{martinmac}book 1 New Year 17/30 (Mmmffggg ped rom 
inc cons oral enem fist anal )

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 9:30 the mobile 
phone was bleeping at me. I picked it up.


"Is that Mr McGarvy?"

"Yes, who's calling?"

"Mrs Johnson."

By now I was waking up, "Good morning what can I do for 

"Sorry Roy did I wake you up?"

"Yes I was fast asleep and all the kids are still sleeping" As I 
was talking I was sliding out from under Kate, out of bed 
and putting the kettle on for a cup of coffee. 

"What it is, we have discovered another child who has been 
abused by Mick."

"What's her name and how old is she?"

"Well the name is James and he is 14 ½ he has been battered 
badly and buggared. His parents are blaming him for it all 
and want nothing to do with him. We have our suspicions 
about James' father, he is Mick's brother. We are carrying 
out a lot of checks; the boy is in reasonable health but needs 
a place of safety. I was wondering."

"If he could join the girls." I continued.

"Well yes I was really, it is rather a cheek when my boss told 
me to try and put you off Kate." 

"I don't hold any grudges. When all is said and done, all you 
knew about me was that I had a 16 year old wife and had 
opened a can of worms in your back yard. What time do you 
want to bring him round? The thing is I have to see if he will 
fit in with my wife and Mandy and Kate. They all have a say 
in the decision."

"Could we say 11:00 this morning?" 

"I looked at the kids fast asleep on the beds and asked if she 
could make it 12:00 then we could take him for lunch 
straight away. Tell you what you join us as well, and then 
you can check on Gill, Mandy and Kate. I will talk about it 
with them before you come over."

"Thanks Roy, I will see you at noon." 

I closed the connection. I made my coffee and woke 
everyone up. 

"Wakey, wakey rise and shine, the sun is shining and we 
have a busy morning." I had made everyone's drinks and 
was quietly laughing as they surfaced. Natalie looked at me.

"What do you know that I don't know that is causing us to 
have a busy morning?"

"Mrs Johnson the social worker is coming round. They have 
found another battered child."

" That's no problem, what difference does another girl 

"Well he is actually a boy, he is 14 ½ and his parents blame 
him for being beaten and sexually assaulted by Mick!"

"Well I have no problem with him. Mandy, Kate do you 
know your cousin James?"

I could see Becky and Nicky nodding to me Nicky mouthed 
that it was Ok by them.

"Yes Natalie we do, why?"

"Because he is another of your dads victims and his parents 
have thrown him out."

"Can he stay with us please?"

"Well you have just answered the question Roy was about to 
ask. He will be here at lunchtime with the social worker. So 
before she gets here we will have to make the other caravan 
look as if it has been slept in." 

We finished our drinks and whilst Natalie oversaw the 
washing and dressing and the preparation of Rose's caravan. 
Gill helped me to cook breakfast. The influx of bodies had 
cleared my stocks of sausage and bacon completely and left 
2 eggs in the fridge after this meal. I would have to see if I 
could get some more from Cyril's stand before it opened. It 
was like a whirlwind round me as Nicky's bed was put 
away, the curtains opened and the table put up. I showed 
Kate where all the knives and forks were and she laid the 
table. She then came and wrapped her arm about my waist. I 
passed the cooking to Gill and swung Kate up in my arms.

"What's wrong love, you look worried."

"What will happen to me when Jim arrives?"

"Absolutely nothing, I have signed papers for you and you 
are what they call a foster daughter." "Now from my point of 
view that gives me responsibilities to look after you for as 
long as you need my care." I could see she was not really 
sure. "Ok try this. I love Natalie lots and lots, Ok." she 
nodded. "Well that doesn't mean I love my son Nick any 
less, Ok." She nodded again. I love Becky lots and she is 
Nicky's fiancée, they are going to get married, and that 
doesn't take away any love from Natalie and now I have got 
Mandy, then you and if he wants to stop I have James. And 
that won't effect how much love I have got for you all." I got 
a big beam and a sloppy kiss. 

"So you will still be my new daddy,"

"Yes Kate, I am your new daddy and Natalie is your new 

Her head went onto my shoulder with a big sigh of 
contentment. Gill called out that breakfast was ready so I sat 
Kate down and started dishing up. The others all came in and 
joined Kate round the table. My breakfast was on two plates 
as we had run out of dinner plates, I would have to get some 
more cutlery and plates as we didn't have enough. Talking of 
room I would have to go to the Mercedes dealer to have 
extra seats fitted to the van before we went home otherwise 
it would be standing room only. I finished my breakfast and 
phoned the dealers in Poole, they could pick up my van 
tomorrow and get it back to me on Friday. They would loan 
me a courtesy car in the meantime. I then rang Colin to 
arrange the swap over and the passes. I then rang Ian to 
organise the redecoration of 3 of the bedrooms by Nicky's 
and mine, I said that it was a priority. To have them 
decorated and furnished by Sunday please.

"When you want a rush job you want a dilly."

 I asked him to liaise with the Computershop to arrange 
network feeds and computers in each room. I would contact 
Craig direct to specify the computers, I will phone you back 
later today about paper and colours etc. They would need 
fitted wardrobes and a double bed in each room. Actually 
thinking about it can you do all 4 rooms I can't picture their 
size properly are they are big enough to put a small 
bathroom in each, otherwise to share one. I then explained a 
bit about what had happened. That I definitely had 2 foster 
children and possibly a third plus a houseguest until the end 
of September and then holidays in the future possibly.  The 
last room needs a network point and a laptop with printer. 
However, will be less person specific for decoration. 

"Mrs Johnson arrived with James. I introduced them to 
everyone, Kate, Mandy and Gill he knew of course. I let the 
girls walk with him to the restaurant marquee, as they would 
put him at his ease a lot more quickly than I could. I walked 
with the social worker. 

"How long do you expect it to take until they are either 
adopted or returned to parents? Well with James I have only 
once met such parents as those, and their child was adopted, 
with Mandy and Kate, I think that mum will be found guilty 
of aiding and abetting and so will lose the children. Why do 
you ask?"

"Because they have chewed their way into my and Natalie's 
heart and we want to adopt them."

"You would have to go before the committee but I don't see 
any major problems."

 "Talking about problems have a look at this." I pulled out 
the packet of the contraceptive pill. "Mandy was taking 
them. Look at the name on the box."

"It's the mother."

"Yes she was supplying her daughter."

"She will definitely go down for aiding and abetting. That 
shows premeditation to get the pill for the daughter. The 
bitch, I shouldn't say this but I want to kill her."

"You and me both."

We arrived at the restaurant and we went in to make a table 
for 9, I spoke with Kate and then ordered for Kate and 
myself but everyone else ordered for themselves. The 
waitress brought the drinks to the table; Jim was opposite me 
with Natalie alongside him. We ate and talked our way 
through lunch and at the end I asked Jim.

"Do you want to come and live with us all in Shropshire. I 
can organise your school with no problem, you would be 1 
year below Nicky I think, what year are you starting in 

"Year 10, the start of my options year. 

"So you have 2 years until your GCSE."

"Yes, I think I would like to stay with you. I don't know why 
my parents reacted as they did." "I couldn't stop uncle 

"Don't worry Jim, you are safe in my family, you know Gill, 
Mandy and Kate. I hope you will enjoy your time with us. 
When it is time for the court case we will come down as a 
family. As I hope that is what we will become. In fact by 
next year I hope the family will be still bigger as Natalie and 
I are trying for a baby. I think I had better tell Kate that as 
otherwise she might feel we want to exclude her."

"Kate, I have something to tell you." Kate turned to me.

"What is it dad?"

" I thought I should tell you, before it happens that Natalie 
and I are trying for a baby, and before you start worrying, 
you won't be pushed out of our love."

"Thank you for telling me, can I look after him?"

"Well it will be at least 9 months before a baby will be born 
and we don't know whether it will be a boy or a girl. But 
yes, you will be able to help with the baby."

Mrs Johnson looked at me. "Dad?"

"Yes, she wants to call me dad and Natalie mum, she wants 
to forget her father." Oh and Jim wants to stay with us."

"Right I have prepared the forms, I have to admit that I was 
relying on you taking him. When he knew you had Mandy 
and Kate and what they had suffered he knew you were right 
for him. Leonard was with me when we saw him. He 
explained to him what Mick had done to Gill and Mandy, 
and then he told him about Kate. He was horrified. His 
words to me were, I got off light compared to Kate."

I signed the forms, which made me officially his foster 
father; Natalie came over and signed all three sets. Then Mrs 
Johnson handed me a bank details slip. That is for your 
foster carers allowance."

"Mrs Johnson; I don't want paying to look after them."

"You have to be paid, it is in the rules."

I thought for a few moments then filled in the forms for each 
one, under amount to be paid I put £0.01 (one Penny) per 
month. Paid annually in arrears. I handed her the forms and 

"Right you will be paying me, so it is legal. I don't need the 
money you were going to pay me. Use it to help other kids."

"Thank you Roy. You have a heart of gold. I will see you 
Friday morning at the hospital."

"Mrs Johnson left and I before I took my family back to the 
caravan I went to the phone company and bought yet another 
phone, this time for Jim. Then we headed back to the 
caravan; all 8 of us. 

I sat them all down in the caravan. "I think I had better tell 
you so that if anyone teases you then you know the truth. By 
law, all foster carers must be paid an allowance for looking 
after foster children. It keeps control in the hands of social 
services. We pay, we control. Well that is not always very 
nice for the children as some people will say that the only 
reason a foster parent looks after children is for the money. 
Kids could shout at you something like, Roy doesn't love 
you, he is only doing it for the money. I want to show you 
how much money social services will be paying for each one 
of you." I handed the copy of the forms to each of them. I 
read Kate's out to her. Jim said.

"You are looking after each of us for 1 penny a month. 
That's crazy."

"No Jim, look at it from your point of view. How much does 
Roy care for you? Everything it costs him. The same as my 
son, his fiancée and my wife."

"Roy that is so cool. Thanks."

Kate piped up, "he is not Roy, he is dad." "Natalie is mum 
for me but for Mandy she is Natalie." "Natalie what will you 
be for Jim?   

"I will be Natalie, as he is only eighteen months younger 
than me."

Jim looked at me. "Is Natalie your wife then?"

"Yes Jim she is."

"Oh gosh I thought she was your daughter. I am sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Does it worry you?"

"No Roy, I think it is rather nice."

I looked at my watch; I had better sort out schools for you 
all. I picked up my phone and rang Central secondary 

"Peter how are you?"

"I'm fine Roy, we are bringing a minibus tomorrow and one 
family will be camping. Their son and daughter are 
interested. They are twins; they left this summer. There are 4 
other students coming with parents and I am coming for the 
day out."

"I have some more problems for you to solve."

"Why am I not surprised?"

 "I need two places in school. 1 male in year 10, yes an 
options student and a yr 8 female."

"Roy you know we are full, why are you asking for more 
kids. What have their parents been doing?"

"Up until last night they were organised for schools. The lad 
moved today and the girl moved yesterday. Don't laugh I 
have got an 8 year old girl to organise for yet."

"Roy, what aren't you telling me? I have a strong suspicion 
about this." It smells stronger than gorgonzola cheese."

"I'll come clean Peter. Did you hear the news report on BBC 
on Monday about the father arrested for whipping his 

"Yes Roy."

"Well the two girls are now my foster daughters and the lad 
was discovered early this morning and his parents disowned 
him and he is now my foster son."

"Ok Roy, assuming you are serious and you have the 
paperwork from social services you have the places here, I 
will bring a laptop down with the options program so I can 
sort his options. I will take all his details tomorrow."

"Unfortunately I am serious. The 8 year old nearly died of 
shock from the loss of blood. She has permanent scarring on 
her back. I don't know the condition of the lad. He has only 
arrived in the last hour. Have you got the phone number for 
central primary. I need to ring the headmistress there." He 
gave me the number and then said to leave phoning Miss 
Hollis for 20 minutes, as he would have a word first. 

I rang Miss Hollis. "Hello Mr McGarvy. Peter has been on 
the telephone and explained your needs. I have agreed with 
him that it would be in the girls' interests to be on the same 
campus as her sister. I have rung our chair of governors and 
he actually knew a fair bit about this case. He works with 
Elena Barton and the case was discussed in the office this 
morning. Because what Elena had done was so out of the 
usual order of things they wanted to discuss how to improve 
in house training and support for staff on difficult and 
distressing assignments. One of the partners had to leave the 
conference room she was so distressed at the description of 
how the little girl stuck to you. Any way to cut a long story 
short he said to accept her, it will take us over our limit and 
we will have an argument with the education authority over 
taking a child without going to appeal. But if anyone 
complains he will take in the photos Miss Barton took on 
Sunday and shut them up with those. The thing is she is not 
affected by the class size rules."

"If she had been I would have funded the extra member of 
staff you would have needed. Miss Hollis all I can say is 
thank you, I will ask Peter to take copies of the documents in 
to you as he is visiting with me tomorrow."

"No Mr McGarvy I thank you for caring for the little ones."

"Everyone listen. I have arranged school places at central 
high for Mandy and Jim and at central primary for Kate. 
Peter the headmaster of central high is coming here 
tomorrow with some ex-students who will be hopefully 
working for me as apprentices, so he will see you two as 
well and sort out your options for next term Jim. You will be 
going to the same school as Natalie, Nicky and Becky."

"Natalie goes to school, but I thought you just told me she is 
your wife!"

"You are right, I had better explain. When Nicky was 4 his 
mum was very ill in hospital and he went to stay with friends 
of the family, Natalie's parents. We lost touch apart from 
Christmas cards and seeing each other in the street. Last 
October Nicky and Natalie met up and became good mates. I 
used to pick them up and drop her home. Natalie started to 
fancy me, crazy girl, I was married so she did nothing just 
dreamed from afar. In January my wife died and I didn't see 
Natalie for a while. Natalie and Becky were in contact with 
Nicky. She had a joint birthday party with Nicky, when she 
was 16 and Nicky was 15. Natalie's parents recognised she 
loved me. We talked I recognised my love for her, we got 
married this month and the rest is history. She is going back 
to school to study business studies. My cook's children go to 
central high as well. I am on the governors there."

"Kate you will be going to central primary. It is on the same 
site as central high so you will go to school with them all in 
two taxis. The headmistress knows about you, her chairman 
of Governors works with Miss Bartlett and he heard about 
you at work. Don't worry it won't get spread around."

"On a similar matter, I know this applies to Kate and Mandy, 
I don't know whether it applies to you Jim. You have at the 
best, semi permanent scarring on your bodies; you have to 
think about how you handle telling classmates and teachers. 
You can get the head teacher to tell your class, or you can 
tell them yourselves or I can tell them. Alternatively, you 
can try to keep it all secret. You need to discuss with each 
other about how much you want to tell and how much you 
want to remain secret. I can advise you, I can help you but I 
cannot tell you." 

Nicky and Becky went off to the market to buy more plates 
and crockery for the caravan, and would look for some 
chairs. Natalie and I sat down with the others to discuss how 
much would be told and how. Kate wanted me to tell her 
class, I would have to ask Miss Hollis if I could run an 
assembly on cruelty. I would have to tell the parents as well 
because what was involved was so horrific. Mandy and Jim 
were going to tell their class themselves, They decided not to 
go into detail about Mick's sexual activities and just describe 
the physical torture. I would be there to support and step in if 
they wanted.

"Jim, can I ask what your uncle did to you, I would prefer it 
if you can tell it in front of the girls as they have lived 
through their own nightmares."

Jim described to us the time he had gone to Mick's last 
summer whilst his parents were away. How he was taken 
into his bedroom where he was gagged and stripped and then 
tied to a hook in the ceiling. He then showed me a whip and 
he used it on my back. I was screaming through the gag and 
he was laughing. My legs were kicking as I tried to get 
away. He went away for a few minutes and came back with a 
snooker cue. Kate curled up tight into me. I asked if she 
wanted to leave. 

"No dad, he is now my brother, we stay together." 

"I kissed her and whispered, "brave girl."

Jim continued describing having the cue stuffed into him. 
Mick then resumed his whipping. "I had to try to stay still 
otherwise the tip of the cue caught and wrenched my bum. 
Finally he finished. He pulled the cue out and untied me, he 
dragged me to my bed and I don't remember anything until 
aunty Maud was complaining about my bloodstained sheet 
and she poured something on my back. I felt as if I was on 
fire. She took off her slipper and said she would have to 
punish me and she beat my bum and thighs with the slipper."

"Have you told Mrs Johnson about your aunt?"

"No dad I didn't, she didn't ask and I was too het up about 
uncle Mick."

"Don't worry, I will phone her later." "That is a nasty thing 
to have happen."

"Two nights later he came into my bedroom and tied my 
arms to the bed and stuffed his cock into my bum. It didn't 
hurt that much. I didn't like it though. Aunty Maud punished 
me the next morning because some liquid and shit had come 
out of my bum and stained the sheets. She called me a big 
baby for messing the sheets. By the time he finished telling 
his story Kate was wrapped around me and Mandy and Gill 
were cuddling Jim, saying it is over now; it wasn't your 
fault. Mandy added.

"My dad's a bastard." She looked at me with a look of 
horror, "I shouldn't have said that word."

"Why not it describes him well."

"Dad whipped me if he heard me swear."

"Well I won't, I might say Mandy watch your language but 
that is all.

I rang Mrs Johnson and told her about Aunt Maud's little 
forays into punishment.

"I will come out with DI Chambers as she will need to take a 
statement. We have got Kate's mum on an actual assault 
now, she can be charged jointly with her husband. Up to now 
we only had the aiding and abetting. With this one the jury 
wont be able to resist finding her guilty on the greater 

I rang Cyril Fortescue to see if he had arrived. I was pleased 
to discover he had. I explained my problem of empty 
breakfast stores. 

"No problem Roy, I am at the food tent now, if you come 
over and round the back I will sort you out. We all set out 
and walked beside the old time farming displays. I saw a pen 
with 3 Dexter cows in. I was admiring them and telling the 
children that I farmed these when the owner came across. He 
was explaining how good a cow they were for the small 
holder or farmer who was interested more in taste than 

I laughed, "Sorry about laughing but I have a herd of these at 
home and I'm looking for more as I have just bought more 
land and I am converting it from Friesians to Dexter's. If you 
go into the food tent you will be able to buy butter and 
cheese from my herd and also sausages and bacon from the 

"You say you are buying; my herd is going up for sale after 
the show as I am retiring."

"If you would like to sell as a herd I can get my farm 
manager to visit with you and your valuer and see if they are 
all as good as these and buy them."

"That would be good if you can." We swapped details I also 
gave him Jerry's details. We then went on to the food tent. 
Cyril was busy putting the finishing touches to his stand. 

"Have you got visitors Roy?"

"No these 3 are my foster children. And you know Natalie of 

"You are on your honeymoon and you take…, hang on Roy, 
these weren't at the wedding. What trick are you trying to 
play? You are trying to wind me up. I left Natalie to sort out 
our supplies with Cyril's assistant and I took Cyril aside.

"Did you read about the father who whipped his children?"

"Yes I did, appalling wasn't it?"

I felt a little hand crawl into mine; I looked down and smiled 
at Kate. 

"This is the youngster who was rushed to hospital on my lap. 
I have fostered them all, well the younger ones. Gill there is 
staying with us but she is at university and is too old for 
fostering and she has a good mum and dad."

I lifted Kate into my arms and she gave me a sloppy kiss. I 
turned to her and said.

"You know Becky rides horses?" Kate nodded, "well this 
man owns two of them, he lends them to Becky."

"Thank you man, you are nice to my sister."

"I haven't tried to explain Becky's relationship to Kate." 
"Any way time to leave Cyril to get on with his work." 
Natalie and Gill decided to go back to the caravan take the 
food and have some tea, whilst I took Kate to the funfair. 
Jim and Mandy came with us but wanted to go on bigger 
rides. I checked Mandy had her phone, gave them some 
money and told them to stay together and I would ring them 
at 7:00 to go back to the caravan. 

I watched them walk across to the fair and saw Mandy's 
hand sneak into Jim's. He drew her across and raised his 
hand onto her shoulder. They walked away arms round each 
other. Kate dragged me to the rides she wanted; I had a 
marvellous time. I think our favourites were the jungle river 
ride and the bumper cars. Time flew past and only too soon I 
was ringing Mandy. We arranged to meet by the playstation. 
At first I couldn't see them, then I saw a couple closely 
entwined kissing deeply. It was Mandy and Jim. I was 
pleased for them as they had such a terrible history that they 
shared. I stayed away until I saw then separate and come up 
for air. I started walking and called out to them. Mandy 
suddenly blushed. I pretended I hadn't seen and we set off 
back to the caravan. We walked along; they were eating 
chips from a stall whilst I had some chicken noodles from 
the Thai food stall. 

When we got back to the caravan I asked them to discuss the 
sleeping arrangements. Kate said firmly.

"I'm sleeping with you and Natalie. It was finally decided 
that Gill would sleep in my caravan with Natalie, Kate and 
me. Nicky, Becky, Mandy and Jim would sleep in Leonard's 
caravan. Whilst I showered Kate, Natalie helped the others 
sort out the beds. I was just tucking Kate into bed when my 
phone rang; it was DI Chambers. 

"Can I come out now and interview James, I had hoped to 
come out with Mrs Johnson but she is tied up at the 

"Would you like to rephrase that? But yes come on over if 
you ask at the gate for the McGarvy caravan they should be 
able to direct you. If not ring." The DI was still laughing at 
the thought of Mrs Johnson tied up with ropes. I turned to 
Kate. "We have a visitor coming so can you slip your nightie 
on please.

She made a face at me and then made great show of putting 
her nightie on. She was asleep by the time DI Chambers 
arrived. She wanted to speak with Jim away from the others 
so I gave them some more money and said back by, I looked 
at the DI, 9:00. The DI nodded. They poured out of the van 
and Jim and I were left there with the detective. The tape 
recorder was started

"Jim, can you tell me in your own words what happened 
with your uncle and aunt." There was a knock on the door. I 
went over to make my excuses and saw that it was Mrs 
Johnson. I invited her in. The detective continued, Mrs 
Johnson has just entered, and then she saw Kate's head on 
the pillow. "And Kate Biggs is asleep in bed." 

I sat with Natalie and listened to the terrible catalogue of 
abuse. I saw Jim's scarred back after he took his shirt off to 
have the scars counted. I don't think we got the number 
right. They took a photograph to help them come to the right 
number. We counted 48 scars on his back, what the scars 
were like in his brain I dread to think. He then described his 
aunt's actions. They weren't so bad as her husbands but the 
fact that she had done them would count against her in court.

The rest of the children returned from the fun fair. The tape 
was switched off and the detective and the social worker left 
the caravan. DI Chambers popped her head back in.

"Roy the prosecution service has said that the video taken in 
the operating theatre can be used in court, do you want your 
face to be blocked as well as Kate's?"

"I think I should, because if it ever got into the public 
domain it would be bad for the kids."

"On this one Roy I think I agree with you." "You realise you 
will be needed in court don't you?"

"Oh yes, I had assumed that I would be. I will be with the 
children whatever happens.

"Kiss my back better, please kiss my back." The DI shot a 
look into the van and switched the tape on. I looked, and 
Mandy said 

"It's Kate." The DI and I went to the bed and we heard the 
small voice repeat it.

 "Kiss my back oh please kiss it."  Kates face twisted as if 
she was in extreme pain.

"Wake her up Roy, she is having a nightmare. I knelt on the 
bed and kissed her cheeks.

"Wake up love it's all over." I could see tears in her eyes as 
they opened. 

"Oh daddy that was horrible."

"Who were you asking to kiss your back?"

"Oh mother of course."

"Why would she kiss your back?"

"She used to come into my room and say to my father, 5 
more minutes. Then when he stopped whipping me she 
would untie me and put me on the bed. She would then say. 
"Mother kiss you better." She would kiss my back and then 
put salt on me and I would scream, but I knew that was the 
end for now. She would then kiss me goodnight and thank 
me for her fun. Her lips were red and they tasted funny." 
Natalie had fetched Mrs Johnson whilst Kate was speaking; 
she heard most of it. Kates eyes closed as she drifted back 
off to sleep.

I went outside with them. They looked at me. I looked at 
them. None of us were ready to speak. DI chambers rewound 
the tape we listened to Kate again. It was no less horrific the 
second time around. Her Mother had participated in the 
whipping sessions as a controlling spectator. She had 
brought the session to an end and then put the salt on the 

"Roy they took blood samples from you didn't they, the 
blood pooled on the stretcher?"

"I am not sure, I think they did before they started to 
separate us."

"I'll just ring the hospital and check."

5 minutes later we had the answer, they had taken samples 
and they were heavily contaminated with table salt. The DI 
asked for the samples to be retained and explained why.

"Mrs Johnson sighed, they will never go back to that bitch 
now. You go to your adoption panel and get accepted and I 
will recommend that you and Natalie adopt them.

"I will get those statements written up, then further charges 
will be pressed against Mrs, I don't know what you are 
talking about, Biggs." The DI went suddenly still. "The salt 
drum in the bedroom and the salt on the floor. No one knew 
what they were for. I will get that drum tested for prints, if 
we are very lucky the father hasn't handled it recently and 
then we will really have her. I am so going to enjoy myself 
this evening. I am going to drop the questions, how did you 
feel as you kissed your daughters bloodstained back? How 
did you feel as you sprinkled salt on your daughters back? 
Those should get her talking hopefully before her solicitor 
can shut her up.

I went back into the caravan, Kate was asleep, and everyone 
else was sitting looking at each other. Not wanting to be the 
first to speak.

"Mandy I think what you just heard described by Kate is 
true. There was excess salt in the blood they took from the 
stretcher before separating us. Kate knew that when her 
mum came into the room her torture was nearly over and that 
when her back was kissed there was just the salting to go 
before it all stopped." "That's why she was asking for her 
back to be kissed better and then cringed as if expecting 
more pain." "I think you will all need to talk with someone 
who can help you deal with your memories." "Anyway time 
for bed all of you. I made hot drinks for them all. Nicky, 
Becky, Mandy and Jim went to the other caravan. I called 
out to remind them the hot water was on and they had drinks 
and cereal in the other van.  They went across and I listened 
out for the lock being fastened. Gill was getting into bed and 
Natalie was cuddling up to Kate.

"Roy, Natalie, can I join you in your bed; I need cuddles, I 
need loving please. Yes I need to be fucked."

"We'll come over to you as we don't want to disturb Kate." 
We went across and climbed in besides her. We both reached 
out and put our arms around her. Her arms went around my 
neck as she drew my mouth to hers. Natalie started to caress 
her breasts. I could feel the effect that was having on Gill. 
My hand moved down to caress her other breast, sliding over 
to stroke Natalie as well. Natalie moved down Gill's body 
kissing away until she reached her clit. Gill exploded at the 
touch. She was moaning with desire. She reached down for 
my cock and gently stroked it. Then she came. Natalie had to 
hold hard to maintain contact. Natalie moved away and 
fetched the condoms; she gently unrolled one onto my cock. 
I slid into Gills wet cunt and pushed home. Gill started 
humping against me; she was so excited as my cock 
ploughed through her cunt. She was coming again as I 
continued to fuck her. Natalie moved across and knelt above 
Gill's face, I watched entranced as she started to suck on my 
wife's cunt. Gill's fingers were playing in Natalie's fuck tube 
as her lips caressed the clitoris.  Natalie was coming, I was 
still fucking Gill's cunt then suddenly I felt that pricking in 
my balls and I filled the condom with my sperm. Gill felt my 
sperm fill the sac and came again. She was squeezing me to 
her body, flattening her boobs under my chest. I felt her 
relax into sleep as I pulled out of her cunt. Natalie whispered 
to me.

"You go to Kate, I will stay with Gill." I kissed her and went 
back to my own bed. I curled up to Kate and swept her into 
my arms. I soon fell asleep. I was woken by Kate's crying 
next to me. I took her in my arms and stroked her. I gently 
kissed her, 

"Sleep tight little princess."

"I love you daddy." Then she slept again. It took me quite a 
while to go back to sleep alongside my little princess.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg why 
did I have the alarm set for 8:00. Oh yes Peter was coming 
this morning with some prospective apprentices. I woke Gill 
and Natalie up and started breakfast. Once Natalie was 
dressed she took over at the cooker and I went to the other 
caravan. I unlocked the door and was met by the warm smell 
of sex. I looked in and the bed next to me was empty except 
of clothes. The other bed had 4 bodies closely entwined.

" Everybody up, breakfast is cooking." There was a 
mumbled groan that I interpreted to mean good morning dad. 
I went in and shook them all. Finally eyes were opening. 

Again I gave them the wakeup call. This time there was 
more movement. "Breakfast in 5 minutes." I then went back 
to the other van. I put away the bed and then woke little Kate 
up. I picked her up in my arms and kissed her. Then I blew 
raspberries on her tummy, whatever else she may enjoy she 
still liked the raspberry blowing. She wriggled in my arms 
and giggled. I put her down in the bathroom and she closed 
the door. I could hear her washing. The shower was going. 
The water stopped and two minutes later a naked sprite came 
out to get dressed. 

"Will you help me daddy?"

I went across and picked up her knickers and pulled them on. 
I spun her round; her back was a lot less raw looking under 
its protective cover. Her legs had only faint marks, where the 
whipping had been less severe. "Do you want to wear shorts 

"Oh yes please daddy."

I went to the cupboard and fetched her out a pair of shorts 
and a t-shirt. I helped her into them and then sat her down 
and put a pair of new white socks on her feet. Natalie said.

"Breakfast is ready."

I went to the door to shout to the others when I saw them 
come round the side of the caravan. 

"Nicky can you open the windows on this side of your van 
and open the roof vents, the caravan needs to be aired."

They all came in and sat down for breakfast. I was standing 
eating my food and making hot drinks. The teapot was full 
of tea and the coffee pot was full of coffee when there was a 
knock at the door. Peter stuck his head round the door. I 
poured everyone a drink then refilled the pots. I took Peter 
his cup and we went outside.

"You have got a caravan full, how are you coping?"

"We borrowed that caravan next door and 4 of them sleep in 

"I have got the laptop, I have arranged for everyone else to 
meet up here at 10:00 I came down separately."

"Jim, can you come out." He wandered out. "Jim I would 
like you to meet your new headmaster. He has brought his 
computer to sort out your options."

"Dad, the ones I had signed up for at Blandford were Double 
Science, IT, French, German, Maths, English, Music and 

"Lets see how those fit." He put ticks in the boxes on the 
spreadsheet. Clicked on return, a timetable appeared on the 
screen. "You are in luck all your options fit. That is very rare 
at this stage unless you choose the same options as another 
student already set up." "I didn't bring a printer but I have a 
blank timetable if you would like to copy that out, subjects, 
teacher and room. I will post an official copy to your home 
and that will have a map of the school on it. Those are the 
copies of the social services documents I take it?" I said to 
Miss Hollis that I would take in the young girls documents to 
her. I gave him an envelope containing a full set of 

Liam arrived and we had another drink whilst waiting for the 
minibus. Peters phone rang, they were up at security. I said I 
would be up there in 3 minutes. Peter and I walked up and 
saw the school minibus. I went up to the steward and said.

"You should have a message from Colin about this bus from 
central secondary, I am paying for admission for them and 
the caravan I see behind it."

The steward went across to his hut to speak to his supervisor. 
He was pointed to a clipboard and the steward looked at it 
and hit his forehead. He came out to us and apologised. He 
noted the number of people and entered it on the sheet; he 
then went to the caravan and entered their details. I rode 
down with the minibus and the caravan followed we came to 
where the caravan was to be pitched and unhitched it. We set 
to and levelled the van and then went on to my van. Natalie 
had boiled the kettle and brought out bottles of pop.

 Gill, Mandy and Jim joined Liam as he took the 6 young 
people, 2 girls and 4 boys, across to Happy, whilst Natalie 
and Kate came with me as we went to the sale ground. Liam 
had marked several lots that would make for interesting 
restoration projects. The pair of ploughing engines and 
tackle; a steamroller and a showman's engine. All of them 
were good for display and had uses on the estate. Liam 
returned and explained to the parents that Happy would be 
talking to the young people about the sort of work they 
would be doing. He was there to explain to the parents and to 
advise me as I bought the engines. We walked through the 
lots on display and Liam pointed out all the flaws and the 
good points on each lot. The parents were impressed; heck I 
was impressed. Too soon the sale started. Liam had 
registered me as a bidder and they had carried out financial 
checks on me. They knew that if I won they could get their 
money. The auction started; the early lots were of cars and 
light commercials. 

At last the steam lots were coming up. The first two traction 
engines came and went then the roller was on the list, it was 
the 6 n.h.p. Fowler. It needed a lot of work but would be a 
good long-term project. The bidding started fairly briskly 
and then it was down to 2 of us. I was the winner. 1 down 2 
lots to go. I watched a dozen more lots go by until Liam 
warned me the next lot was the pair of ploughing engines 
Fowler 16 n.h.p.'s, called Sampson & Delilah, with 
accessories. I knew the bidding would be stiff. It was but we 
got them. There was just the showman's engine then, another 
Fowler the 10 n.h.p. It would be nice to build the stable on a 
single type. The electrics on this were a mess. There had 
been a fire in the dynamo judging by all the scorch marks. 
But it too became mine. The auction soon finished; under 
Liam's direction I bought a couple of lots of assorted items, 
tools spare parts and metal stock. There was also a complete 
forge. At the end of the sale I went to the auctioneers to 
settle my bill, arrange for transport and insurance. 

I rang Happy and he said to join them. We walked across to 
the engine lines. Happy had kitted them out in overalls and 
safety boots as I had arranged and had them swarming over 
Victory and Dreadnought and several other engines. They 
were polishing and firing. To have them ready for the 
parade. I had also arranged for the steam apprentices 
organiser to come across and help them cook their dinners 
on a shovel over the firebox flames. We joined them as the 
bacon was sizzling. We watched the nearest couple draw 
their shovel from the firebox and break 2 eggs into it. Back 
in over the flames. Then the food shovelled onto two plates. 
I felt the parents beside me stiffen as their children ate food 
cooked on a fireman's shovel. It seemed to go down a treat. 
The smell was certainly enticing. 

When they were finished the children were spread across a 
range of engines to help steer them into the arena for the 
afternoon parade.  It was marvellous to see these lads and 
lasses steering those gleaming monsters. The two girls, Jodi 
and Gemma, who wanted to be apprentices looked as if they 
were in paradise. They stood on the footplate looking down 
over the motion of the engine, caressing the side of the 
engine. They were a million miles away. Mandy and Gill 
joined Happy, and Jim rode with Ruth. The other prospective 
apprentices were spread across other engines. The ring 
marshal was listening to his walkie-talkie. The engines 
moved away from the engine field down through the steam 
lines and on to the entrance by Watford gap. I watched the 
youngsters steering the engines, the drivers guiding them. As 
they drove around the playpen the commentator was telling 
the crowd the history of each engine. They had cleaned 
them, they had fired them and now they were steering them. 
I talked with the parents and they were saying how their 
children wanted to work with their hands and also do heavy 
engineering. Most of them had got places at college but it 
was second best for them. Their hearts weren't in it. When 
they heard about the possibility of the apprenticeship they 
were over the moon.

 The show was over; the engines were parading out of the 
ring and were steered back to their places. Ruth brought out 
a tray of empty plates and the butter and cheese. Happy 
swung open the smoke door on victory and pulled out some 
foil wrapped parcels. Baked potatoes. The students 
unwrapped their potatoes and split them, then filled them 
with the cheese and butter, a tray of Coke was brought out 
and they enjoyed their food. Liam had borrowed some tea 
cans and had boiled up the water for tea in dreadnought's 
firebox. The parents looked at the smoke blackened pots, 
from which their tea was being poured, with suspicion. Once 
they started drinking the worried look left their faces.

I had arranged to borrow the seating area in the National 
Traction Engines Trust marquee for an hour so we could talk 
through the ins and outs of the new job. Roger had sent a 
sample job description and conditions of employment; he 
had borrowed Happy's experience producing it. It was a 
good set of documents, it showed the salary progression the 
young people could expect. After the first year there would 
be an increase to 90% of my farm workers pay.  Then up 
again the following year. It was well above the rate for 
modern apprenticeships but I believed in paying them for the 
job. When their apprenticeships were finished I would 
employ them until they could move on to new jobs.
The decision in the end was unanimous; they wanted to start 
work with me on the 15th of September. I gave them all 
application forms to complete, which Peter would drop off 
with Dick tomorrow. Then I enrolled them in the steam 
apprentices club. Then it was back to the caravan to change 
out of their overalls. Ruth had brought the clothes they 
changed out of across earlier and put them in my caravan. 
They went in one at a time to have a quick shower and 
change. The change in them was apparent. They were 
walking on cloud 9. 

Steve and Jodi were staying with their parents the others 
would be going home tonight. We went up to the fun fair to 
give them a chance to let off steam and later see the 
showmen's engines at work in between we would call in at 
the real ale tent. A busker was performing a range of bawdy 
songs. At first the apprentices weren't sure about it, but one 
look at their parents enjoying his music and they relaxed. We 
left the tent after the busker finished and went out into the 
fair again, the engines were brilliantly lit as they thundered 
away generating the electricity for a number of the rides. I 
walked back to the caravan with Kate on one hand and 
talking with Peter. 

"Peter, With Jim and Mandy in your school and Kate in the 
primary you will need a counsellor even more now. I will 
pay for one for the next eight years but the school will have 
to come up with a business plan to take on the cost then. I 
have felt for a long time the school needed one. This has just 
brought matters to a head."

"Yes Roy you are right, one of our teachers who is at present 
only part time is under training, She would be able to take it 
on next September, but for the next year, I don't know.

"Peter I know a very good counsellor I will pay him to do a 
set number of sessions each week."

It was time for Peter and the minibus to leave. In the words 
of Mark's father. It was the best interview day ever. Peter 
was going to drop the application forms off to Dick 
tomorrow, he would then send out the confirmation letters 
with the details of where to go, how much they would be 
paid and all the other necessary details. The apprentices 
picked up their overalls to take back with them. The ones 
they had been wearing and two spare sets. They also had 
their steel toe capped boots. When Happy had them this 
morning one of the clothing people brought their van over 
and kitted them out in red overalls and good boots. Happy 
had given me the receipt and I had paid him back. Steve, 
Jodi and their parents went back to their caravan. Steve and 
Jodi would be going over to Victory and Dreadnought at 
6:30 tomorrow to start preparing them for the days work. 
Steam had to be raised and the engines polished. Their 
parents would enjoy a day at the steam fair.

I went into our caravan Nicky, Jim, Mandy and Becky were 
about to head for bed so I gave them all a kiss and they went 
to the other caravan to make their drinks. Leaving Gill, Kate, 
Natalie and myself. Natalie put Kate to bed reading her a 
story. Then she undressed and lay down beside Kate. We 
kissed Kate goodnight and she closed her eyes and settled 
down, her arms around Natalie. Kate wriggled down the bed 
and latched on to Natalie's tit, suckling it like a baby. Gill 
stirred beside me.

"Lucky Kate." 

"If you want to join her I am sure Natalie won't mind." Gill 
was undressed and on the bed in a flash. She was greedily 
sucking on Natalie's other boob. Her fingers were exploring 
her cunt. Gill turned around on the bed and was 69ing with 
Natalie. I watched them pleasure each other from the 
opposite bed. Through their orgasms Kate lost her place at 
Natalie's tit. I picked her up from the bed and carried her 
over to where I had been sitting. I held her in my arms, 
feeling her small body against mine. The delicate fold of her 
limbs the soft rise and fall of her chest as she slept. I lay 
Kate down on the bed and lay down beside her toes were 
scratching my thighs and her breath was tickling my chest. I 
settled myself down, closed my eyes and soon fell asleep. 
We woke up early; I went and had a shower. Kate joined me 
and helped to wash me. I dried both of us and then I dressed 
her, white knickers, white socks and a short yellow sundress. 
I dressed then, wrote a note and picking up a couple of 
bottles of pop walked over to the engine lines. Kate walked 
hand in hand with me. Her little hands clinging on to me. We 
saw Steve and Jodi cleaning Victory and Dreadnought. Liam 
was there helping them to do a proper job. Thick smoke was 
curling lazily from the funnel. They had already worked up a 
sweat. Liam pulled a tea can from the firebox of victory. 
Poured out 3 mugs as they stopped for a rest. 

He then washed his shovel under the injector (Refills the 
boiler with water using steam pressure) and put it in the 
firebox to heat. Under his guidance Steve and Jodi prepared 
breakfast. The smell gave Kate and I an appetite so we called 
at the breakfast bar and got sausage and bacon baps. We 
walked back to the caravan eating our snack. I stopped off at 
the shop and bought more milk and the paper. We reached 
the caravan and everyone was still asleep. I made tea and 
coffee for us and then sat down to read the paper. Kate had 
picked up the battery operated TV. She sat down to watch 
the children's cartoons. It was a peaceful moment. My foster 
daughter sat next to me, looking as pretty as a picture. The 
smoke wafting across us. Nothing to disturb us.

There on The front page of my paper.
Whipping mans 
wife charged!
The wife of the man who whipped 
his daughters was charged yesterday with 
assault causing actual bodily harm. It was revealed that 
the mother would come and supervise the last part of the 
whipping and further torment the child. The husband 
has been further charged with another count of grievous 
bodily harm and rape of a boy. The wife was charged 
with actual bodily harm to the same boy.

Kate's parents would have a rough time in prison.

The remainder of the week flew by. On the Friday I took 
Kate back to hospital. I felt mean not allowing her to eat or 
drink but she was going to have an anaesthetic. As I stood 
beside the trolley as she went under I was taken back to last 
Sunday. I returned to the waiting room. Other parents were 
there. We were all tied up in our minds waiting for our 
children to be returned to us. Finally the doctor came. He 
was beaming. He took me back to the recovery ward. Kate 
was on her front with her back uncovered. There were still 
the tints of yellow and green from the bruising. The red 
marks had gone. 

"She will need to go into hospital again in 5 days to have the 
protective Nu-skin removed. It would probably be a best if 
they do it under anaesthetic again. Her skin is very fragile. 
You are going home on Sunday so before you go I will 
parcel up a set of notes for you to take with you. Which 
hospital will you be using?"

"The Nuffield in Shrewsbury."

After Kate had eaten some toast and drank some milk I was 
able to dress her. The doctor gave me the notes. I thanked 
him for his care. As we left the hospital I dropped an 
envelope in the reception. It held invitations to Dinner 
tomorrow night. I had checked on availability and from 6 to 
8 everyone was free. DI Chambers was on duty but had 
permission to be absent for a couple of hours. Everyone 
involved would be together. From the DI to the health care 
assistant who had brought Kate her food. We would all be 
there and it was to be our thank you.

Kate and I went to the Mercedes dealer to pick up our van. 
Two more rows of seats had been put in the back and a third 
seat fitted in the front. New windows had been added to 
allow the passengers at the back to see out. There wouldn't 
be much room for luggage. I was very dissatisfied. 

Kate and I went for a walk round the showroom. There was a 
beauty of a van on display. A Vario. We climbed in, the cab 
was majestic and the back was absolutely cavernous. It 
should convert well. I picked up a brochure for it. I would 
have some interesting reading. Birmingham coachbuilders 
should be able to do a nice job on it for me. 

    Too soon it was time to be packing up. On the Sunday 
Leonard and Rose came to collect their caravan. My 
Mercedes now had 12 seats and not much luggage space and 
I was the proud owner of a pair of ploughing engines, a 
steam roller and a showman's engine. Liam came across to 
the caravan, he was taking a lot of our luggage in his transit 
van and was going to visit with Jerry and Ian to organise the 
workshop.  I just didn't have the space in my van for all our 

We climbed into the van, Kate's seat was set slightly back 
between Natalie and I, and then there were 3 rows of three 
seats. Jim Mandy and Gill were in the next row and Nicky 
and Becky were next and then the third row was empty. I 
decided to have the extra row of seats fitted in case I carried 
the whole family plus friends. As we set off I realised the 
enormous weight I was carrying in the caravan and the 
Mercedes. It wouldn't do for the future. I spent the journey 
thinking about the new vehicle. The dealership in Poole had 
given me some ideas. I liked the look of that large Mercedes 
Vario; it could be converted into a very nice tow vehicle 
with plenty of room. I would certainly have to talk with 
Mark at Birmingham coachbuilders on Monday. 

 We drove home in convoy. I had rung Rachel to tell her 
about the increase in the family. As we approached home I 
woke every one up and toured through our village. I showed 
them the schools they would be going to The Red Lion 
where I had many meals and spent the late afternoon of my 
wedding day. Then we drove down the high street, I pointed 
the village shop out to them then as we moved out of the 
high street I pointed out Soft Solutions, GB.PLC., my 
software company. I drove into the entry to Home Farm 
seeing the tight fit as my caravan swung behind me. I drove 
down past Home Farm and saw that builders were at work, 
then down past the cowshed and the new dairy. The walls 
were on and the roof finished. I would have to come down to 
see where they had got to. I then drove onto the new track 
way to Glebe Farm. I bumped slowly over the boundary. I 
joined one of glebe farms original tracks past the old barns 
where Liam would be working. I hooted and pointed out of 
the window. Liam gave me the thumbs up. Then it was past 
the old dairy and on to home. We swung into the back 
courtyard and stopped. Gill, Jim, Mandy and Kate were 
speechless when they saw the old rectory. It was so much 
bigger than they had imagined. Danielle the clerk of works 
came out with Rachel. She said to me.

"The rooms are complete."

I led everyone in side and took them upstairs. We went to 
Kate's room; it had a doorway into my bathroom, which she 
would share. There was a large bed and built in cupboards 
there was a neat desk from which she could see the wild 
garden and beside that a computer work station. She was 
speechless. The walls were a pale lilac with a colour-
coordinated carpet.  The bedding and curtains were from the 
Felicity Wishes set. The duvet cover had been made up 
especially. It had been originally a single cover and it was let 
into the top of a plain matching duvet to fit the double bed. 
She was ecstatic. Then we went through to Jim and Mandy's 
rooms. They shared a bathroom and they were similar to 
Kates. Except the theme in Mandy's bedroom was the rock 
chicks duvet set and in Jim's room the England Team 
colours. All of the computers were on the house network. 
We then went to Gills room. The difference here was that the 
computer was a laptop, it too had the printer and scanner 
alongside and the connection to the network. I had 4 happy 
children, well three were children the other was an adult. I 
then went back to my bathroom to admire the changes. It 
was a wet room now with a heated floor. We unloaded all 
the cases and brought them up to the rooms. Nicky and 
Becky showed the others their suite. Jim and Mandy were 
really impressed. I could see wheels whirling inside their 

The gong sounded downstairs and I quickly sent everyone to 
a bathroom to wash their hands. We were very soon seated 
round the table in the dining room. There were the 8 of us, 
plus Rachel and her twins making 11 and Liam making up 
the dozen.

 Rachel had been busy that day. We started with freshly 
squeezed orange juice. Then Rachel wheeled in the food 
trolley. She put the beef in front of me and I set to work 
carving. It seemed to be a never-ending task. Rachel was 
taking the meat as I carved it and serving it onto the warmed 
plates with a Yorkshire pudding. Everyone then helped them 
selves to vegetables and gravy. I served Kate's meal for her. 
There was a bowl of homemade horseradish sauce and 
another bowl of the shops own mustard. Kate wanted to try 
the horseradish sauce; I put the tiniest amount onto a 
mouthful of the beef. She reacted as expected and had to 
wash her mouth out. She was apologising for the fuss. I said.

"No, I expected that reaction but I am pleased that you were 
prepared to attempt it. Good girl." 

Kate then settled down to her meal. Silence descended on the 
table as we all dedicated ourselves to eating. Jim, Mandy and 
Nicky were ready for seconds so I carved them some more 
of the roast. I had to admit to slipping a couple of slices of 
the beef onto my plate it was so tasty. Finally we were able 
to clear away and Rachel brought through a fresh fruit salad, 
Most of it was home grown. Only the tropical fruits were 
bought in. there was a jug of our own cream. After we had 
eaten Nicky, Becky, Alex and Ruth took Gill, Mandy and 
Jim to explore. 

The rest of us went through to the lounge. I peeped into the 
family room and liked the look of the new study. That was 
for later. Natalie and I sat on the sofa and were immediately 
joined by Kate who rapidly dozed off on my lap. I explained 
to Jim about the staff food ordering system when he asked 
about the food we had eaten. Jerry and Dawn then came into 
the house. I had told him on the phone about the children but 
it still shook him to see me with a young girl on my lap.

Rachel asked us about the new members of the family. Kates 
blouse had ridden up at the back exposing her scarred back. 

"Come over here Rachel, I want to show you something." 
Rachel came over and saw a small patch of yellow and green 
bruising overlaid with the scars. 

"What on earth has happened to her?"

"An evil father has happened to her, her sister and 3 cousins 
we know of. Her father and mother whipped her, her sister 
and 2 cousins raw, sexually assaulted them all and scarred 
Gill with boiling tea. They are both in police custody and the 
three youngsters are now my, or should I say our foster 
children. Gill is visiting until she goes back to university."

"Are they all like Kate?"

"Thankfully no, she was beaten the most. In fact a week ago 
she was so ill through loss of blood that we had a police 
escort to get us to hospital. She was in my lap and by the 
time they got her onto the operating table she had lost so 
much blood it was dangerous. They had 3 bags of fluid 
running into her at high speed. If they hadn't she would have 
died." " The crown prosecution service is waiting for the 
final report from the hospital to decide whether to charge the 
father with attempted murder as well. The expectation is he 
will be charged with attempted murder." "Anyway time for 
this little one to go to bed." Natalie stood up and picked Kate 
up from my lap. 

"Try her in her own bed love." 

Jerry, Dawn, Rachel, Liam, Natalie and I talked about the 
future. Then Rachel went through to the kitchen to clear 
away Jerry said that Ian was coming to the barns for 9:00 so 
we would all meet there. Liam went with Jerry and Dawn to 
their house.

The kids arrived back home; they had dropped Ruth and 
Alex at their house and walked back up through the 
lengthening dusk. As Jim and Mandy approached the old 
rectory they were overcome by the beauty of the house, the 
servants windows in the roof All the windows on the 
bedroom floor. Jim stopped and said to Nicky.

"You are lucky to live here, I wish it were my home."

"Jim, unless your parents change their minds it will be your 
home. Dad wants to adopt you all."

"What do you mean adopt?" asked Mandy.

"Well you know at the moment you are foster children?"


"Well if you are put up for adoption. I.E. released by your 
parents in your case Jim and if your parents are barred from 
having you and Kate back; then dad wants to adopt you 
legally, to become his children. You will become McGarvy's 
like me."

"Are you sure Nicky?"

"Yes Mandy, I heard him speaking to Mrs Johnson. He 
asked how long it would be until they would know if you 
were available for adoption as he wanted to adopt you all."

"Oh Nicky, that would be a dream come true."

 Natalie and had gone upstairs to bed. I left the bathroom 
light on and the doors between Kate's room and ours was 
open. I put out a low wattage light by the door to guide Kate 
if she needed us in the night.  We heard the children come in. 
I went to the head of the stairs and checked Nicky had 
locked up. I heard them come up and go into Nicky and 
Becky's room. 

I turned back into the room. Natalie was standing there 
looking at me. I walked to her and kissed her. She melted 
into my arms. I drew the material of her dress into my arms 
and lifted the hem sliding it over her bum and up her body. 
As it slid over her head her hair flowed with it and then 
settled back down as a curtain. As I unclipped her bra she 
was undoing my shirt. I slipped her bra down her arms. My 
shirt fell off. I drew her to me, her tits boring into my chest. I 
felt her hands undoing my buttons on my trousers. She took 
the waistband of my pants and trousers and slid them down 
my legs. Kneeling down to remove them from my feet. As 
she lifted each foot in turn she removed the sock. Her head 
was at cock height. She grasped my cock in her hand and 
engulfed it with her mouth. I could feel her lips sliding from 
the tip to the base of my cock. She was caressing my bum 
with her hand. As she moved out along my cock with her 
lips I could feel her applying suction with her mouth. As I 
looked down I saw her cheeks collapse inwards. I couldn't 
hold back I just came with a shattering orgasm. Her mouth 
was working as she swallowed my cum. She stood up and 
kissed me. I could taste my cum in her mouth. 

"Darling I want you to really fill me tonight."

"Do you want an enema?"

"Yes please darling I want to feel you fill me front and 

We walked into the bathroom and I prepared the enema. I 
fitted the nozzle to the hand held spray. I lay her down on 
the warm floor and ran the enema into her bum. She lay 
there for 20 minutes as I kissed and caressed her. She sat on 
the toilet for the first clear out. I pushed the nozzle into her 
bum and turned the warm water on. As I massaged her 
tummy I could feel the bowels filling with water. I sat her 
down on the toilet and she voided the water. It sputtered like 
a machine gun as the last solid matter was removed. I stood 
her up and fitted the nozzle back into her bum and started the 
water flow. I sat her down and watched as the water 
distended her belly. When it leaked round the nozzle I turned 
the water off and removed the nozzle. The water poured 
from her like water over a waterfall. I then rinsed her down 
with the spray attachment, then I dried her and we moved 
back to our bed. 

I laid her down and kissed her cunt. I opened the draw and 
pulled out the tube of KY jelly I squirted some into her bum 
and cunt, then I coated my hand. I inserted two fingers up 
her bum and twirled them about spreading the jelly. Then I 
added my other two fingers. As my hand went into the 
knuckles Natalie gave a groan of pleasure. I pumped my 
hand in and out as her sphincter relaxed around my hand. 
Then I folded my thumb in and gave her my hand. I slid in 
until her sphincter was gripping my arm. Each inward thrust 
drew a groan of pleasure. My hand was balled into a fist 
inside her hot bum; I stopped thrusting and slowly unfolded 
my fingers in her bum. I could see her lubrication bubbling 
out of her cunt. I dipped my fingers in and lubricated them 
on a mixture of the KY jelly and her own lubrication. 4 
fingers slid moistly up her cunt. My thumb was massaging 
her clit. I fucked her with my hand and heard her coming to 
her orgasm; at the last moment I folded my thumb into my 
hand and pushed my fist into her cunt. There was a heavy 
pant out as my hand hit her cervix. I grasped it between my 
fingers. I could feel it dilate under the assault of my hand. I 
was alternately fucking her cunt and her bum. I was sucking 
on her clit and felt her orgasm building my little finger was 
entering her cervix. Her breathing was getting shorter and 
deeper. Then she spasmed in her orgasm her cunt and bum 
contracted on me holding me tight. I couldn't move, I was 
held fast. Finally her body relaxed releasing me. I gently 
pulled my hand out of her bum. I watched it slowly close on 
itself then I gently pulled my hand out, her labia were pulled 
away from her body then finally released my hand letting it 
slip from her body. Natalie collapsed across the bed; she 
slowly drifted from post orgasmic bliss to sleep. 

I left her to sleep and went and showered. I came back to bed 
and lay down beside her. It was about 3:00 in the morning 
when I heard the shower running and felt an empty bed. 
Soon Natalie came back and we kissed. She moved down the 
bed and engulfed my cock in her mouth and sucked hard, my 
cock became rigid in short order. Her lips were sliding up 
and down the length of my cock. I could feel the muscles of 
her throat working on my cock as she swallowed. Then I 
erupted, feeding her with my cum. Her nose was squashed 
against my belly as she strained to take the last bit of my 
cock in her throat. She released me and kissed her way up 
my body. I felt her body sliding across me. Her sharp tits 
pressing into me. We kissed and then drifted back to sleep 
thinking of the jobs to do, school uniforms to buy, a 
horsebox to collect, a new van to design and all the 
paperwork which had built up whilst we were away. I was 
drifting in that hinterland between sleep and waking when I 
felt a little body squirming up the bed between us. It was 

"I was lonely daddy."

Her arms went around me and her nude body clamped 
against me. I could feel her toes digging into my thighs, her 
pubes against my tummy and her head by mine. I could feel 
her warmth radiating into our bed, into my body, into my 
heart. My little lover, I don't have the heart to return her to 
her own bed and so sleep beside her. At peace.

If you have liked this, all the chapters and other stories are 
available for download at 


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and tell me at  martinmac2002@email2me.net 

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