Your Thigh Gap Guide
by this guy

Girls everywhere know that guys employ a one-to-ten hotness rating system to describe the sort of girl they just met. We are also aware of the fact that guys also have similar one-to-ten rating systems for different parts of a girl's anatomy: face, butt, boobs, etc.

What many girls are unfortunately unaware of is that there is also a one-to-ten rating system for thinness. This rating system is entirely based on a girl's thigh gap; or more precisely how wide the thigh gap is. This rating system is essentially a simple ratio: measured dimension between the thighs (immediately below your pussy when standing bare-foot with ankles touching) divided by standing height (when bare-foot, with heels on the floor).

If that ratio is less than 0.005 the girl's thigh gap is a "1"

If the ratio is more than 0.005 but less than 0.010 the girl's thigh gap is a "2"

If the ratio is more than 0.010 but less than 0.015 the girl's thigh gap is a "3"

If the ratio is more than 0.015 but less than 0.020 the girl's thigh gap is a "4"

If the ratio is more than 0.020 but less than 0.025 the girl's thigh gap is a "5"

If the ratio is more than 0.025 but less than 0.030 the girl's thigh gap is a "6"

If the ratio is more than 0.030 but less than 0.035 the girl's thigh gap is a "7"

If the ratio is more than 0.035 but less than 0.040 the girl's thigh gap is a "8"

If the ratio is more than 0.040 but less than 0.045 the girl's thigh gap is a "9"

If the ratio is more than 0.045 girl's thigh gap is a "10"... And if it is substantially more than that: WOW!!! You took it to eleven!

There are numerous specific exercise routines that will help to increase the size of a girl's thigh gap; unfortunately many of them require a lot of dedication and hard work. The good news is that there are two simple things that a girl can do without much effort that will help increase her gap size.

First, help tone your thighs by keeping them stimulated. Diddle your pussy as much as you can throughout the day. This is easier if you wear short skirts. If you're shy about touching yourself in public, try to find opportunities whenever you can: Sitting at a table, standing behind a friend, turning your back on a crowd. It's even more fun if there's a chance of getting caught! The important thing is to keep that warm, horny feeling going throughout the day so your thigh muscles never get relaxed. Also there are lots of butt plugs available in small sizes for younger girls today. Wearing one of these will work wonders for your gap, and help you get ready for even more sexy fun. If you have trouble finding one, check out the
Girl Slut Handbook section on toys.

Second, remember that having a thigh gap is a sign of slimness, so not having one is a sign of being over-weight. So make sure never to over-eat. Dieting is a good way of making sure you don't get fat. Employing a more extreme diet (like the ABC Diet*) will help you get a bigger thigh gap in no time, so get to work on an even sexier you today!

* Author's note: the "ABC Diet" is a real and very extreme diet, although no one short of a full blown anorexic would actually consider trying it.

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