Hey, this is my story, so don't steal it! Repost elsewhere
if you want, but leave it intact (including the email
address at the end).


Kisses, quivering_fleshNOSPAM@yahoo.com

"Happy Families are (Not) All Alike" 10 of 57 (MFgg pedo
incest best cons)

Vaughn: how are you dear?
Rachel: its friday! yeah
Vaughn: no school! lol
Vaughn: and no work for me! yeppie!!
Rachel: i saw your place
Vaughn: your mom told me you two looked at it
Rachel: i am so happy for you
Rachel: yes and she even printed out to dog sex thing
Vaughn: did you like my site? Vaughn: i hope its helpful
Rachel: i love it!! and that is the truth
Vaughn: did she tell you i'm putting up a site just for you?
Rachel: it is..i just sent you a letter
Vaughn: i'll have to check my email
Rachel: no!!! she didnt...honest?
Rachel: i will have to go cause my sister cant see this
Vaughn: yes, where you can go anyttime you want
Vaughn: ok, dear...i understand...
Rachel: mom says you work to hard so maybe that is why she didnt
     tell me
Vaughn: i do not!...i just like to play, that's all!!! lol
Vaughn: she thinks its more work than it is...but its easy for me
Rachel: i hope you leave a lot of stuff in it
Rachel: i will tell her when she gets home
Vaughn: i will dear, but only what your mom thinks is ok
Vaughn: you understand that you are still too young for
     somethings, don't you?
Rachel: i know she told me that there are things maybe i was not
     ready to see yet
Vaughn: tell me what you liked best on my site
Rachel: yes. i know that
Rachel: ok..first of all the pictures
Vaughn: that's good!...which pictures did you like?
Rachel: and not only the ones with the dogs and animals
Rachel: well. i had never seen the men penis pictures
Vaughn: what did you think of them? did they scare you?
Rachel: and women sucked the men
Rachel: no..i liked them
Vaughn: yes, many women like to suck men, just as men like to lick
Rachel: and dogs love to lick..i liked those pictures to
Vaughn: oh yes, you know that putney likes to lick..most dogs do
Rachel: and where men put there penis in the other place
Vaughn: you not not in a woman's pussy, but elsewhere?
Rachel: well a pussy to i never had seen that but the other place
     i never ever knew about that you could
Vaughn: that is something that is kind of advanced for you yet...
Rachel: i knew about the pussy
Vaughn: yes, i know you know!
Rachel: and the pictures of pussy were so great to
Vaughn: oh, those are my favorites!
Vaughn: i love good close pictures of pussies!
Rachel: but i can look at moms and my sisters pussy to
Vaughn: yes, much better to look at them for real..
Vaughn: do you get to see your mom's pussy often?
Rachel: but it is nice to see all the different ones
Vaughn: every woman, every girl is different
Rachel: now i do! for sure
Vaughn: you mean when you and mom suck putney?
Rachel: yes and when he licks us to
Vaughn: yes, that's true!
Vaughn: i'm sure your mom has a very pretty pussy
Rachel: i can get really close and look
Vaughn: i bet that is lots of fun...
Vaughn: seeing your mom that close
Rachel: well of course i think her pussy is beautiful
Vaughn: yes, and your's is very pretty too i'm sure
Rachel: but a lot diffirent than moms..i guess that my sister and
     i are most alike in the pussy
Vaughn: yes, a girl's pussy changes as she gets older...
Vaughn: you will get more hair down there, and it will get bigger
Rachel: i know my sister has more hair
Vaughn: she's older than you...you'll get more as you grow too
Vaughn: the same way your breasts will get bigger
Rachel: in my letter i asked for a name for my sister
Vaughn: yes, i just read it...
Vaughn: i'm trying to think of a good name
Vaughn: is there a name she likes a lot?
Rachel: i just know you will..i love rachel so much
Rachel: i never ever thought of rachel
Rachel: before
Vaughn: what about Gwen?
Rachel: gwen? gwen! yes! oh i bet..my sister will be gwen
Vaughn: i knew a girl names gwen once...very very sweet girl
Vaughn: but if she doesn't like it, we'll think of a different one
Rachel: rachel and gwen
Rachel: i bet she does like it
Vaughn: that would be great
Rachel: its just when i think of myself as rachel i just feel
     better about lots of things
Vaughn: are there some things that make you sad?
Rachel: and when mom calls be rachel..well then i know what she is
Vaughn: yes...you two are really getting even closer now
Rachel: yes. some things make me sad
Vaughn: is it ok for me to ask what they are?
Rachel: sandra and rachel are very very close
Vaughn: yes
Rachel: well when people make fun of people that are diffirent
Vaughn: yes, that is so awful....very mean
Rachel: yes. i try not to be mean. but i have been but then i try
     never to do it again
Vaughn: when someone is mean to you, its hard not to be mean back,
     i know
Rachel: and sometimes i feel bad and dont know why
Vaughn: what kind of bad? you mean unhappy? like you feel like
Rachel: the people at school are not mean to me ..most times at
     other people
Vaughn: mean to some of the other boys and girls?
Rachel: yes. but since i have talked to you and mom and suck
     putney i have not felt the way sad even once
Vaughn: maybe it makes you feel less lonely...
Rachel: yes..they pick on certain girls and boys
Vaughn: which ones?
Rachel: maybe but it is even better than that. i know if i have a
     problem i can talk to sandra or even you
Vaughn: yes, you can...anytime you can talk to me about
Vaughn: you don't have to worry that i will think badly of you, or
Rachel: girls who don't dress just right or may be a litle diff
Vaughn: its hard growing up as a girl, particularly your age
Vaughn: you mean girls that like other girls more than boys?
Rachel: it has gotten so much better in just the past week
Vaughn: if you start feeling bad that way again, will you tell me?
Rachel: no. not like that. but they go call some boys things like
Rachel: you know i will tell you if i do
Vaughn: ok...that would be really great...it would make me feel
     very good to share that with you
Rachel: do you feel bad sometimes?
Vaughn: oh yes, everyone does...but yes i do
Rachel: about what?
Vaughn: about many things....i worry about my job
Vaughn: and if i am doing the right thing with my life
Vaughn: its important to me to do good things in my life...and i
     worry i haven't done enough
Rachel: you are so smart. i just bet they will never tell you you
     do not have a job
Rachel: and look how you have helped me
Vaughn: i don't think i have to worry about that, but sometimes
     its hard to know if i should stay in this job or take another
Rachel: oh!
Rachel: i wish that i could do something that you would never
Vaughn: that would be a miracle!
Vaughn: everyone always has worries...
Vaughn: and i think adults have lots more than kids...so don't
     grow up too fast! :-)
Rachel: well you have been a miricle for me
Vaughn: (blush)
Vaughn: thank you dear...that makes me feel good
Rachel: do you have someone who takes care of you like i take care
     of putney or mom takes care of dad?
Vaughn: yes, i do...
Vaughn: i'm married...
Rachel: and do they do a good job?
Vaughn: and my wife and i do "take care" of each other...
Rachel: good!
Vaughn: well, some of the time yes, she does a good job, but not
Rachel: but i didnt know you were married
Vaughn: yes, i am....just like your dad...
Vaughn: is married to your mom
Vaughn: are you disappointed?
Rachel: you need someone who would do a good job if your wife does
Rachel: a little i guess
Vaughn: yes, that is true...we all need someone to take care of us
     that way
Vaughn: even though i'm married, you are very special to me...
Vaughn: i hope that is ok, that you are special to me...
Rachel: maybe someone would do that for you if you would want them
     to and would show them how
Vaughn: i would like that...
Rachel: really?
Vaughn: oh yes...do you think you'll get married some day?
Rachel: you could teach someone
Vaughn: i'm sure i would learn alot too...
Rachel: yes..someday..everyone almost gets married i guess
Vaughn: not everyone, and you should only if you really love
     someone and want to marry them
Rachel: how old would someone have to be before you taught her?
Vaughn: well, that depends on the girl i guess
Vaughn: do you have any one in mind? :-)
Rachel: like as old as my sister?
Rachel: well yes
Rachel: but you might laugh
Vaughn: it would depend on the girl's parents and if the girl
     really liked me..
Vaughn: i would never laugh!
Rachel: well do you think that even someone like me..you know
Vaughn: dear, that is something you should ask your mom....
Vaughn: that is something only you and your mom and decide..
Rachel: but if she said yes..what would you say then?
Vaughn: would you understand if i said that i don't think we
     should talk about that right now?
Rachel: oh!
Vaughn: i would love to make someone like you happy...
Vaughn: but this is a very difficult thing to talk about, and your
     mom really needs to talk with you about it first, ok?
Rachel: but not now
Vaughn: i feel really close to you, and that is special to me...
Rachel: no i was just thinking about what girl you would like
     thats all
Rachel: so do i to you
Vaughn: let's just say that i have dreams, and i think a girl like
     you would make me very happy
Rachel: i just dont know how to say things and they come out wrong
Vaughn: oh dear, don't worry! they do come out just right...
Rachel: really!!!! oh thank you
Vaughn: you know how to say things just fine..
Vaughn: if we met, you might not even like me in person!
Rachel: i hope you find someone really great and teach her to make
     you happy
Rachel: i like you here
Vaughn: you know the secret to two people making each other happy?
Rachel: very. very much
Vaughn: and i like you...very very much! (kiss!)
Rachel: what is it?
Vaughn: its sharing their feelings and being honest with each
     other, and remembering that love is the most important thing
Rachel: i have never had a real real kiss..i mean like from you
Vaughn: you mean from a boy, or from anyone?
Vaughn: i did not have my first kiss until i was 14...it seemed it
     would never happen!
Rachel: i have from boys but they were not that good
Vaughn: boys are usually not good kissers until they get much
     older...girls can kiss real good though
Rachel: i know! my sister can!
Vaughn: so you and her have kissed? i mean on the mouth?
Rachel: oh yes! that is why i know boys are so bad
Vaughn: hehehe...i've never kissed one, so i dont' know! lol
Rachel: you have not missed anything!
Vaughn: let's just say that all the girls would have to disappear
     before i'd try kissing a man! lol
Vaughn: girls are much better than boys are most things, in my
     opinion any way
Rachel: well you have to kiss me then
Vaughn: i'm sure i will some day...it will be a wonderful kiss
     too, i know
Rachel: i have to go before my sister starts asking
Vaughn: ok...i don't want to get you in any trouble...
Rachel: but a big kiss for you now
Vaughn: thanks so much for stopping in...
Rachel: bye
Vaughn: and a big kiss to you!
Rachel: and more to you!
Vaughn: say hi to your mom for me too, ok?
Vaughn: bye dear
Rachel: i will she will be home in a while


Vaughn: how are you dear?
Sandra: just heard about gwen
Sandra: lol
Vaughn: lol good name?
Sandra: very good! rachel and gwen seem to be in their room
Vaughn: love to be a fly on that wall! ;-)
Sandra: i will be
Vaughn: i hope what i did is ok with you
Sandra: at least i will hear about it later
Vaughn: i hope it goes well for her
Sandra: oh! of course..i was worried about gwen
Sandra: actually gwen and myself
Vaughn: what are you worried about?
Sandra: we were attracted to one another
Vaughn: yes, rachel said the same thing
Sandra: i was uncomfortable with that
Vaughn: i can imagine you were...she perhaps knows too much?
Sandra: i wanted it but felt that i needed time
Vaughn: time to get used to the idea
Sandra: do you think so?
Vaughn: dear, things have to come at their own pace..hard to
Sandra: that is why i was hoping rachel would be able to get gwen
     to open up
Vaughn: you and gwen need to approach this at your own speed...
Vaughn: and its possible it will never happen...i know that will
     be a disappointment..
Sandra: i have been so amazed with rachel
Vaughn: how quickly she has come along?
Sandra: she was ready..her age and rachel was..is..ready
Vaughn: yes...for some things...
Sandra: more things than i ever dreamed
Vaughn: you know she asked me about..certain things today in
     chat..did she tell you?
Sandra: she has thrived on your site!
Sandra: no..we just had a very brief conversation
Vaughn: you will have the new url later tonight...i hope i've only
     included things that you approve of
Sandra: you have no idea how much i appreciate this
Vaughn: its easy, and i enjoy it immensely, so please don't worry,
Sandra: well i know you said not to..but i still do
Vaughn: i'll get very upset if you continue to worry!!!
Vaughn: :-)
Sandra: lol..ok..i promise
Vaughn: kisses dear
Sandra: (((kiss)))
Sandra: what did you and rachel talk about..if you want to tell me
Vaughn: i do dear...
Vaughn: about her and me meeting....
Sandra: i hope she does not take you away from others
Sandra: oh!
Vaughn: i tried to discourage her...tell her that was up to you...
Sandra: well she does have a crush on you..has since the card
Vaughn: and that we shouldn't talk about that
Sandra: maybe for your protection the way rachel is growing into a
     woman! ;-))
Vaughn: hehehe...i think she just wanted to know that i like her
     and care for her
Sandra: she did..i can assure you of that
Sandra: and thank you for caring for her
Vaughn: that's good...i didn't want to hurt her feelings, and i do
     have my own fantasies of course, but...
Sandra: no..i understand
Vaughn: these are really areas that you and she need to discuss,
     and not her and me..
Sandra: i am sure she will tell you things she will not tell me
Sandra: we are busy with dogsex! lol
Vaughn: is it alright for me to keep those things secret, or
     should i share them with you?
Sandra: maybe there are some things that you should keep a
     secret..i trust you to tell me if things get out of hand
Vaughn: i will...and i'm very careful to reinforce with her your
     role as her mom...
Sandra: i think both of us have become important to her
Vaughn: what about her dad? will you tell him soon do you think?
Sandra: i plan to get rachel her very own dog to train
Vaughn: she will really really like that i'm sure...
Sandra: yes..i will have to let her dad know soon
Vaughn: will you tell him about me?
Sandra: its just she is so small still
Vaughn: i understand completely...
Sandra: what do you think..i mean about telling him
Vaughn: i'd feel the same way
Vaughn: about putney or about me?
Sandra: both!! but about you
Vaughn: i hardly know what to say...that has to be your
     call....depends on how he would take it
Sandra: i def. will tell him about putney
Sandra: i think we will have time for that
Vaughn: yes, i would..about putney
Sandra: i know he will surprised that rachel was the first
Vaughn: he has been thinking of gwen being first
Sandra: but very pleasantly surprised
Sandra: we both were
Vaughn: yes, i know you are..and i'm happy for both of you
Vaughn: all three...or four actually lol
Sandra: i can't believe how much i have changed
Vaughn: rachel said she has changed to...doesn't feel bad so
Vaughn: i tried to find out what she meant, but was not too
Sandra: i think the reason both gwen and rachel felt badly was my
Vaughn: in what way?
Sandra: i tried to hide them from sex..god knows what i was
     thinking..and both needed it so much
Vaughn: most people do...and its really hard at that age to have
     good experiences...
Sandra: rachel had already kissed putney's cock
Vaughn: yes, she told me...
Sandra: but she felt guilty doing it!
Sandra: poor rachel
Vaughn: she feels very different now
Sandra: very!
Vaughn: i should tell you something else should told me, though
     she asked me to keep it secret...
Sandra: she will look at my pussy close-up!
Sandra: ok
Vaughn: this is something that i should share i think, but you
     won't let on that i told you, ok?
Vaughn: yes, she mentioned that too..
Sandra: no..of course not
Vaughn: she loves to get really close while putney is licking you,
     and look at your pussy...
Vaughn: she and gwen have licked each other....
Sandra: i know!!!! oh i know!! that is what i was talking about
Sandra: she has..they have???? when?
Vaughn: only a few times...mostly because gwen is afraid rachel
     will tell
Sandra: oh my poor gwen!!!
Vaughn: gwen has licked rachel, and liked it a lot, but got afraid
     of being discovered
Sandra: that must have been before
Vaughn: rachel offered to lick gwen, and started to, but gwen got
     afraid she woul say that she (gwen) made her
Sandra: the damage we do!
Vaughn: maybe you can adopt the same strategy with gween around
     licking that you did with rachel round putney
Sandra: i hope they know i want them to do that if that is what
     they each want
Vaughn: gwen does not, i'm sure...
Vaughn: at least from what rachel said to me
Sandra: maybe i will ask you to talk to her..no i will handle this
     myself..you have done enough
Vaughn: anyway i can help....
Vaughn: but it might be best coming from you
Vaughn: or another girl
Sandra: oh vaughn! thank you
Vaughn: you decide dear, but you know anything i can do
Vaughn: have you seen the pics on my site?
Sandra: gwen is interested in me..and it is time i tell her myself
Vaughn: she is...rachel said so to me...
Sandra: yes! with rachel! she loved them..but oh the questions
Vaughn: what kinds of questions? about sucking cocks mostly?
Sandra: yes..and did i know what yours looked like...lol
Vaughn: well, i'll send you a pic of mine if you want!
Sandra: i wish you could see her
Sandra: of your cock?
Vaughn: oh yes...
Sandra: oh yes! oh yes! but i will have to tell rachel..is that
     ok? god she will love that!
Vaughn: oh dear...i meant for you....but if you want to share it
     with her...
Sandra: i do not know if i could keep the secret of your cock to
     myself..knowing what rachel would do
Vaughn: what would she do? get very mad at you?
Sandra: a present for rachel!! oh my
Vaughn: the quality of the pics are not particularly good, i'm
     sorry to say...
Sandra: if she ever found out i had a picture of your cock? what
     do you think! lol
Vaughn: probably never share putney with you again! lol
Sandra: true!!
Vaughn: shall i send a pic?
Sandra: must get another dog! lol
Vaughn: hehehe
Sandra: yes...for sandra and rachel..would that be possible?
Vaughn: yes, i'll send it right now, so you can look at it
     first...decide if its appropriate to share with her
Sandra: believe me! a picture of your cock will be appropiate!!
Vaughn: it will come over in a minute
Sandra: and shared
Sandra: wait!! have to leave..my husdand is on his way
Vaughn: ok..i wont' send it then..or should i?
Sandra: no send it!! please..i am excited myself..but will not be
     able to stay in chat
Vaughn: that's fine dear, i understand...kisses to you and
     rachel..and gwen!
Sandra: i want to look at it with rachel..it will be our cock!
Vaughn: feel free to both enjoy it any way you want!
Sandra: well i share putney with her so i can share yours also
Vaughn: mmmm, i like that!
Sandra: bye!!! ((((((kisses)))
Vaughn: kisses dear!
Sandra: and love

(To be continued...)


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