Title: Reflections in a Golden Eye
Author: T'Guess
Series: MU TOS
Pairing: Ensemble
Rating: NC-17
Feedback: tguessca@yahoo.com

= = = = = = = = = 

"Reflections in a Golden Eye"
by T'Guess

Kirk was seething.

He wiped away a droplet of spittle at the corner of his mouth
with the back of his hand.

"Fuck that pointed eared, son of a bitch," he growled. "The
minute I'm free, he's a dead man!"

Turning his anger on McCoy, Scott and Uhura, Captain J. T. Kirk
of the I.S.S. Enterprise stared hard at each of his subordinates.

"Don't just stand there like fucking retards. Think of
something to get us out of here. Fast!"

Each glanced warily at the captain, then each other, terrified
of his legendary temper.

"Cap'n," Scott began hesitantly, knowing that one wrong word
would mean some form of ruthless punishment, "Before we were
hauled off to the brig, did ya notice anything peculiar?
Something other than th' disappearance of our body-guards, or
that Mr. Spock doesn't have his beard?"

"If you've got something, spit it out!"

"Aye, sir. No Empire insignias on th' walls, doors, or on these
bizarre uniforms. When we materialized in th' transporter room,
Spock was running computations to do with th' phasing of ion

"—So what? That's his bloody job," Bones stated.

"Aye, but th' computer replied in a female voice." 

Scott paused, aware that what he was about to say broke every
law in physics. "This is not 'our' Enterprise, Cap'n."

"Not our—" McCoy interrupted, shocked.

"—and not our universe," Scott continued. "We're in some kind
of parallel universe, no doubt caused by th' massive energy
bursts from th' ion squall."

"That's impossible," Uhura gasped.

"Nae lass. We *are* trapped in a twin universe with our exact,
but opposite counterparts, mirror images of both th' ship and
crew. And if we appeared here, than their landing party ended

"—on our Enterprise!" Kirk finished. "Of course! It explains
everything. That's why when I ordered Spock to annihilate the
Halkans, he had no fucking idea what I was talking about, and
threw our asses in the brig."

"A mirror universe," Bones shook his head in disgust. "Where
the crew is a bunch of god-damn do-gooders."

"Aye," Scott said, "As bloodless as boiled haggis, but just how
to we get back to our own ship?" 

The captain pondered their predicament, rubbing his chin. He
began to pace back and forth, concentration deepening the furrow
in his brow.

"First, we have to figure out a means of escape. Any chance in
exploiting some kind of defect in the security system of this
cell?" Kirk asked Scott.

"Nae, sir. Everything being equal in both universes, this
system is as impenetrable as th' one we designed back home."

"You're a cunning little bitch," Kirk stopped in front of
Uhura. "What would you recommend?"

The communications officer thought for a long moment, a sly
look unexpectedly brightening her face.

"A distraction. Something that pitiful excuse for a guard can't

"What kind of distraction?"

"The kind you enjoy most, Captain, if I remember the incident
on Tarva V correctly…"

Kirk's face suddenly broke into a wide grin.


"God, NO! Help me! Help…."

The guard quickly made his way to the holding cell.

McCoy had Lt. Uhura on the floor. Her skirt was pushed up, and
he was ripping off her panties. Kirk was helping hold her down
and she continued to scream, trying to fight them off. It was
clear that the doctor intended to rape her.

"Stop!" shouted the security officer.

Ignoring him, the doctor forced her legs apart and began to
mount the terrified woman. 

Shocked, the guard swiftly deactivated the security beam,
leveled his phaser and entered the cubicle. Immediately, Mr.
Scott jumped him from the sidelines, locked him in a chokehold,
then snapped his neck.

As McCoy helped Uhura to her feet, Kirk stepped over the
lifeless body, and grabbed the dropped phaser.

"You know the plan. Don't fuck it up! Go!" Kirk shouted as they
all fled the cell.


"Emergency! Security to bridge. The prisoners have murdered the
guard and escaped."

Spock immediately punched a button on the consol beside the
captain's chair. "Go to yellow alert," he commanded, then he
pressed the control for the ship wide intercom.

"This is Commander Spock. Security search on all decks.
Apprehend and detain Captain Kirk, Dr. McCoy, Mr. Scott and Lt.
Uhura. Proceed with utmost caution. They are imposters and may
be extremely dangerous, but they are not to be injured. Spock

Spock swung out the chair, and moved quickly to his science
computer. Numerous scenarios of what Kirk might attempt and
where he would go cycled rapidly through his mind. After running
a series of schematics on the interior design of the Enterprise,
he straightened and proceeded to the turbolift.

"You have the con, Mr. Sulu."

"Yes, sir. May I inquire where you will be?"

"I believe that that the imposter Kirk would come to the same
conclusion as *our* captain, and may be concealing himself in
the last place anyone would look."

"And if you're wrong, Mr. Spock?"

"If I am unable to locate him, we and the missing landing party
will, in all probability, end up dead."


Using all of his stealth, Spock quickly traversed the long,
deserted corridor, past the original holding cell. He slowed,
then edged towards a rarely used lock-up cubicle at the far end
of the hall. Only an ingenious mind would think to hide in the
same prison from which he had escaped. 

The Vulcan stopped. Utilizing his well-honed survival
instincts, he listened intently for any sound, scanning for
movement, however minuet. 

Stillness. Silence. An eerie silence that could not be trusted.

Knowing full well that the imposter Kirk would savagely kill
anyone who attempted to capture him, Spock had come alone. 

He withdrew his phaser, locking it on 'stun'. If his theory
about the parallel universes was correct, it was imperative that
no serious harm should come to this mirror double of his captain.

Slowing as he neared the dimly lit cell, Spock proceeded
cautiously. Taking a quiet, calming breath, he swiftly entered
the chamber, prepared for any attack. 

Without warning, he felt the blunt end of the phaser pressed
against the back of his head at the very moment he realized that
a figure had dropped down behind him.

"Captain Kirk, I presume?" Spock said dryly.

Spock recognized his error too late. Kirk had been hiding in
one of the thick, soundproof ceiling panels just outside the
cell. The Vulcan could not help but admire such a resourceful
deception. It was one of the reasons he had such high regard for
the shrewdness of his own captain.

"It will be a cold day in hell when you can outwit me, Spock.
You're not nearly as cunning or treacherous as my first officer
back home." 

"Indeed. A Vulcan without principles would be a lethal predator."

"Drop the weapon. Kick it over in the corner."

Spock let the phaser fall, then did as he was instructed.

"As you are not my captain and I am not your first officer,
what do you purpose we should do about it?"

"We?" Kirk said sarcastically. "This isn't a fucking democracy.
I'll take care of it in my own way."

"May I inquire how you intend to accomplish your objective,
whatever that may be?"

"You'll find out soon enough, much to your regret. Turn around.
Slowly. Keep your hands where I can see them. If you try
anything, anything at all, I'll blast you into a billion sub

"I am fully aware of your reaction time in any given situation,
as well as the effect of a direct phaser hit," Spock said.

"Oh, I'm sure you are, Mr. Spock," Kirk replied mockingly. "And
if you're anything like my own First, you're just itching to
give me a whole god-damn lecture on the subject."

Spock turned very gradually. Keeping his body language relaxed,
he waited for any opportunity to disarm the imposter, which at
the moment, seemed impossible. This Kirk would be a formidable
adversary, with all the inbred instincts and training of his own
captain, but unfettered by any ethical reservations.  Yet
looking into those familiar golden eyes, Spock was troubled by
the dichotomy of the situation.

"You are a lot like him, you know," Kirk said, studying the
Vulcan closely. "But you're naïve, the proverbial babe in the
woods. Quite refreshing. I'm glad you've found me, otherwise I
might have had to come looking for you."

Kirk ran the phaser from Spock's temple, down the angular plane
of his cheek, then the captain paused, a sly grin on his face.
Slowly, he traced the weapon along the firm lines of Spock's
lips, almost in a caress.

"Sir, I—"

"Shut the fuck up!" Kirk ordered, his eyes narrowing. "Open
your mouth."

Startled for a moment, the Vulcan hesitated. But Kirk suddenly
pushed the phaser hard, making it necessary for Spock to comply
unless he wanted his teeth knocked out. As soon as his lips
parted, Kirk rammed the firing chamber into his mouth.

"You see… I've given this mirror universe paradox a lot of
consideration. Everything is the opposite, reversed, right down
to each counterpart's personality traits, right?"

Kirk withdrew the weapon, resting the edge of the barrel on
Spock's lower lip, waiting for an answer.

"It would be a logical assumption," Spock said warily, the
metallic taste in the back of his throat a bitter reminder of
his vulnerability.

"Yes, so I thought," the mirror double said, then he forced the
phaser back in again, carefully watching as the first officer's
eyes widened slightly. 

"I'm getting a hard-on doing this, did you know that?" Kirk
said, continuing to leisurely thrust the weapon in and out
between Spock's tense lips. "Of course, you did. You are aware
of even the tiniest details, which makes you an invaluable asset
to your captain."

Removing the phaser, Kirk suddenly jammed it into the Vulcan's
mid-section, then leaned closer, his eyes riveted to Spock's.

"In my universe, I screw men— a lot of men. Does that shock
you? Even my current lover looks like a woman but is really a

Suddenly, Kirk laughed hard, struck by a humorous thought. "I
wonder just how long it will take *your* captain to discover
that my Marlena has a dick?" 

Repressing any reaction, Spock remained impassive, but he was
becoming increasingly disturbed by both the imposter's actions
and admissions.

"So I figured, if I enjoy screwing men, than your captain must
like pussy. And since my first officer is straight as a fucking
arrow, it means that *you* must be gay." 

"You are incorrect. I have never—"

"—I didn't say you had, in fact, I'm counting on it. But you
*are* gay, whether you realize it or not. My instincts are never
wrong. I'd also bet a year's worth of credits that you have the
hots for that other James T. Kirk, even have dirty little
fantasies about him."

"He is my captain, my friend, I would not, could not—"

"Bullshit! You'd let him fuck you in a second if you thought
he'd have you. But he's only interested in cunts, right?
Frustrating, isn't it? To need something so badly, something you
can never have it. To know that he's screwing some stupid bitch
while you wait on the sidelines, longing to touch him,
desperately wanting him to touch you… You secretly burn with
desire every time he is near, don't you?"

Spock abruptly glanced away, his dark eyes unable to conceal
the truth.

"Yeah— you know it and I know it. And how do I know? Because
I've always wanted to fuck *my* first officer."

The Vulcan looked back at Kirk in surprise.

"And why not? He's the sexist piece of ass I've ever seen. But
he'd snap my friggin' neck if I ever tried to get him into bed.
He's one hundred percent het and there's not a damn thing I can
do about it. So, it seems that we're both in the same boat— you
want your captain, and I want my first officer, and we're both
shit out of luck."

Kirk began to move his phaser down, sliding it lower until it
came to rest against the Vulcan's crotch. Spock's eyes stayed
fixed on his, the pupils now almost black, pin-pricks of light
emanating from the inky depths.

"So here we are, alone, with some time to kill while my
officers put my plan into motion. Pretty convenient, don't you

Kirk reached for the clasp on his own pants, releasing it.

"Down on your knees," Kirk ordered.

"I shall not—"

"Now!" The imposter jammed the phaser into the Vulcan's stomach
to make his point. "I know you want it. I may not be your
precious Captain Kirk, but I'm as close as you're ever gonna

Spock stood stiff and expressionless, filled with foreboding,
and yet, strangely aroused at the same time. He fought for inner
control, overwhelmed and confused by the conflicting emotions
that clouded his logic. The close proximately of this mirror
double, who looked, sounded and even smelled exactly like his
captain, and the lust that radiated from those golden eyes, was
almost too much to bear. 

"Let me make this perfectly clear. You have two choices. Down
on your knees or—". Kirk jerked the phaser again, and Spock
noted that the human's trigger finger was tightening.

With no other option but to obey, the Vulcan silently lowered
himself to the floor.

Pressing the weapon against Spock's left temple, Kirk looked at
the crown of glossy dark hair, and the lean shoulders below him,
Spock's face only inches from his burgeoning erection. It was an
image he had fantasized about for years.

"Now, pull my cock out and suck it. But I warn you, if you even
*think* about using your teeth in an attempt to disarm me, I'll
fucking kill you in a heart-beat. Kapish?"

Spock nodded once, unable to avert his eyes from the thick
bulge outlined in the black pants. Then slowly, very slowly, he
reached up to release the seam.

As his hand brushed against the firm protuberance, it swelled
even larger, straining against the tightness of the fabric
constraint. Deftly, Spock's fingers opened the closure, and as
the material gave way, Kirk's erection sprung into view.

For a long, breathless moment, Spock could only gaze upon it.
It was beautiful, magnificent in its arousal, the tip glistening
with a fine sheen of clear fluid.

"Suck it. Suck it as if it was his."

*His*. But it was not *his*. And yet…it must look, feel and
taste exactly the same. The Vulcan's fingers trembled
imperceptibly as he took it in his hand, feeling the cool flesh
enlarge even more in response to his touch.

Doing as he was ordered, Spock slowly leaned forward, bent his
head and tentatively touched his lips to the velvety head. The
silky pubic hair at the base of the engorged shaft smelled like
*his* captain, the same faint scent of herbal soap that he
favored. And the sweet taste of pre-come that now moistened his
lips made him momentarily dizzy, for that too, must be what
*his* Jim tasted like.

He lightly ran his lips against the glans, savoring the
sensation, feeling his own arousal growing stronger in response.
Gradually at first, then with more confidence, he began to
caress and stroke the rigid organ with the tip of his tongue,
imprinting each and every nuance in his mind, to remember

"Take the head in your mouth."

Complying, Spock wet his lips, then slipped them over the
glans, gently sucking and rolling his tongue, gauging the effect
by the low moans of pleasure above him.

"Yeah, that's it…" Kirk said. "Now, take it all in."

Spock slid his moist mouth down the shaft, until his nose was
pressed into the mat of golden hair at the base of the cock,
then slowly withdrew.

"Ah! Good. Again."

Taking Kirk deep into his mouth once more, Spock began gliding
up and down in a rhythmical motion. Varying the technique,
adjusting the pressure, increasing the speed, he did what would
have pleased him if he had been the recipient, as he did not
know what another man might desire. 

Spock could not help the satisfaction he felt when Kirk
responded by rocking his hips in pleasure. Gathering momentum,
Spock reached up with his other hand and began to caress Kirk's
testicles, adding new sensation to the experience. They
tightened in appreciation, the sacks becoming hard and firm,
pulling up close to the groin, an indication that orgasm was

"Oh, fuck, that feels fantastic! You're a… natural!"

Suddenly, the muscles in Kirk's legs began to tremble, and with
his free hand, he forcefully gripped Spock by the back of his
neck. Gasping loudly, he spasmed, and a blast of warm, thick
semen gushed from his throbbing cock. Then another, and another,
each pulsating spurt filling Spock mouth, until in one last
shudder, the human was completely drained.

Spock stilled his movements, savoring the creamy liquid in the
back of his throat. The taste was surprising pleasant, so much
so, that he had no objection to swallowing the smooth, sweet

Kirk pulled out slowly, and stepped back. For a long moment, he
didn't say anything.

"Stand up," the imposter finally ordered, but his tone was more

Spock rose to his feet, unable to meet the other's eyes,
painfully aware of his own erection, which was most apparent in
the outline of his pants.

Kirk didn't miss a beat.

"Not gay, eh? Could have fooled me," he laughed softly. "No one
is THAT good an actor."

"It is not the 'act' but the 'image' that I responded to."

"Ah, the other Jim. I knew it. You're in love with him. What a
totally fucked-up mess. I want 'my' Spock, you want 'your' Kirk,
and neither of them will have us. Ironic, don't you think?"

Kirk took a few steps back, and tightened his grip on the phaser.

"Get up on the cot."

The Vulcan looked up, somewhat startled.

"I assumed—"

"What? That I had finished? I've only just started, but I think
you're going to enjoy what I have in mind very much. Very much

"Than perhaps there is no longer a need for the phaser—"

Kirk sneered. "I'm not THAT stupid, in this or any other
universe. Just because I enjoyed you sucking my cock, doesn't
mean I'd trust you for a second. Now, get up on the fucking

Spock moved towards the large cot.

"Take your clothes off, and lay face down, legs spread." 

Kirk watched as Spock toed off his boots, undressed, then sat
on the cot.

"Roll up your pants and wedge them under your hips."

Spock glanced up with a slightly raised eyebrow, but did as he
was instructed. Once in position, he laid waiting, resigned to
what was inevitable.

"You've got a magnificent ass, especially when it's hiked up in
the air. I've always loved the Vulcan physique. Strong, sleek
and trim, like a pedigree race horse. Under that icy logic, that
rigid control, I've always felt Vulcans were the most passionate
species in the galaxy. Your race was made for fucking."

Still fully clothed, the mirror double carefully mounted the
cot, and then slid up over Spock, his growing erection pressing
into the firm, muscular backside.

"Don't make any sudden moves," he said as he placed the phaser
against the hard edges of the lean ribcage. "It would be a damn
shame should this weapon accidentally go off." 

Kirk ran his tongue up the Vulcan's smooth neck in long languid

"Indeed, it would be most undesirable," Spock replied, his
words slightly thickened by the sudden surge of intense arousal
that flooded his body. He could not help his response to such
pleasurable stimulation.

"I wasn't talking about the phaser," Kirk said wryly, caressing
a pointed ear with the tip of his tongue.

As another burning wave flowed through him, Spock moaned
softly, "Neither was I." 

Kirk broke out in a burst of laugher, then spitting on the
fingers of his free hand, he ran them down the crack of Spock's
ass, searching for the place of entry.

"Reach down and jerk yourself off."

"Jerk myself—?"

" —Masturbate to orgasm, for Christ sakes. It's much more
enjoyable for both of us if we come together."

Spock slipped his arm between his hip and rolled up pants,
enfolding his still erect penis in his fist and began to stoke
himself in a way that would achieve the desired results.

"Push back into my hand, open up as much as possible."

A cool human finger pushed against his anal opening, and after
a moment of resistance, the muscles eased enough for it to slip
easily inside. First one…then another…quickly followed by a

"Ah, you feel so good! So fucking hot. That's it, relax, take
it in, all the way in…"

The Vulcan suddenly groaned, a half moan of anguish and
pleasure, as Kirk worked to stretch the passage enough to
accommodate his already rock hard cock.

"I'm going to fuck you now-- just like I would fuck *my* Spock."

The fingers were withdrawn, replaced by a surge of tremendous
pressure, followed by a forceful thrust, and suddenly, Kirk was
inside of him. The Vulcan's hips bucked once, tensing against
the abrupt stinging pain. He quickly soothed the discomfort with
his mind, and tried to remain focused on the mounting sensations
in his own groin.

Continuing to stroke himself, he was intensely aware of each
firm thrust into his being, every single pant and sigh, as Kirk
pushed deeper and deeper, until the human was fully sheathed in
his body.

Grabbing a fist full of silky hair, pulling the Vulcan's face
around so he could see each spasm of pleasure on the exotic
features, Kirk gasped, "How does it feel, Spock? Is this how
*he* would fuck you, filling you full of his cock as you jerked
yourself off? This is what you've wanted for years, isn't it?"

//For years…yes…// Spock longed to say. He clenched his eyes
shut, listening to Jim's voice, fully cognizant of Jim's cool
weight pressed against him, feeling Jim's beautiful cock sliding
rhythmically in and out. It was astoundingly erotic. But he knew
it was illogical to feel such strong, passionate arousal. It was
a dream come true that had no basis in reality. This wasn't
Jim…and yet…it was.

Spock moaned faintly, biting down on his lip.

"Tell me that you love my cock— his cock, fucking you!"

Passing the threshold of no return, Spock trembled
uncontrollably as he felt the overwhelming pressure in his groin
surge, his climax about to crest. All logic and reason deserted
him, replaced only by need— the need to believe that this was
*his* beloved, if only for an instant. With a deep groan, he
could not stop his unshielded thoughts from forming into words.

"Jim… I've wanted this, needed this… for so long…." 

Then Spock surrendered to the all consuming fantasy of *his*
t'hy'la buried deep inside him, and immediately began to
ejaculate with such intense force that it rendered him almost

He cried out in a bittersweet sob of release, losing all control.

"Oh, Christ! That's it— come for me, Spock!" Kirk thrust
vigorously a few more times, suddenly groaning loudly as he was
swept over the edge into his own tremendous orgasm. His body
stiffened, the rapid pulsing of his cock filling the Vulcan with
thick spurts of semen. Finally, the powerful spasms slowly
abated, then stopped. Breathless but satiated, Kirk slowly
withdrew, then collapsed upon the lean frame under him.

And in that moment, Spock made his move.


In a blindingly fast maneuver, Spock grabbed the phaser jammed
into his side, twisting it out of Kirk's hand, then flipped
sideways, throwing the human off his back, and half off the cot. 

Infuriated, Kirk lunged at Spock.

Each furiously fought to possess the weapon, Kirk determined to
wrench it from Spock's grip. The Vulcan instinctively reached
for the pressure points on the human's shoulder, but Kirk
reacted by thrusting his knee hard into Spock's groin.

Spock blocked with his leg, a move that plunged both off the
edge of cot and down onto the ground.

The phaser skittered across the floor, out of reach.

Pinned on his back, Kirk hammered his fists into the Vulcan's
sensitive ears. Spock flung his head back in stunned agony, as
Kirk immediately went for the eyes, trying to jam his thumbs
into the sockets.

Having endured quite enough, Spock reared up, clenched his hand
in the proper position, and struck the imposter a fierce blow to
the side of the head. The 'shi'nahp salur', an ancient and
brutal Vulcan fighting technique, knocked Kirk senseless. It was
not the most pleasant or painless method of subduing a
combatant, but in this case, it proved most satisfying.

Struggling to his feet, a tiny rivulet of green blood flowing
from one ear, Spock stood looking down at the semi-conscious man
on the floor. Then he picked up both phasers, walked outside the
cell, and activated the com.

"Spock to bridge."

"Bridge. Sulu here."

"I have apprehended the imposter Kirk. I shall need time to
interrogate him. Have any of the other mirror doubles been

"No, sir."

"Every well. Spock out."

Locking the two phasers in a secure cabinet, Spock returned to
the cell.

"…Ungrateful…green blooded…half-breed," Kirk groaned
sluggishly. He attempted to rise, but fell back, still reeling
from the severe blow.

"I'll… kill you…you… fucking bastard…"

Spock titled his head to the side and crossed him arms.

"That, I believe, would be 'fucking' impossible in your current

Startled at the Vulcan's use of the superlative, Kirk laughed
hard, then abruptly began to cough violently. Once the spasm had
stopped, he slowly sat up, rubbing his throbbing temple.

"Now what, Mr. First Officer? Lock-up or immediate execution?"

"Neither, for the moment. You will answer a few questions."

"Yeah…well you know what you can do with them."

"If you will not answer voluntarily, then I must resort to
other methods."

"A mind meld?" Kirk asked sarcastically, his words still
slurred from the head bash. "I don't think you'd enjoy seeing
what's in my mind, Spock. It might scar your delicate
sensibilities for life. And it wouldn't work anyway. I've been
trained to shield against such assaults. Any information you
could get would come far too late to be of any use."

"Most inconvenient, but there are other ways to persuade you." 

"Torture then, or truth serum?" Kirk sneered, "Or do your civil
rights in this pathetic universe prevent using such barbaric
techniques? You'll get nothing out of me."

The golden eyes mocked the Vulcan, challenging him to find a
solution to the dilemma. Spock pondered the most expedient way
to obtain the information he required. The life of the crew, the
ship and even his captain may depend on it. He contemplated the
best recourse. What would be the one thing that could break this
man, this savage who always needed to be in command with such
absolute authority?

Spock uncrossed his arms, and squared his shoulders.

"Get up on the cot," he said, his eyes suddenly cold and
unyielding. "Face down and spread your legs."


"I believe you heard me adequately the first time."

"I don't fucking think—"

" —It's not your thoughts that I am interested in. Now, will
you get up on the bed, or shall I throw you on it?"

"No one FUCKS me!" snarled Kirk. The repertoire of curse words
that exploded out of the human's mouth was extraordinary, but
when he started to repeat himself, Spock finally interrupted.

"I believe you have already called me that, twice."

Before another verbal assault could begin, Spock walked over
and hauled Kirk up off the floor by the front of his uniform.

"Let me make this perfectly clear," Spock dark eyes bore into
the angry gold ones. "I shall not be the only one losing my
virginity tonight."

With that, Spock flung the imposter on the cot, immediately
pinning him face down.

Kirk struggled violently, but was easily held in place. With
one hand, Spock grabbed hold of the back of Kirk's pants, and
with a forceful yank, ripped them down to his thighs. Another
wrench, and they split in two. Flinging the pieces aside, Spock
stuck his hand between the firm, rounded ass, probing for the
point of entry. When he found it, Kirk bucked furiously against
the invasion and shouted out, "NO! All right! I'll answer your
questions. Get the fuck off of me!" 

The Vulcan stopped, and rocked back onto his knees.

"Very well. What is your plan?"

Kirk hesitated, but when Spock began to move forward again, he
finally spoke.

"If we can't get back to our own universe, we'll take the


"At my signal, Mr. Scott will override the computers and cut
life-support to all decks. It will be set on time delay, then
reactivated when your pathetic excuse for a crew is no longer a
threat. Uhura will sabotage communications so no distress signal
can be sent to your Federation."

"If all life support is rendered inoperative, then you and your
crew will also perish."

"Not if we're in the shuttlecraft on the hanger deck."

"And after?"

"We'll join forces with a warrior race that aren't a bunch of
fucking sheep."

"Logical. Brutal but logical. It may have very well worked, but
of course, you will not be permitted to send that signal to Mr.

Spock rose from the cot, and moved to where his clothes lay on
the floor. As he began to get dressed, Kirk rolled over, then
sat up on the side of the bed. He watched the Vulcan for a few
moments, a faint smirk on his lips.

"It's not like a First to fuck up an interrogation."

"Indeed?" Spock replied, skimming on his shirt.

"You failed to ask me the most important question. A big

Spock ignored the mirror double until he had finished adjusting
his uniform. Finally, he glanced at the image of his captain,
then raised a curious eyebrow.

"If I am in error, please enlighten me?" Spock said with a
faint touch of disdain.

"You didn't ask *why* I told you my plan. Did you really think
I'd betray my best interests just to avoid getting fucked up the
ass? Is that what your precious Jim would do, unless he was also
prepared to kill the son of a bitch he told?"

Spock was hit with stinking feeling, but before he could react,
the flash of a knife blade was being pulled out of the
imposter's boot. It was obvious that Kirk had retrieved one of
his confiscated weapons after he'd escaped from his cell. Now
that he had recovered from the blow Spock had dealt him, he was
more than prepared to use it.

"I told you, Spock, it will be a cold day in hell when you can
outwit me. Say hello to the devil for me when you see him." Kirk
flung back his arm, aiming the deadly blade directly at the
Vulcan's heart--

"If you kill me, your First will also die," Spock stated.

"What the fuck are you taking about?" Kirk demanded, the long,
serrated dagger poised precariously in the air.

"If my theory is correct, than the two universes, yours and
mine, are irrevocably interlinked. If I am killed here, than
your Spock will also cease to exist, for one reason or another.
This is why your plan to kill all on board the U.S.S Enterprise
could only result in the death of your own crew on your ship."

Taken utterly aback, Kirk pondered the shocking premise. Still
clutching the handle of blade tightly, his knuckles began
turning white with tension.

"This could just be a bunch of bullshit, a desperate ploy to
save your miserable life."

"It is not my life I am speaking of. It is the life of *your*
Spock. If I am telling the truth, is it worth the risk?"

The mirror double vacillated for a long moment, his hazel eyes
clouded with distrust and doubt, then he slowly lowered the
knife and flung it on the floor.

Spock took a deep breath, his eyes softening as he observed the
man that sat dejectedly on the cot.

"I believe, James T. Kirk, that you love your Vulcan as much as
I love my human."

The mirror double glanced up, a cheerless smile tugging at the
corners of his mouth.

"Yeah…perhaps. But the bitch of it is, that neither of them
will ever know."


<The End>