Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Hapless Son It's a difficult situation to be smarter than your legal guardian (mother, in my own case) and powerless to persuade said guardian. My mom is a type-A reactionary scatterbrain, and she's got it tough. Dad left us before I even knew who he was - I was only two - and she was all of twenty years old, having to provide food, clothing, and shelter for both of us on a waitress' salary. When I reached school age she took a second job, and I'm sure such responsibility only sharpened her personality over the years. She became fanatically protective of me. Sure she's proud of my scholastic achivements, but she seems to think I'm made of eggshell. She changed schools on me twice because I accidentally got a black eye (the first time) and a sprained wrist (the second time) playing soccer at recess. I wasn't getting in fights, no one was picking on me - but mom just thought I was in danger. I liked playing soccer - I'm sure I still would - but I just stopped because I was tired of mom making such a big deal every time something happened. It reached the point where mom cut back to one job so as to be home more often to "protect" me. Besides normal parental concern and mom's innate paranoia, there's something else at work: my size. I should say, my lack of it. I'll always be mom's little boy, and the fact that I almost literally look like a little boy just keeps that fresh in her head. And no, puberty won't be saving me - been there, done that. At my last check-up a month ago, doctor said it's all behind me now, and that I'd be lucky to reach five foot two. And what's more, none of what I eat sticks to me. If I push the scale past 110, it's only because I'm wearing work boots. (Not that I work - mom has forbidden that, too) Mom is nothing like me. Not in terms of intellect, nor in terms of temprament, nor in terms of body type. She is an enormous woman, towering more than a foot above me at six foot two. She must weigh...I don't know - 270, 280? And she's very round and plump, but she's got plenty of muscle in there too. Whenever we clean the apartment, I'm always astounded by the way she just moves big heavy stuff around like it's nothing. Beds, dressers, chests-of-drawers, you name it. I'm not any help in that way, so she usually has me doing detail-type work, like dusting or glass cleaning. But I digress - the point is, you factor in my delicate physique plus mom's superhuman strength plus mom's superhuman tendency to frighten and overreact, then you could understand, to an extent, why she would feel so protective. Most of the time, I can deal with it. Since I was twelve, I could forecast her upcoming bouts of protective parenting. What I noticed was that when I watched the news, periodically a child kidnapping (and/or rape and/or murder, or some combination of all three) would become a national story. Mom would hear that story and immediately decide that I was in danger. (Never mind that the overall statistics for all three of those crimes have been in decline - if one telegenic kid in Florida was in danger, then so was I) And she'd act accordingly - for her. Sometimes, she'd place our heaviest furniture in front of all potential points of entry at night for weeks at a time. Other times, she'd put me to bed early. (How this was supposed to protect me from kidnappers was probably only clear to mom) Since I was twelve, she has sometimes decided that I was safest in her bed. I had been in my own room for good since age seven, but there were, until recently, four separate occasions when I was made to share her bed (by now I've lost count, but that's jumping ahead). This decision was...baffling? Unfortunate? Yeah, I'll go with unfortunate. Anyway, mom sharing her bed to keep me safe was the most unfortunate choice she could have made. For starters, just what would be accomplished if a killer/kidnapper/rapist came into our room while we were asleep? If he came for me, first he'd kill her as she slept, then he'd have me. If she heard a noise and checked to investigate, then I'd be in the room alone - which would have been the case anyway if I had been in my room in the first place. Next, consider basic biology. Now, let me make myself absolutely clear: I am not sexually attracted to my mother. Period. But I don't care who you are and who else is involved, certain types of body contact can and very often will arouse. At least it does for me. I hit puberty early - for all the good that did - and my hormones have raged for many years. Hell, I can even remember having erections as a young child. To put my situation in a familiar context, I have a low threshold for sexual arousal. Well, fast forward to mother's shared bed protection scheme. Not only do I sleep in only my underwear, but as it turns out, so does she. Just a bra and panties for mother. The first time she had me stay with her, I tried shorts and a t-shirt - not a chance. Way too hot and the clothes were bunching up in ways that kept me wide awake. What's more, mom sleeps on a not so aptly-named double bed. It might fit two people my size, but mom takes up most of it. And of course, the cheap mattress just sinks right down where she lays and I tumble in the hole more often than not. So basically we lay down in direct contact. Mom doesn't bat an eye at any of this and she's usually asleep within five minutes. When I have to spend the night with her, sometimes it's one or two in the morning before I'm asleep. And that's if I can even stay asleep. Mom will often snore me awake in the middle of the night. Or sometimes I'll inadvertently touch her butt or a breast, and that jolts me awake. (And with an instant erection, I'm sad to report.) We usually fall asleep in a sort of spoon position, with me on the inside. Sleeping alone I almost always rub one out before I fall asleep; I can't even consider it in this situation. Too much risk involved. It's hard to sleep through blue balls. But while I've always looked forward to leaving home for good, recent events have turned my wishes into outright yearning. And it all started with a bowl of cereal. Mom was out of the house on an off day (she never thinks I'd be a crime statistic during the day, oddly enough) when I woke up about 10:00, hungry as usual. Thankfully, we had Peanut Butter Crunch in the house and plenty of milk. My mouth was watering the second I thought of it. (Love those sugary breakfast cereals!) I walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet. Frustratingly, I couldn't see a single bowl in there. I checked the drawers around and below the oven - did I really want to eat out of a pan? Besides, I knew those pans had been there awhile and were probably dirty; most of the time we microwaved our food. As I pondered the question of how I would consume my cereal, I noticed a medium-sized mixing bowl at the very top shelf in the cabinet. There was a clean bowl after all! However, it was a very long way up to get to it. The countertop offered me not a single foothold - it was strewn about with all sorts of small appliances. There was a ladder available, but it was outside on the terrace. Big pain in the ass just for a bowl. No, I decided, one of the kitchen chairs will suffice. I steadied myself while standing on the chair with a much easier reach for the bowl. What started out as a difficult problem was proving much easier. Unfortunately, I never heard mom open the door. "Are you awake!?" She shouted, not knowing I was in the kitchen. She had yet to turn the corner. Well, the surprise of her booming, perpetually angry-sounding voice startled me, and I could feel myself begin to topple. Instinctively, I reached for the cabinet to steady myself - with both hands. To do that, I had to let go of the frosted-glass bowl, which predictably looked a lot less like a bowl after my quick reaction. If you were an overreactive, overprotective, type-A mother, and you turned the corner just as a glass bowl shattered right in front of you, and your woefully undersized sixteen year old son was standing on top a chair in his tighty-whities, the obvious culprit in the destruction of said bowl, wouldn't you basically just freak out to an overly exaggerated degree? In loud hysterical fashion? If you answered no, haven't you been reading? Pay attention. I could relate the wailing, dramatic admonishments and declarations of my Wagnerian mother, but it would take up way too much space, just as she herself does. Suffice it to say that a couple of minutes passed as I continued to stand on a chair, unable to walk across the glass shards minefield in my bare feet. "Come here, you," mom said after her angry/frightened tirade, holding her arms out to me. I didn't want her to carry me - she still does it occasionally and it burns me up every time - but I didn't think it was best to object right now. Mom's a powder keg and I don't want to set her off. I haven't been spanked in some time, but that option seems to be on the table for her right now. She grabbed hold of me and placed me on her right hip, her huge hand blanketing my bottom. Walking toward the bedrooms, she set me down after apparently getting clear of the broken glass. "Just wait in the bedroom while I clean up out here. Go get dressed and put on some shoes too - I don't want you cutting your feet if I miss anything. After I clear the floor, you and I are going to have a talk." A talk! Damn. I'd almost rather have the spanking. *** I walked toward the kitchen with obvious trepidation. She had just bellowed my name to summon me, and her voice still had an angry charge in it. This wasn't going to be good. As I turned the corner, I saw mom sitting on the same chair I had just stood on, legs slightly apart. My legs wobbled a little - I thought I was going to get that spanking after all. "Come - sit down," said mom, her left arm extended. I was supposed to sit in her lap now. Good news out of the way - there was no spanking. That was the only bit of good news I received. The rest of the news was less welcome. "Daniel, you know I worry about you," she began with one of the great understatements of our time, "and I try to be here for you. I really do. I'm sure it costs us money for me to do so, but today just proves that even when I'm off, you're not safe. Well, I've figured out a way to keep you safer and for us to have more money coming in." Uh oh. I had no idea what was coming but I knew I wouldn't like it. I began to protest but she cut me off quickly. "You hush. My mind is made up. What's going to happen is that things are going to stay just as they are until I can find you a babysitter." A babysitter?!? "When I do find one, I'll take a nighttime waitressing job and we'll have more money coming in, plus you'll be supervised all the time. Won't that be better for us both?" If being a mite-sized teenage boy without a job, friends, or a driver's license and sitting in the lap of a giant, super-strong, paranoid mother wasn't the definition of hitting rock bottom, it's only because being that same boy with a babysitter was a step further down. And I just found out that I would be in that very position soon enough. *** The rest of that day (and in fact the intervening two weeks) were OK. Granted, I didn't win any more privileges, and because I was assaulted by a flying bowl the moment she turned her head, I was forced to sleep in her bed every night since. But I didn't have my babysitter yet, and mom was nice enough to take me to the city pool on her off days. I love being outside and swimming laps whenever I can, plus there's always cute girls from the other schools hanging out. None of them are looking at me, naturally - most of them are bigger than I am and I swim in powder blue Speedos. Of course mom would buy me the most humiliating swimwear possible - she couldn't be bothered to spend ten more dollars on the knee-length suit. All in all, though, my trips to the city pool made my summer more bearable. Then one Sunday afternoon, my summer went from worse to really, really, really worse. Mom and I were at the city pool again and I was having my usual decent time - my swimming was improving, my skin was a healthy shade of less pale, and there was a trio of hispanic girls that were knocking my figurative socks off. One in particular seemed, dare I say it, attracted to me. (I don't think she saw me out of the water yet.) I was relaxing after a few hard laps, treading water with the pool's edge behind me when I heard mom. Actually, with the sudden shadow behind me I figured somebody big walked up and thought it could be mom. Then she spoke, removing all doubt. "Hey, little D." Mom said affectionately but clueless as always. Here she had thought up this term of endearment, and in reality it's a none-too-veiled insult about a male's endowment. Typically, she never considered that. "Hey mom." "Were you going to swim some more laps? Because I'd like for you to meet someone." Oh no. Something bad was going to happen. Basically, any time mom did anything outside our established routine, it was bad news for me. But what could I do? I was the lab animal in this relationship. "Uh, n-no," I said nervously while turning around to look up at her. "Good," she replied, reaching down toward me, hands aiming for my armpits. I felt a sudden stab of panic - mom was going to pick me up out of the water! "Mom! No!" When mom upset me, I often got rather shrill and whiny which, for all reasons obvious, reinforced mom's idea that I was still a little boy. "Daniel, son, come here!" she hissed, crouching lower to get a better hold of me. I couldn't help losing my temper once she had me in her grip. Oh, if only I could have. "GodDAMN it, mom! Stop!!" Hoo boy. That did it. Whenever mom was provoked, heaven help you. She was always a bit on edge, but my petulant outburst turned her into a bull in a china shop. She yanked me from the water at all speed and marched angrily toward our belongings, swatting my bottom twice in the process. It stung, to be sure, but the acute embarrassment was far, far worse. I probably mouth off to Mom once every two years on the average - like an idiot, I did it in a public place this time. Mom didn't show the slightest interest in letting me down to walk. She was rather upset with my show of defiance and this humiliation was the best way for her to pay me back. There were grade schoolers running around free - and I was the one being hauled around like a sack of groceries. Putting the cherry on top of this foul-tasting sundae, I glimpsed the three hispanic girls from before as I dared to look up from mom's endless shoulder. They were highly amused - tickled, even - by my plight. To be sure, I was now convinced that if the one girl found me attractive before, this display had to have put her off. She had a good laugh though, and I guess I'll take credit for it, even if it came at my expense. As we approached the table holding our towels and things, there were two women seated there I hadn't seen before. When mom sat down (placing me on her lap, naturally), I saw that the two women were, in fact, woman and girl. On the left sat the woman, looking thirty-some years old, a rather exceptionally attractive woman in fact. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a comfortable ponytail, her cheeks sweetly brushed by sunlight with just a smidgeon of freckling. She had that sexy, sparse freckling, not the bizarre, rampant blotching that some women have. Two huge, smoldering Persian eyes were intense, but not at all penetrating or intimidating. They were inviting eyes, the kind that suggest a smile even when the bearer of those eyes wore a neutral expression. She had the sort of cheeks that were tastefully plump though never in danger of looking like too much face. Her nose was more or less proportional to the rest of her face, her mouth was wonderfully shaped even if her lips were a bit on the thin side. What I guess I'm trying to say is that I was instantly attracted, but of course even if she and I were about the same age, I have so many strikes against me that it wouldn't matter. In the first place, there's the size thing. This woman is sitting down, but it seems likely that she's in mom's neighborhood, heightwise. For that matter, so was the girl. I deduced that the girl was the daughter of that beautiful woman, though there wasn't a whole lot of resemblance between the two. Their faces had the same kind of look to them, the kind of thing that only happens among families. In the same vein, I have often caught myself passing along some expression or other which originated from mom. This galled me. How could I ever sink so low as to using the sort of expressions mom favors? It flies in the face of the intelligent discourse I aspire to. But I digress. The girl was less beautiful than her mom, but hardly unattractive, and to be fair, she wasn't a finished product. She had to be around fifteen, I reckoned, but she was a young fifteen. Her face was rounder than her mom's, kind of moon-faced, with some age-appropriate pimples. (Nothing too unsightly, but noticeable) She had shortish, dark dirty-blonde hair, fairly narrow eyes (I couldn't tell the color, but they seemed lighter than her mom's), an unnaturally thin nose, and a narrow mouth with two rather impressive lips. The mom had her well and truly beat in most departments, but the girl had a real top-notch set of lips, no denying it. Well, I guess the girl had her in bodyweight too. The girl was wider and rounder than her mom. (It was easy to see that the mom, while not model-thin, kept a lot less flesh on her than my mom does.) "I'm sorry that took so long," mom began, sounding more in control of her emotions than I knew she wasn't right now, "but little Daniel here was being a pill." Yep, this is making a great impression. "Anyway, this is...Daniel, stop being rude." I was so embarrassed by what was happening, I just couldn't face these two. I didn't know what we were doing here, talking to the woman and her daughter, but I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. A painful squeeze of mom's hand around my upper arm gave me the focus she needed. "Daniel, this is Dana Winters and her daughter Natalie. Ladies, this is my son, Daniel." Dana stuck her hand out first. "Hi Daniel. Nice to meet you! I'm Dana." To my humiliation, her tone of voice suggested she either assumed I was under ten or that I was some sort of mental case. Neither scenario did me credit, but I hoped it was the former. It's hard to relate exactly how patronizing and overly enthusiastic her tone was. I've said hello to kindergartners in much the same way. Oh, and I should add that I only shook part of her hand. Seriously, this was the biggest mitt I'd ever seen - noticeably bigger than mom's, which dwarfed mine. I then pressed the flesh with Natalie, who was much more sober and respectful than the mom. Almost a peer-to-peer sort of regard. (Almost, let me be clear) That earned her points in my book. And this hand, though naturally not so large as her mom's, was enormous also. Maybe a touch smaller than my mom's, maybe about the same. I only relate these details because 1) I'm size conscious to start with and 2) it then dawned on me that Dana was going to be my babysitter and of course, mom would have to hire someone naturally equipped to make me feel like an insect. By the end of the meeting, I longed for the times I felt like an insect. "Dana and I have been working together for over a year, and I told her about you. Wouldn't you know, Natalie is a babysitter and she's been looking for work recently. So we just put two and two together, and bam! Natalie is your new babysitter," mom said to me with rare gusto. Oh. So....wait. What? But I thought that Dana"Honey, you're lucky, getting to watch such a little cutie!" said the sexy, patronizing Dana to Natalie. My erection, always on high alert while at the pool, was now at DefCon 5. Hearing this gorgeous woman compliment me so dismissively was arousing as hell. All this while seated in the vast lap of my mother - you don't know what an immense turn-on humiliation can be. I can't stand it, but there it is. "Uh, well, uh-" I said thoughtfully. "Daniel, what school do you go to?" Natalie asked me, with a slight maternal tone. She seemed to be abandoning the idea that she and I are equals in any way. "Mort Levinson high." "Ooh, a high schooler!" Dana exclaimed with genuine surprise. She didn't lose the patronizing tone, however. "Didn't I tell you, Dana?" asked mom. "No. The way you talked about him, I thought he was eight or nine." Big surprise. It's how she treats me. "Then when I saw you carrying him over here, I thought he might even be younger. But then when he spoke and he sounded much older, I was surprised." Yes, my voice did change a couple of years back, but not by much. All puberty did for it was to take most of the feminine edge off - it's actually still kind of high pitched. "Levinson high - mom, that's where I'll be going after next year!" Let's just say I tuned out the rest of the conversation. This big galoot of a girl, my new babysitter, just finished seventh grade! Seventh!! I just finished my goddamn sophomore year and the girl my mother brings in to supervise me is in junior high! I could feel, if not actually hear, my face turning red. Meanwhile, mom and the Winters ladies carried on the conversation without me. To punctuate my lowly status in the quartet, mom conversed with the Winters while idily towel-drying and putting my t-shirt on me, like I was just the sort of toddler one could tend to while multitasking. I offered no resistance - I had much bigger worries now. In a fog, I stood up with mom and the Winters, feeling a bit like a turtle in the Redwood Forest. Mom was the tallest of this bunch, but it was a close contest among the three. I was dimly aware that proceedings were wrapping up, my mind more preoccupied with the reality of my ever-diminishing status. It didn't help that the three ladies carried on as though I wasn't there. (Maybe it was like the roller coaster rides: "You must be this tall to be in the conversation.") As the chatter continued, I grew impatient with the situation and started for the car. One step in, and my legs wobbled. Maybe it was the swimming, the sun, my not having eaten in quite some time, or the constant DefCon 5 erection, but I buckled and headed for a fall. Mom was all over it, grabbing my upper arm and to stop me from a spill. I looked up at her plaintively. That's how bad it got. I was so completely beaten, I wanted her to carry me back to the car. As she is only capable of merciful acts which serve to take me down a peg or two, mom complied. Scooping me up onto her hip, her huge hand blanketing my bottom, mom bid farewell to the Winters. "We'd better go. He's had a long day." *** You know, for most people, it's really a bad situation when you look forward to school. Everybody hates school. You get up early and you have to sit through boring material no one ever needs to know. That's supposed to be what school is; it's been portrayed that way in movies and TV shows for ages. I've always been against the grain in that way. I like school. I like learning and making good grades and expanding my mind. I like being in demand when tests come around. I like spotting errors on tests or in lectures, thereby demonstrating that my store of knowledge is greater than that of the person trying to teach me. But school is even better than that for me. In school, I'm a real person. I don't have to share a bed with Mother Sumo at school. I don't have to have a babysitter at school (please, no ironic comments about the role played by teachers in present-day schools, thanks). No one at school thinks I'm perpetually endangered by sexual predators and serial killers. School starts on September third. Today is June 28th. June 28th also happens to be the same day mom starts her second job. And in turn, this marks perhaps the first time in recorded history a thirteen year-old girl babysits a sixteen year-old boy. I was sitting still on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't relax. I couldn't read, mess around online, work on my models, nothing. The figurative date with the electric chair was approaching and no one was calling with a pardon. Natalie was coming at around 4:30, which was just five minutes away. In the background, the hair dryer roared constantly as mom got herself together for her first shift at Chez Nuevo. With all due respect, I didn't think someone of Mom's dimensions would ever have a shot at a high-class place like Chez Nuevo. But mom is a great waitress, no question, and people take notice. You can have a less-than-ideal look if you can keep people coming back, and mom does. I'm not kidding, the doorbell rang just a beat after mom switched off the hair dryer. "Daniel, answer the door, that should be Natalie." Boy, did that make the legs quiver. I answered the door. Natalie certainly filled a doorway, that's for sure. "Hi, Danny," she said sweetly, in the way that I hate. I don't care for "Danny", either. It's "Daniel". Even mom remembers that. Even so, I should allow it. The more cooperative I was with her hopefully meant that I would be rid of her sooner. "Hello, Miss Winters." Oh, didn't I mention? Mom thought it was important that because she entrusted my care into Natalie's hands, I should show her all due respect by calling her "Miss Winters" or "Ma'am" at all times. I strongly objected, but when mom threatened to put me over her knee, I could see the wisdom in it. "How are you?" she asked, tousling my hair while saying so. Clearly, mom's display of power at the pool combined with her new position of authority convinced Natalie that I was, for all practical purposes, a child. "Fine, thank you, ma'am," I replied. She rumbled by, calling for mom. Mom called back, and Natalie followed her voice into the bathroom. I studied Natalie, who was holding a purse in her right hand and a gym bag slung over the left shoulder, as she walked. I hated to admit it, but I was developing an attraction for her. Maybe it was insatiable lust - since summer began, I have found nearly every female sexually desirable. One thing I enjoyed about her was her appalling fashion sense. She's got a very round shape - broad round shoulders, large round arms, full, plump breasts, big belly, titanic legs, enormous butt - yet she came in wearing some kind of purple sport polo with black athletic shorts, with both parts of the ensemble clinging closely to the skin. The outfit looked so bad, it looked sexy. But hell, I don't discriminate - to me, all girls can be attractive with the good face - large, small, or anywhere in between. Natalie had the good face, and the boldness of her outfit suggested confidence. It was hard for me to think of her as thirteen, because 1) she was very mature physically, 2) she had authority over me, and 3) she could probably beat me up while doing her homework. Mom and Natalie returned from the restroom into the living room. I felt an irrational spike of fear, as though the two of them were coming to do something bad to me. I know I'd hate to wander into some back alley with the two of them standing there, that's for damn sure. "Daniel," mom said, stepping forward, stooping to get face to face with me, "I have to go. I know you're a good boy - stay a good boy for Miss Winters. She's going to take care of you and protect you, so make things easy on her." Amazing. It was phrased like a threat, but it sounded sweet. "I will." "You'll be asleep when I get back, so I'll see you in the morning," Mom said, kissing me on the cheek. Rising to full height, mom reached into her purse and produced a folded paper from her purse. "Natalie, I've written down some things here, some ground rules. When I leave, you and Daniel can read it together. I gotta go, wish me luck!" I know I did, and I guess Natalie did, but together our well-wishes made a weird, garbled noise as mom walked out the door. I wonder if mom took that as a bad omen? No sooner did the door shut when Natalie said, "C'mon Danny, let's read this." I nodded, following Natalie to the kitchen table. She took her seat while unfolding the letter and setting it down. I set a chair next to hers at an angle - sitting next to mom, you have to know how to get the proper angle in order to read next to a wide person, and through practice I've got it down. What I saw on the page was horrific, but considering the way things have been going lately, completely unsurprising: "Natalie - always remember that you are the one in charge here and that you are to be obeyed at all times. Now my Daniel's a good boy, but you have to be firm if he doesn't obey you. If you think he needs a stern lecture, then lecture him. If you think he needs to go to bed early, then send him to bed early. And if you think he needs a spanking, then spank him good. I'm behind you." What? I mean, what!? I was quivering, my heart was rising in my throat. This is bullshit! She's going to drum up any excuse at all to spank me, I just know it! "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but if it's okay with you, I'd prefer Daniel wear only his underwear once he's had his evening shower. We don't have a lot of money and it's costly for us to wash clothes too often. If the two of you have to go somewhere, get him dressed, of course - but I don't want him getting clothes dirty for no reason." I don't believe this! It's true that for the last couple of weeks, mom reasoned that because I always sleep in my underwear, money could be saved by washing clothes less often. Therefore, once I showered, it was just me in my tighty-whities until the next day, assuming I left the house. I actually had a couple of days where I didn't wear anything else, since I was home all day (thank God I'm dressed now!). But this arrangement in front of Natalie? Why does mom always forget that what goes on among family doesn't always work elsewhere? Because she's Queen Oblivious, that's why! "I usually let Daniel stay up 'til about 11, but if you want to or need to put him to bed sooner you can. He sleeps with me in my bed, so when you put him down for the night, take him to my room. Call me if you have any questions, Chez Nuevo is in the phonebook. - Angela" Oh, jeez. This is hard to swallow. "Don't worry, Danny," Natalie said, seemingly reading my mind, "Trust me, I don't want to embarrass you. I know you're older than me, and that sucks." Wow. She's considerate. I didn't think large women in charge of me could be, frankly. "Thank you, Miss Winters. Mom...makes it hard sometimes." "Well, just - I don't know, do what you do, you know? If you want to watch TV, go ahead. If you want to get on the computer - do what you want. Me and my friends will just be texting each other anyway. You have nothing to worry about. God, you're sixteen! This is the easiest babysitting money anyone could make." Hey, whattaya know? This may work out after all. *** I wish I could report that everything went smoothly, that Natalie and I got along fine, as though we were good friends, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. As I have mentioned many times, my libido seems to grow by the hour, and it led me down a road which erased every last trace of respect Natalie showed me after mom left. What happened was this: I was really tired - I had woken up at seven o'clock that morning and never did fall back asleep. So right around nine, I decided to take my shower and hit the sack. I shut the door behind me, but couldn't lock it - it was the only bathroom in the apartment and Natalie may have had a need to use the toilet while I showered. It's happened many times that way with mom and me. I closed the door, started the hot water (it needed time to get hot), and undressed. As I dropped my shirt to the floor, I noticed Natalie's gym bag. I mean, it was there the whole time, but it seemed to appear out of nowhere. I looked at it a while, my curiosity about its contents growing rapidly. I crouched and poked at the bag, trying to discern by feel what was inside. It was soft, likely clothes. Workout clothes, by chance? I stood up and checked the water - lukewarm, but not yet hot enough. I returned to the bag, pulling the zipper back a little to reach inside. I probed around, feeling damp spandex. Definitely workout clothes. I flashed back to Natalie's volleyball shorts and my erection was raging yet again. By now there was steam coming from the shower; who knows how long I'd been in here already, but I absolutely had to see what was inside the bag. It was killing me. I pulled the zipper all the way back and rummaged. There was a black sports bra, which strangely enough didn't interest me much, dirty socks (ewww), sweaty panties (eeeeewww), and a pair of light grey spandex shorts similar to the ones Natalie wore at the moment, save the color. I felt ready to pass out, I was so turned on. If you're like me, you know what a difference color makes on a woman's butt. When a woman wears black, you really can't see a whole lot, but this light grey business - wow! I pulled them out and examined them at arm's length, imagining these same shorts on a hot volleyball player I saw on ESPN the other day. She looked like a six-foot five Katherine McPhee, with an amazingly proportional physique. It was the same kind of physique a swimsuit model has, only at seven inches taller (the exception being in those sexy, powerful legs volleyball players have). Her thick butt stuck out like a domed stadium on a skyline, but of course she was wearing black shorts. Most volleyball teams wear black shorts nowadays. Holding these shorts and thinking back, it was easy to change the color of her shorts in my mind's eye. I gripped the shorts with my left hand and went to work in my right, thinking about the volleyball player and me in a hot tub... In retrospect, I should have known that this would tempt fate into pressuring Natalie's bladder. That's just how it works. The door swung open with me standing there holding my manhood in one hand and Natalie's workout shorts in the other, her gym bag wide open at my feet. With unbelievable quickness, I threw the shorts down and leapt into the shower, but there was no reasonable doubt about what I had just been doing. A silent moment passed, and in that moment I thought that maybe Natalie would just dismiss this under the "I didn't see anything, let's just forget this awkward episode ever happened" social precedent. Natalie preferred to explore the issue. "WHAT are you doing?!?" she bellowed. Now me, I hate that question. It happens all the time on sitcoms when one person is caught doing something stupid, and the person doing the catching asks that question "What are you doing?". I mean, why ask when it's so bloody obvious? I'll grant you, there was a bit of ambiguity there. Was I masturbating to the damp shorts? Was it to Natalie herself? But I don't guess that this is what she meant, and I wasn't about to literally answer the question. That just pisses off the offended party even more. So I spat out stuttered incomprehensible syllables in answer to her question. "Who said you could get in my things!?!?" Again, one of those questions with an obvious answer that the person asking would rather not hear. So, bereft of any better ideas, my answer this time was pretty much the same as my last answer. She paused a while. "You just take your shower. When you're done, you come see me. And you better be finished in ten minutes or I'm coming in after you." Yikes. *** It was, best guess, about a seven minute shower. I toweled off, brushed the hair and the teeth, and pulled my tighty-whities into place. I took one long last grim look at myself - my God, I'm a paperweight, she could kill me with her bare hands! - in the mirror before taking the slow, reluctant walk back to the kitchen area. My legs trembled with each step. I turned the corner from the hall and saw Natalie sitting there, looking as pissed off as anyone can look. She shifted her feet a short distance apart and gestured toward her left leg as I approached. When I got to her, I started to assume the position, but she stopped me. Rising to her full height at point blank range, all I could do was look at her purple shirt. Looking her in the eye right now was completely out of the question. "You know, I've had to do some spanking before. Usually, though, the kids I spank are half your age at best! Even some of them aren't as filthy and naughty as you!" When she puts it that way, I suppose dirty sweaty shorts are kind of disgusting. But in light grey! Oh no, I'm getting hard again. "I guess your mom knew what she was doing getting you a babysitter. And when I tell her what happened here, you're going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on." With that, she sat back down, seemingly as tall sitting down as I was standing up. And damn my rotten luck, she noticed something. "Oh, Jesus, Danny! You've got an erection!? Even now?? Well, I'll fix that and then some!" And that's when the roller coaster started up the hill. She directed my lower legs underneath her right thigh and my forearms underneath her left thigh. I have no idea where she learned this technique, but she was now free to spank away without any squirming resistance from me. I could barely move, stuck under so much mass and weight. Mom never did this to me before; I hope she and Natalie don't compare notes. My last shred of hope came down with my underwear. With a slow, dramatic motion, Natalie stuck her fingers under the waistband, where the tag was sewn into the fabric, and pulled down, exposing my buttocks for the assault. Oh, why can't I be in school right now? "You will NOT do any FILTHY things when I'M here AGAIN! You will NOT break into MY stuff and be a PERVERT around ME! And if I HAVE to, I'll SPANK you as many TIMES as it takes 'til you LEARN!!" You've probably figured out that Natalie was swatting my bottom during that scolding. Me, I'm not sure how I managed to hear every word of it, with all of my crying and wailing. Hell, maybe I missed something, what do I know. I do know I could barely see anything through all of my tears. I was completely worn out from the beating combined with bucking and thrashing around while trapped under her mass. I just wept and wept some more. Graciously, she let me sob into her leg for a while, even restoring a tiny mite of dignity to me by pulling my underwear back into position. Of course, that didn't feel so good on my stinging bottom, but naked or covered by butt was on fire. When she pulled up her legs (first her right to free my legs, then her left to free my arms), I couldn't help myself. I reached up to hold on to her. I needed to stay in her lap. I was still bawling. My ass hurt and I was an emotional mess, fully aware of what a child-like life I now lived. Natalie again was sympathetic, wrapping her left arm around my back and her right arm under my legs. She rocked me back and forth. "'s's okay. You need to go to sleep." I hated her. Hated hated hated her. And yet I was never more fond of her than right now. It felt so good to be engulfed in her powerful arms, to be comforted. And yet, she was the reason I needed the comforting. I'm so confused. "'s okay...let's put you down, okay?" Then she stood up, still holding me, and carried me down the hall to mom's room. Sadly, as bizarre as it felt to get spanked to tears by a thirteen year-old girl, in one very convincing sense this felt familiar. Sure, mom is probably much stronger than Natalie, but it all feels the same to me - I just got spanked and I'm about to get put to bed before ten. It's like mom's still here, which is the precise effect mom wanted when she found me a babysitter. After all, if mom had walked in on me holding her sweaty shorts during masturbation, she would have reacted just the same way Natalie did. (Although mom would have been more dramatic about it, to be sure) Natalie lowered me down gently and very deliberately tucked me in, a maneuver I found insanely arousing. I could tell that this was just something she does by rote when she babysits - there was no malice, or even much awareness behind the act - and that was really what had me back at DefCon 5. With this action, she made it clear that she considered me no different than the six, seven, or eight year olds she normally watches. Like I said before, humiliation is more arousing, much more so, than anyone can imagine. When she left mom's room, I pulled my underwear down and lay on my side to take the pressure off my stinging bottom. I was too close to the depression left in the bed by mom and I fell right in. This confirmed it - it's as though mom's still here.