Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Comments: as always this is fantasy, don't try this at home!! Story_codes: various children, violence, torture, extreme caution Rent-a-kid Part 5 Written by singledad Everything was organised, My personnel had moved in and the alterations were finished. I picked Melissa up from the airport, we had sex in the car even before we arrived home, she was just as I remembered her, only she'd learnt new tricks. We had planned a big weekend blowout to launch the new company, thirty guests were invited, each would pay £10.000 for the weekend, not too extreme for the kind of entertainment we had planned, anyway, the sort of people that were coming would hardly miss that amount, it would almost be loose change. I answered the door to my old friend Rico, wiry looking little peurto rican, as I remembered him, greasy, not someone you would trust babysitting your preteen, but dependable because he knew which side his bread was buttered, we were a his pension plan. His converted ambulance screeched to a halt outside, he was always my main supplier of little victims, where he got them I neither knew nor particularly cared, I heard rumours od a connection with several orhanages, all I did know was that they were top quality, and he almost always supplied what I requested to the letter. I greeted him, he'd lived in this country twenty years or so, probably illegally, he was one of those acquire anything kind of guys, a sexual nutter, his tastes were so weird that I will maybe write a whole series on his sexual perversity one day. "Hey, Rico my man, how's it going" I said cheerily "Hey man you lookin' good, the food in the slammer musta suited you" he answered in his still broken english. We exchanged pleasantries, "Well my friend, we're not here to discuss the weather, I have some goods for you" he said at last he always called the little ones 'goods' "How did you do with my special requests?" I asked, fully expecting not to have all my needs met He told me that he had everything I wanted, and nearly all the correct ages, my dick twitched, as I ran forward to the scenes that would unfold in the next two and a half days. My thoughts were interrupted "Now my friend, the business side first, I will tell you how I would like it, then we talk, eh!" I agreed that was the way this little man did business, although I was hardly in a position to quibble, what trade association or customer protection agency would I go to? He checked off from my list: The fourduring this weekend, but hoped that wouldn't matter, four seven year old girls and two seven year old boys, two eight, one was a beautiful Thai girl and the other a striking red head, one black and one white nine year old, four ten year olds, and three teens, they turned out to be thirteen and two fifteens, then as if he'd almost forgotten, the 'pregnant bitch' he beckoned the occupant of a car which I hadn't noticed before, and a stumpy middle aged woman led a struggling eighteen year old from it he slapped her hard on the cheek and she reeled back and fell over, she was about eight months pregnant, and my dick gave another satisfying twitch, I asked Melissa to take them to the changing rooms, where I would join them shortly. "What's the form my friend" I addressed Rico "Well, the little ones, under ten, one hundred each as long as they spend less than a week in the infirmary, over a week there will be another hundred on top. The teens seventy five and a further seventy five if they need more than one weeks medical attention. They are all expandable, ideally I would like most of them back, but what the hell, I would like Sheree back reasonable sound if possible, she's is my pregnant beauty and we've been living together, but without the baby please, it was my little accident, Oh and I don't mind patching her up if you are going to get rough, it'll be worth it to have the baby problem out the way, it's a hundred extra surcharge for those that don't survive, and I will be back Monday afternoon to pick up what you have left and dispose of what you have finished with" He stopped, out of breath, apologising for the amount of administration as he called it, this guy was a gem, we would make each other rich. "There is one more thing" he added "I have a present for you to show my appreciation for the new business venture." He went round to the cab of the van and came back with a little girl, she was blond and wore a scruffy dress, she was about seven, and, I imagined, very pretty under the grime. "I don't want this one back she's all yours to do with as you wish, she doesn't talk, don't know why, and you may want to bathe her, she just pissed herself, she does from time to time, or, knowing you and your depraved ways you may not want to. I can's seem to train her, she is totally unworked too, so have fun, Oh and you know my number if you need any replacement kiddies during the weekend" I was amazed, she was just the sort that appealed to me, a thin neglected waif like creature, I would indeed have fun with her, I liked presents. I thanked Rico and he went on his way. Chapter 2 I joined Mel in the dressing rooms, the girls were all stripped down to their underwear, what a glorious sight, I couldn't have chosen a better job, we set about deciding how they should all be dressed, one of the compliments we always received was the thought we had put into dressing the little performers, sometimes the clothes didn't last more than minutes,` but it was the presentation that counted. We had drawn up a list of the kind of activities we would portray, that evening there would be a gala and the girls would need a variety of outfits, we carefully administered some of the designer drugs, so lovingly prepared, a bit of a cocktail really, in exact dosage for the weight and height of each child, the blue liquid was a new one he'd worked on, its function was to heighten the child's awareness of pain, we seldom used pain killers, even in extremely violent games, the guests had come to see suffering, they expected screams, welcomed them even, it would be their passport to satisfaction, And we needed the kids to feel every cut, every whiplash, burn and every punch or slap. The white pills were to bind up their faeces, to make shit firmer, sometimes a particular show required their excrement to be loose, but the messiest time was with stools of a firmir consistency. The girls would all be apprehensive most would know that suffering and pain was to be their experience, so their movements would tend to be looser that normal, the blue and red capsules were to produce more urine, it had a dye also, that would make the pee yellow, one of the criticisms I would have in a show is when the child has been drinking the urine becomes pale, this ensured a rich yellow hue. Drinks were freely given when asked and encouraged all the time they were there. There were other more specific drugs which we were keeping back, a particularly good one was the sickener,it was an amazingly effective concoction, quick acting, the child would lose their lunch quite soon after taking one and I personally loved seeing little girls puking on other little girls, I guess I'm just a sick man...hehe. We had a few modifications to the old crude equipment, although I was never one for vast apparatus used in the torture of these innocents, stagy stuff left me cold, and I find that what leaves me cold often does the same for our guests, we have improved the irritation knickers, if you remember the last business in the early episodes, we used to stick or sew sandpaper inside pairs of knickers and vests, to irritate, both to prepare little bodies and genitals for treatment and to aggravate already damaged bodies, well, now Pete has refined this, he found some latex glue which could be spread on the inside of any garment, and then coarse grit and crushed glass...well any material really would adhere to it, this gave a great opportunity to thoroughly coat the inside of little knickers, vests, even socks, and cause greater discomfort for a longer period of time...inventive! We had a whole range of grades of irritant pants now, from coarse, which would remove skin when worn for a length of time, to fine which would just annoy, and keep the kids aware of any damage we'd already caused, Finally they were all dressed, and what a picture they made, I kept little Natasha, my present out of it, her peed in knickers were beginning to smell and I didn't want to waste that opportunity by washing her, I'd enjoy her laterwith Mel. We trouped the kids up to the waiting room adjacent to the big theatre, which was really a large lounge, but with soft staging that could be moved to any configuration, it could be removed altogether and the floor area wqs tiled and sloped to a drain in the centre. At first we had it set up like a fashion show, with a catwalk, the seating was arranged as for that kind of show, that way the 'performers' would, in effect, be able to walk into the audience. I gave the kids a talk, I told them that I didn't know how many of them would be needed that evening, they all seemed hyper active, that was one of the qualities of the drug, I had also given them a small amount of a hallucogenic, we synthesised from some fungus, this gave them a good and happy feeling, I noticed several of them fidgeting with their knickers, this was because of the abrasive lining, and I reckon someone had put some of Colin's magic irritant in them too. The show was about to start, the guests sat reclining in comfort, they had drinks, and I sent all the kids into the audience to 'mix', they sat on laps, letting the men and women play with them however they wanted. They had been told that there should be no rough stuff until the performance, but I did see one or two uncomfortable grimaces as parts got squeezed and tweaked, and the abrasive underwear scraped and grazed the little ones tender parts. It was so exciting and the atmosphere was sexually charged. The lights dimmed, I heard a couple of squeals, as the audience took the opportunity to be a little over cruel with the lights out, I came on stage with Melissa, the spotlights shone on us, Melissa wore tight white leather jeans and a bra, I wore a leather trousers and jacket, "Ladies and Gentlemen" I began "welcome to the launch of a new project, we built on the Rent-a-kid scheme you all knew and loved, this will be better, and this weekend will show you how much better we can get!" The audience exploded enthusiastically there was an air of expectation. The lights dimmed again and two of the seven year olds were on stage when the lights came up, they were both wearing pretty party dresses, with bows, their hair was tied up in pony tails, and they wore white socks to their knees, they looked a picture of innocence, but, I surmised not for much longer. They had a trolley each and there was champagne on the trolleys, Melissa and I walked over to them, "With any company launch there is champagne" I said creating more atmosphere, we stood the kids on the trolleys, and reached up their dresses, we pulled their little knickers down, and off, I notices the red raw skin all over her botty and cunt, it did look sore. Then we told them to straddle wide, they did this and we worked their little cunts so they were slightly open, I noticed the one I had had, many scars, they were old scars and well healed, her vagina I imagine was well used, but I doubted it would be for fucking that she was here this evening, we took our bottles of champers and shook them vigorously, I unwound the wire cage and as I started to thumb the cork I held it under my little girls cunt. The pop was so loud and the action so violent the cork shot out and disappeared into the child's cunt, thee was a time delay, then the little girl screamed, I wondered how far up her the cork had gone, and how much damage it had done, the liquid was gushing out and hitting her on the genitals. Melissa repeated this exercise with her bottle, and the cork again disappeared, a perfect result as I'd only seen this trick done once before and that was with a well used flabby Parisian whore. the place just errupted with enthusiastic applause, Oh it was good to be back. The cork had grazed the girl's cunt lips on the way in and they were bleeding, I probed up her cunt, and couldn't find the cork, I pushed three fingers into the child, and felt the cork wedged in her cervix, I grasped it and twisted and pulled, the little girl was whimpering and great wet tears squeezed from her beautiful blue eyes. I cursed at my lack of imagination as I saw Melissa was retrieving the cork from her little one with a large sized cork screw, she had it embedded up the child's snatch and she was screwing it, she hoped, into the cork. We retrieved the corks and held them up for all to see, another ripple of applause, and we threw them into the audience, someone would have cleaned the blood and booze off them. I went over to the 'wings' and wheeled a table affair over, it had a tilting top, hinged at one side, and as in the old days, (knowing that so many people liked the apparatus) lengths of barbed wire were stapled across its surface. I lay my little girl down on the table, first pulling her dress up so that her bottom and back would be in contact with the barbs, she winced as the barbs cut into her soft girl flesh. I started to wind the table up - that was another refinement over having to tilt the table by hand -and as it tilted so she held on to the table to prevent herself from sliding onto the floor across the cruel barbs, it was so delicious, the higher the angle got the faster she would eventually slide, she felt herself going and then all in a rush, she slid, with a high pitched screech as the barbed wire took its gouges from her delicate back, to add to the effect, she dropped into a huge basket filled with freshly cut stinging nettles, and many handfulls of salt, I saw pieces of flesh sticking to the barbs and my cock was rock hard, the child's awareness of the pain was increased with the drug and she was sobbing uncontrollably, she thrashed around in the nettles trying to climb out, and making things much worse. I lifted her and turned her round back to the audience, I lifted her, now shredded dress and showed the damage to them, her little bottom and all up her back was deeply scored with furrows now filling with blood, her exposed skin and particularly her face was a mass of nettle rash. "Oh let me get you something for those wounds" I said, as if in sympathy she nodded thanks, I returned with the salt box, and threw a handful onto the wounds, I massaged it in through the stickiness of the blood and her screams came with renewed vigour, she would learn that the only reason I was there, was to cause her the most discomfort, and greatest pain, I noticed that Melissa was deeply french kissing the other child, she was producing copious amounts of saliva, that was one thing that used to amaze me about Mel, the amount of spit she could make was astounding, the girl was almost choking on the spit overflowing from her mouth at Mel tongued her contentedly, Mel's hands wound their way into the child's sore privates, the girl yelped into Mel's open thirsty mouth, she had told me before how turned on it made her when she kissed the girl she was torturing so hshe would scream right into her mouth, (some metaphysical crap about the voice disappearing into her own body or something,) I just like hearing the screams of children!, we let the two angel like kiddies go out back where their wounds would be dressed, we might even be able to use them again before the weekend was out, just time perhaps, for the scabs to form and for us to scrape them off and open the wounds again and maybe introduce some irritant or other. Chapter 3 I decided to get the little black girl on stage, at nine she was very statuesque, she was tall for her age, and we'd dressed her in 'Southern Baptist' style Sunday clothes, a yellow strapped, dungaree style dress, white ankle socks, her frizzy black hair set off the picture, she was so black, with bright white teeth. The boy, who was seven, had desperately short tight shorts, if he had abrasives in his underpants he would be in agony by now, those shorts were for a kid two years younger, but they were O so sexy (and I don't really swing that way if you know what I mean) and he wore a t-shirt. As soon as the boy came on stage Mel was on him, I knew how she liked pre-teen boys, well, as much as she liked pre-teen girls actually, she was a randy devil, she was cupping his little genitals through his darling shorts, squeezing the little ball sack till he winced, her saliva production was so great that she was actually dribbling down the boys face. I told the black child to stand with her hem raised above her waist so all the 'nice' people could see her beautiful white knickers framed by her dark ebony skin, and I hung the boy up with some rings attached to a pulley, while Mel lovingly and carefully unzipped his shorts, she was whispering to him about how we were going to make him hurt, and bleed, she was so deliciously wicked, he was beginning to see the hopelessness of his situation, and a quivering lip and wet splashes of tears ran down his cheeks. He was lifted off the ground by about two or three inches, I took my old favourite, well, it looked like my old invention, sandpaper wrapped around broomstick, but this was something they'd had manufactured, very sophisticated, it was slightly thicker dowling than conventional broomstick, being about two inches in diameter, (I remembered that I always thought the broomsticks we used could have been fatter, which would hurt that much more when used to beat tender flesh and cause excrutiating pain when jammed into tight asses and cunts) these had the abrasive bonded to them they were also slightly tapered, for ease of insertion, ( I don't know, torture victims these days never had it so easy!!) I took the rod and a rubber mallet, I placed the tapered end at the lads sphincter, and with a showy flourish for the audience's benefit I hit the end of the rod hard with the mallet. The abrasive rod entered the lids ass about three inches with the first hit, the shriek that came from the boys mouth was of another world, it seemed to summon up the complete hopelessness of his situation, as well as the bolt of pain he must have suffered...excellent! I hit again and the rod went in a further three inches, and was now firmly embedded six inches in the little guy's rectum, I imagined tht it was as far as it could go, it must have hurt like hell, I would sometimes use some lubrication first, but this lad was so beautiful, I fancied making him as distressed as I could, I determined to make him suffer horribly, I left the kid swinging the rod protruding obscenely from his ass, a few drops of blood starting to drip from the wounded flesh, I took Mel aside. "I want this one and the black girl to suffer torment, I don't expect them to survive, are you alright with that" I whispered Mel was in a high state of arousal "Oh fuck" She panted "Let's do it, I'm so hot, lets fuck the cunts to death" I caught hold of the protruding stick and twirled the lad around, he whirled and then untwirled, each twist chaffed his little wrists, and I turned to the little black girl, she still held her dress up showing her knickers to all, I took a post and pushed it into a slot in the stage which was made for that purpose, I stood her face against the post secured her hands to it, I was eagrer to undress her with the whip, I went to the equipment cabinet and saw whips of all styles and classifications, but there was a beautiful implement, it was made with several barbed wire strands, and I decided to use these rather than a whip, the strands were bound together one end into handle, the wire was more flexible than regular barbed wire, I suppose a bit thinner, it swished in the air as no barbed wire would, I wondered if they'd had it specially made, I remember that I used to think barbed wire was too stiff to get a good swing at a victim, it wouldn't curl satisfyingly around a body particularly a young small body, this, however, was wonderful, I felt the barbs, sharp as razor, I was going to enjoy this. I drew my arm back and brought the barbed scourge down hard on the small of the child's back, the clothes dulled the worst of the pain and she whimpered but only with the force of the blow, her dress however, ripped along where the flail met her body, a length of cloth came away with the wire, and I had to remove it from the barbs. A ripple of appreciation and some anticipation went through the audience, the ripping sound of her dress was quite satisfying. I brought the weapon down almost in the same place three more times, and the skirt part of the dress hung down, I noticed that underneath it she wore the most gorgeous silky lacy slip, I aimed the weapon at it and shredded it in one stroke, the child's black skin showed through in stark contrast to the white material now hanging in shreds. I worked steadily down the child's back until the silky slip and the skirt was gone, I would be praised later for the precision with which I could remove one garment at a time without even disturbing the skin of the victim. I was now presented with a beautiful smooth black back, and lovely white cotton knickers. I took my time as I could feel the sexual tension in the room grow, I measured my next stroke, I knew that this one would hurt and damage, and didn't want the child to anticipate when it would come. Mel realised what I was doing and she stepped in and started smoothing over the girls pantied bottom, I loved watching Mel getting off on a girl child, it seemed like so many taboos all at once, she smoothed the material up into her ass crack, her other hand was round at the child's front working away at her clitoris, she kept removing her hand, showing it to the audience, and licking it. There was a lot of stickiness, I was amazed at how lubricated such a young girl could become, I believe that she thought her ordeal was over, that the removal of her dress and underwear was all that was going to happen to her...dream on. I beckoned Mel away, she so reluctantly removed her busy fingers fro the girls sex, and I prepared to cause sweet damage. I lifted the weapon and with all the strength in my arm I brought it down across the little girls shoulders, there was another one of those 'time lapse' moments where the pain was so extreme that the child was actually working out whether it actually was pain. Well it was, and when it registered she let out a shrill scream, I followed so closely with another hit that she couldn't even breathe properly for a moment, when she managed to gasp a lung-full of air she lt out an inhuman wail. The audience was captivated, I believe some of them had not experienced anything quite like this, there are many clubs catering for mild SM, even if you moved in the right circles, or had the right contacts that catered for mild SM on younger victims, but this was so in-your-face violence on beautiful children. The deep cuts on the black child's back had blood welling up in them, I added a couple more quick hits not so hard so as to open up the cuts a little more, the blood flowed down her sleek back in small rivulets, the reason I kept the girls knickers on was now obvious, the blood started to stain them so wonderfully, the stark white garment would eventually become blood red, but there was a long time and a lot of suffering before that occurred. I worked for five minutes down her back slowly covering her skin with vicious cuts, unlike a whip, where you have to work hard to break the skin, overlapping lashes, this weapon cut on each stroke, some strokes I noticed pieces of flesh and skin stuck to the barbs, splashes of blood wet the stage now, and the girl's knickers were slowly turning red, the whole of the girl's back was a mass of spongy red pulp, I was aware that normally a child would be unconscious by now but the drug was working, keeping her awake and making her more aware of the excruciating pain. Suddenly she let go the flood gates and bright yellow piss started to gush from under her crotch, the audience were ecstatic, applauding and whooping. The girl now twisted and turned as far as she could in her restraints. I clicked my fingers and Mel brought the salt box and an atomiser bottle of the kind you spray flowers, the bottle contained a strong acetic acid solution, much like vinegar but more lethal, I sprayed her liberally with the vinegar, and threw a handful of salt at the wounded back, I had thought that the level of screaming she already reached was her limit, but no, the child's screams reached a new crescendo. I let her rest a moment, I hoped to repeat the whipping to the backs of her legs, where the flesh was thin, this instrument would expose the bone, after that I hoped to turn her round and do it all over again to her front, if she survived that, I had many ways of terminating her pain wracked existence. Chapter 4 I turned to the terrified boy. Melissa was busily sucking his little prick, I say little although he was only seven and his anus was in such pain, his cock stood proud under Melissa's expert ministrations, as she sucked so she would turn the abrasive stick protruding from his bottom, it must have been removing the skin and lining from his dirt hole. He had watched in horror as I systematically removed the skin from the girl's back, I don't know if the good feeling he was experiencing in any way balanced the horror or the pain he was suffering. Anyway who cares, the screams and suffering, and the sexual high we were on was worth it. I told Mel to pull the child's legs wide apart and secure them to the appropriate hooks, she did this and the kid's genitals, ass and perineum were presented to whatever punishment I decided, I held the little chaps dick, it was a boner to be proud of, I drew the implement trolley over and selected a large catheter, I forced it down the kid's piss tube, it must have hurt because it was an adult's size, the boy's dick bulged with it, he started to piss, I took the tube attached to the catheter, and aimed it into his mouth, albeit unwillingly he drank down his own pee, then I pulled the tube off the device and took the stopper from a bottle of the liquid that Colin had used earlier in the knickers of his young 'house guest', I told the audience that this chilli pepper derivative was too strong to use as a food flavouring, but it was ideal to coat the insides of a little boys penis, the kid actually tried to wriggle himself away. I tipped the bottle into a small funnel inserted in the catheter, the liquid was rather thick so I took out the funnel and blew gently down the catheter, all the liquid transferred into the child's bladder and urinary tract, that time gap again as the fire of the liquid began to work its way round the system, then a low whine started in the child' stomach area, it developed into a squeaking, I never cease to be amazed at the range of sounds children in suffering make, this was a fresh sound, and excited everyone in the place. The little guy was really in so much distress, he wriggled and squirmed, but the liquid was doing its job, and would continue for sometime, he had emptied his bladder, and so there would be no urine to dilute the burning liquid, it was delightful, there would be no relief once it was inside him, I told the audience that fact, and said I had a solution to the level of pain the poor little kid was suffering, I would increase it, which would take his mind off the burning. I took some sawn down broom handle, and started to beat him up between the legs hard, I was severely bruising his little perineum, and as a by product catching his little ball sack as I beat, this caused him real agony, it did, of course, distract him from his other agony, I got Mel to spin him around so I could use the pole on his exposed ass cheeks, delighting to hit the one sticking out of his anus, giving renewed jolts of pain, I reddened that boys buttocks, but realised however heavy the bruising that the stick caused it would not damage him sufficiently for the spectacle, but the sound was music to the ears of this type of audience, I picked the barbed wire flogger up and started in on the child's ass, it started to pick off skin and flesh, what an efficient tool it was. A barb caught the abrasive pole, and stuck fast, a confirmation of how hard I was hitting the boy, as I drew my arm back the pole was withdrawn from his anus, it really seemed as if I had done this on purpose, a good stage effect and it earnt me great applause, I played up to it of course, Mel picked up the stick, it was covered in blood, skin and shit, Mel slurped greedily on it, hurting her mouth on the sharp abrasion, but she was almost too far gone to care, her salivary mouth was dribbling a delightful brown and red mix from the little boys anal wounds. I left the child for a bit, shreds of flesh hung down from his little ass cheeks, blood flowed from them and from his gaping anal hole, I would return to ruin his tiny inflamed dick, a dick on fire from the chilli extract that was wreaking so much havoc inside him. I turned back to the little black girl, hanging limply, but fully conscious, I was pleasantly surprised at how much blood she had lost, so much of it had soaked into her knickers, I didn't want her to expire prematurely from blood loss, but she was strong and young, I thought she could suffer at least an hour , maybe more, although knowing this kind of audience its bloodlust would not sustain that long. Mel untied her and moved her round so her back was against the pole, then retied her, the front part of her clothes stayed on and it looked like she was fully dressed, I planted a punch fully into her stomach, which winded her, she gagged as if she was about to vomit, I kissed her full on the mouth, tonguing her deeply, I tasted her salty tears, and pinched her nose closed, she started panic breathing into my mouth, such a sexy feeling, I had experienced before with children with whom I'd had sex . I took the abrasive stick which Mel had cleaned so efficiently, and fed it up under the remains of her shredded dress, it contacted her little nipples and I started a sawing motion, I knew that I would easily sand them right off, I mused that it would be a more dramatic effect to whip the little nubbins off, but what I was doing up close with this girl was personal, I was looking in her eyes as I rubbed, it was a personal pleasure I was taking in amongst the public spectacle I was creating. More whipping my dear I said quietly in her ear, she convulsed, and in a tiny almost imperceptible voice, which I found so touching she said "O please I can't take anymore, if you stop you could fuck me right in the 'gina, I wouldn't mind really", I suppressed a giggle "My dear I could fuck you anyway, what I really want is to cause you such indescribable pain that you will die" it was at that point she resigned herself to her fate I believe, she sobbed, deep wracking sobs. I took the barbed flogger and told her to lick the little boys blood and skin from its barbs, her little ping tongue darted out of her black face, and removed the boy bits from it. I raised it high, she screwed up her eyes in anticipation, but I did not strike, the second she opened her eyes to see what was happening I brought the weapon down hard across her face, such damage, a barb caught in her eye and dragged it from its socket, the cheek split down and flapped back, her nose split and despite the drug she passed right out from pure shock. I announced that it was pointless carrying on with her punishment while she was unconscious, and that the little boy was lucky as his end was to be hastened, he flinched, I think he was all cried out, no more tears escaped his eyes, I wondered if I could induce some more, at least get him screaming again. I got a little tool out I didn't know what to call it, it was, I think, a pipe saw, it was like a string of abrasive material, and you use it by pulling it back and forth around a pipe or the like, anyway, I made two puncture holes in the boys upper thigh and fed this implement in I followed it in with my finger, it was delightfully gooey in there, I felt his upper leg bone and fed the saw around it, the kid was screaming as I probed inside his leg, he tried to kick but his leg was fastened too tight, I put another finger in the other puncture hole and felt the end of the saw, I pulled it through so that each end of the saw now protruded from each puncture hole. I attached the little wooden handles to the loops at the end of the flexible saw. "So much more civilised than breaking his little leg," I said out loud " I'll saw this bone in half, but I will break the other one so we can ask him which feels more uncomfortable" The audience was impressed by my depraved inventiveness. I started to pull the saw back and forward it sliced through the flesh and connected with the bone, I started to actually saw the leg bone in two, the little guy was whimpering, the pain must have been dull but indescribable, I felt the sharp little instrument sever the bone in no time at all, then got Mel to hold the other leg firmly in both hands and I took a four pound lump hammer, with a sharp strike I brought it down on the boys leg between the places she held, there was a sickening crunch, which was heard by all the audience, another round of applause - I could get used to this - the boy lapsed into unconsciousness, I commented that it was very rude of him to pass out when I had to question him on his preferences, however, I winched him a bit higher and with sharp ended meat hooks I attached some heavy weights to his feet, the effect was amazing, without the restraining nature of his bones, his legs started to distend unnaturally, this caused a stir in the audience, it was quite an effect, and one I determined to use again. I don't know at what point the little boy died, maybe through trauma, or maybe it was as the leg I had sawn the bone through actually tore off, I don't know, but I do know that it prevented me from tormenting him any more, I was particularly miffed as I was going to enjoy removing his little cock in the most excruciating way, no matter, I would do that to the other seven year old another day. I was a bit irritated at the boy dying, so I was eagre to wake the black girl, I would vent all my anger and frustration on her for the rest of short painful life, and she was all I had left for this little exhibition, I got Mel to slap her back to consciousness, she stared out through bleary bloodshot cried out eyes, well, one eye really, as other had been plucked out by my best little toy, Mel had remove it and she'd actually pushed it into her own cunt, randy little pervert! The child was awake, but only just, barely hanging in there, I pulled the loose material that was the rest of her clothes, they fell onto the floor revealing that most of the front of her knickers were still white, I determined to change their colour promptly. I was getting tired myself and looking at the clock realised I'd been torturing the little ones for over two hours. I lifted the barbed wire flogger and started to whip the child's chest with a vengeance, fast furious strokes ripping her black skin and slicing through her flesh, pieces flew off in all directions, I noticed one nipple flying through the air, the little white knickers changed totally to red, the blood dripped onto the floor and pooled together with the piss from earlier. I cut the bonds and she fell heavily forward, I needed relief now, I got my rock hard penis out and lay the child back. I entered her quickly, she was surprisingly tight, though definitely not a virgin, I doubt whether she got any pleasure from my intrusion into her little body, I doubt actually wether she was aware of anything, and as I fucked her so she died, the massive wounds, and general damage was too traumatic for her little mind to comprehend, I came in a tremendous flood, pulling out I sprayed it on the child's bleeding cut flesh and collapsed exhausted on top of her, the whole room exploded in an appreciative applause, masturbating as one, the sex and smell of the room was incredible. Colin and Peggy busily put the victims into body-bags for collection on the next Monday, and Mel and I started planning the entertainment for Saturday End of this part...but the party weekend continues in the next part is story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.