Author: Pescador del Valle
Title: Assassin
Part: Chapter 12 of 27
Summary: Ass, sass and sin.  A young assassin does more 
than befriend people when he tries to get close to his 
Keywords: Mfff, oral, voy, exhib
Language: English
Copyright: 2009

*                 WARNING!                  *
* This text file contains sexually explicit *
* material. If you do not wish to read this *
* type of literature, or you are under age, *

Comments appreciated : 
  see Pescador del Valle on
I had been given the job of getting close to one Adam 
Pringle - because he was a slippery bastard who was too 
nasty to live.  He was also a hard man to get access to 
but fortunately his twin children Mark and Kyra were far 
more approachable though I'd unwittingly made a couple of 
poor decisions while trying to build a good cover story.

Three of them were my foster-sister Anna and two of the 
other players from her girls' soccer team.  I had hoped 
to play one against the other to keep things mainly 
platonic but hadn't counted on them teaming up.

In the end, I had take them, with Anna, to a spot where 
nude bathing was prevalent if not actually legally 
permitted.  During the drive the girls had become 
accepting of each other's presence which unfortunately 
meant they each expected me to service their needs at 
some stage during our picnic.


I cleaned myself up - the water seemed cooler after we'd 
been in the shade.  Anna was passing things out from our 
lunch pack to the others but stood when I finished drying 

She crossed to me, keeping her eyes fixed on mine as she 
approached.  Her arms swung around my neck and her mouth 
found mine for a very sensuous kiss.

"Thank you for making this day possible.  I'm sure the 
others are equally appreciative of how you've taught us 
to enjoy ourselves and each other.  Now, what would you 
like to eat - and I don't mean who!"

She turned back to the food but Rosalee hurried up to 
take her place before I could answer.

"Just, thank you!"  She kissed me more sedately than she 
had before; perhaps Hailey's example was good for her and 
I let Rosalee know I liked it.

"Mmm, I could survive on those for a while."

"We don't want you just surviving; you need to keep your 
strength up.  Come on!"

Rosalee took my hand and led me to lunch.

It was good that Ma had a hand in our outing or we might 
have dined on nuts, crisps and corn chips.  Instead there 
was salad, conveniently cut as finger food, and sandwich 
meat curled into toothpick fastened tubes with coloured 
cocktail onions or pimento stuffed olives.  She had also 
seen we had cold bite-sized home-made sausage rolls and 
sandwich stacks with finger thick slices - three high and 
again secured by toothpicks.  Nourishing, tasty, *AND* 
likely to be eaten by teenagers!

Lunch was a time for us to find out more about each other 
in a non-sexual way.  Of course, they were interested in 
my past life and I told them a mixture of anecdotes from 
both my real life and from Roger Torrent's.

I also asked more about each of them, including Anna.  
Though I could have asked about her at home that would 
have been most impolite and not given the others a chance 
to hear her answers.

They had all met four years earlier when they had all 
joined the soccer competition which had been resurrected 
for girls after widespread flagging interest had been 
restored with some well-publicised wins at the highest 

Rosalee and Hailey already knew each other from school 
but had separate groups of friends so hadn't socialised 
much.  In contrast to much male team bonding it seemed 
girls had far more networks that often overlapped in 
unusual ways and so they didn't spend all their time with 
others on their soccer team.

Instead it was a practical friendship - helping each 
other get to and from games, passing on messages from the 
coach if a player missed practise, that sort of thing.  
They certainly didn't arrive at parties en masse and look 
down on those not interested in their sport.  Okay, so I 
sound bitter!

I'm not really; how many of the jocks can truthfully say 
they are one of the best in *THEIR* fields while not yet 
twenty?  Admittedly it is hard to judge how many are at 
the top in some fields - especially when the best make 
sure that no-one is aware they have added a few more 
points to their batting average.

I know I've got twelve for twelve with very little 
collateral (damage).  Only one had a less than spotless 
coroner's report and she was already preparing to leave 
the country.

When Hailey found I was tutoring Anna she hinted she 
could use some if I was interested.  Her parents wouldn't 
be able to pay me much for my time - but there might be 
compensations.  When I avoided any commitment to help, 
she then suggested she could join Anna and we could all 
study together.

It became obvious that she thought that was when we did 
our fooling around.  Actually Ma usually had an ear out 
then more to see what problems Anna was having and 
whether I was actually of any help rather than to stop 
any mischief.

I was surprised that Rosalee didn't suggest she needed 
help too but, when I asked her if she was interested, she 
shook her head.

"I'd never get my parents to agree; they wouldn't see the 

"Why?"  Did they have a problem with girls and education?  
Unfortunately I didn't find that hard to believe even 

"Because she's dux of the school."

"Unofficial," protested Rosalee, "Only a senior can be 

"What's that?" asked Anna.  It was an acknowledgement not 
awarded by our school nor would it have been particularly 
sought after except by a few devoted bookworms.

"The person scoring the highest consolidated grades in 
their senior year but Rosy - definitely Rosy cheeks with 
that blush - is ahead of all of them and they know it."

"Congratulations.  And you've kept quiet about your 
achievements all this time!"

"It's only school."

"Yeah well continue the same over the next year and a bit 
and you'll likely get a nice university scholarship - if 
not multiple grants."  I considered it a worthwhile 
objective - just not for me.

     I was thinking of spending maybe eight more years
     working, and then fifty or so in pleasantly financed
     retirement.  I could collect my century in that time
     and that meant $25 million tax free at least, neatly
     accounted for by legitimate business transactions
     with a share to the revenuers to stop them thinking
     I was stashing drug money or worse away.

     I wasn't in a "till death us do part" working
     relationship, nor one that begrudged handing over
     our standard fee or my salary retainer.  The only
     criteria was that, when we retired, we retired.  No
     freelancing, though we might be offered some special
     piece work - or more likely given problems with
     dictators, warlords and military juntas - a little
     peace work.  Armies, subjected to political and now
     all-seeing media oversight, could not perform
     certain surgical tasks with the precision needed.

     The government also lacked the will to deal
     appropriately harshly with some of our allies, while
     being at the same time overly critical of those who
     might oppose us for quite legitimate reasons.  I
     might not be able to blend in as easily in Central
     Asia perhaps but on the shores of the Mediterranean
     a teenager visiting friends or relatives need not be
     suspicious.  Of course I couldn't pass for Jewish
     with my pants down but the Holy Land was that for
     non-Jews as well and there were plenty of other
     countries to visit.  A visit to Mecca would be
     considerably harder and I don't fancy emulating the
     earlier Richard Burton just to sneak in.

     A politician who was charismatic enough to gather
     supporters into a strong coalition wasn't a bad
     thing in itself but, when the result was further
     division, fighting and chaos in the region, there
     were no winners.

     A little mayhem with the traffic signals brought
     about a minor accident.  A shattered windscreen
     meant some flying glass cut the politician's face -
     or so it seemed.

     It was only a pellet gun really, though with a
     special double barrel so, when I fired, one shot was
     released a fraction of a second beforehand to
     shatter the glass before my "bullet" found its

     The Bulgarians had used an umbrella and ricin.  I
     had a dissolving matrix embedded with a mixture of
     antibiotic-resisting nasties that had been carefully
     collected so there was no link back to US lab stock.
     Even the first shot was made of hardened glass so it
     would be harder to distinguish from the windscreen

     Reports of an unknown illness felling the politician
     spread quickly when he collapsed.  There was
     disbelief when it was revealed publicly that he had
     a rare pneumonia and also leaked quite truthfully
     that he had both syphilis *AND* gonorrhoea.  His
     wife of thirty years had herself tested and somehow
     the results that she was clear were also leaked.

     Though he did eventually recover, he couldn't
     recover the loss of support among the more religious
     parties.  It was enough to edge the balance of power
     towards a more conciliatory alliance.

I didn't reveal any of that sort of history though - not 
that I would have been believed without a demonstration.


Rosalee's maturity level was now a little easier to 
understand, though such a glib explanation as her 
intelligence isolating her from others might have been 
far too simplistic.

We ate our fill and covered the rest so it would be fresh 
and insect-free if we wanted something - else - to nibble 
on later.

With everything packed away there was a general air of 
anticipation in our little camp yet matters were such 
that we were all quite prepared to let the others go 
first while we recovered more completely.  Watching *WAS* 
more likely to raise our libidos quickly!

So when I settled into place I became a veritable chick 
magnet - something which *DOESN'T* normally happen 
despite my current situation suggesting otherwise.

Anna snuggled in to one side and Hailey the other this 
time;  Rosalee lay on her stomach with her breasts 
pressed against the inside of my thighs while she rested 
her arms across the tops of them.  She viewed my limp 
organ with interest.  I understood her curiosity and, 
when she turned a quizzical face towards me, I just 
smiled and nodded.

We all watched as Rosalee took hold of my prick; as she 
pulled the foreskin back to expose the smooth head and 
its collar.

She leaned forwards and extended her tongue, just licking 
around the area normally covered.  I expected the sweet 
sensations would soon have me stiffening and Rosalee must 
have had a similar thought as she covered me with her 
mouth and pressed her face deep into my curls.  I 
reacted, or rather my body did, and I could feel myself 
being trapped in the confines of her mouth.

Rosalee was challenging herself - she couldn't take me 
whole when I was hard, how long could she manage to keep 
her nose hidden by my pubic hair while I grew?

I could feel her gagging but she held on even so; I was 
pressed against her throat solely by her own actions and 
though she resisted the impulse to empty her stomach, she 
had no choice but to back away.

Rosalee resumed her previous examination, this time of an 
organ over double the size.

"Now I can imagine what those men down the hill might be 
like.  Wow!"

"They might end up all around the same size regardless of 
what they look like, Rosy Love.  I liked how that felt, 
especially your nose rubbing me at the same time."

Rosalee rubbed her nose back through the short curls - 
without me in her mouth this time - and then decided to 
explore my balls with her fingers.

"Careful," I warned hurriedly, "you can't be too rough."

"Do you mean I'd better not be too rough or that there is 
nothing I could do that would be rougher than you can 

"Which do you think 'careful' might imply?"

"Okay - I'll be very careful."

I wasn't entirely sure Rosalee was joking.  I had trouble 
understanding why, if she was so good at her school work, 
she was rather ignorant about sex.  I had to satisfy my 

"Rosy, you were a bit uncertain about getting pregnant 
before; I would have thought you'd have studied it 

"Well of course I have.  I know you have sex and if 
you're in heat you get pregnant and nine months later yoy 
have a baby."

"So your studies were more about animals?"

"Yes but I know it's the same with people.  That's why I 
was sure I couldn't get pregnant - I haven't ever gone 
into heat, though maybe today I did... I felt rather 
horny in the car."

"You might have been hot love but you weren't in heat 
like animals.  They'll only have sex when they are in 
heat; women might get more or less interested through the 
month but they are willing and able for the whole time if 
they want."

Rosalee thought of the implications and muttered, "yuck".

"So your mother hasn't explained things then?"

"Roger, you've got to realise, if Rosalee's mum is like 
mine, she thinks keeping us ignorant and simply 
increasing the dangers of sex is the best way of stopping 
us fucking."

"True," added Rosalee, "Mum would be like that."

"What about the internet?  Haven't you been curious?"

"Sure but those sites are barred.  I can do a quick 
search at school to try and get through because they 
don't know who is trying," explained Rosalee.  "It's only 
if they see you getting a 'blocked' message that you 
can't explain that you get your privileges revoked.  At 
home they would see I'd been looking around by the log 
entries and I'd be in more trouble."

"Well we'll just have to make sure you're up to speed on 
all aspects - with plenty of show and tell," Anna assured 

"That sounds like fun."

"And I'll show you some of the sites and sights I found 
when we get home.  You thought the guys down there might 
get big!  You won't believe your eyes!"

"Photoshop," I said for my own protection knowing it 
wasn't the case in every picture.

"Do you think I can get fucked now?"

"If I was to push you down the rocks you'd be fucked, 
what we should do is make love."

"I offered to get you in the mood first," Anna reminded 
Rosalee.  "Would you like me to?"

Rosalee didn't answer at once.  I didn't know if she was 
too eager for me or if she didn't want to appear too 
eager for another girl's touch despite what they had 
already shared.

"Can I make a suggestion?"  I might satisfy Anna's 
obvious yearnings and provide something different for 
Rosalee as well.

"Of course."

"If you lie on your back and Anna covers you, you can 
each eat other and I can make love to you as well."

"Oh yes please.  Please Rosalee, it will be even better!"

Rosalee had been convinced.  If she got properly fucked - 
and forget the cliff - *AND* could get eaten and eat at 
the same time well - of course she would agree!

"Here?"  She looked at the ground.

I looked too.  I would have to kneel; was there anywhere 
that was raised?  There is never a coffee table around in 
a national park when you need one!

One boulder was the right height but not big enough for 
them to lie across.  Another was nearby and I was able to 
roll it over next to  after scooping out a hollow and 
using a broken branch as a lever.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you a bed."

"It doesn't look too comfortable."

"Give me a minute.  Can one of you roll up a towel please 
and I need one doubled lengthwise then doubled over."

The tube went into the dip where the rocks met; the pad 
over the top of that to fill the now shallower but wider 
gaps.  I lay the other two towels right over the whole 
area.  Maybe not the softest bed but surely comfortable.

"Here you go then."  I helped Rosalee into position and 
then watched Anna crawl up over her.  I whispered in 
Hailey's ear, gave her a kiss while I rubbed her sandy 
rump then went to Rosalee's head.  Hailey knelt by 

"I think we should check you both first."

I rubbed my thumb around Anna's pussy and then pushed it 
into the dampest spot.  At the other end Hailey was using 
her fingers on Rosalee, getting two to snugly fit inside 

Priming their pumps, we nodded to each other and 
simultaneously removed out digits and popped them into 
our own mouths in front of the person who should have 
been dining on those juices.  Hailey added a variation of 
her own and offered Anna two fingers that had been buried 
in Hailey's cunt while she had been busy.  They were 
returned scrupulously cleaned.

"Would you like to know what is going to happen to you?" 
I asked Rosalee.  I guess she thought I would explain 
step by step but instead I reached between Anna's pussy 
and Rosalee's face and spread Anna's inner lips to expose 
the inner details of her pussy and the entrance to her 

"I am going to spread you like this so we will all be 
able to see your most intimate places and then I'm going 
to rub my prick over you like this and finally I'm going 
to push myself up inside you like this..."

I buried myself easily in the cunt that had grown 
accustomed to my prick when Anna wasn't using her buzzy 
toy to remind her what it was like to have me there.  I 
pumped back and forth twice - quickly - and then pulled 
out and let my prick rest against Rosalee's lips.  Anna's 
scent must have been overpowering; I could smell it 
clearly just standing there.

Rosalee did the expected and opened her mouth so she 
could clean me up.  She did a good job and I noticed her 
shuddering a little.  I looked down the other end and 
found Anna had reacted to being fucked by eating Rosalee 
while she had a hand wedged between Hailey's thighs.  
Hailey met my eye with unbridled lust; I suspected I 
might be called on again somehow.

Rosalee released me.  "You aren't wearing a condom.  I 
thought you needed to, to stop us getting pregnant!"

I didn't really want to stop to explain about the rhythm 
method.  I shouldn't have needed to, to a Catholic girl 
but apparently that was a topic for discussion *AFTER* 
marriage instead of for schoolgirls.  In her household 
the only contraceptive was abstinence, a method with an 
even higher failure rate when combined with ignorance.

"Special circumstances, we can discuss them later but I'd 
like to see you eating Anna while I put a condom on."

Rosalee was nothing if not eager and I noticed she used 
the same excess of enthusiasm she had previously applied 
to kissing.  I had to speak up for Anna's sake and knelt 

"Feel what Anna is doing to you.  What feels the best?  
Can you copy her?  Where does her tongue go?  How hard 
does she press or suck?  Does she make her tongue into a 
hard spear or into a flat shovel?  Here is her clit but 
it can be too sensitive."

"Anna," I called, "can you dig your tongue into Rosy's 
clit please and then suck on it a little hard."

Rosalee's eyes lit up then screwed up.

"Okay now to the left and then the right lightly; leave 
the middle alone."

I could see Rosalee's smile buried beneath Anna's pussy.

"Now just a little light flick in the middle."

Yes!  That was the spot.

"Good.  Bury your tongue inside her now please.  Make 
Rosalee thing I'm already down that end.  Right and rub 
her cunt."

Did swearing make a difference to convent-schooled 
sensibilities?  I wouldn't have expected nowadays but 
Rosalee seemed to get a kick out of hearing words I guess 
she dared not use at home or school.


Rosalee nodded with her tongue in contact with Anna - it 
was a technique I hadn't mentioned.

"Back in a minute."

I took another condom out of my pack and dropped just the 
wrapper in its place.  I walked back via Hailey who had a 
hand on the back of Anna's head almost pushing her down 
into Rosalee's pussy while writhing on Anna's hand.  I 
stood behind her, my bare erection obvious against her 
butt crack.

"I could lean you across Anna's back and screw you like 
we did before.  Your tits would be squashed against her 
back and Anna would feel them rubbing all around as I 
pushed deeper into you."

"She *SHOULD* feel it - hers were wonderful against my 

"The only thing is she'd have to move her hand."

"Then you'd better come back later - I'm busy!"

I gave her neck a light nibble and returned to Rosalee's 
head.  I stood where she could watch my penis being given 
a strawberry coating.

Rosalee started to giggle.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Little Red Riding Hood.  I'm the big bad wolf..."

"Fox," I interrupted, "definitely foxy I assure you."

"Okay - and thank you.  I'm the big bad foxy lady and I'm 
going to gobble you up.  Let's see.  What a big dick you 
have Grandpa."

"Er - are you sure you remember this story properly?"

"Maybe I'm remembering how it's going to go - or perhaps 
I'll just 'remember' it later.  Alone."

She caught on quickly; so could I.

"Okay then, er, all the better to fuck you with."

"And what big balls you have Grandpa."

"All the better to fill you up little girl."

"And what a cute ass you've got Grandpa."

"All the better to power-drive my prick deeper inside of 
you.  And what are you going to do while that is 

"I'm going to finish this delicious pussy!"

"Well don't let me hold you up any longer then."


Rosalee found her place and continued unashamedly eating 
another girl from her soccer team.  It really would be 
nice watching them all shower if I could coax them to 
similarly join in.

And if they actually had change rooms and a shower at the 

I had three girls willing to fool around with me in the 
most serious ways and with each other and I had fantasies 
about a dozen girls at once.  A dozen beauties 
surrounding you was okay if you were being serviced or if 
you only had to please one but the reality would be 
considerably less exciting by the time I reached the 

Net porn images had nothing over watching the real thing 
- especially when one knew that the girls in question 
*REALLY HAD* never done anything similar before that day.  
I actually had to drag myself away; after all, I had had 
sex before and would again but I may never again get a 
chance to be present while two young sexy girls eat each 
other's pussies!

No!  I'd make that happen, somehow!.

I pressed my fingertips to my lips and then to Rosalee's 
forehead in farewell.  Time to see how Anna was doing.

Hailey was fairing nicely; Anna couldn't really get where 
she needed to be to push Hailey over the edge and Hailey 
herself was quite happy to simmer as long as possible.

I was sorry in some regards that we didn't have a couple 
of extra dicks available to keep the girls satisfied - 
not that I thought they weren't coping on their own nor 
that they particularly needed a dick to make them happy; 
they were learning that lesson well.

Actually, what would have been ideal would have been for 
Mark and Kyra to join us - provided Mark could swing at 
least a little back towards normal.  Unfortunately, even 
if he had liked girls it would have spoiled my efforts to 
get better access to their home.

I wondered if the girls would appreciate me giving myself 
a going away party when the time came and organising all 
the available guys so they could see who were worth 
dating.  I didn't know how I could possibly organise it 
without actually explaining that I was going away - 
getting six to ten guys would be easy compared to 
admitting that!

When I stood by Anna's head she neglected Rosalee to fuck 
me with her mouth.  (Well I guess I put a little effort 
into it as well.)  There was only a little sucking, very 
little tongue and mainly a lot of bobbing.  Rosalee, 
trapped underneath Anna's body when it had been her turn, 
had needed to concentrate on tongue instead.

Hailey shivered next to me as she watched Anna.

"Would *YOU* like to do that to me after?"

Another shiver from Hailey.

"Trust me?"

"It's a bit late now if I didn't."

I found a pocket of Rosalee's slippery slime that hadn't 
found its way past Anna's tonsils and coated my index 
finger as thickly as possible.  I curled my hand 
protectively around it and reached behind Hailey.

"Lean forward a little."

Hailey did so and I introduced, not that finger but one 
either side, spreading her ass cheeks and finding her 
asshole.  There I transferred a little of the slime from 
the side of my finger with the tip of another.

I pressed it against the entrance and left it a little 
slipperier.  Repeated a couple of times, the ring of 
muscle was quite damp and Hailey was getting accustomed 
to the invasion.  She trusted me though her upbringing 
said it was dirty and wrong.  Perhaps that was why I 
could hear Anna's fingers making squelching noises.

My index finger had to be next; its tip had a thicker 
coating than the rest.  I put my fingertip directly over 
the bullseye and pressed.

I lost a fingernail; it was hidden somewhere inside 
Hailey's body now.  I worked it back and forth slowly and 
she responded as I hoped.  For a girl not willing to fuck 
the week before she was experiencing an anal finger-fuck 
with a willing state of mind.  I hadn't brought lube and 
wasn't going to take Hailey's anal cherry before we left 
the pool, (if that opportunity ever even arose) but I was 
at least nibbling at the choice fruit.

I couldn't delay or I would get too worked up and never 
give Rosalee the type of fuck she deserved.

Hailey was disappointed when I deserted her but watched 
with interest when I did exactly what I had said I would 
do and spread Rosalee's lips and then the entrance to her 
cunt for all of us to see.

"God, is that what I look like?"

"I'm not sure Hailey love, I can compare designs later if 
you want."

She ignored me and paid closer attention to what I was 
doing.  Nowhere near as close as Anna though, literally.

After I had run my knob along the furrow I held open, 
Anna had to cross her eyes to really see me bury myself 
half way, withdraw, then plunge even deeper into Rosalee.  
I hoped Rosalee found it as good as I did.

Even with Anna over her, Rosalee raised her knees and 
clamped them to my thighs; she didn't want me to vanish.  
I made long slow movements and, denied a treat similar to 
that I had given Rosalee to taste, Anna's tongue darted 
in whenever I gave her enough room.  It had certainly 
been easier to get my nuts nibbled when I had been 
fucking Anna - or it would have been had Rosalee been so 

As I got more energetic and produced "Grandpa's Power-
Drive" Anna had to wait and concentrated more on Hailey.  
She took her hand back and managed to kneel over 
Rosalee's face leading Hailey with her to provide support 
on their narrow bed and in return fingering Hailey again 
when she hinted she would like more with a push of Anna's 
hand in that direction.

I took firm hold of Rosalee's hips and she in turn lifted 
her legs higher so they were wrapped around my waist.  
Linked, her body moved with my thrusts, being pulled one 
way by her legs and pushed the other by my pubes against 

Anna shook too and her smile as we watched each other 
told me I probably had the same goofy expression on my 
face that she did.

I came and thrust hard a few times at my release but 
Rosalee needed more and I was capable of remaining hard 
for a little while longer.  I shifted my hands slightly 
and clasped her thighs over the top so my thumbs could 
penetrate to rest either side of my prick.  As I thrust I 
teased the edges of her clit as well.  It had a 
beneficial effect but not soon enough; I was beginning to 
slide around inside the condom.

Rosalee resisted my leaving but eventually I was able to 
unlock her legs.  She must have been disappointed I 
hadn't made her come as she had expected but I wasn't 
about to leave her in the lurch.  I knelt and pressed my 
mouth to her pussy, burying my tongue in the still gaping 

I would have preferred her sweet juices but artificial 
strawberry was still preferable to my own emissions.  
There was little unused lubricant so I had to be careful 
I wasn't brushing against dry surfaces.  My saliva helped 
but I swallowed that back up as fast as I spread it 
around.  However I did know what I was doing and I 
brought Rosalee to a noisy orgasm - her muffled squeals 
making Anna jump above her.  That reminded me and I 
serenaded her through her pause and back up the emotional 
mountain climb to a second, better one that had her 
screaming and writhing under my "little sister".

Anna was coming too at that and it looked like Hailey was 
close as well.  I had a little strength left in my tongue 
so I beckoned her over, indicating I would lick her if 
she wanted.  She smiled and gave the exhausted Anna a 
kiss of thanks.

I lay down on the sand, not caring too much about the 
site until I had to move a stone from behind my spine.  
Hailey approached and I drew her down to kneel facing my 

Anna had done all the hard work and I reaped the 
benefits!  Hailey was well coated and still wet; she 
tasted wonderful and needed little more effort to join 
the rest of us in Heaven.

Hailey's thighs clamped against my cheeks as she lifted 
herself away from my questing tongue.  I was quite 
willing to relax though I puckered my lips and kissed her 
as she sat over me for a few seconds to recover.

They followed me, joined me in the pool as I washed 
myself and we were suddenly a single lump of mutually 
hugging flesh.  Kisses were exchanged indiscriminately 
and we lay back in the water cooling off.

I looked over them all.  We would probably need to 
refresh the sunscreen that had been spread over us 
earlier.  As it was they might have trouble explaining a 
lack of tan lines if their skin browned up.

As we lay quietly we heard a voice and rolled over to 
look at the path from below.  A young couple appeared and 
were surprised to find the spot taken - at least by a 
group such as ours.


"Hi there," I answered.

They stood there, naked and sweaty.  The woman looked the 
next climb and said something to the man.  He nodded and 
turned back to us.

"We don't want to impose but do you mind if we cool off 
for a minute before we continue on?"

I had no objection if that was all they wanted; it was a 
public park after all and it was only mutual courtesy 
that gave us any right to privacy.  Hospitality meant we 
should welcome them and the girls showed no sign they 
weren't willing to do that.


"Thanks.  I'm Darren and this is Marie."

They dropped their packs where they were safe and eased 
out of their sneakers.

"Roger," I answered and moved around the group.  "Anna, 
Hailey, Rosalee."

The girls sat up as I introduced them and I guess it was 
awkward deciding whether to brazen out being nude before 
strangers or having to talk while lying on their bellies.  
Downstream everything was further away - here we could 
easily see anything that was to be seen and the same 
applied to our visitors.

I wondered if the girls had noticed that Darren, at 
least, had noticed the towels still spread across the 
rocks.  They had been left mussed up and looked to be 
screaming what their use had been.

When he and Marie joined us I realised we had all been 
checking them out but I guessed curiosity had to be 
natural.  Darren had some extra width on me, I couldn't 
deny it, and I suspected some more length.  Could he use 
it as effectively though?  I wasn't worried either way; 
we weren't going to be in direct competition and he 
wasn't going to make the girls any less satisfied in my 
performance if he managed to treat Marie better than I 
ever could.

Marie herself wasn't too hard on the eyes either.  She 
had the advantages of a few years maturity; the girls had 
gone most of the way from child to woman but Marie had 
finished the journey and it was subtly noticeable.

Once again though, I wouldn't have abandoned any of the 
three to get to know her on the off chance she could 
provide something they couldn't.  She might turn out 
disappointing whereas that was the last word I would 
apply to Rosalee, Hailey and Anna.

Having made their own quick appraisals of us, our guests 
lay back in the water and this time Darren's glance back 
over his shoulder couldn't be missed.  He looked at me 
and I remained nonchalant but when he tried eye contact  
- and a quizzical eyebrow - with each of the girls he got 
a mixed response.

Anna simply smiled and met his gaze.  I'd shown my 
affection for her publicly - well, at least before her 
two friends - and she was quite proud to have others 
think we'd been lovers, provided there was no likelihood 
they would be passing that message or any proof on to her 

Hailey couldn't match his gaze and looked away.  That 
might have been a guilty conscience, though she could 
truthfully deny being the one to use the towels - Darren 
just wouldn't be sure.

Rosalee however blushed so heavily the top half of her 
chest looked like she'd had too much sun.  Darren's mind 
must have been working overtime and the blush can't have 
helped since it drew his eyes lower to a chest that 
surpassed his Marie's endowments.

He was in the water but it was shallow and the change in 
his body made him break the surface like a river tortoise 
coming up for air.  The movement caught the girls' eyes 
and they watched with interest for a few seconds before 
Darren decided sitting up would be less embarrassing 
though less cooling as well.

I had to give it to him though.  It must have been hard 
staying hard while three girls were staring with either 
grin, smile or an "O" of surprise.  And of course their 
stares made Marie look so I suppose Darren would have to 
explain to her later.

"Have you been coming up here long?"

I looked at Marie; a pause indicated the girls seemed to 
be leaving it to me to answer.

We were too young to have been fooling around for long 
but family groups were common downstream and we would 
have learned about these pools over time.

"It's our first visit.  It's a lovely spot; nice and 

Darren replied.  "Yes.  It is one of our favourite spots.  
There are a few more quiet places further along."  He 
pointed upstream.

He didn't mention the obvious, that there were advantages 
and disadvantages to each.  If the gully was busy you 
would be disturbed more often by taking possession of a 
lower pool.  If you went further back into the gully - 
and that didn't mean a substantial vertical climb between 
most pools - you got more privacy at the expense of 
interrupting others as you arrived and left and wasted 
more of your day hiking.

It might be worth skipping the first couple of pools in 
the hopes that others wouldn't and so you would be left 
alone or else hope that, like today, those wanting some 
privacy would be elsewhere.

"So you've been naturalists somewhere else?" asked Marie.  
If we had we'd let our tans fade.

"No.  First time for that as well."


"We heard about this spot from a friend who used to come 
up here with her family," Anna informed them.

"Up to this pool?"  Surprise from Marie.

"No.  Downstream by the main pool.  She said there were 
some 'better' spots up here though.  Quieter."

A very suggestive answer.  It implied we knew what 
happened up in the secluded pools and didn't care that 
the others were aware that we weren't innocents caught 
out in a special lovers' lane.

Which bought Darren back to his speculation and further 
difficulties.  I almost laughed.

"Well I guess we can continue on our way," said Marie, 
standing up.  Was it revenge on Darren or an opportunity 
to show him off to the girls?  It didn't matter, Darren 
wasn't so happy to leave the water.

He did so however and the girls got a good look at him.  
I decided I didn't have anything to worry about though I 
was currently limp.  I looked at Marie, thinking of 
exploring her body, thinking of asking Darren to stay so 
we could share it and possibly work our way through the 
girls as well.  It was working as I wished and then Marie 
helped no end by bending over in a most unladylike 
fashion to display an attractive target.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I offered.

"I'll share a sip."


"Just one cup then."

I left the water and had the girls looking back and forth 
between us.

"Can I offer you a drink?" I asked politely while 
standing next to the bent Marie's head.  She turned her 
face to look directly at my hard on.

"From that?" she whispered to me alone.

She straightened.  "No thanks, we've got plenty of 
water."  Then she looked at Darren and back at me.  She 
wasn't dissatisfied; she felt she had the better of the 
deal from whatever perspective she chose *AND* felt it 
was her body that had caused mine to react so she felt 
she had bested the girls as well.

Win-Win for her.  No loss of face for Darren since all us 
guys had boners.  He shook my hand and whispered "I hope 
you're all enjoying yourselves."

"And I hope you find a nice peaceful spot for the 
afternoon too."

He grinned a conspiratorial grin and headed over to where 
Marie was saying goodbye to the girls.

"The only problem with stopping for a dip is putting 
socks and sneakers back over damp feet," she complained.

"Well if we get a move on you can take them off again in 
a minute."

Darren seemed in a hurry to find a spot where he could 
get a piece and Marie waved goodbye with similar 

She did check me out one more time though.

"Do you think they will be able to hear us?" Hailey 

"Or spy on us?"

"I think they will be far enough away not to hear or at 
least understand normal voices.  As for the other, if you 
were Marie would you spend your time lying uncomfortably 
where you could spy on us or would you want Darren to 
wear you out so he had to piggyback you down to your 

"I'd want him to fuck me here *WHILE* I was watching us 
do the same," Anna was not afraid she would be condemned 
by us.

"Why didn't you suggest they stay then?" asked Rosalee.  
She sounded like she might not have objected.

"Because the question was what would I do if I was her, 
not what would I like her to do," Anna replied.  "I don't 
mind you seeing Roger making love to me because we are 
all doing it together - but I don't know I'm as 
interested in others seeing what we are doing."

"I agree," said Hailey.  "I think this is special.  
Weird, unacceptable, kinky, whatever.  I don't care about 
that.  It is still special to me and I don't want to 
spoil it."

"I'd have liked to have seen how she managed Darren's... 
prick, that's all.  It was rather thick."

Rosalee blushed and reminded me to go and get the 
sunscreen.  I started on her to allow me to coax her to 
answer without being worried I might be offended.

"He was thicker.  You could always climb up there and 
either spy on them or see if they minded you watching.  
They might even let you join in."

"But I don't want him.  I want you!"

"I know, but wanting me doesn't mean you aren't allowed 
to wonder what it would be like to be with him."

I'd done her back and arms and was carefully covering her 
chest.  Pale breasts unused to sunlight needed protection 
but nipples tasting of sunscreen weren't as nice.  Still, 
burnt nipples weren't worth the difference between 
licking and tweaking.

Rosalee got them covered completely at the cost of using 
up cream the rest of us might need (not really).  If my 
hands did more than needed it certainly wasn't a problem 
with her.  She leaned back against me and listened while 
I spun a tale for her as I rubbed it in.

[The tale is told in Chapter 13.]
