{martinmac} book 1 New Year 21/30  (Mmffgg rom ped inc 
cons oral anal fist)

We drove into the rear courtyard. Welcome home folks. For 
3 of you this is now your new home, you can never be taken 
away." "You are legally McGarvy's. I will go into school on 
Monday and show them the adoption certificates. Your 
records will be changed to show you as McGarvy's, not just 
the, known as McGarvy's." 

Yesterday had been a long day; we had spent it at 
splashdown in Poole, Massive waterslides. Some had speed 
cameras on to tell you how fast you were. It was amazing 
fun. Natalie, Kate and I spent most of our time on the gentler 
slides Kate because she was only 8 and Natalie because she 
had discovered she was pregnant. Today we had a reunion of 
many of Gill, Mandy and Kate's relatives. They had arrived 
at 10:00 for lunch at the hotel. They were horrified at what 
had been happening. Margaret spent some time with Mandy, 
Gill, Kate and Jim. She was horrified at what had been done 
to them. We were finally able to convince her that what 
happened was not her fault. She could not have known that 
Mick would go from a relatively mild sexual assault to full 
blown sadism.

 The young people had a great time in the hotel swimming 
pool. Natalie would have liked to join them but thought she 
should remain with me to talk to all the relatives. I was 
welcomed into the family as an honorary member as 3 of my 
children were Biggs'. We all had lunch together in the 
annex; It was usually used for Works Christmas parties, 
weddings and other similar sized events. They had cleaned it 
up from the wedding reception the night before, for us. 
There were 33 of us sat down for lunch. I went to pay for my 
families lunch and was told the bill had been paid. Every one 
had chipped in as a thank you for all Natalie and I had done 
for the family. We left Dorchester after lunch and drove 

As we pulled up outside the house Jerry and Dawn joined us, 
they had seen me drive in and had cut across from their 

"How did you get on?"

 "They have been remanded to the crown court for 
sentencing on the lesser charges and for trial on the more 
serious charges." "More importantly these 3 are now our 
adopted children and Natalie is expecting our first child."

"Oh Roy that is marvellous news."

"How about we have a harvest party to welcome our new 
family members, next Saturday the 28th?"

"Sounds good to me Roy." "We can have it on your patio. 
Then we have the large kitchen handy and the permanent 
barbecue pit, you have the lighting and the patio heaters. We 
can get a small marquee for your lawn and then we are 
covered for every eventuality."  I finally got the kettle onto 
the hot plate to make our drinks; Dawn pushed me away and 
said into the lounge with you. I will ring Rachel and we can 
talk about next Saturday. I went into the study first to make 
copies of the adoption certificates, I would pin them up on 
the children's' notice boards I was waiting for the copier to 
make the prints when I saw two handheld computers and a 
CD rom in my in tray. I read the accompanying letter from 

"Roy, you asked about software for charting milk production 
and for showing trends. We have produced a program, which 
charts milk production for each cow, you can record weight 
of feed supplement, what treatments the cow has received 
and all test results. All are linked to the ear tag number of the 
cow. Your dairyman has the handheld with him and then 
downloads it after each milking onto a computer. It will 
display graphs showing output for each cow, output against 
concentrate used. Total milk output, averaged milk output 
with breakdown of what the highest and lowest producers 
give. We have put everything we could think of on the 
program so it will be applicable for any farm. The second 
hand held unit is for the dairy. To record the output of butter 
cheese and up to half a dozen more products. It even records 
how much waste is sent from the dairy to the piggery. From 
that we have started a similar program for the piggery. 

I searched for a fully comprehensive program, which would 
be easy to use, and there wasn't one. If this one is a success 
then we can market the system. For those who don't have 
great computer knowledge and don't have a computer we 
can sell a laptop with 1 or 2 hand held devices all pre loaded 
with the soft ware. Ready for use. For those who already 
have a computer we supply the software alone, or any 
mixture as appropriate. Hope your weekend was successful. 

Dick and Louise.

"Natalie can you come here a minute."

"What is it Roy?"

"I think you had better ring your parents as they are now 
grandparents 3 times over and you are expecting another 
grandchild for them."

Natalie picked up the phone and spoke to her mum, she told 
her about the adoption having gone through and how she 
was now their granny. 

I heard Louise spluttering down the phone when Natalie told 
her the other bit of news.

"Mum, I took a pregnancy test on Friday. I'm pregnant." I 
could hear Louise's scream down the phone. I then heard 
Dick asking what she had just told his wife. "Dad, I'm 
pregnant." There was a deathly hush then Louise was back 
on the phone. 

"You're pregnant love?"

"Yes mum. We are having a party next Saturday in 
celebration of the adoption." "Can you two come?"

"We would come even if we were in Australia." "In fact we 
will be round in 20 minutes."

I took the equipment through to Jerry and showed him the 
letter. I told him Dick would be round in 20 minutes. 

"If that works it will be marvellous, we will be able to see 
what produces the best results." "You just need to get Dave a 

"I have just had a thought about that. I went over to Gill. 

"Have you been using your laptop much darling?"

  "No, why?"

"Well if I put a proper desk top computer into your room can 
I have the laptop for one of my staff? I want to try out a new 

"I'll go and get it."

"It can wait till later." "I'll organise a new computer for you, 
Craig can probably get one sorted by tomorrow afternoon. 
Dawn and Rachel came through with the drinks. Hot 
chocolate for Kate, Mandy and Jim; coffee for Gill and 
Natalie and all the rest of us. I heard the rumble of a large 
diesel engine on the front drive and went out to look. It was 
the horsebox. It stopped with a whoosh from the brakes and 
the cab door opened. Nick and Becky came out with their 
cases. I went over to the horsebox and climbed aboard. Lisa 
was sitting at the wheel.

"How are you getting on with it then?"

"Oh no problems, I just stick the nose through a gap and the 
rest follows." 

"How did the competition go?"

"Becky did well she was placed in all the heats and won the 
final. Billy came second." 

"Can you tell your staff tomorrow that there will be a party 
here next Saturday. It is to celebrate the adoption of Jim, 
Mandy and Kate. All my staff and their families will be here 
along with my brother and sister, their partners and all the 
children. All our personal friends and any of the children's 
friends who can come as well."

" That will be some party."

"Just had a thought, is Jo free on Saturday?"

I picked up the phone from the dashboard of the coach and 
rang Jo. "Hello Jo I have a favour to ask. How are you fixed 
for next Saturday?"

"Morning, afternoon or evening?"

"What difference does it make?"

"If you want morning up to about 2:00pm you will be out of 
luck. If it is from about 4:00pm you are in luck."

"It is the latter, I am having a huge party to celebrate my 
families growth. Natalie and I were confirmed as Adoptive 
parents to Jim, Mandy and Kate on Friday. It is all my staff, 
plus family and friends." Amongst other things we want a 
barbecue and a buffet plus a wedding cake but decorated as 
an adoption cake." 

"Sounds like fun Roy, you are giving me a nice lot of 
business this year." "I'll come round tomorrow to see you." I 
hung up and put the phone back in its cradle and waved Lisa 
off. She still had the horses to unload. As she left Louise 
drove up and parked. She got out of the car and ran across to 

"Congratulations Roy, where is our daughter?"

"She is in the lounge." Louise dashed in leaving Dick in the 
car. I got his crutches from the boot and helped him out. 
"Jerry and I are very impressed with that software you left. 
We are going to play with it tomorrow."  "We will start by 
transcribing the information from Dave's sheets onto the 
hand held, and run it like that, if Dave can handle it then he 
will go live on it." 

I went back into the house to rejoin my family.  Louise had 
been making a fuss of her new grandchildren. I took Kate up 
for her bath and put her to bed. She was so tired her eyes 
were drooping. I massaged the cream into her back, which 
prepared her for the oil being massaged into her wounds. It 
was so much nicer doing it when I wasn't inflicting pain on 
my little daughter. By the time I was finished she was fast 
asleep. I went back down and rejoined the party. 

"Rachel, Jo the caterer will be in contact tomorrow about the 
party. I want you to be able to enjoy yourself and not be 
bothering about the catering. If you want to help him to set 
up you can do but you will be a guest along with all my 
other staff."

"Thank you Roy, I will help because I enjoy it but I will also 
enjoy the party as a guest." "I am so pleased that you have 
been able to adopt the children. They need a loving family 
and as for Natalie expecting well," I could see tears in her 
eyes. "I am so happy for her, when I was teaching her about 
cooking she told me how much she wanted your child and 
how you had your snip reversed for her."

"I am surprised that Natalie fell so quickly, I am due to take 
my sample in for checking this week to see if the operation 
was a success. I rather think I have all the proof I need that 
the operation was a success."

"You do rather."

I went over to Natalie and put my arm around her. "Hello 
mother to be, how are you feeling?"

"I still can't believe that the test showed blue, I did it in hope 
more than expectation." "I had read the literature that said it 
took up to 6 months for normal sperm levels to be reached." 
"This is only 3 months."

I have re read the literature and it says that full sperm counts 
will be reached by 6 months if the operation was a success 
but that levels would start rising from about 6 weeks. I filled 
your womb with my semen and I have never experienced 
anything like that before so my semen was in the right place 
at the right time." "You are happy that you are expecting 
aren't you."

"Oh Roy, you can't believe how happy I am. I want to 
stretch my arms around the whole family to show how happy 
I am." "You realise that much as they call me Natalie I am 
really Mandy and Jim's mum and I am only 18 months older 
than Jim."

"I know love, fun isn't it." Mandy came over and shyly 
wrapped her arm around me. 

"Dad what happens now about our old house and things."

"Well we collected all your belongings that you wanted. The 
council will secure it until the crown court case. Then 
assuming they both go to prison for more than 12 months the 
furniture will be put in store and they will re-let it after it has 
been cleaned and redecorated." Then when they finally come 
out of prison the council will have to re-house them probably 
in flats away from Blandford." "Social services will tell me 
when they are released, but they would not give me an 
address in case we did anything silly."

"I'm glad they are in prison. Does that make me a bad 

"No love, I didn't know your parents but I would be willing 
to put the noose around their necks and release the trapdoor 
under them if they had been sentenced to death as in the old 
days." "So what does that make me?"

"My dad!" with that she jumped into my arms and kissed me 
and then leant across and kissed Natalie. "Thanks for 
becoming my mum Natalie. I do appreciate what it does to 
you having a son who is a year younger and a daughter who 
is only 3 years younger than you." "We do love you both." 
With that she put her head on my shoulder and started 
crying. We moved across to the sofa and sat down. I was 
comforting Mandy as she cried. "I'm sorry for being silly but 
this weekend has caught me up, so many things have 
happened to me." 

I looked across to Jerry and Dawn, and smiled my thanks 
they left with Rachel, Louise and Dick also left to allow us 
to sort ourselves out for the night. Natalie took Gill and Jim 
into the kitchen as I comforted my daughter. Tears were 
flowing freely as she retold me her past fears. I just listened 
and gently stroked her. Natalie brought some toast and 
marmalade in and Mandy ate it through her tears. I brushed 
the crumbs from her and watched as her eyelids shut in 
sleep. I asked Natalie to slip her socks off and then I would 
carry her up to bed. Natalie knelt down beside me and gently 
removed Mandy's socks then steadied me as I stood up with 
Mandy. I carried her up to bed. I sat on the bed and 
unbuttoned her blouse. I slid it off her, rocking her on my lap 
to get her arms out. Then I reached behind her to release her 
bra. Then I undid the fastening on her wrap around skirt and 
opened it. I stood up and laid her on her bed. The clothes fell 
to the floor. I then gently slid her knickers down her legs. I 
gently kissed her and put her clothes in the laundry basket 
and went downstairs. 

Nick and Becky had come down in their robes after their 

"Dad, I gather quite a bit has happened this weekend."

"Oh yes son, Jim Mandy and Kate received their adoption 
certificates on Friday, they are now McGarvy's, Gill wants 
to change her name as she wants to be a McGarvy and 
Natalie is expecting a baby." Becky screamed with delight 
and rushed over to her sister. 

"Oh Nat, are you really. You are so lucky. I wish I could be 

"You can't you are only 11."

"I know that, I know that I am trying for the Olympics but I 
still want to have a baby sometime."

Have you got all your homework done Nick?"

"Yes dad I finished it off on the way home, once we were on 
the motorway the clip on table was as steady as my desk 

"What do you think of the horsebox now you have been out 
in it a couple of times."

"Well our bed is comfortable. The lounge is too comfortable 
Llewellyn Masters took it over for a Team talk. As the room 
he had booked was unavailable. We all fitted in nicely. 
There was a couple of snide comments from Ffiona about 
money being wasted on these child riders and that it 
shouldn't be allowed and the money could have been better 
spent on the Team. Llewellyn Masters threw her out of the 
Team meeting and he told me afterwards that he told her 
"unless you grow up I will ban you from the trials. I don't 
expect you to like a competitor who is so young and so 
talented but I do expect you to behave like the adult you are 
supposed to be. No more sly digs, no more bitching that she 
is taking your place or anyone else's place. If you want a 
place in the Olympic Team you have to be in the top 4 
British riders. That is the same for you, for Billy and for 
Becky. Your future is in your hands." "I have to admit she 
was better after that but Llewellyn Masters has told me to 
watch out for her in case she decides to get her own back." 
"The others in the squad are disgusted with her so they are 
all looking out for Becky. She doesn't know all this just that 
Ffiona doesn't like her and is jealous." Dad Becky and I will 
head for bed, it has been a long weekend." "Just to repeat 
though I am delighted that I have a younger brother and 2 
sisters." "It's cool." Gill came up to me.

"Roy, are you sure you don't mind me changing my name to 

"Of course not, come with me." I went into the study and 
wrote an e-mail to Elena. 

"Can you arrange to come over and meet with Gill Biggs as 
she wishes to change her name to Gill McGarvy. She wants 
to be able to use that name on official documents. I have a 
letter from her parents saying they approve. She is over 18 
so strictly she doesn't need their permission but it is nice to 
have their agreement. Can you contact us as soon as 
possible, Roy?" I clicked on send. "There it is on its way, 
happy now?"

"Oh yes Roy, very." She kissed us both and went up to bed. 
Natalie turned to me.

"What a weekend. So much has happened. I went away on 
Thursday with a quite simple life. By Sunday I have a baby 
on the way, 3 adoptive children and a girl who is older than 
me trying to be your daughter, my daughter!!"

"Ah well love. It is nice to be wanted." "Come on up to bed 
with me." We turned out the lights and went up to bed. We 
went into the bathroom for a shower and we gently washed 
each other. I smoothed her tummy, kissed it and said.

"Hello little one, we will see you when you are ready to join 
us." I kissed her belly again then turned off the shower and 
dried my darling. 

Natalie was so tired she was asleep as soon as her head hit 
the pillow. I was not far behind her. I could hear someone 
showering in the house. I put my head down and went to 

I woke up; my cock was hot, wet and being sucked. I pulled 
back the covers and in the light from the bathroom I saw 
Mandy swallowing my cock. Her pageboy hair framing her 
face as she looked up at me. She smiled up at me with her 
eyes. Her mouth was stretched around my cock. Her lips 
sliding all the way down to the base as she deep throated me. 
I could see her neck swell every time she took me to the 
base. As she slid up my cock her cheeks sank in and the 
suction on my cock was immense and so erotic. I stroked her 
hair as my balls tightened and I came into her throat and 
mouth. She pulled my cock out until it was resting on her 
tongue and my cum was filling her mouth. She moved up the 
bed and kissed me with her cum flavoured mouth. 

"Fuck me dad, fuck me. It has been a long weekend and I 
need your love."

"How are you for your contraception?"

"Natalie took me to see Dave and he has put me on the pill, 
it is better for me than the other one mum put me on. That 
was for mature women, the one I am on is designed for girls 
like me." I took her into my arms and cuddled her; I could 
feel her lubrication spreading on to me. I moved down the 
bed and took her clit into my mouth and sucked on it, I felt it 
pop out of its sheath. I slid 2 fingers into her wet cunt and 
finger fucked her. I could hear her body become more 
aroused and then felt her orgasm over my hand. I withdrew 
my fingers and moved back up the bed. Her sharp tits were 
boring into my chest as I slid my cock into her receptive 
cunt. I was sliding in and out of her tight cunt. My hands 
were holding her back and I could feel the scars, which 
would be a permanent reminder of her evil father. I brought 
her back to her peak and as I came she orgasmed. I filled her 
with my cum. Then slowly pulled out of her.  I rolled off her 
and she lay between Natalie and myself.

"Thank you Roy, I needed that. I do love the two of you." 
With that she snuggled into Natalie and appeared to take her 
tit into her young mouth. I looked closely and she had. She 
fell asleep suckling on my wife's tit.

I woke up with the alarm and Natalie tapping me. I looked 
and saw Mandy still suckling on Natalie's tit. Her mouth was 
working as if she was a baby having a feed.

"I'm quite sore now love." With that she slipped her finger 
into the corner of Mandy's mouth and broke the suction. Her 
mouth came away. Natalie's tit had a hugely enlarged nipple. 
"Look at what she has done to me."

"She woke me last night by sucking on my cock, she was 
deep throating me. Then she asked me to fuck her, so I did."

"I hope you gave her an orgasm love."

"Of course I did, I didn't fuck her, I made love to her. A very 
different affair."

"I knew you would be caring to her." "They have had an 
eventful weekend."

I got up and went through to the shower. I had a shower and 
then Natalie woke Mandy up and took her to the shower. I 
went downstairs to cook breakfast. Thank heavens for the 
Aga, I put the sausages on the tray and put them straight into 
the hot oven to cook, I fetched the bread in and then got the 
tomatoes, eggs, bacon and mushrooms from the fridge. I 
prepared the mushrooms and cooked them and started 
cooking toast for 8 people. I put the warming dish into the 
slow oven to put food in as it was cooked. I made the coffee 
and continued with the meal. Nick, Becky and Jim came in 
from riding. 

"Dad I couldn't find Mandy this morning."

"It's alright, she came into our bed last night for some 
loves." "Can you make sure Kate's awake when you go up 

"Sure dad, no problems." I watched them go upstairs for a 
quick shower before breakfast. Natalie and Mandy came 
down in their school uniforms. They started to lay the table 
and pour the coffee as I finished off the eggs and then served 
out. Mandy called upstairs to say breakfast was on the table. 
We heard the rush of feet as they came down for breakfast. 
They did look smart in their shirts, blouses and ties. I felt 
quite a scruff in my open necked shirt. 

"I'm driving you into school this morning, I have an 
appointment with Peter at 9:15 and I am going into see 
Kate's headmistress before that.  You will all be coming 
home in the taxis."

Roy,  "I'll fetch Kate after school, then we can all come 
home together in the minibus." We finished our breakfast 
and they cleared the table, all the dirty crockery went into 
the dishwasher and all the other things were put away. I put 
the cooking utensils in the dishwasher and started it up. Then 
they put their blazers on and Kate put her sweatshirt on and 
we all left for school. I dropped them off at central high and 
drove on down to the primary school and parked in the 
visitor's car park. I picked up my envelopes with the original 
and copies of the adoption certificates. We went in to Miss 
Hollis' study and I told her about what happened on Friday 
and how Kate was now legally a McGarvy and could we 
change the details on the school files.

"Certainly Roy. I'll just do it. I watched her open the records 
file and change Kate's details from Kate Elizabeth Biggs 
known as Kate McGarvy to the simple entry Kate Elizabeth 
McGarvy. There we are she is legally a McGarvy here. 
Thank you for that. I am just pleased it is half over. We will 
have to go through it all again when it goes to crown court. 

I left Miss Hollis to take Kate to her class and I left for my 
appointment with Peter. I rang Roger and arranged to see 
him later in the morning. Peter's secretary had brought us 
coffee in. 

"Well Roy your idea worked, last Monday the majority of 
the girls had lengthened their skirts to 6 inches from the knee 
but quite a few hadn't. I put the chair on the stage facing the 
wall on Monday and totally ignored it. I just left it there. I 
could see your girls pointing to it and whispering to their 
friends during assembly. The look on some of the girl's faces 
was a picture. They were horrified. The next day there were 
only a couple of girls holding out. Then on Wednesday I had 
the form tutors on duty at the doors and they picked up the 
girls who had not altered their skirts, 5 of them. They were 
led to the front of the hall and I watched them through 
assembly. They were whispering to each other that I 
wouldn't measure their skirts.  At the end of assembly I 
stood up and said.

"Last Friday all of you went home with a letter about school 
uniform. It said that if skirts were not to regulation length by 
today the wearers would be taken home to change. There are 
5 of you standing in front of me whose skirts look higher 
than regulation." One of the girls said they are not. "Would 
you 5 please come onto the stage as the nurse will measure 
your skirts." By the time they were in line behind the chair 
they were all blushing. Nurse sat the first one down and 
measured from the wall to her skirt. 9 inches, the next one 
sat down 8 inches and so on until the last one sat down. Even 
with her pulling it down the measurement was still 12 

"Right you 5 will be taken home by your form tutor to get 
changed into a regulation length skirt or trousers. You will 
have to catch up the work you miss in a detention on Friday 
night." "Many of you in this hall didn't think we would 
measure your skirt lengths. Well we have and we will do it 
again in future if it is needed." "I think we will leave this 
chair on the stage to remind you all that central High means 
what it says about school rules." They were taken home and 
they all changed and have come in everyday in regulation 
length skirts. 

"That will make for an interesting heads report at the next 
governors meeting." Peter laughed. I then said.

"Now for the reasons I am here. Natalie and I adopted Jim 
and Mandy on Friday. So their records need to be changed as 
they are now McGarvy's." "One thing you probably haven't 
thought about is that Natalie is legally their mother so she 
will have to go on the contact sheet as a next of kin. 
Therefore, if they get into trouble and you need to call a 
parent in. Natalie is legally their parent as well as me."

"Oh gosh, I hadn't thought of that and on that score she is 
Nick's step mum as well." "I just hope that it never comes to 

"The other thing is, it is still early days but Natalie had a 
positive pregnancy test on Friday." "We are expecting 
Natalie's first and my second child"

"Oh congratulations Roy."   I am going to enjoy myself at 
governors if you don't mind. I am going to tell them about 
the student in the 6th form who has three children and a 4th 
on the way. David may guess how it has come about." I will 
prime the clerk that I will be giving some of the head 
teachers report verbally and she is not to minute it all." "I 
gather from what you have just told me they have been 
found guilty?"

"Yes, they were found guilty on the minor charges and 
remanded in custody to the crown court for sentencing, on 
the major charges they were remanded to the crown court for 
trial. Mick denied sodomising Jim and claimed that it was 
his brother, Jim's father, who had done it. The brother has 
been arrested and has confessed to it. I am not sure exactly 
what he will be charged with but almost certainly as an 
accessory to the other offences against Jim.

"I am glad to know that they are all a part of a stable family. 
I am very happy with their work." "I have been talking with 
Miss Hollis about Kate and she is doing very well also." "I 
have only had the 1 problem with a student causing your 
kids grief and that was dealt with." "Jim and Mandy seem to 
be very mature for their ages. I am very pleased I took them 
into school." I finished my coffee and made my leave, as I 
had to go to the solicitors to change my will. I got to the 
solicitors and Roger was just finishing with a client. I was 
given a coffee and I sat and read the paper, a rare luxury for 
me these days. Roger finally came out apologising for 
keeping me waiting.

"Roger I did not have an appointment so it is very good of 
you to see me."

"Good of me, rubbish. I like your money to much." We both 
started laughing and he asked me what he could do for me. 

I handed him the adoption papers and said. "I need to rewrite 
my will. As I have a 14 year old a 12 year old and an 8 year 
old to provide for.  I have been thinking about a trust fund 
for Nick for some time so if I die he won't have to pay so 
much inheritance tax." "If you can talk with Rhys about my 
worth and how much I can afford to transfer to trust funds 
then we can get them set up."

"What might be better is to set up the business as a private 
limited company say with 1000 shares, you and Natalie have 
600 shares and 400 shares are shared between Nicky, Jim, 
Mandy and Kate." "What would you do with the share 
portfolio include it in the shares or keep it separate?"

"Oh I think include it, and say that any shares have to be 
offered back to the company as a whole and the company 
has a year to pay for them. 10% within 7 days and the 
balance within a calendar year." "That way the firm can't be 
forced to sell at a loss to buy some ones share out."

"That seems about right, so long as you live 7 years there is 
no inheritance tax on it. If you die earlier there is, but you 
can get insurance against it."  "Do you want me to set up the 
trust funds? I will need Natalie to come in and discuss this 
because she is a joint owner of the company. But not at 
present the High value portfolio, which you have been 
playing with since those shares were rediscovered. They are 
at present your sole property. If you want them to be 
included it will have to be done specifically as the value is 
10 times the value of your joint share portfolio. I think I will 
ask Rhys to do an asset-breakdown of your affairs, as I am 
sure you have got things, which are now shown in the wrong 
portfolio. It is a good time to sort this out."

"Oh and Roger, I e-mailed Elena last night as Gill wants to 
change her name to McGarvy,"  "she feels Jim, Mandy and 
Kate are her brother and sisters. Her parents approve as 
well." "I would want to include her in the trust. If it can be 
worked out."

"Changing the name is no problem. That is a simple 
declaration before a judge." "Elena will sort that she also 
will know how to go about having Gill treated as a daughter 
of the family." "If she is free tonight she could come to the 
house with me and we can sort it all out." 

"I'll see you tonight, and hopefully Elena too."   

"We'll have all the papers ready for you." 

I left the solicitors and went to Computershop and saw 
Craig. I arranged with him to prepare a new desktop 
computer, monitor and printer with my Internet details and 
all the farmnet and other software. He had my licence details 
for the standard software packages we used and it would be 
ready to plug into the network when he brought it around 
this afternoon. When he came he would see about extending 
my network to the cowshed office, or else arrange for an 
Internet connection to be installed there. I picked up a printer 
to take with me for Dave then I then set off for home, I 
stopped in at the dairy to tell Gill that Elena should be 
coming round with Roger tonight to sort out her name 
change and that her new computer would be there before she 
got in. I went on to the workshop to see what was happening. 
Liam was alone in the workshop.

"They are all at college today it is their day for study." "I am 
still concerned with Mark and Graham, I don't think this is 
what they were wanting. I think they want to be mechanics 
not engineers."

"I think we need to get in contact with "Connexions", to ask 
if they can interview them and check what they want to do." 
"If they definitely want to stay with us then we continue 
working with them," "but if they want to swap then it needs 
to happen as soon as possible." 

"Ok Roy, I will ring their advisor this morning and have a 
chat, she can possibly see them in college."

"Tell the advisor we will help smooth the transition if they 
want to change." "It would not be their fault if they have 
made a wrong choice," "rather we and the advisor didn't 
explain their options properly." I headed back to the house. I 
needed to back up  the data on Gill's laptop so I put a blank 
CD in the burner and backed up all the data files. I saw that 
no other programs had been added; then I deleted all the data 
files and shut down the laptop. I put it in its case along with 
its manuals and restore disks. I went to the study and picked 
up the handheld computer for the milk program and the 
software for the laptop, then went to see Dave in the 
cowshed or piggery.

 He was finishing off the paper work in the cowshed, 
entering up all the amounts against each ear tag. 

"Dave I have a computer for you to try out." "I will load the 
software onto it whilst you can load all the details of the 
cows onto this handheld computer."

"How do I do that Roy?"

"Can you try doing it from these instructions first."

"Ok, give me the sheet and the computer." He sat there 
reading the sheet as I connected the printer and loaded all the 
software onto the laptop. I was cautiously watching him as 
he took his data and started entering details. He was picking 
at the screen slowly as he found his way about. I had all the 
software loaded and was ready for the data. I watched as he 
picked up speed. Finally he gave a great sigh and put the 
computer down.

"Ok Roy. I have done it." 

"Now follow the instructions to download it all to the laptop. 
Again he read and reread the instructions, he connected the 
lead from the handheld to the laptop. The software started up 
and controlled the download of the information. I looked at 
the screens it seemed to be correct. I asked Dave if he could 
load up the last weeks information whilst I directly loaded 
the information from before the new herd arrived until I 
caught up with Dave. I was able to carry all the ear tags back 
to the start date and it took about an hour of steady work to 
get all the information on screen. Dave transferred all the 
information from his handheld and I saw the data update. 
There were some empty columns, for amount of concentrate 
and illnesses and treatments plus all the details about bulls 
used and calves produced. That was the information that 
would be collected in future. I had taken the records back to 
the Monday before arrival of the new herd. I printed off 2 
copies of the resulting sheets for each day and for each 
Sunday afternoon to give the daily and weekly totals. It gave 
the breakdown of each cows milk production, the amount of 
milk produced by the herd, the average per cow and the most 
and least milk produced. 

The day of the herds' arrival had shown a dramatic decrease 
in milk production in both the Glebe Farm cows and the new 
herd. We could then see how the output had steadily risen 
over the following week. I was pleased to see that the output 
again equalled the production before the 8th of September 
when the new herd arrived. The Glebe Farm cows were 
averaging higher milk output before the 8th of September 
than the new cows. It would be interesting to see how the 
new cows did under a new stockman. I told Dave that Craig 
from the Computershop would be down this afternoon to 
connect him to the estate network. I then exported the data to 
a CD, which I took back to the house with the printouts. I 
loaded the data into my copy of the software and started 
playing with the results. A lot of the screens came back with 
the message, not enough days of data. I was impressed a 
program that would not let you make decisions based on 
insufficient data. I rang Dick to congratulate the staff of Soft 
Solutions, GB.PLC. on their program and to suggest a few 

"Can they put in 4 columns for the destination of the milk 
and how much. I.E. milk bottler so many litres, dairy so 
many litres and an extra 2 columns for the future. In the 
details of the cows; next to the illnesses and treatments a 
column for the date of the vets visits, 1 for the diagnosis then 
the column for the treatment."

"That will be no problem Roy. How did Dave get on with 
the system?" 

"I loaded the software onto the laptop whilst Dave loaded 
data from his written records onto the handheld. He then 
connected that computer to the laptop and all the data went 
across. The software started automatically." "He was most 
impressed, he then put the data in from the 8th of September 
onwards and I entered the data for the week previous to that 
direct into the laptop. It then worked out all the daily and 
weekly totals and graphed each cows weekly output."

"There may be too much information provided at the start so 
it would possibly be good if you had a brief output setting 
and a full output setting, switchable at will."

"Sounds like a good idea Roy. I will put it to the developer. I 
should be able to let you have an upgrade within the next 
few days. "How easy did Dave find the system to use?"

"He had no problems with the hand held or with using the 
software."  "It could probably do with having a windows 
tutorial installed so that when the new user switches on they 
are led through the use of the computer." "If we supplied the 
printer as well, we could pre install the software and include 
the instructions for connecting it up." 

"That is a good idea. It should save us having to baby-sit the 
setup procedures. Just have a sheet of paper showing how to 
plug the mains feed in and switch the computer on and then 
the start up routine begins. For those who already know there 
is an override box on the display."

"Ok Dick, I will leave it for you to work it out with your 
software developer and the sales Team to come up with the 
package and the price." "Then we need to market it." I hung 
up and went through to the kitchen. Rachel was preparing 
lunch; I made us some coffee and had mine whilst talking 
with Rachel. 

"How are the twins enjoying their new home and school?"

"Oh they love it, so different to what we were used to. The 
freedom to walk through the farm, the riding and the new 
school." "I think school is their biggest delight, no more 
worries about bullying." "They have seen how well Jim and 
Mandy have been accepted in school. There was just the one 
incident of teasing and that was jumped on by the head." As 
she was talking she was finishing off the preparations for 
lunch. A large jacket potato cooked in the microwave then 
brushed with olive oil and finished in the hot oven, the flesh 
then scooped out and mixed with grated cheese and beaten 
egg. The mixture then returned to the skins and finished off 
in the oven. It all served with a mixed salad and a pastry case 
filled with onion and garlic, topped with beaten egg and 
garnished with black olives cooked with the last cooking of 
the jacket potato. It was glorious, very rich and tasty. 

"Where did you get the recipe for the potato and the flans?"

"The potato I developed myself. The flans I saw on one of 
these cookery programs called two fat ladies!"

"Well all I can say is that it is very tasty indeed." "I went 
into the study to catch up on my work, the phone rang it was 
Roger to confirm he and Elena would be out at 8:00pm. I 
carried on sorting the paperwork, there was the letter from 
the council saying we had outline planning permission for 
the low cost estate of houses, including the loop road. The 
housing association plans had arrived for me to check, as it 
was one of my conditions on letting the land go cheap that I 
had a veto on the plans if they tried to make it high density. 
Their architect had evidently talked to Ian about my thinking 
on housing estates. It was fine, good sized plots of land with 
proper gardens, above minimum space houses. All the 
mature trees were retained and two play areas. Ian could now 
do the detail design on our estate, and possibly have the first 
purchasers in by Christmas. The housing association letter 
told me that construction would start on the 29th of 
September. Land preparation and road building would start 
immediately. The letter also confirmed that priority would 
go to people working in the village but living outside and 
people born in the village who cannot afford to buy and 
those who live in the village in overcrowded 
accommodation. The housing department would work with 
the housing association to sort the waiting list. 

I rang Ian to check that he had started on the detailed plans. 

"Started Roy, I have nearly finished. I had plotted the estate 
roads on the plans then allowed the software to lay out the 2, 
3 and 4 bed roomed houses and bungalows in the most space 
effective way. It has kept the minimum free plot space, i.e. 
the minimum size of the gardens and positioned them to get 
the best use of the land. Then the software extends the 
boundaries to meet. The houses are then positioned on the 
plots to get the maximum useable space. The main gardens 
are the suntraps with the lounge overlooking. The roofs are 
pitched to give maximum sunlight to the garden. The houses 
that are pre-sold will be adaptable, size of the rooms, layout 
of the house position of the chimney etc. All of the houses 
built to order will be individualised They will however be 
modular in size, the kitchens will be designed around the 
units, The other rooms will be sized to take account of the 
width of wall paper and carpet sizes. 

The new building regulation talks about wheelchair 
accessible and gives the minimum. All the houses have wet 
floor bathrooms to allow for wheelchair showering, The 
stairs are full width to allow for a stair lift to be installed and 
the upstairs landing cupboard is above the downstairs hall 
cupboard and they are sized to take a wheel chair lift with 
the ceiling prepared for easy removal. On the bathroom we 
looked at the pricing on your new bathroom and compared it 
to the cost of a normal bathroom. The total extra cost was 
well under a thousand pounds, probably nearer 500 pounds. I 
will send the plans to you when I have finished them. 
Probably Thursday or Friday. Then if you approve I will take 
them into the council as soon as possible. Then we can start 
building the roads and then the estate itself.

I was excited, so much was happening, by next year I would 
be exhibiting at the steam shows, I hoped to be going to the 
Athens Olympics in August to see my sons fiancée compete. 
Our new child should be born. I was going to surprise some 
young people tonight. I would have to speak to Becky alone 
before Roger arrived as otherwise she might wonder why she 
seems to have been left out. It is the same reason that Natalie 
is included in my share. I looked at the clock; it would soon 
be time for them all to return from school. I went into the 
kitchen and made myself some coffee and took it into the 
lounge, I sat back in the recliner. The next thing I knew was 
the invasion of the kids and my wife home from school. I sat 
back up and saw my coffee on the coffee table. I picked up 
the cold mug and drank it. It helped me to wake up. Kate 
jumped onto my lap.

"Hello dad."

"Did you have a good time at school?"

"Oh yes, it was great. My teacher saw me after break and 
told me that miss Hollis had told her about the adoption and 
would I like to announce it in celebrations time. Well I had 
told my friends and so I said yes. So when we started 
celebrations she said. "Someone here has had a new birthday 
this weekend. Her foster parents adopted her. So just as we 
have a birthday to celebrate the day we were born. Kate has 
an extra birthday to celebrate the day she was, as it were, 
born into her new family. They all sang happy birthday to 
me dad. I am so happy. I kissed her and said.

"That is lovely. I am so pleased for you." "I have got to pop 
you down whilst I have a quick word with Becky." I caught 
Becky, as she was going riding with Nick, Jim and Mandy. 
"Becky can I talk with you as you go riding, you can catch 
the others up after."

"Ok Roy. Nick I will catch you up." The others ran on, I 
took Becky's hand and told her about what was happening 
tonight. At first she was surprised then puzzled. When I 
explained to her that she was in the same position, or would 
be, as her sister she understood what I was saying.

"Natalie doesn't have any shares in her own right because 
she and you share your batch of shares equally."  "So I will 
when I marry Nick. Is that what you are saying?"

"Yes love." "You don't feel as if I have excluded you from 
the family?"

"Oh no Roy, Yes I'm envious of them being your children 
but then I remember I am your sister in law and in a few 
years I will also be your daughter in law." "I mustn't be 
greedy." She laughed then. 

"Can you keep this conversation secret until after they have 
all been told tonight?"

"Ok Roy, no problem. I'm just glad it is no longer though."

Craig then arrived from the Computershop with Gill's new 
computer and monitor. I left him to go in and carry on. It 
was soon connected to its printer and scanner and more 
importantly to the routers, which networked it to the house 
computers and to farmnet. Only the kitchen, Natalie's and 
my computers had been hooked up into farmnet direct before 
but as Gill was going to be so involved in the dairy it would 
be useful for her to be connected as well. Craig was then 
going to the cowshed to see about farmnet connections there 
as well.

I left Becky to run on to her riding lesson and returned to the 
house. I talked with Natalie about my plans, her only worry 
was how much she had a share in, she could not get her head 
round the rough figures. 

"But Roy, that is more than you talked about when we got 
engaged, yet you say that is only 60% of our wealth, how did 
it increase so much?"

"It was always there, it is just £42 million of it was missing. 
I had lost a share portfolio and I didn't worry about it as I 
had forgotten what shares I had bought when I was in the 

We sat and talked about what had been happening and what 
the plans were for the future. How my method of working 
would have to change. I would find I had to discuss plans 
with the family, as they would want to be involved in the 
long-term aims of the family business. 

"Roy I can understand why you feel that Becky should be in 
the same position as me but I disagree. She is to all intents 
your daughter now in many ways, she lives here, and you are 
paying for her riding and the horsebox. If there was a falling 
out within the family over her she could be sidelined. I know 
if you give her shares then when they marry they will have 
more than the others but I suspect that could happen with 
Jim and Mandy anyway."

"I'll talk with Roger now, and run it past him. 

"How should we split the shares?" "Keep it at 600/400 and 
split the 400 by 5 instead of 4 or what?

"How about 550/450 with the 450 split 5 ways into 90 shares 
each. It still gives you overall control."

"Unless you vote against me love."

"Oh Roy, I hope we would have discussed things enough to 
know that what we are voting for is what we as a couple 
want to see happen."

Actually we need 480 shares split 6 ways, little Oscar there. 
He or she should have a share!"

"Now you definitely need to talk with Roger."

I picked up the phone and dialled Roger; he was still in the 
office. I told him what we had been discussing. He agreed 
with including Becky and the, as yet, unborn off spring. 

"How about this?" The trust deed should read Gill, Jim, 
Nick, Mandy, Kate and any future issue of Roy and Natalie 
that would cover it. Also that for the purposes of selling, the 
number of issue includes any unborn children already 
conceived, so if someone decided to sell up now it would be 
on the basis of 6 shares." "Rhys has come back with some 
figures. The final figure is still much as it was before, but 
split differently. Looking back on the share performance, 
dividends and rights issues, and income from the company 
etc the total profit after tax is in the region of £5,000,000 for 
the last financial year. That is very much an estimate. It is 
those American shares that have caused the problem; it is 
trying to sort out the figures from that. We are waiting for 
the final information from the registrar for each company." 
"They are also rerouting tax payments from the American 
tax service to my local office." "When that comes in Rhys 
will be able to finalise the accounts. He has paid an 
estimated amount to the taxman and they have accepted you 
had no control over your American shares until this June and 
that all monies were in the US and not known about by you. 
Rhys is trying to sort out your tax liability. The registrars 
have confirmed that they had lost contact with you. They 
have looked at how you are using the money. The start up 
businesses attracts tax relief, your woodland plantings attract 
tax relief, and the charitable trust funds are getting tax relief. 
"Rhys suspects that this year the after tax profits and gains 
on the share value will be between 1 ½ to 5 million pounds. 
It should be about £5 million next year as the tax liability 
will only be for next year's profits. Not for all those years of 

"That's great Roger, Natalie agrees with it, her comment 
was, our share is greater than you told me about when we got 
engaged." I had to agree." "I'll see you and Elena later. 
Everyone came back from riding and Kate woke up from her 
nap. The riders went up to shower and change then Rachel 
came through to say dinner was on the table. 

After dinner I asked everyone to stay in as I was expecting 
guests who needed to see everyone. I heard the fax going, it 
was from Rhys. It was a message asking me to give the 
figures to Roger; he would know what they meant. It was a 
list of figures, which made no sense to me. 

I asked Nick to join Natalie and me in the study. 

"Nick, I am putting a large part of the company into trust to 
keep it out of the hands of the taxman when I die. I am 
creating 1000 notional shares. 550 shares will be shared 
between Natalie and I and 450 shares will be shared between 
you, Becky, Gill, Mandy, Jim and Kate plus our little Oscar 
when he or she arrives. You will all have equal shares, which 
approximates to £4 million pounds each at todays values. It 
won't be in cash it is just a notional value based on the value 
of the company. I have included Becky and Gill as equal 
partners because they are to all intents and purposes my 
children. Jim Mandy and Kate are my heirs as much as you 
are and Oscar will be. Becky and Gill are here because they 
want to be. Becky because she loves you and wants to live 
with you. The horse riding is an added bonus for her. Gill 
because she dearly wanted to be part of the family. She knew 
we are comfortably off but this will come as a huge shock to 
her. Can you understand why I am doing it? I don't want you 
to think I am giving away your inheritance. As it stands your 
share is about £4 million pounds."

"How much did you say?"

"£4 million. Not a lot if you say it quickly." 

"If I wanted the money what would happen?"

"You would be paid 10% within 7 days i.e. £400,000 and the 
balance within 1 year. It could only be sold to the family. It 
has no intrinsic value outside of the family." "I hope you are 
not thinking about selling."

"Oh no dad, no way. I was just interested in the mechanics 
of it." If or more accurately when I marry Becky how much 
would we be worth then?"

"At current figures £8 million pounds."

"Oh gosh!"
 I heard the doorbell ring. Roger and Elena were there. They 
came with me into the lounge. I gave Roger the fax from 
Rhys. He looked at it with a broad smile. He opened his 
briefcase and took out his laptop. He entered the figures into 
it. There was a whirring from the case and a sheet of print 
out emerged.
Current account
High interest account general fund
High interest account local projects 
Company value
1st share portfolio
2nd share portfolio
Start up shares (Paid out value, not 
updated as too volatile)
Local projects fund
Total not including trusts
Share Natalie and I {550 shares 275 
shares each}
Share for children (figures rounded) 
Approximate individual share (1/6 of 
children share figures rounded)
Estimated end of year including after 
tax profits
Diocesan trust fund
School trust fund

Roger explained the figures to Natalie and I.  The values of 
the children's shares have been rounded to make them easier 
to understand. These are figures to the end of the financial 
year, assuming no major new streams of income or losses. 
Then after excess taxes this year, over and above what has 
been deducted at source we are looking at a net profit of 
£3,200,000.00 that is £1,760,000 for you and Natalie and 
£240,000 for each child. These are notional figures for profit 
as you are reinvesting in the company. On the shares the 
amount you would have to pay in death duties decreases year 
on year until 7 years has passed and then there is no 
inheritance tax to pay on all the money that has been 

I called Gill, Nick, Jim, Mandy and Kate into the lounge. I 
explained that I would be setting up trusts for each of them, 
not strictly true for Gill as she had reached her majority, This 
was to ensure that so long as I lived for more than 7 years a 
large proportion of the family business would be tax free. 
Until you reach the age of 18 your shares will be held in trust 
for you. This means that you can't alter the direction of the 
company. The company has been divided into 1000 notional 
shares. 450 shares will belong to all the children named in 
the trust document, that is Gill, Nick, Jim, Mandy, Becky 
and Kate plus any issue of Roy and Natalie. That includes 
little Oscar. Roger has prepared a rough breakdown of the 
company value, which we can discuss privately. What young 
Kate wants to know would be very different to what Nick 
would want to know."

 "I hope that all of you will leave the income from your 
shares in the company to help it to mature." "I have run the 
McGarvy estate, that is what I am calling the new company, 
to encourage the growth of our village." "This is not for an 
altruistic reason, but for good commercial reasons. The 
village grows it buys food. I supply food I employ staff, they 
buy food. The village gets bigger. I build houses, easier for 
me to get more staff; they buy food and other services I 
provide. I make more money. I then develop new services at 
the school it grows." "I want to live in a living, growing 
community." "I remember seeing ghost villages where 
people only returned at night because there was no work 
locally." "This village was heading in that direction. I now 
employ over 150 people directly in the estate and ancillary 
companies. Those staff then provides work for at least 
another 150 people in the immediate vicinity. That means 
about 1000 people who depend directly or indirectly on the 
decisions made by the family and the trustees. That number 
will grow but it means this village will continue to live and 
thrive. It will be a good place for your children to grow up 

"Oh Gill, Elena has something for you."  

"What is it Roy?"

"Ask her."

"Elena what have you brought for me?"

"The forms you need to change your name to McGarvy of 

  "Oh thank you Roy, thank you Elena."

Gill set to and completed her details and signed the Deed 
Poll certificate witnessed by Roger and Elena. 

"I will get the forms copied and certified for you so that you 
can get all your licences and accounts changed and get a new 
passport. I will also arrange for it to be entered in the 
enrolment books of the Central Office of the Supreme Court 
of Deeds at the Royal Courts of Justice in London." "You 
are now legally Gillian McGarvy."  

"Roy, you didn't include me in the trust did you? I missed 
the details."

"Yes why?"

"You shouldn't have done it, you have both done so much 
for me already."

"Gill you wanted to become a member of this family before 
you knew about this, you felt a part of us all and you wanted 
to mark it." "Well the same thing works the other way. We 
wanted you and Becky to be treated as full members of the 
family." "As too all intents and purposes you both are." I can 
see Becky wants a word with me," "Becky come into the 
study with me." "What's the matter Becky?"

Becky came across and climbed up on my knees. "You said 
you weren't including me in the trust and after I thought 
about it I could see why not." "Now you have changed it and 
I am confused."

"Well Becky I was talking with your sister and as we talked 
I realised I was wrong to think on the lines I had thought." 
"It would put extra pressure on you in the future if you 
discovered that Nick was wrong for you. It would have made 
it harder to leave." "plus you are to all intents and purposes 
my daughter. So you are a part of the family, I have just had 
a similar conversation with Gill. "It won't make a huge 
difference to your day to day life as I take out of the 
company enough for us all to live on and the rest gets re-
invested. "When you get married and leave the house then 
you will receive the income due to your share, if you want to 
leave money in then the value of your share will increase."

"Thank you Roy, but what do I tell my parents?"

"I think for the moment you don't, unless you really want to, 
then I think we get Natalie to prepare them as I think they 
would have problems with you having those shares."

"Yes Roy, I think you are right." "It is not as if it is going to 
change my life at the moment." "You are already paying for 

"That's ok love. You will be a legal part of my family when 
you marry Nick and you are already an effective part of my 
family." "Go on up with Nick now."

"Well Natalie we now have another member of the family." 
"Thanks Elena and Roger," "it is appreciated your both 
coming out tonight." "I'm just pleased that it went so 
quickly, I don't like hanging around. I can sign your 
documents now." I saw Natalie go into the kitchen and heard 
the kettle go on. I took my pen and started signing the 
transfer documents and the deeds. There was a lot to read 
through and sign. Finally it was all finished. Natalie brought 
coffee through for us and we talked about last week's court 
case. How victor had confessed to it and how by accusing 
Victor of it Mick had put himself on the scene. Victor would 
now be a prosecution witness. 

Nick came back down stairs with a letter from school. It 
wouldn't affect him and Becky as they were too busy with 
show jumping competitions to go, it was about the trip to 
New York next year with the school. I was reading the 
information sheet, I had known it was coming up as it had 
gone through the governors meeting in spring. All the school 
was eligible to go. 

"Nick, did Jim and Mandy get a copy of this?"

"Yes dad, I saw them talking about it and then they put it in 
Mandy's bin."

"What would you think about them going to the states 
without you?"

"I would be pleased for them to go, Becky and I are away 
each weekend on these competitions and soon we will be 
going to the continent for the European jumping season. I 
think they deserve to go dad."

"So do I, can you get the forms from their bin for me without 
them knowing?"

"Yes dad, no problem, but actually Becky has a form as 
well, we can use those instead."

"I like that idea better, no possibility of them knowing then."

"I'll just get Becky's form."

"Roy my form is in my bag, I can't go because of little one 
on its way."

"Thanks love, wouldn't you have wanted to go?"

"If I was not pregnant, not married and mum and dad could 
have afforded it then yes. You know what their finances 
were like though."

"Ok love. We will wave them goodbye and we will do 
America when Oscar is old enough to not need nappies." "I 
will take the forms in tomorrow to the governors meeting 
and give them to Peter." 

"That should give them a pleasant surprise." "Nick if either 
of them ask you about it just say you can't go because of 
your riding commitments, which is true."

"Ok dad, no problems." He went upstairs leaving Natalie and 
I with our guests. 

"Roger, we will need to sort out all their passports as apart 
from anything else we hope we will be going to Greece next 
year for Becky to compete in the Olympics."

"No problem Roy, just leave it with us. If you let me have 
their adoption certificates and their old passports if any I will 
get on to it." I saw Roger and Elena out and headed upstairs. 
Mandy was just coming out of Kate's room.

"I have put Kate to bed, she has had a bath, I read her a story 
and now she's fast asleep."

"Thank you Mandy."

"Dad, why have you given us all shares in the company?"

"Well the underlying reason is that by giving away large 
chunks of the company now, you won't have to pay so much 
in death duties when I die." "The second reason is that I 
want you to know that you all are my children, even Gill and 
Becky." "Gill has shown she wants to be a McGarvy and 
Becky is engaged to my son and is the sister of my wife." 
"You all live with Natalie and I and we want to treat you all 
the same." 

"Will you and Natalie bath me dad?"

"Yes love, go and run your bath and I will get Natalie." 
Mandy went into her bathroom and started to run her bath, I 
went down and fetched Natalie.

"Mandy wants us to bath her love, will you?"

"Of course Roy." We went upstairs and Mandy's bath was 
ready. We undressed Mandy and helped her to step into her 
bath. We slowly washed her I started with her feet and 
Natalie with her hair. I picked each foot up and with a 
handful of shower gel I washed her foot, sliding my fingers 
between her toes and up onto her firm leg, gently smoothing 
the leg muscles. I put the first leg down and took her second 
leg. Washing it as far as mid thigh where the water came to. 
Natalie finished her hair so we helped Mandy to her feet and 
we washed up her legs and into her pubes. I gently washed 
her labia and around her slit to her bum. My finger sliding 
just inside her tight sphincter. Natalie took the shower head 
and rinsed my hand and her bum and cunt off. I continued to 
massage her bum then followed the water spray around to 
her cunt. Natalie's fingers were sliding in and out of Mandy's 
wet cunt; her juices mixing with the spray from the shower. I 
moved round to her back and washed her scarred back. I 
could feel the unevenness of her back where her father had 
scarred her for life. I rinsed her back and kissed it, then 
turned to her growing tits. Washed them and took a mouthful 
of her sweet flesh. Her nipples were already hard and I 
released the mound of her tit and massaged the nipple in my 

"Oh that is so good" I could hear Mandy enjoying the 
sensations we were giving her. I pulled the plug and snagged 
the towel from the heated towel rail. I enveloped her in 
warm soft towel and helped her out onto the warm floor. I 
slowly dried her as Natalie quickly stripped. I felt Natalie 
undressing me as I dried the nubile pre teen. We walked 
together to her bed and as Natalie pulled back the covers I 
laid Mandy down. Natalie was kissing her and kissing her 
breasts as I sucked on her clit and fingered her cunt. Mandy 
was feeling the stimulation and we could feel her body 
reacting to us as she orgasmed. I rolled onto my back and 
pulled Mandy onto me. Her cunt slid down my cock, I could 
feel every inch of her cunt as my cock plumbed her depths, I 
felt every ridge as her young cunt slid slowly over me, up 
and down, pulling almost free of me then pushing down until 
I was deep as my cock could reach. She said to Natalie.

"Stand up, stand up." Natalie did and Mandy grabbed her 
round the waist and pulled her to her mouth. I watched as 
Mandy sucked on Natalie's clit and pushed two slim fingers 
into my wife's cunt. Mandy's other hand was around Nat's 
bum holding her in place. I watched Natalie's cunt juicing up 
under Mandy's assault. She pulled her fingers out and I 
watched her fold them together with the thumb tucked into 
the palm of her hand. Mandy pushed up and I watched my 
wife's cunt lips get pulled inwards as Mandy's hand sunk 
into her cunt. Natalie tensed as the hand stretched her cunt to 
gain entry. I could hear Natalie's cries of delight as she 
received that forearm into her cunt. I watched it thrust in and 
out and saw Natalie's juices dripping from her cunt and drop 
onto me. 

All the while I was humping up into Mandy's young cunt. 
My fingers were teasing her clit. I pored my seed into her as 
she orgasmed. Her fist sank deeper into my wife and Natalie 
clasped her head to her, mashing Mandy's lips against her 
clit and she came, I could see her muscles spasming as her 
orgasm rushed through her. It was too much for her and she 
slowly sank to her knees, then lay backwards with her legs 
tucked beneath her. Mandy's arm was just above my head 
and Natalie's legs spread either side of my shoulders. Mandy 
opened her eyes after her orgasm and looked into mine. 

"I love you dad. Thank you for all you have done." She 
slowly kissed me. I could taste my wife on her young lips. 
She gently pulled her arm out of my wifes cunt. Natalie 
moved and slid down the bed next to us. She kissed Mandy 
and thanked her then pulled the light cord putting us into 
darkness. I felt Natalie cuddle into us and felt the change in 
Mandy's body as she drifted into sleep. I lay there with my 
wife curled up to me; my daughter surrounding my cock 
with her cunt. I slept.

We stayed together through the night. I woke at 5:00. My 
morning erection woke Mandy as it slid through her 
sensitive cunt as it enlarged. 

"OOOOgh, that feels nice, what a way to wake up. I rolled 
us over so that Mandy was beneath me then grasping each 
leg I moved them and placed them over my shoulders and 
pushed the last few centimetres in. I lifted further up and 
rolled Mandy round on her back. So that I could penetrate 
her to the greatest depth. Her feet were bouncing on my back 
as I speared into her. Natalie woke up and slipped her hand 
onto Mandy's tit and we brought her back to her orgasm, I 
felt her tense then heard her shout with joy as her orgasm 
washed over her. The sensation of her cunt milking my cock 
brought me to orgasm as well and I filled her young cunt 
with my cream. I could feel it squirting past my cock and 
into her sparse hair. I leant between her legs and kissed her. I 
slowly pulled out and then felt the urge to pass water. I 
dashed for the toilet and peed for England. As I finished 
Mandy came through and sat on the throne. After she 
finished she wiped herself and saw cum on the tissue.

"Dad, I have got PE today, what do I do?"

"Come with me. I took her to my bathroom and took the 
nozzle. I turned the water on and adjusted it to warm. I 
slowly fed the nozzle into her cunt and hosed her down. The 
water and cum streamed away from her. 

"How do you feel love?"

"I'm a bit sore, Achy more than sore.

I reached across and adjusted the temperature in the nozzle 
to full cold. Mandy gasped at the change in temperature. "Oh 
dad, that's cold."

"I know love, it will help with the discomfort." I took her 
hand and positioned it on the nozzle then I let go to turn on 
the main shower, I took the Radox muscle relaxant shower 
gel and washed a good handful into the muscles at the top of 
her thigh. I washed down her legs to her feet, feeling the 
cold water pouring from her cunt. I turned off the nozzle and 
removed it. The water dripped from her. I planted a gentle 
kiss on her and then washed the rest of her body. She took 
the shower gel and washed me. She got to my cock and 
asked me a question.

"Dad, why haven't you and Natalie got hair on your pubes 
whilst I am growing hair."

"Well love, Natalie and I have used an electrolysis machine 
to permanently remove the hair.

"Can you do it to me please?"

"I am sure Natalie will help you with it if you really want." 
At that time Natalie joined us in the shower.

"Natalie will you remove the hair from my cunt like yours 

"Of course love, let me have my shower and then I will do it 
for you." She finished her shower then took Mandy through 
to our bed, where she got the electrolysis kit out and started 
working on Mandy's cunt. I heard Nick and Becky leaving 
for riding. Finally Natalie was done; Mandy's cunt was as 
bare as Natalie's and Kate's. Natalie and Mandy dressed in 
their school uniforms and I put a suit on for the governors 
meeting. I took my suit jacket downstairs with me and hung 
it up in the study and went through to the kitchen to start on 
breakfast. Mandy helped me with breakfast as Natalie started 
to get Kate and Jim up. 

Mandy watched me carefully as I put the sausages into the 
baking tray and then into the hot oven. Then halved the 
tomatoes and put them in the frying pan. I made the first 
batch of toast and Mandy then took over, carefully trimming 
the crusts off before putting them into the toast racks to cool. 
I made the coffee and poured us out a mug each. Then as 
Natalie and Kate came down and laid the table I put the 
sausages into the warming dish in the bottom oven. Nick and 
Becky came back from riding and I started on the bacon then 
the eggs. Mandy buttered 16 slices of toast for the tomatoes 
and eggs to go on. Then I dished up. Mandy and I carried 
them through as Nick and Becky came down, hair wet, but in 
their uniforms. We ate breakfast, then all the plates, mugs 
and cutlery were cleared away to the dishwasher. 

Blazers on and out into the courtyard to wait for the taxis. I 
saw Ruth and Alex come and join them. Then it was away 
and off to school. I went to the study and picked up my 
governors folder and reread the minutes. I had another cup of 
coffee and did my paperwork until it was time for me to 
leave. Peter had said that as David had dealt with my 
membership of the governors and Natalie joining the school 
it would have to be discussed by full governors. If they 
ratified the decision David would come out and fetch me in. 
If they didn't then he would come out and explain that to me 
also. I arrived at school 5 minutes after the start of governors 
and was taken to the deputy heads office to have a coffee 
and wait. It was 10 minutes after the start of the meeting that 
David came through and asked me to join the meeting. I was 
welcomed back and congratulated on my wedding. Many of 
them had been there. 

David apologised that I had to remain outside whilst they 
were discussing my marriage but it was the rules. I had no 
problem with that. David then continued his report about the 
new nursery and its funding. Miss Moore was now in charge 
of the nursery and was able to use the child development 
students as assistants along with a nursery nurse. There were 
2 children from the school using the nursery, 1 was a 
students child the other was from a member of staff. I have 
also authorised Peter to accept 2 children over our number 
without sending them to appeal, 1 is in year 8 the other in 
year 10. They were foster children when they arrived and 
have since been adopted. The Local authority governor stood 

"Why have you ignored the education authority guidelines 
on accepting students over and above the admission 
number?"  "They should have been refused admission until 
after an appeal."

Peter stood up. "I recommended acceptance of these students 
to David. I spoke with my colleague at valley high and we 
came to the conclusion that if they were to be taught locally, 
and there were pressing reasons why they should be, then, as 
they were moving to my catchment area it was only proper 
that they came here." "These 2 children have been brutalised 
by their fathers. The boy was whipped by his uncle, had salt 
poured onto his bleeding back and was then sodomised by 
his own father. The girl was whipped and raped by her 
father. Her arm was broken when she was thrown 
downstairs. I have been provided with photographs of the 
children's backs." The clerk passed out the pictures and the 
local authority representative ran out of the room with his 
hand over his mouth. I took a copy as they were passed 
around. I realised that a picture of Kate's back had been 
included. I looked at Peter and raised an eyebrow. He 
nodded his head and mouthed, I know. "They were fostered 
by an out of area foster family and have been adopted by that 
family." "We decided that in the interests of the children 
they should be admitted to the school without going through 
the appeal process." The local authority governor had 
returned during the latter part of Peter's speech. "The 
children are now students of this school and if you wish to 
discipline me and raise a vote of no confidence in the chair 
that is up to you."

Peter, I spoke without understanding, I apologise for my 
comments and would ask for them to be struck out of the 
minutes. I recommend that this governing body congratulate 
the head master and chair of governors for taking a decision 
at very short notice that reflects the ethos of this college, the 
staff and the governing body."

"Thank you for that, can we vote on the chairs actions." 
When we voted I abstained knowing that all would be 
revealed later. The result was carried with 1 abstention. 

The election of chair and vice chair then took place. David 
was re-elected as chair, I had stood as vice chair and was 
elected to that post. I knew David was retiring next year and 
Peter had asked me to stand as vice chair this year and then 
to stand for chair next year.

The head then gave his headmasters report, a copy of which 
had been sent with the agenda. He picked out highlights 
from the report. Then he reported verbally on the new 
student in the 6th form, she had 2 sons, 2 daughters and a 
fifth child on the way. I could hear some mutterings about 
shame being brought on the school. Then someone noted 
that the verbal report wasn't being minuted. 

"Peter, what are you up to?"

"You spoil all my fun." "What I reported is in fact true as far 
as it goes, but I will now give the full account. The student in 
question is Natalie McGarvy, Roy's wife, when she married 
she took on a stepson, who is a student here. Whilst they 
were on their honeymoon they became involved with the 2 
girls and a boy who you have seen reports about in the paper 
and 2 of them have already been reported on and are now 
students of this college. They fostered them and have since 
adopted them and Natalie is expecting her first child next 

I received a lot of congratulations. "Peter did warn me he 
was going to have some fun this morning. I hope you all 
understand why I had to abstain in the last vote, seeing as it 
was my children who had caused the problem." 

"We also had a problem of school uniform and girls, 
specifically micro mini skirts. A letter was sent home 
reminding students of the school rules and set out the 
maximum amount of thigh that could be displayed. 5 girls 
ignored the letter so we measured the skirt length by sitting 
them in front of a wall and the nurse measured the distance 
between the wall and the skirt. The shortest of the skirts 
measured 12 inches of exposed leg. The girls were taken 
home to change and then had to catch up the work they 
missed in detention. There have been no further problems.

 The meeting then continued with a lot less drama than the 
first 15 minutes of the meeting. At the end I collected all the 
photographs. "I hope you understand why I am collecting 
them in. Whilst it was important for you to understand the 
needs of Jim and Mandy I do not want these photographs in 
the public domain." 

The governors stayed in school for lunch and to meet with 
the student council. Then it was time to leave. My next 
important meeting was on Wednesday night when Natalie 
and I would meet with the district commissioner for Scouts.

Kate joined Natalie and I as we went to the church hall for 
the cub meeting. Kate was joining cubs and Natalie and I 
were going to talk about becoming leaders. Keri was there as 
we arrived. She took Kate and introduced her to Akela and 
then introduced us to Larry's mum. She was the one Keri  
had spoken too about Kate's back. I had kept the photograph 
of Kate's back and we went into the kitchen where we could 
speak privately. I told her all about what had happened to 
Kate and Mandy. I then showed a photo of Kate's back. 
Jenny went white at the sight. Once she had recovered I told 
her about the last day Kate was under the so called care of 
her father. She was horrified at what had been done. 

"Roy when I heard Larry talking about this girl I was cross 
because I thought he and his friends had been lying."

"Don't worry about it Jenny, most people would find it hard 
to believe. Jenny then went home and we were then 
introduced to the district commissioner. 

"Keri has told me a lot about you Roy, I gather your adopted 
daughter is starting with cubs tonight."

"Yes Stuart that is correct, she had wanted to start when she 
was at home but her father wouldn't let her." "I assume Keri 
has told you a little of her history."

"Yes she has, plus I talked with social services about you 
both and Kate." "We will of course be doing the criminal 
record checks on both of you as you will be working with 
children. I haven't had the confirmation in writing but social 
services are happy for you to be involved with the scouts, 
they have no worries about you. In your circumstances I 
would have been very surprised if they had as they have 
approved you both as adoptive parents. I will need you to fill 
these forms in. I am sorry they are so lengthy but with all the 
precautions we have to take. I do hope you understand." 

"That's alright Stuart, of course we understand. I actually 
underwent basic training in 1975. I suspect I will have to 
redo it as so much will have changed." 

"You are not wrong there. Can you remember what troops 
you were with and if you could list those as well, it would be 

"Our interview at the start seemed to be mainly forms to fill 
in. Finally he asked us about our hobbies and interests. He 
was most interested about the traction engines and ploughs. 
Even more so when he heard we had used the ploughs on a 
field, which would have been difficult to do with an ordinary 
tractor. It was then he said subject to our checks he would be 
happy to accept us as leaders with the 1st central valley 
Troop. Natalie's process would be a lot shorter as she was 
legally still a child. She would be an associate leader. Her 
references were from school. Whereas mine was a full 
check, which would take 4 to 6 weeks minimum. I was asked 
if I could take over the administration at once. What I 
couldn't do was work with small groups of children or 
children alone. The three of us went into the main hall. Kate 
was running around in her body protector and was really 
enjoying herself.  

They all went into Sixes for the end of the meeting. Keri 
pointed out the assistant to the sixer that Kate had joined. It 
was Larry whose mum I had met. They were finishing off 
and I saw Jenny with the other mums. I vaguely remembered 
them from the talk at school. Jenny came over to me and 
talked about Kate being in the same six as her son.  We 
watched them fallout and Larry and Kate came over to us. 

"Mum you know you told me off about talking about a girl 
at central primary who had been whipped by her dad. Well 
here she is. She'll tell you I wasn't lying."

"I know now son, Kate's dad told me about it tonight." "You 
have to admit it did sound farfetched son." 

"Can Kate come to our house for tea mum."

"Of course she can if her new dad will let her." "Roy would 
Kate be able to come to tea on Friday."

"Of course she can, I will bring her after she has changed on 
Friday." We exchanged addresses and we set off for home. 
Friday would be busy after school. Nick and Becky would be 
going away to the show jumping, Mandy would be going to 
scouts and now Kate would be going to tea with Larry. We 
got home and the ansaphone light was flashing. I listened to 
the message. Llewellyn Masters wanted me to phone him, he 
left his phone number.

I rang him and he quickly answered. "Thanks Roy for 
getting back to me so quickly. I have a problem I broke my 
leg going home on Sunday and am unable to drive my 
horsebox, I was wondering if I could beg a lift with Becky 
and Nicky and they could drop me at a hotel?"

"That would be no problem but why don't you stay with 
them in the box, there is plenty of room for you and it will 
save being away from the riders."

"Thanks Roy, I will see you on Friday, I can get a lift to your 

"See you Friday." 

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