Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Captive Teens "You shall remain prisoners here until I release you. Should I die, you will die. No one knows of your location. You have adequate food and water for thirty days. It is warm and dry. It is more than you deserve. When I succeed in my task, you will turned over to the police for prosecution." Karanaught stood over the man and woman, shotgun at the ready. "And if you fail?" "Then I will die. And so shall you." "And our children? What of them?" "They will accompany me. You will instruct them that your survival rests upon my success; it is in their best interest to offer every aid. If I fail, they may end up in slavery. The deal I have made is to deliver your children as partial payment for the payment you stole. These are very nasty people you cheated, asshole. Or you can face the Thai syndicate yourself, explain it all to their satisfaction. It'll save your children from becoming sex slaves like you made those other children." He waited for their response. They looked away. "I thought as much. You won't even do the right thing and die to protect your children from a horrible fate." Thornburton looked upon his enemy with undisguised hatred. He had been foiled in his efforts to murder the businessman and seize his assets. He had gambled all - and lost even more. He risked a sidelong glance at his wife and shrank at the loathing he read in her eyes. "And if they refuse to go with you or assist you?" "You die." Karanaught walked to the other room and called for the children. They trooped in sullenly, three lovely girls and a young boy. Thornburton turned to his four children and spoke without hope. "You must all go with Karanaught. If you value your mother's life, ensure that he is successful and returns within the thirty days. I can understand that you would have less concern for my life, but her fortune is tied with mine." The thirteen year-old nubile blonde Melody stood confused, tears in her eyes. The fifteen-year old twins, Charles and Glenda, glanced at each other with discomfort and at their father with brooding anger. Red-haired Theresa, the eldest at sixteen years, glared briefly at her father, then fell sobbing into her mother's arms. "Just to set the record straight - correct me, Thornburton, if I make any mistakes - your father's plan was to kill me and steal my assets through identity theft. Your mother was a willing accomplice. She seduced me, posing as a widow in distress. I must say that your mother, in addition to being quite beautiful, is a great lay and a very skilled cocksucker. Fortunately, from my point of view, they failed, but they have created a situation that may yet result in my death. They cheated a crime syndicate in Thailand using my identity. That crime syndicate has now issued a contract on my life. I am going to Thailand to set things right again. There is no time to lose - contract killers may already be upon me. Did I leave anything out, Thornburton?" The would-be assassin and thief glared at him, but made no reply. The children gaped in disbelief, first at their father, then at their mother. Theresa drew back from her mother in shock. "Mom! Say something! Don't tell me..." Theresa stepped back further as her mother's inability to meet her eyes communicated the truth of the situation. "We leave now." Karanaught spoke brusquely. "Get into the Suburban, all who are leaving with me." "May we leave this place, but not in your company?" Charles stood warily, measuring this stranger who had turned his life upside down in the last few moments. "You may, if you wish your parents to die. If any of you leave the group, they will die. Just as they will die if I die or am taken prisoner. But I will do nothing to stop you. If you join me, you will obey my instructions, however distasteful, dangerous, or unreasonable. Disobedience may result in the death of your parents. Let me be clear - I will not kill you but you may in your disobedience create a circumstance that will kill your parents. I am not the murderer your father and mother would be had they succeeded, though I am certainly a nasty character all the same, as you will discover." "You had better not hurt those children!" His voice was filled with contempt. "Linda, you should have thought of that before you tried to kill me. Your children will pay a hefty price for your perfidy." "Why are you taking us with you? Is there something that we must do?" Theresa, the protective elder child, moved to place herself between Karanaught and her siblings. He regarded her steadily. "No. Your presence merely ensures that your parents remain imprisoned until I return. You alone know where they are held; you can do nothing to aid me." "And if we overpowered you or killed you, what would prevent us from freeing our parents?" "That is the execution device." He pointed to a large mechanism with a digital readout mounted on the wall. "When that clock counts down to zero, chlorine gas is released. Their deaths will be slow and painful. If they tamper with the device or attempt to escape, it will go off and kill them. Each time I communicate with the device successfully, the clock will be reset for a period of time. If I am unable to reset the clock at the appropriate time, they die Choose now; I am leaving." Tarkenton turned his back on the group and strode to the Suburban. He started the engine. "Last call!" The teens looked at each other and quickly scrambled into the vehicle then looked back to watch their parents' cell dwindle into the distance. They had no doubt that no one would find their parents in this remote place. Nor did they doubt their captor's willingness to let their parents die. Somberly they turned forward to watch the narrow, winding road through the forest as they left their entire lives and all certainty behind. Hours later, they all sat over dinner at a truckstop. Karanaught distributed pieces of paper. "I need to know your clothing sizes, including shoes," he said. "Everything. Write them down." They slowly began writing their sizes as they finished their suppers. "Everyone pisses now. There won't be anymore stops for several hours." Tarkenton took the papers and went outside to the car. They could see him hunched over a laptop. "We could run away," Melody quavered. "Only if you wanted to be an orphan," Charles retorted somberly. "We do what he says, whatever he says, and when he says. I don't really believe that Dad and Mom did that, but I do believe that he will kill them." "So do I. At least, I'm not willing to risk it," intoned Theresa. "Like Charles said, whatever he tells us to do, we do. Glenda and Melody, let's go to the bathroom." "I'm not done," Glenda protested. "You're done! No delays, no trouble of any kind!" Theresa hurried her sister along fearfully. Long uncomfortable hours later, Tarkenton shook Theresa awake. "We're stopping. Wake them and get them into the house." Theresa shook her head groggily. They had driven all night; the sun was now rising over a vast, desolate desert - Nevada or Utah, she thought. She looked behind the SUV and saw a large brick house, the door standing open as Tarkenton stepped in. She reached into the back seat and shook Charles. "Wake up. Get into the house." She repeated her actions on the other twin, then got out. "Glenda, wake up Melody. Tell her to get into the house." Theresa looked around curiously as she followed Karanaught into the house. "Where are we?" He looked up at her from perusing the contents of the large commercial refrigerator. "A house I rented over the internet. We don't want people seeing us. I don't know who might be an assassin. Do you cook?" "Don't you?" "I've been driving all night and I'm tired. You'll be a lot happier with what you would fix. But I want it fast - I'm going to bed very soon." Sullenly she came to look into the refrigerator. "I'll make omelets, ok?" "Fine. This afternoon I have someone coming with clothes for all of us. The story is that we are a recent widower and his sad family here to grieve in peace. We left home immediately after the funeral and didn't feel like packing. A personal shopper from a department store has been instructed to be very discreet and bring a selection of clothes for all of us. You will each pick out clothing that will not be noticed, enough for a week without laundering. Make sure everyone knows the story and acts appropriately. Use your mother's name as the recently deceased. Right after breakfast, you will take the Suburban into town and shop for incidentals - feminine products, toiletries, that kind of thing, for all of us. There's a map on the kitchen table. While you're shopping, get the oil changed and whatever other service needs to be done. Go to K-Mart, it'll be inconspicuous." "How do you know I won't phone the police or someone to free my parents?" "I don't care. Any attempts to free your parents will result in their deaths. And that's ok with me. How about you?" He spoke casually, but convincingly. "Be back here by four - that's when the personal shopper will arrive. Outfit yourselves, then when you're all done, come wake me up so I can make my purchases." "How long will we be here?" "Until we leave. Any other questions?" "Can I use your laptop?" "It's a secure laptop. Any attempts to get past the security will erase the contents. And your parents will die. Use it if you like. Again, I don't care." "Are you going to kill them?" "No. I would prefer that they rot in prison - it's probably much more miserable than dying. And I hope to enjoy their humiliation during the trial. But if they die, that's ok, too." She stared at him hopelessly. "You're an animal." "I wasn't the one who tried to kill someone and take all their money. I didn't seduce anyone - fuck him to kingdom come while my husband watched - yeah, he watched. They had my house bugged. So who is the animal, Theresa?" The shapely red-haired petite teen wheeled and ran from the room. Evening... "Do you all swim?" The shopping was done, the personal shopper departed. Tarkenton had just come down from his bedroom in his swimsuit. "We're going to be swimming into Thailand and I don't want anyone drowning on me. Everyone out to the pool." "We don't have bathing suits." Theresa looked nervously at him. "You didn't tell me to buy swimming suits." "You'll have to swim in your underwear." "But we don't have bras! We'll be almost naked!" "No bras? Why not?" "We don't need them. We never wear them." "Then you'll swim topless. Shed the clothes. We'll swim twenty laps, that's about the distance we'll have to swim in Thailand." "No!" He shrugged. "Ok. My condolences to you four orphans." He turned and started walking back to the house. "Wait! We'll do it!" Melody shouted. She quickly removed her blouse, pants, shoes, and socks and stood meekly in her panties, arms folded over firmly conical pubescent breasts. Her sisters reluctantly followed suit. Charles looked away and stripped down to his tighty-whities. They all followed him to the large rock-bordered pool in the backyard. He lined them up at one end of the pool. "You'll follow me - just like when we go into Thailand. Twenty laps with no rest, no touching bottom. Let's go." He dove into the pool and began swimming. The four teens quickly followed. Twelve laps later, Melody faltered, floundered, and began to sink. Tarkenton quickly swam back and grabbed the tiny girl by the hair, pulling her to the side of the pool as she shrieked with panic and the pain of being hauled by her hair. He yelled at the others to continue until they finished the twenty laps. He pushed Melody onto the pool's edge, letting go only after she had latched onto it. He pulled himself out of the pool. He shouted to the swimming siblings, "You don't want to drown when we have to swim in Thailand. We have a short time here - you will all work out in the weight room and swim as many laps as you can, several times a day." He plunged back into the pool and continued his laps as well. Charles and Glenda managed seventeen and nineteen laps respectively before having to be pulled out the pool. Theresa and Tarkenton finished and pulled themselves up on the edge of the pool, Theresa shielding her naked breasts with her arms. Charles' cell phone rang. He hurried to pick it up and pushed a series of numbers, listening several times during the sequence. Theresa looked at him quizzically. "Your parents will stay alive awhile longer now," he said quietly. She looked away. "Does Glenda cook?" "Yeah. She's actually better than I am, why?" "You and I are going for a drive. She'll cook dinner while we're gone. It'll take about an hour. Tell her what to do, change your clothes, and meet me in the car." He stood and walked into the house. Theresa worriedly relayed the information to her siblings and hurried into the house. "Pay attention to where we're going. You have to make this drive tomorrow morning," he said. They drove away in silence. Twenty minutes later, Tark pulled over at the edge of the road overlooking a valley and got out of the vehicle, motioning for her to follow. "Park just like this, so the Suburban can be seen from below. It must be facing this direction and be parked on this side of the road. Pay attention to how it's parked. See, there's the house." He pointed below them at the house they had left twenty minutes earlier. "You may see a group of people over in that area," he pointed, "but if you see anyone at the house, you must tell me when I call you. You'll have a cell phone. You will be in the vehicle and you will all be wearing hats." He pointed out a log on the other side of the road. "This is one of those times that can get us killed if you screw up, ok? I'm meeting some very bad people tomorrow. It's important that you do everything just as I've shown you, ok?" She nodded, visibly scared. "Any questions? Now is the time to ask," "I can't think of any." "I've tried to think of them all. If you get scared, the best thing is to do nothing. Just wait - and that's very hard to do. But if anyone approaches you, drive away and drive away fast. Drive to the police station and tell them that someone scared you by following too close. Do not let anyone get close to you, understand? Your life will depend on it." "OK," she said tearfully. "If you see anyone at the house while I'm meeting the syndicate or someone tries to approach you, do not return to the house." He handed her a small notebook. "There are instructions there on what to do. There's another house about three hours from here. You will meet me there if anything goes wrong here. If you have any idea that someone is following you, go to the police. Obviously you can't tell them anything, just that you're being harassed and followed. They'll take care of the problem. Got it?" She nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks. He looked at her. "You've done really well until now. Why the tears now?" "I thought you were going to rape me." He started the car and swung the big rig back the way they had come. "I'm not going to rape you." She started crying in relief. "You are going to have sex with me willingly, enthusiastically. Tonight you will sleep in my bed." She abruptly stopped crying and stared at him incredulously. "No you're not! I'm not going to!" "If you won't, perhaps Glenda will. And if she won't, then I'll be forced to rape someone. If I have to rape someone, it will be Melody," he said quietly. The lovely teen stared at him, horrified. "Melody is a little girl!" "Your mother was a very enthusiastic sex partner. Talented, too. I don't expect you to be talented, but you will be enthusiastic. Or I'll have to try your sisters until I find someone with enthusiasm. Are you a virgin?" She nodded, speechless. "You can think about it. You have choices. You can try to get by reluctantly and hope that it will be enough to satisfy me, or you can really work on your attitude and make sure to satisfy me. Either way works, it's up to you. But if you seem reluctant and I'm not having fun, I'll be trying out your sisters. And I only have fun when my partner seems like she's having fun. Something to think about." He glanced at the stricken teenager. "I hope it can really enjoyable for you and me both. I'd really like that. But if I have to make a choice, it will be that it be enjoyable for me." Desperately, the shapely brunette bargained. "Perhaps in a few days I will come to really want to be with you, Tark..." "I may be dead tomorrow, Theresa. These are very bad people I'm meeting with tomorrow. And a contract killer could catch up with me at any time. I may not have time for you to want me, not that that would really happen anyway. I'm really sorry for both of us - I've never forced anyone to have sex with me before. But your parents have really fucked me good. And, unfortunately, you and your siblings have to pay part of the price. Choose now, Theresa. If you were hot for me, you would be snuggling up to me now, kissing and all that wonderful stuff. Tell me now with your actions, Theresa. Are we having fun tonight, or does Melody get raped?" "You would really...?" "Yes. I would and will. If I'm not having fun by the time we get back to the house, I will get out of this rig, pick up Melody, and carry her upstairs. I've never raped a girl before - some people enjoy it. Maybe I will. I'll sure as hell try to enjoy it." Sobbing quietly, Theresa shifted her body next to Tark's. She flinched a little when he put his arm around her. "Yeah," he said quietly, "this is what lovers do." He kissed her forehead. "Except for the crying. I know it's not fair to demand that you stop crying and do some smiling and laughing as if you were really having fun, but nothing about this whole damned situation is fair." She smiled weakly at him. He pulled the Suburban over to the side of the road and turned to her, gathering her in his arms. "You are a sweet girl, Theresa." He kissed her tenderly on her quivering lips. He gently pressed the kiss until she opened her lips to admit his tongue. He slid a palm over a modest but very firm braless breast, massaging it lightly, then released her, and brought the Suburban back onto the road, his arm still around her. "Will I get pregnant?" "You might. I'm not going to worry about it. If it happens, you can either give the baby up for adoption or have an abortion. Up to you. But I'm not going to hassle with any birth control stuff. This may be my last sexual experience. You will survive, Theresa; I probably will not. I'll be gentle and tender and make it as enjoyable for you as I possibly can. Something to think about." They arrived at the house. He kissed her as they approached the front door and took her hand as they entered. Charles and Melody goggled at the pair, noting the handholding, as they walked into the living room. "Is dinner ready," he asked them. "Just about," Charles returned sullenly, his eyes searching Theresa's face for some idea of what was going on; her downcast eyes surrendered no information. "Are you all right, Theresa?" "I'm ok. I'll help Glenda finish dinner," she murmured. She gently released herself from Tark and hurried into the kitchen. Tark went upstairs to his bedroom. Charles and Melody followed Theresa into the kitchen. "Why were you holding hands with him?!" demanded Charles. "Did he do anything to you?" She turned and confronted him. "Listen, we are trying to survive here and to keep Mom and Dad alive. And I will do whatever it takes to do that. He is demanding sex. If I don't accommodate him, he will take it from Glenda or Melody. Do your best to ignore us. He wants romance and happiness, so I will do my best to give him that. You will all pretend that he is my boyfriend. You will pretend to like him. Do you understand?" "Did he rape you," Melody asked, wide-eyed. "No, he hasn't done anything yet but kiss me and grope me a little. He's actually been nicer than some of the guys I've dated. But I am sleeping in his bed tonight. And you will all help me get through this by pretending it is normal." "You don't have to do this, Theresa," Glenda stammered, blushing. "I know you're a virgin. I'm not. Let me do it." Theresa stared. "What do you mean you're not a virgin? Since when? Who?" "That's none of your business," her sister retorted, lifting her head proudly. "But it's true. So, it should be me, not you." "Well, it's not going to be you, anyway, whether it is true or not. He has decided that I'm the girlfriend. There'll be no more discussion." "But how can we possibly pretend it's ok?" asked Charles heatedly. "It's not ok! It's rape!" "I don't care what he does to me, you just smile and pretend it's ok. If he strips me and rapes me on the table during dinner, I will pretend to love it and so will you. Remember, Mom and Dad will die if he decides we're not cooperating. And I believe with every fiber of my being that he will be glad to kill them." "What if he decides that you're not enough - that he wants Glenda or Melody?" Theresa looked each of them in the eye, one after the other, silently. Finally she spoke. "I am going to do everything I can to prevent that. I am going to be his slut and it's going to look like I love it. So don't be surprised at anything I do. Anything. But. If he can't be satisfied with my body, I expect each of you to do whatever you must to keep Mom and Dad alive." She smiled wryly, "Hopefully he doesn't like boys, Charles. But if he does, you will do it with a smile. Get it?" Charles gulped visibly. It evidently hadn't occurred to him that he might also be in danger of sexual indignities. "Ok," he whispered. Each sibling nodded his or her agreement to the challenge. Each sibling stared at the others, wondering who would be playing the sexual games with their captor. "The good news is that he doesn't seem to be want to hurt us. He wants to have a fun, romantic time because he thinks he may die soon. But he will rape one or more of us if he doesn't get fun and romance. So he gets fun and romance, ok?" They all nodded. "Do you think he will die. Will we?" Theresa looked troubled. "He thinks that he probably will and we won't. He's meeting some horrible people tomorrow - he says they may kill him then. We're going to be up on the hill behind the house, watching the meeting. At least he seems to be trying to protect us." "What if he gets killed tomorrow?" "We go to the police and tell them everything. Hopefully they will be able to save Mom and Dad. But I'm guessing that they won't be able to." Dinner was awkward. The siblings tried to keep the conversation going, but long uncomfortable silences occurred, provoked by Tark's romantic attentions toward Theresa and her forced attempts at returning them. Her sisters especially tried to keep a conversation going, hoping to delay the end of dinner and whatever unknown event might follow. "Thank you for a delicious dinner, Glenda. You did very well," Tark commented. "We will take a rest for an hour, then we will go back to pool for more exercise and swimming practice. Theresa, let's go upstairs." He stood and offered her his hand to lift her from her chair. She accepted with a smile her siblings could tell was forced." "Charles," she said, "would you and Melody do the dishes and clean up the kitchen?" Charles nodded mutely, stricken, then he watched his elder sister accompany her middle-aged soon to be lover up the stairs. He looked at his other sisters in disbelief, shook his head, and stumbled into the kitchen through sudden hot, blinding tears. Tark and Theresa stopped by the bedroom she had expected to share with Melody and gathered her clothes and incidentals, then carried them into Tark's bedroom. He assisted her in hanging her clothes in the walk-in closet and storing the other items in dressers and the bathroom as she continued her pretense of light heartedness and gaiety. "I'm glad you're cooperating. Thank you," he said, folding her into his embrace lightly. She shrugged, fighting to maintain a smile. "Whatever I can do to help," she said softly. "May I ask you some questions, personal questions? I know it's intrusive, but I'm really wanting to make this as easy for you as I can." "Sure," she gulped, her smile slipping. He kissed her and sat in a well-padded chair, taking her into his lap. He kissed her again; she cooperatively kissed him back with what she hoped passed for enthusiasm. "You're sixteen. You're a virgin, but you've probably had some experiences with boys. Will you tell me about them?" "This is supposed to help me?" she said incredulously. "Or are you just entertaining yourself?" "A little of both, to tell the truth. I want to know what experience you've had so I can guide you more easily through those things you haven't done before. And it will be interesting to me, entertaining if you prefer, as well." "I suppose you're going to insist?" "Yes, I think I will." She closed her eyes briefly and swallowed. "How do you want me to do this?" "Just tell me about your experiences. Start with your first and end with your most recent." "I could just lie, you know. Tell you I had no experience, or make things up." "I can probably tell the difference. You don't seem to be an accomplished liar. I've been in business for a long time - knowing when someone is lying is very important in business so I've become quite accomplished at detecting lies. It will go much easier for you if you tell the truth. The whole truth." She quailed at the implied threat. He had done nothing yet, but she was afraid that he would be willing and that once he began mistreating her and her siblings that it would remove his reluctance to mistreat them further. She steeled herself to tell all the embarrassing details in full. "I was twelve," she started. "Steve was my neighbor and I had a crush on him. He was older - fifteen. I used to hang with him a lot. No one thought anything about it - they all thought it was cute, a little tomboy following him around. And he was always very kind. He was the kind of person everyone trusted. I went to his house one day during the week. I t was July so we were out of school. His mom and dad both worked, like mine, and I wasn't supposed to be at his house with no parents around, but there wasn't anyone around to enforce the rules, so I was often there anyway. I couldn't find him at first. He was usually in the family room, playing computer games when I came over. I looked around for him and finally went to his bedroom. He was there, looking at something on his computer. He quickly closed whatever it was. He seemed really tense, but pretended he was glad to see me... "What are you doing?" "Oh, just playing on the computer. What's up?" "I'm bored. Thought I'd see what you were doing. What were you playing? Did you get a new game?" "Uh, no. Just surfing the `net." "Oh, that's fun. We can't do that when Mom isn't around anymore," she giggled. "Charles got caught looking at porn and Mom hit the roof. Now they've put a password on the internet and Charles hasn't figured out what it is yet." He laughed hollowly. "Looking at porn, huh? Just Charles?" "Well, all of us looked at it a little, except Melody. It was kinda funny. But Charles is the one that started it and he's the one that got caught. Do you look at porn on the internet?" He reddened. "Well, everyone does. Some." "Is that what you were doing? Is that why you closed the browser?" She grinned at him, enjoying his discomfort. "Well, yeah. Does that bother you?" "No. I thought it was funny, looking at some of the stuff. Want to?" "I don't know... I'd get in trouble if my parents found I showed you porn." "You don't think I would tell!?" Theresa's tummy tightened at the thought of looking at porn with Steve. Maybe he would finally notice she was a girl. "Well, I guess not. You've always kept secrets before. Are you sure you want to?" "Yeah," she shrugged. "It'll be fun." She pulled up another chair and sat next to him. "Let's look at what you were looking at when I came in." He looked at her for a long moment speculatively, then brought up the browser again, selecting the option to resume from last session. "This is Opera. It's faster than Internet Explorer and let's me start again where I left off," he explained. The website he returned to was called "These are stories mostly, though some stories are illustrated with pictures. You can search for the kinds of stories you like or for anything else. Do you want to read stories or look at pictures. We should go to a different website if you want to look at pictures." "I like stories best, but illustrated stories would be nice. Do you pay for this?" "No, it's free, but I make donations every now and then. I don't want it to go away. It's my favorite site for stories. There are thousands and thousands of stories." He began navigating to the illustrated story area of the website. "What kind of stories do you like?" "Guys and girls, teenagers like us. I like them to be funny and romantic. I don't care for the others. How do you make donations?" "I have a checking account with a debit card. Have you read a lot of these kind of stories, Theresa?" "Some. Your parents don't find out, about the donations?" He shrugged. "They don't look at my checking account. They set it up so I wouldn't keep forgetting lunch money. There are ATMs at school." He selected a story about teenagers and waited for it to load. "Cool. That's neat, having your own debit card. What's this story about?" "I don't know. I haven't read it. The codes are mff ff first time, so it's about teenagers having sex for the first time, I guess. Want to read it together?" "How about if we take turns reading it. And you can read when guys talk and I'll read when girls talk. It'll be fun." They read through the story about two teen girls spending the night together. They practice kissing together and end up getting each other off. Later, the bolder girl helps the more timid girl seduce a boy and both girls have sex with the boy. "Do you suppose these things ever really happen?" Theresa's excitement had moved from her tummy to a now moist area between her legs and her tight nipples. The pictures had been exciting as well. She had found herself salivating at the pictures of the girls sucking the boy's cock, though the pictures of the girls taking a hard cock in their cunts had intimidated her. She had never put anything in herself, but she rubbed herself often during her baths. He shrugged, his pants uncomfortably tight. As exciting as reading naughty stories and looking at sex pictures had been before, it was much more exciting hearing Theresa read part of the stories and reading part to her. "I don't know. It's never happened to me the way it happens in the stories." "Would you want it to?" "Sure. That's why people write the stories. It's the kind of thing that people get excited about happening to them. So they make up stories that they wish were happening to them. Or maybe they write about things that really did happen. And that's why people like reading the stories - they want those things to happen to them, too. Don't you think so?" "I don't know. I've never thought about those things actually happening to me. I just liked reading about people doing those things. Has anything like that ever happened to you?" "Well, a little. Not the sex part, just seeing someone naked." "Will you tell me about it? That would be much more exciting than these stories!" "I'm not sure. She wouldn't like it if I told. If I told you about it, would you have a story to tell me?" "You don't have to tell me who it is, that way she wouldn't care. I haven't done anything at all, but I could tell you a story about someone else. A true story - I saw it." "Well, ok. Want to keep looking at pictures while we tell stories?" "Ok." He navigated to and logged in, then select one of his groups - JohnSaxton. "I like this one. There are links to stories in the links section and a lot of good pictures. They claim they are real people, not just models." He went to the photo area and selected an album then started slowly moving through the pictures. "Hmm. How can I tell you this story without you knowing who it is?" "I know her?" "Yes, you do. I guess I'll have to leave out details that would identify her. If you do happen to guess who it is, you won't say anything will you?" "No, of course not. When did it happen?" "Last summer... this is hard to tell without giving too much information, Theresa. I'm not sure I should tell you." "Oh, go on. Even if I figure it out, I won't tell anyone." "Ok. I guess. My sister has lots of friends stay with her, right? So that doesn't really give anything away. It was one of those girls. We had all been swimming in the pool that afternoon and she had been really friendly, you know? Most of Erin's friends snub me because I'm two years younger, but she was really friendly, really nice to me. And she kept giving me these sexy looks whenever my sister wasn't looking." "Was she really hot looking?" "She was nice looking, but not super.. well, we're getting into too much detail here, Theresa. She was good looking. Nicely put together. Late that night I went for a swim before going to bed - it helps me sleep. She came down to the pool and told me that my sister was asleep but she wasn't tired. She ended up coming in to swim, too." "She was in her bathing suit." "Sure, how else would she go in the pool?" "I thought maybe she stripped and jumped in with you," Theresa grinned. "You've been reading too many of those stories," he laughed. "She was even friendlier without my sister around and we ended up kissing in the deep end. She was giggling and laughing the whole time." "So she took off her bikini?" "Not then. Someone might have seen. She said she needed to shower before she changed into her nightgown, but she didn't want to wake my sister. I told her she could shower in my bathroom." "How very helpful of you," Theresa smiled. He grinned. "So she showered, but she had left her nightgown in my bedroom instead of taking it into the bathroom. She came out in a towel and, looking me in the eye, dropped the towel and changed into her nightgown." "That's all?" He shrugged, "She kissed me again then went to my sister's room. That was it." "That was mean - she teased you." "I was sure sorry she didn't let me touch her or anything, but I was glad that I at least got to see her naked." "I still think it was mean. Did she at least let you look a long time?" "A few minutes. She stood and toweled off, bent over and everything. She let me see all of her. She even opened her legs wide and pulled her pussy lips apart so I could see inside. But every time I moved or reached toward her, she pulled away. Sorry that's all there is to the story - really sorry." "Well, that was what happened. It's still exciting." "So what's your story?" "It happened just a few weeks ago. It was one of my baby-sitters and her boyfriend." "Do I know them?" "I doubt it. They're both in college and they don't live close. Mom knows her - she's an intern at the office." "What happened?" "After all of us kids were asleep, I woke up. I heard some noise coming from the living room. I snuck out real quiet to see what it was. The lights were off except for the dining room light - it shines into the living room - and the television was on. There was a porn movie on television." "Do your parents have porn movies?" "Yeah. They don't know I found them, but they have a few. They're fun to watch, but I almost never get to. Either my parents or the other kids are home almost all the time." "Maybe you could bring one over here. I've got a DVD player here in my room." "That would be fun. I'll bring one sometime." "So what happened?" "Evidently her boyfriend had come over after I had gone to bed - he hadn't been there before and I don't think he was supposed to be there. My parents have never allowed baby-sitters to have boyfriends come over. But he was there. They had been watching the porno movie, but they weren't paying attention to it when I saw them. They were both naked. He was sitting on the couch and she was sucking him." "Really?! Wow! That must have been great to see that. What did she look like?" "She's a brunette with largish boobs, kinda saggy. They were hanging and swinging while she sucked him and he was playing with them. She seemed to like that. She was pretty, though it was a little hard to tell with her mouth full like that," she giggled. "Girls are always more beautiful like that," he mumbled. "Oh, you think so!" She laughingly slapped his leg, noticing a bulge in his pants. "What did it look like when she was sucking him? Was it like these pictures?" She frowned, looking at a couple of the images as he paged through them. "He wasn't nearly as big as most of these guys. But she seemed to really like it anyway. She was really moving on him, using her hand, too. And she was slurping really loud," she explained. "What happened next?" "He came in her mouth and she opened her mouth so he could see it. Then she swallowed it." "Cool! Then what?" "She got up and sat on his lap and they kissed for awhile." "He kissed her after she sucked him? Wow. Did he do it to her?" "I don't think so. It looked like she was just sitting in his lap, kissing him. He was touching her all over, though. He started kissing her boobs and playing with her nipples, then she got up and told him it was her turn. He laughed and then he got on his knees after she sat down and spread her legs wide. He started kissing her down there and kept feeling her up until she screamed a little and pushed him away. It took awhile. He got up and they cuddled for awhile. He tried to get on top of her, I guess he wanted to have sex, but she pushed him off and sucked him for just a few minutes then told him he had to go home. That was it. I snuck back to my bedroom while she was kissing him goodbye at the door. She was still naked, though." "Was the door open?" "No, silly. Someone might have seen them. They kissed and he touched her some more then she pushed him out the door." "Wow. Great story! You actually saw someone naked and having oral sex! That's a lot better than my story!" "Except your story happened to you. I just watched the people in my story." There was a moment of silence. They watched a few more images go by. The album was pretty much all women with pronounced tanlines, many of them having sex with men or other women. "These don't look like the others - they look like models," Theresa commented. "Yeah, the album was titled as Tanlines. I guess this John Saxton guy really likes tanlines." He shot her a grin; Theresa had quite pronounced tanlines from her frequent use of their pool. Theresa stuck her tongue out at him. "Would you rather have your own story, where it was you instead of someone else," he asked. Her throat tightened. "I guess." "We could, uh, do something. Then we'd have our own story." He didn't look at her, just watched the pictures changing on the monitor. "I don't have any tits yet. And I don't want to have sex. I'm too young." "You're still pretty. I would like to see you naked. And you could see me. We don't have to do anything." Another long pause. "You think I'm pretty?" "Yeah, of course. Your face is a lot prettier than most of these women. And you have a nice butt and good legs." She fairly glowed at his praise, her pulse quickening. "Will you still like me? I wouldn't be a slut if I let you see me? You would still let me hang around when you have friends over? You wouldn't be ashamed of me?" He looked at her, surprised. "Theresa, you are one of my best friends. I take some heat because I hang out with you and let you hang out with me and my friends, but they all admit that you're cool. And you wouldn't be a slut just `cause you let me see you. I don't think you're capable of being a slut." "I'm afraid you'll just want to look at me and that's all you'll want to do from now on. I trust you not to tell anyone - you wouldn't would you?" He shook his head solemnly. "But I'm not sure I trust you to still like me for me, to still want to do things with me that we've always done. I don't want to ruin our friendship." "I promise that it won't hurt our friendship - it'll make it closer, don't you think? And we'll still do all the things we like to do together. Promise. OK? "Well, ok, but you first." "What do you want me to do?" She shrugged, "I don't know, just take off your clothes, I guess." "How about if we do it together?" She eyed him speculatively. "Well, ok. Let's take off our shoes and socks first, they don't count." They both bent to remove shoes and socks. She placed hers neatly next to the closed door; he just dropped his next to the bed. "T-shirt first?" He said. She nodded. "You first." He pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the bed, smiling nervously. He struck a muscleman pose, prompting her to laugh. Then he stood, waiting. "Well, I don't have anything on top anyway. I look a lot more like you than the girls you look at on the internet," she said, pulling her arms into her t-shirt. She looked at him and blew her breath out, then lifted the t-shirt over her head. She self-consciously turned and neatly laid the t-shirt on the bed behind her, aware that she didn't have anything more than bumps to show him. She then stood before him, blushing. She felt an urge to cover her nipples with her arms, but forced her arms to stay at her side. His intent gaze seemed to inspire them to rise and harden. "Your turn, she smiled nervously." He bent to unsnap his 501s then hesitated before pushing them to his ankles and stepping out of them. He dropped them on top of his t-shirt. He smiled at her with nervous encouragement as she glanced at the lump in his briefs. She answered by quickly skimming her shorts off and placing them, folded, on her t-shirt. She turned back to him to see that he had clearly enjoyed watching her as she moved about in her small cotton undies. "I don't have sexy undies. Mom won't buy them." "You look wonderful in those, Theresa." "But I'll look better out of them?" She laughed nervously, sticking her tongue out at him. He nodded enthusiastically, comically - prompting a genuine laugh from the young girl. "You first." He paused, looked into her eyes, and the smile left him. "Uh, can we do it... I mean, it would be really neat if you took mine off and I took yours off. Can we?" She was surprised at a flicker of sexual hunger running through her body alloyed with nervous tension. "Well... if you don't touch, just take them off." He nodded. She slowly approached him, unconsciously licking her lower lip as she watched his face. "Turn around," she said. He turned. She grasped the elastic band at the top of his briefs and tugged downward, then tugged again harder. They slid down, but then caught, unseen by her, on his achingly hard prick. "What's wrong," she asked. He turned to her and motioned toward his painfully bent hard-on. She flushed and carefully took hold of the waistband on each side of the obstruction and lifted it over and down. She pushed his underwear to his ankles, bending to one side, and removed them as he lifted first one foot then the other. She stared curiously at his cock, remembering what she had seen her baby-sitter do. A light shudder ran through her frame as an image of his cock in her mouth came to her mind. "My turn," he croaked. He cleared his throat and smiled at her tenuously. She nodded slightly. He dropped to his knees before the slender, petite redhead and grasped the waistband of her panties. She watched his face as he began slowly drawing her last bit of clothing down her coltish legs, his eyes focused on the v between her legs. His breath caught as her nether lips were revealed, a light reddish fuzz covering but not concealing her sex. He almost subconsciously puzzled over a light pleasing fragrance in the air. He slowly slid her panties down, his focus entirely upon her downy lips. He was startled as she put her hand on his shoulder as she lifted first one foot then the other from the puddled panties. He continued kneeling, studying her intently as she watched him nervously. "May I touch you?" He voice whispered hoarsely. She hesitated for a long moment, then nodded. Realizing that he couldn't see her head nod with his attention focused on her crotch, she whispered, "gently, not inside." His fingertips tentatively traced the lips of her sex as he thrilled at the feel of her sparse downy covering and the buttery soft lips. Her breath caught, then was released a moment later in a sigh as she watched him stroke and carefully examine her most private treasure. She shuddered as his hand reached through her slightly open legs and stroked the bottom curve of her rounded butt. She hungrily absorbed his tender, loving fascination with her body and with its silent acceptance and praise of her form. She no longer felt inadequate because of her lack in maturity and curves - he was clearly caught up in rapt enjoyment of her body. She hungered for more of his approval. "Wait," she murmured and slowly walked to the bed. He stood and turned to face her. She sat on the edge of the bed and slowly spread her legs, intently watching his absorption and wonder at her revealed beauty. He glanced up at her face and smiled gently; she returned his smile and bit her lip as he reached for the now fully exposed sex. She felt a rush of heat course through her body as his fingers returned to her tender lips. She felt his other hand move over her abdomen, up her tummy and then stop to explore her tender nipples and the bulge of her prepubescent breast. His fingers continued to explore the satiny lips of her virgin sex as his other hand roamed from one breast and back to the other. She shivered as she felt his breath tickle her pussy hairs. "Enough," she commanded, placing a hand protectively over her little girl cunt. "It's my turn to look at you and touch you." He rose from his worshipful posture between her open thighs and leaned over her, kissing her nipples then first touched his lips to hers in a simple, innocent kiss belying the intimacy they had already shared. She sighed and her eyes closed at the gentle meeting of their lips and softened her own lips against his. The sudden remembrance brought by the pressure of his naked body against hers and the new experience of a hard cock nestled against her tender, girlish sex interrupted her kissing with confusion and alarm. She pushed, not gently, her friend and now partner in sexual exploration away from her nakedness and pressed the offensive until they were both standing again, safely away from the soft, tempting bed. "My turn to look and touch, Steve. Sit on the bed, please." She kissed him again, scarcely needing to bend to meet his lips. Again she sighed, then, standing very close to him, ran exploring hands down his body as he had down with her. She tweaked his nipples, looking into his eyes quizzically. The widening eyes and slow smile answered her question; she smirked and pressed on, kneeling now between his legs and pushing his thighs apart with dainty but impatient hands. She knelt and looked at his bobbing hardness, seemingly pulsing with each heartbeat. She marked the bulbous, mushroom like head and its dark color irregular at the edges. She measured in her mind the length of his stalk and noted the mottled color, the irregular bits of flesh immediately below the crown. She puzzled at the coiling flesh of his scrotum, the outlines of the balls within manufacturing sperm that would gladly fertilize the monthly eggs in her child-woman's body given any slender opportunity. She reached forward and tenderly grasped her first manstalk, marveling at the hardness under such delicate flesh. Her fist slip up to encounter the bulk of the head, then opened to enclose it, feeling the heavy spongy mass throb under her touch. Her hand reached, fingertips exploring gently the folds and wrinkles of the scrotal sac then carefully lifting, hefting the mass of that most sensitive of male organs. She drank in the sights and scents of the aroused male child and knew that she would never be quite the same, consumed by a new primal force welling up, awakened within her. She recognized her own scent of arousal mixing with his in the summer morning air. Her hand formed around his length and slowly stroked its length as her cunt lips swelled in arousal. She was suddenly aware of sound of her breathing and his, filling the air with the gently hurried music of lust. She pressed his hardness within her palm and stroked once more then started at the spurt of pearly male essence erupting from its tip and the several that followed, landing on his chest and abdomen as he spent himself with a groan. She looked in wonder at his cum splattered body, then laughed in delight that she had made him erupt. She watched in wonder as his cock softened, shrank and wilted to lie against him, spent. She nudged the resting much reduced organ with the tip of her finger, then took the wobbly nubbin into her hand amazed at the sudden and complete change in size, shape, and consistency only to feel it slowly begin to fill and harden again. She laughed softly, entranced as it grew to fill her palm and continue. She looked up to see him watching her sheepishly, a much softer light in his eyes than had glowed there moments before. She grinned at him and stood, thoughtfully, then disappeared into his bathroom to emerge a minute later with a warm, wet washcloth. She bathed his spattered body tenderly, removing the sticky evidence of their wanton play. She bent to kiss him, thrilling again at the contact between their nude bodies and then took the washcloth to the bathroom hamper. Because his sister was usually home, the two were rarely able to repeat their dalliance. Aware that her apparent tomboyish innocence and the evident platonic nature of their relationship provided their greatest defense, the couple took pains to ensure that nothing seemed to change while stealing opportunities to revel in kisses, caresses, and occasional perusal of nakedness. Months later, Theresa first took a swollen cockhead into her inquisitive mouth. Soon after that, Steve explored the mysteries of her sex with his tongue, savoring her taste. Often thereafter, as often as could be arranged, Theresa drank his sperm and Steve tasted her virginal spend. They often discussed the eventual loss of their virginity, straining cock in newly opened vaginal splendor, but chose to continue pleasing each other with lips and tongues. Because they could not be boyfriend-girlfriend and retain the freedom they savored and exploited, both occasionally dated other people. Steve, now expert in kissing and relatively wise to feminine mysteries, found himself much in demand by appreciative teenage girls. He tasted many kisses and fondled naked tits and cunts, but refused to endanger his younger lover by exposing her to sexually transmitted diseases. He developed a reputation as a tender, discreet, and generous massager of feminine charms capable of delivering delicious climaxes with his hands and mouth-on-mouth kisses alone. Theresa, being younger and tomboyish, dated infrequently and preserved the image of wide-eyed innocence. Occasionally wrestling matches ensued, netting her date with a hastily palmed breast or pussy mound, but these came at a price - no further dates and painful injuries inflicted on sensitive areas. No one but Steve ever viewed her increasingly feminine attributes. No one but Steve enjoyed her astonishingly capable cocksucking talents. ... and that's my story. Here I am virginal, except that Steve tells me that I give great head. Perhaps you would be satisfied with a very willing cocksucker instead of..." Her moist eyes searched his face for mercy. " No, I guess you wouldn't," she sighed. "Three years of saving my cherry for Steve - and you're going to get it instead." He kissed her tenderly. "Sorry, little one. I'm afraid Steve is just going to miss out. It's up to you whether you tell him or not - I'm certainly not going to." "You forget, Charles, Glenda, and Melody know I'm your fuckslave. They won't all be able to keep a secret like that, even if I chose to deceive Steve. Which I won't." "Will he be angry?" "With you, yes. Very angry. He'll want to kill you if you're not already dead - maybe even then. Though he wouldn't. He wouldn't even kill a rapist like you. But with me he'll be very sensitive, very tender and he'll cry with me over my stolen, long anticipated gift for him. But now you know my life story, exposed for you fun and games. You're the only one who knows. Are you going to further damage me by telling my siblings about my sexual relationship with Steve? They'd be quite astonished, you know. Very surprised. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. "I'm cruel, I know, but your secret is safe with me." "Thank you. I mean that. You confuse me - you are a cruel rapist, taking my virginity by threatening to rape my sister, a little girl, yet you treat me tenderly. It doesn't make sense." "I have always - up until now - been tender and loving in my relationships with women. I can't tell you how sorry I am that you have to pay this price for your parent's sins. I really am very sad about that. I never would have had the opportunity to make love with you, but if I had I would have cherished you tenderly and carefully. Tonight I will rape you with all the tenderness and love I can invest in such a horrifying act, because I desperately want to taste that tenderness and affection before I die." "Were you this way with Mom? Tender and loving, I mean?" He laughed bitterly. "Oh, yes. She was the lost and lonely widow, needing solace and tender lovemaking to ease her burden. I wined and dined her, laughed with her and cried with her. I took her on business trips with me and we made long, sweet, delicious love. Your mother - in the guise of that despairing widow - was the best lover I'd ever known and, I thought, a soul mate. And it was all a lie. She intended for me to die and she was going to take my money and property." "What was their plan? What do you think they were going to do?" "She used the business trips to steal my identity. Then she and your father made contacts with the criminal world in Thailand and began buying and selling sex slaves." Theresa gasped in horror. "Yes, it's true. Your parents are slavers of the worst variety. After several months of buying and selling sex slaves - little girls like Melody, quite often - they established trust in my name. Then they sold twenty young girls, American virgins, for a huge sum. Over five million American dollars. They took the money - and stiffed the buyers. They didn't have the twenty young American girls. Never did. Had no intention of delivering. Meanwhile, I am totally in the dark, bringing my lover roses and drinking champagne from her pussy while she skillfully sucked my cock - you aren't the only great cocksucker in your family, believe me. It was ten days ago that they took the money and ran. The delivery was supposed to be a week ago. Now I am being pursued by international hit men with a million dollar price on my head." "How did you find out?" "I have a friend in military intelligence. My name started appearing in communications they were monitoring in terrorist groups - yes, terrorist groups. There's some overlap between organized crime and terrorists, I guess. Not surprising. They did some investigation and found out about the fraudulent sale. It was apparent to them that someone was using my identity - the physical description was all wrong. Fortunately, the hit men are looking for a six-three blonde man with dark roots and a rose-colored birthmark on his neck." "Dad," the horrified teen gasped. "Yes, your dad. They also have a good description of your mom. My understanding is that she helped your dad kidnap girls in third world countries. They posed as missionaries, of all things, on aid missions. Your mother gained the confidence of the young girls and invited them on a shopping trip into a nearby city. Their families never saw the girls again. They would later appear on the streets and whorehouses of Thailand. Your mother has been gone a lot, hasn't she? She's either been fucking me, quite expertly, or stealing little girls and selling them into sex slavery." "I don't believe you, you know. My parents wouldn't do that." Theresa's eyes were filled with pain and misery - and passionate denial. "I don't expect you to. I don't want you to. If you believed me, you might not care if I kill your parents and walk away from me. I want you to stay." "So I can be your sex slave. Isn't that what you're making me? A sex slave?" "Yes, it is. I wish it could be otherwise, but I will not die without taking as much pleasure as I can first. Besides, your parents didn't care enough to save you. They could have, but didn't." "How?" "Your parents think I am going to deliver all four of you as sex slaves to the Thai syndicate." "You're lying!" Theresa gasped in pain. "My parents wouldn't do that to me! Not to Charles and Glenda and especially not to Melody! They love us!" "I'll admit they had a hard choice. They could let you be sold as sex slaves - or they could face the Thai syndicate themselves, in person. They would have died a horrible death without question. They chose to live and to let you become sexual playthings for disgusting men and women in Thailand." "I can't believe this. I won't believe this. Why would I believe you - you who are going to rape me tonight." He shrugged. "So don't believe me. Believe what you will." He consulted his watch. "It's time for swimming classes. Let's go." He lifted her from his lap and, standing, took her into his arms for a kiss. "Don't forget the enthusiasm," he smiled, bitterly. He kissed her again as she responded with all the fake enthusiasm she could muster. "When we go swimming, you will not cover yourself like you did this afternoon. You will leave your arms at your sides and you will maintain an erect posture. You will instruct your sisters to do the same." "So you can get a good eyeful, I suppose." "Yes, so I can enjoy looking at three topless nubile young girls." She stifled her anger, afraid that he would go further if she protested. "OK. They will be presented for your viewing pleasure." He kissed her again, and then he unbuttoned her blouse slowly, gazing into her eyes. She tried not to flinch, but her anguish spoke in her hopeless but carefully constructed pose of indifference. "We might as well get you ready for the swimming lesson, yes?" He opened the blouse and pushed it back on her shoulders, exposing her firm breasts to his appreciative gaze. He bent and kissed each nipple, then unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. He slid them down her muscular but very feminine legs and waited for her to lift her feet before removing them and tossing them onto the bed. He gently cupped her pudenda in his hand and kissed her again. After he released her from the kiss and his embrace, he watched her firm panty-clad ass and lithe body as she walked to the bed and shook the pants out, then hung them in the closet. She then returned to him and looked up at him expectantly. He kissed her again; she returned his kiss with faked ardor. "Wouldn't you rather just go to bed, Tark," she breathed. "You've got a hot virgin pussy waiting for you." "Your love for your sisters is admirable, Theresa. You are willing to accelerate your loss of your virginity so you can save your sisters from being ogled topless. That is really wonderful. But it won't work. Sorry. It really is important that they be able to swim that distance - that's a reality. It will be a life-and-death reality, so you need to help me whip them into shape if you want to save their lives. My enjoyment of their topless state is just a fringe benefit for me." "It doesn't bother you that we'll be topless in front of our own brother?" "Not at all. When I was his age, I would have been thrilled to see my sisters naked, and they weren't nearly as beautiful as you three are. I'm doing him a favor." "I doubt he'll thank you for it. Under other circumstances, I know he would enjoy it, but not with you forcing it on us. It doesn't bother you that my sisters and I will be mortified to be seen topless by our brother?" "Nope. Not a bit." Theresa turned and started walking toward the stairs. "Don't forget that you're my fun loving playmate. Why don't you ride down the stairs on my back. Laugh a little." She turned, mustering a smile, and kissed him passionately. "Why don't you just fuck me on the kitchen table right in front of them. That should be amusing." "Hmm. Not tonight. Tonight will be special, private, romantic. Maybe tomorrow, though." The topless teen shuddered with fear that he might just do exactly that and resolved to keep her mouth shut - whenever she wasn't busy sucking his cock. That thought sent another shudder through her body. She jumped onto his back and tried to laugh convincingly. It took several efforts before it sounded slightly credible to her own ears. She saw her siblings stand from the couch where they had been pretending to watch television while speculating on what he had been doing with her upstairs. She let herself drop from his back and walked around him to confront the silent three. They rocked in shock at her panty-clad form. Tark watched them, amused. "It's time for swimming and work outs. We'll swim until we can't swim anymore, then we'll break for a half-hour before going to the exercise room. We'll swim again after exercising, then turn in for some sleep. This is for your benefit. I'm not kidding or even exaggerating when I tell you that we will have to swim a half-mile into a Thai beach. If you cannot swim that distance, you will drown and I won't be able to do anything about it. If you want to live, you will learn to swim more than a half-mile without rest." "Now I have to go prepare the pool. You've got about ten minutes - be at the pool in ten minutes or less, capice?" They all nodded fearfully. He turned and walked away. "Are you all right," Glenda asked Theresa? "Cover yourself! Charles is here!" "I'm fine. He still hasn't done anything much - some kissing and touching a little. But he will be taking my virginity tonight, no question about it. I don't want you all to be worrying about it. I've decided that I'm going to make the best of it that I can. I don't have a choice, so I'm going to try to enjoy it." "Enjoy it!" The three spoke at once, explosively. "Yes, enjoy it. You've heard the saying, just lie back and enjoy it. I can't fight it, so I'm going to do my very best to enjoy it. Don't be shocked at anything I do - it's for our benefit, not his. But you're not getting out of it scot-free either, I'm sorry to say. Girls, you will be swimming just as I am. You are to keep your arms at your side - no hiding your breasts." Both girls gasped. "And your posture will be correct - push those titties out there. He wants to see them standing high and proud. I suggest that you do as I am doing - pretend with every fiber of your being that you are with someone you love. He will get what he wants - whether you're willing or not. You will be able to keep more dignity if you do it willingly." "What if he wants to..." Melody quavered. Theresa took her into her arms and held her lovingly. "I am doing everything in my power to prevent that. Everything. If I have to have sex with him with you all watching, it will be worth it if he is satisfied and doesn't rape you. And I will do just that if I think it will help, do you understand? I need your cooperation. You all need to keep a smile on your face and fake a good attitude. If he does something to you, pretend to like it - laugh if you can. Hopefully, I will see what is going on and I will divert his attention to me - whatever it may take to accomplish that." "Remember this - it's really important. What he really wants it to be loved and appreciated. It's hard to believe, but I think he's hurting a lot and very enraged. He's taking it out on me. He admits it and even apologizes for it, but he's doing it anyway. So try to be friendly and loving toward him. There will be time when we're all safe and away from him to scream and cry and try to get him killed - if he's still alive." "Why wouldn't he be alive?" "It's a long story and I don't know how much if any of it I believe. But the story is that he thinks he's going to be killed soon. And he wants to be loved and take pleasure in life before that happens. I really do think he's very afraid and very sad - and murderously angry with our parents. That much I believe." Melody spoke through tears even as she tried valiantly to stem them. "Are we going to be killed, too?" "No, honey. We won't. He has said a lot about what to do when and if he is killed. And he's protecting us when he goes to meet those criminals tomorrow. We will be up on the hill in the Suburban, wearing hats so they can't tell we're just kids. If he gets killed or if anyone tries to approach us, we drive away as fast as we can to the nearest police station." "Why don't we just do that anyway." "Because Mom and Dad will die if we do." "Oh." "Now girls, strip down to panties. Charles, please be kind to us and don't look at us - this is horrible enough as it is. But don't appear to be looking away. If he wants you to look at us, to talk about how pretty we are, do what he wants and pretend to like it. Hell, you might really like it," she smiled quaveringly. "But if you can, your sisters would appreciate it if their brother didn't gawk at them, ok?" He nodded somberly then turned his back as Melody and Glenda began stripping. Four hours of exhausting swimming and working out in the exercise room followed, each dedicated to the task, firmly believing that their life depended on being able to swim the half mile. During the grueling session, Tark frequently admired the high, firm cones on the young girl's chests and the panty clad firm butts, not to mention the hidden clefts whose contours were clearly revealed by the clinging panties. He did not, however, require Charles to participate, nor did he tease or otherwise cause the girls additional discomfort. Nor did he cause Theresa additional outrage by touching her, other than occasional kisses and embraces. But it was all too much for her younger sister. John brusquely ended the swim session. "Ok. Enough swimming. Let's go to the exercise room. We'll take a fifteen minute break, then we'll start exercising." "No," Glenda said sullenly. "I'm done. I'm finished. I'm going in to bed. Fuck you." She stood, hands on hips, breasts heaving with the exertion of swimming. "Melody, come here," he said quietly. "You will pay the price for your sister's disobedience." John took the young girl's arm and pulled her up from the water where she had been clinging to the side of the pool, winded from her efforts to keep up with her siblings and their captor. She began crying silently as he put her on her feet, not looking at him. "Wait! What are you doing?! I'm the one you should be punishing - not Melody." Glenda rounded on John, fists clenched. "Your actions don't affect just you. It's time you learned that. You quit on me, your parents die. You screw off while we're working to improve our strength - incidentally, so we can survive the swim into shore in Thailand - and Melody pays a price." He reached down and pulled Melody's panties to her knees in one motion. "Stop! Stop! Ok! I'll do what you say. Just leave Melody alone," Glenda screamed. "Melody, leave your panties where they are." The girl had stooped to pull them up, her face aflame. She slowly stood again, her hands over her private parts. "Drop your hands to your sides." She obeyed, fear plainly written across her face. He pushed a foot between her ankles and forced her legs about six inches apart as Melody sobbed audibly. He faced Glenda. "Are you willing to take your punishment, then do as I say? Or do I continue with Melody?" "I said I would! Stop scaring her! Stop being so mean to her. I'll take my punishment." He put his arm around Melody; she shrank away from him. He slapped her butt, hard. "Cooperate, Melody, or it just gets worse." She cried out at the blow, then sagged against him in silent tears. He drew her close and stroked her reddening butt tenderly. "Sorry, Melody. I hope I won't have to do that again. Perhaps your siblings will understand that I will be obeyed. Do you think?" She nodded rapidly, clearly uncomfortable with his hand stroking her bare ass. He moved his hand to her hair and stroked it tenderly, then bussed her cheek. "I like you, Melody. I know you don't like me - I don't like me much right now, either. I hope that things will go a little smoother, now. Don't move, don't pull up your panties until I tell you, ok?" She nodded again. He kissed her cheek again, then released her. "Come here, Glenda." The young girl hesitantly and slowly walked toward him. "Damn you!" Charles launched himself at the much older and larger man. John sidestepped the attack and tripped the young boy, then grabbed him by the neck and jerked him to his feet. The older man slammed a fist into the boy's gut then let him fall to the ground. The boy gasped for air, doubled up, crying. His elder sister, Theresa, screamed. "Stop it! Stop it! I told you to do what he said!" She ran to her brother and knelt beside him, holding him. She turned to Glenda and spat, "Isn't this whole situation bad enough without you making it worse? I told you to do what he says. Do you understand?" Glenda nodded numbly. Theresa turned her attention to Charles. "Are you trying to get us hurt? Raped? Now you behave yourself and do what you're told, do you get it?" He nodded through his tears then leaned sideways and threw up noisily. He cried disconsolately. John stood, watching the siblings interact tearfully. He had known that it was necessary to goad the teenagers into defying him so that he could establish his dominance, but it wasn't something he enjoyed. All the same, it was necessary. He grimaced at the thought that he was putting them through an extreme boot camp experience, more extreme than that he himself had endured - and hated. The siblings watching his expression misread it and quailed in fear. "You, too, Charles must learn that your failures affect everyone. Unfortunately, Melody pays the price for your failures. Come here, Melody." Terror was writ large across the girl's face as she tearfully but obediently waddled to him, her steps constrained by the panties at her knees. "Look into my eyes, Melody," he said quietly. She lifted her head and sought his eyes with hers. "Now, continue looking me in the eyes and take your panties off, Melody," he said quietly. Looking upward into his eyes, the girlish teen bent to push her panties to her ankles, then remove them from one foot and then the other. She glanced briefly to receive Theresa's gravely encouraging nod, then back up into his eyes. "Have you ever been touched by a boy or a man, Melody?" Melody blushed, darting a questioning look toward Theresa again. Her eyes dropped. "Yes." John noted Glenda's look of amazement as she stood behind her little sister. "Keep your eyes on mine, Melody." She lifted her eyes again. "Have you touched a boy or a man on his private parts, Melody? Keep looking into my eyes." Melody nodded again, reluctantly. Glenda gaped. John let his eyes flicker to Theresa and Charles who were likewise dumbfounded at Melody's admittance. "Would you like me to touch you, Melody? Would you like to touch me?" Melody energetically shook her head at both questions, looking fearfully into his eyes. John smiled. "I can understand that. This is a horrible situation, isn't it." She nodded. "I understand, Melody. It's a horrible situation for me, too. And I'm sorry that I'm being so mean to you and your siblings. But it's going to continue this way unless everyone does what they're told. Do you understand?" Melody nodded warily. "Now, I'm not going to ask you to touch me. But if there are further challenges to my authority, that will happen - that and more. Do you understand?" Melody nodded again. "Now, come and stand by my side and tell your siblings here that you don't want to pay anymore penalties for their actions, ok?" The barely pubescent girl slowly walked to his side and turned to face her siblings. He put and arm around her and pulled her to him, then stroked her back and her sweetly rounded butt. "Please," she begged her sisters and brother with a sob, "don't do anything to make him mad. I don't like this. I don't want to have to do anything else. Please?" The siblings nodded their agreement mutely. John kissed her forehead tenderly and gently slapped her butt. "Go stand next to Theresa, but you will stay naked until you go to bed, understand? That's part of the penalty." She nodded and rapidly walked over to Theresa who clasped her to her breast and held her, stroking her back tenderly as the younger girl sobbed. A trill sounded from the poolside table. John walked to it and picked it up, answered it. "Perhaps you may have changed your minds. Perhaps the price is too steep to keep your parents alive. You may change your minds now and walk away from me, be free of this ordeal. What do you say. Shall we let your parents die so you can go free?" The four siblings immediately shouted, "No! We will stay and do what you say. Please keep them alive!" "You're sure?" They nodded, looking to each other for encouragement. "Very well." He turned his attention to the phone and touched several keys. He listened further then touched more keys then ended the call, dropping the phone onto the table lightly. "Let's see, where were we? Melody, turn around and stand next to Theresa. Hands at your sides, Melody," he corrected the girl. "Glenda, come here." Glenda warily obeyed, walking up to him slowly. "Are you ready for your punishment, Glenda?" She nodded meekly. "Do you think it fair that Melody has to be naked for what you did while you're not?" Glenda shook her head resignedly. "I'm going to pick you up and stand you on the diving board, then I'm going to take your panties off. Are you ready?" She nodded again, eyes brimming with unshed tears. John moved to her side and put one arm around her lower back, the other across her thighs, sweeping her off her feet. He carried her to the diving board and placed her on the board feet-first. She stood and turned to face him. Her siblings fearfully moved to stand behind John at his signal. "Look into my eyes, Glenda." She lowered her eyes to his which were about level with her crotch. "Doesn't Melody look pretty standing there naked, Glenda?" She nodded fearfully, unsure of where he was going. "Then tell her, Glenda. Tell her she looks pretty standing there naked, but in your own words. Don't just repeat what I said." Tearfully, Glenda spoke to her sister. "You look... beautiful standing by the pool naked, Melody. I'm so sorry, Melody," she sobbed. "Now look into my eyes, Glenda." She tearfully obeyed. He ran his hands appreciatively over her smooth, muscular legs until he rested his palms on her wet panty-clad butt. He took the elastic waistband in his fingers and rolled the panties down to the top of her pubis. "You said you weren't a virgin, Glenda. Do you like sex?" Her face went scarlet, but she hesitantly nodded. "Do you want to have sex with me?" "Will you leave Theresa alone if I have sex with you," she asked quietly. He tugged her panties lower, exposing the light, sparse hair of her pubis and the upper portion of her pubic notch. "No, Theresa will be sleeping in my bed, regardless. That's very thoughtful of you, though." "Then, no. I don't want to have sex with you." He smiled and tugged the panties down further, completely exposing her sex. "You have a very pretty body, Glenda. I'm sure that your lover appreciates it. I envy him that he has such a beautiful and willing lover." He pulled her panties down to her knees. "You understand that further punishment will involve intimate touching, perhaps even some form of sex, don't you?" She nodded reluctantly. "And that Melody will be subject to that as well as you." She nodded again, glancing at her younger sister. He pulled the panties to her feet and gestured for her to lift one foot then the other so he could completely remove her panties. He threw them into the pool. "Tomorrow, Melody will be allowed to wear her panties. You will not. Do you understand?" She nodded, biting her lip. "Turn around, Glenda." She turned away from them. He adjusted her feet, moving them well apart. "Now bend over and hold onto your ankles, Glenda." She hesitated then complied. Her new position displayed her sex deliciously between her thighs. He ran his hands lovingly over the backs of her legs and lavished great attention on her raised asscheeks. He slowly ran his fingers across her exposed pubis. "Brace yourself, Glenda. I am going to spank you now. Are you ready?" He looked through her open thighs to see her nod. Her face was aflame with embarrassment. John jumped onto the diving board next to Glenda. He put his left arm across her arched back and brought his hand down onto her naked ass hard. Glenda jerked and cried out. John stroked and massaged the reddening asscheek tenderly. He reached between her thighs and slowly stroked her sex once, then continued his massage of her butt. He suddenly swung his hand high and landed another sharp blow to her other asscheek. Glenda screamed then sobbed. John stroked and massaged the newly injured buttock, reached between her thighs to apply a lingering touch to her nether lips, then continued the gentle massage of her ass. After her sobs subsided, John spoke to her soothingly. "Ok, honey. Let your ankles go. Stand up." He helped her rise from her doubled position. He drew her to him and hugged her gently, stroking her back until her stiffened, resistant body relaxed into his. He kissed her forehead, then took her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly on her lips, waiting for her lips to soften against his. He again took her into his arms as before, jumped from the diving board, and placed her back on her feet with another tender kiss. "Now, our break is over. Let's go to the exercise room." He led them off, Melody looking longingly over her shoulder at her panties lying on the pool deck. "We shall be working to build up our arms, shoulders and legs as well as increasing our endurance," John said to the siblings gathered around him. To start off with, Melody and Glenda will be jumping rope, Charles will be pumping iron with the free weights, and Theresa will be lifting weights on the universal gym. Are you all familiar with the universal gym?" "Yes, we have an exercise room at home with a universal gym," Theresa said. "We all use it regularly." "Good. Get started. We'll work out for fifteen minutes, then shift to another exercise." He handed jump ropes to the younger girls. Charles adjusted the free weights to his needs. John took Theresa's hand and led her to the universal gym. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly with rising passion. She felt his cock pressing into her abdomen, rigid and long. She pulled away from him. "That turned you on, what you did to Melody and Glenda, didn't it?" She accused angrily. "Of course, Theresa. I don't mind punishing them - I rather enjoyed it. They probably should be very careful about giving me excuses to punish them - I was very tempted to go much further than I did." She stared at him in consternation. "I'm cooperating with you so you will leave my sisters alone." "And I am practicing incredible restraint, Theresa. But I will brook no opposition. And I will take every opportunity to play with your little sisters that they offer. I appreciate your cooperation and I am honoring our little agreement - to a point. Beyond that point - if they offer further opposition or disobedience - I will enjoy their punishments immensely. And yes, to answer the question you're afraid to ask, I will eventually fuck them in front of all of you if they provoke me further. There are all kinds of fun things I could employ as punishment. I am very imaginative. Perhaps," he smiled, "you should be making an effort to distract me from your sister's charms." She shuddered in apprehension, fearful of the consequences he would be all too willing to place upon her sisters. Steeling herself to the sacrifice, she forced a seductive smile and pressed herself to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him with increasing ardor and passion, ignoring the faltering exertions of her siblings as they watched in amazement. He held her tightly with one arm, cupping and fondling a full, firm naked breast and rubbing the nipple with his thumb. He finally ended the kiss and stepped away from her with a mocking smile. "Get to work, love. Gotta strengthen those muscles." He moved to another part of the universal gym and beginning his own workout. "Get back to work, kids! Stop your gawking," he barked. Twice they stopped to rotate among the various pieces of workout equipment, taking a drink of water and a brief rest and stretch break before starting anew. John openly admired the two nude girls, appreciatively gazing at wonderful sight of them working out, exposing themselves involuntarily as they moved about on the equipment. "Back to the pool, kiddos," he called. "We're done in the exercise room tonight. Just a few more laps, then we'll call it a night." Theresa walked up to him and pulled his head down for a long kiss. She then put her arms arond him and they walked to the pool behind the younger members of the party. They watched as the twins and Melody plunged into the pool, evidently grateful for the cooling water after the long workout. John picked up Theresa as he had Glenda earlier, kissed her tenderly then kissed her breasts. He grinned at her and dropped her into the water as she cried out in surprise. He looked up to see the other siblings watching and winked at them. "Swim those laps," he cried. "Move!" They continued their swimming. He jumped in beside Theresa and kissed her once again, fondling her ass. "Let's get these laps done. I'm anxious to get you alone in our bedroom." Theresa forced a smile and then began her laps. Their laps completed, John called them all to the poolside. "It's been very nice for me, seeing you girls naked," he began, smiling at their blushes. "Tomorrow, Melody you may wear your panties - until someone does something requiring that they be disciplined. Today was our first day, so I've exercised a lot of restraint -it's difficult having a sexy, naked girl in front of me and doing nothing but a little touching and kissing. Next time it will be much more enjoyable for me, do you understand?" Four heads nodded somberly, fearfully. "Tomorrow morning, early, we will have another swim and exercise session, then I have my meeting." He paused and continued somberly. "If I survive that meeting, we will all meet here again for another swim and exercise party. If you see anyone approach the house or if anyone attempts to approach you on the road, Theresa knows what to do. We will be meeting late tomorrow at another place, if that happens. If I am killed tomorrow, you have my most humble apologies for what I have put you through and my condolences on the deaths of your parents. Any questions?" He stood gestured for the siblings to exit the water. "Ok, Melody and Glenda may kiss me goodnight, then you should all shower and go to bed." He held out his arms to the nude girls who reluctantly entered his embrace and endured his kisses as his hands caressed their backs and asses. He released them and lightly slapped their butts, hurrying them on their way. Charles had watched sullenly and glared at John, then turned to follow his sisters inside, glancing back with a troubled gaze at his eldest sister who stood by the pool, waiting for John's attention. John directed Theresa to lie down on the chaise next to the pool. He went to the bar and poured a scotch for himself. He then mixed a sloe gin fizz and handed it to her. "What's this?" "Sloe Gin fizz. It tastes fairly good and has a hell of a kick. If you have a few of those, you won't remember much of what happens tonight." She accepted the drink and tasted it with a slight grimace. He laughed. "Alcohol is an acquired taste. Sorry I can't make a Long Island Tea or something of that nature - one of the really tasty drinks. We just don't have a well-equipped bar, I'm afraid." "I know you could have made it much worse tonight," she said. "So thank you, I guess." He nodded. "You're welcome. I wish we could have met under different circumstances. I've always been a very nice person before." "You still could be. It's your choice." She spoke earnestly, her heart in her eyes. "We wouldn't even tell anyone what you've done so far. We'd just be grateful and not say anything to anyone." "Nice try, but, no. I'm sorry, but I'm not dying without some last few pleasures. I can't tell you how tempted I was to just have all you girls tonight, knowing I may die in the morning." "Do you really expect to die?" He stared into the night with haunted eyes then responded somberly. "I've been told by my contact that I have less than a fifty percent chance of surviving tomorrow's meeting." "Why are you meeting them?" "They are representatives of the syndicate. If I can convince them that I can deliver the money or the sex slaves, they might let me live and make the delivery. That's why we've got to go to Thailand." "And if they let you go, let us go, what happens? You don't have the money and, unless you're selling us as sex slaves, you don't have sex slaves, either. Are you selling us?" "No. Unless something goes terribly wrong, you will not end up as sex slaves." "That's not very encouraging. You're expecting things to go terribly wrong. You're expecting to die. So why would we not end up as sex slaves, too?" "There is a plan, Theresa. And I have taken extreme caution to ensure that you will not fall into their hands." "How can I believe you?" "I wouldn't if I were you. You're only risking it because you want to save your mother and father. Other than that, all you've got is my word." "Again, small comfort." "Have I lied to you?" "I don't know. Not that I'm aware of." He shrugged. "Here, I'll make you another Sloe Gin fizz." He reached for her glass, but she held it out of his reach. "I'm losing my virginity tonight. It's the only time it'll happen, so I want to remember it. Even if it's not the person and the circumstances I've always dreamed it would be, it's an important event. And you said you would be gentle and tender." He stood and kissed her tenderly, then started to walk toward the house holding her hand. She appeared to be an enthusiastic participant - at least to the three pair of eyes watching from a first floor bedroom window. She saw the parted blind and blushed at the thought of her siblings watching her kiss Tark so passionately dressed in only soaking wet panties. She stopped and pulled him toward her and kissed him again, moving his hand up to cup her breast, then seizing the other and pushing it onto her ass. If they were going to watch, she would make sure they got an eyeful. She slid her small hand into his trunks and fondled his growing organ, startled at the size of her first adult cock. He returned the favor by pushing her panties down so he could fondle her bare ass - an ass pointed at the window full of peepers. "Take my panties off. Carry me inside naked," she told the astonished Tark. He turned her around, facing that window, and stripped her panties from her, throwing them into the pool as he had Glenda's. He kissed her again, gently running his fingertips over her sex, then lifted her in his arms and kissed her further, bestowing kisses on her lips, neck, chest and hardening nipples. He began walking slowly toward the house. "Oh, jeez! I can't believe she's actually doing it!" cried Melody. She turned away from the window, astonished at seeing her elder sister being carried nude into the house. "She's actually going to have sex with him!" "You'd better go shower and go to sleep, Melody," Charles said somberly. We're getting up early for more swimming and exercise. Try not to think about Theresa - she's a big girl and she will be ok. She's making it the best she can." "I guess!" muttered Glenda. She looked apologetically at Charles reproachful look. "I'll help Melody. We'll grab a quick shower and fast to sleep. Good night, Charlie." She and Melody kissed their brother good night - not something they had done before, but the siblings felt closer now than they ever had. Glenda shared a glance with Charles as she herded Melody toward the bedroom they shared. Tark carried the naked teen to the bedroom and pushed the door closed with his foot. He continued on into the bathroom and kissed her again, then set her on her feet. He reached into the shower and turned it on, then adjusted the temperature. "Share a shower with me, Theresa?" She smiled uncertainly, "I guess..., Tark. But please, keep your trunks on for just a few minutes, if you don't mind." He raised his eyebrows quizzically, then shrugged. "As you wish." They stepped into the shower together, she nude and he in his trunks. They shampooed each other's hair and applied conditioner then kissed and began washing each other's bodies with body shampoo. He delighted in running soapy hands over her petite, tight curves, missing no part of her. For her part, she seemed to enjoy herself as well, giving herself over wantonly with low guttural laughter to his intimate touches though she had not touched him intimately yet. They rinsed the conditioner from each other's hair, enjoying the fingers massaging the scalp, and then he kissed her yet again and stood, quizzically regarding her in his trunks. Downstairs, Glenda quietly slipped from the room she shared with Melody and into Charles' room. "Charles," she hissed. "Are you awake?" "Yes. I expected you earlier." His twin slipped into bed beside him and pressed herself to him as she kissed him deeply. "I want to go upstairs and see what's going on." "We know what's going on. He's raping our sister." "Maybe, but if he is, she's a co-operative victim." She kissed him again and ran her hand over his hardening sex. She stroked him easily, familiarly. She laughed. "You were getting hard, watching them at the pool, weren't you. I could see you. But it's ok, I was getting wet myself. In fact, I'm getting wet again thinking about it, see." She took his hand and placed it on her pussy. His fingertip stroked the silky folds of his sister's naked sex, then slipped between them to find her wet and hot. "Yeah, it was kind of exciting, even if she was unwilling." "She's not so unwilling." "You think?" She shivered as he put a finger inside her. "Oh, that's sweet. I really want to make love, but I want to see what's going on upstairs first." "Ok," he sighed, knowing that she would get her way in the end anyway as she always did. "But what if we get caught. What do you think he'll do?" She giggled. "He'll probably just yell, but he might decide to fuck me, too." She grasped his hand and moved against the digital penetration with a sigh. "And if he does?" "Don't you dare do anything to get in the way! Theresa is acting like she's sacrificing herself for us, and maybe she is, but she's hot for him, too. I can tell. And I want him, too." Charles goggled at her. "You want to have sex with this... this... old guy who is raping our sister, who stripped you and Melody in front of everyone... who wants to kill Mom and Dad?!" She gazed at him with the open, honest, intimate look that only the twins had ever shared. "Yes. I do. I know it doesn't make sense. Part of it is that I feel safe with him and yet I'm afraid of him a little, too." She pushed herself against his hand, encouraging him to move inside her. "Safe!? How can you feel safe with him?" Unconsciously he began fingerfucking her in the manner now quite familiar for them. Her eyes softened into thoughtful brown pools. "Sometimes you just know that someone cares and will do whatever is required to keep you safe. It's the same feeling I have with you, except that he scares me, too." "He cares and will keep you safe - except that he may rape you - and your two sisters. I don't get it, Glenda. It's crazy. It's stupid." He unwittingly moved his finger inside her as he passionately argued his point. She smiled lovingly and kissed him. "Silly, he can't rape me if I want him to fuck me. And technically he is raping Theresa, but I know he's being tender, sweet, and loving. And I suspect that Melody will be raped only if she wants to be." "Technically?" "Well, yeah. I mean, she's only sixteen so it's rape regardless of whether she asks him to do it or not. So he would be raping me, too, even if I seduced him." "She certainly isn't asking for him to do it to her!" "That's where I think you're wrong. She'll ask him not to do it, but she really wants him now. Earlier she didn't; now she does." "And what caused this change? Why do you think she suddenly wants to screw him?" "She changed in the way she talked about him after they were upstairs. I think she feels the same thing I do - safety with an exciting edge of fear. And it turns us on. Face it, Charles, when have we ever done anything more exciting that what we're doing now?" "I didn't enjoy getting punched out earlier," he grumped. "That's a good example. If he really wanted to hurt you, he would have hurt you then. He knocked the wind out of you - it scared me terribly and I was afraid that he had hurt you, but he didn't. Besides, if he is really only interested in having some fun with us girls, why would he even keep you here? I have a suspicion that we're here so he can keep us safe." "Safe? From what? He's the one threatening us!" "Well, that's the part that really scares me. What if he's telling the truth - that Mom and Dad are selling kids to perverts in Thailand? It's the one thing I can't believe. Won't believe. That's when I stop feeling safe and start feeling scared. On one hand I feel that he cares about us and wouldn't really hurt us. On the other hand... raping three young girls is not something a decent person would do. But, if he really is expecting to die tomorrow, he might, mightn't he? If you knew or were terribly afraid you were going to die tomorrow, would you be willing to rape young girls just to experience some pleasure before you died? No, I guess you wouldn't. You couldn't take pleasure at someone else's expense. On the other hand, he's been really gentle with Theresa, she says that he wants tenderness and romance..." "I think you ran out of hands," Charles said quietly, absently fingering his squirming sister. "All I really know is that he is threatening to kill Mom and Dad and he is making you girls into his private underage harem - willingly or not, it's just wrong. And it's killing me to be unable to protect you." "Are you going to do it tonight?" "I don't think so. I don't want to horn in when my sister is losing her cherry. It's a special time and I want her to enjoy it. But I want to watch, if I can." "You may not get the chance to fuck him. It sounds like he might be dead tomorrow afternoon." "Yeah. I'll have to screw him in the morning." She was squirming on his finger as it fucked into her wet cunt. "Tell you what, we'll figure out a way for me to fuck him later. Let's go." She scrambled out of bed and started for the door. "Naked?" "Yeah, naked," she giggled. He shrugged and followed her out the bedroom door. The nude twins paused to ensure that Melody was in her bed asleep, then crept up the stairs slowly. At the closed bedroom door, they listened carefully. "Do you hear anything, sis?" he whispered. "Something, but it's really quiet. I think they might be in the bathroom. I'm going to look." "Be careful!" The naked female twin cautiously opened the door, listened, then looked inside. "They must be in the bathroom. Let's hide in the closet!" She crawled into the bedroom quietly. He followed close behind - close enough to whiff her excitement. She cautiously opened the sliding mirrored closet door and slipped into the nearly empty closet, positioning herself to see through the crack between the not quite closed door. Charles sat next to her, slipping an arm around her nude shoulder and let his hand cup her breast. In the shower, Theresa smiled into Tark's eyes as she sank to her knees before him, placing the bottle of body shampoo on the stall floor. She rubbed his stiffening cock through the trunk, slowly moving her palm up then down his length. She reached for the waistband of his swimming trunks then paused, looking into his eyes. As she slowly pulled the trunks down, she watched as his pubic hair and then the top of his cock appeared. The trunks pulled him down, and then he sprang up, free of the trunks. Theresa dropped the trunks to the floor and helped him step out of them. She smiled up into his face as she took him into her hand, then she reached for the body shampoo. Lovingly, slowly, tenderly, she washed his entire middle section, paying special attention to his cock and balls. She ensured that he was thoroughly rinsed, then watched his eyes as she probed his pisshole with the tip of her tongue. She stopped to return his broad smile, then pressed his cock to her face, bestowing kisses along its length. She gave him a dazzling, naughty smile, then pressed his cockhead to her pursed lips and slowly fed his length into her mouth, suckling him gently. He groaned at the delightful sensation and the vision of the slender teen kneeling before him with his cock deep in her mouth. Slowly she let his length slip from her oral embrace, then stood to kiss him. "Just a sample of things to come. After you deflower me," she whispered. "If you like, I'll wake you up that way. Do you want me to?" "Oh, yes!" he laughed. "Absolutely!" He stepped out of the shower and gave her his hand to help her out as well. He took a large, fluffy towel and dabbed at her flesh, blotting the moisture from her. It was a process that included many kisses to every part of her body as he dried her and was accompanied by her giggles and quiet laughter. She then returned the favor, including the kisses. She had to dry his cock several times, as she would suck it deep into her mouth after drying it, making it wet again. Finally, they were both dry, except for her pussy which, to his gratification, had become quite damp. He picked up the slender nude teen and carried her into the bedroom. "Wow, look at that!" Glenda hissed. "His cock is huge!" "Shhh!" cautioned Charles, irritated with his twin's obvious excitement at seeing the much larger adult male organ. "They'll hear you!" Tark lay the smiling naked teen on the bed and stood back to enjoy the view. Theresa reveled in the attention and rolled about on the bed slowly, let him look his fill and making no effort to hide any portion of her delicious anatomy. For her part, the excited sixteen-year old enjoyed his obvious admiration of her and her view of her first adult erect penis. She reached out while looking into his eyes and took him in her hand, stroking gently. She smiled wantonly as she kissed the swollen helmet then sucked it between her lips, unwittingly providing a perfect profile view for her siblings. "Damn! Look at her! I can't believe she's enjoying this!" Charles exclaimed in a hushed scream. His twin reached blindly for him, sliding her hand around his body until she found his cock. Without removing her rapt gaze from the carnal couple before her, she chuckled, "But it seems to be getting you pretty hard, watching our elder sister suck a hard adult cock." Tark's eyes gleamed as he ran his hands over his under-aged lover's responsive body as he watched the innocent face eagerly sucking him. She finished her oral homage and pulled him by his hard handle onto the bed, moving to position herself in a sitting position on top of his cock. She leaned over him, pulling his head up to her breasts. "Suck them, Tark," she whispered. She slowly stroked her pussy along his cock as he nursed at her firm, conical teen breasts, shuddering with building passion. "I want to be on top, the first time, ok?" He looked up into her face as he lightly bit her nipple, nodding with a smile. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the sensations of his hardness pushing up against her wet labial lips and his teeth and tongue playing across her breasts and nipples as he hands tenderly pushed and prodded at the sensitive underside. She rotated her hips, dragging herself across him, feeling the contours of his sex pressing against hers. Suddenly she was grateful for his willingness to let her take her time and enjoy the building urgency toward the moment she would take her first cock into her sex, knowing that even Scott with his sensitivity and great concern for her pleasure would be too driven by his own teen sexual drive to allow her that luxury. Charles and Glenda watched with awe and their own building passion. His cock was rock hard in her slowly moving palm. Her sex began leaking her sexual juices onto the floor of the closet. His fingers closed tightly on her breast. Both twins fervently hoped that the couple on the bed couldn't hear their breathing as clearly as they could. Theresa smiled shyly, seeing his tender regard for her in Tark's eyes. Her eyes never left his as she massaged and tweaked her nipples and then slowly moved her hands down her body to her sex. She spread the lips of her cunt over his hard sex and carefully moved against him, gasping at the powerful sensations created by her naked clit against him. She turned her gaze to the head of his cock peeking from between her full, wet nether lips then pulled herself back down his length, her breath hissing from between swollen lips. Her fingers slowly wrapped around his girth and lifted his length to a vertical position in front of her. Licking her lips, she smiled smokily into his rapt visage. "Ready?" she whispered huskily. "Are you?" He responded quietly. She nodded. He reached up to pull her down for a long, tender, passionate kiss. "You are so beautiful, so wonderful. Thank you for making love with me." She kissed him back with sudden ferocity. "This was not my dream - but it is what I want now. Your tenderness, your patience - I love this!" She kissed him again, stroking his face as he caressed hers. She lifted his hardness against her open sex and bathed the head in her dew as she pressed him against her, moving slowly against him. She bit her lip and smiled through brimming tears as she felt him slip into her and bump easily against her badge of virginity. He cupped her face between his hands and kissed her lovingly as he pressed with sudden but tender energy into her, sundering the protective barrier. She moaned into his mouth at the painful twinge, then gave herself over to his kiss. With an aching slowness, she took his length into her as she savored every sensation of his hardness moving into her, through her wetness, through the slight edge of pain of her torn innocence. The middle-aged man paused, holding himself motionless in her while she adjusted to the fullness and waited for the pain to diminish. "Oh, god," Glenda whispered tearfully, "that is so beautiful..." Charles nodded, holding his sister tenderly as he watched another sister lovingly surrender herself and her virginity to their captor. The twins felt sexually charged at the erotic sight yet also full of thankfulness for their sister's tender initiation. "I'm ready, Tark. Move in me, make love to me," the newly deflowered teen smiled into her lover's eyes. Slowly he began withdrawing, then pushing back into the tender sex of his lover as she lay over him. She sighed at the emptiness of his leaving her body, then moaned throatily as he filled her again. She experimentally pushed back at his thrust, cautiously moving to delight in the sensations as she varied the angle and depth of his penetration. She sat upon him, smiling brilliantly into his eyes and carefully lifted herself, paused, then let herself slowly drop onto his length. She cooed and moved her hands over her pudenda and abdomen, probing gently for some hint of his presence inside her. He reached up to take her breasts in his hands, prompting another smile. She continued slowly moving up and down his length, grinding herself into him at the bottom of each cycle. Glenda caught her breath and let it out shakily. "God," she groaned quietly, "I am so damn horny! Look at her! Jeez! She's hot!" She pulled at Charles hardness. "You've got to get it in me. I can't stand it." She pushed herself up from the floor and pulled Charles toward her. "Let me sit on it, like she is. Get under me." Charles scrambled to push himself under his sister's body, then grasped her around the waist and pulled her downward. Glenda held his erect cock under her and pointed him at her dripping wet sex. She slowly slid down his body until she felt his cock at her opening. With a groan of satisfaction she slid down his length until she rested against him, his hardness fully contained within herself. He grasped her breasts and fondled them, brushing his thumb against her nipples in the way he knew from long experience that she enjoyed the most. She began pushing herself up then letting herself drop on him slowly as she watched her sister do the same with her middle-aged lover. Charles, unable to see the copulating pair, contented himself with making love to his twin and savored the feel of her breasts in his hands, her ass moving against his abdomen, and her wet cunt sliding up and down his erect stalk. "This is wonderful, Tark," breathed the teen as the candlelight glowed in the sheen of her perspiring body. "But I don't think I can come this way. And I want to come. I need you on top of me." She lifted her arms above her head, sliding on his sex and swishing her ass around to intensify the feelings of him inside her. She giggled as she slowly danced, moving upwards on him, until he slipped out of her sex. "Ohhh. I feel so empty, Tark. You have to fill me up again!" He bent to kiss him, taking his cock in her hand and stroking it slowly and lovingly. She turned to kiss his cock, then sucked it into her mouth, tasting herself along with him. He groaned and laughed then pulled her butt to his head. He pulled her sex to his mouth, kissed it, and then fucked her with his tongue. "Mmm. That feels good, but it will feel even better to have you on top of me and in me," she breathed. "Fuck me, Tarkington. Fuck your deflowered virgin and make her come." She moved onto the bed next to him and fell back, lying next to him with her legs open. Glenda gasped at the powerful sight before her and the forces at work inside her sex. She rose and fell more quickly on her sibling's cock, pressing his hands against her breasts with her hands while avidly watching the lovemaking in front of her. Tarkington rolled onto Theresa and knelt between her open thighs. She reached down and took his hard cock in her hand, stroked it a couple of times then lifted herself on one elbow as she positioned him at the opening of her sex. She pushed up at him as he slowly pressed into her. He grasped a butt-cheek in each hand and pulled her against him, burying his length inside her, her ass in the air. Tark began moving in her, sawing into her pussy, as he let her butt down onto the bed. "Ohh. That feels soooo good, Tark!" The tender teen gasped, pushing back up at his thrusts. "Fuck me, Tark. Fuck me." Tark lifted her face in both hands and kissed her passionately, then let her lie back to absorb his driving hardness deep inside herself. His hands wandered her body, lightly mauling her breasts, pinching her nipples, stroking the lips of her sex as he drove into her. Her breathing became labored and gasping, her legs wrapped around his ass and back in an attempt to pull him even deeper inside her. Her heaving chest pinked, her firm buttocks pushed up at him, her eyes glazing as she breathed heavily through her open mouth. Her eyes opened wide. "Harder, harder," she urged her lover. "Do it harder, fuck me harder." He fell onto her, fucking himself into her with unrestrained fervor as he kissed her and twisted her hard nipples. She arched up toward her lover, her mouth open wide, a startled expression painted her face with a flushed, taut, twisted expression and she cried out loudly, screaming, "Ohhhh. Godddd," before falling back onto the bed. Charles recognized the signs of his lover-sibling's imminent climax. He squeezed her nipples harder, drove into her wet pussy from below with even more vigor then gasped at the tightened grip of her sex on his. As she stifled her cry with a hastily thrown up arm, he drove himself through that fleshy vise, then gave up his milky passion to her wetly clasping cunt with a quiet gasp. He felt the rigidity leave her hot body as she collapsed onto him and leaned back against his chest. Tarkington cradled his barely-old-enough-to-drive lover tenderly in his arms, shifting his weight onto his side and pulling her to him. He was still deep inside her, his sex flexing with unspent vigor. Her arms wrapped around his head, pulling him to her for a long, tender, passionate but exhausted kiss. She began laughing quietly, uncontrollably. "Wow! If I'd known it was going to be like that, I would have raped you instead of waiting for you to rape me!" He smiled at her tenderly. "Did I rape you?" "Well, up until a sometime during the shower..., yeah. In a sense. I was having sex with you to protect my sisters from you." She giggled. "If they knew what a wonderful lover you are, I'd be protecting you from them instead of the other way around." He laughed gently, very slowly sliding out of her then back into her. "Ohhh. That feels so good, lover." She sighed and snuggled into him for a prolonged tender kiss. "I never would have thought it could be so nice, making love to an older man like you. I always assumed that young girls with older men were golddiggers - doing rich guys for their money. But maybe they know what I've just discovered - that older guys can be really great lovers." He smiled then kissed her lingeringly, running his hands over her. "Mmmm. You're getting me hot again, Tark. Ohhh. It feels so good to have you inside me, thrusting and pushing so.... Mmmm. I'm glad you didn't come. I know you older guys can't recover all that fast and I have plans for tonight - for a long night!" "Oh, you do! Tell me about it, sweetie," he sighed, beginning to slide through her increasing wetness with more urgency and speed. "Well," she gasped, inflamed at his increasing cuntal ministrations and the sparks he ignited in her with his hands on her body and his lips at her neck and throat. "I was originally going to try to exhaust you so you wouldn't be interested in Glenda and Melody... " "But now..." "But now I just want you to make love to me until I can't stand it anymore. Oh, do it, Tark. Do me!" Wrapping her slender arms about his neck, the overheated teen kissed her lover deeply and moaned at the sensations of her body writhing against his, especially her distended, sensitive nipples and the hard lump of her clit pressing against her nether lips. "I want to see this time!" Charles hissed. "You got to see last time and I couldn't see anything." Glenda mumbled apologetically. The siblings hidden in the closet shifted, trying to find a situation that would allow them both to watch the carnal exhibition before them. After several attempts, they finally settled on Charles standing behind Glenda, his head next to hers and his hands roaming over her slender body. They moved their heads so that first one then the other could peer out at the copulating couple. Inspired by such an erotic tableau, Charles young cock soon rose between his sister's wet thighs. He stroked her sex with his until she wanted him in her rather than sliding against her. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed down on his erection until the dome of his sex entered her small but wet opening. The sibling pair sighed in unison as he slid wetly into her, his hands continuing to caress her lithe body. On the bed, the lovers were doing a bit of shifting about themselves. "Do me from behind, Tark. I love seeing pictures of people fucking like that - I want to feel it for myself," the youngster gasped in passion, forcing herself to pull away from him so they could accomplish the new position. She gasped as he slid out of her and quickly, hastily rolled over onto her front and lifted herself into a kneeling position, waggling her firm butt in anticipation. Tarkington rose to his knees and hobbled around to her inviting posterior. The couple in the closet stifled a laugh as the couple on the bed clumsily adjusted themselves and prepared for re-entry. Theresa opened her thighs wide to accommodate Tark's bulk and dropped to her elbows in front, breasts pressed to the bed. She reached back and took him in hand, then introduced his hardness to her sex. "Push into me, Tark. Take me," she instructed breathlessly. Tark pressed, burying his length into her. He began a slow stroke in and out of her cunt. The position afforded Tark the opportunity to massage and palpitate her pussy lips and clit, eliciting gasps and trills of breathy laughter from his diminutive sex partner. "Ohhh. This is lovely, Tark. Fuck me, baby, fuck me!" "Oh, jeez. I can't believe how hot that looks, Glenda!" Charles whispered as he pumped energetically into his sister, squeezing her tits the way she liked. The pillows of her ass pressed deliciously against him as she pushed down and backwards against him, urging him to drive his cock into her faster and harder. She groaned her agreement and reached down to touch their joined sexes with her hand. Theresa suddenly squealed as Tark slapped her asscheek energetically. "What! Oh, my god! Ohhh, that felt kinda good, babe." She jerked as he landed a playful blow on the other derriere cheek, jerking again at the jolt of sensation in her sex. He continued landing slaps and spanks in no discernible pattern on the teenager's buttocks, generating ever-increasing sighs and gasps and involuntary movements in his girlish lover as she quickly approached a second climax. He, too, was breathing heavily and straining mightily to put off the inevitable release. He bent over her grinding and twisting butt to grasp her hair and pulled her head upwards, landing a last firm blow to her fundament. She shrieked in pain and then in ecstasy, spending herself loudly and repeatedly as he spurted his potent babymaking fluid deep into her clasping cunt." She lay, spent, beneath him, his cock shrinking slowly inside her. "oh... god... that... was... incredible," she gasped. Tark collapsed onto his side, pulling the sweaty naked teenager with him, still planted inside her. "Tell... me... about it," he groaned. "Ohhh... I don't know. It was so nasty! And so fun! Let's do it again!" Her joined twin siblings had held off at the point of climax and had slowed to an easy rolling fuck. At their sister's ejaculation, they stared at each other, wide-eyed with the vision of their very pregnant sister being fucked. "I would love to make love to you when you're bulging with our child. But that will be up to you, darling. As I said before, how you manage that is up to you. It's not likely that I'll be here to make love to you or to help you, I'm afraid." His flaccid cock slipped from her wet sex. She reached down and held him against her tenderly. "Oh, Tark. Really? I don't want you to die. And if there is a child, I want you to make love to me while I'm pregnant, too. I wouldn't abort our baby - not now. Not with the way I feel about you now. He smiled tenderly but with a haunted expression and gently rubbed her tummy. "I wish I could say that I'll be here. But I really don't have much of a chance of surviving this, baby. It's a million to one. But you've made the pain a lot less and I've been able to forget about it for the first time since I learned of it, for a little bit. Thank you." She sobbed and began crying earnestly. She turned to him, clutching him to her. He held her through the storm, stroking her gently. As her tears slowed and her sobbing eased, he kissed the tears from her eyes and stroked her cheeks. She looked tearfully into his eyes. "Make love to me, Tark, but please, please - don't die." "I'll do my best, sweetheart. Believe me. I want to live. He smiled lovingly at her. She reached for his cock and found it still flaccid. She gave him a naughty grin and slid to her knees over his now small and floppy sex. The adorable teen slurped him into her mouth and took his balls gently in her hand. She smiled into his eyes around his slowly thickening member and made tender oral love to him. "I can't believe it," Charles whispered. "Theresa loves fucking him! Him! And old man!" Glenda snuffled, "Shut up Charles. I think I want to fuck him, too! He has been a beautiful lover for Theresa and it's so sad that he's going to die." Charles gaped and stopped moving in his sister's sex. "Don't stop! Keep fucking me, Charles. Damn, look at her suck cock! She's so beautiful, bent over with her tits hanging down, her ass in the air, and that beautiful expression on her face with his cock sliding through her lips. I want to make love to them both." Charles was stunned a second time. "Are you bi?!" "I wasn't until now, but suddenly I want to make love to her - I want to kiss her all over and eat her pussy. And I want Tark to be fucking me while I'm doing it. I'm sure you want to fuck her, don't you?" "Well, yeah. She is beautiful - sucking cock or fucking, either one. Maybe she'll want to have sex with us." "Mmmm. Maybe," his twin moaned, excited at the idea of a threesome with the beautiful sister enthusiastically and lovingly sucking cock in front of her. "Now fuck me, damn it!" His erection revived by the lovely teen's oral ministrations, Tark lifted her away from her task. She came up reluctantly. "I want to suck your cock and swallow your cum, Tark, but not now. First I want to make love with you. Make love to me, Tark. Love me." Tark sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Theresa to him. He helped her into his lap and helped her slowly accept his hard length into herself. She gasped as he penetrated her to his fullness and held his face as she tearfully kissed him. He helped her first rise then fall on him, holding her close and exchanging tender kisses as they made long, slow, achingly sweet love. She smiled lasciviously, her hips writhing under his hands like two small pillows. She gasped in pleasure as he increased the rhythm of his hard length sliding through her tight vaginal tunnel. "I wish I could suck your cock and fuck you at the same time," she whispered wantonly. "I'm you're slut, your fuckbuddy, your whore, your mistress..." she gasped, eyes widening as she felt her womb contract and her toes curl with the raw primal force of her cum in response to his frenzied emptying of his balls into her cunt. She whispered, "and the mother of your baby." The older man and the young girl collapsed into and onto each other on the bed, gasping in spent passion. In the closet, a weary and well-fucked younger girl and her twin slumped to the floor of the closet, his incestuous cum leaking from her pussy. As the couple on the bed drifted into a contented and sated slumber, the exhausted siblings carefully crept from the room, casting one more long look at the smiles on the faces, the cock lodged in the teen cunt. They crept down the stairs tiredly. "I don't want to sleep alone tonight, Charles. Please hold me and sleep with me." He nodded his consent and tenderly helped his lover and twin sister into his bed. He slid in beside her and held her tenderly from behind, cupping a tender breast in one hand. And they slept.