Posted 20030426 to 
A Small Surrender (MF,rom)
by Philip Harris

"No Ted, I couldn't."  Laura liked the ring very much.  It was silver, 
with little dolphins swimming around it in a circle.  It fit this day 
so perfectly: the early-summer sunshine, the ocean-and-old-wood 
fragrance of the pier.  "Kevin would be suspicious," she offered at 
last, turning away from the jewelry store window.

"You can tell Kevin that you bought it yourself," Ted suggested.  "It 
would look so pretty on your finger Laura.  I like the idea of you 
wearing it.  If we don't work things out--if you decide to stay with 
Kevin--then it will be something secret that you can keep to always 
remind you of me.  I'd like that."

Laura was drawn to the ring, and it really would have looked pretty on 
her hand.

"Listen Laura," Ted persisted, "Which is the finger that you use the 
most on yourself?"

"Ted!" Laura cried in genuine anger, punching his arm.

"No seriously!  Is it this one, or this one?"  He took her hand and 
held each of her fingers, kissing each fingertip.  Laura pushed 
him away.  "I want to know Laura, because that's the finger I want you 
to wear my ring on.  Then I can phone you in the evenings when you're 
alone and ask you if you've 'used your ring' for me that night."

"Ted," Laura answered him in a angry voice, "you always talk so dirty 
to me when we're alone.  You make me uncomfortable."  Ted did make 
Laura feel uncomfortable with his persistent sexual pursuit, but she 
secretly liked very much the way he always made her feel desired. 
"Besides, I don't do that," she lied.

"Oh, but Laura, I want you to!"  Ted grabbed her by her elbows now, 
pulling her very close, and speaking quietly in her ear.  "When you
get up in the mornings, when you take your shower, I want you to
finger Kevin out of you, and then climax yourself wildly for me."

"Stop it Ted, you really go too far!"  Laura spoke louder, more 
angrily, and pulled away from his grasp.  And then after a pause 
she said, "And you don't really know anything about such 
things . . . It takes three fingers."

"I mean which finger do you use most on your clit?  I want you to wear 
my ring on your clit finger."

"Stop that talk Ted!"

Laura didn't want anyone else on the street to hear what Ted had been 
saying to her.  The ring in the window was very pretty though, and she 
secretly did want it.  She paused to look at it for a moment longer, 
thinking of herself wearing it in the shower and doing Ted's wicked
suggestion.  Ugh!  

Oh why couldn't he just want to be friends with her, Laura asked 
herself before turning and walking away.

Their conversation turned to more mundane matters.  Provincetown was 
quaint and pretty, with the promise of coming summer.  High-priced 
tourist shops lined the waterfront streets, and happy couples walked 
hand in hand everywhere.  

Ted took Laura's hand, and she didn't refuse him.  He had stolen a day 
from work, suggesting this trip to her last night when they talked on 
the telephone.  They talked on the phone almost every evening.  Laura 
had stolen the day too, lying and calling in sick.  

Kevin would never take a day off like this, she thought sadly.  He 
loved his work too much, travelling and working long hours every day, 
and many weekends too.

Laura picked out a café, and she and Ted sat at a tipsy, wrought-iron 
table beneath a big green umbrella.  Whenever the wind gusted, the 
table rocked on the flagstones.  Ted was good company, when he wasn't 
talking of doing filthy things to her.  Laura genuinely enjoyed being 
with him.  She looked about at couples talking together, and she 
sighed inside that Kevin never spent time with her like this.  

Ted would give all his time to Laura, if she wanted it.  Of course he 
wanted sex in return.  He told her that constantly.  He wanted her 

"Why are you always trying to have sex with me?" she asked Ted 

"Because I like big breasts," he answered simply.

"Plenty of other girls have big boobs," Laura said.

"Yours are the boobs I want Laura."

"You've never even seen mine," she said.

"I know what they feel like," he answered meaningfully.

It's true that Ted's hands knew their way around inside of Laura's
clothes.  On the boat ride down from Boston, Laura's legs had been 
cold in her short pants, and Ted had brought her a blanket from the 
ship's on-deck supply.  He'd sat beside her and covered both their 
laps with the blanket.  He'd held her hand underneath the blanket, 
speaking pleasantly to her about the beauty of the sea around them.

It wasn't long before Laura felt his hand stray, as she had known it 
would.  He caressed inside her thigh.  Ted was very good at caressing!  
She felt his fingers unbutton her shorts, and then felt his hand slide 
down into them, and then start to slide into her underwear too.

"No," Laura had said quietly, and Ted's fingers retreated from her 
underwear, but stayed within her pants.  Slowly, patiently he worked 
his fingers downward again, outside of her underwear, but invading her 
more; pausing but not retreating at Laura's further "no's."

Eventually he touched her.  Laura spread her legs apart a little bit 
in slight concession, immediately feeling very guilty.  She'd let him 
get this far before though, touching her through her underwear.  She
promised herself that she'd never let him go farther.  

She never intended to let him touch her at all, yet for some reason she 
found that she just couldn't refuse him.  She often argued with him, but 
Ted was good at getting his hands into her clothes anyway.  

Laura had to admit to herself that she was partly to blame, for 
encouraging him.  She only wanted to be friends with Ted, but how 
could they just be friends when she let him do this to her?

"No Ted," she'd told him on the boat when his fingertips started trying
to slip aside her underwear thong.  The he tried coaxing her through 
her underwear.

"No, I'll make too much noise," she said  People were everywhere on the
boat; walking past them, leaning over the railing in front of them, 
even sitting on the same long bench with them.  

"We'll be kissing, Laura," he said, not stopping his fingertip
persuasion, "so you won't make any noise."

"No, please Ted," she told him quietly, not wanting anyone to 
overhear.  "Please don't Ted--please!"  Laura didn't try moving 
herself or pushing Ted away from her.  She felt certain he would
obey her voice.

Ted persisted for another minute, knowing Laura well enough to persist, 
but in the end he stopped, as she'd asked him to.  

Laura stopped him in time, but not before reacting wetly, and she was 
left desperately wanting to be finished.  She had to get up and 
stroll around the deck to walk off the sensation.  

Then she'd had to act as if she were very angry with Ted, knowing 
that otherwise he could make another assault while she was still 
aroused and vulnerable.  Her pretended anger kept him at bay until 
the ferryboat boat docked in Provincetown.

Ted was always assaulting her, but Laura keep seeing him in 
secret whenever Kevin was away.

"You're not married to Kevin, you just live with him," Ted said, 
startling Laura from her reverie at the café.  His words seemed as if 
he were reading her mind.

"I just want to be friends with you Ted," she said, not wanting to
repeat old arguments.

Laura felt ashamed at enduring Ted's constant sex assults.  She felt 
even more ashamed that Ted knew how effective his assaults were on 
her.  Whenever Laura was out with Ted she always wore a heavy 
sweatshirt to conceal her betraying nipples from the public, and to 
conceal his frequently-groping hands.  

After lunch at the café, they visited a few art galleries. Ted told 
Laura clever little wisecracks that he made up about each of the 
artists.  He kept her laughing until her sides ached.  More than one 
gallery owner frowned at them.  

"Are you shopping today, or just looking?" a snippety gallery owner 
asked them.

"I want a nude painted of my wife," Ted invented quickly, indicating 
Laura with a sweep of one hand.  "Her, nude, riding akimbo on a leaping 
dolphin.  Can you do it right here while we wait?"

Ted said it with perfect seriousness.

"I . . . um.  You might be able to arrange a sitting with a local 
artist," the gallery owner said, sure that he was being joked with,
but still trying to be polite.

"Oh we can't wait," Ted snipped.  Taking Laura's hand he hurried her 
out the door, saying, "Come dear, let's go get Polaroids done."

Laura laughed for ten minutes, as they walked down the street, trading
suggestions of wise-cracks they could have added.  Laura loved Ted's
free spirit.  He really was a wonderful companion when he kept his 
hands to himself.  If it weren't that she was living with Kevin . . . .

Another hour of window-shopping took them gradually away from the 
tourist crowds, and eventually they found a private spot together 
near a seawall, where they leaned against the railing and looked 
outward at the ocean surf.  Ted stood behind Laura, hugging her 
about the waist, holding her body comfortably close against his.  
Laura confessed to herself that when Ted held her like this it felt 
as if she should be with him instead of with Kevin.

Ted's hands started near her hips, but after a few minutes they 
drifted up, beneath her sweatshirt, taking her breasts from 
underneath.  Laura was expecting this.  She pushed his arms down 
firmly.  Almost immediately his fingers started exploring her 
waistband, until an "ah" of warning from Laura made his hands again 

A few moments later he reached up beneath her sweatshirt again, 
crisscrossing his arms around her ribcage and cupping her breasts, 
this time sliding her bra cups upward and clasping her bare breasts in 
his hands, a move he had perfected through practice on her.  He held
her body tightly against his.

Laura left his hands where they were.  This was a familiar game for 
them.  She knew that she had to give into Ted sometimes, and this 
was the most that she ever permitted him.  Now, and with the morning's 
finger-teasing, Ted had explored the absolute boundaries of his 
intimacy with her.  The bare flesh of her breasts and a little of her 
wetness through her underware was all that she ever gave in to him.  
Laura folded her hands about her waist, drawing her elbows to her sides 
to help conceal Ted's actions from chance eyes.

Ted's face rested against Laura's as they both gazed seaward.  He 
kissed her cheek; she'd never let him kiss her lips.  Beneath her 
sweatshirt his hands squeezed her breasts in slow pulses.  She could 
feel his erection growing as he pressed it to her through their 

Laura had known for the whole day that this would come.  A date with 
Ted always involved breast groping eventually.  She knew that it was 
part of his incessant effort to arouse her beyond her control.  This 
was their familiar contest for her body.  

For a moment Ted's persuasion seemed irresistible.  He was now 
pressing his erection against her in rhythm with his breast squeezing, 
a publicly subtle but intimately very arousing imitation of fucking.  
Momentarily he was winning; Laura wanted desperately to surrender, 
right there on the cold, wet sand at the foot of the seawall.  What 
would be the harm in giving into him just this once, she wondered?

"Stop it Ted," she said, after a minute, bringing her arms down and 
away from her sides, a signal that his privilege was over for now.  
Ted had lost the contest again.  

Laura was afraid that his overtures were becoming too obvious.  Beneath 
her sweatshirt, Ted replaced her breasts within her bra cups neatly, again 
something well practiced.  Laura wondered if Ted guessed that she wore 
a bra conveniently easy for this, ever since his clumsy first assault.

They walked on, past the end of the shops, to a shore lane of small 
cottages with fresh blooming gardens, and trees proudly wearing new 
green leaves.  Ted stopped before a pretty inn, with a broad white 
swing on the porch, and a vacancy sign.

"That will be our room," Ted said, pointing to a small second-floor 
window with lacy white curtains and red shutters, "if we stay 
tonight."  Laura's face was hard, but inside she felt that she'd never 
heard a more romantic proposition.

Ted had known that Kevin would be away in Cincinnati all week.  In her 
small bag Laura had the toothbrush and other things that Ted had asked 
her to bring, even though she'd said that she wouldn't.  Let's just go 
down to Provincetown for the day, Ted had urged her, but bring your 
overnight things.  

Don't bring any birth control, he'd said.  Ted knew that Laura wanted
a baby, and that Kevin would never agree to one.  That's why she and
Kevin hadn't married yet.  Ted had promised Laura as many children as 
she wanted, under any conditions she cared to name.

"I have to be back at work tomorrow Ted," Laura answered after a pause, 
and then she turned and started walking back toward the ferry dock.  

They had wandered far from the waterfront, and had to walk quickly now 
to reach the pier in time to take the last boat back to Boston.  They 
sat on the same ferryboat bench that they'd chosen for the morning 

Once out in the harbor, the late-day wind became chilly.  Laura felt 
sad for Ted.  He wanted her so much and was so nice to her.  She knew 
that he was in love with her.  He wanted her body, but he also really 
loved her.  Laura felt sorry that she'd refused the dolphin ring, that 
she hadn't agreed to stay for the night--and that she was probably 
never going to.  

The evening was becoming dark.  Was that the inn that they had paused 
before, there, going out of view on the shore?  The small, second-floor 
window was still dark; the room was still unoccupied.

Laura noticed that there weren't as many people on the boat for this 
homeward trip, and few of them were outside on the decks.  After a 
while other passengers left the deck, retreating into the light and 
warmth of the lounge, until only one other couple remained outside 
near Ted and Laura.  

As soon as that last couple left the deck, Laura felt Ted's arm lower, 
his hand leaving her shoulder and taking a cupping grab around her 
right breast, through her sweatshirt.  She leaned back against his arm,
and his other hand cupped her left breast.  Laura made no objections,
although she knew that he would soon reach beneath her bra again.
Would it really be so bad to let his fingers inside her underwear?

"Ted," Laura said, not turning her head to look at him, "go get us a 
blanket to cover our laps."


More stories by Philip Harris can be found on /~pharris/.