Hey, this is my story, so don't steal it! Repost elsewhere
if you want, but leave it intact (including the email address
at the end).


Kisses, quivering_flesh@yahoo.com

"Happy Families are (Not) All Alike" 1 of 57 (MFgg pedo incest best cons)

Sandra: Hello?
Vaughn: Hi
Vaughn: How are you?
Sandra: Tired, but can't sleep yet
Vaughn: you need some release I bet
Sandra: Can't type either!
Vaughn: Hehehe..I get the idea though
Sandra: The release is tomorrow
Vaughn: What's tomorrow?
Sandra: the girls go to their Grams...and hubby and I have
     dog sex...well I do!! LOL
Vaughn: He doesn't join in?
Sandra: He helps
Vaughn: Does he suck the dog with you?
Sandra: Sometimes oral...but don't tell him I told!! LOL
Vaughn: Why not? He doesn't want others to know?
Sandra: No...he certainly does not want others to know..
Vaughn: Not even in chat...no one can find out who you are..
Sandra: in chat is ok..but am sure he would not be happy if
     he knew I told...lol
Vaughn: was it your idea to do animals or his?
Sandra: hard to say..I had done oral since I was a girl
Vaughn: how old when you started?
Sandra: mutual I guess
Sandra: god!!! a teen I think..or younger!
Vaughn: into dogs early...they're cocks are fascinating...
Vaughn: and the way the cum....yummy
Sandra: they are..indeed they are
Sandra: I am addicted to the cum..completely
Vaughn: dog cum and man cum too?
Sandra: both!!! lol
Vaughn: horse cum?
Sandra: but my puppy is a more frequent supplier
Vaughn: puppy? how old?
Sandra: I have never even kissed a horse...:((
Vaughn: hehehe...not even felt a horse cock?
Sandra: 4..I just call him my puppy
Sandra: never!!
Vaughn: I see..but I bet you have him trained well
Sandra: I think he trained me actually
Vaughn: you get wet everytime you see him? lol
Sandra: true!!!!
Vaughn: what breed is he?
Sandra: a marvelous mix
Sandra: short haired
Vaughn: color? how many pounds?
Sandra: with a ***cock!!!
Vaughn: hehehehe
Vaughn: you should check out my website..some nice zoo pics
Sandra: dark brown..and about 60-65 lbs. (I think)
Vaughn: nice weight..real substantial
Sandra: he is!!
Vaughn: nice feeling when he's fucking you doggie style
Sandra: our computer disk is full of zoo pics
Vaughn: not surprised...you two probably have lots more than
     I do..
Sandra: I usually try to do doggie style
Vaughn: do you take any pics of yourselves?
Sandra: pics and videos...maybe when the girls leave I will
Vaughn: I'd love to see them..share mine with you too
Vaughn: where's your husband now?
Sandra: watching the boob tube!!!
Vaughn: do you have the dog with you or does he?
Sandra: neither...he is in the girls room
Vaughn: oh..how old are the girls?
Sandra: 12 and 15..and don't worry..they are not zoos
Vaughn: oh..how do you know..you started at that age
Vaughn: I'm more worried that they aren't zoo fans! :-)
Sandra: well if they are they have my blessing..lol..but I
     don't think they are
Vaughn: maybe you should introduce them...
Vaughn: you don't want them to learn that stuff in the
Sandra: no, if they want to that will be their choice
Vaughn: very open minded mom..I like that
Sandra: well I can't very well not be given my history!! lol
Vaughn: hehehe...any other kinky desires, besides zoo?
Sandra: thousands!!
Vaughn: anything off limits for you?
Sandra: not really
Vaughn: mmmm, that raises lots of possibilities
Vaughn: I imagine you've fantasized about almost everything
Sandra: yes!!! if there are opurtunities
Sandra: forgive spelling
Vaughn: watersports and scat included?
Sandra: yes..everything!!..everything!!
Vaughn: what about the ultimate taboo?
Sandra: watersports yes...scat no
Sandra: taboo?
Vaughn: no interest in scat, or just never done it?
Vaughn: yes the ultimate taboo....
Sandra: never done it
Sandra: which is?
Vaughn: you know what the ultiimate taboo is?
Sandra: incest?
Vaughn: yes, incest
Vaughn: my sister and I do it
Sandra: really???
Sandra: how sweet!!
Vaughn: yes, we started as children...
Vaughn: then stopped for many years, but started again lst
Sandra: that is lovely!!
Sandra: I am so happy for both of you
Vaughn: that hottest fantasy for me is a boy and his mother
Sandra: safe here..no sons
Vaughn: second hottest is girl and her mother...
Sandra: true..true
Vaughn: but I imagine the thought has never crossed your
Sandra: it has crossed my mind..but that is all
Vaughn: ever fantasy about it, while you masturbate?
Sandra: to tell the truth...yes
Vaughn: I thought so..nothing to be ashamed of...
Vaughn: have you expressed this fantasy to your husband?
Sandra: not ashamed..but careful
Vaughn: of course..you don't what to do anything to harm
     your kids
Sandra: yes..we have talked of it
Vaughn: does he have simlar fantasies?
Sandra: yes...but we know that's what they are
Vaughn: yes, I understand...but it is possible to have
     fantasies, enjoy them, without acting on them
Vaughn: my wife and I tell each other fantasy storeies when
     we fuck
Sandra: exactly..and that is what we do
Vaughn: pretend we are doing things we are not
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: it really gets us off
Vaughn: pretend we have a little girl with us..
Sandra: I know!!!! the same here!!
Vaughn: tell each other what we would do to her
Sandra: isn't it so wicked!!
Vaughn: oh yes...very very depraved
Vaughn: that is why it is so exciting
Sandra: very!!! but so much fun
Vaughn: mmm, I know how I would do it if I were your husband
     and their father
Vaughn: the stories I would tell you while we fucked
Sandra: how??
Vaughn: I'd tell you how one day, while we were making
Sandra: god!! I am getting so wet!!
Vaughn: one of the girls came into the bed room....
Vaughn: surprised us
Sandra: and???
Vaughn: and saw us fucking
Sandra: possible
Vaughn: shall we go pvt?
Sandra: yes!! oh yes!!
Vaughn: good..this is better
Sandra: I didn't even notice him until u said something
Vaughn: ok, the girl comes into the bedroom unannouced
Vaughn: which one? the younger or older one?
Sandra: as I said..posible
Vaughn: yes, very possible...
Sandra: younger
Vaughn: and she is how old again?
Vaughn: describe her for me...
Sandra: 12
Sandra: oh god!! I feel like such a perv!!
Vaughn: its just fantasy dear
Vaughn: not real
Sandra: she is big for her age..slim..breasts just beginning
     to peek..and just the hint of hair
Vaughn: hint of hair on her pussy you mean?
Vaughn: what color is her hair? eyes?
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: ok, she comes into the bedroom in her nightie
Sandra: hair is light brown..lighter than mine..and blue
Vaughn: she's seen us fucking...and is afraid daddy is
     hurting mommy
Sandra: and!!
Vaughn: we get under the covers, cover up...but she's upset
     that you've been hurt by daddy
Sandra: yes!!
Vaughn: you hold her, kiss her, tell her its ok...
Vaughn: that this is something daddy and mommy do all the
Sandra: I try to comfort her..I would do that!
Vaughn: yes...kiss her checks..hug her..
Sandra: yes..I would..yes
Vaughn: she asks you if you really enjoy it...
Vaughn: doesn't it hurt she asks?
Sandra: I would tell her we love each other
Sandra: and no..it is beautiful
Vaughn: yes, love each other very much...and love expresses
     itself that way
Sandra: and it is!!!
Vaughn: you tell her that women and girls are made to do
Vaughn: to express their love for men this way..
Sandra: we are..oh god we are!!
Vaughn: and that daddy is made to express his love for mommy
Sandra: yes..I can see where you are going
Vaughn: just a fantasy we tell each other as we fuck dear
Vaughn: that is all
Vaughn: does this fantasy turn you on? should I continue?
Sandra: yes!!! oh yes!! please
Vaughn: your little girl asks, "how are daddy and mommy
Vaughn: you say, well mommy has a special place to hold
Sandra: her panties are just beginning to get the faint
     smell of a woman
Sandra: I just thought of that
Vaughn: yes, and you can just see the small swelling of her
     mound underneath
Vaughn: you smell her panties?
Sandra: yes..yes I do
Vaughn: when we fuck, and share this fantasy, we bring some
     of her soiled panties to bed with us..
Vaughn: smell them together...
Vaughn: rub them on my cock and on your pussy..
Sandra: I never thought of that!!!
Sandra: we could!!
Vaughn: yes...she asks where this special place is that
     mommy holds dadddy...
Vaughn: yes, you should bring them to bed with you...
Sandra: I will!!! why did I never think of this before?
Vaughn: she wants to see...to make sure you're not being
     hurt by daddy
Vaughn: you pull the covers back...let her see your
Vaughn: has she seen you bath or shower before?
Sandra: yes..of course
Vaughn: so she does not believe you have a special place to
     hold daddy
Vaughn: does she have a name for your pussy or her's?
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: what is it?
Sandra: our creamies
Vaughn: mmm, yes...she says, "that's just your creamy"
Vaughn: you say no that is where I hold daddy in a special
Vaughn: how? she asks
Sandra: maybe we better stop..I may be taking this too
Vaughn: you sit up on the bed, spread your legs for her to
Vaughn: ok..but it is just a fantasy..nothing more
Sandra: oh if I only could!!
Vaughn: maybe when she gets older
Vaughn: she will want to do it with you
Sandra: if only she did!!
Vaughn: I know girls who have done it...
Vaughn: a number of them actually
Vaughn: so I should stop with my story?
Sandra: really??? oh god!!
Vaughn: yes...not common of course, but some wonderful
     loving relationships
Vaughn: I know one 19 yo girl who seduced her mother...
Vaughn: they now live together as lovers...
Sandra: I will tell u something I have never told anyone..I
     hope they do it with our dog
Vaughn: I'm not surprised...
Vaughn: that is sweet I think...
Sandra: no??
Vaughn: no...it would be very hard for you not to want that
     for them..
Vaughn: you have enjoyed it so much yourself
Sandra: then I could tell them..we could share
Vaughn: yes..something to bond you closer
Vaughn: do they have a computer in their room?
Sandra: yes!! I've always known I wanted them to
Sandra: no..in the study
Vaughn: and do you put anything on the computer to keep them
     off adult sites?
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: oh..so they cannot visit zoo sites?
Sandra: I see what you mean!!! how stupid of me!!
Vaughn: maybe they see pics on your computer too
Sandra: no..we have a pasword
Vaughn: I'm sure they have thought of the dog though...and
Vaughn: girls at that age are fascinated by sex and sexual
Vaughn: the dog is a natural place to start for them
Sandra: I know!! should I remove the program??
Vaughn: I'm sure they have seen the dog's cock when it is
     out of its sheath
Vaughn: does it require a password to bypass?
Sandra: that was my wish..and of course they have..that is
     so natural
Vaughn: yes, very very natural...
Vaughn: I'd be surprised if they haven't touched his cock
Sandra: I will ask my husband..he was against installing it
     in the first place
Vaughn: you could just accidently reveal the password to
     them too
Vaughn: leave it written on a piece of paper they'd see
Vaughn: I have to agree with your husband
Sandra: if they have we do not know about it..but we
     encourage them to take the dog into their room
Vaughn: oh dear, you can count on it...I'm certain..
Vaughn: don't you remember your own first experiences, your
Sandra: oh! I pray
Sandra: yes!!! and no one knew!!
Vaughn: yes...at what age did you say? teenager?
Vaughn: and what made you do it first?
Sandra: or younger
Vaughn: maybe evern 10 or 11?
Sandra: curious
Vaughn: you saw your dog's cock and were curious about it?
Sandra: perhaps..I was just becoming fascinated with the
     idea of sex
Vaughn: yes...and you saw his red cock..and had to touch
     it..that was the first step
Sandra: yes!!!!! that is it exactly!! I just had to!!
Vaughn: you were scared the first time..but you had to, you
     couldn't stop yourself
Sandra: I wasn't scared..I remember that..I was not at all
Vaughn: how long after you touched it the first time did you
     kiss it?
Sandra: the same morning!!
Vaughn: oh? you really were into it...very advanced at a
     young age!
Vaughn: did you just kiss it, or take it into your mouth?
Sandra: god!! to tell the truth I don't remember..but I was
     taking him into my mouth in very little time
Vaughn: mmm, dear, you were a very perverted little
     girl...lovely, just lovely
Vaughn: and you made him cum?
Sandra: I remember his cum surprised me..I thought it was
Vaughn: did you spit it out?
Sandra: yes..but it didn't taste like pee
Vaughn: how did you know what pee tasted like?
Vaughn: did you taste your own at that age?
Sandra: when he peed later I stuck my finger in it and put
     it on my tongue..just a little
Vaughn: yes, just to make sure it wasn't pee that he made
     when he came..
Sandra: yes..of couse I tasted my own!!
Vaughn: at what age? do you remember?
Sandra: my pee?
Vaughn: yes
Sandra: ok..I had a cousin and we tasted each others
     pee..and this was well before the dog
Vaughn: female or male cousin?
Sandra: female!! of course
Vaughn: hehehe...
Vaughn: I bet your girls are doing the same thing..
Vaughn: as you did
Vaughn: with the dog...and with their pee too
Sandra: you just think they are so perfect
Vaughn: I think like mother like daughter
Sandra: lol
Vaughn: what do you think? do you think they are doing it?
Sandra: I have dreamed of us with the dog
Sandra: to tell the truth..I have no idea
Vaughn: oh yes? a real dream? when asleep? or a fantasy?
Sandra: no..wide awake!!
Vaughn: I can tell you another story..abut them and the dog
     if you would like
Sandra: no!!! but I will start to pay attention there must
     be signs
Vaughn: yes..maybe one day you will go into their room and
     find them with the dog on its back..cock out of its
Vaughn: you don't like my stories? I'm sorry about that...I
     wanted to please you..
Sandra: well I respect their privacy..but maybe..just maybe
Vaughn: yes, it could happen, very easily
Sandra: I loved your stories..it's just they were too real
Vaughn: I see..maybe I made them too real..I apologize..
Vaughn: but you did say you and your husband tell each other
     these fantasies when you make love
Sandra: when you had me spread my legs to show my daughter
     my pussy!! that was too real!!
Vaughn: that hasn't actually happened, has it? your showing
     her your pussy?
Sandra: but now I want to do it!! that's the diffirence
Vaughn: you will satisfy that want in fantasy..trust me...
Sandra: we will smell their panties!!!
Vaughn: yes, do that...you will cum so wonderfully...
Sandra: that is definately real!!
Vaughn: smell her panties as your husband licks your pussy
Vaughn: or masturbate him with the panties...so he cums on
Sandra: yes!!!! and pretend I am licking her!!
Vaughn: I have friends who send me their panties, and that
     is what I do..
Vaughn: yes, exaclty..
Vaughn: lick her panties right in the crotch..
Sandra: oh yes!!
Vaughn: is she starting to have her period yet?
Sandra: with his cum on her spot
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: yes...then lick the cum off her panties..
Sandra: very light
Vaughn: this is why her smell is changing
Vaughn: you see spotting on her panties?
Sandra: I know..my older daughter has a beautiful smell
Vaughn: yes...have you every had sex with another woman?
Sandra: yes..yes I have
Vaughn: your age or younger or older?
Sandra: my age first..my cousin
Vaughn: the same one whose pee you tasted?
Sandra: yes
Vaughn: and then, later?
Sandra: a teacher in highschool
Vaughn: oh...lovely, very sweet I imagine...
Vaughn: it must have been for the teacher, I'm sure..
Sandra: more than you can imagine
Vaughn: it was a sexual awaking for you with her?
Sandra: I sat in the front row and made sure she could see
     my panties!!! I was pure evil!!
Vaughn: how old was she then?
Sandra: for her too
Vaughn: yes, a fresh young girl, just discovering herself
     and the world
Sandra: she was past 30 for sure..maybe 40
Vaughn: you lusted for her
Sandra: did I!!!!! yes!!
Vaughn: she took a big chance with you...she must have love
     you, erally desired you
Sandra: the first time..she cried and cried
Vaughn: (dear I want to give you my email address..you don't
     have to use it but if we get disconnected, I would love
     to hear from you..its ******@yahoo.com)
Vaughn: oh, it must have been so sweet and tender...
Vaughn: it must move you to think about it again..
Vaughn: you touched something in her, I'm sure
Sandra: yes!!!! I should see if she is still living in the
     same town
Vaughn: would you want your daughters to have a similar
Sandra: if it was the same..and they were ready...yes
Vaughn: of course, they have to be ready...nothing you can
     arrange or plan for..
Vaughn: just hope they are as lucky as you were
Sandra: yes..love between 2 women is...
Vaughn: different..wonderful....
Sandra: more!!!
Vaughn: every woman should experience it...as should every
Sandra: I better go
Vaughn: ok..I have loved chatting with you
Vaughn: my name is vaughn, btw
Vaughn: I hope we can chat again
Sandra: I need release!!
Vaughn: get him away from the boob tube
Vaughn: kisses dear...
Sandra: we will....I will use this same name and I am 38 and
     live in *****
Vaughn: ok, I won't forget dear..
Vaughn: don't worry
Vaughn: I'm also V in scat chat alot..
Sandra: we will smell panties!! lol
Vaughn: so look for me there if I'm not here..
Vaughn: yes, do that...
Sandra: will try
Vaughn: with the panties...tonight if you can
Vaughn: kisses sandra, you are delightful
Sandra: I would give u my email..but it is his also
Vaughn: I know, don't worry, if you get one of your own..
Vaughn: then email me...
Sandra: and this I do want to keep private..now
Vaughn: I understand...
Vaughn: I would too...
Sandra: bye!!
Vaughn: bye dear

(To be continued...)


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