Author: Pescador del Valle
Title: Assassin
Part: Chapter 18 of 27
Summary: Ass, sass and sin.  A young assassin does more 
than befriend people when he tries to get close to his 
Keywords: Mf-nosex, M-solo, voy, oral
Language: English
Copyright: 2009

*                 WARNING!                  *
* This text file contains sexually explicit *
* material. If you do not wish to read this *
* type of literature, or you are under age, *

Comments appreciated : 
  see Pescador del Valle on
I had been given the job of getting close to one Adam 
Pringle - because he was a slippery bastard who was too 
nasty to live.  He was also a hard man to get access to 
but fortunately his twin children Mark and Kyra were far 
more approachable.  As far as Adam Pringle was now 
concerned, I was Kyra's boyfriend.  Unfortunately his 
other daughter was blackmailing the three of us with the 
intention of having a little fun.

And if that wasn't enough trouble, my foster-sister Anna 
as well as Hailey and Rosalie, two of the other players 
from her girls' soccer team, thought I was *THEIR* 
boyfriend - the finer details still to be worked out.

Hmm.  I may have unwittingly made a couple of poor 
decisions when first trying to build a good cover story.


I was accosted as soon as I walked inside, Ma calling me 
into the kitchen before I even had a chance to put my 
things in my room.

"Roger, I want a word with you please."

I couldn't tell whether the word would be good or bad.

"Anna came home sick from school today but I think there 
is more to it than that.  You and she have been getting 
close lately and I was wondering if you'd have any idea 
why she might have been crying in her room for most of 
the afternoon?"

Ma was looking at me shrewdly.  Anna had been okay this 
morning and we'd definitely been cosy together the night 
before so either we had somehow fallen out on the way to 
school or something had happened there.

I must have looked honestly puzzled - which I was; Anna 
had been okay with my visit to Hailey when we parted for 
class, even joking over how much harder it would be for 
me to get in to see Rosalee.

"No, I can't think of anything.  Sorry.  Has she really 
been crying all that time?"

"On and off.  I think she slept for a little while so 
maybe she's been having trouble getting to sleep as well 
and something's just set her off."

"Would you like me to see if I can find out?"

"Would you Roger?  Oh thank you.  I know a teenage girl 
sometimes feels her mother is the last person she can 
talk to but if you think it is something I should know 
about can you try to get her to speak to me.  I don't 
expect you to betray any confidences - unless she's in 
actual danger."

"Okay, I'll do what I can."

Since I didn't know what had caused the problem I didn't 
expect the reception when I knocked on the door.  "Anna?"

"Fuck off you bastard!"

"Must be something I've done," I thought.  Well actually 
it was, "Oh shit!  What have I done now?"

"Anna, what is the matter?"

"Just go away and leave me alone - forever!"

"If that's what you want..."

"I do!"

"...then I will but only after you tell me why you're 
upset with me."

I opened her door and stepped inside.

"I told you to go away."

"Yet you left your door unlocked.  I think you wanted a 
chance to tell me why I'm such a bastard since I'm 
obviously too thick to know."

Anna stood.  "The only thing I want is for you to feel as 
shitty as I do."

She swung a hand at me but I'd been trained to respond to 
all sorts of attacks - and to try to use an appropriate 
level of response.  In this case I moved just enough to 
soften the blow while allowing Anna the satisfaction of a 
clear slap and some tingling in her hand.

I also caught her arm before she could launch into me 
again but I don't think it would have been necessary.

Anna had been prepared for fight and now it had happened 
she expected me to retaliate.  I wrapped my arms around 
her and kissed her forehead.  "Anna love, I am truly 
sorry if I have hurt you.  It has never been my intention 
and I really don't know what I have done."

There was no way she was ready to consider forgiving me 
but the adrenalin flooding her veins needed some outlet 
and Anna started shaking.

I moved her over to the bed and made her sit while I 
knelt and rubbed my hands up and down her arms.

"Why?" she eventually asked.  I waited for her to 

"You said you were going to see Mark's little sister.  
Did you end up fucking Kyra?"

"Kyra?" I asked.  "Why Kyra?"

"Well you're her boyfriend.  You're around her house all 
the time.  I saw you kissing her."

"Anna, I haven't fucked anyone since I left Hailey this 
morning.  I'm not Kyra's boyfriend in the sense you mean 
but I have been helping her with something and that is 
why she kissed me."

"It was more than a 'Thank You' kiss and you were 
certainly doing more than saying 'You're welcome'."

"Kyra doesn't know about you and she doesn't think 
there's anything serious going on with Rosalee or Hailey 
who she has met.  I guess she's thinking she might have a 
chance with me but she's stone cold out of luck.  Okay, I 
admit I didn't object to kissing her.  She's good looking 
and feels nice cuddled up against me - but she's not you 
and I don't want her."

"But Loren said she'd said you were her boyfriend."

"Loren, whoever she is, must have got the public part of 
the story.  If I tell you some of the rest you've got to 
promise you won't tell anyone, even Rosalee or Hailey."


"You know Kyra's father's reputation?"

"A little; it sound's bad."

"If what you've heard is only bad then you haven't heard 
enough.  He can never know what I'm about to tell you and 
I may never be able to tell you the whole story."

"Okay, I won't say anything but I don't necessarily 
believe you."

"Kyra needed to convince her father I was her boyfriend 
for a while.  It *IS* only for a while but she and Mark 
convinced me it was important.  If I thought it would 
become a matter for speculation I would have let you know 
first.  I am sorry.  I promise you I have nothing more 
than friendly feelings for Kyra."

"You've never done more than kiss?"

"Only because it was necessary."

"Necessary! You *ARE* a bastard."

"I could have simply said No but I don't want to keep 
secrets from you."

"*WHY* was it *NECESSARY*?  And what do you actually mean 

I kicked myself for starting down the track of even 
partial honesty but I figured Anna was just as likely to 
approach Kyra and seek some sort of confirmation of my 
truthfulness as she had promised to do when I first dated 
Rosalee and Hailey.

"I really can't tell you everything.  Mr Pringle had to 
think we were having sex. (True) We arranged it so we got 
caught. (Well the way we arranged things meant Michelle 
ended up catching us)"

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Have you ever known me not to enjoy it?  But this was 
strictly an arrangement for me.  I don't care for her.  I 
care for you."

"I'm not sure that I care for you any more."

"I'm sorry for that."

"Why?  'Cause you can't get a little ever night?"

"Because I love you and value your friendship and would 
miss not being able to sleep next to you."

"So, did you 'sleep' with *HER* again?"

"We did try a couple of times before I got called up 
before her father but he has made his views on my ongoing 
behaviour clear."

"You must be really good friends to get so friendly."

"It all started before *WE* did anything and as far as 
I'm concerned it finished then as well."

"I don't know, that kiss seemed to say things were still 
going strong.  It doesn't make any sense - who has sex 
just to get caught by their parents?"

"What would *YOU* do to get out of an arranged marriage 
if one of the conditions was that the bride be a virgin?  
And I never said that!"

"Arranged marriages!  Who does that any more?"

"Certain families that want to merge business empires and 
I'm *NOT* going to get drawn into that.  I don't want you 
to get hurt Anna and if you say anything about this to 
anyone it could happen."

"What about you?  If I could get into trouble just 
talking about it what risks were you running by being 
caught with her?"

"When I agreed I didn't care; since then I've fallen in 
love with three wonderful women.  I'm just trying to ride 
out the storm until Kyra 'dumps' me.  Spending time with 
Michelle makes me more acceptable and my life expectancy 
goes up."

"You're not joking - are you?"

"Only a little.  Kyra's father could have gotten nasty.  
As it is I just have to not 'do anything to make his 
daughter unhappy', according to him."

"And what if she doesn't want to dump you?"

"Kyra just wants her own future out of her father's 
control.  I don't expect to do anything with her again 
now we've been discovered."

"Why you though?  Surely she knows lots of guys?"

"They knew her father's reputation too well and hadn't 
just lost their whole family."

"Oh Roger, I hadn't thought you were upset like that but 
of course you would be."

"I'm not now.  I've got new people in my life who mean 
even more to me."



"And you don't love Kyra?"

"I love you and Rosalee and Hailey, and I'm pretty fond 
of your mother but not in the same way."

"*THAT'S* a relief."  Anna paused.

"Do you promise you won't have sex with her again?"

"Your mother?"

"Kyra, idiot!"

"I have no intention at this time of ever having sex with 
other than you three.  I can't promise to love you 
forever and a day.  I can promise to do my best to try 

I got a hug though not a kiss yet.  I wasn't quite off 
the hook.

"You hurt me."

"I'm sorry.  Really sorry."

"I felt bad.  *REALLY* bad."

"I'd like to try and make it up."

"What?  More sex?"

"If that's what you want but I was thinking of running a 
bubble bath for you and getting you a hot chocolate."

"You think that would make it all better!?"

"It might make you feel a little better and that would be 
a start."

"Alright, but what am I going to say to Ma?"

"The guy you had your heart set on turned out to be a 
real jerk?"

"Hmm. That's certainly believable."

"More than that; it's the truth.  If I thought I would 
ever have hurt you like this I'd have done things 

Possibly even staying with the second choice of host 
families so we would never have met.


"You took a while.  How is she?"

"Going to have a soak and a hot chocolate.  Apparently 
there was a boy she liked who proved unworthy of her 

The kettle was hot and I gathered the makings while it 
came to the boil.

"She said there was someone she was interested in.  Did 
she say who it was?"

I shook my head.  "I think she's going to be okay now 

I lifted the mug.  "I'll just deliver this while she's 
still decent."

"Thanks Roger.  I think she likes you."

"I like Anna too.  I never had a sister."

I opened the bathroom door and put the mug down on the 
floor by the side of the bath.  "You look quite decent 
under all those bubbles."

"I wish you were under them with me."

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?"

"I didn't say you would be able to come up for air.  No, 
it means I'm willing to consider sex as part of your 

"I could organise a big bubble bath for us all for 
Saturday if you like.  I'm supposed to plan this 

"I'd rather it was just us."

"Well Rosalie and Hailey have mass on Sunday - we could 
spend some time together then."

"You don't have to go back to Kyra's?"

I'd been with Kyra and Mark the previous two Sundays.

"Mr Pringle is going away so there is no point."

"You really are only helping Kyra?"

"Anna, I promise I have no romantic interest in Kyra at 
all but I may have to pretend to for a while."

"Give me a kiss then and get out of here before we're 

I came out and found Ma just turning at the top of the 

"Decent? Hmm!"

"Well, covered in bubbles.  You can see for yourself."

"I don't doubt you Roger.  I know you care for each 
other.  Try not to hurt her though - again."

I always said Ma was no fool.

"I don't want to see her hurt ever."

"I'll accept that, but I'll also be watching."

She went back downstairs and I went to start my homework.


Anna suggested I shouldn't come to her room that night.  
She'd mostly forgiven me but I guess still wanted to work 
through the whole "He screwed someone else!" issue.  She 
did tell me she wanted to take advantage of both my 
offers though - a chance for a shared bubble bath and a 
chance to be alone.  She also suggested I should go and 
see Rosalee for a while before it got dark as her parents 
wouldn't be too controlling then.

I was a little surprised but asked her if she liked ten 
pin bowling.  When she told me she hadn't been I 
suggested it might be a fun outing for Saturday - we 
really needed to relate socially in a fun way as well as 
through sex.  Anna agreed - so long as we got to have the 
sex as well.

"I'll see what I can do."

I called Hailey before going and asked her about bowling 
on Saturday after soccer.  She agreed and then told me 
Rosalee hadn't believed her.  I knew she meant regarding 
my nocturnal visit.  She also said she hoped we would 
have as much fun the coming Saturday as we had the week 
before and I promised to do what I could.

Rosalee's father opened the door and called out to her 
when I asked if she was home.  Rosalee came running with 
a joyous "Roger!" and it was only her father's continuing 
presence that prevented her launching herself at me.

"Dad, this is Roger.  Roger, my Dad."

"Hello sir."

I turned to include Rosalee when I asked, "Is it okay if 
I visit for a while?"

"Have you finished your homework Rosalee?"

"All but a novel I have to read.  I was going to do that 
in the bath."

"Okay then but I don't really want this to become a habit 
on school nights."

"I understand sir."

Rosalee grabbed my hand and pulled me after her.

"Stay out of the bedrooms!"


Rosalee changed direction and took me out the back 

I waved to her mother as we went past.  "Hello Mrs 

"Hello Roger.  Bye Roger," she laughed.

"I've missed you!"  Rosalee gave me a quick kiss before 
her father had a chance to peer out the window at us 
sitting on a porch swing seat.  We were in plain sight 
yet out of hearing if we talked quietly.

"Hailey pass on my apologies?"

"She said you went by and the lights were off - *AND* 
that hers weren't and you *DIDN'T* go by there!"

"A most accidental and yet fortunate occurrence.  I think 
adding the danger of getting caught makes making love 
that little bit more exciting - provided you don't 
actually get caught.  That would put a damper on it."

"You actually made love in her room!?"

"You know her pink rug?"

"How could I forget it!"

"It makes quite a comfortable mattress."



"Well I can't sneak you in here.  I've got to share with 
my little sister; she'd wake up and spoil everything.  I 
can't even get up in the night without her stirring."

"Mmm, a challenge!  You need an alternative.  Do you have 
any free periods at school?"

"You want to meet me at my school!?  Are you serious or 
just seriously crazy?"

"No I wasn't really serious.  I like seeing you get 
worked up."

We held hands and kicked our heels on the back porch so 
the seat swung slowly.

"What are we doing Saturday?  Have you decided yet?"

"I thought ten pin bowling and then bathing and perhaps a 
nice dinner."

"What do you mean bathing?"

"Anna wanted a big bubble bath we could all enjoy.  I 
thought that sounded a good idea."

"But where?"

"Leave that to me."

"Okay.  I wish you could come visit me tonight."

"I'd like that.  When I was with Hailey we realised that 
we all needed to have some time together as well as our 
group time.  We also need some fun time like the bowling 
in addition to our other fun times."

"Hmm, yes.  I think you are right.  Let me just check 
Saturday is okay."

Rosalee left me and put the group date proposition to her 
mother.  Her father quite sensibly let his wife manage 
the task of saying no if she didn't think it appropriate.  
He trusted her decision and this way he was never the 
ogre for blocking his daughter's wishes and stood a 
better chance of being able to play the heavy should it 
really be needed one day.

He had heard about me but hadn't met me before tonight.  
Rosalee seemed happy - other than on the Saturday 
following our first date - and that, provided she was 
behaving properly, was the main thing.  He liked the idea 
we were going out as a group of friends rather than 
pairing off as boyfriend and girlfriend; it was too soon 
for that - plus there was the fact that I wasn't 
Catholic.  Of course, the latter situation could be cured 
if matters proceeded in that direction.  Unlike Adam 
Pringle, Mr Lafayette wasn't about to warn me off when it 
appeared I was just friends with all three girls at 
present.  If I started seriously sniffing around Rosalee, 
well things might change.

My rosy Rosy came back with a grin on her face.  "I can 
go straight from Soccer and I don't need to be home until 
11 this time provided the other girls are with us the 
whole time."

"Well they might be in one room while we are in another 
but that would be the extent of any separation."

"That sounds good enough to me."

Knowing her father was settled in front of the TV, 
Rosalee became a little more amorous but the swing didn't 
really allow us to do much as it had a tendency to rock 
back a little way which made one feel it was going to tip 
us over backwards.

"Why not show me the garden?"

Circumnavigating the yard with our arms around each other 
was more satisfying than sitting swinging but still not 
as nice as properly kissing and cuddling.  We didn't have 
long to ourselves though as Rosalee's brother and sister 
were finally allowed to come and bother us.

"Rosy's got a boyfriend.  Rosy's got a boyfriend."

Rosalee was in no mood to disagree and just held my hand.

"This is John Eggs," she indicated her brother - about 
eleven I guessed.


"Benedict.  John Benedict, John Eggs."

"O-kay.  Hello John."

"And we know you're Roger.  Rosy talks about you *ALL* 
the time."


"Well you do.  Doesn't she Sal?"

The six year old nodded.  This, it transpired, was Sally 
Teresa - named apparently in honour of Sister Bertrille 
and Mother Teresa.

"So what's your middle name then Rosy?"

"It doesn't matter."

"I won't make fun."

She sighed.  "My name is Rosalee Immaculata.  I was named 
after Mother's aunt.  What about you?"

"Sorry.  I'm simple Roger NMN Torrent."

"NMN?" asked John.

"No Middle Name."

"Do you l-o-o-o-v-e Rosy?"

"Well she is a pretty special girl.  I would think 
everyone would love her, don't you?"

I don't know whether Rosalee blushed more at her 
brother's question or my answer.  I wasn't going to give 
them more ammunition to tease her though.  Well, not 

"Nah.  She's a girl."

"I do."

Rosalee hugged her sister and then, to his disgust, John.  
The contrast with Kyra was noticeable.

"Hey, I said nice things too!"

So, of course, I got a hug too.

The sun was in the process of setting which I guess is 
why the kids were sicced upon us after we had first been 
allowed some privacy.

We went inside and Rosalee made me a coffee, offering to 
get one for her parents as well.  We sat in the lounge to 
drink them and Mrs Lafayette turned the TV off.  I don't 
think that impressed her husband but she wasn't going to 
be rude when I was the first young man to call upon her 
daughter since she was eight.

I explained a little of my circumstances and Rosalee made 
a point of taking my hand when I mentioned I'd been 
orphaned in an accident.  Her action could be taken as 
sympathy for a friend - or romantic interest.  I didn't 
mind in the least.

When I finished I thanked Rosalee again and announced it 
was time I should be going.  Mr Lafayette eyed the 
controls and apparently agreed.

"Will I see you at soccer on Saturday?"

"Yes," answered Mrs Lafayette.  "I'll be able to go this 
week.  I might even get someone else out of bed for a 
change."  She was determined to make her husband dislike 

Rosalee's siblings were sent off to the bathroom - Sally 
to get through first with her mother's help and JB to be 
ready to follow.  Their house had an airlock type of 
arrangement at the front door and Rosalee took full 
advantage of the few minutes privacy to press herself to 
me and to swap a few litres of saliva.

"I'm going to be so horny now!"

"Well you can always do something about it in the bath.  
Think about what you would like us to do on Saturday - me 
or one of the others or all of us.  Maybe we can make it 

"Now I'm even hornier.  Thanks!"

"It's my pleasure."

I'd been rubbing a breast and it was easy to notice how 
her nipple had hardened.  I was sorry I couldn't tease it 
further with my tongue.

Rosalee gave me a squeeze to prove that I was in a 
similar state to herself and I disengaged myself.

"I wish I was Anna."

"I'm glad you're not.  I like seeing both of you."

"No.  I meant then you'd be coming back to me, not 
leaving me."

"I'll see you on Saturday morning.  Pack something you 
can wear bowling and something nicer for going out to 
dinner.  Can you tell Hailey too please?"

"Okay.  How nice."

"Special dinner nice.  I'll have a tie and jacket."


I showered and then read as I sat next to Anna while she 
watched TV.

"You really like history, don't you?"

"It's interesting, especially when you read two or more 
different views on why an event happened the way it did 
or explanations about how ordinary people went about 
their lives.  I want to go and see the places I've read 

"That sounds lovely."

"It would be nice to show them to you."

"Oh like a date?"

"A very long date.  I think once I started looking I 
wouldn't want to stop."

"Would we take Rosalee and Hailey?"

"Hmm.  That could be fun.  Would you like to?"

"I think I would.  I know they wouldn't like to be left 

"I thought you might prefer to have me to yourself."

"I wouldn't mind but we certainly had fun together."

"I just wonder how I'll survive."

Anna turned to look at me.  I'd sounded as if it was 
going to happen.

We went to our rooms when the program had finished.  I 
don't know why Anna watched but I was appreciative that 
the rest of her family didn't want to.  It allowed us to 
sit together and by the end she was snuggled against me.

I got a kiss goodnight at the top of the stairs and then 
a "see you in the morning" dismissal.  We were friends 
again and cuddly friendly but Anna didn't want intimacies 
yet.  I suspect I was being punished.

I heard Doug come up and shortly after Ma followed.  
Brent was out somewhere and I hadn't spoken more than 
half a dozen words with him since Saturday.

I drifted off, realising as I lay in my quiet room that I 
hadn't thought of the threat Michelle posed all evening.  
In fact it had only been when comparing Rosalee and Kyra 
that I had even thought of her.  I decided that, on the 
evidence so far, Kyra might be justified in protesting 
her half-sister's existence.

I wasn't sleepy enough to miss the shuffle and the tap on 
my window.  I wasn't sure what Anna wanted but I wasn't 
about to leave her out there.

I parted my curtains and lifted the window.

"Can I come in?"

"Any time."  I helped her through.

"I need a cuddle.  Is that okay?"

"One cuddle coming up.  Are you sure you don't want to go 
back to your room?"

"No.  This is fine."

It was too.  We spooned together and Anna rubbed her butt 
against my crotch with the inevitable result.  She let me 
hold her but indicated she was there to sleep so I made 
no advances.  After a while that must have satisfied her 
level of adequate punishment and she moved my hand up to 
her breast.  I held it, occasionally stroking her nipple 
as we finally fell asleep.


Thump, thump.

"Time to get up."


Oops.  That was Anna, not me.  Had Ma noticed?  She had 
kept walking so perhaps not.  I heard her go down the 
stairs and gave Anna a gentle slap when she started 

"I love waking up beside you."

"It is nice, but you're going to cause us grief - big 
time!  Let me check the way is clear."


Brent's door was closed - he had no classes until this 
afternoon, hence his late night.  Doug could come out at 
any minute though but his door was closed at the moment.  
I pushed Anna out my room with another tap to her tush 
and closed the door quietly - waiting until I heard her 

There was a door but it wasn't Anna's.

"Morning Dad."

I heard her footsteps return and then go down the stairs 
to the landing.

"Can I have just a couple of pieces of toast today please 
Ma?  Thanks."

She passed Doug as she climbed the stairs again and when 
she reached the top I came out to greet her.

"Good morning."

"Morning Rog.  Sleep well?"

I grabbed her and gave her a big kiss just out of sight 
of the stairwell.

"Best ever.  Catch you downstairs."

Anna seemed as reluctant to let go as I was.


Wednesday, Thursday, and, when Doug found I had nothing 
organised, Friday after school was spent learning to be a 
barista again.  It was only for two hours at a time and 
that went fairly fast.  Cleaning tables on the Thursday, 
I looked up to see Beverley and Michelle at the next 

"Hello Roger."

"Hi Mrs Pringle."

"Beverley's okay."

"Thanks.  Hello Michelle."

"Hello Roger.  You work here then?"

"Either here or at the other shop."

"I hope you've got *SUNDAY* off."

"Looking forward to a rematch are you?  I might lick you 
this time."

Michelle glanced at her mother but she was apparently 
taking no notice of the secret conversation we shared, 
being more interested in our cake display.  She excused 
herself and went for a closer look.

"If the weather is fine maybe Mark could take us all out 
for a drive."

"I was thinking along those lines.  I haven't put 
anything to him yet - I figured if he had time to think 
he might change his mind and then I'd have to convince 
him all over again."

"I knew I could depend on you."

"Depend on Roger?  Why?"

"To suggest something nice."

"A snowball - Iced white chocolate with frozen milk ice 
crystals and whipped cream topping."

"It does sound delicious.  I'll just have a caramel latte 
please and a slice of Tiramisu.  Do you want a cake 

"No thank you mum."

I went to get their order though normally they would have 
to front up at the counter.  Nepotism could also extend 
to the family of friends.


We took turns.  Wednesday and Friday I slept with Anna, 
Thursday she slept with me again.  We didn't stay the 
whole night through though after that first mistake.

Anna kept up the pretence that I was in her bad books 
though she continued to tease me and I was gradually 
allowed to do more for her.  Thursday night I snuggled in 
behind her once more and this time she let me reach in to 
finger her pussy.  Well I say let but she actually took 
my hand and slid it up her thigh.  She came to a 
satisfying conclusion and then, on recovering, pointed 
out that I hadn't come (to her in this instance accurate 
knowledge) since the very early hours of Tuesday morning.

"Would you do it - so I can feel you coming next to me?"

"Do it?"

"Jerk off.  You know, *REMEMBER*"

And so I lay back, wrapped one arm around my favourite 
girl, and proceeded to use the other to satisfy her 
curiosity and my need.  I eventually drew closer and 
reached for the box of tissues I knew were nearby.

"Oh let me."

Anna moved down and wrapped her lips around my knob.  
Once in position she opened her mouth slightly and, when 
I proved somewhat dense, moved my hand back to my organ.

Keeping the tip within her lips I began to resume the 
interrupted rhythm until I had to acknowledge I was about 
to come.  Anna's tongue flashed out and licked me before 
she stretched her mouth wide.  I came and she caught 
every drop but then she crawled along my body and found 
my mouth to return it to me.

With no practical alternative I accepted with as good a 
grace as I could manage and then Anna returned to my 
prick and sucked on me until she had cleaned me inside 
and out and I was beginning to show signs of 

That was it though and I didn't get that much on Friday 
night though I fingered her to an orgasm in her own bed.  
With the plans I had made for Saturday and Sunday I was 
actually grateful she "let" me preserve my stamina.


Saturday morning saw us all up early again but only Ma, 
Anna and I were in the car for the journey.  Rosalee's 
mother and her younger children were there already and 
Hailey, who had been given a ride with them, was warming 
up with Rosalee.

"Catch you later."  Anna dashed off.

We had only briefly discussed what I should say to the 
others about Kyra.  I pointed out that since Kyra had 
preceded me becoming involved with them it was not 
particularly relevant, especially since Kyra was not 
going to happen again.  Anna accepted that - or at least 
she said she did - but I kept expecting one or the other 
to look over at me with a hurt expression.

They did look but always with a smile to find I was 
watching them and not one of the other sometimes more 
beautiful girls around the field.

This time the Coach waved to me; I was somehow 
encouraging his girls to play while at the same time 
distracting the opposition so he didn't mind me being 
there.  When the line up was finished he actually 
beckoned me in closer.

Rosalee was second in line and, while I had given the 
first girl a peck, Rosalee was having none of that and 
made sure I was kissed properly.  She growled when number 
three tried to do the same, "Watch it; he's spoken for!"

Number four behaved herself but then complained when 
Hailey copied Rosalee.  The team knew I'd taken them both 
out so they were still guessing who I fancied.  The girls 
after Hailey thought it worthwhile stirring Rosalee up 
but even they weren't expecting Anna, deliberately on the 
end of the line, to put her hands to my cheeks while she 
kissed me passionately.

"Saved the best till last?" she whispered.

"Are we here to play soccer or fool around?" asked the 
Captain of the other team.

"I didn't know we had a choice; let me think for a 

My team cheered my statement and headed out onto the 
field.  I retreated listening to their outrageous 

"He's dating all of us."

"He's built like a donkey."

"We can't keep up!"

I only hoped the parents couldn't hear the lies their 
daughters were spreading to the other team.

"You seem to get more attention each week Roger."

"Rosy's got a boyfriend!" Sally declared.

"I wonder," said Ma quietly so only I could hear.

"Just look at the other team.  Half of them are looking 
over this way.  Now look at our team - they're ready to 

"Is it honest though?" Mrs Lafayette asked.

"If our girls can focus and the other team can't then I'd 
say we were the better players."

Ma at least supported the strategy - I just liked kissing 
the girls.

I stood a little back from the sideline so I didn't block 
the linesman's path or his view but positioned myself 
where I was clearly visible to the other team's defenders 
who had a burst of activity and then had to just move up 
to the centre line to keep our forwards liable to being 
called offside.

With the ball near our goalie they were occasionally 
distracted and I nodded or waved when they looked my way.  
That had them looking to see if it was them or one of 
Anna's team that I was addressing and that was when the 
ball came down the pitch while they were not paying 
enough attention.

Our forwards started moving when the ball was kicked and 
were a good ten metres ahead of the opposition when the 
ball met up with them.  Their Captain yelled but it was 
drowned by our supporters and though the other team had 
caught up before we managed to score there was enough of 
an advantage that we managed to give the keeper plenty to 
do and eventually we were given a corner that we did 
score off of.

With the pause in play the Captain - and their Coach - 
harangued the poor defenders.  No-one likes being 
publicly blamed especially when there is good reason that 
the blame is deserved.  They paid attention until they 
had to come closer as the ball headed over near the 

"Tell me, does Blondie's thatch match her cellar?"

The other girl, a brunette, started and looked at me 
puzzled.  Then it clicked and she giggled.  She ignored 
me but, moving across the pitch as she followed the ball 
and our forwards, she met up with said Blondie and quite 
clearly told her what I had said.

Blondie was indignant and glared, first at me and then at 
her team mate for finding it so funny.

That was when the ball came soaring down the pitch again 
and this time our forwards scored without interference.

The Captain spoke to the two girls and then asked the 
Referee whether I could be removed.

There was no reason to as I hadn't gone within a metre of 
the pitch and if I had been making improper comments he 
only had their word for it.  I thought a two-nil lead 
fifteen minutes into the first half wasn't a bad effort 
since our girls had had to take advantage of the 
situation and the first goal hadn't been a walkover.

"What did you say to upset them?" asked Ma.

Making sure Rosalee's younger siblings couldn't hear, I 
told her and Mrs Lafayette.

"That's terrible!" Mrs Lafayette exclaimed but she 
couldn't help smiling.  "I've seen her play last year 
though and blonde isn't her natural colour."

Ma had laughed at my comment and now laughed even louder.  
The two teams looked over at the noise while they were 
waiting for the kick off and Blondie must have realised 
she was the subject of their amusement.  Even away from 
the pitch I seemed to be having an effect.

Of course when the ball came forward both Coach and 
Captain were busy unnecessarily telling the defenders to 
get ready.  That only put their backs up because this 
time they were and the Captain didn't move up as much as 
she should have so that, when the direction of the ball 
changed and it headed to her, the whistle blew to call 
her offside.  She tried to blame that on the defenders 
too but they weren't having any of it.

"Just watch your own game!" came across the pitch.  
Divide and conquer was as much fun as watching the actual 
game and, until word was spread around, we could continue 
to repeat it week after week.

We didn't score because of the offside but I noticed that 
as a team we spent much more time visiting their 
goalkeeper than they did ours.

The second half was much the same though I behaved - if 
you don't count my taking off my tracksuit pants to 
reveal a pair of Lycra bicycle shorts with pink and green 
panels.  Guaranteed to attract the eye and, from where I 
stood behind Ma, it was mainly the opposition who saw me.

"Roger are you doing that deliberately?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?"


I didn't answer but we both grinned.

Our team did play well though and my loves performed 
their parts.  In the end it was Rosalee who scored the 
last goal of the match to cause an eventual three-one 

Sally and John were excited and when they grabbed my 
hands to dance I quite happily joined in; the three of us 
going in a circle while Ma and their mother watched.

We didn't have a post-game "tradition" but as the girls 
came running off they all headed past me and I was kissed 
on the cheek by each one as they went by.

The other team just glared.

Two of the three girls crammed in the back with me once 
again - sweaty, muddy, happy.  Anna rode shotgun again 
while her mother drove but Ma kept watching us in the 
mirror, trying to decide what was really going on between 

They headed upstairs to use the showers like the previous 
week while I joined Ma in the kitchen getting drinks 

"You're very friendly with the girls.  Are you Rosalee's 
boyfriend as her sister said?"

"At this stage I'm just enjoying being friends with all 
of them.  If she wants to call me her boyfriend I've no 
problems with that but I'm not promising not to see other 

"Was that why Anna was upset?"

"Yes and no.  Anna and I are in a different situation to 
Rosalee and Hailey.  I love to be with all of them, we 
get on well together so far and because they've been 
friends before it is easier to go out together."

"But there's romantic feelings between you and Anna?"

"Yes, I guess there are.  Where they can go I don't know 
but I respect all three of them and was very sorry I hurt 
Anna's feelings.

"That's part of being a teenager - finding out 
thoughtless actions can hurt people.  Learning from those 
mistakes and trying not to repeat them is part of being 
an adult.  Take your time, get to know them properly, and 
see which one - if any of them - you care for the most, 
then try to let the others down gently.  Understand?"

"Yes Ma."

"Then get ready and enjoy yourselves.  Can you put some 
gas in the car please?  Here's forty."

"It's okay, I can cover it.  I was going to get a cab 

Ma looked pleasantly surprised and put her money away.  I 
headed upstairs and knocked on Anna's door.

"Are you ready?"

Anna opened it a little but saw I was alone and showed me 
Hailey and Rosalee in their underwear with Rosalee 
rubbing Hailey's pussy from the side of her knickers.

"Starting without me, eh?"

"You'll have to wait a bit longer."

I gave Anna a kiss.  "Finish her off or wait until later 
but get her dressed Sweetheart."

Hailey and Rosalee just grinned at me.

I had to change out of a dirt-stained shirt and used the 
toilet before freshening up.  One never knew what might 
happen.  By the time I was out Hailey had been beaten 
into submission and was almost dressed.

The girls had each packed something nice to wear to 
dinner as well as their "standard" attire.  When I loaded 
their bags into the boot I lifted out the special bags so 
they weren't with the wet and sweaties which we dropped 
off on the way out.

First stop was the bowling alley since we had to finish 
before the afternoon league started.

Shoes were easy enough with Anna and Hailey having to 
swap theirs for another size and then it was a matter of 
trying to find a ball with a reasonable weight *AND* 
holes that fit their hands.

The three girls were fit but playing soccer and training 
for that did not build up their upper body strength to 
the same degree.  Hailey found her own ball and I helped 
Anna and Rosalee try some at the lighter end of the 
range.  I found one at 15lb that seemed a perfect fit and 
decided not to worry further.

    I wasn't a regular bowler by any means but there
    hadn't been too many options where I was growing up
    and watching the other bowlers in an air-conditioned
    building was an acceptable pastime on a hot summer's
    day or during winter.  So long as we bought a soda or
    snack every now and then and behaved reasonably
    quietly the manager didn't mind.  We might not have
    had much money at the time but we were potential
    future customers and he also figured there was less
    chance of us graffiti-ing or vandalising the alley if
    we were "friends" rather than being told to move on
    all the time.

    Occasionally we could earn free games by doing odd
    jobs so we eventually learned how to play ourselves.

Now it was Anna and Rosalee's turn to make fools of 
themselves as I was sure I still could.

"You want to show them what to do Hailey?  I'm rather 

"No, I wouldn't dream of it.  I only spent a couple of 
sports classes learning how to bowl.  I don't claim to be 
an expert."

"Okay, blind leading the blind then.  First thing is how 
to hold the ball."  I demonstrated and all three stood 
copying me in the little space between the scoring table 
and the row of seats for those waiting their turn.

"Second thing is not to drop the ball as you swing 
through and the third is to let go when you are at the 
right place in the swing."

"When is the right place?"

"When the ball doesn't crash at your feet and it doesn't 
fly up in the air to bounce down the alley with a similar 
crash.  If you bend your knees at the end of your walk up 
you will be able to just slide it along the floor.  Watch 
that guy over there.  He's got the ball resting on his 
palms.  His forearms are upright so he doesn't strain 
them while he's focussing on the pins.  His foot is on 
the mark - we'll look at them - and he steps off.  Not 
too fast and the ball swings through and goes down the 
alley.  There's some spin and it makes the ball turn to 
come in from the side more but don't worry about that at 

"Okay he was a little too far back and he's left that row 
down the side so he gets six.  Now he has a second shot 
to try to get the rest down.  If he had managed all ten 
with the first ball that would be a strike which goes up 
on the scoreboard with an X.  If he took two balls to get 
all ten it is called a spare and we just use a diagonal 
line in the second little box."

"Okay, got that.  Why don't you show us how you do it 

Anna loved to give me a hard time.  It was nice that it 
didn't related to my hardness for a change.

"Okay then, but it has been a while.  Put your balls here 
and then sit where I won't hit you if I do drop the ball 
on my back swing."

"Why don't we sit and you can put *YOUR* balls on our 
chests instead?"

I ignored Rosalee.  It was surprising how the feel of the 
*BOWLING* ball came back even though it must have been 
three years at least since I had stood at the end of a 

    One of the old league ex-champions had taken an
    interest in us kids and had given us tips which had
    improved our games.  Hell that hadn't been hard - I
    didn't hit three figures until he'd coached me for
    probably as many weeks.  It was surprising how
    effective not putting your ball in the gutter could

    I never got really good but I felt better not looking
    like a real dork.

    Of course concentration was easier once I had some
    extra training - in relaxation techniques, and a
    practical course in trajectories didn't hurt though I
    didn't have to worry about windage and the effect of

When I took those steps forward and the ball just glided 
away from me I stayed crouched and watched the ball spin 
as it rolled.  Headed a little off centre, it came back 
as I wanted it to but had so seldom managed to make 

I didn't even have to watch then to know that I had a 
strike but I waited until the barrier dropped to sweep 
the debris away.

"There!  I hope you were all paying attention because 
that may be the only strike you see from me."

It would be a rarity because I knew it could easily 
happen - over and over - and there were four reasons why 
I couldn't come out and bowl a near perfect game : I 
wasn't supposed to draw that sort of attention to myself; 
and I had three young ladies who didn't need to be shown 

If Hailey turned out running rings around the rest of us 
it wasn't going to wound my male pride.

Hailey did bowl next due to a reluctance on the part of 
the others to go first.  She would have had a strike too 
except she released too soon and much of the force of her 
swing was absorbed by the floor.  Seven with an easy 
spare.  As Hailey prepared to bowl again I pointed out to 
the others how she aligned her starting position so she 
was bowling across the lane rather than next to the 

Anna volunteered to go next and, other than some 
awkwardness over which foot to start with, did alright 
except the ball went into the left gutter soon after she 
had released it.

"Sweetheart, go through your swing standing still.  Where 
does your hand finish?"

Anna mentally repeated the swing then made her arm go 
through the motion.  Her hand finished up near her left 

"So you're pulling the ball across your body.  Try making 
your fingers point at the pins."

Anna nodded.  "You couldn't have told me *BEFORE* I 
wasted that turn?"

Her next ball was almost spot on but not hard enough to 
do much damage.  Split pairs for six.

Rosalee had benefited from watching both Hailey and Anna 
and listening to my advice.  She was not familiar with 
the game itself but she understood the physics behind the 
way the ball travelled and how it was a matter of 
transferring energy from one system to another.

Anna's second ball had taken forever to get to the pins 
and when it did it almost stalled.  Rosalee wasn't going 
to have that happen to her.

I was afraid at first that she would end up halfway down 
the lane when I saw her take off.  Then I was afraid the 
ball would crash straight through the floor.  Rosalee had 
somehow lifted the ball almost vertically above her head 
then had hurled it in an arc that unfortunately kept 

She did follow through with her hand so that her fingers 
were pointing at the tops of the pins - unfortunately her 
ball was still on them.  However, such was the power 
that, when the ball hit, pins went everywhere 
guaranteeing total annihilation at Ground Zero.

Rosalee danced around like I had at soccer - she had 
scored a strike on her first ball ever.  Hailey turned to 
me and we both grinned at her joy.


I made some adjustments and got a spare for the next 
frame as did Hailey.  Anna got seven and a gutter ball on 
the right but at least near the remaining pins rather 
than closer down the lane.  Then it was Rosalee's turn 
and she took her place with excitement.  Unfortunately 
the first ball had been very much a case of beginner's 

Rosalee copied Anna's first mistake and moved her arm 
across her body while at the same time giving it the same 
heft as before.  She got six pins down but unfortunately 
they weren't on her lane.  It was hard not to laugh when 
she asked if they still counted.

I reset those pins and the girls graciously decided to 
accept it as a practise shot.  I quietly spoke with 
Rosalee and suggested not quite so much swing so she 
could release it closer to the ground.  She followed my 
advice getting five and then three.

I deliberately put the wrong spin on my first ball so it 
curved into the gutter rather than back on the pins, 
effectively wasting my spare.  Hailey got seven then 
missed her spare while Anna ended with nine.  Rosalee 
showed she had a beautiful form and her first ball took 
out eight.  Then she showed she had inconsistency and the 
ball dropped heavily and found the gutter half way down.

It was the sort of game I had been used to when I'd first 
started playing and we continued to an eventual win for 

"Want a drink?" I asked just before the final frame of 
the first game.  I took their orders and declined any 
offer of assistance.

While I was at the counter a voice I recognised - though 
I'd heard it only once - said, "It's been so long since 
Hubby and I have been bowling.  I like where you take 
your dates.  We've got a room too and plan to use the spa 
bath later."

A key appeared on the counter and went into my pocket 
with the change.

"Thanks Auntie.  I hope you and Uncle enjoy yourselves."

"If we don't you might hear a knock on *YOUR* door."

I took the drinks without further conversation.  It 
really was supposed to be a silent handover - all James 
Bond and MI5ish - but in a place like this people did 
make odd comments to strangers without anyone noticing, 
or caring.

The second game saw Hailey peter out half way through 
while Anna found her second wind and managed two strikes 
and then two spares to give her a credible jump.  Rosalee 
continued to be erratic though with spares followed by 
low scores so that, while she had a lot of black in the 
boxes at the top of each frame, her score only advanced 

I think that the best part of the second game though was 
when they decided the person who had just bowled should 
sit on my lap.  We couldn't fool around - even kissing 
would get us noticed unfavourably - but a hug with a 
pretty girl wasn't to be knocked back.

We lunched there; nothing flash, just burgers or dogs 
with fries to share and copies of the score sheet as 

"Now the day's events are up to you.  We can have a 
bubble bath or see a movie before dinner or after dinner 
as you wish or you can skip the movie or the bubble bath 
if you prefer."

"Roger can you get us another cola to share please?"

I suspected they needed to have a round table discussion 
without me and left them to it.

I was right.

Rosalee and Hailey were concerned about their situation 
since both were bleeding and didn't know how I'd react.  
They had almost said they wouldn't come but being 
together even if they couldn't join in was preferable to 
being alone.

Anna assured them that I was quite laid back and when I 
returned the verdict was bubble bath first.
