{martinmac} New Year, Book 2, chapter 33 (Mm+f+g+ rom 
ped inc cons oral creampie preg)

We were travelling down to Blandford. Janet was going to 
meet us at Jenny and Alan's house. We had 12 of the seats 
fitted in the van, as there would be 2 more passengers for the 
trip home. I drove onto the Blandford bypass and switched up 
the satellite navigator, the heads up display guided me to 
Jenny and Alan's house. Janet was waiting for us with the 
keys to the house. Natalie stayed in the van and with Nick's 
help kept everyone occupied. We went in and Janet pointed to 
some suitcases and boxes. They were to hold the children's' 
clothing and toys. We went together into the lounge looking 
for any of the children's' belongings. There wasn't a lot there, 
some school pictures, two schoolbooks which Janet said she 
would return. The clean washing pile was sorted through, 
their clothes added to the cases. We went upstairs. Janet 
hadn't been up yet. I went into the main bedroom. The bed 
was to one side along with a wardrobe. On the ceiling were 6 
hooks screwed into the ceiling; 3 sets of two. Beneath them 
were dried bloodstains. Two smallish patches and one much 
larger, it didn't take much to realise that it was in here Patrick 
had carried out his evil work. There were splashes of blood, 
each circled and numbered, on the wall. There were two 
brackets sticking out. Above and below them were dried 
blood smears. I quickly looked around the room to see if there 
were any clothesbaskets, there weren't. I left the room sick to 
my stomach. 

Together we moved into the twin's bedroom. We worked 
quickly to strip it. The clothes were taken out of the wardrobe 
and the chest of drawers and packed into the cases. As we 
finished packing I looked at the case, 3 pairs of pants for each 
of them, 3 vests each, 6 unisex t shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, 2 
skirts, 1 of them a school skirt, two school shirts, 2 school 
blouses, 2 jumpers, 2 pairs of jogging bottoms and a little 
heap of socks. A pitiful quantity of clothes for two 9-year 
olds. Kate had more than that and we had a lot of shopping 
still to do for her after the fire.   The toys, what there were of 
them, were rapidly boxed, a couple of small soft toys, some 
building blocks and a doll. 

We went round that house with a fine toothcomb, there were 
plenty of magazines and cameras, there was a motorbike in 
the shed. There had been the car, which was in the police 
compound in Shrewsbury. Lots of booze but nothing for the 
children. There was a skybox downstairs but that was it for 
entertainment. There was a computer monitor in the spare 
room and lots of magazines, men's magazines. I could see 
that we had some talking to do with Jenny and Alan. We took 
the suitcase and box downstairs and carried it to the back of 
the van. I opened the doors and put them in. Natalie had seen 
me bringing the box and small case out.

"Is that all Roy?"

"Well if you can find anymore you are doing better than Janet 
and me. Come on in and look." We went back into the house; 
Natalie checked every room except the front bedroom. There 
was nothing more worth taking. Whatever else Patrick had 
spent his money on it certainly wasn't the twins. Natalie also 
checked the larder and the freezer, a few very cheap burgers 
and chicken nuggets, the very cheap spaghetti and beans and a 
well used chip fryer. It was interesting to see the packs of 
steaks and chops in the freezer. I had a good idea who had 
eaten them and it wasn't the children. Natalie went back out 
to the van leaving me with Janet. 

"I would suggest you come in and clear this food, Jenny and 
Alan won't need it, share it out amongst your clients, I am 
sure there is someone who could make good use of all this."

"There are indeed, are you sure you don't want to take it with 

"I'm certain, I have my own home produced food and the 
specialities made on the farm. No thanks. I think we will need 
to take the twins shopping tomorrow though. I will have to 
buy them outfits for the funeral and to take home. I have 
brought more clothes for Kate this weekend than Jenny and 
Alan have got in total." I shook my head in disbelief. Patrick 
had got clothes falling out of his wardrobes and Alison had a 
fair number but the twins' wardrobe was almost bare.

I made my farewells to Janet and we headed for the hotel. We 
took everything up to the penthouse. I unpacked the twins' 
clothes to select something to fetch them from hospital in. 
There really wasn't a lot of choice. I showed Natalie and she 
said to buy them something new. I decided to take Kate with 
me as she was of the right age, I checked all the sizes and then 
we left the hotel for the department store in the centre of 
town. Kate helped me to choose two tracksuits, 2 packets of 
pants and socks for them both and a t-shirt each. That would 
do until we could come shopping together. We picked up the 
bags and went to the hospital; I hoped Janet would still be 
there when we arrived. She was. She took us into the ward 
where Jenny and Alan where. Janet introduced Jenny and 
Alan to us. I was shocked when I saw the children. The faces 
were hollow and pinched, their pyjamas were hanging off 
them, it didn't help that they were hospital issue, mismatched 
and wrong sized. Their hands were like talons the fingers 
were so thin. One good puff of wind would blow them away 

"Jenny, Alan, we have bought you some new clothes for when 
you leave the hospital, I hope they fit alright. Kate got the 
clothes out of the bags and passed them across to her nephew 
and niece. I watched as they carefully examined the clothes. 
Jenny whispered in Janet's ear. I saw Janet smile and turn to 

"Jenny was asking if these were really for her and Alan."

I turned to the twins. "Of course they are, would you like to 
try them on. Kate would you help them whilst Janet and I 
speak to the staff." I pulled the curtains round the bed and 
instantly heard giggling amongst the three of them. Janet and 
I went to the nurses' station. Janet introduced me as the new 
foster father. The sister asked me if I wanted to take them 
home this afternoon.

"I will ask them if they would like to come to the hotel with 
us. It will be their choice how we work it."

"Well I have paged the doctor so he should be with us 
shortly." I returned to the bed and called to ask if they were 
ready. They were. I drew back the curtains to see them 
looking very smart. They had the tracksuit bottoms on with a 
t-shirt and socks. They kept looking at each other. I could 
guess what they were thinking as I had seen all their clothes 
and there was nothing new. Everything looked old and worn 
out, even their underwear had looked old. All three of them 
were on the one bed. "Jenny, Alan, would you like to come 
back to the hotel with us now? You can meet all the other 
children and then go shopping with us in the morning for 
some more new clothes."

"Can we come with you now please. You don't have to buy 
us more clothes we will be fine, honest." I turned to Kate and 

"Will you explain to them we are all going shopping for 
clothes. And try to find out what they are worried about." 
Janet lets go over to the nursing station and get their discharge 
organised. I left Kate talking with them. I kept my eye on 
them but they wouldn't know, as it was very much out of the 
corner of my eye. The doctor had arrived on the ward and he 
took us through to the sister's office.

"Mr McGarvy, they are fine to go home; I'll rephrase that, 
they are doing as well as can be expected. Their wounds are 
healing and they are starting to put on weight. So they are 
well enough to leave hospital anyway. Their rectums are still 
bruised; we took them to theatre yesterday and looked inside 
again with a camera. The wounds have all healed up. They 
will be taking a laxative for another week as we don't want 
them straining and re-opening the cuts. Their backs are 
healing well; the plastic surgeon, he did your little girls back, 
has said that he doesn't anticipate any complications. Yes I do 
recognise Kate, I was in theatre with you both." I looked hard 
at him.

"Sorry I have to admit that I don't recognise you."

"Hardly surprising as I had a mask, gown and hat on." The 
level of damage is much less with these two. What caused the 
problem was the way they were hung, it caused breathing 
difficulties, and that along with the enduring pain was what 
caused their unconsciousness. Then they were dehydrated 
rather badly so all in all they were in a sorry state when they 
came to us. They are not sure how long they were hung there 
but we suspect it was about 36 hours; we got some clues from 
things they said. However long it was, another 6 to 12 hours 
would have seen them dead. 

Their shoulders are still painful due to the bi lateral 
dislocations. They won't be able to do PE that exerts strain on 
the shoulders for, well let us say, until they go back to school 
after the summer holidays. That should enable full recovery of 
their muscles and ligaments. I have a letter for your 
physiotherapy department. They will be able to help. They 
both have a course of antibiotics to finish off to clear up any 
infections. They are both mal nourished, I don't think they 
have been fed very well over a long period of time. They have 
prescriptions for multi vitamins to help with that. They have 
both gained some weight since they have been with us. For 
the first three days we were supplementing their diet with 
liquid feeds direct into their stomachs through a naso gastric 
tube. That was discontinued when they were strong enough to 
take a full diet and the tubes were distressing them. They are 
to have supplemental drinks 3 times a day, which we would 
like you to continue with. There is a letter for your GP about 

"I expect them to recover fully from their physical 
mistreatment. Their mental wounds are harder to quantify. 
They have seen a psychiatrist and he feels they need a lot 
more help, long term. They are both having nightmares; we 
have had to medicate them the last three nights. With regards 
to returning to school; be guided by them and how they feel. 
Judging by the report from the play leader on the ward, they 
have not had a lot of stimulation in the home. They had a lot 
of problems being children. They would sit absolutely still 
staring at the telly, not saying a word or moving. I'm glad 
they are not going to their old home."

"Well they are going to join a house with 7 other children and 
two more on the way. I think they will be taught how to be 
children." I collected all the letters and the bags of 
medications and went back to the beds. I turned to Jenny and 

"Do you want to be called Jennifer or Jenny?" I wondered as I 
saw a cloud pass across her face. "What's wrong love?"

"My dad called me his Jenny wren and mum called me 
Jennifer when she was cross. I don't like either name now."

"Well that's no problem, what would you like to be called? 
And you too Alan if you want to change."

"Mr McGarvy my middle name is Caitlin, can I be called 

Of course you can. We will drop Jennifer from all your future 
documents and you will be known as Caitlin McGarvy. What 
about you Alan?"

"Can I change my name from Alan to Sam? will I be a 
McGarvy too?" 

"For the moment you will be legally Biggs but you will be 
known as McGarvy's especially at school. If you then decide 
you want to stay with us all, then you can both be adopted and 
have the name McGarvy in your own right like Kate here. She 
used to be a Biggs but is now a legal McGarvy. Caitlin, do 
you want to be known as Caitlin or Caiti?"

"I think Caitlin, it sounds nicer to me."

"Welcome to the family Caitlin and Sam. Have you got all 
your belongings?" Yes Mr McGarvy, we have everything." I 
looked and saw a single carrier bag with two cuddly toys in. I 
looked at them and said.

"One thing you will have to learn, you can either call me dad 
or Roy. I am not Mr McGarvy to my children. My wife is 
either mum or Natalie not Mrs McGarvy."

"Ok dad, I'll try to remember." They said goodbye to the 
nurses and we left to go to the hotel. They were staggered 
when I led them to our transport. Kate amused herself 
showing them the in seat DVD players. The look on their face 
was an absolute picture as she started up their films. I was 
soon following the satnav back to the hotel. I unloaded their 
bags and Kate and I carried the bags as we led Caitlin and 
Sam to meet their new family. I put the bags down in the 
entrance to the suite and took their hands and led them into 
the main room where I introduced them to the family. Caitlin 
pulled me down to whisper in my ear.

"Where is your wife dad?"

"Natalie is here, I just introduced her to you."

"She is your wife? I thought she was another daughter."

"That's alright Caitlin, a lot of people make the same mistake. 
We have stopped worrying."

"Ok folks, you have met Sam and Caitlin. We will have some 
tea and then go shopping. These 2 are in the same effective 
state as you were last Saturday. I rang down to room service 
and asked for cakes and sandwiches to be sent up along with a 
range of drinks. Whilst the children were eating I made a 
quick call to Craig and arranged for him to prepare two 
laptops, one marked Sam and the other Caitlin. He would 
arrange with Rachel to get them into Kate's room and connect 
them to the network. Whilst I was talking I was eating my 
sandwiches and drinking tea. 

Finally everyone was ready. I rang down and asked my van to 
be brought to the front of the hotel. We poured into it, getting 
some strange looks from other guests. I drove into town and 
parked before we all went into the department store. We took 
over the children's section and I had 3 assistants and the 
section manager running around fetching clothes, from the 
formal wear for tomorrow, to the casual wear they also 
needed. I asked the manager if he would speak with the 
uniform shop in Shrewsbury so that Caitlin and Sam would 
have their uniforms waiting for them. It was funny watching 
the measurements being taken and passed over the phone. The 
manager took me aside and asked about the twins' lack of 
weight and asked if they were eating properly. I told him a bit 
about their history. It shocked him. I had to admit that seeing 
them in vest and pants showed how desperately thin they 
were. Their tummies were hollow beneath their ribs; their 
arms and legs were like sticks. There was a deadness about 
them as they changed; I looked at them and then at Kate. You 
could see the difference. 

Well it would take time but they would eventually be happy 
children again. Slowly as we tried to buy the department up I 
could see Caitlin and Sam become more alert. Finally we 
were done with the business side of shopping. I gave the 
manager my keys and asked if he could arrange to have our 
shopping loaded. The clothes for tomorrow for them all were 
to be put in the front of the van. Then it was upstairs to the toy 
department. I turned to Natalie and asked.

"Can you help them to buy some toys, they have basically got 
less than Kate has; nothing worth keeping. I think soft toys 
and a couple of game-boy's and games, see which games they 
like, they must have seen friends with them."

"Ok Roy, I'll enjoy myself with them. I went up to menswear 
to buy myself some clothes; Callie had come with me. I was 
looking at some trousers and shirts when I felt a hand on my 
shoulders. A soft voice whispered in my ear.

"What are you doing trying to buy clothes without me, you 
know you get it wrong."

I smiled at my wife and let her choose my clothes. She was 
right; she had better taste than me when it came to clothes. It 
didn't take long to buy some new trousers and shirts. Then we 
returned to the toy department. Nick had been overseeing the 
remainder of the toy purchases. I paid the bill and we loaded 
the rest of the shopping into the van to return to the hotel. We 
took tomorrows clothes and the toys upstairs with us. It was 
time to eat so we made our selections from the menu and I 
rang them down. The restaurant said that there would be a 
table for us all in half an hour. The children sat down to watch 
the cartoons and Natalie, Nick, Becky and I discussed our 
new children.

All of us were horrified at how underweight they both were. It 
was obvious they had been severely neglected over a 
considerable period of time. I prepared the special drinks for 
Sam and Caitlin; fortunately they enjoyed them. As we waited 
to go down for our meal Sam and Caitlin were curled up on 
the sofa with Kate. I suspected she would help her nephew 
and niece to deal with their past. 

Finally we all went down to dinner. 11 of us walked into the 
dining room. Caitlin was holding my hand and Sam was 
holding Kate's hand. The hotel had set up a large table for us 
all to sit around. It meant that we were able to eat as a family. 
I encouraged Caitlin and Sam to eat a proper meal, they were 
not used to the food on the menu. They had wanted fish 
fingers and chips. I ordered those, but also some vegetables 
and some roast meats. They tried everything and started to 
enjoy their food, so much so that the fish fingers and chips 
were left. I was sickened by the look of fear on their faces 
when they realised that they had left what they ordered. I took 
their hands and said, with a big smile.

"Don't worry about leaving food. You will never be forced to 
eat, unless you try to refuse all food. You eat as much or as 
little as you want, however I will be encouraging you to eat 
well. I took their arms and wrapped my fingers around their 
bony arm. See how small you are, Kate, give me your hand. 
Sam and Caitlin could see how much larger Kate's arm was. 
You see, you are both much too little. That is why you have 
those bottles of regain. It is to help you to grow. We will wait 
whilst they clear the table for us and then we will choose a 
pudding, by the time it comes you will be ready. I think what 
you need is a fresh fruit salad and ice cream. Eat what you can 
and leave the rest."

"Ok dad. Thanks"
"Why did you look so worried when you realised that you had 
not finished your fish finger and chips?"

"Well dad would have smacked us, sent us into the corner and 
then fed us what we had left, at the next meal, cold."

"And if you refused to eat it cold?"

"That only happened once. I refused and he took a garden 
cane to me. I ate it up after that."

"Well that will never ever happen to you in our house." 

"Thanks dad." We ate our puddings and went up to our 
rooms; Caitlin, Sam and Kate were soon playing on their 
game boy's. I had put the twins and Kate in the suite with 
Natalie and I as the second bedroom had three single beds. At 
nine o clock I sent them through to get ready for bed. I asked 
Kate to run the bath. Caitlin and Sam it seemed still bathed 
together so Kate decided to join them. We could hear the fun 
as they bathed. Then we heard Kate call.

"Dad, mum, can you come and wash our hair please?"

"Ok, we'll be through in a minute." Natalie washed Sam's 
and Kate's hair and I washed Caitlin's dull lifeless hair. I 
could smell the hospital disinfectant smell washing out of 
Caitlin's long blonde hair. Natalie had a feel of it and went to 
our room and brought some of her conditioner through.

"Wash that into her hair and leave it for 5 minutes. It will help 
her hair come to life." I massaged the conditioner into her hair 
and then piled it into a coil on her head like a turban. 

"Will you wash me dad?"

"Of course," I took the soft flannel and poured bath gel over it 
and gently washed her body. Her back was badly bruised 
especially around her shoulders. The deeper bruising of the 
cane marks was livid on her back. In places the skin had been 
cut. I could see old scars on her back from previous beatings. 
Even though I was careful I was aware that I was hurting her. 
"I'm sorry that I am hurting you, I am being as gentle as I 
can." I could see tears in the corners of her eyes. I'll leave the 
soap until I rinse your hair off and I will use the showerhead 
to rinse your back. That should hurt less. Stand up love, I 
washed the rest of her body, I could have played tunes on her 
ribs they stuck out so badly. A glance at Sam confirmed he 
was equally as thin. 

As the flannel washed across her bum I was aware how tiny it 
was, the hip bones, what there were, were sticking out, The 
cheeks of her buttocks criss crossed with scars, her tummy 
was a hollow between her hips and her ribcage. As for her 
thighs, my hand encircled one and my thumb was too near to 
meeting my finger for my liking. I could see the look on Kate 
and Natalie's faces as they saw how thin and maltreated our 
new children were. I rinsed Caitlin down and enfolded her in 
a warm bath sheet to carry her to her bed. I laid her on the bed 
and gently dried her. I slipped her new nightie on her and 
tucked her into bed. Kate was drying herself and Natalie was 
dealing with Sam. We kissed them all good night.

"The door to the lounge will be open, the small light will be 
on and the door to Natalie and my bedroom will be open. If 
you need anything come and get us." I turned the main light 
off and left them to settle down. I joined the rest of the family 
to talk, we slowly drifted off to bed, Callie and Natalie were 
first to leave, and well they found they had to rest more as 
their pregnancies developed. Callie especially would be 
racing around with what appeared to be limitless energy and 
then bang, she would come to a grinding halt. Tim went with 
Callie and then Nick and the others went along the corridor to 
the second lounge to talk. It was the section of the penthouse 
that could be divided from where I was sleeping to make a 
second suite.

I joined Natalie in the shower and helped her to wash before 
we went to our bed. Natalie turned to me and kissed me and 
then said.

"Aren't they tiny, their legs looked like they would break in a 

"Yes Nat, I can see that we will be buying lots of replacement 
clothes as they stay with us." Natalie smiled at me.

"Roy you realise you have gone from 1 son to nine children in 
9 months and you have 2 more on the way." 

"I know love, it is rather a strain on my imagination and 
thoughts, keeping up with it all. I will be glad when we get 
home and back into the routine. This last week has been too 
much for me. At least we have the porta cabins to live in. Ian 
will be coming back to us to discuss the draft plans on 
Monday afternoon. If we agree with them he will take them 
into show Phillip. The sketches Ian did and the flyby had a 
very favourable reaction by the members of the planning sub 
committee. All being well, it will go to the sub committee on 
Tuesday night, and then if needed, through full council on 
Thursday. If it is approved Danielle will put the footings crew 
from the housing development on site on Friday and start 
preparing the footings. The basement will be laid out and the 
roof beams to the basement put in. The substrate for the 
ground floor walkway will be laid then the walls can go up. 
Two weeks should see all the footings up to finished floor 
level. Danielle should have organised all the gangs we need to 
get it going up fast. It is just a matter of waiting on the 
council." As I was talking Natalie was moving down my 
body, her lips started playing with the head of my cock, her 
tongue licking around the rim and into the slit at the top. I 
forgot all about our house and started to play with her body. 
My hands caressing her swelling globes as she continued to 
suck on my cock. 

"Natalie, move down the bed a bit." She replied with a 
muffled grunt and together we moved down the bed so that I 
was able to swivel round and take her clit and labia between 
my lips. I groaned as her lips slid to the base of my cock, her 
throat was massaging the head as she swallowed. My fingers 
started to plumb the depths of her pussy, exploring within, 
tickling that love spot, to bring her crashing to her orgasm. 
Her mouth and throat sucked harder on my cock, drawing my 
seed from the depths in a pouring outfall of my cum, I stayed 
there, knelt on hands and knees, my cock penetrating her 
throat. I drew back as she released my bum to allow her to 
breathe freely. She nibbled on the head of my cock as it left 
her mouth, her tongue lapped up the last remnants of my cum 
from the slit. I moved around the bed until I had her enfolded 
in my arms. I felt her smooth skin against me as we cuddled 
together. I thought back to a year ago, how if I had 2 orgasms 
in a day I was pushing it, now I could feel my cock stirring 
back into life ready to mate with my beloved wife. I moved 
above her and slowly fed my cock into her welcoming depths. 
Her vagina engulfed my cock, the ridges of her walls 
massaging the skin of my cock as I reached for the depths of 
her cunt. Natalie's hands were stroking the back of my neck as 
I slid deeper into her filling her completely. I felt her body 
spasm the sensations finished me off and I filled her cunt with 
my sperm. We lay down together satisfied.

We had been deeply asleep when I heard cries of terror from 
the next bedroom; I was out of bed in a flash. Kate had beaten 
me, she was curled up with Caitlin, comforting her and 
soothing her. Kate saw me in the light from the door. 

"It's alright dad, I have her. I'll get her back to sleep." I 
moved across and kissed Kate on the head.

"Goodnight love."

I went back to bed, satisfied that my daughter was comforting 
her adoptive sister to be. I went back to bed and cuddled up to 
my wife. I was soon asleep. The next morning after I woke up 
and dressed I went through to see Kate, Caitlin and Sam. All 
three of them were in Caitlin's bed, entwined together. I left 
them to sleep on together and called Natalie to see. Natalie 
and I went down to breakfast separately, so that Caitlin and 
Sam would not wake alone in the suite. 

The day was going to be hard enough for them already. We 
were going to their mum's cremation. Much as she had been 
uncaring she was still their mum. We loaded the van ready to 
go to the service then went down for lunch. Pearl and Rose 
and Leonard met us at the crematorium. I felt so sorry for 
Pearl; some of her children and grandchildren were so evil. 
Today was the funeral of someone murdered by her grandson. 
We went into the service, Kate had Sam in her arms and I had 
Caitlin. We had arranged that the coffin would be already in 
the chapel waiting for us, as Caitlin and Sam would not be 
leaving from the house.  I was surprised at the number in the 
crematorium; Caitlin whispered that there were quite a few 
friends from school with their parents. Then there were the 
family members. I should have thought. I went to the office 
and asked the manager if there was a hotel in Blandford that 
would do a buffet. He pulled out the local guide and pointed 
to an entry. That is probably the best one to go for.

I picked up my phone and rang the hotel he had indicated. It 
didn't take long to book a reception room and some eats. 
They were insistent on having my credit card number. I 
wasn't surprised as they were taking a telephone booking 
which would involve significant costs. I made a note of the 
hotel and its address, which I gave to the vicar who was doing 
the funeral; he reassured me that Janet had given all the 
details and that he was happy to make the invitation. I went 
back into the chapel and sat between Sam and Caitlin. Kate 
was on Sam's other side holding his hand. The rest of my 
family were around us. The vicar came in and the service 
started, he made the announcement about the reception 
afterwards in Blandford. 

The service, well what can you say, the vicar was hard put to 
say much, but what he did say touched hearts. Finally it was 
over, the curtain was drawn around the coffin and we left. 
Many of Sam and Caitlin's friends stopped to talk with them. I 
made sure that I spoke with all the parents and that they 
would come back to the hotel. We headed to the hotel at the 
head of a long convoy of cars. I was so grateful for the 
satellite navigation equipment. We pulled into the hotel car 
park and I went to reception. They led us through to the 
function room. It had been laid out with small tables and a 
larger one for the family. As everyone was arriving I quickly 
set up my laptop and connected to my ISP. I created two more 
mailboxes; the first was Caitlin.McGarvy@ISP with a second 
alias of Jenny.Biggs@ISP and the second box was 
Sam.McGarvy@ISP with an alias of Alan.Biggs@ISP. I 
wrote them on one of my business cards and gave them, along 
with a supply of spare cards, to Caitlin and Sam with the 
instructions to pass them on to their friends. It was a good 
afternoon for the twins; they saw a lot of their school friends 
and handed out their new e-mail addresses. The afternoon 
drew to a close, our hire of the room was coming to an end 
and we said our goodbyes to everyone before heading back to 

The children were so excited. The draft plans were waiting for 
us when we got home, I was hard pressed to get them to 
unload the bags into their rooms. Finally the van was 
unloaded and we were all together in my study, I fastened the 
plans to the wall and then we set to. There were partitions to 
be designed in the larger suites; there were rooms to be 
developed in the attic spaces with roof lights facing in to the 
courtyard. There was the lift, which would stretch all the way 
from the basement garage to the first floor balcony. The 
courtyard was going to be roofed to keep the heat in and the 
rain out. There was even the central flue passing through the 
atrium from the hearth. That fireplace was special. It could be 
used as an open wood burning fire, or as a charcoal-burning 
barbecue with room for 4 cooks to work around it. As they 
said what they wanted in their rooms, I drew in pencil lines on 
the plans. Detailing in the partitions and extra rooms. My 
bedroom suite had 5 bedrooms, 2 main bathrooms and an 
ensuite in the master bedroom. Every room was to be fully 
accessible. As I said to the architect, I know that is what the 
law says but this house will go beyond that. All the rooms that 
faced onto the balcony had sliding doors. There were 2 small 
lifts at each end of the office along with the main lift by the 
entry hall. The detail plans were incredibly complex. The 
working plans would be plotted onto plastic film so that each 
layer would show a different service, gas, electric, computer, 
heating etc. The final task would be to plot all the services in 
detail onto master plans. I intended to know where every pipe 
and cable went. Future repairs would be organised a lot more 
easily than in the old house. There was even a fire main with 
sprinkler heads. The water damage would be a pain but never 
again would my house burn to the ground with no means of 
stopping it. 

By the end of the week the plans had been approved and the 
basement was cleared. The footings were being dug ready for 
building to start. Caitlin and Sam were starting to settle in, 
they were going to school with Kate; they were still having 
nightmares each night and were seeing Bill, the counsellor 
twice a week. They were both hoarding food and hiding it in 
the room they shared with Kate. We gently removed the 
stored food and took them down to the kitchen for a snack 
each time. For months, Rachel would be preparing extra little 
meals so that when they got the munchies or we found them 
hiding food we could give them a meal. 

Every time we caught them was the same, denial of hiding 
food and then, when we exposed it, abject terror that we 
would beat them. We knew it would take time to re assure 
them that they were safe here. We thought everything was 
going fine. Callie was due to finish school when they broke 
up for half term then the Friday before my birthday, the sixth 
of February, Callie was rushed into hospital from school, her 
waters had broken. I joined Tim at the hospital as we played 
the waiting game. The doctors and midwives trying to delay 
the birth as long as possible. I could see looks passing 
between Tim and Callie; I just assumed it was fear of the 
unknown. Through Friday night and Saturday they were 
trying to rotate the baby so that if the birth started properly the 
baby could be born easily. It was presenting as a breach birth. 
Denise and Carol were with Callie day and night alternating 
shifts as her body tried to start the delivery. Finally on Sunday 
8th of February, my 51st birthday, Mr Kidd came to see us.

"Callie, your baby has decided it wants to come out back first, 
unfortunately that won't work, especially with a girl so small 
as you. We will have to take you to theatre and do a caesarean 
on you. We have already got the epidural in you so we can 
increase the pain relief and then we can take you to theatre. 
Unfortunately Tim can't come with you. Your dad can come 
if you want him to."

"Will you come with me dad?"

"Of course I will." A health care assistant took me through to 
the changing room and helped me change into theatre greens, 
complete with hat and mask and white boots. She led me 
through to the operating theatre. Callie was already on the 
table, her arms out to the side as if on a crucifix. There was a 
screen across her tummy blocking her view. I was brought in 
to sit by her and hold her right hand. I was quietly talking to 
her as Mr Kidd started the operation, I could see the scalpel 
cutting into her belly out of the corner of my eye, and behind 
me the anaesthetist was keeping watch on Callie's vital signs. 
A sister came in wheeling an incubator. There was controlled 
haste as finally Mr Kidd lifted the baby from Callie's womb, 
as the baby came up I saw she was a girl and announced it to 
Callie by saying.

"Laura's born." Callie smiled at me as she realised I had told 
her the sex of the baby by announcing the name she and Tim 
had chosen. Laura for a girl, Mark for a boy. Denise quickly 
weighed Laura, 4 pound 7 oz's just over 2 kilos, and wrapped 
her in a towel and put her on Callie's chest for a brief moment 
before whisking her into the incubator. That was the last we 
saw of baby Laura for a while. Mr Kidd rapidly sewed Callie 
up and I was led from the theatre to change as Callie was 
wheeled back to her room. I was along a few minutes after to 
see Tim fast asleep in the armchair in her room. I smiled at 

"Look at him, out like a light." Callie's nurse was then in 
checking all was well, the drip was running properly and her 
blood pressure and pulse were fine. A tray of coffee was 
brought in for Tim and I; Callie would be brought a drink 
later. I woke up Tim with the words. 

"Hello young dad, your daughter is in the special care baby 
unit." He woke up with a start.

"What was that?"

"You are a new dad, Laura weighs 4 lb 7 ozs and is healthy. 
They are very pleased with her and I will take you down after 
you have kissed the mother and drunk your coffee." I picked 
up the phone and rang home, Natalie answered and I gave her 
the news. Two hours later Laura's incubator was wheeled into 
Callie's room and plugged in. Denise came over to speak with 
Callie, Laura in her arms.

"Laura is doing fine, they want you to leave her in there to 
sleep but you can have her out to feed her and cuddle her, but 
you are to stay in bed. You have to lay flat till tomorrow. 
Whoever picks her up has to make sure this little box comes 
with her. It is monitoring her heart, her breathing and her 
temperature. Don't worry if anything comes loose, the nursing 
station will pick it up and be in to reconnect, let me show 
you." She pulled a lead off the heart trace pad and less than a 
minute later a nurse was in to say a lead was off. Denise 
thanked her and plugged the lead back in. She then helped 
Callie to latch Laura on for her first feed. I kissed Callie and 
said I would be back after dinner. 

I walked out of the hospital and looked at my watch. It was 
still only 9:00am I hadn't realised how early they had 
operated. It must have been more urgent than they were 
letting on. I phoned Kevin to tell him that Laura had been 
born weighing 4lb 7 ozs and was out of special care. I then 
drove home through the damp morning, what a birthday 
present. I went into the house to be greeted by everyone. 
Natalie and Kate had cooked breakfast for the others. Kate 
said she would do me bacon and egg. She took Caitlin and 
Sam to the kitchen to show them how to cook. Talk about a 
mother hen. 

Sunday was a quiet day; everyone wanted to visit Callie and 
baby Laura. We went up and they all had a 5-minute visit. 
Tim finally came home in the late evening. On the Monday I 
went to school with Caitlin and Alan, I introduced them to 
Miss Hollis and to their class teacher. With their experience 
with Kate it didn't take long to start to get the feeling for 
these two new damaged children. Miss Hollis and I were 
having a coffee and talking about the Biggs family when my 
phone rang, it was peter from the high school wanting me to 
go in as they had a major problem. 

I arrived at the school office and was immediately taken 
through to the heads office. Tim was in there looking very 
flustered, Natalie was there too, holding his hand, and Peter 
was sitting at his desk looking bewildered.

"What's happened?" Peter turned to me and said

"Tim punched one of the teachers, Miss Carter, in the face. 
The police are on the way." I turned to Tim.

"What on earth happened, why did you do that?"

"It was what she was saying to her friend. She was saying 
how the little slut had had her baby and how she supposed the 
little slapper would be coming back flaunting herself and her 
little rapist boyfriend." Peter was over with him in a flash.

"Did anyone else hear her?" 

"I think so sir, some of my friends were with me. You can ask 

"But why on earth did you hit her like that?"

"Because of Friday sir."

"What happened on Friday Tim?"

"Well sir, Callie and I had come out of school, I was ahead of 
her and I bumped into Miss Carter. She looked at me and said. 
"Don't you bump into me you little prick, you may think you 
have got away with raping your cousin but that doesn't mean 
I believe you." Peter interrupted him. 

"Can I tape this please?" I gave him the nod and Peter 
switched on the tape recorder. "Carry on Tim."

"I asked her what she meant and she repeated that I was a 
rapist. That if I hadn't wanted to rape Callie I wouldn't have. 
At this point Callie ran up and shouted at Miss Carter that she 
didn't know anything. That Tim had been badly beaten before 
he finally had sex with her.  Miss Carter then shouted at 
Callie. "Get away from me you little slapper and pushed her 
away, Miss Carter walked away and didn't see Callie falling 
to the ground. I helped her up and thought she had wet 
herself. She collapsed back to the floor with terrible pains 
which was when I rang for the ambulance."

"Son, why didn't you tell me this on Friday?"

"I didn't want to cause trouble, but to hear her saying that 
about Callie this morning was the last straw. I'm sorry I lost 
my temper"

"Right Roy, I am just going to speak with Tim's class, I won't 
be long. Stay here. I would ask you not to discuss this with 
anyone else at the moment." I watched as the head left us in 
his office, I took Tim in my arms.

"Oh son, I wish you had told me, I would have got this sorted 
before today." Suddenly the door flew open and Miss Carter 
stormed in with a policeman. 

"There's the little swine who hit me officer, I am going to 
press charges. No little shit rapist hits me and gets away with 
it." I turned to the policeman and said.

"May I suggest you wait until Peter, the head gets back, this is 
his school and his office."

"Take the little bastard away, I don't want to see him or his 
little slut of a girlfriend ever again." I grabbed Tim before he 
could renew his assault on the teacher. "See he was about to 
hit me again, you saw him officer." I saw Peter arrive back 
during her last tirade. 

"Miss Carter, shut up and close your mouth. Tim, what 
happened on Friday was witnessed, my deputy is taking a 
statement now." He turned to the policeman. "Would you 
please arrest Miss Carter for assault leading to actual bodily 
harm please."

"Arrest me, that little shit has punched me, I have witnesses."

"Miss Carter, I have witnesses who will testify, if needed, that 
you pushed Miss Callie McGarvy to the floor last Friday, as a 
direct result of which, she underwent an emergency caesarean 
on Sunday morning." As the head was speaking Miss Carter 
went white. The police officer turned to her and arrested her; 
he called for back up to come with transport. The head called 
his secretary and she led Tim, Natalie and I through to the 
staff room and brought us coffees. I had to admit I was still 
shaken up by what had happened in the last 20 minutes. We 
watched through the window as a police car arrived and Miss 
Carter was led away. Peter then came and took us back to his 

"Roy, Natalie, Tim, what can I say. I have called the union 
rep to come over. What are you going to do about her? She 
hurt your daughter and son."

"Peter, I am not going to press charges, however, I don't want 
her working in this or any other school. To say what she did 
to Tim and Callie is unforgivable. She is supposed to be a 
responsible teacher."

"It's alright Roy, I agree with you. Ah there you are Tracy. 
Miss Carter has just been arrested and taken to the police 

"Miss Carter has been arrested, I thought she was the one who 
had been assaulted."

"She had, however in the course of verbal abuse of Tim and 
Callie McGarvy on Friday she knocked Callie to the floor 
leading to Callie giving birth prematurely yesterday morning. 
She then added insult to injury by insulting Tim and Callie 
this morning."

"Oh dear, what happens now?"

"Roy has just told me that he will not be pressing charges, 
however Miss Carter will be leaving this school and I will be 
reporting her to the LEA as an unfit teacher who is to be 
blacklisted. She will not teach again."

"Isn't that a bit harsh?"

 "Tracy, have a listen to this tape, I think you will agree with 
me she is unsuitable to be a teacher." Tracy listened to the 
tape, her mouth falling open as the tape progressed. She 
turned to Tim.

"Who was the other person?"

"I'm not sure of her name, she was the other one you had to 
speak to the day Callie and I came in to talk with the staff." 
The head picked up his phone and asked his secretary to bring 
Miss Beddoes to the office. 5 minutes later she was there. 
Peter turned to her.

"Miss Beddoes, why didn't you report what happened on 
Friday afternoon between your friend, Miss Carter, and Tim 
and Callie McGarvy?"

"I didn't see anything to report sir."

"You didn't see an assault take place?"

"No sir, the only assault I have known about was this boy 
punching Miss Carter today."

"You didn't see your friend push Callie away on Friday?" I 
could see that shook her, I could see the look on her face as 
she tried to decide what to say. 

"Yes sir I did see her push Callie, but it was hardly an assault 

"Miss Beddoes, as a result of that push, as you call it, Callie 
fell over causing her waters to break, she went into premature 
labour and to save the baby they did an emergency caesarean 
on Sunday morning. You are suspended until an enquiry has 
been held. Tracy will advise you on your rights, but you will 
be escorted from the premises and you are forbidden to come 
on the school grounds until further notice. I would suggest 
you clear your locker this morning. Tracy can you go with her 
and do that?" I watched as a stunned teacher left the heads 
office. I felt sorry for her, her career at risk because of her 

"Peter, if you think she is saveable, that she can learn from 
this I don't want her banned as a teacher. I would even go as 
far as to say I could even see that in certain circumstances she 
could work here again.
"Well Roy you are more than generous there. I could well 
understand you wanting her blood." 
"Peter just see how she reacts, if she learns from this then all 
is well, if she doesn't then it is her own fault. Tim for the 
moment please don't say anything about Miss Beddoes."
"Ok dad, can I go to see Callie?" I looked at the head. He 
smiled and said. 
"Go on Tim, give her my best wishes." We left his office; 
Natalie walked back into school as I walked away from 
school with Tim. At last he looked truly happy as we set off 
back to his daughter and girlfriend. The worries of the last 
few days erased by joy at going to see his girlfriend.
If you have liked this, all the chapters and other stories are 
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