The following work of fiction contains sexual activities between
consenting adults. If you are too young, too uptight, or your
local government is too oppressive, you should stop reading now.

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The Fearless Vampire, Part 3
By Poison Ivan

By Poison Ivan

_Warning! The following work of fiction contains 
descriptions of sexual activity between vampires. If you are under the 
age of 18, this story is not for you._

I wake from a dream of total blackness with Darlene
sleeping in my arms.  I don't even remember falling asleep,
I don't even remember how I got into bed.  I kiss Darlene's
brow, but her body is as cold as a corpse.  An intense
thirst hits me, my throat feels scratched and raw, like it
was mauled by an animal.  And my stomach twists with
discomfort.  Darlene's hair tickles my nose.  The thought of
drawing on her cold blood repulses me.  I release her and
roll away, sit up.  Thank God the ache in my stomach eases.
I breathe in.

I can feel them, all of them, they seem to be everywhere
around me.  I feel them but I can't see them, it's as if
they are crowding around on the other side of the walls.
Who are they, and why do I feel them?  They are humans, I
know they are humans.  It's like I am a sideshow freak, and
they gather around to watch me from the other side of the
walls.  I stand up and I feel their individual presences, so
strong I could almost bump into them.  But they are nowhere.
I don't see them at all.  Are they really humans?  What is
going on?  What is this thing I feel?

And there is something else.  Something in the other
room, Jessica's room, something different.  Jessica.  What
has happened to Jessica?

I go to the door to Jessica's room and push it open.
Jessica is there, on the bed, dead, her chest ripped open
and her blood soaking the mattress.  Her eyes are wide and
glassy, her mouth open in rigid surprise.  I go over to her
corpse and look into her open chest.  Her heart is gone.

Did Darlene do this?  Did Darlene kill her?  Did Darlene
take her heart?

No matter, Jessica is cold and utterly lifeless.  She
might as well be a pile of stones.

I forget her and go to the bedroom window.  It is night
outside but the street light illuminates the block, and I
see the world outside like it was strong daylight.  The
street is filthy, filled with the rancid scent of humans and
vermin and engine exhaust.  I never noticed it before, but I
live in a pile of garbage.  It is disgusting.  Why did I
think this place was something special?  How much do I pay
for rent?  I can't remember.  But surely it is too much.

A woman walks by, a whore, a whore walking by on the
street below sets my nervous system on edge.

I watch her, and I am surprised, the more I look at her,
the more she fascinates me.  Her body radiates, I can see
it, deep red waves flickering, like an old ember, all around
her.  I have never seen a person like this before!  And I
swear I can smell her, a dull, over-cooked scent, without a
doubt, it is her, it is in my nose, but surely it can't be
the whore I smell.  I am six floors above her!

She is not well, there is something wrong with her, an
annoying illness that she can't seem to shake off.
Annoying?  Why do I know it is annoying?  I listen harder
and I think I can hear her, she's muttering or something,
saying things that register in my head.  Has something
happened to my sense of smell?  My sense of hearing?  The
whore is annoyed at feeling a little under the weather, she
doesn't want to be out tonight.  She paces down the street
and breathes heavily.  She is looking for men.  Men she can
blow or fuck so she can get money and pay her creditors.

I concentrate and it's like the whore opens up for me.
She is young.  Just turned eighteen years old.  But she is
mature beyond her years.  The life of a thirty-year-old
packed into that tight, young body.  She has pretty tits,
small, with little pink nipples.  Her legs are too skinny.
And scars, scars along her ribs and along the line of her
jaw, hard white spots speckling my red ember.

I look right into her, and her history floods into my
head, a disorganized, pathetic story.  She isn't sure of it
all herself, not the details.  Too many nights in a drug or
alcohol haze.  Yelling.  Beating.  Molestation by a stranger
when she was fourteen and should have known better.  Fucking
forty-year-old men when she was just sixteen.

My skin crawls.  She is fascinating!  I watch her, she
sighs and walks along, and I hear Darlene behind me, the pad
of Darlene's bare feet.

She comes up behind and presses against my back, she is
naked, her skin cool, her arms hugging around my waist, rubs
her nose in my hair, presses her lips against the back of my
neck.  She looks out the window over my shoulder, sees the
whore.  "A suggestion," she says.  Her voice is sweet and
helpful.  "You don't _need_ to kill them.  Usually a taste
is enough."

The thought of killing the whore had not occurred to me,
but what a thought!  It would be a snap, I could destroy her
with a flick of my wrist.  And suck her blood and eat her
heart!  My stomach growls, a menacing rumbling sound.  "And
plan your kills in advance," Darlene says.  "We can go
unnoticed if we wish, but it's better to _enter_ unnoticed
when you kill.  No witnesses."

Yes, she makes sense.  I nod and watch the whore walk
past.  She pauses at the corner, looks around.  Darlene's
moist breath caresses my ear.  And the whore walks around
the corner and out of sight.  Oh!  She is gone!  My heart

Darlene runs her hands over my belly and I my stomach
lurches.  "You are hungry," she whispers.

I am hungry, so hungry.  I am famished.

"My sweet baby," Darlene kisses my shoulder and moves up
to hold my breasts.  "How is this beautiful creature born of

I love the way Darlene touches me, she rolls my nipples
between her fingers, but I can not enjoy it.  I am so
hungry, and I want to go after the whore.  I want to kill
her and drink her blood.  "I want to kill her, Darlene," I

"Of course you do, baby," she whispers.  "But not now.
You and I, we will go out tonight.  We will find some
humans.  Beautiful, powerful humans.  And we will kill them.
We will kill them all.  A carnage.  I'll show you how.  We
will bathe in human's sweet blood.  We will drink until our
bellies burst."  And she laughs, her pretty soprano laugh a
lovely song in my head.


<A HREF="tfv4.html">To Part 4 of "The Fearless Vampire."</A>


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