Latest Updates 04/06/04- Just a note to all of my concerned readers who have been writing to ask whether or not I have retired as an author yet. I'm still here, if on somewhat of an extended vacation from my writing. I do plan on continuing my stories at some point in the future, though I'm not sure exactly when. I'm also thinking of making some changes to spruce up my page here at asstr with a new look at some point as well. I apologize dearly to all of my readers, and I thank you all for your concern. *smiles* Cherry


Welcome to my erotic stories page. If any of you are new to my writing, it always revolves around lesbianism of course, which happens to be my sexual orientation as well. My stories are generally gentle and loving in nature but I like to try different tones with each new story. I'm not much a fan of S&M or some of the more violent types of erotica out there but I do enjoy experimenting with different themes from time to time. As a part of my style I always try to keep a profound gentle tone present in my writing though. *smiles* Also, some of my stories have continuations as well, and if I feel a story or its characters are just right I sometimes continue them multiple times depending on the reaction I get from my readers.

Obviously, all of my stories can be found here but I also like to post to the Nifty Archive under the lesbian section and its various categories. I used to read stories from there and ASSTR as well and posted my first story to the Nifty archive in May of 2000. I always have a fresh story topic on my mind and it usually takes me a month or so to complete a story, on average. I don't pump out stories every week though; I don't have that much free time on my hands. *smiles* I do, however, take the time to check my mail fairly regularly in hopes that I've gotten a new message or two to read. I always have time to reply if you care to write me. I love getting mail. *smiles*

My stories are all usually fun and simple to read. Characters are very important in my stories and they are all unique in some way or another. I like to have a nice story to go along with my writing as well; it should never just be sex, sex, sex. *smiles* Of course, the intimate parts of my stories are very important though, and I take lots of time trying to perfect them. Other than that, my stories are all usually happy and loving, unless I'm going for something different such as a dark or emotional story. *smiles* I try to make my work sound a little humorous at times as well when I feel it's right.

A few of the other things here on my page include a small FAQ, with some of the answers to the questions I get a lot, and a little Profile about myself which describes the woman behind the stories as well. I'm the type who loves romance, comedy and soft music too. *smiles* I also have a Story Information section which goes into slightly more detail about what each story is about if you wish to know that before taking a look a some of my writing.

Naturally, you will also notice that I have a Links section to my page as well. It contains some of the addresses to authors that I currently enjoy and/or have conversed with at some point. You're welcome to take a look there too if you are searching for other erotic stories to read besides my own. *smiles*

My stories contain details of explicit sexuality between females

I make my stories for the enjoyment of my readers as well as myself. I don't encourage people of all ages to read my stories but I know I can't stop someone under 18 from reading them. Still, my stories are definitely intended for an adult audience. Don't be afraid to write if you have something to say though. I love to receive mail, whether it be from a reader or someone who just wants to say hi. *smiles*

My stories are purely lesbian fiction. I have no intention of including any stories involving males as more than supporting characters so please don't ask. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't like hearing from my male audience though. I tend to get equal amounts of mail from both genders regarding my stories, and I don't mind that at all. *smiles*

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Enjoy my stories!

Thanks to ASSTR for helping me set up my stories here.

Serene Cherry