Author's Note:

While the story is still being written I have
decided to post new chapters and edits only 
on the web page. It is a lot more convenient 
to have to correct the story when it is posted
in just one place.  

Obviously the web page chapters could be saved
as text and thus those who really need text 
for one reason or another could get it that way.
Once the story is finished and re-edited I 
will be posting columnated text files for it.


At some point as edits stack up, I may post
the raw, uncolumnated text files just so the
text is current, even if it might be more
difficult to deal with in text viewers
without word wrap.  This would probably be
a good compromise - text with almost no work
since I usually have the most current draft 
of each chapter in raw text form before
 .html-izing it.  If nothing else, I may
do that with later chapters.
