Puppy was fleshier than sparrow and she obviously wasn't as active. Her breasts
looked to be around a C cup. Her hips a bit broader than I prefer, but not bad.
Since I hadn't done it earlier I now took the time to get a better feel for her.

"Puppy, stand up straight." She complied and I walked around her slowly. I took
my time and I'm sure it made nervous, I could see muscle groups tense and flex as
she tried to keep track of where I was, what I might do, or touch. I was once again
caught by the differences between slutpuppy and sparrow. Puppy was so obvious
in her nervousness while sparrow, in the same situation just hours earlier had been
as calm as if she had been alone.

When I had my look I returned to face her.

"Puppy, kneel."

She was willing and didn't hesitate, but I could see that it took effort for her to
make her limbs move. It was awkward to watch and probably felt awkward to do,
but she did.

"Thank you puppy." The widening of her eyes told me she was surprised by my
comment. I placed one finger under her chin and used it to guide her head, turning
it to one side, then the other. She was tense, but followed my lead with only slight

"How many lovers have you had, puppy?"

"Three, sir."

"Any of them male?"

"No, sir."

"What contact have you had with a male before Jimmy found you?"

"Kissing, petting and once a blow job when I was still in High School."

"Nothing since then?"


I leaned down so my lips were almost touching her ear. "Puppy, I see the fear in
you. No matter what he did to you it won't happen here."

I could see her trembling, her jaw working, could smell the sudden aroma of fear. 
"He raped me..." Her voice was so soft I knew even sparrow couldn't hear just six
feet away.

"Well then puppy, it seems you and I have more to do than I thought."


"Puppy, no one can free you from your fear but you. I can help you, but you have
to do it."

"I don't know if I can."

"Fear is a prison, puppy, and it's walls grow thicker and higher with time."

I felt her head rise at that, her lips touched my ear, "how...?"

"How to start? You just did."

"Ahhh..." Out of the corner of my eye I could see it as she relaxed, the tension in
her easing.

"Now, about tonight..." Her breath caught, "you must choose. There are always
options puppy, always, and no amount of force will ever change that." I felt her
head nod. "So, do we continue this tonight?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then you must choose two words. The first is a warning to me that you're not
sure you can keep going, but that you'll try. The second will tell me you cannot
keep going, that what is happening is more than you can bear. Understand?"


"Good, I'll ask for the words in a bit."

I stood and started to clean up the cut rope from the earlier session with sparrow.
She saw me and started to rise but I indicated that I wanted her to stay where she
was. There wasn't much to clean up and I  knew what needed to be where and
having to instruct sparrow would have been an interruption I didn't want while I
let slutpuppy some relative peace to choose her words. While I was working I
started gathering fresh rope and a few other items I thought might come in handy.

I was standing by the door as it slid open. Jimmy and the boys filed in from the
hall, Jimmy with a big smirk on his face. When I looked at what was in his hands
it became quite obvious why. I have quite a collection of "toys," most of them
fairly generic, but some, well... not for the faint of heart. Jimmy had one of "those"
ones, one any rancher would recognize, or livestock farmer, a cattle prod. Jimmy
doesn't have one, he knows he has issues with it and can get out of control, but I
was sure he thought that he'd have a chance to play with it in this case. Of course
he was forgetting one small detail.

The other toys he brought weren't as daunting, although the single tail did look
impressive, but the paddle he'd brought definitely didn't look threatening. But
Jimmy had a much better perspective then most where it was concerned. It was
one I had made while he was in my care and he knew it well.  

I picked up a silk cloth and laid it within easy reach of where I was setting up, then
motioned for Jimmy to bring his choices over. I stood as he came over, keeping
what I had in my right hand out of his sight. Jimmy is a creature of habit, in truth
we all are, but I knew his habits. I watched as he kneeled and almost lovingly laid
the prod, whip and paddle on the amber silk. There was a grace in his simple
movements, efficient, without haste, even with the anticipation I knew he was
holding back. He was also conforming to ritual I had honed in him years before, so
when his hands moved behind his back so he could touch his brow to the silk, I
had his hands bound before he could react.

A stifled groan escaped his lips, but he didn't struggle. He knew better. I bent to
his ear.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

He was silent. I knew he would be. The cadence of our mutual past hammered in
his chest and I could feel it's beat against my skin where we touched. 

I reached and cupped his chin and lifted him to his feet. I still don't exactly know
how I do this, it's not as if I actually lift him, but Jimmy follows the movement of
my hand like no one ever has and it is as if he becomes a puppet in these moments. 
I've watched videos I've made if this and to this day can't tell if it's me leading
him, or me following. But the effect on those who watch is almost always the

In the corner of my eye I could see the boys' jaws go slack as the Man they feared
and obeyed became one with Me.

I didn't spare a glance at either sparrow or slutpuppy though. 

With my other hand I slipped the live end of the rope I'd bound Jimmy with
through a ring I'd dropped from the ceiling and let the end coil on top of his head.
For Jimmy, this was as good as binding him hand, foot, legs and shoulders, he
would not move again until I lifted the rope from his head.

I took a moment then and looked to see how sparrow, and especially slutpuppy
were reacting to what had happened. Puppy's eyes were wide, her face slack and
her hands clasped around her waist. Sparrow though...

Sparrow's gaze was rapt, her whole body leaning towards Jimmy and I. There was
a fire in her eyes that I hadn't seen before, ever. A desire so intense I swear I could
feel it. I met her eyes and felt her gaze quaver and let her see that there was no
anger in me. Her gaze softened and I dropped my eyes as a signal for her to lower
her gaze and was pleasantly surprised when she complied. 

I turned back to the boys to see each of them with varying looks of wonder and
fear written on their faces. Not surprising I guess, but not what I wanted.

"Boys, each of you choose a rope." and I pointed to the tansu. It took only
moments before each of them had made their choice. "Now, each of you stand at
one of the four beams." There were four vertical supports in the room, they weren't
structural but were more than strong enough for what I had in mind.

There was a bit of confusion as the boys figured out which would stand where but
it was soon sorted out. I then went to each and took a silk cloth from my pocket,
folded it and blindfolded each boy.

"Boys, when I am ready I will remove the blindfolds so you'll be able to witness
what happens here tonight, but you must be silent. You may not speak until I give
you permission." With that said I went from one to another, taking the rope each
had chosen and bound them to the beam they stood before. As I bound each of the
boys I could see puppy relax more and more and soon I was the only male in the
room unbound.

When I was done with the boys I returned to puppy and knelt in front of her, took
her hands in mine and brought my lips to her ear once more. "What are your
words, puppy?"

"Mozart, sir."

"That's your first word?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And the second?"


I couldn't help but smile. "Of course."

I took her hands and lifted her to her feet then led her to the center, just in front of
Jimmy. "Kneel, puppy." My command was soft, not used with force, but a
command none the less and she knelt, this time without the awkwardness. She
wasn't quite where I wished and with a few instructions was kneeling just within
her reach of Jimmy, centered in front of him, both hands resting on his hips. 

For his part, Jimmy was perfect, he never moved.

"Puppy, there are three types of submission in life, did you know that?"

"No, Sir."

"The truth is we all submit to something puppy, every one of us, even me. And
most of us never even know we have. The form most of us think of when we think
about submission is the one that uses compulsion. Anyone with the physical power
to do so can use compulsion to force another person to bend to his will, but it's a
submission in action only, not necessarily in belief. I can force you to comply to
my will whether you are willing or not. For most of us when we think of this type
of submission we think of things like rape and slavery. But this also includes
things we don't think of, like the force we use on children, we compel them to do
and act in ways we deem acceptable time and time again as they grow in order to
mold them into the people we wish them to be. As infants this is easy, but as they
grow their own will begins fights us and the battles over who they are can get...
interesting. And that, puppy, is why compulsion alone is almost never be enough
to break the will of someone. It is true that with enough force, with enough time, a
person can be broken, but the consequence of doing so brings a price and usually
that price is leaving only a shell of the person behind. Most of the time the one
compelled submits in action while fighting in sprit, looking for any, and every,
way to thwart the compulsion."

Puppy's eyes were bright with unshed tears, her face lit with hope.

"Are you broken, puppy?"

With a smile on her lips she answered, "No."

"I didn't think so." I reached around her and undid Jimmy's belt and pants then
shifted her hands one at a time so they would fall. Jimmy still had his boxers so he
wasn't "exposed" quite yet but he wasn't exactly "decent" either. 

"Another side of the compulsion issue is also pervasive in our lives and that is the
role of society. Every society has it's rules, many of them written, but just as many
unwritten. They include our laws and religion as well as the general sense of
morality and ethics we deem acceptable. The more homogenous a society the more
strict those things will be and the less accepting of change it will be. What you'll
find is that there is a very small minority that will end up being the arbiriters of all
things Moral and Good and any who dare refute this will be dealt with, sometimes
with shunning, expulsion, and sometimes with actual violence or even death. The
very act of questioning can even be criminalized."

Kneeling behind puppy I slipped her fingers under the waistband of Jimmy's
boxers and taking her wrists started pulling them down.

"So, puppy, in many ways, none of us are free from some form of compulsion, it's
built into the very fabric of our existence. The question then is do we submit
willingly, or try to find ways to subvert the compulsions and find our own paths."

As Jimmy's coarse pubic hair was revealed I could feel puppy tense a little but she
allowed me to continue to guide her hands down.

"Now puppy, do you wish to follow your own path, or the one society has chosen
for you?"

"My own, Sir."

"Your own, but you've said you wish to submit to me, correct?"

"Yes, Sir."

"How can you do both, puppy?"

"I don't know..."

"But you still want to try?"


Jimmy's cock came free as she said this and I finished guiding her hands down
until his boxers were also bunched at his feet. His cock was good sized, about
eight inches long even now when he was only half hard. Jimmy had been un-cut
when he and I first met but later he had decided to get circumsized, he had had a
condition where his foreskin had been so tight that it had prevented the head of his
cock emerging which had made sex sometimes painful and at best had been
unstimulating. He'd told me several times that life was much better now. I had
never had that problem but would probably have made a similar choice in the same

"Take his pants and underwear off him puppy, it's time for you to learn about

She complied and Jimmy was quite passive as she lifted each leg to accomplish the
task. When she finished I stood  behind her so I could better direct the next lesson.

"Puppy, do you know how a cock is made?"

"No, Sir."

"Did you know it's mostly muscle?"


"It is, but it's not like most muscles in the body. It's also much like a sponge, able
to absorb liquid, that's how it gets hard, by absorbing blood, growing in size as it
does. How large depends on both genetics and how excited a man is, there are
physical limits for each man but you'd be surprised how often it's the level of
excitement that is the defining criteria. Can you guess why, puppy?"

"No, Sir."
"Be cause a cock is made of muscle, puppy. If a man is tense, or afraid, uncertain
or even sad or depressed, the muscles is his cock can constrict, preventing blood
from entering, keeping him soft or only half hard. A man's mental state has more
to do with his ability to perform than even he will admit at times. It's also
something he can't control in some situations, like if he's cold, his body will try to
conserve heat by shrinking his cock to force blood back into the body."

"I understand, Sir."

"Now, puppy, find out what makes Jimmy hard."