His cum exploded like 
lava deep inside Denise's ass.

He slowly became aware that he was grunting in time with the thrusts he was 
making deep inside his love, who was making high pitched yelping noises of 
her own as her busy finger brought her to her own climax.

Stan withdrew his softening penis, holding onto the condom. He quickly 
disposed of it and staggered to the washbasin. He washed himself clean, then 
took a fresh flannel and returned to Denise, who was still quaking from the 
aftershocks of her own fulfilment.

Gently he washed her, saying over and over, "I love you, thank you, I love 
you..." Denise pulled him to her and kissed him, then sat up. "Thank you Stan. 
That was incredibly intense! I feel a bit shaky, to be honest, so now, can we 
go to bed, and sleep? I need cuddling, Stan..."

Stan was only too pleased to oblige. In bed a few minutes later, as they 
spooned together, he stroked her flank, still whispering sweet things to her, 
making sure she knew just how much he loved her.

Denise was still shuddering a little, coming down from the sensation of Stan 
being deep inside her ass. Stan kept stroking her, softly calling her name and 
telling her that she was loved, that he loved her very much. Eventually her 
breathing became slow and even, and Stan finally was able to rest. He put his 
arm around this incredibly passionate woman who'd just given him so much, 
and went to sleep. His last, slightly incongruous thought was 'I'm going to 
ache in the morning - but God, it's been worth it!'

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