Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Michelle slid down easily onto Alex's cock, and squeezed. He caught his breath reflexively, and concentrated. His cock thickened slightly, not by much but expanding to meet the contraction Michelle was enforcing. Then his back arched convulsively, and fell back. And arched again, launching Michelle almost into the air. Thank God she had a strong grip, Alex thought. If she had flown off, it would have utterly ruined the atmosphere. He brought his hands up and traced the outlines of her breasts, prompting caught breath in return from his servant. They continued, linked in physical rapport that almost extended into the mental and indeed might have had they both been of the breed, until Michelle came. As he felt the first inklings of Michelle's orgasm Alex released his determination on the muscle holding him in check, and so master and servant released at the same time. Michelle let herself drop forward onto his chest and caught his mouth in a euphoric kiss. For a while they lay there, Alex half-in and half-out of his servant. As they parted for air, he reached out to his jacket, hanging over the swivel chair in his study, and extracted his precious hip-flask. Another swig of the warm liquid coursed down his throat and he closed his eyes in rapture that, as always, was almost, but not quite, the equal of what he had just experienced. He screwed the cap back on and tossed it onto the chair itself, leaving it carelessly. Philip Smythe's chemical concoction of the sixties was almost certainly not harmful, and it wasn't addictive physically, but by God it gave you one hell of a buzz. Just the thing to counter the post-coital tristesse Alex and other males sometimes experienced, and just the thing for the occasional nip to calm the old nerves. It wouldn't do for a member of the breed to show weakness, but by common agreement taking a drink of the Bane was not the same thing as showing weakness. It tasted too damn good for that; could be other reasons for taking it. As now. He looked down at Michelle and stroked her hair. She almost purred in pleasure. "Not quite what you expected when you agreed to meet me, this, is it?" he asked. "No, master," she said, in the most sultry tones she could generate. "It's good, though." He thought about asking her to decide between what she'd expected and some sort of outside relationship, even with the problems inherent in a relationship during a live-in job, and what she'd got. But it was hardly fair. And a Whyte was always scrupulously fair. *** Peter and Debbie were walking back to the college Halls at about half-one in the morning when three thugs tried to rob them. They stepped out in front of the young couple, so confident were they in their ability. At sight ofthe baseball bat, Peter immediately stepped forward and in front of Debbie - the Whyte code of honour surfacing. However outdated the rules of chivalry might be, a Whyte did not allow a woman to come to injury if he could prevent it. "Well, what we got 'ere then?" the closest thug snarled, thus presenting himself in Peter's mind as both Head Thug and Student of Action Movie Dialogue, Cliche, honours, and bar. "Giss yer money." Peter drew his wallet out of his pocket, his eyes never leaving the thug's, raised it to his lips, and kissed it slowly and deliberately. And put it back in his pocket. "What you doin'?" the thug demanded indignantly. "I said, giss yer money." "And I did," Peter said, selecting his City stockbroker voice. "Or at the very least, I did what you asked insofar as I could deduce your intention. Frankly, my man, your diction is appalling." He took his hand out of his pocket, letting it hang by his side. Fingers started to lengthen, to taper, sharpening, calcifying... The thug snarled incomprehensibly and lunged forward. Peter brought his hand up astonishingly fast and his hand slapped open-handed against the baseball bat. And kept going, right through it. His hand completed the flattened circle and returned to it's previous position as the first slivers of baseball bat hit the floor. He readied himself for the kick in the balls and follow-up uppercut that would probably end the fight on their own, when suddenly Debbie's foot flicked out past him, travelling faster if anything than his own open-handed - open-clawed - swipe, and caught the thug in the bollocks with a meatily satisfying squelchy thud. He grunted once and doubled over, receiving Peter's still-human left hand in his face and twisting away, falling unconscious to the floor. And then Peter was conscious of a bright flicker passing by him and then Debbie had flattened the second thug with a single left hook. The third thug turned to flee, but Peter was ready for that. A leap cleared more distance than it had any right to and Peter landed heavily on the thug's back, both feet up, carrying him forwards and over onto his face. He gripped the thug's hair and raised his head off the ground, before smashing it forward with just slightly too little force to smash his skull. He looked up at Debbie, who stood over her man, not even breathing heavily. She asked, "Why didn't you use your mind power on them?" He stood. "No chance of hitting all three with what I used on you," he said, counting his points off on his fingers, now returned to normal, "the charisma area-effect thing doesn't work sufficiently well on people disposed to resist, and they had just spoiled a perfect night out. I was pissed." She looked at the baseball bat shards. "I can tell. How did you do that?" He shrugged. "Tell you later. C'mon, let's go to bed." "But-" "Don't press the point, Debbie. I'm sorry for stressing this, but I have a lot to do before I can even think of explaining." "Bu-" The force of the order overwhelmed Debbie's attempts to ignore it. "Of course, master. Very well." He took her arm, and they continued to walk back to Trinity Hall. The skies were beautiful, the night clear and almost silent; as Peter had said, it had been a perfect night out. But that didn't matter. Peter had to inform others of his suspicions. Duty came first; after that burden was lifted he'd be able to explain what was going on to Debbie. But not before. And, perhaps, not even then. *** "Do we have even the remotest idea what the whole thing is with this Bureau?" "They wouldn't like us if they knew about us," Alex told Jonathan. "They now know about us, and are therefore likely to attempt to take us out. We intend to do the same to them. First." "And... how exactly do you plan to do that?" "When we know what we face with some more precision, we will formulate the plan. Until then, mere superior intelligence will have to suffice." "Confident, aren't you?" "Yes, but only deservedly so. We've beaten everything so far. This is the only organisation we haven't put down right at the start, and I'm not sure why... clearly democracy failed. This must have been organised in closed session and not put through the House of Lords; we would have caught it there. I didn't actually think this country had the guts to do that, even in those days. They must have just tucked the funding away somewhere in the Budget under something completely different. And through sheerest luck, there weren't any breed left who weren't going into Lords rather than Commons by the time it happened. We never caught it." "So how did you find out now?" "Well, it's this abolition of the seats for hereditary peers. Duncan, for example, and one or two of the others, are actually interested in politics. Duncan stood for Commons in a by-election and got in. And he was looking through some old record - very old records - and this turned up. Naturally, he told us and we began the investigation." "And you haven't found much yet?" "No, just what we've told you. That's why we're trying this ploy; we're out of other avenues to explore. Whoever set this up had a nose for secrecy. And no one ever put them on a social-security list. We had no other option, so we took this one." *** Carver scratched his head and stared blankly at Trinity Hall from the Backs. This was bloody ridiculous. They had nothing to go on; nothing but a scratchy feeling on the back of Kirk's neck about Whyte. And that meant, by some leap of reasoning that utterly escaped Carver, that his son needed keeping an eye on. As far as Carver was concerned, Peter Whyte was pretty good evidence of Whyte senior's uninvolvement. Last time he'd checked, vampires had problems with the old reproduction thing. And so did pretty much everything else 15 had dealt with in the past. OK, Whyte could be a more recent addition to their ranks. But generally they made slips very quickly, and minor slips. He hadn't. If he'd made a slip - the debate still raged - it was a pretty phenomenal one. And no other slip they'd been able to pick up on. So he was watching Peter while Cokey kept tabs on Whyte. Which was bloody stupid because Cokey had been working on something else, not this at all. If she needed to be pulled onto this she should be watching Peter. Peter was so unlikely to have anything to do with this it wasn't even funny. It was just an insult. And to make matters worse, there was only something else he should be looking at round here that he couldn't. Some kind of super-fighter; the people assaulted claimed it was a man and his woman, which roughly translated down into one assailant. People always had to bolster their pride. But he'd seen what the guy had done to the baseball bat. Four slices at the same angle with uneven, probable claw marks all the way through the bat. Meaning four blades, or claws, all striking at once with roughly evenly balanced force. And cutting all the way through the baseball bat. Should not be possible. Absolutely should not be possible. *** Peter and Debbie had ended up sitting up all night and up until gone lunchtime the next day. Peter took the view that he simply couldn't afford to let her out of his sight until he got some sort of reply. He just didn't have the expertise necessary to make a judgement on his suspicions. And the final lowdown would have one hell of an impact on both of them. Or it wouldn't impact at all, which, given the alternative, was still a hell of an impact, if only to him. The sound of Richard Burton's voice filtered through from the next room; the old War Of The Worlds album was a favourite of Peter's neighbour. As a result, it was slowly becoming a favourite of everyone else on the floor; liking it was the only way to stay sane. Peter waited, and it was quickly replaced by Jeff Wayne amid a barrage of electronic music. He put a Morricone CD on in reply, and Wells duelled with Leone; Once Upon A Time In The West against the War Of The Worlds. He sat back and resumed watching Debbie. The prickle on the back of his neck had only intensified since ten o'clock this morning; he was definitely being watched. A Whyte was never wrong about such matters. But the observer could wait. If his suspicions were correct... If his suspicions were correct, then the breed would all be interested. A matter of paramount importance. The phone rang. He turned the Morricone CD off quuckly and banged on the wall. Jeff Wayne got louder. "This is your business too, Greene!" he roared. Jeff Wayne cut off immediately. Peter snatched the phone up, not even allowing himself a smile at the cessation of the music. The duty was too imminent for that. "Whyte here." "And here. We've been checking. She's actually on the list, but low down. Even for this day and age. Nevertheless permission is yours." "Understood," Peter said crisply. None of the elation he felt at this confirmation was present in his voice. "Good work, son. I'll leave you to it." "Thanks, dad." Peter cut the connection and put his mobile back down. He turned back to Debbie and smiled ruefully. Debbie wondered, as she always did, how genuine he was being. "I'm sorry to have to do this," he said. Debbie shivered as she saw the overlarge fangs become merely another pair in a jawline like New York, all his teeth seeming to run with saliva, which somehow didn't affect his speech. "But it is what must be done. I have been permitted." He took a step forward and reached out, one hand caressing her neck. His jaw opened wide. She tried to scream. She tried. STILL IN PROGRESS