Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ------ Nikki by oyster50 CopyrightÂ(C) 2012 by oyster50 ------ Description: Hurricane season in south Louisiana. Dan stays behind because it's HIS ancestral home. In the aftermath, he rescues another stay-behind, a young girl. Hurricanes change a lot of things. Including two lives. Codes: Mf cons het 1st oral mastrb menses slow ------ ------ Chapter 1 "Ill blows the wind that profits nobody" -" William Shakespeare ------ The land had been home to members of my family for generations, with the best part of the property being a high ridge running parallel to the not too distant Gulf of Mexico. After great great grand-dad bought a couple of thousand acres, over the years of heirs and sub-dividing, I was fortunate to end up with the choicest of tracts, including the hillock on which I built my house. Now about the house. I'm an engineer, electrical, actually, and several years ago I was in the middle of a bunch of other engineers, drinking beer and eating barbecue in somebody's back yard and I mentioned the tract of land. Beautiful place, but it was the stripe down the middle of hurricane alley. Flooding wasn't likely, but winds? Nothing for miles in any direction except a few live oak trees bent in interesting poses by decades of wind. We had representation of the engineering staff there, my co-workers, contemporaries, and when I said something about building, they ran through a litany of jokes about houses blowing away. But the civil guy said, "Nah! Piece of cake. I can draw up some specs and some plans and details and I can guarantee that a Category Five won't touch it." And that's how the house was built. Where a standard foundation rode on the surface of the soil with a thick chainwall around the edge, MY foundation was tied with steel to a set of poured reinforced concrete borings. And the frame was bolted and strapped to the foundation. And the roof was strapped to the walls. And the roofing was sheet steel, screwed down with five times the standard fastenings. The windows were double strength and there were REAL shutters, decorative when folded back, to be sure, but when closed, the wind and blown debris wouldn't touch the windows. Anything outside was built to stand a hundred and seventy-five mile per hour winds. With engineered margins. Everything. That was the house. And I'm the electrical guy, so behind the house was a generator. And a BIG tank of fuel. Enough for three or four weeks. Propane. It doesn't go bad. And I took care of it, running it, maintaining it, just like the ones that my clients depended on for emergency backup power. And when the parish (county if you're not in Louisiana) came by with a community water system, I said NO! and kept my deep well with a pump that I supplied power for. That's what I had. And it was wonderful solitude. The nearest neighbor was a half mile away for the first two years after I built the house and moved in. And then a distant cousin decided to make some money off the government and built a set of apartments on an adjacent tract. Our rural area had NO "low income" housing, and a set of apartments was guaranteed to be filled with occupants who paid with government checks. Plus, he got a "special" deal on financing. And his "do-good" project leapt right over my objections to the zoning. So my dream house now was neighbor to a set of four apartments in a two story frame building. Ten miles from the coast. And I can tell you that it wasn't built like MY house. And it was August in Louisiana and every day I spent a few minutes checking weather reports for hurricanes. It was that time of the year. And one morning I looked, and there one was. I and everybody else on the coast followed the track and two days out, I knew I was in for a ride. I called the agency that employed me as a troubleshooter and go-to guy for industrial power, and told them to take my name off the board for a few days. It was time to prepare. I bought groceries. I checked the battery stock, just in case. Wasn't anything left to do but close and bar the shutters and I was ready. Twenty-four hours before the storm, I was sitting in the living room, watching TV and petting the big yellow cat that was my companion. I watched the local news stations breathlessly calling for evacuations of the parish wherein I resided. I sat on my own porch and watched cars leaving the apartments as well as places further back up the road. The winds picked up under strange-colored skies, clouds moving purposefully in busy patterns toward the storm out in the Gulf. I walked into my garage to check the big diesel pickup truck that was enclosed. Its tank was full, and there was a fresh drum of diesel inside the garage. In an adjacent building was my travel trailer. In hurricane winds, that trailer would be like a ping-pong ball in a blender, except that it was fully ensconced in a shelter built just as well as the house. The truck was a tool of the trade. So was the trailer, home away from home when I had an out of state project. Prepped? That was me. Before cell towers went down, I called my family, sister and brother, safely housed further inland, and they were joining thousands moving north and east and west out of the oncoming storm. Both of them tried talking me out of staying, but I knew what roads looked like, jammed bumper to bumper, moving start and stop for a hundred miles in every direction. So I made a pot of red beans and a pot of rice to go with it, and sat back to surf the news until the lines went down. The winds continued to pick up. I watched my home's weather station. The winds started gusting above forty at dark. Sunset? No sun visible, just some peculiar glow in a generally western direction. I kicked back the recliner. The display was showing gusts over sixty by eight PM. And rising. The lights flickered. Came back on. Flickered again. And stayed off. That was the electricity. THEIR electricity. I went to my utility room, flashlight in hand, pushed a button, pulled a handle, and the lights were back on. Generator. The cable was gone, too. Same pole somewhere up the road, most likely. Mentally I cussed. I knew I should've switched to a satellite system. I could've hardened that. I took comfort in the idea that with the heavy cloud and rain, the satellite signal would have been very erratic. But still ... I made mental note for a change when things got back to normal. We were ninety and gusting higher, the howl of the wind audible even through well-built and insulated walls. Tommi, the neutered tomcat, decided that he needed companionship and he wedged himself into the recliner beside me. I put a DVD in the player and went to sleep. I woke up and the winds were from the opposite direction, but down to forty in gusts. I looked out my portholes, the little windows that I didn't have shutters on, and it was daybreak. I'd weathered the storm. I fixed breakfast for myself and put a treat down for the old yellow cat. We enjoyed breakfast. Well, I enjoyed my own. He looked at his, and turned his picky old butt to it and stalked off. By eight, the winds were down to thirty mile per hour gusts. I decided it was time to survey my kingdom. I walked outside. Windy. Splatters of rain. Low clouds scudding purposefully towards the eye somewhere inland. But the storm was over. I walked around the building. Not a thing was out of place. It had survived unscathed, result of a little engineering and a little extra time and money. The RV shelter was similarly unscathed. I busied myself opening shutters, putting my house back in normal condition. That took an hour. I flipped open the cellphone. No signal. And I looked around, past my own fence. My neighboring apartment building was down in a shambles. Roof of part of it lifted off and flew to who knows where. The rest pushed over. I didn't see a sign of life, but as far as I knew, everybody had evacuated The next thing I did was turn on the radio for local news. The storm had come ashore as a Category Three, the eye passing fifteen or twenty miles east of me. I'd come through the worst of it. The radio detailed post-storm situations. Like the fact that I was inside an area that was off limits to travel. The people who had evacuated wouldn't be allowed back. Walking down to the road and looking toward town, I could understand. Storm surge waters covered it a quarter mile from me. I could see debris as far as I could see. I walked to the fence between my property and the apartment complex to get a better look. The fence, tall boards, was laying flat, having succumbed to early winds, I imagined. I was thinking about how much money was 'saved' on its construction and the construction of the apartments, building as cheaply as possible. I supposed that they have more than enough insurance, and after a few years of charging exorbitant rates to people who were spending government money, I figured they'd gotten their investment back already. But that's just numbers. I deal with a lot of numbers. What I didn't intend to deal with was a faint sound from the rubble. I tilted my head to hear better. Yes. It was there. Sobbing. "Helloooooo!!!!" I yelled. "Who's in there?" "Hellllllllppppp!" was the return. My day just went from a relaxing bit of isolation to some sort of rescue effort. I jumped onto the flattened fence and ran to the edge of the rubble pile. "Help me!" A strained, crying, feminine voice. "I can't get out!" "Keep talking," I called. "I need your voice to find you!" I turned to the western end of the rubble. "Are you okay?" "I'm trapped! I can move, but I can't get out!" "Can you see daylight?" I asked. "Yes! There's boards in the way. I can't get past them." I moved closer to the voice. I carefully climbed on some sort of satanic playground, carefully, wood splintered, cheap siding and plywood folded and cracked. "One more time," I said. "Here. Over here. I saw your shadow. I'm wavin' my arm!" I stopped and scanned the pile for movement. There! I saw a hand. "For heaven's sake, girl, are you okay?" "I ... I don't know! I got hit on the head. I scraped my leg." She wasn't too badly covered. The building's collapse had basically taken her wall sideways in one piece, leaving her with a space big enough for her to fit safely, a minor miracle. "Okay, I see your hand! Now keep still. Let's see what I need to do to get you out!" "Oh, thank God," she said. "Are you the rescue people?" "Nope, I'm the guy next door." I carefully lowered myself to a semi-prone position on the rubble so I could see her. There was a teenaged female face, wet, speckled with debris, hair a matted mess. She was separated from freedom by a lattice of two by four wall studs that had collapsed accordion-like as the building fell sideways. I tried pulling on one. It was loose. Not loose enough that I could pull it out of the way with my hands, but loose enough to tell me that if it was gone, the building wouldn't fall further. I tried another. Same finding. Okay. A plan was forming. "Let's get some names. "I'm Dan Granger. And you're..." "Dominique Domingue. People call me Nikki. N-I-K-K-I." That last name was pronounced "doe-main" in Cajun country. "Hi, Nikki. I would have rather met you on a better note. I'm gonna have to go back to my house and get some tools. But we're gonna get you out of here, okay? Just wait a few more minutes." "O-okay," she said. "Thank you, Mister Dan." "It's okay, Nikki. I'll be back in a few minutes." I carefully eased off the pile very carefully. I knew that I was on my own here. The last thing I needed was an injury to myself, especially since now there was another human life involved. Reaching the edge, I jogged back to the house and unlocked the side door to the shop building that held my tools. I retrieved a battery-powered reciprocating saw and a couple of the most aggressive blades I had in the drawer, and headed back to see Miss Nikki. Reaching the edge of the pile, I called, "Nikki, I'm back. Hang in there." "I'm not going anywhere, Mister Dan," she said. I parsed that answer. Trapped in a collapsed building in a hurricane disaster area, and she found enough in herself to make a joke. After carefully picking my way back up the pile, I looked in at her. "Everybody's gone except the one comedian," I said. "Sorry. It's the stress," she said. "Can you get me out?" "Yeah, in a minute. Back up away from me as far as you can. I need to saw these boards." I put my hand on the offending lumber. She scooted back a couple of feet. "Close your eyes. There's gonna be sawdust," I warned. "Okay. Go ahead." I positioned the saw and pulled the trigger. Three seconds to complete the first cut. I pulled the board out of the way, watching for movement that might indicate the debris shifting. I saw none. I cut the other end of that bit loose. A similar procedure had the second out of the way in another minute. There was, I surmised, a girl-sized hole to crawl through. "Okay, Miss Nikki," I said. "Let's see if you can get out of there." I saw her hands appear, then she stuck her head out. A few wiggles later, she was holding onto my hand as she slithered free. She stood up shaking. Soaking wet. Jeans were soaked, spattered with bits of insulation and debris. Cotton t-shirt, torn at the neck. Athletic shoes. Hair plastered to her face. Shivering. Dammit! I should've thought to bring a blanket. Rescuers need blankets, right? "Can you walk?" I asked. "Uh-huh. I think so," she answered. "Then let's be real careful getting off this mess. We don't want to get hurt here by ourselves." I held her hand and guided her over the mess to get to solid ground. She saw my house. "Your house. It's okay?" "Yes it is, Nikki." WE walked across the collapsed fence and into my yard. I opened the door. Cool air flooded out. "Come in. Let's get you cleaned up." "Okay. How? How do you still have electricity?" "Generator," I said. "Look, we need to get you cleaned up and you need to check yourself out. I have a shower. Hot water. Can you clean yourself?" "I ... I think so." "We have a problem, though. I don't have any clothes that'll fit you. You can give me those and I can wash 'em. You'll have to make do with a T-shirt and maybe a pair of pajama bottoms. They'll be big, though." I herded her to the bathroom. She was shivering. I turned the water on. "Shower? Or bath?" "S-shower, please..." "Okay. I'll leave the shirt and pajamas outside the door when you finish. Call me. Okay?" I thought. "Are you sure you can do this?" "I ... I think so." I left her and went into my bedroom. The ONLY bedroom. I was a single guy and I'd turned the other room that MIGHT be a bedroom into an office, complete with desk, CAD station, bookshelves, drafting table (sometimes you just NEED to do things on real paper) and file cabinets. I scrabbled through my drawers and found a pair of pajama bottoms that I never wore, and a t-shirt and I placed them folded neatly by the door of the bathroom. I could hear the sound of the shower. And then I went back to the living room, watching the cat patrolling his kingdom. I heard the shower stop and the door open and immediately close. Moments later she walked out her head wrapped in a towel. My t-shirt hung loosely, VERY loosely, on her frame. And she was holding the pajamas up with one hand. "Okay," I said. "You made it through the shower. Now, what hurts?" "My head." "Where?" "Right here," she said, lifting the edge of the towel to reveal a reddened mark at her hairline just above her right eye. It was red, but not bleeding nor was it swollen. "That's not too bad. Any headache? Ears ringing? Blurry vision?" "No sir." "Okay, good," I said. "Are you hurting anywhere else? "I have a bruise or something on my leg. I scraped it crawling out of the building. But it's not bleeding either. It's gonna be blue, though." "Okay," I said. "Let me get your stuff in the washer." "You have a washer working?" "I have EVERYTHING working except stuff that came in on a pole. No cable. No phone. But we have our own electricity." And that was the subconscious "we". She sat down on the sofa while I collected her clothes. I rinsed most of the debris off before I loaded up the washer with her stuff, along with a few of my own things. I threw her sneakers in with the clothes. When I made it back to the living room, she was asleep on the sofa. I surveyed. Five feet five inches, more or less. Maybe a hundred ten or a hundred twenty pounds. Definitely brunette, the color of polished walnut, cut at the jawline, bangs straight across at her eyebrows. Blue eyes. Pleasant face. Bare feet showed no polish, nor did her nails. And she was sound asleep. I picked up a light blanket and covered her. Tommi walked up, looked, and he climbed up and made a comfy loaf shape beside her. And purred. I went back to my office to do a little work. Presently I heard the washer cycle end, and I moved the wet load to the dryer. An hour later the dryer beeped and I took the clothes out. I neatly folded her jeans, paired her socks, folded an A-cup sports bra and a pair of blue hip-hugger panties. Her shirt was another matter, but Mom taught me well. I retrieved a sewing kit and dutifully stitched up the torn seam. It was good enough to wear, maybe not to the prom, but good enough. I folded my own stuff, too, and put it up, then went back to my drawings. I was putting a red pen to some field changes when I heard a light knock. "Mister Dan?" I swiveled the chair around. "Hey, Nikki! You got a nap?" "Yessir. I just passed out. It feels good to be clean and dry. I thought I was gonna die in there." I noted that she was holding her bundle of clothes. "Thank you for washing these, okay?" "Oh, don't mention it. You can change in the bathroom." "Okay." And she disappeared. I heard the door close. A couple of minutes later, it opened. "Mister Dan, you wouldn't have hair dryer, would you? My hair's still wet." "Hang on," I said. I got up and went into the bathroom and rifled through the back of a cabinet. I handed her a hair dryer. I opened a drawer and pulled out a brush. "If you don't mind a used brush. But it's clean. The cat's got his own." "I don't mind at all," she said quietly. She plugged in the dryer and went to work on her hair. I went back to my office. Ten minutes later she was back knocking at the door. "Nikki," I said, "if you knock every time you want to come in a room here, you're gonna wear your knuckles out." "Uh ... but..." "Look, sweetie," I said, "The only time you need to knock is when the door's closed, okay? And I'll do that for you, okay? You need privacy, just close the door. I'll knock then." "Okay." "Now, are you thirsty? There are cold drinks in the fridge, and water, and if you want, I can make iced tea." "Oh, do you have a coke?" "Yes ma'am. And I have red beans and rice for dinner. Leftovers, but I can reheat 'em." "That's wonderful." "Come on, then. Let's go get something to eat." She followed me to the kitchen. Tommi was winding himself between her ankles as I moved pots on the stove and stuck leftover rice into the microwave. I looked at the cat. "That's Tommi, with an "i". I never saw him take to somebody like he seems to do with you. He's usually pretty suspicious." "With an "I"?" "Yeah, since I had him fixed." Nikki giggled. For the first time. It was like the tinkle of tiny bells. And it was a long time since that sound had graced these walls. "You're funny." I smiled at her. She sipped her coke and looked around. "I can't believe you have all this stuff running. And why's YOUR house okay when my apartment is a wreck?" "Because this is what happened when engineers get to do things the way they want to. I probably paid an extra twenty percent to build this house like this." "Wow!" "So how come you didn't evacuate? Was there anyone else in that building?" I kicked myself now. I should have asked that question earlier. "I was the only one there. I watched everyone else leave." Why didn't you leave with your folks?" "My mom was already up north. I was supposed to catch a ride with my neighbor, but they wouldn't let her back into the parish after they started the evacuation. I couldn't get a ride. And I really didn't want to go off with her. She's a huge slut. And a druggie." "Why didn't you call 911?" "I tried. The phone lines were messed up. Busy, I guess." "Oh," I said. "Does anyone know you're here?" "I dunno," she said. "Mom prob'ly thinks I'm with my cousins. She's prob'ly thinkin' that we'll catch up in a few days." "In a few DAYS!?!?!?" I was incredulous. "You gotta know my mom. She's not exactly a candidate for parent of the year. I've been home by myself for four days now." "Huh? Even with a hurricane?" "Yessir. Sometimes she goes off with one of her guys for a few days. I'm okay." "She leaves you? How old are you, Nikki?" "Fifteen. Since last month." "That's hard to believe." "At least we got the, uh, we HAD the apartment. Section 8. Welfare. An' Mom works as a waitress at that bar up in town. They pay her cash so she doesn't have to report it." "Oh." This wasn't a happy story. I heard the pot bubbling. "Beans are ready. Come fix you a bowl." I showed her where dinnerware and silverware was located and we each sat down at the table with a bowl of beans and rice before us. She wasn't bashful about digging in. "I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday." "I'm sorry. I should have offered you something sooner. I didn't think..." "Oh, Mister Dan, that's okay! You've done enough already." "Yeah, but if you wait on me, I'm liable to forget. I'm not used to having guests." "I'm not a guest." "Yes you are." She looked at me with those blue eyes. "No wife?" "Nope. Not for seven years. She moved to California with a new husband." "Kids?" "Nope. Wife and I tried. She had complications that almost killed her. So no, no kids." "Oh. Girlfriends?" "Nuh-uh. And while you're here, you don't have to ask if you're hungry or thirsty. Just grab it and eat. But go light on the milk. There's only a gallon before we have to do powdered." "I don't want to be a burden." "You're not a burden. Make yourself at home. Really." We finished our meal and SHE got up and collected the dishes and put them in the sink and started washing. "Baby, I usually save up until I have a load for the dishwasher." She smiled. She had a quite pleasant smile, I noted. "Oh, this is okay. I'm not used to a dishwasher. I AM the dishwasher at our house." It was my turn to smile. "I appreciate it, babe. Let's go sit in the living room." I noticed a slight limp as she got up and walked. "Are you sure your leg's okay? You're limping." "It's bruised. And scraped, sort of." "Uh ... I don't know how I could look at it, but I should." She regarded me for a few seconds. "I'll be back," she said. She went into the bathroom and in a few moments came out without her jeans, but with a bath towel wrapped around her hips, sarong-style. She walked up to me and turned. I could see the lower end of the bruised area, red and blue. "Nope, not bleeding. It's gonna be interesting colors, though. Where's it hurt?" Securing the towel with one hand, she raised the bottom edge above her right leg, just under the cheek of her ass. Higher. Higher. Light blue panties showed. I could see the bruise. "Right there's the worst part. Feels lumpy." "Do you mind if I touch it?" "Just don't get ambitious," she laughed. I carefully felt the periphery of the raised area. "Yeah, I can feel where it's kind of raised. But it oughtta go away. We could put some ice on it if you want." "Nah," she said, heading to the bathroom, returning with her jeans. "It's just sore. I'm okay, huh?" "Yes, you're okay. Best looking girl that I've ever seen crawl out of a building this week." She grinned. "Thanks." She sat on the sofa and then turned and put her legs on it, lounging. Tommi jumped up beside her, purring. She petted him. I sat in my recliner. "Cable's out, but I have a lot of movies. You can look through them. And there's music CD's too, but it's probably not stuff you like. You're free to look, though. They're in the cabinet next to the TV." She got up and looked. Took a CD, turned to me. "You listen to classical? This is Mozart!" She pronounced it "moat-sart". "Yeah. Actually, I'm pretty eclectic in my tastes, but that's stuff I want to hear over and over." "Really!?!? I would've expected rock or country and western." "Sorry. I'm a little different in that area." "No, Mister Dan," she said. "I'm sitting in YOUR house in the middle of a hurricane disaster zone, sipping a cold coke, the lights are on, the air conditioning's on, and you have classical music. You're different in a lot of areas." "Oh, thanks, I guess." "I mean it good, Mister Dan. I like classical music, too. Don't know why. I go to a different place when I hear it. A place where things are just put together RIGHT! Not the way my life usually is!" "Nikki, you can stop with the "Mister Dan" thing and just call me Dan. Okay?" "But you're, like, OLDER! Uh ... How old are you?" "Forty-one. Ancient, in other words." "I don't think so. But definitely older than me. What kind of work do you do?" "I'm an electrical engineer. I work for whoever's got problems." "Do you make a lot of money? I mean, I'm not bein' nosey, but I saw your truck before, an' your travel trailer." "I'm not Bill Gates. But I've got plenty in savings and this house and that truck and that trailer in the shed are all paid for." "Wow!" "Nikki, it's not that big a deal." She searched through the stack of DVD's and pulled one out. "Do you mind if we watch this?" It was a movie I could called a 'chick flick' although I like the actress in it and it was funny. "Pop it in. I'll turn the TV on." I clicked the remote. She sat back down on the sofa, her legs stretched out in front of her, watching the TV, and if I caught it correctly out of the corner of my eye, she was looking at me, too. We laughed at the same spots. She kept a running commentary about the relationships and how they developed. "I keep wishing things like that would happen to my mom, but they just don't. We've been in that apartment for two years now and I bet she's had at least a dozen and a half different boyfriends." 'I don't know what to say, Nikki." "Me neither. I just don't understand how people can be like that. And some of those guys! She left one at home while she went to get beer an' cigarettes, an' he tried to put the moves on ME!" "He did?" "Yeah," she said. "An' when I told Mom, she accused ME of flirting with 'im." She looked me in the eye. "If somebody's doin' my mom, I don't WANT him. I don't want the kind of guy who'd go with somebody like her." The movie was showing a bedroom scene. "And that." "What?" "Sex. When I do it, it's gonna be something special with somebody I love, not somebody I met at a bar on Saturday night." Her eyes were moist. "You know how much it hurts to figure out your mom's a slut?" "Baby, we can turn this movie off." "Oh, Mister Dan ... uh, Dan, it's not this movie. I'm sorry. I don't know what made me tell you all this." She took a deep breath. "I'm okay. Sorry I unloaded on you. You're just bein' nice to me. Sorry." "That's okay, baby." "I don't have many people to talk to, you know. The neighbors over there aren't exactly the kind of people I want to tell my problems to." "I guess. I never met anybody from over there." "I could tell you stories, babe!" She smiled. "But I'm not there now, am I?" We finished watching the movie. "I don't know what to do about you, Nikki," I said. "What'd'ya mean?" "I mean, nobody knows you're here, and you're probably wanting to find out where your mom's at, and she's probably looking for you." "Dan," she said, "I don't have any close family besides Mom. She never talks to her Dad. He practically disowned her. Her mom's dead. She's got one brother, and nobody's seen him in five years. And Mom's not exactly dying to go back to worryin' about me an' her both." "I'm sorry, babe. I just want to take care of you, is all." "You've took better care of me than anybody else has as long as I can remember." "But I don't want to stop you from being where you need to go." "Uh, Dan, I don't know where to go. I mean, they have shelters an' stuff. But I'd be fifteen an' in a shelter with nobody to take care of me." She stared at me. "I really don't have a place I want to be. This is better than I could ever hope for." "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want, babe, it's alright with me." I breathed a sigh. "But when the roads open up, I will probably be working every day for a few weeks. You'll be by yourself here." Her eyes brightened. "You'd trust me to be here by myself?" "I shouldn't?" "No, you CAN. I promise." She smiled. "Really! I can take care of the house while you work." "Then that's what we'll do. Until we have to do something different." "Thank you." She smiled again. "You have games in that cabinet. Wanna play one? Like "Trivial Pursuit"?" "I haven't played that in years. My sister and her husband and my brother and his wife come over every now and then and we play games. I'll get it." I spread the game stuff on the sofa between us. And didn't tell her that nobody wanted to play with me because I beat them ALL so badly..." I almost DIDN'T beat Nikki. "You play a tough game, little girl," I said. She smiled. "I haven't ever been beat before. You beat me. I thought I was going to impress you." "Believe me, you did." I looked at the clock. "It's getting late. Sleeping arrangements. One of us gets this room. One of us gets the bed." "I'll take the sofa," she said. "It's your house." "It makes out into a bed, if you want." "Nope, it's fine like this. D'ya have a pillow an' stuff?" "Yes," I said. "Lemme get it." I got up to put the game up and get her some sleeping gear. I was retrieving it from the upper shelf of a hall closet and when I turned around, I bumped into her. "Oops," I said. "I didn't know you were behind me." "Sorry, Dan," she said. "I was trying to help." "Here ya go, then." I gave her a sheet and a blanket and a pillow and pillowcase. "In the morning, just ball this up and put it in the corner. We'll do it that way." "Okay," she said as she started turning the sofa into a nest. I went to my own bedroom and stripped, hitting the shower and shaving afterward. And just because, you know, I threw on a little cologne. After I got out of the shower, I pulled my jeans back on and walked back into the living room. In the dim light, I saw her there, stretched out on the sofa. She wasn't asleep yet. "G'nite, Dan," she said. "Thanks for rescuing me." "G'nite, Nikki," I said. And I turned and went to my own room, noting that when she had the covers pulled up to her chin, her shirt and jeans were folded neatly beside the sofa on the floor. I woke up the next day to the smell of bacon. BACON! And I wasn't cooking it. I walked into the kitchen, bleary-eyed. Nikki was at the stove. "You're cooking breakfast?" "I didn't think you'd mind. I saw you had bacon and grits and since you live here by yourself, that means YOU like them. So that's what I cooked. How do you like your eggs?" "You're fixing me EGGS? Can you do "over easy"?" "Sure, silly," she laughed. "They go with bacon and grits." About that time, the kettle started whistling. "I saw you had a coffee pot. I hope I make your coffee right." Five minutes later I was sitting in front of a full breakfast. And she was sitting at the table with me, staring at me over a mug of coffee. The coffee wasn't perfect, but it was close enough. "How's the coffee?" "Great. Just about the way I do it." "And everything else?" "I'm astounded. And I have NEVER eaten breakfast here that I didn't cook myself." Giggle. "Really?" "Really." "I'm just trying to earn my keep, Dan." "You don't have to earn your keep here, Nikki. You're here. That's good enough. But god, I appreciate eating somebody else's cooking." "I like doing it. I made you smile. That makes me happy!" Her eyes twinkled. I looked at those twinkly eyes gazing at me over her coffee mug. Made me smile some more. Together we cleared the table. "That was perfect," I said. "What are we gonna do today?" she asked. "I dunno. Lemme try something." I turned on my cellphone. No signal. "Well, so much for that," I said. "Wanna walk next door? We can look at where you crawled from." "Yeah, we can do that." We sat at opposite ends of the sofa putting socks and shoes on. She kept looking at me, and I couldn't parse what her expression was saying. We walked out of the house. First thing I saw was a snake slithering across the yard. "Come back inside," I said. "I wanna get a gun." "Why?" "Just in case. We have a lot of wildlife that's very confused and in unusual places. You never know what we'll run into." I retrieved a short-barreled shotgun. "Aren't you gonna load it" she asked. "It IS loaded," I said. "It stays that way." "You keep a loaded gun in the house?" "Of course," I said. "If somebody was to break in, I wouldn't want to waste time loading it then. And there are four of them in the house, loaded." "Isn't that dangerous?" "No, baby," I said. "No little kids around to get to them. And I would hope adults would know how to handle them safely." "But loaded?" "I got stuff to protect. I got ME to protect. And now I got YOU to protect. So I have guns. Like this one." And I cycled the slide, chambering a round. I got another look, not fearful. And there was a little hint of a smile. Aside from the single snake that we noted and ignored and a raccoon that scurried away when he spotted us, nothing else was of concern. Approaching the collapsed building, we looked at the opening she crawled out of. "I was in the hall sitting on the floor when the place fell in," she said. "That's the best place to be. There, or the bathtub." We walked around. "I was hoping we could get you some clothes out of there, but I don't want to try and get in there." "Me neither," she said. "I thought I was gonna die there, Dan." We walked back to the house. I opened the garage door and backed my truck out. We climbed in and drove a little distance down the road before turning back. Where the storm surge had covered the road, the debris was heavy and I didn't want to risk a tire in the debris, or risk running off into the marsh because the road was washed away where we couldn't see it. As we pulled back into the garage, I heard the unmistakable sound of a low-flying helicopter. A serious one. Close. We walked out of the garage and waved as a national guard Blackhawk circled. It flared to land on the road in front of the house and we walked down to meet the occupants. A national guard lieutenant and the parish sheriff met us in the drive. I shook hands with both of them, introducing myself. "Dan Granger," I said. "This is my house. And this is Nikki Domingue. She survived that building collapse over there." "Damn!" the sheriff said. "You should know me. I'm your sheriff, Ernie Richard." He pronounced it "ree-shard." Cajun. "This" indicating the soldier, "is Lieutenant Gregus. We're doin' a survey. You're the only people on this side of the parish that we've found." "Really?" I said. Lt. Gregus said, "Yessir. We had a good evacuation. What're you doing here?" This could be dicey. A mandatory evacuation was called, but in Louisiana, there was no law to force it. "I built this house myself to face a Category Five and then some. And I stayed. Miss Nikki here missed her ride out. I pulled her out of that pile a'crap over there." The sheriff popped in, "No shit? We didn't think anyone was still here." He looked at Nikki. "You were lucky he was here. I don't know when we'd've got around to looking at that pile. D'ya wanna fly outta here? Where there's electricity and food and water?" By this time one of the pilots of the helicopter were joining us. "Why don't you guys come on up to the house and let me show you something," I said. "And see if YOU'D leave this for a shelter." We all walked up to the house and inside. The cool dry air conditioned air was a stark contrast to the post-storm humidity. The lieutenant said, "Hey, this feels good!" "Yep," I said. "Generator back there, and enough fuel for weeks." Several weeks' worth of food. And I suffered NO damage. " Had bacon eggs and grits for breakfast this morning. I'd offer you all a cold beer, but..." Sheriff said, "But we're flyin'..." "We have cold Cokes," interrupted Nikki. "Want one?" "That would be nice," said the pilot. Nikki bopped back to the kitchen and returned with the cokes. The sheriff sipped on his. "So nobody needs rescuin'? "Nope, but thanks! Any idea when they'll get a road open so I can go back to work?" The sheriff mused, "Oh, three or four days. Week at most. Where you work at?" "Any of those plants up there on the channel. Electrical engineer." "Oh," said the lieutenant. "What about cell service," I asked. The sheriff said, "Maybe a day or so. The carriers are setting up temporary towers and fixing the ones that are still up. We need cellphones, too, yah know." "Can you give these people a call and tell them that I'm stuck down here?" I asked, scribbling a number and name on a pad of paper. "Sure," the sheriff said. "And Miss Nikki, is it? Are you okay here?" Nikki smiled, "Yessir. Best place I can be for the time being." "Okay, then," said the sheriff. "We'll check on you again in a couple of days when they get the road open." "I appreciate that," I said. Turning to the lieutenant and the other pilot, "If you see orange flares, come and get me. Green smoke is the barbecue's ready!" They laughed. A few minutes later the helicopter lifted off. I turned to Nikki who was standing rather close by my side. "There went your chance to get out of here, Nikki." She looked directly into my eyes and smiled. "Looks like we're stuck with each other, then, huh?" ------ Chapter 2 Watching the chopper disappear into the distance, I mentally kicked myself. I could've asked for a couple of changes of clothes for Nikki. Five-five and one-twenty and six-two and two hundred, she could practically swim in anything I wore, and all she had was the clothes on her back. We walked back to the house. I mentioned the problem to her. "We can wash these like you did yesterday, an' I can wear your pj's." "I suppose. We'll see what we can do." We went inside and ate sandwiches for lunch, then she helped me put together a spaghetti sauce for supper and left it simmering while we walked up the road. I carried the shotgun. Nikki was amazed by the mounds of debris and vegetation piled on the road. I wasn't. I'd seen it before. Elsewhere. We walked back to the collapsed apartments. She pointed out her room in the mess, and I came away with the same conclusion that we'd reached earlier, there was no way either of us would risk going into the place. The place was fodder for a bulldozer. Tiring of the humidity, we returned to the air conditioned haven of the house and made sure all the electronics were off. Nikki watched as I shut the generator down to check it out, then restarted it. We went inside and she chose a CD of Mozart. We sat in the floor and played a game of cards until suppertime, then boiled up a pot of spaghetti to go with the simmering sauce. I grated fresh cheese to top it and Nikki declared it to be the best ever. "I can make this," she announced. After dinner we cleared the dishes together and returned to the living room. She chose another movie for us to watch. I was getting ready to start it when she announced, "I wanna take a shower first. Then you can take yours, and we'll have that out of the way." "Okay," I said. "Good idea. Let me get you something to wear." "Those pj bottoms and your t-shirt?" "If that works for you. I'll start a load of wash when we finish." "'Kay," she said. I handed her the fresh clothes and she bounced into the bathroom. And heaven help me, I noted that she had an attractive form. Fifteen minutes later she was sitting on my bed drying her hair and I was in the shower. I got out, shaved, and dabbed a bit of cologne on. She was still running the dryer when I walked out, kneeling in the middle of my bed, the t-shirt having slid down on one shoulder. "Dan," she said, "I need a safety pin for these pj's. When I stand up they fall down. See?" And she stood up and caught them sliding down, stopping the waistband before it reached her pubic mound. I caught my breath. "Oops! Didn't mean to ... you know..." "That's okay, babe. Lemme see if I have a safety pin." I found one and helped her pin the waistband tighter. And that put me in close proximity to what I determined to be a nicely shaped teen ass. And when she stood in front of me, I made a similar assessment of t-shirt clad tits. My best move was to gather up the clothes and head to the laundry room. And on top of the stack was a pair of light blue panties. I should have just tossed the pile into the washer, but that's not what I did. I lifted those panties to my nose and sniffed deeply. And closed my eyes. Enough! I mentally slapped myself. Into the washer they went. I walked back into the living room. She was lounging on the sofa, eyes twinkling, her arm languorously tossed on the back of the sofa and that t-shirt did little to hide the shape of those titties. My own pj's tented out. I hunched over to hide it and retreated to my recliner. And Nikki was watching me closely. And a wry smile spread on her red lips. She started the movie, the original Indiana Jones flick. We'd both seen it before, and laughed at both appropriate and inappropriate times. She started talking about archaeology and I'm no expert, but it sound to me like she knew a bit. I commented on that idea. "Lots of Discovery Channel an' History Channel. And the library when I can get a ride there." Her brow knit for a second. "I had books checked out. D'ya think they're gonna charge me for them? "Not likely. That's giving me a thought, though. In the morning we need to take my camera and go get pictures of your apartment. And if anybody says anything, that's your evidence." "That's a good idea. What kind of camera do you have?" "A pretty good one. Hang on, I'll show you!" I got up and retrieved the camera bag from the closet. I pulled a digital SLR out of the case and pointed it at her. "Smile", I said. She smiled and the flash went off. "That's a fancy one," she said. I sat down next to her on the sofa. "Yeah, I use it in my work sometimes." I punched the controls and handed it to her. "Here's you!" "I don't look good in pictures," she said. "Oh, bullshit!" I said. "That's what most women say. Come into my office. You can't see the picture very good on this little screen." We went into the office and I fired up my desktop computer. While it was booting, I pulled out the cable to connect the camera to a USB port. "She looked around the office. "What's all these papers?" "That's from my last project. I need to go through each drawing and make sure it's correct and all the changes are logged. It's all billable hours." "You mean you get paid for working at home?" "Yep. I worked four hours yesterday while you were sleeping. Two hundred and eighty dollars." She caught her breath. "That's seventy bucks an hour!" "That was quick. You're good at math." "I made B's and C's last year. I don't like to do homework." The computer finished booting. I pulled her photo up on the big monitor. "There!" I said. "That's not a bad-looking picture at all." "It's just me." "And that makes it unique. And forgive me for saying so, but you're actually kinda cute! And this is a good picture. Look. You can see every strand of hair on your bangs. And you have a little bit of a smile." "You think I'm cute? In the picture, I mean?" "Yep! Very pleasant to look at." She looked bit flustered and changed the subject. "That's a BIG monitor." "Yeah," I said. "Those drawings are eleven by seventeen inches and I work on 'em on screen, full size. Makes life better for me." "Show me." I pulled up some recent files and showed her the red additions and green deletions. "You READ these things? All I see is a bunch of lines." "D'you read Chinese?" "Nooo." "Same thing. This is a language. People who are familiar with the language can read it. I can look at every symbol on this page and get a mental image of a real piece of equipment and how it works in the system." I patted an inch-thick stack on the corner of the desk. "This is what it took to do the electrical power for ONE small production unit at the plant I was working for." "Wow! That's what engineers do?" She folded her arms and leaned over my shoulder. "That's a painful part of it. It's not nearly as fun as getting called when things don't work right and I get to go in and fix them." "Can I take YOUR picture?" "Sure," I said, handing her the camera. "Just point it and click." "Turn around. I want to get you with your computer and that desk behind you." I turned and she shot. "Do a couple. Film's cheap for that thing." "Uh, right..." Then she wanted to look at the pictures she took. "I did pretty good, huh?" "You could be the official photographer of old goats everywhere." "You're not that old, Dan." She looked at the camera. "This thing has a timer. If you had a tripod, we could BOTH be in the picture." "I've got a tripod in the closet. Why do you want a picture of both of us?" "So I have a record of who rescued me." She smiled. I set the tripod up and showed her how to set up the timer. We took several shots and reviewed them on the big monitor. "I like this one best." It had me standing close behind her, with her offset just a little to the right. Her head was tilted slightly and she was smiling. "I'm downloading these to the hard drive," I said. "Okay," came the response. "I'll go put the laundry in the dryer." In two minutes, she was back hovering over my shoulder. "D'ya have any work pictures?" "Work pictures?" "Yeah, you know, where you work? What you do?" "I have a bunch, but I don't think you're interested in that stuff. Most of it's kinda technical. Obscure. Interesting to me because it's what I work on, but..." "Try me. I LIKE that stuff. Besides, what else do we have to do?" "Well, pull that chair over here." And she sat close. Very close. I showed pictures, explaining what each was, and she asked questions. Like she was interested. Finally I said, "Babe, it's getting late. Let's shut it down for the night." She laughed. "Okay, Dan. I'll go make my bed." While she was arranging her nest on the sofa, I came in with the clothes folded and gave her a stack. "Thanks, Dan!" she smiled. "G'nite!" "G'nite, Nikki," I said, walking out of the room. I closed my bedroom door and did my pre-bed routine, then stretched out. I thought about the contents of the other room as I drifted off to sleep. And for the second morning I awoke to the smell of bacon. I dressed and walked into the kitchen to find Nikki at the stove again. She smiled over her shoulder. "I found potatoes. I hope you like hash browns." "You amaze me. Where'd you learn to cook?" "Before she died, I used to spend a lot of time with my grandma, Mom's mom. And she knew how to cook. And I learned a few things. That was the happiest time of my life, so far." She smiled. "Although yesterday was pretty cool, too." "Yesterday?" "Yeah. I mean, other than the whole "my home is a debris pile in south Louisiana" thing, we met people, we took a walk, we played games, we watched a movie, listened to really good music, and I got to learn a little bit about engineering stuff. I think that was a pretty good day." "I'm glad you liked it, Nikki. I could see you taking this a lot worse..." "Nope. Makin' the best of the situation." She lifted the hash browns off the cast iron griddle and built us each a plate, poured two cups of coffee, and sat down with me to share breakfast. "Two mornings in a row ... I could get used to this." Nikki grinned. "Me too. Isn't it funny? I mean, here we have a stinkin' hurricane, an' in the middle of it life is this good." "Yes, little girl, it is indeed good." Plates cleaned, we sat savoring the coffee, then got up together and cleared the table. She said, "I looked in the freezer. You have some packages that say round steak. I can do steak and gravy if you want ... for supper? And sandwiches for lunch again?" "That makes sense," I said. "But don't think you have to keep house to pay your way." "Oh, I don't," she countered. "It's nice to be appreciated. When I did stuff like this for Mom, she never acknowledged it, but if I didn't, she raised hell about me layin' around while she did all the work. And unless I cleaned up, the house was a mess." "I appreciate it, Nikki. It's wonderful." Finishing our coffee, we got up and tidied the kitchen. She went to the freezer and took out a package of round steak and put it on the counter to thaw. She looked at Tommi's food bowl. "Where do you keep the cat food?" She asked. I retrieved it from the laundry room and filled his bowl. "On the shelves next to the dryer," I said. "Once a week he gets a can of the wet stuff. Or if there's a special occasion. I gave him one the morning after the hurricane. It's his reward for saving me." She giggled. "Yep! He's a big hero," petting his back as he walked by us to his food bowl. I turned on my cellphone again. Still no signal. Isolation was nice, but I knew that only a few dozen miles away, the industrial facilities were recovering, and I should be there. But with roads closed and no contact... "Let's go walk around," I said. We put shoes on and walked out the door, me carrying the shotgun, her with the camera. She took pictures. Lots of pictures. A skunk nosing along the edge of the marsh, several snakes, an alligator, three raccoons. We made a circuit of the destroyed apartment building and she shot dozens of shots. We walked up the road in each direction until we reached the debris fields, and we photographed that, too. In short, we made a circuit of the high ground that protected our house from the storm surge. Walking back to the house, she commented, "I never imagined this place would look like this." "Yeah, but in a year you'll have to know where to look for signs. The marsh out there will heal itself. They'll clear the road. And they'll clear off the apartment debris. And you'll not even know there was a hurricane if you didn't know where to look." "Do you think they'll rebuild the apartments?" "I don't know," I said. "Depends on how much insurance money and government money is in it. Maybe. I just can't tell." "I don't know if we could get back in there anyway. There's a waitin' list down here. Mom talked about movin' to the city where they have more housing available for government programs. Now I guess we will." She paused. "If she even comes back." "But she's your mom. Surely she'll come back, huh?" Nikki's face was serious as she turned to look at me. We stopped in the middle of the road. "Maybe not." "But then you'd be, like, abandoned?" "Last year she tried to get me taken away to a home, Dan. She called the sheriff department and told them I was out of control and she couldn't handle me. I'd be gone now, but I don't get in trouble in school and I passed a drug test and the only bad report on file was hers. They put us in family counseling, for what that's worth." "Counseling?" "Yeah. Every two weeks we go sit in an office with a social worker and Mom says what they want to hear an' I say what they want to hear, and they collect the government money for it. But no, Mom wouldn't be sad if I didn't show back up in her life." "That's sad, baby," I said. "So you can see why a hurricane is a big plus in my life, right now, huh Dan?" We walked back to the house together, silent. She started the conversation back. "I'm okay, Dan. Really. For now, anyway." "But after this?" "That part I don't know. So I just enjoy today. And tomorrow. Okay?" "Okay," I said. She led me into the office. "Let's look at these pictures." I turned on the computer again and while it was booting, we had sandwiches and soft drinks. I looked at her across the table, not saying a thing. Finally I flipped open my cellphone. And I had two bars of signal strength. I punched speed dial. The phone was answered with "Well, hello, stranger!" "Why, hi, Steve! What's up?" "You're up! Three plants have been after us for the Great Dan Granger to come rescue them. And we can't even find you. Where you been?" I saw Nikki watching me. "Let me tell, you, Steve. I weathered the storm out down here at the house." "You did WHAT?" "I stayed home. Didn't evacuate." "I saw video they shot from a helicopter, Dan. Everything down there is devastated. Almost." "Yeah, I'm part of the "almost." I talked to the sheriff myself yesterday. He says roads MIGHT be open in a couple of days or three. So I'm stuck here." "Dammit, Dan ... I need your ass up here. We have facilities down." "I can't help you there, Steve. No way out. Hey, I have a 3G card for my computer, so I can do a lot from right here." "Or I can have a chopper pick you up." "That'll work. But only if I'm back here every night. I got a kid to take care of." "I was jerkin' you about the chopper. We'll start sending you pictures. When you can get out, we'll see you." "Okay, Steve. Sorry." Nikki looked at me with cool regard. "You just told them you had a kid to take care of. Is that me?" "Yep. Even though you're hardly a kid. Come on. Let's go play with those pictures. I need to see if I can get a 3G signal in here now." I let her sit in front of the computer and directed her through tying in the 3G and just like that, we were back in the greater world. I can't say that I was particularly excited by that. I was beginning to like the isolation. My thoughts were punctuated by the chime of incoming email. Nikki turned to me. "D'you need to get here?" "Nope," I said. "After we look at your pictures." We flipped through, laughing, talking, doing an occasional edit. And she came across the timer shot of her and me. "This one is the best," she said. And she got up. "You do what you need to do. I'm gonna be in the kitchen makin' supper." Three days' backlog of email fell down on my head. I clicked through. A lot of them got ignored, some got a boilerplate reply concerning my present status. And at the very end of the queue I started working on the storm projects as pictures and reports started coming in from technicians in the field. Nikki reappeared over my shoulder. "How's it goin, babe, " she asked. "Look," I said, and I showed her some of the pictures. "That's wet and needs to be dried out. This is gonna have to be replaced. This one needs a new roof before we can do anything." I sighed and shook my head. "I'm typing up email right now trying to see who's got used equipment and who's got extras we can borrow. It's a mess." "I haven't seen you tensed up like this," she said. "I know. I ... we were living free and easy for a couple of days. It was nice. Now it's gonna be hell for a few weeks until we get things going again. " I reached up with my right hand and pressed against the junction between my left shoulder and my neck. "Nuh-uh," she said, pushing my hand away. I felt warm, soft, feminine hands massaging my neck and shoulders. "Mmmmmm, Nikki, you don't have to do that." "I know. Does it help?" "Yes, it helps. Very much. Thank you." She massaged for five minutes then went back to the kitchen. I heard pots rattling, then a lid set in place, and she was back. "So if you did like they said, and a helicopter picked you up..." "Email says the city's shut down. A few hotels are on emergency generator but they're sold out to recovery workers. I have no idea where I'd stay, but sleeping on the floor of an office is likely. And there's certainly no place for you. And I may see myself leaving you here during the day by yourself, but not overnight. No way!" "But if I wasn't here..." "Don't even go there, Nikki. You ARE here and I want to take care of you. Besides, I'm not going to go live like that if I don't have to. I don't need the stress, the aggravation OR the money." And that got me a kiss on the cheek. As I sat there, stunned, she left and I heard the vacuum cleaner start up. Tommi came running into the office to hide. I reached down and patted his yellow head. "Patience, old boy," I said. "There's a woman in our house now." In addition to the email, my cellphone was now ringing every ten minutes. If Dan couldn't go to the world, the world could come to Dan. At five, Nikki was sitting on the chair next to me in the office watching me review pictures and emails. Since she seemed to take an interest, I verbalized the email answers, embellishing the instructions and findings so she could follow along. And half the time I had the cellphone headset on, talking. At five I turned it off. She took me by the hand to the kitchen where I was greeted with my supper on the table. "I hope you like it," she said. "It's been a long time since I cooked it. But you have the same stuff in your cabinets that my grandma did." "Two centuries of Cajun grandmas did it for us, babe." It was delicious. Perfect. She'd even poured my soft drink over ice. After supper I went back to work, logging my time on each of three projects I was covering. If I was gonna work, I was darned sure going to get paid. I told Steve so over the phone. He laughed. ------ Chapter 3 I was still in the office when Nikki came in after her shower. She did the massage thing on my neck and shoulders again. "You need to get up and walk around every now and then," she admonished. I hadn't even turned around when she touched me. I was deep in the zone, in a world far away, filled with iron and copper and porcelain and plastic. "Look!" she said. "Turn around!" I turned, expecting to see t-shirt and pajamas. I didn't. "I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to bother you, but I found these on the shelf in your closet. They give me another suit of clothes." "They" were a pair of hospital scrub pants and one of my old work shirts. The cotton shirt hung on her loosely, reaching down below her crotch in front, below the cheeks of her butt in back, whimsically disheveled. And she'd rolled cuffs up on the legs of the scrubs and pulled the drawstring waist tight. Made her look like something orphanish that I wanted to wrap in my arms and carry off. But I couldn't. Instead, "Cute," I said. "You look like an orphan." "Not a hurricane refugee?" She giggled "That, too. Nikki, thanks for dinner. It was wonderful. I haven't enjoyed food like that in a long time. Eating my own cooking gets old, you know." "I enjoyed doing it. You have a nice kitchen. Everything is so clean. And it works." "And you work. I am so surprised. Shocked. I never thought of you being like this, Nikki." "I don't mind, Dan. I really don't." She looked at the screen. "You need to pick a stopping place and shut down for the evening. A hot shower will relax you." She smiled and left me in the office musing over the idea that there was a person on the planet that DIDN'T want me to work myself to death. I answered one last email and shut the computer down. Nikki was right. The hot shower washed away stresses. I shaved afterward and dabbed a bit of cologne on. Eight-thirty. I joined Nikki in the living room. "Do you want to start this movie over so you can watch it from the beginning?" She asked. "No, I've seen it enough times. I can watch it from this part." And I looked at Nikki, dark brown hair, brushed to a sheen, her blue eyes intent on the TV, lips in a satisfied hint of a smile. And that darned shirt, loose on her, was showing just a glimpse of the valley between two young A-cup titties. And I looked longer than I should have. When she turned to look at me, I was watching the movie. "Hard day, huh, Dan?" she said. "Yeah. Nuts. But it'll get better." "What about when the roads open up?" "I figured that out already. I'll drive to the job in the morning, and back at night. Might be late, but I am NOT going to spend the night on an air mattress in an office. Or sleeping in my truck. Drive or no drive, three hours in my own bed is better'n six hours there. Besides, I'm the freakin' engineer. Most of the time, I just tell 'em what they need to do, then come back to see if it's done right." "So you'll be home every night?" "Yes. Absolutely. And this will be over in a couple of weeks. We'll get the major stuff back on, and over the next few months, there'll be stuff that takes a little longer, but it won't be one of those 'bop 'til you drop' things." Neither of us was really watching the movie. "You just do what you have to do. And I'll make sure the house is okay and you have dinner when you come in." "Nikki, you don't have to do all that." "Suppose I want to? I mean, I'm staying here. It's the least I can do." "But you don't have to, babe.' "Yes I do," she said quietly. "It's what people are supposed to do." And she got up and started fixing her nest on the sofa. I got up and headed to bed. I heard a quiet voice. "Dan," she said. "Lay on your stomach and let me rub your back." "Uh, Nikki, you don't have to do that." "I know," she said. "But you're tense and you worked hard and this'll relax you." I rolled over and she knelt beside me in bed and kneaded my back and shoulders. "I saw this on TV," she said. "I hope I did it right." "You haven't done anything wrong yet, babe." She got up to leave. "Then this isn't wrong either." She kissed my cheek. "Good night, Dan." Regrettably I set the alarm for six. I knew that despite my computer being off, the emails would pile up. The alarm's insistent beeping woke me and I pulled on a set of jeans and walked into the living room, headed for the kitchen. In the dim morning light I saw Nikki still asleep, the covers tossed off her, looking like an angel in repose. She stirred when I turned on the kitchen light. "Mornin, babe," she said. "I should have got up earlier and fixed breakfast." "Oh, don't worry about it." "No," she said. "Let's get you some coffee and you can go check email or whatever, and I'll get you when breakfast is ready, okay." "Okay," I said. I started to walk back through the living room to my office. She stopped me and hugged me. I hugged back. "Why'd you do that, Nikki?" "Because I wanted to, Dan. Just wanted to. Now go to work. I'll bring you coffee." The smell of fresh-brewed coffee and bacon cooking filled the house. She came in, handing me a steaming mug. "Two sugars. A little half and half. I watched." She smiled, the corners of her eyes wrinkling and cheeks dimpled. "Right?" "My Nikki is never wrong." Wow! Did I just say 'my Nikki'? There were four late emails, three of them with attached pictures and field reports. I turned the phone on and started listening to messages, most of the "Dan, check your email and call me" variety. At ten minutes to seven the first incoming call came. And we were off to the races. Nikki called me to breakfast. I silenced the phone while we ate together. Afterward, she shoved me towards the office. "You work. Let ME clean the kitchen. Okay?' "Okay." And back to work I went. In the back of my head I recognized the noises of a busy kitchen. Then they stopped. Nikki handed me another mug of coffee. "Dan," she said, "You have a needle and thread somewhere around here. You used it to fix my shirt. Where's it at?" "In the top left side drawer of the desk in the living room. Why?' "I'm gonna alter some clothes. Like these scrubs. And this old shirt. So they fit better." "By hand? You can do that?" "Grandma again." "Can you use a sewing machine?" "Yes. I think so." I got up, went to a closet and pulled a portable sewing machine out. And a box containing a variety of things, thread, needles, buttons. Squeal! "You're not the only one who knows how to do things." "Okay," she giggled. "I can do this. Now go back to work." And the sound of a sewing machine added to the sounds of our little island of sanity. Eleven o'clock brought the sounds of a helicopter again. Landing. We walked out and down the drive together. Sheriff again. "Hello there, Dan Granger," he said. And he tilted his hat. "Miss Nikki." "Out surveying your kingdom again?" He laughed. "I'm like king of a shitpile right now. You folks doin' alright?" "Yes we are," I said. "I got cell coverage and 3G internet back yesterday. I've been working ever since. When are they going to have the road cleared?" "That's what I was gonna tell you," he said. "There are dozers and graders working up from the highway onto this road right now. You might be able to drive out late tomorrow if they don't have to fix any big washouts. We've had a couple of doozies. Storm surge was somethin'." "That'll be good. My office offered to fly me out on a chopper. But I told them I had Nikki here and I would have to come back at night, so I'm working from home." He laughed. "Ya'll're like Robinson freakin' Crusoe. Miss Nikki, did you do that sewin', or did he?" Nikki raised her hand. "Grandma taught me." He laughed. "It works. Shows that it's done by hand, but it works." He looked at me. "How's fuel holding up?" "Haven't even used a quarter of the tank." "You gonna need some any time soon?" "I hope not. It's propane. Not like you can haul it in here in a bucket." "No," he said, grinning, "but we use propane at the emergency operations center, and they're gonna have to get us a truck by the end of the week. I can make sure they stop by here." "Man, that'd be great. I might even vote for you next election." "You might not have to. Another hit like this and there won't be anybody living here to run against me." He looked over his shoulder at the Blackhawk sitting on the road, rotor blades still spinning. "Say, you got a couple of those cold Cokes?" "You got it, Sheriff," I said. "Call me Ernie," he said. Nikki showed up with four cokes already sweating in the humidity. She handed them to him. "And you folks be careful. You got your cellphone now, wait. Hold this, Miss Nikki." She grabbed the cans as he reached in a pocket. "Here's my card. Office, private office line, and my cell. Call me if you need somethin'." He retrieved his drinks and walked back to the helicopter. I watched him pass them to the crew. We waved as they took off, curving out across the marshes. Walking back in, I told Nikki, "I'm glad I stocked up on cokes." She laughed. "But he says he can get us fuel. And maybe you can get out tomorrow." "Yeah, but I don't know if that's good news or not. Let's eat lunch and try to make a list of stuff we need." After lunch, we took a generator outage. I checked fluids and belts and a dozen other things in making sure that the lights stayed on. Satisfied, I started it back up and put the electricity back to the house. I restarted the computer and started wading through the email again. And the cell calls. And I told Steve of the possibility that I just might be able to get out the day after tomorrow. "Just come on," he said. "Everybody's satisfied so far. They're reading the email strings. And nobody's kicking about paying you to lounge around down there. But they'd like to see you." "I'll be there as soon as I can. But understand one thing, Steve." "What's that?" "I AM. I say again, I AM going to be back here every night. And not that "two in the morning" stuff, either. I have somebody who needs to be taken care of here. A kid." "I didn't know you had a kid, Dan." "It's a long story. I do. So we'll do it my way or I'll have me one of them cushy offices in a building in Houston. And neither one of us wants that. Right?" Steve sounded hurt. "Dan, Dan ... I said we'd do it." "I know, Steve, but that's while I'm sitting here. If I'm in there, SOME people decide they want to throw their weight around. They're gonna be throwing at my bumper goin' out the gate." Nikki was monitoring this conversation. "Dan, you're kinda harsh on 'im." "He's the one I was talkin' about, babe, throwin' his weight around. He needs me more than I need him. It'll be okay." I pointed out the picture on the screen. "What'd'ya think?" I wanted to see if she was paying attention. "Old. Wet?" "Yeah, here's a test report." I pulled it up on the screen and she looked at the numbers. She pointed to a column. "Aren't these supposed to be, like, two digits or less?" "Right." Her finger pointed to the heading. "Uh, this is a breaker, right?" "That's what it says." "And it, like, goes with, uh, connects to a bus?" "Yep." She WAS paying attention. She smiled. "I heard you do this one. You said, "Dry the breakers in an oven and remediate the bus with portable heaters." I laughed. "I oughtta be cookin' supper and YOU should be doin' this!" "Nuh-uh," she said. "I'm like a parrot. I just repeat what I heard. And navy bean soup for supper, okay?" "Yes, dear." She slapped the back of my head playfully as she left. I was on the second page of a tablet where I was logging my time on each job, talking into my headset and typing when I saw a hand reach around and hand me a glass of coke over ice. "Take a break," she said. "Come sit in your chair." I kicked back in my recliner and she knelt at my feet, took one and rubbed it. I groaned. After a couple of minutes, she switched feet. "Where'd you learn that? And don't tell me your grandma..." "Then I won't say anything." She smiled. I closed my eyes for fifteen minutes. When I opened my eyes, she was sitting on the sofa, her knees drawn up under her, watching me. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, why?" she answered. "Because you're looking at me." "Sorry," she said. "I just never saw anybody work like you've been working. You just DO it." "I suppose, babe," I said. "It's what I do." "I'm impressed." She smiled. I went back to work. After another hour, I got up to stretch. I found bean soup simmering on the stove and Nikki in the living room with headphones. Beethoven. She took the phones off when I walked in. "This is what you chose?" I questioned. "Yes," she answered. "I love this music." I smiled, walking back into my office. Back into the fray. Five o'clock and things were dwindling when she came in and her hands grasped and kneaded my shoulders. When she stopped, she wrapped me in her arms from behind and whispered in my ear, "Dinner, Dan!" And kissed me lightly on the top of my head. The soup was good. After supper, I fielded a couple more phone calls and emails and then shut the office down. I walked into the living room. She smiled when I entered. "I'm done for the night," I declared. "Good," she said. She patted the sofa beside her. "Lay here. Put your head on my lap." "What?" I looked at her. She looked at me. "It's simple. Lay here. And put your head on my lap. I'm trying to help you relax. Okay?" "Okay," I said. And I did. She looked down at me and massaged my temples and caressed my face. "Mmmmmm, baby, that feels soooo good!" "I used to do this for the little girl next door when I babysat. It calmed her down and put her to sleep." She smiled. "Don't go to sleep, though." And it could have been perfectly innocent and so very caring. Finally I sad, "Nikki, If I don't get up and shower, I'm gonna go to sleep right here in your lap." Her smile was sublime. "That wouldn't be THAT bad. But you'll sleep better if you shower." I got up. She usually showered first, but tonight I went ahead. Twenty minutes later, I was out and she went in. "Don't worry," she said. "I sewed my own pajamas today." And she did. My oversized pajama bottoms were altered to fit her much slimmer and shorter frame. She sat on the sofa and I was safely in my chair. I looked at her. Her eyes were softer, a subtle change in the way she looked at me. I wrote it off as fatigue on my part. I was mentally fatigued. "Dan," she said, "When you go out, are you going to be able to get to someplace where stores are open?" "I dunno. Why?" She said, "I'm gonna need some things." "What kind of things?" "I need another bra and some panties. And anything I can get for clothes. I can write down my sizes." "I can do better than that. I can take you." "Take me?" "Yeah. When the roads are open, we BOTH go to the office. You stay there for a few hours while I visit some clients, then I come get you and we go to Houston and get what you need." "Can you do that? I mean, they want you there bad." "And I'll be there. But I have to take care of you, too." "Dan, I don't have money." "I got an empty platinum card and a full bank account. I think I can get you fitted out." Squeal. And she launched at me and kissed me on the lips. Perhaps a little bit too long. But she backed up like it was the most natural and innocent thing she'd ever done. "Now get off my bed," she said. And we both went to sleep. The next morning my alarm went off and I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. I walked into the kitchen rubbing my eyes. "Beat you!" she giggled. Mid-morning I was busy answering email and she came in all excited. "Dan! There's a bulldozer comin' up the road!" "Come on!" I said. "Let's go see." We drove my truck down to meet the dozer. "Uh, yeah," said the operator, pointing at my big four wheel drive pickup. "That'll make it out just fine." "I'll be coming back later." "You got an emergency pass?" "As a matter of fact, I do." The company had sent out an email with letters to grant access to me as "emergency personnel" and I had copies in the truck. "We need to make another pass through the house and then we'll be back here." The grizzled operator snorted. "They'll get out of your way. There's a big washout a mile up the road, but you can get by on the good part." "Great! Thanks! Hey, you wanna cold coke?" "Nah, thanks," he said. "I got an ice chest full." He pointed to the box beside him. "But thanks! Really!" Nikki was excited as we went back to the house. I shut the computer down. And I called Steve and told him that I was going to be offline for the rest of the day. We checked Tommi's food and water, then shut the generator down and locked up the house. "Nikki," I said, "You got the sheriff's card?" "Sure," she said, pulling it out of her pocket. I dialed the number on my phone. It rang. "Sheriff Richard, can I help you?" "Yessir," I said. "This is Dan Granger." "Oh, hi, Dan. Trouble?" "Nope! Just wanted to let you know that we're getting ready to make a run to civilization. We'll be back tomorrow, most likely." "Road crew made it that far, then," he said. "Yessir. Just got here." "Somebody'll come by and check on your place, then. Be careful out there." "Okay, thanks!" I had an overnight bag packed, and my camera and my laptop computer. And Nikki was in the middle of the cab, buckled in next to me. Like it was the way things should be. She could've been all the way on the passenger side, but I didn't question it because honestly, it kind of felt good. The drive out on our little secondary road was slow going. We dodged a couple of washed out sections, easing by crews at work repairing them. They stopped and stared at this big silver truck coming out of an area they thought was empty of humanity. Nikki waved. Once we hit the main road, things picked up a bit, but there were still sections that needed care. And finally we hit the interstate highway and headed west. Eighty miles up the road, you wouldn't know there even WAS a storm. And fifty miles later, Houston was, well, Houston. It took me several tries before I found a hotel room, and it was a bit pricey, but we were glad to get it. And I took Nikki to a mall. She needed EVERYTHING. And she got it. I had to push a few times, making her choose slightly more expensive GOOD stuff instead of the cheapest available, "And for heaven's sake, Nikki, get enough of 'em." I was carrying armloads of bags, the second trip, having already deposited a load in the truck. As we started to leave the last store, she looked wistfully at the cosmetic and perfume counter. I caught the look. "Is there something you'd like, there, babe?" I asked. "No, Dan. You've spent too much on me already." "I bought you stuff you need, Nikki," I said. "Now, is there something that I can just GIVE you? Like makeup?" I didn't think she needed makeup. It would be gilding a lily. "Perfume?" She named a name. "But no. It's like, eighty dollars!" I turned toward the perfume display and an attentive salesgirl came forward. "Can I help you find something?" she asked. "Yes ma'am. Whatever this young lady needs, give it to her." She smiled at Nikki. Nikki told her the name, and a blue foil box was presented in exchange for a swipe of a credit card. We made our way back to the truck. "Dinner!" she said. "What about dinner?" "Pick a restaurant." She did. We ate a very nice meal. I noted her manners were certainly a lot better than I'd expect for a girl out of Section 8 housing. I asked her about it and found that it was yet another of the lessons from grandma. That put us checking into the hotel room. We brought in the bags and entered the room, replete with a pair of queen-sized beds. I watched a happy teen trying on one outfit after another, then carefully packing them all away in their bags. We showered. When she came out, she was wearing one of our purchases, a very neat pair of pajamas that chastely covered her and in my mind made her even more desirable in her innocence. I showered second, came out to find she'd turned down both beds and was propped up on a pile of pillows watching real TV for the first time in several days. I sat on the edge of the other bed. "No," she said. "You can sleep there. But come over here and sit by me for a while. While we watch TV." I did. She snuggled up against me. "Dan, thank you. You didn't have to do any of this, you know." "I know," I said. "But you lost everything. You needed stuff." I sniffed. "Even that perfume." "Did I put on too much?" "No." "Mom puts on too much. I guess it has to cut through the cigarette smoke. Grandma said it should be a hint, not a hammer." "It's a hint. Smells very good. And you look very nice in your new clothes, baby." Snuggled against me, I could lay my cheek on top of her head and breathe the scent of a fresh, clean girl into my nostrils. I felt a familiar stirring. I raised my knee, drawing my leg back to hide the bulge. "Is something wrong, Dan?" she asked. "No," said, "Just a cramp in my leg." She raised up and looked directly at me. "You don't have to fib to me, Dan. I KNOW what an erection is." "Uh ... Nikki." "And I know that sometimes you can't control when you get one. It's okay, Dan. Really." "Nikki..." "Dan ... I just wanted to be close to you for a little while. You take good care of me, okay? That's all. You can go to your bed if you need to." "Oh, dammit, Nikki, I don't want to. I liked you there. But..." "I understand, Dan. You're a good guy. We ... I wasn't tryin' to ... I was tryin' NOT to. Okay?" "Okay." And I got up to get into the other bed. And as I left, I kissed her on the nose. "No," she said. And she pulled my face down and kissed me on the lips, just a tiny bit past a little girl happy kiss. The alarm went off at six AM and we were out the door a half-hour later, stopping at a diner for breakfast that wasn't nearly as good as the ones I'd been enjoying, even though I did get to gaze at those blue eyes over a hot cup of coffee. Three hours later we were back at the house, unloading her purchases and restarting the generator. I left her under the watchful eye of a yellow cat and I went to work. On the way in, I phoned Steve and told him to meet me on one of the jobsites so I wouldn't have to waste time at the office. By the time I'd visited three sites, it was six PM. It took me an hour to get home, including invocation of both my "emergency access" letter AND the name of Sheriff Richard to get past an "access control point", AKA "roadblock". I walked in the door to a smiling Nikki. She was dressed in new shorts and a simple cotton blouse and darn it! My heart fluttered when I saw her. "Hey, sweetie," I said. "Everything okay?" "Great," she said with a smile. I sniffed. "Smells like a roast." "Yeah," she said. "I hope it works. It was frozen. I left it in the fridge to thaw yesterday. But I stuffed it with garlic and it's been on the stove since noon. I need to do some vegetables and a pot of rice. You can go take your shower and it'll be ready." I smiled. "Thanks." She looked at me. "If you could've called me, I would've had it ALL ready when you got here." "But I didn't have a way to call you." "No you didn't." "I'll fix that." I turned to Nikki. "Okay. If you can get through tomorrow, you'll have a phone" "I just need one until the phones come back on, Dan." "That might be a while, baby," I said. "But my own phone?" "You'll need one." "Dan, answer me something. Truth, okay?" I looked. There was a serious look in the face of this young doll. "Always the truth, Nikki. Why would we lie to each other?" "We shouldn't. Ever." "So what's the question?" "How long am I going to stay here?" "As long as you want. As long as you need to. As long as you can." "Bu ... but what if my mom doesn't come get me?" "That would be sad for her. But you can stay here. Might be some strange hoops we have to go through, because if you're here, I need to be able to be responsible for you. Like for doctors and school and things. Is that the answer you were looking for?" "I guess so," she said. Her expression was strange, though. Questioning. "What else can I say? Did I miss something?" She fixed me with a gaze. "Just one thing. How long do YOU WANT me to stay?" And heaven help me, because the word that came out of my mouth was "Forever." And the response was a fifteen year old girl leaping into my arms and wrapping her own around my neck. And a decidedly un-little girlish kiss. "I missed you today, Dan. I really did." "I missed you too, Nikki. I thought my day would never end. But we got ourselves a mess here." "What do you mean, Dan?" "Very confusing for me." "How?" "Nikki, you're fifteen. I'm forty one. That's twenty-six years." "Grandma told me that the reason my real grandpa wasn't around was that he married her when she was sixteen and he was forty-five. That's almost thirty years. And she loved him until the day she died. Her second husband was her age. He was a jerk. Left her." "I could go to jail for just touching you." "I know that. But I won't tell. Nobody'll know." "You've known me for what, a week?" "Yes. How much time do I need?" She turned and plopped backward onto the sofa, arms crossed. Her bottom lip was pouting. "You know," she said, "I'm NOT ignorant about people." "I didn't say you were, Nikki." "I know about sex and stuff. I mean, I have a Mom who's been showin' me the wrong way to do that since I was old enough to remember." "B-but..." "No "buts". I know you're aroused by me. You tried to hide it but you didn't do a very good job. Don't you imagine you just might have the same effect on me?" "I don't know." "I'm fifteen. I've known boys. I've known men. But I never let one TOUCH me. Dan, I'm a virgin. At fifteen. I don't know if there are any others in my class. I suppose there are, but I know I am, for sure. And I wanted to kiss you and hug you and maybe other stuff. And I know all about the laws. So what do you think I'm gonna do? Kiss you and run tell somebody? I'm not." "But Nikki, five days ago you didn't even know me. I pulled you out of a building. I didn't do that to take advantage of you. I'd have done the same thing if you were a boy." "Even the cologne?" "Well maybe not the cologne." "So YOU put YOUR cologne on, and then you walk by me and I smell it and I think "hmmm, that smells really good" and I want to get close enough to smell it some more, and you start getting all paranoid?" "Nikki ... baby..." "And that's another thing. I've been "babe" an' "baby" and now you're gonna treat me like I got a disease. Don't you just suppose I might want to just cuddle and be hugged and kissed." Okay, baby," I said, "but kisses and hugs ... it's hard to draw the line there sometimes..." "Dan. Would you ever hurt me?" "No..." "I believe you. Implicitly." And Nikki, a fifteen year old girl who used words like "Implicitly". "D'ya want me to say..." "Say what?" I asked. "That I think I love you?" "Nikki, that's just what I'm scared of. That's why I don't have a girlfriend. I don't ever want to be told "I love you" again and give that back and have them change their minds. Every time that happens, it hurts worse than the time before. And the last one..." "I'm sorry, Dan. It's never happened to me. But I've had a screwed up life. My mom would just as soon be rid of me. I don't know who my dad is at all. And there's nobody in my life, ever been in my life, that made me smile like you did. Already. And I don't want to be told "I love you" just because you want to get in my pants. They're MY pants, and I control who gets in 'em." "I didn't do anything, Nikki ... Just..." "Don't you understand, Dan ... You didn't, but you did." "I don't want to take advantage of you, Nikki." She smiled, but a tear was tracking down a perfect cheek. "Good! Then don't. Hold me and kiss me and tell me that you will love me forever and mean it. Would THAT be taking advantage of me? If you mean it?" "No. It wouldn't." "Am I too unlovable to say that, then?" "No, you're certainly not." Then in a quiet small voice she said, "Then exactly why don't you say it. If you mean it." "You win. Nikki, heaven help us, I feel like I've been hit by lightning, but I love you." "And I love you too, Dan." And this time I kissed back. And again. This time I felt her lips part and a tongue brush mine lightly. I opened my own lips and our tongues met for the first time. "Mmmmmmm," she purred. "I know you're scared, Dan," she said. "But I will never leave you. I promise." "I want to believe you," I said." I do. But baby, you're fifteen." She kissed me again. "Babe," she said, "fifteen is old enough to do 'forever'. People didn't used to get married in their twenties and thirties like today. I can do 'forever'. I'll be yours forever. Okay?" Kiss. I sighed. "Then I'm yours. Forever." And she pushed me backward onto the sofa and was astraddle me, kneeling. She relaxed and settled into my lap and her crotch landed on top of my erection. And she wiggled down against it. "You tried to hide this from me." She grabbed my shirt and pulled it upward, tugging so I'd raise my arms and she could get it off me. Finishing, she reached down to unbutton her own shirt and paused. "Dan, I don't have big titties." "Little darling Nikki, I know what size titties you have. Do you think I'm made of steel? I looked, babe. Besides, I washed your bra." "Then you're not disappointed?" "Certainly not." She stripped the shirt off, tossing it over her shoulder and lowering her arms. At first she crossed them over her chest, covering that precious beauty, but I kissed her and she lowered them and sat back. "Beautiful. Absolutely perfect." And I caressed them, reveling in the firm flesh, her areoles a little smaller than a quarter, her nipples like pencil erasers, just as pink, and now, just as hard. I twisted downward to kiss one. She purred, and when I sucked it, her hands pushed the back of my head, pushing my face into her. I sat back up straight and looked at her face, then kissed her bangs on her forehead. Her eyes were bright. "Dan," she whispered. "Wouldn't the bedroom be better?" I cupped the cheeks of her ass in my hands, holding her against me and stood up. She buried her face into my neck as I walked us to the bedroom and gently sat her down on the bed. Her hands went to the waistband of my pants and pulled downward. I took the hint and stood up and shed the remainder of my clothes. Her eyes widened at the sight of my dick, as hard as it could possibly get, all six inches of it. "So that's it," she said. "That's it." She moved to a kneeling position and pulled her shorts down below her butt, then rolled backward and peeled them off her long legs. When she lowered her legs, I was treated to the sight of wisps of dark, fine hair on her pubic mound. She wasn't hairy. The mound was rounded and gave home to the start of her slit, glistening with moisture. I crawled into the bed beside her and kissed her. Her arms pulled me on top of her. "Nikki, darling, I love you, but we can still stop. You're still a virgin. You can keep that." "Dan," she said. "I love you, and ... my virginity? I'm finished with it. I want you to have it." "It could hurt the first time, baby..." "I know. But I talked to the doctor when I first started having periods and he said my, uh, hymen was vestigial. Like it's almost not there. And if it hurts the first time, it won't hurt all the rest of the times." "Maybe it would be better if you were on top, baby, where you can control how fast things go." "Okay, honey," she said. I rolled her over on top of me. We kissed more, my hands wandering, exploring her lithe body. She sat up, astraddle me. "Wow," she commented, "I can't believe how much stuff is coming out of me." Her hand reached down and touched the head of my dick as it was trapped between us. She raised up and it flipped upward. She guided it towards her waiting hole, the head lining up, slickened with juices I'd love to taste. She worked her hips forward and back, pushing downward as the head buried into its home. "We're doin' it, Dan." She rose up, then pushed down. A half inch disappeared. The next stroke got more. And finally I felt her pussy lips against the base of my dick and her smile told the story. "Dan, you're IN me." "Did it hurt, baby?" "Not even a little bit." She was smiling with her whole face, looking down at me. Then a cloud came over her face. "Dan, I don't want to get pregnant." "Uh, babe, that's not happening. Remember when I told you that my ex and I couldn't have kids? It could have killed her or the baby. So I got fixed." "Like a vasectomy?" "Exactly." Giggle. And wiggles involving two people with parts that were made to fit together. "Then shoot. Come." "What do you know about coming and shooting?" "Mom's a slut. And not a very quiet one." She slid back and forth on me. And laid down on top of me, and we entwined our arms and kissed. Mated. "Dan," she whispered. "It ain't sex to me. It's love. Just a part of love, but it's love." I marveled at the flurry of thoughts and emotions that were running through my Nikki. "You're so beautiful in so many ways, Nikki." I kissed her and she writhed in my arms, then pushed up, her hands on my chest. And her hips moved. There was a smile and her eyes were gleaming as she began to experiment with the feeling she could generate by moving the moistness over the shaft that she'd welcomed inside her. "Mmmmmm. Dan! Feels soooo good!" She rocked back and forth, finding an angle and a motion that made her very happy. "There! Like that. I can feel you IN me and I can feel ME rubbin' on you. In just the right place." And she started a rhythm. And I couldn't help myself, but my own hips started pushing in concert with her rhythm. I could feel her juices starting to cover the front of my balls and my pubic mound. My dick was immersed. And Nikki was getting more insistent in her motions. The smile on her face morphed to concentration and her eyes alternated between bright and open to squinched closed. And then she bit her bottom lip. "Oh! Dan. It's. Happening! Aaauuughhhhh!" and her hands grabbed my chest, my breasts, and her fingers dug in. And she came. As I splurted uncontrollably into her center. "Niiiiiiiikki, baby! I'm coming ... Aaahhhh!!!!" And Nikki fell forward into my arms. It took a minute for us to return to lucidity. "Dan," she said. "Mom told me that it wouldn't be good for me the first time." She sighed. "She was wrong about that, too." "Mmmmmm, baby! I'm glad." I kissed her gently. "Was it good for you?" She looked at me from three inches away. "I think I entered a parallel universe, baby." She giggled softly. "It was good for US, then." She kissed me lightly, perfectly, in post-coital bliss, her face framed by dark brown hair, her blue eyes happy. From our nether regions came a soft plop as my softening dick fell out of its new home. Nikki gave a tentative wiggle in response. "It fell out, Dan..." "It's dead. It died happy, though." And I smiled at her tinkling giggle, caressing her back and butt with my hands. "You feel so good, baby." She purred at my touch. "Mmmmmm, So do you, baby." She slid sideways off of me and molded herself along my left side. "Dan, you take such good care of me..." "You're worth caring for, baby. You were before you showed up at my door. And even more now." Her eyes were bright, a smile on her lips. "You've given me more in five days than I've had since Grandma died, Dan." "That's a two-way, street, little one. You don't know what it meant to me to wake up and find you in the kitchen, smiling. And leaning over my shoulder in the office, smiling. And sitting on the sofa, smiling. It's like you brought a rainbow into my life." ------ Chapter 4 We stayed in an embrace for some more time when Nikki remembered the kitchen. She got up and disappeared into the bathroom and returned. "We made a mess of Nikki, babe! I'm going to finish dinner." She pulled on the clothes she'd strewn around the house. I joined her, walking up behind her as she stood at the stove. I put my hands on her shoulders and kissed the back of her head. She turned, her hair bouncing, spoon in hand. She smiled. "You know, it'll be even better around here since we won't have to tiptoe around each other." "Huh?" "You know," she smiled, "Makin' sure you're properly clothed around me an' me around you. Stayin' a respectable distance apart. And I don't have to make a bed on the sofa." "No you don't," I said. "You don't know, Dan. I wanted to get in bed with you the first night I was here. And not for sex, babe. Just to feel safe." "Sweetie, I'm glad you didn't try. I couldn't have handled it. I was battling in my head over you." "Why, Dan?" "Because you're an impossibility. You're smart and cute and sweet. Well, that first day, I didn't know the 'smart' part. But you're impossibly young. I was killing myself every time I had a thought about you that strayed just a bit off the line." "I know, Dan," she said. "I was havin' the same ones." She lifted a pot lid and stirred the contents. "Get a plate. This is ready." We sat down at the table and ate our meal. She was glowing. "You look so much happier, Dan," she said. "Is that from ME?" "Yes, my love, it is." We cleared the table in record time. "Shower" she said, giggling. "Both of us." I stared. "Don't be bashful. I want that whole naked thing. You're the first guy I ever saw naked, and I wanna play, okay? So we can start in the shower." She was shedding clothes on the way up the hall, laughing, "Don't worry about the clothes on the floor. I know that lady that takes care of the place and she'll pick 'em up." I followed like a lovesick puppy. "Come on, Dan ... you can't take a shower with your clothes on." Her eyes twinkled. "Here! Let me help." She peeled my t-shirt over my head and then started unbuttoning my jeans. I heard the sound of my own zipper and then she tugged the waistband downward. She stood up, naked. A vision. Her face was wreathed by that walnut colored hair, a sassy little flip at her jawline. She shook her head and her bangs settled in place. She kissed me. I kissed her back, then started to bend over to get out of my pants. "Nuh-uh," she said. "I started it. I'll finish it." And she knelt down in front of me. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of my briefs. And pulled them downward. The elastic waist caught on my dick, pointing upward, hard. Blue eyes looked up at me. "Uh, Dan, I've never undressed a guy before." She pulled the waistband out and past my dick, dropping my briefs on top of the jeans piled around me feet. I stepped out of them. "Don't go anywhere," she said. "I didn't get a chance to look while ago." She could look now. It was pointed at her face. Her fingers gently wrapped the shaft. "This is so neat," she said. As I stood there trying to keep my knees from buckling, her fingers explored the head, tracing the coronal ridge, touching and squeezing. A big drop of pre-cum formed on the tip. Her eyes looked at me and turned naughty. She picked up the drop on her fingertip and popped the finger in her mouth. "Hey, that's actually pretty tasty." And then she wrapped the head of my dick in her mouth and sucked. "Oh, gosh, Nikki," I moaned. She pulled off it. "Did I hurt you?" she asked. "Oh, no, babe. You surprised me." She stood up and pulled my face down to hers. And kissed me. "Another first for Nikki, lover," she said. "Let's get that shower." I was glad I'd designed the shower. I knew when I designed the house that days would come when I might need the room. Nikki in the shower with me was that need. And a naked, wet and lathered Nikki was a thing of joy. I washed her. I shampooed her hair. She washed me. Scrubbed my back. Finally we stepped out and I wrapped her in the biggest, fluffiest towel in my inventory. And made a mental note to get new towels. She dried off and was drying her hair while I shaved. She giggled. "I never saw a guy shave before. You make funny faces." I put a dab of lather on her nose. After I finished shaving and brushed my teeth, the said, "Dan. A little of your cologne would be appropriate." "I didn't think you noticed." "I TOLD you that I noticed. You need to listen to me better." "Yes, ma'am." I put cologne on. And she put dabs of perfume here and there for me to find. We went back to the bedroom. The covers were still a mess from our earlier activity. "Grab a corner," she said, and we straightened the covers. She saw the spot where we'd leaked together earlier. And there was a slight tinge of red. "I'll wash these tomorrow, baby," she said. And she crawled into the middle of the bed and stretched out on her back. The cat strolled into the bedroom, looked at the two of us, and strolled back out. "Poor thing! I'm probably taking his spot." "He'll probably be back when things quiet down." "But they're quiet right now," she cooed. I crawled beside her and kissed her, cupping a breast in my hand, my fingers teasing a nipple to hardness. And then I moved my face away from hers, downward, kissing my way to her nipple. "Oh yeah, Dan! I like that!" I tongued and sucked first one perky breast, then the other. Then I looked up into her eyes. "Nikki," I said, "different people like different things. If I ever start to do something that you don't like, you need to tell me. It's your body. You get to say what we do." "Oh, Dan, I want to do everything." "Everything? What do you consider everything?" She pulled herself down to cuddle up with me. We entwined arms and legs. And she explained. "You know I WAS a virgin until a couple or three hours ago, right?" "Right," I said. "I felt that. And saw the evidence." "I was. And I'm not experienced. At all. I never even made out with a guy. Or kissed one. Not like we did. When I felt your tongue touch mine, that was the first time that happened." "But you ... you started it." "Yeah. That's the point. I know about stuff. I heard Mom and whatever guy goin' at it, an' like I said, they weren't quiet. The tongue thing, well I read about it somewhere. And that stuff about shooting an' coming, well I heard that through the wall a bunch of times. And when I did you with my mouth, I heard about that. And about her gettin' him to do that to her." "Wow!" "But, baby, I never did anything. With anybody. So, like, maybe I don't know HOW to do things, but I know that things are done." "Okay..." "And the same thing goes with you. If you don't want to do something with me, just tell me. I remember one of Mom's guys didn't like to, as he said, 'Eat pussy'. But most of them did." She looked into my eyes. "Do you?" "I think that eating you would be one of the happiest events of my life, babe." Squeal! "Good! "Cuz I want to see if that feels as good as I think it will." She kissed me. "And while ago? When I put your thing in my mouth? I REALLY liked that. I hope you do. I want to do that. Lots." Her hand was exploring my balls. "Lay back an' let me play." I did. She had questions about what and how hard and where, and I answered as she explored. She finally eased up into my arms again and my fingers explored the sweet, moist folds of her womanhood. Oh, right, she was fifteen. Make that her late girl-hood. We kissed and teased, lips to lips, face, neck, chest, and I kept my fingers busy in her pussy, finally succeeding in breaking her train of thought. Her pelvis was hunching insistently against my fingers as I teased an orgasm out of her. Finally she tossed her head back and said, "Dan! Lick me. There!" And I did, reveling in the juices flowing from her, the smell of lust, the velvet feel of her folds, and the little pea-like head of her clitty. I covered her clit with my mouth, sucking it in between my lips and working it with my tongue in light, feathery flicks. And she came, pulling my face hard into her wetness. Her muscles tensed then relaxed. I gave her a few seconds, then resumed. "Dan!" Her hands went back to my head. "I don't know! It's too soon! Aughhhh! Wait! Don't stop! Please. There! HARD!" And I abandoned the light flicks and laved her clit vigorously with my tongue. "Nnnnnnngghhhhhhh! Ohgodohgodohgod!! Yesssss!" She went rigid, back arched, her pussy pressed against my face. And then fell back. "Ahhhhhhh! Please! Come up here!" I cuddled her into my arms and kissed her face lightly. "Dan, baby," she whispered, her lips near my ear. "I used to do myself with my fingers sometimes, and I made myself come. But what you just did, wow! Just wow!" I brushed her sleek hair away from her face and kissed her. "You make me feel good, babe! You're a doll. A fantasy. No, I take that back. My fantasies were never this good." She pushed me onto my back and rested her chin in her hands on my chest. "Did you have fantasies about me, Dan?" "Oh, Nikki, I tried soooo hard not to. I felt bad about thinking of you like that. I wasn't supposed to." A smile formed on her lips and her eyes twinkled. A smile to Nikki was something that involved her whole face. "But you did anyway, huh?" "I couldn't help it." I kissed her. "I felt bad about it." "You don't have to feel bad about it any more. I want you to think about me like this!" She eased down my chest, playing on my nipples with her tongue. "Do guys like this too?" she asked. "I don't know about other guys, but I love it. And it's like there's wire from my left nipple to my dick." "Your left nipple? Is it the most sensitive? You showed me my RIGHT nipple is more sensitive." And she was holding my dick when she latched onto my left nipple, sucking it with her lips and teasing it with her tongue. She giggled. "That's so COOL! Every time my tongue moves, your thing moves. And gets harder." She smiled. "I'm gonna love learning how to please you." "You already please me, blue-eyed girl." "Yeah, but I want to fix you so where every time you stop to relax, you think of me." "Too late, Nikki!" "Too late?" "Yeah. All day today every time I closed my eyes, I saw you." "Before we even talked about us?" "Yes. Before we even talked about us." "It's us now, Dan." She left my nipple, headed further down. She regarded my dick at close range. It was rock-hard. She turned her head back toward me. "This thing is MADE for me to suck on, Dan!" Her head dipped and I felt lips close over me, sucking. She pulled off me with an audible pop. "I think I could do this better if I was between your legs, baby!" "Okay," I said. I scooted up toward the head of the bed, arranging pillows to support my back. The fact that it gave me a clear view of the brown-haired cutie crawling between my thighs was a definite plus. She started kissing my balls, giggling. "They're all wrinkly! It feels funny on my lips. I like it!" She kissed again. "You said not to suck too hard, huh?" "Yeah." Her head bobbed down. "Mmmmmm," she purred. "Was that too hard?" "Nope. Perfect!" "Okay, then." She worked me over for a minute. Then she licked up the shaft of my dick. "I'm just kinda wingin' it here, babe," she said, grinning. Her pink tongue made another pass. "Oooooh, look! You made me some juice!" She dispensed with the finger this time and her pink tongue licked it off me like a lollipop. And then she sucked. Her hand was wrapped around the shaft and her lips met her fingers as her head bobbed. "Dan," she asked, "can I bite it? Just a little? I mean, I WANT to." "Bite, baby." "How hard?" "As hard as you want. I trust you." It is a truly sensual thing to see your lover smile when she's got your dick in her mouth. I felt teeth. "Too hard?" "Nope. You could bite a little harder. Just not on the head. Real light on the head, okay?" And she gave me a series of sucks, licks and nibbles. Purrs and giggles accompanied her experimentation. "Am I doin' this right?" "If you do it much longer, you're gonna see how right you are..." Squeal! "Like, I'm gonna make you COME? With my mouth." "Yes, you are. So you better stop or you are going to get a mouthful." Her lips slid down over the head and her teeth fastened behind the ridge, tugging. "Nnnnnnnghhhh!" I breathed. "Baby! I'm serious. I'm gonna come." "I want you to." "B-but..." "You're my lover, Dan, and I want this thing to come in my mouth. I mean, if Mom could do a guy she just met, I can do THE guy who I'm gonna spend my life with..." And she went back down on me. As she worked me over with lips, teeth and tongue, her free hand cradled and caressed my balls. She looked up at me, giggling. "This is FUN! I can feel it throbbing!" She returned to sucking and swirling me. "I'm close, baby," I said, touching her pretty hair. She doubled her effort and "Nnnnnnghhhhh! Baby! Hereitcomes! Gahhhhh! Ohbaby! Nnnnnghhhh!" The first surge spurted into her mouth. I felt her tongue and cheeks as she swallowed. Then the second. And third. And the rest was just a long flow like fire. She kept the suction as I softened, then she climbed up to rest on my chest. "Would it be gross to kiss you right now?" "No. You kissed me with your juice all over my face. Kiss me." She did. I could taste the vestiges of my semen in her mouth. "We taste pretty good, huh?" she giggled. We kissed more. Then she asked, "Uh ... When they say sixty-nine, that's where we do each other at the same time?" "Yes it is. Wanna try?" And in a trice I was treated to the prettiest little pussy I'd ever seen. We attended to each other for some minutes. "I LIKE this," she said. "But I wanna kiss you." She turned back around and we embraced. "You're hard again, Dan." And she impaled herself on me. We went one more round, and I was astonished to find out that I could do a third orgasm in just a mere few hours. Nikki was under no such limitation and came twice as my stamina met the hurdle of building my third orgasm. This time when she sat up, recognizing the wetness between us, she grinned. "I know what to do about this mess," she announced. "If you don't think it's gross." "What's gross?" "You clean ME up and I'll clean YOU up. And that way, we won't make a big mess like we did earlier." I grinned at her. "I like the way you think, darlin'!" She squealed and simultaneously attacked my dick and balls as I licked our combined juice from her pussy. She was right. We WERE delicious. Finally we lay side by side, holding hands. "Wow! What a day, Dan!" "Yes it has been. I left here this morning troubled and lonely, and now I have YOU." "Forever, Dan. I will never leave you or forsake you." "And I will cherish you and you alone, for the rest of my life. I love you Nikki. Forever." "I love you, Dan," she whispered. She gave me one more kiss and turned toward me, her hand holding my dick as we drifted off to sleep. The alarm was all too soon. Nikki hit the kitchen dressed in my t-shirt (But I'd rather YOUR t-shirt than pajamas) and panties and whipped up a breakfast for us both. As we sat at the table eating, she said simply, "Dan, we're married, you know." "Married?" "Yep! Maybe not the way the state sees it, but that's the way it always was. When a man took a woman to be his wife, then they vowed to each other and sealed it with making love. We've done all that." "You actually WANT to be married? To me?" Fifteen year old eyes regarded me coolly. "Yes I do. I said so yesterday." "Then we're married. First day I get free, we're going to buy us some rings." She smiled sublimely. "Now I have to go to work, babe. I'd rather stay with you, but I need to make us some money for a honeymoon." And I kissed her and turned to leave. She tugged at my belt. "One more, husband," she smiled. I kissed her. "They're all yours from now on, wife." And I went off to work. I zipped through a couple of hours of site visits and pointing out things that might be obvious but that the clients felt better about after I validated their suppositions. Mid-morning I parlayed my day to drive out of the hurricane footprint to a nearby city where a facility was drying out some wet equipment. After my visit, I stopped by a cellphone store and picked one out. I grabbed a burger on the road and headed back into the mess and a couple more site visits. At the five o'clock hour I saw no reason to hang around longer so I headed back south to my Nikki. She was in the living room at the front door when she heard my key in the lock. Greeted with a kiss at the end of a day. What a wonderful thing. Even more wonderful with Nikki, soft, eager, smiling, those blue eyes laughing for me. "I hope you're hungry for spaghetti again," she said. "I had a hunger." She paused. "Actually TWO hungers. Spaghetti is one of them." She smiled wickedly. "Let me go start the water boiling for the pasta. Go sit in your chair." It felt good to recline. Nikki showed up at my feet and untied my work shoes. This was almost too much. "Baby, you don't have to do that," I said. "I know, babe," she smiled. "But you went off to work today and I stayed home." She pulled off my shoes and kneaded my feet. I moaned. "The sheriff stopped by today to check on us. In an army hummer." "Did he say anything?" "Just checking on us, is what he said." "Okay," I said. "I wonder if he's asking himself questions about you being here." "He didn't say anything about it. Why?" "Oh, just something to worry about. You're fifteen, living with a guy who's old enough to be your daddy." "Or my uncle." She smiled. "Or my husband." "Except you're too young to get married in this state." "Oh. That's stupid." I sighed. "That's the law." "But what about girls who have sex an' get pregnant and they're younger than me? Huh?" "I didn't say it made sense, baby, just that it's the law." She left and came back. "Pasta's gonna be ready in ten minutes." And she crawled into my lap. "Baby, but I WANT to be married to you. It's just stupid! I could be the biggest skank in the school, and nobody would care, but if I want to commit my life to the man I love, it's against the law?" "It would be against the law for me to be with you if you were the world's biggest fifteen year old skank. To skank legally you've have to do guys your age." "It's not funny, Dan." I kissed her. "I know, baby, but what is, is. We can't do much about it." I stroked her sleek walnut tresses. Pushed them back from her ear and nibbled at it, eliciting giggles. And whispered, "I love you." And that got me another, full mouth, passionate kiss. Our tongues wrestled together. "Mmmmmm," she purred. "It's a mess. But you know, this is the best I've had it since Grandma died." "I'm sorry, baby. You're cute and smart and funny and a delight to behold and things should be better for you." "Thank you, Dan. You make me feel so good." Our little reverie was interrupted by the bell of the kitchen timer. We ate our meal, talking about what we each did during the day. "I pulled a book off your shelf and read it, and I listened to some of your CD's." "What CD's?" "Oh, some Beethoven symphonies. I love his "Pastorale"." "That's one of my favorites, too. What book?" "That one you had of collected Mark Twain works. You have to sort of get your mind into him, but when you do, he's FUNNY!" "No TV?" "I didn't feel like TV. I vacuumed and swept and did the laundry. Those sheets with the big spot on them." She giggled. "I should have cut a square out and framed it." She smiled. "You know. Proof of me giving myself to you." "It means something to me, Nikki. It does." "I know it does, Dan." And there was a knock on the door. I had the shotgun in my right hand as I opened the door with my left, my foot anchored firmly to stop it from opening more than a few inches. "Yes?" "Uh, Dan? It's me, Sheriff Richard." "Oh, come in, then." I stepped back, leaning the shotgun against the wall behind the door. He walked in and saw the shotgun. "Prepared, huh?" he laughed. "I would be, too. I had to arrest four guys in a pickup truck today. Looters." "No shit?!?!?!" "Yeah. Kinda what I said. But you know how some people are. That's why I came by today. Wanted to check on you folks." "Where's your Hummer?" asked Nikki. "I gave it back to the national guard. I like my SUV." He smiled. "Miss Nikki, I put your name in a database. We're trying to find your momma, but nothing's turned up yet. But if she goes to Red Cross or one of the other organizations and asks, you'll show up." Next he turned to me. "Dan, you got everything you need? Food? Water?" "I have my own well, sheriff," I answered. "And we have plenty of food. How about you? You're welcome to a home-cooked meal. We have spaghetti. Nikki learned to cook from her grandma. She's GOOD!" He patted his belly. "Not today. I've been eating at the national guard field kitchen. They got a good cook there, too. Mess sergeant. From New Iberia." He looked at Nikki, then me. "So are ya'll related?" "Nope," I answered. I told him the story of walking outside after the storm, surveying the fallen building next door. Hearing the cries. "I thought that's what I heard you say the day we flew in. But I didn't think to ask. Little girl," he said, "that's a heck of a story. How'd you get left behind?" Nikki explained to him as she had to me. He looked at the two of us again. "I can get you out of here, Nikki, if you want." "Thanks, Sheriff Richard," she said, "but if you take me from here, I'm gonna be a teenager in a shelter by herself, and I don't want to do that. Mr. Dan's got me a cellphone and if you find out anything you can call me. I'll be right here. Just like today. Okay?" "That's okay with me," he told her. "Dan, she told me you're driving out to work?" I told him about what I was doing and where, and about taking her to Houston to buy clothes and supplies. He looked at me with an odd expression. "Sounds like you're taking better care of her than she would've gotten at a shelter. So you're okay with her staying here?" "Just call it the only shelter in the parish." He laughed. "Well, then, I'll make sure that the deputies know she's here during the day and they'll make patrols." "Any word on when electricity will be back?" "The electric company says we'll probably get this road back in another five or six days. My office is on generator too, though, and the propane truck's gonna come in on Friday. I'm gonna send 'em over here under escort to make sure you're filled up, too." He looked thoughtful. "Hang on! I'll be back." He walked out the door and came back in a minute with a walkie-talkie radio. "Here," he said. "This one's on our frequencies. Here's the charger. If you need us, make sure it's on channel one. That's our priority channel. And just holler for help. Miss Nikki, that's especially for you. It's faster'n 9-1-1 on your cellphone." "Thanks, Sheriff Richard!" she said. Turning to me, he said, "Dan, can you walk outside with me for a second?" Now I was worried. But I walked outside. "Whatcha got, sheriff?" "Dan," he said, "You know that a person with a dirty mind would be all kind of suspicious about a fifteen year old girl stayin' the house with you." "Yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I can see where a person might read something into that." "Well, here's what I see..." he leaned back against the hood of the SUV. "I've asked her THREE times now if she wanted to leave and three times she says no and then she looks at you. I know what "no" means. And I'm an ol' country boy and I'm pretty sure what that look is, too." "What?!?!?" "Don't get upset, man," he said. "She's just not hiding it very well. The kid is in love." "And with a bit of knowledge like that, where does that leave me in the eyes of the law, sheriff?" He crossed his arms. "In the eyes of the law, you're looking at five to twenty, and a life as a registered sex offender." My shoulders fell. "That'd kill Nikki. Me too. But Nikki ... Sheriff, she's had a rough time..." "That's what I'm sayin', Dan. IF ... and that's a big "IF", I was to make a case of it. But you see, she might have told you about her momma, but I already KNEW about her momma. And what's goin' on with her momma right now." "What?" "The woman's been in this parish for two years now and I've had her picked up three times for prostitution. Drugs twice." "Nikki said there were problems, but she didn't mention arrests." I rubbed my neck again. "And just so you know, her momma's NOT going to try and find her, I don't think. She and the latest boyfriend got arrested with another guy at a meth lab in Arkansas today. I got a call an' sent 'em a file on 'er." "Oh, shit!" I said. "I don't know how to tell Nikki..." "Don't tell her. It's a piece of knowledge that won't help anything. Kinda like me knowin' that she's stayin' here with you." "Damn!" "Look, buddy," he said. "This is the country. I'm the sheriff. I get a pretty free rein on how to enforce laws here. On you an' her, I'm keepin' my mouth shut. Now I'm gonna tell you something. An' if you say anything to anybody, your ass is mine, but I ran a background check on you." "That should have been interesting." "It was. Army engineer lieutenant. Honorable discharge. Good credit. No criminal record. Divorced once. Blah-blah-blah. Talked to a guy I fish with that works at one of those plants where you work. He says you're some sort of electrical god. You have a lot to lose, you know." "I know." "You know Nikki's grandma?" "Dead grandma? To hear Nikki tell it, the woman was a saint." He laughed. "You choose words wisely. She was. Was my wife's aunt, too. And this bein' a little country parish in Louisiana, I know that sometimes young girls and old guys, well, her grandma was a case. And so was a certain law enforcement official who fell in love with a teenaged girl thirteen years his junior." "No joke?" "Nope. I'm sixty-two and she's forty-nine. And her brother's the district attorney." "That's awfully convenient," I laughed. "So here's the deal," he said. "You and Nikki ... okay. Unless SHE says it's a problem. If you're a couple, you're a couple. And not one of those couples where I get reports of domestic disturbances. You appear to be an honorable man." He paused. "Now let's see what Miss Nikki says about some of this." We walked back into the house. Nikki was pacing. "Nervous?" Sheriff Richard asked her. "Ya'll been out there talkin' for a long time. Dan looked serious. Like he was worried." "He had reason to be," said the sheriff. "Miss Nikki, do you know what the law says about under-aged girls?" "Yessir. Mr. Dan explained it to me." "He did? Good! So let me get a final answer from you. Are you SURE you want to stay here. With him?" This time I was watching. And he was right. She tried to hide it, so the smile didn't show on her lips, but her eyes twinkled and she stood just a little straighter. "Yessir," she said. "I do." "Go sit on the sofa by 'im, then," he said. Nikki obeyed. She sat next to me, hands folded on her lap, a little fidgety. She glanced at me. "Now," he said, "tell me that you livin' here with Mr. Dan is what you want, and don't try to tell me that it's 'I'll clean the house and cook and that's it!', okay? Am I right?" Nikki glanced up at me and then burst into tears. "B-but Sheriff Richard, he didn't force me to do nothin'. I love 'im. An' he loves me. Don't take me away..." She wailed, tears rolling down her cheeks. I put my arms around her. She looked up at me. "I'm sorry, Dan," she sobbed. "I love you." I kissed her then turned to Sheriff Richard. "Is that an answer?" "Dammit, I'm sorry, Dan. I'm sorry Miss Nikki," he said. "I know what I need to know. You two are okay. Just like you are." He paused. "Dan. Outside for another minute?" Out the door we went. He turned to me. "I just broke my OWN damned heart, Dan. I'm sorry." "I am too, sheriff." "Stop the "sheriff" bit. Call me Ernie." "Okay, Ernie." "Dan, are you ... would you, if you could, you and her get married?" "Married? How? She's fifteen." "Listen," he said. "Her mom's in jail, headed for prison. She's in a bad spot." "I know. But..." "But nothin'. I've been huntin' in these marshes since I was a kid. I'm good at it, and I end up with a bunch of lawyers and a judge or two who just love to come down and shoot a few ducks with me and drink some liquor an' play cards every fall. And I just might have me ... us a plan." "What are you thinking?" "Emancipation. Court order takes her out of her mom's custody. And a judge can sign a court order to allow her to marry. At fifteen. Used to happen all the time, just to make sure that a baby wasn't sittin' in the front pew clappin' when his parents got married. When I was young, people cared about that stuff. They don't now, but I think I could talk a judge into..." "Wait. Nikki's not pregnant." "So?!?! Nobody said she had to be. I had an uncle who married his fifteen year old girlfriend before he went to Viet Nam. They have four grown up kids now. She wasn't pregnant. Just wanted to get married." "You think you can pull that off?" "I'd pretty much bet on it. Cost you a cold coke, though." I laughed. "Come on in." We walked into the house. "Nikki! Get Mr. Ernie a coke!" She came back in with the can in her hand. "Ya'll sure seem happier this time." "You gonna tell 'er, Ernie?" He smiled. "Miss Nikki, I am so sorry I made you cry. I really am." "I'm okay, Sheriff ... uh, Mister Ernie." "It appears to me that you love this here old guy. Am I right?" She nodded warily. "Yessir." "Enough to marry 'im?" A smile, briefly, then, "Yessir." He laughed. "Then smile, baby. We're gonna make that happen." Squeal. And Nikki threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, the chastely kissed Ernie on the cheek. "Really? How?" Ernie explained. "Now I gotta go, folks. But here's the deal. After the wedding, we get together for a crawfish boil or a gumbo or somethin'. And Dan... ?" "Yeah?" "You vote for me?" "Hell, man, I'll put your sign in my yard!" I shook his hand and Nikki hugged him before he left. We plugged in the radio charger and she was almost giddy. ------ Chapter 5 "It's gonna happen???? I can't believe! It's REALLY gonna happen! Dan!" "Nikki, you need to be sure. I'm not the guy that thinks marriage is just a way to get a tax deduction. If you think it's forever..." She wrapped me in her arms and kissed me. "Dan, you're mine! I will never leave you or forsake you. Forever!" "Forever's a long time, babe," I said. "I can see it from forty-one. Can you see it from fifteen?" She looked into my eyes. "I'm walkin' into it with you, no matter what, Dan!" she exclaimed. "You'd better get used to it." "I love you, babe," I said, holding her. "I love you too..." she giggled. "Let's get the kitchen straight an' get us a shower, 'kay?" "You betcha, brown-haired girl." We had the kitchen squared away in half an hour. And into the shower. She was not the least bit ashamed of her own nudity this time. And as I stripped, she watched. "Danny," she said, "D'you think I'm pretty?" "I do, Nikki. You're very pretty. And it's not the clothes you wear or make-up or anything you have to put on or add. You're just a naturally pretty girl." "But I'm not blonde." I laughed, "Sweetie, blondes don't have a monopoly on pretty. You have beautiful hair. It's clean and shiny and has that little curl, and I adore your bangs." "Really?" "Really," I said. "And besides, a guy in love gets to say that his girl is pretty. But you were pretty that first night you were here, before I found out I loved you." She pressed her nakedness against me. "I just want to be what makes you happy, babe!" and she kissed me. "You make me way past happy, babe," I answered. The next two weeks were surreal. I'd never been like this when I was married before, juggling a career for me and a career for my wife, waking up and going in separate directions, coming home, it wasn't the same. Of major importance, though, was that first wife, Shelley, was NO Nikki. Nikki and I just clicked. She had the most amazingly placid demeanor, and the more I talked with her, the more I came to realize that there was a world-class brain behind that wry smile and those blue eyes. I mean, first, she just took over the household like she'd been doing it for years. I kept a clean house, but she made it shine. Meals? Breakfast every morning, a snack in a bag for me to take off to work, and when I came in there was always something ready for me. There was another thing. I'd come in and find the books she was reading. Yes, she did Mark Twain. And downloaded a few to my e-book reader, and I tracked titles and progress, and she was a reader. A pretty fast one. But one of the big surprises was, "Dan, when school starts back up, you're gonna fix me up!" "Fix you up? Are you broken?" "Nope. Just I'm thinkin' about my grades. Uh, do YOU think I'm smart?" "Hah! Not since you were helping me with storm damage stuff. You learn amazingly fast. That's "smart" as far as I'm concerned. So what are you asking, little doll?" "I'm asking you to HELP me. I never worked in school. I just sit through the class. I think I can do better. I want you to help me." "I'll help you, baby." "Okay, then. I need to write down some stuff about math an' see if we can get up to speed from there. I'll do that tomorrow, 'kay?" Her eyes twinkled. "And when school starts back ... Your Nikki is gonna turn over a new leaf." Nights were our time. Nikki put a whole physical dimension to my life that even my wildest fantasies never imagined. She was a temptress in teen body. Most evenings we showered together, but sometimes we didn't, and I'd get out of the shower and find her in the bed lying seductively, reading, and she'd look at me and giggle and wink, and off we'd go. I'm trying to say that life was good. So I was at one of the client sites mid-morning when my cellphone rang. I didn't recognize the number. "Hello. Dan Granger. Can I help you?" Laughter. A voice I recognized. "Dan, this is Ernie. I got some news for you." "Oh, hi, Ernie! Figured you'd been busy. How're things going?" "Hell, Dan! We got our butts kicked by a hurricane. But we're getting things back together. Lemme ask you up front. Are you still serious about Miss Nikki?" "Yes I am, Ernie. Why?" "Then you're gonna like what I have for you." "Whatcha got?" I was excited. My heart was pounding. "I got a judge who let me explain the situation. Now he wants to talk to Miss Nikki. And you. Separately." "When?" "You know, Dan, I can move this along pretty fast. Can you call Miss Nikki? I'm about twenty minutes away from ya'll's house. I can bring her into town to talk with the judge this afternoon." "Ernie, straight up ... this isn't some way to get Nikki out of my house for good, is it?" "Oh, no way, Dan. If I thought that, I'd tell you. This judge is straight up. He's not gonna be stupid. Just wants to hear it from her. And if you can see 'im tomorrow morning, then that's what we need." "Okay, Ernie. I'll call her and tell her." I thought for a second. "Say! I could talk to 'im this morning myself, before or after Nikki." "Okay. You call Nikki, and I'll call Judge Lanford, and we'll talk afterward." As soon as I hung up on the sheriff, I was on the phone to Nikki. "Hey, sweetie," she answered. I told her what was going on. "Dan, I'm worried." "Sheriff Ernie says not to worry. Just tell the judge what you told him the other night." Small voice. "Okay. And Dan?" "Yes, babe?" "I love you!" "I love you too, sweetie!" I hung up with Nikki and shoved the phone into its holster. It rang almost immediately. "Yeah, Ernie?" "You're set up for eleven this morning." He told me the address of the judge's office. My next call was to the office. "Steve," I said, "I'm tying up loose ends right now. I have a domestic emergency. I may be in and out for the rest of today and tomorrow. Ledbetter has a handle on this project and he can call me if he needs me. I'll be on my phone if you need me." "Dammit! Okay, Dan. Do what you have to do, I suppose!" Steve knew better than to think I was going to screw my clients. "That's a good little boss," I laughed. "Dammit, Dan! Don't rub it in!" I worked up until a quarter to eleven and headed across town. Walked into a tastefully appointed law office, gave my name to the receptionist, and she walked back to report my arrival. A sixtyish man appeared in the door wearing shirt and tie. "So you're Dan Granger!" Shaking my hand he said, "I'm James Lanford. Sheriff Richard told me about you. Can you join me?" "Yessir," I said. Laughing, he said, "Oh, don't do 'sir' with me. Ernie and I gut ducks together. I'm just James, okay? You coming in from work?" He asked. "Ernie told me you were at one of the plants." "Yes, James. I feel under-dressed." "Don't," he said. "Sit!" He motioned me to a chair equally as luxurious as the one behind his desk. I sat. "So Ernie explained to me a, well, a situation." "Yes, James. A situation I wasn't out looking for. It just happened." "So he said." He folded his hands together. "And I had an interesting talk with a Miss Dominique Domingue." "She's an intelligent young lady who's had a rotten life right up to the point where an apartment building fell in on her." He looked at me. "That's what she said. And the sheriff updated me on the status of her mother, now in the custody of the State of Arkansas." "So I've heard." "And her mom's stepfather is out of the picture. I looked into him. Not the sort of character I'd want to turn over the custody of a fifteen year old girl to, I'm told." "I didn't know that." He looked at a legal pad on his desk. "Says here that he divorced Nikki's grandmother a couple of years after they married, when Nikki's mom was sixteen. In and out of jail since then." "I didn't know that, either." "And you, according to our sheriff, are, in his words, 'an honorable man'. He skirted the law to get some of that information, apparently." "It's amazing the kind of help you can get with a cold coke after a hurricane," I said. The judge chuckled. "If you'd've given 'im a cold beer, he'd have rented a chapel for you. Uh ... chapel. So let me get this straight. You've known Miss Nikki for three, three and a half weeks, and you're willing to take care of her?" "Yes, I am, James." "More than take care of her?" "Uh ... yes..." "Marry her, except that according to state law, she can't get married without parental permission until she's eighteen. Sixteen WITH parental permission." I looked at him straight on. "Yes, James, I would like to marry her. She and I have talked about this. As I am sure you've discovered." "Dan," he said, "She had tears in her eyes. Swears her un-dying love for you. And for some reason, I am inclined to believe her." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Most unusual young lady. I asked her how she spent her days while you were working and she gave me the names of Mozart concertos and Beethoven symphonies and Handel and Telemann and Boccherini and Twain and Heinlein. Sounds like she's quite the sponge for culture." "Then she didn't mention being an engineering assistant?" "No." "The first couple of days after the storm, when I got phone and internet back, I worked from my home office. She sat there and watched, then started catching on, and talking about it, and dammit! She picks up things fast!" "Sounds like she's picked up an electrical engineer along the way." "Yeah. She did." "You love her? I mean, bullshit aside, you LOVE her? Not for a housekeeper or a sex toy? Love her?" "James, I know that some people could do that. But I couldn't. I would kill myself before I let myself add one tear to Nikki's life. She's had it hard enough already." "Dan, she said the same thing about you. Except she said your hard life was from women. I can understand that, as many cases as come across my desk." "Nothing else I can say then." "Well," he smiled, "I took the liberty of having Miss Dominique Domingue affix her signature to this legal document. I will have you affix your own. And I will sign it. And Mizz Helen," He punched the intercom, "Mizz Helen will come in here with her handy dandy court seal and seal it, making it binding and legal. And I think that if you take this to the courthouse, those people will issue you and Miss Nikki a marriage license. I think you'll find that Sheriff Richard is having a hamburger with her at the diner up the street." He laughed. Mizz Helen appeared just as he signed under my somewhat shaking signature. She stamped the papers and gave me several copies. "Mizz Helen," he said, "Give the sheriff a call and have him bring Miss Nikki back here." He looked at me. "Oh, and call your sister at the courthouse and see if she's too busy to bring us over a marriage license. I'm finding that I feel particularly judgish today. I like helping people from time to time." "W-what???" "Well, Dan," he said. "If you want, and she wants..." I stammered, "Y-you ask her..." I sat back in my chair. "Wow!" "So," he said, "how's work?" We chatted for five or ten minutes when Nikki walked in wearing a blouse and skirt and pumps, an outfit she'd bought with me on our trip to Houston. Her eyes twinkled when she saw me. She stood at my side. "Hi, Miss Nikki," said the judge. "Hello, Mister James," she said. She looked at me, smiled, and took my hand in hers. "Since you're smiling..." "Dan told me to ask you something," James said. "Yessir," she said softly. "You told me you wanted to marry him. He wants to know if today's too soon." Squeal! I got a kiss. Ernie got a hug and a kiss on the cheek. And so did the judge. And Nikki was back at my side. "Really?" "Yes, really." The front door opened and closed. Helen and her sister showed up with a marriage license form. In the presence of a judge it was filled out and signed by me, by Nikki, by the judge as the official performing the marriage, and by Sheriff Ernie Richard and Miss Helen as witnesses. And holding hands in a judge's office, we exchanged vows and promised our lives to each other forever. And in our topsy turvy day, THEN we went and bought two simple gold bands. Leaving the jeweler with my brand new fifteen year old bride sitting in my truck beside me, I said, "Missus Granger, I need to make a phone call." She glowed. "Wow! I get it! I'm really married to you!" She giggled. "Make your call, husband!" I flipped the phone open and called Steve. "Where ARE you?" he asked. "Leaving a judge's office," I said. "W-whaaa???" "Long story, Steve. I'm gonna be out the rest of the day." "Somethin' wrong? Need bail?" "Nope! Need a day off tomorrow. Got something to take care of." "A day off? We're goin' balls to the wall!" "And I know exactly what's going on for my projects, and they'll do quite well until Thursday." Steve was a little irate. "Dammit, Dan! What do you have that's more important than your job?" "Oh, Steve, my dear old friend, I just stood in a judge's office and got married. My wife is more important than this job, if it should come to that." I paused for a second. "But you don't want it to come to that, do you? Do WE?" He was off balance now. "Dammit, Dan! You coulda told me ... congratulations, I guess." "Why thank you, Steve! Here. You can congratulate my new bride, too." I handed the phone to Nikki. "Say hi to Steve, baby," I told her. "Hi, Steve," she giggled. "You married my engineer?" "Yes I did. Can I keep him to myself for a day?" "Uh..." She giggled some more. "I'll leave enough of 'im to go to work Thursday, I promise," she said sweetly, and he handed me back the phone. "Okay, Steve?" I asked. Steve coughed. "Dan, she sounds YOUNG!" "She is young. And cute. And smart. And I'm takin' 'er home right now. I will talk to you later." "Uh, okay. See you Thursday, then." She was laughing. "Oh, you're gonna get such a reputation..." And hour later we were walking through our door into the house. Cellphone rang again. Sheriff Richard. "Hey, Ernie!" "Hi," he said, "how do you think I did?" "I can't say thank you enough. You're on my permanent list of good people!" "Well good," he said. "Just wanna let you know that ya'll should have real electricity in the next day or two." "Great!" I said. "Nikki said "thank you," too." "I'm sure she did. You two have fun. I'll talk to you later. Ya'll need to come over and visit soon, okay?" "I'll ... We'll sure do that, Ernie. Thanks again!" "No problem," she said. "Just tryin to keep my crime numbers down, ya know!" I laughed. "See ya later," and he hung up. I looked at Nikki. "That was our benefactor." She smiled. "Dan, I don't know what we did to deserve this, but a buncha people just helped us." "Yeah. I don't know what we did. But in three weeks this hurricane thing got me a perfect wife." She hooked a hand around the back of my neck and swung herself to face me. "And I have a perfect husband," she said. "You need to know that's how I feel." Her kiss punctuated the statement. We walked out the back door and checked the generator together, then came back in. "You know," she said, "we're not expecting company, and even if somebody DID show up and catch us, we're married. I'm thinking that just maybe I don't want to wear clothes right now." I watched her unbuttoning that neat blouse. "I like the way you think." She'd just pushed me backward onto the sofa and climbed on top of me when the cellphone rang. I ignored it. The people I'd been working with KNEW that if I didn't answer, they should leave a message. I thought that would happen. But it rang again. I waited. It rang again. "Pick it up, babe!" Nikki said. "It's got be important." "More important than a naked girl in my lap?" She giggled. "Answer your phone!" She fished it out of my pants and glanced at the display. "See! It's your sister!" I hit the callback button. "Hey, Sis." "Hey yourself. You still workin' all those hours?" "Kinda," I said. "But I'm off tomorrow for a family emergency." She drew a breath sharply. "Uh, what KIND of family emergency?" I laughed. "The best kind. As in I wanna spend it with your new sister-in-law." Squeal! "You got married?" "Yep!" "Who? Do I know her?" Nikki was watching me. "Yeah, you know ABOUT her." Another deep breath, audible in the phone. "Dan! Not that kid that was stayin' there?!?! She's fifteen!" "Yep! Nikki's your new sister-in-law. Went to a judge and did it all legal and correct. Just this afternoon, as a matter of fact." "You're serious!" Incredulity colored her voice. I looked at Nikki and announced loud enough for my sister to hear, "Your sister-in-law is beside herself with joy." Nikki smiled. Back to my sister. "I am serious. I love her and she loves me and we are husband and wife now." Tersely. "Okay. I suppose. You're a big boy." "Yes, I am. Now, are you calm enough to say hi to Nikki?" "Yes. Let me talk to her." "Be nice, now!" I said, handing the phone to Nikki. "Hi, Sis!" chirped Nikki. "Your brother's wonderful! He's the love of my life!" "We love him too," said Dana. "You're a bit of a surprise, but welcome to the family. When are we getting' together? Us women have to make that happen, you know. The guys will never get around to it." Nikki beamed, "Let him get through all these jobs and we'll get ya'll down here or we can go there." Dana sighed, "Yeah, babe! Now you keep 'im straight!" And as related later, Nikki floored her. "I sure will! That's why I married 'im." Dana was still trying to breathe when I got the phone back. "What'd'ya think?" "Dan, she's a horrible person!" snickering. "You deserve each other. I can't wait to tell your brother. Or do you wanna tell 'im?" "Nah, you know that I hate to deprive you of your few joys in life." She was still laughing when we said goodbye. Nikki's naked butt wiggled in my lap. "See! They're happy to know me, huh!" "Yeah, especially that part about you keeping me straight." She batted her luxurious lashes. "But I do, Dan. Every chance I get!" She was kissing on my neck when the phone rang again. "That'll be the brother," I said. "After this one we turn the phone off," she said. "Hey, brother!" I said. "You did WHAT!?!?!?!" Calmly I answered, "I married Nikki. She is the love of my life." "Lemme get this straight. You pulled her out of the wreckage of her home, and that was three weeks ago. And you're MARRIED?!?!?!" I laughed, trying to defuse the situation. "Yeah! Ain't it wonderful?!?!?!" He drew a deep breath. "AND she's FIFTEEN!?!?!" "Yeah. She's fifteen. And smart. And cute. And YOUR sister-in-law. And as far as we're concerned, this is forever, so get used to it." Nikki was listening. She looked at me, eyebrow arched, questioning. I smiled and shook my head, smiling. Back to the phone. "So congratulate me." "Yeah ... I suppose. Okay" "If you're nice, I'll let you congratulate your new sister-in-law, too." "I'll be nice. It'll be like talkin' to one of my daughter's friends. Lemme talk to her." I handed her the phone again. "Hi, Bill," she said sweetly. "You've got a wonderful brother!" "Hi, Nikki. He's a barrel of laughs, ain't he?" Nikki purred. "Yes he is." And she did it to Bill. "Sometimes we stay up all night (big, pregnant pause) laughing." She giggled. And grinned at me. I could hear Bill's discomfiture over the phone as she handed it back to me. "Well," I said. "There she is." "Well I suppose. You're a big boy..." "That's what SHE said!" I said. He sputtered. "DAMMIT! Okay. We all need to get together. When you can." "I know. Nikki an' Dana are already talking about it." "Good," he said. "I'm gonna let you go, bud. I'm sure you can find something to entertain yourself." "Yeah. Unless you're completely warped, you can't BEGIN to imagine." I kissed Nikki loudly. "Bye!" click! "You're so baaad!" she giggled, kissing me. "I love you!" She sighed. "Are they gonna accept me?" "Yep! No doubt. Dana'll do it because she knew how bad things've been with divorce and girlfriends. Bill will buy it just because he's gonna see me an' you and know how offbeat it is that we're so happy. But you might want to know that he has two daughters older than you." "Oh!" She said. "I'll just wave this!" She looked at the gold band on her ring finger. "Mrs. Granger! Hmmphh! How about that!" She slid off my lap onto the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked. She shoved my knees apart, smiling. "My first wifely duty, sir," she giggled, smiling with her whole face. Her hand tilted my hard dick toward her lips and I drew a breath as she sucked me into her mouth. She went "Mmmmmmm" as she sucked me. "I know how this relaxes you, baby!" She spent a couple of minutes bouncing my balls in one hand as she gently sucked me in and out of her mouth. The she stood and took my hand. "Husband," she said, "come to our bedroom." I followed her. She crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees and looked back over her shoulder. I knew the signal: doggie style. I couldn't resist working over her wet pussy with my lips and tongue. "Baby," I said, "You KNOW I don't have much control like this. I can't last long." She purred, "Give me your best shot, babe. You just married me today. I won't take long." I knelt behind her, erect, her pussy pink, wet and inviting. I pushed my dick downward, the head parting her lips and smearing her moisture over the head. I was preparing to push forward but she beat me to it, pushing backward onto the head and first inch of my shaft. "Oh, Nikki," I moaned. "You are heaven!" "Fill me, Dan," she said simply. "Push me hard and fill me!" I gripped her hips and pushed inward as I pulled her backward onto me, bottoming out, my pubic bone hard against her ass. I could feel muscles rippling inside her. Her mobile hips moved back and forth on me in in short, insistent strokes. "I feel your balls bumping me. Mmmmm!" And I matched her rhythm, stroking in and out of heaven. She was whimpering, little happy, "Mmm, mmm, mmm" sounds coming from her. I marveled at her beauty. Suddenly she pulled forward off me, rolling onto her back, legs spread. She held her arms out. "Come here," she said. I crawled in between her waiting thighs, entering her with one fluid motion. Her pelvis rocked upward to meet me and we began to mate. I felt her mons against me and I stroked in and out and her own motions met mine. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. "NNnnnnnnggghhhh! Dannnnn! I'm coming, babyyyyyyy!" and she smashed upward against me. I felt myself in her all the way to her cervix, its hard little roundness against the head of my buried dick. And I washed that cervix with jet after jet of my semen. "Ahhh! I feel it! I feel you coming!!! Babyyyyyy!" And one of her hands hooked behind my head and pulled me down to kiss her. Her legs were wrapped around me, trapping me as we finished our orgasm. With our mouths joined at one end and our sex joined at the other, I rolled us over so that she rested on top of me. When our kiss finally ended, she pulled away. I saw tears running down her cheeks. "Baby," I said, "I love you." She looked at me with tear-filled eyes. "Oh, DANNNNNNN," she sobbed, "I love you SOOOO much! Tell me I'm not dreaming." I took her left hand and put it in front of her face, showing her the ring on her finger. "Baby. My Nikki. It's NOT a dream. It's you and me. Us!" Twenty minutes later we finally realized that we hadn't eaten dinner. We had a one-day honeymoon in our own house. "Nikki," I said, "I promise you a honeymoon of your choice, babe, when this is over. Maybe another week. She smiled. "Can we do a cruise?" "Uh, sure, babe. Where?" "Alaska!" "You betcha, babe! You amaze me." "I do? Why?" "I've never been on a cruise, and I wanted to do Alaska, but never did. We'll discover together." Conveniently, this conversation took place while we were naked and in bed, because smiles turned to kisses and kisses led to caresses and explorations and that led to another coupling. At ten in the morning. In the afterglow, we lay side by side, our hands together, fingers entwined. I turned my head to look at her face, her hair in sassy disarray. She turned slightly toward me and purred. "Mmmmmm, Dan, can you do this so much you die from it?" I smiled at her blue eyes. "I dunno, cutie, but we're trying." "We're married, Dan! Consummated. VERY consummated, I might add. There's probably never been a more consummated couple on the planet." She giggled at her own joke. "And we don't have to hide. From ANYBODY!" "Yeah, I know, babe. But it's gonna be different when you go back to school." "Yeah, I think they said schools might open next week. Tuesday or Wednesday." "Where'd you hear that?" "Radio," she said. And as she said that, I heard a beeping. "What's that sound?" she asked. ------ Chapter 6 "That, my dear, is us returning to civilization. That's telling me that the utility power's been restored and I'm ... we're still on generator. I need to go flip the switch and shut the generator down." I stood up, naked. She smiled. "Come here," she said. "You're dripping." I stepped back and faced the bed, letting her soft, warm mouth clean my dick and balls. I dove into her wet pussy with my mouth and returned the favor, then we both got out of bed and went to the utility room to perform the needed operations. Standing in the utility room, she looked at the back door, then looked at me and smiled. Her head tilted in what I knew was the lead-up to an adventuresome question. She smiled at me, then broke into a grin. "Outside? In the sun?" "Why not?" I answered. "Just a little while. Don't wanna get caught." We walked hand in hand, naked, in our back yard. "I could get used to this," she laughed. "Maybe I need to get us a privacy fence so my baby can run around naked." "So WE can run around naked," she countered. "And do this!" And she knelt and sucked me. "Stand up! Let's go get a blanket." She was giggly, following me to retrieve a blanket and then we were out in our yard and I was amazed at the effect that this fifteen year old's physical attractiveness and enthusiasm had on my forty one year old libido. I was already hard when we got the blanket spread and she lay down and I mounted her and took her, wildly, vigorously, her unmuted cries ringing over the open fields and marshes surrounding us. We came down together and then gathered up the blanket and retired into the house. I was breathless and my baby was glowing. "Wow! Baby! That was wild! Did it excite you as much as it did me? Really?" "Gosh, yes, little girl. That was our fourth in twenty-four hours and the second in an hour. Guys my age can't do that. It's gotta be YOU!" "Mmmmm, thank you," Nikki said, kissing me just inside the back door. "I think it's US!" "Yes, that's it, baby. It's us. Together. All I ever wanted was you. Even before you existed. Before I knew you. I've been looking all my life and now I have you. We have each other." Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Work. Work. Work. Work. Yes, school was supposed to start on Wednesday for the handful of the students in the parish. I made a phone call to give them an address and yes, they'd dispatch a bus to pick Nikki up at the house. I had to wonder about the number of students who'd be on that bus. On my drives back and forth to work I'd not seen a lot of activity at any of the few homes that had survived the storm. I called Sheriff Richard. I was pleasantly surprised to be called by my name when he answered. Apparently I was on his phone list. "Dan! Why, hello, newlywed," He said. "Hello, Ernie. How're things goin' in the sheriffin' business?" "Well," he said. "We're getting out of the mad scramble. Some people are comin' back, what with the utilities getting done. And some of them have homes to live in. We'll start seein' FEMA trailers for others any time now." "That's what I was callin' about. I just set Nikki up to go back to school and they're tellin' me they'll send us a bus to get her. How's that gonna work?" He said, "Best information I got is that she's gonna go north out of the parish to school, and from your end of the thing, there's probably a dozen kids, kindergarten to high school. And it'll pick 'em up. I don't know when they plan on openin' our schools back up. One' of 'em's gone. The middle school and high school, they'll need some work. Maybe they'll open by January." "Okay." He asked, "So how's YOUR business?" "Oh," I answered, "Kinda like yours. We've finished panicking. Most of my clients are up and running, or darned close. I'm about to go back to regular hours." "That's good!" he exclaimed. "Remember! We get together soon, okay?" "I haven't forgotten. Neither has Nikki. We'll call you." "'Kay, Dan. Talk to you later." I went by the office and checked on a few things. Saw Steve. I stuck my head in his door. "Hey, Steve." "Hey yourself," he said. "You dropped a couple of techs off the Salzburg project. It's winding down?" "Yeah," I said. "Two guys can finish up working a regular schedule. We'll have to go back in in a week or two when the new stuff comes in and we can put the load back on the repaired equipment. But it's pretty much done there." We continued talking about the other projects I was working on. "And in the middle of all this, you stopped to get married?" I grinned sheepishly. My social life wasn't a normal topic of discussion with outsiders. "Yeah. I did." He asked, "Was this something that's been going on for a while?" "Nope!" I said. "Hurricane. Call it a whirlwind romance." Steve laughed. "That's BAD! Well, when the town gets back to normal, maybe we'll get all the guys and their wives together for a dinner. You know, for appreciation." "That'd be nice," I said. "Anyway, I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I called Nikki as soon as I got on the road. "Babe, I'm on the way. Be there in an hour." "I missed you, honey," she cooed. "I'm putting the fish on the stove right now. Court bouillon. I hope you like it!" "I can't imagine not liking it, sweetie," I said, privately thanking generations of caring Cajun grandmothers. "An' we got cable and phone an' stuff. The guy came by today to check on us." "That's good," I said. "Life is getting back to normal." She laughed, "The new normal. 'Cuz I got a husband and you got a wife, and things'll never be the same." "You're right, cutie," I said. "They just get better and better." "Yes they do," she said. "Now you hurry. I missed you." I pulled into our driveway a half hour later. Clear roads meant faster commute. As I shut the door on the truck behind me, the front door opened revealing my Nikki standing there in shorts and a logoed t-shirt. She rushed out to kiss me in our front yard. "I don't care who sees us now. You're my husband!" Her arms were around my neck as an SUV with a magnetic sign pulled into our drive. We walked down together. The SUV was assigned to a federal agency, and the occupants were surveying the hurricane's aftermath. We all shook hands and exchanged business cards and I pretty much burst their bubble when they found out that not only had I weathered the storm right here, but that I had no damage. "So," the senior guy asked, "what you're telling me is that you have zero storm losses?" "Yep! That's it." "But how? Houses are torn up all over the county ... uh ... parish!" I smiled. "That's not my observation, man," I said. "Get away from the storm surge, and you'll see the seventy year old houses did pretty well. The twenty year old and newer houses got torn up. That's the way they USED to build 'em." They regarded me coolly. "But your house. What'd you say, six or seven years old?" "Yes it was. And designed and built by a freelance consortium of eminently qualified engineers." I pictured the motley crew sitting around the table in the kitchenette after work, But, hey! We WERE eminently qualified. "Who would that be?" "Me an' the guys I used to drink coffee with at the plant." The older guy snickered. "That's interesting. What about utilities?" I showed them the generator, the propane tank and my well. "Wow!" the junior guy said. "That's the way people should do it." "They won't, though. I paid a fifteen percent premium to build this way. And $10K for the generator. And I haven't had to pay for anything yet, but I put the well in out here before they came up the road with the community water system, and it's gonna cost me to keep it working. But it's worth it." I gave Nikki a squeeze. "We didn't miss a beat after the storm. Lights. AC. Water. And peace and quiet." I motioned toward the rubble pile next door. "What about that?" The senior guy said, "According to what I've been told, there's a contractor lined up to finish the demolition and cart the debris off. Maybe next week." Nikki piped in, "Uh, can you, like, call us when they're supposed to start. I used to live in one of those apartments and maybe I can get some of my stuff out." "We can try to do that. But I can't promise you much. It's a private contractor and you can imagine how independent they are right now." I laughed. This got me a look from the pair of agents. Nikki giggled. "I can imagine. My husband's an independent contractor, and he's been a complete asshole for three weeks!" "Oh yeah?" the senior guy asked, "What'd'ya do?" "Electrical engineer. Industrial power systems!" I ran quickly down the list of my projects since the storm. "If you need work..." the junior guy started. "I got more work than I know what to do with. I NEED time off!" I laughed. They laughed with me. "So," said the senior. "How much propane did you use?" I told him. "Sign this form and we'll get you a reimbursement for it. Storm loss." "Hey! I appreciate that. Heaven knows that you guys are getting' a deal for your money!" "How's that?" "You should see the hit that federal income tax gets out of my check." The senior guy laughed. "Well, this is a way to get a little back." And they got in the SUV and left. Nikki and I went inside into the kitchen and enjoyed dinner together. Conversation at the table wandered around and came to the beginning of school. "I'm torn," she said. "Torn?" "Yeah, baby," she said, "Last year, livin' with Mom, school was kind of a refuge for me. I could go an' hang out and stay out of trouble and there wasn't much stress. I mean, except for some of the kids..." "There's always that. Even when I was in school..." "Yeah, but I mostly ignored that. But this year..." she smiled wistfully, "When I go to school, I'm gonna leave OUR house. An' you know, I have enjoyed bein' here takin' care of our home and making breakfast and dinner for us. It's been really nice." "I know. And I have really appreciated it, too, baby. But school's something you have to do." "Don't get me wrong," she said, "I like learnin' stuff. But I am going to miss bein' here when you come in, with dinner on the stove." I finished the last bites off my plate and pushed back from the table. "Believe me, babe, I am going to miss that too!" I patted my full belly. "You're a better cook than most women four times your age." "Awwww, thank you, baby!" "But we gotta get you through school." "Oh, I'll GET through high school," she said. "And YOU'RE gonna help me. Remember?" "Yes, I remember." Her brow knit. "Dan, do I come off as intelligent? I mean, you work with engineers and they're supposed to be smart. How do I stack up?" "Smart. You do things on your own that show me that you want knowledge. And you catch onto things quick. And you're an excellent conversationalist. I'd think you're above average. Way above average." "Really?" Her eyes twinkled. "Really. And that's why you're going to get your act together in school. What I see in you, I want others to see in you, at least your intellect. I've seen a lot of you that I want to keep to myself." I chuckled. She smiled wickedly. "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours, little boy..." "Such a little minx," I laughed. "That's rather archaic, don't you think?" she giggled. She picked up her plate. "Let's get this table cleared and we can play nasty!" In record time the dishes were in the washer. Forty five minutes later we were in each other's arms, sticky and satiated and I was running my fingers through her walnut hair, savoring the wisps of perfume teasing my nostrils. "Mmmm, baaaaby," she purred. "You make me visit another dimension." "We get there at the same time, sweet one," I said. We stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes. I breathed Nikki... When she stirred it was to kiss my nose. "Go take your shower. I got a few things to take care of." We didn't shower together every night, just most of them. So I was finishing with my shaving when she appeared, a vision in nudity. Wiping the remaining lather off my face, I turned to meet her. Her touch had me headed towards hardness again. She gave that thing a squeeze. She hit the shower alone. I puttered around the bedroom, putting away clothes and such. I heard the shower stop, then shortly after, the sound of a hair dryer. When it turned off, I counted the seconds before her nude form came through the door. She joined me on the bed and gave me a brief kiss. "So tell me, babe," she said, "when are we meeting your family?" "This weekend?" I looked at her. "That is, if school doesn't kill you..." "Hah!" she laughed, "School's not going to be a problem. Tell 'em to come down here. I'll cook." "Are you sure?" She grinned. "Yeah, I'm sure. I want 'em to think that you married me for my kitchen skills, not the fact that we screw each other's brains out." It was my turn to laugh. Of course they'd think that. Even if they weren't going to see her as she came to me, nubile, naked, desiring. "You could be a cordon bleu chef and they'd think I did it for your body, babe!" "I don't know why they'd think that," she giggled pushing me onto my back and straddling me. The impact of her hot moisture on my dick changed it from semi-soft to hard and gave her something interesting to slide between the lips of her pussy. She did just that, sliding forward and backward, my dick firmly enwrapped between the firm outer lips of her pussy, each move increasing the slick wet lubrication of her juices. She was still smiling, giggling, looking down at me. "Do you know how much I LOVE doing this, Dan?" She grinned, but each stroke took at little of the grin away as her feelings started to climb toward orgasm. Finally she desired me inside her. She rose off me, my dick jumped upward and her pussy's opening was waiting. She slid down over the length of my shaft as we both moaned. I reached up, sliding my hands from her hips upward to cup those firm tits, each one just a bare handful, each one a little mound of heaven. I tweaked her nipples between my fingers, eliciting another moan from her lips. She eased forward into my arms her body pressing against mine, our pelvises moving in concert with each other. Our mouths merged and we kissed, breathing each other, tongues meshing as seriously as the parts at our other ends were doing, completing a circle of mating. Her lips broke with mine as her clitty worked her into coming and her second spasm, her pubic bone grinding into me, triggered liquid fire from my balls. Sometimes it was just too intense to move. This was one of those times. I lay there with my eyes closed, arms around Nikki, tuned to the fall and rise of her chest as she breathed. Finally she sighed. "Life is good, babe. You make my life good." I kissed the top of her head gently. "I know, sweetie. You bring the color back to my life. I love you." "Forever, Dan!" "Yes, forever, Nikki." It wasn't until she finally rolled off my chest that she wanted to talk about school. She did. "I'm not sure how it's all gonna work," she said. "I mean, I had a schedule when school ended last year, but with the school gone, I don't know what I'll get. Or who the teachers are. Nothing." "Just play it by ear, babe. You're a survivor. If you need me, I'll be at the end of the phone." "I know, Dan," she said. "I'll ... We'll find out Wednesday, won't we?" "Yeah. I need to get you copies of our marriage license, though, in case you need some documentation. Married fifteen year old girls aren't too common these days." "Yeah. I knew a bunch that got knocked up. None of 'em got married, though. And I'm married, and not knocked up." "But that might not be something the school will believe without proof. Besides, you need to make sure they have me down as your next of kin and all that stuff." "Yeah. That's gonna be interesting." She snuggled against me, her hand idly exploring. My own hand was caressing the smoothness of her back. I twisted to kiss her hair. Her face tilted upward and our lips met for loving moments, then she nestled her cheek against my chest. "Mmmmmm," she purred. "Come on," I said. "Let's go make copies so we'll have the boring stuff out of the way, babe." "Oh, alllll right!" she pouted. She pulled a t-shirt on and I pulled on a pair of gym shorts and we went into the office. We opened a manila envelope containing the papers that made us "legal". She ran through the procedure of scanning them and printing copies, then put her copies in a separate envelope. The originals went into the fireproof safe. I'd already explained to her where the important papers were kept, and this safe was one of those places. "I can go to school with you, if you want, baby," I said. "I can handle it, I think, babe," she said. "I just show 'em the papers. If there's a problem, I'll call you." "That'll work," I said. We went into the living room, flipped on the TV, didn't find much but nature shows. "That's good enough," she said. She plopped back into my arms on the sofa. I kissed her head. "You know, we need ... Uh, do you have your driver's license?" "I'm fifteen, baby. I can't get anything but a learner's permit." "Do you have that?" "No. Like Mom was gonna do THAT for me. Half the time her car wouldn't run anyway." "We need to get you that, cutie," I said. "So you don't have to depend on the bus, and you can run errands and stuff. YOUR freedom." "I'd love that. You'd teach me to drive? I can take drivers' ed in school." "You need to see if you can sign up for that, baby. And we need to get a copy of your birth certificate and a social security card. All the things you need to have a life in the eyes of the government." "I don't know where any of those things are, Dan," she said. "It'd be nice if we had them right now, but all it takes is a few phone calls and office visits and we'll get you fixed up." I realized that I was not only married to Nikki, but that I was the one who needed to guide her through life now. And I wanted to do it in a way that gave HER the independence to find and use her talents. She leaned back against my shoulder so I could get to her ear. I did, giving it a little nibble. She dissolved into a giggly package in my arms. "We oughtta go get in bed," she said. I think she has good ideas, myself. Tuesday was getting closer to normal for me. I didn't find anything too troubling, got back to the office, looked at the numbers we'd run up in the aftermath of the storm. Steve was happy, until I burst his bubble. "Looks real good, buddy! But what's that bunch of bean-counters gonna say when we don't have another hurricane NEXT year?" "They wouldn't do THAT!" "Yeah ... Ever since our owners sold the company to that holding company, we find out things that no sane man ever thought they'd do..." I got in my truck and got on the road toward home. As soon as I got on the highway, I called Nikki. "Hey, cutie, "I'm on the way..." "Good, baby," she said. "I miss you. I got us a roast goin'. So we can do leftovers tomorrow." "Okay, princess," I said. "We need to figure out how we can do this with both of us gone during the day. I don't think my Nikki is a big ramen noodle and canned soup fan." "Uh, if I HAVE to," she said. "But I think WE can do better..." "'Kay, princess," I said. "See you in a bit..." I drove home, thinking of the little blue-eyed girl waiting for me. Life had certainly taken a strange and pleasant twist. I pulled into the driveway and killed the truck. She opened the door as I got out of the truck. We met at the door. Kissed as I kicked it closed behind us. "You're a horrible thing," I said. "Me?" she asked, "What'd I do?" "You waltzed into my life and now the road home is entirely too long at the end of the day." Her concern changed to a smile. "Me too. I got a place where I feel loved and cared about every day. And safe." She tugged my hand. "Sit!" I sat as she pulled my shoes off and gave my tired feet a few squeezes. I groaned with pleasure. "Makes my guy feel good..." her eyes sparkled. As was our normal mode, we each fixed a dinner plate from the pots on the stove. "You cook too good, baby," I said. She smiled. "Thank you. But tomorrow's gotta be leftovers." "Just like I was raised," I said. "One good meal. Then leftovers." We talked about things we could do that didn't take Nikki in the kitchen all day, and we formulated a plan. "We'll try it this way," she said. "And make adjustments. We can do it." "I know we can. You'll make it fun." If we go take a shower, we can make other things fun, I bet," she giggled. Then, "If only there was SOMEBODY to help me get the kitchen cleaned up..." Showered and ready for bed. Giggle. "I wanna be REAL relaxed goin' to school tomorrow," she said. "I'll do my very best, cutie." I did. I reaped the rewards, too. Except we were sitting in bed at eight, looking at each other. Giggle. "We're getting too good at this, baby." Her eyes twinkled. "I passed out on that last one." "I know. I held you till you got back." "I was in another universe," she said. She was still in my arms. "But I'm back." Wanna play cards for a little while, 'till we catch our breath?" Her eyes laughed. "And then..." We did play cards for a while, sitting cross-legged on the bed. I lost. Mind kept straying. To what had already happened. To what was GOING to happen. Makes it difficult to concentrate. Nine o'clock. The cards got put away and I ended up in the arms of this little cutie. "If you do me, I will do you, sir..." she played. "What a wonderfully polite young lady," I said, playing along. "It's so rare to find that these days. How could I EVER refuse?" She quivered through two orgasms before sliding sideways off me and concentrating her efforts on giving me my second of the evening. Soon I had my fingers tangled in her hair, feeling her head bob in my lap as she sucked me to orgasm. I think I was paralyzed when she finished. She didn't release me until I was softened. Then she was up in my arms. Kisses. "Is the alarm set?" "Uh-huh..." I was still only barely conscious. Another sweet kiss. "I love you, Dan. School tomorrow." "I love you, Nikki. And you'll do just fine." ------ Chapter 7 We awoke to the alarm set a little earlier than normal. Morning ablutions out of the way, breakfast was a couple of bowls of cereal, then we both sipped a cup of coffee before I filled my travel mug and headed out the door with a kiss on my lips and adoration in my heart. I had my day planned out. A stack of reports was sitting on my desk, important, to be sure, but nothing that I couldn't give up at the drop of a hat if I was needed at school with Nikki. Made it all the way to eight-thirty when the cell phone rang. I looked at the display: Nikki. "Hey, baby," I said. "Trouble?" "A little. The office staff is confused. I need a parent's signature. I showed 'em my marriage license, and they still say they need an adult..." "I'll be there in half an hour or so, baby," I said. "I'm sorry, Dan," she said. "I hate to be trouble..." "You're not trouble, cutie," I said. "Somebody THERE is trouble. See you in a bit." "'Kay, babe! I love you!" she said, then the phone clicked. I shut my laptop down and stuck it in the bag, shouldered it, and one the way out the door, I stuck my head in Steve's office. "Gotta go, Steve. School's givin' Nikki a hassle." "You gave it a 50-50 chance when you walked in this morning, bud," he said. "Do what you gotta do. An' if she doesn't go back to school today, why don't you bring her by the office? I'd like to meet the girl that snagged you." "I'll see what happens. Might be back with 'er for lunch." And I walked out the door. That's the trouble with being an engineer. I mean, you go out there in the field and you deal with things that make sense. You don't have to worry about some committee rewriting Ohm's Law or re-defining the value of pi because they can gain some key votes by it. That's the engineering part. Nice. Logical. Then there's the other world, and it's all too real also: rules, procedures, laws, regulations, all rife with foibles and folly and ignorance and unintended consequences. I walked into the high school, right into THAT world. First thing was getting past a phalanx of students trying to look as cool as they could while wearing the prescribed uniform. Snippets of conversation were full of "cool" and "yaknow" and "he's like..." and I didn't draw more than a passing glance. My work clothes, after all, in this blue collar town, were pretty standard: Khaki-colored pants, cotton shirt (ironed! Thanks, Nikki!) and normal-looking safety shoes. Second hurdle: the 'safety resource officer', a policeman assigned to the school as a further sink of my tax dollars. "Excuse me, sir. Can I ask your business here?" he asked. I wanted to say "I'm back because the first trip through school didn't take," but I didn't. I said, "I need to go to the office and straighten out some problems with my wife. She's student here." That 'wife' admission got an eyebrow raised. He pointed up the hall. "First door on the right. Uh, you don't have any contraband on you, do you?" "No drugs, no weapons," I said. "I do have an incredibly devious mind." I cracked a smile. "You an' me is pikers compared to these kids," he laughed. "I bet you're right," I retorted as I turned up the hall. I went into the office. There was Nikki, sitting in a chair, hugging the backpack in her lap. When our eyes connected, she stood up, smiling, and joined me at the counter. "Mizz Nevils, this is Dan Granger, my husband. Dan, this is Mizz Nevils," Nikki said. "Hello, Mister Granger, did you get a letter about registering Nikki for school after the storm?" "Uh, no ... The address where Nikki WAS living is a pile of rubble, and we just got married a couple of weeks ago, so I wouldn't've been the one they sent it to, anyway. So, no letter ... what'd we miss?" "A lot, I'm afraid," she said. "We have all the records from the old school, and we found Nikki's, under her maiden name." She looked at me when she said that. "And we found her schedule, the classes she would've been taking if she was going to THAT school. But I'm afraid we're going to have to change things around." Nikki said, "I was takin' 'business math'..." "Nope. You said you've had Algebra I?" "Uh-huh." "Mizz Nevils, can we swap business math for Algebra II?" "I'm glad to hear that. Our business math classes are full. Mostly with kids who're dodging Algebra II because it's much more rigorous..." "See, Nikki?" I said. "This is where you're supposed to be. What else?" "Study hall's gonna be out. We converted most of the library to overflow classrooms. We have a couple of options," Mizz Nevils said, referring to a printed page. "Looks like about all we have left is music appreciation or chemistry." I looked at Nikki. "We have a library full of the best music in the world," she smiled at me. "Chemistry?" I smiled back. "You betcha, babe!" I turned to Mizz Nevils. "Put Nikki down for chemistry." "That gives me a full schedule, Dan," Nikki said. "We can handle it, little one," I said. "If this schedule is okay, then I can get you to sign right here, Mister Granger?" Mizz Nevils pointed to the bottom line of a form. "Nikki can't sign? She's legally married..." "Oh, I know, Mister Granger. She showed me the license and the court orders and everything. But the rules say an adult, parent or guardian." "I'm neither parent OR guardian, I'm her husband, and I work with an office FULL of people who'll argue the 'adult' part," I said. Mizz Nevils rolled her eyes. "Oh, gosh, Mister Granger ... It's been a long day..." I whipped my pen out and scrawled a signature. "Somebody needs brownies..." I said, smiling. "This hasn't been a 'brownie' day. This is the kind of day that the cafeteria needs a margarita machine," she said as she flipped through the rest of the forms. "Okay, you're the emergency contact, I have phone numbers, the new address ... I think that's it." She looked up at me, then to Nikki. "I'm sorry we had to call you off the job," she said. "Let me ask you something, then, ' I said. "Looks like we shot this day. Is Nikki gonna lose anything by coming in tomorrow morning with a fresh start?" "Oh, no..." Mizz Nevils said. "When you come in, Nikki, come by the office and get your class schedule, and you're good ... Mister Granger, that'll give us time to get it all printed up." "Thank you, Mizz Nevils," I said. "I hope your day is a little better..." She smiled wanly as Nikki and I walked out of the office. Walking out as a couple, heads turned. Of course, none of those kids were likely to be able to tell that this was husband and wife and not dad and daughter. "It's a madhouse, Dan," Nikki said. "Place is full of kids and parenta ll trying to figure out what's going on. I saw Mizz Nevils in tears with one mom yellin'..." "That's what I figured," I said. "I should've known better than to send you in here by yourself today. But we're straight now." "Yeah," she said. "But I really strained to get business math instead of Algebra II." "And where were you going with business math? Lingerie sales at Wal-Mart?" She smirked. "no, one of those upscale shops at the mall!" "Cute! Are your goals so low that you thought that was enough?" "With Mom, I was just tryin' to stay out of the way..." "You need the higher math for college..." "College was a dream I didn't entertain," she said. "You're telling me I'm college material?" "Since the first week we were together, I figured you for college material. The question is more of 'are you interested?" Those blue eyes connected with mine. "Costs a lot of money, Dan..." "Not a lot, actually, and I have this delightful wife to spend it on ... Nikki, do you WANT to go?" We were standing by the truck by this time. And in the high school parking lot, she squealed and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Yesyesyes!" "Good!" I said. "Let's go!" I opened the driver side door and she jumped up and scooted to the middle, buckling herself in. We drove out of the parking lot slowly. Two reasons: first, that security officer was staring at us and I darned sure wasn't going to speed, and second, I wanted EVERYBODY to see her sitting beside me. "So where're we going, baby?" she asked. "To the office. See if we can't beat Steve out of a free lunch. People wanna meet you, anyway!" "Are you sure? I mean..." "Don't be scared, baby. They're just people. I work with 'em every day. They know I'm married now. They just wanna meet my wife." "How am I supposed to act?" she asked. "Act like Nikki. Smart. Cute. Friendly." We kept driving. I listened to her commentary on her first couple of hours in the new school. "I don't think the regular kids like all us refugees," she said. "I read where that school's student population took a thirty percent jump. And the school's old an' it was already full. You can imagine what that does to their nice, neat little world." "I guess so," she admitted. "Still, they don't have to be jerks about it." "It's gonna take a while, but it'll sort itself out in a while." "'S gonna be a mess," she said. "I'll be here for you, baby," I said. "I hope so," she said. " I made a C in Algebra I last year." "You're smarter than that." "D'ya really believe that, Dan?" "I do, sweetie. And I'll bet your grandma did, too..." "I made good grades at Grandma's," Nikki admitted. "Wanted her to be proud of me." She ran her hand up the inside of my bicep. "I want you to be proud of me, too..." "I am. Proud. Happy. Delighted." I smiled at the little dark-headed cutie beside me. She responded by clutching my arm tighter, rubbing her cheek against my shoulder. "I was thinking about that at school," she said. "Seeing all those kids, it all comes flooding back, you know..." she sighed. "That whole boy-girl highschool mating ritual." She huffed audibly. "Heck, most of those kids are my age and they're so screwed up. Two girls I knew when school let out last spring are showin' ... pregnant..." Dan, she said, "I never wanted that." "A lot them didn't, either, baby," I said. "So many people just go through life without giving a thought about consequences." "Sometimes the pressure's too much to give it much thought," Nikki answered. "Like me with that business math. I knew that it was just to fill in a block to get a diploma, and that if I had any ambition, I needed to do the hard stuff, but all I could see was stayin' out of Momma's way and getting out of high school and after that..." "I understand, sweetie," I said. "I really do." "I never expected..." "I never expected that the aftermath of a hurricane was gonna be my Nikki, either ... I ws kind of like what you said, baby, just going through life..." "No, Dan," she countered. "You had the consequences pretty well taken care of. Job. House. You know..." "I lacked the brightness, the sparkle, the music ... had to dig that out of the rubble." She smiled. "I'm glad YOU rescued me." "Baby, we rescued each other. I was as trapped as you were, collapsed building or no." I turned the corner on the street of the office. I saw two other vehicles in the parking lot, other field service guys. One of the technicians, a guy about five years my senior, was outside the back door, heaving on a cigarette. Nikki and I walked in the front door. The admin clerk's desk was still empty. She'd evacuated ahead of the storm and the news through the grapevine was that a falling tree had done substantial damage to her home. She was staying with her parents a hundred miles away until suitable repairs or living arrangements could be made. I stuck my head in Steve's office. "We're back," I said. "Oh, great!" he answered, standing. "I wanna meet Nikki!" Nikki stuck her head around the corner. "Hi," she said, almost shyly. "You're Steve?" "I'm Steve," he said. "What's wrong? You expected horns and a tail?" Nikki perked up. "Oh, no," she giggled. "Dan said something about a butt on your shoulders." "Well, Dan," Steve laughed. "I see you're giving her a positive impression of our business..." "Oh, no," I said. "I told her that the business is quite wonderful. However, there are some interesting personalities." "What he says is true, Nikki," Steve said. "Of course, from MY vantage, I count HIM as one of those interesting personalities. Do you object to dragging him off to lunch? I'll let the company buy this one." She smiled. "Wonderful!" "Let's go," he said. "We can beat the lunch rush!" We started for the front door. As we did, I heard the back door to the office open and the quick burst of a breeze bore a whiff of tobacco stench. "Grady! We're goin' to lunch! Lock up if you leave," Steve called. "I'm takin' care of equipment," Grady called from the back. I noticed Nikki's ears perk up immediately, but she said nothing. We walked out into the parking lot. "Let's take my truck," I said. "So I don't' have to put you in the back seat." "Huh?" asked Steve. "Nikki gets to sit by ME." Nikki giggled. "Sorry, Mister Steve," she said. "He's just LIKE that, sometimes..." "I've been like that about Nikki since I pulled her out of the rubble." The restaurant of choice for a quick meal was five minutes from the office and we were there at a few minutes after eleven, encountering an almost empty parking lot. We walked in, got seated and placed our orders for the daily special. Sipping drinks, I let Nikki explain a little bit about how we met. We ate a pleasant meal, made small talk, even talked a bit about school. I talked about Nikki's interest in my work in the home office. "So I know a little bit about what you guys, well, at least what Dan does. It's all very interesting." Nikki smiled. "Do they have girls doing this?" Steve's brow knit. "Female engineers? Female technicians? Yeah, I've seen both. They're kind of few an' far between. But they're out there." I knew the 'I'm thinking' look on Nikki's face. "You know, that gives me an idea..." She smiled sweetly, pushing her plate away. Steve did indeed pick up the ticket for the meal. Back at the office, Nikki pulled a chair up next to my desk. Together we sorted through hand-written reports and scanned them into my computer. I heard the back door open, then the tobacco stench came in on the breeze. Nikki's nose wrinkled. "Last smoker in the office," I said. "Grady Denson." Grady stuck his head into my office. "You got a minute, Dan? Me an' you and Steve need to talk." I noticed Nikki's pupils dilate as she studiously avoided eye contact with him. "Sure," I said. "Baby, can you wait here for a minute?" Grady looked at her like he was trying to remember something, but I immediately got up and said, "Come on. Let's go." I knew what was coming. Grady was at best, a mediocre technician, had 'people skills' issues and honestly, I think he might have a bit of 'bottle fatigue' on top of it. We'd bumped heads a couple, no, make that 'several' times over the last couple of years, including on some of the stressful jobs in the hurricane aftermath. We went into Steve's office. "Close the door," he said. "Now, we need to get this mess straightened out. Grady, since you asked to meet, you start." "Steve, I just think I'm getting' a raw deal on Dan's jobs. I mean, he put that kid up as lead technician on the Westchem project. I've been with the company longer, an' I damn sure got more experience in this business." Steve looked at me. We'd already talked. "Dan, what do you have to say about this?" "Grady," I said, "you're right about the years, but you KNOW that Kevin's the one that's up to speed on the protection and control technology. That was the critical part of that job. You might've seen more of the old stuff, but both of you were together the first time you got to work on the stuff at Westchem. And he does a better job of tracking reports and paperwork. I told you all this stuff already." "You don't give me a chance," he started. "Grady, we were nipple-deep in trying to get that facility back on line, and that meant installing NEW stuff that frankly, you go out of your way to avoid. I knew you could handle the transformers and breakers and stuff, but I needed Kev's skills on the WHOLE thing to bring it together. And it wasn't a lot of ass time, either." I sighed. I didn't need this sort of kiddie crap. "Grady, look, if the project is an outdoor substation, you'd've been lead, probably. But you KNOW we have issues with your reports and record-keeping." "I do the best I can, Dan. I'm not the only one..." "The only one what?" I jumped in. "The only one that made me have to explain to a client that we were missing some test results, that we had to refund twenty percent of the charges? Or that you and your helper didn't install a power fuse correctly and I ended up sitting in the investigation meeting at THAT plant?" "That's history, Dan. We already talked about it. I'm working at making sure it doesn't happen again." "Good," I said. "Then we'll see how it works out in the future." I looked at Steve. "You got anything you need to add?" "Grady? Anything else you were looking for? You wanted all three of us to talk." "I wanted you to tell Dan to cut me some slack..." Grady started. THAT pissed me off. "Grady. THIS is NOT a 'slack' business. There's ONE main reason these people hire us: We can do what they don't have the skills and people and equipment to do. And we do it right. And It's competitive. WE, THIS COMPANY, has the best reputation in the business. And we don't KEEP that by playing around, 'cutting slack'." "Everybody makes mistakes. Even The Great Dan Granger makes mistakes." Steve stepped in. "Grady, let's keep this on a professional level." "Okay, but I know you've made mistakes," he said. "Yes, and I fixed them and moved on to make sure that I don't make the same ones again. But I don't walk out of the office thinking that I deserve 'slack'. But if Steve says I need to cut you some slack, that's HIS prerogative." I looked at Steve. Steve squared up his shoulders, an obvious 'I'm the boss' move. "Grady, I gotta go with Dan on that one. I think Dan's gonna be fair about it." "Well, then, I guess that's all," Grady said. He didn't look happy. I honestly didn't know what he thought he was going to accomplish. For all that I laughed about it, Steve's title of regional manager was more due to his marketing skills than anything, and when it came to field operations, I was more of a manager than he was, but I reserved the option to get the hell out of the office before I lost my mind. "It is for me," I said. "Grady, it's NOT personal. Don't make it that." "I'm not." He wheeled around and left. I looked at Steve. "Why do we put up with that pain in the ass? He's not half as good as he thinks he is. If you give him a helper, the helper does ALL the work that Grady can push on 'im." "I know. Had one of the young guys in here last week tellin' me the exact same thing. But we have sooo much work right now..." "Still... 'cut me some slack'..." "Yeah," Steve snorked. "I KNEW you'd like that one..." "You know this ain't over. That guy's ... oh, never mind. I'm goin' back to my office." "Cool off," Steve said. "I will," I answered as I left. I got back in my office. Nikki was sitting at my computer. When I came in, she smiled a bit. "Dan, can we go home?" "Now? It's early." "I ... We need to get out of here. I'll explain when we get in the truck." "Okay," I said. "Log me off." She followed me through the office. I ducked around the corner to Steve's door. "Steve, I need to get home early today." "Problem?" he questioned. "Little one. I'll make it up to you later." "Oh, hell, Dan. Just go. See you later. Nikki, nice meeting you, lady!" "Oh, nice meeting you too, Mister Steve. Sorry, I need to go..." "Okay, y'all be careful," he said. I was still wondering about Nikki's sudden desire to leave. We got in the truck. As I backed out, I asked, "What's wrong, baby? You went from giggly to nervous almost instantaneously." "That guy Grady? I know 'im." "Huh?!?" "Not like we've ever talked or anything. But he came home with Mom a few times. I thought I recognized the voice. But he's got that scar on his right ear." Grady did indeed have a scar on his ear, the origin of which he'd never revealed. "I don't think he remembered you," I said. "He didn't say anything." "I know. And he was pretty drunk when he came home with Mom, and it's not like we sat in the living room and watched old movies. She brought guys home for one thing..." "I'm sorry, baby..." "Not YOUR fault. As many guys as she did, I suppose I would've run into ne eventually. It's just that I recognized him. And I didn't want to even think about it. Mom, I mean..." "Not to change the subject, but if you want, we can finally get together with Dana and Bill and the bunch this weekend." I felt her relax, a slight movement, but perceptible because I was paying attention. "Why don't we try that?" she said. "We can buy groceries Friday and cook a big meal Saturday and have everybody over..." "Yeah ... Now, about that look on your face at lunch..." She smiled. "oh, about college..." Giggle. "Well, what do YOU think I should be setting my sights on? The Wal-Mart lingerie department?" ------ Chapter 8 So Nikki was a high school student. We drove home, stopping at the grocery store for a few essentials and needs. On the trip through the hurricane footprint we noticed a beehive, actually SEVERAL beehives of activity as people put lives and homes and businesses back together. Many of the houses had the generic-looking white FEMA temporary trailers sited in various locations nearby, along with signs of rebuilding. "We're lucky we don't have to go through that, baby," Nikki said. "So many people have a mess." Sigh. "I talked to a few girls at school." "The only 'luck' in it, baby, was that YOU weren't hurt. My buddies and I designed that house to stand two hundred mile an hour winds, and historical evidence says that where it's built NEVER saw a storm surge. We planned." "But why? I mean, look at THAT house..." She indicated a badly damaged modern construct. Part of the roof was gone, a wall blown out. "Oh, I know, little one," I said. "I could've turned my LITTLE house into a BIG house like that for about the same money. But what would a single guy do with four thousand square feet, really? The cat'd get lost..." "That old house..." she pointed at a wood-frame house that was at least seventy years old. "My grandmother lived in a house like that. Survived TWO of these hurricanes. If you built one like that today, it'd cost more than that new one, with half the floor space. If you could find the materials and an old carpenter who remembered how things USED to be done." "I'm learnin' stuff," she said. "I never knew anyone who KNEW this stuff. How do you know this?" "I learned it just like you're learning it. Observation. Questions. Taking couple of ideas and smashing them together to make another idea. You're plenty smart enough to do it, cutie." "You make me feel smart, guy." And her arm twined around mine and she laid her head on my shoulder. "Just pointing out something that's a fact. 'Nother fact: You're a cutie!" That got me a kiss on my shoulder. She sighed. "I guess we need to see how this is gonna work, with you working and me in school. I mean, housework and meals and stuff." She batted those long, dark eyelashes at me. "I'm glad you think I'm cute. I'm glad you think I'm smart. I want you to think that I'm your PARTNER. I wanna pull my weight." I smiled. "What a delightfully different creature you are, Nikki. Sometimes I close my eyes during the day and your face appears and I think of how wonderful you are." "I know how wonderful YOU are, Dan. But is not you. And not me. It's us." "Best 'us' on the planet, little one, ' I said. A month or so into knowing her, loving her, and I was convinced. And I'd watched at school. Her gaze didn't change when she looked at boys her age. It turned into a twinkle when she looked at me. We pulled up into the driveway and went into the house. She tossed aside her backpack to bend over and pet the cat. Yeah, Tommi, who would meet me at the door with feline indifference, THAT cat. He acted like Nikki had nursed him from birth. I mean, if the CAT loved her, what chance did I have? She straightened up. "Let's see what's for dinner." She turned and tossed her arms around my neck. "After a kiss or two..." When her lips touched mine, we both went "Mmmmmm". The synchronism of the event caused us both to giggle. "I'm so glad that's still an 'mmmm' event, baby," I said. "More than just 'mmmm'," she said, eyes atwinkle. She smiled. "If you think we can live on love, we can forget the kitchen. "No," I laughed. "I'm an old man. I need to keep my strength up." She hooked her fingers inside the waistband of my trousers. "I really don't think that's a problem. But you DO make a wonderful dessert." "As you do, too." "How about something garlicky. With pasta?" "You have something in mind?" "I think I can make something work." She was pulling cans out. "If you run the vacuum in the living room, I'll take care of this." She looked over her shoulder. I already knew that she was good in the kitchen. And a few other rooms in the house. And the back yard. I fired up the vacuum cleaner, causing the cat to scoot into the kitchen, and went about the simple task of maintaining our home. Domestic, I was. I mean, BEFORE Nikki, I was no slob. I kept the house neat and clean. But it was so much easier with a willing partner. After I finished vacuuming, I made a pass through the bathrooms, tidying up a bit. Then I went back to the kitchen. Nikki had something red and odoriferous simmering in one pot, water coming to a boil in another, half a box of spaghetti ready. "We'll have plenty of sauce," she said. "I'll freeze the leftovers. That'll give us another meal, maybe next week." "Aren't you little Suzy Home-maker?" I laughed. She stuck her tongue at me. "Why, yes I am. I got a husband. I got a home. And I got a grandmother who'd HAUNT me if I did any less." I scooped her in my arms. "You know, ' I said, "it took me about two days to come to the full realization that you weren't just some teeny-bopper fluff-ball airhead. And ever day, you prove me right." "I think we were both looking for something and got really surprised at when and where we found it, baby." She kissed me. After the kiss ended, she turned to the stove, gave the sauce a stir, turned the burner down, then put a lid on it. The pasta water was boiling, so she tossed the dry noodles in, gave them a stir, and then said, "Let's go sit a minute," as she set the kitchen timer. We went into the living room. "I'm sorry about the office, baby," she said. "It's just that when I heard the guy's voice, then saw him, so much crap started coming back..." "Grady's not the kind of person I'd associate with on a social footing, ' I said. "He's not so hot as a technician, either. And I think he'd carry a grudge. We had a little incident today at the office." "Well, I just don't want somebody seeing me and you and thinking that I'm with you because I'm like my mom was." "He can think what he wants. But I don't want him spreading anything like that. You're nothing but purity and decency to me, and I want others to see you like that. Do you think he recognized you?" "I don't know. When he stuck 'is head in your office ... maybe. I don't know. That's why I wanted to get out of there, before he had a chance to get a good look." "I'd love for you to be comfortable at the office, baby, but if you think it's a problem..." "What do YOU think?" she asked. "I think you're probably right. If he got the chance, he'd use you to get at me." The thought saddened me. I'd stumbled on a bit of purity in Nikki, unlikely as it was with her mother's example. I saw no guile in her, just openness and honesty. I wasn't manipulating her and I didn't get any inkling that she was in any way manipulating me or using me, and the very thought that Grady might start planting that story rankled me. My thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone of my cell phone. It was a little noisy thing I'd assigned to my sister. "Dana," I said to Nikki. I punched the button to answer. "Hi, sis!" "Hi yourself. How's everything?" "Pretty good," I said. "Work is work. Home is magic. Got me a Nikki." Dana laughed. "Just checking. Did she start back to school?" "Yeah, but they had problems with her schedule. Seems we missed a letter. I had to go up there and get things straight. You wanna talk to her?" "Sure," Dana said. "Here she is." I handed the phone to Nikki. Nikki repeated the "Hi, Sis!" Pause. "No, he brought me to his office. I start classes tomorrow." Pause. "Actually, I'm glad they screwed things up. I'm in algebra instead of business math, and chemistry instead of study hall." I could hear Dana's squeal. "No, Sis. I talked with Dan. It makes more sense. I was kinda idlin' through school last year. It's time to kick things up. Start thinking about college." Pause. "No, livin' with Mom, college was out of the picture. Now Dan WANTS me to go." I smiled at her. She touched her index finger to the tip of my nose, smiling. "Okay. Now, are we still talking about y'all coming over Saturday?" Pause. "Good!" Pause. Nikki looked at me. "Baby, Dana said she'll bring a pie. What kind?" "Mom's recipe. Lemon meringue." "Lemon meringue, he says," Nikki repeated. "I'm doing a pork butt. Dan says I do it pretty good." I smiled. Nikki's cooking skills were far more than I had reason to expect, akin to finding a cut diamond in a shovel-full of gravel. I didn't expect a cordon bleu chef, and she wasn't THAT, but I didn't expect a fifteen year old girl to do more than boil water and stir a package into it. Nikki must've paid CLOSE attention to her grandmother's lessons. "Well, he knows," Dana said. "Momma was a good cook. What's for dinner? I mean, you in school an' him workin'." Nikki described her spaghetti sauce and the two chatted for a couple more minutes before the ring of the kitchen timer signaled that the pasta was ready. I got up and dumped it into a colander while Nikki ended her phone conversation. We fixed our plates from the kitchen and sat at the breakfast nook table to eat. "I like talkin' to Dana," Nikki said. "Feels normal." I laughed. "You'll never get me to admit that in public, but she's good people. I told you that once she got over me marrying a fifteen year old, she'd be your friend." "What about your brother? He's got kids older than me." "So does Dan, but she didn't worry about that. Neither will Bill. He's a loudmouth. Once you get past that, he's okay." She forked a load of spaghetti, chewed for a few seconds, then swallowed. "Okay, what about those kids that are older than me?" "That oughta be fun. They're good kids. But they're still kids. And Uncle Dan's married to somebody their age. I honestly don't think they'll be intentionally mean to YOU, but they're gonna let me have it. Just don't get caught in the crossfire." "I think I can handle it, honey. I AM a high school student myself, you know..." "It oughta be interesting," I said. "So how's the sauce?" she asked. "Perfect!" "How come you're shakin' pepper flakes on it? Not spicy enough?" "I like a little extra fire. I want you to cook it so YOU aren't uncomfortable. I can add the flakes." She smiled. "But it's okay, otherwise?" "Perfect, really." "I could've simmered it longer..." she said. "I don't know what you'd gain. The flavors combined pretty nicely. And you just jumped right in on it. You did good." Another smile. "I was just trying to see how we can both be gone all day and still have a decent meal. And maybe make Friday night our 'go out to eat' night, or something like that." "We can trade places cooking, too, you know. And we can make a batch of something on the weekend and freeze some meals." We finished a perfectly normal evening meal, conspired on cleaning up the kitchen, took a little walk outside, curtailing it when mosquitoes started showing up. That put us back in the house and a little sticky from the elevated humidity of the lingering summer heat. Sticky? Showers! Well, not TWO showers. Just the one, happily occupied by the two of us, giving me the opportunity to lavish her with soapy caresses over that sleek, youthful form. Lots of coos and giggles were involved in the procedure. Finished, we were both clad in our night clothes. I pulled out the laptop to check personal email and websites. Nikki scooted up next to me, looking on. Nothing earthshaking was on the email queue. "You need a laptop, baby," I said. "We'll take care of that tomorrow." She nestled close. "I dunno. I like getting' here and lookin' at yours." I closed the laptop screen and set it down. Nikki took that as a cue for her to slide onto my lap. She shook her head. "We need to get me a haircut, baby. If you like it short. Or I could let it grow. But I never did that, so I'm not sure what to do with it." "I love it short. Lets me get to your neck," I said, attacking her neck, causing her to giggle. "Where do you go to get it cut?" "Uh, someplace that's probably not there any more. I'll have to ask around. At school, maybe." "Or call Dana..." Her face lit up. "That's a thought." She got up and grabbed the phone. Next thing I knew she had it at her ear, talking to my sister. She hung up. "Bring you a book to work tomorrow. Pick me up after school, and we'll go get me a hair trim. Dana's place takes walk-ins. You can sit and read." "Okay," I said. "I can get away a little early to do that." "Oh, that's right ... You don't get off until four or so. I get out at three-fifteen. Is that gonna cause you trouble?" "Not once in a while," I said. "It's gonna be a madhouse, though, the traffic at school, I mean." "Oh, I know. But we won't do this very often. And I want my hair looking neat for Saturday." "You could dye it pink and get it spiked..." "Sir, I wish to remain horribly conventional." "That's what got me into trouble..." "What got you into trouble?" she smiled. "You. Just looking natural. No enhancement. Because the guy that loves you, he loves you the way you ARE." She climbed on top of me, right there on the sofa. I took her into my arms, feeling my excitement building. One of my hands stroked that walnut hair. She pressed her face against my hand. Our eyes connected. "I do so much adore you, Nikki." "Mmm-hmmm! Because I AM adorable, you know..." "Yes, little one, you are." And we kissed, communing with lips and tongues and roving hands. "Except now you have to go back to being a schoolgirl." "Ummm, yeah ... A MARRIED schoolgirl." I harbored that worry in the dark recesses of my mind. I was thrown into a stressful situation with this fifteen year old girl, and for a few weeks our lives were intertwined and we came out of it married. It was nothing but me and her for weeks, and now she was getting ready to go back into the world where there were plenty of choices, guys her age, and I was forty-something. "Your face just clouded over, baby. You're thinking something." She knew. She read my expression and she KNEW that I was thinking bad thoughts. "You can tell me, Dan. I'm your wife. You can tell me anything." "Baby ... really?" "Really, Dan." She punctuated her statement with a simple, soft kiss. "Baby," I said. "You're my everything. Since we've been together, it's like the sun came from behind the clouds in my life." "You're worried about me and school, aren't you?" Nikki was no dummy. "Yes," I said. "A whole school full of boys your age. And you're an attractive, intelligent girl." Another kiss. "And YOU need to stop worrying. Boys my age? How many of them are going to be the least bit interested in the 'intelligent' part? And 'attractive'? You're the one who said that there was a Nikki-shaped hole in your heart that I was made to fill. I know myself, baby. You love me, and that makes me beautiful in YOUR eyes. But being realistic, I'm ... well, I'm NOT blonde. I don't have big tits. I don't use make-up. I don't do trendy styles. I'm not up on the latest music or TV or whatever." She sighed. "And if that's not enough, without YOU, I'm NOWHERE now that Mom's gone to jail." "Baby..." I started. "Let me finish," she interrupted. "So one of these 'boys my age', where do you think THAT would go, Dan? Guys ... Last year I guess I tried. You and me, we TALK about everything under the sun. Guys I meet at school, I never got a decent conversation with one. We'd start talking about school stuff and then it was all downhill. What's that silly sign in your office? The quote that says "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Her mouth was a determined straight line. "That's what kids do in school." Her face softened and she gave me a longer kiss. "Dan, why would I want to do that? It doesn't make any sense." "Love isn't about sense, sometimes, baby..." "I know," she said softly. "It doesn't make sense at all. That me, fifteen, hurricane refugee, should meet you, forty-one, mature, intelligent, settled, and fall head over heels in love with him. Doesn't make sense that I should sidestep all the heartbreak and tragedy that seems to go with being a poor teen. Or even a rich one, in high school." Another kiss. "No, Dan. We don't make sense in the absolutely best way ever." Another kiss. "And if you really think I'm smart, how stupid do you think I'd have to be to leave you for some pimply seventeen year old?" "I hope not, Nikki. I'm wrapped up with you." Kiss. "That goes both ways. So stop worrying. I'm yours forever. That's an awfully long time." The kisses that followed were much hotter. "You're the only one who'll ever make love with me, you know," she smiled softly. "And we have time..." "Our whole lives, little one," I said. "Now ... since we've finished bein' all sad an' serious, can we do somethin' fun?" Giggle. And she was standing, tugging on my hand, laughter and lust mixing in her eyes. I wasn't physically able to refuse that. I followed her to OUR bedroom. She tossed the covers back and started undressing. I started undressing, too, and she beat me, kneeling naked in the middle of the bed, sitting back on her heels, smiling. "Perfection," I said. "Lovely perfection." "Because we're in love, baby," she said. She welcomed me into her arms, our lips merging together, and she gently pushed me onto my back so she could get atop me. "Mmmm," I purred. "You feel so good..." We kissed and embraced for some minutes before she rolled off me and started playing. She ... well, we'd been together for a couple of weeks now, and she certainly had examined me from close range, playing, learning, but she STILL wanted to play and explore. Giggle. "I love how it jumps when I play with your balls." "Be careful. I'm about ready to explode." Her eyes twinkled. "You just do whatever you need to do. I'm just playin'." She played for a bit longer, then announced the appearance of a big, clear drop of pre-cum on the head of my dick. "There it is. And I never touched your dick." She smiled. "Well, we can't be making a mess. I need to take care of that." I gasped as she bent over and sucked the head into her mouth, vacuuming and tonguing me. When she bent over to do that, I moved fingers to dip into her slit. Oh, yes, it was juicy. "I need that," I told her. Her head bobbed up, releasing me from her mouth. "I'm not giving THIS up. You wanna..." "Get on top of me. You make me hungry." "Then I need to give YOU something to eat, huh?" She moved to throw a leg over my face, then she lowered her pussy within range of my mouth. She's a feast. Juicy, musky, salty. And a lot of it. And simultaneously with me enjoying myself, my tongue tickled and teased and she started bucking against my mouth, the movement foretelling impending orgasm. She gamely kept my dick's head between her lips, immobilized, as she came, little gasps and whimpers escaping around the happy object in her mouth. Of course, that started a loop: Nikki was teased, creating juice. I licked, creating MORE juice which caused me to lick even more, fetching more juice, requiring MORE licking, then orgasm, creating a gout of juice, starting the loop over... After her second orgasm, she moved around to kiss me. "Can I take care of this now?" Her hand stroked the length of my shaft. "Oh, god, yes, little one. I'm about to explode." "I'm already all wet," she smiled. She straddled me and pushed herself down on me in one smooth and incredibly wonderful motion. "Ahhhhh," she moaned. "Every time we do this, it gets better and better." My hands slid up her thighs, over her hips, and up, cupping the small, pliant mounds of her titties. She gripped my arms, smiling at me, eyes bright. Giggle. "That's the part of you that I need to complete me physically." She bent forward and I curled to meet her for the kiss. "And YOU are what I need to be complete as a human being." Her words penetrated my brain, fulfilling the same emotions in me. Little rocking motions of her hips took care of the part that was purely physical. She was hot, wet, and tight. And eager and loving. And I'd been primed through the process of making her come twice. Her lips came away from mine, she tilted her head, and her lips fastened to the side of my neck. That's all it took. I erupted. She felt it, a little squeal from her mouth as she kissed and sucked my neck. Her hips kept moving, urging the liquid from me as I surged upward into her pussy. "Got it, huh?" she whispered. "I felt it. When you're in me, I FEEL it." I couldn't talk. I was almost breathless. She kissed me. "You're so intense when you come, baby..." Little kisses until I regained the ability to speak. "You're my heart and soul," I said. "I believe you when you say that, Dan. You're that to me, too, you know." She shifted a little bit, and I felt myself still inside her. "Are you getting hard again?" Giggle. "I never got soft. You need to believe me. You push my buttons like nobody I'd ever imagined." "If it's hard, then we oughtta use it, huh?" "I don't know if I can manage another one so soon, little one." Giggle. "I can ... and you told me that this is the ONE place that we can be selfish. But I know some things about you..." she batted those long eyelashes at me, kissed me on the lips and went from there to my neck, her pelvis moving. "Mmmmm," escaped her mouth against my neck. My hands roamed up and down her, savoring every inch of her smooth, youthful torso as her hips worked me, my own thrusts timed with them. We'd go at each other frantically for a minute, then slow, kiss, love, then back to pounding lustily into each other. I could feel the surge building. The first burning tingles though, coincided with her looking at me, mouth slightly open, eyes wide. "Ohgod, Dan ... It's ... ohgod. Nnnnnnnn..." she slammed her mouth into mine, her tongue forcing its way to find my own. Her "nnnnn" escaped inside my mouth. "Mmmmmpphhhh," was my response as I thrust as deep inside her as I could, an orgasm overtaking me. Her last quivering downward swirl caught me on my second squirt. She pulled her mouth from mine with a sigh. We were still coupled. "Dan Granger, I am your wife. If I ever lose you, I will kill myself. Hold me." I held her. "That goes both ways..." She recognized that I'd repeated her earlier statement. Her eyes sparkled. "Then we'd better start trusting one another, huh? And YOU don't need to worry about any teen-aged boys, guy." A soft plop down below and she giggled again. "We're gonna have a mess. That's TWO of 'em..." "I'll do my part," I said. Squeal. She got up and I laid back. She got back to sixty-nine and we happily licked one another clean, and she was back in my arms. "Quick shower, babe?" "Sure," I said. "Quickie..." "Uh ... THAT wasn't a quickie..." "No it wasn't, brown-haired girl. My love. My mate." We showered, got back into the nightclothes, and went back into the living room. "Sit in your recliner." she said. That was a favored thing for both of us. I settled in and she settled into my arms. And the cat settled onto the arm of the chair. "Poor thing," she said, petting him. "He gets ignored." He was purring from her attention. I added my own hand to the cat's satisfaction. "He's learned to clear the bedroom until the 'all clear', though," I said. "Maybe we need another kitty to keep him company while we're out." "That's a thought. But kittens are soooo expensive. We'll have to think about it." Cuddled in my arms, she flipped through the TV channels, found nothing worth wasting time on, so then she hit the stereo and ran a few choices then settled on some Mozart concertos and we played a few hands of cards until nearing ten PM. "Bedtime," she announced, at the completion of yet another hand. "Sure, you wanna go to bed when YOU'RE ahead." Laughter. "I'm beating you by two hundred points. You'll NEVER catch up before the game ends. Come on!" I put the cards up and followed her into our bedroom. She curled up, spooned against me, clasping my hands against her breasts. I kissed her head gently. "Good night, my love." "Good night, baby. Tomorrow's gonna be a good day." ------ Chapter 9 The next morning started with a little soft music on the clock radio, a wake-up snuggle, and then it was off to business at hand. Forty-five minutes later I was kissing my wife as I headed out the door and she waited on a school bus. I drove up the road, thinking all was good with the world, mulling over the idea that I'd left a new fifteen year old wife waiting on a school bus. I didn't get too far, though, before my phone chimed that tune that was "Nikki": "Fur Elise". "Hello, cutie," I said. "Hi, love of my life," her voice chimed. "Just reminding you to give that meat market a call." "Thank you," I said. "I'll call 'em. They'll fix us up." I knew a good meat market that would give us a great hunk of pork for Nikki's debut dinner with the family. "I'm glad you called, too..." "Why?" she asked. "SO I can hear your voice one more time and tell you that I love you." Purrs are audible. "Thank you, Honey," she said. "I love you too. I'll talk to you later. I see the bus up the road." "'Kay, baby. Bye." I settled back into the routine of the drive, musing over the idea that while waiting to go to school, Nikki was thinking about our plans for the weekend. I was, too. I loved my new little doll, and I wanted to believe that the rest of my family would be as enchanted as I was. I didn't roll directly to the office. First stop was inside one of my client facilities. I drove down roads with huge vessels and pipes and whistling, screaming processes going on, arriving at a new substation. I had four technicians working among a herd of electricians. I stopped by and chatted with each of my techs, assessing the work's progress and the individual's understanding of what he was doing. Finally, I located my lead guy. "Hey, Kev," I said. He was smiling when he turned around. "Hey, Dan! What's up?" "You tell me," I countered. "You're ass-deep in alligators here." "Nah! I'd much rather this than cleaning a bunch of forty-year old crap on a maintenance outage. This is gonna be a nice sub when it's done." It was good to see somebody enthusiastic about his work. Kevin was one. "You finding anything?" He grinned. "We ALWAYS find things. Look at this. I think I know what we need to do, but I just want to verify it while you're here." He showed me one of a sheaf of drawings, pointing out a perfectly normal equipment configuration. He further pointed out that if we hadn't considered it in light of our specific application, things would've been WRONG. Embarassing. Easily fixed, but embarrassing. "You're absolutely right. Great catch! Just make sure that you make red pen changes to the electrician's drawings before they wire to it. And test it completely when they're done. Don't wanna..." "Would've tripped first time we loaded up, huh?" he said. "You got that right. Red faces. Hollering. Finger-pointing." He laughed. "Yeah, I can laugh now, too. I caught it on another job, marked up two sets of drawings, gave one to the electrical foreman, and his guy STILL found an old one to wire from." "And you didn't catch it in testing?" "Lead tech was..." "Grady," Kevin said. "I think he's pencil-whipped stuff on me, but nothing I could nail down. I was gonna talk to you..." "About Grady?" "Yeah. I'm gonna need a good tech and helper next week for the outdoor stuff. I'd rather not get Grady." "I'll see what I can do," I said. I filed that 'pencil-whipping' comment away. Much of our business had to do with meticulously testing equipment and systems and recording findings. The idea of giving results without actually doing the tests, or changing the results from actual values, that was inexcusable. Leaving the actual work, I drove back through the facility and visited the client's lead electrical engineer and engaged in a little discussion of the work we were doing, upcoming work ("You KNOW you're getting this, don't you?") and a fair amount of good-natured discussion about domesticated (him) versus feral (me) engineers. I was 'feral' because unlike him, I didn't have a single place to call home. We managed to stretch conversation to include lunch, on my company expense account, naturally. I drove my buddy back into the plant and dropped him at this office, visited my crew one more time, then drove to my own office. I pulled into the front parking lot of our building, next to Steve's SUV, and walked into the office. "That you, Dan?" I heard him call. "Yeah." "Thought so." Steve recognized the clatter of the diesel idle from my truck. "How's InChem?" "Rockin' right along," I said. "Took their engineer to lunch. He's happy. You know what they have coming for the rest of the year, huh?" "Yeah. We'll stay busy there." "Give the plant to Kevin. He'll take care of it. I can pop in every now and then, bill a few hours, talk to Doogie." "Doogie" was Douglas Stratton, the engineer I had lunch with. He DID look young for his actual age and responsibilities. His co-workers tagged him early on, and like many nick-names at work, it stuck. And went universal. "You think Kevin's ready to handle it?" "Real question is why YOU don't." "I didn't say that," he back-pedalled. "Just that he's..." "The guy that Doogie asked for on this substation project. He's more than technically capable, and he knows his limits. He'll call if he has questions, you and I will know EXACTLY what's going on, and honestly, he'll think it's a promotion. Bump 'im hard next pay raise." "Done," Steve said. "When's Becky getting back?" I asked. Becky Young was our office administrator. Her house took some damage during the hurricane and was unlivable while the repairs were being made. She was living with her sister in the next state. "A week, she says. I'm ready. She's VPN'ed to the company system for opening jobs and stuff, but I'm going crazy here. SHE'S gonna have flowers waiting when she gets back." "Good! Absence makes the heart grow fonder," I laughed. 'Fond' was how we ALL felt about Becky, all five feet two and two hundred and twenty pounds of her, smile and attitude, dedication and competence, soft heart and sharp tongue. "I'll be glad to see 'er back." "Until she starts in on your billing and report backlog," he laughed. "Yeah, I know ... I can blame it on the hurricane." "Yeah, you can. It won't work, though..." by now, I was stretched in a chair in Steve's office. "Did Kevin mention when they're gonna start on the outdoor equipment?" "Said he was going to need a tech and a helper next week." Steve smiled. That was a couple of thousand dollars a day on the ledger. "Before you smile too damned big, he asked that we NOT send Grady. Said he thinks Grady's been pencil-whipping reports." "Oh, I NEED this shit, Dan," Steve whined. "Yeah, we all do, don't we?" I sighed. "You know, if we have this guy who doesn't work well with others, and we can't trust on his own..." Steve sighed. "HR ain't gonna like it ... We really don't have anything concrete." "If he's faking reports, he'll trip over his own feet. The guy's not bright enough to do a good job of faking things. If I find something, you need to back me up. He'll be gone." "I'll back you up." I picked a candy from the jar on Steve's desk and was peeling the wrapper. "So, you an' Nikki? Thing's okay? Are you freakin' insane?" "Whaddaya mean, 'insane'?" "She's, like A KID!" "Oh, hell, Steve, I knew sooner or later you'd get nosey." I fixed my eye on his. Steve bridged his fingers together, elbows on his desk. "Dan, you an' me, we've been bumpin' together in this biz for years. I'd say we're friends. I just worry. I mean, we all have, you know ... She's not pregnant or somethin'?" "Damn, you're a subtle devil, ain't you?" "I'm sorry, Dan, but it's killin' me..." "Sorta like me comin' over that desk?" His eyes widened fast. He stuttered, "D-d-Dan?" "Oh, cool off, asshole," I said. "Sad thing is that Nikki's probably getting the same thing at school now. No, she's NOT pregnant." "So why'd you marry 'er?" "Steve, you and I've worked those out of town jobs, right?" "Yeah, I remember a couple?" "Where was Dan? After work?" "Dinner. Maybe a beer. Then your hotel room." "That's part of the story. I don't chase tail, bud. That's like a dog chasin' cars. If he catches one, then what?" "But fifteen?" "Curious fifteen. Funny how a number might be so significant in one context, and insignificant in another." "You really DID rescue her from a building?" he asked. "Yes. Had to take a Sawzall to cut some structure out of the way. If I hadn't been there, I don't know if she'd be alive today." "Oooookayyyy," he said. "But marryin' 'er. That's..." "Just crazy enough to work. She's smart. Very mature for her age, more mature that a lot of women with a lot more years on them." His eyebrow raised. I caught it. "No, I didn't seduce her. She didn't seduce me. After the roads opened, I took her to Houston to buy her enough clothes and stuff so she'd at least have that. She thought I was tryin' to get her ready to move out. I guess, in a way, I was." I sighed, remembering the day. "She asked how long she could stay there. I told her she could stay as long as she needed to. She asked how long I wanted her to stay. I looked in her eyes, Steve. And I told her that I wanted her there forever." "Damn, boy," he said. "You sound like a chick flick." "I know it sounds sappy. But dammit, she just fits soooo well ... she's not just one of those little airhead bimbos. Innocent..." "You mean..." Raised that eyebrow again. I just nodded. "The lady is worthy of respect," I said. "She didn't whine and cry. When I started working she started taking care of the house without me even mentioning it. That was BEFORE we decided to get married. After that, when I started working in the field again, she spent her day listening to classical music and reading when I was out, meal was waiting when I came in the door. Hell, man, I was MARRIED to a woman who didn't do THAT!" "Okay, okay ... so who's exploiting who?" I smiled. "We both are. Any more personal questions?" "No, that's about it, buddy. You know I wish you the best of luck. We need to get together, at least you an' Nikki an' me an' Carole. Maybe some of the techs and their wives." "I don't want Nikki catching crap, Steve." "I don't think anyone would do that, Dan. She seems to be pretty quick on her feet, and she's personable." "Thanks, Steve, ' I said. "Of course, she's meeting my family in person for the first time this weekend. I may be missing either a wife OR a family, come Monday." "You know you expect things to be fine, don't you?" "Yeah, I do. My family loves me. And from the conversations with my sister, they think a lot of Nikki, after the initial shock. Reminds me. I need to make a phone call" "Phone call?" "Yeah, Nikki told me to make sure and get a good pork roast for Saturday. She's cooking." "Fifteen? Pork roast?" "Learned from her grandma. Apparently she pays very good attention." "I've had YOUR cooking, and you say she cooks good, then she must be something." "My point exactly, Steve." "Well, you know I wish you all the good. But not too damn much. I don't wanna be jealous, yaknow." I laughed. "You're right ... I can't get as perfect as you." I stood. "I'm gonna go play with a few drawings, and then I'm gone." "Yeah, okay," Steve said. "And don't forget your phone call..." I made the phone call. Then I cleared room on my desk and started going over drawings, stopping occasionally to wonder how Nikki's day at school was going. Finishing up a sheaf of drawings, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. "Seeya in the morning, Steve," I said. "Take care, old son," he said. On the road, I opened my phone and said one word: "Nikki". She should be somewhere on the bus ride home. "Hey, babe!" came the happy chirp. That answered one question. She had enough of her happy energy left to put a smile in her tone. "You on your way home?" "Yeah. I'm dying to hold you!" "Good," she said. "I definitely need holding." She paused. "Hey, that barbecue joint has an 'open for business' sign up, if you wanna do barbecue sandwiches for dinner." That'd keep us from cooking, and a couple of sandwiches weren't expensive. "You want one or two?" "Two, she said. "Pork, if there's a choice." Many of the small businesses had indeed re-opened in the storm's aftermath, but many of them started back with abbreviated menus and services. "I'll get us something," I said. "How was school?" "We'll talk when we get home, baby. It was okay." "Okay, sweetness," I said. "I love you." "Love you too! Bye!" The afore-mentioned barbecue joint was on the road home. I pulled into the drive-through, expecting to find a pimple-faced teen, but was greeted by the plump red face of the female half of the couple who owned the place. "Well, good to see you up and running, " I said. "Running ourselves to death," she laughed. "Me an' Petey thought we'd open with a coupla things on the menu and struggle for business. I been packin' away orders for pickup like it's goin' outta style." She grinned broadly. "Not that I'm complainin', you understand. 'Cept I need help." "Like..." I started. "Oh, a high-school kid would be nice right now, but I need somebody to work with me during the day. Ever'body's still evacuated that used ta work for me." "I can get the word to the high school bunch," I said. "New wife's a student there." "Oh, yeah," she said. "Sheriff said you married that Domingue girl." "News travels fast," I said. "He said it like it was a good thing. He's my cousin. If he says it's good, it's GOOD. She lookin' for work?" "No," I said. "I want 'er concentrating on school. But she might have friends..." "See what you can help me with," she smiled. "Now what can I help YOU with?" "Four pulled pork sandwiches," I said, grinning, "If they're any good!" "Best barbecue in the parish," she laughed. "Only barbecue in the parish!" I waited a few minutes and we exchanged food for money. "Thanks! Don't forget my help," she said. "I won't," I said. "Good luck!" I drove off, headed on the final leg home. Twenty minutes put me in my driveway, and I got out, Nikki was bounding out the door to greet me. Greetings involved a kiss, a wonderful thing, even in the scalding combination of heat and humidity. "I missed you, baby," and we both laughed, because we'd said it simultaneously. I retrieved the bag of sandwiches and followed my cutie inside. We sat at the breakfast table and pulled sandwiches out for dinner. "So how was YOUR day?" I asked. "Nuts," she said. "Finding the best way to get from one class to the next may take a while. The school was WAY over-crowded." She took a bite of her sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. "I just KNEW this'd be GOOD!" she smiled. "Had in interesting conversation with the owner," I said. "If any of your friends are looking for after school work, she's dying for help." Nikki's face changed. "No, not YOU. You have a husband and you don't need the money and you have school to worry about." "Oh. I thought maybe you wanted me to go to work." The smile came back to her face. "No, not even close. I wish you could work with me, but that's not possible, for most cases. So what's your classes like." "Like forty pounds of books," she said. "I just know I'm not gonna have to strain at anything but math and science. The rest is just reading." "And we'll work together on the math and science." She smiled at me. "How come I feel smarter, Dan," she asked. "Because ... think you're smart. Always were. Just nobody told you." "Maybe nobody was in that good a position to make a determination," she said. "Grandma, well, I don't think she got past, like, the eighth grade. An' Mom didn't care." "And teachers, except for the best of them, they just try to get their kids through the class. A smart one just means they don't have to spend time worrying about that one." I watched the brown bangs sway as she chewed her sandwich, smiling. "This year, though, you don't let them leave you alone. Make sure YOU understand where they're heading with the lessons." She took a sip of her drink. "It's gonna be different, for sure." I considered, for a moment, that just maybe Nikki didn't WANT to work that hard. "Sweetie, I'm not trying to push you too hard. If you think I'm pushing too hard, tell me." "I will. Right now, I'm excited. I was thinking about it on the bus, Dan. I have a future. WE have a future." She sighed. "I know sometimes you wanna be a plain ol' husband and I wanna just be a wife, sometime, too. But I'm still a high school student and you have to kind of do a strange parenting thing for me." "I'm glad you think about it, baby, and we can talk about it. I promise I'll never drop the husband and wife part. You're too much of my life." We finished the sandwiches and disposed of the remains. "Now let's look at my books, ' she said. My young wife was excited about school. We ended up on the sofa side by side as she paged through her books. I had flashbacks to my own high school experience and like her, the new material at the first of the year was always a promise of new worlds of learning. I commented on her enthusiasm. "Uh ... I AM excited. Dan, I've seen the kind of people who want to learn and act civilized, and the other kind. I know what I want to be." She laid the book down that had been on her lap, and she twisted around to straddle my leg, putting her face inches from mine. "You need to stop worrying, guy. I love you. Now. Forever." "That makes me very happy, little flower, ' I said. "I want YOU to be happy. I can just go along for the ride." "Lay down. Put your head in my lap." I complied, feeling the stress leave me as her fingers caressed my face and temples. The pleasant face smiling down at me was equally soothing. "I have you. You have me." A smile, twinkling eyes. "I watched the games today, you know." "Games?" "Yeah, the mating games. You and me, we talked about that some." "Yeah," I acknowledged. "I don't want to do that, Dan." "Considering that you have your husband's head in your lap, I'd wish you didn't." Giggle. "You know what I mean." She playfully slapped my cheek. "But I ran into some of the kids from last year, and I got asked a lot of questions, you know, where I was living? Where was mom? Where'd I evacuate to? The usual stuff. And then when they saw my ring, it was a whole other set of questions, like, was it somebody from school? Was I pregnant? Did I have a baby?" "Sounds like fun." I recounted my conversation with Steve. "If what we did, us getting married, is crazy, Dan, I am hopelessly crazy, you know." "Me too, angel. I haven't had a single regret." "Good!" she said, curling over to kiss me on my nose. "Sit up!" I sat up. She hopped into my lap, circling her arms around my neck. The next kiss wasn't on my nose. As a matter of fact, a few of THOSE kisses, and she moved from sitting sideways in my lap to astride me, and her eyes took on a serious twinkle. "I feel bad," she said. "You feel bad?" "Yeah ... period started today. Good thing I keep a few tampons in my purse." "You gonna need some more?" "No, I got some last time we went grocery shopping. Got plenty. But..." "But what?" I asked. "I'm havin' a period. We can't, you know..." "Unless you wanna..." No, baby. Unless you're desperate for it." "I'm desperate for YOU, Princess. I can do without that for a few days." "You sure? I KNOW people do that. Mom did, at least some, because I heard her and her guy of the week talk about 'doin' it on the rag'. It just makes me uncomfortable thinking about it." "Don't worry about it in the least, little one." I kissed her. "There's a whole lot more to Dan 'n' Nikki than vaginal sex." "You're so clinical sometimes," she giggled, returning my kiss. "And you're right." Kiss. "And now I need to look at my homework." "You do that. I'll do some housework. You can use our office, you know. Computer. Desk. Printer." "I didn't know how you felt about somebody else in your office." "Anybody but you, baby," I said. I helped her haul her materials into the office, then I went about the business of maintaining a household. It was not a difficult proposition, actually. The 'Dan and Nikki' combination did not generate twice the mess, but it did contribute twice the labor, so I was relegated to more of a touch-up than a major cleaning effort. I paused from vacuuming to give the cat time to stick his head out. He took advantage of the silence to charge into the office and hide behind Nikki. She petted him as she pored over her science textbook. I looked in on her. "How's it going, cutie?" She said, "I'm petting my biology experiment." The cat peered around from behind Nikki's calves. "This stuff isn't gonna be hard at all." "Good," I said. I went around emptying trash cans and then took my shower, rare in that I did it alone. By the time I finished, she was in the bathroom, getting ready for her own. I waited for a few minutes until the water turned off, then I went in to help her dry her hair. "Wait a second, ' she said. "Let me get my panties on." I heard a rustle and a sharp breath, then "Okay!" I went in to view her nude except for neat hip-hugger panties that accentuated the curve of her hips. She sat on a stool while I brushed and dried her hair, then she donned her nightshirt. "Let's go watch TV. Sit in your chair. I wanna snuggle." ------ Chapter 10 "Snuggle" is one of many things that works wonderfully with Nikki. We watched TV for a while, her rounded hip in my lap, her face next to mine, and the cat was perched on the arm of the chair, making our strange family unit complete. Came time for bed. We went to bed together. Unusual for us, Nikki was wearing panties, a concession to her period. I didn't put on anything, and once in bed, my caresses avoided her pussy, but I lavished love on everything else, just because she was mine and because I loved her and further down the list because she was such a wonderfully, youthfully, desirably female. She had no such restrictions. Her hand was happily fondling and stroking me as she crawled halfway atop me, smiling. "Does this feel good, sweetie?' she asked, eyes twinkling. "Ohgoshbaby! You know it does! B-but..." Giggle. "I think I can fix whatever difficulties that may arise," she tittered. "'S your fault, you know ... I was trying NOT to..." "Oh, I noticed," she giggled, not slacking up with her hands, and she added kisses to the mix. "Don't'cha think that by now I know how YOU work?" "Uh-huh," I managed. Smile. "Then lay back and LET me!" Doggone right I let her. I loved her. I found her wonderfully, delightfully sexy and desirable, and I have normal desires, not that what was happening to me was normal, no, it was waaaay past that. Ten minutes later she was sitting up, making a big show of licking her lips. "Do you have ANY idea how much I adore you?" I sighed. "Uh, did you adore me before I did that?" she giggled, teasing me. "Uh, I adored you before I knew you existed. I've been adoring you before I ever knew I was supposed to find a girl to adore. My soul had a spot just made to adore you, since I was born." "You, Mister Dan, are one silver-tongued devil, and you flatter me and lead me astray with fancy words." Giggle. "And I LOVE it!" She slid up into my waiting arms and we kissed. "See!" she said. "I know you worry that there I am in high school with all those boys my age and I'm gonna get my head turned by one of 'em. And I'm telling you that all day long when I daydream, I'm dreaming about me and you, where THIS is because you love me and I love you and it's not one of those 'for at least the rest of this week' kind of loves. Mine and yours is forever." "Quite a speech, dear wife," I said. "I don't want games, Dan," she said. "I already see kids playin' games, and sometimes one of 'em is playin' a game and the other is serious, and I know that they're just kids my age, but when your friend is crying on your shoulder, you understand that pain is real." "I know, little one," I said. "I've been there before. I was young once, too." Her face brightened. "Don't fool yourself, guy. You're STILL young." She spread her legs and straddled me. My hands slid up her sides, cupping those firm breasts. "Mmmmm," she purred. "When this period is over, you're getting it." Giggle. "And so am I!" She rolled sideways off me and settled in at my side. Her hand explored. "Sorry," she said. "I got you going again." Her head disappeared under the covers and a familiar and delightful warmth engulfed me for the second time this evening. She flipped the covers off her head. "DO you have any idea how much I LOVE doing this?" she smiled. "DO you know how much I love you doing it?" She giggled again. "Mmmm-hmmm. You showed me just a little bit ago." She slid back up beside me, fondling me gently. "I love making you happy." I kissed her lightly. "You make me very happy." She reached and turned out the bedside lamp and she nestled against me and we slid off into slumber. Morning came with the trilling of the alarm and we were up and running, quick breakfast and I was off to work and she was waiting on the school bus. I had a grocery list to pick up on my way home. I managed to make it through Friday without any incident and left just a little early. On the way home, I called Nikki. "Anything I need that we didn't put on the list?" "Nope! That covers us. We're gonna have a good day. I'll see YOU in a little bit. I had time to daydream at school." Giggle. I stopped at the grocery store and then I hurried home. When I got there, Nikki was out of her school uniform and wearing shorts and a halter top and being very domestic. She stopped that when I walked in the door and became this lovely little nymph of a teenaged girl for a moment while we greeted each other, then she helped me unload the groceries. I noticed a large waste container at the debris pile that used to be Nikki's home, and I commented to her. "I saw it when I got off the bus. I wonder when they're gonna start moving that pile," she said. "I dunno. Maybe we can call Sheriff Ernie. He might know." "Let me do that," Nikki said. We hauled the last of the groceries in and I started putting them away while she located her phone. She dialed and held it to her ear. "Hi, Sheriff Richard, this is Nikki Granger." Pause. "Yessir, I'm back in school. It's crowded, but it'll be okay." Giggle. "No, he's still alive." Pause. "Nossir. I was just wonderin'. I noticed they dropped off a waste tub at my old apartment building. Do you know when they're gonna start on that?" Pause. "Okay, if you can, I'd appreciate it. Everything I owned was in there. Family stuff, too." Pause. "Yeah, tomorrow my in-laws are coming over. I'm cooking a big pot-roast. You're welcome to drop by." Giggle. "Drive up with your lights flashin' and cuff Dan. That oughtta liven up the event!" Giggle. "Yessir. Here he is!" she handed me the phone. "Hi, Ernie." "Did you just hear what your wife proposed I do tomorrow?" he laughed. "I heard. If you're gonna do that, you might wanna have an ambulance with you, because my sister is gonna have a heart attack!" "Sounds like you two are getting along pretty good, man," he said. "You have no idea, friend. Paradise. She's COOKING for that bunch tomorrow. She cooks bettern' I do." "Did you have trouble with school?" he asked. "I had to go up there. They sent out a letter to her mom, and we never saw it. I had to sign things over and we redid her schedule and she's off and running." "She's happy, then?" he asked. "Best I can tell. We just click." "You two need to come over one of these days. I'm serious," he said. "We'll do that. So, are you gonna give us a heads up when they start demolition next door?" "Yeah, I'll try and give you a day or two notice, and I think they'll work with you if you an' Nikki want to try and save anything. They've done it for others." "Good," I said. "I have no idea what we'll be able to save. It's been weeks." "Yeah. Advice, buddy¬-- You don't want to be around if they disturb a refrigerator or freezer. Some horrible things happen in a few weeks without refrigeration." "I bet," I said. "You an' your wife take care, buddy. And keep in touch, okay?" "Okay," I said. "And thanks, again!" "My pleasure," he said. The phone clicked. She was smiling. "Sheriff Ernie shows up with lights and siren and arrests me. You'd be going to your sister-in-law's funeral," I laughed. "I think it'd be funny." "I think I've married a smart-ass," I said. She threw her arms around my neck and reeled me in for a kiss. "And that smart-ass has been thinking about you all day!" "And you, little brown-haired girl, have crossed my mind, too, you know..." I guided her backward against the wall and pinned her. She kissed me hungrily. "You make me quiver, guy," she said softly. "I never imagined that I could be like this over another person. And it's not just THIS," she said, landing a kiss on me that would've peeled paint. "It's THIS, too!" she said, motioning to the groceries on the counter. "You let me into your life, and your world, and you act like I'm supposed to be here, and you trust me to, uh, I dunno, be decent an' normal..." "Since the first days we were together, Nikki, you've never given me reason to expect anything else. I didn't know what I pulled out of that pile, but I found out it was an intelligent, decent human being, bright, funny, and so easy to fall in love with..." She pulled me in for another kiss. "What can we do for dinner? I saw a package of pork chops." "If you don't have an idea, I can do something." "Let's make it kinda light. Tomorrow's gonna be a feast." She smiled. "I hope I don't disappoint people." I had to laugh. She looked at me quizzically. "Did I say something funny?" "Oh, no, princess," I said. "When they see you, fifteen, and as cute as you are, they aren't gonna know what to expect for food. But I know how you cook, and you're going to amaze them." "I hope so, baby," she said. I regarded the beauty in front of me and couldn't envisage anyone not adoring her as much as I did. We took the time to walk around outside while the heat of the afternoon kept the mosquitoes at bay. That was a tightrope act: stifling, cloying heat on one hand, clouds of bloodthirsty mosquitoes on the other. Back in the house, we threw together some grilled pork chops and a simple rice pilaf for dinner, not at all in line with our Cajun roots, but quite satisfying, nonetheless. After dinner, we put the finishing touches to a final cleaning of the house. "Shower," she said. "Now I need one." "By yourself, or would you like help?" "I could appreciate some help, but you know what's off limits," she said. "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. Part of life." "I do wanna shower with you, though." We did our shower. When we got out, I started shaving and she tended to private matters then perched on her stool and started drying her hair. I helped her finish. "You're so beautiful, baby," I said to the brunette teen on the stool in front of me. Her breasts were perfectly perky, and those eyes, I could lose myself. I forgot I was naked. She didn't. I remembered when her fingers curled under my balls, gently tugging. Giggle. "I love the way they feel!" "Should I put on pants?" I asked. "Oh, I guess," she said. "Until bedtime, anyway." She stood and we embraced. "Let's go find something to do." I followed her into the living room, curious as to what she might have in mind. She retrieved a deck of cards and the notepad we used to keep scores in our on-going rummy tournament, and we passed some time together, talking, playing, laughing, the TV on in the background, fighting off a cat who figured that if two humans were facing each other, he was supposed to be in the middle, getting all the attention. After she finished trouncing me soundly, we retired to the bedroom. I would have been quite happy to simply kiss and cuddle and go to sleep, in view of her period, but Nikki decided otherwise. "You're not serious, are you?" she questioned. "Have I ever stopped you from making me come?" "No, but..." "But, nothing! Dan, I told you that I LOVE this thing!" The 'thing' in question was having none of my thoughts of settling for hugs and kisses this evening either. It was hard as a rock. Nikki commented. "See! This part of you agrees with me!" Giggle. And the first of a cloud of kisses and sucks and licks and bites. The buildup was intense. Giggle. "D'you know I daydream about you? I thought about this today. Been lookin' forward to it." She looked up at me, smiling, her tongue flicking out to keep the stimulation going. "I think about this, too, baby. Last night was memorable. I closed my eyes today. Good thing I was sitting behind my desk." She crawled up and kissed me on the lips, her lithe body warming me. "I love loving you, Dan." "You're my angel, Nikki. God, I love you!" Blue eyes sparkled. She touched her forehead to mine, smiling. "The way it's supposed to be, guy," she said. You complete me." A quick kiss and she started sliding back down. My hand caressed the back of her head, not because I needed to encourage her to fellate me, but because I loved the clean, soft, lively hair. My hand moved around to caress her cheek before her mouth engulfed me again. "Ohhhhhh," I moaned. "You like that," she said, between sucks. "I love that," I countered. "I love it, too. I feel every little quiver." Another suck, teeth biting lightly. "Mmmm, juice!" More sucking. My hips moved on their own as I writhed in pleasure. Her fingers caressing my balls tugged lightly, encouraging me, and I could feel the pressure building. "Mmmmm" came from her throat and coursed through my being. Her brown hair bobbed and fluttered with her movements. She sensed one of my thrusts upward as THE thrust and re-doubled the suction and tonguing and I spurted the first of several surges of semen. That got another "Mmmmm" and she continued, her hand milking me in time with my waning thrusts. She kept the suction going as my orgasm waned, producing pleasure that rode the sharp edge of pain, then she raised her head, smiling. "Was that a good one, baby?" she asked, smiling. "Oh gosh, yes, love," I said, having barely enough breath to complete the statement. "I have power over you, baby," she said as she crawled up to my side. "I love that I can do THAT to you. You do that to me, you know. I wanna be as good for you..." She breathed softly in my ear. I turned onto my side and held her against me. "You ARE, baby. I think WE are." My hands wandered down her back, tracing the sweet, smooth curve of her butt. "You're better than any fantasy I ever had, you know..." She kissed me on the nose. "Then how do you think I feel? I didn't even KNOW what to have a fantasy about. I mean, hearin' Mom, it just didn't sound like something I really was missing. And then I met YOU..." "Mmmm-hmmm," I answered. "That's the way I am about you ... I love you, baby." She nestled into me, my lips at her forehead kissing those thick brown bangs. "I love you, Dan." And that's the way we went to sleep. We woke up the next morning, and after breakfast, the kitchen was a bee-hive of activity. Upon her instruction, I got out of the way, heading outside to cut the grass. The majority of the acre was easy work for a riding lawn mower, but the edges were a little more effort, requiring a loud and obnoxious gas-powered string trimmer. Nikki was paying attention, because when I sat down to work on that trimmer, she showed up at my side with an icy drink. "Here! You need something to cool yourself off!" and she kissed me. "Mmmm, you're salty when you sweat!" "Don't get me started, baby," I smiled. "Nothin' to start. I got work to do in the kitchen. But when you finish this, you need to shower. Just sayin'." Little giggle. "I can help with that!" She made a big deal of wiggling her butt as she walked back into the house. I finished my outside chores and put away the tools. I went in the back door and turned into the laundry room, stripping out of the sweaty, grass-covered clothes and walked nude through the kitchen. She smiled. "You're sweaty. Go take a shower." Then her eyes twinkled. "Wait! I need a salty snack!" She kissed me and then knelt. I made it to the shower, and when I turned the water off afterward, she was there with a towel. "Roast is simmering, baby. All we have to do is wait." True to instruction, a few minutes before one PM, I heard a car in the driveway. Looking through the window, I saw Dana and her husband Greg exiting their big SUV. And their daughter, my niece Brittney. And a thought crossed my mind. Brittney. Fifteen. Same age as my wife, who was now looking over my shoulder. And Nikki was smiling. "Our first guests, baby!" She was excited. I was apprehensive. I guess I shouldn't have been, because really, my family were what I considered 'good people', even though I wouldn't say that to their faces if you held a gun to my head. But Nikki ... Nikki was now my everything. Nikki was at the front door, opening it, and I hurried to stand beside her. Dana was the first to open her mouth. "So YOU'RE my new sister-in-law! Hi, Nikki!" She turned to me. "Dan, she's a doll. Cuter in person than those pictures I got!" Nikki grinned. "Thank you, Dana. So are you." She hugged Dana. I was shaking Greg's hand and getting a hug from Brittney. Brittney said, "Hi, Nikki! Or do I need to call you Aunt Nikki since you married my uncle?" "Just plain 'Nikki' will do quite nicely," Nikki smiled. She turned to Greg. "Hi, Mister Greg." Greg grinned. "Please don't call me 'Mister' if you don't call Dana 'Mizz'. She's OLDER than me." The month difference in their age was subject of a lot of good-natured picking. For all their married life, I'd laughingly called Dana 'cradle-robber' because of that month. I was re-thinking that when Dana jumped on it. "Yeah, Dan! Who's the cradle-robber NOW?" Nikki's eyes widened. Dana saw her expression. "Oh, no, Nikki, it's nothing about YOU. He's been callin' me cradle-robber since I married Greg. Now he has to stop." Nikki's smile returned. "Oh, I know my husband can be an ass," she said. "Let's go inside." 'Inside' was scented with the aroma of that pot-roast, a fact that caused a comment from Greg. "Damn! That roast smells GOOD!" Nikki said, "Dan liked the last one I did. I hope you like it." "Smells like YOURS," he told Dana. "YOU cook?" Brittney asked Nikki. "Uh-huh! I lived with Grandma for a while. She taught me. Said that was what EVERYBODY needed to know. Not just girls!" Brittney looked at her mom. Dana had a big smirk on her face. Nikki said, "I think the coffee's ready!" and she headed for the kitchen. Dana was right behind her. "Let me help, baby!" "Oh, thanks, Dana," Nikki said. Britt was right behind them. I heard clinking of dinnerware from the kitchen, and then another car in the drive. That would be Bill. Little brother. I opened the door to let him and his wife Julie in. "Where's my new sister-in-law?" Dana hollered, "Being transported to the home for the mentally distressed. Two strikes. She married Dan, and she heard YOU were coming!" "Sister's still an ass," Bill laughed. "Bill! Your language!" Julie hissed. Julie was pretty strait-laced, quite surprising in view of my brother's unrestrained ways, but eighteen years of marriage spoke to their compatibility. Nikki walked into the living room with a tray laden with small coffee cups. "Demitasses!" she smiled. "Just like Grandma used for company. I hope you like 'em." I was smiling. Nikki'd gone full-bore. The coffee wasn't the regular stuff, it was carefully dripped, Cajun-style, thick, black, made to be savored with cream and sugar. I didn't see it around very much any more, but Nikki and I had worked it up for ourselves and she was proud to carry it out for our guests. "Oh, wow," Bill said. "I haven't had it like THIS in I don't know HOW long!" He looked at me. "Dan, WHERE'D you FIND her?" "That pile of rubble across the fence," I said. Nikki jumped in. "It's true, you know. He had to cut me out of the pile." She and Dana and Julie went into the kitchen to tend the final touches of the dinner. "Damn, brother, ' Bill said. "She's a cutie." "Yes, she is," I said. "She's my age," Brittney said. "That's a fact," I said. "Fifteen. And running a house better than a lot of women three times her age." "I didn't mean..." Brittney backpedalled. "No, it's a legitimate observation. Nikki is my mate, though. She's smart, has a level head, we haven't had a cross word since we met, even before we decided that I was more than a shelter provider and she was a refugee. Half the time we finish each other's sentences." Nikki and Dana and Julie were setting the table. "Y'all talking about me?" Nikki asked. "I'm sorry, Nikki," Brittney said. "I mentioned that you're my age." "I am," Nikki said. "Sometimes age is just a number." Brittney looked at Greg. "Dad, if I wanted to get married?" "If you had a prospect who owned his own house, had an engineering degree..." "What about love?" Nikki smiled. "Love's gotta be there, too, Britt!" Dana was leaning against the frame of the kitchen door with Julie hovering near her. "Britt! I can't BELIEVE you went there!" "Oh, Dana, it's okay! I get worse than that at school, you know," Nikki said. "Let's finish setting the table. I watched Nikki. She didn't seem flustered. "Let's get the food on the table. It's ready!" We dove in with customary abandon. Nikki's roast met, no, it EXCEEDED expectations. My brother commented about it. "Like she learned from Mom," he said. "Sweetie's been doing things like this since the first morning she woke up here. First breakfast in the place that I didn't cook for myself. Nikki cooked it. Without me asking." Nikki smiled, almost shyly. "He rescued me. Cooking bacon and eggs was the least I could do." "And it was more than I expected. We were stuck here. Roads closed. Phones out. Cell towers down. As isolated as two people could be. The first humans we saw flew in on an Army Blackhawk." "I didn't have any place to go. I'd've been a teenaged girl at one of those shelters, by myself, broke, only the clothes on my back. Dan offered me a place to stay until I could get things sorted out." We finished the meal, right up to banana pudding, and then I and my brother and brother-in-law retired to the living room while, as Bill so tactfully noted, "the wimmen clear the table". Greg said, "You know, when you said you were staying HERE for the storm, I half-way expected you to get blown away." "I didn't lose a thing," I said. "I'm making ONE change, though." "What's that?" Bill asked. "Dropping cable TV and installing a hardened satellite dish. Didn't have TV for weeks!" "A man has to have his priorities," Greg said. The ladies made short work of the after-meal routine and joined us in the living room. I had Nikki on my knee as we sat on my recliner. Dana, Greg and Brittney were on the sofa and Bill and Julie were on the loveseat, and the conversation flowed. Much of it was about the meal as Bill patted his belly in satisfaction. "Uncle Dan, I'm sorry if I came off as nosey earlier. You know you're my favorite uncle," Brittney said. And she stuck her tongue at Bill. "I didn't think you were being nosey, baby," I said. "Britt," Nikki interrupted, "That was NOTHING! You should've heard the questions I got at school yesterday and the day before when people saw my ring." "You wear your wedding ring to school?" Julie asked. "I do, Mizz Julie. I AM married. I don't wanna HIDE that!" Nikki looked serious. "I got asked if I was pregnant but not showin', and if I had a baby over the summer, and all kinds of things. I just told them that I was in love with my husband and we take care of each other." "I bet it doesn't shut 'em up, though," Brittney said. "I know how that can be." "You're right," Nikki replied. "But I'll be old news in a day or two, and then they'll find something else to talk about." "Not to change the subject, but how'd that generator work out?" Greg asked. Nikki laughed. "He hauled me out of the rubble and brought me over here and he had lights and air conditioning and hot and cold water and music and food. It worked perfectly." "We shut it down every day to check oil and water and things, but that's the same unit I used for some of my clients. It's a good one. Two weeks, didn't even use half the tank of propane." "Plus, we have the travel trailer out there in the shed. Back-up." Nikki smiled. "I never heard of somebody taking care of business like this guy." She kissed my cheek. The conversation floated around to the subject of school. "You're a sophomore?" Britt asked. "Yep!" Nikki chirped. "You?" "Uh-huh," Brittney replied. "What all are you taking?" Nikki ran down the list. "That's a full load," Brittney countered. "I had things scheduled easier, but the school's crowded and some of my choices aren't available. And they weren't the best choices, either." "How's that?" Julie asked. Nikki said, "Well, I was taking the easiest things I could, just to stay out of trouble and graduate. Dan says that I need to take the tougher subjects so I can go to college." "College?" Britt asked. "You're thinking about college?" "I wasn't before Dan," Nikki said. "He says I'm smart enough, and I should get ready for it." She smiled. "What are you going to major in?" Julie asked. She and Greg were the only two of the bunch besides me that had college degrees. Nikki looked at me and smiled. "Oh, I dunno ... Dan's an engineer. Maybe that's what I should be." ------ Chapter 11 Nikki as an engineer. I wrote the comment off as part of the give and take of conversation. Nikki and I had talked only in passing about college ideas. After all, she still had almost three years of high school to complete. There was plenty of time for discussion and decision. I didn't make a big deal out of the remark and the conversation moved on to other things. At the end of the day, it appeared to me that my unusual wife had shown herself to be quite a decent fit to our family. I can say that I felt relieved, even though I entered the weekend with few doubts. But you never know. There we were, standing in the driveway waving as our guests left. Nikki was close beside me, her arm around my waist, and she was smiling. As tail-lights disappeared up the road, she turned to me. "Leftovers tomorrow, babe!" I laughed. "Light meal, then. They LOVED your cooking. Not much left over at all." She swung around to face me, standing there in the deepening dusk. "How'd we do, Dan?" she asked. Her smile told me she had her own answer. "We did great! You're spectacular and you blew 'em out of the water. I don't know what they expected when they got here, but they got a view of a very respectable and capable lady." I kissed her. "Whom I adore." We walked back in the house. The cat had finally reclaimed his rightful spot on the sofa, and we were in need of repose, so I sat back in my recliner and kicked up the footrest, beckoning with my arms for Nikki to sit on my lap. Make that 'lay on my lap'. "Quite a day," she said. "I was nervous." "Me too, little one," I said. "I adore you. I want my family to see you the same way." I nuzzled that brown hair, loving the sensations. The cat sensed he was being roundly ignored and jumped up on the arm of the chair to permit us to properly worship him. "Poor Tommi," Nikki laughed. "He's had a rough day. Nobody knew to beg him to let them pet him ALL day." So now I was petting TWO kittens. Well, Tommi was a couple of years past the 'kitten' stage, but Nikki certainly wasn't. Both of them were purring though. Sometimes life is really good. This is one of those times. Nikki reached around me and retrieved the TV remote control. "Just something relaxing, if I can find it, okay?" she said. "Okay." She flipped through the channels and found something on Animal Planet about cats, then I chuckled as she talked to Tommi about how all the other cats were energetic and intelligent, not big useless furbags. Tommi signaled his understanding by cuddling closer to her so he was more convenient to worship. "You're talking to the CAT, baby," I laughed. "Oh, sure! Like YOU never talked to him before. Besides, he's my second-favorite person here." She twisted to plant a kiss on my lips. "If you start that..." I said. She giggled. "The kitchen's cleaned. The house is straight. We've had a wonderful day. I wonder whatever we might be able to do to cap it off just right?" Her blue eyes sparkled. "Oh, I could think of something. But we have to move..." "You know, I have an idea, too," she smiled. "How about if I put you in the shower and wash you up first?" "Can I wash you, too?" She liked the little games. "OH, that's mandatory!" The activity was enough signal to the cat that he needed to vacate the area. He retired to his special cat spot where he could gaze out the window at lesser beings. Nikki led me to the bathroom and we started undressing, stopping with each bit of removal to kiss. "I'll be glad when this period's over, you know," she whispered. The period didn't stop the sensuality of our shower together. She didn't even stop me from carefully washing her crotch, although I knew that any attempts for me to invade those plump lips down there would have gotten a negative reaction. Still, though, we finished our shower, still happy, and she was drying her hair as I shaved. I finished shaving before she finished drying, and the first thing I did was wrap her almost nude (panties!) body in my arms, gaining me happy giggles, then I took over finishing her hair for her. We put on our nightshirts and slid into bed with the intent of a little card-playing and then some cuddling and kissing, but my princess wouldn't allow me to just go to sleep in her arms. No! She piled up pillows so I was sitting up in bed, then she smiled. "I love you," she said. "Sit back!" "You know you..." I started to say. "Hush! I LIKE this! It's as much about me as it is YOU!" She crawled up my torso and kissed me. "I love that I have this effect on you, you know..." I looked at that face, blue eyes atwinkle, her bangs freshly brushed to a dense brown sheen, and I knew in my heart that I'd had a lifetime of fantasies about exactly what this doll was proposing. "You affect me in ways I never dreamed any woman would, Nikki," I said. I was truthful, too. No woman previous to Nikki got me as excited as she did. I don't know why. Yeah, the first, I was excited, but I was a teen-aged boy. I got excited about EVERYTHING. But it wasn't like this. First wife. Excited. And in love. But not like this. I held her face between my hands and looked into her eyes. She looked right back, into my soul. "You're thinking," she said softly, "about us." "I am, little one," I admitted. "Just thinking how astoundingly wonderful you are to me. In so many different ways." She purred as I stroked her cheek. "I believe you. Nobody ever looked at me like you do, Dan." She giggled. "And that's just ONE reason why..." and she started sliding downward, giggling and getting more excited as she did. Oh, I was hard. Got harder when she pulled my nightshirt up and worked on my nipples, then she got onto my dick with her mouth, gripping it lightly with her teeth, right behind the coronal ridge, giggling, purring, shaking her head. She released it and looked at me. "Don't EVER think that I don't LOVE this, baby!" Then her head dipped back down. This time it was a long, tugging suck, her tongue working that sensitive spot under the head. I moaned. "That's what I love to hear. I know YOU like this!" "You're wrong, baby. I LOVE this!" My breath caught when she sucked me in again. Next, she took it out of her mouth and pushed it against my belly with her fingers and attacked my balls. This was one of her happy explorations, those wonderful times when my baby and I lay in bed all afternoon, experimenting with each other. For me, it wasn't my first experience with the female body, it was that Nikki was so young and excited about it and I wanted to learn what made her happiest. For Nikki, I was her first, hoping to be her only, and she was learning all this for the first time, and she spent an inordinate amount of time exploring my balls. She knew now how to take one in her mouth with gentle suction, then the other, and how I liked her to pick up the skin of my sack with her teeth and tug, and she knew how sensitive I was between my balls and my butt, and between my balls and the shaft of my dick. She was playing those spots right now, and I knew that she was going to bring me to an orgasm that would measure on the Richter Scale. Giggle. "You're getting awfully wiggly," she tittered. Her eyes. God, I love those eyes. I've never noticed another woman's eyes like Nikki's. They're just so expressive. Back to that mischievous giggle. "You're gonna have a good one, baby. I can tell." And half my dick disappeared into her mouth. "Mmmmm," reverberated through my body from her mouth as I caressed her head with my hands. No, I wasn't trying to control her in any way. It was just that every movement of her head resulted in a delightful shake of that hair, and that, coupled with the rising feelings in my groin, I couldn't resist adding the tactile sensation of touching her. She bobbed up. "Balls are getting tight. Want me to slow down?" Giggle. "Heavens, NO!" Giggle. "Didn't think so. Thought I'd ask!" And she went back down, "Mmmmm," escaping her lips when I entered her mouth. I could feel the familiar fire building rapidly and I know that Nikki could, too. Her fingers of one hand wrapped my shaft, little jacking motions augmenting her lips and tongue and teeth, and the other hand's fingers caressed and tugged my nuts, feeling my sack draw up as I neared explosion. She did another "Mmmm," obviously enjoying herself, and I exploded into her mouth. She was ready. I felt her mouth squeeze and her tongue move as she swallowed, her hand milking each spurt into her hot mouth. And she giggled while it was happening and I thought I was being transported through time and space. She finished me quite nicely, sucking, draining the very last drop of my ecstasy, and then she crawled back up beside me. I gently tugged her face to mine and she kissed me. "Sweet Nikki," I said. I couldn't find any other words right now. She smiled softly and kissed me again. "I love you, Dan." "I love you, Nikki. You're my life..." I meant it. She cuddled with me for a little while, letting me bask in the aftershocks of my orgasm, and then we sat up in bed and straightened the covers to provide a surface for a game of cards. Games were a happy reason for banter with the TV on in the background, but when sleeptime came, the TV went off and we slid into each other's arms with soft classical music in the background. We woke together on Sunday morning with light streaming into the room. I made a move to go to the bathroom and as I was relieving myself, I heard her soft footsteps behind me. I finished and lowered the seat for her. While she was relieving herself, I brushed my teeth. When she stood, I found myself in her arms, her soft lips meeting mine. "Breakfast?" she said. "How about a road day, baby? We can get breakfast on the road. Let somebody else cook it." She smiled. Another little kiss. "Then let's get dressed!" I ended up with a jeans-clad brown-haired cutie out of this deal, and she was sitting in the seat of my truck next to me. We headed up the road in the direction of the nearest restaurant that might offer breakfast and pulled into one that suited us. Sipping coffee together and waiting on our meals, Nikki said, "Can we go by this park, baby?" naming a park that wasn't too far away. "I don't know if they're open, sweetie. A lot of 'em are still closed from the storm damage." "Could we go by and check?" "Sure! Why that park?" She smiled softly. "I went there a couple of times. There's this spot on the riverbank where I used to sit and just enjoy the quiet." That admission was a good enough reason for me. There was so little from Nikki's past that she wanted to connect with that when she did mention something, I wanted to indulge her. "Grandma brought me there a few times. Sometimes she'd bring a book and find a spot and read, and we'd eat sandwiches and enjoy the day. It was quiet time." "I've done the same myself, baby," I said. "When I needed solitude." She touched my hand, then took it, interlacing her fingers with mine. "I don't need solitude. Might never need solitude again." Our plates arrived and we ate our breakfast, finished up with a second cup of coffee. "Relax," she said. "We're not in a hurry." "Might be," I said. "Another couple of weeks and the leaves will start to fall." Autumn comes late in south Louisiana. I looked at my sweetie. "Is something wrong?" "No. Not really. I'm just thinking, baby..." "What are you thinking about, little one?" I asked. "Let's get in the truck and we can talk on the way to the park." She smiled. The smile made me feel better. I paid the tab, left a tip, and followed Nikki out to the truck. We got in and drove off. I was relieved when she slid up next to me. Close. I remember our first drive together in the aftermath of the storm that connected our lives. She was all the way on the other side of the cab, the console folded down between us. Now, that console stayed stowed and Nikki's place was next to me. And this time she wiggled a little closer. I lined us up on the highway. "So what's clouding the mind of my love?" I asked. "I was just thinking. You know, I love you to pieces, Dan, but are you going to be disappointed in me?" I was shocked. "Sweetness, what could ever put that idea in your head?" "Somebody said something at school about me having an old guy for a husband. I blew it off. But then I got to thinking." I glanced away from the road. She had a very serious look on her face. She continued. "I thought, 'What if Dan really DOES have a thing for young girls?' I won't be a teen forever. What if I change and you still want me YOUNG?" I pulled off onto the shoulder of the road. "What's wrong?" she asked. "The woman I love MOST in the world is having an episode. I need to hold her." I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face her. I took her perfect face between my hands, softly, and I put my face very close to hers and said, "I will love you until the sun stops rising, Nikki. This isn't because I have a thing about young girls. I have a THING about Nikki. Who YOU are." And I kissed her softly. "I love you. Whoever that was at school is wrong." "Are you SURE, Dan? I can't think about living without you." Her eyes were moist. I kissed each eyebrow softly. "You don't have to live without me as long as I'm in this world, Nikki." Her arms went around my neck and her answering kiss was anything but tentative. There were a couple more kisses, then she giggled. Yes, the giggle was back. "We're gonna get in trouble! Imagine! Here on the side of the road in broad daylight!" I caught my breath. "Yeah ... I sort of lost my blood supply with that last kiss." She giggled. "Yahknow, guy, if I wasn't on my period..." Giggle. "You better start driving before we get in trouble." Eyes atwinkle. "I hope the park is open, baby," she said. "For a whole different reason, now." The park was open. There were piles of debris gathered to be hauled away yet, but the tree-lined riverbank was cleared. More importantly, the place was almost deserted. We parked and locked the truck and Nikki took me by the hand. "Where are we heading?" I asked. "That spot I was telling you about. My quiet place. I never shared it with ANYBODY!" We stopped along the way for me to hold her and kiss her, something that just seemed right, the columns of cypress lending a cathedral-like atmosphere to the location. She pushed me back against one of those trees and her hands ran up underneath my shirt, her fingers curling into my chest hair. "Sorry about getting all morose earlier, babe," she said. "'Nother one of your endearing qualities," I said. "Your vocabulary includes 'morose'." Got another kiss for that. Then she pulled away and took my hand again. A few minutes later we were on a high point on the bluff over the river. The view was tranquil. "This is my spot," she announced. "I used to come here and think. And daydream. Look! The log's still here!" There was indeed a large fallen log forming one side of the riverside trail. "I used to sit here." She looked at me. "Sit!" I sat. She sat beside me and immediately wrapped me in her arms, kissing me passionately. "Wow!" I said. "You don't understand. One of my dreams was that one day I'd come here with the guy who loved me." Another kiss. "And here we are." "Yes we are, my love," I answered. She stood and swung a leg across me, sitting on my lap, facing me. "You know, we're going to have to come back here, baby..." "Sure," I said. I had ideas in my mind, but I figured I'd let her put the words to them, so I played it slow. "It's a pretty place." "And I want us to make love here," she said. "All the way. Mated!" A giggle escaped past her grin. "Right now, though, I'll happily settle for this!" Her hand traced the outline of my dick through my jeans. It was hard from the lapdance I'd just gotten from her. "Baby," I blurted, "We'll get caught!" "Nobody comes this way. Didn't you see the leaves an' stuff on the trail? No footprints!" She was kneeling in front of me, working my belt buckle. "And I wouldn't mind if you were putting a video of this on the six o'clock news. You're MY husband!" She achieved her goal of freeing my dick from two layers of clothing and kissed the head of it. Another giggle, infectious in driving away any trepidation I may have harbored about sex al fresco. "If you let me pull your pants down, I can get your balls, too. I KNOW you like that!" What was about to happen in front of me negated the somewhat strange feelings of my bare ass on the aged wood of the old tree trunk. I gazed in amazement at the brunette head in my lap, sucking on my very erect prong. I stroked her head as it bobbed. You can't believe my shock when she stood straight up. I thought maybe she'd been bitten. Her words, though, eliminated THAT error. "Dammit, Dan! I can't wait until next trip!" She was sliding her pants and panties down, stepping out of them, kicking her shoes off. She returned to my lap, her legs wrapped around me, working her pussy down over my dick. We pounded one another to a frantic, hot, pulsing pair of orgasms, then held on to each other as we floated back down to earth. Her face was on my shoulder, and after some minutes of soft breathing, her lips touched my neck. "Baby," she said, "I said I wouldn't do THAT!" 'That' being intercourse during her period. "But we did. I needed you. Here. Today. No matter what!" she sighed. "I'm afraid we're going to have a mess, though. I could feel you pumping about a gallon in me. And you KNOW how juicy I get when we do it. And I'm havin' a stupid period! 'S gonna be a mess." I looked at those blue eyes. "Damn your blue eyes, Dan," she giggled. "I was seriously gonna just suck you off today. But I looked up at those blue eyes, and I had to HAVE you. I think I went nuts for a while. I hope I didn't disgust you." We were still clasped together. Neither of us had even ventured a glance downward. I could feel the wetness slowly working its way over my balls. I knew we had a mess. But I also had my Nikki in my arms and she'd just gotten carried away over her feelings for ME. "Don't worry, baby! It's just a little more of you and me there. I can just pull my pants up and be sticky for a while 'til we get home." "You sure?" "I'm sure! You still have your pad in your panties, right?" She alternated between pads and tampons, depending on her mood. I knew she left the house wearing a pad this morning. The wrapper was in the trash in the bathroom. "Okay," she said. "I'm gonna stand up. Don't look!" I didn't look when she stood. Instead, I turned away from her, bent over and pulled my own pants up from my ankles. I arranged everything and zipped, snapped and buckled. I could feel the wetness, but I ignored it. She was finishing similar moves and I warped her in my arms from behind, kissing the back of her neck, just below her short hair. "You must think I'm crazy, Dan. I never lost control of myself like that..." She twisted around and our lips merged. "Yeah, you're crazy, little one. I'm crazy, too. About you." "I'm all gooshy," she said. "Let's get back to the house. I owe you a washing." "As long as I get to reciprocate," I said. "Why not," she giggled. "It's not like that's a barrier any more." As I walked, I felt the stickiness in my pants. "No, little girl, we've pretty much crossed THAT line." She giggled. "Didn't just cross it, babe! We scuffed it with our feet until it got erased." Her eyes connected with mine. "I hope I didn't gross you out." "Hardly! It's all about us, and baby, if neither of us has a problem with it, then it's okay. Just like this. I proposed it before, but you said 'no', so I took that as 'no'. But this time, you didn't say no." She smiled, swinging my hand in hers. "I sort of didn't ask, Dan." She smiled almost shyly. "I just jumped up and did it before you had a chance to stop me." "Oh, yeah, I fought you off sooooo hard, right?" Giggle. "Yeah ... And it completely turned you off, huh? That's why you pumped, like, a GALLON of cum in me, and I'm sloshing right now when I walk." She yanked my hand to turn me toward her and kissed me. "You put up with my craziness." "I put up with nothing. I relish your craziness, Nikki." I returned her kiss. We continued walking towards the truck. I noticed she was almost giddy and commented. She laughed. "I think that things just piled up. Period. That guy's comment. Yesterday was GOOD, but when it comes down to it, I think I just needed a good coupling." "Coupling?" "Yeah, I didn't want to be coarse and say 'a good fucking' because that might imply that I just needed the physical act. But what I needed was the act, with YOU!" "Makes me happy to hear it," I said. "Glad to be of service, ma'am!" Giggle. "Don't think it's just your body, babe! It has to be YOU because of EVERYTHING!" We arrived back at the truck. Before we got in to leave, we shared one more wonderfully passionate kiss, drawing a stare from an older couple who'd just arrived. Nikki was still smiling when she slid to her spot on the seat from MY side of the truck. We buckled in and drove out, headed for home, and from the sticky feelings I had, a shower. The ride home had us humming along with a familiar piano concerto. She turned sideways in her seatbelt, leaning back against me, and I draped my right arm around her, relishing the bit of femininity I possessed. She lifted my hand with hers and slid it under her shirt. There was a dislocated bra there, and a pair of delightfully firm titties. She laid her head back against me, purring. I was driving along, thoughts divided unevenly between staying between the lines on a sparsely traveled highway and the tactile joys of the teen titty in my right hand, ears tuned to Mozart. "Baby," a soft voice penetrated my reverie. "Yes, kitten," I said. "Those kayaks we saw on the water, did you ever do that?" We'd seen a couple of people paddling down the river on plastic kayaks on our walk to Nikki's spot. "Yeah, a time or two. Thought about getting one." "Get two." Her head moved, nestling into me. "Our hobby, don't you think?" "Would be a good one. Exercise. Sun. Outdoors." I was thinking. She was thinking too. "All that. And when you're on the river, sometimes there are some secluded places to stop for a while." I laughed. "Oh, I know about one of THOSE you can walk to." "Mmmm-hmmmm," she purred. "That used to be my dream spot. Now I know what all those dreams mean." "You're not the only one to have dreams, little one," I said. "Mine were so sadly inadequate compared to the reality I found with you." She squeezed her hand over mine. We pulled back into our driveway. Yes, it's 'our' driveway now. I liked my house, sitting where it was on top of a hundred-odd years of family history, and here I was with Nikki, and I knew this was another family to add to the line. We went inside. I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind, whispering, "Shower. Right now!" "I'm with you there, baby," I said. She maneuvered me into the bathroom. "Now don't get all grossed out," she said. "I had an accident one time and my pad didn't catch everything. I know how yucky that looks." "I'll manage, ' I said. I was not without experience in that area, but I didn't need to make a point of telling her that. I removed my belt and wallet and pocketknife and then peeled off my shirt. I started the shower, looked up, and there was this angel, naked from the waistband of her jeans on up. I smiled. She looked a bit worried. "Stop worrying," I said. The shower was waiting. I unsnapped and unzipped and gave a shake and my jeans dropped. I could see discoloration on my drawers, a combination of her juice, my juice, and menstrual blood. I shucked them off and stepped into the shower. She was right behind me. For a few moments, we stood together under the spray. "Let me wash you," she said. Like I was going to refuse that. She lathered her hands and lovingly washed me. "My turn," I said. "You don't have to, baby. It's yucky." "And how dumb am I supposed to be to NOT know that?" I asked. "Move your hands out of the way." She was actually guarding herself. She looked up at me and smiled. "Okay! Do me!" I've showered with her dozens and dozens of times. It's almost sensory overload. I lathered her up and washed her chest and shoulders and back and arms and butt and then I got serious. "Ahhhhh," she sighed. "That always feels soooo good," she said, as I soaped her mound and the inside of her thighs and then the puffy lips of her pussy. I didn't wash between those lips until I'd rinsed all the soap away from the rest, and then I carefully washed inside. Oops, not too carefully. I kept bumping into this little button. I had to hold her up as she mewed through an orgasm. Only then did we get out of the shower and dry off. "Sit down," I said. "Lemme dry your hair." "Let me get some panties and a pad first," she countered. "Oh, okay..." She left and came back with a pair of panties in one hand. "Turn around. I don't want you watching this." I complied, then I started brushing and drying her hair. Finishing, I put the dryer away and wrapped her in my arms pulling her back against my chest. "Mmmmm," she purred. "How about a lazy afternoon nap?" "What about lunch?" "I'm not hungry for lunch..." ------ Chapter 12 Nikki's turn So I've been letting Dan tell our story so far, but he doesn't get to see what goes on in school, so he says for me to go ahead and tell some of this. We had a perfectly lovely weekend. Dan says it was my 'debut' with his family. I told him that it wasn't just HIS family any more, they were mine too. All day Saturday I did little 'thank you' prayers about Grandma, for all the things she taught me about cooking and housekeeping, because I used just about all of 'em making Saturday a special day for Dan. I know Dan loves me, and I've talked to his sister, my SISTER IN LAW, on the phone several times a week since she found out about Dan and me. But I wanted Dan to be proud of me with them. Well, maybe not proud, but at least comfortable. Dan's family, MY family now, they all made a big deal about the food, so I guess THAT part went well. It's funny. I'm an aunt now, and my niece is the same age as me and the same grade in school. I thought Dan was gonna die when Brittney, new niece, asked about me being fifteen and married. I know it's strange, but I'm different. Dan and I, we're different. From the day he pulled me out of the rubble, I never felt like he was trying to take advantage of me. If I had, I'd've let them fly me out on that helicopter, or I'd've left when the roads opened. But that's just not Dan. He didn't make me feel like that. He made me feel at HOME. That's all difficult for people to see from the outside. I think Sheriff Ernie saw it pretty quick, though, and so did Judge Lanford, and that's why Dan and I are married. But THOSE people wanted to see the good in our situation. School, though. Let me tell you. First day there, I ran into this girl who I knew from last year, before the hurricane. She wasn't exactly a close friend, but you have to understand that we're in this school that's NOT our regular school. It's the closest one to the hurricane area that can still take high school students, and so here we are, a few of us from the storm area, and the WHOLE regular student body. So naturally, when she recognized me, she homed right in. Her name is Kellen. She saw me and came up to me and said, "Hi, Nikki," like we were old friends. "Hi, Kellen," I said. "Good to see you. Did your house get damaged?" "Not bad," Kellen said. "Dad and his brother had to do some roof work, and we got a little water in the den and one bedroom, but we got lucky." She looked at me. "Where are you living? I know that apartment building's totaled." And that's when it got started at school. "I'm not living there, Kellen," I said. "I'm living next door. THAT house is okay. I'm married." I showed her my ring. "But you're younger than me. I didn't know you could even GET married," she said. "We got a court order from a judge," I said. I was trying to read Kellen's face. I could imagine what she was thinking, and she came right out and asked. "Are you pregnant? Did you have a baby?" "Nope and nope," I told her. "Just very much in love." "So you're living at his parents' house?" I was letting her ask all the questions. "Oh, no," I said. "It's his house." "Wait," Kellen said. "He owns a house? How old is this guy?" "His name's Dan Granger, and he's forty-one." "Oh, wow," she said. "I saw that house before. It's pretty nice. What's he do?" "Engineer," I said. "and a good one." The school people called my name, for me to come talk to them, and I told Kellen that we'd see each other around. That's when the people at the school office told me that they needed to talk to Dan, and after he showed up, I didn't go back to school that day. By the next day, the news was all over, especially to the students who'd come to this school because of the hurricane. I had to answer the same questions a dozen times at least. Some of those people were a little rude, too. A lot of 'em knew about Mom and about us living on welfare and last year my clothes weren't really good. This year I was dressed nice. I just smiled and answered the questions, except for the ones that were a little too personal. "That's something I don't talk about," I told them. And between classes one of the teachers from the old school found me and asked if I was okay. "Yes, ma'am," I said. "Why do you ask?" "I heard you had to get married to a forty year old guy." "Mizz Leslie," I said, "He's forty-one, and I didn't HAVE to get married. If you wanna meet 'im, he'll bring me to the open house night." Yes, they had one scheduled for the next week. Wanted to talk to as many parents as they could about the situation at the school. It was crowded. "Miss Leslie, Dan's a great guy. You'll see." "No pregnant. No baby?" She looked so concerned. "Nothing like that, Mizz Leslie," I said. "We got tossed together by horrible events and found out that we love each other." "You're not exploited?" "Oh, no ma'am. If he's exploiting me, he's really BAD at it." I giggled, and I think that made her feel better. It was at lunchtime on Friday that this guy from the old school sat down at the table across from me. He's the one that said that about maybe Dan was with me because he liked young girls. "You're MY age," he said. "If you an' me were together, it'd be normal an' all." I actually think Derrick was kind of trying to, I guess, say that he might wanna be with me. He said, "I read about older guys who go after young girls. They don't like 'em past eighteen or whatever." I knew that was wrong, at least about Dan. Dan's not like that. He'd been married. We talked about it and about how he felt. I know his first wife was HIS age. And she left HIM. And it took him a lot to get over it. But I didn't tell Derrick that. I didn't see any sense in arguing with him, and it really wasn't his business. That's the thought that got back in my mind on Sunday when I got all sad with Dan. Dan took it in stride, though. He saw that I was sad and asked me what was wrong. When I told him, he stopped on the shoulder of the road and told me that he loved me and it had nothing to do with age, and that he'd be with me until the day he died. And he kissed me and that kiss ... It was like a physical thing that repeated all his words. I believe Dan. I really believe Dan. He's honest. That first day when the cell phone and computer started working, and he worked and every hour he put down in his book, he was there working. And if he didn't cheat there, I don't think he's gonna cheat in our marriage. So Monday we got up and ate breakfast together. I filled Dan's travel mug with coffee so he'd have something to sip on while he was driving, and I waited for the bus. Of course we kissed before he left. He wears that cologne that I like at night and I can still get a whiff of it when he leaves in the morning. All day, when I close my eyes, I can remember that scent. It was Monday and three school days were gone and classes were getting into 'serious' mode. We were crowded, and I don't know how YOU feel about it, but mandatory education laws make us have to put up with a lot of kids who'd rather be someplace else. Disruptions. Rude, obnoxious kids. I managed to get to the front of the classrooms where at least I'd get to hear what the teachers have to say. That was my pattern, mostly, even though last year I was a 'C' student. I found out that if I could hear the lesson and take notes, I didn't have to do anything else. I could make passing grades, and living with Mom, all I wanted to do was keep out of trouble at school so she didn't have to do anything with them. Now I'm with Dan, and he tells me that I'm smart and that I have a mind that should go to college and that I really ought to pay attention. With Dan, I have somebody who cares, and I promised myself that I'd stop just getting by. This year I'm paying attention, and I'm trying. First hour for me is English and literature class. That's never been a problem for me. I love to read and I actually enjoy writing. Second hour was algebra, and that's a little bit harder. I took Algebra I last year. Yep! 'C' average. I was going to take 'business math' because it's supposed to be a lot easier, but then the hurricane dumped me here at this school and their business math class is full up, so I was forced to do Algebra II. Dan says I need to take it anyway if I'm serious about college. We're reviewing this week, so I'm paying attention to make sure I got what I needed last year. What I didn't have last year is a husband who's an engineer, who's already way past this stuff, so I have help at home this time. Third hour is history class. I know the key to doing good in this class. It works for science, too, which is biology, this year. All you have to do is pay attention to what the teacher thinks is important, then do a little memorization. It took almost nothing last year to make a 'C', so I think that if I put out a little effort this year, I'll do much better. After lunch, I have a technology class, which is basically a room full of computers and a football coach trying to keep a lid on the class while we're supposed to be learning to keyboard and how to use some programs like Microsoft Office, and the class is almost a joke. Dan's already showed me some things about networks and routers and hubs and IP addresses and things like that. I'm not a computer nerd, but I think I could be. Mom never let me have a computer. She had other things to do with her money. Science is fifth hour. Pay attention. Find out what the teacher's 'thing' is. Last year our science teacher was an ecofreak. If you wanted to do good, you needed to feed her back some of the things she went on about in class. Here we were in the middle of the Louisiana Gulf Coast, where just about everybody has family working in the oil and gas business, and this lady's going on about evil oil companies and how we should stop drilling. Then she got into the evils of commercial fishing. All the people down here that don't work in oil and gas, they're fishing and shrimping. She didn't get invited to anybody's homes for dinner, you know. I'm sort of waiting to see what this guy's thing is. Last hour. I would've liked an hour of study hall. I got chemistry. That's usually a class for juniors. I'm a sophomore. But like I said, the school's a mess, overcrowded, and Dan said I should take it, so I'm taking it. Dan says that if I want to do anything technical in the future, I need this class. I do have to admit that the students in chemistry are a little more serious. That leaves me with the bus ride home. Start out with a half a busload of high-schoolers, then we go by the middle school and load up on middle-schoolers, and then they drive half an hour south and start dropping people off. I get to ride almost all the way because I'm one of the last ones to get dropped off. Even with all that, I beat Dan home. That gives me a little time to start on dinner. I am so glad that Grandma taught me how to take care of a house. And Dan and I worked up a grocery list so we'd have thing that would go together easy on days just like this, so I whipped up one of our soup recipes and then went into our office and spread the books out. Algebra? No, I'll wait for Dan. English? Easy. Silly little worksheet. Circle adverbs and adjectives. Oh, come on. I can do this in my sleep. Biology was some reading. Chemistry? Wait for Dan. History. Read a chapter. I leaned back in the chair and woke the computer up. It makes me happy. Dan has a picture of us on the desktop. He took it right after I got here, even before we were an 'us'. You know what? I look at that picture right now and I see two people that belong together. I picked up the history book and read the chapter, then I did the worksheet for English. After that, I got up and checked on our soup. Dan got home and we ate dinner. He told me about his day and I told him about mine and mentioned the chemistry and algebra lessons. "I'll be glad to help, baby," he told me. "But I'm probably rusty." "You're probably NOT," I said. "You just need to get your head into the game." I took him into the office and showed him the problems and he explained to me some ideas that reminded me of the way things work in algebra, then we talked about the chemistry lesson, and THEN I pinched my nose. "You worked outside today, huh, sweetie?" I asked him. "Yeah. Am I that rank?" he said. "Just a little," I told him. "A little bit less, and you'd be delicious." Are girls supposed to be turned on by sweaty men? I am, sometimes. But I also like how we feel when we're both squeaky clean. And if Dan's taking a shower, I'm taking a shower with him. Today was going to be good. My period was over. Like THAT was an obstacle, anyway. Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the park and took a walk together. There's this spot on the bank, and while I was living at Grandma's, she liked coming to the park on nice days, and I'd go for a walk. That spot, on a high bluff over the river, was a perfect spot for young girls to daydream. I brought Dan there. Those times I used to daydream about being in love and being married, I didn't know what those things really meant, but when I brought Dan there, it all came back to me and I realized that he was what I'd been day-dreaming about. I was just gonna suck Dan. I dunno, I feel really sexy when we do it outdoors and I love him, and the setting was just about poetic. We've done it in the back yard a few times, and it's exciting, so I had Dan sitting on the log where I used to sit and dream, and I had his pants down and I was going to do him. I love sucking my guy. It's powerful, knowing that I can do that to him with my mouth. I really think I used to hate guys. I mean, the thought of doing the things that I imagined Mom doing, and some of those guys were just plain NASTY. I never saw her bring ONE home that actually looked decent. After all, she was picking them up in a BAR, and not a nice bar, either. I'd seen more of male bodies than I wanted to see. I think some of those guys thought that if I caught a glimpse, I'd get all turned on, but all I got was disgusted. Until Dan. That first night that he came into the living room of OUR house, after he'd showered, he smelled good, and he was smiling like he was happy I was there, and I looked at him, and all those things I thought about guys, Dan wasn't any of that. It's like all of a sudden I knew that I'd just seen the man who would be with me forever. And then we made love. Actually, it was a week later, but then I understood the magic that this little bit of him has for me and what I can do for him, and I love sucking him, so there we were in the woods. I was on my knees getting ready to make love to him with my mouth, because that's what it is for me, making love, between me and Dan, and we do it so many ways. But I sucked him for a little bit. I got those little tastes of salty stuff that he does when he's excited, and I knew I was going good, playing with his balls with one hand, just stroking him with the other while I licked and sucked and nibbled and I felt that feeling in my pussy, but I was having my period, even though it was almost over. I had told myself that I wouldn't go all the way when I was on my period. Dan and I had talked about it the first time I had a period when we were together. I just thought that it would be nasty. But there we were in the woods, and he was as hard as he could be, and I wanted HIM in ME, and I just dropped my pants and hopped on. Actually, it didn't feel nasty. I mean, I had my legs wrapped around his waist and we came together and I know it was exciting for Dan because I felt him shoot and shoot and shoot. I thought it might be a gallon. After we started breathing normal, we got dressed and drove straight home and showered. It's like that every day with Dan and me, even days where we don't do anything special, it's special because I've never been loved in so many ways. So we got in the shower together and let the hot water make us all slick, then we added soap to the equation, and I washed Dan and Dan washed me. When we get out of the shower together, we have our routines. He shaves and I start drying my hair, then he finishes that for me. I asked him if he wanted me to do something with my hair. Ever since I was little, I've kept it short, and I don't color it or perm it or gel it or anything. It's got just a little curl, and when I dry it, the ends curl just a little. And I have bangs. I always did that because they're easy to care for and I don't have to constantly mess with hair getting in my face. I found out Dan loves 'em. I'd get an afro if Dan wanted me to, but what he wants is to stand behind me and brush it until it shines and then he attacks my neck, so I know he likes that part. And when he's holding me in his arms, usually after we've made love, and we're relaxing, he pushes my bangs away with his lips and kisses me there. After our shower, we dressed for bed. That's nightshirts for both of us, and drawers for Dan and panties for me. We went in the living room and played cards on the coffee table and I petted the cat. It's funny, but Tommi the cat usually ignores Dan when we both sit down. Tommi comes straight to me. We played cards, rummy, for a while, first one to five hundred points wins. I won tonight. It was after eight when we went to the bedroom. That's when Tommi goes someplace else. He doesn't come to the bedroom until we're finished, and tonight was going to be a while. I'd never been with a man before Dan, and honestly, I don't see why I'd ever think about another one. I owe Dan my life, actually, but even if THAT hadn't happened, since I met him, I never even think about other men. That included the guys my age. The guy I love most in the world, the ONE guy, that's whose hand I had in mine, bringing him to OUR bed. We usually make love naked, and I watched him pull his nightshirt over his head. Dan's not one of those 'ripped' muscle guys. He's in good shape, and he's got muscles, and chest hair, and the first time I rubbed against him naked, that hair on my nipples made me feel like lightning was shooting through my body. But he's not grotesque, just in good shape. He pulled his underwear down and when he stood up, his dick was part hard, and when I undressed I watched it get harder and harder and then I crawled across the bed and attacked it. I love sucking him. He got in bed and we kind of got in a knot and kissed and touched and caressed and then his mouth was on my left titty and I was holding his head against me. His hair's not quite long enough for me to get a grip on, but I put my hands on the back of his head and pushed my titty into his mouth. He did the other one, too, and I knew what he wanted because it's been a few days, because of my period, but if I love sucking on Dan's dick, he loves licking my pussy just as much, and he can do it in just the right way and I'll come two or three times in a row, sometimes and his head was between my legs. "You're so delicious," he said, and he went back to using his lips and his tongue on me. Shivers ran through me. I wrapped my legs around him and dug my heels in his back and bucked and he knew where I was going. His tongue put me over the edge. When I sort of started breathing normally, he started doing me again, and this time it didn't take but a minute and I was there again. This time he came up beside me and cradled me in his arms and kissed me so gently and lovingly. At first, I just cuddled up into his arms, but then my left hand reached down to feel him and he was hard. He let out a little moan, then kissed my head because I was already moving down. I wanted him in my mouth. No, I didn't want to make him come that way, but I had to suck up some of that juice. When I got him in my mouth, he rolled flat on his back and I sucked his dick and took that wrinkly skin on his balls and I nibbled it. I like that. So does Dan. I know, because first, he just shakes and if he's half hard when I start that, he goes to full hard instantly. And he's told me that I do things like that and it drives him wild. So I suck him for a little bit, getting those little drops of delicious juice and then I'm wet and Dan's hard and THIS is what we're supposed to do. I climb on top of him and straddle him and we mate. We make love. And sometimes we fuck. I understand how it is, the difference, but it's me and Dan and if we want to make sweet, gentle love today and fuck each other silly tomorrow, then it's still us and we're married and mated and I understand how physical love fits into ALL the love we share. Dan curled up and I scooted a little bit to sit in his lap and we're together, my legs wrapped around him just like we did in the woods yesterday. When I'm not kissing him, I can look into those blue eyes of his and I smile and wiggle my heinie and he grins. We're having so much FUN! He fills me up and I can move like this and make my clit rub right against him where his dick meets his body and every time we move, it's like electric sparks down there, but they keep building and there's this point where I get really serious. Dan says he can read it in my face. I can't see my face, so I take his word for it, but I can feel fire building and I can feel my Dan starting to push harder and I know he's close too, but then I can't think at all. The last thing I remember is his lips on mine, his tongue, and I come so hard that I think I passed out. When my eyes opened, Dan was brushing my bangs sideways with his lips and kissing me so gently on the forehead that it felt like butterflies landing. "Gosh, Dan ... I love you..." Sometimes my vocabulary just dies. His does, too, because he just kisses me and holds me and tells me he loves me back. This is the time that I don't want to move. EVER. He holds me with one arm, and his other hand touches my hair, brushing it back in place, and then his fingers touch my face. I know he can see my freckles from this close, and I used to worry, but he swears he loves my freckles, and from the way he acts, I believe that, too. Sometimes we turn around and lick and suck each other clean. I love that, because that usually goes right into another session of love-making, or at the very least, I have another orgasm when he 'cleans' me up. Tonight, though, we used the soft towels off the nightstand so we didn't make a BIG mess on the sheets. And we slid down into each other's arms. "Little one," he said, "You are an amazing and alluring creature." "I don't know if anyone else will ever think I'm alluring, baby," I told him, "but as long as YOU do, that's all I will ever need." "Me too," Dan told me. "You're the most amazing creature I ever imagined." And if that's how Dan sees me, then who am I to argue? We go in two different directions in the morning when the alarm goes off. Oh, sure, we cross paths several times, and that results in kisses and hugs and then he's out the door and I wait for the bus and it's another day. A week into the school year, and all us high school kids on the bus know each other and so we talk about things, but seriously, the conversations are disappointing after the stuff that Dan and I talk about. Still, I don't want to appear like I'm anti-social so I do talk with them. Except the guy who tries hitting on me. "Trevor, one more time, I'm married!" I told him. "So if you want to talk to me, you'd better change your topic." Madison is sitting next to me and she takes up for me. "Yeah, Trevor. Go drool someplace else!" I almost feel sorry for Trevor. Madison is giggling. "He's soooo lame! So, you said your husband helps you with algebra?" "Yeah," I said. "He's an engineer and I've never met anyone as smart as he is. When he explains it, I understand what's going on." "Can you help me?" Madison said. And that's how I got started with a new reputation. This time it wasn't about what everybody heard about Mom, it was about 'Hey! Nikki's got a handle on algebra.' I said, "Look, if it gets tough, you can come over and let him help you too..." "Oh, gosh, Nikki, that'd be nice, but I think Mom and Dad would freak. I mean, you're married." "Oh, gosh, Maddie, ' I said. "It's not like we're animals, you know ... and if your mom and dad worry about it, bring 'em. We'll make dinner, like Saturday." Madison giggled. "Now I could see THAT happening ... Uh, are you bringing Dan to the open house Thursday night?" That event was already discussed. "You bet. We'll be there." Giggle. "So will we. I'll look for y'all. That way, Mom and Dad will meet y'all." "That would be cool," Madison said. "Wouldn't hurt Dad to have friends he didn't work with." "Yeah, but what about your mom? I can be YOUR friend, and Dan can be your dad's friend. That leaves your mom just floating around." Madison looked perplexed for a minute. "You're right ... How would that work out?" "I dunno," I said, "But still, I'm looking forward to them meeting Dan." "I'm worried about Mom freaking out. Sometimes she's wrapped pretty tight about teens and love and sex and stuff." "You're lucky she cares, Maddie," I said. "It could be a lot worse." "Oh," Maddie blurted. "I'm sorry. I forgot..." "Oh, I don't mean it THAT way. Stuff happens. You either get over it or you don't." I sighed. "I got over it. Life is good. And you have a mom who cares. That's good! For you!" 'I suppose," Maddie said. "Just sometimes she won't let me do stuff." "But you know she loves you, right?" "Uh-huh. I guess." Maddie didn't expect me to side with her mom. I could imagine that any other girl my age would have offered sympathy. "So you got a mom and dad that love you, and you have friends." "When you say it, I feel better," Maddie said. "Glad I could help, Maddie. I'm glad I got you to talk to." "Uh, you an' your husband, you don't talk to each other?" I couldn't help but giggle. "Dan?!?!? We talk about EVERYTHING! That's one of the things that attracted me to 'im. He's smart, an' he reads and listens to things and we can talk about anything under the sun." "Oh, really? I mean, he's old. You're young. I thought..." "Maddie, it's not about sex. That's a horrible way to put together a marriage. He's Interesting. Kind. Good to me. Funny. Smart. That's a lot of things to find attractive." Maddie smirked and said in a low voice, "But there IS sex..." I tried not to blush, but I felt my face heating up. I knew I was turning red. This was different than the suggestive comments from some of the people at school. Maddie and I were talking, and I thought we were having a serious conversation about relationships in general and mine in specific. "Uh, yeah, there is ... the ONLY way I would ever allow THAT to happen. Love first. Then the sex is just part of it." "In a perfect world, maybe," Maddie said. "You have to do the best you can. I didn't want to end up wasting myself on somebody who didn't love me." Maddie said, "Well, I noticed you didn't date or whatever last year. Wondered why." "That's why," I said. "What's wrong with having friends of both sexes, without it having to be about chasing and hooking up and stuff." "I don't 'hook up' either, Nikki," Maddie told me. "And I don't chase. It's stupid." She paused, then looked at me, understanding dawning on her face. "Hey! You just made me admit that Mom's got me doin' right!" "She loves you, Maddie," I laughed. "You know, you're a lot cooler than I thought." "Why, thank you," I said. "So are you." She got off the bus at her house, and I sat back in the seat, realizing that I'd had a great conversation with a girl who'd hardly talk to me last year, and I just might have a real friend. A few more minutes and I was stepping off the bus at our house with a smile on my face. A couple of days later, Dan and I were on our way to the school for the open house. I was telling Dan not to be nervous, but truthfully, I was a little nervous myself. The parking lot was getting crowded when we got there, but we didn't have to get the CLOSEST spot. Dan parked the truck and we got out to walk to the school. There was a pretty good stream of people headed that way. Usually if there were TWO parents, then their kid was walking a little way away from them, you know, not wanting to appear uncool in case one of his classmates spotted him. If it was a single parent, usually a mom, then the kid MIGHT be walking alongside her. I commented to Dan. "Things haven't changed since I was in school. It was the same way. Maybe more couples, though." he said. I was holding Dan's hand, our fingers laced together. I saw a few other students that I recognized and a couple of them waved at me. I saw a couple of people point at me and Dan, too. Then I saw Madison. She was doing the 'cool distance' thing until she saw me, then she grabbed her mom's hand and tugged her in our direction. Her dad followed along. "Hi, Nikki, this is my mom." Her dad got there. "And this is my dad. Mom, Dad, this is Nikki." Maddie's eyes shifted to Dan, who was still holding my hand. "And you're Nikki's husband?" Dan nodded. "And you're the Madison that Nikki's been talking to? I'm Dan." He reached out his hand to Maddie's dad. I thought that might be risky, but Maddie's dad took Dan's hand and shook it. "Larry Reynolds. And my wife, Sherry. And Maddie." So far, everyone was still smiling. Maddie jumped right in. "Nikki and I are working on algebra together. Dan's helping her and she's helping me." "Better you than me," Maddie's dad said. "It's been too many years for me to do much good." "Makes me scratch my head some, too," Dan said. "Mister Dan's an engineer," Maddie chirped. "Dad's the manager for the shore base for an offshore exploration company." "Really?" Dan said. "Which one?" and so while we were walking to the building, Dan and Mister Larry talked about business stuff. Maddie's mom looked at me pretty close. I don't know what she expected to see, like maybe I was supposed to be wearing a ton of make-up, a push-up bra and a vinyl mini-skirt. I was wearing a rugby shirt, jeans, not really tight ones, either, and Nike walkers. And I don't wear make-up, unless perfume counts. All I could do was smile. Maddie's mom finally smiled back. "Hi, Nikki. I'm Sherry. Maddie's told us about you." "I hope it's good stuff," I said. "Everything she's said is good stuff." She took a slow breath. "Of course, some of it's rather surprising." "Oh, you must mean that 'marriage' thing. Yes, ma'am. We're married." "Baby," Mister Larry said, "After this wing-ding's over, let's go get some coffee with Dan and Nikki, okay?" ------ Chapter 13 We parted ways, Madison and her parents heading up the steps while Nikki introduced me to another of her friends. "Dan, this is Kellen. We went to school together last year. Had some of the same classes." She smiled at Kellen. "Kellen, this is my husband, Dan." Kellen was about the same height as Nikki, carried probably an extra twenty or thirty pounds, well- distributed, as it can be with young girls, lending her a softly rounded, cushiony look. Her hair was a non-descript brown, enhanced with some streaks of blonde, and she had glowing brown eyes. I smiled at her. "Hi, Kellen. I'm happy to meet you." Kellen smiled back, her eyes obviously sizing me up. "Oh, I'm glad to meet you, too. Nikki's told me a lot about y'all." "Good stuff, I hope," I replied. Nikki was still holding my hand. Property. Me. Hers. "Kellen was surprised when I showed up married," she said. Kellen giggled. "Nikki, I'm not the only one who's surprised." "I bet. I have friends just as surprised, too," I said. "They're learning to live with it. Friends'll do that." I knew that my friends would. There might be a few people who are in my range who I can't quantify as 'friends', though, but that's another story. "We'll see you around, Kellen," Nikki said, tugging my hand. "I want us to get good seats in the auditorium." Indeed, the auditorium was filling up pretty fast, and we found a couple of seats and sat there, waiting. Nikki waved at several people she recognized, including a couple of teachers, which meant that I was on the receiving end of some rather curious looks. I could understand that. I would imagine that it is not too common for a high school sophomore to bring her forty-something year old husband to school. The auditorium ended up being packed. The principal spoke, talking about the hardships caused by the crowding, admitted his hopes that the storm-damaged school whose students had joined his normal load would be ready to accept students after the Christmas break. Then he dismissed the meeting, encouraging the parents to tour the school and meet the faculty. Nikki and I didn't get in a hurry, letting the crowd thin out a bit before we stood. I got Nikki's introduction to a few more students as we navigated the halls. She led me into a classroom. "This is English class. Mizz Leslie was teaching freshman English at the old school. This year she's here, teaching sophomore English, so she knows me." Miss Leslie was finishing up a conversation with another set of parents when she saw Nikki. And me. "Hello, Nikki," she said. "Hello, Mizz Leslie. This is my husband, Dan Granger. Dan, this is Mizz Leslie Baker. This is my second year with her." I extended a hand to shake Mizz Leslie's. "Hello. Happy to meet you." "I have been interested in seeing you, also," she said. "Nikki has surprised me." "I can imagine," I said. "Nikki has surprised me as well." I did my best 'aw, shucks' smile. Somebody called Nikki's name, and she backed away. Mizz Leslie stepped a little closer, her voice low. "Mister Granger, she's a lot smarter than her grades indicate." "You can call me 'Dan', and yes, I know. We've talked. What makes YOU say that?" "I watched her in class last year. Worried about her, what with her mom's behavior being what it was, so Nikki got extra attention. She idled through a 'C' average. I've read what she writes, and there's an intellect there that I hoped we could get her to use to its potential." "I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll see a different attitude this year. I'm giving her room to..." Nikki eased up and finished the sentence. "He's given me a place where I can feel safe and cared for and he's encouraging me. I don't have to worry at night when I go to sleep. I'm safe. Secure. And HE values learning." Nikki smiled. "Like YOU do, Mizz Leslie." Mizz Leslie's face softened. "Thank you, Nikki. Dan, she says you do have one shortcoming, though." My turn to look concerned. "She did?" Nikki was grinning. Mizz Leslie said, "She says you're doing a very poor job of exploiting her." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Mizz Leslie, you have no idea how much that weighed on me. But no, you can't exploit your best friend." As we turned to leave, Nikki told Mizz Leslie, "See! I told you..." "Indeed you did, Nikki," Mizz Leslie smiled. Back out into the halls, we crossed paths with Madison and her parents. Larry waved. "Coffee. At Carnie's, after this!" he said as we passed. "Gotcha," I said. Nikki flashed her eyes at me, smiling. Next stop was her algebra classroom. "Mister Jenkins, this is my husband, Dan Granger." Nikki was anxious to tell her teacher that I was an engineer and that I'd already helped her with her lessons and that further, she'd been able to help some of her friends. "Mister Granger, you're a bit of fresh air," Mister Jenkins said. "So much of what I teach is outside the reach of most parents' ability to help." "We're not out of the woods yet," I laughed. "The first time she cracked that book, I broke out in a sweat. Flashbacks from some hard days in high school." Nikki giggled. "I told 'im he needed to get his head in the game, Mister Jenkins. He knows this stuff." Jenkins smiled. "You just keep up the work, Miss Nikki. What'd you make in Algebra 1?" "'C's'," she said softly. "But I didn't try hard. This time I'm trying. And I have support." I smiled. "She's got support." He laughed. "More than a lot of kids get. She says that she and Madison are studying together." "That's what she said. Madison seems to like working with Nikki." "I'm just passing on what Dan explained to me," she said. "Doesn't work for everybody," I said, looking at Mister Jenkins. "Nikki WANTS to get a handle on this stuff." "Uh-huh. I have a difficult time explaining the need for quadratic equations to kids who're hoping for careers as rap artists." "I wouldn't want to try teaching like that," I said. "It's gotta be a calling." Jenkins smiled. "That's what I keep telling myself." He looked at Nikki. "Madison says you're a big help." We worked our way up the hall, stopping in the classroom that Nikki announced was chemistry. That was Mr. Sorensen. Ten years older than me, just looking at him. Nikki introduced us. "Engineer?" he asked. "Yessir," I said. "Electrical." "I was hoping 'chemical'," he said. "Sorry," I said. "My parents raised me wrong." He laughed. "Still. Engineer." He looked at Nikki. She was holding my hand." "I have to get used to that." "That we're married?" "Yeah, THAT too. No, the idea that I have sophomores in this class. It's usually a junior class. Hurricane got us working outside the normal lines." "I heard that," I laughed. "I don't suppose you get to make as many loud noises and noxious smells as we did when I took this stuff." "Kinder, gentler world," he said. "We're lucky if they let us use water and baking soda these days." I sighed. "I remember how some of the things my chemistry teacher showed us really got my curiosity piqued." "Myself also," he said. "But the school's so worried that somebody will drink a beaker full of something nasty these days, or make a bomb." "Everything's a potential hazard." "You know that and I know that, but there's a huge section of the population that doesn't know that, and they think that if we just stick to 'authorized' materials, we'll be perfectly safe." "Uh-huh," I laughed. "Until somebody's mom decides that the toilet cleaner might work a bit better if she adds some bleach." "Introduction to Basic Chemistry, Home Edition," he laughed. Nikki looked at the two of us quizzically. "What's that get you?" "A cloud of green gas, baby," I said. "Maybe I'll show you one day. Outdoors." Mr. Sorensen looked at me. "You know, even THAT is a federal crime now. Something about using materials in an unauthorized manner for other than their intended purposes." "Everybody's a criminal these days," I sighed. "So many new laws and regulations, you've GOT to be violating at least one every day." "Oh, I know. But I'll still teach them chemistry. And hope that it gets into the heads of a few of them so they can go out and keep this world going." He smiled at Nikki. "Miss Nikki, I'll do my best for you. And ask your husband about some of those creative things we used to do." "I know some of the things Dan used to do with chemicals. Energetic ones," Nikki said proudly. "Oh?" asked Mr. Sorensen. "Army engineer, lieutenant. Used to blow up things for fun and profit." "The wrong part of chemistry stuck to you," he laughed. "Oh, I thought it was pretty fun, considering some of the circumstances, ' I said. "Ah, the days of our mis-spent youth," he said. "You?" I asked. "Oh, nothing that exotic. I left as an infantryman. Not even an officer. Used the GI Bill to go to college, and now here I am." "Oh, yes ... US Army. The path to success." I laughed. "We need to get together and talk. I noted the ring on his left hand. "Maybe you and the missus can come over for dinner one day?" "That sounds good. Let me discuss it with her." "Great! Nikki can work out the details." We moved on, meeting her history teacher. Pleasant lady. What can I add? We chatted briefly, Nikki smiling the whole time. After we'd made the loop, I asked Nikki why we missed the technology teacher. She looked almost exasperated. "He's an assistant football coach. He's not gonna spend a lot of effort with technology class. We have it because the state says they have to offer it. It's not gonna be much." She sighed. "We have more modern equipment at home, and you've shown me more technology in two days than I expect to learn in a year." "Oh." "I'm just making sure I see what he wants so I can get an 'A', baby," she said. "I can get the knowledge outside of school. All I need from school it that 'A'." That was the conversation we were having as we headed to the exit. When we got there, Madison and her parents were standing there, Madison excitedly chatting with a couple of other teen girls. When she saw us, she squealed, "There she is!" Nikki grinned. "Hi!" And then there was another round of introductions as curiosity-seekers wanted to meet the forty-year old guy who married one of their contemporaries. All I could do was smile and NOT look like a leering child molester. Larry came up behind me. "Bud, you know what's going on here, don't you?" "Pretty much so," I said. "I sort of expected..." "When they get loose, we'll go have a cup of coffee up the road." "Sounds good, Larry," I said. He and I and Sherry waited while their daughter and my wife giggled with a few others of the same age. "Uh, Dan," Sherry said, "you don't get a strange feeling watching her? A schoolgirl?" "Hon!" Larry blurted. "Oh, forgive me if I sound negative, Dan. I don't mean it that way," she said. "Just curious." "Oh, don't worry about it, Sherry," I answered. "Short answer is 'no', but honestly, sometimes I do wake up and wonder. But she doesn't act like an airheaded teen." "Neither does Maddie, most of the time, but I can't picture her married to somebody Larry's age, either." I laughed as Larry shook his head. The group of girls broke up and Maddie and Nikki joined us. "We're gonna follow Dan and Nikki up the road to the diner," Larry said to Maddie." "Oh, cool!" she chirped. Nikki captured my hand. "Then we'll see you there." The two families headed in opposite directions, since they'd parked in a different lot. In the truck, I asked Nikki, "So, little one, how do YOU think it went?" She was smiling, so I knew it couldn't be too bad. Giggle. "That last group, the ones Maddie and I were talking to before we left?" "Yeah?" "Consensus is that you're geeky hot." "Wow! A subset of 'hot'," I answered. She was still smiling. "Yep. A subset. But hot, nonetheless." "I suppose I should be happy." "I'm the one that's happy, guy. I knew you were hot. But I love you, so I'm prejudiced. It tickles me that others validate my tastes." Another giggle. "I am glad your group validates your tastes." Giggle. "What does YOUR group say about ME?" I thought about some of the comments. I repeated one of the 'G-rated' ones. "Dammit, Dan, she's a cutie! There were others about going to jail and whether it'd be worth it." "Nice to know," she said. We pulled into the parking lot of the little diner alongside the Reynolds SUV and all walked in together. The lone waitress seated us in a corner booth and took off to scare up coffee and donuts. Larry broke the ice with "Gee, THAT was fun!" "Daaa-addd!" Madison whined. But she was smiling. I gathered that Larry was a humorist. "I thought it was informative," Sherry said. "I suspected that the crowding would be an issue, merging two schools after the hurricane. They do seem to be working through it." Nikki said, "Yes, ma'am. One of the ways they work through it is putting sophomores in Junior classes. Like me in chemistry." Larry looked surprised. "You're taking chemistry? That's my degree!" "How'd you end up managing a shore base, then?" I asked. "Long story. Chemist. Drilling mud. Next thing I know, I'm in the big office at the place." I laughed. "You're complaining?" "Nope! Not me. Money's good. I'm home most nights." Sherry patted his arm. "That's mostly good..." "Mo-ommm!" Maddie said. "What about you? Where do YOU work?" Larry asked. I explained to him what I did and how that worked for me. "I don't have to do overnights very often," I said. "Haven't since we got married." Sherry popped in, "Well if you do, you know that Nikki's welcome to stay with us. That way she doesn't miss school, and she doesn't have to stay by herself." Nikki smiled. "That's nice of you to offer." Maddie was smiling. "So what's different about her, Mom? Compared to..." Sherry interrupted, "Compared to some of your other acquaintances? Nikki looks and sounds normal and responsible." "Why, thank you," Nikki chirped. "But Maddie's normal and responsible, too." "Yes, baby," Sherry countered, "but some of her friends..." Maddie looked at Nikki. "You know 'em. I won't mention names, but I don't think a couple of them are on your list of favorite people from last year." "Oh," Nikki said, "That could be quite a few people." "I was probably one of them last year," Maddie admitted. "I didn't know. Stupid, going along with the herd." "'S okay," Nikki said. "We get past that stuff." Maddie touched her mom's arm. "We weren't nice about Nikki last year, Mom. I was wrong. They're wrong about 'er." She smiled at Nikki. "Nikki's cool." Sherry chided her daughter, "Baby, lots of people are cool if you take time to know them. You know what we tell you about following the crowd." "I know, Mom." "It's not all her fault, Mizz Reynolds. I'm a lot happier and easier to be around this year. Last year was like a whole different life for me." Nikki smiled and touched my hand. "Dan rescued me." "So where DID you two meet, really?" Sherry asked. "Maddie said Dan pulled you out of a pile of rubble." "Gospel truth," I said. "I was walking around my house after the storm, and the apartment building next door had blown apart. I went over there for a closer look, and heard a call for help. Cut some boards out of the way, and out pops Nikki." "I stayed back because the people I was supposed to evacuate with couldn't get back in the parish to get me. I didn't know how bad it would be." "I didn't evacuate because I built the house to stand the storm, and had it stocked up. It's the old family place, and now it's mine." "You stayed during the storm, ON PURPOSE?" Larry asked incredulously. "Yep. I have a bunch of buddies who're all engineers, and one of them is a good civil engineer. We worked it out. I did the power, back-up generator, propane tank. He did the structure. Figure it'll stand a direct hit from a BAD Category Five. And the place is high, so I didn't worry about the storm surge. When I rescued Nikki, I brought her into the house where there were lights and air conditioning and running hot and cold water." "That's the first indication I had that this guy's NOT like everybody else," Nikki said. "If HE hadn't stayed behind, I don't know if I'd have gotten out of that rubble alive." "Wow!" Larry said. He looked at me, laughing. "You obviously know how to impress a lady!" Sherry laughed at that. "Yeah, beats the hell out of a clapped out Toyota with a cassette player." "You're talking about my babe magnet. It worked, didn't it?" he laughed. "I was a lot more gullible back then," Sherry smiled. "Higher standards. Takes at LEAST a mid-range BMW less than two years old. With leather!" Giggle. Maddie cut her eyes to Nikki, who looked like she wanted to say something. "You're PICKY," Nikki giggled. "I fell for a guy wearing cut-offs and carrying a battery-powered reciprocating saw." Giggle. "But look at THAT truck!" Maddie giggled. "Pickup truck! That's soooooo clichĂ(C)', Nikki!" Larry said, "I have a daughter who uses 'clichĂ(C)'. And a wife who'd leave me for a dude in an over-rated foreign car. I'm goin' off-track here, Dan. Save me!" "I dunno, Larry. You brought it all on yourself." Nikki giggled. "Leave 'im alone, baby. Mizz Sherry and Maddie will keep 'im under control." "That's what I'm afraid of," Larry said. He glanced at his watch. "I hate to point it out, but I need to get up in the morning and go work to support these two in a style I can' afford." "Yeah, me too. Plus there's school..." "Y'all need to come over for dinner some time," Nikki said. Sherry said, "And vice-versa. We can sit in the shade while THEY put meat over a fire." "Mo-ommm, he only DOES that after you've done all the work in the kitchen," Maddie said. "Oh, I know, sweetie, but it's important that he feels like he's useful." She smiled. Nikki said, "Then that's the way to do it. One day we'll visit y'all, and the guys can do the outdoor thing, then y'all can visit us, and I'll do something in the kitchen." "You cook?" Maddie blurted, surprised. "Uh-huh. Grandma taught me." "And she's darned good at it, too," I added. "Fed my family last weekend. Nobody died, and nobody did any complaining." "But YOU cook?" Maddie asked Nikki again. "Sure. Somebody's got to." She grinned. "Actually, we take turns. Share. But it's nice to know that if Dan can't get to it, I can put stuff on the table that he likes." "That he LOVES," I said. "She cooks like my Mom used to. And the first day she woke up in that house after I brought her there, she started cooking breakfast. I woke up to the first meal somebody ever cooked in the place besides me." "I thought it was the least I could do," Nikki said. "He sure seemed to enjoy it." The waitress came by and Larry started to pull his wallet out. "Nope," I said. "I got this one. We appreciate the company!" "Okay, but I get the next one!" Larry said. As the waitress disappeared with my credit card and the check, Maddie told Nikki, "I just KNOW Mister Jenkins is gonna do a pop quiz on us. Even though it's our first week. One of the juniors said he does that sort of thing." She sighed. "And we didn't have a chance to study tonight." "We'll survive," Nikki said. "We went over that stuff on the bus today." "For ten minutes, bouncing down the road. I hope that's enough." Maddie got a bright look. "Would it be a bad idea if you ... if I got off the bus at your house sometimes so we could study together? Mom or Dad could pick me up there." She looked at her mom. "Would that be okay?" Nikki picked up that thread. "And you could have dinner at our house sometimes. Your mom and dad, too." She looked at Larry and Sherry. "On school days, I have stuff in the freezer that I can pull out and put in the oven so it'll be done when Dan gets in from work." "Lasagna. She does a good lasagna. And cabbage rolls. Like Mom used to make." I closed my eyes, remembering Mom's cooking, inwardly delighting that I wasn't exaggerating about Nikki's skills. "I think Maddie has a good idea. And it wouldn't hurt if we actually brought her home, either," I said. We left the restaurant, driving home happy. "Maddie's a lot different than last year, Dan. With that other crowd, she wasn't nice." "Peer pressure, baby. It's tough for kids. Hell, it's tough for adults." She sighed. "Sometimes, adult is an age thing. The inside is still a kid." I considered that bit of insight. I knew a huge chunk of the population hadn't figured that out. "You're right, little brown-haired girl. One of life's truths." "And the truth is, she's a bright kid my age who has a normal home life and parents that seem decent. So why was it they picked on me?" "Lots of reasons, none of them good. You were an outsider. One of them might've felt that by putting YOU down, they sort of put themselves up a level on the scale." "Might be some of that," she said. "I know one of that group was living in a ratty trailer that actually made our Section 8 housing look upscale. Maybe she needed to climb up on somebody." "Could be," I said. "You didn't mind that idea about Maddie coming over to study, did you?" "Nope. I don't want you NOT to have friends at school. I just don't want you dating any of them." "Oh, yeah, like THAT will happen." "Could. You're an attractive and intelligent little thing..." "That's EXACTLY my point, baby. I'd be a THING! You know ME. And you want ME. The inside..." Her eyes twinkled, "AND the outside." Her tone was serious. "And it takes TWO. I already figured out the fine art of saying 'NO!', babe." Her grip on my arm tightened. "So get over it. YOU are MINE. I know what forever is." She wiggled up under her seatbelt and kissed my cheek. "I love YOU." Eight o'clock the next morning, I was in the office with a screen full of drawings when my cell phone jangled. Aggravated, I looked at the display. Sheriff Ernie. I put it to my ear. "My favorite law man! What's up, Ernie?" "Hey, you said you wanted a heads' up when the contractor got ready to do Nikki's old apartment. I just told them to hold off until ten, if you can make it." "Oh, thanks! Lemme see if I can get Nikki out of school." He laughed. "I can get Nikki out of school. I'll go pick 'er up. She'll be a legend." He laughed. I'll drop 'er at y'alls house." "Okay, thanks, buddy," I said. My next move was to put the computer to sleep and head out the door. "Steve," I said, leaving, "I gotta go see what we can save out of Nikki's old home. The demolition crew's there." "Okay, bud. Gotcha covered." I was twenty minutes into a forty-minute drive when the cell phone rang again. I didn't even have to look. Nikki had her own ringtone. "Hi, babe!" I said. Giggle. "You'll never BELIEVE what happened..." "Sheriff Ernie picked you up at school." "Uh-huh. But him an' the assistant principal walked into the classroom and didn't say a word. Just told me to get my stuff and come with them." Giggle. "You should've seen the looks! Then they told me what was going on." I could hear Ernie laughing in the background. "He said he'd save me the detour. He's got style!" She giggled. "Okay, baby. I'll see you at the house." Twenty minutes later I pulled into our drive, parking beside a light-decked, marked sheriff department SUV. I walked into the house. Sheriff Ernie was sitting at the dining room table with a cold drink. "Hello, Dan Granger," he said. "How are you?" "Good," I said. "Thanks for transporting my wife from school." He laughed. "Enjoyed it. I know those folks, so they kinda went along." Nikki stuck her head out to the kitchen. "I'll be a legend Monday." "At least we didn't cuff 'er." He stood up. "Y'all wanna walk next door?" "Sure," I said. Nikki dried her hands on a dishcloth and joined us as we walked out. We crossed the yard and circled around the little privacy fence that separated the two properties. There was a demolition crane with a big claw on the end of its boom and the guy sitting in its cab had the look of authority. He was accompanied by a couple of Hispanic gentlemen who were sitting in the shade of the little tree in the yard. "Hey, Harlan," Ernie said. "This lady's the one who sort of wants to see if she can get any of her stuff out of there." "We can try," Harlan said. "I'm pretty good with this thing. But that's all broken up and stuff. It's gonna be dangerous to climb over things." Nikki smiled. "Hi, Mister Harlan. I'm Nikki. Everything I owned before the storm is in that mess. If there's anything I can rescue, I got a few things..." "You just point out where we need to try. I'll do my best." "We won't try anything if it's too dangerous," I said, "but I climbed on part of that pile to get her out after the storm." Harlan looked at Nikki. "You were in there when it fell?" "Yessir." "You're lucky you're alive." He looked at me. "How'd you know she was in there?" I pointed to our house. "I rode out the storm over there. When it was over, I walked over here to see the damage. She must've heard the noise and she called. I had to saw through some studs to get her out." Harlan touched a religious statue on the edge of the rig's window. "Miss Nikki, that's TWO miracles." We watched him carefully pick through the stack of debris at the location Nikki indicated. Each time he'd pick that claw up, loaded with debris, he'd look over at us. He went slow. I knew he could go much faster. "That's for you and Nikki," Ernie said. "If he wasn't trying to be careful, they'd have most of that stuff loaded by now. "There's my dresser!" Nikki squealed. Harlan deposited the claw-load he had. "Be careful, y'all." Very carefully Nikki and I picked our way to the dresser. It was moldy, obviously water-damaged. I looked at Nikki. "All my stuff is in there. D'ya think he can get it down?" "Harlan," I yelled, "D'ya think you can get this thing out onto the ground?" "As long as you don't expect to use it again. Y'all get down from there." When we came off the pile the engine of the picker blatted as he swung it around. The guy was a virtuoso. He grabbed the chest gently and swung it out into the clear and sat it down for us. I helped Nikki pry the swollen wood open so she could get to the contents of the drawers. She retrieved a little jewelry box, much the worse for the exposure to water, and now, mold, and she pulled out a tin box about a foot square and handed those to me, then she rifled through the sodden, moldy clothing. "Nothing else to save, honey," she said softly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I'm sure. They can have the rest. The jewelry box is my grandma's. My keepsakes are in this tin thing." She looked at Ernie. "Mister Ernie. Thanks for helping us. We're done." "You sure, Nikki?" he asked. She nodded. Ernie turned to Harlan. "She's done. It's all yours." We walked back to the house to the blatting of the diesel crane and the sound of crunching lumber. The physical manifestations of Nikki's previous life was in the two boxes I held. ------ Chapter 14 Sheriff Ernie walked to the door of his SUV, got tagged with a 'thank you' and a kiss on the cheek from Nikki. "Thanks, Ernie," I said. "We appreciate you taking care of us." "Not at problem, buddy," he said. "I'd stay and chat but there's a lot of people that need me to see 'em today. Some of 'em I actually want to see." As he slid into the seat, he said, "We still need to get together, you an' Nikki, and my bunch." "Well, If we both get back to sanity, we'll do that." "Don't make me haul you to the duck camp one weekend," he laughed. "Me and the bunch go there before the season opens, clean up, straighten things, and have a family weekend. Might be fun for you an' Nikki." Nikki smiled. "Just might be! Let me talk him into it, Mister Ernie." "We'll be there if it's physically possible," I said. "Good!" He laughed. "See y'all later!" He closed the door and kicked the SUV in reverse and backed out to the highway. We turned to walk back into our house. I was still holding the boxes. She opened the front door for me. I walked through to my office and put the boxes on the desk. She was right behind me. "That's Grandma's jewelry box. It's just costume jewelry, but it was hers, and it's a keepsake." She slid the latch to open it. The inside was in much better shape than the outside, but it was, as she said, costume jewelry, long out of style. The metal can, though, she was struggling to pry the slip-on lid off. The humidity had generated enough rust on the mating surfaces to make removal difficult. "Here," I said, "let me hold it down and you pry around it with both hands. That might work." "Okay," she said. We worked together. At first the lid stubbornly refused to move, but then one corner gave and I knew the battle was over. The lid popped off. Inside was a stack of pictures, a little diary, some old coins, a few other little bits of the kinds of things that young girls have collected forever. "MY pictures," she said. "Grandma was going to help me put them in an album. I tried to get Mom to buy me one." "Are they something you want to share with me?" "I'd love to, baby," she said. "Let's go sit on the sofa." We sat side by side and she showed me picture after picture, a chronology of a young girl from birth to about thirteen. Her mom, her grandmother, an uncle, a couple of men she couldn't remember, standing beside her mom and her when she was about eight. I was charmed by her even as a distant child now that I had her sitting beside me as my wife. I knew what those eyes and that smile and those dimples would turn into. "You were a cute little girl," I said. "Thank you. I was living with Grandma, mostly. This guy," she pointed to a picture, "I thought he was gonna marry Mom, and then I'd have a step-dad, but something happened. He left. Mom never talked about it." "I was ten here." The picture was an almost shy-looking girl child. The haircut was different only in its length, the hair falling to her shoulders. She was wearing a blue dress, standing next to a fountain. "Grandma took me to Dallas to visit her cousin." I noted that the pictures stopped when she was thirteen. "Grandma died. Mom wasn't exactly the 'pictures of my daughter' type." She rifled through the stack. "Here's my school pictures, from the first grade to last year." They started when she was six, smiling, a front tooth missing, and went a year at a step. I looked at the last two, Nikki at thirteen and fourteen. She still managed a smile in the pictures, and I knew the stories of what was going on at home. "Look at my clothes, baby. Goodwill." I pulled her gently closer and kissed her lightly. "Clothes aren't what make you beautiful, little one." "Pictures are in two weeks, Dan. This is almost exactly a year ago." She looked at me, blue eyes pensive. "I never knew if Mom would be at home and if she'd be straight when she was there, or if I'd walk in on her and one of her 'boyfriends'." She looked at me, eyes sad. "I wasn't happy, baby. I was lost. I didn't know what was going to happen next." "Found out, didn't you?" She put the pictures down, turned and put her arms around my neck. "Sorry, babe. I was having a moment." A kiss landed on my lips. The twinkle came to life in those blue eyes. "Yes. I DID find out. And I love it." Kiss. "And you. And us." "Yes. Us. Pretty good, don't you think?" "Mmmm-hmmm ... Mildew got all the clothes," she said. "You have new ones. And you know that anything you want, you can get." "Tiara?" giggle. "Only if you wear it naked for me." She snorted and looked at me. "Serious? You want me in a tiara?" "I want you naked. If you HAVE to wear something, a tiara works." Giggle. "Didn't I read about some Amazon tribe where the women wore just a string around their waists?" "Yeah, but I think they painted their tits red. You know how I hate make-up." "You know, Mister Dan Granger, sometimes you're an absolute ASS!" "Oh, I'm an ass? ME!?!?! I was trying to remember where I had a ball of string!" I got pushed over on my back and straddled by a giggly girl and ended up nose to nose with her, with her legs twining around mine. I'm sorry, Dan ... I guess I sound sort of bi-polar." "No," I said. "You just looked back at your life, and you're thinking of the good and the bad, and that's a bit of a mental load." "Just hold me." "Forever. Always." I put my arms around her and hung on. Time has a way of moving on. The first six weeks of school passed for Nikki. That was a milestone for her. My own contribution to that time was just finding that I had a very happy new life. But six weeks. Nikki had friends. Maddie's friendship morphed into a study group that showed up at our house a couple of nights a week, giving me up at half-dozen teens in the house, including my wife, but it wasn't a bad thing because these were, like Nikki, serious students. I'd get caught up in the maelstrom from time to time when some particularly sticky point showed up in algebra, but for the most part, Nikki stayed ahead of the game. I also found myself setting up an impromptu chemistry lab to demonstrate some things that were no longer possible to do in the 'kinder, gentler' classroom atmosphere. And we, Nikki and I, got called into the counselor's office on the day report cards came out. Nikki was already there. I joined her in the little waiting room before the guidance counselor came out to greet us. "Hi, Mister Garrod," Nikki said. "You wanted to talk to us? This is Dan Granger, my husband. Dan, this is Mister Garrod. He's my guidance counselor." We shook hands. "Please, come in and sit down," he said. "Mister Granger, Miss ... uh, I guess that's MIZZ Nikki," he said with a hint of a smile, "we need to talk about Nikki's academic standing." "Me?!?!?" Nikki blurted. "I've been getting all "A's" since school started." "Exactly," he said. He picked up a sheaf of papers off his desk. "Mister Granger, how closely have you followed Nikki's academic progress?" "We talk about it every night," I said. "Over the last few years?" Nikki interrupted. "Mister Garrod, I wasn't with Dan last year." "Oh," he said. "So what does he know, Mizz Nikki?" She sighed. "I explained to 'im about my "C" average." His eyes shifted between the two of us. "Mister Granger..." "Please, call me Dan," I said. I was kind of apprehensive over the conversation. "Uh, okay, Dan," he continued, "you know that eight-graders take a progress test to make sure we're not doing that 'social promotion' thing, right?" "I heard something about it. I assumed Nikki did okay, because she's a sophomore." Nikki had a little smile, like she knew something. Mister Garrod noticed it. "Mizz Nikki, do you remember how you did on those tests?" "Yessir." "And you didn't share that with your husband?" "That's a couple of years ago, sir." "But you DO know..." "Yessir." "Nikki? Something I missed here?" "Teachers made a big deal about it, Dan. Highest score you can get is 'Mastery' in each subject area. I did that. In all of 'em." Mister Garrod picked up a page of the stack. "Mis ... uh, Dan, she aced most of it. Now I'm hearing from her teachers that she's leading study groups for algebra and chemistry?" "I have a house-full of teens a couple of nights a week," I said. "Sometimes they drag me in to explain things, but mostly not." "Mizz Nikki's study groups are all "A" students in her classes. Some of her teachers mentioned that we should take a look at her." I looked at her. High school girl. Navy blue shirt and khaki slacks of the accepted uniform, a pair of mid-range athletic shoes on her feet, five and a half feet tall, hundred and fifteen pounds (memory on the bathroom scale), head of brown hair that seemed so right in that pageboy cut she liked. Blue eyes. "Okay, what did you come up with?" He smiled at Nikki. "Young lady, you've been sand-bagging." "Sand-bagging?" she and I said, almost in unison. "I don't know what made you cut loose this year, but I'm happy to see it, Mizz Nikki." He smiled. "Dan, do you have an idea of her capabilities?" "Almost from Day One," I said. "She's smart. She learns fast. She's inquisitive." "Sounds like what some of her teachers say," he said. "Mizz Nikki, do you sometimes feel like you're wasting time in class?" "Oh, no, Mister Garrod! I love being in school." "That's the politically correct answer. Let me rephrase the question. Do you feel challenged? Do you think you could sort of skip ahead and you'd be better off?" "Huh?" I said. Nikki's eyes sparkled. "I wondered about how that would happen. Is there a way?" "Just might be," he smiled. "We have these assessment tests I'd like to set you and a couple of other students up to take. Basically what they do is test you in each of the disciplines to see what grade we'd put you into if you just dropped in from Timbukctu. You're in your sophomore year. Let's say we test you and you test to the senior year level in some areas. If you do three out of four, we promote you." She gasped. "So I could be a SENIOR?" She looked at me. "Dan? What do you think?" "Oh, you don't have to make a decision right now. Go home and talk about it. But if you decide you want to try it, Nikki will take the tests next week. Takes two weeks to get scores back. She could be moved up before Thanksgiving." "Why are you doing this, Mister Garrod," I asked. "It's my job. Sometimes I remember what I'm here for." He sighed. "With all the crap we have going with the crowding and everything, I just came to work one morning and decided to see if maybe I could do a little more than show up every day." "Wow!" Nikki said. "I'm glad you did!" Her brow knit for a second, her 'I'm thinking' face. "Is Madison Reynolds one of the others on your list?" "I'm not supposed to say, but I can suggest that you talk with her." "She's in the group," Nikki smiled. "So let's talk," I said. "Let's assume that my Nikki runs up into the senior level on these tests. Are you suggesting that she's in a position to graduate from high school in the spring?" "Don't get your hopes up, Dan, because she HAS to get placed in the twelfth grade, and then take the state high school exit exams next spring, and if she does both of those, plus the grades in the classes she takes, then, yes..." Squeal! And I got a very unrestrained hug. "You've given my wife reason for rejoicing," I said. He smiled. "Of course, the down side to this is that we lose what one of her teachers calls 'a heck of a teaching assistant' in some of her classes." "Well, here's your report card. Might be your last one as a sophomore, Nikki." He passed her the print-out. Nikki took it and handed it to me. He shook his head. "Y'all didn't even open it." "Straight 'A's'," she smiled. "Why didn't you do this last year, Mizz Nikki?" he asked. Her eyes went to mine, then she looked at him. "Didn't matter what I did last year. Wasn't gonna get any better or worse. This year, it matters." "Long story," I said. He stood up. "I hate to cut the meeting short, but I need to talk to another couple of students." I stood and shook his hand. "We certainly thank you for the effort, Mister Garrod." "Wayne," he said, "And it's my pleasure." We opened the door to walk out and I recognized the people in the waiting room. Squeal! "Hi, Maddie!" "Hi, Sherry!" I said. "Where's Larry?" "Forty miles out in the Gulf on a supply boat!" "Bad luck!" I said. "Yeah, I wish he was here for this. But this isn't the first time I'v had to do one of these things by myself." She touched Maddie's hair. "At least it's not 'Mizz Reynolds, do you wanna guess what Maddie's done THIS time?'" "Moo-oommm!" Maddie said. "Not since the sixth grade!" "Miss Madison, Mizz Reynolds?" Mister Garrod called them in. "Seeya, Maddie!" Nikki said. "Later!" I had to leave Nikki at school. I drove back to work. Steve was dying to know what the meeting was about. "I married a high school sophomore. I have a very strong suspicion that in three weeks she'll be a senior." "Nikki? Little brown-haired girl?" "The one and only. I married 'er for her brains." "B-but she's in the tenth grade..." I recounted the conversation. "Buddy, if she wasn't in high school, she could be running this office. There's not a day that goes by that she doesn't amaze me." One of the techs leaned back in his chair to look out the door across the hall. "You old goat. I can imagine about seventeen ways she'd amaze you..." "You know, Kevin, you have a one-track mind..." "I'm not the one who married a fifteen year old girl." "If you can get your mind out of MY sex life and YOUR sad little fantasies, we can go to lunch. After lunch, you and I need to go look at that next project." Kevin was one of my GOOD technicians. "Come on," he said, standing up. "Let's go to Bojo's." "Oh, suuuuure," I said. "You still eyin' that sassy little chubby waitress." "Just like watchin' 'er walk away from me, that's all!" "Come on, horn-dog," I laughed. We did lunch. I noted that he requested a table served by that plump Cajun waitress and that they flirted with each other mercilessly. 'Yeah, I'll go OUT with you, Kevin," she said. "To the gym. Both of us could afford to lose a few pounds!" "Your gym or mine?" he said. "I can do gyms. I have a membership!" We left (with his contribution to the tip putting her into a higher tax bracket, no doubt) and went out to one of the local industries, walked through the new project with the client engineer, collected a roll of drawings, and went back to the office. The remainder of the workday was spend going over the drawings. Pointed out potential trouble areas and asked him to explain to me what the problem COULD be and how to make sure it didn't happen. Part of MY job is to make these guys NOT need me. When I walked into the house, I was met by Nikki, who welcomed me with a kiss and a hug, and Maddie, who stood a little off to the side. Squeal. In stereo. "I take that to mean that you have some news, Maddie?" Maddie was excited. "Mom almost wet herself. We called Dad while he's offshore." ... Nikki's turn: So Dan says I should tell you what's going on in my head. Here's the deal: I knew I was going to be a high school senior. No doubt about it. I KNEW I was. That first six weeks, just so you know, it was the BEST six weeks I've ever had in school. I have friends. Last year I had ONE friend, and she showed up in the middle of the year, then dropped out. This year, I have Maddie. Maddie's my age. I have Kellen. Kellen's a year older, but we have the same algebra and chemistry class. Both of them were in my school last year and Maddie was part of the group that used to make my life miserable. Now she's my best friend, at least at school. We have a study group, two of 'em actually, one for algebra and one for chemistry. Dan might be an electrical engineer, but he knows more than enough for getting a bunch of us through high school chemistry, plus he takes us out in the shop and does experiments we can't do at school. Some of the study group are boys, too, and we're friends. Real friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. It actually feels healthy and good, the way things are. But back to me being a senior. Word got out, and I really try hard not to act like I'm better or smarter than the rest of the class, but honestly, the ones who CARE about learning, they seem to understand what's going on. I caught a bunch of crap from some of the others. They act like I've discovered some sort of scam that lets me make good grades and now, skip a couple of years of school. It's not a scam. Maddie and I, we're just really fortunate. I know Maddie's mom and dad are both smart, so I sort of know how SHE could be. It's that genetic thing. But in my case, I really don't understand. I never saw Mom as particularly smart, and I have no idea who my dad is. I told Dan I must've gotten it from him. He laughed and reminded me that I did those tests in the eighth grade, way before I met him. But a lot of this is completely his fault. We've been talking, Dan and I. We toyed with the idea of me following him into engineering. I think that would be good in a lot of ways, but he understands that even though he loves it, it's not exactly my interest. I was talking to two of the teachers at school about helping on math classes, and the business math teacher started talking to me about some career choices. She teaches business math, and Algebra I, and her husband is an accountant. Interesting. Dan asked me if I really wanted to be a 'bean-counter', as he calls them. Says that bean-counters are the nemesis of engineers everywhere. I talked to Mister Steve and he said the same thing. Mizz Becky, the lady that runs their office, though, she says it's not a bad choice, and she told Mister Steve that she makes sure that they actually get paid for what they do. She's not an accountant, though. She has a degree in business administration, and that's another bunch that Dan says engineers hate. "If I was a bean counter, you'd hate me?" I asked him. "Never-ever," he said. So now I'm talking to Mister Garrod about that idea. He's given me some information to look at, and it keeps looking more interesting. Of course, I have to get out of high school. There were eight of us taking those special tests. I got a real good night's sleep the night before, two nights, really. Dan and I ... it's really, really good. Has been from the very first time. I talked with Kellen. She's not a virgin, and she says that honestly, it ruined her relationship with the first guy she did it with, and it wasn't nearly like it was with Dan and me. Maddie and I have talked about sex, too, but Maddie's still a virgin, and at fifteen, these days, that's kind of rare, but she says it's gotta be special. She asked about me and Dan, and when I explained, she said that's what she wanted. But the night before those tests, Dan and I showered together and then made wonderful, wonderful love, and then he held me and caressed me until I drifted to sleep, and when I got to school the next day, I was still floating. I can tell you that there were questions on those tests that I didn't know the answers to. Some of them I just passed up and moved on, and came back while I still had time, and tried to do like Dan says, to deduce new things from things I already know. I did that, and I thought I did good on the tests. The two weeks while we were waiting on scores, though, those were tough. Dan kept telling me that it really wasn't critical that I jump ahead in school, that he was quite happy with me exactly as he found me, a high school sophomore, and that he already knew I was intelligent before he started seeing the 'A' grades on papers. That made me happy, but I explained to him that I wanted to excel, not just get by. "Get by?" he said, "People who make straight 'A's' are not just 'getting by'." We still did the algebra and chemistry study groups, though. For the algebra bunch, it was me and Maddie, the originals, and then we added Holly and Bret and Slade. I think Slade's cool. He's rare, a high school athlete who cares about the academic stuff, and Bret's, well, if you look up 'nerd' in the dictionary, there's a picture of Bret. I told him that with a name like 'Bret' he should be some sort of macho, outdoorsy type. Slade, if I wasn't married, Slade would be on my list of wishes, but like I said, football, first string, and he's dating cheerleaders. We're friendly because we study together. If it wasn't for that, though, I wouldn't even show up on his radar. Everybody at school, though, THEY all know that Slade is friends with me and Maddie, so we get left out of a lot of the picking and pushing that goes on at school. One of Slade's cheerleader girlfriends even came to one or two of our study sessions. She talked to Bret and I thought he was going to faint. Holly's another story. She's smart, too, but she has to work harder than me and Maddie. And she thinks that Dan is IT. There've been several times that Dan came in to help us. He has a way of making things sound soooo obvious, so if we're having trouble getting a point across, we get Dan to teach us. And Holly just CHANGES. I think that one time, she practically pushed Maddie aside so she could get close to Dan. "That's cute, baby," he told me, "but I think it's because she has a little more trouble grasping these things than you and Maddie, that's all." I think Dan's missing it. She's left the group to do one on one sessions with Dan in his office while the rest of us study at the dining room table. I can't say for sure, but I think she was asking him for help on something she already knew, but I trust Dan and he's certainly smart enough to handle himself. Holly's another one that talked with me about sex. Gosh, I don't know why I'm supposed to be some sort of expert. I'm married, okay, but I've been with exactly ONE guy, and that's all I ever want to be with. There're girls at school who've done dozens. But I get asked questions. Holly's another one that's not a virgin but who just doesn't think that sex is that good. I told her it's because she's with guys who USE her for their own needs, and that if she was with somebody who cared about her, it would be good, and get better. I kind of told her about how Dan and I started and how now it was so good I thought I would die from the pure joy of making love. Now that I think of it, that's when she started paying more attention to Dan. And she was in that group that night at the open house that decided that Dan was 'geeky hot'. Those two weeks. Pins and needles, Dan said. Then Mister Garrod asked if Dan and I could meet with him on a Tuesday morning. Now it was REALLY pins and needles. Dan drove me to school that morning. He had to check in at the front office while I went to home room, and after that we met at the counselor's office. Mister Garrod took us right in. I guess I was obvious in my excitement. He smiled. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked. I was a lot more comfortable around school this year. It's easy to be comfortable when the teachers see you as something at the top of the stack. "I like being right, Nikki," he said. He looked at my Dan. "Dan Granger, did you guys talk about her moving up?" "Yes," Dan said. "Well, did you think about a graduation present?" I couldn't help it. I squealed. Dan looked at me. "Graduation?" "According to her test results, she already HAS graduated. She's got fourteen years equivalence in language arts, thirteen in science and social studies, thirteen in math. That's equivalent to a sophomore in college." I squealed again. Mister Garrod grinned at me. "She's happy. I have her new schedule. Nikki, you can't slack up. And you still need to pass the high school exit exam, but seriously, young lady, it's a formality." I squealed again and this time I couldn't help it. I jumped over and hugged Dan and gave him a kiss. Then I thought of Maddie. "How did Maddie do?" "Nikki, you know I'm not supposed to divulge that information. But she and her mom and dad are waiting to get the same news. They're supposed to be here at nine. Now, don't give it away. I don't get to pass out good news very often, not like this, anyway. So let me tell 'em." "Oh, I won't say a word," I said. At lunchtime, I finally ran back into Maddie and by that time the word was already out. Maddie and I were giddy. I know that word isn't used much, but it's a perfectly good word and it describes how we were feeling. We were sitting in the school square talking when both our cell phones buzzed with text messages. We must've looked like twins, pulling out our phones together, and it was even worse than that. Both phones had the same message. Special dinner tonight. Maddie and her mom and dad were meeting me and my Dan to celebrate our promotion to the senior class. Slade came to find us. "I heard the news," he said. He was almost sad. "Does this mean we won't have the algebra group any more?" Maddie looked at me and I looked at her. We communicate like that sometimes. "Nope," I said. "We'll still do at least one night a week." "Good," he said. "Y'all are lucky, you know ... You skipped two years of school." One of the troublemakers heard the news, too, and I don't think he saw Slade when he came by and said something rather derogatory. THEN he saw Slade. All six feet three inches and two hundred and fifty pounds of him. At full height. Pissed. "I don't BELIEVE I heard what you said, Bubba," Slade said. "Dude, I was PICKIN'. Uh ... Okay? Right, Maddie? Nikki?" Bubba was almost pleading for a way out. "Almost didn't sound that way, Bubba," Maddie said, letting him swing in the breeze a bit. "But if you say so..." And she smiled at Slade. Dan was at home when I got there. I ran in the door and locked it behind me and started undressing. "Whoa, baby..." he said. I like attacking Dan. He loves it, and I knew that we were going to shower before we went to dinner so we ended up in bed, just ravishing one another and I remember some of those poor girls who just didn't understand how perfectly JOYOUS it was to make love, and for me, I'd never knew it any other way. This time I rode him. I love the way I feel so in control, and I can feel him inside me, just throbbing and pulsing when it happens and when I feel that, it's like pulling a trigger on my own. When it was over, we laid there, Dan on his back, me plastered against him. "I love you, Dan Granger. Can you stand me being a SENIOR?" "Yes I can, baby," he said. "Just another amazing thing in our life together." ------ Chapter 15 Dan: Larry's big SUV was in the restaurant parking lot when we got there. "Maddie says her dad's always a little early." "That's a businessman's approach," I said. We got out of the truck and walked into the place. We weren't exactly on a first-name basis with the staff, but the lady at the entrance was used to seeing us. "They got the round table in that back corner," she said. "Told me to keep an eye out for y'all." We turned the corner to see that table and there were the three of them, Maddie waving excitedly. Larry stood to shake my hand. "Is she as excited as this thing is?" He nodded towards a grinning Maddie. "I do believe I've endured a squeal or two. And some amount of uncontrolled giggling." Nikki feigned mild outrage. "Uh! I have been the epitome of self-restraint!" Her statement was emphasized, of course, by a squeal as she grabbed Maddie's hands. I held her chair. "Sit now. Squeal later." I looked at Larry and Sherry. "Looks like some of those layers of self-restraint have peeled off." "So other than this, how are things going for you two?" Sherry asked. "Wonderfully, Mizz Sherry," Nikki answered. "School takes on a new meaning now." "Yeah, Mom! We're LEGENDS!!" Maddie giggled. "And now we have to start making decisions we could've put off for a year or so," Larry said. "Don't be a downer, Dad," Maddie said. She grinned at Nikki. "Dad's worried about college now." "Oh, I'm not worried, baby. "I have your college fund covered. I wonder what you're going to do, though." "A major, honey," Sherry said softly. "What was it you said, Nikki?" Maddie asked, "Accounting?" "I'm thinking about it." "You'd make a good engineer, baby. You have zero trouble with math." "I don't worry about math, Dan. I know you're a great engineer. It's just that I think the idea of that whole 'run a business' thing is interesting." Nikki was thinking. There was brief cloud over her face, then the smile came back. "Mister Larry. You have a degree in chemistry and you're a manager now. Don't you wish you'd have taken a few more accounting and business courses?" Larry smiled. "Oh, I see what's going on here," he said. "Sweetie," she told me, "You're a very respected engineer, but you've also told me what you manage: Projects. Mister Larry manages a pretty good sized operation, according to his daughter, who pays attention to HER dad. And HE'S got a technical degree. You two guys are in different places, career-wise." She smiled at Larry. "So ... What's YOUR answer?" Larry did a good job, I thought, explaining how his duties slowly changed from being a lead chemist, taking on more and more responsibilities, and how he wasn't always sure of the best ways to track numbers, plan budgets, handle a number of tasks that one didn't learn in organic chemistry. I watched Nikki. She was hanging on his words. Sherry dove into the conversation. "Nikki, when they put him in that manager's slot, he couldn't sleep for a week, worrying. But there are a couple of people at his office who help him make the right decisions. One of them's been in the business for forty years. The other one has a business degree. Like YOU'RE talking about." "I think I'd like to be somebody who learns a business and who makes things run. You know, keeps the billing going, manages the data, makes sure the records are straight." "You don't have to decide right now, you know, " I said. "You don't even have to decide in your first year of college. Just take the entry-level courses and prerequisites and then hone in on a major." Larry reinforced my thoughts. "Nikki, just a couple of weeks ago, you were still looking at two more years of high school. Now you're not, but that's doesn't mean you have to get in a hurry over college." Maddie smiled. "We have plenty to talk about, don't we, Nikki?" "I know," Nikki said. "But this is the most important decision I ever made, except for deciding to marry Dan." She smiled. "I hope it turns out as good." "You two have a bright future," Sherry said. "I do now. A year ago, things were much different." Nikki patted my arm. "Every now and then I think about it. But all this talk about futures and majors, it's kind of scary." Maddie said, "We don't have to make a decision right now." We finished out the meal with pleasant conversation about a variety of subjects and then parted ways. Driving along, Cajun cutie plastered tight against my side, a good meal under my belt, an evening's happy conversation behind me, life was good. "How did YOU figure out what you were going to college for?" "Dad. I thought I'd follow Dad into the refinery. He told me that he was glad he'd had the job, but that if I wanted to get ahead, I needed to get a degree. And he knew engineers." She thought for a moment. "You had that advantage. If I followed Mom's path, I'd be working in a nightclub." "I'd hate to think of you as a pole dancer," I said. "Or barmaid or whatever. But Grandma was a retired teacher. I thought about that some. But it just doesn't do much for me." "You do pretty good with your study group." I thought about the interactions I'd overheard with Nikki and Maddie with their bunch of friends. She nestled against me. "I know, but baby, that's people who WANT to learn, for whatever reason. We laugh and cut up a bit, but we all WANT to learn. In the classes at school, there's a few like that, and a bunch who basically don't care, and another few who don't want to be there and are disruptive. I don't think I have the personality for that bunch." "I can understand that," I said. "But I'm interested in what you do, too, babe," she said. "I dunno..." "You're fifteen, little one," I said. "I know people who NEVER get a handle on what they want to do and they're in their forties. You have plenty of time." "But what if I get started with something in college and change my mind?" "Then you take off in a different direction, baby. It happens. You're fortunate. We have plenty of savings so you can change your mind." "It's kinda scary, Dan." "As scary as a house falling down around you?" "No. but a different kind of scary. What if I don't find my niche?" "Your niche is being Nikki, a delightful, beautiful, intelligent person of pleasant disposition. You make me very happy just being that." "But what about making a living?" "Dear, dear little one," I said. "I didn't marry you because I wanted you to go out and make a living." "I want to contribute, Dan," she said. "So find something you like to do, and go after it. I make plenty enough money for us to be comfortable, so you can do what you WANT to do, not what you think you have to do so we can make ends meet." "That's nice, baby, but I don't want to be a leech..." "Sweetie, you're nowhere near being a leech. You're my wife. It's OUR house. Our money. Our lives intertwine together." "But you have to work..." "And I love what I do. It's not like I'm descending into the sewers every day, hoping one day to get some relief." I twisted and kissed the head that was on my shoulder. "Before you, I liked my job. I didn't dread going to work. I enjoyed it. And now, I still enjoy the work, but I know that when I get home every day, I have something that I enjoy even more." The words I spoke got me a purr in answer. "I married you because I love you, Daniel," she said. Her use of my full name was her way of emphasizing a point. "But I expect to do my part when I finish school." "Is this an argument, kitten?" I asked. "I don't call it an argument. I'm just telling you that..." "That we love each other and our biggest problem is doing too much for one another?" Giggle. "Yeah. I guess. Horrible, ain't it?" I stroked that sleek brown hair. "Truly horrible. Taught me never to walk near a pile of rubble again." "That's good, buddy," she giggled. "Every time you do that, you drag out some girl an' marry 'er. You're up to your full allotment of wives." "If I had any more wife than this, it'd kill me," I said. This last comment was made as we drove within eyesight of OUR house. Without the noise and light from the building that WAS next door, our view of the night sky was magnificent. We took time to view the bands of light above us, and we took time to kiss in the cooling autumn air before going inside, being met at the door by the watchcat. Inside, Nikki attended to the prescribed regimen of petting the cat as we sat in my recliner, me, then Nikki in my lap, and then Tommi the cat on hers. "What a wonderful little family we are, baby," she said. "I dunno," I said. "Cat likes you better." His purrs under her hand were audible, like an old refrigerator at the end of its days. I briefly pondered evenings when I'd sat in this chair with cat, without interposing cutie, when I didn't ever imagine that I would end up with a life like this. Nikki is far superior to a cat when it comes to reacting to petting. I caressed her face at my chest, then I allowed my fingers to touch her neck underneath the little flip of that thick brown hair. Her body gave a little quiver in response. "That always feels soooo good," she said. "Feels like love." "Because I love you, princess," I said. Her face turned up towards me. "Why don't you love me in the shower, then, guy?" "You'll piss off the cat." "Me an' Tommi understand each other," she said. "He'll get some extra treats." When she shifted to sit up, Tommi leapt off her lap. He knows. Nikki didn't get two steps before I wrapped her in my arms from behind and kissed the top of her head. She squealed happily and backed into me, butt wiggling, producing an immediate reaction in my pants. Giggle. "Wouldn't this be more fun without clothes?" she purred. "Sometimes I can't wait," I said. "Me neither. But naked! Come on!" She led me to the bathroom. She was right. It WAS more fun. Forty minutes later we were in bed, still naked, laughing, sighing, giggling, and finally she was in my arms quivering through her second orgasm. The final act of consciousness was to turn out the bedside lamp and slide into each other's arms. In the dark, I felt the bed jump slightly and I knew that the cat had decided that it was safe for him to join the warm spot. His normal position was now up next to Nikki. Wednesday morning was back to work. It was routine for me, at least the idea of getting up and going to work every day was routine. What I did from day to day was varied, sometimes terrifically aggravating, sometimes challenging, sometimes rewarding, and often a combination of the three. I walked into the office with a dozen donuts and a gallon of milk in hand. Becky stuck her head out of her door when she heard me come in. "Donuts? Milk? Are we celebrating something?" Steve popped out of his office, following me to the kitchenette. "You're smiling, and it's Wednesday and you bought donuts. What's up?" We were joined by Becky and a couple of the technicians. "I got tired of you guys talking about me marrying a high school sophomore, so I bought donuts to celebrate her NEW status as a high school SENIOR." "Dude," Kevin said, affecting the speech of a slacker, "She's still FIFTEEN..." "Yeah, but by the end of the school year, she'll be a high school graduate. College in the fall, if she'll let us get past summer semester." I recounted the story, including the conversation from dinner the night before. Becky was amused. "She's really thinking about accounting and business?" "She's talking about it. But seriously, she's fifteen. She's got a lot of time to sort that out." "I've seen 'er looking over YOUR shoulder, Dan," Kevin said. "She might make a good engineer." He snorted, "Well, if there IS such a thing..." "There goes your 'plays well with others' rating on your next evaluation," Steve laughed. "Yeah, but I make up for it with my mad technical skills," Kevin countered. After work, I went home to Nikki. "Study group's bringing pizza, baby," she said. "Sort of a celebration for me and Maddie and Kellen." "Kellen got in on it, too?" Nikki tittered. "Oh yeah. And she put on this big pouty thing about how if they'd done her last year, she'd already be in college." "She's still beating the system by a year," I said. As much as I despised fast food factory pizza, I enjoyed the bunch that got together with Nikki for study. Tonight, thought, was a party as much as a study session, and I fielded a lot of questions about college. "You have to remember," I said, "my college experience is twenty years out of date." "So's Dad's," Kellen said. "And Mom turns colors when I start pushin' 'im for questions and answers." "I have no doubt that a lot of peoples' college experiences might include things they'd rather not relate to their kids," I said. "Cool," said Slade. "Mister Dan, isn't that part of growing up?" "Uh, yeah ... It can be. It can also be some things you spend the rest of your life living down, too." Holly's bright brown eyes twinkled. "Uh, Mister Dan," she said softly, "do YOU have some of that?" "Oh, no, Miss Holly," I answered. "I was hopelessly socially inept and nerdy, and that was before there ever WERE nerds. Even an ROTC uniform didn't change that." Slade laughed. "Holly, he's hiding something. We'll ask Nikki when he's not around. She'll fill us in." "Nuh-uh," Nikki said. "Me an' Dan have our secrets." "You sound like my big brother and his wife," Slade said. We did actually, well, THEY actually did some studying. I left them to their books and went into my office to look at some email. I thought I detected footsteps. I turned and there was Holly. "Hi, Mister Dan," she said softly. "Oh, hi, Holly," I said. "Got something you need help with?" "Kinda," she said. Her hand softly landed on my shoulder. I turned to face her, letting her hand fall away. I looked into her eyes. I didn't see a "Help me with quadratic equations" look. "So what's up?" "I -"Uh -"Dan..." she stuttered. "Not about algebra, is it, Holly?" I knew what Nikki'd intimated to me about Holly. I wasn't about to mess up anything with Nikki, but at the same time, I didn't want to slam Holly, either. She was vulnerable. "No." "Okayyyy," I said. "Then..." She deflated before my eyes and started to leave. I stopped her. "Holly, we can talk..." "I'm sorry, Mister Dan," she said. "I was wanting more than talk." "I'm sorry too, Holly," I said. But Nikki's my wife and your best friend..." "Just doesn't seem fair that she's this lucky," she said. "Luck has something to do with it, Holly. But now it's love. And I..." "I'm sorry. I guess I just got crazy." "We do that from time to time, sweetie," I said. "You'll find the right guy, and crazy'll be exactly what you two need." "I'm sorry," she said again, softly. Then she turned her brown eyes upward to connect with mine. "You really think so? The right guy, I mean?" "Of course I do. You're worth it. Just make sure that any guy is worth it, too." Nikki's head peered around the corner. "Everything okay?" Holly turned to look at Nikki, but Nikki was looking at me. I winked and nodded. "It's fine," Holly said. "I was just asking your husband some things..." Nikki smiled. "Y'all come back in there, then." A little while later, the crew left and Nikki pushed me back on the sofa and climbed on top of me. "Now you can tell me what happened with you and Holly." "Kiss me first." "As long as it's not a 'I screwed up and now I feel guilty' kiss." "Nope. It's a "You warned me ahead of time but it wouldn't've made a difference anyway' kiss." I got my kiss, then started recounting the tale. "Poor thing," Nikki said. "I guess that's a better reaction than 'That BITCH!', huh?" "She's not a bitch. She's a little immature, and I told you she was infatuated with you, but you didn't notice. What keyed you off this time?" "Every other time she's walked in, she's had a notebook and a textbook. And she just sat at my desk. This time, no books. And she touched me and called me just 'Dan'. Said you were lucky." "I am." "We both are," I said. "I told her that you and me, we started out with luck, but it's all love now and I'd never do anything to hurt that." "She didn't try anything? Say anything?" "I think she came in with the idea of something, but it went away pretty fast when I didn't leap up and take her into my arms. Or whatever." I got another kiss. "You handled things well, my husband. You treat my friends with tact and respect." "They're your friends and that makes them my friends as well. I really feel bad for her." "I'll talk with her some more, but I won't bring tonight up unless she does." I regarded the intelligent blue eyes inches from my own. "She's gotta know that you and I don't keep secrets from one another." "I'm sure she does. But this is a delicate thing, and I think it's best if she brings it up." "You're a beautiful and intelligent woman." "I'm not beautiful. I'm very happy with being 'cute', and I'm not a woman, I'm a fifteen year old girl, and every bit of all of that is yours," she said. Another kiss. "And I adore you. Thank you for taking care of us. And my somewhat misguided friend." She wiggled against the hardness in my crotch. "Although I can definitely see why she might be attracted to you." "But I'm yours. And aside from one notable exception, I don't have a thing for teenaged girls." Kiss. "Good!" She pulled back from me, giving her hips a wiggle to tease my erection through two layers of denim and underwear. "Now how about a recreational shower?" Later, we were in bed, satiated, still, her head on my shoulder, the cat resting on top of the covers by her leg. "Dan, what's bad sex like? I keep hearing other girls talking about it. But honestly, I don't know how it could ever be bad. Me and you, if it was any better, I think it would kill me." "I guess that inexperience can do it. Guys who don't know or care about their partner's needs can do it. Lots of things, I guess." She nestled into my side. "I never need to find out," she sighed. "Do I?" "Never." When I got home the next day, Nikki met me at the door. I walked in, sniffed. "Pork chops. Mashed potatoes. Cream gravy. And a kiss." She tiptoed to kiss me. "I hope that's okay." "I feel bad," I said. "You were in school all day." "And you were at work. I get home first. You like pork chops. I like pork chops. We do pork chops. It's not rocket surgery." Giggle-smirk. "How was your day?" "It was wonderful. Yours?" "Talked with your other sweetie," she said. I raised an eyebrow. "And?" "She told me about your conversation. Said that you just didn't look like ... she said she couldn't picture the look on your face if you hurt me, and she couldn't do that to you. Or me. Or her." "Sounds like Miss Holly just moved up a few rungs on the maturity ladder." "Better than that, sweetie," she continued. "I was sitting with her and Maddie, so she said all that with Maddie listening. Impressed Maddie, too." "Maddie?" "Yep. Maddie told me later that she was impressed by you, because it absolutely erased any idea that you were some kind of middle-aged horn-dog out for teen girls. And as for Holly, if she'd have been that mature, she wouldn't have gone out with that stupid guy who used her for sex before he dumped 'er." "Yeah, experience is a wonderful teacher. You make the mistake and THEN learn the lesson." This conversation was taking place in the kitchen as she worked her magic at the stove. "What's on tap for after dinner?" "How about a movie? There's that one we were both interested in seeing, and it's playing now for the second week, so it won't be crowded." "It's been a while since we did a movie," I said. "And that cinema has the arm rests that fold up out of the way so we can sit close together," she replied. Her eyes twinkled. I know why they twinkled. We'd gone to a movie before and had the place almost all to ourselves and I've got a wife who has this thing about being a bit adventurous. Now I know that if she's wearing a skirt when we go out, she has mischief on her mind. Very pleasant mischief. That time, though, I had teeth marks on my hand for a week where she bit down to stifle her orgasmic squeals. "I'm changing into a skirt," she smiled. I woke up the next morning with a full bladder and a headful of soft brown hair on my shoulder. I tried to ease out of the bed without waking my partner, but I was unsuccessful. "Just going to the bathroom," I said softly. "I'll be back." "Mmmm. Hurry," she sighed. I thought that she'd wait in bed for me, but while I was standing there concentrating on the issue at hand, I felt a touch on my shoulder. "I'm next." "Okay," I said. "And back to bed," she ordered. "Yes, ma'am," I answered. She giggled. "Saturday morning. And we don't have any place we need to be." "So do you have some sort of activity in mind?" The toilet flushed and a delightfully nude Nikki showed up in the bedroom door. She leaned against the frame. "A Saturday morning romp?" "A romp?" "Uh-huh." I tossed the covers back off me. I was as naked as she was, and I was hard. Saturday morning romps are wonderful. So's getting dressed and driving up the road to find a breakfast cooked by somebody other than the two happy participants in the romp. We walked into the little diner. They were pretty much recovered to pre-hurricane glory, i.e., not much haute' decor, but plenty of friendliness and plain ol' good food. Nikki was ahead of me, and she waved to a couple of deputies of Sheriff Ernie's agency. We were familiar faces in the diner, and so were they. Plus, Ernie's version of our story was pretty much common knowledge. I'm sure that the story would've raised some eyebrows. Probably still did, but coming from the sheriff, with his approval, it was more often the reason for people to smile and wave or stop by the table to say "Hi". That was pleasant thing to me. Also pleasant was how many of Nikki's contemporaries stopped by the table to say "Hi", too. After one pair of teen girls departed, "We're goin' to Houston to SHOP!", Nikki reinforced my thoughts. "You know, baby, last year those girls knew me and I don't think they said a word to me all year." "Life's changed, little one," I said. "If you think about it yourself, you can inventory the changes in you." She regarded me with those cool blue eyes. "I was ashamed, Dan. Of where I lived. HOW I had to live. Of Mom and what people knew about her." She sighed. "Especially on Mondays. I never knew what Mom did on the weekends or who'd heard about it." Her eyes took a delightful twinkle. "Now what they see and hear: Nikki's a legend in school. She's married and NOT pregnant. She dresses nice. Takes care of herself. Has FRIENDS. Last year I had ONE friend. She was sort of like me. Her mom..." "Where's she at now?" "I dunno. She dropped out of school. Haven't heard anything about her since then." "That's a shame," I said. "There're a lot of sad stories in the world. I'm glad yours isn't one of them." "I know," Nikki said. "But me an' Tina had so much in common. Lived with our grandmas until they passed away, then had to live with moms who just barely put up with us, and their boyfriends. I just hope that wherever she is, she's doing okay." I thought about that for a moment. I have trouble imagining thought patterns for parents who subject their children to some of the stuff Nikki'd told me about. Further, Nikki's grandma was apparently a decent sort, so where did her daughter go wrong, and then why did Nikki choose a different path? All of this human nature stuff was so confusing to me. I looked at the benign face across the table from me and was thankful that I had her. "You're thinking again, aren't you?" she asked. "Yeah. Just thinking of how screwed up human nature can be." "I think about that too. We've talked about it, you and me, and I've talked about it with other kids, too. Christina was two years older than me, and we talked about it too. And then she just disappeared. One of the girls at the office said she dropped out. I just couldn't understand that. She was smart." "Smart people screw up all the time, baby," I said. "It's one of the facts of the universe." "I know that," she said, picking up a forkful of waffle. I sipped my coffee, watching as she chewed. She swallowed, continuing, "So many things going on in life, especially at high school age." "D'you feel like you got robbed?" I felt uneasiness rising. "I mean, meeting me and marrying, with all those guys your age, and all that?" She looked almost horrified. "Oh, gosh nooo, Dan! I feel protected. Adventure? I have adventure with YOU!" "I love you, little one," I said. "And you should know I love you." She picked up another forkful of waffles. Giggle. "You buy me waffles!", and put the morsel in her mouth. We enjoyed the remainder of our breakfast together. In the truck, headed up the road, she sat next to me. "You don't need to get all worried, Dan," she said. "You and me, we talk. I feel like I can talk to you about anything, and right now, I'm really curious about that whole social interaction thing in high school. But I'm curious, more like a scientist analyzing an experiment, rather than wanting to participate." "Thank you for explaining, kitten," I said. Giggle. "You worry me when you call me 'kitten', you know. The only cat I ever was really close to is Tommi, and his characteristics, well..." "There are better examples than Tommi. He USED to be impossibly cute and lovable and spontaneous and funny and curious. Like you." Ooo-oohhh, THAT'S what you mean. Then..." she twisted in her seatbelt and kissed me. "I can go along with that, then." "Good," I said. I should've know that Nikki's mind was spinning, parsing my statement. "But," she countered, "When I get older and more sedate, like Tommi, will you still love me?" "I didn't toss Tommi out when he stopped being a kitten. I took him in for 'forever' as it related to cats. I married you for 'forever' as relating to Nikki." "'Forever' works for me," she said. "That's one of my observations at school. 'Forever' in high school has a MUCH different meaning." "When I was in high school, I noted the same thing." She sighed. "The sad part is that 'forever' means one thing to one partner, and another thing to the other." "Baby," I said, "you KNOW that too many times, one of those partners has no ideas about 'forever', it's all about 'right now' or 'this week', or 'until something better comes along'. That's how hearts get broken." "I know about broken hearts, guy," she said, grasping my arm with her hand. "Saw Mom. And the kids I go to school with. I guarded my heart until I met you. Now you guard it for me." "Because I love you. Primary reason. Secondary reason. You take care of my own heart." She just smiled more. "We just sort of click, don't we?" "Yep." "Forty year old engineer and his weirdo teen bride." Giggle. "The only thing weird about you, baby doll, is that you want ME." "Uh, I TOLD you that some of my friends think you're hot. So that takes care of the 'want' thing. I might be a member of a small group, but it IS a group." "Small group of weird girls," I laughed. "I'm talking about this high school thing. Skipping a couple of years." "I don't think it's weird. And after living with you and watching you and talking to you, it's not really that surprising." She smiled, eyes twinkling. "I thought I was startlingly surprising." "Oh, you ARE," I said. ------ Chapter 16 The waitress stopped by with the coffee carafe and our check. "You two are in a good mood this morning," she said. "We are," Nikki said. "I just found out I'm graduating from high school THIS year!" "Really! My son's graduating this year. I thought you were younger than that." "Tested out of two years of it," Nikki said. "Just blessed!" "Indeed you are, dear," the waitress said. "I'll be right back." She disappeared with my credit card, returning so we could clear out. We got in the truck and drove out of the parking lot. "Whaddaya wanna do today, little one?" I asked. "Why don't we go home, put a load of laundry on, then enjoy this beautiful weather. You know, load up the kayaks and go to the park." "Sounds like a good idea." "Uh-huh," she said. "The yard'll wait until mid-week, and we both can knock it out in no time." Yep! TWO kayaks. An hour later we were on the road to the park where we could put in to play on the water. Nikki looked darned good in a conservative two-piece bathing suit, even if the floatation vest covers some of the goodies. Long legs. Nice butt. Her hair was swept whimsically by her floppy boonie hat. "You don't want me to get too much sun, baby, believe me. It'll look like my freckles were put on with a Magic Marker." "Then gimme your hat. You know how I am about your freckles," I chuckled. "No!" she giggled, clutching the hat with both hands. "Too much of a good thing is BAD for you!" She pulled the hat back onto her head. We unloaded our kayaks, the necessary accessories, and a cooler with some beverages at the kayak and canoe launch area and then I parked and locked the truck. We hit the waters, gliding along easily the sun glinting off the sparkling ripples. You don't exactly have to be a rocket scientist to do okay with a kayak on flat water, and this was Louisiana. The ONLY water we have is flat. Nikki was certainly capable. I watched her paddle on ahead of me, the light dazzling off the wet blade of her paddle. She turned her little craft upstream and I knew exactly where we were heading. The meandering of the slow-flowing river had a section of bank that rose away from the water in a clay bluff, one end of which was low enough to pull the kayaks from the water, and then the top of the bluff was a carpet of pine needles, invisible from the river below unless you were standing. I don't think Nikki was thinking of standing, at least for a bit. Part of our gear for the trip was an old blanket stuffed into a waterproof expedition bag. The blanket was our concession to my sweetie's little 'thing' about making love outdoors. Damned straight I wanted to go kayaking! We paddled along, enjoying the sun, the sights, the sounds of songbirds, the latter interrupted from time to time by the raucous sounds of outboard motors and personal watercraft, but we still extracted serenity. And exercise. When we rounded the last bend before the bluff that was our goal, I was happy to see that nobody else was there. "It's all ours," Nikki giggled. We dragged the kayaks out of the water and onto the bank. I retrieved the bagged blanket and followed a sweet butt to the top of the bluff. I had enough self-restraint to prevent my tongue from hanging out. At the top of the bluff, a little distance back from the edge, we spread the blanket over the carpet of pine needles. She was grinning at me as she stepped out of her swimsuit bottoms. "You're beautifully, wildly, erotically NUTS!" I said as I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my swimsuit. By the time I shucked it off my ankles, she was kneeling in front of me waiting to engulf that which she KNEW was going to be hard. She was right, of course, and my knees almost buckled from the exquisite sensations. I gave her a few seconds of that before I knelt to face her and we embraced. "I love you adore you worship you, Dan Granger," she said. "And in this cathedral, I want us to make love." It WAS like a cathedral, the columns provided by the trees, the ceiling a filigree of green against the blue sky. And I sat and drew her into my lap, our lips merging, our arms pulling one another close. And we merged into one another, my dick deep inside her, her hips moving gently. I pulled back away from her, looking into her eyes. Communion. We wrapped back up together and ground ourselves to mutual orgasm. I had to strain to contain myself until she went over the edge, and in order to NOT have her squeals echoing up and down the river, she fastened her mouth to my neck. We were coming down from the heights when her eyes opened. "Oops!" giggle. "What 'Oops'?" I asked. "I got kinda carried away. You have a mark." "Great!" I said, "I haven't had a hickey since high school." "I'm so sorry, Dan ... I just lost it." The evidence of 'lost it' was slowly oozing down my balls, and I was still experiencing post-orgasmic aftershocks. "Don't worry, baby doll," I said. "You. Us. HERE! It's just too much," and she kissed me. "I lost it." I smiled. "I understand. I lost it, too. And I found YOU in my arms. And my heart. And my dreams." "And your life," she said. "I love you." "You got me, babe! I love you too." She kissed me back. We heard voices from somebody else on the river below. Her soft blue eyes met mine. "We better get dressed, huh?" "It's a thought." I pulled her swimsuit over to her then rolled onto my back and slid my own trunks on. A couple of wiggles and bounces later and she was as dressed as the two-piece bathing suit would make her. We stuffed the blanket back in the bag. She saw a damp spot. "Blanket goes in the washer when we get home, baby," she giggled. "And I need to kinda swim for a little while. I'm sticky." "We can do that," I said. "That spot up around the next bend?" "Uh-huh," she said. In a few minutes we were back on the water, our two colorful craft side by side. "You know, little kitten, you're pure magic." "You sure this isn't weird, honey? I mean, the idea of doin' it out here under the trees and the sky ... that just amplifies things." She sighed happily. "Like our love is as big as all outdoors." "Poetic, aren't you, kitten?" "Still tingly," she giggled. "And very happy!" "Me too," I said. I didn't mention the fact that I too was feeling tingly aftershocks from our very recent mating. We paddled upriver against the lazy current. A few minutes later we found the popular spot where boaters congregated, a little sandy beach that eased into the water in a gradual slope, popular with swimmers. We beached our pair of kayaks and hit the water for a swim. It LOOKED like a swim, but both of us seized the opportunity to relieve ourselves of the mess we'd made earlier. I completed that task while enjoying the water over my body. I also enjoyed watching Nikki playing around in that swimsuit. No, it wasn't a bikini. The bottom covered too much to be called a bikini and the top was elastic, like an aquatic version of sports bra, a concession to Nikki's qualms about showing her body off in public. I remember the conversation when we bought it. "THIS is what I want for a bathing suit." She held it up for me to see. "Not as revealing as a bikini, baby." "We talked about that, Dan," she said. "I'm just uncomfortable showing too much in public." "Your call, sweetness," I answered, "but you do have the body for a bikini." "Modesty," she said. "Says the girl who LIKES doing it outdoors." Giggle. "That's different!" "But a two-piece, right?" "Uh-huh," giggle, "So I can get the bottoms off fast!" "What a wonderful use of your analytical capacities." "One must assign resources to the task at hand," she smirked. That was the suit she wore for our outings on the water, and I absolutely adored her in it. The first time she wore it for me, I told her so. "I thought you wanted me to get a bikini." "I wanted you to know that I didn't MIND you getting a bikini," I said. "But this is a 'Nikki' kind of suit. You look perfectly charming. Not flashy. Charming!" She was right about getting the bottoms off easily. But back to today, the two of us joining about a dozen others playing in the water, enjoying what would probably be one of the last days of swimming in the autumn in Louisiana. We put our flotation vests back on, she donned her floppy hat over wet hair, and we paddled lazily back to our point of origin. The sky was darkening in the east as we loaded the truck up for the trip home. "Sandwiches okay for dinner?" "Works for me," I said. "Then we can lay around the house this evening, after we shower. Music. Books. Maybe a little snuggle or two." Giggle. We drove home together talking about what we'd seen, making plans for a serious expedition in the springtime, maybe to a river with real rapids as opposed to the slow, flat Louisiana waters. While I stowed the two kayaks in the ceiling of the garage, Nikki bounded inside with our ice chest and the blanket bag. I joined her inside. First order of business was a shower. We spent way more time in there than we needed for purely sanitary purposes, then got out and attended to her hair drying and my shaving. Come Monday, it was back to the grind. Nikki was off to school, I to my work. Mid-morning, the cellphone on my hip rang. I answered it. "This is Dan." "Dan Granger, this is Ernie Richard." "Sheriff Ernie," I laughed. "How you doin', buddy?" "Stompin' out crime, boy," he laughed. "Look, I got something I need to talk to you about. Concerns your wife, but I want to talk to you first." My antennae extended fully. "Whatcha got?" "Her mom. Still in an Arkansas prison, but she's trying to find out about her daughter now." "Mighty motherly of her," I asked. "It's been four months since the hurricane." "Kinda what I thought," he said. "But she is trying to contact her daughter." "You know where she is? I mean, what facility in Arkansas?" "Yeah. Not like she's gonna move and not leave a forwarding address for the next five years." "Five years, huh?" "Oh yeah," Ernie said. "Meth lab. Possession with intent to distribute." "Cute!" I said. "Well, I wanted to present you with the information. What you do with it is your business. But you might wanna see how Mizz Nikki feels. It's kinda her problem too." "Boy," I said, "With what I know from you and her, I really was hoping we wouldn't face this." "I know, Dan," Ernie said. "Nikki's a doll, but that's the baggage that goes with 'er." "I guess I need to talk with her about it." "I would. Good luck, man." He paused. "Oh, by the way, if you're not doing anything weekend after next, we're goin' to the huntin' camp to get ready for the huntin' season. You an' Nikki are invited!" "Let me get back with you on that one. After this stuff. But I appreciate the offer. I think me an' Nikki will like it." "Try, buddy. Talk to you later." Ernie hung up. I slid my phone back into its holster. I was worried. Made for a lot of apprehension during the remainder of the day. When four o'clock rolled around and I got in the truck, I got the customary phone call from the love of my life. "Hi, cutie," I said. "Hey, baby! You on your way home?" "I am. Are you having kids over this evening?" "Yeah. Math study group." "Okay." "You sound different. Is something wrong?" "Baby, you haven't said anything about your mom lately. Have you thought about her?" She sighed. "I've been meaning to tell you. She didn't exactly abandon me, honey. She's in prison in Arkansas." "How did you find out?" "Miracle of modern technology. Plus I asked somebody at school who knew somebody at the police department to do a search for me." "How long have you known?" "Since a week after school started. I've been meaning to tell you..." "That's okay, princess. Sheriff Ernie just called me today. Told me she was trying to find you. I wanted to talk with you about it." "I love you, Dan. I don't want this to come between us." "How do you think it would, baby?" "I don't know. Mom's ... Mom's out there. And now you tell me she's not ignoring me. Baby, my life changed when I met you. For the good." "So did mine, princess," I said. "Whatever comes of this, we're together. You and me. And what can she do to that? She's in for five years, according to Sheriff Ernie." "Five. I'll be a college grad in five years. Twenty years old. Married." "Yes, Nikki, my love." "Hurry home. I need to hold you." "I'll be there as soon as I can, kitten." I drove on. Nikki was trying to protect ME from bad news. I was trying to protect HER. That thought made me smile. Still worried, though. I pulled into the driveway and clicked the garage door opener, driving my SUV into it, and then walked into our house. Didn't get far. Had a lithe Cajun girl wrapped around me. "I love you, Dan," she said, burying her face in my chest. I returned her hug. "I love you, Nikki. So let's talk." "Okay," she said. "I put lasagna in the oven." Sat in my recliner and she took her position in my lap, her arms around my neck. "So what do we do with this information, little one?" "We have to figure it out, Dan," she said softly. "For all the crap she put in my life, she still IS my mom." "I understand, baby," I answered. There was a knock on the door. "We'll talk more later. Go take care of your friends." Nikki kissed me quickly on the nose and bounded to the door to let in the friends belonging to the voices we heard outside. I answered a couple of "Hi, Mister Dan" greetings and retired to my home office to review some reports while the thud of textbooks sounded from the dining room table. Laughter mixed with gossip and laughter and math terminology as they put in an hour that had become as much social as academic. I got one episode with four of them in my office as I sketched out a solution on my whiteboard and talked about the principles shown, and after almost two hours, they were lined up at the door to leave. I came out of the office to see them off, then Nikki turned to me and smiled. "Shower," she said. "Oh, yeah," I replied. I was stripping as I walked up the hall, enthralled by the mobile heinie ahead of me. Lather and hot water do much for dispelling the aches and cares of the world. There was very little actual conversation in the shower, mostly giggles and sighs and 'oh yeah's'. We exited the shower, engaged in mutual toweling, and I finished shaving in time to help her dry and brush her hair. Then, curled up together on the sofa, it was time to talk. "I'm here because Mom couldn't 'parent' her way out of a paper bag, Dan," she said. "And she's there because ... I dunno ... Why DO people do crap like that? But it's because she chose to do that." "Baby," I said, hugging her against me, "People are messy things to deal with. Who knows why they choose the paths they take? I mean, it sounds like your grandma was a decent person. Who knows why your mom took off in the direction she did?" "I dunno, baby," she said softly. "According to Grandma, Mom was already off-track when she was my age. I worry that I'll get those urges, but seriously, drugs? Sluttiness? I just can't see that as something I'd want. I can't understand. Every day I see wonders and beauty. Why would I want to change that with drugs? And love and sex? I know how they fit together. It's you and me." "We DO fit together nicely," I admitted. "But what about your mom?" "I dunno. Part of me wants to tell her 'Mom, I found my Dan and life is good and I hope you turn things around. No, ALL of me wants to say that. But how?" "We could go visit her." "Baby, she's almost to Little Rock. It's an eight-hour drive, according to Google." "Don't worry about how far. You and I, we have a way of making a trip fun. If it's something you'd want to do, then we just need to figure out when." "It's not like there's a lot of risk involved, Dan. She's in for at least five years. We could go up there for a visit. That's a couple of hours talking to her." "You'd want me with you?" "Of course! You're my husband." "You don't think it would cause a problem?" She turned to me and looked at me with those clear blue eyes. "Baby," she said in her 'listen very carefully' tone, "Mom hasn't cared about what or WHO I do for years. I could've been sluttin' around just like she was. If, BIG if, she was to get upset about me being married, it'd be like a big JOKE!" "That her fifteen year old daughter married a forty-year old man?" "That I got married at all. That's something she never got around to doing. That's why I don't know who my father is." "Baby, I just want to do what's best for you." "It's a lot of gas and driving and an overnight or two in a hotel, baby. Just for a couple of hours talking with somebody who might not really care to see me." "Baby," I reminded her, "She started looking for you. That's how Sheriff Ernie found out and told me." "Why don't I write her? First?" "Excellent idea. By the way, weekend after next, Ernie's invited us to their hunting camp. They have a weekend to get it ready for the season. Food, family, fun ... I told him I'd ask you first." "You don't even have to ask," she smiled. "He's part of the reason we're together now." She kissed me. "Do you want to see what I write to Mom before I send it?" "If you feel you must show me, that's fine," I said, "but I absolutely trust you, kitten." "But what if I want you to see?" "Then I'll happily read what you say." "All I'm going to say is that I was rescued, that I found the man of my dreams, that a judge married us, and I'm very happy and well taken care of." She wiggled against my semi-hard dick. "You ARE intending on taking care of me, aren't you?" The twinkle in her eyes was something I relished, a sweet combination of love and lust. "What, pray tell, would make you feel taken care of this evening, kitten," I asked, kissing her on the tip of her nose. She pushed her lips against mine, injecting her tongue into my mouth, then pulled away. "I'm not really sure, but I think that if we start out eating each other, it'll lead to something totally satisfactory." "For both of us," I said. She stood up from my lap. "Come on, guy," she said, taking my hand. Darned right I followed. She shucked that nightshirt off herself and I discarded my T-shirt and shorts and we fell into bed in each other's arms. A short period of kissing as followed by her giggling as she pushed me onto my back and swung herself around for a happy sixty-nine. Nikki is the kind of partner I dreamed about for oral sex. She responded to my mouth with squeals and giggles and copious amounts of tasty, musky juice, and she came. Multiple times. Just like this effort. At the other end of me, I was equally happy. She had never had another dick in her life, but she had mine figured out. With the same giggles, she sucked and nipped and tugged, and if we wanted it that way, I responded with a fountain of come, all dutifully swallowed. She turned around, a smirk on her face. "I ALMOST feel taken care of, guy. As she kissed me, her hand stroked my flaccid dick. She pulled her lips away from me and giggled as her knowing fingers found a sensitive spot at the rear of my scrotum. "Oh, THERE'S that spot!" she pinched lightly and my dick responded. Step One. Step Two came when she fastened her mouth over my left nipple, sucking and nipping. Her eyes twinkled brightly. "You're sooo easy, Dan. Push a button here. Nibble there. and LOOK! It's hard again!" I was. And I was also attached to her breast, my mouth and tongue savoring the responsive flesh. "Auugghhhh! Stop that! I need you IN me!" She rolled backward, spreading her legs, her still glistening lips parting slightly, beckoning. I took the suggestion, sliding in between her waiting thighs, feeling those long legs wrap me up, holding me in her, and she bucked up to meet every thrust. The smile on her face, the little happy giggles lasted a few moments and then she got serious as her feelings morphed towards climax. I was headed there myself. I knew this pattern: sixty-nine to orgasm for the first round, then HARD fucking for the second. I knew she'd come, and if I wanted one ... I wanted one. I plunged hard and deep and I could feel my pressure rising as she squeezed her eyes shut and keened the arrival of hers. I couldn't stop. The process of pushing myself over the cliff wrenched hers into a squealing, quivering third as I spurted. It was all I could to NOT to collapse on top of her. I did my best move, wrapping her in my arms and rolling sideways, dragging her almost unconscious form atop me. THEN I collapsed. She finally opened her eyes, exhaling a held breath. "OHGODDAN! I came so hard I saw COLORS!" "Colors?" I smiled. "Does that mean you consider yourself properly cared for?" "Mmmm-hmmm. Very well cared for." She gave her head a shake, corralling a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you soooo much, baby!" "And I adore you, beauty!" "Good," she said. "Dan Granger, If I lost you, I'd kill myself." "You'll never lose me, kitten," I said. "I'll lose you while I go get a washcloth. We have a mess!" "Or you could turn around..." Giggle. Bounce. The act of removing the combined juices of our coupling got her another orgasm. Her lips on me, softening and satiated was an exquisite pleasure. One. Going to sleep with her in my arms, the perfume of her hair mingling with the musk of happy mating was another. There was reason enough to curse the alarm clock when it went off in the morning. Pre-Nikki, I often lay awake before the alarm went off, wakened by internal clock or minor aches or who knows why. Nikki was nirvana. Bliss. Tranquility. And the alarm signaled that we were to remove ourselves from each other's presence for hours. I reached over and acknowledged the alarm, then turned to my sweet young mate stirring in the bed beside me. My lips brushed aside her bangs and I gently kissed her forehead. "Nuh-uh," she said, a hand pulling my face to hers, our lips meeting. "Good morning, love." "It is a good morning. I woke next to an angel." "M'hair's a mess." "Your hair is never a mess. You look like a baby angel." She was scooting to the edge of the bed. "And it takes a while for your eyes to start working. Or your brain. Maybe both." We both stood up. Kissed. "And I am perfectly happy with that." Dressing. Griddle on the stove. Eggs and milk into a home-made mix, and we were on the way to pancakes and sausage and coffee and then out the door for me, Nikki tossing dishes into the sink, waiting to catch a ride to school with Kellen. Life was a happy routine. I left the office, though, headed home two weeks later, and called Nikki. "I got a letter from Mom," she said. "Good? Bad?" I asked. "'Bout what I expected from Mom." She read me excerpts as familiar miles passed under my wheels on the way home to her. As Nikki has hinted, her mom was anticipating a visit to the prison. Had to work that into the schedule. We needed to start planning. I got home, was met at the door by my brown-haired angel. Kisses. I hit the recliner, was treated to the luxury of having my shoes removed, and a nubile female insinuated into my lap while we waited for a pot of rice to cook to go with leftovers. She showed me the letter. It was hand-written in a lazy scrawl, rife with abbreviations and misspellings. "I thot you got out from the hurracain with your cousuns," she wrote. "We was going to get us a place hear in Arkansaw and bring you with us as soon as we got settled. But then Harry, the dummass run that redlite and the cops stopped us and he act like a fool and they searched us and now I'm in jail." "I don't think I wanted to go to Arkansas with her and Harry. Dan, he was one of the worst ones I ever saw her with. And he looked at me, well, I could tell." She sighed. "You really did rescue me." "I just wanted to give you a good life, baby. Whether you married me or not, after a week of seeing you and talking to you, I knew you were decent and smart." "But..." "But I found that I fell in love with you." I looked back at the letter in my hand. "Im glad to here you have found yurself a man. Married. That is gud for you. Yur not like me. I never wanted to settle with one man for to long." "She saw the difference between you and her, baby," I observed. "She WAS paying some attention." "Im not surprised that he is much older. Old guys, they r steady and yu can get thim to give yu a gud life if yu get one that has a job." Nikki giggled. "That's what I'm doing. Getting you to give me a good life." "It's working," I said. "It wud be nice if yu cud come up hear and vist me. Yu know yu can bring me a few things like cigarets and stuff. I wud aprecate that. I wud like to mete yur new husband to. We have open vistations on Sat.s. just let me kno. Love, yur mom. Alicia Domingue." "Dan," Nikki said, "Mom's not dumb. She writes like that because she doesn't care and she never tried to learn in school. That's what Grandma said." She sighed, nestling into my arms. "You have to know that I feel like I NEED to go see her, but it's almost like picking at a scab." "Baby, if you don't want to go, you don't have to." "I think I need to go. But..." "Baby, I am here for you. Beside you. Behind you. I will support you." "You might need to hold me, baby." "For a different reason than normal?" She sighed. "Yes. Because I need reminding that SOMEBODY cares for me." I kissed her. "From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, princess." ------ Chapter 17 The letter was in our hands the Friday before we were supposed to join Ernie and his bunch at their camp. Camp. In this context, it was kind of funny, because the hunting camp was not too many miles away from his home and office. It was, however, a long, isolated drive up a gravel road originally built to service oil wells. Now it led to a little artificial high spot in the midst of the Gulf coastal mashes. Oops! They're 'wetlands' now. In a matter of a couple of weeks, this place would be the base for hunters bent on acquiring ducks from the marshes. Right now, though, there were two pickup trucks and Ernie's official sheriff department SUV parked in front of a pretty nice building. Yep, it was built by an oil company with the idea that it needed to withstand the inevitable hurricane and then provide a place for their workers to live while the field equipment was restored. When the field petered out, the camp was sold. Now it was Ernie's. We got out of the truck and ran into people we didn't know. Nikki charged right in. "Hi, I'm Nikki and this is my husband, Dan. Mister Ernie invited us!" The older woman of the group, fiftyish, grinned. "OH, so I finally meet YOU! I'm Beth. Ernie's wife. This is my daughter Sharon and daughter-in-law Bella. I'm too tired to name kids! Ernie and the guys are around back." She grabbed Nikki. "Come on. He'll be okay with the rest of 'em. I've been waiting to talk with you." She was smiling. Nikki looked at me. "You can go off and bond, guy. I'm safe. She's got Mister Ernie pretty well house-broken." Beth laughed. "Oh, good! It shows in public. I've worked soooo hard!" Nikki's responding grin told me that I shouldn't worry about her socializing. Nikki was becoming more self-assured by the day. I walked around the side of the building. It was elevated on pilings, but the ground level was rendered almost opaque by a complete set of screened walls, a necessity in marshlands where mosquito infestations could kill cattle with sheer numbers. Ernie was straining to see who I was and when I rounded the corner, he recognized me and shouted. "Dan! Grab a drink outta that cooler! We're settin' up to boil crabs!" I grabbed a beer and walked up to Ernie and the other two guys. Ernie introduced me. "Dan, this is my son, Ernie Junior. You can call 'im 'Junior'. And this is my son-in-law, Jeff. Boys, this is Dan Granger, the only man who didn't evacuate the parish voluntarily for the hurricane. And wait'll you meet what he rescued!" Junior grinned. "Dad says you pulled your wife out of the wreckage of that apartment building." "Guilty," I said. "Just a bit of luck that I heard her hollering inside there." "You stayed at your house? The one next door to the apartments? And they got blown to HELL!" Junior looked puzzled. "Got some engineer buddies: A civil guy did my foundations and between him and a mechanical engineer, they came up with the structure. Cost me a chunk to build it that way, but I didn't lose a thing off it. And I did the electrical system, so my lights blinked ONCE. Only thing I missed was not putting up a satellite dish for TV and the internet." "No shit!" Jeff blurted. Ernie laughed. "Yeah, I flew in on an Army chopper and there he was, him and his future wife, standing in the driveway. Lights and air conditioning and they didn't wanna go NOWHERE!" "I invited 'em in for cold drinks," I said. "Just like my momma taught me!" I heard a familiar giggle coupled by all the other heads turning. I turned to catch Nikki's arm in mine. She was in complete 'doll' mode. Last week's haircut had her super-neat, her walnut hair perfectly in place, bangs straight across at eyebrow level, the rest at jawline, her natural curl bringing the ends forward in a neat curve to frame her face. And blue eyes. Make that 'twinkling blue eyes'. "Are you telling stories again, baby?" Now, Ernie already knew Nikki, so she wasn't a shock to him. To Junior and Jeff, though, they could've caught flies with their mouths gaping open. "Nikki," I said, "this is Junior, Ernie's son, and this is Jeff, his son-in-law. Guys, my wife Nikki." Poise returned to both guys and they shook her offered hand. She turned to me, tiptoed to plant a kiss on my cheek and said, "I'm going back inside to help the ladies. You can stay out here with the guys and walk around dragging your knuckles and grunting." Giggle. And she bounced away. I noticed the heinie wiggle. "THAT'S your WIFE?!?!?" Jeff asked. "Yep. Three months now. She's my life!" Junior stepped in. "Dad said she was different. THAT'S definitely different." "Oh, she is. She's smart as a whip. Likes my music. Reads books without pictures. And Just skipped two grades in high school." Yeah, I was bragging. My Nikki. I was past 'proud husband' with her. "And you rescued 'er?" "Yep! The morning after the storm blew through, I was checking out the outside of my house and decided to take a closer look at that collapsed apartment building." "Building was a piece of crap when they built it. I know some of the contractors," Jeff said. "Oops! sorry to interrupt." "No problem. I watched it being built. I know it was crap, too. But anyway, I heard somebody hollering. I climbed up on the rubble and met Nikki staring out of the pile. Had to cut some two-by-fours out of the way to get her out. Gave her a place to stay. Two weeks later, we decided we needed to be together." Ernie added, "Kid had a rough life before Dan." "And now life is good. For BOTH of us!" I said. "How old..." Jeff started. "She's fifteen. I'm forty-one." "Oh." "Yeah, I know. SHE says..." "I asked 'er myself," Ernie said. "Before I went and talked to the judge. She's not your normal teen." "Cutie, though," Junior said. "Just like you said, Dad. I can see getting' your head turned." Jeff snorted. "Would've turned MY head, and I'm married." "And your father-in-law packs a gun," I laughed. "But you look like you keep yourself fit," Jeff said. "I guess that pays off now." Jeff carried forty or so extra pounds, not grossly overweight, but it was obvious. I kind of smirked. I knew exactly what he as angling towards. "In ways a normal man can only imagine!" I laughed. A plump, dark-haired woman approached with a tray of deviled eggs. Jeff smiled sheepishly. Uh, Dan, this is my wife Sharon." Sharon was obviously a product of somebody and Ernie. She had the swarthy stockiness that wasn't uncommon in some Cajun bloodlines. Dark eyes, thick very dark brown hair, a couple of shades darker than Nikki's. "We met in the front," I said. "Hi, Dan," she said. "We been up there in the kitchen with Nikki. She said you needed to get fed regular or you get grumpy!" I looked over her head. Nikki was peering out of the door, grinning. I could only imagine the conversation that was going on in that kitchen. She gave me a little wave of her fingers to let me know she'd put Sharon up to the comment. "She just knows the calming effect deviled eggs have on me, that's all, ' I laughed. "I'm sure, ' she said. "Dad, Momma says y'all can start boiling the crabs any time now!" "Let's go kill some crustaceans," I said. Ernie raised an eyebrow, then grinned. "You wanna watch the big words there, engineer!" he laughed. "Last one that called 'em 'crustaceans' was that whacko science teacher that quit last year. She quit before they lynched 'er after she an' a couple of kids tried to protest at the shrimp docks." "Oh, yeah. Nikki told me about 'er. You should know better, Ernie! I'm nipple-deep in the petrochemical industry." "Oh, I know that," he chuckled. "I'm just ripping on you a little." "Turnabout's fair play," I said. A huge vat of heavily seasoned water was brought from a simmer to a rolling boil and a basket of crabs was lowered into it, along with whole small potatoes and ears of corn. All we had to do now was wait, a task best performed in a chair nearby, beer in hand. No, I wasn't much of a drinker, but beer goes with boiled crabs and good conversation. Fastidious manners don't. Cleanup of the diners involved soap and garden hoses, and you wanted to be very sure you'd washed your hands before you touched any tender parts, lest the pepper residue on your fingertips transfer to your tender bits, a rookie mistake only made once. We sat and talked until well after dark in the screened patio under the raised camp, laughing, carrying on. Nikki was happy and bright and funny and I was perfectly happy seeing it. Finally, after a second round of dessert ("I gotta have your recipe for banana pudding, Mizz Richard," Nikki told Ernie's wife) we stretched and made our way back to the truck. One last round of handshakes and hugs and kisses and we headed up the road out of the marsh. I glanced over at the cutie next to me. "Well?" "Well, what?" "Did you have a good time?" "I had a GREAT time. So neat having friends like that, baby. Grandma's friends were like that, but they were so much older. Today, I was older than the kids, but the women treated me like one of them." "Good," I said. "I enjoyed myself, too. I watched you. You fit right in. Made your own place." "They LET me make my own place, Dan. That was the best part. You should've heard some of the conversations in the kitchen while y'all were outside." "Oh yeah?" Giggle. "I think 'bawdy' is a neat word to describe it. I never heard adults talk about sex like that. I think they were surprised when I didn't just run screaming from the room. But I figured if they could..." "You talked about sex?" "In general terms. You know, sometimes it's not WHAT you say, it's what you DON'T say." Giggle. "And how you don't say it." I thought about that for a minute. "It does have a positive effect, though, honey," she cooed. "Yeah?" "Yeah. I am abnormally horny." Giggle. Her eyes laughed as they connected with mine. "Of course, I was warned that older guys slow down and I need to be careful that I don't wear you out." "And how'd you respond to that?" "I just smiled and said that I lacked NOTHING!" "You flatter me, little one." "I was telling the truth. If it was any better, it would KILL me." "You KNOW how I feel about it, baby. You show me how lacking my imagination was." We drove on to the house, talking and teasing one another. By the time we got home, both of us wanted to dispense with the shower, but our better senses prevailed. Naked. In the shower. Twenty minutes of hot, soapy, wet foreplay. Out of the shower, I indicated that we should go straight to bed. "Nuh-uh. I got plans, and the LAST time you did THAT without shaving, you like to wore the skin off the insides of my thighs!" Giggle. I like THOSE plans. While I shaved, she dried and brushed her hair. I finished brushing for her, and she stood and turned, squeaky clean, completely naked and kissing me. "Now!" she said. When we walked into the bedroom naked, the cat took off. He KNEW better. I heard somewhere that there are only a finite measure of positions from which one might insert Tab A into Slot B. Tonight we tried at least a dozen. I think I sprained my tongue. Nikki lost count of squealing, breathless orgasms and I managed three in an hour and a half and could barely follow her back into the bathroom where we did a refresher shower before retiring. "I'm sure glad it's Friday night," I said. "I'd hate to go to work in the morning still smiling from all this!" She giggled. "Didja ever think of how it is for me, goin' to school and everybody just KNOWS I've been havin' sex the night before?" "Yeah, ' I said. "I get some of that. Everybody says I'm much less intense at work." "Uh-huh. But you're married and of the age where it's expected. I'm just a tender little schoolgirl. I'm not supposed to be sitting in class getting wet remembering LAST night and thinking about TONIGHT. And smiling like that." We both felt the thump on the bed that marked the return of the cat. He surmised it was safe enough for him to curl up to sleep. Nikki curled up, too, inside my arm, her own draped across my torso, idly fondling my completely spent dick. Let's skip ahead a few months. Me. Nikki. Everybody, friends and family, got used to the strange spectacle of Nikki and her old husband (her friends) or me and my teen wife (my family and friends.) We'd made the pilgrimage to Arkansas twice to visit her mom. I expected heartache from it. There was some. Her mom pulled out all the stops, trying to lay a guilt trip on Nikki with the hopes of getting a pipeline to the outside. Nikki read right through it. "Mom, I love you. You're always going to be my mom. But I'm not buying that 'it's not my fault' thing." We promised to do a visit every couple of months, and Nikki kept the writing going. We shared Thanksgiving together, dragging MY family ("Uh ... OUR family," she reminds me) over to the house for a full layout for dinner. Sis brought pies. Christmas. "We gotta get a tree, Dan. I haven't had a tree since Grandma died." We got a tree. Tommi was amazed that we brought HIM this wondrous new bit of terrain and he 'helped' us decorate it. Through all of this, we lived and loved. Things were pretty good. Into March. We were sitting there one spring evening when she decided to haul out her box with her keepsakes. "Just goin' through things," she said. She opened up a little bound journal. "I forgot I had these," she said. "Had what?" "My email accounts. I used 'em when I could get to the library or sneak some time on somebody else's computer." "Are they still active?" "I dunno. I guess I just put 'em out of my mind since last school year. There's no way Mom was gonna get me a computer or an internet service." "Probably dead, then," I said. "I'm curious." She retrieved her laptop and booted it. "Here goes nothing." I smiled. That was my phrase, now adopted by my best friend. She tapped intently at the keyboard. "You're right. This one's dead." She tapped some more. "Look! This one's still live! Look at all the spam! Almost a year's worth." She worked dutifully, emptying the spam. I sat back in my chair watching TV. Squeal! "Tina! Here's an email from Tina! Omigod, it's from right after the hurricane!" "That was your friend who dropped out last year, right?" "Uh-huh. We lost touch!" She read me the text: "Nikki - I hope you get this. I'm sorry I haven't emailed, but since I moved with Mom the last time, I haven't had a computer. We evacuated north for the hurricane and Mom and her last boyfriend got arrested. They're in jail and I'm with this guy who said he'd give me a place to stay until I get things sorted out. Please write. I'll give you details. -" Tina I was parsing the 'I'm with this guy' part. I looked over at her and she had a tear tracing down her cheek. "Are you okay, princess?" "That's just it, Dan. You treat me like a princess. Tina was two years older than me, but we had so much in common, mainly crappy mothers. And she just disappeared." "I'm sorry, baby. It's a nasty world sometimes." "I know. But when it's one of your friends..." She returned to the keyboard, tapping vigorously. "I'm emailing her back. I'm putting in my cellphone number." "Don't put your phone number in until you get a reply from her. Make sure it's her, baby." "Okay. I hope she gets this." She went back to eliminating the spam. "Look! Here's another from her. It's two months later. She's married. Says she's happy. And would I please write." She went through the rest of the stack. "Well, that's it. Two messages from Tina." She sat back and looked at me. "She's in Tennessee with her new husband. And she's back in high school." "That's good," I said. "If she was good enough to be YOUR friend, she's gotta be special, and if she went back to school after dropping out, that says something, too." We slipped back into our routine, noting that the end of Nikki's high school year was fast approaching. She and her study group made short work of the high school exit exams, at least from her assessment. We were still awaiting the official results, but honestly, I knew Nikki and I knew others whose kids had done those tests, and I just couldn't see them posing a problem for my Nikki. I still shook my head sometimes at what she was reading in the evenings: History, literature, some pretty stout books on the history of technology. On a Friday night, though, she squealed. "What is it this time, baby?" I asked. "An email. From Tina. Dated today. "Reply. Ask her something that only she would know. Make sure it's her." "Oh, Dan, she goes on and on about her life. She's MARRIED! Graduating this May. Going to Auburn for -- get this! -" electrical engineering, because she married an electrical engineer! She's got a pilot's license. It's her, I'm sure. I know her vocabulary. The way she talks." "Are you sure?" "I'm SURE!" she said. I saw the expression, assessed the risks. "Then mail 'er back your cellphone number." Tap-taptappity. Then she folded her arms and smiled at me. "A good part of my past." Then, "I love you, Dan!" "You're excited," I observed. Baby, Tina sort of adopted me. We had a lot in common and we were both sort of outcasts because of our moms and everything. We used to hang out around school together. And then she just dropped out and disappeared. We both had Yahoo mail accounts, but the few times I got to a computer before the storm, she wasn't there." I pretty much expected what happened next. Nikki's cellphone rang. She held it to her ear. "This is Nikki!" Squeal! "OHGOSHI'MSOGLADIFOUNDYOU!" and the conversation went on for twenty minutes. I listened to one side and watched my Nikki during the conversation, cataloging the expressions and mannerisms and what I could of the conversation. I knew I'd get the details afterward, but I was trying to be prepared. "I have YOUR number and YOU have MY number and we stay in touch, okay? And we'll see about getting together. You and I need to meet. Soon! And our husbands." Pause. "Okay. I love you, Sis! Bye!" her face was the expression of happiness. "Well," I said, "What's the deal?" "You're not gonna believe this." "Try me." "She and her mom and her mom's boyfriend were evacuating. They stopped in north Louisiana in a little town for breakfast and she got in an argument with the boyfriend and he started to hit her. This guy stepped in to protect 'er. Her mom and the boyfriend got arrested for drugs and probation violation. The guy offered to help her until she got things straight. Now they're married." "To a guy she met at a restaurant? That could..." "Don't go there, guy," she grinned. "He's a ... get this ... he's an electrical engineer." "I was gonna say she might have made a bad choice." "Oh, I KNOW," she giggled. "You KNOW how they are..." "Seriously?" "Seriously. This guy was on his way to a job in Tennessee and he stopped for breakfast." "Sounds fishy to me," I said. "Yeah, now that you mention it, it does. I mean, it's not like he walked past a pile of rubble and pulled a wife out..." "This is the part of the conversation where you come over and sit in my lap," I said. Giggle. Bounce! I had angel in my lap, wiggling her butt against something that was becoming harder by the minute. "You're relieved." "I am, baby. Tina says she's perfectly happy. She's graduating this May and is lined up to go to Auburn for electrical engineering with her two adopted sisters." "Adopted sisters?" "One from Alabama, one from Tennessee. The one from Alabama is fourteen and her husband is from sixty miles up the road. And Tina's husband is from thirty miles up the road. And HE'S an electrical engineer. They know each other. It's like a rift opened into some weird parallel universe." "Two electrical engineers. I need names," I said. "Maybe I know them." "I'll get names," she said. "Her husband's name is Alan." In my head a bell rang. "I worked with an Alan Addison when we graduated college. We both went to work for an engineering house here. He was following construction. I had a big powerplant project." "Wouldn't THAT be a coincidence?!?!?" "That's one word for it," I allowed. "I'm glad, babe," she said. "You know how you just want good things to happen to somebody who was wading through crap?" "Yeah, I remember that feeling," I said. She smiled. "You should. And I just wanted the same thing for Tina." "Sounds like you got it," I said. "Yeah, it does!" and her lips softly brushed mine, one sideways pass, then a merge, parting, the tip of her tongue brushing lightly for my own lips to part. We drank one another. She touched her forehead to mine, our eyes a bare inch apart. "How about listening to some music. In bed." My hands stroked down her waist to her thighs, cupping the rounded cheeks of her young butt. "I think that idea is wonderful." Seven months together and it was more magical than ever. The next evening was the study group. I noted that Nikki hadn't broached the subject with others about her resumed contact with Tina. I got dragged to the kitchen table with the group to talk about college a bit. "So you don't think my majoring in English Lit. is a good idea? I'm GOOD at it," Kellen said. "I know you are, Kellen, but ask yourself a question. Where are you going to WORK with that?" "But I heard you say that learning is a good thing," she said. "Oh, listen! I absolutely DO! I learn because I LOVE to learn. But I went to college to learn something that would get me a living, too. I know that a graduating engineer, especially if he's done an internship or two, is going to have a lot more options for a first job with a living wage than an English major. And unless you go into 'education' you won't even be able to teach. So what are you gonna do, show up at the library on Saturdays, put a hat on the floor and read Chaucer for tips?" "Don't be cruel, Dan," Nikki said. "Please, Kellen, I don't mean to be cruel. And a college degree STILL gives you a step over somebody with equal experience without a degree, but think about it. Do you want to beat somebody out as a salesgirl at The Gap because you can cite Shakespeare while you stack sweaters? But it could open doors for you." Bret stepped in. "But you think that engineering is good?" "Don't talk to me about engineering. I'm prejudiced. But right now, the workplaces are dying for science and technology and engineering degrees. Or hard skills. Blue collar stuff. You'd feel pretty bad sitting there with your degree in European History at a couple bucks above minimum wage while the guy who learned to weld is pulling down a hundred grand a year." "That happens?" he asked. "Darned straight it does," I said. Maddie said, "But you gotta love what you do..." "Not necessarily. If you choose the right path, that's possible. That's me. I love what I do. But for every one like me, there are a dozen who barely tolerate what they do, living for the whistle to blow so they can go off and do the things they WANT to do. Those things are hobbies and family and home. Some of us are fortunate enough to have jobs that they find interesting, but that's not that common. Think about that Gap job. Do you honestly think that the average clerk just LIVES to stack sweaters?" There was a universal shaking of heads. "Look, people," I said. "Some folks NEVER figure this out. Some people leave high school knowing EXACTLY what they want to do. My dad kind of pointed me to engineering. Talk to YOUR parents, your aunts and uncles, anyone that will listen. Even in your first couple of years of college, you STILL have time to adjust course rather painlessly. Three levels of career, folks: Hate. Tolerate. Love. Try and set yourself up for the last two. I know the bunch of you are plenty smart enough to do it. And the fact that you keep showing up here tells me that you have the drive to do it. So you'll all be okay. Might be scary and might be painful, but I think you all will do well." Holly looked at Nikki. "What are YOUR plans?" "I dunno," Nikki said. "I might take general stuff the first semester or two. I was thinking about maybe business and accounting." She looked at ME with those big blue eyes. "Of course, I COULD try engineering, too." "You've got a mind that can handle either one," I said. "You need to think with your heart, too, little one." Bret caught the pet name. "Awwwww! He called you 'little one'. That's soooo sweeeet!" he said sarcastically. "Bret Johnson! You act civilized or you're gonna go to prom by yourself!" Holly snapped. Nikki looked surprised. "Holly! You're going to prom with BRET?" "Uh-huh," Holly said. "I'm just compassionate enough to take pity on 'im. If he can contain himself!" I looked at Bret, this time paying attention to his demeanor in relation to Holly. It was some version of adoration. I thought it was cute. Nikki'd told me that poor, socially inept Bret was anathema to most of his contemporaries, male and female alike, but here he was on the receiving end of the attentions of a not unattractive Holly. Maybe there WAS a bit of justice in the universe. At eight, the crew hustled out the door. We, Nikki and I, stood on the porch watching them drive off. She was backed against me, pulling my arms around her. As the last tail lights disappeared up the road, we turned to go inside. "You didn't tell me about Holly and Bret," I said. She giggled. "Oh, you're jealous that your Number Two babe is after Bret?" "I don't need a Number Two, baby. Number One's about to kill me." ------ Chapter 18 Springtime in south Louisiana is plenty warm enough for fun on the water, as long as you realized that the water could still be cold. Kayaking was a big part of our exercise regimen, as was walking and bicycling. Oh yeah, the little darlin' STILL has that thing about outdoor sex. One of these days we're gonna get soooo caught. The other thing: Long-lost sister. Which morphed into THREE sisters and conversations that started out as cellphone calls were now taking place on the computer and let's see: sisters. The original, Tina, short for Christina, was indeed a product of south Louisiana, and she was married to, (I should've bought a lottery ticket) of all people, the guy I worked with right out of college, Alan Addison. Sister Number Two is Susan Carter, a Tennessee girl who has no connection to us that I know of, other than the fact that she's Tina's 'sister' and now, by inference, Nikki's. Sister Number Three sets me back on my heels. A fourteen year old redhead named Cindy, married to one Dan Richards, a name I know by reputation in the business I'm in. Okay, I could see Susan, eighteen, and Tina, seventeen, graduating from high school this year. My mind had even accepted the fact that my own little shining star, Nikki, was going to graduate this year. That's another 'set me back on my heels' moment with Cindy. She's, yeah, FOURTEEN. And SHE'S graduating from high school with full scholarship to Auburn University. I called Alan myself. "Yeah, I remember you," he said. "How have you been? It's been years, Dan." We caught up on our past histories. "I suppose you know that you married my wife's long-lost sister." "Oh, yeah," he laughed. "I got the complete story. I got pictures. I sit here and listen to the conversations. You don't realize that you got tied into a community." "Community?" I asked. He explained the plan to me. "Where'd you come up with an idea like that?" I asked. "Your sister-in-law, Cindy, dropped it on the table months ago. Now I have us looking at living arrangements and offices in Alabama, convenient to Auburn University, since we'll have four students there." "Four? I thought there were three of 'em." Alan laughed. "You don't know that Susan's getting married after graduation?" "I didn't know that," I said. "Her future husband's a technician on my project. He has a degree in electrical technology. His fiancĂ(C) and her sisters have talked him into converting it to a full-blown electrical engineering degree. We're gonna make his job work around his college. Now you're caught up." "Engineering business, huh?" I mused. "I've thought about it. It's nice, though, working under somebody else's umbrella," I said. "I know that," Alan said. "I've been the same way for a long time. But Dan's already on his own in Alabama and we're looking at a little apartment complex in Auburn, Alabama. Your sister-in-law Susan's mom is a realtor and she's got some contacts." "You guys are SERIOUS!" I said. "Like a heart attack," he said. "Dan's doing some work for an attorney right now, but we're getting together soon to hammer out some things. HIS father-in-law, well sort of father-in-law, is a retired judge in Alabama, so we have an angle on working out the legal side." "What about start-up capital?" "We're incorporating, and Dan and I have substantial investments and savings. Jason's going to buy in, as is Susan's mom and dad, and rumblings are that Cindy's foster mom and the judge are buying shares." "So I'm interested," I said. When I said it, I looked to my right at Nikki. Why was I surprised to see a confident smirk spread across her face? "Are you interested in talking about it with us?" Alan asked. "Yeah, I'd be a fool not to at least talk about it." "Well," Alan said, "I believe we can target multiple avians with a single projectile." "I'm listening, ' I said. "Next Saturday afternoon, I'll fly MY bunch down and Dan and Cindy will fly down and we'll meet there. I think my house is the most central. Dan has to drive west. You have to drive east. All that's scheduling. The major point is that Tina gets to see your wife and your wife gets to meet the rest of the bunch." "You're serious!" "Are you? Look, Tina wants to see Nikki. I'd fly down there just for that. Dan and Jason and I need to get together sometime soon. We can do all that. Plus you get to sit and talk and see if you think you're a fit." "Okay," I said. "We'll be there." "Okay, buddy. See ya!" When I hung up the phone I turned to look at Nikki. "So how much of this is a surprise to you?" She smiled. "You are about to observe the full power of this completely operational sisterhood." This smart-assed remark was followed by a bounce and the presence of a fifteen year old cutie in my lap. "Baby, they're excited. It's a way forward. I think you'd be smart to listen. That's all. If it's not something that jumps out at you, then here we are. We have a wonderful situation where we're at." "I just don't want to cause you any more turmoil, baby," I said. She put her forehead against mine, our noses touching. "Dan Granger! You're my husband. Let's look at the last seven months of my life. How much turmoil do you think there's been? And it's all GOOD!" I leaned against the back of the sofa, shifting her weight on top of me. "If you're happy with it, baby, I'm game for an adventure." "WE are game for an adventure." "There's no way I wanna miss that, baby," I said. I didn't mention that conversation at the office. One of the neat things about being an engineer in my specialty was that I was imminently portable, as long as I didn't play that card too many times. It was something Nikki and I had talked about at length in some of the many talks about my career and what I did to put bread on the table. We were now less than two months from graduation day. The scores were in for the exit exams and just as I'd suspected, Nikki and her study group had nothing to fear from that little hurdle. That didn't slow down the studying, though, because grades were still important. The more 'A's' on the report card, the brighter the future, and in some small way I hoped that I'd added a little to their prospects. I know Nikki did, but even more important, they'd lifted one another. Yes, there was a bright spot among all those bright spots. Miss "I'm GOOD at English" Kellen had been talking with her guidance counselor. I kept my secret, a phone call to him suggesting that Kellen just might need a little prodding for a direction, and she was parlaying her academic success into a run at pre-law. She announced that fact to me when she flounced through the door for a study session. "I'm proud," I said, but it's not a done deal, Kellen. That's a lot of work. But you're up to it if you apply yourself." "Oh, I DO apply myself," she said. "Mom an' Dad push me. You an' Nikki tug. I just HAD to go in the right direction. Couldn't help it." Nikki was there at my side. "Kellen, that's why you'll do well. You're smart and your parents showed you how to use that." "You forgot 'pretty', babe." Nikki said, leaning against me. "Oh, she knows that, too, baby, but Kellen's not the type who's gonna try to get by on looks." Kellen blushed at Nikki's remark, then her eyes hardened briefly, then softened when she parsed my reply, then she giggled. "What's funny?" I asked, prompted by her eyes. "Oh, that you're kinda like a second dad or a favorite uncle to me, but you're married to my best friend, who's a year younger than me." After the gang left that night, I had a decidedly loving Nikki imposed upon me on the sofa.v "You know," she said, "that conversation with Kellen. I just GOT it." "Got what?" "That first week we spent together after the storm. You're LIKE THAT with people. You were like that with me." "Like what?" "You just met me as a result of a random event and immediately decided that I was worth helping." "I was right, you know..." "You KNOW what I mean. Sure, we fell in love and we're married, but before that, you were helping me be a better person." "Ulterior motives, little brown-haired girl. Who wants to live with a bad person?" "You're avoiding the point." "Only a little, just because I like your 'outraged' look," I said. "You, baby, obviously needed help when I found you, then ... you are a decent person, so why NOT help you? Same thing for Kellen. Nice girl. Tries to understand. Why NOT help her?" Arms around my neck, blue eyes staring into mine. "But you married me." "Like I found the missing piece of my life's puzzle, baby. If you hadn't been smart and decent, none of this would have happened." She batted her eyelashes. "Cute wasn't enough?" "Oh, probably would've been. You're AWFULLY cute." "Then you could've been 'Dan and his teen-aged hooker wife'," she giggled. "That would've probably stopped me," I laughed. "What about if I'd been just a little bit less innocent than I was?" "Probably wouldn't've stopped us," I said. "I am glad to know that, baby. But I'm even more glad to know that I WAS innocent, well, maybe not exactly innocent, but definitely virginal, with no experience at all. Just makes me completely yours," she said softly, and punctuated the statement with a kiss. "Mmm-hmmm," I said. "I remember." "Me too," she smiled. "It's one of the things that go through my mind when I'm being bored at school. I replay..." "The day you asked me how long you could stay here..." Bright blues eyes looked at me, happy crinkles in the corners. "THAT day. And AAUGHHHH, that NIGHT!" "You know," I said, "We don't have to just sit here and TALK about it." "I know," she said. "But I didn't want to appear anxious." She wiggled. "But I know a couple of parts of us that are anxious." Sex. Then shower. She was drying her hair when I finished shaving, stood up, kissed me like THAT, and it was sex again. And slide off into slumber, spooned together, my nose savoring the tendrils of her perfume. Yes, life was good in so many ways, but there were the unknowns now. What was I supposed to do about Nikki's mom? I thought the weekly letters were okay, and every few weeks we made the trek to the prison for a visitation. That was pretty standard, if you can call visiting your wife's mom in prison any kind of standard. The new 'sister' thing was even more of an unknown. On the surface it was a good thing. Nikki found a bit of happiness in finding that a friend who was in a bad situation had come to good, but now we both were faced with a whole new set of possibilities for our future. I'm an engineer, and I like what I do, but seriously, Alan was offering a much bigger arena to play games in. Nikki and I talked and talked. "That's different than this," I said. "Here, I stay home most nights." "And I got to go with you to that conference," she said. Yeah, that was fun: one of those trade shows for my industry. Fortunately they had provisions for a special program for spouses. Her reports were hilarious after her first day of fielding questions: "You're dad brought you to this show?" "No, I'm here with my husband." "Babe, you look so YOUNG? What do you DO to look like that?" "I hang around bein' fifteen!" "No, REALLY!" "Really! I'm fifteen. Wanna see my learner's permit?" You can imagine how things tracked after that. By the end of the show, though, she had several friends, all of them a decade or two or three older. And I got emails from remote acquaintances: "Who IS your wife? Mine can't stop talking about her." All I could do was smile and offer an abbreviated version of the story. It wouldn't do my normally staid image to tell people how my heart did flip-flops every time I thought "Nikki is my WIFE!" Middle-aged engineers aren't supposed to ga-ga about fifteen year olds., and I was married to one. But back to the conversation. "I talked with the bunch about the community," she announced. "How did that go?" "They make it sound so good," Nikki said. "Tina says that they're getting an apartment complex and they'll all live there close together, and she and Cindy and Susan and maybe Jason will go to classes, and with that many of them, they'll be able to support one another no matter what the schedule is. And if the guys have to go out of town for a while, then they can be there to support each other on that, too." Her eyes changed to a softness that melted me. "Of course, THIS is our home, and it's YOUR ancestral land, and I never want us to give it up." "So, then, brown-haired angel, what's the solution?" I should've known Nikki had already formulated at least ONE solution. Nikki had blossomed in the months we'd been together. I'd created a monster, encouraging her to openly discuss her feelings and thoughts, and she'd picked up the lesson quite handily. She picked up EVERY lesson quite handily. "Here's what I think." Yeah, she emphasized 'I'. She knew she had me when she did that. "What do you think?" "I think that four years is a reasonable expectation for a nascent ('nascent'? Where'd THAT come from?) engineering business to come together and solidify, based on the individual reputations of the core personnel. During that four years, we can live in Alabama with the rest of the community, keeping this place as our refuge and roots, and then when I graduate, we move back and do a regional office. You just KNOW there's enough work right here to do that." I made the mistake of laughing. "Whaaaaat?!?!?" She feigned outrage. "You're the one that MADE me like this!" More laughter. "No, baby, that's some rare genetic mutation. You're the happy result." Squeal! I love that I still got squeals from her, because the squeal was usually a precursor to a hug. "So you think it's a good idea?" I nodded. "Let's see if we can get you into Auburn." The hug following the next squeal morphed into something a lot more pleasurable. And I was looking two months into the future, to Nikki's graduation and I needed, WE needed to get our acts together. Nikki's excitement was palpable for the lead-up to the weekend. "I talked with the guidance counselor today," she announced on Thursday. "He congratulated me on my choice. Sent off a letter for me." She turned blue eyes upward. "Baby, he says Auburn's expensive for an out of state student." "We'll be residents. I don't know how long before we're eligible for resident tuition, or if they even have one, but don't worry. I got you covered." "Baby, you ... I ... Money..." she stuttered. She was still subject to worrying about her status, how she looked to me and others, and the idea of me sinking thousands of dollars of my savings in her college education was a point we'd touched on before. "Hush, little love," I said. "It's not 'my', it's 'our' savings, and this is a perfect use for some of it." "I don't want you thinking that I married you just to leech off you." "Oh, yeah," I laughed. "You didn't even know you WANTED to go to college, baby. And I never considered you a leech from Day One. You started out as somebody who needed help, and the next morning you were up, pulling your own weight without being asked. We started out, YOU started out acting like a partner, and now we're married and we ARE partners, so stop worrying, for heaven's sake." All this was taking place as we bumped around the kitchen together. The final outcome of that activity was the two of us sitting at the table in the breakfast nook, enjoying dinner together. She smiled across the table at me. "I'm sorry, baby. I guess sometimes I start thinking of how this must look from the outside. I just worry that you might wake up one day..." "I tell you what I think every day when I wake up. I think, 'Dan, you lucky devil! Look at the angel that you have beside you.' And I worry sometimes myself. That you'll be walking across the campus and see some guy who just really makes your bell ring." She smiled. "I know some cute guys, baby. It's a high school. Guys like Slade, you know. Slade's my FRIEND. He's smart. And popular. And if I wasn't married to YOU, I'd be one of a few dozen girls daydreaming about Slade. But I AM married, and after watching Mom, 'married' means something to me." She took a sip of her iced tea. "And you, Mister Engineer, you're plenty good looking. I melt when you get close to me. I have to get close to guys at school all the time, and I don't melt for any of them. Even the ones who give me that look, you know..." "What look?" "Oh, you know. You probably gave it when you were ... No, you probably gave it last YEAR!" "I don't know what you're talking about," I said. Giggle. "You're gonna make me say it, aren't you?" She sighed. "I can tell when I'm being eyed. Being measured. I can almost hear the gears turning. Everybody KNOWS I'm married, so they kind of assume that I'm sexually active, and I can sense when a guy's thinking 'Maybe I could get some a'that.' But I don't get the same kind of feelings I get when we're, like, out in the back yard and you look at me. With you, I start getting wet. With them, I start getting cautious." We finished dinner and started clearing and cleaning the kitchen. I was stacking the dishwasher when she wrapped me up from behind. I stood and let her do it. She tiptoed to kiss me on the back of my neck. "You gotta know, Mister Dan Granger, that you didn't marry a fool, and I'd have to be a fool to cheat on YOU." I turned in her arms as she loosened her hold, and I clasped her face gently between my hands. "And I'd be a fool, too, little one. You're a truly unique and amazing creature." "Right back at ya, guy! Sometimes I wake up before you do in the morning, and I just sort of look at you and do an inventory and think of how amazing it is that we have each other. Dan, I'm really very happy. Don't worry about me. I'm completely and incontrovertibly yours." "Good!" I said. "You're..." She put a fingertip to my lips. "Let's not get too mushy. If you wish further communication on the subject, we can take it up in the shower. Together." She did that twinkly eye thing that melted MOST of me, especially when she did it over her shoulder while headed to the shower. Friday came in the usual way, and in the usual way I managed to get out of the office early enough to be waiting in line at the school when she and her cohort came bouncing out, a laughing, smiling herd of high-schoolers. Three of them, including my Nikki, piled into my truck. This wasn't unusual. Cellphones had been employed to notify friends and family "We're riding home with Nikki an' Dan!" The ride home with me driving was partially compensation for Nikki availing herself of similar opportunities with her friends. It also included stopping at the house for snacks and drinks before we hit the road again to actually distribute friends to their homes. Friday night was restaurant night for us, usually. Our normal chat while driving to the eatery was interrupted by the obligatory evening phone call to Tina. Thank god for the guy who invented free mobile to mobile cellphone plans. She had the phone to her ear, but the eyes that looked at me were for me alone. "Hey, Tina!" Pause. "Oh, absolutely! We can hardly wait!" Pause. "Yeah, we'll be at the airport, waiting when you get there." Pause. "We're going out for dinner. Dan knows this place where the fish were still in the lake this morning. I love it!" Pause. "Take care of Alan, and we'll see you tomorrow! Susan an' Jason, too!" Nikki turned to me. "It's set, baby," she said. "You gotta know I'm excited about this." "I can tell," I said. "Just don't get your hopes too high, little one." "I DO have high hopes, Dan. You've turned me into an optimist. I believe in possibilities. I have ... WE have a future. Seeing Tina again just means that I'm not the only one who tumbled from the sky, right into a dream." We had a wonderful meal. Like Nikki said, the seafood here is amazingly fresh. "Let's share some oysters on the half-shell," she said. The oysters had been harvested from a nearby bay just this morning, I was told, and Nikki liked them as I did, fresh, with a drop of lemon and Tabasco, and she didn't do that touristy 'If you swallow them whole, you won't taste them' thing. After all we just paid for them, and the flavor was wonderful as I bit into one and tasted the best flavors of the sea. And the giggles that came with the idea of eating raw oysters. Her eyes became devilish. "Boy, I hope all of 'em WORK this time. Last time only three of 'em did!" "Shhhh!" I said, ALMOST meaning it. "Somebody's gonna HEAR you and think I'm some dirty old guy seducing a cute and tender young girl!" Another giggle. "First, they already know us here, and second, I didn't NEED seducing, because I was in LOVE!" She gave her cute head a shake, knowing that I relished watching her sassy hair bounce and then fall back in place, a whimsical strand here and there a poetic departure from order. I settled my chin in my propped up hand, smiling at her. "You're having one of those moments," she smiled. "Yes, I'm adoring you." The empty oyster shells left and were replaced by fresh fish, baked, with crab meat topping them with a savory, creamy sauce. We dined well. "Beats the daylights out of Tina's fried catfish place," she said. "She says she'd die for this." "I imagine Alan knows where to get her some of this, baby," I said. "Oh, yeah, he does. They were down for a week at Christmas, with his daughter. Tomorrow, we're going to that place with her and Alan and the rest of the gang. She called for a reservations. A little meeting room, so we can all eat and talk." "SHE called? Not Alan?" "Baby," she said, like she was explaining to a child, "Tina's, well, I have some very smart and unusual sisters. Yes, SHE called. You and your buddy didn't marry a couple of ditzy bimbos." "I know about YOU, baby," I admitted. "And you know I don't do bimbos. And I know that you tell me that Tina's very intelligent. I'm ... I guess, just a bit surprised." She kept that 'dear, dear little child, listen carefully' look on her face. "A man and his wife have to trust each other. Alan trusts Tina, and she's perfectly capable of many things. Setting up a reservation is well within her capabilities." At almost noon the next day I saw one of those other capabilities with my own eyes as we waited outside the office of the little airfield. The single-engined plane pulled to a stop on the flightline with a young girl sitting comfortably in the pilot's seat, a guy I recognized vaguely in the passenger seat beside her, and another couple in the rear seat. The reunion between Alan and I was a handshake. Between Tina and Nikki it was squeals and hugs and kisses on cheeks and then they included a blonde, slightly plump, blue-eyed doll almost exactly Nikki's height. Tina was a good three inches taller, and had a rich auburn head of hair, and the three of them were giggling and hugging and the guy I assumed was Jason shook hands with me and introduced himself. "That's my fiance', Susan, the blonde one having a giggling fit," he grinned. "Tall one's Tina," Alan said. "and this," he motioned to a woman my age, is my sister, Elise, who wonders what I'm gonna pop into her life next." "Hi, Dan," Elise said, shaking my hand. "I'm just transportation here." "Elise is going to drive us to my house so I can get our SUV. Then we can get around. You don't mind if a couple of us ride with you? You can follow us home." You just KNOW that I ended up with Tina and Susan in the truck laughing and giggling excitedly as we followed Alan and his sister and Jason on the half-hour drive to his house. Interestingly, the conversation that I overheard was NOT filled with 'I'm like' and 'you know' and other air-headed verbal effluvia. "Mister Dan," Tina started. "Oh no, Tina, he's just Dan." "Yeah, I'm 'just Dan'," I said. Nikki giggled. "Oh, let me say that again. He's the love of my life, but you can call him Dan." "Okay, Dan," Susn and Tina giggled in unison. "So when am I gonna get to meet Dan 'n' Cindy," I asked. "They're flying into the airfield near their house. They'll drive over this afternoon. Probably after they get into their house." Tina giggled. "Might be a little while for 'em to get on the road, but they'll be here." I turned to see Nikki. She was smirking, the tip of her pink tongue protruding a tiny bit, eyes sparkling. Okay. Here's this cute fifteen year old that is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, so I suppose that the thought of a guy my age spending an hour in his own home with his fourteen year old wife shouldn't make me upset. "They are sooo in love," Susan added. "And Cindy's ... well, she's just SOMETHING!" "Alan says she's the ringleader," Tina opined. We pulled up in the driveway beside Elise and Alan and Jason and got out. Nice house. Like mine, quite a bit less square footage than the 4,000 square foot McMansions that were the rage among people in my income bracket. But then I had NO mortgage, especially one requiring that I and an unspecified wife work to make payments on. We were taken inside and given the tour. Nikki elbowed me when we saw Alan's home office. "What?" I asked. "D'they have a CLASS on home decorating for engineers? This looks like our house." Tina overheard the comment. "I hope it's not a trend. Cindy and I have been comparing notes about the similarities of OUR husbands. Both of 'em have customized travel trailers to drag to wherever they're working, and they both fly, and both of 'em have artillery in the garage. I looked at Alan. "Artillery?" "Bowling ball mortar," he said. "Dan an' I worked on a big powerhouse expansion in Arizona and we got some machine shop time. You wanna see it?" "Oh, hell yes," I said. Jason and I did that side trip, leaving the ladies sitting in the living room talking. I made the appropriate approving noises before we returned to the living room. I started to sit on the sofa beside Nikki but she got up. "Sit!" she commanded. "Yes, ma'am," I said, sounding outrageously subservient. "See, Susan? You gotta house-break 'em!" Tina laughed. I sat, and Nikki took a position on my lap. That took care of the seating allocations. Jason sat beside Susan, holding her hand. Alan kicked his recliner back and Tina deposited herself in his lap. "You flew y'all's plane here, Tina?" Nikki asked. Tina smiled. "Alan created a monster. I'd NEVER been in an airplane before we bought that one. And the very first time I ever flew, we were on our way back to Louisiana to get married. Officially." "And now Jason and I are buying the little plane..." "Little plane?" I asked. "Yeah," Tina said. "Our 182 is not what one normally uses to get a license, so we bought this little trainer for me to get my license, and now we're selling it to Susan and Jason so THEY can get theirs." We spent the next hour talking about many things, including the phone call from Cindy. "They're on the way," Tina announced. We were sipping coffee and chatting when we heard the sound of a car in the driveway. The girls leapt for the door and rushed outside, squealing "Cindyyyyyy!" And I and the guys went out so I could meet the other Dan. ------ Chapter 19 "Hi, Dan. I'm Dan," I said, extending a hand. He smiled broadly. "Happy to meet you, Dan. The little redhead trying to break out of the scrum is my wife, Cindy." Cindy did extricate herself and shook my hand. "This is going to be sooo confusing," she said. "Two Dans." Nikki slid up beside her. Cindy turned to her. "Does yours know his master's voice?" Nikki giggled. "Or I can just whistle. Or wave." Cindy said, "Oh, you've trained yours well, then. So we have Nikki's Dan and Cindy's Dan." "That'll work for informal occasions," Nikki retorted. "And for formal occasions, they can be Dan R. and Dan G." "Or 'hey, you. No, not YOU!" I laughed. Tina interrupted to give the house tour again. I noted that Cindy made a comment similar to the 'Decorating for Engineers' one made earlier. These girls WERE alike. Dangerous. We all ended up in the living room, sipping cold drinks and snacking. Tina gave a stern look to everybody and said, "Don't fill on junk! I have us booked for six o'clock at a great restaurant and you need to save your appetite." I saw the way Alan looked at Tina and I was pretty sure that food wasn't the appetite he was saving. After a half hour of conversation, listening to teen girls who jumped right in on discussion of business and education, I could see that every one of us guys had reason to be utterly taken, if intelligent, attractive women were the thing. Cindy, as I'd been warned, was a natural leader. First off, she was so obviously fourteen, the youngest of the crew, that she disarmed me. I guess I expected some immaturity, thinking that descriptions to the contrary were shaded by friendship. She didn't sound immature. Nor was she bashful. She laid out the educational plans for the girls and they nodded and commented assent. "But we still need to see where Jason is going to end up in all this," she said. "Jason, you need to talk to a counselor about your plan." Like she was giving marching orders, except the sounds came out of this little redheaded pixy. I got up to go to the bathroom and bumped into Cindy's Dan in the hall. "She just sort of takes charge. Has she always been like that?" "Gosh, no," he said. "When I met her, she was almost afraid of her own shadow. Just blossomed into what you see here." "You know," I said, "I noticed Nikki doing something like that. At least socially." "From what Cindy's told me, she and Nikki were under similar burdens," he said. "That's what I understand. It makes me happy to see her growing away from that." I was truthful, at least up to the part where I was a bit apprehensive that my sweet teen wife might find herself swayed by the attentions of the sort of guys who'd never graced her proximity before. My namesake saw the look. "I know. I worry too. But SHE says NO!" "That's what Nikki says, too. But she turned into my everything, Dan." "Way it's supposed to be, Nikki's Dan," he smiled. "Some guys don't EVER get the paradise I have with Cindy. And I don't think I've ever done as much good in somebody's life as I did with her. Of course, she saved..." "Dannnn? Where ARE you?" came Cindy's voice. "That'd be mine." "Yeah, baby..." came Nikki's lilt. "And that's mine," I laughed. We went back into the living room. Cindy got up and let her Dan sit down, then sat on his lap, chastely, at least at first, then she leaned back into his arms, pulling them around her. She exuded a sensuality that made me want to wrap my Nikki in my own arms. I put my arm around Nikki and she seemed to sense this, snuggling against me. She twisted and kissed my shoulder. And we heard a car pull into the driveway. Alan looked through the window, and opened the front door. It was his sister, Elise, bearing a foil-covered tray. "Hi, Elise," he said. "Come in!" "Hi! I brought a tray of cookies and brownies," she said. She looked around the room. "Actually, I wanted an excuse to come back over and meet this Cindy that everybody talks about." Cindy stood up. "Hi! I'm Cindy!" Dan was right behind her. "And I'm her husband, Dan Richards." Alan said, "This is my nosy sister Elise. She met everybody else at the airport." "Don't make me sound bad, Alan! I've listened to everybody talk about Cindy and I just wanted to meet..." She looked at Cindy standing before her with a smile on her face. "You! You're a doll!" "Thank you, Mizz Elise," Cindy said, giving her a welcoming hug. "Does this mean my sisters talked about me?" "We told Elise you were the ringleader," Tina said. "I'm NOOOOOOT," Cindy countered. "Every one of YOU gets in on some of this stuff! I'm quite happy to be the mascot, though!" Susan said, "Actually, Mizz Elise, we're pretty much a set. Like bowling pins. If you don't have ALL of us, it's not gonna work quite right." "We're REALLY a set," Nikki chimed in. "A week ago, THEY were a set, missing a piece. Now I'm here." I interjected, "Alan says they're the Manhattan Project, except with cuties!" Elise laughed. "Cute! Does everybody here eat gumbo?" she asked. Cindy giggled. "My Dan made a big pot for a Saturday event in Alabama." "Alan made if for us on a rainy Sunday. So me 'n' Jason's had it." "Well, if you all want, I can make a big batch for a late lunch tomorrow before everyone heads home. Save you from having to deal with another road meal." Universal head-nodding indicated agreement. "I'll bring it here, then. One o'clock tomorrow." She looked at me. "And bowls and stuff. I know you don't have enough for this crew, Alan. And don't worry about the house..." "I'll leave you enough money to pay somebody to clean up the place when we leave," Alan said. "That's nice," said Elise. "I'll put it in my casino fund and clean the place myself." She gave Alan an unusual look. "Whhaaaat?!?!" he whined. "No more of those little booby traps, either," Elise said. To us, she said, "I told 'im I'd clean his place one time, and he left booby traps all over the place. A drawer full of those springy fake snakes. Styrofoam blocks leaned against closet doors. I opened a cabinet an' got buried in an avalanche. If he'd've walked through the door that day, I'd've killed him right there." "I'll make sure he's good, Elise," Tina said. She glared at her husband. "I can't believe you treat your sister like that." "Uh, baby..." Alan said. "That's the woman who put sugar in my sleeping bag before I took off on a camping trip." General laughter ensued, the conversations fueled by horrible pranks played on family and co-workers over the years. Nikki's looks mirrored the other girls. "I can't believe YOU did stuff like that!" "I can't believe that I had stuff like that done to me, baby," I said. "As for my victims, nothing was hurt except dignity and ego." "And usually that means somebody's ego needed a little deflation," Cindy's Dan interrupted. "Of course, between brother and sister, it's just one more way of communicating love." Elise laughed. "Yeah, uh-huh. I just wanted 'im to be miserable. Had nothing to do with love." "That's the alternative view," I said in the midst of laughter. The afternoon was spend in happy conversation with coffee and Elise's cookies and brownies. Elise, Nikki and I hadn't heard but the barest allusions to Dan R. and Cindy's lives, specifically two shooting incidents. "I remember the first time we went out after the hurricane," Nikki said to me in front of the the group. "You got that shotgun to take with you." "Man's gotta defend himself and his family." "I wasn't your family yet that day." "I know," I said, "but it applies to innocent bystanders, too." "That's how I ended up with Alan," Tina added. "Protector of the innocent." Jason kept the conversation from getting too serious. "I protected Susan, too. Swatted a ferocious jumping spider." "My hero," Susan squealed, clasping his arm. "Was a BIG spider," Jason added. "She needed rescuing." Susan smiled broadly. "I REALLY did!" Other conversations had to do with flying. Nikki elbowed me. "Everybody else gets to fly, baby." I knew that before long, I'd find a wall. With handwriting on it. I wasn't totally without experience in the subject. Groups of engineers tend to have some hobbies that polite society ('muggles', Alan called them) might find odd or exotic, and I'd flown with friends, even took a few lessons, but life, in the form of a wife, had a way of intruding. I stopped. Never started again. I kept the thought to myself, but here I was in a roomful of people who mere hours before had been a few hundred miles away. Nikki was sitting on my knee. She leaned over and whispered in my ear and by speaking a few words, handwriting magically appeared on that wall. "We need to do that." She slid back in my lap and pulled my arms around her to emphasize exactly where she fit in my life. I was happy with that. Eventually we all got underway, headed to the restaurant for dinner. Two SUV's handled the whole load, segregated by gender. In the car with the other guys, I asked, "D'ya think we're being talked about?" My namesake laughed. "Guaranteed. And in the best possible way. I'll get a report when I get home tonight." "Relax, Dan," Alan said to me. "They're sisters. And they're in love, and they get along well together." "I kinda got that from listening in on the calls," I said. "I mean, Nikki and Tina, they have history together. But Susan and Cindy just jumped right in. Wasn't any of that, 'She's MY friend, so back off!' stuff that you see sometimes." The other Dan laughed. "You're looking at four girls who've been on the outside most of their lives. Susan is the only one who had a really normal family life, and her intelligence made her somewhat of an outsider." Jason nodded. "She told me about having to 'dumb down' to try and fit in. Tina and Cindy told her she didn't need to 'fit in', she needed to find her place in the world." "That's what I'm saying," Dan said. "They have a group where THEY can be themselves. I know that Cindy has friends at school now, but with this crew, she's got real peers, equals, in so many more ways." Jason added, "And Susan just brings another angle to it. She says that she kind of shows what a normal family can be like, at least to Tina and Cindy. I'm sure that Nikki gets some of that, too." I thought about all this. It sounded feasible. Believable. Was my Nikki finally in the family she was meant to have? Alan broke into my thoughts. "So when do the flying lessons start? I saw the look on Nikki's face." "You guys are gonna cost me a fortune, you know," I said. "Think about it," Alan countered. "Any place you want within five hundred miles on a weekend." "With a cutie flying, grinning at you the whole time," Jason added. "It's funny! Alan gave it to Tina. Tina gave it to me and Susan. Wings." "I gave it to Cindy," Dan said. "She loves flying. I just wish she was old enough to..." Alan laughed. "Cindy gets so aggravated about her age. She can't get a license to do anything. Dan lets her fly all the time, but that's legal as long as he has a set of controls. She can't get behind the wheel of a car, though." From what I'd seen and heard from Cindy, I could imagine that exasperated expression. My Nikki did something similar, and when she did, I wanted to scoop her into my arms and love on her. Wasn't too much of a stretch to believe that the other Dan felt the same way about the redheaded pixy. After all, I had my own. Dinner was easily as good as I came to expect from seafood in south Louisiana. The place wasn't one of those 'white tablecloth' restaurants. The best seafood places seldom are. "This is GOOD!" Nikki said. "Good job, Tina!" "Thank you," Tina answered, "But it was Alan's idea! Cindy passed up crawfish for this place." "You were gonna do crawfish? Do they do that in Alabama?" Nikki asked. Cindy grinned. "Nope. Was gonna be my first time. Dan ... MY Dan's sister ... he says her husband does 'em GOOD!" The waitress overheard the conversation. "Excuse me, folks, but WE have crawfish if you want. They're not on the menu. You have to ask." Alan said, "They're probably pretty good here. If you want to try some." Cindy shook her head. "Uh ... not tonight, I'm full ... But thank you for offering." "That's okay," the waitress said. "I could've mentioned it earlier, but you folks had your order ready." She left. Susan jumped in. "Crawfish? You don't think that's scary? I mean ... they grow in the ditch!" "Not these, Dan says," Cindy answered. "They either farm 'em or harvest 'em out of the swamp, and I'm too cute for him to wanna poison me. But I know about how Dan is about food, and if Tootie and Mike do it, I know it'll be done right." "I don't wanna poison you, baby," her Dan said. "But I told Tootie that we'd be back in two weeks for the crawfish boil. Dan, you an' Nikki are close enough to drive. Alan, Tina, Jason, Susan? Y'all wanna make another trip?" "Your sister's okay with this?" I asked him. "Won't be the first time I set her up for a crowd. Mike does it all the time for groups. He's got the setup for it. They just need a number and a warning." Alan was on the receiving end of a poke in the ribs from Tina. "I have been advised that my schedule is open for such a thing." Tina smiled sweetly. "Can me and my guy hitch another ride?" Susan asked. "Of course," Tina said. "And you can stay with us, just like this time." "Sounds like a plan," Cindy said. I would find out that with this gang of girls, it wasn't just 'the plan', it was 'The Plan' and if Cindy did not in fact originate it, she had a hand in refining and embellishing it and her sisters were signatory to it. So we had The Plan. Business. Yes, after the tables were cleared, we talked about the business proposal. I liked it. Sounded like something that would work well. Sounded like a situation that would let my Nikki go to college with people she knew and trusted. And as was pointed out to me, the initial idea was one blurted out by Cindy a few months previous. Evenings come to an end, though, even this one, and we replicated the travel arrangements back to Alan's house where amid hugs and kisses (the girls to each other and to the guys) and handshakes, Nikki and I hopped into our truck and left. "What do you think, Nikki's Dan," she asked. "Certainly sounds interesting. I think it will work." "Me too. But I don't want to influence you too much. Our house ... It's your family's place. That means something." "I know. That's a minus to the plan. But the place is paid for. We don't have to sell it." "Good! I wanna keep it, if we can. You know, if there's another hurricane, I wanna evacuate to THERE!" "You're a nut," I laughed. "Uh-huh. Let's just think about that and see how much of a nut I am. Electricity. Water. All the comforts. And completely isolated from everybody. With the guy I happen to adore!" "Maybe not quite a nut. Maybe just terminally charming and adorable." Giggle. "Because the LAST time we were isolated, we were too busy being chaste and decent to take advantage of each other." "I remember. We've made up for it, though." I squeezed the hand that was clasping mine. "Uh-huh. But that's a good group, dontcha think? I mean, Cindy's Dan and Alan and Jason? They're smart, like you. I could tell by the way y'all talk." I said, "Yeah. Most companies are doing good to get one or two like that. We're talking about a company with four of us. But what about Tina and Cindy and Susan?" Nikki sighed. "Dan, it really is like sisters. I mean, look at us. You know about how we are academically. Intelligence. Even our choices in mates. Could you, like, do a 'cut and paste' and come up with a better match?" I admitted that I couldn't. "But it's one thing to chat on the computer and meet face to face once in a while. What about living in the same town?" "Same apartment complex," she corrected. "Same college. Same subjects. Prop each other up. Commiserate. Like you and the guys." "Okay," I said. "You sound convinced." "Pretty much. I know it's a big step for you." "You know, little one," I said, "When I became yours, I sort of knew that we'd see our lives, my life, change. Everybody's life changes. And I can't think of a better reason to make a change than to be with you." "But if I wasn't here, you wouldn't?" "Maybe not just yet, but seriously, I'm certain that I'd move on sooner or later. This is a good argument for 'sooner', love." She changed the subject. "D'ya know that Alan's got a daughter? Tina's stepdaughter?" "No, I didn't know that." "Well, they do. That was the phone call Tina took during dinner, you know, when she handed Alan the phone?" "Oh." "I asked Tina how that worked out. Tina wants 'er to come live with them. They get along great." "Interesting," I said. "So she can have THREE aunts to take care of her." I glanced over to catch the satisfied smile. "You're having fun with this, aren't you?" "I have to admit that I am. It's exciting." I admitted that it did indeed excite me. "As exciting as learning to fly?" I'd pushed that part of the evening into the recesses of my mind. "You were serious?" "Why shouldn't I be? My sisters all do it. Tina's licensed. Susan will be in a month or two. The only reason Cindy isn't is because she's too young. You can't get a student license until you're sixteen and a real license until you're seventeen, so I'm too young right now, too. But in four months I can get a student license." "You ARE serious," I said. "Mmmm-hmmm. Something new to learn, you know." I recognized that lilt. My Nikki DID have a thing about learning. "And another thing. Guns." "Guns?" I asked? "Yes, guns. Teach me how to shoot. We live waaay out in the country. Don't you think I should be able to defend myself? Like Cindy?" I cringed at the story of Cindy, the first time by herself, the second time her and her Dan. Yes, the sheriff was now a personal friend, but even under the best of conditions, a phone call for help was going to result in a long wait until that help showed up. Cindy said her incident was over for ten minutes before the first patrol car showed up. "We'll start tomorrow." "Thank you. And look into that flying thing." She paused. "And baby, when we get a plane, I want one faster than Cindy's." Giggle. I caught the choice of words. "When?" "You DO think it makes sense? I mean, if we're living in Alabama, exactly how much engineering work will you be doing THERE? Everybody down HERE knows the Great Dan Granger. And we'll be wanting to come home for visits. I can see where it makes sense on a certain level," she said with a touch of smugness in her voice. "You know, little angel, you just keep reminding me of why I am so madly in love with you." "Why's that, guy?" "Because you bring wonderful adventure to my life, and you love me." "Keep that thought in mind. We'll be home soon." She punctuated that statement with her hand sliding up the inside of my thigh. "You do realize that you've just told me that we're stepping off into more adventure, don't you? The kind of adventure I want to have with the guy I love?" "I only hope I can live up to your expectations." "You're doing pretty darned good so far." Giggle. "And if you remember where you got me, exactly how many expectations do you think I had?" We'd had that talk a few times. 'Future' was something she'd denied in her thoughts before the storm. "We have a future together, little one," I said, my right hand caressing the back of her head. I guess I was being all tender and philosophical, but Nikki wasn't. "As long as our future involves us locking the front door and tearing each other's clothes off, I'm very happy," she giggled. "Now that's a happy thought," I said. I worked my right hand downward over her shoulder. She snuggled into me to bring herself in range, letting my hand caress her firm young breast. "Mmmmm, yeah ... that's a really happy thought," she purred. She was silent for a bit. I knew she wasn't asleep, so that meant she was thinking. She spoke. "So in two weeks, a crawfish boil at Cindy's sister-in-law's place?" "That's less ambiguous than saying 'Dan', right?" "Or Cindy's Dan..." Giggle. "Maybe we need to name the two of you something else. Make life easier." "Don't tell Cindy that," I laughed. "She'll DO it!" Nikki giggled in response. "You know, I could see that happening." The last statement came as we turned into our driveway. We abandoned the truck like it was on fire. In the front door, I barely got the deadbolt turned behind me before a pair of arms looped around my neck, followed by a pair of soft, warm lips pressing against mine, followed by a moist tongue insinuating itself into my mouth. I returned the sentiments. The cat sauntered over, looked at the display and decided that tonight wasn't going to be very productive in getting his overdue scratching. He was right. This cutie was tugging my hand towards the hall. I was surprised that she turned into the bathroom. She caught the surprise on my face. "When we get finished, neither of us will want to MOVE, baby!" "Then a shower is in order." I started peeling away clothing, as did she. She reached inside the shower to turn on the hot water and our two bodies fit inside happily and were soon covered with lather applied with loving hands. She turned her back to me to get her head shampooed. Giggle. "I feel that THING poking me. It's not the least bit subtle." "Not when it's next you YOU, naked, it ain't," I laughed. "Let me make it easier for you to rinse my hair," she giggled, kneeling. I did manage to rinse her hair while she worked over my erection with her mouth. While she was drying her hair, she kept smiling at me as I shaved. "You realize that I'm gonna explode after about five seconds in bed, don't you?" "Mmmm-hmm," she smiled. "That's part of my plan. We eat each other senseless, recover, the make long, slow, wonderful love..." She was finishing the drying of her hair. I picked up the brush and helped her, then the two of us, absolutely naked, went into the bedroom and tossed the covers out of the way. She pulled me down on top of her. I cradled her face between my hands, showering her with kisses. She looped her arms around me. "Guy, this part is sooo good between us." I was moving down a bit, the pink apex of a firm breast beckoning my mouth. "Mmmmm, yes, kitten. My feeble imagination never prepared me for mating with you." "That's what we do, huh? Mate! Me. You. We're supposed to be together, and we think alike and we like the same things. This just connects our physical bodies the way everything else connects." "Yes, princess," I said, now at a level where I could dip my tongue in her sensitive navel. I felt a hand on the top of my head, pushing me gently down. "Yesssss..." she hissed as my kisses landed lightly on her mons. The hiss changed to a sharp inhalation as my tongue traced the moist slit between her legs. She arched herself, pushing upward to put my tongue between those lips. I knew what she wanted and was actually surprised at how little effort it took to hear her keening into an orgasm, rewarding me with a flow of delicious, musky juice. When her hand seemed to lose control and slid off my head, I moved back up to cradle her in my arms, kissing her face lightly, gently. When she was back in control, she pulled my lips to hers and kissed me hotly. "I'm going to soooo suck you, guy!" She punctuated that statement by nibbling her way down my torso, knowing that I adored the little nips and sucks. When she got to my dick, she kept the nipping and sucking up, covering my shaft and my balls. A couple of loving sucks were done to the head and halfway down the shaft. Giggle. "Just to remind you what it's like!" She kept the teasing up until my dick was throbbing and bouncing, yearning for the stimulation that would offer release. That was the little cutie's goal. Laughing eyes connected with mine and her head bobbed downward, finally letting lips and teeth and tongue work magic on me. "Close, huh?" she tittered, and before I could answer, she bobbed back down and I exploded. She drained me. Slid up beside me and it was her turn to revive me with little kisses, finally merging her lips to mine. Our mouths opened and our tongues played. "Was that..." she started. "I've been to heaven. I've been to the light. God, little one..." "I love how we can make each other so happy, Dan," she said. We lay in each other's arms for a little while and then I started gently exploring her firm, lithe form. When I entered her, we loved, mated, long, leisurely, softly holding onto each other, stroking each other, until we both came again. Wet spot. Tomorrow we'd change the sheets. ------ Chapter 20 Consciousness returned to me with the light through the window. The cat sensed my transition to wakefulness and nudged my hand with his head, a signal that I needed to be petting him. The action of petting the cat woke up the kitten curled up next to me, her butt against my thigh. "G'mornin', baby," she said as she rolled toward me, propping up on an elbow. "Poor Tommi! We neglected him yesterday." Darned cat pulled away from my hand and climbed his sixteen pound butt over me to get into range of Nikki. While I was petting him, he just stared at me. When Nikki started petting him, the purrs sounded like a lawn mower. "Pooooooor kitty," she purred, right along with him. "Shoulda left him by that dumpster," I said. "No you certainly should NOT have," she giggled. "When I saw you had a cat, I knew you were a good person. Cats know." "Cats know what? That YOU are as big a kitten as any of them?" By this time, the cat had moved close enough so Nikki could nuzzle his head. I marveled. I like cats, that's why I had Tommi, but he never had the affection for me that he had for Nikki, and she noticed that early in our relationship. It was the subject of many giggles, mostly hers. As she got out of bed, she told the cat, "C'mon, Tommi! Treat time! You get a can of the good stuff!" "What about me?" I whined. "I AM your good stuff," she giggled. While she was busy fending off an excited cat's reaction to the sound of a can opener, I grabbed bacon and eggs and got started on a little breakfast. "All I ask is that you do the toast," I said. "I'll get over being second to the cat." "Oh, you poor pitiful thing. The cat gets nuzzles and purrs. You get nibbles and kisses." She grinned. "In due time." After breakfast, we stripped the linens off the bed and tossed them into the washer and made the bed with a fresh set. I was admiring the tightly stretched bedspread when it was enhanced by this cutie sprawling on her back in the middle of the bed. As I crawled over her, she giggled. "This is why we had to change the sheets in the first place." And she kissed me. Her smile broadened. "Housework. We spent yesterday playing with our friends. We need to get some things done. So we can go play again today." We split the chores, making short work of spiffing up a house that the two of us kept quite neat on the worst of days. That was the way we'd always done it, from the first days when we were just a couple of people isolated in the footprint of hurricane devastation. Now it was just the way we shared our little house. Little? Yes, compared with some of my acquaintances, mine was a tiny hovel. I knew another engineer with four thousand square feet of McMansion, a mortgage that both he and his wife had to work to pay, utility bills four times mine, and while it was impressive to look at, inside and out, mine was HOME and a real shelter. The young cutie pushing the vacuum cleaner was what nailed down that 'home' thing. I thought about my friend Alan and his unlikely bride living in a travel trailer. I had that travel trailer out there in its shelter and had planned on tying it to our pickup truck and taking off for a vacation this summer. Now I was looking at an entirely different set of plans. I had gotten used to knowing that Nikki was graduating THIS year, and that college was in the cards. After all, why not? Discovering that this girl of mine, this GIFT, was as intelligent as she was, that was more than a pleasant surprise. I knew she wasn't ready to stop learning, and she and I had talked at length about career paths and what college would look like to achieve them. In retrospect, I should've noticed that sometimes she had pointedly questioned me about what I did, and what business looked like surrounding it. Then we had this 'sister' thing, and here I am, cleaning house with a girl who wants to be an engineer. The vacuum cleaner went silent, there was a period of thumping as she stowed it in the hall closet, and she came around the corner as I was wiping down the kitchen cabinets. "You're doing it again aren't you, baby?" she asked. "Doing what?" I asked. "Thinking. Deep thinking." "Guilty," I replied. I looked at that open, cute, soft face, those blue eyes, pert nose. She leaned back against the fridge. "Bad thoughts?" "Oh, no, little one," I answered. "Just a lot of different things." "Like your life has been this avalanche racing downhill and it comes up against a boulder and snow shoots way up in the air and comes down and it's still part of the avalanche..." "You watch too much National Geographic channel," I laughed. "But yeah, sort of like that." The eyes softened. "You DO like the avalanche, don't you, guy?" I detected a hint of apprehension. "What? About US? I LOVE it." "You absolutely sure, Dan Granger? A year ago you weren't signed on to this trip. Now you're looking at quitting a job..." "For ANOTHER job, with people who are as capable as I am, just in different ways." "You're putting a kid through college..." "I am giving my wife a shot at her dream." "And now I have this crazy bunch..." "Like I didn't marry YOU into a crazy bunch." She laced her fingers behind my head, tugging me down. "Are SURE, baby?" "I've been sure since we admitted we loved each other." She kissed me. "Let's see where all this stuff takes us, then." I kissed her back. "As long as we go together." "I wouldn't have it any other way," she smiled. "Of course, there's gonna be Tina 'n' Alan, and Cindy 'n' her Dan, an' Jason 'n' Susan." "Whadda crew," I laughed. "It's a wonder that the other Dan isn't in jail. Cindy's something, but she's so obviously YOUNG!" "Uh, Dan, you listened to her last night. She might BE young, but did you actually listen?" "Yeah. Kinda like Minnie Mouse reading the Constitution. The look, the voice, that's one thing. The ideas, the words, that's another. And that guy adores her, like I adore you. That's..." "There is ONE YEAR difference in my age and Cindy's. If we can love each other, then so can they." "I know, Sweetie," I said. "And I definitely love you." "And we're gonna meet the whole gang at Tina's house for lunch, and I'm gonna ask more questions about flying." She looked at me with those darned twinkly eyes. "You didn't forget about that?" I asked. "You know better, guy! Something we can do together, once you get your license. Then I can get mine." She was right. She never forgets anything. I need to remember that. "Like Cindy and Dan." She looked at me with a wry grin. "Go sit in your chair. We have a little time to kill before we can be fashionably early at Tina's." I knew what 'go sit in your chair' meant. Thirty seconds later, I was in my chair with this indescribably wonderful girl in my lap, and I was setting up some good music to listen to while we cuddled. When he determined that activity level was low enough for his personal safety, the cat jumped up and insinuated himself into our cuddle. Nikki smiled. "Our fuzzy little child." When SHE petted him, his purr was as loud as a chainsaw. Let's see how this inventories: Sunday morning, healthy, reclining with this cutie in my lap, along with a purring cat, the sounds of the Mozart clarinet concerto ... pretty darned good, if you wanna know what I think. We had to break our reverie when the washing machine ended its cycle, though, and by the time we had things shifted around, it was time to head up the road to Alan and Tina's for lunch. I watched with some amusement as Nikki cuddled the cat and kissed him on his head. In the truck, we headed up the road, our conversation now focused on the group we'd wandered into. I enjoyed her commentary about the other girls and guys. "D'ya think when people see me an' you and find out we're married, they think we're a match? I look at Dan 'n' Cindy and Tina an' Alan and Susan 'n' Jason, and I see they're matched." "You're just a little bit biased, my little one," I said. "Most people that see Dan and Cindy DON'T see a marriage or a match, they see exploitation. Just like you and me. I look forty. You look like a teenaged girl, a conservatively-dressed one, but a teen, still." "I guess I understand that, baby," she admitted. "I know I've had that conversation with some of my school friends." She let out a little sigh. "School friends. You know, last year I didn't have any school friends, not after Tina left. Now I have some pretty good friends. Even a couple who wouldn't've given me the time of day last year." "Some of that is probably, you, my dear. You're different than when you crawled out of the ruins," I said. "You really think I'm different?" "Uh-huh," I said. "You're more confident, more assertive, more poised. You walk into a room with your head high and with a smile on your face. Like yesterday." "I knew those people, baby," she said. "You knew Tina and Susan. You'd never met their husbands." She smiled. "You may be right." Her hand dallied at my neck. "Oh, you KNOW you're right," she admitted. "But us girls, we just sort of FIT together. That's what it feels like: We fit!" "Y'all look dangerously cute," I said. "And stairstepped." "Stairstepped?" she asked. "Yah," I answered. "Line you up, side by side, there's blonde, red, auburn, and you, wonderfully, deliciously, darkly, richly brunette..." "The fault of my Cajun heritage," she said. "And I love it!" I countered. "And height," I continued, "Tina, you, Susan and Cindy." "And intelligence," she said. "There, I think Cindy might be an outlier. The rest of us were in a real dead heat with ACT scores. Cindy is in the middle of us, but she's younger ... If she..." "Wait a minute, dearie," I said. "Don't cut yourself short. You're in the middle of the Tina-Susan cluster, and YOU are two years younger..." She giggled. "You know, you're right. It's just that Cindy's so obviously younger..." She was right. Pixyish Cindy was the outlier in more than one way. "And we're sisters. D'ya understand how wonderful all this is, baby? In less than a year I went from a disaster of a life to having a husband that I adore, and real friends, and now I've got sisters of my own." She smiled. "And your family. My in-laws." "And they adore you, too," I said. I thought back to conversations I'd had with my brother over Nikki's entry into my life and the fact that we'd actually gotten married. His initial grudging approval had morphed into happy acceptance. My sister was only slightly easier, propelled by what I imagined was the combination of her mothering instincts, having her own daughter the same age as my Nikki, and her desire that her brother have a good life, and Nikki being such a gem of a find, regardless of age. "I think so, honey," she said. "You know, I talked to your nieces." "I know y'all talk." I knew they had conversations about school. "No, we REALLY talk. About love and marriage and stuff." "You didn't tell me y'all talked about that." "Girl talk," she said. "Everybody's interested in how I knew you were The One." "That's all?" I asked. I knew my nieces. I suspected more. Giggle. "Other stuff, too." "Other stuff," I said. "What 'other stuff'?" "Apparently there's a lot of misconceptions out there about the ability of 'old guys', you know, like FORTY..." "I am afraid to ask..." I said. "Well, I'll just tell you anyway, but if you EVER say a word about this..." "I'll never say a word..." "Oh, the normal stuff, you know, like was a virgin or had I been with guys. I told them the truth, that you were my very first. And they asked if we, you, were normal, and I told them that I thought we were perfectly normal if a bit enthusiastic at times. That's when they came up with that 'old guy' thing." "What do you think about that?" "I think that we've pretty much worn each other out on several occasions. Dan, that first week after we admitted we were together, how many times did we? I mean, it was all a blur. I can't imagine two people doing more..." she looked away, thinking. Another giggle. "I've been asking the wrong people." "That giggle sounds troublesome." That's what I said. I was thinking different. The giggle sounded delightful, and I trusted my Nikki wouldn't create a problem. "Guy," she said, "I happen to know a couple of young girls who married older guys, and just maybe notes should be compared." I sighed. "Please tell you DON'T intend for this conversation to take place at lunch today." She feigned exasperation. "Dan Granger! I am a person of taste and decorum! I would never have that talk in mixed company!" She paused. "Besides, it wouldn't be nice to Susan. She and Jason are waiting until they're married." I hadn't given that aspect of Susan and Jason any thought. "I thought Jason was divorced." "He is. But Susan's a virgin. And they're waiting until the wedding." "Really!" I said. My Nikki giggled. "In a different time and set of circumstances, you and I would've waited. And then when we finally did it, I'd've cussed myself..." "That's not the way it's supposed to work, cutie," I said. "You're supposed to be the demure little bride, frightened of what's about to happen." Another giggle. "I knew what was about to happen even thought I WAS demure and unspoiled, and it was gonna happen with YOU!" "And I'm glad it did. And as far as I'm concerned, we WERE married, we just didn't have the official paperwork completed." "I know that, baby," she said. "If I hadn't believed it, I wouldn't have..." "All this talk about it..." I started. "Me too, baby!" We pulled into Alan and Tina's driveway, joining several other vehicles. The front door opened before we could get out of the truck and a bevy of cuties poured out onto the lawn, grabbed Nikki, and hustled her off. I walked in and shook hands with the other men, got offered a cold drink. No beer. FAA says twenty-four hours, bottle to throttle, so the flyers weren't drinking anything. I didn't see beer, and to be honest, I can take it or leave it. Today was a 'leave it' day. We talked about schedules and time-frames and I knew that tomorrow I'd be talking to the school guidance counselor about a certain young girl's application to Auburn. Said so. "They're easy to talk to," Alan said. "Especially if you have a letter or two from the school with the word 'gifted' in it." "That won't be difficult to get," I said. "But you know, I'm gonna miss her study group. It's actually been fun having them over." I didn't know that the girls had quietly filed in behind me, but Nikki's voice popped up, "Yeah, uh-huh! One of those girls had a major crush on my hubby!" "That's NOT why I enjoyed the bunch," I said. "And she's already gotten over the tragedy of losing me." Nikki clarified, "She dumped Dan for a younger geek." She did a further embellishment of the story, to the amusement of all, then she positioned herself on my knee. Others found themselves similarly encumbered and the conversation was a mad mash of several topics all at once. Found out that as soon as lunch was over, Tina and Alan and Susan and Jason were flying west a hundred miles. Time for the new bride to meet her new in-laws. "Won't be quite as big a shock as telling your sister that you're marrying somebody the same age as your niece," I said. "Oh, she's already talked with 'em. Mom loves 'er. But this is a chance for them to meet her. So Alan and Tina will fly us over there, we'll have dinner with the folks, then spend the night, and fly back to Tennessee in the morning." "It's an adventure," Susan added. The girl has an automated giggle and an infectious grin. Jason was lining himself up with a real cutie. "What about work," I asked. "Already called the boss and gave 'im a heads' up. We'll get there for noon," Alan said. "He grumbled a bit since I have both me and my lead technician down here." "It SOUNDS like an adventure," Nikki said. "It's my family, ' Jason said. "We'll have a good time!" "Family is good!" Cindy chirped. "I love ours." Alan laughed. "Yeah ... family. My sister told Tina that she accepted HER, but ME, she wasn't too sure about." Jason stroked Susan's blonde hair. "I got it made. Who could look at Susan and NOT fall in love with her?" "I got one of those," I said. The remark got me a peck on the cheek from Nikki. "She's glowing," she whispered in my ear. "You are, too, little one," I said. Something else I noticed, too. Cindy was sitting on her Dan's knee, and I thought she was taller. "Cindy," I said, "I think you're growing, sweetie." She did that 'Cindy' smile. "I think so, Dan. My clothes are starting to fit funny." Tina stood up, beckoning Cindy over. "Kick your shoes off. Let's see!" That was the tallest and the shortest of the crew. Cindy came up to Tina and stood close. "Uh-huh," Tina said. "Almost an inch!" Cindy shrugged, smiling. "I'm a taller dwarf." "Pixy!" her Dan said. "Not a dwarf, a pixy!" I mused at that thought. Cindy had the kind of cute that my Nikki had: liveliness, laughing eyes, a bounce, and when you added the quick wit and some natural good looks, the combo was almost heart-stopping. I know I was that way with my Nikki. Alan said, "Susan, Nikki! Why don't y'all join 'em and let me get some pictures?" The girls piled into a formation and it was indeed a stairstep. Alan was snapping shots when the sound of another car came up. Tina broke off and opened the front door. The herd of them swirled outside to greet Alan's sister and her husband. "They're like a flock of ducks," Cindy's Dan said. "If one of 'em goes, they ALL go!" You could hear the excited squeals and chatter as they introduced each other to Alan's sister, Elise and her husband, Joe. Alan went out to greet them, also, and then whole herd came streaming back into the house, the guy I assumed was Elise's husband carrying a big pot, the girls carrying smaller vessels, and they went right into the kitchen. Alan introduced us to his brother-in-law, the gumbo was put on the stove for reheating, bowls, silverware, ice-filled drink cups were set up and we prepared to eat. Elise elbowed her husband. "See," she said, "I told you they were a bunch of dolls." "And Tina's the OLDEST?" Joe asked. "No sir," Susan said. "I'm almost a year older than Tina." Joe smiled. "And you're marrying the youngest guy here." Susan's blue eyes twinkled as she smiled. "Yessir! Jason's MY guy!" "Congratulations to both of you. Jason, Susan's a cutie!" Joe said. Susan actually blushed. It was cute. She did 'demure' quite well. "Thank you, Mister Joe," Susan said. Lunch was one of those homey affairs endemic to Cajun family ventures: Grab a bowl from the stack beside the stove, get a scoop of rice, cover it with gumbo (Seafood! The smell alone had me salivating.) A drink in a plastic cup, a spoon, and find a place in the room where the crowd was. Gumbo: the quintessential Cajun dish. I made a good one. So did Elise. "Elise," I said, "Do you ever try gumbo when you're traveling?" She knew where this was going. "Honey," she said, "There's been times that Joe had to hold me down to keep me from marching into the kitchen to straighten people out. Some of those restaurants have some very strange ideas of what 'gumbo' is." "Yeah," I said. "There's some strange stuff served under the name of gumbo. But there's nothing strange here! This is GOOD!" Alan and the other Dan sounded assent. Susan discovered that seafood gumbo had oysters. "Seriously?" she asked Elise. "Yeah, hon," Elise said. "They go in gumbo. But you add them right at the end, at least some of them." She paused. "Do oysters bother you?" "Oh, no ma'am! It's just that the first time I had one, it was RAW. And I had 'em fried." She elbowed Jason who was sitting beside her. "Sweetie, you need to go easy on those things. Until June!" Jason got the opportunity to explain how gumbo feels when you blow it through your nose. "Seriously, baby," he told Susan, "you need to warn a guy..." I didn't feel sorry for Jason, not one bit. He was joined with a real doll, a quick-witted one. And about that time, Nikki said loudly, "Dan, you just go ahead and load up on 'em!" Then, "Oh, I made my baby blush!" She kissed my cheek through the heat of my flush. "Not that we need any help, huh?!?!?" Giggle. "Thank you for saving me, cutie," I said, amid general chuckling. Pleasant. Happy. Convivial. Lots of terms described the get-together, all of them good. We bid our good-byes to the rest of the herd. Cindy and her Dan were slated for a flight back to Alabama. Alan and Tina and Jason and Susan were bound for East Texas. Nikki charged into the kitchen with Alan's sister to aid in the clean-up. Elise practically shooed her out. "Nikki, I appreciate the offer, baby. But I got this. It won't take long." "You sure, Mizz Elise? I don't mind." Nikki tried again. "You go herd your husband home. We'll see y'all again in a couple of weeks. We're gonna meet everybody at Dan and Cindy's family for a crawfish boil." Squeal. "Y'all are going?" Joe laughed. "We got invited. We're gonna show up. Elise is gonna call Dan's sister and see what we can bring." "Cindy invited us, and her Dan said it was okay," Elise added. "I think Cindy's just so happy to have family that she wants the biggest she can get," Nikki said. "I understand how she feels. We have a lot in common." She hugged Elise and kissed Joe on the cheek and I shook hands and we left. In the truck and on the road, I asked, "Well? What do you really think?" "I think that life is really, really good." Giggle. "And I hope some of those oysters work." "You have plans?" "Uh-huh! You know, when we do one of these 'happy family' things, I REALLY want to, you know..." I glanced away from the road and saw her grinning. "I know..." "It's like us making love is the pinnacle of being family, baby. Do you understand that?" "Yes I do, little one. It sort of makes us as connected as we can possibly be." "Mated, Dan. For life." "You sound as confident of that as I can ever hope, little one. You know I worry." I did. The age difference was always in the back of my mind. "Well, baby, that's one of the things about getting together with my sisters. We kind of talk about things, and that whole age thing is one of 'em." "Should I ask what the conversation is like?" She snickered. "Seems like Alan and Cindy's Dan worry about it, too. And Cindy and Tina are like me. They are in it forever." I smiled, stroked her soft, fragrant hair as she lay her head on my shoulder. "I like it like this, cutie." "Cutie? Really? After meeting the rest of the gang?" "They're cute, too. I'm sure that their husbands, every one, each thinks his is the cutest. But they're wrong. You're the cutest!" Giggle. "We're a herd of nerds, honey." "Nerd girls are cute, baby," I said. "And you're the brown-haired queen." "I noticed something, though," she announced. "What's that?" "Did you pay attention? There's not a brown eye in the bunch. Cindy's the closest with that emerald green, but all the rest of us are blue eyed." I gave that a thought for a second. "You know, you're right." "Yeah, okay! So I'm thinking," she said, "that here we are with this little segment of the population and there's probably not an IQ below 135 in the whole bunch." "Your point?" "Somebody in social studies last week brought up the subject of eugenics. It was a pretty big idea in the early part of the twentieth century. The discussion was about some group's attempts to make sure that undesirables, their definition, didn't breed. I'm looking at US, and we should be breeding our butts off." "Interesting," I said. "Does this mean that Dan and Miss Nikki should be..." I saw those eyes twinkling. She shook her head. "Noooo ... you're fixed. We'd have to get you reversed, and that's kind of iffy. And your Nikki has a college career and it's absolutely STUPID for somebody my age to get pregnant and THAT'S just not in the cards." "But after college?" "It's an intriguing thought, guy." "It is." "I wish I had a better handle on my ancestry," she said. "The genetics..." "Unfortunately, that particular bit of knowledge isn't too solid. Genetics, I mean. Just because you're smart and I'm smart..." "Oh, I know, but it'd be a lot safer bet, don't you think?" "I guess," I said. "But not something we HAVE to do, baby," she said softly. "I wanna life with YOU. If we can share our life with friends and family, that's great. And maybe in a few years, an offspring. I know I can be a better mom than the one I had..." "Something we could do well together, baby," I said. We continued talking as we drove home. Finally I shut the truck down in our driveway. She grabbed my hand as we walked to the door. "Now let's see how many of those darned oysters work tonight," she giggled. Three. Tonight's answer was three. I may never move again. ------ Chapter 21 Nikki's turn: I love being treated like an adult. Like I'm an equal. All of yesterday, me and my Dan, Tina and **** was the only one, you know, for that last few months, that was married to a guy that much older than me. But now there's a group of us. It's comforting. Don't get me wrong, I know that I can talk to Dan about anything at all, and THIS year, I have friends at school, but you need to understand that it's nice that I can call Tina or Cindy and unload about that whole 'Mom' thing. And Susan. Don't forget Susan. She gives us the other side of the equation because her mom and dad were just about like the parents from one of those 1950's sitcoms. She's so sweet, Susan is. You oughtta see one of our multiple Skype sessions. That's what we did before the meet-ups. Now we're cemented. It's good to have friends. It's good to have a HOME where you can bring friends without worrying if Mom's sprawled on the sofa with her latest 'boyfriend' and various strange smells permeating the place. It's neat to be able to walk in after school with the whole study group and find cold drinks in the fridge and a clean house, and when we spread the books out on the dining room table and get to talking and actually studying, I like knowing that when Dan walks in after work, he kisses me on the top of my head and says 'Hi' to everybody. I'm not embarrassed by Dan. Or my friends. Or my new sisters and their husbands. We have such a good time together. Yesterday was a fine example. We all ended up at Tina and her Alan's house. His sister and her husband brought over a big pot of GOOD seafood gumbo and we all pigged out, laughing, smiling happy, talking with each other about everything under the sun. I got tickled. I was raised in south Louisiana and seafood was a regular part of my diet, especially when I lived with Grandma, and I'd heard all the allegations about how oysters were supposed to have some aphrodisiac qualities. I don't think that Susan and Cindy had heard those stories. Susan found out she really LIKED oysters. Alan's sister put some in the gumbo. Susan found 'em, and then cautioned her Jason about eating too many of them, at least until they were married. She caught Jason by surprise. He choked, snorted a little gumbo out of his NOSE, and turned several shades of red. I told Dan he could go ahead and load up on 'em. The idea that we could laugh and cut up over matters of a somewhat sexual content, that's an interesting thing. I asked Alan about it. He said that we have good friends and we're pretty compatible. I think he's right. It's just GOOD like this. So it's Monday and my FRIENDS at school got to hear about my weekend. After school, I caught a ride home with Kellen. Well, Madison and I caught a ride. "They, your friends, they FLEW down here in their own airplanes?" Kellen asked. "Actually, two couple came in one plane and one couple came in the other, but yes. Alan and Tina, they both have licenses. Dan Richards has one. Jason and Susan are working on theirs, and Cindy's like me, she's too young to get one yet." Cindy and I both stuck our bottom lips out over that little fact. "But your Dan's gonna learn to fly now?" Kellen asked. "Yep," I said. "He played with it years ago. The gang talked to us and it makes sense. If we can fly then living in Alabama puts us only a four-hour trip by air instead of a nine-hour drive." "Still," Maddy said sadly, "You're moving away." "Oh, gosh, Maddy! I know, but I'm goin' to college. And it's not like we can't stay in touch. 'Sides, we got a few weeks until I graduate! And it's not like I'll drop off the edge of the earth. Phone. Computer. We'll stay in touch." "Yeah, Maddy!" Kellen interjected. "When graduation comes, we're ALL gonna scatter like the place exploded. I'm going to college in Texas when I graduate. But this will ALWAYS be home." "Still," Maddy continued, "It's kinda sad." "Sadder for some than others, Maddie," I interjected. "Yeah, we're moving into new worlds, and that's exciting. We're leaving behind old friends, and that's not. But you need to think about what it means for people who didn't have a couple of good parents. That 'moving' thing is like the gate out into the big ol' world and just maybe things'll be even better." Kellen knew where I was heading with that thought. "We're lucky, Maddy. Nikki knows what she's talking about there. Last year..." Maddy's face clouded. "I'm sorry about last year, Nikki. Sometimes we can be really stupid about some things." I knew Maddy was sincere. And I knew that Maddy was thinking about last year, when she was one of the giggly crowd that pointed fingers and made fun of me and Tina. "Maddy, we've HAD that talk," I said. "We're way past that. And you're FAR from stupid, you know..." "Yeah, okay, but if it's not stupidity, what is it, then?" "Human nature," Kellen answered. "Natural reaction." Thank you, Kell," I said. Kellen continued, "And that's why we have civilizing things like religion and family, to get us past natural reaction. Sometimes it takes a while." "Sometimes that's the reason things go off track, though," Maddy said. "Some families..." she paused. "Not mine, though. Mom and Dad would've been so ashamed if they knew ... I mean, we have relatives, you know, they'd make the cover of "Redneck Homes". And Mom and Dad love 'em, cuz they're family." I mulled that point quickly. "Yeah, but that's still family. You don't get to choose family. But another thing you learn is that you get over things with people who want you to get over them." Maddy knew where the statement went. She smiled. "Yeah ... And I'm glad, too. People sometimes make big mistakes that they really want to get over..." "Oh, Maddy, you 'n' Kellen 'n' Holly are my best friends. We got over that stuff!" "What about your friends this weekend?" "Those are sisters," I said. "I don't know how to explain it better. You can have family, and you can have friends. And you guys are my best friends. We've had a good year, you know..." "Yeah, uh-huh," Kellen said. "Good for YOU two. Y'all almost passed me up in school and now we're ALL graduating this year." "Oh, for heaven's sake, Kellen," Maddy laughed. "You know, we'll all be up there together. Some people already think we're freaks about it." Kellen laughed back. "Not true..." "Oh, sure," I said. "If you get called a freak for being a straight-A student, it's the same numbskulls that call US freaks, and I have been ignoring them for a LONG time." "Alan says smart kids have been facing that stuff forever," I said. Kellen and Maddy nodded. "And I'm a lot happier that they talk about us being smart than all those other reasons they have to talk." I sighed. "And I know they still talk about me being married, but it doesn't carry much weight now that it's been so long and I'm not lookin' pregnant, and I've got friends like you guys and the rest of the study group." "Yeah," Kellen admitted. "And there's some stuff that we should just ignore. People, I mean. Anyway, we're starting reviews for the finals already. Four weeks out, and they're reviewing." "Maybe we could ask to take the finals and then stay home," Maddy said. Kellen laughed. "Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen," she said as we pulled into Maddy's driveway. Maddy got out and I moved to the vacated front seat before we left, headed for my house. "You know Maddy still talks about how she was so wrong about you last year," Kellen said. "I wish she'd quit worrying about it," I said. "We're waaay past that. Wasn't all her fault, either. I kinda had a shell, too." "Dan really made your life better, huh?" I smiled and closed my eyes for a second, remembering, expecting. "Yes he has. And he acts like I make HIS better, too. It's about TWO people, you know." Kellen smiled. "Yeah, I know. Mom and Dad. Grandma and Pawpaw. I know lots of 'em that stuck with it. I know Mom and Dad have their days, but they're still together after twenty-something years." Kellen was the youngest of three siblings. I let out a long sigh. "And we both know some of the other kind, too..." "Tell me about it," Kellen echoed my sigh. "My big brother's on his second wife. You know the one I'm talking about." I did. Kellen had confided in her brother's exploits. Like Kellen, he was good-looking, at least in the pictures. I'd never met him. He'd gone through a lot of girls before he decided to 'settle down', then found that the same woman forever didn't work for him. Now he was trying again. I was reminded of that Einstein quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." It's on the wall in Dan's home office. "It's a tough ol' world out there, Kell," I said. In my head, I sort of giggled. I was FIFTEEN! And talking about this stuff like I knew what I was talking about. Well, really, I sort of DID. On one side I had Grandma and Dan talking about the right way, and on the other side I had Mom and her 'friends' showing me the very worst of the wrong way. I guess Kellen saw the absurdity of it, too. She laughed softly. That was her good-natured, "We're together on this" laugh. "I'm seventeen. You're fifteen. I don't think we're gonna be the ones that fix everybody." "Nope!" I said, folding my arms. "We just need to fix us!" She laughed again. "Easy for YOU to say. You have Mister Dan!" "And YOU, Kellen, YOU have a high standard. I know you've turned down a bunch of the playas this year." "I'm not gonna be a point on somebody's scoreboard, girl," Kellen replied. "I'm not wastin' time on one I wouldn't be proud to bring home." We were in sight of my house. Dan's house, really, four generations of his family had lived on that ridge in the marshlands, and when we married, he walked me around that yard and told me that I was married to him and this was MY land too. "Are you comin'' in?" I asked. "No, I promised Mom that I'd do some stuff at the house. She's working three days this week and I'm taking up the slack at the house." "Oh, okay," I said. "I'll see you tomorrow, then. I'll take the bus in the morning." The bus ride wasn't, didn't seem as bad in the morning as in the afternoon, and since the study group ended up at my house anyway, the ride in the afternoon made sense. The cat was in the window waiting for me. He knew that if he met me at the door, kitty treats were the result. When I dropped my book bag on the sofa, Tommi followed me to the kitchen. I pulled out the makings of our evening meal and then retrieved the bottle of kitty treats, took a couple, put the bottle up, and returned to the sofa, where Tommi jumped into my lap for me to feed him treats. I petted his kitty head and apologized for not being around all day at his personal command. I heard my phone ring. Dan's ring. "Hey, loving husband," I said. "Hi, little doll," he answered. "Are you home?" "Mmm-hmm, attending to our fuzzy child. Got a couple of pork chops on the counter for dinner, if that's okay." "Of course it's okay. How was your day?" "Reviews. We're starting reviews. Three weeks until finals, and they're reviewing." Dan's easy laugh was in my ear. "Find some on-line stuff. Exercise your brain. Do we have any of the gang this evening?" "No," I said. "Just me and you and the cat. And it's pretty outside, so we can take a walk maybe?" "Sounds good." I giggled. "And see if you have any residual oyster stuff from yesterday?" "I hate to think that those oysters died in vain, baby," he said. "See you in twenty minutes." When we disconnected, I went into the kitchen and started heating a pan for the pork chops. This was an easy one: pork chops, a couple of potatoes baked in the microwave, and some vegetables, and we would make a meal. It was the least I could do. He worked a longer day than me and I was home first. I opened the door when he was walking up and wrapped my arms around him. First kiss since seven this morning. He returned my hug. And kiss. "I missed you," I said. "I missed you too, little one. Somewhere between the end of school and the beginning of college, we need to take a week and go somewhere..." "We'll give it a try," I said. "But I know that between three graduations and a wedding right at the end of the school year, and then moving to Alabama, we're gonna have a heck of a summer." I watched Dan's face when I said that. I didn't see anything that indicated he was less than happy with the idea. I got THAT observation while I was guiding my husband backward to his favorite recliner. "Relax," I said. "I got a couple of kitchen things to do, and then you can come fix yourself a plate." "You are amazing, dumplin'," he said. "You are, too, my guy," I said. I looked at MY guy and I felt bad for the girls I knew in school who struggled with that whole dating/mating thing. Dan is a mate that's worthy of the name. I can be proud of him because he knows who he is. He's a decent human being to my friends and to pretty much anybody he comes into contact with. He treats me like an angel on one level and an equal on the another. Like those business trips that he's taken me on. I get to choose. They usually have a program for spouses and I can just about be sure that I'll be the youngest one there. I get the "You came with your dad?" question a bunch of times, and I smile and say, "Noooo, my husband." That gets me some looks, but I just smile. These things have socials after hours, and I walk in on Dan's arm like we belong together, because we do, you know, and he introduces me to the people he knows and I introduce HIM to the people I've met, and things just sort of take their course. People that are uncomfortable with the look of our age disparity just don't talk to us. Then there a few curious ones, and there are some who really just take me and Dan as part of life's surprises. When we talk, they find out that I'm not some teeny-bopper ditz type. And I don't always do the spouse program, either. Dan makes sure that I get into the conference and the vendor shows so I can see some of the things he faces at work, and because I want to know. I'm interested in this stuff. A fifteen-thousand dollar control component is a lot more interesting to me that a, oh, I really don't know WHAT to compare it to. I didn't know I was a geek until Dan gave me the opportunity to get into hardware and software that's way beyond anything the average computer user sees. But as a wife, I actually got to be pretty good friends with some of the other wives, even to the point of emailing and phone calls back and forth, with promises to drop by and visit when we were within range of one another. When I told my school friends about this they thought it was funny. "No funnier than the other stuff going on in your life, though," Kellen said. "And it's a GOOD 'funny', you know." That's a lot of the life I'm living now that Dan and I are together. He gives me room to be me, and I know that with him behind me, I can face anything. Like four years of college in Alabama with my sisters. But it's LIFE! Dan and I talk, and so do I and the rest of my friends. Planning things is a good idea, but being ready to take on changes is part of it, too. Oh, yeah, I talk like this now. Back before the hurricane, it was different. I was scared and I was resigned to a fate I didn't think I deserved but I also didn't think I could do much about it. We finished our simple meal and zapped the kitchen together. Two hands make short work, not to mention that I now have pretty much a dream kitchen. Dan likes to cook, and it shows in his choice of kitchen appliances. It makes kitchen work a bit more fun, especially when you know that when somebody bumps into you, they meant to do it. We bump a lot. But today we cleaned up after dinner, then grabbed our hats and headed out the door for a walk. That always starts with a lap around the edge of the property, often spotting some sort of wildlife at the edge of the fencerow. Dan keeps about halfan acre of his five acres as a lawn. He mows that regularly. The rest of it is pasture, and his cousin keeps a few cows on it, with a little barn. I've fed those cows in the winter. They're like me: hurricane survivors. His cousin comes by several times a week, but he sometimes misses a visit and he calls us to go feed and check the water. Anyway, when we get inside the pasture fence, the cows just sort of look at us and then go about whatever thoughts cows have. Full-grown cows don't do much but eat and sleep and make babies. That's why his cousin raises them. He sells pure-bred stock, and his are show-winners. But no bull. I asked why no bull, and he explained to me that he buys the sperm from champions all across the country and that a bull in the pasture was an unnecessary expense and burden. I asked Dan about that. Told Dan that I'm quite happy to have him around, regardless of the expense and burden. He told me that he was much more romantic than most bulls, anyway. "'Most of 'em'?" I said. "I see the way those cows make big ol' brown eyes at you when we walk up." He laughed. "None of 'em have blue eyes. So you're safe. And nipples. TWO, not four. And faces. They're a little too cowish. Half my joy comes from seeing your face." I swung my hip against his thigh. "You silver-tongued devil," I giggled. "You keep that up, and we're not gonna make it past the feedshed." Yeah, there's that little barn. And yes, we've done it in there. I can tell you from experience that there are some definite disadvantages to the idea of 'a roll in the hay'. Still, me, Dan, a hormonal surge, and a few feedsacks to protect tender heinies from most of the prickly hay stalks, and it is very satisfying. Mmmmmm! Very! We walked our lap around the fence, spotting an armadillo making an early forage expedition, then walked up the road a bit, down the slight decline to where the ridge that held our house subsided into the surrounding marshes, listening to the birds and frogs as the sun lowered in the sky. There's not much traffic on the road out here, and what little there is, it's mostly people we see frequently, so we wave. This is another thing Dan has given me. Before Dan, I lived in that building, but I never ventured out up the road like we are doing. I knew of the marsh from looking out a window. Now we were talking about the things out there, things Dan had learned from his dad and grandparents. I start to understand the idea of people having roots. We talk about that. I know of nobody else who's tied to a bit of land like my Dan is, and the idea of leaving that behind us so I can pursue a college education and a career, that idea bothers me. But Dan says the land will always be ours, whether we live here or not, and we'll have this place to come back to. Home. My husband's place for five generations. Now mine, too. We reached our turning point, a mile from the house and turned back, holding hands, for the walk back. "D'you think you can take off from school a couple of days next week?" Dan asked. "I think I should be able to," I said. "Why?" "One of my clients wants me to do a visit to a factory next week to look at some new equipment. I know that bunch, and I think I can bring you along, assuming you want to tag along." "Yeah," I said, "Let's evaluate that. You have to go out of town for a couple of days, which means that I get Kellen or Maddy or Holly or all three to stay here with me, OR, I go with you, we live in a hotel room, run around Houston, I get to see some more of the hardware that I will one day be working on ... And at the end of the day, we're together..." "When you put it like that," he said. "Just don't want to interfere with school." "Reviews," I said. "Let me give my teachers a warning. And the study group." I thought for a second. "They'll be jealous. The only one who's ever been where her dad works is Maddy. I get to go to factories with my husband." "Good," Dan said. "We'll have fun. You'll get to sit in on the meetings and listen, and then you get to look at the stuff out in the shop when they run the tests." "That'll be interesting, ' I said. Oh, yeah, I was well on my way to geekhood in Dan's specialty bit of engineering. I was starting to really learn some hardware things, the result of weekend programming and testing sessions at his shop. And I remember how his face lit up when we were driving down the highway and I made him stop and turn into the driveway of an electrical substation so I could ask questions and let him explain what I was looking at. Those thoughts about being an accountant? I may make that a minor. I'm going to be an engineer. It's starting to get into my school stuff. That computer technology class I had to take? Microsoft Office? Oh, come on! Try AutoCAD. Yes, I watched Dan do it and he showed me some stuff and now I can edit drawings. He checks my work and he gets the billable hours for what WE do, but I know my way around that program. If Dan wasn't going to move us to Alabama, he thinks I could do some part-time stuff this summer if there's a way to get around me being fifteen. But as long as I don't actually go into the field, just stay in the office, he thinks I am on solid ground. His boss Mister Steve has watched me work and he's impressed. We talked a little about that as we walked back up the slight slope to our house. Once in the door, it's shower time. That's the beginning of an even better part of life, because it involves me and Dan naked in the shower together. I trade him a backscrub for a shampoo, and then the quid pro quo dissolves into a mutual lathering and the rinsing starts out with us kissing while the warm water courses over our entwined bodies. Out of the shower, we dry each other off, and then he shaves while I start drying my hair. He finishes shaving before I finish drying, and he helps me with that, which means that I'm getting ready to get kissed on the neck and I can't control myself when he does that. He scoops me up in his arms and carries me naked into the bedroom, landing me on the bed. He doesn't get free from this. I tug him down on top of me. "You are sooo beautiful, little one," he says. His eyes tell me the same story. I'm all hands on him. My right hand finds him hard as a rock. He quivers when my fingers encircle his dick. I don't say anything. Can't. We're kissing. And when he stops kissing my lips, I still can't talk because I'm breathless when he kisses his way down to my nipples. This is the part where my mind starts shutting down. Good feelings come all over me. My nipples turn super sensitive and I start feeling fiery flashes in my pussy, centered around my button at first, then there's this HUNGER I get inside where it just needs to be filled. Early on in our relationship, when I was sort of discovering all this, Dan and I sat in bed after one of our sessions and we talked about my explorations and discoveries. I knew about orgasms and arousal. I was familiar, before I met Dan, with the feelings I could induce in myself with my fingertips, and I knew from Mom's exploits what it sounded like for two adults, but it took Dan, gentle, loving, intelligent, caring, to start me on the path where a pair of eyes flashing one of those LOOKS would get me tingling. Until Dan, guys just didn't cause that to happen. Now? Sometimes when I'm in 'daydream' mode at school, I'll think about one of our sessions together and I'll feel the tingling. Or like today, when we were walking: He has this way of touching me in the small of my back with just his fingertips, and gosh!, I'm off to the races. I recognize that my physical desire for my MATE is as real and as good as the appetite I get for a good meal, or for the feel of the sunlight on my face on a cool, breezy day. Okay ... THAT was GOOD! 'Nother subject there. I find it funny that some girls at school want to talk to me about sex. They say it's because I'm married, but honestly, I am NOT very experienced. I tell them that I've only been with ONE (the ONE!) man. I still try to be supportive and I listen. Some of the stories, though ... I remember about how Grandma used to wonder about how Mom turned out to be, in her words, a slut, and I talk with girls my age that have already had multiple sexual partners. I know one thing about sex. It's not sex, it's making love, and if it was any better, I think it would just kill me. I had to ask Dan about 'bad sex'. More than one girl told me about 'boyfriends' who just used them to get off, and then treated them like crap in front of other guys. "That's not unusual, princess," he said. "Some people are just users of others, and sex is one of the biggest things people get used for. Young guys are about the worst there are about that, and unfortunately, a lot of young girls are looking for something that young guys aren't going to give them, and girls think that the physical act of sex is the same as love." "It's not," I said. "But you never acted like that with me, baby..." "I've been on the receiving end of being used and I learned it's not fun. You tell me that your mom showed you the wrong way..." "But 'bad sex'?" I asked. "Sometimes people treat each other sexually like it's a step above masturbation, baby," Dan said. "I couldn't do that. Just can't. I saw your eyes, your smile, and I wanted those to be for me, whether we ever made love or not. And it HAD to be making love, and if I was going to make love with you, I wanted YOU to enjoy it with me." He paused. "I think that's the key: both partners are in it for each other at the same time they're enjoying themselves. Some guys, and I guess there are girls like that, too, are in it for themselves, and if their partner gets any enjoyment, that's just a bit extra." I smiled. I knew my Dan. He never hid anything from me, and we treated each other like happy, eager partners in love-making. Yeah, to somebody outside, looking at us, it might LOOK like sex, but I knew that even in our most frantic, crazed couplings, love was what made it magic. And that's why ALL I knew about 'bad sex' was from conversations. And that's when I rolled over, gave Dan a kiss that was bit hotter than he normally got when we went to sleep, and my hand found him soft. A squeeze and another kiss and he was heading towards happy hardness. "I don't know what it was that I ever did to deserve you, Nikki, but things like this make my life with you something of a pure joy." And he curled me into his arms and kissed me and I slid on top of him. ------ Chapter 22 Dan's turn: I came home to find my Nikki and her whole group sitting round the dining room table. Here "Hey, Baby!" was intermingled with "Hi, Mister Dan" from the rest of the group. "Don't try to tell me you all are studying," I smiled. Kellen spoke up. "It's almost like a habit, being here, but no, we're just hangin' out! I guess there are a lot of ways that kids can cope with high school and family and stuff. I really like this one!" I saw Nikki smile. Nikki's previous year at school had been a subject of much conversation and I knew that her last year had not been pleasant. This year, she'd said, was so much better. "Yessir," Bret added. "Has been. Hate to see Nikki moving on, but we'll figure out how to do this next year." I noted the way that Bret glanced sideways at Holly. He was reassuring himself. Nikki kept me up to date on the latest in the 'Holly-Bret' thing and as time went on, it was indeed a 'thing'. "She stopped mooing over every one of those 'all full of himself' guys at school, you know, like the one that used 'er. Bret treats her like a princess and she treats him like a prince and they both recognize each other's MINDS." "That's unusual for a couple of high school juniors," I said. "Apparently. I don't know if it'll last. You know how high schoolers can be. But they sure do fit together. One of the few of those things where it doesn't seem like one's using the other." Her eyes connected with mine. "Of course, you and me, we define that idea, don't we." "But only one of us is a high schooler." "Uh-huh," she said. "And as the girl from a disadvantaged background, I COULD be using you. And YOU, as a middle-aged guy from a failed marriage, YOU could be taking advantage of me." She folded her arms for a second to emphasize the point, then unfolded them and half-climbed over me, wrapping her arms around me as best she could. "But I totally, irrevocably love you..." "And I incontrovertibly adore you," I said. "So all those presuppositions (I loved her expanding vocabulary) about relationships are fine as long as you realize that those are RANGES of activity and there's room for outliers on the curve." Nikki knew me and she knew that I found her discussions interesting. She planted a kiss on my lips and pulled back, smiling, gave her cute head a shake to move a stray strand of hair from her cheek. "You and me ... You and I, we're outliers. Waaay off from that big bump on the bell curve." I untrapped my arms to complicate our hug. Kissed her back. "I'm so glad I have you, Nikki. You're remarkable." "And so are you, my love," she said. "But Holly and Bret ... who knows?" "Exactly," I said. "I know of some high-school romances that went on to be long, happy marriages. Outliers." "Uh-huh. If I was going into sociology or psychology, it would be interesting to study that whole high school romance thing." She smiled softly. "It's a whole lot easier to do that when I can come home at the end of the day KNOWING that I'm not a participant, no matter how often I get asked..." "Still getting asked?" I questioned. Another conversation we'd had pretty regularly. At first I was apprehensive. Now? A lot less so. My Nikki was upper-tier cute, especially now that she could dress well, and she CARED that her appearance was neat and her demeanor had gone from that of a somewhat worried outsider to a confident, happy teen. Naturally I find her attractive now, but if I was a typical high school boy, I would have found her attractive also. "Yep! The presence of my wedding band and the fact that everybody with half a brain knows I'm married, that doesn't stop some guys." She giggled. "One of 'em actually hit on me while I was talking with Slade and his girlfriend of the week." "Oh, yeah? How'd that go?" Giggle. "Slade just listened at first when I said 'No, thank you, I'm married' but when the guy got a bit persistent, Slade just put his arm around my shoulder and told 'im, 'Nikki's, like, one of my best friends and I know her husband, and if he leaves enough of you after HE kicks your ass, I am going to take care of the rest... ' and the guy's eyes got real big and he said, 'Dude ... Cain't blame me for tryin' ... Sorrrrryyyyy!'" "Slade did that in front of his own girlfriend?" "Everybody knows about Slade and me and the rest of the gang. He invited his girlfriend to come to the study group, but apparently she's not the academic type. Poor Slade. He does have that problem. Being a jock, he has 'em lined up..." "I dunno," I said. "When I was in high school, I only dreamed about having that problem." She got her smile going. "I'm glad you didn't. Makes you all the much better for ME. But it's been a while since anybody tried. And now, with that academic thing, it's almost like I got IQ cooties or something. Guys afraid that if they stand too close, they'll start reading books without pictures or something." "Part of what makes you my perfect little Nikki," I said. But back to the group sitting around my table. There was Maddie, the first to join the study group. Maddie is the same age as my Nikki and similarly intelligent. "A lot of this is Nikki's fault, anyway," she said, smiling. Nikki feigned an exasperated gasp. "How's it MY fault?" Kellen picked up the pleasant banter. "Because poor little Maddie would've taken 'er 3.9 and played 'I'm working soooo hard... ' in class and spent another two years in high school. Instead, she got tied in with the 'Nikki's Gang' academic express and everybody started watching her. Next thing you know, she's graduating with YOU!" Kellen smiled smugly. "Of course, so am I!" Slade was smiling. "Mister Dan, I hope that some day I can look at a bunch of people in my life that I've helped as much as you an' Nikki do. I mean, really!" "I'm sure you will, son. And it'll be some magical way that's particular to Mister Slade Carruthers." "Gosh, thank you, Mister Dan," he said. "Yaknow, you an' Nikki taught me more than algebra and chemistry and stuff. I've..." he glanced around the table, Nikki, Bret, Kellen, Holly, me, and he took a breath. "I think I'm giving up on ... uh ... bimbos..." Kellen gasped along with Holly. Nikki was unusually smug, indicating to me that she knew more of this revelation than the others knew. Bret said, "Dude..." "No, seriously," he said. "Bret, you ... Mister Dan, y'all know what I'm sayin'. Click. When you meet a girl, it's supposed to click. How's it gonna click if the most important thing in her life is 'my mom is sooooo unreal! She won't let me even get my nose pierced!" Kellen laughed out loud, then tried to stifle herself. Her hand reached over and touched Slade's forearm. "I know who you're talking about, buddy. I wondered what you saw in her..." Bret smirked and interjected, "You don't have to look too awfully hard..." "That's just it," Slade said. "Fake versus genuine. She ... the one you're talking about, it was all about the outside. Yeah, she's cute. Pretty. But not any prettier than you, Kellen, except in a different way. Or you, Holly." Holly's face lit up in direct proportion to Bret's face darkening. Slade saw both. "No, don't even think it, you two. Y'all belong together! But yaknow, it's ... like, there comes a time when you just, you know, want to TALK to somebody and there she is, all about..." he took a breath, "STUPID stuff!" I was inwardly amused at seeing this revelation being espoused by a just turned seventeen year old boy. I didn't let the amusement show. Instead, I said, "Some guys never learn that, Slade. And there are plenty of girls out there to feed the sentiment if that's what you want to do." Holly slapped Bret lightly on the back of his head. "YOU don't want to do THAT, do you, darlin'!" Bret grinned. Boy knew what side HIS bread was buttered on. Nikki had explained to me some biographical details about Bret, not athletic, socially awkward, shy, and basically hopeless until Holly saw something in him. And now I kept seeing them making puppy-dog eyes at each other. Cute. I hoped they would stay good for each other. Slade continued, "It's just not worth it. I mean, if I keep this sort of thing up, a decent girl won't ... I mean, TALK! You can't walk around showin' each other off to your friends all day. And you can't ... makin' out ... sex ... At the end of the day, who is it you're gonna TALK with?" Nikki started giggling. "Slade Carruthers! Have you been followin' me around eavesdropping and taking notes?" Slade looked quizzically at her. "W-wha?" "I've been asked about this whole relationship thing all year, ever since poor little Nikki turned up at school wearing a wedding band. And yes, I've been asked about the 'sex thing', and about the 'showing your friends thing' and I always come back to the 'who can you talk with' thing." She smiled. "It's interesting that you made this discovery. I know people who didn't figure that out when they were thirty-something." She smirked and looked at me. I added to her comment. "I know guys in their sixties that haven't figured that out. Seems to me that women are more likely to figure it out, though." Nikki smiled. "I figured it out when I was fifteen. Fortunately MY guy is pleasant to look at, as well..." She glanced at Holly, who blushed and turned away slightly. Kellen was little bit brazen, though, wading right in on Slade. "So tell me, Slade, my friend, is this epiphany a result of the departure of Miss Daley from your life, until, like the next honors graduate from the cheer academy?" Slade and cheerleaders was a common theme. She tossed her head, settled and stared at Slade. "It's not about looks, Kellen. It's about the whole package, and looks're a part of it, for sure, but a bit of intelligence and a sense of humor, those are important, maybe more than looks." Kellen wouldn't let him go, to the amusement of the rest of us. "So if you found, like, a poet-laureate that was ugly as a home-made booger, she'd be acceptable?" She made a show of puffing up. "Exactly what makes you think that a lady of intelligence and humor is gonna wanna mess with your big jock ass in the first place?" Nikki made a pretty decent effort at suppressing a giggle. Bret's jaw dropped a little. Holly's giggle squeaked out. Slade turned to me. "Mister Dan, you know what I mean, don't you?" "Let 'is butt swing in the breeze, Mister Dan," Kellen said. "No, Kellen. I think you skewered 'im pretty good. Slade, son, I understand what you're saying, but your choice of words was not particularly good for the venue in which you used them." "I..." he started. "You made it sound like you're the only one who had a say in the transaction. Like you're shopping for a commodity." Kellen dove back in. "Yeah, bud ... Did you ever give a thought that your 'commodity' might be doing the same assessment of you?" "Yeah," Holly jumped in. "I learned ... I get a say. Up to and including a veto!" She put her hand on Bret's shoulder. "And the right to initiate!" Her hand stroked his ear. He shook visibly. Slade sighed. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. I come here, pour my very soul out before you, my friends, and you stab me in the heart and start picking apart the carcass." "It's okay, Slade," Kellen said. "We actually understand what you said when we put it in the context of the gruntings of one of the school's star athletes." She smirked in emphasis. She turned to me. "See, Mister Dan? No study. Purely social." "Except for Slade's bleeding carcass," Bret laughed. He looked at Holly and said to her, "Wanna get a coke on the way home?" "Sure," she smiled. The two of them left in Bret's little pickup truck. Kellen and Slade followed them up the road, each in a separate vehicle, as Nikki and I stood in the door, watching. "Last time you'll see that," she said. "See what?" I asked. "Kellen and Slade in separate vehicles." "You don't..." I started. "You don't read things very well, love. That whole speech of Slade's, we all participated, but a ball was tossed to Miss Kellen. And her cutting him off at the knees, that was her acceptance. So don't be surprised if they show up in one car on Thursday." "You think so?" She leaned back against my chest, knowing I'd be there. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. "You have the nerve to doubt the foremost authority on relationships in our group? Maybe the whole school?" "Ooooo-kayyyy," I said. "Where's OUR relationship going, then little one?" "Soup and a sandwich for dinner, a little email time, then an early shower for both of us, followed by the requisite pleasurable coupling indicative of a healthy physical aspect to total love." I love it when she sounds clinical. We executed her routine handily. Email? Wasn't enough. I heard voices and understood that a Skype session with the sisterhood was underway. As was the usual case with these things, I paid little more attention than to note that the voices sounded happy, as was fitting. Four girls were within two or three weeks of graduating high school. While it was going on, I got to pet the cat. The Skype session was short, a concession to three husbands and a fiance'. We retired to the shower. Together. Me and this beauty with the big blue eyes. All soapy, gropey, happy in the shower. I loved these things. I gladly traded shampooing that rich brown head of hair in return for a great back scrubbing. Well, it was a matter of mutual access. After the shower we had a routine that ended with the pair of us in bed, displacing the cat who knew that there was going to be (to him) an inconvenient amount of activity, after which he could find a place to nestle down for the night. Might've been inconvenient for the cat but for me and my amazing young lady, it was bliss to a spiritual level. Started when she crawled onto the bed, completely nude, and I captured her, my hands on her hips. She reacted by rolling sideways onto her back, legs spread. I crawled in between them. She captured me, wrapping her legs around me, wiggling to put my dick tight between the lips of her pussy, rubbing, but dodging penetration as we kissed and caressed and loved each other. I looked at her face from close distance, noted the flawless skin, her blue eyes,, the pert nose, the smile. "You're thinking too much. Kiss me," she said, giggling. "I'll make sure..." She didn't finish the sentence because our lips merged. "I'll make sure you get everything I can give you," she said huskily when our lips parted. "But I require a lot in return." Smile. And back to the kissing. Her shove rolled us over and she started to slide downward. I knew where she was headed and what was going to happen when she got there. Anticipation. I sucked my breath in sharply when she sucked me into her mouth. "I wanna bite!" she hissed. "Bite!" She bit. Tugged. I shivered as she worked on me. Finally, I said, "I want YOURS!" I knew that if I could get that pretty, sparkling juicy pussy to my lips, she'd come at least once. I got what I wished. My face was slick with her moisture a bit later as she slumped atop me, drifting down from her second coming. I let her recover at her own pace. "Oh, gee, Baby," she finally sighed. "It's soooo good!" she finally turned around. "Could we do it doggie style?" "You know I don't have any control like that." "So what're you tryin' to control, huh? I want it hard like that!" I positioned myself behind her and entered. The plus was that she was even MORE incredibly tight like this. The minus was that I hadn't the slightest chance of slowing down once I got started, but sometimes she wanted it like that. I pumped into her in long strokes, relishing her sweet butt before me. "C'mon, Dan! Pushhhhh!" I pushed. Felt my balls start to draw up as my fire built. Wasn't much longer. I stroked, trying to prolong, but she was making little mewling sounds, well past coherent speech and I knew she was close. "Here it comes, little one," I hissed. One more thrust was all I could manage, plunging into her as deep as I could. "Ennnggghhhhh!" was all she could manage. I was doing good being still able to breathe as I emptied into her. Spent, I fell sideways, taking her with me. "A gallon," she finally said. "I felt at least a gallon." "I know, sweetness," I said, releasing her. She turned partially around, pushing me onto my back. I knew what came next. Her. I lapped happily at her dripping, oozing pussy as she reciprocated, sucking and licking the wet results of our mating. She started quivering and accepted a little orgasm for her efforts. Finally we put on our nightshirts and snuggled into each other for sleep. "I love you, Dan," she said softly. "I love you, too, my Nikki," I replied. I felt the bed move. Cat was back. The next day ... Just a day. Keeping the wheels of industry turning, that was my laughing explanation of what I did for a living to people who didn't get into the technical aspects of heavy industry, but it was true. Today, the 'wheel' in question was an eighty megawatt generator. I, a lead technician, and a helper were, at one point shoulder-deep in the cabinets that controlled this happy little beast. Wasn't a hurry. We were doing an upgrade to the controls, we'd known about it months in advance, the client had arranged for us to do this work in conjunction with a month's worth of other work on his process equipment, so time, in our case, wasn't a problem. At four o'clock I was out the gate, headed home. Life, for me, was down the road, on a hill in the middle of the Louisiana marshland. I walked in, found her on the computer, sitting on the sofa, cross-legged. She looked up, smiling. I bent over, gave her a quick kiss. "Lasagna in the oven," she said. "What's on the computer?" "That math course I've been working on." She was taking free on-line courses that she thought would make up for the two years of classes she'd bypassed in high school. We'd looked at them. "The way I figure it, baby, if I was taking this stuff in high school in a regular classroom, I'd be working at about five percent efficiency." "How do you get that number?" "I actually may be a bit generous, but when you figure how much time the teacher is spending going over the same principles over and over to make sure EVERYBODY gets it, and how she has to go from one principle to the next in little bitty increments, I think I could do the same thing in a couple of weeks." She looked at me, blue eyes sparkling, smiling. "And I talked with Cindy about it. Susan's actually taken the high school classes in real time, and she agrees, but Cindy's helping one of her teachers with math for the teacher's master's degree, and she said that she thinks I can do it this way." "Cindy? Helping with master's math?" I scratched my chin. My namesake, Cindy's Dan, he had something with that little package. "Yeah. Cindy says that the hard part was all the new notation that we didn't get in high school algebra, those Greek letters, the symbols and stuff. And she sent me some notes." "So you're understanding this stuff?" "Yes." She looked puzzled. "It's hard?" "To some people it's not hard, it's impossible. I had some struggles. I know guys that just ran into a brick wall with the calculus and dropped out of engineering. Advanced math..." "But it seems obvious. That's what I told Cindy. We both looked at some of this stuff and she explained what those symbols mean and what it's supposed to be, and it just seems obvious. I mean, what else could it be? It's math. It's like you look at 1 + 1 = 2. What else could it be?" "You have something, little one, that I didn't have." I was seeing it for real. Before, from the beginning, it was just that I understood that Nikki was bright. Then in school, that whole 'she's gonna graduate two years early', that told me that she was VERY bright. Now I was sitting here beside her on the sofa, looking at problems on the computer screen, problems that made me break out in a cold sweat in college, and she said, "What else could it be?" She saw my face. "You're thinking again. Baby, I will love you forever. I'm not trying ... I don't mean to scare you or anything." "It's not scaring me, little one. I'm just astounded, honestly." "Yeah, okay. Be astounded. But show me how some of this stuff fits the real world? I mean, what do YOU use in your job?" We talked about a few things. I showed her some calculations I'd run by hand, and I showed her how I set them up in a spreadsheet, and I showed her a commercial program that integrated those same calculations into a program that was slickly packaged and put them into the proper context of a power system study. "But that stuff you're playing with, that's way past this." "You still want me, don't you? I don't mean to geek you out?" she had a little tinge of worry on her face. "Certainly not, little angel," I said. "Amazed and astounded is a good thing." "That's good. Sometimes I feel smart. But when I see my baby, I get all primal." She kissed me. "When I get started with you, it starts out way deep inside," she smiled. "No other male does that to me. And then there's an emotional level, and an intellectual level." "You analyzed this?" I asked. "Of course I did, baby," she smiled. "Didn't you?" "Yes. I admit I do, pretty regularly. But then I'm a geek." Another kiss, arms draped around my neck, her face inches from mine. "Then we're pretty much a match, huh?" Indeed we are. My Nikki had collected some compatible friends at school. I was happy about that. I was equally happy about her connection to that astounding group of bright young girls she called her sisters. And the whole, the sum of my life, OUR lives, which was a satisfactory result. Before the hurricane, before Nikki, I thought things were going pretty good. Since Nikki, though, I looked back and saw how empty I was. Changes. And I walked in on another on the day Nikki met me at the door, smiling broadly. "What's up, sweetness?" I asked. "I'm an aunt." "W-w-wait a minute. Nobody was pregnant two week ago," I stuttered. "You know it's not THAT simple," she said. "Not with today's modern blended families." I thought for a second. I knew that my namesake had lost wife and daughter in a car wreck and acquired Cindy. I knew that Susan was an only child. That left Alan. I knew he was married and divorced and I vaguely remembered... "Alan and Tina?" "And my new niece, Terri! They just picked 'er up at the airport." "And how old is this Terri?" "Seven, going on eight. Tina says she's smart and actually well-behaved. They had 'er for the Christmas holidays and they got on really well." "Interesting," I said. "Isn't it?" Nikki tittered. "Susan and Cindy said Terri was a little sister. I got to thinking, and really, she's our niece. The child of your sister is your niece. I gotta explain that to 'em this evening." "What's Tina's take on this? How's Alan about it?" "They talked about it before. A bunch, really. And they were actually trying to figure out how to make it happen. Alan's ex is a whack-job, at least that's Tina's take on it." She smiled. "And tomorrow I'm bringing home my graduation gown." Another kiss. "Dan Granger, you are going to be the husband of a high school graduate." "That make's me happy. I suppose the house will be filled with the gang tomorrow evening?" I asked. "Yes, I'm sure it will. And I know," she paused, "it's more social now. So many teachers are doing reviews, class isn't much of a challenge. Our bunch is not sweating the finals at all. We're mostly just keeping sharp." I thought about that happy idea. "Well, if you're gonna do the crowd, order pizza and promise the guy ten bucks extra." The ten dollars was because we were just outside the pizza company's delivery area. "Pizza it is, then. But we have some pork chops in the fridge for today. I'll do dinner. You got things in the yard to work on." Those bright blue eyes twinkled as she spoke. Another kiss and I went out to take care of some chores. An hour later she walked up beside me under the deepening blue of the evening sky. "Ready when you are, baby doll," she said. "Put your shovel up." We went inside. I washed up and we ate a simple meal together, then cleaned up the kitchen. Afterward was our time for computers, email, phone calls, her Skype sessions with the sisterhood, my own calls to Dan and Alan and Jason. So I just HAD to make a phone call. I punched the button on my cellphone and said "Alan". The voice that answered was happy. "Hello there, Nikki's Dan!" "Hello, whatever brother-in-law," I answered. "How're things?" "Wrapping up the project here. Timing's gonna be perfect. My last day is the week before the girls graduate up here." Then he got to the subject on my mind. "I suppose the news is all out now. About Terri." "You know that the girls don't keep anything from each other. Yeah, Nikki told me when I came in today." "Her mom has some issues. Liable to be a while getting over them. Her step-dad called a couple of days ago. We picked up Terri at the airport yesterday." "She's right there and you can't talk about it?" "Got that right, buddy! I'll call you tomorrow from work." "Does it change your plans, I mean for the business?" "Oh, not in the least. Tina and I've talked about this possibility before. Tina's idea was to see how we could do this since December. They get along well." "That's good! I gather from Nikki's tone that Susan and Tina were excited about it." Alan laughed. "Like we were provided the little sister that everyone wanted. I didn't stop and think about it at first, but you know, out of our whole crew, we have four girls who are 'only children'. So's Terri. And she's the little sister..." "Niece," I said. "Nikki said that if her sister had a daughter, said daughter would be her niece." "You know, buddy, that is a perfectly correct analysis and I could hear it coming from any one of our girls. Cindy got the news and giggled for ten minutes between sentences." "I can understand that perfectly well," I said. "Nikki said Terri's almost eight? That's only six years younger than Cindy." "Yeah. Look, here's what we're talking about so far. Assuming we carry through with that building we've been looking at, the girls go to Auburn. I'm already talking about getting Terri into one of the private schools in town." "So you already have a plan?" I asked. "Yeah, you know better'n that, Dan. Tina and Susan came up with the idea. Also said that we have six licensed drivers in the bunch: Me, you, Jason, Cindy's Dan, Tina and Susan, and we should be able to take care of getting Terri to school and back and to any little kid functions she may require." "Who came up with the school idea?" I asked. "Tina. They already have some possibilities lined up." "Okay," I said. "You sound happy about this, so I'm glad right along with you." "Thanks, Dan," he said. "It's gonna be good." I saw Nikki waving me over. "Alrighty, bud," I said. "I see I'm being summoned. Talk to you tomorrow." "Okay," he said. "Tell Nikki I said 'hi'." The phone clicked. I slid beside Nikki on the sofa. She had a picture up on her laptop. "Look!" she giggled. "Our new niece!" "Evil little thing," I said. "Blonde. She'll be quite the match for Susan." "'S what I said. Cute little thing. Tina says she reads way above her grade level. Smart." "Well, that's a good thing. Not like she'll lack for scholastic support, though. Three of you are tutors at school already." "Well," Nikki grinned, "I, for one, think that this is yet another good layer on the adventure that my life has become." I tugged her down on top of me as I lay back on the sofa, ending up with her pert nose touching mine. "And I am a happy party to that adventure." Graduation's coming! ------ Chapter 23 The next week was a bit nuts. A Fed-Ex package flew back and forth with notaries at each end. My namesake, Dan Richards, Cindy's husband, was named CEO of our new corporation by virtue of the fact that he was going to be in Auburn next week and he could close on the new building. New building. This was first. Friends told me I needed to have my head examined since I was buying an apartment building for almost a million dollars and moving into one of those apartments having never set foot in the thing. I talked with Nikki about this. We pored over the blueprints and the floorplans. "Just so you get there and make 'em do OUR kitchen right," she said. "And Tina and Cindy and Susan say THEY will not let you guys decorate. Ever." Giggle. I remember the comments about 'Decorating for Engineers'. "Just don't use too much pink," I'd said. That got me a twisted look from my little lover. "Dan Granger, do I even ACT like I'm a 'pink' kind of girl?" My turn. "Oh, you're plenty pink in all the proper places." And she bounced up and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Well, you can make me all pink, and I know a part of you that I can make turn purple," she giggled. "Wanna give it a try?" "What about dinner?" "Grilled cheese sandwiches and canned soup." She gave me that cutey twinkly-eye thing. "Or is a full-blown meal more important than observing the color changes that take place in an aroused female? Hmmmm????" I hooked my hands under her thighs and picked her up off of the floor. She squealed happily as I carried her to the bedroom. I was still experiencing aftershocks when I put the griddle on the stove for the grilled cheese sandwiches. Nikki was right about the thing between Slade and Kellen. When they showed up on Tuesday they were both in Slade's pickup truck. Kellen snorted over my observation. "He's gonna have to get it steam-cleaned to get the smell of cheap perfume out of it," she said. Slade smiled sheepishly. "I'm just a commodity, Mister Dan." "As are we all," I laughed. "Although I must commend you on your selection of owners this time." Other thing in my life. I was doing three hours a week at the local airport. I'd gotten half-way to a private pilot's license right out of college, but dropped it when the ex kicked up too much fuss. In a few hours behind the controls, I reestablished old skills and I was about five hours shy of going for my flight exam. The written exam was different than it was fifteen years ago, but hey, a little study, particularly with a brunette cutie studying with me, and I passed the written again. Worse than that, you just KNOW that almost every trip I made to the airport, I was accompanied by Nikki. She cadged rides on more than one occasion, which bothered me not at all until I landed one day and she grabbed me by the hand. "Come see this!" she said excitedly. "What?" "Just come see!" She hauled me around the back of the main hangar to a row of T-hangars, each rented out to a pilot or group of pilots who kept light planes in them. One was open, an older gentleman standing in front of it, arms folded, like he was expecting something. He was. Me. I recognized him as one of the guys who'd given Nikki a ride one afternoon. "Well, hello, Mister Wilson," I said, extending my hand. "Hello, Mister Granger," he replied. "Mizz Nikki says y'all are in the market for a plane." "It's under discussion," I said. I glanced at Nikki. "Why?" "I failed my physical. It's time to..." "Awww, man," I said. "I hate to hear that." "Oh, don't get all sad, Dan," he said. "Wife hasn't wanted to fly with me for years. I still keep this thing because I like it, but when all you do is fly around the patch every week or so, well ... and my eyes're getting too bad. I got a couple of waivers already. Time to give it up." "It's a Mooney, baby," Nikki said. "Oh, I'm familiar, sweetheart, but..." "It's faster than Tina's. Or Cindy's." "It better be," I said. "Retractable gear." "What kind of planes did you say your sisters fly?" he asked. "Tina's got a Cessna 182. Cindy's is a 180." "This is a J-model. Two hundred horsepower, so it won't burn as much fuel. And it'll cruise a long way at a hundred and eighty miles an hour." "Hundred and fifty-five knots," Nikki whispered to me. "Faster than..." "Lot faster than Tina or Cindy. They're a hundred and forty knots. Tops." "Gee, Mister Kevin," I said. "I dunno." "Look, son, here's the deal. You're standin' right here in front of me. You can see the plane. Mizz Nikki's flown with me in it. The mechanic here's just done the annual on it, so she's good for a year. I bought 'er new from the factory. I can show you all the paperwork from the day I picked 'er up. And If YOU buy it, maybe ever' now and then, you'll let me fly with you." Nikki nudged me. "Okay, how much?" "Ninety. Cash." "Ouch!" He continued, "The price range on the internet for these things starts at about seventy-five and goes to a hundred and fifty. This one's got a mid-time engine and no crash record. You can walk around her and ask people and find out that every day that this thing wasn't carryin' me and whoever on a trip, it's been backed into this same hangar." I laughed. "D'you sell cars?" I asked. "Nope. Attorney." He smiled. "Does it show? Nikki says you're an engineer. It shows." "Oh, does it?" Nikki smiled. "Sit in it!" I did. Okay, just a little drool stained the front of my shirt. I knew the reputation of these things. Fast. Efficient. I climbed out over the wing. "Let me talk to my instructor. I've only got fifty hours. This is a bit of a step from that Cessna 152 I'm flying." "Only difference between this and your buddies' Cessnas is you have to remember to put the gear up and down. Past that, a few miles an hour faster on stall, the flaps don't do as much. But when you get the gear up and level out, she hauls ass." He looked at Nikki. "Oops, sorry, Mizz Nikki." She smiled. "Look," Kevin said, "I'm in no hurry. I think it would be easy to list it with somebody and let them sell it for me, but then I pay that guy a commission. Here, you get to save the commission. But I do need to know something before too awfully long?" "How long is 'too awfully long' to a lawyer?" I asked. "You want that in engineering terms?" he laughed. "Let me know in a couple of weeks. If you decide to buy, then another couple of weeks to close. We can get an inspection by another mechanic if you want, or you can talk to the guy that did the annual." He rubbed his chin. "Oh, wait! Just maybe you might want to FLY it?" "Sure! Can Nikki do 'back seat'?" Nikki was smiling. Little darlin' can't hide 'smug' very well. In the truck on the way home, Nikki looked at me. "Funny look on your face, husband," she said. "Really funny when you saw a hundred and seventy knots in Mister Kevin's plane." "Alvin (my flight instructor) says he'd expect me to get something a little simpler, but that..." She finished my sentence. "That if I went along with you and reminded you to put the wheels down, you'd be okay. The money..." "Got the money. Easy. Even after throwing in the seed for the new company." I looked at the cutie sitting beside me. "Guess I hadn't gotten you a graduation present yet, anyway." Squeeeeeeeeal!i Okay, that was something to talk about with the gang, both gangs actually, the study group and the sisterhood. Alan and I and Cindy's Dan all talked about the choice. "Just watch," the other Dan said. "You put the nose down, that thing'll build up speed fast!" And Alan commented on the rather smaller carrying capacity. "But that's a fast little thing. I heard the squealing when she was telling Tina and Susan about it." Happy. That's what things are. Everybody was happy except my boss. I sat down and explained what had transpired and what my plans were going to be. "Damn, Dan! I can't fault you for it. But it just sucks. You're gonna make me have to start working again." "I'm sorry," I said. "This is Nikki's opportunity to go to college, and my chance to move up a level or two in the scheme of things." "Still sucks. How about sub-contracting?" "In which direction?" I asked. "I'm going to do the 'Alabama' thing. And I'm gonna be expensive." "And I'm thinking of last year, after the hurricane. I could've hired you and covered the cost easily." "Steve, that's always a possibility." I diligently worked to make sure I wasn't leaving him hanging on any of the projects I had going. Burning bridges is not a good idea in the specialty field in which I'd made a reputation. I felt bad that I didn't tell him that one of the hotshot young technicians was interested in coming over with me, but I couldn't say anything to Steve. It wasn't my place, in case Kevin Hartner decided NOT to go. All that, and when I get home there's this fantastic creature there, designed specifically to fit that hole in my soul that says 'perfect mate'. Nikki. Today's been stressful. I've spent it in the facility of one of our 'on again-off again' clients who uses us to get him out of a bind, but when he's got a choice he uses one of our competitors who's notorious for bidding low and manning a project with idiots, hoping like hell that thing'll hold together until their crew gets out the gate. This time it bit him in the ass. Major equipment outage. Damage. Loss of production running into the millions of dollars. And when he called, I told Steve, "Screw 'im. I know what went wrong. And I warned him about what he needed to do. He took MY report and gave it to that bunch of knuckle-dragging idiots." "You know I can't tell a customer to get screwed, Dan." "Okay. Don't tell him outright to get screwed. Pull that ratesheet out that's got the big numbers, you know, and fax it to him and tell him that he's paying full engineer rates for me for the duration of the job. Plus senior technician rates for all our techs. And if we have to sub-contract for an electrical contractor, we bill HIM cost plus twenty percent." "Damn, Dan," he said. "Just do it. I'm tired of the game he plays." I fully expected to lose the job. I was wrong. The client was desperate and he KNEW who to call when it came down to getting things done. Day One of that job was horrible, working to make sure equipment was isolated. ("Dan, how do you work on that high voltage?" Easy. I turn that stuff OFF.) Opening up and dragging out equipment that partially melted in place. Pulling steel panels bulged by the explosion of an electrical fault. I put good technicians (and mediocre ones) on the job and watched them work, taking copious pictures and notes, downloading files of data from smart devices. Then sat in a corner and started working over the mess. Talked about the client engineer like a dog, too. All he could do was hang his head and acknowledge what I said about the cause and what it would take to put things back to where HIS company could make money. MY company was making it hand over fist. When I got home, late, Nikki met me at the door, kissing me, shoving my smudgy ass to the shower. "You got t' clean up, baby. I'll have your dinner on the table when you get out of the shower." As I stood under the brisk hot stream, I mused about a year ago when a similar situation would've had me returning home to an empty house. Well, not exactly empty, but the cat was notoriously indifferent to how tired I might be. At the table, Nikki fed me and questioned me about what I saw. I showed her pictures that I'd uploaded to the server, accessible from the computer in my home office. She looked, hugging me from behind, her chin resting on my shoulder. "Looks like the fault didn't clear in time, baby. Like that other one you showed me. Am I right?" She stood up straight and started kneading my neck and shoulders. I moaned my approval. "Why don't we go to bed. I know just the perfect thing to relax you." She smiled. She did know. By the time I got to the bedroom, she had the covers on the bed turned down and folded at the foot of the bed. She peeled my pajama bottoms off. The pajamas were a concession to sitting on the furniture, not a concession to modesty. She got them out of the way. "Lay down," she said, kissing me lightly, the brush of her lips sending shocks coursing through my being. "You're tired. Stressed. I've had a good day. Let me help you." "Little one," I said, "Just your being here is more help than you could imagine." "Thank you, love," she said. "But I can do better." She wiggled her hips and the scrub pants that she used for pajamas dropped to the floor, revealing long, shapely legs. Next she crossed her arms, grabbing the hem of the scrub top she wore, and with a single movement peeled it up and over her head, tossing it aside. Then she stood, straightening her back, to her full, completely nude, delectable height, cocking one leg. She knew. Yes, she knew exactly how much I adored her. And she let me worship for a moment before crawling into bed. Folks, I didn't just lay there and let her 'do' me. That is a physical impossibility. No, Nikki's plan was 'Nikki takes the lead and stays on top.' And I let her. Of course, she knew that one of the essentials to my satisfaction was seeing her through her own squealing, shuddering orgasm. She got that astraddle my face. And another impaled atop me. That's when she brought me my own. We went to sleep in each other's arms. The way it's supposed to be. The remainder of that week, Nikki was careful to make life easy for me. The client put a lot less effort into making my life easy, but by some heroic effort we managed to return partial function to some equipment to get his processes back on line. I came home one evening to find Nikki showing her friends some of the pictures, patiently explaining what they were looking at. "How does she KNOW this stuff, Mister Dan?" Slade asked. "Nikki pays attention. Asks questions. Pays attention." Nikki pays attention. To everything. The Skype sessions with her extended sisterhood. My job. Cindy and Dan in Alabama, with Cindy spending a WEEK being interviewed and tested at Auburn. "What's the deal there," I asked her. "Cindy's getting pulled off the ladder, baby." "Pulled off the ladder?" "Yeah," Nikki said. "You know how you start college at the bottom rung and climb to the top? They got the idea that Cindy doesn't need most of the ladder." "And you've got a week before you finish this ladder, huh?" It was a week until Nikki's graduation. There was a colorful gown and mortarboard cap in the closet. They fit. I've got pictures. "That's gonna be a rough week, little one," I said. "Cindy graduates on Wednesday, Tina and Susan on Friday, and you graduate on Saturday." "It's fortunate that you got a brand new pilot's license and that sleek little Mooney at the airport." "We cut it close. I wish I was a little bit more comfortable in it." I needed five hours only a couple of weeks ago. I got the five hours. I took my check ride one morning, and in the afternoon, handed over a cashier's check, received the title to our new plane, and immediately fired it up with the help of Kevin and my flight instructor. I had three hours of flying time in it that day. By the end of the week, I had ten. And Nikki was my co-pilot. "Final approach, baby. Let's go through the checklist." And the squeals from the computer as she excitedly recounted the experience with her sisters. Another task was completed. She and I sat down and made lists of what was staying and what was going when we made our move to Alabama. "Everybody else has a travel trailer. So do we. We COULD take ours and stay up there in an RV park until they finish the building." That was Nikki's suggestion. "Or we could stay down here a little longer. And fly up there to talk about YOUR kitchen." "Mmm-hmmm," she said. "Maybe meet up there in the middle of the week after graduation. Everybody. Because Susan and Jason're getting married on the Saturday after graduation. And we're gonna be there for that." "That's gonna be all my unused vacation, baby." "I know. But we need to do all this stuff. It's gonna be a madhouse for the next couple of weeks. Then we come back, finish up with your old job, and then it's a new world." Yes, it was that close. And yes, I was nervous. Time was rushing. I spent an inordinate amount of time explaining to all and sundry about our schedule and exactly why we needed to fly to Alabama for a Wednesday graduation, to Tennessee for a Friday graduation. Everybody understood where we'd be on Saturday. Most of them had invitations to Nikki's graduation. Tuesday morning of the big week saw us packed, loaded, eating breakfast. Nikki was ebullient. "Cindy's day tomorrow. Tina and Susan's Friday. Mine Saturday." I sipped my coffee. "And we've got Dana coming in on Thursday to take care of Tommi." "Poor Tommi." Nikki looked up. "I wonder if he'd like flying?" "That's a curious thought," I said. "But most hotels don't allow pets." He jumped up in her lap, something that always amazed me. She kissed his kitty head, talking baby talk to him, "But if they knew what a fine cat Tommi was, they'd be glad to have him." I could hear him purr all the way across the table. "And we have reservations at the same hotel as Alan and Tina and Susan and Jason." "Yeah," I said, "how's that supposed to work?" Nikki smiled. "Alan and Tina get a room with two beds. They sleep in one, Susan gets the other. Poor Jason gets his own room." I shook my head. "The guy's a saint," I said. "He treats Susan like a goddess. And she returns the love. She adores him. Laughs, carries on, 'Jason this' and 'Jason that'. You've heard her." "Yes I have." "She's in love, baby. Like a certain hurricane survivor I know." She said this wrapping her arms around me. That's one of the things I adore about my little Cajun girl: she just walks up and wraps me up. Since we became a couple, I have never lacked for hugs. I thought this fact was wonderful. I love physical contact with my partner, and Nikki was more than any partner my feeble mind could imagine. A couple of hours later we were climbing out from the runway of our home airport. "Raise the gear, Captain," Nikki giggled, checklist in hand. This was a LOT more complex than the trainer that I'd used. "The checklist is your friend, Dan," my instructor had said while checking me out in the new plane. "I wouldn't try to fly this thing without it for a LONG time. Just give it to Nikki and let her read it off to you." Nikki was sitting in the back seat listening along through the intercom headset. "Or YOU read the checklist off and let Nikki fly." Giggle. "There is that," he laughed. Now we were doing it for real. Nikki was almost giddy. "This is so cooool!" she squealed. "OUR plane!" "Makes sense," I said. "With us moving four hundred miles from home and friends and family. Three hour trip, versus ten." "With added neato factor," Nikki replied. She'd been as excited over the purchase as she had been over the news of the early termination of her high school career. "Fly it, then," I said. Giggle. "No fair. You got the autopilot on." I reached over and clicked it off. "Now." She held the control yoke and put her feet on the pedals. I'd seen Cindy in the pilot's seat. And Tina. And I observed Nikki. Same grin. "Watch your heading and altitude. We're trimmed up, so it won't do anything drastic. All it takes is a little nudge here and there." "I know..." she said. "Still ... very neat. A hundred and fifty-five knots. That's almost three miles a minute." Math. One of Nikki's strong suits. The fact that it was packaged in that cute brunette head was a definite plus. I couldn't help myself. I reached over and toyed with the curl of her hair that was disturbed by her headset. She turned her gaze on me. "Don't mess with the pilot." Smile. "At least not until we get on the ground." "Sounds like a good deal to me," I said. "Doesn't stop me from being tempted, though." Three hours into the trip Nikki was reading off the landing checklist. A few minutes after that, our gear kissed the runway. We were taxiing to the tiedowns when we saw a familiar-looking Cessna 182 on the downwind leg of the landing pattern. And there was a big pickup truck parked on the apron with Cindy and her Dan waiting. Our propeller had barely swung to a stop before Cindy was at the wing and Nikki was unlatching the door. "CIndeeeee!" Nikki squealed, bouncing off the wing in one jump, into Cindy's waiting hug. "Sis! You're gonna be the first one of us to graduate! And YOU'RE the youngest!" "I knowwww," Cindy giggled. "Ironic, isn't it?" I exited the aircraft to "Hi, Nikki's Dan!" from Cindy and a handshake from Dan who'd just caught up, having walked, rather than skipped over from his truck. "Nice aircraft, Dan," he said. "Pictures don't do 'er justice." "Oh, she's nice, man," I said. "I'm still antsy about flying 'er, though. I've been warned nineteen times that this is too much for a novice pilot. But if I'm careful ... Besides, I got a great co-pilot. She reads off the checklists for me." "I worry about you and that little angel that's strangling Cindy," he said. "Thanks. I worry about the little angel, too. And we're getting ready to add to the mix," I said. "Look!" Alan's Cessna 182 was touching down. "I guess he found that kiddie seat for the cargo compartment," Dan R. said. "I guess they're traveling light, then." By the time you put four adults and a seven-year-old in that plane, there wasn't a lot of room left for luggage. That's the scene that unfolded as they unloaded from the aircraft. Last one out was the much-anticipated Terri, EVERYBODY'S new niece; all four feet and maybe sixty pounds of blonde, blue-eyed cutie who plunged right into the middle of the scrum of cuties. Jason and Alan and I and Cindy's Dan retrieved the luggage. I was right. The Tennessee contingent was traveling light. I noted that a big SUV pulled up next to Dan R.'s truck and a woman got out, slender, hair a delightful shade of grey, dressed in jeans and a man's shirt. "Folks, this is my best friend and somehow mother-in-law, Helen. She's Cindy's foster mom. Helen, this is Alan, Jason, and yet another Dan." "Hello! I feel like I know you folks from Cindy's narrative," Helen said. Cindy herded the group over. "Mizz Helen, this is Nikki, an' she belongs to THIS Dan. And this is Tina. She belongs to Alan, and this is their daughter Terri, and this is Susan, an' she belongs to Jason. Or vice versa, you know..." To the assembled group she said, "This is Mizz Helen, my foster mom and one of the most wonderful people on the planet." "We're gonna give Mizz Helen a ride back to her house. She contributed her SUV to the graduation gang for the night," Dan R. said. "That's mighty nice of you," Alan said, beating me to the comment. "Oh, it's nothin'," Helen said. "All y'all came down for our Cindy's graduation. This is the least I could do." She smiled, stroking Cindy's hair lovingly. "I did a little better, though. Y'all all come to our house, meet my husband, we'll have dinner, that way you don't have to battle your way through one of the local restaurants. And you can get dressed there, and we can all go to the civic center." "But we don't want to crowd you," Alan said. "Trust me," Dan R. said. "Cindy says it's like 'Tara' from "Gone With the Wind" except with better plumbing. There's room." After two planes had been tied down, we put that plan into action. Helen went with Cindy and her Dan and we all loaded into the big SUV, all seven of us, Terri squeezed in between Tina and Alan, usan and Jason giggling in the back seat with a squeal, a slap and a tittering "Behave yourself!" Nikki and I got in the front seat and we convoyed away to dinner. I had to make a concerted effort to keep from saying "Wow!" too many times. We met Judge Charlie Peebles, spry at eighty-something,, had a delightful dinner. "I see a table full of stories," Charlie said. "Cindy's kept us up on a little bit of some of them." And we had a great meal, good food helped along by great conversation with a roomful of friends. We all took turns cleaning and tidying ourselves up, changing into somewhat nicer clothes. Helen laughed. "This is a high school graduation in Beanpole, Alabama. All you had to do to dress up is button the side button on your overalls." And the last thing before we left the house was a group photo on the marble steps of Charlie and Helen's house, the camera on a timer, the whole crew standing together smiling, with the addition of Charlie and Helen's housekeeper. And there in front, with a smile that dazzled, wearing a purple and white graduation gown and mortarboard, was Cindy. I can't say that the civic center parking lot was total chaos, but it was pretty close. The place was packed. We found parking spots a goodly distance out and walked in, me holding Nikki's hand, Cindy walking between her husband and her foster parents. She was stopped a few times to chat excitedly, sometimes with teens her age, sometimes with adults. A grandfatherly type came up, gathered her in a big friendly hug and for his troubles got introduced as Bill Carmody, Dan R.'s former boss and Cindy's adopted grand-dad. An obviously older teen girl came up squealing at Cindy. Nikki tugged me down to whisper in my ear. "'S gonna be like that with mine, Saturday night," she said. "Look at 'er. She's on top of the world!" "And on Saturday night, it'll be your turn, little one," I said. "Nope. Been on top of the world since you cut me out of that building." ------ Chapter 24 Nikki's turn: You know, when I saw Cindy in her graduation robes, at first I had a little pang of jealousy. A little pang. And it went away. Fast. Because first, you can't look at Cindy and be mad. She's like this little angel. Okay, cherub. Nope, cherub doesn't work. Every time you see a cherub, they're chubby, and Cindy is NOT chubby. I think I heard her Dan say 'pixie' and honestly, if she was dressed in a forest green outfit with pointy shoes and a hat, you could put 'er in the dictionary next to the definition of 'pixie'. That's if the definition of 'pixie' included world-class brains. But you know, it's just a random event that she graduates first and I graduate last, with Tina and Susan in the middle. And Cindy has already gone to Auburn for interviews, and I'm supposed to go talk to the same people the first week of June. And I will be a high school graduate come Saturday night. I was wowed by the house that Cindy's foster mom and dad live in. I think I could've come up with "Like Tara, with better plumbing" too. I could picture it as a fixture from before the Civil War. It wasn't, though, and instead of slaves, Mister Charlie's housekeeper was a marvelous black lady named Eletha who has a daughter in law school. I know this because I had to go visit the kitchen before dinner. "Nikki, child, you don't have to help. This is what I do," Mizz Eletha said. "Yes ma'am," I said. "But I learned to cook from my grandmother and she told me that helping in the kitchen was a good way to see how people do things." She smiled at me. "Baby, it's a little late now, 'cuz everything's almost cooked." But that didn't stop her talking about how she did the roast. "Sounds like my grandma," I said. "She never wrote down her recipes." "I don't either, baby," she said. "But I could. They's gonna look like stories with food in them, though." "I think that would be fun to do," I said. "You ... we oughtta try it." "I just might. Want me to send you one?" "I'd love it." Mizz Eletha finished the platter with the roast on it. "You wanna grab a couple of pot-holders and bring that casserole in with me?" I did that, and then I heard Cindy holler, "Nikki, come sit with us!" I joined the bunch in the sitting room. Giggled. My 'room' to sit was Dan's knee. "I'm sorry. I smelled the kitchen. Had to go see how y'all do it here." "Little girl," Mister Charlie said, "If you saw Eletha in the kitchen, you SAW how we do it. Or you could watch Helen. I have to put a rope on her leg to keep her out of there when Eletha's at work." Mizz Helen sniffed. "I wasn't raised to let somebody else do my housework. No matter HOW nice they are. Or how good they cook." That started another line of conversation. I guess that out of the sisterhood, I'm the most adept in the kitchen. Tina does some stuff, and Cindy giggles about peeling the plastic off of TV dinners. Susan says she's done stuff using a recipe book. "Good cookies, too," Jason said. Cindy leaned away from her Dan and whispered in my ear, "She's gonna kill 'im on their honeymoon." I giggled. "What's so funny?' Susan asked. I know the conversations we've had on Skype, the four of us, and I'm pretty sure Susan knows what Cindy whispered. "We think you two are a cute couple," I said. Cindy's head bobbed in support of my fib. Susan twisted and gave Jason a little peck on the cheek. "That's cute," Mizz Helen said. "And in a whole roomful of cute, that's cute!" "Thank you, Mizz Helen," Susan said. Susan's in love. She's had a whole lot different life than me and Cindy and Tina, and that's really interesting to think about. I have wondered what it would have been like to have a mom and dad and stable home life like Susan did. I talked to Dan about it. "I understand how you feel, little one," he said in that gentle way he has when we talk about some of my feelings. "But you can't go back and change a single thing. All you can do is deal with your feelings and how they color what you are today and in the future." "Philosopher. I fell in love with a philosopher," I told him that day. And then I kissed him silly. But Susan, she's a product of that whole gristmill of high school love and dating and stuff. I know some of her story, about some of her dates, and I know that for Susan to still retain her virginity, there's character behind that cute, plump, bubbly exterior that is real strength. That she stepped out of the world of high school boys and saw what she thought was important in Jason, poor ol' funny Jason, that's some common sense, too. Because I've heard about Jason as well, and he's lucky. So's she. Okay, I expected the actual graduation to be chaos, and it was. I mean, three hundred kids graduating, so there's three hundred families crammed into the civic center, actually the sports arena part, and it's loud and unruly and I'm not being snotty, you understand, because it's Alabama and a bunch of rednecks. Nope. I expect exactly the same thing on Saturday for my graduation. The rehearsal was bad enough. At least I get to sit on the stage with the VIP's because I'm considered sort of special. Oh, this year IS special. First time I've made straight 'A's' in high school. And that's in six week as a sophomore and the rest of the year as sort of a senior. But today is Cindy's day in the sun. Well, one of 'em, anyway. I suspect that Cindy will be in the spotlight plenty more times in the future. Ding! Sometimes my mind does that to me. I'm in the middle of life, just rolling along, soaking up conversations and feelings and sights and sounds and my brain goes 'ding!' and I'm somewhere else. This time it's Dan's (MY Dan, not Cindy's. hee-hee) fault. He brought home an out of date bit of control technology from an upgrade project, and showed me how the software works and how to program it. I told Cindy. She squealed, "I've done THAT!" and she launched into a story about a day she'd spent on her Dan's project and how one of the other engineers showed her how some of that control programming worked. "And you got a little one to play with at HOME? I'm jealous!" She didn't stay jealous. I set up a port to put it on the internet so she could get to it from Alabama. When I showed Dan, his first comment was "How in HELL did you know how to do that?" I smiled. "You told me I could do THIS. And THIS. And then it's a matter of setting up behind our firewall and there it is." I just finished high school technology with a four point oh grade. I showed Coach Stanley my link to that controller at the house a month and a half ago and even HE was impressed. Coach Stanley is our number two football coach. He doubles as our school's technology teacher. He's not impressed by much geek stuff but when I pulled up the command line on the monitor at school and it looked like one of those scenes from a bad sci-fi movie, THAT impressed him. Since I was already using pivot tables in spreadsheets and was fluent in word-processing, he just threw up his hands. "I can't do a darned thing for you, Nikki Granger. Do what you want. Help the kids that need help, and we'll ALL be happy." I told Dan that I needed a few bits of hardware to connect that thing to the real world. He's working on it. Okay, back to Cindy's graduation. She was actually BEAMING up there on stage. I saw her find her Dan in the VIP seating in the civic center and she smiled and gave him that little finger wave she does, and then she hugged this BIG black guy, I mean BIG!, before she sat down. The ceremony was a blur. National Anthem, alma mater, speech one, speech two, introductions of academic scholarships, athletic scholarships and a special one for Cindy, "One WEEK in high school". Cute. And it was over. After the exodus from the parking lot, we ended up back at Mizz Helen and Mister Charlie's house for cake and coffee. Mizz Eletha had done Cindy's favorite carrot cake and it went real good with coffee. I had to ask Cindy. "Who's that huge black guy you hugged?" Cindy smiled. "That's Demarcus James. He has a younger brother, JJ, that I rescued in math in middle school so he could play football and get through middle school. Demarcus is cool." Her Dan laughed. "Yeah, first time I saw him he scared the crap out of me. Six feet seven and three hundred pounds. Told me he had a scholarship for poetry. We talked to them and their mother in the parking lot." We had a room to ourselves that night at the hotel. Susan was staying in Tina and Alan's room and Jason was staying by himself in his own room, looking all sad and making puppy-dog eyes about it when we checked in. I was happy about that because I meant to abuse my husband. What's more, he was gonna LOVE it. We got to that stage kind of late, though, because after the graduation and the coffee and cake at Mizz Helen and Mister Charlie's, the mob congregated in the lobby of the hotel for a little bit MORE talking. Then it was time for a little fun in the hotel room. This wasn't something that Dan and I usually did because we have OUR house, but I listened to Cindy and Tina recount how wonderful it was to get out of those little trailers they live in and get to a place where there's a big shower. We have a big shower at home. The only perk to a hotel room is the unlimited hot water. I still like showering with Dan. We don't ALWAYS shower together, just most of the time. And then it's bedtime. Lovely, loving bedtime. I remember laying awake some nights when I lived with Mom, listening to the noise from her and one of her men, and I used to wonder what it would be like when my time came. I was kind of scared because I didn't want what Mom had become to happen to me, but at the same time, I had the natural curiosity that goes with puberty. But I had Grandma's voice in my head, too, about chastity and proper behavior and I had the picture in my mind as she shed tears over her daughter who got pregnant by Lord only knows who, and dumped the baby (me) off on her mother (Grandma) to raise while she ran the roads and went through men like disposable napkins. I think it screwed me up. I think that a hurricane, a collapsed building and a guy who was just decent and guileless unscrewed my head. Suddenly sex became making love and it was something that two people shared because they shared everything in their lives. My very first sexual experience, the first time I touched or was touched since I was a toddler, that was with Dan. First real kiss. Dan. First everything. Dan. And since that first time, that first glorious night, that first wild week, it just gets better and better. I pay attention to him. I know that if I get to this little spot right under his left nipple, he loses control. And there are a dozen others, some obviously sexual, some that might be taken in a public setting as just an innocent caress, but I know that if I touch right THERE, he's gonna have to wait a bit to walk because he's HARD. He knows the same things about me. I am susceptible to a gentle fingertip tracing from my hairline down the center of the back of my neck. And he knows it. And when you take two people who KNOW each other, the results are fantastic. Know what else? I have two sisters who feel the same way about their own relationships. But tonight I'm in a hotel room with my Dan and we're both showered squeaky clean and we get out of the bathroom and we're still both completely naked and he takes me into his arms and while he's kissing me, a fingertip lightly touches the back of my neck, just below the hairline. What a way to get ready for a night's sleep. I think we were both fighting full bladders, lying in each other's arms, drifting on that sublime cusp between sleeping and waking, when my cellphone rang. Cindy. "Hi, Cindy," I said. "I'm not going to even ask what you're doing," she giggled. "We're NOT," I giggled back. "Well, wait'll after breakfast. Up the road from the hotel. In half an hour. Everybody!" Dan was already in the bathroom by now. I heard the noise, then, "Cindy?" "Uh-huh," I said, getting out of bed. "Breakfast plan, no doubt." "Uh-huh," I giggled. "She says wait'll after breakfast..." I pushed past him into the bathroom. "I'm about to POP!" When I got finished, I met Dan back in the main room, one more nude kiss, and then we got dressed. When we got to the lobby, Susan and Jason were already there, and we arrived just moments before Tina and Terri and Alan, "Everyone seems to take direction well," Alan said smiling. Susan's head bobbed. "Cindy." Breakfast with a bunch of tables pushed together, presided over by Cindy. Funny. Her Dan had been eating here longer than SHE had, but she's the one people remember. The waitresses all knew her. That started the breakfast off with happy noises. We ate good American food and drank good coffee (a little thin. I'm used to Louisiana coffee: (Thick and Strong) and laid out our plans for the trip to Tennessee today. Eleven o'clock was checkout time at the hotel and we were walking out the door, headed to the airport. The trip to Tennessee was fun. I'm not exactly an expert on flying, you know (but I'm working on it) so the idea of three planes flying together to Tennessee didn't sound that strange until Dan explained that it was unusual for civilian aircraft to fly in formation. I've seen formation flying, you know, like at air shows. We didn't do anything like that. We stayed in eyesight of one another. Of course that meant that we had to cut way back on the throttle. I giggled when I explained that to Cindy and Tina. "Our plane's a LOT faster." Of course, both of them have a lot more time behind the controls. Tina has her license and Cindy, well, it's Cindy, you know. If she was old enough to GET a license, she'd HAVE a license. We watched Cindy take off. Yes, she was in the pilot's seat. She told us to watch for a short-field take-off. She's practicing. And there were only the two of them, her and her Dan, in the plane and it just about JUMPED off the runway. A bit over two hours after takeoff we landed in Tennessee. Hills! REAL hills. Sorry if I get all 'touristy' on you, but I'm from Louisiana and I have never seen many real hills so watching the terrain slide by five thousand feet below us, I was like a little kid, seeing hills and valleys for the first time in my life. At Alan and Tina's home airfield, we tied planes down after topping off our tanks. Susan was loaning her car to the mutual transportation effort, so Cindy and I giggled at 'two Dans, a Cindy and a Nikki" in Susan's little car. Nice car, though. I couldn't imagine a home life that would provide a daughter with her own car, but Susan is an only child and her mom and dad both have careers. I remember when I pointed out the 'only child' with her own car. Susan didn't exactly get upset about the comment, but she did patiently explain that she put in summers and Saturdays at either her mom's office or her dad's business and the car was payment for that. No, Susan doesn't act spoiled. She has that bubbly blonde airhead thing that I honestly think she throws up as camouflage sometimes, but when she's in the conversation about future plans and education and family, and yes, even her impending marriage to Jason, she does NOT sound like a blonde bimbo. So we have the whole vehicle assignment thing figured out. Since it's the home field for Jason and Susan and Alan and Tina, they have Alan's truck and Jason's truck. We have Susan's car. And I note that Terri is leaving with Susan and Jason. Looks like Alan and Tina get some time to themselves. The plan is for us all to end up at a local restaurant for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night is graduation and we'll do a meal at Susan's house to avoid the madhouse of another high school graduation in another small town. While our husbands checked us into the hotel, Cindy told me "I won't call YOU for a couple of hours if you don't call ME!" I didn't know green eyes could look devilish, but she managed the look above that little smirk of a smile she has. And if that wasn't bad enough, you should've seen the knowing look she gave me when we met in the lobby to go to dinner. Okay, I'm a whole year older than Cindy and our husbands are the same age, and I can see how some people might look at her and find out she's married and say "No Way!" or get freaked out about it. Cindy told me about her school librarian jumping her Dan about it. According to her, Dan handled it well. So we all end up at the restaurant together and Susan's mom and dad joined us. They remind me a lot of Maddy's mom and dad, just plain good people. We made a big deal about Cindy being out of high school while we had yet to graduate. Susan's dad, Mister Mike, asked Cindy a lot of questions about her interview process with Auburn and that I was supposed to be going there in two weeks. "Gifted program, Mister Mike," Cindy said. "That's how my school listed me when we started talking." She looked at me. "Nikki, that's what your school said, wasn't it?" "Yes," I said. "When I tested out of two years of high school and Tina told me to apply to Auburn, my guidance counselor and MY Dan made sure that's how I was represented," I said. Cindy's brow knit for a second. "And I'll bet that neither Susan OR Tina were pointed out. You know what? I'm calling Mizz Patel in the morning. She's been handling special admissions in the engineering program. Maybe they need to pull a couple of applications." "Uhhh," Tina started. Cindy caught her. "No, really. Think about how many applications they get. Those applications go on somebody's desk and they just sort of sift through them. Whoever sees yours may or may NOT see anything special. I've been having conversations with Mizz Patel and she seems to really care about people, so let me call her. What can it hurt?" Alan said, "I guess it's worth a try, Tina. Maybe they can set you up to test out of some stuff, get you a few hours on the board up front." "I'd be all for that," Susan said. I know that Cindy and I had talked and if I got the same kind of response she did, we both would be beating that' whole 'four years of college' thing. I dunno, though. Cindy beat the 'four years of high school' already. I'm just a little bit in awe of Cindy, but she tells me that I shouldn't be. Maybe the awe is because of that whole 'pixie' thing. Seriously, though, she showed me some of the math that she discussed with those guys and I got it. Scary, isn't it? I didn't mean to intimidate the study group, but I wanted to share some of those problems. Kellen said, "You just as well roll out a papyrus with hieroglyphics on it." Oh, yeah, Kellen. AND Slade. Might not last, but it's a big departure for Slade from his parade of cheerleader and flag corps bimbos. And Bret and Holly? They're 'Bret 'n' Holly' an item in high school where Bret has NEVER been known to have a real girlfriend. I'm looking at them and thinking that here are two who are going to the same college and in a year they'll be married. Yeah, it's like that. I feel good about that, like I had something to do with two people being happy. It's even MORE interesting, my interaction with my nieces and nephew. Yeah, it's a giggle moment to say it that way. They're MY age, but I married their uncle, so that makes me their aunt. And I passed up the whole bunch of 'em in school. Makes for some interesting conversations when we get together every week or so. The adults, Dan's brother and sister and their spouses, by now I'm just, as his sister Dana said, another strange and happy thing that Dan brought into the family. And I can cook. Established my Cajun creds with a gumbo or two during the winter. Another thing that I'm VERY happy with, while I'm thinking. Cindy and Tina and I, we don't get graphic about it, but we've discussed what Dan terms 'intimate relations', like was it everything we expected. Unanimously we agree that it is something that words could not adequately convey. NO, we don't do much of that when Susan's in the conversation, because it's just not fair to her. But ME, it's "WOW!" Like the other morning, the day we had to get up and fly to Alabama for Cindy's graduation. On that morning when I woke up, Dan was turned away from me, rolled half onto his stomach, one leg pulled up high. I know what's available in that position, and I know how he reacts. I slip my hand gently along his butt, around under that uphill leg, and there they are, his balls. I love 'em. It's so neat that there's this part of his body that is so interesting to play with. They're heavy in my hand, all safe in that sack, and I knew exactly how to roll 'em around in my hand and just sort of gently tug on his sack and he swears it's one of the most wonderful ways in the world to be wakened. Another is if I catch him on his back. The first time I woke him up by sucking on him, it was because it was almost irresistible to ME. Now when it happens, that's only half of it. The other half is that I KNOW he loves it. But on this morning, I have his balls in my left hand and I've moved up to spoon against his hairy back, and when he moves, I know that the next thing I need to do is kiss the back of my lover's neck. Doing all these things on a morning when our schedule is a bit flexible is lovely and because I KNOW that we have time for any happy consequences, I'm gooshy wet, myself. Dan's first sounds this morning are "Mmmmmmm, good morning, little love." And he rolls over to kiss me. The logical outcome of this is that an hour later we're together, totally nude, letting hot water course over our entwined bodies in the shower and I was still tingling between my legs, remnants of the juices of our coupling oozing out. And his fingers gently, lovingly sluicing me clean. What got me off on THIS line of conversation?!? Oh, yeah ... I was mentioning that Tina and Cindy and I had talked about some of this. I have no reason to believe that they are telling less than the complete truth when they tell me that they're as happy with their guys as I am with my Dan. Another point of agreement: Susan's gonna KILL Jason. We don't expect him to live through the honeymoon. Hee-hee! Oh, yeah! We were in the middle of a restaurant in Tennessee, five couples plus. That's Mike and Kathy, Susan's mom and dad, Susan and her Jason, Tina and her Alan with Terri, Cindy and HER Dan, and me and MY Dan. We were having a great time, talking about a bunch of things, business, school, travel, family life. Several conversations were going at once and I slid in and out of several of them. Finally dinner was over. We got out in the parking lot, still talking. Alan had to show us where his parking lot battle ("Christina" Chapter 17) had taken place, because Cindy had asked. Now we'd just had a delightful meal in this family-style restaurant. The dĂ(C)cor was not something you'd see in a fancy restaurant, and the music was country and western and there was laughter and talking, but I just couldn't imagine somebody getting nasty and violent in a place like that. Tina, though, had told us the story, and there's another break in the story. Her Alan seems so reserved and gentle. But yes, this is the guy who rescued her on the day they met, pulling his pistol to stop her from getting beaten in a roadside eatery in Louisiana. But like my own guy. I knew there was a little box in his top dresser drawer and in that box was a Purple Heart. And yet this guy was the most civilized single human being I'd ever met, after my own grandmother. Sometimes you just don't know, looking at the outside, where a person's footsteps have taken them. I know where those footsteps were heading tonight: to the hotel, a little more conversation in the lobby and then into the hotel room. I knew that somewhere not too far away, Susan and Tina were sleeping their last nights as high school students and by this time tomorrow they'd have diplomas and I'm sorry, but there's this gentle hand pushing me toward the shower. The next day was, as you might imagine, a rush. Breakfast with the gang, then lunch, then dinner at Susan's house. Cindy's Dan is the biggest camera nut among us, and there were pictures. Lots of pictures. Tina and Susan looked strikingly beautiful in their gowns, the maroon school colors accenting their faces. Their graduation ceremony was pretty much like Cindy's, except that Susan was the one on the stage, having managed salutatorian status on her grade-point average. Tina would've been there, but she only had one year at the school and thus no real record. Having Tina in the 'thundering herd', Alan's term, was like having a diamond in a bucket full of gravel. We did a quick late snack at Susan's house because tomorrow was MY day and everyone was flying out early the next morning, so we were back at the hotel right before ten at night. And yes, there was time for a little, tiny bit of dalliance. Helps one sleep, you know. Morning. Pack. Breakfast. Tearful good-byes to Susan's mom, then spin up and go. I LIKE this flying thing. This time, Dan's hands and feet are hovering over the controls on take-off and I get to do it. From the left seat, of course, but STILL ... and on the trip home, we don't do the formation like we did flying up here from Alabama. Dan sets a course and at eighty-five hundred feet we set up for a 75% cruise, a hundred and eighty-something miles an hour and we're headed home. We're going to be on the ground almost an hour before the rest of the gang. I know this is a funny trip for the others, because Jason and Susan are in Cindy's plane for the flight, just gives everybody a lot more room. And Dana's doing a big gumbo for dinner before the graduation. After I graduate, we have a week where Dan's gonna work at his office, cleaning up the various messes of jobs done and jobs in progress. He's finishing up Thursday, and Friday we're flying back to Tennessee for Susan's wedding. It's a plan. Four-thirty. We're at Dana's house. She's got a driveway full of cars and we park on the curb. It's a good thing she's good-natured about all this, because we're a HERD. "Horde of locusts," Dan says. Dana makes a good gumbo. That's a fact that was supported by positive comments from a spectrum of gumbo consumers, some of whom were like me, raised with it all my life, to some like Cindy and Susan who'd been eating it a year. We left to go home. MY graduation. A year ago, this was something that would happen YEARS into the future, if I managed the trick at all. I had already seen what I faced, not from school, but from home, and I knew Tina's story and I thought it was going to be my own. And here I was, washing up, getting ready to put my own gown on and go out and get a diploma. Two years early. And the week after Susan's wedding I was supposed to be following Cindy's footsteps and do some interviewing with the people at Auburn. I was in the bedroom getting ready to put clothes on when Dan came in, smiling. "Looks like I have just ONE more opportunity to make love with a high school girl, angel baby," he smiled. I giggled. "Yeah, that's right! After tonight, I'll be a high school graduate, just like you can pick up in the Wal-Mart checkout line!" I was still naked and all I had to do was let myself fall backward onto the bed, legs spread. Yes, I was wet. Just like THAT! Dan does that for me. I wonder how many of the kids who graduate tonight will have been as truly and wonderfully satisfied as I am. Just like now. Okay, we put a little 'wiggle room' in our scheduling for these little setbacks. I mentioned it to Dan. He laughed. "You put the 'wiggle' in 'wiggle room', doll." So we're off to the civic center, tracking all the others by cellphone, timing arrivals, who was parking where. We descended into the maelstrom. The parking lot was filling up fast, crowded with groups and clumps of people, punctuated and peppered with bright splotches of purple polyester of the graduating class of the high school we actually attended, although there were a bunch of maroon gowns, too, the senior class of our own hurricane-damaged school. Because I wasn't a senior from the old school, they let me have a choice, and since my HAPPY school time was at this school, I chose their purple. I found Kellen and her family. Kellen was one of the maroon bunch. Maddy sided with me. When I found her, she was with her mom and dad and she was in full 'smile' mode. I introduced them to the rest of the gang as they wandered by. Seating? For the guests it was going to be a problem. The auditorium, actually a basketball court, was filling up fast. We made our way inside. Cindy and her Dan managed to grab a couple of front row seats after another couple got up and moved, so there's my sister, front and center where I can see her. I'm up on stage because I have a scholarship and a 4.0 average for the year and that's good enough. I'm almost on autopilot here. It's like a dream world. I stand when everybody stands and sit when everybody sits and I scan the crowd and see MY husband sitting with some of OUR friends and family, but it's almost like a hallucination, until the principal calls my name and I stand. "Mizz Dominique, you know her as Nikki Granger. She has a 4.0 average, a full scholarship to the Auburn University of Alabama under their 'gifted' program. She started the year as a sophomore, and came into the senior class after Thanksgiving. Many of the students in this auditorium had her assistance in getting here for graduation tonight. Mizz Nikki, here's your diploma." I took it with nervous hand, said "Thank you," and gave a little wave to the audience. And looked at Cindy. She was grinning. And she winked at me. So let's catch up on predictions. Susan's gonna kill Jason. And me 'n' Cindy're gonna take Auburn by storm. Oh, gosh, it's OVER! I have a high school diploma. I've passed a major milestone in a young person's life. Oh, I know, I passed another major milestone last autumn when Dan and I stood in the judge's office and vowed that we were married, always and forever. If you thought it was a huge mess BEFORE the ceremony, it was twice that afterward. I stood on the stage for a bit after the last student marched off, diploma in hand. The principal, Mister Dennison, sidled up to me. "Well, Mizz Nikki, you've gone and done it, huh?" I smiled. "Yessir. It's still soaking in. Momentous." "Momentous," he repeated. "At fifteen, I suppose it's even more momentous. Make sure you keep in touch. I know you're moving off to Alabama, but I know you'll be back here. Please stop by. Really." "I will, sir," I said. "And I really appreciate what you and the school and Mister Garrod and everybody did for me." He smiled. "We don't work miracles, Mizz Nikki. You brought this all with you." By this time Dan had worked his way to the stage. He shook hands with Mister Dennison and a few others, then took my hand as I descended the steps. Walking out into the open air of the parking lot, I poked my nose into several groups of my fellow graduates, people I knew. Most of the meetings, if there were girls in the group, erupted in squeals. I finally collected my friends and we all headed over to Dana's house. Greg was excused from the graduation because he was back home, cooking the post-graduation dinner. Finally the day was over. All that was left for me was to go home, seated snugly besides my Dan, and sigh my way to sleep. Life had made a big change for me. ------ Chapter 25 Conclusion Nikki's turn: I can't believe it! Graduated! I know it's only high school, and heaven knows, that's not a good place to stop if you aspire to something other than second assistant panty-stacker at Wal-Mart, but when the band played the recessional and we left the building, I angled towards Dan and our gang and we dutifully trooped to Dana's house for a social. I knew that many of the my classmates were under no such restraints and I really didn't want to jump in the middle of the post-graduation mess. Navigating through the parking lot after the ceremony, you KNOW we bumped into people that were of varying importance to me, and that usually meant squeal-fests. Kellen and Maddy. My friends this year. I saw them and we hugged. Then Kellen looked up. Behind me was Tina. My SISTER Tina. "I know you," Kellen said. "Don't I?" Tina nodded. One of the reasons that Tina and I were friends was that during her brief stay in high school with me, and that was last year. Kellen was NOT one of my friends, nor was she one of Tina's. "I remember you, too," Tina said softly. I pretty much know what she remembers. This could be... "I'm ... I was Christina Johnson last year. I'm Christina Addison now. This is my husband, Alan. Alan, this is..." Kellen stepped forward, extending her hand to Alan. "Kellen Denger. Reformed asshole. I wasn't a nice person in Tina's life last year. Or Nikki either." She wrapped Tina up in a hug. "Tina, I'm sorry..." When the hug broke, there were tears. "Nikki told me about you. And Alan. Congratulations on your marriage and graduation." Tina smiled. "Thank you, Kellen. 'S okay. And congratulations to you." Naturally, Slade found Kellen. After all, they WERE an item. "Slade, hon, d'ya remember Tina? Beginning of last year?" Kellen asked. Slade's brow knit. I'm thinking that last year Slade wasn't looking at Tina. Tina's cute enough, but she's not in the tier that held Slade's interest. "I think I remember," he said. "You and Nikki used to sit in the corner at lunch..." Kellen gathered HER guy against her. "And this is Mister Alan, Tina's husband." Slade did a double-take. The boy's fast though, and not just as an athlete. I watched his eyes dart back and forth between My Dan and Alan and me and Tina. "Whoa," he said. "Did y'all, like, PLAN this?" It got worse, because Cindy and showed up, tugging her Dan by the hand. When she slung her arm around HIS waist, I thought Slade was gonna flip out. "My sister Cindy," I said, "and HER husband, Dan Richards. Guys, this is Slade and Kellen. My friends." "Our friends," Tina corrected. "Noooo," Kellen said. "Cindy, you're..." Cindy does this GOOD in front of the right audience. "Fourteen. Married. High school graduate. Full scholarship to Auburn University. Like Nikki." And she underscored the statement with that little nose-wrinkle smile. I know it makes HER Dan's knees weak. It's a good think Kellen had Slade around the waist, because it got HIM. Then Susan and Jason waltz up. "Hi, Guys," Susan said. Squeals. Multiple "No way". And finally, Dan said, "Hey, look, how about all you guys coming over tomorrow for a post-graduation recovery party?" "Deal!" Slade said. And we escaped. I was still giggling about the look on Slade's face when Cindy nailed 'im when I slid into the truck beside Dan. I didn't buckle in immediately. Instead, I knelt in the seat sideways, threw both arms around his neck and laid a blistering kiss on him. "Wow!" he said. "You sure do kiss good for a high school grad." "That, baby guy, is the WAY to end high school! ------ (Author's note: I had to end this story somewhere. This is the end of 'Nikki' as a separate story. If you've enjoyed her life so far, then I point you to the first chapter of the new story, "Community", published here under my pen name. There you will find Nikki and her sisters. Thank you for reading, Oyster) ------ The End ------ Posted: 2012-01-11 Last Modified: 2014-01-18 / 09:11:00 pm ------ ------