Attitude Adjustment

  Book IV


  Laura awoke to find herself, curled up and shivering, nude on the dirty 
  carpeted floor of the former cinema. She sat up and checked the 
  recently installed clock on the far wall.

  "Oh, no," she moaned. Laura was stunned to see that it was already 
  well past six. School had ended for the day over three hours ago! Near 
  the cabinets were the piles of class materials that still needed to be put 
  away. "To hell with it," she said dully. She was much too tired to even 
  think about doing anything else tonight. Actually she felt more then just 
  tired. Laura acted as if she were in a state of shock. Her nervous 
  system had reached its limit and had overloaded. Her mind was now in a 
  complete fog. She would just make sure the door to the room was 
  securely locked when she left and hope for the best. She would fix 
  everything tomorrow. She had to get dressed and go home, while she 
  still had the strength to do so.

  Laura slowly went about the room, collected what few articles of clothing 
  she had left, and placed them on her desk. Going through the desk's 
  drawers, she found an old box containing three tiny safety pins. She put 
  on her clothes and shoes, then used the safety pins to close the front of 
  her top. The pins strained dangerously under the pressure exerted by 
  her thrusting, high-set breasts, but Laura could only hope they would 
  hold, at least until she arrived safely at home.

  She wearily made her way through the nearly deserted school to her 
  homeroom for her things, the clicking of her heels on the marble floor 
  echoing through the empty halls. Surprised that everything was as she 
  had left it for a change, she gathered her purse, coat and briefcase, then 
  started walking towards the parking lot, her mind focused completely on 
  the seemingly impossible task of getting home. Laura was so tired that 
  she cared nothing about the commotion her appearance was causing with 
  the few remaining students in the building as she made her way through 
  the quiet halls. Once outside the vast old building, the cool, crisp fall 
  evening somewhat revived the stricken teacher, and the fog shrouding 
  her mind lessened in its intensity. The world felt real to her now, 
  not like that upside-down insane asylum she had just left. She turned to 
  look in disbelief at the silent school behind her.

  "Impossible!" she whispered. "It's impossible!" Her dulled, 
  overworked mind refused to even consider the day's grotesque events 
  as real. The thought of soon being able to reach the quiet sanctuary of 
  home made her feel a great deal better.


  The hot waters of the Jacuzzi bubbled and boiled, and the nude Laura 
  luxuriated in them. She loved being in the water, and went swimming at 
  every opportunity. Only her neck and head were above the turbulent, 
  noisy water as she reclined on the long, low seat which followed along 
  the inner wall of the Jacuzzi. By her side was an almost-empty bottle of 
  Bordoleno and a glass. Although the fall darkness was only relieved 
  around her by the light of three scented candles, Laura still kept a damp 
  wash cloth covering her eyes. She wanted to escape the world for a time 
  and this seemed the best way to do it. The odor of sandalwood, Laura's 
  favorite scent, was heavy in the still, night air.

  She had no memory of her evening drive to the Manchester home. One 
  moment she was standing in New Berlin's parking lot, and the next she 
  was stopped in front of the now familiar ranch-style home. Seeing no 
  cars or people around, she walked quickly up the drive way and entered 
  the side door to the garage. Thankfully the garage was empty, which 
  meant that she had the place to herself for a time. She went across the 
  garage and through the open kitchen door, taking the precaution of 
  locking it behind her. She finally relaxed in the knowledge she was safe 
  at last. No one could get to her here! Feeling something strange, the 
  dazed Laura looked down and saw that the small pins she had used to 
  close the front of her top had all disappeared.

  "Oh, hell!" she cried. Her breasts had been completely exposed for all 
  to see for God only knew how long! "Damn, damn, damn!" Life was so 
  unfair sometimes. So that was why that honking pick-up truck full of 
  boys was driving right next to her, the boys all pointing! Pointing at her! 
  She had ignored their childish antics, of course. But, now! My God! 
  Laura blushed at the thought of their looks of wonder and awe; yet, 
  despite the embarrassment of having her bare breasts seen by those 
  teenagers, her nipples hardened once again and her breath caught from 
  her sudden feelings of uncontrolled excitement.

  Laura quickly tore off the outfit that had tormented her all day and 
  threw the hated top and skirt down the basement stairway. On impulse, 
  she kicked off her sandals and tossed them down there as well. She 
  immediately went to the pantry and pulled out the first bottle of wine she 
  could find. After finding a suitable glass, an opener, a washcloth and 
  three scented candles with a lighter, Laura grimly headed for the 
  Jacuzzi. After her fourth glass, she had finally been able to start thinking 


  It was all too much for her. She could not believe that this day had 
  actually happened. Yet her sore and still tingling body told her 
  disbelieving mind otherwise. She had been forced to parade herself in an 
  outfit she normally would not be caught dead in. She had been 
  deliberately spanked twice by a 14- year-old girl (even if she did 
  deserve it the first time, that still didn't make it right). She had been 
  made to climax in her own classroom, once in front of an unsuspecting 
  As if all that hadn't been bad enough, she had even been sexually 
  attacked by another of her students, whom she had deliberately 
  attacked in turn, and which, to her shame, proved to be an action that 
  she thoroughly enjoyed. It was this act which had finally made her aware 
  of the awesome fact of her own hitherto unsuspected lesbianism. Nor 
  was this all! There were still Missy's supposed revelations about her 
  carefully planned role in the Jennings affair, and in Laura's own sexual 
  awakening to consider.

  "Whoa," murmured Laura. She removed her eye cover, sat up and 
  poured herself another full glass of wine, which she quickly put to her 
  lips. As she drank, she noticed that the house was still dark and 
  deserted. Feeling better, she laid back down in the water and covered 
  her eyes with the cloth once again. She had been thrown out of her 
  family's home, and according to Missy she was now some sort of sexual 
  plaything at night for the teenager to enjoy at will, while she stayed with 
  her and her mother, Doris.

  "What nonsense!" Laura snorted. It was just another of Missy's damn 
  mind games to keep her off balance. Even Missy wouldn't dare violate 
  her like that, though she would probably like to do just that, the 
  mischievous little bitch. Still, her dreams had been so vivid, so sexual 
  since she started staying here. Was it possible that she was being 
  seduced, manipulated in her sleep? "Oh, please," she said disgustedly 
  as her natural common sense took control. Missy, a 14-year-old sexual 
  Machiavelli? Hardly. It was that damn imagination of hers running into 
  overdrive again. She realized now that her strange dreams were actually 
  a product of her own repressed lesbian feelings. "Yes. It figures," she 
  murmured. Since her real sexual orientation was now evidently out in 
  the open, her dreams should be much more normal in the future. Thank 
  you, Dr. Freud. So much for Missy's claim of late-night visits to her bed.

  "Ha! Kids!" chucked a relieved Laura. No, Missy's strange attitude 
  toward her had something to do with the girl's invitation to stay with her 
  and her mother for the remainder of the school year. Laura was positive 
  of it. That, and a young person's natural desire to take credit for things 
  and events for which they couldn't possible be involved with, let alone 
  understand. The invitation to stay probably came from her mother, and 
  Missy really did not want her to stay after all. She was just trying a little 
  reverse psychology on her. The teenager was trying to scare her off! 
  Even that stuff about being in control about what she would wear from 
  now on was just silly kid stuff! After all, what student would be crazy 
  enough to really want one of her teachers to actually live with her and 
  her family, especially while school was still in session? "That little shit!" 
  Laura said fondly. It all made perfect sense now. Naturally, the 
  teenager had to do it as drastically and dramatically as possible. Yet, 
  even with this new understanding of the teenager's motives, Laura still 
  couldn't help but cringe whenever she though of what the girl had done 
  to her this day, especially in the HR-F classroom. It wasn't right, it just 
  wasn't right at all. Laura desperately realized that she had to have that 
  long awaited talk with the girl, and soon. Who knew what she might try 
  next? Missy obviously did not understand how people had to respect the 
  privacy of each other's bodies, even woman-to-woman. The teenager 
  obviously still had a very young child's freedom in that respect.
  Laura realized that the problem was she did need a place to stay, and 
  being here with Missy and her strange mother was indeed the correct, if 
  a bit unorthodox, solution to her dilemma. But this certainly was the 
  place to be, especially with this wonderful Jacuzzi! Laura found herself 
  moving a bit closer to one of the water jets so it could spray directly onto 
  her breasts. Even after five glasses of wine she couldn't stop herself 
  from letting the water excite her, even though it turned her on a little 
  more then she really wanted by its bubbling caresses while spraying a 
  marvelous stream directly on her now stiffening nipples.

  It reminded her of a time when she was 14 and her family was visiting 
  the home of wealthy relatives during the summer. She had climbed into 
  their pool and swam around waiting for her two snobbish cousins, Megan 
  and Zoe, to join her. They were 16 and 17, and would rarely condescend 
  to even talk to her, let alone acknowledge her presence. When she saw 
  them arrive she swam over to where they were and put her arms up on 
  the side of the pool and once again tried to join yet another one of their 
  endless talks concerning their clothes, cliques, and complexions. After 
  several minutes of talking about nothing in particular, a jet came on and 
  blasted a stream of water right onto her chest. It did make her jump a 
  little at first but no one noticed. The feeling of the water rushing around 
  the material of her thin one-piece suit made her nipples swell, but 
  fortunately no one could tell what was happening as her breasts were 
  just out of sight below the surface. She knew she have to be careful now 
  if she wanted to leave the pool, since it would be terribly embarrassing 
  to go walking around her family with her nipples sticking out like bullets 
  through the suit. Yet the more the water rushed, the harder her nipples 
  became. She knew she should at least move away from it, to give herself 
  time to calm down again, but the feelings were so good she kept 
  delaying any change of position. The wonderful sensations had even 
  spread down from her chest to her stomach and were soon growing 
  between her legs. The idea of the entire family being around her, yet not 
  knowing what was really happening to her, especially her stuck-up older 
  cousins right in front of her, was so exciting it made her head spin.
  She didn't think it was possible, but after a while the constant caressing 
  of the water on her breasts was causing her sex to start throbbing, 
  tingling. She had closed her legs tightly together to help control the 
  luscious feelings radiating from her labia and clitoris, swelling under the 
  tight fabric of the suit, but the rubbing of her smooth, wet thighs under 
  the water only seem to make things worse.

  Feeling very close to the edge, she had placed her arms over the side of 
  the pool and had tried to climb out, but her cousins had chosen that 
  moment to enter the water on either side of her. For some reason she 
  never understood they, talking all the while, had pressed close to her, 
  hemming her in. They had even placed their arms around her waist. She 
  had quickly found herself unable to escape the deadly jet of water! Oh 
  God! Why had she waited so long before moving?

  She was sure there was no way her older cousins could possibly know 
  what was happening to her under the water, yet she knew she couldn't 
  last much longer. It wasn't much of a choice really. It was either 
  humiliate herself in front of her cousins by a combination of climaxing 
  and drowning, or spend a life-time of living this down when she told 
  those smug, superior bitches what was happening to her.

  She had just made the decision to drown instead of asking for their help, 
  when her father and uncle came out of the house and settled at a table 
  by the pool directly in front of her! Her uncle had even started to talk to 
  her, but she had been only able to squeak out the barest of responses 
  before, puzzled, he gave up and returned to talking with her father. It 
  was then that she had first realized she had a very strange, highly active 
  imagination about certain things, especially during those times when she 
  was feeling very sexy.

  Although she knew it was impossible, she had felt a hand slip between 
  her slick thighs and begin to rub her crotch, while a soft voice quietly 
  cooed in her ear, "Let me help." When her aunt and mother had come 
  to join their husbands at the table, she had been shaken by a monstrous 
  climax! She remembered that, although stunned, she had still managed 
  to hang on to the side of the pool as her body buckled and thrashed 
  about in the water. To her surprise, her cousins did not let her drown, 
  but instead had moved immediately to keep her reasonably upright, with 
  her head above the water.

  Of course, feeling their hands moving so freely over her hips and even 
  her budding chest, as they held her up, would normally have cause a 
  severe rebuke on her part, but things then were anything but normal. 
  She was not capable of a protest. She was not really capable of anything, 
  except to cling desperately to the side of the pool as her vagina joyfully 
  spasmed. Her 14-year-old mind had been totally blown! She felt her legs 
  drift apart, and after that things became very confused for her. Even 
  now she still wasn't sure what had happened after that glorious, if secret, 
  first orgasm. All she knew for sure was that her body was then subjected 
  to an endless stream of climaxes, wonderful secret climaxes. She had 
  had one of her best orgasms of her young life that day, plus countless 
  others, and thankfully no one knew but her. She was sure of that! How 
  could they?

  She had soon lost all track of time, but she supposed that she had only 
  been in the water for at most 60 minutes that day. After her body had 
  finally calmed down again, she found that she was totally exhausted. The 
  adults had long gone, having tired of the hot sun and returned to the cool 
  inside of the elegant house, while her cousins had left her side shortly 
  thereafter, to play at the other end of the pool. She was left alone, and 
  so had to take care of herself. Laura was so exhausted she wasn't able 
  to pull herself up over the side anymore. She had to clumsily splash to 
  the nearest ladder. Once out of the pool, she had automatically reached 
  behind her to adjust her suit bottom, but was shocked when she found it 
  was no longer there! The fabric must have crept up during her time in 
  the water, because it was buried deep into the crevasse of her behind, 
  baring her buttocks completely as it dug tightly into the soft sensitive 
  flesh of her labia.
  Panicked, she had turned and just threw herself back into the pool with a 
  tremendous splash, swallowing half the contents of the pool in the 
  process. She quickly fixed her suit, then returned sputtering and 
  coughing to the surface. She remembered that her cousins seemed to be 
  very amused by it all, the shits! Looking very much the drowned rat, she 
  had climbed out of the pool and then staggered on shaking legs over to 
  collapse on her beach towel. Her cousins had later told her that she had 
  had a strange smile fixed on her face as she slept all that afternoon. 
  Even her parents had asked her later what had made their normally 
  moody daughter so content.

  "Oh, it's nothing," she told them all. "Just a lovely day, you know?" 
  She never had the nerve to try that again, seeing how so out-of-control 
  everything had become. She knew she was very, very lucky no one saw 
  or could have guessed what was going on with her that day. Her mother 
  would have killed her for sure! Even her cousins never mentioned 
  anything, although they did start inviting her over for pajama parties 
  after that. Of course she didn't go to any. She was far too sensible a 
  person for anything so childish.

  14! What a long time ago. Laura had forgotten all about that time in the 
  pool until now.  Smiling at the memory, Laura closed her eyes and tried 
  to forget her problems of the present; but, how could she? There were 
  so many things to think about, so many things that needed a decision by 
  her, she was not sure how to begin. Find a home, that's where to start. 
  All of her stuff was already here, and she really had no where else to go. 
  Her few girlfriends were all married now and, not surprisingly, would 
  hardly appreciate having a single female move in with them. She 
  certainly could not go in with any of her family. Besides, she was 
  painfully discovering that good apartments were very hard to find this 
  time of year. OK, then.  She would just have to keep her new post office 
  box, and have a separate phone line installed for her bedroom here. It 
  was perfect.

  Well, almost perfect anyway. Now that she knew she was a lesbian 
  (amazing!), she would have to be extra careful in her dealings with 
  Missy and even Doris. With her newly realized deep, sexual longing for 
  women, she was sure they were vulnerable now to her own wild desires 
  and fantasies. She had to learn to control them so that she wouldn't be 
  attacking every pretty girl, especially students or her hosts, which she 
  came into contact with. The school would throw her out for sure if she 

  So, all things considered, the most important tasks she had to 
  accomplish tonight were: first, find where her clothes were being kept 
  and start dressing much more conservatively (they couldn't all still be at 
  the cleaners, could they?); and, second, have a very long and serious 
  talk with the precocious Missy. Content that she was once again on the 
  right track, the exhausted Laura settled in the comforting waters for a 
  little nap.


  Through the roar of the Jacuzzi, Laura gradually became aware of the 
  sound of laughter. "Must be the neighbors," she muttered, and 
  prepared to go back to sleep. A wave of hot water breaking over her 
  face brought the shocked nude teacher sputtering angrily to her feet.

  "What the...!" Laura began to say, then stopped. Stunned, she was 
  suddenly aware that all of the house and exterior lights were on, and 
  that the Jacuzzi as well as the outside patio were now full of people. 
  "EEEK!" she screamed and, covering her body as best she could, 
  quickly fell back into the water and went directly to hide on the shallow 

  She wanted to stay under forever, but the heat and need for air soon 
  drove her head above water. Still keeping as low in the water as 
  possible, Laura began looking for something, anything to cover herself 
  with, but she couldn't find a thing. There was not a towel or a bathrobe 
  anywhere. Laura cursed herself for her stupidity in not bringing a wrap 
  with her when she first came out. 

  "Oh, no! Not again!" she groaned as she tried to find a convenient place 
  to hide in the busy tub. She was naked in public once more. She was 
  trapped in the Jacuzzi until they all left, or until Missy or Doris brought 
  her something. To be caught naked by Doris yet again would be too 
  much to bear right now. Which left Missy. A young child was playing by 
  herself near to where she was squatting in the water.

  "Oh, little girl? Do you know Missy, Missy Manchester? She lives 

  "Who are you calling little? I'm seven already."

  "I'm sorry. My mistake. But do you know Missy?"

  "Yes, sure. What's it to you?" Holding her temper, Laura tried again. 

  "Could you ask her to come here, please? I need to see her about 
  something very important."

  "Why don't you find her yourself? Your legs broken or something? I'm 

  "A-ha. What's your name, honey?"

  "Georgette. What's yours?"

  "Laura. Now could you please find Missy and tell her that I really need 
  to talk with her?"

  "Are you naked?"


  "Are you naked? When you stood up I told Mom you were naked, but 
  she said you were just wearing a very small swim suit."

  "Look. Could you please..."

  "I bet you really are naked."

  "Well, yes. As a matter of fact, I am...without clothes right now. OK, 
  now will you please..."

  "Hey, Mom!" Georgette screamed across the tub. "You were wrong! 
  This lady's bare-assed in the hot tub!"

  "I know she is, Georgy," replied a casually dressed young woman 
  sitting on a chair alongside the tub.

  "Yea, but you said we always had to be in bathing suits or something 
  whenever we come here!" screamed the girl.

  "It's all right, Georgy," said the mother patiently. "Don't worry about it, 
  honey. She lives here."

  "OK!" chirped Georgette loudly. "But if she does something in the 
  water, don't blame me!"

  "Shit," muttered Laura, and she sank humiliated under the water. She 
  hid there as long as she could, then returned to the surface, only to find 
  Georgette still waiting for her.

  "Hey, lady! You still want me to find Missy for you?" 

  "Never mind," muttered a disgusted Laura, as she started on a series 
  of enough deep breaths to go under the water again, only this time for a 
  very long stay. About a year should do it.

  "OK, but she's right over there!" Laura reluctantly turned to look 
  where the girl was pointing, and sure enough, there was Missy on the 
  Jacuzzi steps waving to her.

  "Come on! Mom wants you to help serve."


  "Since you are staying here, you need to start earning your keep." 
  Laura didn't remember telling anyone of her decision to stay here. Yet 
  here was Missy, her mother and everyone in the neighborhood for that 
  matter already acting as if it were an accomplished fact.

  "Wait a minute," protested Laura. "I didn't say anything about..." 

  "By this time Mom's probably mad enough at you to spit nails. You'd 
  better come with me.  Now." 

  Oh, God, not that! Doris was angry with her and she had no idea why. 
  "Missy, I can't!" cried Laura. "I want to, really I do, but I can't go in 
  there like this. I can't leave the tub. Don't you understand? I'm not...I'm 
  not dressed!" 

  "Oh, great. You lost your clothes again? What is it with you and 

  "Missy, you little...!"

  "OK, OK. Wait here and I'll get you something."

  "Now wait a minute...," she began, but Missy had already gone. Well, 
  no reason to worry really. It will be all right. Even though she never had 
  a chance to tell her, Laura was sure that the teenager would bring her 
  something practical like a robe or even a swimsuit. It will be all right. 
  Laura remained with her body hidden under the water and tried to avoid 
  being trampled by the younger, more careless users of the tub. Although 
  she knew she was being surreptitiously watched by those women outside 
  of the Jacuzzi, she refused to look anyone in the eye.

  "Damn!" she said quietly to herself. "It's not my fault everybody in the 
  entire neighborhood had to come here tonight. Don't these people have 
  homes? Thank God!" exclaimed the relieved Laura when she saw 
  Missy returning down the Jacuzzi steps.

  "Here," Missy said when she stopped just above the water. The girl 
  carelessly tossed two colorful bits of cloth into the air. Must be a 
  swimsuit, Laura quickly thought. Way too colorful to be anything else. 
  Still, not wanting to get her only clothes wet even if it was a swim suit, 
  Laura found herself forced into rising full-length from the water and 
  rushing madly towards the tiny pieces of falling cloth. She caught the 
  clothes just before they hit the water. "Ha!" she said in triumph. She 
  quickly examined them and was disappointed to discover that it was not 
  a swimsuit after all, but some of her own underwear. "Hurry up, will 
  you?  Mom's really pissed at you for stalling around like this." With 
  that, Missy spun around and quickly returned to the house. 

  "Oh, no!" Laura exclaimed. She could never wear this stuff while she 
  was still wet, she would show right through! She just had to get dry first, 
  but how? Laura looked around for a towel but suddenly noticed how 
  everyone she could see was staring at the naked woman standing in the 
  Jacuzzi. Oh God! It was her! They were all staring at her! She tried to 
  cover herself with her arms, without getting her clothes wet, but girls in 
  various scout uniforms and swim suits were all over the place. She was 
  surrounded! Her arms were not enough! She had to get somewhere and 
  dry off. As calmly as she could, Laura walked toward the Jacuzzi stairs. 
  But, as she was going up the steps, a hand smacked her on her wet left 
  buttock and her nerve broke.

  "AAAAAHHHHHH!" she screamed and ran, her breasts dancing 
  unheeded on her chest, her tight buttocks quivering with her rapid 
  movement. Having to dodge laughing guests practically every step of 
  the way, a mortified Laura frantically dashed up, then down the short 
  stairs to the outside of the Jacuzzi, sped around the well-lighted patio, 
  and finally fled screaming out into the comforting darkness of the large 
  back yard. She did not stop running until she reached the wire fence at 
  the far end of the yard.

  The panting teacher hid behind a tree and waited for her breath to 
  return and her heart to stop its incredible pounding in her chest. She 
  looked back toward the house, but, thankfully, as far as she could tell no 
  one had followed her out into the night. She quickly checked the 
  surrounding yards, but as near as she could tell, she was still gratefully 
  alone. She had never been so publicly humiliated. She couldn't go back 
  there, yet already the crisp night air was chilling her to the bone. Her 
  nipples were becoming painfully hard, and her bare skin, steaming 
  weirdly from the hot water of the Jacuzzi, seemed to be turning into one 
  massive goose pimple. She had to go back, she had no choice. It was just 
  too damn cold.

  With a sick feeling, Laura realized something else. She was feeling 
  excited, terribly excited! The fact of being so naked and vulnerable in 
  public had left her almost dripping in arousal. She knew it was insane, 
  but she was practically boiling inside. Her skin tingled and her hands 
  shook with the need to touch her aching breasts and suddenly throbbing 

  "Oh God, oh God! What is wrong with me?" she sobbed in despair. 
  What the hell was happening to her? She had to get dressed, and 
  quickly, before someone saw her body like this! She groaned again as 
  she stared down at herself in the dim reflected light from the house. She 
  looked like one of those girls in the men's magazines her father would 
  hide down in the basement that she had always found so oddly 
  fascinating. Glistening wet skin, nipples erect, her sex ready... God! She 
  couldn't let anyone else see her, she just couldn't! Her shaking hands 
  reached for her breasts and cupped them. Oh God! It felt so good! "Stop 
  it!" she yelled at herself. Her hands quieted and returned to her sides, 
  but her body still simmered with passion. Fortunately, her run had 
  helped to dry her body sufficiently to where she now felt able to put on 
  her bra and panties without too much worry. In the lights of the Jacuzzi, 
  she had eventually recognized the floral pattern as belonging to one of 
  her old bikini bra-and-panty sets. As least they shouldn't be too small a 
  size this time, since she had gotten them when she was in college.

  Unfortunately, Laura knew her teasing past was once again catching up 
  with her. Her bra was made of a very thin nylon, and was cut to show a 
  great deal of cleavage, not like her newer more sensible ones. At least 
  the panties wouldn't be too bad, although the waistband didn't come very 
  high on her hips. She was at least grateful that the underwear set would 
  follow, more or less, her fading tan lines from the summer, so that the 
  various white lines going across her body wouldn't be a problem. 
  Especially the marks left by her thong bottoms that Missy had found so 
  interesting earlier! How embarrassing that she would notice those!

  In putting on the bra, she realized that must have somehow bent the 
  front clasp, because it just would not close properly. The slightest extra 
  pressure on the clasp would cause it to pop open. "Shit!" Laura 
  muttered as the clasp opened and her breasts eagerly escaped into the 
  night air for the third time. Well, she would just have to be extra careful 
  and hold her breath or something until she could get to her room and 
  hopefully change into something a little more appropriate for a house 
  full of guests!

  She slipped the panties on, grateful to have some protection on her hips 
  at last. She winced when she pulled them up too securely and the crotch 
  band pressed tightly against her swollen labia and clitoris. "Oh, my!" 
  she groaned. The pressure had almost made her climax! Not breathing, 
  Laura stood with clenched fists as she fought to regain control of her 
  body. Finally, she felt it was safe to move and started to breathe again. 
  "Phew! That was a close one," she muttered. She very carefully pulled 
  her panties back down a little. Finally, as ready as she could ever be, 
  Laura took a deep breath and started walking timidly back towards the 
  well-lighted house.

  She first tried keeping her arms crossed over her chest, but her bra still 
  kept opening. She eventually found that the faulty clasp would stay 
  fastened mainly if she crossed her arms over her chest, with her hands 
  resting on opposite shoulders. She found it was awkward to remain like 
  this, but Laura figured that it was well worth a little discomfort if doing 
  so kept her bra decently closed and covered her over-exposed cleavage 
  at the same time. At least for once she wouldn't have to worry about her 
  hips very much. She was more covered in these bikini panties then in 
  some of the swimsuits she owned. Laura stopped for a moment just 
  before entering the lighted area by the patio, and quickly surveyed the 
  situation. "My God!  It's a convention!" she said in wonder. While she 
  had napped, a miraculous transformation had taken place. Girl scouts of 
  every age and uniform were running everywhere. The Jacuzzi was also 
  full of them, in scout swimsuits naturally. Troop leaders were scattered 
  about the area, trying unsuccessfully to maintain order as they carried 
  trays piled high with food and drinks. There were also neatly dressed 
  women talking in groups, who Laura understood to be the mothers of the 
  scouts. Laura noticed that, oddly, no men were to be seen.

  Laura paused as she looked at the mothers. Some of them, she noted, 
  were rather nice indeed. Yet, there was something about them that was 
  different. Then it came to her. They weren't different, she was! Laura 
  was no longer looking at them in her usual cool glance of appraisal that 
  one woman usually gives to another. Oh, no! She was looking at them in 
  an entirely different light. She was looking at them now as potential 
  sex-partners, willing or not. "Wow," Laura muttered. "One day as a 
  lesbian and already I'm Jaclyn the Ripper." Trying her best not to look 
  too conspicuous in her underwear, Laura walked calmly into the light 
  and went in search of Missy's mother. Even though she would rather 
  have gotten some suitable clothing from somewhere first, Laura knew 
  she just had to see the supposedly irate woman before she could do 
  anything else, otherwise only God knew what Doris would be capable of 
  doing. Laura knew she was in serious trouble the instant she looked 
  through the sliding glass doors to the kitchen and saw the flashing red 
  light on all of the house PC screens, along with the message, "Laura! 
  Come to me!" Oh, God! What did she do now? Forgetting any pretense 
  at dignity, she ran into the crowded house and quickly found Mrs. 
  Manchester in her usual spot behind the kitchen counter. The woman 
  was positively vibrating with anger!

  A stunned Laura went around the counter and stood before a furious 
  looking Mrs. Manchester, who just stared coldly at her. When the 
  woman finally began to type, even the words that started to run across 
  the screen looked angry. She wondered again what on earth she could 
  have done to provoke this terrible hostility.

  'Who gave you permission to use the Jacuzzi?'

  "Well, no one, but..."

  'How about my wine?'

  "Well, I needed..."

  'Why didn't you come when I called for you?'

  "Well, I would have, but..."

  'Well nothing! You've been very selfish and very bad again, haven't 
  you?' At the sight of the word 'AGAIN', Laura started to tremble. Her 
  buttocks tingled in remembrance of her spanking by Missy, when the 
  teenager told her she had to do it because she had been bad. Oh, God. 
  Was that what Doris meant? She couldn't mean that! She just couldn't! 
  Yet, in spite of her assurance, Laura's hands slipped from her shoulders 
  and crossed protectively over her thinly-covered buttocks.

  "I...I...I...can explain!  It was just..."

  'Say it. Say how bad you have been today.'

  "Please, I can..."

  'Say it.'

  "Please! Don't make me say that," Laura begged quietly, her eyes 
  filling with tears.

  'Say it.'

  "I've been...bad," Laura sniffed as she looked down at her dirty feet. 
  "Very bad." A familiar beeping sound made her look up.

  'Look at me! Now say it.'

  "I've been bad!!" Laura shouted. To her horror, Laura noticed that the 
  kitchen suddenly became quite. Oh, God! They all heard! They all 

  'That's better. Come to me.' Laura kept her hands behind her as she 
  started slowly walking, even though she knew it made her look like she 
  was deliberately thrusting her breasts at Doris. She was not going to be 
  spanked, and that's all there was to it, even if she did deserve it. She 
  was a grown woman, for God's sake! As she reluctantly approached her 
  implacable accuser, Laura's bra popped open.

  "Ack!" she gasped in dismay. She automatically turned away from 
  Doris and the intently-watching kitchen crowd to refasten it. Laura felt 
  an arm go around her waist and hold her while another hand pushed 
  firmly on her upper back. By the time she had her bra fastened again, 
  she had been easily bent completely over at the waist. "Oh, God! 
  Please, please no! Not that again!" she sobbed quietly, her hands 
  holding her bra closed. But despite her protests her panties were 
  smoothly pulled off her hips and down her legs.

  Laura felt a little push on her right buttock and she obediently moved 
  slightly forward, leaving her panties on the floor behind her. She closed 
  her eyes and tried to steel herself for what was to follow, but she 
  couldn't stop softly crying. It was a time before she realized that she 
  wasn't being spanked at all, and that there was instead an insistent 
  tapping on her bare right foot. She opened her eyes and saw that Doris 
  wanted her to lift her foot so Laura could step into her panties which she 
  had been holding open for her! Thank God! And she was worried! How 
  foolish of her!

  Leaning on the crouching woman for support, the grateful teacher 
  stepped into her panties and gladly stood erect as Doris pulled them up 
  her legs and high over her hips. As a very relieved but puzzled Laura 
  waited patiently for Doris to finish making sure her panties were 
  properly adjusted, she saw through tear-filled eyes a message flashing 
  on the monitor.

  'You had them on inside-out, idiot!' Overcome with relief, a laughing 
  Laura took a dishtowel from the counter and used it to wipe her 
  tear-stained face. How ridiculous she was to be so worried! Doris just 
  wanted to make sure she was dressed properly! My God! Why was she 
  so suspicious of everyone lately? She was getting to be such a nervous 
  wreck about everything she just couldn't believe it!

  Doris had had her at her most vulnerable, and had not taken advantage 
  of her in the slightest. Laura decided that she was going to trust the 
  woman much more from now on. That damn Missy! The girl had made 
  her so paranoid that for a time she was all confused. But not any more! 
  Her hips jerked suddenly as Laura felt something brush against her 
  hard clit.

  "Oh!" she gasped in surprise. She put the towel back on the counter, 
  and weakly leaned on it for support. She knew that Doris was just 
  making sure that her panties were on correctly, so she wouldn't 
  embarrass herself again in front of everyone, and understood it would of 
  course involve a certain amount of touching. And yet! It was bad when 
  the woman's hands seemed to swim so freely inside her underwear in the 
  fitting process, all the while inadvertently tugging, rubbing, touching her 
  most intimate areas that were so overly-sensitive already she couldn't 
  stand it! It was all causing her poor overloaded mind to once again 
  believe all sorts of terrible things were going on, going on right here in 
  the middle of the well-lighted kitchen! What madness! When would she 
  stop this insane imagining?

  "Time to get a grip!" Laura muttered as she felt the insidious pressure 
  in her loins almost peak out of control once again. God! She almost 
  climaxed! Christ! That was twice in one night! If only Doris would look 
  at her so she could tell the woman to be more careful, but Missy's 
  mother was completely absorbed in her work and never raised her head. 
  Doris at last gave her panties one last strong tug in front, and stood 
  critically before her. Laura wanted to turn away, to cover herself from 
  those piercing, all-seeing eyes which totally consumed her whenever 
  they looked at her, especially now when they were so close and she was 
  hardly dressed at all. But she stayed where she was. As the woman 
  inspected her, Laura was surprised at the speed of her body's reactions. 
  After just a few moments of clothing adjustment, she was feeling so 
  incredibly tingly, so ready, she could not believe it! It literally took her 
  breath away! After Laura thought she was finally satisfied with her 
  appearance, Doris turned to her ever-present wireless keyboard.

  'You will pay for your mistakes.' Startled for a moment by her old fears, 
  a frightened Laura then realized with relief what the woman was talking 

  "Yes, Doris! Of course I will. Whatever you want," said Laura eagerly. 
  She wanted to make amends for whatever she had done to offend this 
  woman, and she was prepared to cheerfully serve her guests all night if 
  she had to, even dressed like this. Doris handed her a large silver tray 
  loaded with hors d'oeuvres, and made a horizontal circling gesture with 
  her right hand. "Right. Circulate. I got it," Laura said with a smile, and 
  began to walk the heavy ornate tray among the guests in the kitchen. 
  She prayed her body would quickly calm down before anyone noticed 
  how really excited she was feeling right now. Her breasts were very 
  swollen, she was sure from all of her running around. And her nipples! 
  My God! They were sticking out of the thin fabric of her colorful bra 
  like bullets! How embarrassing!

  Smiling, she went from woman to woman in the crowded kitchen, all the 
  while having to protect her tray while she had to repeatedly dodge 
  swiftly moving scouts. It seemed that the scouts couldn't pass behind her 
  without rubbing a hand on her vulnerable, thinly-covered buttocks, or 
  snapping the thin elastic of her panties. With her hands full of the heavy 
  tray, and her trying dutifully to help Doris with the guests, Laura just 
  couldn't take the time to set everything down and go after the young 
  devils, as much as she wanted to do just that. She simply had too much 
  to do at the moment. Yet it was all so bothersome for her!

  Laura could feel her panties being gradually lowered in back from all of 
  the touching they were doing to her! Her sensitive buttocks quickly felt 
  like they were glowing. She could hardly concentrate on what she was 
  doing. If only she didn't jump every time they touched her! That only 
  seemed to encourage them. In spite of the distraction of the playful 
  young girls, Laura was soon acutely conscious of the open looks of 
  appraisal she was getting from everyone in the crowded room. It was 
  like she was on display! She had been looked at before of course, but 
  never by women and never with such...such obvious longing. Yet, in spite 
  of her friendly greetings, no one spoke to her at all. She could not 
  understand it. If they wanted to be friendly, why didn't they say 
  something? When they were not speaking to each other, the women she 
  served would only nod, make their selections, and just watch her. It 
  made her very, very nervous! She suddenly felt very vulnerable for 
  some reason in only her thin bra and panties. She wanted desperately to 
  drop the tray and escape to the safety of her room, but she had run away 
  once already tonight and that was enough. Besides, she had her promise 
  to Doris to fulfill. She would work off her mistakes, no doubt about it. 
  Well! She could be quiet, too! If they didn't mind being served by a 
  silent semi-nude woman, then neither would she. If only it didn't excite 
  her so much, being looked at like that! She felt so edgy anyway after 
  Doris had finished with her, the last thing she needed was any further 
  unintended stimulation. Busy with her serving, she could only pray that 
  the work would soon take her mind off of her amazingly tingling body 
  and what everyone's looks were doing to it. Perhaps when Doris wasn't 
  watching her she would sneak off later and return her hyper-sensitive 
  body to normal under a long cold shower.

  She made it through all of the guests in the kitchen, then decided to 
  restock before starting Round 2. She reloaded her seriously depleted 
  tray in the empty area behind the kitchen counter. Laura was surprised 
  to find Mrs. Manchester no longer there. It was her favorite spot 
  whenever there was company around. Ready to begin her serving once 
  again, she used the momentary privacy provided by the counter to 
  quickly readjust her panties to their proper position. Don't these kids 
  have parents?

  She even checked her bra clasp, but miraculously it appeared firm for a 
  change. It had stayed fastened all through her first period of playing 
  hostess. Thank you, God! From the kitchen, Laura decided to go next to 
  the living room which was located in the front of the house. She had had 
  enough of the cool outside this evening. After all, her hair was still wet 
  from her time in the Jacuzzi. Besides, judging from the quiet, there were 
  no children in the front room for her to worry about. It should be much 
  calmer there and she desperately needed calm right now. After serving 
  those in the adjoining hallway, Laura entered the living room. Now, this 
  was more like it. 

  Everyone sitting along the walls, enjoying a friendly conversation. Nice 
  and quiet. A group of well-dressed older women were occupying the 
  couch with Mrs. Manchester and Laura decided to start serving there. 
  It couldn't hurt to show Doris how eager she was to make amends. 
  Laura walked around the low coffee table in front of the couch, to get as 
  close as possible to those on the couch. She carefully bent over and 
  presented her tray the woman on couch's far left. "Appetizer?" she 
  asked politely. The woman was reaching for one when Laura's bra 
  fastener gave way with a quiet "click." Her breasts gleefully popped out 
  of their tight confinement and landed on the closely-held tray with a soft 
  "plop." Her left breast had landed on the pate and her right was in the 
  smoked salmon!

  "Oh, no!" cried the distressed Laura as she looked down at the mess. 
  Her breasts and opened bra were now covered in food. She started to 
  frantically look for a place to set down her tray on the crowded table, but 
  suddenly stopped when she felt a surprisingly light but firm hand take 
  hold of her right wrist. She turned back to the couch and saw with 
  astonishment that it was the same person she had been serving.

  "But I haven't finished yet," the well-dressed older woman said calmly. 
  Mortified, Laura passed a pleading glance to Mrs. Manchester who was 
  seated between the two women on the couch. A slightly 
  exasperated-looking Doris only tilted her head in a minute motion 
  toward the other woman once, then deliberately turned away from Laura 
  to face the woman on her left, to whom she had been attentively 

  Oh, God! Laura was stunned by the implication. Doris could care less 
  about what had just happened to her. She was supposed to keep serving. 
  But how could she like this? It was impossible! Even the implacable 
  Doris had to realize that. This was insane! The fact that she had been 
  holding the tray so high up to her chest was the only thing that saved her 
  from having her bare breasts thrust into that poor middle-aged woman's 
  face! Even with the tray though, her breasts were...were still completely 
  exposed to everyone in the room! Worse, being on the tray like that 
  made it appear as if she were offering them along with the rest of the 
  food! But she couldn't lower the tray, otherwise she would have no 
  protection at all. She didn't know what to do! It was all so humiliating 
  she wanted to scream! She had to leave, or at the very least put the 
  damn tray down somewhere and fix herself. But the woman who held her 
  so calmly by the wrist had still not let go, and Laura found it impossible 
  to back away without dumping the heavy tray or its contents on 
  someone's head. She was soon surrounded by chattering women wanting 
  to know what the delay was with the food. Her wrist was released but 
  she still found it impossible to back away because of the women pressing 
  close around her.

  "Eeww! Could we get the undies out of the food, please!" a plaintive 
  voice asked. Laura saw her bra straps pulled off of her shoulders and 
  down her arms. Helpful hands were holding the tray so she could release 
  the handles and remove her bra. But she didn't want to remove her bra! 
  Dirty and broken, it was still all she had for her chest, and the last thing 
  she wanted to do was to lose it. She looked at the woman seated in front 
  of her.

  "P- please," Laura begged. "Just let me fix it." 

  The woman looked directly into her frightened eyes, and said, "You 
  need to let go a moment, honey." Laura could only shake her head. She 
  could feel fingers, belonging to the increasingly impatient young women 
  surrounding her, being drawn along the inside of the thin elastic of her 
  panty waistband, and it was all she could not to jump at such an intimate 
  touch. Oh God! Their daughters were bad enough!

  "It's all right, honey," the matron purred. "Just let go." Laura felt her 
  panties being lowered again and knew that the silly struggle to keep her 
  bra was hopeless. The sincere gray eyes of the matron finally convinced 
  her. She released the grip of her right hand to pull up her lowered 
  panties. Her bra was quickly pulled over her freed hand. Next it was the 
  turn of her left hand, yet again she found it impossible to let go of the 
  tray. The hands returned to her panties and she could delay the 
  inevitable no longer.

  "Just one more time, honey," the woman said kindly. Laura finally 
  released her left hand's tight grip and saw her bra taken off of her left 
  arm and disappear behind her. She was now bare to the waist. Only her 
  panties were left to her for protection. She stiffly pulled them up one 
  more time and resumed her grip on the tray. Since Doris was still 
  ignoring her, Laura looked for reassurance from the gray-eyed woman 
  seated in front of her.

  "You'll be just fine, dear," the woman said as she resumed her 
  deliberate search for something to eat on the tray. Yet Laura didn't feel 
  fine at all. The mischievous hands had returned to her behind, but at 
  least this time they were trying to pull her panties up and not down. 
  Thank God for that! The hands were actually being helpful for a change, 
  and were pulling them upward so they would stay on her hips.

  If only they wouldn't be quite so helpful and pull them so hard that they 
  would sink into her very sensitive swollen neither lips and up against her 
  clit that was growing more excited with every tug. Why they all felt the 
  need to constantly do that, let alone to touch her trembling buttocks, she 
  had no idea! One easy tug would have been more then enough. She was 
  so helpless being caught like this. If only that woman would hurry up and 
  make her lousy selection so she could start moving around the room 
  again. That way she could get away from the helpful hands before they 
  really do cause her to orgasm while standing right here in front of these 
  respectable mothers. 

  Nothing seemed right to her any more. Even her precious breasts 
  seemed wrong now. If only they weren't quite so large. They kept 
  getting in the way of the impatient women who were now coming over to 
  where she stood, still bent over in front of the same woman as before, 
  and reaching for various appetizers. Why didn't you give 34's instead of 
  36's, God? 34's would have been perfectly acceptable, especially now. 
  Her proud 36C's were getting food all over them as the hungry women 
  covered their crackers and tiny slices of bread with cheese, pate, and 
  salmon. It was terribly humiliating and even a little breathtaking to have 
  these neighborhood mothers have to lift up her breasts by the nipples to 
  get at the food underneath. Laura wanted to shout at them to stop, but 
  she didn't want Doris to be even angrier with her, by embarrassing her 
  guests more than she had already with her clumsy nudity.

  Between the innocent way the girls were helping keep her panties in 
  place, and the constant tugging of her breasts this way and that, so the 
  women could get at the food that seemed to be always underneath them, 
  Laura was having trouble just trying to think straight. Visions of Joan 
  dressed in pink flashed through her mind. Why was she so obsessed with 
  that perfect innocent, so beautiful, so pure? Yet, she still wished Joan 
  were here now, in her favorite pink, helping her. Perhaps Joan could 
  even help her, the same way these women were being so helpful, but 
  with a bit more meaning. Just the thought of Saint Joan's young hands 
  on her body excited her more than anything she could think of. She 
  almost climaxed yet again!

  Laura shook her head to clear away the image of the beautiful student. 
  She must get some kind of grip on her run-away emotions. She was a 
  respected school teacher and not some out-of-control pervert! The 
  increasingly bewildered Laura realized that it was not these women's 
  fault at all for having to work around her body in its terrible semi-nudity 
  in this way. It was just that she having this appalling time with her 
  clothes lately. She could not keep them on! And that was when she could 
  get them! It was so weird!

  So much was happening to her at the party that Laura felt she was going 
  insane. She couldn't focus on anything. The evening had become just a 
  blur of increasingly intense sensations overwhelming her poor, 
  vulnerable body. All she could do was to stupidly stand there and hold 
  the tray until the woman was finished! She knew that if she should let go 
  of it, her shaky hold on sanity would go as well! The tray had become 
  her life line! Laura's mind continued to spin. She vaguely felt the helpful 
  hands begin to work her panties down now instead of up. At least that's 
  what she thought was happening. They had been playing with her 
  underwear for so long now she couldn't really say what was going on 
  anymore. If only she could see around this damned tray! All she really 
  knew for sure was the pressure of the usually tight panties on her very 
  excited sex had eased somewhat. Which was a great relief. Now if the 
  women would just quit pulling at her nipples to get at the food that was 
  under her very sensitive breasts, she would be able to control the 
  feelings that were now near the boiling point.

  But now, along with everything else going on around her, Laura was 
  getting some wonderful sensations from her crotch. She could not see 
  around the large tray, but knew there wouldn't be anything for her to see 
  there anyway. It was absurd, really. Things like that just don't happen in 
  a room full of people. She knew that. It was just her damned imagination 
  again. It had to be. To believe that something was happening between 
  her legs right now was crazy. It was insanity! She couldn't tell what was 
  real and what wasn't anymore! Yet, the sensations persisted. It was as if 
  something very light was delicately tracing the swollen lips of her 
  excited labia, and was also caressing her sensitive inner thighs. She 
  hadn't noticed it before, yet after finally realizing the fantastic 
  sensations were there, in her growing befuddlement she was convinced it 
  had been going on for some time. Her mind was doing it to her again. 
  Damn it! Why couldn't she stop her mind from imagining such things?

  Suddenly Laura knew what was happening. Her panties were still being 
  adjusted, perhaps even being lowered again, at least so she thought 
  anyway. Why would anyone want to play with her underwear so much, 
  anyway she just couldn't understand. Couldn't they realize that her 
  panties were her only protection! That all she needed, her panties being 
  toyed with, while these other awesome sensations were running through 
  her body, and swimming so freely in her increasingly clouded head.

  Worried about her lowering panties, and the electric effects she was 
  getting from the imaginary yet constant touches between her trembling 
  thighs on her labia, increasingly dazed Laura realized that she had not 
  been paying attention at all to the conversation Doris was having with 
  the woman seated beside her. In an effort to get her spinning head under 
  control, and ignore the increasing sensations which threatened to 
  overwhelm her body, Laura tried desperately to follow what they were 
  talking about. At first she thought they were talking about some new 
  maid or housekeeper who was making the rounds of the neighborhood, 
  then the truth hit her. A stunned Laura forgot what was happening to her 
  body when she realized that the conversation was about her! "She's 
  such a treasure," the woman said approvingly as she looked up at her. 
  "You know, I having a party next week and I was wondering if I could 
  borrow her for it."

  'Certainly. Laura has some favors that she owes me and I know for a 
  fact that she owes me, and I know for a fact that she is available then. 
  After school, of course. I am sure that she would be happy to help you in 
  any way that she can. One thing though. Ever since she started staying 
  with us, we are having a little trouble with her clothes. It seems she left 
  them in our damp basement over a weekend and now we're having a 
  great deal of trouble getting them cleaned. Could you provide 
  something? Otherwise… You do understand?'

  "Perfectly.  I'm sure I'll be able to find something that will suit her. Oh, 

  'Thank you. Then you can have her whenever you like.'

  "You are too kind."

  'Not at all. It's always my pleasure.'

  "You realize of course, there is always such a great deal of cleaning to 
  be done afterwards. That is to say, we may be quite late in bringing her 

  'No trouble. You can keep her for the night if you like.' Laura watched in 
  shocked disbelief as the two women calmly discussed her neighborhood 
  employment. She felt very impotent and humiliated, being so undressed 
  and vulnerable in front of everyone like this. She was so distressed, she 
  found that she could not say anything to protest this. It was crazy! What 
  was Doris trying to get her into, anyway?

  The women around her finished eating, and the elated Laura found 
  herself suddenly alone! She was finally going to be able to get away 
  from all the hands that had teased her nipples until she wanted to 
  scream. But even better was that she'd be able to put the tray down and 
  fix her panties herself. But to her dismay the women's hands at her 
  swollen breasts were quickly replaced by those of young scouts. They 
  must have come into the room without her even noticing! "Oh, God!  
  Please, no!" she pleaded quietly to the women around her, but no one 
  paid her the slightest bit of attention. The girls seemed to be more 
  interested in her breasts than in the food. But that couldn't be true! 
  They were young girls, after all, scouts. Girls of this age weren't 
  interested in such things. They were interested in dolls and clothes.

  It was her overheated imagination that told her it was something sexual. 
  It really wasn't the girls at all. It was just her! The girls were just trying 
  to get her poor abused 36C breasts out of the way so they could eat. It 
  was maddening for her all the same. Each girl would pull at one of her 
  nipples until her entire breast would be pointing at the ceiling. Then she 
  would let go and the highly sensitive breast would fall back with a plop 
  onto the tray of food, getting even more appetizers on it than before. 
  One girl even grabbed both nipples and rolled them between her fingers! 
  Laura almost died! It was like the girl was playing with them right in 
  front of everyone!
  It wasn't true, she knew that. The girl was just trying to get her breasts 
  out of the way, that's all. Laura could do nothing but watch as each girl 
  pulled, poked, and even squeezed her poor mistreated breasts! The 
  incredible feelings building in her body quickly started to boil over once 
  again. Each tug on her nipples seemed to make her dripping sex tingle. 
  Her head spun and her knees became weak. She felt close to becoming 
  overwhelmed by a delicious sea of sensual pleasure! She knew she was 
  going to climax if she could not find a way of stopping this soon. It was 
  like there was something actually toying with her clit, the sensation was 
  so real to her. But, before Laura could stop it, it happened!

  "OH!" gasped a shocked Laura as she was suddenly consumed by a 
  massive climax! She helplessly fell forward into the lap of the amused 
  matron, the teacher's chest and tummy mashing messily onto the 
  contents of the tray. Even while her vagina still pulsed madly, the 
  horrified Laura tried blindly to stand up, but her feet caught on 
  something and she fell heavily backwards onto the floor, the remaining 
  food from the tray, which she still held, spilled on top of her.

  Breathless from her fall, the dazed Laura could only wait on the floor 
  until the orgasm had subsided. She finally released her tight grip and the 
  empty tray dropped beside her with a heavy thud on the thick carpet. 
  She belatedly realized that she needed to recover first before she could 
  move and even attempt to understand what had just happened to her!

  Oddly, she felt the carpet on her bare behind and reached automatically 
  for her panties, but they were gone. She lifted her head and saw that 
  they were twisted around her ankles. Oh my God!  Oh my God! They 
  had fallen and she hadn't even noticed! She had been in the room with 
  all those people without her panties! Oh my God! Sobbing heavily, 
  Laura covered her face with her hands. She wanted to die.

  As her throbbing body slowly recovered, Laura could sense the other 
  women coming around to comfort her. Totally consumed by shame, she 
  couldn't bare to look at them, and kept her face hidden. When she felt 
  the tray removed from her side, and the food being scraped from her 
  body, shame burned her very soul! She didn't deserve decent neighbors 
  like this! Here she was, disgusting them with her naked clumsiness and 
  they were all trying to help clean her off. Laura took her hands away 
  from her tear-stained face and watched the crowd of total strangers 
  clean her nude body. Someone gave her a handful of tissues and she 
  gratefully used them to blow her nose and clean her face.

  When she had made herself at least a little more presentable, Laura was 
  able to notice that the women were cleaning her skin of food by scraping 
  it with bits of bread and crackers, then eating them with a great deal of 
  obvious satisfaction. Now, why would they do that? Oh, of course. It was 
  for Doris, so that none of this very expensive set of appetizers would be 
  wasted simply because of the ineptness of the server. Her ineptness! 
  What a mess everything was! Not just here. Her entire life was in chaos. 
  If it wasn't for these kind strangers, not to mention the endless patience 
  and understanding of Doris and even the sexually precocious Missy, she 
  would not know what to do! Suddenly, Laura froze. "Oh!" she gasped in 
  shock. They were between her legs! They were wiping her between her 
  legs! They were wiping her sex between her legs and it was driving her 
  crazy!! She had not realized that she had stupidly gotten the hors 
  d'oeuvres down there as well. Now the constant wiping by these 
  well-meaning women of bread on her swollen labia and erect clitoris was 
  swiftly if inadvertently pushing her, thrusting her towards yet another 

  "Oh!  You shouldn't...! Aha! Not...not there! Oh, God!" she quietly 
  gasped as her body squirmed frantically to avoid the delicious contact. 
  She tried to tell them what they were doing, but she couldn't say it! She 
  was unable to tell them that they were doing it to her, that they were 
  exciting her beyond endurance! It was just too humiliating! Laura 
  attempted to crawl away, but her feet were still bound tightly together by 
  her fallen panties and she could not move. It was all happening too fast! 
  She couldn't think of anything to do to politely stop them with creating a 
  terrible scene!

  The exquisite pressure from her vagina was becoming intolerable as it 
  went on building higher and higher within her. She was helpless before 
  it! She gripped the thick carpet in tight fists and her quivering body 
  tensed as she fought to keep the runaway sensations racing through her 
  body under control. Laura strained mightily against the onrush. She 
  fought it with all the strength she had, but she knew she was not strong 
  enough and soon her own weakness caused her body to betray her once 

  "AH!  OH YES!!" she cried without thinking as she cheerfully spasmed. 
  She felt her body twitch helplessly about the floor as her vagina 
  repeatedly pulsed, but she did not care. It felt so good, so good! She had 
  just humiliated herself once again in a room full of her new neighbors 
  and she did not care. It felt so good, so good! Only one thing truly 
  mattered to her at the moment, and it
  was happening now!


  When she had gotten more or less cleaned off, the crowd parted and the 
  recovering Laura suddenly saw a calm Doris standing over her. "Oh 
  God!" she cried, and covered her face once again. What would she do to 
  her now? She felt her hands being pulled gently but firmly away, and
  soon she could see her silent accuser once again, looking down at her. 
  Doris moved her eyes slightly up, and Laura understood immediately 
  what she wanted. She tried to stand but her feet were still bound 
  together by her panties. She could only kick them off, because she knew 
  that the woman hated to be kept waiting, and there simply was not time 
  to straighten them out and then put them on properly again. Laura, 
  finally able to stand, quickly if shakily got to her feet. She stood tall and 
  erect as she waited breathlessly for what was to come. Doris always 
  hated it when ever she slouched.

  'Clean this mess, then yourself.'

  "Yes, ma'am," said Laura clearly. For some reason she almost curtsied. 
  She raced into the kitchen with the empty tray for a broom and dustpan. 
  It was only when she reached the crowded kitchen and noticed everyone 
  looking at her that she remembered she was completely naked.


  In the bathroom, a very tired Laura looked at herself in the mirror over 
  the sink. Not too bad, considering. A long, very hot shower had done 
  wonders for her. Now here she was, carefully wrapped in a bath towel, 
  with her wet hair wrapped in another. She wondered what to do next. 
  After the fiasco in the living room, she did not want to leave the 
  bathroom for the remainder of the night, but she could already hear the 
  growing clamor of those wanting to use the facilities. She simply could 
  not stay here, as much as she wanted too. Well, she would just go and 
  hide in her room. It was surely time for bed, anyway. She didn't have the 
  strength left for anything else. Fatigue surrounded her like a heavy 
  blanket. Besides, she knew that she had certainly done enough tonight 
  to satisfy even the demanding Doris. She had cleaned both the living 
  room and herself, and that was all that had been asked of her. It was 
  odd, though. There she was, fixing her mess in the living room, 
  completely naked except for broom and dustpan, and she was sure no 
  one paid her the slightest bit of attention. It was weird, like she wasn't 
  really there at all. Well, she was simply too tired now to make much 
  sense of anything that happened tonight. That much was obvious to her. 
  She would work it all out tomorrow, when she was properly rested.

  The knocking on the door was becoming increasingly frantic. She 
  unlocked the door to see what the problem was, and a clutch of 
  expensively dressed middle-aged women came chattering into the room. 
  Laura felt hands on her hips as she was pushed unceremoniously out the 
  door. She soon found herself out in the hall with the bathroom door shut 
  securely behind her. Even at this rather late hour, the hall was filled with 
  girl scouts happily chasing each other, as well as obviously tired 
  mother-types and scout masters who were still trying unsuccessfully to 
  keep them under control. She noticed that a great deal of noise was 
  coming from the direction of the kitchen. It was obvious the party was 
  still in progress. Her first impulse was to immediately return to the 
  safety of the bathroom, but the door was already locked.

  "Oh, no," she whispered. Although she was better dressed now then she 
  had been all evening, she was still practically naked! Laura smiled 
  weakly to everyone that passed her as she stood in her towels in the 
  busy hallway. She wondered briefly if she should still help Doris with the 
  guests, but decided against it. "Enough is enough. Better get to bed and 
  hide under the covers before something else goes wrong," she muttered, 
  and started to go to her room.

  She stopped abruptly when she felt her body towel being tugged on 
  sharply from behind. She carefully reached in back of her and 
  discovered to her horror that a small part of her towel was caught in the 
  closed bathroom door. "Oh, hell!" Laura stated to pull delicately on the 
  caught portion of her towel. She was very aware of being completely 
  nude underneath it, and the last thing she wanted was to lose the towel 
  now in front of a house full of people. She had been naked and 
  humiliated enough tonight. She was still pulling when a familiar voice 
  made her mouth go suddenly very dry.

  "Hello, slut," purred Bertha Wolf. The stout woman was standing an 
  inch in front of her!

  "Aaah!" cried a shocked Laura. Any feeling of fatigue she had instantly 
  vanished as her heart started pounding in her chest. She immediately 
  wrapped her arms protectively around her breasts, tightly hugging her 
  towel. "W-what are you doing here?"

  "Thought you had gotten away from me didn't you, slut?" "I don't know 
  what you are talking about."

  "It's fruit-sale time. This place has always been a major party stop for 
  us, to celebrate the end of fund-raising for another year. What are you 
  doing here, slut?"

  "Stop calling me that!" Laura shouted. When she noticed heads turn in 
  her direction, she realized that she was making a scene in her new home. 
  In a much calmer tone she said, "I am...visiting."

  "Do you always visit good people naked, slut?"

  "I am not n-naked! I was just taking a shower and..." 

  "Yes, yes. I'm sure. You are naked underneath that towel though, aren't 
  you, slut?" Laura wanted to flee from this terrible woman, but her 
  caught towel made that impossible. Oh, God! She was trapped! If only 
  Missy or her mother would show up! She casually dropped her arms 
  from her body, then reached behind her with both hands and started 
  tugging in earnest on the material. She almost lost her mind when the 
  woman started fingering the bottom of her towel. 

  "Don't touch me," Laura pleaded quietly, afraid of being overheard in 
  the busy hall. She was frantically pulling on the material now, but it just 
  would not give.

  "Nice towel. I like them good and thick like this. Don't you?" 

  "Please! Stay away from me!" Laura whispered as she backed up 
  tightly against the door. She realized that her hands were now trapped 
  between her body and the door, so she reluctantly released the towel 
  and moved them to either side of her, keeping the palms flat as they 
  pushed against the closed door. Laura prayed that it would soon open 
  and she could escape to the sanctuary within.

  "If you wanted that, you would have left by now."

  "I can't!" Laura cried helplessly. "I'm...I'm waiting to use the 

  "Of course you are, slut," murmured Bertha Wolf. She moved towards 
  the trapped teacher. "Why are you so worried? What can happen in a 
  crowded hall?"

  "I don't know. You frighten me!"

  "We saw you, you know," Bertha said matter-of-factly as she ran her 
  hands along the bottom edge of the towel.


  "We saw you. We saw you run naked from the Jacuzzi into the yard. 
  Beautiful! My entire troop was out back then. We saw you."

  "Oh my God!" Laura moaned. Another humiliation! Laura forgot 
  everything as she covered her face with her hands. She couldn't do 
  anything right! Maybe this awful woman was right, and she was nothing 
  more than a slut! She had exposed herself, practically paraded her nude 
  self in front of everyone all evening. What was the matter with her? How 
  could she have done such a thing? Distracted by her grief, she hardly 
  noticed the light tickling sensation coming from her crotch. The tickling 
  grew more and more insistent, until Laura finally realized that her 
  recently oddly-acting hyperactive vagina was feeling even more warm 
  and creamy than usual. She looked through her fingers and, horrified, 
  saw with tear-filled eyes that Bertha Wolf's hands had completely 
  disappeared under the front of her towel!

  "What are you doing?" she gasped as she felt the woman's stubby 
  fingers greedily assault her sex with surprisingly pleasant feather-like 
  touches. Laura couldn't believe it. She was in a crowded hall in 
  someone's home, and this woman was casually touching her, fondling 
  her! And to her shame she knew her body was responding! Laura could 
  only stare open-mouthed at the woman as Bertha Wolf casually violated 
  her in the well-lighted hall. Her dazed mind was totally overwhelmed by 
  what was going on. She didn't know what to do. She could only watch 
  stunned as Bertha pulled her right hand from underneath the towel, the 
  fingers positively glistening from her secret vaginal fluids. Laura 
  couldn't help but jump when Bertha slapped the closed door right next to 
  her head three times with the opened palm of her left hand.

  "Open up, girls! We have a medical emergency here." The door 
  immediately flew open. Laura had been leaning heavily against it, and 
  was surprised when it was no longer there. She would have fallen to the 
  floor except for the many hands she felt which helped to hold her up. As 
  it was, she still practically fell into the bathroom behind her. Finally free 
  of the door, the increasingly dazed Laura desperately wanted to escape 
  the teasing woman before it was too late, but a crowd of matrons quickly 
  flooded around her, and there was nothing she could!

  "What is it, Bertha?"

  "Close the door, please. Thank you. Now, do any of you recognize this 

  "Yes, of course!  Wasn't she that nude young woman we saw at your 
  place last week? You had caught her breaking and entering someone's 
  van. Another sorority prank, you said."

  "Yes, that's right. She's the one. And here she is again, still without 

  "I...don't feel well," Laura mumbled. Her head was spinning! Bertha's 
  hand had slipped between her thighs from behind and was freely teasing 
  her now dripping labia even as the woman was talking about her to the 
  others. It was so humiliating to be touched this way, especially in front of 
  a crowd. It was also very distracting! Laura couldn't think at all! Her 
  body was responding once more and she hated herself because of it. Yet, 
  she was positive if she did anything about it, the other women would be 
  sure to know what Wolf was doing to her. At least the towel covered this 
  outrageous conduct by the frightening older woman.

  "What's wrong with her, Bertha? Why does she look so funny?" 

  "Well, girls. This is Miss Papadakis. She is a teacher who just moved 
  into our neighborhood. You must make her feel welcome." Laura 
  shuddered as Bertha made one last swipe on her swollen pussy lips 
  before she removed the teasing hand from between her legs.

  "This is a teacher? You must be joking! They certainly didn't look this 
  good when I was in school!"

  "Yes, I know," Bertha said as she walked towards the door. "Now 
  hurry, girls! Time's a-wasting." Laura was very relieved to watch a 
  strangely smiling Bertha Wolf quickly exit the room, closing the door 
  behind her. Thank God! She realized she was safe now as the sensation 
  of extreme fatigue once again descended upon her, this time even 
  greater than before. As she continued to watch the closed door, 
  something pressed against her knees. 

  "Oh!" she cried as she fell helplessly to her knees on the shag-carpeted 
  floor. All she could figure is that she must have backed into something. 
  She looked down and saw that her body towel had fallen to the floor 
  around her. She was naked again! Laura tried to reach down for the 
  towel, but somehow fell forward instead and quickly found herself on her 
  hands and knees, staring at the pristine base of the commode. Oh, God! 
  Not again! Why did this keep happening to her? She sensed the women 
  in the room purposefully close around her. She was going to be spanked 
  again, punished for the clumsy slut she was, she just knew it! She closed 
  her eyes and waited breathlessly for the humiliating attack to begin. Yet, 
  instead of blows to her naked behind, a trembling Laura was 
  overwhelmed by a multitude of eager hands which covered her 
  vulnerable body. They were everywhere! She was terribly embarrassed. 
  She could tell that no part of her was considered safe from this weird 
  onslaught. But her breasts! It was worse there. There were hands all 
  over them. Laura knew she was being used, yet she had never felt 
  anything like it! It was exquisite! She just had to look! She briefly 
  opened her eyes and looked amazed at the busy hands on her proud 
  chest, then closed her eyes again in disbelief. Her breasts, her precious 
  breasts, now dangling freely beneath her, were being...were being 
  milked! Hands, carefully manicured and bejeweled, were pulling and 
  kneading her swollen breasts, while others where working on her 
  terribly erect and sensitive nipples. Stunned, she couldn't believe what 
  she had seen. Her breasts! She could hardly think with all of the 
  fantastic sensations coming from her chest. But this was all wrong, so 
  wrong! She wasn't some cow after all, to be used like this by these 
  strangers. She relaxed her arms and dropped to the floor to protect her 
  breasts. Laura was gratified to feel the hands on her chest disappear. 
  Her face was now pressed sideways into the thick carpeting, her swollen 
  breasts painfully mashed onto the bathroom floor, but at least she had 
  gotten rid of those maddening hands.

  The dazed Laura was vaguely aware that her behind was high in the air 
  behind her, but it was her poor overworked chest which she felt was the 
  most unprotected part of her at the moment. She placed her arms 
  alongside her body to keep the cunning hands away, and finally felt 
  reasonably protected from these strange women. Now all she had to do 
  was get out of there before that Wolf- woman came back and something 
  else happened. But she was so sleepy, so utterly worn out. Laura 
  desperately desired some rest. Her eyes wouldn't stay open. Maybe a 
  short nap? It was so comfortable, so safe, there on the floor. In a very 
  short time she surprised herself by drifting off into a solid sleep. 


  Laura awoke with a start. She was sure that something was wrong. The 
  bathroom lights were off except for a small night-light in the outlet 
  directly in front of her, but it wasn't that. There was something...

  "AAAhhhh!" Laura gasped in surprise. Something was entering her 
  from behind! Something big! Oh God! She had been so worried about 
  everything else, she had not realized how vulnerable she really was to 
  something like this. She never thought they would do anything to 
  her cunt!

  "No! Take it out! Take it out!" she cried. She rose up on her arms and 
  immediately the hands returned to their fantastic kneading of her once 
  again vulnerable breasts, as the invader continued it's slow inextricable 
  penetration of her defenseless cunt. "Stop that!" Laura pleaded to them 
  all.  "Please, get away from me! Get away!"

  She tried to crawl away, to escape, but soon noticed the firm hands that 
  were gripping her upper thighs with long nails that dug deep into her 
  skin, effectively holding her in position against the bare flesh she now 
  felt pressing against her from behind. All that her struggles 
  accomplished was only to move her body slightly back and forth over the 
  invader. But even this brief movement caused electric pinwheels to 
  appear before her eyes! Something about the invader's irregular surface 
  was causing her well-lubricated vagina to clasp it eagerly, and send 
  maddening sparks of pure pleasure directly to her very soul. Laura 
  could feel her will to resist quickly ebbing in the face of this 
  overwhelming sensuous assault on her helpless body.

  "Oh, God!" she cried weakly. "Please! Someone help me!" She stopped 
  moving, and desperately tried to force it out instead. But her disobedient 
  body refused to cooperate, and her throbbing cunt only clasped the 
  invader that much more firmly. While she had stopped, she could tell 
  that the invader had not. It was moving, slightly at first, back and forth, 
  then more and more as her tight vagina relaxed around it. Soon her 
  shaking buttocks were being pounded by the person behind her as her 
  unknown assailant rhythmically thrust the invader deep within her. Each 
  time the person pressed fully against her, something tickled her erect 
  clitoris. The repeated sensation was making her hair stand on end!

  "It's not fair," Laura moaned helplessly, as silent tears of humiliation 
  flowed down her cheeks while her body shook under the relentless 
  onslaught. Her head towel fell off and her damp hair covered her face. 
  She was overcome by the shame of her plight, yet secretly, despairingly, 
  she could feel within her an increasing almost feverish need to give in to 
  it. It all felt so good, so good.  Everything they were doing to her 
  vulnerable body felt so good. The fact that she was so vulnerable to 
  them, so helpless to whatever they wanted to do to her, only added to 
  her rapidly uncontrollable growing arousal.

  Finally unable to help herself any longer, she began to move her hips 
  slightly in time with the pounding she was receiving from behind. Soon 
  she was flinging her hips back and forth with an insane, even joyous 
  vigor, her damp hair whipping around her head, as Laura tried to drive 
  the invader as deep as possible within her. Her eyes were open, yet she 
  saw nothing in the darkness, so focused was she on what was building 
  within her. Yet in the midst of her growing ecstasy, Laura became 
  conscious of the sound of cultured voices in the small room.

  "My goodness. Look at her go! Such enthusiasm."

  "Beautiful body. Have you ever had one like this before?" "Not in a 
  long time. It is truly a work of art. How does Doris find them?" 

  "I believe Missy's the one who does the actual acquisition. Remarkable 
  girl. It's quite a change really, to find such understanding of the finer 
  points of life in one so young."

  "What size did you bring tonight, Martha? That's not your usual, is it?" 

  "Oh, my," another woman panted. "No, Helen. You're quite right. I 
  brought the petite this time. It's obvious the poor thing is very 

  "Inexperienced she may be, but she is a natural all the same." 

  "Martha, she's starting to peak," another voice said in warning. "Oh, 
  no," panted Martha. "That won’t do. Not at all." Increasingly lost in a 
  sexual cloud, Laura wondered vaguely who and what they were talking 
  about. How rude! It was like she wasn't even there, having the time of 
  her life. She knew that she was getting very close to her climax and 
  licked her lips in happy anticipation. If only those people would stop 
  talking for a minute so she could concentrate better. 

  Oddly, she felt a body, a naked woman's body, lean over the length of 
  her bare back, and then she heard a faint feminine voice in her ear. 
  "Laura? Laura, honey? Can you hear me? Laura?" There must be 
  another Laura in the room. She couldn't possible mean her. Not now! 
  Smack! Laura was startled into reality by a flash of pain on her right 
  buttock. Oh, God! It was her the woman was talking to!


  "I said, can you hear me?"

  "Y-yes!" gasped Laura, who was still being delightfully buffeted by the 
  woman behind her, not to mention being exquisitely milked by the others 
  on either side of her. She couldn't believe this silly woman! Of all the 
  times to hold a conversation! All she wanted to do was to melt in a 
  puddle of pure pleasure at what these surprisingly skilled neighbors 
  were doing to her vulnerable body.

  "Oh God!" she gasped. "Yes! Yes! It's so good!" Oh, no! What was she 
  saying? "I mean, yes. Yes, I hear you!"

  "Good. Don't cum yet."

  "W-what?" The befuddled Laura could not understand her at all. Don't 
  come yet? What was that supposed to mean? Come to her house? My 
  God! She certainly wasn't going anywhere now, even if she could walk, 
  which she doubted.

  "N-not going anywhere. here now. H-honest."

  "Oh, dear," tutted the panting Martha. "No, no Laura. You 
  misunderstand. You can't have your climax yet. It's far too soon for you. 
  You needn't worry, though, honey. I'll tell you when."

  "WHAT!" She must be mad! How could she possible discuss her...her 
  most intimate secrets so openly, like it was just a cookie recipe? Who 
  were these people, anyway? "You''re crazy!"

  "Perhaps. Be that as it may, don't you dare cum until I tell you." 

  "I...can't...I can't stop that!"

  "Oh, yes you can. You've been very naughty today. You have already 
  done it once tonight, in the living room, haven't you? Remember? So, 
  you can't cum yet." Laura dropped her head in shame. Oh God! Had she 
  no secrets left at all? 

  "But you''re all..." Smack! "Ow!" Laura howled. "But I can't!! I 
  can't stop it!"

  "You can't cum yet, and that's final. Laura, if you cum without 
  permission I'll be very angry." And the body she had felt laying along 
  her back was gone. Smack!

  "Ooohhhh!" Laura groaned helplessly. What was going on? Why 
  couldn't she? Why couldn't she finish? She desperately needed to finish, 
  yet now she wasn't allowed to. What the hell was going on? If she wasn't 
  supposed to finish, why were they still touching her. Why were they 
  touching her at all? What was happening here? "Oh God! Oh God! Oh 
  God!" she cried frantically, in perfect rhythm with the pounding she was 
  receiving from the alien invader deep inside of her. Fantastic sensations 
  were relentlessly fueling incredible pressures within her and her mind 
  reeled under the strain. It was all too much! She couldn't cope any more, 
  couldn't fight any longer. She was a good girl and always tried to do as 
  she was told, really she did, but it was too much for her. The delicious 
  sensations in her loins and chest had melted her ability to resist. "I'm 
  sorry!!" she cried, abject in her misery, as her body was totally 
  consumed. She had failed, she had failed! Her arms gave way and the 
  spasming Laura found herself face down on the carpet once again. The 
  last thing she remembered, before being swept away on a black sea of 
  erotic nothingness, was the sound of cultured laughter.


  A very dazed Laura was hanging onto the bare shoulders of Missy and 
  her mother. They were taking her down the hall to her room. How long 
  she had been out, or what had happened in the mean time, of that Laura 
  had no idea. All she knew for sure was that her muscles felt strangely 
  sore all over, and that she had never been so tired in all her life. She 
  was exhausted. She could barely keep her eyes open. At least the house 
  was quiet now, the party over.

  "I'm so sorry!" Laura moaned in despair as she was almost carried 
  down the hall by her nude companions. "I'm such a mess!"

  "Don't worry," Missy said consolingly.  "We'll fix you up." 

  "Thank you, Missy. Thank you. You don't know what that means to me. 
  I don't want to be any trouble. I just can't understand it. Why do these 
  things keep happening to me? What's going on? What's wrong with 

  "Just adjusting to your new surroundings, that's all." 

  "Oh. I want to believe you, Missy, I really do. It's just that I can't help 
  but think else...g-g-going... Oh God!" 
  Laura was unable to speak any longer.  Missy had leaned down and 
  fastened her sucking mouth to Laura's erect left nipple, while Doris 
  meanwhile had coyly worked a hand between her moving thighs and was 
  working three fingers in and out of the still well-lubricated cuntal 
  passage. Laura could never think whenever Missy or Doris found it 
  necessary to touch her in that special way they had of doing to her, 
  especially when she was feeling so tired and so vulnerable as she was 
  right now.

  "Aaahh!" she softly cried and almost fell to the floor when she 
  unbelievably climaxed before they even reached the door to her 
  bedroom. Only the support of Missy and Doris kept her from falling. 
  They entered her bedroom and Laura noticed that her dark blue silk 
  pajamas were already laid out on the large water bed. Her eyes started 
  to mist and a lump was suddenly in her throat. They were so good to her, 
  so very good, gentle, and kind, while she had been acting the perfect 
  out-of-control slut all evening, embarrassing every neighbor they had in 
  the process.

  "Thank you, thank you," she whispered, her voice breaking with 
  emotion. "How can I ever repay you for all of your kindness?"

  "Don't worry," chuckled Missy. "I'm sure we'll think of something." 

  "Anything. Anything you want," Laura mumbled as she tried not to 
  sway too much while she was being dressed by her two friends, her two 
  guardian angels really. "Anything at all. What's mine is yours." 

  "We know," Missy said softly. Wearing her beloved, comfortable 
  pajamas, Laura slipped easily into bed. Doris pulled up her covers for 
  her and Laura started to cry. She was so happy! Mrs. Manchester was 
  tucking her in! They took such good care of her, far better then her own 
  family ever did. These people would never reject her, would never cast 
  her out. So be it, then. Here was where she belonged, with these 
  wonderful people, the Manchesters. She was soon contentedly asleep, 
  secure in the happy knowledge that her new family was truly looking out 
  for her welfare.


  For some reason Laura could never understand, sleeping in this house 
  seemed to always leave her more tired than when she went to bed. Even 
  after last night, it was like she hadn't slept at all.  She was still in bed, 
  and her clock was telling her that it was time to get started. But she 
  couldn't move! She still felt exhausted and very tingly. It had to be her 
  adjusting to her new surroundings, as Missy said. It couldn't be anything 
  to do with Missy or her mother. That was impossible. She knew now that 
  they were actually quite nice people, who were always looking out for 
  her, if in their own individual ways. If it weren't for all of that, well, 
  intimate contact that seemed to be always happening, life here would be 

  It really was her problem, of course. If she could just get used to all of 
  the touching and not react so much to it. Everyone always seemed to be 
  touching her in some manner. She could probably deal with it a lot better 
  if she could only dress properly. As it was, no matter what she was doing 
  somehow she always ended up naked. She just couldn't understand it. It 
  was this house. It had to be.

  Last night, after Doris and Missy had so nicely put her to bed (they 
  even tucked her in, bless them!), Laura was certain she was in for a 
  good, solid night of sleep. The last thing she wanted was to wake up yet 
  again covered in her sweat, and feeling quite spent as usual. But the 
  minute she fell asleep, the dream started again. Every night it was the 
  same. Her mind filled with images of strange hands touching her naked 
  body, her own hands frozen helpless at her sides. Tongues and fingers, 
  which licked and poked her entire being was all she dreamed about. As 
  her passion would build, the one image which filled her mind most often 
  was that of her student Joan, Saint Joan. The mysterious hands kept 
  driving her toward an orgasm that would never come, while there was 
  always the presence of Joan to tantalize and tease her.

  The dream would go on and on until even in her dream she thought she 
  was going crazy, her body never allowed to release the passion that had 
  filled it. Finally the dream would fade and her body at last began to rest. 
  Lately it was always the same. The hands disappeared, but soon after 
  Joan would always sitting on her bed all in pink, sweetly smiling with her 
  hands folded neatly in her lap. Joan, innocent little Joan, just sitting 
  there smiling, watching her. Laura desperately wanted to grab her and 
  tear the hypnotic pink clothes from that nubile, pristine body. She 
  desperately wanted to ravage the teen, to use her, to drive her insane, 
  but her own body could never move. All she was ever able to do was lay 
  there and look with longing at Saint Joan, with those full young breasts 
  raising and falling under that lovely pink top. Even in her dream, her 
  face became flushed with embarrassment over what she wanted to do to 
  the pretty girl in pink.

  "See you later," Laura would always hear Joan whisper in her dream. 
  Odd though, because she sounded very much like Missy then. She even 
  smelled like her, the girl's subtle perfume penetrating to her very soul. 
  She remembered Joan kissing her forehead. She could even feel the 
  press of the soft lips on her fevered skin. It all seemed so real! "Don't 
  leave!" she had cried last night to the departing figure. "Please don't 
  leave!" She wanted her, needed her so badly she wanted to cry. The 
  dream continued. The image of Joan quickly began to fade into the 
  distance. Finally able to move her hands, they quickly went to grab the 
  vision in pink, but just as they got there, Laura awoke. She looked at 
  her hands extended in the empty room and shook her head in disbelief.

  "Wow. How real can you get?" she muttered in amazement, and 
  dropped her arms. She continued to lay sleepily in bed even though she 
  had to get ready for school. She was trying to reconstruct her latest 
  highly erotic dream, until her peace was shattered by the sound of her 
  alarm clock going off. Laura jerked straight up in bed, her firm breasts 
  bouncing slightly as she looked around the room for Joan. "God, what a 
  dream," she mumbled as she looked down at herself.

  "My God!"  Laura couldn't believe what she looked like. She was 
  naked once again. "I know I had on my night clothes last night!" She 
  reached down and touched her bare breasts just to see if what she was 
  seeing was true. She really was naked! "Missy! Playing games again! It 
  must be!" Laura hoped. If it wasn't the girl, then she was going crazy.

  Carefully, the shaking Laura got out of bed and walked toward the 
  bathroom. She felt so tired and so dizzy from her dream and all that had 
  happened the night before she was afraid she would fall. The subtle 
  movements of her high-set breasts, and the friction from her smooth 
  rubbing thighs, were causing wonderful if unwanted electric sensations 
  to run through her body. "I have to get out of this house before I go 
  insane," she muttered. She barely got into the bathroom before her 
  body almost erupted and her sex began to pulsate. Falling forward, 
  Laura caught herself on the edge of the sink and looked in the mirror. 
  Laura groaned as she stared in disbelief at what she saw. This was the 
  worst she looked since moving in here: hair a complete mess, large bags 
  under blood-shot eyes, body covered in sweat, nipples ultra hard, 
  breasts painfully swollen, and her clit so enlarged it looked like it might 
  burst. It had to be the dream. It must be! If it wasn't then... God!  She 
  didn't want to think what might be happening to her in her sleep.

  "Good morning." Laura almost jumped through the ceiling when she 
  heard Missy's voice right behind her and the teen's scented breath hot 
  on her neck. 

  "G-good m-morning," Laura replied. She automatically tried to cover up 
  her naked body, even though she knew it was foolish to do so. Missy 
  had seen her countless times over the past few weeks either topless or 
  totally naked, and had in fact even helped her in the shower on 
  occasion.  But she couldn't let Missy see her this way, so excited, so out 
  of control!

  "You look tense. Why don't I give you a rub down," Missy asked. 
  Laura watched the girl's eyes in the mirror drinking in all of her 
  teacher's naked splendor.

  "No, Missy. I don't think that's a good..." Before Laura could finish 
  Missy's hands reached around and cupped Laura's firm swelling 
  breasts. The girl pressed tightly against her and Laura felt the 
  teenager's firm young breasts press deliciously against her bare back! 
  Laura's legs quickly turned to jelly. It was like every bone in her body 
  was suddenly gone. She didn't have anything to hold her upright any 
  longer. Her body trembled and her legs collapsed under her. Laura 
  found herself on her back on the floor with a nude Missy sitting on her 

  "Missy, don't, this isn't r..." Laura's mind exploded like fireworks on 
  the Four of July as Missy grabbed both of her breasts and squeezed 
  them in her hands. Those wonderful hands. Why did something so wrong 
  have to feel so good? "Please, Missy! You must s-stop!" Laura 
  pleaded, but to no avail. The hands continued to work over her breasts 
  until she could do nothing but close her eyes and moan. Missy's fingers 
  tugged on her nipples, rolling and pinching. Her breast's swelled under 
  the teenager's knowing touch.

  "Please, stop," Laura whispered, too soft for anyone to hear. It was so 
  wrong, but she didn't have the strength to stop it. Missy squeezed and 
  pinched until Laura was nothing more than a pile of willing flesh moaning 
  on the floor. Laura never felt the hands leave her breasts. All she felt 
  was a new burning in her sex. It was like there was something down 
  there sliding in and out. There was even something toying with her clit. 
  "God! Missy, no!" she shouted frantically as she tried to get up. She 
  looked down and saw the girl had her head buried between her 
  wide-spread thighs! Oh, no! She had to stop the child before she...!  Oh, 
  God!  Too late!  Too late! "Noooooooooo!" Laura cried in anguish as 
  her body erupted. All the built-up passion of her dream finally found 
  release! Her body spasming, she bucked helplessly around on the floor. 
  When one orgasm fell away another soon followed. Finally Laura's mind 
  couldn't take the pleasure in any longer, and she passed out with Missy 
  talented tongue driving her toward still another orgasm.


  While dreaming yet again of undressing Saint Joan from her favorite 
  pink, Laura suddenly heard her shout, "Wake up! Wake up! You'll be 

  "No need to shout, my darling. I can hear you," she replied calmly. She 
  felt herself being shaken and realized that someone really was trying to 
  wake her. It was Missy!

  "W-what? What's the matter?"

  "You have to get ready. You're late and my ride will be here any 
  minute." Laura sat straight up in bed, furious.

  "Missy, you little shit! How dare you take advantage of me that..." 
  Laura suddenly realized that she wasn't naked on the bathroom floor 
  any more. She looked first at the fully dressed Missy, then down at her 
  own body. She was in bed, and she was dressed in her pajamas once 
  again. She felt clean. Even her hair was reasonably combed.

  "Yes?" asked a smiling Missy.

  "It must have been a dream," an incredulous Laura mumbled. 

  "A dream!" "What are you talking about?" Missy said. Laura hardly 
  noticed the girl's knowing smile. Her mind was spinning after what she 
  had just thought had been so real no turned out to have been nothing but 
  a dream. But it couldn't have been real, because here she was, dressed 
  just like she was when she went to sleep, sitting comfortably in her own 
  bed, and not passed out like some drunken slut on the bathroom floor 
  after Missy had...used her! If this morning had been only a dream, what 
  about what had happened to her last night, especially in the bathroom. 
  Had all of that been a dream as well? Something dark conjured up by 
  her subconscious because it was what she really did want to happen? 
  Need to happen?

  Laura started to laugh. Was she even here at all? She could no longer 
  tell the real from the unreal. She truly was going insane! She laughed 
  and laughed. Laura quickly realized that it was not a normal laugh at all. 
  It was a frantic, mad thing that soon had a life of its own. Laura saw a 
  look of concern appear on Missy's innocent face. She was in fact 
  starting to frighten herself and finally, after great effort, got it under 
  control. In the deafening silence that followed, Missy approached her 
  and ran her right hand slowly down the left side of Laura's flushed face.
  "Are you all right?" Laura impulsively took the hand in both of her own 
  and kissed it tenderly before releasing it.

  "Thank you," she whispered. "Yes, I'm fine." Missy was so good to 
  her, so very good.  Laura knew now that she loved her, body and soul.

  "Are you sure you're all right?" Laura fought to gain control of her 
  runaway emotions. She wanted more then anything right now to lay 
  Missy gently on the bed, undress her, and then show the eternal 
  gratitude she felt towards this fine young woman. Someday, Missy. 
  Someday. There will come a time, she vowed, when she will have truly 
  earned this remarkable treasure. Feeling much more in control after her 
  decision, Laura returned the conversation to more immediate concerns.
  "Ah, it was nothing. Just nerves," she said and shrugged her shoulders. 
  "Your ride, you said?  Where's your mother? I thought you always went 
  with her in the morning."

  "Left an hour ago. An old friend of mine called yesterday and said she 
  wanted to talk. Should be here any minute."

  "Wait. I feel terrible! Why don't you just wait, and I'll be with you as 
  soon as I'm dressed," Laura said, still dizzy from her very strange 
  morning. "Just give me a moment to wake up a little, and I can take you 
  with me." 

  "Never mind. You're not going anywhere. Mom said you wouldn't be 
  ready for anything this morning, let alone facing students, and as usual 
  she was right."

  "What? But, Missy, I have to get..."

  "No, you don't. I called in and arranged a substitute for you today." 
  "You did what?"

  "You are officially excused from school today. By me." 

  "But...!" Laura's protests were abruptly cut off when Missy kissed her 
  full on the mouth. It was a long, lingering kiss that left a befuddled 
  Laura quite breathless afterwards. She always hated it whenever the girl 
  did that to her. It invariably took her five minutes to get her breath back 
  and another five to be able to start thinking clearly again.

  "Missy!" she gasped when the delightful contact finally ended. 

  "That's me!" said the grinning teenager. "Now, strip." 


  "Come on. Strip. I have to get running and I need your PJs. Mom said 
  they needed cleaning."

  "Oh, Missy," Laura protested as she stood and reluctantly took off her 
  pajamas. She looked them over before handing them to the girl. Why, 
  they hardly looked slept in at all.

  "Thank you."

  "But, Missy, what am I to wear?"

  "You look fine just as you are now."

  "Missy! No, please."

  "Don't worry. You'll be fine. Oh. Mom left some instructions for you on 
  the computer. I recommend that you follow them. She's still pretty 
  pissed at you for yesterday."

  "I'm sorry for that. I don't know what happened. I'll...I'll try my best not 
  to disappoint her ever again." Laura thought for a moment. "Or you," 
  she said shyly.

  "We'll see. Oh, some clothes will be arriving later for you." 

  "Well, finally. Thank you."

  "You must try them on to see if they fit, so they can take them straight 
  back to the store if they don't. I told Mom you should have been there 
  with us when we got them, but she never listens. Anyway, afterwards, 
  you must put them right back in the box. They're for later."

  "What's going to happen later? Oh, all right," muttered a disappointed 
  Laura to the departing Missy. "Don't tell me. See if I care. But wait! I 
  can't meet anyone at the door looking like this!"

  "Why not?" Missy yelled from the front of the house. "What's wrong 
  with the way you look?"

  "Missy! Please! This is no time for games. Missy? Missy!" Laura 
  heard the front door closing. She was alone. "Damn the girl!"  How 
  anyone so nice could also be so exasperating at the same time was 
  beyond her! She ran to the front room in the hopes of catching Missy 
  while she was still waiting for her ride. When she arrived she was able to 
  see Missy waiting at the end of the driveway. Laura went up to the 
  uncovered window and was about to start tapping the glass to get the 
  girl's attention when her bare breasts pressed fully up against the very 
  cool glass.
  "Oooh!" Laura gasped in surprise. She had been so anxious to talk to 
  Missy that she had forgotten she was naked! Laura ducked down below 
  the window sill, then raised herself until she was able to see again. She 
  watched a laughing Missy get into an expensive-looking two-seater 
  sports car. As the low black car pulled out of the driveway, a curious 
  Laura was able to get a good if brief look at the driver.

  It was a woman Laura had never seen before. She guessed her to be in 
  her late 20s. She had very short, dark blonde hair and was quite 
  beautiful with her fine, chiseled features. She had the sort of 
  all-American face that belonged on a feminine version of Mount 
  Rushmore and Laura with her classic Greek features was quite envious. 
  She surprised herself by feeling a sudden pang of longing for this 
  exciting blonde stranger.

  She hid herself once again when she noticed the woman staring directly 
  at her. In spite of the warm room, Laura, kneeling behind the wall, 
  suddenly found herself covered in goose bumps. She instinctively 
  wrapped her arms around her chest. The look the woman had given her 
  was one of pure hate, and the naked Laura felt herself feeling chilled to 
  bone and very, very vulnerable because of it.

  "My God!" she said in wonder. Could the woman tell from so far away 
  that Laura had wanted her. Was that it? Had she become so obvious in 
  her wants and desires that she managed to offend a total stranger with 
  them? She heard the powerful engine roar as the low car started to 
  speed away. Laura chanced another look and caught a quick glimpse of 
  the rear license plate before the car tightly raced around the corner with 
  tires squealing.

  "SJ," she said. "Who the hell is 'SJ'?" Her tired mind unable to think of 
  an answer, Laura looked for the drapes to cover the window so she 
  could safely leave the room without anyone seeing her. But the drapes 
  were no longer there. "Oh, no" she groaned. There was no way to cover 
  the window. With a sinking feeling, she realized that she hadn't seen any 
  drapes in her room either this morning. "That's just great," she 
  muttered. Going on hands and knees, Laura crawled across the carpet 
  and out into the hall. Going from room to room, she found that every 
  drape and blind had been taken down. The entire house was completely 
  opened to anyone who cared to look in. She was to spend the day nude 
  in a goldfish bowl!

  "Wow," she said as the realization sank in. Doris really must be very 
  angry at her to have her do this. The woman did tell her that she would 
  be punished for all of the terrible things she did yesterday. Perhaps this 
  was at least a part of that punishment. If so, she had better not do 
  anything to make her become any angrier. God knows what would 
  happen then.

  Laura crawled to the bathroom for a badly needed rest stop. To her 
  horror she found that even the window there was uncovered. Praying for 
  speed, she hunched on top of the toilet, and waited for her bursting 
  bladder to empty. After what to her was a ridiculously long wait, she 
  finally was able to relieve herself, all the while in a state of mild panic as 
  she kept her frantic eyes fixed on the small window high on the opposite 
  wall before her.

  She crawled to her room. Well, it was certainly safer than any of the 
  other bedrooms. Better to have just one window to worry about then 
  several. Besides, she was much too tired to do anything else. Once in 
  bed she thought of covering herself with the sheet, then decided against 
  it as being too risky. For some reason Doris, and Missy too, wanted her 
  to be nude today, so nude she would be. Just this once. It was a small 
  enough sacrifice, after all that Missy and her mother had done for her. 
  Besides, she was safe enough here all alone. What could happen in such 
  a nice neighborhood filled so many friendly, caring people?
