Author: Pescador del Valle
Title: Afterlife
Part: Chapter 4 of 6
Universe: Vixen Circle
Summary: A traffic accident gives a man a chance to put 
matters to right.
Keywords: mf, mf+, ff, mm, oral, exhib, voy
Language: English
Copyright: 2010

*                 WARNING!                  *
* This text file contains sexually explicit *
* material. If you do not wish to read this *
* type of literature, or you are under age, *

Comments appreciated : 
  see Pescador del Valle on
There was always a chance that someone would say 
something, even accidentally.  Nine people sharing the 
same secret was risky when there were over twenty of us 
in my dojo and many of the nine were even closer friends 
with those that hadn't been to Sue's.

Before we left that afternoon we had an unusual 
discussion since all of us were naked in at least one 
area and those of us who had stripped right off found it 
just as comfortable to stay that way.

"The first thing you have to be aware of is that one day 
we are going to be discovered by a parent, or brother, or 
sister.  Or a teacher might overhear something - perhaps 
on several occasions and start putting two and two 
together.  Or one of us is going to get pissed about 
something - an insult or jealousy - and is going to say 
something they might even regret two seconds later."

"So what then?  This is it!?"

"I don't want this to be it!"

"I love... well, what we've been doing."

"No-o, it doesn't have to end but there are different 
ways of approaching things."


"You've had fun today.  You could pair off as real 
girlfriends like you would as girlfriend and boyfriend.  
You would probably have to keep that secret unless you 
were with a similar couple.  That would allow you to have 
the same fun without being caught - or at least not so 
easily caught."

"There are nine of us here tonight."

"Some of you might prefer not pairing up or others might 
form a threesome or just date less formally among the 

"Why just girl pairing?  There are two guys here as well 
you know."

"I had a suspicion," I grinned.


"There is nothing to stop you finding a boyfriend 

"Except that they wouldn't be as romantic..."

"And would just want to fuck us..."

"Without even eating us..."

"Or giving us Happies like you both did."

"Unless you teach them!"

There was silence in the room - and then the storm.

"Oh yes!"

"Please Albert."

"You could start with Colin and Doug."

"And perhaps we could include some of the other girls in 
our class?"

Sue made a wonderful straight woman.  She found and 
followed her cue perfectly.

"Well that was one of the possibilities I was going to 
mention.  If we get discovered - even say just two of us 
- we have a problem with all the people in school who are 
going to come down on us.  If *WE* outnumber them, or at 
least the noisier ones, so we can argue 'who the hell 
cares' or 'leave them alone' or 'they aren't hurting 
anyone' then perhaps being found out won't matter.  The 
others in our group *ARE* the obvious people to start 
with but probably in small batches."

"So we counter the people who are afraid homosexuals and 
lesbians are going to convert them by converting enough 
other people first?"

"We aren't converting people into lesbians and 
homosexuals.  Listen to how you all clamoured for 
boyfriends!  Yes, you had fun tonight.  Yes, you might 
like to try out some of the things you didn't try before 
- I know Rosemary and Mary Kate had quite a few people 
watching them.

"Perhaps you will decide you only like girls, perhaps 
only boys, perhaps just one of either sex, perhaps a 
mixture either one at a time or even in a group like 
this.  I told Carole earlier we need to forget about 
giving ourselves labels or letting other people put them 
on us.  In return for being label-less we need to be slow 
to put labels on others too.

"We came here to have fun, we can ask others to join us 
but perhaps we need to be careful.  Each of you was wary 
about what the others would think of you when you first 
considered doing something 'naughty' - weren't you?"

They agreed.

"We have to use a mixture of willingness to experience 
more, and a desire that others outside our little circle 
not find out what we have been up to."

Again, I made a sense that they could appreciate.  I 
elaborated on the discussion we had had with Sue.


"Colin and Doug, you have come here tonight to learn 
further mysteries of the Vixen Circle.  Do you do so of 
your own will?"



"Do you agree to perform the tasks assigned to you as 
part of your initiation into the mysteries?"

"Well I don't know what they are."

"Do you agree...?"

"Are they anything that is going to hurt us?"

"Nothing harmful will befall you.  Do you agree to 

"Okay but I'll get you back if this is all a joke."

I signalled to one of the girls standing to one side.  
She came forward and pushed her robe back over her 
shoulders.  She stood naked wearing only the hood and 
with her face concealed by a veil-like mask.

"What the...!?"

"Holy shit!"

"No jokes at all.  Do you swear to hold the secrets 
revealed in this ceremony and hereafter inviolate?"


"We won't tell.  I promise.  Tell him you promise Doug!"

"Yeah.  Definitely."

I motioned to the second girl.  She slid her robe back as 
well.  I'd had a busy time making them but a couple of 
our inaugural initiates were skilful with needle and 
thread as well and we had a mini sewing bee (and orgy.)

"Do you promise to treat the person and body of the 
members of your Vixen Circle with care and respect, 
meeting their needs as you would wish them to meet your 

"What is really going on here?"

The two girls knelt before Colin and Doug.

"Do you really have to ask?  I certainly promise.  Doug?"

"Yes.  I promise."

May these representatives of the Vixen Circle give you 
their blessing?"

"Er, Okay."

"Yes.  What on Earth!?"

"Oh, wow!"

The two girls had opened the boys' judogis and dragged 
their pants to the floor.  They then reached inside their 
underpants and freed the boys' pricks, quickly sucking 
them deeply into their mouths before releasing them 
wanting more.

"Do you promise to try to avoid jealousy among the 
members of your circle, discussing such problems with 
your peers before you cause harm to others or to your 
spirit?  Do you promise to avoid harsh judgement of the 
members of your circle without seeking the counsel of 
your peers?  Do you promise to trust the members of your 
circle when they advise you?"

"I'll try, yes."

"Me too, I suppose."

"Let the initiates be blessed."

The girls slid the boys pricks back under their veils.

I think that getting a blowjob in a circle of strangers - 
myself excluded - was probably the thing that convinced 
the two of them that they *REALLY* wanted to find out 
more about the "mysteries".

I had suggested there were "other" matters that weren't 
for general discussion in the Dojo - true as such.  I had 
told them both that I was privately instructing those who 
I felt were ready and who wished to learn.

Again, it was good to be their Sensei.

    I have to say that I put a fair bit of time and
    effort into coaching the girls into knowing just when
    a guy was getting too excited.  I was glad that I
    only had to teach two (to start with) and that I
    didn't have to worry about *MY* parents when I
    invited the girls to come to my room.

    Sue and Gail were amazed I had as much freedom as I
    did.  *THEY* could have invited me over - Sam had
    over the years - but not into their bedrooms (at
    least with their parents' knowledge.)  They were
    nervous until I called my mother into my room and
    asked her if we could have some privacy for a while.

    "You girls are happy being here?"

    They both nodded after a pause.

    "And you'll be careful?"

    I answered affirmatively.

    "I'll have some refreshments when you're ready then."

    There was silence for a while after the door closed,
    then, "You have the coolest parents.  I can't believe
    it.  Do they do everything you ask?"

    "No.  They believe I'm more grown up than I look - or
    act at times.  I've told them I won't get any of you
    pregnant.  They trust me to keep my word and not to
    force any of you to do anything you don't want to

    "You discussed having sex with us?  Won't they tell
    our parents?"

    "Well, fooling around - and no, they won't."

    "Albert, will you have sex with us?"

    "Not for a while, if ever.  We should be older just
    in case of an accident and the law looks down on
    people having sex too soon."

    "I don't think I'd care about that.  Not if it was
    with you."

    "Do they even consider fooling around any

    I caressed Sue's cheek and then Gail's.  I didn't
    object in principle and knew it would be hard to last
    out two years until we were all sixteen.  Trying to
    have just *SOME* of us copulating while excluding the
    others might only make things worse.  Perhaps I
    shouldn't have taken matters as far as I did at Sue's
    but I knew we needed to turn people's opinions away
    from the harmful attitudes towards Sam and Gavin as
    they had been when I'd first known them.

    Seeing how my two friends had behaved at Sue's I
    wasn't sure if they were as firmly same-sex as I had
    once believed though they may have just fallen into
    line with my expressed opinion that one couldn't
    necessarily tell the difference in some regards.

    "That is for the future though.  Are you still sure
    you want to induct the initiates?"

Making Colin and Doug come might have been counter-
productive.  We wanted them willing to go along with 
anything to get that last little push that would take 
them over the edge.

"Initiates!  Remove your garments and kneel to pay homage 
to the principles of Yin and Yang.  Press your lips 
against the acolyte's organ in a simple kiss and then 
extend your tongue and lick them there as well."

Colin was the first to go and Sue had the honour.  She 
stood on a small step and bent her knees, spreading her 
pussy wide so his mouth made contact with the moist, 
juice-covered lips.  Wondering who was behind the mask 
Colin followed his orders.

The second acolyte moved to replace Sue as she moved 
across in front of Doug.

"What the...?"

"It is only a kiss and a lick," I prompted.  "Even I have 
done this and I assure you the mysteries are worth the 
cost of admission."

"I'm not a faggot."

"You aren't thought to be one.  You enjoyed the 
blessings?  You must be as prepared to give as you are to 
receive.  This ceremony teaches you humility and 
equality.  Yin and Yang, Female and Male, the balance of 
the universe.  You promised to trust us, please show you 

Colin believed I would show him important matters.  The 
girls hoped I could teach him.  He sensed that the 
mysteries would involve a lot more sex than his Judo 
classes but he wasn't sure why.  Colin wasn't foolish 
enough to throw all the possibilities away because he was 
squeamish about getting his face close to some guy's 

Of course, the circumcised head was a give away even 
though there really wasn't anyone else it was likely to 

"If you come Gavin,..."

"Just hurry up and do it.  I feel stupid standing here 
with my dick out.  Wait till it's your turn!"

Doug, having done his part with Sue, listened to the 
kerfuffle, laughed and told Colin to hurry up or leave.  
*HE* wasn't going to make that much fuss when there was 
obviously pussy available.

Gavin got his prick kissed and his balls licked twice 
over and we moved on to the next part of our special 
meeting.  We hadn't organised for all the initial group 
to be here since we didn't want the numbers to be too 

Gavin and I of necessity were here with Sue and Gail as 
our designated "acolytes" assisting in the ceremony.  Sam 
would have been but couldn't get here so it was Mary Kate 
and Carole who joined us - four boys, four girls.

We had taken over my basement temporarily - Mom and Dad 
being out for the day celebrating a windfall on a 
sporting tip I had remembered.  When the tips came in we 
made a packet.  Trust grows when fed by success and when 
I suggested they should enjoy the time by themselves they 
didn't argue.

We had a couple of the mats I'd kept for my own practise 
when we supplied the school and I had Colin and Doug sit 
on one side while they watched.

Gail and Carole were first with Gail kneeling over 
Carole's face (still obscured though the rest of her body 
was clearly displayed.)  It was far different ground work 
than any of us had seen on the mats before.

"In this position the giver enjoys the taste of the 
receiver's juices.  She coaxes them forth while gently 
rubbing her tongue over the other girls thin inner lips 
and down between them.  She may suck those lips gently 
into her mouth or bury her tongue as deeply as possible 
into the entrance of her vagina.

"Giver and Receiver are not absolutes however.  Remember 
your promise to meet the needs of your circle-mates as 
you would wish the circle would meet your own.  Here the 
receiver gives back the pleasure of breasts being 
massaged.  She finds the Giver likes her nipples to be 
strummed like a guitar string - not too hard, not too 
soft.  She prefers the skin of her breasts to be stroked 
with straightened fingers whereas the Receiver prefers 
her breasts to be grasped a *LITTLE* more firmly.  Thank 

Gail and Carole returned to their places and kissed.

Mary Kate and Gavin moved out onto the mat next but I 
don't think Colin and Doug had looked away from the first 
team.  They weren't aware that there were lesbians in our 
Dojo!  Wow!

Mary Kate lay on her side next to Gavin, head to head.  
She stroked his prick and he fingered her cunt as they 
kissed.  Mary Kate still had a hair-trigger and Colin and 
Doug were treated to the sight, and sounds, of their 
first female orgasm.  If they paid attention they just 
might get to give someone one as well before they left.

I was up with Sue next.  She knelt in front of me while I 
stood and commented on the blowjob I was being given.  
She took me close but I touched her cheek in warning and 
she let the urges die while hugging me close.

"Colin, please."

He took his place on the mat.

"Do you have a preference?"

He looked around at the five hooded people.  Gavin was 
quickly dismissed and I was quite simply overlooked.

"He indicated Gail."  He had had Sue suck on him first 
and Doug had obviously enjoyed Gail's effort so he felt 
he wouldn't be disappointed while enjoying some variety.

"What would you like to do with her?  Actual fucking is 

"I'd like to have her suck on me.  If that is okay?"

"You should ask her."

"Oh, sorry.  Would you mind giving me a blow job please?"

Gail held out her hand with her fingers flat and spread 
and wiggled the far fingers up and down.

"She will - conditionally," I translated.

"What do I have to do?"

Gail guided me over to her and put my prick in her mouth.  
She sucked on it a few times before turning back to 

"If I do that she'll suck on me?"

Gail put her hands together and rapidly expanded them.

"Until you come apparently."

"You're not just setting me up?"

"You have seen these lovely ladies do things you've only 
heard about.  A rather elaborate hoax.  If you extend a 
little trust and find it justified - everyone benefits.  
If you find you've been betrayed we laugh, you get angry 
and get even at some stage - we all lose.  I don't think 
it really is much of an issue to laugh over anyway."

Colin conceded the validity of my argument.  He nodded my 
way and when I was close enough, plunged down on my prick 
with considerable embarrassment.

"Gentler - unless you *WANT* me to come!"

The remainder of my blow job was sedately carried out.

"Okay?" he asked, probably requesting my confirmation 
that he had done enough to qualify.

"I think you'd still be upset if I gave you any praise 
so, yes, it was okay."

Gail came over and pushed her hand against Colin's chest 
he toppled backwards as she took possession of his prick.  
He didn't really stand much chance of lasting.  I doubt 
she could have given him a blowjob *WITHOUT* making him 

Gail swallowed several times but still had plenty of 
flavour in her mouth when she tried to kiss him.

"Here we appreciate those who give us extreme pleasure.  
If it is good enough for them to experience the emissions 
of our body then it is good enough for us to experience 
them too."

Colin tasted his cum for the first time.

Doug chose Carole and asked her if they could have a 
sixty-nine, something he had heard about.

Again she waggled her hand copying Gail.

"Okay, shoot."  Doug sounded both amused and resigned.

Again I was ushered over but this time Carole wrapped my 
hand around her thumb and moved it up and down before 
miming a fountain.  Other than some general suggestions 
of what we wanted the two guys exposed to, the actual 
tasks chosen were unscripted.  I guess I should be 
thankful Carole didn't suggest Doug warm up with a sixty-
nine with me.

"Apparently I'm to jerk you off first."

"But then I won't need the blow job."

"Trust me.  With your choice you will want to have come 

Colin muttered, "I wish you'd told *ME*!"

"Stand up."

Doug did and I moved behind him, signalling to the 
circle.  Mary Kate stood in front of him and parted her 
robes again so he could see her body clearly.  She lifted 
her breasts and rubbed her nipples.  Doug was hard as 
rock before I touched him.

"You wouldn't complain if this young lady was the one 
rubbing your prick.  Relax and imagine whatever you 

"But I can feel your prick against me."

I ignored him.  "She is pleasing to observe, isn't she?  
Note how she likes her breasts touched.  Gently held with 
her thumbs working energetically.  She might appreciate 
the two of us licking on her nipples for her.  Perhaps if 
you asked nicely she might lick yours in return."

I don't know whether Doug had his own fantasies or 
whether one I supplied did the trick but he spoke a 
single word, "Now!"

He must have been confident that I would know exactly 
what he wanted and I used my hand on him as I would have 
done on myself.

He came on Mary Kate, splash after splash hitting her 
hands and chest and belly.  When the last of his cum 
oozed onto my thumb and finger I held them up to Mary 
Kate's face.  She lifted her veil slightly and licked 
through the thick slime.

Doug looked amazed but was even more surprised when she 
lifted her hand from her breast and presented a sample to 
him.  He only hesitated for a second, remembering my 
words to Colin.

Mary Kate then offered a finger to me where I stood by 
Doug's side.  From there she walked around the circle, 
each member accepting her offering until she stood before 

He looked at Doug.  *HE* hadn't had to share Colin's cum!

Still, he didn't seem to have a choice if he wanted more 
and screwing up his face, Colin tasted his friend's 

Mary Kate pushed Colin back and squeezed his prick with 
cleaned fingers.  There was enough of a release to be 
noticeable though it was only partly cum and part pre-
cum.  This too was offered to Doug who looked surprised 
at the sweetness.

Mary Kate disappeared to clean up, no doubt feeling odd 
walking naked through my house to the bathroom.  Carole 
moved forward to take her place and I rested my hand on 
Doug's shoulder.

He knelt with her and Carole pressed her mouth to his, 
showing him how to kiss.  He responded much as she had to 
me at first and she slowed him down.  By the time she 
laid him on his back he was rock hard again.

Sue and Gavin shifted next to Colin and while he watched 
Doug in action they took turns massaging his prick.  Sue 
made no objection when he rested his hand on her thigh, 
merely moving his other hand to Gavin's.  Colin took the 
hint and gave Gavin a hand job while exploring a girl's 
pussy for the first time.

Gail sat opposite with Mary Kate leaning across her 
sucking on a breast while Gail fingered Mary Kate's 
pussy.  Colin wasn't sure which show was more 

Doug did last long enough to appreciate Carole's efforts 
and when she didn't climb off him after he'd come he 
continued to do what he could.  I helped with suggestions 
as I knelt by their side caressing Carole's hair.

I think Mary Kate's cries of passion - again! - 
stimulated Carole and she came too, finally allowing Doug 
a break.

We all had a few minutes breather and then I indicated we 
should all stand.  I positioned Colin and Doug beside me 
and the others queued to say goodbye to me and then to 
each of our newly initiated members.

Still anonymously hooded they kissed me before moving on 
- brief kisses this time around but still with tongue 

Gavin was third of the six waiting and we paused until 
Colin was free before starting to kiss exactly like the 
others.  I think Colin gulped before valiantly accepting 
the challenge.  It gave Doug even more encouragement to 
copy him.

Each person climbed the stairs to gather up their 
clothing and drop the robes in the lounge, leaving before 
the two boys could identify the, clearly.

When I became the seventh person in the queue Colin was 
ready and didn't react.  When I waited for him to kiss 
Doug after me he was blushing but did it anyway.

"Was that really necessary?"

"It was, though you would do better coming back to me and 
telling me why than having me explain.  Think of it as 

"So what is the mystery then?  Do you have some secret 
way of making all those girls do whatever you want?"

I laughed.  "They weren't doing what I wanted, they were 
doing what they felt was necessary to get you to join our 
select group."

"Hell, we'd have joined if you'd just told us about it!"

"Add that to your homework.  Why wouldn't they just do 
that then?  Now a couple of things.  The promises we 
asked you to make were quite serious.  Kissing me and the 
other boy - who shall remain nameless for the present - 
was part of a test to see whether you would trust us.  
What you saw today, what you did today, would be 
unacceptable to some others.  Within the group we must be 
willing to accept all we witness.  You don't *HAVE* to do 
anything you don't want but you should be polite in 
saying no or in accepting someone say no to you.

"I don't particularly get turned on by kissing guys or 
blowing them but if I'm asked to I'm not going to get 
upset.  Imagine how some of the guys we all know would 
react.  The same applies to how the girls.  I think you 
found watching them as exciting as I did.  If you think 
guys get weird about anything suggesting homosexuality, 
the girls face a whole different sort of nastiness.  They 
have found they like having fun together but they want 
boys - hence your initiation.  I don't think I and my 
fellow male would survive otherwise.

"You are going to speculate who they were but please 
don't do anything to try to identify them yet.  We are 
inviting more people to join us and we want to keep your 
identities confidential in much the same way."

"But there will be more sex?"

"More sex play.  The girls have asked that you learn how 
to satisfy them.  Which of them wants to take advantage 
of that training will be up to then though you will be 
free to ask as you did today.  I have helped you become 
better fighters; if you wish I can help you be better 
lovers as well."


"It can't be too often but we hope three times a month 
with smaller groups and maybe the full Circle on a 
monthly basis."

I'd convinced them.  Hell what 16 year old *WOULDN'T* 
agree to far worse.


Getting the girls to participate didn't involve quite the 
same subterfuge.  A few of us would get together; three 
of the initiate and myself with two newcomers.  We varied 
who was involved, usually getting volunteers to join in 
or to abstain once we set our sights on a new pair.

Each would be told a "secret" and invited to come along 
and experience the nice things I could show them.

 - "I can't reveal *WHO* but one girl actually came just
   from being kissed."

 - "If you don't mind a little touching, you can find out
   all sorts of ways to have fun."

 - "We actually got to touch his You-Know-What!  I don't
   know if he can be convinced to do that again...No,
   with all us girls outnumbering him he's a perfect
   gentleman.  Well perfect, gentle and more of a man
   than any boy *I* know."

I didn't script their spiels.

Sue managed to get her house free again and Carole and 
Rosemary were there to help convince Hannah and Tracey to 
have fun.

When they arrived Carole was deliberately seated across 
my lap with her tongue down my throat.  Rosemary was 
seated beside her with my hand on her leg, my fingers 
trapped between her thighs - not quite high enough for 
scandal but enough to put me at a "Boyfriend" level.

Sue led them in.  "Sorry, just getting Albert warmed up."

Carole continued with her show, not really worried if the 
two girls left immediately.  She was enjoying herself - 
and me.

"Looks like fun doesn't it?" asked Rosemary.  "I told you 
he was good."  She had been the one to actually entice 
both the other girls this time - individually whetting 
their appetites.

"Five girls and one boy sounds a bit lopsided.  How come 
you didn't get anyone else?"

"Well Albert *COULD* have dealt with more girls I suppose 
but then we'd have had less time with him."

I barely managed to suppress a laugh at Sue's deliberate 
misinterpretation of Hannah's query.  Carole grinned 
against my mouth as well.

"Boys!  Why aren't there more boys?"

"They are still in training.  No, I'm serious.  We don't 
want just anyone.  They have to pass Albert's Love Dojo."

Now I couldn't help laughing and Carole and Rosemary 
joined me.

"Ah!  He comes up for air," Sue teased.

"He comes for all sorts of things and can make a girl 
come too - if she's lucky."

I gave Carole a swat on that part of her butt I could 
reach and she kissed me again - briefly this time before 

She looked down at my lap and ran a single finger along 
the mound in my trousers and then turned to laugh at the 
newcomers' expressions.

"You want to see?"

Neither responded to Carole but we could all see their 

"Well you'll have to wait.  You need to show you're not 
too shy to appreciate it."

"How far have you gone?  You aren't having intercourse 
with Albert are you?"

"No.  At least not yet.  I don't know though; I might 
like to when I decide it is time.  What do you say 
Albert, dear?  Would you be my first if I ask you?"

"Unless there is some reason at the time I would be 
honoured to be asked but I think you might be giving 
Hannah and Tracey the wrong idea about my motives."

"So what are your motives then?" asked Hannah.

"Well not to start screwing every girl in the Dojo.  Some 
of us were messing around a little and I guess we went a 
little further than intended - all quite safe and no-one 
forced to do more than they wanted."

"I'll vouch for that," testified Rosemary.  "I asked 
Albert to just hold me when it was my turn to try kissing 
him and it was the most wonderful experience of my life - 
up till then.  He's gentle and romantic and when we said 
the other boys are in training I'm looking forward to 
seeing if he can teach them to be even half as nice."

I patted her knee and she gave me a loving kiss.

"So, what then, you're going to make yourself available 
to all the boys?"

"No.  I'm going to see whether I like any of those I'm 
comfortable around and then I'll see.  Just because the 
boys might turn out good doesn't mean I'll get one even 
if I want them."

"We'll just have to find some more likely candidates," 
agreed Sue.

"Is it more a lonely hearts club you've organised then?"

"Not hearts!" smirked Carole.

"Mmm, maybe lonely pussies."


"I've heard you use the term."

Tracey blushed.  Girls were still more discrete around 

"Why don't you let Albert kiss you so you can understand 
what we are talking about at least?"

"You want us on show?"

"Hell, I'll start the ball rolling if you consider Carole 
and Rosemary haven't already."

Sue came over and knelt between my knees.  Straight-
backed, she was only a little below my height and when I 
leaned forward that vanished.  She smiled at me and I 
returned that.  I doubt anyone missed the love between 

There was no hurry and Sue closed her eyes dreamily and 
leaned her head on her shoulder as I ran a knuckle up the 
side of her neck and flicked her hair behind her ear.  
She pursed her lips when my fingertips approached and I 
accepted her kiss.  My fingers returned to her hair at 
the side of her head and parted it like a wide-toothed 

Sue murmured appreciatively as my fingertips kneaded the 
back of her neck.  She opened her eyes again to stare 
into mine as she felt me shift forward.  I kissed her 
cheek first then held my place as she turned beneath me 
and me my mouth with parted lips and extended tongue.

Hannah and Tracey watched our tongues caress each other 
before disappearing as our lips made contact.

My hand gradually forced Sue's mouth more firmly against 
mine but it was met by the pressure of her own hand 
against the back of my neck.

We paused when we were both excited but not out of 
control.  Parting, we returned for two kisses then agreed 
on a third before Sue lay her cheek against my lap and I 
stroked her hair as I settled back.

"Wow!  Hot!"  Rosemary rated our audience value.  Sue and 
I had been quite content with our own assessment.

"Thank you Foxy Lady.  That was anything but relaxing."

"It was fun.  If you two don't enjoy it just as much as I 
just did, you're ready for spinsterhood."

She stood up and grabbed my arm.

"Come on Sweet Lips.  Find out who is game enough to risk 
having her socks knocked off."

She made room for the two newcomers and I stood between 
them both.  They seemed more intrigued by the lump in my 
pants than in volunteering.

"Rosemary?  Who did you happen to invite first?"


"Then Tracey, may I have the pleasure of this dance?"


"Just get up Trace!"  Rosemary couldn't believe the 
trouble they were having.  Both Tracey and Hannah had 
sounded interested, eager even, when she had spoken to 
them.  Had it been too long between the sales pitch and 
the event, or was it because Sue and Carole were here 
too, or perhaps they felt Carole had gone too far 

Tracey moved into my arms having taken the same formal 
dance classes we had all had to suffer through in junior 
school when boys and girls just didn't mix.  Sam and I 
hadn't minded in the least and a lifetime of occasional 
opportunities had made it so much easier to partner her.

To an invisible and inaudible orchestra I led Tracey 
through a waltz and then a foxtrot before announcing "a 
slower number."

I tucked her arms in closer to our sides so our hands 
were clenched near our shoulders and we swayed with my 
hand on her waist and her cheek against my collar bone.  
I pressed my lips to her hair at the back of her head and 
then kissed the back of her fingers, letting the tip of 
my tongue tease the edge of her little finger.

I could feel her breasts against my chest; I'm sure she 
could feel my semi-hard penis occasionally pushing into 
her pubes - not entirely my fault!

I raised my hand to the middle of Tracey's back and began 
to caress her spine.  "We could play chicken," I 
whispered near her ear and slowly let my hand drift down.

I stopped, still three or four centimetres above her 
likely panty waist band and Tracey lifted her face in 
surprise when I moved my fingertips back upwards again.

While she might not admit to wanting to meet my dare, she 
preferred to have me prove her attractiveness *BEFORE* 
telling me off.  Was *I* chicken or just not interested?

My lips were close to hers and when I approached Tracey 
turned the last few degrees to make contact.  Hell, I was 
having fun.  Kissing might not sound much but I was 
seducing nymphette after nymphette, though my personal 
morals did not allow me to take as much advantage of them 
as I probably could have.

Each girl behaved, felt, responded and tasted somewhat 
different.  Forget the similarity between girl and boy, 
there was so much variation between those I came close to 
that I would be hard pressed to describe what a typical 
representative of each sex would be like.

Tracey was timid, a bit like Rosemary had been at first.  
She wasn't going to avoid me but rather wasn't so sure of 
herself.  Perhaps it was just that the other boys she 
knew hadn't learned to do anything but barge in and crush 
their lips to the girls, the more advanced playing tonsil 
hockey before the girls had even registered they were 
being kissed.

During lunchtime at school Colin and Doug had sat with me 
taking mental notes when I explained how they should 
approach the girls.  Gavin joined us, making no mention 
of his earlier presence, and appeared as interested as 
the other boys - perhaps as camouflage.

I could see they would be overwhelmed by the attention 
when released to the Vixens if Tracey was typical of the 
poor experiences the girls had had until now.

We stood without further shuffling and Tracey released my 
hand to wrap her forearms around my neck.  I moved my 
hands down to her hips rather than her waist; it was more 
personal but still avoided the more private areas where 
she could feel uncomfortable.  Carole, by way of 
contrast, would have matched me had I gathered her butt 
cheeks in my spread fingers and kneaded her flesh!

Though we'd taken things very slowly, Tracey was never-
the-less getting worked up.  When approached the right 
way it wasn't hard.

Firstly the girl had to know these kisses were all about 
her; it wasn't some notch in my bedpost.  I was trying to 
share something special with her.  I was making an 
effort.  I *WANTED* the moments I spent with her even 
though I might have come from kissing someone else and 
might go on to kiss another.

Secondly, she would realise I was aware of her mood and 
was attempting to match it.  Carole was thrill-mad, eager 
for the experience, loving the passion, happy to take 
turns giving and getting with little concern as to who 
was her partner.

Sue was intense.  She wanted to work up to a shared 
passion so we both peaked together.  She wasn't exclusive 
but she had her favourites and I was the fortunate main 
one of them.

Rosemary delighted in the contact.  She enjoyed the 
passion, loved her Happies but lived for being held, the 
sensual rather than the sexual.  Again, there were a few 
lucky favourites.

I was delighted by all three; by *ALL* those currently 
members of our Vixen Circle.  Tracey seemed more like 
Rosemary but there was a spark there that grew into an 
inferno.  She began to take over the kissing, 
enthusiastic to the point of near violence - my neck 
being crushed as she held me close - but there was none 
of the orgasmic release that had surprised Mary Kate.  
Tracey wore herself out, eventually sobbing into my 
chest, her arms moving under mine so she could crush my 
ribs instead.  I had little more energy left than her.

I was rescued by a case of hiccups and Sue brought back a 
glass of water for Tracey to sip as she took my former 
seat next to Rosemary.  I needed a rest as well and sat 
down where a space had been deliberately left beside an 
amused Hannah.

"Are you feeling pleased with yourself?"

"Pleased?  I'm happy that I had a wonderful dance and 
that Tracy, I believe, did too but pleased sounds smug.  
It makes me think I was setting out to conquer Tracey, 
and that I had achieved that goal but that wasn't my 
intention nor do I think Tracey has fallen under my spell 
though I suspect if I asked for another dance, or even a 
kiss, she would permit either."

I wonder if part of my attraction was that none of the 
other fifteen, sixteen or seventeen year olds talked like 
that.  I must have sounded more mature - surprise, 
surprise - or perhaps just pompous.  Either way my 
audience didn't jeer or walk away.

"What are you going to do for me then?"

"Can we just sit here for a while?"


"Mind if I put my arm back here?"

"I'm keeping an eye on you."

"There are another six watching as well if you hadn't 
noticed."  I let my hand rest near but not on her 
shoulder and played with a couple of wisps of hair over 
that side of her head.

"How do you manage to be so suave with other people 
watching?  Aren't you ever self-conscious?"

I made eye contact with Hannah.

"By focussing on who I am with.  For the moment they are 
the only one who is important."

Hannah didn't look away.  Having watched the way Tracey 
and I had been wrapped up in our own little fantasy and 
at Sue and I earlier I think she believed me.

I ran my finger back and forth over the side of her jaw 
and across her neck.

"Tell me please.  When you came here today, what did you 
want to experience?  Did Rosemary sell me as god's gift 
to women or something far-fetched like that?  Was I 
supposed to give you a Happy or was I going to be a 
teacher?  Was it a chance to kiss a boy or me in 
particular?  I'm not going to be offended either way."

Hannah didn't answer immediately.  She may not have 
believed my reassurance and might have sought how best to 
give an honest answer with diplomacy.

"You are supposed to know everything there is to know 
about kissing and I guess I don't; not much anyway.  If 
it was someone else I might have been too scared to face 
them, they would be experienced and I would look stupid.  
You've shown you don't treat us as being stupid though in 
the Dojo.  You explain and show us what we are doing 
wrong and how to be better.  I expected you to be the 
same here.  I *HAVEN'T* kissed many boys and not since I 
came to high school but if I was going to start you were 
a good choice."

"And for yourself?  An adventure?  Finding pleasure?  
Finding love?"

"I expected to find it enjoyable - Rosemary told me you 
were good like that.  She did tell me you'd gotten some 
of the girls to..."

"Have a Happy?  A nice way of saying they had an orgasm 
or came."

"Yeah, well you supposedly gave some a Happy then.  I 
couldn't see how that could happen just from kissing but 
if it did I wouldn't mind finding out what it was like."

"Will you trust me?"

"Maybe.  I guess so."

I whispered in her ear.  "Have you ever made yourself 
come when you have been playing with yourself?"

Beet red!

"It is natural," I continued still whispering, "and 
almost everyone does the playing even if they haven't had 
a Happy."

"Yes I have, and no I haven't."

Hannah turned her head away from me in embarrassment.  I 
nudged her back with a finger under her jaw.

"Want to see something surprising?"

She nodded.  I addressed the others.

"Who has come from playing with themselves in the last, 
oh, week?"

There was no hesitation among my three experienced Vixens 
and I raised my hand to join them.  Rosemary looked at 
Tracey and Tracey owned up.

"Not in the last week though."

Hannah had to laugh.  "Okay, but not this last week.  Not 
for quite a while."

I kissed her cheek and also smiled at Tracey.

"People keep secrets because they feel they are the only 
one things are happening to.  When we are more open we 
find we are not so unusual or that what seemed unusual in 
others is actually quite common - and no longer as scary.  
Hannah, would you mind if I held you in my arms?"

"Of course not."

"Can I suggest you tuck your legs up onto the seat and 
lean across me then?  I think you will like it."

She shifted around and when I wrapped my arms around her 
she was snuggled in against my chest.  With little effort 
she could look up and I could bend my neck and meet her 
lips.  The others paid attention and I could see some 
wondering why I hadn't held *THEM* like this and what 
other neat ideas I might still have to reveal.

Hannah and I kissed and cuddled while listening to the 
others chatting while we did nothing else particular to 
distract them.

I moved my hands over Hannah's face and back, her arms 
and side.  All perfectly innocuous, some providing a 
little thrill to her but none breaching any boundaries.  
I could feel the straps of her bra beneath her top and 
made mention of it while running my fingers down and 
across and up to the other shoulder.

"Bras really are a mystery to most boys.  I mean, the 
difficulty most face when required to deal with one."

"Are you hinting?"

"No, sweetheart.  When I hint it will be more obvious."

"When you said 'most boys' I thought you might have meant 
'other than you'."

"Well I might not think they are as mysterious as some 
others but I do still have problems with just one hand.  
Of course I know the trick girls use but I'm sworn not to 
reveal it to other males."

"What secret?" Hannah laughed.

"You do them up *BEFORE* you turn them around and slip 
your tits in the cups - or at least some girls do."

"I suppose you've seen this."

"Not for quite a while until recently."

"I don't know whether to ask about the old or the recent.

"I'll own up to the recent," said Rosemary.

"Yeah, ditto."


All three girls admitted to letting me watch them put 
their bras back on - at the very least!

"Are we all supposed to strip off then?"

"No.  but no-one is going to object if you do, much as 
they would hope you don't object to their actions."

"Oh, I don't care what they do."

"We might put that to the test later," Sue teased.

"Can I take my bra off now then?"  Carole seemed always 
ready to get the orgy started.

I left it to our guests to give permission.

"I've already said I don't care."


"Okay I guess."

"Thank you."  Carole had her top and bra off in three 

"Mmm, I like feeling free."

"You like being able to rub your nipples," I chided.

"Guilty - though not as much as I like *YOU* rubbing 
them.  Can I get him to kiss them please Hannah?  I know 
it is your turn but I'll only take a couple of seconds."

"Oh, go on!"

Carole squealed with delight.  I loved her devious mind.  
She was perfect at adlibbing in almost any situation.

Carole had to lean over Hannah to present her tit to me 
and did so in such a way that her other breast rested on 
Hannah's cheek.

"Sorry," Carole giggled, not sorry enough to move it 

I cupped the breast presented to me and tongued and 
sucked on the nipple, bringing both out into prominent 

"You should do the same and get back at her," I suggested 
to Hannah.  Would she take that extra step?

"Or I could nibble on yours instead."  Could I get Hanna 
to imagine what that would be like?

"Or perhaps you could sit on my lap and I could cup your 
breasts for Carole while she swapped back and forth 
between them as punishment for pushing in."

Hannah turned part way towards Carole's nipple but 
stopped with it pressing between her lips, not willing to 
go that extra step.

I gave Carole another lick and suck.  "Let me have that 
one then."

She did and when I reverted back to the first nipple the 
second was noticeably wet against Hannah's cheek.  I 
silently sent Carole away.

"You missed out on a nice experience."

"I'm not interested in girls."

"Understandable but you don't have to be crazy mad about 
them to have some fun.  If it was a boy would you have 


"Then would you mind licking mine?"


"There isn't a lot of difference between boys and girls 
breasts - though I'm happy with the way things are 
organised.  We can enjoy you just as much as you enjoy 
us.  Want to see?"


Hannah had to shift while I pulled my t-shirt over my 
head.  She was a little surprised since this was supposed 
to be her kissing session and we'd done almost everything 

"What do I do?"

"Just what you like yourself."

"I've never had it done to me."

"Perhaps I can return the favour later - or show you now.  
Maybe you'd like to punish Carole after all?"

"I'll just see how I go."

Hannah was a bit rough but, as she had said, I guided her 
without making her seem stupid.

"That is lovely Hannah.  May I hold your breast?"


I did so - through her top and bra.  I knew it couldn't 
have been as satisfying for Hannah.

"I can't really feel you like that.  Is it okay or do you 
mind if I slip my hand inside your bra?"

Hannah must have been ignoring the others with us as she 
agreed without hesitation.

"Tracey, would you come and open this catch for me  
please.  One-handed I'll take forever."

Hanna was ready to object but really it was only the 
release of the hooks from the eyes.

"Thanks.  Can I ask for one more favour please?  Can you 
lift the cups off?  Thanks."

That was a more personal action though, once again, 
nothing that really gave Hannah cause to complain.  I 
slid my hand under Hannah's top and exclaimed over the 
softness of her skin and the contents of her breast.

"Do you like you nipple rubbed or strummed?"  I 
demonstrated each in turn.

"Strummed please."

"Strummed it is.  Did you know that some people actually 
like having their nipples pinched?"

"Not me."

"Then we won't."

I encouraged her to sit a little higher and we kissed as 
I caressed her with one hand.

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this.  I always 
thought I'd wait until I'd been dating a boy for a while 
before I'd let him even touch me over my clothes - and 
then it would have been when we were alone."

"We are alone.  No-one else matters."

"Except when someone shoves a tit in your face."

"You could do it back.  Your breast is soft and warm.

"It's smaller than Carole's."

"Life would be boring if we were all the same."

"Is that why you had me lie across you instead of dancing 
with me?  So you wouldn't get bored?"

"We can dance if you like.  We were already sitting and I 
wanted to hold you against me.  Perhaps we can dance 

"Or wrestle nude," Carole chimed in.

"I didn't hear anything," I lied.

"You are very gentle," Hannah informed me after we ended 
a kiss that showed she was selectively deaf as well.

"It's a time for gentle.  Sometimes it gets different, 
things get more intense."

"It did with Tracey, didn't it?"

I smiled at Tracey.  "Yes, it did."

"Will you make it intense for me please?"

"Kneel up here, straddling my lap."

Hannah stood, surveyed her audience, and knelt across me 
after I shifted back in the seat.

"Shall we get rid of this now?"

I'd discarded my shirt and now removed Hannah's.  Her bra 
hung loose above her breasts.  I slid the straps down and 
then sat there, just looking.  "Never think your breasts 
are less than perfect Hannah."

I put my arms around her and simply rested my cheek 
against their soft contour.

I think Hannah expected me to dive on them; I hadn't 
paused when Carole had come over.  Instead it was 
Hannah's back that I gently massaged before finally 
turning my mouth to the nipple that hadn't received any 
attention so far.

Hannah held my head and tipped her own back.  "Oh, so 

I noticed Sue beckon Carole over and begin to suck on one 
of her tits.  I imagined Tracey, hidden behind Hannah for 
the moment, looking with awe at both parties.

Rosemary spoke up.  "I wish it was my turn.  Do you mind 
me rubbing my tits?"

I don't think she waited for Tracey's response before 
shedding her top and bra and covering her breasts with 
her hands.  I wished her luck seducing her friend.

Hanna could hear and moreover could turn her head to see 
what was happening more clearly than I.

I might have said we were alone but it wasn't true and we 
both knew it.  There was excitement to be found in 
behaving as we did before and audience and in watching 
the audience perform for us as well.

As I worked from side to side and up to Hannah's mouth my 
hands moved down her back to rest on the top of her 
skirt.  I flipped up the sides and front so there was no 
material between her panties and my jeans.  Her pussy 
rested on my crotch and I knew Hannah had to be very 
aware of how close our private parts really were - and 
the state of mine.

"Can you feel that?"  I sought her acknowledgement.

Hannah smiled guiltily.

"You're not going to try and stick it in me?"

"That's as close as it gets.  If we ever decide it is 
something we want to do we will talk it over first."

"I think if you'd said yes I might have considered it."

"You are getting aroused - which *IS* the whole point of 
what we have been doing but getting there is much of the 
fun.  I think the others are on their way too.  Want to 
watch what they are up to?"

Hannah was interested but also eager to continue on her 

"Trust me, you *WILL* like it."  There I went again, my 
mantra for these sessions.

I was amazed at how easily the girls fell into line.  If 
they had been out with me on a date I'm sure I would have 
had my hands pushed away frequently and even had my face 
slapped.  In this environment I suspected it was more 
like the frog being boiled gradually; the actions of one 
girl meant the others didn't notice the water heating up 
around them.  I wasn't complaining in the least.

Hannah rose from my lap and turned.  She half-raised her 
arms to cover her breasts and then realised she was in 
the majority in the room.  I guided her back to my lap, 
flipping the back of her short skirt up so once again she 
rested as close to me as possible.

She leaned back against my chest, bare skin on bare skin, 
and I kissed her neck as I resumed my caresses of her 
breasts and belly.  Hannah shivered with the contact 
against her neck and also wriggled her butt against my 

"Some people," I whispered, "are very sensitive to being 
touched around there."  I moved her by her hips so there 
was no doubt about the point of contact.

"Not necessarily anything but a simple touch like that 
but it *CAN* make them even hotter.  There are other 
places too, like here."  I traced my fingertips along the 
lower half of hr inner thighs, heading towards her knees 
rather than threateningly closer to her pussy.

"I don't think Tracey was particularly interested in 
girls either but she is certainly finding out how much 
fun it can be.  Do you know if she's ever kissed a girl 

"No.  I mean, I don't know."

"How about you then?  Not even practicing?"

"Well yes.  When I was just a kid."

"Will you trust me a little further?"

"To do what?"

"Well for starters, could I feel to see if you've made 
your panties wet?"

"I have," she admitted.

"But can *I* check them?"

"I don't know."

"Is it because none of the others have done anything like 
that yet?  Carole touched me before.  You don't think she 
might have let me do something similar?"

"*SHE* would have."

"How about Sue or Rosemary?"

"I don't know."

"Rosemary.  Sorry to interrupt.  Could I have your 
panties please?"

"You want to come and get them?"

"Not this time thanks, love.  Just toss them over here 

She did so then sat next to Tracey so she could pre-empt 
Sharon Stone by years.

"You want to see how wet they are?"

"I'll believe you."

"I'd check how sweetly scented they were but you'd think 
I was weird and, besides, I don't need to."

"Why is that?"

"Because Rosemary is always sweetly scented - aren't you 

"I don't know about always but I think so now."

"Perhaps Tracey can check for me.  How about Tracey 
checks Rosemary while I check you and we give our 

"Hey!" protested Carole.

"Sue, you want to check Carole before she gets whiny?"

"I don't whine, I merely object to being neglected!"

"Sorry love.  You don't whine, that's true.  Well Hannah?  
May I?"

"You'll make me feel good?"

"I can only try my best."

"No-one will find out will they?  You promise?"

"*I* won't tell and look around you.  The others have 
their own secrets."

"Okay.  It won't hurt though?"

"You can tell me to stop any time but I don't expect it 

I worked on Hannah's neck and earlobe again, not actually 
approaching her panties or her pussy for a couple of 
minutes.  "Can you see Tracey's fingers?  I think she 
likes Rosemary's pussy and I *KNOW* Rosemary's pussy 
likes Tracey's fingers."

Rosemary smiled at us.  Tracey blushed and looked down 

I rested my hands on Hannah's thighs, letting her get 
used to my touch.  She was more like a nervous filly than 
a vixen for the moment but she was as foxy as any of the 
girls with me.

My fingers soothed her troubles - or gave her more.

"No-one has ever touched me there."

"Hang on then."

I simply put a finger against the cotton-covered softness 
and then immediately moved my hand back to where it had 
rested.  "You were saying?"

Hannah merely giggled.  "That was silly."

I put the finger back and eased it along the length of 
her lips without undue pressure.  "Better?"

She shivered.

We sat as three pairs facing each other.  Rosemary was 
bare beneath her short skirt and above the waist.  We 
could all see Tracey's hand moving beneath the rolled 
back fabric.

Carole had stripped down to her panties and Sue had her 
hand inside the waistband.  She too was moving a digit or 
two beneath the thin fabric.

And I was rubbing Hannah through her own soft panties as 
she sat, knees wide apart so Rosemary and Tracey at least 
could see exactly what I was doing.

I lifted my other hand to her breast.  "Your nipples are 
as hard as your pussy lips are soft."

I stroked a little firmer, pushing the wet fabric into 
the furrow.  "Is it okay if I taste you?"


"Well I start off over here..."  I ran my finger along 
the side of her gusset, "...and slip it under here."  I 
had to lift carefully as Hannah had wispy hairs sneaking 
out past the edge.

"Then I explore a little here and - Splash!"



"Ah huh."  Hannah wriggled a little on my lap and covered 
my hand with hers for a second.

"You have quite a flood there love.  Hang on."

I scooped up Hannah's juices with my fingers and turned 
my hand to protect the precious cargo.  Tracey watched my 
hand move slowly up and over Hannah's shoulder and into 
my mouth.

"Mmm.  Deee-lish-us!"

"Oh my god!  You actually ate it!"

I slid my fingers back into her panties.

"Tracey, would you mind bringing your fingers over here 


I opened my mouth and wriggled my tongue.  She caught on 

I licked Rosemary's juices off after suggesting the two 
girls have a sniff first.  They were reluctant but did my 

"Sweetness confirmed Rosemary."


"What do you think of Hannah then Tracey?"  I presented 
my fingers to the hesitant girl.

Looking guiltily at Hannah, Tracey sniffed. "That smells 

"Why not see if it tastes as good as it smells?"

My finger was in front of her face; her friends were 
spread around her and I was goading her to try another 
girl's pussy juice.  I didn't have to push harder, to say 
"you've gone so far, why not just a little further?"

Instead Tracey was her own devilish conscience 
encouraging her to reconsider Rosemary's tales of passion 
and fulfilment.  I had made her feel good enough when 
dancing and the "party" had got much wilder since then.  
She could call a halt or be one of those having even more 

She sucked my fingers.



"Tracey, would you do one thing more for me for the 


"Can I taste your juices please?  Would you collect some 
for me?"

I must be a Svengali!  Tracey didn't even hesitate this 
time as she slid her hand inside her waistbands and 
groped between her legs.  When she offered me her fingers 
I bend one over and sucked the other clean then swapped 
them over.

"Want to try Hannah?  Tracey is quite tasty too."

"I don't know if I could."

"What is it like Tracey?"

My question caused Tracey to stand in thought.  "It is 
hard to describe; like perfume but not.  Like candy sweet 
but not either."

"Good or bad?"

"Oh good.  Definitely."

"Enough to want me to collect some more for you?"

"Yes please."

"May I give Tracey some more of your tasty juices please 

"If you wish."

"If I hold your panties out the way, would you collect 
them for her - and perhaps some more for me?"

"Are you deliberately tormenting me?"

"Yes.  Does it make you even wetter?"

A quiet yet forceful whisper - "yes!"

I gave her a hug and another kiss.  "Imagine what it is 
like for me then."

I lifted the fabric out the way and guided Hannah's hand 
to her pussy.  She surely knew the way but now her friend 
was standing directly in front of her Hannah was shy 

"Oh smell that delicious aroma.  Tracey kneel down and 
tell me what you think it smells most like."

Now Hannah had to put up with her friend looking even 
closer at her exposed slit.  Rosemary was the only other 
girl in a similar state and she was across an expanse of 
carpet.  Tracey hadn't even looked at Rosemary while she 
was being encouraged to diddle her.

Hannah kept her hand there longer than necessary to wipe 
up her juices, managing instead to obscure the view for 
as long as possible.  Again I guided her fingers to 
Tracey's mouth then rubbed around the area with my own 
hands so the sucking and the tremors went together.

Hannah was horny and my fingers were expertly teasing her 
closer to orgasm.

"Want some more Tracey?"  I offered my fingers without 
moving them far from where I'd been rubbing.  Tracey 
moved closer, her cheek brushing the softness of Hannah's 
inner thigh.  I fed her my fingers but led her closer as 
she cleaned them.

"Do you want to come Hannah my sweet?"


"Can Tracey help me?"

"Damn it!  Yes!"

I brushed my finger over Hannah's clit and put my other 
hand on the back of Tracey's head.  "Lick Tracey.  Get 
all those lovely juices."

I didn't have to hold her head there and raised my hand 
to Hannah's throat, waving the others closer as I did.  
They had been patiently - or impatiently - waiting until 
the girls were ready.  That they might have argued with 
me as to when that had been the case was of no 
consequence now.

Rosemary looked at Hannah's left tit and I nodded.  
Carole didn't wait to be asked about her right and Sue 
leaned across Tracey to rest her hands on Hannah's 
shoulders as she covered her mouth.  For a while I was 
redundant, the not-so-comfortable cushion beneath 
Hannah's butt.  I could still move my finger around her 
pussy but increasingly more often Tracey was there ahead 
of me and suddenly Hannah was crying out into Sue's 

Before the cries died down Hannah used her elbow to push 
my arm away and I tapped Tracey's head to call her off.  
Rosemary and Carole sat back as well and Sue's kisses 
provided a tender warm-down period while Hannah caught 
with all that had happened.

"It was supposed to be you!"

True, that had been her expectation and, I guess, even 
mine originally.

"It was but I depend on my friends - that same as you can 
depend on *YOUR* friends - to help out.  You were 
wonderful to kiss and touch and taste and you shouldn't 
mind that we all appreciated you.  I could have made you 
come, if you wish I still can either now when you've 
rested or some other time but tell me please, didn't you 
enjoy yourself?  Was there anything you wouldn't be 
willing to try again?"

"I guess not.  It was wonderful.  You were all wonderful, 
it's true, but I never wanted to be with a girl."

"Did Sue seem any different from me when she kissed you?  
Did Rosemary or Carole - well perhaps not Carole - you 
are a vacuum cleaner you know!  Did they seem different 
at your breasts?"

"I haven't got anyone to compare them with but I guess 

"You don't have to be involved with the other girls and 
it is not just these three who know how to have fun.  You 
don't *HAVE* to but there are so many ways to have fun 
and it seems a shame to miss out on what is available."

"Well do you miss out on the ones with other boys?"

I simply looked around at my three more experienced 
friends.  Hannah followed my gaze and saw them all 

"You haven't!?"

"We don't kiss and tell - or anything else - except by 
prior arrangement such as Rosemary inviting you here.  
There are people who would look down on us and not 
because we're doing boy-girl things they feel are 
inappropriate.  Rosemary I think told you I can teach you 
ways to pleasure yourselves and others.  If you want to 
join our Vixen Circle then all you have to do is say 
you're interested and promise you'll protect your fellow 
members by keeping quiet about what you and they see and 
do and by being tolerant about what the others do.  We 
don't mind if you feel it's wrong for you to do anything 
with another girl but we don't think you should protest 
if others are happy to give and get a Happy without male 
involvement - or with it either, especially if they are 
giving you a chance to do whatever you like."

"We *WOULD* like you both to join us, either way - and we 
weren't joking about getting more male help for Albert."

"I want to be in," advised Tracey, "and I promise to do 
the things you just asked."

"Hell it's not that I didn't like what we did, it's just 
I always thought girls who did that were strange.  I mean 
you all still like Albert..."

"And other guys," grinned Sue.

"So you can't be lezzies then?  So *WE* can't!"

"I'll let Rosemary tell you about labels - or Carole.  I 
think you've heard it often enough haven't you 
sweetheart?  I though would like to get some circulation 
back in my legs, and perhaps a little in my lips.  
Hannah, if you'll take one more suggestion from me, give 
Tracey a kiss while you can still capture some of your 
lovely taste on her mouth.  I'm sure the others will tell 
you it's the nicest possible way to taste your own 


"Now for show and tell!"

Rosemary adopted the role of instructor for the next part 
of the afternoon.  They had laid me out on the floor with 
Rosemary at my head, Carole at my left shoulder and Sue  
at my right.  Hannah then sat beside Carole by my hip 
with Tracey facing her.  I had lost my shirt before and 
now Rosemary started by directing the newcomers to finish 
stripping me off.

I lifted my butt clear as required but otherwise did, and 
was permitted to do, nothing more to help.  There was 
quite a bit of laughter as both reached out at the same 
time then withdrew and reached out again simultaneously.

"Tracey, you get his belt and fly!  Okay, Hannah!  Take 
his pants down!"

Hannah was too energetic.  She was supposed to have left 
my jockey shorts for a little more titillation, instead 
she pulled everything down to my knees - including my 


It helps if girls witness you standing up for yourself 
and others or even just landing hard and getting up with 
only a wince.  They better understand then that when your 
eyes water it is not without cause.

"Oh, shit, sorry!  Oh shit!"

The first was an apology looking at my face.  The second, 
Hannah turning to check what she'd damaged.  I worked out 
later that she'd run the side of the metal zip over the 
skin at the base of my prick like a chainsaw as it went 
from pointing at my face to directing traffic towards my 
toes.  It was that about face that caused my outburst - I 
didn't even feel the zip or notice the blood.

"Quick, get a bandage."

"Do we need a tourniquet?"

Were they serious?

"Should we call an ambulance?"

"And tell them what?"

"Panic" dissolved into laughter and I lifted myself onto 
my elbows to check things out.

"Please get the hanky from my left pocket Tracey."

She retrieved it and I just rested it where the small 
amount of blood was trickling back towards my balls.  
Needless to say I shrank rapidly.

"I'm so sorry Albert, really I am."

"That is all right Hannah.  It was an accident but I do 
need your help for a minute."

"Of course."

"Just hold the hanky where it is.  No, you'll need to 
press against it.  Cup your other hand under my balls 
first; right, now don't squeeze.  If you hold them like 
that and press the cloth against the cut.  Good, now, 


"I've gone soft and I really need to get hard again so 
the blood is trapped instead of leaking.  Can you gently 
rub the end between your palms please.  Have you made a 
snake with modelling clay?  A bit like that but not too 

"Yeah, we don't want him to end up with a prick that's 
two foot long - not if it is only a quarter of an inch 

And thank you Carole!  The other two kept quiet, 
interested in seeing how far the pair would go before 
smelling a rat.

"Hannah, try moving your fingers like this."  Rosemary 
wiggled them in a wave that travelled across her hand and 

"Mmm, that is better," I advised.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not as much now."

"I hope I haven't done any serious damage."

"I suspect I won't need to get any stitches now Tracey 
has proven the nerves haven't been cut - and thank you 
for that dear."

Sue came to my assistance and suggested Tracey should 
just ease the skin back from my knob so it didn't stretch 
the cut.  I'm not sure where she went to medical school 
but I want Sue to be my doctor in future - and Tracey and 
Hannah can be my nurses!

"A bit of artificial respiration wouldn't go astray," I 
suggested and the three girls clustered around my 
shoulders took turns kissing me.  I think that was when 
Hannah decided to check whether *THEIR* ministrations 
were helping.  Sure enough the bleeding had stopped and 
Hannah traced the clearly visible veins down the side of 
my prick.

"I think you can stop Trace.  I suspect we've been had 
anyway.  *SOMEONE* is just lucky that I still feel 
responsible or he might be feeling a little *MORE* pain."

What I did feel was her warning grip on my balls and 
called a halt to my paramedic team while I endeavoured to 
avoid a real medical crisis.  I sat up and beckoned 
Hannah to me.

"Thank you for treating me gently and don't worry about 
feeling guilty.  It was just an accident and I don't 
blame you for anything so how about I give you a kiss to 
show I'm cool with everything and you give me one to show 
you forgive me for teasing you?"

She agreed and we shared a few seconds kissing.

I turned from her to Tracey.

"Now since you had no reason to feel guilty I guess I owe 
you a double apology for convincing you to give me a 
lovely hand job.  So how about I apologise with a kiss 
and you forgive me the same way too?"

"I just can't believe you ask a girl for a kiss after 
conning her into playing with your dick!  Come here!"

Tracey could be quite forceful, and enjoyable.

"Well if our cadaver would lie down again we might 
finally be able to start our anatomy lesson."

"Sorry Rosemary love, but Sue, could you please grab me a 
band-aid if you've got one."  The lesson proceeded in her 
absence - fortunately with no further incisions - and 
Rosemary added my treatment to her lecture.

"Now you've gotten to feel around darling Albert's dick 
or cock or prick or penis and his balls or testicles, and 
seen the damage could be kissed better with a band-aid 
un-aided by any kiss from us despite his pleading.  I was 
going to get you to do all sorts of nice things to him 
but I don't think he deserves it now so maybe he should 
do nice things to us instead."

"Aw."  I tried puppy dog eyes but they weren't 

"That would mean we girls would miss out on some vital 
practise though, the sort of things we need to know to 
please someone who *DOES* deserve it.  So Albert is just 
going to have to suffer through the demonstration even 
though he should realise we are *NOT* doing it for his 


"Yes Albert?"

"Love you.  Give us a kiss please."

"Crawler!"  Never-the-less she kissed me.

Duly treated, I finally began my role as sex instruction 
aid.  I'd already pointed out to Hannah that my nipples 
responded like her own but Rosemary and Sue together told 
the others that they could touch me anywhere and get a 
response.  I was told to shut up, nicely, when I tried to 
object but Rosemary then pointed out quite correctly that 
a guy's most responsive organ was his mind.

"We aren't even touching him yet looking at us naked or 
partly naked and thinking about what might happen has him 

"That doesn't mean he doesn't get harder if you do this."  
Sue kissed me while just resting her hand on my sternum.

"Or this."  Rosemary licked my nipple.

"Or even this."  Carole fed her nipple to me.

"Er, Carole.  Enough now please."

"Aw, I was enjoying that really."

"You have an oral fixation Albert - I was reading about 
that.  I'm surprised you don't smoke."

"Nasty habit.  I'd rather a firm tit but I'm trying to 
cut down.  I'm down to a pack of girl scouts a day."

Apparently they didn't think I was as funny as I did.

"It is actually good that Albert likes to use his mouth 
and we'll test him later but this is a chance for you two 
to find out how much fun it can be for us as well.  Who 
wants to learn how to give a blow job?"

Carole's hand went up first.

"And you say I'm fixated!" I muttered.

"I don't know what to do," complained Hannah.  "Do you 
just suck on it or what?"

"You sit on his face first," offered Carole.

"Naughty Carole!" chided Sue.

"Yes, bad Zoot."


"Nothing.  '...and after the spanking...'."  I should 
stop muttering anachronistic references.

Rosemary explained how to hold me as I preferred and 
then, when they had both practised stroking and fondling 
me and I was guaranteed to be as hard as possible, they 
had a chance to put me in their mouths.

Once more I was surprised that two relatively innocent 
young ladies could so easily be encouraged to do what had 
been near impossible when I'd tried the first time 
around.  There seemed to be a critical level of 
acceptance - if their friends said they did it and were 
willing to say they had fun, peer solidarity seemed to 
come into play.

Tracey and Hannah both needed practise but they had the 
idea and if some boy got lucky he wouldn't feel like he 
was fucking a Hoover.

I warned Rosemary before I got too far and she instructed 
them to go back to manipulating me by hand.

"Counting down," I warned and, though Hannah had charge, 
Tracey was directed to feel the base of my shaft as it 
passed behind my balls.

"Wow, I can feel it," was her response as I begged Hannah 
not to stop.  I covered my belly and the back of her hand 
as she held me nearly vertical.  I think I surprised her 
with the heights achieved.

"How you can guess what would have happened if you'd kept 
giving head so the next thing you need to know is..."

Rosemary wiped up some of the slime and moved her finger 
towards her own mouth before lowering it to mine instead.

"Is whether your boyfriend is prepared to do what he'd 
like you to do - swallow his cum."

I cleaned her finger.  I'd rarely tasted my cum over the 
years but wasn't going to gag over it; of course this 
wasn't a full serve either.  Rosemary patted my cheek and 
then scooped up some more to indicate she wasn't about to 
ask them to do anything she would do either.

"Not necessarily to my taste but I can take it and I 
actually think I'm getting used to it."

'You've tried it that often?"  Hannah sniffed her hand 

"Not really but I haven't wasted an opportunity to see.  
Albert says different foods can make a difference - but 
he hasn't been gorging himself on pineapple like he 

"Sorry.  It got missed off the grocery list."

With a shrug Hannah cleaned one of her fingers, 
refraining from commenting until Tracey had similarly 
tried the offering.

"I think it is going to need an awful lot of pineapple."

"Pussy always makes a nice chaser," I responded.

"But don't mix the two," warned Sue.  If you've got any 
semen on you, wash it off before you go near anyone's 
pussy.  Albert says he doesn't want to be a daddy yet and 
I'm not arguing with him there."

She'd brought out a wash cloth and towel for me but 
Hannah and Tracey retired to the bathroom to clean up 

"How am I doing?"

"Fine Rosemary.  You explained things very well - and 
they seem attentive students."

When they returned I ate Tracey to her first oral Happy 
and then, after a short break, showed Hannah I could make 
her come by just my own efforts.  She appreciated it and 
admitted that she couldn't really tell it had been a boy 
under her other than by the flag pole I'd erected.

She and Tracey agreed to return the favour to Rosemary 
and Sue respectively and found they had recovered enough 
to enjoy a little 69 when Rosemary and Sue leaned over 
and tasted them as well.

Our newcomers didn't get off then - we had one more 
experience for them instead - but they found how much fun 
it was to give even without receiving.

While Sue and Rosemary recovered and Hannah and Tracey 
rested Carole claimed her own Happy Face from me while 
she showed the others she wasn't afraid of dealing with a 
mouthful of cum.  She turned around afterwards and I 
showed I was not put off by the taste of the mouth.

If the stories of our exploits became public these girls 
would be labelled lezzies, sluts, cock suckers, cum 
whores and who knew what else.  I would be a faggot for 
some deeds, pussy-whipped or a stud for others.  The 
intolerance and sometime double-standard was atrocious to 
my "future self" though it hadn't vanished by my time by 
any means.

It was a measure of the trust each had in the others that 
they felt they could be so free.  I doubt that Hannah and 
Tracey would have felt that way had the other girls not 
placed themselves in their hands first but I guess their 
vote of confidence that *I* wouldn't kiss and tell was 
most humbling for me.

Carole and I cleared the floor and she sat on my lap 
(after I'd folded the towel I was sitting on to cover the 
top of my legs as well so no leakage on my part could 
possibly impregnate her.)

That left an area clear and we encouraged Hanna and 
Tracey to take our places but in a pussy-to-pussy 
position.  It proved as entertaining for us as it did 

The best part of this sort of training was knowing the 
graduating girls (and boys) could go on without my help.  
It was the one subject where homework *WASN'T* an issue 
and yet where the teacher willingly attended when called 
on for further personal tuition.

Hannah and Tracey left no doubt they were satisfied they 
had been invited.  They would need some time to recover 
before meeting up with their parents - they were quite 
literally shagged out by now - and Rosemary took them for 
a soda, and her own private review of the session and my 
own performance then and previously.