Hey, this is my story, so don't steal it! Repost elsewhere
if you want, but leave it intact (including the email
address at the end).


Kisses, quivering_fleshNOSPAM@yahoo.com

"Happy Families are (Not) All Alike" 12 of 57 (MFgg pedo
incest best cons)

Vaughn: hi again
Rachel & Gwen: i am showing gwen everything
Vaughn: are you both there right now?
Rachel & Gwen: naked!
Vaughn: oh!
Rachel & Gwen: yes we are!
Vaughn: i hope you're not cold!
Rachel & Gwen: dad is out..again..and mom just sent you
   a letter and then ran to the store
Vaughn: yes, i just got her letter
Rachel & Gwen: cold? hehe
Vaughn: are you both naked, or just rachel?
Rachel & Gwen: that is why we couldnt get on line
Rachel & Gwen: just rachel she said but she is to
Rachel & Gwen: gwen is turning red!
Vaughn: i don't want any to catch cold...you two should
   sit close together to keep rachel warm
Vaughn: and to keep gwen warm!
Vaughn: lol
Rachel & Gwen: guen wont ever sit at the computer
Vaughn: why not? don't you like computers gwen?
Rachel & Gwen: i mean gwen!! boy!
Rachel & Gwen: she is afraid of you ..hehe
Vaughn: i won't bite, i promise!
Rachel & Gwen: wait!
Vaughn: i only kiss (and sometimes give a lick or two)
Rachel & Gwen: please excuse my little sister!
Rachel & Gwen: i am not afraid of you
Vaughn: why? has she done something wrong?
Vaughn: sounds like she was teasing you gwen
Rachel & Gwen: no just a wise butt
Vaughn: lol
Rachel & Gwen: she always is
Vaughn: and i bet you are always nice to her, right?
Rachel & Gwen: i just want to thank you for the picture
Vaughn: you are very welcome...
Rachel & Gwen: now i am!!
Vaughn: so i've heard!
Vaughn: your mom says i can send you pictures
   addressed just to you
Rachel & Gwen: well it took a while
Vaughn: sisters can fight alot, just as brothers do
Rachel & Gwen: she did? oh mom is so great. i did ask
Vaughn: i'm glad she trusts me to send you things
Rachel & Gwen: Rachel seems to think mom and i are in
Vaughn: she's your mom, so i assume you love her and
   she loves you
Rachel & Gwen: not that way!
Vaughn: hehehe...
Vaughn: now i'm teasing you!
Rachel & Gwen: oh
Vaughn: well, are you in love with her?
Vaughn: or should i not ask?
Rachel & Gwen: yes
Rachel & Gwen: no, rachel knows i am
Vaughn: how does that make you feel?
Rachel & Gwen: and a little with rachel!
Rachel & Gwen: funny
Vaughn: well, you two have spent so much time
   together lately..
Vaughn: i'd be surprised if you weren't!
Rachel & Gwen: yes, that we have! hehe
Vaughn: do you think you shouldn't be in love with your
Rachel & Gwen: what do you think? be honest with me
Vaughn: i think that if you are truly in love with your
   mom, and she is in love with you, and you
   don't feel pressured to do anything you don't
   want to, its fine..
Vaughn: in fact, it could be very wonderful
Vaughn: but you know you have to be careful
Rachel & Gwen: and if i do want to do something with
Rachel & Gwen: yes i know i have to be very careful
Vaughn: most other people don't understand this kind of
Vaughn: even though it is very special and can be
Rachel & Gwen: i don't care about other people!
Vaughn: i know...but you have to be careful of
   them...do you understand what i mean?
Rachel & Gwen: i would never tell them
Vaughn: it has to be a family secret....
Rachel & Gwen: the only ones to ever know would be
   sandra, rachel and myself
Vaughn: you don't what your dad to know?
Rachel & Gwen: and you! so don't tell!
Vaughn: hehehe..don't worry...my lips are sealed!
Rachel & Gwen: no!!! i never want him to know!!  ever
Vaughn: gwen, can i ask you a personal question? don't
   answer if you don't want to, ok?
Rachel & Gwen: ok
Vaughn: i get the feeling that you don't like your dad as
   much as you do your mom...
Vaughn: i know it is very common actually for kids to
   not like their parents
Rachel & Gwen: that is very, very true
Vaughn: so that would be perfectly ok
Vaughn: can i ask, is it because of something he has
   done to you?
Rachel & Gwen: good becase i don't
Rachel & Gwen: i can't answer that.
Vaughn: i know i didn't like my dad very much when i
   was growing up...we were just so different
Vaughn: can i ask why you can't answer it? is it
   something you want to keep a secret?
Vaughn: just tell me to stop asking if i'm pushing to far
Rachel & Gwen: i can't tell you now
Vaughn: its just that i care about you and your sister
   and mom
Vaughn: ok..i will stop asking then...
Rachel & Gwen: you might be right
Vaughn: but you know, anytime you want to tell me,
   you can...i will listen and keep your secret
Rachel & Gwen: can you read between the lines?
Vaughn: yes...
Vaughn: very clearly...
Rachel & Gwen: good
Rachel & Gwen: then you know
Vaughn: i'm afraid that i do...
Vaughn: if there is anything i can do, ever, you just let
   me know, ok?
Rachel & Gwen: i am the only one who knows here
Vaughn: does rachel see what you are typing?
Rachel & Gwen: no, i have handled that. and yes rachel
   is right here
Vaughn: ok....
Vaughn: i'm sorry if i upset you...
Vaughn: i did't want to raise a painful topic
Rachel & Gwen: she is wondering what we are talking
   about..nothing rachel!
Vaughn: a big kiss for you dear...and for rachel!
Rachel & Gwen: no, it feels good to have someone else
Vaughn: i hope you are feeling safer these days...
Rachel & Gwen: this is something that sandra can never
Vaughn: ok, dear...i understand...
Rachel & Gwen: yes. my father is afraid of me
Vaughn: it is so important that you feel safe at home....
Rachel & Gwen: i do now and rachel is safe
Vaughn: good!
Rachel & Gwen: rachel always was safe
Rachel & Gwen: i protected her
Vaughn: the oldest sometimes has to take on the most
Vaughn: and take care of things
Rachel & Gwen: the most of something!!
Vaughn: i'm sure you are a very good sister, even
   though you tease her sometimes
Rachel & Gwen: i did.i wrote a letter and will mail it if
   anything ever happens ever again
Vaughn: that was very smart...
Rachel & Gwen: somebody knows i will
Vaughn: yes..and i know who...
Rachel & Gwen: i feel like i am a thousand pounds lighter
Vaughn: i'm so glad...
Vaughn: and as i said, you can always talk to me about
Vaughn: i would never do anything to hurt you....
Rachel & Gwen: thank you. mom made a rule about
Vaughn: you mean about opening email addressed to
   someone else?
Rachel & Gwen: yes
Vaughn: i like being able to email you so only you will
   see it
Rachel & Gwen: rachel sandra and gwen trust each
Vaughn: that is great...
Rachel & Gwen: and you now
Vaughn: thank you...i've really enjoyed meeting all of
   you and becoming friends...
Rachel & Gwen: and so have i vaughn.
Vaughn: :-)
Vaughn: tell me, how was your day today?
Rachel & Gwen: i think we should go and give you some
Vaughn: dear, you're like your mom!
Vaughn: i have plenty of peace talking to you and
Rachel & Gwen: do you have any idea how much it
   meant to me to receive that picture?
Vaughn: i hoped i found the right one for you...
Vaughn: it was hard to decide!
Rachel & Gwen: mom is the one who told us not to bug
Vaughn: i know she worries about that...but i've told
   her a dozen times not to!
Rachel & Gwen: it was so nice. mom said you just seem
   to know what we need
Vaughn: if i'm busy or have to to, i'll be very honest and
   say so..
Vaughn: i hope i've made some good guesses, but its
   hard to really know...
Vaughn: you'll have to help me
Rachel & Gwen: do you have many picture like that/
Rachel & Gwen: i will
Vaughn: oh yes, i have many...i collect them...my
   favorite kind of pic
Rachel & Gwen: i think it is mine also..
Vaughn: then we have something in common! :-)
Rachel & Gwen: very much! hehe
Vaughn: you know, i have an number of lesbian friends,
   and sometimes we go out just girl watching!
   it's fun!
Rachel & Gwen: you do? i would love that!
Vaughn: do you think that girls are more interesting to
   you than boys?
Rachel & Gwen: very much so..rachel is my opposite!
   the little tease! lol
Vaughn: well, not completely opposite!...hehehe
Rachel & Gwen: except with me
Rachel & Gwen: true vaughn
Vaughn: and don't be surprised if you interests
   change..not completely of course, but maybe a
   little one way or another every now and then
   as you get older
Rachel & Gwen: i know that. i never say never!
Vaughn: but if girls are what turn you on, then i think
   that is great!
Rachel & Gwen: i never have had an affair with a
Vaughn: have you had a boyfriend?
Rachel & Gwen: and rachel is the only girl i have ever
   licked, or let lick me
Vaughn: well, i think its a good place to start!
Rachel & Gwen: i always have a boyfriend! not that i
   always want one
Vaughn: the boys must pester you all the time
Rachel & Gwen: yes
Vaughn: does that make rachel jealous...?
Rachel & Gwen: rachel is in the bathroom...i am not a
Vaughn: oh! i know your mom thinks you are....
Rachel & Gwen: she does
Vaughn: is that because of a boyfriend?...or should i not
Rachel & Gwen: we examined each other
Vaughn: yes, she told me...
Rachel & Gwen: no..it was my father..no boy..my father
Vaughn: oh dear.....
Vaughn: if you don't mind, how old were you?
Rachel & Gwen: 9
Vaughn: oh dear! that must have been awful!
Rachel & Gwen: yes
Vaughn: i can't imagine how bad that was for you
Rachel & Gwen: i hated it! i had to suck him
Rachel & Gwen: i know what a man's cum is like
Vaughn: you are so strong, but it must still give you
Rachel & Gwen: he told me that if i didn't he would do it
   to rachel so i did it
Vaughn: but rachel was only 6 at the time!...i know
   why you hate him now...
Vaughn: if i'd been your brother and knew about it, i
   would have killed him i think...
Rachel & Gwen: we did it until i was 12
Vaughn: he didn't have intercourse with you too, did
Rachel & Gwen: i will put him in jail if he touches my sis
Rachel & Gwen: yes..but not there
Vaughn: you certainly are in a position to do that...
Rachel & Gwen: and i am not scared
Vaughn: what do you mean, not there? you don't
   mean..behind do you?
Rachel & Gwen: yes..there
Vaughn: you're very strong....you have him...
Vaughn: oh sweetheart...
Rachel & Gwen: you are damn right i do vaughn
Vaughn: if you never touch a man or want anything to
   do with them again, i would understand..that
   would be perfectly natural
Vaughn: it makes me angry, hearing what he did...
Rachel & Gwen: never tell mom!!! you have to promise
Vaughn: dear..i promise...but you know that i think she
   should know...but i promise....
Vaughn: you can trust me to keep your secret...just
   promise me that if there is anything i can ever
   do to help, you will ask me
Rachel & Gwen: thank you..maybe someday
Rachel & Gwen: whew!   lol
Rachel & Gwen: glad i am naked!
Vaughn: this has been an emotional chat for you..and
   you wanted to chat with me for some fun..i'm
Rachel & Gwen: this had been fun! more that you know!
Vaughn: because you'r sweating?
Vaughn: i hope you feel better!
Rachel & Gwen: yes..i sure am!!!
Vaughn: keeping a secret like that can be hard...
Rachel & Gwen: much..much better
Vaughn: not being able to share it..
Vaughn: good!!
Rachel & Gwen: i just did share it
Vaughn: i know..and thank you for trusting me...
Vaughn: that means a lot to me...
Vaughn: i'm going to send you a little something...just
   for you...
Rachel & Gwen: so now you know i sucked my
   father..and now the best i can wipe that out
   with rachel
Vaughn: i will tell you someting that sandra told me that
   i think will make you feel even safer..
Rachel & Gwen: isn't licking pussy great!
Vaughn: the best!!
Rachel & Gwen: what
Rachel & Gwen: yes it is!
Rachel & Gwen: you should taste her!
Vaughn: its my favorite thing in the world!
Rachel & Gwen: no wonder! hehe
Vaughn: don't you just love the taste?
Rachel & Gwen: oh god yes!
Vaughn: i like getting real close and just watching...
Vaughn: seeing everything close up...its so beautiful...
Rachel & Gwen: how many have you licked?
Vaughn: hundreds..thousands...almost a million!!!!
Vaughn: :-)
Vaughn: do you believe that?
Rachel & Gwen: when we were doing our exam i just
   looked and looked at mom's pussy!
Rachel & Gwen: yes!  lucky you! ;-))
Vaughn: to be honest, i would say maybe 20...
Rachel & Gwen: 19 more than me
Vaughn: hehe..but i didn't start until i ws much older
   than you..
Rachel & Gwen: hopefully 18 soon
Rachel & Gwen: we will have to tell each other every
   time we do! lol
Vaughn: do you want to start right now? with today?
Rachel & Gwen: yes!
Vaughn: you go first!
Rachel & Gwen: for 10 years
Rachel & Gwen: i promise!
Vaughn: ok..its a deal!
Rachel & Gwen: that means it will be sandra
Rachel & Gwen: my first
Rachel & Gwen: i love her smell!
Vaughn: what about this morning..that's today..does
   sthat count?
Rachel & Gwen: nope! starting right now
Vaughn: ok...
Rachel & Gwen: i would have one also then
Vaughn: from this moment!
Vaughn: and me too! hehehe
Rachel & Gwen: yes!
Rachel & Gwen: maybe we will tie!
Vaughn: i think you'll get way ahead of me pretty
Rachel & Gwen: oh damn!! car in drive..have to dress!
Rachel & Gwen: bye!
Vaughn: ok der...bye!
Vaughn: check your email later
Rachel & Gwen: i hope!  lol
Vaughn: kisses..


Vaughn: hi dear
Vaughn: ok to pvt you this way?
Sandra: hi..just sent an email and read your message
Sandra: of course!
Vaughn: can we chat? do you have time?
Sandra: yes for a while
Vaughn: i had a nice chat with the girls
Vaughn: did they tell you?
Sandra: oh! that is so nice! thank you
Vaughn: and i sent gwen a little present...
Sandra: no..they are..lol..you know where
Vaughn: too busy for mom!
Sandra: oh vaughn!
Vaughn: i told them not to let their school work suffer!
Sandra: a present? she will adore you
Vaughn: it should be there by now..in an email "for gwen"
Sandra: well perhaps they are doing homework...nude!!  lol
Vaughn: that was so cute...
Vaughn: gwen didn't want rachel to tell me she (gwen) was
nude too..but she did!
Sandra: i am so happy they are sleeping..and other
Vaughn: i've been thinking about something dear...i hope you
don't mind...
Sandra: no..if it was your thought I would never mind
Vaughn: i don't really know the situation...all the players
as it were..but its about
   telling your husband..
Sandra: lol! i just wrote you that very thing!  honest to
Vaughn: i'm wondering if you shouldn't wait....
Vaughn: you did!..i'll hve to check my email
Sandra: i am going to wait..i just decided that this
Vaughn: yes..and i think you should wait on telling him
Vaughn: about putney or the girls together..
Sandra: i don't know why but i feel the same
Vaughn: and certainly about the thoughts you and gwen are
Sandra: oh! I never intended telling him about
   gwen and me
Vaughn: i thought not, but it just came out..
Sandra: nor gwen and rachel
Vaughn: it just feels that at this time the less he knows
   about their sex life the better...i don't know
   why..maybe i'm being jealous!
Sandra: but gwen will have to keep her climaxes
   down! lol
Vaughn: she makes noise? did you get any sleep last night?
Sandra: i feel the same..isn't that strange
Vaughn: you of course are in a better position to know, but
   my gut tells me
Sandra: yes..i can only hear it out of my bedroom
Vaughn: and i think you should only tell him with their
Vaughn: does that make sense?
Vaughn: almost like its their private life and they should
   have some say on who knows about it
Vaughn: even their dad if that isn't crazy...
Sandra: yes! and even if they gave permission i do
   not think I would..
Vaughn: at least all three of you would have to agree...
Vaughn: that just feels right to me...
Sandra: i am coming around to that way of thinking
Vaughn: i've grown so protective of them so quickly..like an
   old mother hen...
Sandra: now that you know..well i think that is
Vaughn: and that's your job! don't mean to interfer...
Sandra: no vaughn..you have helped them more
   than their father..that is what i realised this
Vaughn: i think i just happened to come along at the right
Vaughn: you've done such a good job with them..they are
   wonderful girls
Sandra: oh my god! yes i did know they talked to
Vaughn: very self-possessed and full of curiosity..
Sandra: my head is a mess!
Sandra: they are wonderful vaughn
Vaughn: what did they say?
Sandra: just that they had talked! and it was in
   your message
Vaughn: yes...i was hoping to catch you my idea...
Sandra: and gwen was so happy
Vaughn: the first real chat we had...
Sandra: yes..your idea
Vaughn: there is no way of knowing if she and i will hit it
   off like you and rachel hve with m
Vaughn: with me, i mean
Sandra: that is why she was so happy then
Vaughn: so it was good to spend some time with her...
Sandra: it must have been good for her also
Vaughn: she seemed to have fun..and we talked and
Vaughn: i let her steer the conversation...
Vaughn: to the topics she wanted to talk about...
Vaughn: mostly about her and rachel licking each other! lol
Sandra: really? usually rachel is the talker..she
   must like you very much then
Vaughn: we agreed that nothing tastes better in this world
   than a pussy
Sandra: i love that smell in their room
Vaughn: and that looking at them is the best thing too
Sandra: that was gwen..true?
Vaughn: the smell of love and desire fulfilled..
Vaughn: yes, gwen..
Vaughn: she's very fond of pussy...we both agreed on that!
Sandra: yes you said you wanted to make a pussy
   section for her
Vaughn: we decided that someday we'll go girl watching
Vaughn: hang out at the mall and ogle the girls walking
Sandra: lol..you two would be perfect!
Vaughn: i told her i do that with my lesbian friends...
Vaughn: though usually we go to a bar for girl watching!
Sandra: you do?
Vaughn: yep
Sandra: i bet gwen would love to meet a
   lesbian..i feel she would
Vaughn: she's still uncertain about her orientation,,
   but don't be surprised..
Sandra: i had a feeling vaughn
Vaughn: i hope that doesn't bother you...
Sandra: but I have no problem with that
Vaughn: i can't imagine you would..
Sandra: no..not in the least
Vaughn: i don't know how her dad will react, but its
   best he doesn't suspect for awhile...
Sandra: she has boyfriends..yet there is
   something distant about her
Vaughn: yeah, she says they chase after her all the
Sandra: i will protect her
Vaughn: i'm sure she is very pretty...that both of
   them are..hell, that ll three of you are!
Vaughn: i get the feeling she doesn't give them the
   time of day though
Sandra: well 2 out of 3..but thank you! lol
Vaughn: like mother, like daughter as they say...
Sandra: but they still chase her
Vaughn: i have a feeling she knows how to deal
   with them...i think she's a pretty
   determined girl when she wants to be
Vaughn: she can't do it on her own, of course..but
   she's strong
Sandra: very! but she has chanced..come
   out of her shell..this past week
Vaughn: she's blossoming...
Vaughn: it must be delightful to see...
Sandra: licking and being licked has helped
Vaughn: yes..and knowing its ok with you...
Vaughn: that you accept her for herself..
Vaughn: and will let her be her own person..
Sandra: that also..and of course it is
Sandra: rachel is like a rocket since sucking
   putney! lol
Vaughn: what do you mean? boucning around the
Sandra: just bubbling over and it was rachel
   that got gwen to lick pussy
Vaughn: she's a driver!..knows what she wants and
   goes after it..
Vaughn: i can tell when i chat with them..rachel is
   almost boucning in her seat it seems...
Vaughn: gwen is more thoughtful,, more reservered,
Sandra: she does that! and now wants me
   and gwen to sleep together!
Vaughn: she does? what is she thinking do you
Sandra: she said anyone can see gwen and
   I are in love!
Vaughn: she said exactly the same thing to me in
Vaughn: right in front of gwen!
Sandra: you are family!!  lol
Vaughn: well, a friend of the family anyway! :-)
Sandra: do you think?
Vaughn: do i think what love?
Sandra: do you think gwen and I could
   sleep..should sleep together?
Vaughn: that's a hard one...basically, i think it could
   be wonderful...but it all depends on how its
   approached i would say..
Sandra: she wanted my reaction to the
   pussy pic you sent yesterday
Vaughn: what did you say to her?
Sandra: i told her i loved it and that you
   must know something
Vaughn: what was that?
Sandra: about us..gwen and myself
Vaughn: oh..you mean that I must know something?
Sandra: we want to vaughn
Vaughn: she has said this to you?
Sandra: we want to lick each other..to
   make love to one another
Sandra: yes..and I said it to her..well not in
   so many words..but yes
Vaughn: i'm not surprised..she and i talked about it...
Vaughn: but i can't really get into what she said,
   since it was in confidence...is that ok?
Sandra: oh vaughn...and goes she? tell me
Vaughn: though you would not surprised by what
   she told me...
Vaughn: regarding that..
Sandra: oh! they no..do not break that trust
Vaughn: but i do have some ideas...thoughts..if you
   would like to hear them..
Sandra: yes..oh yes!
Vaughn: and if i'm middling, or overstepping, please
   tell me..promise?
Sandra: i promise
Vaughn: ok...gwen strikes me as a girl that really
   needs to feel safe and accepted...
Vaughn: she needs to feel that her needs and
   desires are ok, and that you approve...
Sandra: yes..that is true
Sandra: i do approve
Vaughn: so the first thing, is to make sure, over and
   over again, that she knows that you do not
   think it is wrong of her to want certain
   things, or think about them..
Sandra: we have talked about that quite a
   lot recently
Vaughn: you know how she held back with rachel
   for so long because she was afraid you
   would disapprove..
Vaughn: that you've talked is so good..but i think it
   takes a while for the reality of the
   accpetance to sink in..for her really to
   believe in her heart...do you see what i
Sandra: yes! she would never hurt me..it's
   as if she needs to protect me
Vaughn: and under that is a great need to be
   protected by you...that's paradoxicall i
   know, but i just feel it about her
Sandra: when gwen and rachel were young
   I was the only one with a job and worked
   impossible hours..i will never go that again
Vaughn: how long has it been that you've been able
   to spend more time with them?
Vaughn: over the last couple of years?
Sandra: the past three years..my husband
   started his training then
Vaughn: i see
Vaughn: that leads to my second point....
Sandra: maybe four years..no 3
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: you need to let her drive the car..if you
   know what i mean...
Vaughn: she has to be the one that comes to
   you..and feels free to stop or leave the
   room at any time...
Sandra: lol..i shall do that ..i was thinking
   the same thing
Vaughn: you create the "zone" of acceptance and
   trust..but let her make the moves..
Vaughn: she needs to feel that this is her's to
   control, and not your agenda forced on
   her...i'm sorry to say that so bluntly...
Sandra: she needs to get her permit and
   that will be a while yet
Sandra: more like rachels agenda!!
Vaughn: maybe!
Vaughn: lol
Vaughn: i've asked rachel and gwen to come in as r and g...
Vaughn: helps with that problem...
Sandra: maybe with s they will leave me alone
Vaughn: where did we leave off?
Sandra: rachel (who else!) told me to do that
Vaughn: smart girl!
Sandra: i think we should leave my desire for gwen for
   now! lol
Vaughn: that's fine...hope i've helped...
Sandra: what were you going to do with the site?
Vaughn: rachel did ask me about dogsex...and not sucking
Vaughn: you mean with the pussy pics?
Sandra: oh!  yes! vaginal i think
Vaughn: yes..i tried to discourage her...
Sandra: the problem is the guide made it sound so
Vaughn: i know...my point to her was that it would not
   make a good first time experience with
Vaughn: that she needed someone who could be gentle
   and tender, and a dog would just barge ahead
Sandra: you think..a man?
Vaughn: not necessarily, but a first penetration is bound
   to be scary...
Vaughn: and needs just the right emotional (and
   physical!) touch..
Sandra: i know!
Vaughn: i can see another woman with a dildo, done
Vaughn: how was your first experience dear?
Sandra: oh!
Sandra: awful!
Vaughn: but my feeling is rachel is probably straight..
Vaughn: yes, most times it is...
Vaughn: and that's such a shame..
Sandra: yes..i would like to spare rachel that..and
Vaughn: i hope what i said made sense to her...
Vaughn: maybe if you were there with her, but still, a
   dog really has to be controlled in that situation...
Vaughn: it can't know to back off or go slow or wait...
Sandra: yes..yes it does and a dog even if done
   correctly may not be the best
Vaughn: the first time needs some real emotiona
   connnection...a sense of saftey and trust..its
   pretty scary for girls...as you no doubt know!!
Sandra: however knowing rachel the dog might be
   the one in trouble
Vaughn: hehehe
Vaughn: never know what hit it! lol
Sandra: lol..true
Sandra: i know what i am about to say night seem
Vaughn: go ahead dearest...
Sandra: would you ever consider being rachels first?
Vaughn: never! :-)
Vaughn: lol...just joking...
Vaughn: but its too serious of an issue to joke about...
Sandra: would you?
Vaughn: sorry..
Vaughn: yes
Sandra: yes?
Vaughn: but it would have to be rachel's decision..
Sandra: I know that
Vaughn: and i would have to know it was ok with
   her...she might not even be attracted to me or
   like me in person...
Vaughn: but the thought is very sweet..thanks so
Sandra: i know that also
Sandra: but this summer..or next
Vaughn: we will see...
Vaughn: i can't deny that the idea is a lovely one for
Sandra: but you will think about it?
Sandra: and for rachel also vaughn
Vaughn: of course i will...but you know that anything
   like that is complicated and problematical...
Sandra: i will have to meet you first..without rachel
Vaughn: i though we were talking about rachel...
Vaughn: yes, that is certainly true...just you...
Vaughn: i think gwen may not want a man at all....
Vaughn: we can go girl watching, but she might very
   well draw the line there..
Sandra: we are..but i will have to meet you
   first..over coffee perhaps
Sandra: no not gwen! rachel
Vaughn: we would have to spend some time together,
   getting to know each other, before we could
   even think about anything else..
Sandra: i know that
Vaughn: and if we met, i would come with the intention
   of just meeting you...no other thoughts or
Sandra: exactly!
Vaughn: you'd have to do lots of convincing..and rachel
   too..to make me really sure it was in her best
Sandra: if we do not get along i do not think you and
   rachel will
Sandra: vaughn..rachel may well pick a dog for her
   first time..then what?
Vaughn: i would wait to see if that happens..
Vaughn: and try very hard to discourage her...
Sandra: but what if you and she are attracted?
Vaughn: she will just have to take your word for it, if
   you agree with me about it that is..
Vaughn: i mean about a dog for the first time...
Sandra: no..if we like each other then you would
Vaughn: dear, let's not talk about that now...its much too
Vaughn: we can both think about it...
Vaughn: and we'll see what happens...
Sandra: no..i will try to convince rachel a dog is not
   the best
Vaughn: its much to special a moment in a girl's life...
Vaughn: share with her your own bad experience..that
   will help i think
Sandra: but am tired now..and to tell the truth I do
   see so many problems..if you lived here it might
   br possible
Vaughn: its been a long day for you...
Vaughn: and so much is happening lately..
Sandra: mine was with ...well not a dog but perhaps
   a dog would have been better
Sandra: yes!! better go!
Vaughn: i'd like for you to tell me about it sometime...if
   you want..
Sandra: not thinking very well...lol
Vaughn: its been lovely chatting, as always....
Vaughn: give the girls a kiss for me, and my love...
Sandra: it was..and gwen is as happy as i have seen
Vaughn: that makes me feel very good...
Sandra: bye!...kisses
Vaughn: bye lover...kisses to you too

(To be continued...)


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