Welcome to the Dark Side of Planet Leesti !!

over the next few days/weeks/months/years (* delete as
appropriate) i'll be uploading some really old stories I wrote
when i was still but a virgin teen ... and some stuff i've
written since.

but ... /whoami ?

gender : male
age : born in 1975
location : the UK, nottinghamshire at the moment

vanilla likes :-
* travelling
* the Internet (yeh i know, obvious!)
* writing stories/poems (again, that's pretty obvious ... lol)
* eating chocolate
* listening to the radio - BBC7 especially.
* TV comedy (of the Father Ted / Vic Reeves / Two Pints of Lager

my stories :-
these are a variety of things written since around 1992, though a
few main themes are evident.
* late-teens - are very common in the early stories, since I was
one at the time ... oh it's all legal (the age of consent *is*
16, after all!).
* 20-somethings - in my later stories, because ... well ... ;)
* bondage - quite often amongst friends or lovers.
* nc situations - or bondage amongst non-friends.
* internet-themes and meets
* bare feet - includes tickling and toe-sucking, but also since a
lot of the characters seem to be generically barefoot.  i do not
have a fetish, honest :p
* oral sex - because it's the best way to come!

what you generally won't find in my stories is actual *sex*;
there are reasons for this, but i guess there are things I'd
*rather* write about LOL.

Well, that's about all for this introduction - i'll start to post
indexes with the stories soon.

Any questions, comments, criticisms, suggestions, feel free to
e-mail me :

happy reading, not just here but over the *whole* of the site!
