Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Alice's Adventures in Polderland - part 2 (Alice meets some new friends) Alice is taking a shower in the luxurious bathroom of her new penthouse apartment, paid for by her company. Her mind has drifted to imagine it's her recent ex-boyfriend whosew fingers are gently stimulating her clit. She moans with pleasure as 'his' fingers move her deliciously towards orgasm. She cries out loudly when she cums, her whole body shuddering and in spasm. Eventually, she sinks to the floor, her knees giving way with the excitement. She feels the lovely warm water spray on her now very sensitive body and just purrs. After what might have been a few seconds or perhaps several minutes, Alice manages to stand up again, still murmuring with the jolts of pleasure she's getting. She turns off the shower and feels disappointed. "It wasn't Jon!' she thinks, 'but it was very good!' She doesn't bother to dry herself, although she picks up a towel from the rack. She wanders into the lounge, looking out through the huge glass sliding doors at the amazing vista before her. The lounge looks out over a huge area of farmland and woods, with a few house scattered around. She slides open the door and steps out onto the balcony, enjoying the still warm late afternoon sun on her naked body. Her penthouse is so high up that it's not overlooked by any other apartments, at least not as far as Alice can see. She guesses that if she gets near to the edge of the balcony, she could be seen from some of the apartments in the next few, lower blocks, but she doesn't mind. 'This is Amsterdam, after all,' Alice thinks. She lies for a few minutes on the towel on one of the luxury loungers that are against the sunny wall. She feels delicious after her shower and included orgasm! 'How I wish Jon was here,' she muses. 'But I'd better get ready.' She dresses in bra, panties, T-shirt and jeans, as recommended by her new friend Alice. She's uncertain, but doesn't put any make-up on. She usually wears a little rouge and lipstick but, as Angie didn't seem to wear that sort of thing, she thought that she might be out of place at dinner. Angie had said it would be casual, so Alice feels very comfortable as she takes the lift to the ground floor. The concierge asks if she's happy and Alice nods. The concierge smirks, thinking, 'She should be. She's one lucky bitch' - in Dutch, of course! Alice waits just a couple of minutes for the tram to arrive. She, now expertly, stamps her strip card, feeling like a local already. From the dress of the other girls on the tram, she doesn't feel different, and no-one stares at her. As the tram continues, lots of people get on and it's clearly going to be a busy night in the city. Arriving at the Central Train Station, Alice only has to step off the tram and she's embraced by her new friend Angie, who gives her the customary three kisses on the cheeks. Alice is a little taken aback, 'We don't do that where I come from,' she thinks, smiling. "That's how we greet our friends!" giggles Angie, seeing Alice's confusion. "I'm glad!" says Alice, blushing furiously. In fact, she'd quite enjoyed feeling Angie in her arms. It took her back to her schooldays and being friends with, who was it now? Oh, yes, Sarah, Alice remembered very fondly. "We have a bit of a walk. It's behind Dam Square," said Angie, enthusiastically. The two of them crossed the road in front of the station and entered the busy throng of tourists and locals going out for the evening, perhaps night. It was very busy, as Alice had surmised, and everyone seemed to be going to same way - to Dam Square. She'd looked up the importance of this landmark and realised that it had great significance for the Dutch youth, especially during the Flower Power times of the late 1960s. Angie made her sit on the steps of the ventral statue and just soak up the atmosphere. It was quite amazing for Alice - it seemed every youngster in the city was out just sitting or wandering. Angie briefly explained the history of the Square and then pulled Alice to her feet. "The others are waiting. Let's go!" More bustle and crowds as they walked away from Dam Square and through what Angie called the Red Light District. Alice had read up about this place too, thinking it wasn't a place for her, but it didn't look too intimidating. She caught glimpses of some of the 'girls', displaying themselves. "We'll come round this area later. Come on!" urged Angie. Alice was disappointed but realised she didn't have to see everything in one night. Her friend stopped outside a very small restaurant door. It said Indonesian on the outside, not a cuisine with which Alice was familiar. But, of course, the Dutch were in charge of Indonesia for a long while, she remembered. "Upstairs!" said Angie, pointing to a narrow staircase. "We've got the top floor." Alice walked up the stairs and was amazed to come to a single large round table on a balcony overlooking the street. Around it were 6 or 7 girls and 2, no it was 3 guys. They were all talking to each other animatedly. One of the guys jumped up, followed by the other two. "You must be Alice," he said in a high-pitched voice. "My, you are gorgeous!" The others all nodded in agreement, as Angie came up to join them. Alice was blushing at all the attention - all eyes were on her. This was not her scene. Angie immediately sensed her tension and asked her to sit down. She put her arms round her shoulders and whispered, "These are my special friends. I wanted them all to meet you." Alice grinned. "It's just that I'm not used to being ... so important!" she giggled. The girl right next to her offered her hand. "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you," she said with a sweet soft voice. Alice immediately thought of her school friend Sarah, but this girl was even more pretty, and young too. Could Alice detect a slight South African accent? "Hi, Sarah!: Alice responded and the two of them settled down next to each other. Angie sat on Alice's other side, falling into conversation with the guy who had announced her when she arrived. His name was Thorsten and he was actually Norwegian. Was he one of Angie's boyfriends, Alice wondered? Soon Alice was chatting happily with Sarah and several of the other girl, who seemed to be grouped together. Alice noticed that none of the guys seemed to be a partner to the any of the girls, but two of them seemed to like each other a lot. And the girls were similar, paired up, it seemed. "We've ordered a dish for everyone. Is that OK with you?" asked Angie suddenly, although no waitress had appeared. "I've never eaten Indonesian food,'ll be fine," agreed Alice. Angie went straight back to her chat with Thorsten. Sarah rejoined her conversation, bringing in Mindy and Marie from across the table. Alice soon realised that the two 'M' girls were a pair. She wondered where Sarah fitted in? The meal was completely delicious although Angie warned her away from some of the hot chilli dishes. Beer flowed regularly, but Alice stopped afetr two. She wasn't into drinking too much. Soon, however, most of the others seemed to drift off a little, either into themselves, or with their partner. The meal drew to a close. Alice looked at her watch. It was almost 11 pm. She glanced at Angie, who was flushed with excitement. Thorsten was looking at Angie with undisguised lust. "We're going to go now," said Angie, quite abruptly. "Something to take care of. We'll catch up with you later. Take Alice to the cafe," suggested Angie to Sarah. When the bill had been paid, and Alice had been refused participation in the payment, she found herself outside the restaurant, now just with Sarah, and the two 'M' girls, as all the others had gone their separate ways. "Angie's gone to give him a bj," said Sarah, grinning. "She does it all the time." "BJ?" asked Alice innocently, "as in blowjob?" "Sure. It won't take her long. She gives all her guys one after a meal, if they want. And Thorsten definitley wanted it tonight," Sarah said in a matter-of-fact way. Alice grinned, wondering where Angie was doing it. She walked with Sarah, and with Mindy and Marie, who were holding hands, across the square nearby to a small cafe/bar. It was packed with people and the four of them struggled to get inside and find somewhere to stand. The music was loud and modern. Alice loved the place instantly. She looked around. Almost all of the patrons were girls - well, they looked feminine, although many of them were dressed like boys. Sarah noticed her looking around. "It's OK. It's a gay bar. We come here all the time. As safe as anywhere," Sarah explained. "Like to dance?" "Sure!" agreed Alice, as she loved to dance. There wasn't exactly lots of room to dance, so she found herself standing very close to lots of girls, some of whom were extraordinarily pretty. Even Sarah kept coming really close to her. "I can see why Angie likes you," said Sarah, sweetly and without malice. "We live together, you know! Me and Angie." Of course, Alice didn't know, because Angie hadn't told her so far. She was amused to find that her new friend had a lesbian girlfriend. "I like you too, Sarah!" admitted Alice, feeling the girl's lovely warm body close to hers. They embraced, but only briefly as Angie came up to them at that moment, without her 'friend' Thorsten. "Moving in on my patch?" giggled Angie, joining in the embrace warmly. "Not at all, but...." Alice said, hesitantly. She was aware that women could be just as spiteful as men when it came to partnerships. "It's OK, Alice," chuckled Sarah. Ang's just riling you." The partners kissed passionately and clearly wanted to do the same with Alice, but she stepped away. "This is new for me!" she said, softly, although saying anything softly was drowned out by the music. The three of them went to the bar and ordered drinks. Mindy and Marie came up to them and the five became a friendly huddle in amongst the mass of other girls. "See over there," said Mindy conspiratorily to Alice. "That's a guy!" Alice tried to see who she was trying to indicate without pointing. She found a rather pretty looking girl who did look a little manly by the way he stood and moved. "There's a few guys come in here, but most of them don't feel comfortable. That one thinks he's a girl anyway!" explained Sarah. The four girls laughed. "So what do you think?" Marie asked Alice. "It's interesting! We don't have things like this in..." she began. "You're here now. Amsterdam has everything. And we'll show you," said Angie with a smile. None of the girls touched Alice after that. They had set the limits and would remain that way until Alice said different. She fell in love with all of them instantly! After a couple of drinks, and a lovely dance with Angie, Alice felt very sleepy. "It's been a long day. I think I should go now," she suggested to Angie. "We're with you!" agreed her friend. "There's the rest of the weekend yet!" "Are you going to stay at our place?" suggested Sarah. "It's not very safe out in Slotermeer at this time of night." Alice looked worried. "No, I didn't mean it's unsafe to live there. Just not very safe to walk around the area, or catch a tram at this time," Sarah quickly added. "We've got two spare rooms. The M&Ms often stay over. They live out in Purmerend," added Angie. "Yea, we love staying in town. Makes for a great weekend. Come on, Alice!" urged Mindy. "And we'll have a nice late breakfast in the Bos," suggested Marie. "Oh, yes! That will be great!" agreed Angie. The Amsterdamse Bos was a playground on the edge of the city, Alice knew. Now she also knew that it had cafes or restaurants too. "OK. If it's not too much trouble, I'll stay," agreed Alice. The four girls all smiled at her and each other, then they all left the cafe together. (continued in part 3) [comments and suggestions to]