Hey, this is my story, so don't steal it! Repost elsewhere
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Kisses, quivering_fleshNOSPAM@yahoo.com

"Happy Families are (Not) All Alike" 5 of 57 (MFgg pedo incest best cons)

Vaughn: hi love...
Sandra: oh vaughn!!
Vaughn: I take it you have made some more progress?
Sandra: yes..a few things..the girls computer is unlocked
Vaughn: just like pandora's box was unlocked! hehehehe
Sandra: without the dire effect I hope
Vaughn: oh no dear..wonderful effects I predict
Vaughn: pandora is so misunderstood...her true story has
     been lost, supressed..
Sandra: everything seems to be wonderful..the girls are
     talking..even the older
Vaughn: oh? talking about what? and with whom?
Sandra: the cock..oh excuse me the penis, is a topic of
Vaughn: at the dinner table perhaps?
Sandra: and I have a daily newsletter for women..thrive on
Sandra: yes and at breakfast
Vaughn: you do? what is it? can I get it too?
Vaughn: ok dear..you MUST tell me about these
Sandra: of course. anyone can
Vaughn: tell me how...then on the your news...
Sandra: its a medical newsletter
Vaughn: I would love to read it...
Sandra: and todays was...the vulva..self exam..and
Vaughn: where do I get this?
Sandra: it was advertised on our e-mail and I joined
Sandra: have had it for some time now
Vaughn: dear...you're a bit of a tease you know that?
Sandra: why?..I am being serious
Vaughn: you're not telling me how to get it that's why!
Sandra: its called thriveonline
Vaughn: ok...interesting name..I like it...
Sandra: and is aimed at women
Vaughn: I've got it up now...
Sandra: today they had anatomy
Sandra: its not a porn site
Vaughn: is the anatomy part on the site, or in the
     newsletter they sent you?
Sandra: part
Sandra: they have
Vaughn: dear..you are driving me nuts, do you know that? ;-)
Sandra: yes!! lol.
Vaughn: you are mean..just plain old mean!!!!
Sandra: but today they had self exam..and I've let my
     daughters see it..to make them aware
Vaughn: I see...so there is method to your madness!
Sandra: yes!! I want them to become aware..to touch..yhet
     also deal with masturbation
Sandra: I want them to know I approve
Vaughn: you sat with them as they visited the site?
Sandra: yes..on my computer
Vaughn: how did they react?
Sandra: and we examined the hymen!!! honest
Vaughn: you mean the hymen on screen or their own?
Sandra: very well..even the older who knows everything!
Sandra: our own!! well 2 out of three
Vaughn: hehehe...she's going to learn alot more pretty
     quickly I guess
Vaughn: who was left out?
Sandra: the little one learned that a dog can never make a
     woman pregnant..lol
Sandra: me!!
Vaughn: must have been reassuring...
Vaughn: so dear tell me about these "explorations"...where
     did they take place?
Sandra: not left out..we examined with a mirror
Vaughn: so you showed them your pussy?
Sandra: in the bedroom
Vaughn: everyone got naked?
Sandra: yes!! but in an educational way!! lol
Vaughn: mmmmmmm I love education...particularly sex ed...I
     got all A's..
Sandra: yes..and the questions flew
Vaughn: so tell me how you showed them your pussy...on your
     back, legs in the air?
Sandra: you really should request this
Vaughn: what should I request?
Sandra: no!! we all sat on the edge of a wooden bench type
     and held a mirror
Vaughn: you mean each examined her own pussy, but not anyone
Sandra: I guess thriveonline
Vaughn: I will...I've bookmarked it and I'll subscribe to
     the newsletter...
Vaughn: I like their kinky questionairre...I'm going to have
     my wife take it!
Sandra: the first sentance said the following..blah...will
     be cleared if u hold a mirror!!! etc
Sandra: it is kinky!!
Vaughn: nothing about sucking dogs though...
Sandra: that will come!!! hope!!
Sandra: and I am serious..I really do hope
Vaughn: I know dear..we are both serious on that subject...
Vaughn: so you didn't answer my question, did each examine
     only herself or someone else too?
Sandra: I know...at laest both fel free to talk about his
Sandra: we held the mirror so we each could see one another
Vaughn: so the girls did examine you? and you examined them?
Vaughn: was that the closest look you've gotten at their
     pussies since they were young?
Sandra: yes..and talked about it..they were both very
Sandra: yes
Sandra: the computer made what we were doing acceptable
Vaughn: that must have been very exciting for you..to be
     that sexually intimate with them...although not in a
     sexual context
Sandra: it was sexual
Vaughn: did you get aroused?
Sandra: we feel more at ease with each other
Sandra: yes..yes..I did
Vaughn: could you tell if they were getting aroused too?
Sandra: the older..definately
Vaughn: mmmmmmmmm
Vaughn: did the conversation turn to the dog's penis as you
     were examining each other?
Sandra: as I said..u are my lucky charm
Vaughn: (blush)
Sandra: no..not then..I think I missed an opportunity
Vaughn: it might have been too much at once....
Vaughn: remember, just let things happen...and let your
     intuitions in the moment be your guide
Sandra: what ever it was I missed it
Vaughn: they have been talking about the dog though you
     said...with you and your husband
Sandra: well they do know that dog semen (not cum! lol) id
     not harmful
Vaughn: then they know a dog cums...
Sandra: no..this has been only with me
Vaughn: I see...to soon to bring him into it?
Sandra: yes..with a be quiet glance between the sisters
Vaughn: ?
Vaughn: oh you mean the sisters exchanged a be quiet look?
Sandra: no..but he is having a period of long hours at
     work..and does not eat breakfast with us
Sandra: yes...
Vaughn: I see...better to keep it just among the girls at
     this point...
Vaughn: they will feel closer to you..bond with another
     female on these "female" issues..
Sandra: that just happens to be the way things are turning
Sandra: the exam!! yes
Vaughn: the atmosphere between the three of you must be
     tinged with sexuality right now
Sandra: I would love to have the girls let him look in the
     mirror..but that is a long way off
Vaughn: yes..they need to develop trust in you around
     this...feel comfortable with you first..
Vaughn: they need a guide and mentor they can identify
     with...and that's obviously you, not dad
Sandra: yes..perhaps the girls will examine each other now!!
Vaughn: I'm sure they will...
Vaughn: and without the mirrors I bet!
Sandra: and that will lead to ???
Vaughn: do any of the girls actually touch your pussy, or
     you theirs?
Vaughn: the girls will play sex games...lots of siblings do
Sandra: not today
Vaughn: do you have brothers or sisters? I've forgotten...
Sandra: no..I was an only child
Vaughn: ok...it is very common though..all my g/fs with
     siblings did some kind of sex play..
Sandra: I will encourage it as best I can..at least the
     climate will be there
Vaughn: yes..tell me, what have they said about putney's
Sandra: well it was the younger who said she saw it last
     night..and the older told her to shut up cause it was
     gross!! and on and on!!
Vaughn: oh...did the older really think it was gross..or
     just said that instinctively to cover her fascination?
Sandra: but I hit the natural button..and even the older
Sandra: the latter
Vaughn: yes..excellent...
Vaughn: its natural...just like their own bodies are
Sandra: that if they wanted to have putney in the room that
     would happen more and more
Vaughn: oh...how did they react? did the older one say she
     wanted to keep him out then?
Sandra: so today was quite a day!
Vaughn: it was dear!....and you told them that putney could
     not make a woman pregnant?
Sandra: she asked me what I thought
Vaughn: and you said? (let me guess......)
Sandra: yes..I wanted them to know that
Vaughn: how did that come up?
Vaughn: that would plant the idea of them having sex with
     putney very directly...
Sandra: he could stay in and that he would never hurt them
Vaughn: stay in the room you mean or in......?
Sandra: I am trying to get them to relate to putney
     sexually..but without fear
Vaughn: yes..I understand...how long have you had putney? do
     they get along well otherwise?
Sandra: lol..the room..the other will come later
Vaughn: hehehe..let's not get ahead of yourselves! lol
Sandra: putney adores them
Vaughn: and they feel the same about him? he's loyal and
     trustworthy etc etc?
Sandra: yes!! and shows his cock!!
Vaughn: VERY friendly...
Sandra: because they are growing up
Vaughn: you must very aroused by all this...will you get
     some relieve with hubby gets home?
Sandra: poor dear!!! he will be exhausted!! its so late
Vaughn: what will you do? can I help???? ;-)
Sandra: am getting some relief as we speak however
Vaughn: oh dear...tell me...don't keep it from me
Sandra: I have a vibrator I can use
Vaughn: would you like me to tell you a story as you use it?
Sandra: no..as I am about to nod off even despite a wet
     pussy..am going to make some coffee
Vaughn: ok...
Vaughn: I get the feeling you're not too fond of my
     stories...hope that's not true..
Sandra: I know u will hate me..but I can't really have
     orgasms while chatting
Vaughn: no, I don't hate you...just disappointed we can't
     share that...
Sandra: usually I love stories..but real life at this point
     is more than I can handle
Vaughn: hehehe..I think you're handling it just fine!
Sandra: I mean I am living my story!!
Vaughn: you and your husband have any time together since we
     last talked?
Vaughn: you are....a very lucky lady you are too
Sandra: and all else is just not important
Vaughn: I hear you...
Sandra: since yesterday..no
Vaughn: I wanted to ask you about something you said...the
     last thing you said last night to me
Sandra: I want my daughters to know one another
     sexually..and later..well that is later
Sandra: what was that
Vaughn: you asked me if I understood that what you'd been
     saying bout the girls was a fantasy...I assume you
     meant our discussion of my "initiating" them...
Sandra: yes.....I did not mean that when we were
     talking..but I hoped you did
Vaughn: I just wanted to assure you that that is how I look
     at it...a wonderful sweet fantasy...
Vaughn: you never know what life will bring, and I would in
     fact be honored...but it is only a fantasy...
Sandra: when we were talking it was real for me..later I had
Sandra: I tend to be practical
Vaughn: yes me too...the circumstances would have to be just
     right, so right that it can almost certainly not happen
Sandra: yes..I am not saying it can not happen..but I can
     not promise it will
Vaughn: oh dear, I think if the opportunity arose I would
     have as many reservations as you..perhaps more if that
     is possible..
Sandra: do you think?
Vaughn: for me, it could not be your decision to say
     "yes"..as their mother, you could say "no" but it is
     for them to say "yes"
Vaughn: and they would have to know and trust and be
     attracted to me...and where is the opportunity for
Sandra: oh! taht reminds me..the girl who grinks 'coffee'
     when di d she start?
Vaughn: at what age do you mean? 11
Vaughn: and she is just 13 now, and has an 18 yo girl
     friend...a real girl friend that is..
Sandra: oh!!!! really??? younger than..my youngest!
Vaughn: yes...when I met her she had be doing it for more
     than a year..
Vaughn: I met her here actually, in beast chat
Sandra: she must be marvelous!! I wish she lived here!
Vaughn: oh yes..she is a darling...very very sweet...and
     very wise too, for a young girl..
Sandra: a girl that young? on a chat?
Vaughn: yes, she pretended to be 18 and we cybered with a
Vaughn: sucked its cock and fucked together...then she told
     me her real age!
Sandra: I wonder??
Vaughn: what do you wonder?
Sandra: if my daughters could handle a chat
Vaughn: it would have to be the right people on the other
Sandra: does this girl still chat?
Vaughn: no, she doesn't...her parents put netnany on her pc,
     and we can only exchange emails now
Vaughn: but I do know another girl that might be perfect for
Sandra: oh no! that poor thing..her mother must be as dumb
     as I was
Sandra: yes!! do you?
Vaughn: yes, they worry about her online, yet she is fucking
     a girl 6 years older than her right under their nose!
Vaughn: I will tell you this other girl's story...I very
     unusual one..and one you might really like
Sandra: lord! I was surprised to find my daughter were still
Sandra: yes!! tell me!!
Vaughn: you will not believe some of this..but it is god's
     truth (I should say the goddess's truth!)
Vaughn: the girl is 19 yo...
Sandra: lol
Sandra: yes!!
Vaughn: she and her mother are lovers...
Vaughn: her mom is 51...
Sandra: oh!!!
Sandra: oh!!
Sandra: and this is true??
Vaughn: yes, they sleep together everynight...the mom is
Vaughn: yes, it is absolutely true...
Sandra: that is so sweet!
Vaughn: there is more...
Vaughn: the mom has been bi for years...
Sandra: yes!!
Vaughn: had a long romantic relationship with another
Vaughn: of her own age...
Sandra: I think I may be
Vaughn: I would suprised if you weren't dear...
Vaughn: you obviously have sexual feeling for your girls, so
     you must be..
Sandra: should I say thank you??? lol
Vaughn: you're welcome dear
Sandra: yes..yes that is becoming more evident
Vaughn: anyway, the mom had this affair with her friend for
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: but the friend broke it off when she (the friend got
Sandra: oh no!!
Vaughn: broke the mom's heart...
Vaughn: they live close by, and eventually became friends
Sandra: of course it would..the poor woman
Vaughn: and they lovers as the marriage of the friend got
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: the friend had a daughter...
Sandra: good!!
Sandra: yes!
Vaughn: 8 years younger than the girl I chat with...
Sandra: then which girl??
Sandra: the 13??
Vaughn: then my friend, the daughter of the mom..
Vaughn: no the 13 yo is a completely different person..
Vaughn: I'm sorry this is so confusing..
Vaughn: my friend is 19..named lil...
Sandra: oh!!! lol..how old is the daughter?
Vaughn: just 12
Vaughn: I'm sorry this is so confusing..let me get right to
     the bottom line...
Sandra: 12!!! like mine
Sandra: yes!
Vaughn: yes...this girl (12) now lives with my friend (19)
     and her mom (51) in a menage...
Vaughn: they all sleep together.. 

(To be continued...)


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