Spring in Amsterdam – Meeting Jorge

A Short Story

By Pavel Nabokov

June 13, 2010



Keywords: M (reluctant) m(13), pedo, gay, oral, anal, cons

Story length: 15 pages, 7,796 Words



My third day in Amsterdam was much more pleasant than the first two cold rainy days.  I expected it to be cooler here than back home in Boston this late in the spring, but the last two days were like a winter in Maine.  Today, the temperature was reportedly going to get up to 18 °C, which was uncommonly warm this time of year.


After lunch I headed to the red-light district hoping to score some porn or toys that you couldn’t get in the states.  I also needed to get laid really badly.  Yesterday I went to visit to the Prostitution Information Centre which was near the Centraal Station at the end of OZ Voorburgwal.  There I got a real good education and as it was early, with few visitors, I spoke at length to one of the ladies there who answered my questions as if I had been asking about buying a new jacket.  I left a healthy tip for the information that I had received, and got an appreciative smile in return.


I like small tiny women, and have thought often about having sex with a girl not of legal age.  My fantasy has always been to be with a pre-adolescent girl – again small and tiny.  Maybe that’s why I saved three years to come here – before the real tourist season began.  Amsterdam is an expensive place to vacation.  While it wasn’t technically illegal for young girls to prostitute themselves, back in the early 80’s, there was really no severe penalties for having sex with a minor if she didn’t protest to the authorities.


Venturing down one of the many small streets next to the canal I came across a large shop that was just opening and walked inside.  It was filled with all types of straight, gay and fetish books, magazines and film as well.  There were even some video tapes available.  I found the section that I was looking for that had pamphlet type magazines depicting sex between kids and other kids and also adults.  Some were quite graphic and I was getting hard just looking through the offerings.  There was no way I could bring these back home.  Customs would certainly lock me up if they discovered the illicit materials, but I decided to buy a couple of them to use back at my hotel room.


In one pamphlet called Piccolo, I surprised myself by getting excited over the photos of young boys having sex.  I wasn’t gay, and had never contemplated having sex with a boy before, but somehow these photos touched some part of my brain that brought me pleasure.  I’d have to think about that.  I added this pamphlet to my collection.


As I looked at the toy section of the porn shop, I couldn’t believe the variety of dildo’s that were available and other sex toys that I couldn’t even consider what their function was.  The clerk saw me gazing at the toys and came to offer me assistance.  I was surprised when he immediately started to speak to me in English, and further surprised to hear that certain vocal inflection that say’s I’m as gay as they get.  He was definitely swish and his eyes were looking me over carefully.


I’m on the short side, just five-foot seven inches tall, but rather handsome for a smaller man.  I always seemed to attract women that were taller than I was, but my preference was to be at least an inch taller then they were… probably some macho thing.


My nationality was Italian and I had nearly black naturally wavy thick hair, and a solid build because I was a Greco-Roman wrestler, and swam for exercise.  I was also the Captain of the water polo team at college.  I was well built with a fairly broad chest and narrow waist with a lot of upper body strength and strong well defined legs.  The ladies told me I had a great ass too, and most weren’t disappointed with how I could use my smallish package.  The clerk was rather androgynous and pretty in a weird sort of way. 


Finally the clerks’ eyes focused on mine and he asked me if he could help me find something… special.  For whatever reason I just blurted out the question, “Do you have any smaller dildos than the ones on the shelf?”


His look of disappointment was obvious, but he recovered quickly and said, “About what size were you looking for?”


“Oh,” I said rather sheepishly now, “maybe three-quarters to one inch in diameter and say four and a half to five inches long.”


His eyes looked down to what I was holding and he saw that the Piccolo pamphlet was on top of the pile and he smiled, then said, “Let me go and check in the back.  That size is not requested often, but I think I may have… I’ll be right back.”


A few minutes later he came back carrying two clear plastic bags that held smaller dildos, and we walked over to the glass cased counter that had some S&M leather artifacts that looked to be pretty painful.  He plopped the dongs on the counter and said, “How are these?”


Sheepishly I said, “One is kind of small and the other looks a bit large – you have anything in between them?”


He leaned in close to me with sort of a rye smile on his face and he said, “Literally hundreds of them… well actually this time of day may only fifty or so.  Tip me 25 Gulden and I’ll tell you where they are.”


He saw the puzzlement on my face and said, “They’re not plastic… they’re real… and they are attached to boys that prostitute themselves.”


I was dumbstruck, and the clerk was having a good laugh watching a very uncomfortable American getting the shakes.  Thoughts rushed through my head because I was recalling being around twelve years old and I remembered a man who picked me up hitchhiking.  He stopped in an isolated industrial area parking lot and cajoled me into pulling down my pants.  That’s when I was blown for the first time.  He also stuck his finger up my butt and I remember the pleasure I received from my butt hole and his mouth on my cock when I came.  Afterwards I though it strange that he didn’t want me to do anything to him as he never pulled out his cock. 


The money he’d asked for was around twelve dollars.  I pulled out a fifty Gilder bill, twice as much, and held on to it as I said, “I need specifics – maybe a guide.  I don’t want to get into trouble soliciting a kid.”


“You won’t, I promise.  There are two places that the boys you are looking for hang out this time of day.  One is the Feel Good Café on Oudezijus Voorburgwal, and the other is the Youth Hostile on Warmoesstrraat.  There they hang out near the hostile and at the Café they’re always playing around by the canal.  I think the number is in the 70’s.  Just walk up so that they can see you.  Eye the one you think is your type and he will approach you if he is interested.  A few of the boys are Asian at the Café and look real young.  They’re much more mature… down there… then you might think.  If a boy approaches you, you can always ask him if Siji is around – he’d be perfect for you.  Give him ten Gulden if he’s not around and he’ll find him for you, if one of the other boys doesn’t strike your fancy.”


“So how do you know Siji?”


“If it’s cute, hard, squirts and has good rhythm I pretty much know them.  I love to kiss the boys – they’re so damn cute all hairless and all… and the little fuckers never get tired.  They can damn near stay hard for as long as you want them too.  Oh… when you came in the store I never figured you for being gay.  I generally get that.”


I had to laugh at this guy.  His take on sex was so just an everyday conversation that I was actually getting used to it.  Maybe, I thought, that’s the way it should be everywhere.


“I haven’t had sex with a guy since high school, and that was kind of an experiment.  I’ve done it a few times, but I’m pretty straight.  Actually seeing this magazine got me curious.”


“Have a good time,” he said.  Feed him first cause they’re always hungry… they’re street kids mostly and have no real home.  Keep him for the night, give him breakfast, buy him some clothes and give him a 50 and he’ll get you anything you want.  And for Christ’s sake don’t hurt any of them.  You don’t look the type but if I hear you did, I’ll get my boyfriend to hunt you down.”


Smiling back at him I released the fifty and thanked him, assuring him that all I was after was pleasure and no pain.  As I started to walk out the door he said, “Ahhh, you do want to pay for the magazines… right?”


I must have blushed because I had forgotten all about them.  After paying I walked toward the door and he came up behind me and patted my butt and quietly said, “That’s one gorgeous ass cutie.  If I wasn’t attached I’d make a play for you.  Gay or not, I’d give you a great time.  Start at the Café.  Three long blocks down and then to the left.”


I blushed and headed out of the store.  I believe I thanked him for the complement.



As I walked I passed by the many small windows with working girls showing off their wares and beckoning me inside.  While I was hungry for a little pussy, the thought of a young boy had somehow captivated me, so even though I saw some real cute petite ladies, I kept heading for the Café.  My thought was that the ladies would always be in the windows, but the boys… well that was different.


I found the café fairly easy.  There were maybe five boys hanging around, but none of them were Asian.  There was this one boy that was quite sexy.  He looked like he could pass for a girl if dressed right.  He was maybe three inches shorter than me and very blond with his hair hanging nearly to his shoulders.  His bangs completed the feminine look.  He had big grey eyes and was wearing clean but thread-bare shorts and an oversized Henley shirt.  He looked to be maybe twelve or so and as I was looking him over, one of the other boys nudged him in the ribs to turn around and have a look.  With that I turned my head to look at a house boat heading down the canal.  Pot plants were lining the open stern of the craft around the polished brass railing.  As I looked at the boat I wondered if I should even attempt this. 


I felt someone closing in on me and then I heard, “Hey Mister, you need directions or something.  Want a guide for the afternoon?  I know all the good places.”


The voice was sweet and melodic and again spoken in English.  Was I that obvious?


I turned to look at him and was surprised that it was one of the other boys that had approached me.  He was shorter than the blond and stockier, but had a pleasant smile with really huge brown eyes and a Beatles’ haircut. 


“Nice of you to ask, but I was sort of hoping I’d find Siji down here today.”


“I can give you as good a time as Siji can… really,” he said.


“I’m sure you would be an excellent tour guide, but Siji came highly recommended.  I’m sure that you understand.”


The boy turned towards the other boys who were just playing around not paying any attention to their friend and said, “Hey Jorge… come here.”


The blond boy started heading our way.  As he stopped close to his friend he looked up and smiled at me his eyes twinkling in the sunlight.  He certainly was a beautiful boy.


“Ya know where Siji is?” He said.


“He got real busy last night, but should be back here soon,” he said to his friend.  Then he looked at me and said, “I suppose you’re looking for him… right?”


“Well, I heard he was a great tour guide and I wanted to meet and talk with him.” 


As my conversation with Jorge started, the other boy ran off to join the others.  “We’re pretty close he and I.  We sort of look after each other.  It’s early, but he’ll probably show up around here by four or five, so you have a few hours to kill.  It’s a great day, and believe me I could show you a real good time if you want.”


From where I was standing I could hear his stomach rumbling.  He was one hungry boy.  So I said, “Well, maybe we can discuss me hiring you for the afternoon as my personal tour guide, but I’m not quite sure just yet.   I think we should talk some.  So what would you think about both of us heading off to some restaurant close by, getting a meal, and having a chat?”


He hung his head down a little and said, “Well I’d like to, but I don’t have any money for food, but maybe could we talk at the Café, if you’d buy me something to drink?”


“I’ll buy lunch for both of us as long as the food is good.  What do you say to that?”


I thought the boy would jump out of his skin.  But before he opened his mouth he quieted down some and said, “Sure, sounds great.”  Then he turned to the other boys and yelled, “Later guys.  If Siji shows up tell him I’m looking for him.”


“Where are we off to?” I asked.


“Not sure, what do you like to eat?”


“If you could pick your favorite meal where would you go? I asked him.”


“Well I haven’t had Chinese in a long time and I really like one place in Chinatown, which is really close by along Zeedijk street.  It ain’t that expensive, but it’s really good.”  Then he turned those large grey eyes up to look at me almost pleadingly. 


“I said, sure, why the hell not.  I thought you would want some raw Herring with onions or something local.”


He beamed at me then said, “I eat Herring all the time.  Chinese is like a special treat.”


When we got there, and after seating ourselves which seemed to be the local custom, and after looking at the menu he asked, “So what can I have?”


My response was simple, “Anything you want as long as you eat everything on the plate.”


Mumbling under his breathe I heard him say, One item… damn.


I laughed and he looked up at me questioningly.


I said, “I said you can order anything you want as long as you finish everything on the plate.  Not one item, but as many as you finish completely.  Get it?”


His eyes opened wide and he said, “Even appetizers?”


“Anything,” was all I said back to him.


Maybe I should have tempered my statement.  Now I’ve known young boys that could eat a lot, but Jorge was an exception.  He ate more than two grown men, and his tab was close to thirty Gilders and the meals weren’t that expensive.  But he finished everything, ordering throughout the meal so he could finish it all.


In between bites and during one long pause before his next entrée arrived he said, “Hey, this is really generous of you, so I guess you really want your moneys worth.”


“Of being my seeing eye dog – my tour guide,” I said.


He laughed as another plate was set in front of him.  “Hey, I don’t even know your name.  What should I call you?”


“Just call me Brian.”


“Okay… Brian…, “ then he almost whispered, “my guess is that you want to spend some private time with me… alone in a bed.  Did I guess right?”


“Only if you’re willing and you really want to,” I replied very sincerely.  “You are a very beautiful boy and are most appealing to me.  But understand this, I’ve never been with a boy – ever.  I’ve only been with two guys my age and that was long ago.  I consider myself hetro, so go figure. But I do have some fantasies I’d like to try out.  But it’s you’re call what we do and how long we do it.  I’m a lover not a fighter.”


Jorge chuckled then said, “I’m bi I guess but I really prefer pussy to cock, but there ain’t many ladies that want to spend the night with a boy… there’s some, but they are few and far between, and most of them are local and repeats.  Only difference between us is that I’ve been with a lot more guys.  Some of them were really good too.  Let me eat this and let’s go to your place.  Sounds like fun.”


Before he started woofing the food down again, I asked him how long he had been prostituting himself.


He told me he’d just turned thirteen, and had started two years before. 


Did I want to know any more about his life?  I wasn’t really sure.  I was starting too really like this kid.


The hotel I rented was nice and comfortable.  It was a small suite with a bedroom, a separate sitting room, and a small kitchenette.  I couldn’t have afforded this during the tourist season.  I was only paying about one-third of the cost for the in-season rate.


Jorge seemed impressed and as soon as the door was closed he smiled a huge smile and ran up and hugged me tightly thanking him for an amazing lunch.  He said he hadn’t felt that full in months.


“Can I kiss you?  I really want to do that… you know like a thank you for the lunch” he asked.


While the thought would have repulsed me hours before, it seemed so natural at the time I did just that.  I expected a simple peck but it was my turn to be surprised when his kiss was more passionate than most women I had kissed.  The boys’ thick broad lips and his fat tongue were very experienced.  I only hoped that I gave as good as I got.  It started getting me hard.


After a few kisses with my hands roaming under his shirt and over his silky smooth back and bottom that was tight and small, he said, “I need a shower before we get into it.  It’s been a couple of days.  That okay?”


“Sure, just tidy up after you finish.  I mean adult tidying up.  Got it?”


He just smiled and headed to the bath room.  It wasn’t ten minutes later that I heard my hair dryer and sooner than I expected he walked into the sitting area buck naked. 


“Why are you still dressed?” He asked.


I didn’t answer, I just looked over this beautiful child.  He was semi hard and circumcised but it looked promising for what I wanted.  There were just a few scant fine blond hairs above his handsome cock and his nut sack had dropped giving his whole package a nice shape.  He looked very fit and his muscles were starting to fill in. Seeing me looking at him he slowly turned around.  God I loved his tight little butt.  It was perfectly shaped and just the right size - small round and it looked very firm.  Two dimples showed up on his cheeks when he tightened his gluteus.  His bottom was just as cute as they get.  That ass on a girl or a boy, or hell even a woman would be perfect.


“Okay,” he said, “times a wasting, get out of your clothes.  And before you say anything, let me show you how good I am.  Besides, you need to get off or else you’re going to explode.”


I stripped quickly and after looking me over and smiling he quickly kissed me once more and then pushed me back on the sofa.  He went between my legs and started playing with my cock.  I was already hard as could be.  Then I felt his mouth on my cock, and in no time he had consumed all of it as he rolled my nuts together carefully.  He knew what guys like when getting a blow job, and his performance was flawless.  About half-way through sucking me off he pulled my ball sack taught with one hand and then slapped my balls with his other hand.  He started gently at first then increased his slaps.  It started to hurt in the nicest way possible.  By the time I was ready to explode he backed off some and then stopped as my nuts clung tightly against the base of my cock.  It didn’t take long for me to cum really hard, and Jorge sucked me dry swallowing it all.


After a few seconds he said, “You have yummy stuff.  Thanks for a nice load.  You feel better now?”


“God yes.  You were amazing.  I’ve never had a bad blow job but that one was in the top five for sure.”


“Please don’t tell me that you’ve only had five blow jobs or I’ll be heartbroken,” he said teasing me with his light grey eyes really twinkling at me.”


I just laughed at him as he came up and sat in my lap and kissed me.  I could taste the remnants of my cum in his mouth.  Somehow that was very sexy too.


As he sat across me he started touching my chest and playing with my nipples.  “You may be on the shorter side, but you are a real sexy man.  Based on your coloring and hair I thought you’d be way hairy, but your chest is just perfect.  You trim… right?


“Yep, else it covers up the whole package,” I said.


“But it looks like you shave too… I mean your pubes are real narrow.”


“Nope, that’s natural.  Where the hair grows it grows long, but there aren’t many spots that it grows.  I’m grateful for that.


Tired of the conversation, I lifted him and took him into the bedroom.  “Your turn,” I said.  It was my turn to touch and suck on this boy, and I was already hard again.


As I lay him down on the bed I ran my hands up his neck and fanned out his long hair.  Holding onto the back of his head, I kissed him again as I lowered myself partially onto him.  I guess it was instinct that he opened his long legs wide and put them around my back.  It was very sexy and the warmth of his silky smooth skin got me even more excited than I had been.  I nuzzled his neck and I could smell the remnants of the spearmint soap he had used in my shower.  His nipples were small and hard as I licked and sucked on them giving them each a firm pinch as I moved on.  As I started moving down his torso kissing and caressing him, his legs fell onto the bed as I maneuvered my way to his stomach.  There wasn’t much fat on the boy but he had a nice layer of flesh covered his bones.  Naked, he certainly didn’t look boney or skinny at all.  My hands felt first and them my mouth followed and soon, my hand was at the top of his now quite stiff cocklette.  My fingers could make out a few whisps of hair as I circled his cock with my fist.  He was probably five inches long and maybe an inch in diameter.  Perfect.


Now it had been a long time since I held a cock in my hand other than mine, and it felt… well strange, but pleasantly strange.  I choked the little protrusion squeezing it tightly.  Then I relaxed my grip and followed the head of his cock ridge with my finger.  I scooted further down the bed and lifted myself up to look at his cocklette.   It was perfectly straight and the head was just a tad larger than his shaft.  Precum was pearling at its tip and I licked it off with my tongue.  He spasmed a little when I did that. 


A long time ago I had a woman tell me that my tongue was very different than most men.  She likened it to a dogs tongue, just a tad like oily fine sandpaper.  I had often wondered about that statement until I learned from her girl friend that she had a long lasting affair with her Black Lab.  A very large Black Lab that catered to her every whim.


I felt his nut sack and sort of rolled his balls together inside his scrotum using just a little pressure.  Jorge was starting to breathe heavier and the boys’ hands were rubbing my head and hair.  My only curiosity was if he was squirting as yet.  Probably so based on his development, but I’d never had anyone ejaculate in my mouth.  I was as excited by the notion as I was repulsed.  It was a weird feeling for sure, but I was going to let him.  It was payback for the pleasure he’d shown me.


Time to do this thing, I thought.  I put my lips over the head of his cock and sucked it a couple of inches into my mouth while my tongue flicked his cocklettes frenulum.   I felt his cock flex in my mouth. 


The sensation of having a cock in my mouth felt strange.  It was the taste more than the texture that seemed foreign.  A few minutes later I was truly enjoying myself as I sucked this boys’ cocklette, and he seemed to be enjoying it as well.  I had a feeling that he was long enough to hit the back of my throat and I was hoping not to gag, but sooner than later I did as I tried to press my lips to his groin.  I coughed a couple of times and heard him say, “Just ease the tip of it across that area really gently – the sensation will pass.  Your body thinks it’s going to choke.  Teach it otherwise.  By the way, you got the neatest tongue… I mean it’s really stimulating.”


I chuckled to myself and a short time later his advice had stopped that reflex and my mouth and part of my throat was consuming him: So much so that I could lap at his balls.  I thought it would be a bit of overkill to try and suck one, or maybe both of his nuts into my mouth at the same time, but that was something I would consider for later.


I took my time to maximize his pleasure, and now mine.  The boy was, or seemed to be, truly enjoying himself.


As I sucked on him, I touched his stomach and thighs.  While his stomach was smooth and silky as a baby, his thighs were covered with fairly dense, super fine blond hair.  It was erotic to touch.


I put my hands under his thighs and pushed his legs off the bed bending them backwards as I scooted up.  His cock left my mouth momentarily and I looked at his amazing bottom.  His rose bud was all pink and as clean as a whistle.  I decided to lap him from his butt crack to his nut sack and did.  I centered my tongue on his butt hole and lapped at it.  He was sighing now and breathing heavy.  I stayed with it for a few moments pushing it inside him.  His butt hole opened easily to accommodate my tongue and he sighed with pleasure.  Replacing my tongue with a finger, I started to finger fuck his colon.  Finally I put two fingers inside him and lowered his legs back to the bed and swallowed his cocklette whole.  His back rose off the bed and I heard him faintly say, “Soon… real soon.”


I could feel his cocklette flexing in my mouth and his sphincter muscles contracting around my fingers.  I started simply masturbating his cocklette with my mouth just slithering up and down his shaft.


I felt him tense up, his elbows rising off the bed and I knew his eruption was eminent.  I stopped finger fucking his anus and fully inserted them and curled them so I could massage his prostate.  He seemed to really enjoy this.  As I did that; I moved my mouth to just cover the head and a little more of his cocklette and gently stroked his frenulum with the flat of my tongue.   I felt his legs go rigid next to me and then the first bolt of ejaculate hit the roof of my mouth as his bottom raised up off the bed. 


Before I had time to think, the second bolt of hot sperm shot into my mouth.  Instinctively I used his cocklette like a straw and sucked at his urethra as I swallowed his sweet cum, and sweet it was.  The volume wasn’t huge, it was just perfect.  As I swallowed another ribbon was ejected in my mouth.  He probably shot about six times and I was actually disappointed when it stopped.  I made him cum, and he rewarded me with his life force.  It got me way hot.  Here was something that you could experience with a member of the same sex that a woman couldn’t offer you.  That totally screwed with my head for awhile.


As his orgasm quieted down with his cocklette still in my mouth I just delighted in lapping at him very gently.  I knew his cocklette was very sensitive and I didn’t want it to get painful for him.  Finally I felt his hard-on start wilting, and as I pulled my mouth off of him I took as much of the dampness as I could with me.  I scooted up along side of him and still sweating and breathing heavy he rolled over tossing his leg and an arm over me and kissed me on my neck.  I let him recover as I patted and stroked his back.


As I thought about what had just transpired, I was taken back to myself at his age and being picked up by that man.  I realized that what he did to me, I just did with Jorge.  Sure the environment was better, but the feelings and excitement I’d had that day seemed to mimic the experience I had given Jorge.


A few minutes later as we cuddled he quietly said, “That was awesome… sorry I don’t believe that you haven’t done this before.”


“Believe what you will but this is the first time. And I swear, I’ve never had anyone ejaculate in my mouth… ever.  But I’ll tell you this, I want to do that again… and with you.”


He giggled and said, “Anytime Brian, but I can’t afford to pay you, you know.”


We both laughed at that.


Shortly after he raised himself up on his elbow, smiled at me and came in for a nice long kiss.  After a few minutes he sat up on the edge of the bed and said, “Wow… I hope this doesn’t piss you off, but that made me hungry again.”


“Can you hold out awhile?  If so, we can go and have dinner a little later.”


“I said it made me hungry, but just about anything makes me hungry, and I didn’t mean I wanted food right now, but dinner sounds great.”


Then, as he caressed my chest and stomach he said, “So what can I do to make you really happy?  I think there’s something that you would like to do but may be afraid to ask.  Trust me, I’ve seen it all.  Just tell me.”


It’s true that someone with an olive complexion can still blush, and I believe that I did.  He caught it and a small smile curled up at the edges of his mouth. 


“Well, my fantasy is that I’m being fucked and sucked at the same time. Since that’s not possible with just the two of us, can you fuck me and masturbate me at the same time?”


He smiled and said, “So that’s how you knew about massaging me inside my butt.  That’s only happened a few times and I really love it.  It’s like before, I came twice...  once from my cock and the other from my ass.  That was really intense.  But wouldn’t a guy with a larger cock be better.  If you’re on the bottom, I might not be able to fully penetrate you, and my cock is pretty short to begin with.”


“I’m really flexible and no, I don’t want to do this with a man.  You’re perfect, and your size is too.”


He looked like he was thinking and then he babbled, “Ahhh, so that’s why you asked for Siji.  How did you know he was longer than me and about the same thickness?”


“I didn’t, but I hoped he’d be about the right size.”


“Who told you anyway?”


“It was some gay guy in a sex shop.  I was looking for a dildo about your size.  He suggested I get a real one… attached to a young man.”


Jorge laughed pretty hard.  “Was it the big sex shop with the red awnings about three blocks from the Café?”


“Yes,” I said.


“You talked to Adrie.  He generally opens the shop.  Gay, kinda cute, real girlie.  Was that him?”


“I believe so.  You know him?”


“Yea, we have a deal.  He sends us customers some times if he likes the person asking.  Then for payback we let him play with us for awhile.  He really is into Siji.  I let him blow me once.  He’s really gay, but really nice to us.  Anyway, what we need is to get Siji and us together so we can do this right.  But in the meantime, let’s give it a try.  It’s rare I get to be a top, and promise me that sometime before you go, you’ll let me be a bottom… okay?”


I hadn’t heard the terms before, but they were sort of self-explanatory so I replied. “As long as I don’t hurt you, I’d really like to try that.”


“Trust me, with you I know I’ll really love that.


We chatted some more as we played with each other and got into necking now and again.  When we were both really hard, Jorge got off the bed and through the bedroom door I could see him open his backpack and pull out a bottle.  It was lube, and I was grateful for that because I didn’t have any.”


He came back in and said, “Okay, spread um.”


He was surprised at my flexibility as I almost went into the splits lifting my butt slightly off the bed.   I had a small bottom too and I opened up wide for him.  He started with my cock and started masturbating me easily.  With his other hand, his fingers spread the lube on my hole and then he pushed some inside.  As he stroked my cock, he pushed two fingers inside me and started massaging my colon.  That felt really good.


“Ready?” he asked.


I just smiled at him.  He slathered the lube on his cocklette and scooted up close.  He put the tip against my hole and pushed slightly.


“Tell me if it hurts,” he said.


“It’s going to be fine, just go ahead.”


“But you’re a virgin,” he smiled.


“And you’re a boy… which is why I picked you for this seamy exercise.”


“Can I shoot my stuff inside you?”


“Yes… that I want to feel if I can.”


“You will, trust me.”


He pushed and my anus opened slowly.  Soon the head of his cocklette painlessly popped inside me.  I said, “Go in as far as you can.”


He did, and it felt wonderful.  I tightened my sphincter muscles around his cocklette and he just said, “Wow… tight too, even for me.”


After adjusting his knees under my bottom he started moving at a gentle pace.  I just closed my eyes as his hands gripped my cock.  The sensations of his hands and cocklette totally relaxed me.  This felt wonderful.


He started masturbating me in a way that I had never though of.  As he increased his pace fucking me, he stroked my cock using both hands, but one at a time and always going from the base of my cock up the shaft with his fingers massaging my frenulum as his other hand started at the base and moved upwards.  Then he repeated the movement.  About half way through he started doing it the other way – all movements started at the tip of my cock and stopped at the base.  Shortly after, and through to the end he reversed his direction again.  He also adjusted his legs pushing my bottom higher off the bed and every time his cock bottomed out it tapped against my prostrate.


I lost myself in the feelings that were surging through my body.  Every time he withdrew his cocklette from my colon I tightened on him.  His hands and fingers worked miracles on my cock.  I started sweating and breathing heavily and soon my cock hardened to steel as the onset of my orgasm was approaching.


I briefly looked at Jorge and he had his head thrown back with his mouth open as he pounded me harder and faster as well.  We were both close.  The kid was a pro, he let me come first and midway through my orgasm I felt him shoot his hot spunk into my colon.  That really set me off.  I shook in delight as the rapture spread through my body.  I exploded too, my cum shooting two or three feet off the bed.  I came more that day than I ever had and my orgasm lasted intensely for a good while.  So intense was it that the bed was pretty saturated with the sweat rolling off me onto the sheets.  Jorge left his cock inside me as he lay down on my chest.  His hands caressed my chest as his lips gently touched mine.  Both of us were panting and recovering.  It was an amazing day, and I couldn’t believe that I had experiences all of this with a lad that was just thirteen.


Awhile later Jorge was looking for munchies in the kitchenette.  “What, you forget to stock up?  We need to fix that.  We need some drinks and something to nibble on.”


“On the way back from dinner we will stop and pick up some groceries.  Okay?”


“Sounds good,” he said.


I looked at my watch and it was nearly six o’clock.  I looked at him and said, it’s time for dinner.  Where is a good steak house?  I need some meat and potatoes.”


“We’re a little early for dinner, maybe in an hour and I know just the place.  So… we’ve got time to get another round in.  For some reason you make me really horny.”


I was surprised by the comment and said to him, “I’m not sure I can go another round just yet.”


“Trust me,” he said.  You’ll really like this, but I need a quick rinse first.  In fact we both do, but the shower is too small for us both.  You go first, just make it fast.”


No more than fifteen minutes later he emerged from the bathroom all fresh.  While he was showering I changed the sheets.  They’d taken a real beating.  As he walked in I was just lying on the bed and he literally jumped right on top of me and started tickling me.  I reciprocated and soon a pillow fight ensued.  It didn’t last long and we ended up almost as sweaty as we were before our showers.


He handed me the bottle of lube and said, “Get me greasy, then fuck me.  You’ll really like it I promise.”


“You sure?”


“Just do it,” he said.


We were facing each other on our knees on the bed and I pulled him close to me and hugged him tightly.  “You are a very special boy, and today has been a fantastic day that I never dreamed would happen.  So thanks, you’ve made me a very happy guy.”


As I pulled away to kiss him, a tear rolled down his cheek.  This was getting too emotional, but we kissed for some time.  It seemed that his day was very special too.


I ran my hands over his back and bottom enjoying the sensations of his warm silky baby skin.  He turned around with his head facing the top of the bed and bent down resting his chest on the mattress and his beautiful butt in the air.


I opened the lube bottle and applied it like he did to me, then greased up my already rigid cock.  My cock is a bit shy of six inches and only about an inch and five-eights in diameter.  That I’m larger than many men is a sad consolation prize.  But over the years I’ve learned to use it well.  But ask any lady and they’ll tell you that longer and fatter – to a point – is better, regardless what they tell men.  Jorge on the other hand didn’t really care.


I put a box of tissue close to me and scooted up to his bottom.  Using my finger I circled his rosy pink, applying gentle pressure.  Soon it started to open and my finger slipped into his colon. 


I massaged him for awhile and then he said, “I’m ready.  Just start easy.”


After wiping the lube off my hand I centered my cock at his entrance and pushed holding onto his hips.  My cock slipped into him slowly and just before the head was grasped by his sphincter, I saw him wince just a tad.  Knowing not to stop, I just pushed until his hole closed over my cock head.  Jorge relaxed again, and I started entering him slowly.  To my surprise he pushed back against me and I thrust inside him stopping as I bottomed out.


“Sweet,” he said.


I started slowly and his hips moved to set a rhythm he wanted which was faster than I was moving.  Soon he was doing all the work and the feelings my cock was experiencing were off the charts.  Then he started clamping down on me which made it even better.


For some reason, I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I wanted to be inside him for as long as I could.  So by some instinct I stopped and picked him up still attached to me, grabbed the lube and carried him off to the sitting room. 


I sat in a comfy chair with a very soft and deep bottom cushion and he bottomed out sitting on my cock.  He looked a little surprised when I took some lube and greased up his half-way hard cocklette. 


He got the idea and smiled.  Now I could set the pace as I masturbated his cocklette and fucked him at the same time.  His cocklette responded fast and got very hard.  I couldn’t concentrate enough to stroke him like he did me, but he seemed to really like my style.  I pushed myself forward on the chair as he put his feet on my knees.  We set a pace together as I stroked his cocklette and soon those special feelings rose inside us both. 


“Soon,” he said, “Real soon.  This feels so damn good.”


He tightened his colon muscle on my cock, and the angle I was entering him was pounding his newly awakened colon.  With his feet he adjusted the angle for maximum stimulation on his colon, and working his cocklette was exciting to me as well.  When we were close to cuming, he turned his head and looked into my eyes.  I obliged and we started deep kissing.  Something happened and soon we were breathing in and exhaling into each other.  It was a turn on.  Deprived of oxygen we were making the experience last longer.  We stayed that way, gasping for fresh air only occasionally.  It got totally intense, and soon we crested a hill that put us both in the throes of orgasm. 


I couldn’t handle the sensations and just as the lack of oxygen was getting us close to blacking out, we both gulped fresh air.  My cock was rigid and it surged with renewed energy exploding into Jorge.  I could feel his cocklette was starting to pulse - shooting cum up in the air as we both exploded in orgasm.  We continued to deep kiss as it came upon us, and enjoyed the bliss that we were sharing.  When he came, his sphincter tightened up on me so strongly that it was hard to move inside him.  His colon seemed to ripple across my cock milking it for all the ejaculate it could get.  Our breathing slowed over probably five minutes.  We just cuddled there enjoying the sensations that would surprise and tickle us both from time to time.


As we came back to the real world he said, “I hope you have some tissue close by else I’ll make a mess when I get off your lovely cock.  Then a shower and dinner – now I’m really starved.”


I said, “Grab me around my back and I’ll walk us both into the shower.”


Jorge turned the water on and we huddled close cleaning each other.  After we were dry, Jorge opened his back pack and got out some tattered jeans and a clean shirt.  We dressed, tidied up a bit and I sat down for a moment.


“I looked at him and said, here, put this in your back pack.” 


He looked at what I handed him and said, “Hey Brian, that’s way too much.”


I ignored him and said, “After dinner we are going shopping for some clothes for you.  Are you willing to spend the night with me?  We can still have a few days together if you want to.  I’d really like that.”


“You bet.  I’m yours for as long as you want, and you are one guy I’ll really miss after you’re gone.  Now before I start tearing up, let’s eat.  If you thought I was hungry at lunch, you won’t believe what I’ll eat tonight!


- END -


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* Credit goes to the Ready One for contributing this example.



© Copyright 2010 by, Pavel Nabokov

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This story is consensual in nature and contains a fantasy of explicit detailed sexual content with minors.  It is Adults Only material.  If this type of reading material offends you – you do not want to read this story.  Story codes generalize the story to provide the reader a sense of its content.


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